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94 Old Broadway, 7th Floor New York, NY 10027
Owner or authorized individual:
Read and follow the instructions attached to this application.
Fill out this application completely, sign it, and have it notarized.
Attach all required documentation. An incomplete application will be not be accepted.
Submit the application and all required affidavits as original documents.
Section I: Owner Information
The person completing/submitting the application is (check applicable box):
the registered owner of the below referenced multiple dwelling
a registered officer or director of the corporate owner of the below referenced multiple dwelling
the registered managing agent of the below referenced multiple dwelling
a registered representative of the cooperative housing corporation for the below referenced multiple dwelling
a registered representative of a condominium board of managers
the shareholder of record on the proprietary lease for the below referenced cooperative dwelling unit
the owner of record for the below referenced condominium unit
Registered* Owner Name: ____________________________________________________________
Registered Owner Address: ____________________________________________________________
Borough: ____________________ Zip Code: _________
Telephone: __________________________ Email: _______________________________________
(Unless the application is for an individual co-op/condo unit or governmental agency-owned multiple dwelling, all
written exemption communication will only be delivered to the registered owner in the Department’s records.)
Note: If you are NOT the registered owner or the authorized agent of a governmental agency, you must also complete
the following:
Applicant* Name: _________________________________________________________________
Applicant Address: _______________________________________________________________
Borough: ____________________ Zip Code: _________
Telephone: __________________________ Email: ___________________________________
*Governmental agencies do not need to fill in the registered owner and applicant sections above.
an authorized representative of the following governmental agency: __________________________________
_______________________________________ ______________________________________
Print Name of Govt. Authorized Representative Print Title of Govt. Authorized Representative
Reset Form
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Section II: Type of Dwelling
This exemption application is for (choose only ONE):
Individual Unit (only ONE individual unit per application)
Apartment Building – Common Areas Only (only ONE individual building per application)
Apartment Complex Common Areas Only In this case, if applicable, you must provide multiple
addresses, registration IDs, BINs, blocks, and lots for the Section III: Dwelling Information. (only ONE
apartment complex per application)
Apartment Building Units Only (only ONE individual building per application)
Entire Apartment Building (Units and Common Areas) (only ONE individual building per application)
Apartment Complex Units Only In this case, if applicable, you must provide multiple addresses,
registration IDs, BINs, blocks, and lots for the Section III: Dwelling Information. (only ONE apartment
complex per application)
Entire Apartment Complex (Units and Common Areas) In this case, if applicable, you must provide multiple
addresses, registration IDs, BINs, blocks, and lots for the Section III: Dwelling Information. (only ONE
apartment complex per application)
Section III: Dwelling Information
Fill out this address section ONLY IF the application is for an Individual Unit.
Address of Multiple Dwelling: _____________________________________________________
Unit # ____________ Borough: ____________________________________________
Registration ID #: _________________ Building Identification Number (BIN) ______________
Block: __________ Lot: __________
Fill out this section ONLY IF the application is for an Apartment Building or an Apartment Complex.
Does the apartment building or apartment complex for the application include multiple street
addresses/registration IDs/BINs/blocks/lots/?
Yes (If YES, attach separate full list of addresses/registration IDs/BINs/blocks/lots.)
Address of Multiple Dwelling: _____________________________________________________ Borough:
Registration ID #: _________________ Building Identification Number (BIN) ______________
Block: __________ Lot: __________
Total number of dwelling units in the building/complex: __________
Total number of dwelling units tested: __________
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Section IV: Type of Exemption
Choose either Lead Free or Lead Safe below.
Lead Free (also must choose one directly below)
By selecting Lead Free, I am submitting this application for an exemption from Administrative Code § 27-
2056.5(a) on the basis that (choose one):
Lead Free No Abatement Required
I have obtained a determination from a lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor certified pursuant to
Title 40 CFR Part 745 subparts L and Q that each tested surface and component in each dwelling unit for the
above-referenced multiple dwelling or individual dwelling unit or common area, is free of lead-based paint as
is defined in Administrative Code §27-2056.2, and to the best of my knowledge, there has been no previous
use of encapsulation or containment in these areas.
Lead Free – Abatement Required
I have obtained a determination from a lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor certified pursuant to
Title 40 CFR Part 745 subparts L and Q that at least one tested surface or component in the above-referenced
multiple dwelling or individual dwelling unit or common area has tested as lead-based paint as is defined in
Administrative Code §27-2056.2, AND the lead-based paint on each surface and component has been abated,
such that the lead-based paint has been removed or the surface or component has been replaced by a lead-
based paint free surface or component so that the area has been made completely free of lead-based paint. To
the best of my knowledge, there has been no previous use of encapsulation or containment in these
Lead Safe (also must initial below)
By selecting Lead Safe, I am submitting this application for an exemption from Administrative Code § 27-
2056.5(a) on the basis that I have obtained a determination from a lead-based paint inspector or risk assessor
certified pursuant to Title 40 CFR Part 745 subparts L and Q that at least one tested surface or component in
the above-referenced multiple dwelling or individual dwelling unit or common area has tested as containing
lead-based paint as is defined in Administrative Code §27-2056.2 AND the lead-based paint on each surface
and component within each dwelling unit has been abated AND at least one surfaces or components
determined to be lead-based paint was abated using encapsulation or containment in accordance with 28
RCNY §11-08. I understand that encapsulants may not be used to abate surfaces which are chewable or subject
to binding, friction, impact or heat. I understand that I am obligated to periodically monitor and maintain
the surfaces that were encapsulated or contained and document the outcome of the visual inspection,
risk assessment, and any subsequent, required maintenance actions and activities, and keep records of
such activities. See HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in
Housing, 2
Edition, July 2012, (HUD Guidelines) Chapter 12: Abatement and Chapter 13:
Encapsulation and 28 RCNY §11-08.
For all Lead Safe applications, the owner MUST initial below to affirm.
__________ (Owner’s Initials) I affirm that encapsulants and containment will be periodically monitored at a
minimum as outlined in the Instructions for this application and 28 RCNY 11-08 and as documented in the
Monitoring Plan submitted with this application and that records will be maintained and available for
inspection regarding such monitoring for at least 10 years.
