Unified Land Development Code
Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 1
GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Section 1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 3
A. Purpose and Intent ...................................................................................................................................... 3
B. Applicability ................................................................................................................................................. 3
1. Prohibitions ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Exemptions ............................................................................................................................................ 3
3. Deviations for the PO Zoning District ................................................................................................. 3
C. Prior Approvals and Non-Conformities ..................................................................................................... 3
D. Definitions .................................................................................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER B PARKING AND LOADING ............................................................................................................... 4
Section 1 Calculation ...................................................................................................................................... 4
A. Computing Parking Standards ................................................................................................................... 4
1. Multiple Uses ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Fractions ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Floor Area .............................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Occupants .............................................................................................................................................. 4
5. Bench Seating ....................................................................................................................................... 4
6. Gross Lot Area ...................................................................................................................................... 4
7. Unlisted Land Uses ............................................................................................................................... 4
8. Government Services and Government Facilities ............................................................................. 4
9. Landscaping .......................................................................................................................................... 4
10. Reduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4
B. Minimum Parking Requirements................................................................................................................ 4
C. Parking Spaces for Persons Who Have Disabilities ................................................................................ 9
Section 2 Location ........................................................................................................................................... 9
A. On-Site Parking ............................................................................................................................................ 9
1. Required Parking .................................................................................................................................. 9
2. Guest Parking ...................................................................................................................................... 11
B. On-Street Parking ...................................................................................................................................... 11
1. Residential ........................................................................................................................................... 11
C. Off-Site Parking.......................................................................................................................................... 11
1. Permanent ............................................................................................................................................ 11
2. Temporary ............................................................................................................................................ 12
D. Commercial Parking Lot ........................................................................................................................... 12
1. General ................................................................................................................................................. 12
2. Design Standards ................................................................................................................................ 12
3. Access .................................................................................................................................................. 12
E. Parking Structures .................................................................................................................................... 13
1. General ................................................................................................................................................. 13
Section 3 Design and Materials .................................................................................................................... 13
A. Dimensions and Layout ............................................................................................................................ 13
1. Dimensions .......................................................................................................................................... 13
2. Layout................................................................................................................................................... 21
B. Materials ..................................................................................................................................................... 27
Unified Land Development Code
Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 2
1. Paved .................................................................................................................................................... 27
2. Grass .................................................................................................................................................... 27
CHAPTER C ALTERNATIVE DESIGN OPTIONS .............................................................................................. 28
Section 1 Requirements to Reduce or Increase Parking........................................................................... 28
A. Type 1 Waiver ............................................................................................................................................. 28
1. Applicability ......................................................................................................................................... 28
B. Shared Parking .......................................................................................................................................... 29
1. Application ........................................................................................................................................... 29
2. Location ............................................................................................................................................... 29
3. Shared Parking Study ......................................................................................................................... 30
4. Reserved Space .................................................................................................................................. 30
5. Shared Parking Agreement ................................................................................................................ 30
6. Change in Use ..................................................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER D RESIDENTIAL PARKING STORAGE ........................................................................................... 31
Section 1 Parking and Storage ..................................................................................................................... 31
A. Parking of Equipment, Vehicles, Marine Vessels, and Trailers ............................................................ 31
1. General Prohibition ............................................................................................................................. 31
2. Commercial Vehicles .......................................................................................................................... 31
3. Recreational Vehicles, Sports Vehicles, Marine Vessels, and Trailers Outdoor Storage ........... 31
4. Recreational Vehicles, Sports Vehicles, Marine Vessels, and Trailers Indoor Storage .............. 32
CHAPTER E LOADING STANDARDS ............................................................................................................... 32
Section 1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 32
A. Prohibitions ................................................................................................................................................ 32
4. Repair Activities .................................................................................................................................. 32
Section 2 Calculation .................................................................................................................................... 32
A. Loading Standards .................................................................................................................................... 32
1. Multiple Uses ....................................................................................................................................... 32
2. Fractions .............................................................................................................................................. 32
3. Floor Area ............................................................................................................................................ 32
4. Unlisted Land Uses ............................................................................................................................. 32
5. Government Services and Government Facilities ........................................................................... 32
B. Minimum Loading Requirements ............................................................................................................. 32
1. Standard “A ....................................................................................................................................... 32
2. Standard “B” ....................................................................................................................................... 32
3. Type 1 Waiver Reduction of Minimum Number of Required Loading Spaces .......................... 32
Section 3 Location ......................................................................................................................................... 33
A. On Site ........................................................................................................................................................ 33
B. Off Site or On Street .................................................................................................................................. 33
C. Alternative Design Options ...................................................................................................................... 33
Section 4 Design and Construction Standards .......................................................................................... 33
A. Dimensions, Layout, and Screening........................................................................................................ 33
1. Dimensions .......................................................................................................................................... 33
2. Layout................................................................................................................................................... 35
3. Screening ............................................................................................................................................. 35
Unified Land Development Code
Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 3
Section 1 General
A. Purpose and Intent
The purpose and intent of this Article is to ensure the design and function, provisions of parking, loading,
queuing, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, driveways, and access are in proportion to the demand
created by each use and are efficient and safe. [Ord. 2020-001]
B. Applicability
The standards of this Article shall apply to all development in unincorporated PBC, or existing development
that is modified to the extent that it includes uses or site design features that were not specifically shown
on previously approved plans. All parking areas established by this Section shall be continuously
maintained in accordance with this Article. Parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accordance
with Table 6.B.1.B, Minimum Parking and Loading Requirements, unless stated otherwise below. [Ord.
1. Prohibitions
Parking and loading spaces are prohibited in the following: [Ord. 2020-001]
a. Landscape buffers; and [Ord. 2020-001]
b. Drainage District R-O-W or Easements, except additional parking in excess of the minimum
required may be located in these areas with an agreement with the applicable district and subject
to approval by the Zoning Director. [Ord. 2011-011] [Ord. 2020-001]
2. Exemptions
The following exemptions shall apply, unless the parcel is vacant. [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2020-001]
[Ord. 2024-004]
a. Construction Vehicles
Temporary parking of construction vehicles or equipment engaged in work on private land where
construction is underway, for which a current and valid Building Permit has been issued by the
Building Director and the Building Permit is displayed on the premises. [Ord. 2007-013]
b. Delivery and Service Vehicles
The routine deliveries by tradesmen, or the use of trucks in making service calls. [Ord. 2007-013]
c. Emergency Repairs
A situation where a motor vehicle becomes disabled and, as a result of such emergency, is required
to be parked in a residential district longer than two hours. Any prohibited motor vehicle shall be
removed from the residential district within 24 hours, regardless of the nature of the emergency.
3. Deviations for the PO Zoning District
Deviation(s) from the provisions of this Article may be permitted for development supporting
Government Facilities within the PO Zoning District, subject to Art. 2 Application Processes and
Procedures and PPM #ZO-O-063, as applicable and as amended. [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2019-005]
C. Prior Approvals and Non-Conformities
See Art. 1.E, Prior Approvals and Art. 1.F, Non-Conformities. [Ord. 2020-001]
D. Definitions
See Art. 1.H, Definitions and Acronyms.
Unified Land Development Code
Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 4
Section 1 Calculation
A. Computing Parking Standards
1. Multiple Uses
On lots containing more than one use, the total number of required parking spaces shall be equal to
the sum of the required parking for each use as if provided separately, unless shared parking is
approved pursuant to Art. 6.C.1.B, Shared Parking or is allowed pursuant to Art. 3.B, Overlays. [Ord.
2. Fractions
When calculation of the number of required parking spaces results in a fractional number, a fraction of
less than one-half shall be disregarded and a fraction of one-half or more shall be rounded to the next
highest whole number. [Ord. 2020-001]
3. Floor Area
Parking requirements that are based on square footage shall be computed using gross floor area
(GFA), unless another measurement is specifically called for in this Section. [Ord. 2020-001]
4. Occupants
When the calculation of required parking spaces is based on the number of occupants, the calculation
shall be based on the maximum number of persons legally residing on the premises at any one time.
5. Bench Seating
When the calculation of required parking spaces is based on the number of seats, each 22 linear inches
of bench, pew, or similar bench seating facility shall be considered one seat.
6. Gross Lot Area
When the calculation of required parking spaces is based on gross lot area (GLA), the amount of lot
area dedicated to parking shall not be included in the calculation. [Ord. 2020-001]
7. Unlisted Land Uses
In the event that parking requirements for a particular use are not listed in this Section, the requirements
for the most similar use shall be applied. In making the determination, any evidence of actual parking
demand for similar uses shall be considered as well as other reliable traffic engineering and planning
information that is available. [Ord. 2020-001]
8. Government Services and Government Facilities
May be allowed alternative calculations based on evidence of actual parking demand for similar uses
or reliable traffic engineering and planning information. [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
9. Landscaping
The landscape requirements for parking and interior vehicular use areas shall be calculated in
accordance with Art. 7, Landscaping. [Ord. 2020-001]
10. Reduction
Refer to Art. 6.C.1, Requirements to Reduce or Increase Parking. [Ord. 2020-001]
B. Minimum Parking Requirements
Table 6.B.1.B Minimum Parking and Loading Requirements
Use Classification: Residential
Congregate Living Facility
0.6 spaces per unit or 0.25 per resident/bed whichever is greater;
plus 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space
A (12)
Multifamily, Recovery Community, and
Cottage Home
(Multiple Units on a Single
1 space per efficiency unit; 1.75 spaces per unit (1 bedroom or more); plus 1
guest parking space per 4 units with common parking areas
Single Family, Cottage Home (Single Unit on a
Single Lot), Zero Lot Line Home, Townhouse,
Farm Residence,
Community Residence,
Mobile Home Dwelling
2 spaces per unit N/A
Accessory Quarters, Caretaker Quarters,
Grooms Quarters, Guest Cottage
1 space per unit N/A
Farm Worker Quarters
1 space per 4 units
[Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2018-018] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2019-034] [Ord. 2020-001] [Ord. 2020-020] [Ord. 2021-
Unified Land Development Code
Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 5
Use Classification: Commercial
Adult Entertainment
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Auction, Indoor
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Auction, Outdoor
1 space per 250 ft. of enclosed or indoor space
Bed and Breakfast
1 additional space for each guest room
Car Wash, Automatic Self-Service (13)
1 space per 200 sq. ft. of office, retail, or indoor seating area
Catering Service
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Cocktail Lounge
1 space per 3 seats
Convenience Store
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Dispatching Service
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Dog Day
3-12by 20transient spaces for 50 dogs;
1 space per 500 sq. ft. of cage and retail area
Financial Institution
1 space per 250 sq. ft. A
Financial Institution with Drive-Through
Facilities (13)
Financial Institution Freestanding ATM (9)
2 spaces
Flea Market, Indoor
2 spaces per 200 sq. ft.
