and entered into as of the ___ day of ______________, 2010 (the “Effective Date”), among
Play N Trade Franchise, Inc. (“Franchisor”) and ________________________ (“Franchisee”)
with reference to the following facts:
A. Franchisor and Franchisee are parties to a Play N Trade® Unit Franchise Agreement
dated ___________, 20__ (the “Franchise Agreement”), under which Franchisee was granted
the right to develop and operate [______] Play N Trade® [stores in the ____________,
________ area][at ___________________] (the “Store”).
B. Franchisor and Preston DuFauchard, Commissioner of Corporations of the State of
California, have entered into an agreement (the “DOC Settlement Agreement”) effective as of
__________, 20__ (the “Settlement Date”), pursuant to which Franchisor was required to offer
to Franchisee the right to terminate the Franchise Agreement, subject to certain terms and
conditions and the execution of this Agreement.
C. Franchisee has timely notified Franchisor that it desires to terminate the Franchise
Agreement on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and Franchisor is willing to
terminate the Franchise Agreement under the terms of this Agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
Termination of the Franchise Agreement
. Subject to the following, the Franchise
Agreement and all rights and obligations thereunder are terminated by mutual agreement of the
parties as of the Effective Date.
2. Post-Termination Obligations; Waiver of Post-Term Non-Compete
2.1 As of and following the Effective Date, Franchisee will:
(a) De-identify
as a franchisee of “PLAY N TRADE”. This includes, removing
all interior and exterior signs and other materials bearing any of the Marks (as such term is used
in the Franchise Agreement) or any word or mark indicating similar thereto;
(b) Adopt a new name that is not confusingly similar to the mark “PLAY N
TRADE” or any of the other Marks.
(c) Cease any use of the Marks, including the mark “PLAY N TRADE,”
including the use on all advertising and printed material.
(d) Cease using all confidential information relating to the System (as defined
in the Franchise Agreement) and return to Franchisor the Operations Manual and all other
documents in Franchisee’s possession that contain such confidential information.
(e) Take all necessary action to cancel all fictitious or assumed name or
equivalent registrations relating to Franchisee’s use of any of the Marks;
(f) Cease using all other proprietary information and resources of or provided
by Franchisor, including the following: the Unified Buying Program, the National Advertising
Fund, the Point-of-Sale software, AdGiants marketing collateral service, Play N Trade Website
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and Intranet, Articulate online training programs, Buyback for excess inventory, Quirk Studios
vendor of Franchisor branded swag, Franchisor-supplied digital advertising, and Franchisor-
sponsored national tournaments;
(g) Honor all (i) store, merchandise and other similar customer credits issued
or given by Franchisee; and (ii) individual gift cards which were issued by Franchisee which are
usable only in the Store;
(h) Return to its respective owner all customer-owned merchandise, including
video game console repairs (after completing required repairs), in Franchisee’s possession; and
(i) Pay all unpaid royalties and other fees due or payable to Franchisor from
the Settlement Date through the Effective Date.
2.2 Except for Franchisee’s obligations in Sections 2.1(d), (f), (g), (h) and (i), which
must be satisfied from and after the Effective Date, Franchisee shall have 30 days following the
Effective Date to comply with each other subsections of 2.1 and must thereafter continue to
comply with all such subsections.
2.3 Without limiting the foregoing, Franchisor hereby waives the post-termination
covenant not to compete described in the Agreement, which provision is hereby waived and
released by Franchisor.
3. Releases of Claims
3.1 Definitions.
(a) The term “Franchisor Parties
” means Franchisor and each of its past
and present officers, directors, attorneys, affiliates, insurers, agents, employees, and
shareholders, and each of their respective successors and assigns. The “Franchisor Parties
shall not include Yakety Yak Wireless, Inc.
(b) The term “Franchisee Parties” means Franchisee, and each of his, her
or its heirs, executors, administrators, trustees, agents, partners, business entities, attorneys,
insurers, successors and assigns.
(c) The term “Franchise Relationship” means contractual obligations
between the Franchisor Parties and Franchisee Parties directly relating to the operation of the
franchised business.
3.2 Release by Franchisee Parties
Franchisee Parties fully, irrevocably and unconditionally release and forever
discharge the Franchisor Parties of and from any and all actions, suits, claims, liabilities,
demands, obligations, debts, sums of money, accounts, actions and causes of action at law or
in equity, whether arising by statute, common law, or otherwise, including claims for negligence,
arising out of or related to acts, omissions, events, facts, or circumstances existing or arising on
or prior to the Settlement Date arising out of or relating to the Franchise Relationship, the
operation of the Store, the sale of any franchise (including pre-sale disclosures or
representations), or any franchise agreement between Franchisor on the one hand, and
Franchisee on the other hand which the Franchisee Parties can, shall or may have against the
Franchisor Parties, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, unanticipated as
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well as anticipated and that now exist, except Franchisor’s covenants under this Agreement and
as provided or described in Sections 2.3 and 3.5 of this Agreement.