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Section V: Documentation Requirements
For Lead Free with No Abatement Required
1) A copy of the inspection report which demonstrates that all surfaces and components tested negative for lead-
based paint prepared by an individual certified pursuant to Title 40 CFR Part 745 subparts L and Q (Inspector
or Risk Assessor) in the format provided by 40 CFR §745.227(b) and HUD Guidelines Chapter 7. See pages 7-
32 through 7-36 from Chapter 7 of the HUD Guidelines for the minimum requirements of the report and the
contractor instructions portion of the exemption application instructions.
2) A copy of the EPA certification for the certified inspector or risk assessor who performed the inspection and
prepared the inspection report in support of this application for exemption.
3) The affidavit by the certified inspector or risk assessor who performed the inspection with original signature
and notary. The language of the affidavit may not be altered. (Note: If multiple inspectors or risk assessors
were used, an affidavit for each must be submitted.)
For Lead Free with Abatement Required
1) A copy of the inspection report which includes surfaces or components which tested positive and negative for
lead-based paint prepared by an individual certified pursuant to Title 40 CFR Part 745 subparts L and Q
(Inspector or Risk Assessor) in the format provided by 40 CFR §745.227(b) and HUD Guidelines Chapter 7.
See pages 7-32 through 7-36 from Chapter 7 of the HUD Guidelines for the minimum requirements of the
report and the contractor instructions portion of the exemption application instructions.
2) A copy of the EPA certification for the certified inspector or risk assessor who performed the inspection and
prepared the inspection report in support of this application for exemption.
3) The affidavit by the certified inspector or risk assessor who performed the inspection with original signature
and notary. The language of the affidavit may not be altered. (Note: If multiple inspectors or risk assessors
were used, an affidavit for each must be submitted.)
4) A copy of the EPA certification for the lead abatement supervisor or project designer who supervised the
5) A copy of the EPA abatement firm certification.
6) The affidavit from the Lead-Based Paint abatement firm signed by the lead abatement supervisor, project
designer, or firm principal with original signature and notary. The language of the affidavit may not be altered.
7) Detailed records of the abatement and the substantial alterations performed. See the contractor instructions
portion of the exemption application instructions.
8) A copy of the EPA certification for the lead inspector or risk assessor who took the surface dust samples.
9) The affidavit from the certified inspector or risk assessor who took the surface dust sample with original
signature and notary. The language of the affidavit may not be altered. (Note: If multiple inspectors or risk
assessors were used, an affidavit for each must be submitted.)
10) A copy of the State-certified laboratory analysis of all surface dust samples taken which indicates the method
of analysis and preparation of the samples and the chain of custody for the sample.
For Lead Safe
1) Everything listed under “Lead Free with Abatement Required” plus the following below.
2) A description from the abatement firm of how the encapsulation and/or containment could fail or be
compromised and monitoring recommendations. (Note: The abatement firm affirms to providing this
description in the affidavit they complete.)
3) The owner’s plan for monitoring the encapsulation and/or containment to ensure the area remains lead safe.
4) In addition, if an encapsulant was used:
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a. The affidavit from the certified lead abatement worker who applied the encapsulant with original
signature and notary. The language of the affidavit may not be altered. (Note: If multiple abatement
workers were used, an affidavit for each must be submitted.)
b. A copy of the EPA certification for the certified lead abatement worker who applied the encapsulant.
Note: The required affidavits are at the end of this exemption application package.
Section VI: Dates of Testing and Abatement
List the date(s) the lead-based paint inspection/XRF testing was performed:
If abatement was required, list the date abatement started: ______________________ and was completed:
Section VII: Signed and Notarized
______________________________________ _______________________________________
(Print Name) (Signature)
State of New York, County of __________________________ Notary Stamp
Sworn to before me this __________day of _________________, 20_________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
(Notary Print Name) (Notary Signature)
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A. Background ...................................................................................................................................... 7
B. Who May Apply ............................................................................................................................... 7
C. Existing Lead-Based Paint Violations ........................................................................................... 7
D. Lead Free vs. Lead Safe Exemption Status ................................................................................... 8
Lead Free ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Lead Safe ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
E. Filling out the Application Form .................................................................................................... 8
a) General Instructions ................................................................................................................................................................ 8
b) Section I: Owner Information ................................................................................................................................................. 8
c) Section II: Type of Dwelling .................................................................................................................................................. 9
d) Section III: Dwelling Information ........................................................................................................................................... 9
e) Section IV: Type of Exemption ............................................................................................................................................ 10
f) Section V: Documentation Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 10
g) Section VI: Dates of Testing and Abatement ........................................................................................................................ 11
h) Section VII: Signed and Notarized ....................................................................................................................................... 11
F. Information for the Owner ........................................................................................................... 11
a) Inspection and Lead-Based Paint Testing ............................................................................................................................. 11
b) Abatement ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Deciding the Abatement Method: Lead Free vs Lead Safe .................................................................................................. 11
Hiring the Contractors: Lead Abatement and Lead-Contaminated Dust Sampling ......................................................... 12
c) Lead Safe Monitoring Plan ................................................................................................................................................... 12
d) Revoked Exemption .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
G. Information for the Contractor .................................................................................................... 14
a) Inspection and Lead-Based Paint Testing: Certified Inspector or Risk Assessor ................................................................. 14
HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 Methodologies ............................................................................................................................ 14
HPD Review of Inspection Records ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Paint Chip Samples .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
b) Abatement: Certified Lead Abatement Firm ......................................................................................................................... 15
Abatement by Paint Removal or Replacement (Lead Free) ................................................................................................. 16
Abatement by Encapsulation or Containment (Lead Safe) .................................................................................................. 16
c) Lead-Contaminated Dust Sampling ...................................................................................................................................... 17
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A. Background
Article 14 of Title 27 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York concerns lead poisoning prevention and
control in multiple dwellings in the City. Under § 27-2056.5(a) of Article 14, any paint or similar surface-coating
material in the interior of any dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling (3+ units) erected prior to January 1, 1960, (pre-
1960) in which a child under six years of age resides or in the common areas of the building is presumed to be lead-
based paint. Article 14 provides for certain responsibilities of and requires specific actions by owners of pre-1960
multiple dwellings based upon this presumption.
Administrative Code §27-2056.5(b), which is part of Article 14, provides that an owner of a pre-1960 multiple
dwelling may apply to the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) to have their multiple
dwelling or dwelling unit and/or common area exempted from the presumption contained in §27-2056.5(a).