Flea Market, Outdoor
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of affected land area
Gas and Fuel Sales, Retail and
Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS)
Number of parking spaces to be based on associated principal use structure
(i.e., Convenience Store, etc.)
Green Market, Permanent
1 space per 250 sq.ft.
Hotel or Motel
1.25 spaces per room; (convention areas, restaurants, etc. over 2,000 sq. ft. to
be calculated separately)
Kennel, Type 2 (Commercial) or
Kennel, Type 3 (Commercial, Enclosed)
1 space per 500 sq. ft. of cage and retail area A
Landscape Service
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office; plus 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of outdoor storage
area for employee parking
Laundry Service (13)
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
1 space per 250 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per wet slip; plus 1 space per 3 dry slips
Medical or Dental Office
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Taproom: 1 space per 3 seats
Manufacturing and Processing: 2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft.
Office, Business or Professional
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Personal Services
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Repair and Maintenance, Heavy
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Repair and Maintenance, Light
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Repair Services, Limited
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Restaurant, Type 1 (13)
1 space per 3 seats including outdoor seating area
Restaurant, Type 2 (13)
Retail Sales (13)
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Rooming and Boarding House
1 space for each guest room
-Service Storage, Limited Access
1 space per 200 storage bays; minimum of 5 customer spaces; security quarters
calculated separately
A (6)
-Service Storage, Multi-Access
1 space per 200 storage bays; minimum of 5 customer spaces; security quarters
calculated separately
Single Room Occupancy (SRO)
1.25 spaces per room
Theater or Performance Venue
1 space per 3 seats; plus 1 space per employee
Unmanned Retail Structure (11)
2 spaces
Vehicle Equipment Sales and
Rental, Heavy
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of enclosed area; plus 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. of outdoor
sales, rental, and display area
Vehicle Sales and Rental, Light
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of enclosed area; plus 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. of outdoor
sales, rental, and display area
Veterinary Clinic
1 space per 250 sq. ft., excluding animal exercise areas
Vocational School
1 space per classroom; plus 1 space per 4 students; plus 1 space per 250 sq. ft.
of administration, and assembly areas
[Ord. 2006-004] [Ord. 2006-036] [Ord. 2008-037] [Ord. 2009-040] [Ord. 2011-016] [Ord. 2012-027] [Ord. 2013-021] [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-
007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2019-039] [Ord. 2020-001]
Unified Land Development Code
Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 6
Use Classification: Recreation
Arena or Stadium or Amphitheater
1 space per 3 seats
1 space per campsite
Pod or
Neighborhood Recreation Facility
1 space per 300 sq. ft. of air-conditioned area (includes all interior uses) and
Outdoor Recreation Amenities, such as:
1 space per 300 sq. ft. of pool area; 1.5 spaces per court (basketball, tennis,
etc.); or, 1 space per 2 acres up to 10 acres plus 1 space for each 5 acres over
10 (fields, tracks, tot lots, etc.)
Entertainment, Indoor (except Bowling Alley)
Bowling Alley
1 space per 200 sq. ft. or 1 space per 3 seats, whichever is greater
3 spaces per lane for Bowling Alley
Entertainment, Outdoor
1 space per 3 seats; or 10 spaces per acre occupied by amusements, whichever
is greater
Fitness Center
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Golf Course (7)
4 spaces per hole; plus 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of clubhouse
Park, Passive and Park, Public
2 spaces for the first acre; plus 1 space for each additional 2 acres; additional
parking shall be provided for each additional facility or land use constructed in
the park as herein provided
Shooting Range, Indoor and
Shooting Range, Outdoor
1 space per target area N/A
1 space per 2,000 sq. ft. of land area
[Ord. 2005-002] [Ord. 2007-001] [Ord. 2013-001] [Ord. 2013-021] [Ord. 2014-025] [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-
005] [Ord. 2020-001]
Use Classification: Institutional, Public, and Civic
Animal Shelter
1 space per 500 sq. ft. of cage and retail area
mbly Institutional Nonprofit or
Assembly Membership Nonprofit (5)
1 space per 3 seats or 200 sq. ft. for the principal place of assembly, whichever
is greater
1 space per 200 sq. ft. for permitted accessory uses not otherwise classified as
collocated uses
Collocated uses classified with the definition of a use listed in Art. 4.B, Use
Classification, calculated separately
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space; plus 1 space per 500 sq. ft. of
maintenance area; plus a minimum of 5 public spaces
College or University
1 space per 2 students; plus 1 space per 4 seats in gymnasiums and
auditoriums; plus 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of administrative and educational office
Day Care, General
< 100 licensed capacity 1 space per 5 persons; plus 1 drop-off stall per 20
> 100 licensed capacity: 1 space per 10 persons; plus 1 drop-off stall per 20
Day Care, Limited
1 space per 250 sq. ft.; plus drop-off stall
Funeral Home
1 space per 4 seats
Government Services (2)
1 space per 500 sq. ft.; or 1 space per 3 seats, whichever is greater
Homeless Resource Center
1 space per 200 sq. ft. of accessory service delivery areas
1 space per 2 beds; plus 1 space per 200 sq. ft. of outpatient treatment area
Place of Worship
1 space per 3 seats or 200 sq. ft. for the principal Place of Worship, whichever is
1 space per 200 sq. ft. for permitted accessory uses not otherwise classified as
collocated uses
Collocated uses classified with the definition of a use listed in Art. 4.B, Use
Classification, calculated separately
Prison, Jail, or Correctional Facility
1 space per 500 sq. ft.
School, Private
1 space per employee, 1 visitor space for every 50 students, 1 space for every
5.5 students in 11th and 12th grade;
Auditorium or stadium – 1 space per 3 seats
School, Public and Charter
1 space per faculty and staff, high school 1 space for every 10 students in 11th
and 12th grade, and 1 visitor space for every 50 students
Skilled Nursing or Residential Treatment
1 space per 3 beds; plus 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space A (12)
[Ord. 2006-004] [Ord. 2006-013] [Ord. 2009-040] [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001] [Ord.
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Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 7
Use Classification: Industrial
Contractor Storage Yard
1 space per 500 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. of outdoor storage area
Data and Information Processing
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Distribution Facility
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space
Equestrian Waste Management Facility
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space; plus 1 space per employee
Gas and Fuel, Wholesale
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of first 10,000 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
over 10,000 sq. ft.
Machine or Welding Shop
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Manufacturing and P
2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of first 10,000 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
over 10,000 sq. ft.
Medical or Dental Laboratory
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
-Media Production
2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of first 10,000 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
over 10,000 sq. ft.
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space; plus 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of warehouse
and maintenance area; plus 1 space per 10,000 sq. ft.
Recycling Plant
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space; plus 1 space per employee
Research and
2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. of first 10,000 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
over 10,000 sq. ft.
Salvage and Junk Yard
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space; plus 1 space per employee
Towing Service and Storage
1 space per 500 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. of outdoor storage area
Truck Stop
1 truck space per 80 sq. ft.
1 space per 2,000 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
[Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
Use Classification: Agricultural
Agriculture, Bona Fide
Accessory Agricultural Uses (U-
Pick Em
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. B
Agriculture Marketplace
1 space per 200 sq. ft. including outdoor display area
Agriculture, Light Manufacturing
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
Agriculture, Packing Plant
1 space per 2,000 sq. ft.
Agriculture, Renewable Fuels Production
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
Agriculture, Research and Development
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
Agriculture, Sales and Service
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Agriculture, Storage
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
Agriculture, Transshipment
1 space per 2,000 sq. ft.
1 space per 200 sq. ft.
Community Vegetable Garden (10)
4 spaces per garden
Equestrian Arena, Commercial
1 space per 3 seats
Farmers Market
1 space per 250 sq. ft.
Nursery, R
1 space per 500 sq. ft. of indoor or covered retail and office areas plus 1 space
per 4 acres if the nursery is 20 acres or less, or 1 space per 5 acres if the
nursery is greater than 20 acres
Nursery, W
holesale (3)(4)
1 space per 4 acres if the nursery is 20 acres or less, or 1 space per 5 acres if
the nursery is greater than 20 acres
Potting Soil Manufacturing
2 spaces per acre; minimum of 5 spaces
Produce Stand
1 space per 250 sq. ft. including outdoor display area
Shade House
Commercial Greenhouse
1 space per acre of greenhouse
Stable, Commercial or Private
1 space per 500 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 4 animal stalls
Sugar Mill or Refinery
1 space per 2,000 sq. ft.; plus 1 space per 200 sq. ft. of office space
[Ord. 2006-004] [Ord. 2008-037] [Ord. 2012-027] [Ord. 2015-031] [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-
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Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 8
Use Classification: Utilities
Chipping and Mulching
2 spaces per acre; minimum of 5 spaces
Composting Facility
2 spaces per acre; minimum of 5 spaces
Electric Distribution Substation
1 space
Electric Power Plant
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space; plus 1 space per 10,000 sq. ft.
