Florida Department of Transportation
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
January 31, 2018
RE: Accessible Parking Spaces for Disabled Travelers - Florida Requirements
The standards in effect in Florida that govern the layout of accessible parking spaces
are the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), the 2017 Florida
Accessibility Code for Building Construction (FACBC), and s. 553.5041, Florida
The MUTCD is published by the USDOT Federal Highways Administration. It is a
national standard for pavement markings, signage and traffic signals to "help insure
highway safety by providing for the orderly and predictable movement of traffic...." It
applies to the "national highway transportation system". As required by state law (s.
336.045 F.S. and s. 316.006 F.S.), FDOT has adopted the MUTCD as a state standard.
FDOT adoption of the MUTCD applies to public parking spaces and to private parking
spaces available for public use.
MUTCD section 3B-19 "Parking Space Markings" states that 'Parking space markings
shall be white." This is intended to apply to parking spaces (on-street, off-street,
parallel, diagonal and perpendicular, etc.) and accessory markings. The MUTCD also
provides an option: "Blue lines may supplement white parking space markings of
each parking space designated for use only by persons with disabilities." Note
that the blue markings may 'supplement' the white markings, not replace them.
Sections 553.501-553.513 Florida Statutes, describe the accessibility requirements in
Florida. S. 553.5041(6) requires that accessible parking spaces "...must be
prominently outlined with blue paint, and must be repainted when necessary, to
be clearly distinguishable as a parking space designated for persons who have
S. 553.5041(5)(c)1 requires that the "…access aisle must be striped diagonally to
designate it as a no-parking zone." Note there is no direction in Statute as to the
number of diagonal lines or diagonal stripe angle or direction.
Considering the above: in Florida, all accessible parking spaces must be designated
with blue paint. In this case, Florida law is applied in addition to the standard described
in MUTCD. The correct markings for accessible parking spaces have both white and
blue stripes and access aisles are marked in white. Usually this is applied with the blue
paint 'inside' the white paint for the space (see drawing below, which illustrates the
Florida Department of Transportation Standard Plans, Index 711-001.)
According to the MUTCD, the pavement
markings for the parking space and the
access aisle (blue and white stripes) may
be either 4" or 6".
If used, a ground-level wheelchair symbol
should be white.
If there is a curb, there must be a curb
ramp (1:12 max. slope) outside the space
and access aisle. A perpendicular curb
ramp must have flared sides (1:12 max.
slope) if pedestrians may cross it
A pair of parallel curb ramps may also be
used (w/5'-0" landing at the bottom).
Wheel stops should be used to limit
vehicular encroachment on the sidewalk.
FDOT Design Standards show dimensions to the centerline between two adjacent stripes.
This is intended primarily for double lines between travel lanes on a roadway. For parking
spaces, it is appropriate to dimension to the centerline of the white stripes and then add the
blue stripes.
Also, as described above, the Florida accessible parking space provides the space for an
automobile or a lift-equipped van. Therefore, a ‘van accessible’ sign and an 8’ access aisle
are not required. The standard for accessible parking in Florida is a 12’ minimum parking
space with an adjacent 5’ minimum access aisle. Two accessible parking spaces may
share an access aisle.
Respectfully Submitted,
Florida Department of Transportation
H. Dean Perkins, Architect
A.D.A. Coordinator