For a unit covered by an exemption, the landlord will no longer be required to:
Provide annual notices regarding lead-based paint to tenants, pursuant to §27-2056.4(d)(1).
Conduct annual inspections of units with children under six, pursuant to §27-2056.4(a).
In order to apply for the exemption, owners must complete the application and submit any required additional
documentation as described in these instructions. Units or buildings must be a multiple dwelling (3+ units in a
building) and built prior to January 1, 1960 in order to be eligible for exemption.
B. Who May Apply
Only buildings that are validly registered with HPD may apply for exemption. Property owners of residential buildings
are required by law to register annually with HPD if the property is a multiple dwelling (3+ residential units) or a
private dwelling (1-2 residential units) where neither the owner nor the owner's immediate family resides. You can
register online, and the registration fee is $13. Registration is required annually by September 1 or whenever owner or
management information changes. More information is available at
Only the following individuals may apply for an exemption from Administrative Code § 27-2056.5(a):
the registered owner
a registered officer or director of the corporate owner
the registered managing agent
a registered representative of the cooperative housing corporation
a registered representative of the condominium board of managers
the shareholder of record on the proprietary lease for the cooperative dwelling unit
the owner of record for the condominium unit.
an authorized representative of a governmental agency
For the purpose of these instructions and the application, such qualified individuals are “owners.
C. Existing Lead-Based Paint Violations
HPD requires that certain open code violation orders be cleared or as approved by HPD prior to submission of an
application, otherwise the application will be rejected. Individual units must have no open 617 code violations (for
lead-based paint hazards) or 618 code violations (for failure to provide records demanded by HPD in response to a
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner’s Order to Abate) specific to that unit. A building (or
complex of buildings) must have no open 618 code violations or 617 code violations for any of the building units. An
owner with these open violations as described above MUST contact the HPD Lead Exemption Unit in order to
determine how to resolve these violations prior to submitting an exemption application or the application will be
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D. Lead Free vs. Lead Safe Exemption Status
Exemptions can only be issued if the owner demonstrates that the multiple dwelling is either Lead Free or Lead Safe.
This exemption status must be identified on the application and the owner must provide the required supporting
Lead Free
In order to be granted a Lead Free exemption status, the owner must demonstrate that each tested surface and
component is free of lead-based paint as defined in Administrative Code § 27-2056.2(7). This can be demonstrated two
ways: 1) the surfaces or components test free of lead-based paint as defined in § 27-2056.2(7), or 2) the surfaces or
components tested positive for lead-based paint and the paint was permanently removed or the component was
removed/replaced leaving the area as now free of lead-based paint.
In applying for a Lead Free exemption status, the owner must also confirm in the exemption application that, to the
best of their knowledge, no surface in the dwelling unit, dwelling, or common area for which the exemption is sought
contains paint that has been encapsulated or contained.
Lead Safe
A Lead Safe exemption status means that the testing identified lead-based paint and the lead-based paint was not
permanently removed or the component removed/replaced. Instead the surface or component was temporarily
encapsulated or contained using approved abatement methods for both. The term "contained" shall mean that every
surface containing lead-based paint has been covered, enclosed and sealed with sheetrock or similar durable
construction material to eliminate gaps which may allow access to or dispersion of dust or other matter from the
underlying surface. Encapsulation may not be used to abate surfaces which are chewable or subject to binding, friction,
impact or heat, like doors, windows, or radiators.
E. Filling out the Application Form
a) General Instructions
An owner who wishes to apply for an exemption from § 27-2056.5(a) must submit an application to HPD, completed
by the owner and include the required supporting documents. The notarized application and all required notarized
affidavits must be submitted as original documents. Please keep a copy of the full submission for your own records.
The completed application must be sent to:
Department of Housing Preservation and Development
94 Old Broadway, 7
New York, NY 10027
Attn: Lead Exemption Unit
Questions about this application can be directed to HPD’s Lead Exemption Unit at (212) 863-5501, Option 4.
b) Section I: Owner Information
The registered owner’s information must be provided, even if they are not the person submitting the application. As
noted in the above section “Who May Apply,” more individuals other than the property owner are authorized to
complete and submit the application. The individual completing the application must identify which one of the
following authorized individuals they are:
the registered owner
a registered officer or director of the corporate owner
the registered managing agent
a registered representative of the cooperative housing corporation
a registered representative of the condominium board of managers
the shareholder of record on the proprietary lease for the cooperative dwelling unit
the owner of record for the condominium unit.
an authorized representative of a governmental agency
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If the individual completing the application is not the registered owner of the multiple dwelling, other authorized
individual’s contact information must be provided separately in this section.
c) Section II: Type of Dwelling
In this section, the owner must identify the part of the multiple dwelling the application is for. Only ONE type can be
selected per application.
Individual Unit: Select this as the type of exemption you are applying for if you are submitting an exemption
application for an individual apartment unit.
Apartment Building Units Only: Can only be used for buildings with 21+ units where units are sampled, not tested
individually. Select this as the type of exemption you are applying for if your testing contractor followed the HUD
Guidelines Chapter 7 sampling methodology, testing a subset of apartment units which reflects the lead-based paint
content of all the apartment units in a single building. This is allowed only if supporting records or a visual assessment
by an inspector or risk assessor determines that the building has a common paint history throughout the building. An
exemption may be granted for all the apartment units in the building based on the units selected and sampled/tested.
This is only for the building apartment units and DOES NOT include common areas.
Apartment Building Common Areas Only: Select this as the type of exemption you are applying for if your testing
contractor individually tested common areas for the building or followed the HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 sampling
methodology, testing a subset of common areas which reflects the lead-based paint content of all the common areas of
a single building. This sampling methodology is allowed only if supporting records or a visual assessment by an
inspector or risk assessor determines the building has a common paint history throughout the building. An exemption
may be granted for all the common areas in the building based on the common areas selected/tested. This is only for
the building common areas and DOES NOT include apartment units.
Entire Building: Can only be used for buildings with 21+ units where units are sampled, not tested individually. This
selection combines Apartment Building – Units Only and Apartment Building – Common Areas Only. Select this as the
type of exemption you are applying for if your testing contractor followed the HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 sampling
methodology, testing a subset of dwelling units AND common areas. This is allowed only if supporting records or a
visual assessment by an inspector or risk assessor determines the building has a common paint history throughout the
building for both the apartment units AND the common areas. An exemption may be granted for all the apartment
units and common areas in the building based on the apartment units and common areas selected/tested.