Minor Utility
1 space per Minor Utility
Renewable Energy Solar Facility
1 space per site: and 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space
Renewable Energy Wind Facility
Exempt from parking requirements for unmanned Wind Turbines or MET
Towers, unless otherwise required by the Zoning Director
Landfill or Incinerator
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space; plus 1 space per employee
Solid Waste Transfer Station
1 space per 1,000 sq. ft.
Water or Wastewater Treatment Plant
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space; plus 1 space per employee
[Ord. 2009-040] [Ord. 2010-005] [Ord. 2011-016] [Ord. 2013-001] [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-
Use Classification: Transportation Uses
Airport, Heliport, or Landing Strip
1 space per tie-down and hangar space, minimum of 5 spaces
Seaplane Facility
1 space per tie-down and hangar space, minimum of 5 spaces
Transportation Facility
1 space per 250 sq. ft. of office space
[Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
Use Classification: Commercial Communication Towers
Commercial Communication Towers and
Government-Owned Towers
Exempt from parking regulations N/A
[Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
Use Classification: Excavation
[Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2020-001]
Use Classification: Temporary
Communication Cell Site on Wheels (COWs)
Exempt from parking regulations
Day Camp
Greater than 100 licensed capacity: 1 space per 5 persons; plus 1 drop-off stall
per 20 persons
Less than 100 licensed capacity: 1 space per 10 persons; plus 1 drop-off stall
per 20 persons
Mobile Retail Sales
Real Estate Sales Model and Management
Office, Non
-PDD, Real Estate
Sales Model and
Management Office, PDD and TDD
and Real
Estate Sales Model, PDD and TDD
2 spaces per sales model N/A
Recycling Drop-Off Bin
1 space per bin
Special Event
N/A (1)
Temporary Green Market
Temporary Retail Sales
Temporary Vehicle Sales
[Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
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Supplement No. 32 (Printed 08/24)
Article 6 Parking, Loading, and Circulation
Page 9
Loading Standard Key:
Standard A
Refer to Art. 6.E.2.B.1, Standard “A” for minimum loading requirements. [Ord. 2020-001]
Standard “B”
Refer to Art. 6.E.2.B.2, Standard “B” for minimum loading requirements. [Ord. 2020-001]
A Special Event shall provide on-site parking unless off-site parking is approved.
In addition to the parking requirements of this Table, uses with company vehicles shall provide one space per company vehicle. [Ord.
Government Services may request alternative calculation methods for parking pursuant to Art. 6.E.2.A.5, Government Services and
Government Facilities. [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
Nurseries requiring fewer than 20 parking spaces may construct surface parking lots with shell rock or other similar materials or grassed
subject to Art. 6.B.3.B.2, Grass, except for the required handicapped parking space(s). [Ord. 2020-001]
Nurseries requiring 20 or more parking spaces may construct surface parking lots with 50 percent of the required spaces as shell rock
or other similar materials subject to Art. 6.B.3.B.1.a, Shell Rock, or grassed subject to Art. 6.B.3.B.2, Grass. [Ord. 2007-001] [Ord. 2020
Nonprofit Assembly institutional uses in the Revitalization and Redevelopment Overlay may calculate parking at a rate of one space per
employee. [Ord. 2017-007]
Limited access Self-Service Storage facilities must provide a minimum of two loading spaces at each entry into the building, excluding
office access not utilized by customers for accessing storage units. [Ord. 2005-041] [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2020-001]
Parking shall not be required for Recreation Pods or facilities that are located on less than one acre. Golf cart parking may be used
pursuant to Art. 6.B.3.A.1.d.2), Golf Cart Parking. [Ord. 2007-001] [Ord. 2013-001] [Ord. 2020-001]
The loading zone may be waived for a Type 2 or 3 Commercial Kennel operated as an accessory use to general Retail Sales. [Ord.
Each walk-up Freestanding ATM shall require a minimum of one parking space for persons with disabilities. [Ord. 2013-021]
Parking may not be required for a Community Vegetable Garden subject to submittal of parking demand study and approval of a Type 1
Waiver. [Ord. 2015-031]
Freestanding Unmanned Retail Structures shall require a minimum of one parking space for persons with disabilities. [Ord. 2017-007]
A CLF with more than 20 beds or a Skilled Nursing or Residential Treatment Facility with more than 20 beds shall provide at least one
loading space per building unless approved as a Type 1 Waiver. [Ord. 2017-025]
A maximum of 20 percent of the required queuing spaces, pursuant to Table 6.B.3.A, Minimum Queuing Standards, may count toward
the parking requirements pursuant to this Table. [Ord. 2020-001]
Parking for that portion of the park where there are proposed use(s), which may include but are not limited to: structures, activities of that
use shall be calculated based on that use. Acreage associated with each use(s) shall be deducted from the overall
park acreage. Parking
calculation of the remainder of the park shall be based on the net acreage [Ord. 2020-001]
C. Parking Spaces for Persons Who Have Disabilities
Pursuant to F.S. § 553.513, the provision of parking spaces and passenger loading areas for persons who
have disabilities is governed by F.S. § 553.511, F.S. § 553.5041, and the current effective version of the
Florida Building Code, Accessibility. [Ord. 2005-002] [Ord. 2011-016] [Ord. 2020-001] [Ord. 2021-022]
Section 2 Location
A. On-Site Parking
1. Required Parking
All required parking, shall be provided on the same lot or project as the principal use(s), or as allowed
pursuant to Art. 6.B.2.C, Off-Site Parking. The location of required parking spaces shall not interfere
with normal traffic flow or with the operation of queuing and back-up areas. Loading areas shall not
obstruct pedestrian pathways. [Ord. 2020-001]
a. Distance from Building or Use
Unless otherwise provided in this Section, all required parking spaces shall not be located more
than 600 linear feet from the nearest building or use it is intended to serve. This standard shall not
apply to parking spaces provided for auditoriums, stadiums, assembly halls, gymnasiums, and
other places of assembly, nor shall it apply to hospitals, large-scale retail, wholesale, and consumer
services uses over 500,000 square feet or industrial, wholesaling, or manufacturing
establishments. [Ord. 2020-001]
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b. Location of Front, Side, and Rear Parking
A minimum of ten percent of the required parking spaces shall be located at the side or rear of each
building it is intended to serve; however, development requiring 50 or less parking spaces shall be
exempt. A public pedestrian walk shall connect the parking areas to a store entrance. Such
pedestrian access way shall be a minimum of four feet in width, clearly marked, well lighted, and
unobstructed. [Ord. 2005-041]
1) Large Scale Commercial Development
Developments with single tenants occupying 65,000 gross square feet or more shall locate
parking in accordance with Figure 6.B.2.A, Location of Front, Side, and Rear Parking, as
follows: [Ord. 2020-001]
a) A maximum of 75 percent of required parking shall be located at the front.
b) A minimum of 15 percent of required parking shall be located immediately fronting a side
or secondary entrance. [Ord. 2020-001]
c) A minimum of 25 percent of the required parking spaces at the side or rear, as indicated in
Figure 6.B.2.A, Location of Front, Side, and Rear Parking. [Ord. 2020-001]
d) Type 2 Waiver
The BCC may waive these requirements as a Type 2 Waiver if the Applicant demonstrates
there is an unusual site configuration or unique circumstances, and the alternative site
design clearly meets the intent of this provision, by increasing the proximity of parking
spaces to public entrances, reducing the visual blight of large expanses of surface parking
areas, and improving pedestrian connectivity. [Ord. 2005-002] [Ord. 2012-027]
Figure 6.B.2.A – Location of Front, Side, and Rear Parking
[Ord. 2005-002] [Ord. 2020-001]
A minimum of 15 percent of required parking shall be located immediately fronting
a side or secondary entrance. [Ord. 2020-001]
A minimum of 25 percent of required parking shall be located on the side or rear.
[Ord. 2005-002]
c. Garages and Carports
Space within a carport or garage may be used to satisfy residential parking requirements, provided
that no Building Permit shall be issued to convert a carport or garage to a living area without a
provision to provide the required parking spaces in the driveway or in a common parking lot. [Ord.
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d. Parking Fees
Except as provided in Art. 6.B.3.A.1.d.3), Valet Parking, a fee or other form of compensation shall
not be charged for the use of required parking spaces. Fees may be charged for the use of parking
spaces that have been provided in excess of minimum standards. [Ord. 2020-001]
2. Guest Parking
Guest parking spaces shall be located within 300 feet of the use they are intended to serve. Guest
parking may be grassed, as provided in Art. 6.B.3.B.2, Grass. All guest parking shall be prominently
identified with an above-grade sign or marking on the wheel stop or curb.