3.3 Release by Franchisor Parties
The Franchisor Parties fully, irrevocably and unconditionally
release and forever
discharge the Franchisee Parties of and from any and all actions, suits, claims, liabilities,
demands, obligations, debts, sums of money, accounts, actions and causes of action at law or
in equity, whether arising by statute, common law, or otherwise, including claims for negligence,
arising out of or related to acts, omissions, events, facts, or circumstances existing or arising on
or prior to the Settlement Date arising out of or relating to the Franchise Relationship, the
operation of the Store, the sale of any franchise (including pre-sale disclosures or
representations), or any franchise agreement between Franchisor on the one hand, and
Franchisee on the other hand which the Franchisor Parties can, shall or may have against the
Franchisee Parties, whether known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, unanticipated as
well as anticipated and that now exist, except Franchisee’s covenants under this Agreement
and as provided or described in Sections 2.1 and 3.5 of this Agreement.
3.4 General Release
(a) Each
of the parties acknowledges that they have read and understand the
significance and consequences of Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California
which provides as follows:
(b) Each of the parties acknowledge that such person may have sustained
damage, loss, cost or expense that is presently unknown or unsuspected, and that such
damage, loss, cost or expense as may have been sustained may give rise to additional
damage, loss, cost or expense in the future. Nevertheless, the parties acknowledge that this
Section 3 has been agreed upon in light of this situation and expressly waives any and all rights
which such person may have under Section 1542 of the California Civil Code, or any other state
or federal statute or common law principle of similar effect.
3.5 Other Excluded Matters
release of claims granted herein will not represent a waiver or release of any claim
(i) either party has or may have to enforce the terms of this Agreement; and/or (ii) for
contribution or indemnification that any party has or may have under the Franchise Agreement,
which provision survives the termination of the Franchise Agreement against any party involving
claims by third parties for injuries or property damage relating to the operation of the Store at
any time before or after the Effective Date. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a
waiver or release by Franchisee of any payment to which they may be entitled under the DOC
Settlement Agreement.
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4. Injunctive Relief. Franchisee acknowledges that certain provisions in this Agreement
pertain to valuable, special and unique assets of Franchisor. Therefore, if Franchisee breaches
this Agreement, the parties agree that irreparable injury will be caused to Franchisor and that, in
addition to other relief available, Franchisor will be entitled to injunctive relief. In such event,
Franchisee will reimburse Franchisor for all reasonable attorney’s fees and costs Franchisor
incurs respecting any such action.
5. Miscellaneous
5.1 Governing Law
. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in
accordance with the laws of the State of California, without reference to conflict of law
5.2 Capitalized Terms
. All capitalized terms not defined herein will have the meaning
assigned to them in the Franchise Agreement.
5.3 Binding Effect
. All of the provisions of this Agreement will be binding on, and
benefit, the parties and their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns.
5.4 Severability
. The provisions of this Agreement are severable and the invalidity or
unenforceability of any of them will not affect the remainder of this Agreement.
5.5 Remedies and Attorneys’ Fees
. All rights and remedies of Franchisor and of
Franchisee under this Agreement are cumulative and will not exclude any other right or remedy
allowed at law or in equity. The nonprevailing party or parties will pay the prevailing party’s
costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees in any proceeding to enforce the
provisions of this Agreement.
5.6 Opportunity to Seek Counsel
. Each of the parties acknowledges that it had the
right and opportunity to seek independent legal counsel of its own choosing in connection with
the execution of this Agreement, and each of the parties represents that it has either done so or
that it has voluntarily declined to do so, free from coercion, duress or fraud.
5.7 Counterparts
. This Agreement may be signed in one or more counterparts, each
of which will be deemed an original, but all of which together will represent one and the same
5.8 Entire Agreement; Amendments
. This Agreement represents the entire
understanding and agreement between the parties respecting the subject matter hereof, and
supersedes all other negotiations, understandings and representations made between the
parties. This Agreement cannot be modified, altered or otherwise amended except by an
agreement in writing signed by all of the parties hereto.
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The parties have signed this Agreement as of the Effective Date.
Its: Its:
Date: Date:
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