Apartment Complex Units Only: Can only be used for buildings with 21+ units where units are sampled, not tested
individually. This selection expands Apartment Building Units Only to an entire apartment complex of buildings.
Select this as the type of exemption you are applying for if your testing contractor followed the HUD Guidelines
Chapter 7 sampling methodology, testing a subset of apartment units which reflects the lead-based paint content of all
the apartment units for multiple buildings in an apartment complex. This exemption DOES NOT include the common
areas for those buildings.
Apartment Complex Common Areas Only: This selection expands Apartment Building Common Areas Only to
an entire apartment complex of buildings. Select this as the type of exemption you are applying for if your testing
contractor followed the HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 sampling methodology, testing a subset of common areas which
reflects the lead-based paint content of all the common areas for multiple buildings in an apartment complex. This
exemption DOES NOT include the apartment units for those buildings.
Entire Apartment Complex: Can only be used for buildings with 21+ units where units are sampled, not tested
individually. This selection expands Entire Building to an entire apartment complex of buildings. Select this as the
type of exemption you are applying for if your testing contractor followed the HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 sampling
methodology, testing a subset of dwelling units AND common areas which reflect the lead-based paint content of all
the apartment units AND all the common areas for multiple buildings in an apartment complex.
d) Section III: Dwelling Information
Only buildings that are validly registered with HPD may apply for exemption. More information is available at
In this section, you must provide the address of the registered multiple dwelling for which you are seeking an
exemption. If you are applying for an exemption for an individual unit, complete the address information under that
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heading. Only one individual unit can be applied for with each application. If an owner wishes to apply for exemption
for more than one individual unit, the owner must submit a separate application for each unit.
If the application is for an apartment building or an apartment complex (multiple buildings/addresses), you must enter
one address and attach the full list of addresses, registration IDs, BINs, blocks, and lots, if needed. Owners must also
provide the number of dwelling units in each building and, for apartment buildings and apartment complexes, the
number of dwelling units tested in each building. For multiple dwelling exemption applications, you may only be
required to test a sample number of units for you to seek an exemption for all units. The inspector or risk assessor you
hire will be able to help you determine if you can test a sample number of units.
The block and lot for the property is assigned to the property by the Department of Finance and is available on your tax
bill. The Registration ID # is assigned by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development and is required to
be posted in your building. The Building Identification Number (BIN) is assigned by the Department of Buildings and
can be obtained from their website (www.nyc.gov\dob
). All three of these identifiers must be provided so that we can
confirm that the exemption is being provided for the proper structure.
e) Section IV: Type of Exemption
In this section the owner must identify if they are applying for Lead Free or Lead Safe status. If the selection is Lead
Free, the owner must further identify if the Lead Free status means that the dwelling surfaces and components tested
free of lead-based paint (Lead Free No Abatement Required) or identify if surfaces or components tested positive for
lead-based paint and the paint was permanently removed or the component was removed/replaced leaving the area as
now free of lead-based paint (Lead Free – Abatement Required).
If the selection is Lead Safe, this means that lead-based paint was identified and abated but not all was permanently
removed, or the component removed/replaced, as would be required for the Lead Free status. Instead one or more of
the lead-based paint surfaces or components was temporarily encapsulated or contained using approved abatement
methods. If this is the selection that owner must also initial to affirm that encapsulants and containment will be
periodically monitored and that records will be maintained and available for inspection regarding such monitoring for
at least 10 years.
Owners can only select ONE status per application. For example, if an owner is submitting an application for multiple
apartment units where each unit was individually tested, the units on the application must all qualify for the same
status, either Lead Free or Lead Safe.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If a dwelling is issued a Lead Safe exemption and the owner has later conducted permanent
abatement that would now qualify the dwelling as Lead Free, the owner must submit a new application to request this
upgraded status. Until such upgraded Lead Free status is granted, the Lead Safe dwelling would be subject to the
monitoring and records requirements of the Lead Safe status.
f) Section V: Documentation Requirements
The documentation required to be submitted with this application depends on the type of work completed related to the
application. In addition to the application form itself, all applications must have at a minimum the following
1) A copy of the inspection report prepared by an individual certified pursuant to Title 40 CFR Part 745 subparts
L and Q (Inspector or Risk Assessor) in the format provided by 40 CFR §745.227(b) and HUD Guidelines
Chapter 7. See pages 7-32 through 7-36 from Chapter 7 of the HUD Guidelines for the minimum requirements
of the report and the contractor instructions portion of the exemption application instructions.
2) A copy of the EPA certification for the certified inspector or risk assessor who performed the inspection and
prepared the inspection report in support of this application for exemption.
3) The affidavit by the certified inspector or risk assessor who performed the inspection with original signature
and notary. The language of the affidavit may not be altered. (Note: If multiple inspectors or risk assessors
were used, an affidavit for each must be submitted.)
If abatement was completed, additional documentation is also required. The application lists the required
documentation for both Lead Free and Lead Safe abatement. Please refer to the application for the detailed list.
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For Lead Safe exemption, one of the required documents is an “owner’s plan for monitoring the encapsulation
and/or containment to ensure the area remains safe.” Because Lead Safe abatement is not permanent, the owner is
required to periodically monitor these surfaces and keep records of such monitoring. Owners who apply for a Lead
Safe exemption status must also include a monitoring plan that meets the requirements for monitoring outlined in the
HUD Guidelines Chapters 12 and 13. See the Lead Safe Monitoring Plan section of these instructions to know what is
g) Section VI: Dates of Testing and Abatement
In this section, the owner must list the date the inspection/lead testing was performed. Confirm this date with your
contractor. If the date does not match the date in the testing documents provided by the Inspector or Risk Assessor and
listed on their affidavit, the application will be rejected. If testing was performed on multiple dates, provide each date.
If abatement was required, the owner must list the date the abatement was performed. Confirm this date with your
contractor. If the date does not match the date in the abatement documents provided by the abatement firm and listed
on their affidavit, the application will be rejected. If abatement was performed on multiple dates, provide each date.
h) Section VII: Signed and Notarized
In this section, the owner (or authorized applicant) must sign the application and it must be witnessed by a notary. The
application must be submitted as an original signed and notarized document.