B. On-Street Parking
On-street parking is prohibited unless stated below. [Ord. 2019-034]
1. Residential
On-street parking may be allowed as determined by the Land Development Division in subdivisions
located in Standard Residential Zoning Districts or Residential Pods of a PDD when the following
requirements are met: [Ord. 2019-034]
a. parking spaces are located on an internal private street; [Ord. 2019-034]
b. approved by the County Engineer per Art. 11.B.6.C, Alternate Design, Construction Standards, and
Types of Materials; [Ord. 2019-034]
c. parking spaces shall not reduce the minimum fire department access width of 20 feet, pursuant to
the Florida Fire Prevention Code, NFPA 1; [Ord. 2019-034]
d. shall not be used to satisfy required parking; and, [Ord. 2019-034]
e. not required to be shown on an approved Zoning Site Plan. [Ord. 2019-034]
2. Developments located in the WCRAO, IRO, URAO, or TDD Zoning Districts in accordance with the
specific provisions in Art. 3, Overlays and Zoning Districts that allow on-street parking. [Ord. 2019-034]
C. Off-Site Parking
1. Permanent
The DRO may permit all or a portion of the required parking spaces to be located on a lot separate
from the lot on which the principal use is located. Off-site parking shall be subject to the following
standards: [Ord. 2020-001]
a. Necessity
The Applicant shall demonstrate that it is not feasible to locate all of the required parking on the
same lot as the principal use.
b. Ineligible Activities
Off-site parking shall not be used to satisfy the minimum parking requirements for restaurants,
lounges, Convenience Stores, and other high turnover-oriented uses. Required handicap parking
spaces shall not be located off site. [Ord. 2020-001]
c. Location
Off-site parking shall not be located more than 600 linear feet from the building or use it is intended
to serve. Off-site parking shall not be separated from the principal use by a street with a width of
more than 80 feet. [Ord. 2005-002]
d. Zoning
Off-site parking areas shall require the same or a more intensive zoning classification than that
required for the building or use served.
e. Signs
One sign shall be located at the off-site parking lot indicating the use that it serves, and one sign
shall be located on the site of the use served, indicating the location of the off-site parking lot.
f. Agreement for Off-Site Parking
In the event that an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the principal use
served, a written agreement or Unity of Control shall be required. A copy of the agreement among
the owners of record shall be submitted to the DRO and reviewed and approved by the County
Attorney. The agreement shall be filed in the deed records of PBC by the owner of record. Proof of
recordation of the agreement shall be presented to the DRO prior to approval. The agreement shall:
1) list the names and ownership interest of all parties to the agreement and contain the signatures
of those parties;
2) provide a legal description of the land;
3) include a Site Plan showing the area of the use and parking parcel;
4) expressly declare the intent for the covenant to run with the land and bind all parties and all
successors in interest to the covenant;
5) assure the continued availability of the spaces and provide assurance that all spaces will be
usable without charge;
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6) describe the obligations of each party, including the maintenance responsibility;
7) require that the Zoning Director be notified prior to the expiration or termination of an off-site
parking area lease agreement;
8) be made part of the Site Plan/Final Subdivision Plan; and,
9) describe the method by which the covenant shall, if necessary, be revised.
2. Temporary
The Zoning Director may consider a ZAR process for temporary off-site parking. [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord.
2018-002] [Ord. 2020-001]
a. Off-site parking shall not be located more than 600 feet from the Temporary Use site, measured
from access point to access point. The Zoning Director may approve a distance greater than 600
feet when the Applicant either demonstrates that the attendees or Temporary Use participants are
transported to the site by other means or has contracted with law enforcement for traffic
management and pedestrian crossing. [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord. 2020-001]
b. Parcels used for off-site parking shall include access for vehicles to enter and exit the site in a
forward motion. [Ord. 2017-007]
c. Off-site parking shall not be separated by a street with a width of more than 80 feet, unless traffic
assistance is provided to guide pedestrians or measures are in place to assist pedestrian safety.
[Ord. 2017-007]
d. Required accessible parking spaces shall not be located off site. [Ord. 2017-007]
e. Pedestrian sidewalks shall be provided from the off-site parking to the Temporary Use site. [Ord.
f. The duration and dates of the temporary off-site parking shall be the same as the time allowed for
the Temporary Use it is intended to serve. [Ord. 2017-007]
g. In the event an off-site parking area is not under the same ownership as the site of the Temporary
Use site, a written agreement between the Applicant and all owners of record of the parking area
shall be required prior to permit approval. A copy of the agreement shall be subject to review and
approval of the Zoning Division, and at a minimum shall contain the following: [Ord. 2017-007] [Ord.
1) A list of names and ownership interest of all owners of the subject property; [Ord. 2017-007]
2) A legal description of the land to be used for off-site parking; [Ord. 2017-007]
3) Assurance by the owners of the subject property that all required off-site spaces will be
available to the Applicant for the uses described in the Temporary Use application; [Ord. 2017-
007] [Ord. 2020-001]
4) A statement of maintenance obligations of each party for the duration of the permit; and, [Ord.
5) A requirement that the Zoning Director receive notification in the event the off-site parking
agreement is terminated prior to the termination of the Temporary Use Permit. [Ord. 2017-007]
h. Refer to Art. 6.B.3.B, Materials for parking surface types allowed. [Ord. 2020-001]
D. Commercial Parking Lot
1. General
A commercial parking lot shall not be contiguous to lands used or zoned for residential purposes.
Parking spaces may be rented for parking. No other business of any kind shall be conducted on the lot,
including repair, service, washing, display, or storage of vehicles or other goods. Review of parking lots
and structures shall consider the proposed operation of the lot. The standards of this Article, including
signage, maneuvering, and back-up distances may be varied, based on the proposed operation.
2. Design Standards
The Site Plans for a commercial parking lot shall depict the layout of the street connection and access
ways, drainage provisions, signs, surfacing, curbs or barriers, street connections and access ways of
lands located contiguous and directly across the street, and the location and type of landscaping. [Ord.
3. Access
Ingress and egress shall be located to present the least interference with traffic and the least nuisance
on any adjacent street. The location, size, and number of entrances and exits shall be subject to
approval by the DRO.
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E. Parking Structures
1. General
A parking structure may be constructed as a garage with or without a parking lift, and may be used to
meet parking requirements for any use or combination of uses. Such structures shall be considered
accessory to the principal use and shall be designed to meet or exceed the following standards. [Ord.
a. Parking Garage
Shall comply with the standards for surface parking lots with regard to marking, signage, striping,
and minimum number of spaces to be provided. [Ord. 2020-001]
1) Design Layout
The Applicant shall submit a Site Plan that shows interior traffic circulation, access use of
ramps, parking space and aisle dimensions, traffic control signs and pavement marking, safe
and efficient vehicular and pedestrian operation, location of entrances and exits, sight
distances at entrances and exits, and screening of the cars located in or on the parking
structure from adjoining lands and from public streets. [Ord. 2020-001]
a) Floor Width
The unobstructed distance between columns or walls measured at any point between the
ends of the parking aisle shall be as indicated in Table 6.B.2.E, Minimum Floor Width. [Ord.
Table 6.B.2.E – Minimum Floor Width
Parking on Both Sides of Aisle
Parking on One Side of Aisle
60’ – One-or two-way aisle
43’ – One-or two-way aisle
59’ – One-way aisle (1)
40’ – One-way aisle
53’ – One-way aisle (1)
34’ – One-way aisle
Requests for reductions of unobstructed distances will be considered if aisle
and sight parking dimensions are met, and the columns are not located at
the rear of the parking spaces, or interfere with the opening of doors.
b) Minimum Space Width
The minimum parking space width shall be nine feet.
2) Parking Lifts
a) May be used to stack two or three vehicles vertically in each parking space and shall be
located within a parking garage or structure for the use they serve. [Ord. 2020-001]
b) Shall not be subject to the minimum parking length and width dimensions. [Ord. 2020-001]
c) Queuing is prohibited within any R-O-W. [Ord. 2020-001]
d) Maximum sound levels shall not exceed applicable thresholds as stipulated in Table
5.E.4.B, Maximum Sound Levels. [Ord. 2020-001]
e) Details of the interior traffic circulation, parking space, and aisle dimensions hall be shown
on the Site Plan. [Ord. 2020-001]
Section 3 Design and Materials
A. Dimensions and Layout
1. Dimensions
The dimensions and geometrics of parking areas shall conform to the following minimum standards.
[Ord. 2020-001]
a. Residential
1) Individual Parking Space
Each parking space for dwelling units that do not share a common parking lot shall be a
minimum of eight feet wide and 20 feet long. Parking spaces may be side to side, end to end,
or not contiguous to each other.
2) Common Parking Lots
For dwelling units that share a common parking lot, parking spaces and aisles shall be subject
to Table 6.B.3.A, Minimum Parking Dimensions for Non-Residential Uses and Residential Uses
with Shared Parking Lots. [Ord. 2020-001]
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b. Non-Residential
All non-residential uses and residential uses with shared parking lots shall provide parking spaces
that comply with Table 6.B.3.A, Minimum Parking Dimensions for Non-Residential Uses and
Residential Uses with Shared Parking Lots, and Figure 6.B.3.A, Typical Example of General
Parking Schematic. Parking angles that are not illustrated in Table 6.B.3.A, Minimum Parking
Dimensions for Non-Residential Uses and Residential Uses with Shared Parking Lots, or Figure
6.B.3.A, Typical Example of General Parking Schematic shall be interpolated from the Tables and
approved by the DRO. For the purpose of applying the Usecolumn in Table 6.B.3.A, Minimum
Parking Dimensions for Non-Residential Uses and Residential Uses with Shared Parking Lots, the
following rules shall apply: [Ord. 2020-001]
1) General
The term general applies to parking spaces designated to serve non-residential uses and
residential uses with shared parking lots. [Ord. 2016-042]
2) Queuing Distance
In a parking lot a minimum queuing distance of 25 feet is required between the property line
and the first parking space.
