Suite 1A, Level 2, SJOG Mount Lawley Medical Centre, Ellesmere Road,
Mount Lawley WA 6050 Telephone: (08) 9272 0400 Fax (08) 9272 0450
Email: info@mercybariatrics.com.au www.mercybariatrics.com.au
Following Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery, it is important to follow a modified diet
for the first six weeks. This will ensure that your body heals and adapts to the
changes in stomach size and digestion.
Avoid all solid foods during the fluid diet
Increase the quantity of fluid slowly. Start with small sips
If you feel discomfort, wait until the feeling has passed and then
try sipping fluid again
It can take up to 30 minutes to get through one cup of fluid
There are two phases of the fluid diet
(thin fluids and nourishing fluids)
Thin fluids include
Weak cordial
Dilute Juice (apple, pear, vegetable)
Clear broth
Weak tea
Weak coffee
Reduced fat milk
A fluid diet should be followed for TWO WEEKS following your surgery
A thin fluid diet should be followed for the first 2-3 days post surgery
Nourishing fluids provide more protein, energy, vitamins and
minerals than thin fluids
Increase the fluid thickness as tolerated
Aim for 4 cups (1 L) of nourishing fluids per day
Nourishing fluids include
Reduced fat milk
Yoghurt (Chobani fit pouch; Yopro drinking yoghurt)
Stewed Fruit (puree)
Smoothies (reduced fat milk, yoghurt, fruit, 2 tsp whey protein powder)
Legume and vegetable Soup (puree)
Meat /Chicken and Vegetable Soup (puree)
Optifast/ Optislim shake
Formulite shake
Up and Go Energise
Aussie Bodies protein shake
Sip on the following thin fluids between meals
Water (you can add fresh lemon/ lime or sugar free cordial)
Tea/ weak coffee/ herbal tea (no added sugar)
Twinings cold water infusion/ Powerade zero/ Hydralyte
Broth/ miso soup/ vegetable juice/ dilute fruit juice
Aim for a minimum of 1.5 L of total fluid per day. It is wise to record your
total fluid intake each day to help assess your level of hydration.
Introduce nourishing fluids from day 3-4 post surgery
In addition to the above nourishing fluids, you will need an extra
0.5 - 1L of thin fluid per day.
Sample Nourishing Fluid Meal Plan
Food group
1 cup smoothie
(milk, yoghurt, fruit)
1 cup lentil and
vegetable soup (puree)
1 cup chicken and
vegetable soup (puree)
Morning Snack
Afternoon snack
½ cup puree fruit
½ cup yoghurt
Quantities are a guide only: consult your dietitian if you have any concerns
regarding the quantities you can manage
Remember to sip water or other thin fluids between meals
Aim for a minimum of 1.5 L of total fluid per day
Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
You will require 2 chewable bariatric multivitamin and mineral supplements each day
to help achieve your recommended dietary intake of micro-nutrients. These
multivitamins contain iron, folate, B vitamins, zinc and other essential minerals and
trace elements to help maintain your nutritional status in the long term. We
BN Multi chewable (2 per day) or
Nutrichew chewable (2 per day)
Your dietitian will advise you of your supplement requirements at each of your
review appointments. You may need additional iron, calcium and vitamin B12
supplements depending on your dietary intake of micronutrients.
Benefibre can help with both loose bowels and constipation, which can occur due to
the lack of solids or inadequate fibre in the diet. You need to drink at least 1.5 L of
fluid per day for Benefibre to work. Start with 2 tsp per day and increase to a
maximum of 8 tsp per day, as required.
Difficulty Drinking after Surgery
In some cases, the swelling associated with having surgery may make it
difficult to drink and keep fluids down. The following strategies can help you to
maximise your fluid intake.
Take small sips of fluid through out the day. Try to consume a
minimum of ½ cup of fluid (125 ml) every hour.
Sit upright when drinking. If you are able to, walk around between
drinks, to aid digestion.
Water can be difficult for some people immediately after surgery. A
small dash of juice or slice of lemon can make water easier to tolerate.
Trial different temperatures. You may find cold or hot beverages work
better than those at room temperature.
Choose very thin fluids to start with, as they will be easier to manage.
Reduce the thickness of fluids by diluting them with milk, water or ice.
Aim for a minimum of 1.5 L total fluids over the day. This will include
thin fluids such as water, tea, coffee, broth, cordial and juice together
with nourishing fluids such as milk, smoothies, soup and yoghurt.
If you are struggling to achieve the required fluid quantities, try freezing
nourishing liquids into icy-pole form and sucking on these slowly over
No added sugar sports drinks such as Powerade Zero are often well
tolerated post-surgery and can assist with hydration.
Rehydration solutions such as Hydralyte may also be beneficial to
improve hydration.
If you are concerned about your fluid intake, speak to your Bariatric Surgeon
or Dietitian regarding further strategies to increase your fluid intake.
After bariatric surgery it is not uncommon to
feel quite tired in the first few weeks after surgery
have very little appetite
experience taste changes
regurgitate food if you eat too quickly or too much
find it difficult to meet your fluid and protein requirements
become intolerant to some foods (this usually resolves)
find eating out challenging due to limited food options
require medication adjustment as you lose weight
experience some hair loss in the first year after surgery