F. Information for the Owner
a) Inspection and Lead-Based Paint Testing
The inspection and any lead-based paint testing (using specific equipment called an X-Ray Florescence (XRF)
Analyzer to test the lead content of paint) must only be conducted by a lead inspector or risk assessor. A lead inspector
or risk assessor is a professional who has successfully completed a training program accredited by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and has received a certification as a lead inspector or risk assessor pursuant
to Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 745 or has obtained an interim certification from an accredited
EPA training entity. The application will require documentation detailing the testing as well as a copy of the
certification of the inspector or risk assessor and an affidavit completed by that certified individual. This
documentation is detailed in the section below, Completing the Application.
Note: The owner should ask to see a copy of the inspector or risk assessor’s EPA or interim certification prior to
contracting for this service. Lists of EPA-certified inspectors and risk assessors can be obtained from the EPA website
at https://cfpub.epa.gov/flpp/pub/index.cfm?do=main.firmSearchAbatement
or by contacting the National Lead
Information Center at 1-800-424-LEAD (5323).
More information related to inspection and lead-based paint testing for the contractor you might hire is provided in a
separate section below. Please review that section as well as provide it to contractors you hire or are considering
hiring. Contractors must affirm they have received these instructions as a part of their affidavit. If the contractor does
not provide complete information required as a part of the supporting documentation, if information is inconsistent
with the application or with other aspects of the documentation, or if the contractor does not follow standard norms and
practices as demonstrated in the documentation, the application may be rejected. HPD will provide the owner with
information as to why the application was rejected and how to resolve the issue(s).
b) Abatement
If the lead-based paint testing has identified paint or a coating material with a lead content at or above the current
threshold (1.0 milligrams of lead per square centimeter), then the paint must be abated in order to qualify for
exemption. As noted above, there are two types of exemption status that can be granted: Lead Free or Lead Safe.
Deciding the Abatement Method: Lead Free vs Lead Safe
Lead Free abatement conducted to address the lead-based paint means that surfaces or components with lead-based
paint have had the paint removed or the component removed/replaced. Lead Safe abatement conducted to address the
lead-based paint means that surfaces with lead-based paint have been either encapsulated with a coating specifically
approved for this purposed or contained with another material meaning it is covered, enclosed and sealed with
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sheetrock or similar durable construction material to eliminate gaps which may allow access to or dispersion of dust or
other matter from the underlying surface.
Because Lead Safe abatement is not permanent and can be affected by structural or maintenance issues, such as a water
leak, the owner is required to periodically monitor these surfaces and keep records of such monitoring. An owner who
applies for a Lead Safe exemption status must also include a monitoring plan that meets the requirements for
monitoring outlined in the HUD Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing
Second Edition (July 2012) (HUD Guidelines) Chapters 12 and 13. HPD outlines the minimum requirements below in
Monitoring Plan. HPD also requires that the abatement firm submit a description of how the encapsulants and/or
containment could fail or be compromised and provide monitoring recommendations. The owner should use this
description to inform their monitoring plan. If the abatement firm has included monitoring instructions stricter than the
HPD requirement, owners must include the stricter recommendation in their monitoring plan.
Owners should consider and prepare for these additional requirements related to Lead Safe abatement versus
Lead Free abatement when working with their contractor to determine the best method for abatement.
Hiring the Contractors: Lead Abatement and Lead-Contaminated Dust Sampling
Lead abatement must be performed by an EPA certified lead abatement firm, under the direction of a lead abatement
supervisor or project designer. The application will require documentation detailing the abatement, as well as an
affidavit from the certified firm completing the abatement. If the Lead Safe abatement included encapsulation, the
application must also include an affidavit from the certified lead abatement worker who applied the encapsulant
material and a copy of that individual’s certification.
Work of this type must further be cleared with surface lead-contaminated dust sampling performed no sooner than one
hour after the abatement. The lead-contaminated dust sampling must be conducted by a certified inspector or risk
assessor who does not work for the original EPA-Certified Firm who completed the abatement and is independent of
the owner. The application requires an affidavit from the certified individual completing the required surface dust
sampling, the results of that dust sampling, and a copy of all required certificates of the certified individuals. If the
results of the dust sampling are at or in excess of the clearance levels established in Title 28 of the Rules of the City of
New York §11-06, the owner should require the abatement firm to re-clean the area and dust sampling must be
repeated. This process must be repeated until the results are below the clearance level. This documentation is detailed
in the section below, Completing the Application.
Certain firms are currently not allowed to submit any documents related to lead-based paint abatement and remediation
in New York City. HPD will reject an application that submits documents from one of these firms. You can confirm
the firm you are considering hiring is not on this list by checking here:
More information related to abatement for the contractor you might hire is provided in a separate section below. Please
review that section as well as provide it to contractors you hire or are considering hiring. Contractors must affirm they
have received these instructions as a part of their affidavit. If the contractors do not provide complete information
required as a part of the supporting documentation, if information is inconsistent with the application or with other
aspects of the documentation, or if the contractors do not follow standard norms and practices as demonstrated in the
documentation, the application may be rejected. HPD will provide the owner with information as to why the
application was rejected and how to resolve the issue(s).
Note: Applications based on the use of the HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 random sampling method which tested positive
for a component on the initial inspection must have the documentation for the abatement of the same component for
each dwelling unit or common area where that component would be expected to be found. For example, if the
baseboard in one apartment is found positive, the baseboards in all apartments must be documented to have been
c) Lead Safe Monitoring Plan
Lead Safe exemption status requires that the surfaces to which such encapsulants are applied or containments used to
be subject to periodic monitoring for at least 20 years or the life of the surface or component, whichever is longer, to
ensure that they remain undamaged and intact. The owner must retain these monitoring records for at last 10 years and
be prepared to provide these monitoring records to HPD upon request.
EA-Revised 9/1/2021 13
Following the recommendations outlined in the HUD Guidelines Chapters 12 and 13, HPD requires a monitoring plan
be submitted with the application that includes the following minimum components:
Visual Monitoring
for Encapsulated
Surfaces and/or
The owner MUST conduct visual monitoring of the surfaces and/or components
at least 1 month after the date the encapsulant was applied; then
6 months after the date the encapsulant was applied; and to then occur
at least annually (every year) and for the life of the material.