3) Exception for Low Speed Electric Vehicles (LSEVs)
Where drive aisles in LSEV parking areas are not intended solely for use by LSEVs, the overall
width and minimum aisle width may be increased to allow the aisle width permitted for standard-
sized vehicles. [Ord. 2005-002]
Figure 6.B.3.A – Queuing Distance
[Ord. 2005-002]
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Table 6.B.3.A Minimum Parking Dimensions for Non-Residential Uses and
Residential Uses with Shared Parking Lots
Use (1)
Space Width (Feet)
Space Depth (Feet)
D (3)(4)
Aisle Width (Feet)
Curb Length (Feet)
Module Width
Low Speed Electric
Vehicle (LSEV)
Min. 12.0
Max.17.0 (2)
Min. 6.0
Max.43.0 (2)
[Ord. 2005-002] [Ord. 2012-027] [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2017-002] [Ord. 2019-005]
Use See Art. 6.B.3.A, Dimensions and Layout. [Ord. 2020-001]
Where drive aisles in LSEV parking areas are not intended solely for use by LSEVs, the overall width and minimum aisle width may be
increased to allow the aisle width permitted for standard-sized vehicles.
Angled parking with two-way traffic movement shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide except for some parking lots with 90-degree parking
stalls, or unless stated otherwise herein. [Ord. 2012-027]
For a Retail Gas and Fuel Sales use, the drive aisles perpendicular to the fueling positions under the canopy shall have a minimum aisle
width of 30 feet (see Figure 6.B.3.A, Retail Gas and Fuel Canopy). [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
Figure 6.B.3.A – Retail Gas and Fuel Canopy
[Ord. 2019-005]
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Figure 6.B.3.A Typical Example of General Parking Schematic (1)
[Ord. 2012-027]
Parking Angle
Space Depth
Curb Length
Space Width
Aisle Width (1)
Wall to Wall Width
All angled parking with two-way traffic movement shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide except
for some parking lots with 90-degree parking spaces, or unless stated otherwise herein.
Where drive aisles in LSEV parking areas are not intended solely for use by LSEVs, the
overall width and minimum aisle width may be increased to allow the ais
le width permitted for
standard-sized vehicles.
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c. Parallel Parking
Parallel parking spaces shall have a minimum length of 23 feet and a minimum width of ten feet.
Figure 6.B.3.A – Parallel Parking
[Ord. 2020-001]
Figure 6.B.3.A – Parallel Parking Dimensional Standard
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d. Alternative Vehicle Parking
1) Motorcycle Parking
For any non-residential use providing 50 or more spaces, a maximum of three required on-site
parking spaces per 50 spaces, may be reduced in size and redesigned to a minimum of four
feet wide by nine feet long to accommodate parking of motorcycles. When provided, these
parking spaces shall be identified by a sign. [Ord. 2020-001]
Figure 6.B.3.A – Motorcycle Parking
[Ord. 2020-001]
2) Golf Cart Parking
Residential developments with recreation areas such as Recreation Pods, golf courses, or
recreational facilities designed and intended for use by occupants of residential developments
or subdivisions, owned and operated by a POA, may accommodate golf carts or LSEVs subject
to the following: [Ord. 2013-001]
a) Utilize a maximum of 30 percent of recreational uses required parking spaces. [Ord. 2013-
001] [Ord. 2020-001]
b) Parking dimension may be reduced consistent with Low Speed Electric Vehicle (LSEV)
minimum dimensions as indicated in Table 6.B.3.A, Minimum Parking Dimensions for Non-
Residential Uses and Residential Uses with Shared Parking Lots. [Ord. 2013-001]
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3) Valet Parking
The DRO may approve the use of valet parking to satisfy required parking. Valet parking shall
not cause customers or patrons who do not use the valet service to park off site or in the R-O-
W, or cause queuing in a street, driveway, or drive aisle. The following additional standards
shall apply to valet parking: [Ord. 2020-001]
a) Maximum Number
The maximum number of spaces reserved for valet parking shall not exceed 25 percent of
the minimum number of required parking spaces for commercial uses over 20,000 square
feet and 50 percent for all other uses. [Ord. 2020-001]
b) Location
Valet parking for commercial uses shall not be located within 200 feet of a public entrance
to a building. Areas designated for valet parking shall not interfere with vehicular circulation
or emergency access.
Figure 6.B.3.A – Valet Parking Illustration
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4) Electric Vehicle Charging Parking Space (EVCPS)
An Electric Vehicle Charging Parking Space (EVCPS) is a parking space where an electric
vehicle can be charged by an Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS), the infrastructure that
supplies electric energy. [Ord. 2019-034] [Ord. 2020-001] [Ord. 2023-012]
a) Approval Process
An EVCPS is Permitted by Right. [Ord. 2019-034] [Ord. 2023-012]
b) Parking Requirements
Up to 50 percent of the required number of parking spaces pursuant to Table 6.B.1.B,
Minimum Parking and Loading Requirements may be EVCPSs. [Ord. 2019-034] [Ord.
c) Design and Construction Standards
(1) Landscaping and Screening
(a) The EVCS may encroach into landscape buffers and islands up to a maximum of
five feet, provided that required trees are not removed and/or that minimum tree
requirements are met. [Ord. 2023-012]
(b) The EVCS is exempt from the screening requirements of Art. 5.B.1.A.20.a.2),
Screening Requirements. [Ord. 2023-012]
(2) The EVCS may be installed in front of the space or on the side. An optional pedestrian
access aisle (between 18 inches to two feet) may be provided between the unit and
the vehicle. Two adjacent EVCPSs may utilize the same access aisle. [Ord. 2018-018]
[Ord. 2023-012]
(3) The EVCPS shall not occupy the parking spaces closest to the building front façades
and/or entrance(s). [Ord. 2023-012]
(4) The EVCPS shall be painted green, or shall be marked by green painted lines or curbs;
[Ord. 2018-018] [Ord. 2023-012]
(5) A canopy, if provided for the EVCPS, shall not exceed 15 feet in height over the
charging unit. [Ord. 2018-018] [Ord. 2023-012]
(6) Each EVCPS shall be marked by a sign designating the parking space as an electric
vehicle parking space, in accordance with Art. 8.B.2, Small Signs and the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) of the Federal Highway Administration. Each
sign shall include the following information: [Ord. 2018-018] [Ord. 2023-012]
(a) Safety information; and [Ord. 2018-018] [Ord. 2023-012]
(b) Contact information for the owner or operator of the charging station, to allow a
consumer to report issues relating to the charging station. [Ord. 2018-018] [Ord.
(7) A generator, if provided, shall comply with Art. 5.B.1.A.19, Permanent Generators.
[Ord. 2018-018] [Ord. 2023-012]
(8) Exception
The requirements above shall not apply to areas designated for outdoor storage or
display of vehicles for Vehicle Sales and Rental uses, and an EVCPS installed by a
residential Property Owner for personal use. This exception shall include EVCPSs
installed in deeded parking spaces and within a private parking space, garage, or
driveway of a SFD, Townhouse, Cottage Home, or ZLL. [Ord. 2023-012]
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2. Layout
a. Access
1) Ingress and Egress
Each parking space shall have appropriate access to a street or alley. Legally platted lots that
accommodate one or two units shall be allowed backward egress from a driveway onto a street.
In all other cases, maneuvering and access aisle area shall be sufficient to permit vehicles to
enter and leave the parking lot in a forward motion. [Ord. 2007-001]
2) Dimensions
Access ways, except those associated with a Single Family residential use, shall be subject to
the following dimensional standards.
Table 6.B.3.A – Dimensions of Access Ways
Minimum Width at Street
Feet (1)
Two-Way with Median
40 (2)
Two-Way without Median
Right-Turn Radius (3)
Widths exceeding these standards may be approved by the Zoning Director, the
County Engineer, depending on the use or Fire Rescue official, as ne
[Ord. 2020-001]
Width excludes median, 20-foot unobstructed pavement required on both sides of
median, excluding guard houses, and landscape islands.
Measured on side of driveway exposed to entry or exit by right-turning vehicles.
3) Driveways and Access
a) Access Connections
For the purposes of this Section, an access connection means the point or points at which
a proposed development’s traffic meets the existing right-of-way system. Access
connections shall be subject to the following standards: [Ord. 2007-013]
(1) Spacing
(a) Local or Residential Access Streets
Access connections for lots located on Local or Residential Access Streets shall
maintain a minimum setback from a side or rear lot line as follows: [Ord. 2007-013]
i. Single Family or Multifamily: 2 feet
ii. Zero Lot Line: 1 foot
iii. Townhouse: 1 foot
(b) Arterial and Collector Streets
Access connection locations and spacing shall be in accordance with the PBC
Access Management Standards. Provided, however, that access connections to
any street which is part of the State Highway System, as defined in F.S. § 334.03,
shall meet the permit requirements of FDOT for street connections, pursuant to
F.S. ch. 335. [Ord. 2007-013]
(2) Construction
Access connections to streets under the jurisdiction of PBC shall be constructed in
accordance with the standards established by the DEPW. [Ord. 2007-013]
(3) Number of Access Connections
(a) Local or Residential Access Streets
Lots located on Local or Residential Access Streets shall have a maximum of two
access connections. [Ord. 2007-013]
(b) Arterial and Collector Streets
The number of access connections to serve a site shall be kept to a minimum. The
County Engineer may restrict the number of access points or require construction
of an additional access point(s) based upon the following criteria: [Ord. 2007-013]
1) Proposed development frontage on roadways shown on the Thoroughfare
Right-of-Way Identification Map; [Ord. 2007-013]
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2) The projected daily and Peak Hour Traffic impacts of the development; [Ord.
3) Proposed land use; [Ord. 2007-013]
4) Traffic operations and safety on the major roadway network; [Ord. 2007-013]
5) Existing or anticipated traffic volume along adjoining R-O-W; [Ord. 2007-013]
6) Access connections on contiguous land or land on the opposite side of the
street; [Ord. 2007-013]
7) Median opening locations; and, [Ord. 2007-013]
8) Safe sight distance. [Ord. 2007-013]
b) Double Frontage Lots and Corner Lots
(1) Double Frontage Lots
Access to a double frontage lot shall be governed by provisions of Art. 11.E.2.A.4,
Double Frontage Lots and Corner Lots and the number of access connections shall be
governed by the following. When a double frontage residential lot is located adjacent
to a Collector or an Arterial Road, it shall also be required to front and have access on
a Local or Residential Access Street. A limited access easement shall be placed along
the property line that abuts either the Collector or Arterial Road. [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord.
Figure 6.B.3.A – Double Frontage Lots
(2) Corner Lots
The number of access connections serving a corner lot shall be governed by the
provisions of this Article, provided the regulations of Section 300 of the Land
Development Design Standards Manual are met. [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2020-001]
c) Exceptions
The County Engineer shall have the authority to grant a permit for driveway and access
plans with lesser or greater dimensions than designated in this Section, giving
consideration to the following factors:
(1) Lot size;
(2) Lot configurations;
(3) Proposed land use;
(4) Traffic generation or anticipated traffic volume along adjoining R-O-W;
(5) Driveway locations on contiguous land or land on the opposite side of the street;
(6) Median opening locations; and,
(7) Safe sight distance.
b. Point of Service and Queuing Standards
In addition to meeting the minimum parking and loading standards of this Article, all drive-through
establishments shall meet the following standards. [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
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Figure 6.B.3.AQueuing and By-Pass Standards
Figure 6.B.3.A Queuing and By-Pass Standards for Dual Drive-Through
[Ord. 2020-001]
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1) A point of service space shall be provided for all drive-through establishments. The dimensions
for the point of service space shall be a minimum of nine by 20 feet. [Ord. 2019-005]
2) Queuing shall be provided for drive-through establishments described in Table 6.B.3.A,
Minimum Queuing Standards. Each queuing space shall be a minimum of ten feet by 20 feet,
clearly defined and designed so as not to conflict or interfere with other traffic using the site.
Unless otherwise indicated below, queuing shall be measured from the front of the stopped
vehicle located at the point of service to the rear of the queuing lane. One additional queuing
space shall also be provided after the point of service for all uses. [Ord. 2005-041] [Ord. 2019-
3) A by-pass lane a minimum of ten feet wide shall be provided before or around the point of
service. Subject to the Zoning Director's approval, a by-pass lane may not be required if the
queuing lane is adjacent to a vehicular use area which functions as a by-pass lane. The by-
pass lane shall be clearly designated and distinct from the queuing area.
Table 6.B.3.A – Minimum Queuing Standards
Number of Spaces
Required By-Pass (1)
Drive-Through Financial Institution
Teller Lanes
Automatic Teller Lanes
Drive-Through Restaurant
Minimum before Menu Board
Drive-Through Car Wash
Drive-Through Oil Change
Drive-Through Dry Cleaning or Laundry
Drive-Through General Retail
Commercial Parking Lot
All uses: a by-pass lane shall be required if more than five queuing spaces are provided.
4) The allowance for dual drive-through lanes converging to a single lane with four spaces
preceding each menu board is consistent with the ULDC queuing requirements. [Ord. 2020-
c. Circulation Standards
1) There shall be safe, adequate, and convenient arrangement of pedestrian pathways, bikeways,
roads, driveways, and parking and loading spaces within parking areas. [Ord. 2020-001]
2) Streets, pedestrian walks, parking areas, and open space shall be designed as integral parts
of an overall site design which shall be properly related to existing and proposed buildings,
adjacent uses, and landscaped areas.
3) Parking lots shall be maintained in accordance with the paving and drainage permit issued
authorizing construction.
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d. Pedestrian Circulation
1) Structures, vehicular circulation lanes, parking spaces, driveways, and open spaces shall be
designed to provide logical, impediment-free pedestrian movement. The site shall be arranged
so that pedestrians moving between buildings are not unnecessarily exposed to vehicular
2) Paved, landscaped, or comfortably graded pedestrian walks shall be provided along the lines
of the most intense use, particularly from building entrances to streets, parking areas, and
adjacent buildings.
3) Where parking spaces directly face a structure, and are not separated by an access aisle from
the structure, a paved pedestrian walkway shall be provided between the front of the parking
space and the structure. The walkway shall be a minimum of four feet wide, exclusive of vehicle
overhang, and shall be separated from the parking space by concrete wheel stops or
continuous curbing. Single Family residential uses are exempt from this requirement. [Ord.
4) For non-residential developments, subject to the requirements of Art. 5.C, Design Standards,
a continuous internal pedestrian walkway shall be provided from each adjacent perimeter
public sidewalk to all customer entrances. The design of the walkway shall include all of the
following: [Ord. 2009-040] [Ord. 2020-001]
a) one native Canopy tree for each 25 linear feet with a maximum spacing of 50 feet between
trees; [Ord. 2009-040]
b) one bench every 200 feet between the public sidewalk and building; and, [Ord. 2009-040]
c) walkways traversing vehicular use areas shall be accented with special pavers, bricks,
decorative concrete, stamped concrete, or similar decorative pavement treatment. [Ord.
e. Drainage
1) Review and Approval by County Engineer
The drainage design for all parking areas shall be reviewed and approved pursuant to Art. 11,
Subdivision, Platting, and Required Improvements, prior to the issue of a Development Permit.
[Ord. 2020-001]
2) Impervious Surface
All surface parking areas, grassed or otherwise, shall be considered an impervious paved
surface for the purpose of determining tertiary drainage system flow capacity and secondary
stormwater management system runoff treatment/control requirements.
3) Runoff
Runoff from vehicular use areas shall be controlled and treated in accordance with all
applicable Agency standards in effect at the time an application is submitted.
f. Maintenance
All parking lots shall be maintained in good condition to prevent any hazards, such as cracked
asphalt or potholes.
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g. Striping Width Standards
Except for parallel parking spaces, parking lots containing spaces for three or more vehicles shall
delineate each space by single or double stripes on each side of the space. All stripes shall be
painted in white paint except for handicapped spaces which shall have blue stripes. The width of
the painted stripe shall be four inches. [Ord. 2020-001]
1) Single striping parking space width shall be measured from the centerline of the stripe. [Ord.
2) Double striping separation from inside edge of stripe to inside edge of stripe shall be no less
than eight inches and no more than 16 inches. The effective width of the double stripes shall
range from 16 inches to 24 inches, measured from outside edge of stripe to outside edge of
stripe. Parking space width shall be measured from the centerline of the set of stripes.
Figure 6.B.3.A Striping Standards
[Ord. 2011-016]
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h. Signs
Traffic control signs and other pavement markings shall be installed and maintained as necessary
to insure safe and efficient traffic operation in all vehicular use areas. Such signage and markings
shall conform with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Federal Highway Administration,
U.S. Department of Transportation, as adopted by the FDOT.
i. Landscaping
1) All new parking lots shall be landscaped in accordance with Art. 7, Landscaping.
2) Renovations to existing parking lots shall be landscaped in accordance with Art. 7,
a) Exception
Normal maintenance and repair, such as resurfacing, restriping, or the addition of curbing
and wheel stops, to existing parking lots shall require landscaping in accordance with the
original permit.
B. Materials
1. Paved
Unless otherwise provided in this Article, all parking lots shall be improved with either: (1) a minimum
of a six-inch shell rock or lime rock base with a one inch hot plant mix asphaltic concrete surface; or (2)
a base and surface material of equivalent durability, as certified by an engineer.
a. Shell Rock
The uses listed below may construct surface parking lots with shell rock or similar material approved
by the DRO, except for the required handicapped parking space(s). Parking areas connected to a
public street, shall be paved. [Ord. 2019-039]
1) Agricultural uses requiring less than 20 spaces.
2) Communication towers.
3) Accessory uses to a Bona Fide Agriculture use, such as Farm Workers Quarters.
4) Wholesale Nursery, Retail Nursery, or Landscape Service collocated with a Nursery requiring
less than 20 parking spaces, and the Outdoor Storage area of vehicles for the operation of the
business. [Ord. 2019-039]
a) Wholesale Nursery, Retail Nursery, or Landscape Service collocated with a Nursery
requiring 20 or more parking spaces may construct surface parking lots with 50 percent of
the required spaces as shell rock or other similar materials subject to Art. 6.B.3.B.1.a, Shell
Rock, or grassed subject to Art. 6.B.3.B.2, Grass. [Ord. 2007-010] [Ord. 2019-039]
5) Driveways in the RSA serving residential uses on unpaved roads.
6) Uses in the C-51 Catch Basin when approved by the DRO.
7) Government Facilities when limited to spaces that are not accessible to the general public.
[Ord. 2020-001]
8) Parks when provided to serve as overflow parking for event and/or peak parking. [Ord. 2020-
b. Wheel Stops and Curbing
Wheel stops or continuous curbing shall be placed two and one-half feet back from walls, poles,
structures, pedestrian walkways, and landscaped areas.