The plan MUST include the date of the 1-month and 6-month inspection
deadlines. This monitoring can be performed by the owner/agent.
Visual Monitoring
for Contained
Surfaces and/or
The owner MUST conduct visual monitoring of the surfaces and/or components
contained at least annually (every year) and for the life of the material. This
monitoring can be performed by the owner/agent.
Risk Assessment
The owner MUST identify in the plan that they will use an EPA certified risk
assessor to conduct a risk assessment of the surfaces and/or components
encapsulated and/or contained at least once every two years.
The owner MUST confirm in the plan that they will keep records of the visual
monitoring and the risk assessments for at least 10 years.
HPD also requires that the abatement firm submit a description of how the encapsulants and/or containment could fail
or be compromised and provide monitoring recommendations. The owner should use this description to inform their
monitoring plan. If the abatement firm has included monitoring instructions stricter than the HPD requirement,
owners must include the stricter recommendation in their monitoring plan.
d) Revoked Exemption
An exemption issued by HPD is not a permanent status. HPD can revoke the exemption status for reasons such as if
there is newly identified evidence of lead-based paint, if the enclosure or containment has failed, or if the owner does
not maintain records, including those for the required Lead Safe monitoring. One such example for revocation of the
exemption status based on newly identified information would be the issuance of a lead-based paint violation by HPD
or the issuance of an order to abate lead-based paint hazards or unsafe lead-based paint by the Department of Health
and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH).
If the DOHMH order was for an apartment unit and it matched an Individual Unit which had been issued an individual
exemption, then only that unit’s exemption would be revoked. However, if the DOHMH order was for an apartment
unit and that apartment unit is part of an apartment building or complex that was issued an exemption, the full building
or complex exemption would be revoked. If the exemption status is revoked, the owner will be notified in writing by
HPD and the owner would again be subject to all the provisions of Article 14 of the Housing Maintenance Code.
Absent fraud or misrepresentation in the initial application, an owner may reapply for the Lead Safe or Lead Free
Owners – Provide the next section to your contractors: Information for the Contractor.
EA-Revised 9/1/2021 14
G. Information for the Contractor
a) Inspection and Lead-Based Paint Testing: Certified Inspector or Risk Assessor
Title 40 CFR §745.227(b) provides that in inspecting each dwelling unit or common area, each component with a
distinct painting history must be tested for lead-based paint, except when the certified individual determines that the
component was replaced after January 1, 1978 or does not otherwise contain lead-based paint. For purposes of an
exemption application, however, since Administrative Code § 27-2056.5(a) bases the presumption on buildings built
prior to January 1, 1960, an inspector may use that date when making a determination solely for purposes of an
exemption from § 27-2056.5(a). Finally, certified individuals should be aware that Title 40 CFR § 745.227(a) provides
that when performing a lead-based paint activity such as an inspection under subdivision (b) of that section, the
certified individual must perform the activity using documented methodologies, including, but not limited to the HUD
Guidelines Chapter 7.
HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 Methodologies
There are several important points to note regarding the application of HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 methodologies with
respect to an inspection conducted to support an application for exemption.
1) Certified individuals should be aware that Chapter 7 states that although the lead-based paint testing or
sampling techniques used for paint inspections are similar to the techniques used for risk assessments, the
number of lead-based paint tests or samples taken for paint inspections "is considerably greater than the
number of paint samples required for risk assessment, because risk assessments measure lead only in
deteriorated paint.” (HUD Guidelines Chapter 7, Lead-Based Paint Inspection I, D. Paint Testing for
Inspections and Risk Assessment.) Since owners who are applying for an exemption from Administrative
Code § 27-2056.5(a) must demonstrate the absence or containment of lead-based paint, whether or not on a
deteriorated surface, HPD’s rules require that an inspection, and not a risk assessment, be performed.
Inspectors and risk assessors should be aware of this distinction when contracting with an owner for an
inspection—the service required to be performed in order to apply for an exemption is not a risk assessment.
2) It should be noted that the inspection conducted, and certification made pursuant to these instructions is solely
for the purpose of complying with the application requirements to obtain an exemption from Administrative
Code § 27-2056.5(a). These instructions are not intended to affect or change any provision of any other local,
state or federal laws, or the requirements for compliance therewith.
3) In dwelling units, common areas, buildings, and across apartment complexes, the inspector or risk assessor
may choose testing combinations and select dwelling units or common areas according to the methodology set
forth for multi-family housing in Chapter 7 of the HUD Guidelines only in those instances in which the owner
provides the certified individual with documentation which shows common construction, painting and
maintenance history for the building. The identification of testing combinations and choice of dwelling units or
common areas to sample must be based upon the documentation supplied to the certified individual by the
owner, or in the absence or insufficiency of such documentation, based upon a visual inspection of a sufficient
number of dwelling units or common areas to identify the appropriate testing combinations. The number of
dwelling units chosen to be tested must also comply with the Chapter 7 requirements specifically applicable to
pre-1960 buildings. See HUD Guidelines Chapter 7, Lead-Based Paint Inspection, V. Inspections in Multi-
family Housing, Table 7-3, Number of Units to be Tested in Multi-family Building or Developments.
4) In the absence of such documentation by the owner, or the visual inspection by the inspector or risk assessor,
the inspector or risk assessor must test each component in each dwelling unit or common area in order to
provide the required certification. An exemption application will be rejected if the inspector or risk assessor is
unable to access a sufficient number of dwelling units to comply with the statistical sampling requirements of
the HUD Guidelines Chapter 7. In addition, an exemption application will also be rejected if the individual
dwelling unit XRF testing is determined to be incomplete.
HPD Review of Inspection Records
Inspection documentation is subject to HPD’s review and approval. The inspection records must provide complete
information, must be consistent with the application and with other aspects of the documentation, and must follow
demonstrated standard norms and practices.
EA-Revised 9/1/2021 15
The following is a list of common reasons an application may be rejected related to the inspection. This list does not
represent the full list of possible rejection reasons.
1) Information provided in the report summary is not consistent with the inspection records.
PERFORMED INSPECTION is not consistent with the inspection.
Inspection records and drawings do not include all expected common components such as walls,
doors, and a heating element. In a kitchen, HPD would also expect to see cabinets identified. HPD
cannot accept incomplete testing or testing of rooms that appear under construction.