2. Grass
Grass parking is permitted, subject to approval by the DRO, pursuant to the following procedures and
standards: [Ord. 2020-001]
a. Application
In addition to the application requirements for a Site Plan/Final Subdivision Plan, the Applicant shall
submit the following:
1) a Site Plan showing the area proposed for grass parking; [Ord. 2007-013]
2) the proposed method of traffic control to direct vehicular flow and parking;
3) description of the method to ensure that the grass parking surface will be maintained in its
entirety with a viable turf cover; [Ord. 2007-013]
4) a conceptual drainage plan for the entire parking area; and, [Ord. 2007-013]
5) a written statement that the area proposed for grass parking shall be used for parking on an
average of no more than three days or nights each week. [Ord. 2007-013]
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b. Standards
The following standards shall apply to grass parking:
1) only parking spaces provided for peak demand may be allowed as grass parking; [Ord. 2007-
2) paved parking shall be provided for Average Daily Traffic, including weekday employees and
3) a grass parking area shall not include any existing or proposed landscaped area, surface water
management area, or easement, other than a utility easement;
4) handicap parking shall not be located in a grass parking area;
5) grass parking areas shall meet the landscape requirements in Art. 7, Landscaping. Grass
parking areas shall not be counted toward meeting minimum landscape or open space
standards; [Ord. 2007-013]
6) all access aisles or lanes shall either: [Ord. 2007-013]
a) be paved and meet the same substructural and surface standards required for paved
parking surfaces; or
b) be surfaced with paver block or other semi-pervious coverage approved by the DRO and
County Engineer; or [Ord. 2007-013]
c) be stabilized with subbase underlayment subject to approval by Land Development. [Ord.
7) grass parking shall be located a minimum of 100 feet from the overland flow prior to entering
into a body of water or water systems; and, [Ord. 2007-013]
8) materials utilized in the construction of grass parking shall be drought tolerant and subject to
approval by Land Development. [Ord. 2007-013]
c. Permit
If at any time it is determined that a grass parking area does not meet the standards established in
this Section, the Zoning Director shall require the restoration of the grass surface or the paving of
the grass for parking.
Section 1 Requirements to Reduce or Increase Parking
A. Type 1 Waiver
1. Applicability
a. Reduce Required Parking
A Type 1 Waiver may be requested to reduce required parking no more than 15 percent, subject
to the Standards as outlined in Art. 2.C.5.G, Type 1 Waiver and the following: [Ord. 2020-001]
1) limited to uses that require 20 or more spaces; [Ord. 2020-001]
2) submittal of a Parking Demand Statement that identifies the use or uses; and, [Ord. 2020-001]
3) the Parking Demand Statement confirms the parking will not be negatively impacted if the Type
1 Waiver is granted. [Ord. 2020-001]
b. PDD Parking Increase
The Development Review Officer (DRO) may authorize an increase in the maximum allowed
number of parking spaces in a PDD subject to a Type 1 Waiver. [Ord. 2020-001]
1) Supplemental Application Requirements
The Applicant shall submit a parking study and any additional documentation justifying the
need for additional parking. The parking study shall include, the following:
a) the location of the use(s) on the site requiring the additional parking;
b) the size and type of use(s) and/or activity(s) requiring the additional parking; and,
c) the rate of turnover and the anticipated peak parking demands.
2) Maximum Increase
a) Lots less than ten acres in size may apply for a 20 percent increase.
b) Lots ten acres or greater in size may apply for a ten percent increase.
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B. Shared Parking
The DRO may authorize a reduction in the number of required parking spaces for multiple and mixed-use
projects and for uses that are in close proximity to one another that have different peak parking demands
and operating hours. Shared parking shall be subject to the following standards: [Ord. 2020-001]
Figure 6.C.1.BShared Parking
1. Application
A shared parking study shall be submitted in a form established by the Zoning Director.
2. Location
All uses which participate in a shared parking plan shall be located on the same lot or on contiguous
lots. The shared parking lot shall have access as though the uses were a single project.
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3. Shared Parking Study
The shared parking study, shall clearly establish the uses that will use the shared spaces at different
times of the day, week, month, or year. The study shall:
a. be based on the Urban Land Institute's (ULI) methodology for determining shared parking, or other
generally accepted methodology;
b. address the size and type of activities, the composition of tenants, the rate of turnover for proposed
shared spaces, and the anticipated peak parking and traffic demands;
c. provide for no reduction in the number of required handicapped spaces;
d. provide a plan to convert reserved space to required parking spaces; and,
e. be approved by the County Engineer based on the feasibility of the uses to share parking due to
their particular peak parking and trip generation characteristics. [Ord. 2020-001]
4. Reserved Space
The Applicant shall account for 100 percent of the reduction granted through one of the following
alternatives: reserved area; future parking garage; future rooftop parking; off-site parking; limitation of
uses to adhere to parking regulations; or, shared parking. [Ord. 2011-001]
5. Shared Parking Agreement
A shared parking plan shall be enforced through written agreement or through a Unity of Control. A
copy of the agreement between the Property Owner and PBC shall be submitted to the DRO and
reviewed and approved by the County Attorney. The agreement shall be recorded with the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of PBC by the owner prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Proof of recordation
of the agreement shall be submitted prior to approval by the DRO. The agreement shall:
a. list the names and ownership interest of all parties to the agreement and contain the signatures of
those parties;
b. provide a legal description of the land;
c. include a Site Plan showing the parking area and reserved area which would provide for future
parking; [Ord. 2011-001]
d. describe the area of the parking parcel and designate and reserve it for shared parking
unencumbered by any conditions which would interfere with its use;
e. agree and expressly declare the intent for the covenant to run with the land and bind all parties and
all successors in interest to the covenant;
f. assure the continued availability of the spaces for joint use and provide assurance that all spaces
will be usable without charge to all participating uses;
g. describe the obligations of each party, including the maintenance responsibility to retain and
develop reserved areas for additional parking spaces if the need arises; [Ord. 2011-001]
h. incorporate the shared parking study by reference;
i. be made part of the Site Plan/Final Subdivision Plan; and,
j. describe the method by which the covenant shall, if necessary, be revised.
6. Change in Use
Should any of the uses in the shared parking study change, or should the Zoning Director or County
Engineer find that any of the conditions described in the approved shared parking study or agreement
no longer exist, the owner of record shall have the option of submitting a revised shared parking study
in accordance with the standards of this Section or of providing the number of spaces required for each
use as if computed separately.
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Section 1 Parking and Storage
A. Parking of Equipment, Vehicles, Marine Vessels, and Trailers
The following regulations shall apply to the parking of equipment (including construction equipment), Motor
Vehicles, recreational vehicles, sports vehicles, marine vessels, and trailers on residential parcels in any
zoning district, vacant parcels in a residential district or subdivision, or adjacent streets in residential
districts. [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001] [Ord. 2024-004]
1. General Prohibition
a. On-Street
No person shall park, store, or keep any equipment, Motor Vehicles, recreational vehicles, marine
vessels, sports vehicles, or trailers, on any public street, or other thoroughfare or any R-O-W for a
period exceeding one hour in any 24-hour period, each such period commencing at the time of first
stopping or parking. [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2019-034] [Ord. 2024-004]
b. On-Site
1) It shall be unlawful for any owner of land to park on, cause to be parked on, or allow to be
parked on land any unlicensed or unregistered Motor Vehicle or equipment, sports vehicle,
recreational vehicle, marine vessel, or trailer for a period exceeding one hour in any 24-hour
period, each such period commencing at the time of first stopping or parking, with the exception
of one unregistered or unlicensed vehicle which may be kept on site provided the vehicle is
completely screened from view from adjacent roads and lots. [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2019-005]
[Ord. 2019-034] [Ord. 2020-001] [Ord. 2024-004]
2) Vehicles shall only be parked on an improved surface in the Urban/Suburban Tier. [Ord. 2019-
034] [Ord. 2024-004]
c. Vacant Lot Prohibitions
Parking shall be prohibited on all vacant properties. [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2024-004]
2. Commercial Vehicles
The parking of Commercial Vehicles as defined by Art. 1, General Provisions on residential parcels in
any zoning district is subject to the following: [Ord. 2024-0004]
a. In the absence of a Home-based Business, a maximum of one Commercial Vehicle shall be parked
per dwelling unit, providing all of the following conditions are met: [Ord. 2024-0004]
1) vehicle is registered or licensed;
2) used by a resident of the premises;
3) limited to Class 1, 2, and only those vehicles in Class 3 up to a maximum of 12,500 pounds
gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR); [Ord. 2024-0004]
4) height does not exceed nine feet, including any load, bed, or box; and,
5) total vehicle length does not exceed 26 feet. [Ord. 2005-041]
b. When parked in conjunction with a Home-based Business, the maximum number, weight, and
regulations of Commercial Vehicles shall be subject to the requirements of Art. 4, Use Regulations,
Home-based Business, Home-based Business with Limited Landscape Service, or Home-based
Business Limited Contractor Storage Yard. [Ord. 2024-0004]
3. Recreational Vehicles, Sports Vehicles, Marine Vessels, and Trailers Outdoor Storage
A maximum of one recreational vehicle and any two or a maximum of three of the following, may be
parked outdoors on a residential parcel with a residential unit: sports vehicle or marine vessel with
accompanying trailers, and trailers may be parked outdoors in a residential district provided that the
vehicles are: [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2020-001]
a. owned and used by a resident of the premises;
b. not parked in a required front setback or other area between the structure and the street, or on the
street except for the purpose of loading or unloading during a period not to exceed two hours in
any 24-hour period; [Ord. 2007-013]
c. located in the side or rear yard and are screened from surrounding property and streets with an
opaque wall, fence, or hedge a minimum of six feet in height;
d. not used for living, sleeping, or housekeeping purposes;
e. operative and currently registered or licensed, as required by State or Federal law;
f. vehicles or marine vessels on navigable waterways are exempt; and, [Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2019-
g. one vehicle which does not meet the requirements above may be approved through the ZAR
process upon demonstration that the Property Owner, family member, or legal tenant has a physical
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disability which requires a vehicle which cannot meet these requirements. [Ord. 2018-002] [Ord.