4) All dates and start times and end times are not provided or appear altered.
5) Reports, testing documents, or drawings are not legible.
XRF calibrations are not done following the manufacturer’s recommendations or recalibration is
not done if the testing exceeds four hours.
7) Testing documents do not include the XRF make, model, and serial number.
8) EPA certifications are altered, expired, or not legible.
9) Affidavits are altered, incomplete, or not legible.
An inadequate, or an incomplete/insufficient number of testing combinations is provided. Note: A
testing combination is at a minimum a combination of a room equivalent, a building component
and the component’s substrate.
The XRF testing for the type of dwelling does not follow the appropriate HUD testing protocol.
An individual apartment exemption application must follow the HUD Single-
Family Housing
Inspection Protocol, which is more comprehensive than the Multi-
Family Housing Inspection
protocol. For an apartment building or multiple buildings where a sampling methodology is used,
the tester may use either the Single-Family Housing Inspection Protocol or the Multi-Family
Housing Inspection Protocol.
Paint Chip Samples
The exemption application process does allow for paint chips sample laboratory analysis however HPD does not
encourage this testing practice as it can disturb potential lead-based paint and the area where the paint chip was
removed must be properly sealed immediately and the area cleaned of potential lead-contaminated dust. Furthermore,
the use of more advanced XRF machines have greatly reduced the need for this type of invasive sampling.
Paint chips will only be accepted when the inspector or risk assessor has properly demonstrated that the XRF tests fall
within the inconclusive zone for the particular XRF machine or the configuration of the surface or component to be
tested is such that an XRF machine cannot accurately measure the lead content of such surface or component.
Contractors who remove paint chips for sampling from an occupied unit or common area of an occupied building
MUST properly stabilize the painted area the chip was removed from and wet-clean the area for presumed lead-
contaminated dust.
b) Abatement: Certified Lead Abatement Firm
Contractors must follow the requirements for abatement outlined in the HUD Guidelines Chapters 12 and 13. The
EPA-Certified Lead Abatement Firm is required to include the abatement methods used and the locations of rooms
and/or components/surfaces where abatement occurred. The firm will be required to complete affidavits related to the
abatement and provide copies of the firm certification as well as the certification of the supervisor/project designer
who supervised the abatement work. Additionally, if encapsulation is used, the lead abatement worker who completed
the work must also provide an affidavit and a copy of their EPA certification.
EA-Revised 9/1/2021 16
The following is a list of common reasons an application may be rejected related to the abatement. This list does not
represent the full list of possible rejection reasons.
Information provided in the AFFIDAVIT BY LEAD ABATEMENT FIRM or the AFFIDAVIT
abatement records.
2) The abatement report is not signed by the Lead Supervisor or Project Designer.
Rooms or locations in the abatement records are not consistent with the inspection records for the
abated surfaces or components.
4) All dates and start times and end times are not provided or appear altered.
5) Abatement documents are not legible.
6) EPA certifications are altered, expired, or not legible.
7) Affidavits are altered, incomplete, or not legible.
Note: Applications based on the use of the HUD Guidelines Chapter 7 random sampling method which tested positive
for a component on the initial inspection must have the documentation for the abatement of the same component for
each dwelling unit or common area where that component would be expected to be found. For example, if the
baseboard in one apartment is found positive, the baseboards in all apartments must be documented to have been
Abatement by Paint Removal or Replacement (Lead Free)
HUD and EPA prohibit certain techniques (see 24 CFR 35.140, and 40 CFR 745.227(e)(6), respectively) because they
are known to produce extremely high levels of lead exposure and make dwellings difficult to clean up. The following
are prohibited lead-based paint abatement methods:
Open flame burning or torching (includes propane-fueled heat grids).
Machine sanding or grinding without HEPA local vacuum exhaust tool.
Abrasive blasting or sandblasting without HEPA local vacuum exhaust tool.
Heat guns operating above 1100° F or charring the paint.
Dry scraping (except for limited surface areas).
Paint stripping in a poorly ventilated space using volatile stripper.
Abatement by Encapsulation or Containment (Lead Safe)
One important precaution from the HUD Guidelines is to ensure that lead safety can be followed if containment is
breached at a future time. Prior to containment, the surface to be contained should be labeled with a warning, “Danger:
Lead-Based Paint.” The label, spray-paint, or stamp lettering should be in permanent ink.
Encapsulants may not be used to abate surfaces which are chewable or subject to binding, friction, impact or heat.
Encapsulation must cover the lead-based paint surfaces using pre-determined and approved methods.
Any encapsulants used for lead abatement subsequent to the HUD Guidelines Chapter 13: Abatement by
Encapsulation, must adhere to all standards for encapsulants set by the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM International), which has issued three standards for liquid coating encapsulants (see
ASTM E 1975-04 Standard Specification for Non-Reinforced Liquid Coating Encapsulation Products for
Leaded Paint in Buildings.
ASTM E 1796-03(2011) Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Liquid Coating Encapsulation Products
for Leaded Paint in Buildings.
ASTM 1797-04 Standard Specification for Reinforced Liquid Coating Encapsulation Products for Leaded
Paint in Buildings.
EA-Revised 9/1/2021 17
In addition to the affidavits that all abatement contractors will be required to complete as a part of the application, if
encapsulation and/or containment was used, the EPA-Certified Lead Abatement Firm must include a description of
how the encapsulants and/or containment could fail or be compromised and provide monitoring recommendations. If
encapsulation was used, the lead abatement worker who applied the encapsulant must provide an additional affidavit
and a copy of their EPA certification.
c) Lead-Contaminated Dust Sampling
No sooner than one hour after the abatement, an inspector or risk assessor must perform lead-contaminated surface
sampling, also known as clearance. The certified individual who performs the dust sampling must provide an affidavit
and a copy of their EPA certification and must be independent of the abatement firm and of the owner. The chain of
custody must also be signed by this certified individual.
New York City Local Law 66 of 2019 and Title 28 of the Rules of the City of New York require that the results of the
dust sample be below the following levels:
If dust wipes were performed prior to June 1, 2021:
Floors: 10 micrograms of lead per square foot
Window Sills: 50 micrograms of lead per square foot
Window Wells: 100 micrograms of lead per square foot
If dust wipes were performed after June 1, 2021:
Floors: 5 micrograms of lead per square foot
Window Sills: 40 micrograms of lead per square foot
Window Wells: 100 micrograms of lead per square foot
AF-EA1 - Revised 9/1/2021 This affidavit version is required for testing/sampling conducted after 10/1/2021.