4. Recreational Vehicles, Sports Vehicles, Marine Vessels, and Trailers Indoor Storage
Motor Vehicles, marine vessels, and related trailers used for non-commercial purposes, whether
licensed and operational or not, may be located in a fully enclosed garage or permitted roofed structure.
[Ord. 2007-013] [Ord. 2019-005] [Ord. 2024-004]
Section 1 General
A. Prohibitions
1. A street or driveway shall not be used for loading or unloading. [Ord. 2020-001]
2. A loading space shall not be used to satisfy parking requirements. [Ord. 2020-001]
3. The location of the loading area shall not interfere with the free circulation of vehicles in the parking lot.
[Ord. 2020-001]
4. Repair Activities
Only emergency repair service shall be permitted in a loading space.
Section 2 Calculation
A. Loading Standards
1. Multiple Uses
On lots containing more than one use, the total floor area shall be used to determine the number of
spaces which are required. [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2020-001]
2. Fractions
When calculation of the number of required loading spaces results in a fractional number, a fraction of
less than one-half shall be disregarded and a fraction of one-half or more shall be rounded to the next
highest full number. [Ord. 2016-042] [Ord. 2020-020]
3. Floor Area
Loading standards that are based on square footage shall be computed using GFA. [Ord. 2016-042]
4. Unlisted Land Uses
In the event that loading requirements for a particular use are not listed in this Article, the requirements
for the most similar use shall be applied. In making the determination, any evidence of actual parking
demand for similar uses shall be considered as well as other reliable traffic engineering and planning
information that is available. [Ord. 2016-042]
5. Government Services and Government Facilities
May request alternative calculations based on evidence of actual loading demand for similar uses or
reliable traffic engineering and planning information. [Ord. 2020-001]
B. Minimum Loading Requirements
1. Standard “A
One space for GFA that is greater than 10,000 square feet, plus one space for each additional 40,000
square feet of GFA. [Ord. 2020-001]
2. Standard “B”
One space for GFA that is greater than 10,000 square feet, plus one space for each additional 50,000
square feet of GFA. [Ord. 2020-001]
3. Type 1 Waiver Reduction of Minimum Number of Required Loading Spaces
An Applicant may apply for a Type 1 Waiver subject to submittal and approval of documentation such
as: evidence of actual loading demand for the proposed use(s), as well as other available technical
data, traffic engineering, and planning information. [Ord. 2007-001] [Ord. 2012-027] [Ord. 2016-042]
[Ord. 2017-025] [Ord. 2020-001]
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Section 3 Location
A. On Site
Loading spaces shall be located adjacent to the building which it serves, and where required by Table
6.B.1.B, Minimum Parking and Loading Requirements, unless approved pursuant to Art. 6.E.3.C,
Alternative Design Options. Loading spaces shall be proportionately distributed throughout the site. [Ord.
2008-037] [Ord. 2020-001]
B. Off Site or On Street
Loading spaces shall be prohibited from being located off site or on street. [Ord. 2020-001]
C. Alternative Design Options
Parking spaces and the drive aisle may be used in lieu of providing a designated loading space during non-
business hours and shall be prohibited during the hours of operations. [Ord. 2020-001]
Section 4 Design and Construction Standards
A. Dimensions, Layout, and Screening
1. Dimensions
a. Loading Space
Table 6.E.4.A Dimensions
Square Footage of Gross Floor Area
Number of Required Loading Spaces
Standard “A
Wide by 18.5’ Long)
0-10,000 sq. ft.
10,001-40,000 sq. ft.
Each Additional 40,000 sq. ft.
Standard “B”
Wide by 55’ Long)
0-10,000 sq. ft.
10,001-50,000 sq. ft.
Each Additional 50,000 sq. ft.
[Ord. 2020-001]
The use of parking spaces and the drive aisle can be used in lieu of providing a designated loading space during off-
business hours. [Ord. 2020-001]
Additional loading spaces adjacent to, and not separated from the first loading space may be reduced to a minimum
of 12 feet in width. [Ord. 2005-041]
Figure 6.E.4.A Dimensions for Width and Length
[Ord. 2020-001]
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Figure 6.E.4.A – Maneuvering Area
[Ord. 2020-001]
b. Maneuver Area
An area equal to the width and length of the berth shall be provided for vehicle maneuvering directly
behind the loading space it is intended to serve.
Figure 6.E.4.A Vertical Clearance
c. Vertical Clearance
A vertical clearance of at least 15 feet shall be provided over the space and maneuvering apron,
unless reduced by the DRO.
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d. Type 1 WaiverReduction of Loading Space Width or Length
The minimum required width and length may be reduced for uses that require limited loading, to
not less than 12 feet and 18.5 feet, respectively, subject to submittal and approval of documentation
such as: evidence of actual loading demand for the proposed use(s), as well as other available
technical data, traffic engineering, and planning information. [Ord. 2007-001] [Ord. 2016-042]
2. Layout
a. Distance from Intersection
1) Distance
No loading space shall be located within 40 feet of the nearest point of the edge of pavement
or curb of any two intersecting streets. [Ord. 2020-001]
2) Setback
Loading spaces shall be set back at least 20 feet from all front or side street property lines.
When located at the rear of a building, a minimum five-foot setback from the property line shall
be required.
b. Access Marking
Each loading space shall be provided with safe and convenient access to a street, without it being
necessary to cross or enter any other required loading space. If any loading space is located
contiguous to a street, ingress and egress to the street side shall be provided only through driveway
openings. The dimension, location, and construction of these driveways shall be designed in
accordance with this Article. In addition, loading spaces which have three or more berths shall have
individual spaces marked, and spaces shall be so arranged that maneuvering to and from a loading
space shall be on the same lot unless approved by the DRO. Maneuvering shall be permitted in an
alley upon the approval of the DRO if surrounding uses are compatible with the subject use. [Ord.
3. Screening
a. Bay Doors
Bay doors shall be located and oriented away from residential property lines or set back a minimum
of 50 feet and screened from view.
b. Loading Area Screening
Loading areas, which may include loading spaces, docks, and associated maneuvering areas, that
are within 100 feet of a parcel with a residential FLU designation or use, or visible from a street R-
O-W, shall be screened from view by buildings a minimum of 12 feet in height, or a wall in
combination with landscape material, as follows: [Ord. 2008-037] [Ord. 2015-031]
1) Options by Location
a) In Between Loading Area and Property Line
Unless located within a perimeter landscape buffer, the following shall be required: a 12-
foot-high wall combined with foundation planting along the exterior side of the wall, in
accordance with the façade standards of Table 7.C.3.B, Foundation Planting and
Dimensional Requirements. [Ord. 2008-037] [Ord. 2015-031]
b) Perimeter Buffers
If located within a perimeter landscape buffer, minimum required wall or additional
landscaping, shall be as follows: [Ord. 2015-031]
(1) Within a Compatibility or Incompatibility Buffer: 12-foot wall; or [Ord. 2015-031]
(2) Within a R-O-W Buffer: six-foot wall combined with an eight-foot-high hedge located
on the exterior side of the wall. [Ord. 2015-031]
(3) Minimum wall height required within perimeter buffers may be reduced when used in
combination with a berm, provided that the total height does not exceed 12 feet. [Ord.
c. Architectural Compatibility
Walls shall be architecturally compatible with the adjacent structure. [Ord. 2015-031]
d. Conflict with Other Applicable Regulations
If a conflict exists between loading area screening and other Articles in this Code, the provisions
above shall prevail except where superseded by State or Federal law. [Ord. 2015-031]
e. Exemptions
Loading area screening is not required if any of the following standards are satisfied: [Ord. 2015-
1) the loading area is obstructed from view by an existing landscape buffer, a preserve, or a
structure; [Ord. 2008-037]
2) a structure or tenant consisting of 10,000 square feet or less; [Ord. 2008-037]
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3) a single loading space; or, [Ord. 2008-037]
4) the WCRAO Executive Director may exempt a loading space from screening requirements for
parcels located in the WCRAO, pursuant to Art. 3.B.14.I.2, Redevelopment Loading Option.
[Ord. 2008-037]
Amendment History:
[Ord. 2003-067; January 1, 2004] [Ord. 2005-002; February 2, 2005] [Ord. 2005-041; September 1, 2005] [Ord.
2006-004; March 1, 2006] [Ord. 2006-013; June 27, 2006] [Ord. 2006-036; August 29, 2006] [Ord. 2007-001;
January 31, 2007] [Ord. 2007-013, September 4, 2007] [Ord. 2008-037; September 4, 2008] [Ord. 2009-040;
October 28, 2009] [Ord. 2010-005; February 2, 2010] [Ord. 2010-009; April 2, 2010] [Ord. 2011-001; February 4,
2011] [Ord. 2011-016, September 6, 2011] [Ord. 2012-007; March 29, 2012] [Ord. 2012-027; August 31, 2012] [Ord.
2013-001; January 31, 2013] [Ord. 2013-021; August 30, 2013] [Ord. 2014-025; September 3, 2014] [Ord. 2015-
031; September 3, 2015] [Ord. 2016-042; September 27, 2016] [Ord. 2017-002; January 31, 2017] [Ord. 2017-007;
March 2, 2017] [Ord. 2017-025; August 28, 2017] [Ord. 2018-002; February 1, 2018] [Ord. 2018-018; August 29,
2018] [Ord. 2019-005; January 29, 2019] [Ord. 2019-034; August 27, 2019] [Ord. 2019-039; December 5, 2019]
[Ord. 2020-001; January 28, 2020] [Ord. 2020-020; September 3, 2020] [Ord. 2021-022; September 3, 2021] [Ord.
2023-012; March 23, 2023] [Ord. 2024-004; July 1, 2024]