I, ___________________________ (print name), performed the inspection and testing and/or sampling for lead-based
paint by testing all paint and similar surface coating material including varnish, shellac or factory-applied coating
(excluding factory-bonded or integrated finishes such as electroplating or electrochemical processes such as anodizing)
at the premises located at ______________________________________ (address) on _________(date).
I am certified to perform such inspections and testing and/or sampling under Part 745 of Title 40 of the Code of
Federal Regulations subparts L and Q. I have read and followed the instructions provided for the application for
exemption from Administrative Code § 27-2056.5(a), and I performed the inspection, and testing and/or sampling in
accordance with those instructions and Title 40 CFR § 745.227, and Chapter 7 of the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development’s Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, 2
(July 2012) as applicable to the exemption application, and Administrative Code § 27-2056.5(b), and Title 28 of the
Rules of the City of New York §11-08.
I have attached a copy of my EPA certification to this affidavit. My EPA certification number is
________________________ and it expires on ______________________.
I have also attached to this affidavit a copy of the EPA certification of my firm (firm name): ____________________
I have (check at least one):
_____ Reviewed all building documentation provided to me by the owner which demonstrated a similar construction,
painting and maintenance history for all units/common areas and the components therein in support of the testing
combinations and, if applicable, in the selection of the dwelling unit(s)/common area(s).
_____ Tested a sample of surfaces and components in order to determine common construction and paint history in
support of the testing combinations and, if applicable, in the selection of the dwelling unit(s)/common area(s).
_____ Tested each dwelling unit and/or common area using a Single Family Housing testing methodology, including
testing closets as room equivalents if they were dissimilar from the adjoining room equivalent.
The report of the inspection is annexed to this affidavit. I understand that the determination that I am making includes
the following in the above referenced premises (check at least one):
_____ Individual dwelling unit
_____ Individual common area
_____ Every dwelling unit in a building or complex (sampling method)
_____ Every common area in a building or complex (sampling method)
________________________________________ ________________________________________
(Print Name) (Signature)
State of New York, County of __________________________ Notary Stamp
Sworn to before me this __________day of _________________, 20_________
________________________________________ ________________________________________
(Notary Print Name) (Notary Signature)
AF-EA2 Revised 3/12/2020
EPA-Licensed Lead Abatement Firm Name: ________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Tel: ___________________ Fax: ____________________ Email: _______________________________
EPA Abatement Firm Certification Number: __________________ Expiration date: _________________
Date Issued: ____________
EPA-Licensed Lead Abatement Supervisor/Project Designer Name: ______________________________
EPA Certification Number: _______________________ Expiration Date: _________________________
Premises address: __________________________________________________ Apt: _______________
I, _______________________________ (print name), the EPA Firm Principal/Lead Abatement Supervisor/Project
Designer for this abatement or remediation work, hereby swear that the work was performed under the supervision of a
Lead Abatement Supervisor/Project Designer during the period commencing _________________, 20____ and
completed ____________________, 20____ for the address and dwelling unit number referenced above. I have read
and followed the instructions provided for the application for exemption from Administrative Code § 27-2056.5(a). All
abatement work was conducted using safe work practice methods consistent with all industry practices and standards
and in compliance with all provisions of the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 745, Subparts L and Q,
and Chapters 12 and 13 of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Guidelines for the Evaluation
and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, 2
Edition (July 2012), Title 28 RCNY §11-06, and any other
applicable law and rules.
A copy of the EPA Lead Paint Abatement Firm certification and the Lead Abatement Supervisor/Project Designer
certification in effect for the individual who supervised the work are attached.
I have attached a detailed written description of the abatement, including abatement methods used, and the locations of
rooms and/or components/surfaces where abatement occurred. If encapsulation and/or containment was performed, I
have included a description of how the encapsulants and/or containment could fail or be compromised and provided
monitoring recommendations.
(Print Name)
EPA Firm Principal / Lead
Abatement Supervisor / Project Designer EPA
(Signature) EPA Firm Principal / Lead
Abatement Supervisor / Project Designer EPA
State of New York, County of __________________________ Notary Stamp
Sworn to before me this __________day of _____________, 20_________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
(Notary Print Name) (Notary Signature)
AF-EA3 Revised 8/2/2021
I, ___________________________ (print name), performed the sampling for lead based-paint dust hazard clearance
at the premises located at ________________________________________________ (address) ___________
(apartment number) on ______________ (date).
I confirm that I am not related to and am independent of the owner of the multiple dwelling and any individual or firm
that performed the work that disturbed or abated lead-based paint. I performed the sampling in accordance with 40
CFR 745.227 and with 28 RCNY §11-06.
I have attached a copy of my EPA Certification issued under 40 CFR 745.226, either as Lead Inspector / Risk Assessor
or my 6-month Interim Certification under 40 CFR 745.225 from an EPA accredited school, to this affidavit. My EPA-
certification number is ________________________ and it expires on ______________________.
I have also attached to this affidavit a copy of the EPA certification of my firm (firm name): ____________________
____________________ .
___________________________________ ______________________________________
(Print Name) (Signature)
State of New York, County of __________________________ Notary Stamp
Sworn to before me this __________day of ______________, 20_________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
(Notary Print Name) (Notary Signature)
AF-EA4 Revised 3/12/2020
I, ______________________________________________________ (print name), applied the
___________________________________________ (encapsulant’s name/brand) encapsulant at the premises
located at ___________________________________________________________ (address), ___________
(apartment number) on ______________ (date).
I am certified to perform abatement pursuant to Part 745 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations subparts L and
Q. I have applied the encapsulant in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and I have confirmed prior to its
application that the encapsulant is compliant with the standards set by the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM International) for liquid coating encapsulants. I have not applied the encapsulant to abate any surface subject
to binding, friction, impact, or heat or that is chewable.
I have attached a copy of my EPA certification to this affidavit. My EPA certification number is
________________________ and it expires on ______________________.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
(Print Name) (Signature)
State of New York, County of __________________________ Notary Stamp
Sworn to before me this __________day of ________________, 20_________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
(Notary Print Name) (Notary Signature)