Department of the Environment
The Maryland Lead Risk Reduction in Housing Law (“Law”) requires inspections to be conducted at various
times. A rental dwelling unit, which was constructed prior to 1978, must meet any applicable inspection
standards. 2015 The Maryland Department of the Environment maintains lists of accredited lead paint
inspection contractors. Only accredited inspectors are qualified to provide these inspection services. The
Law also requires registration, fee payment and distribution of educational materials in addition to the
inspection requirements.
A Full Risk Reduction inspection is generally conducted in a vacant unit prior to occupancy by a new tenant.
An accredited inspection contractor may issue a certificate, which indicates that there is a reduced risk of
lead exposure in a rental unit.
The Full Risk Reduction standard is met by passing the test for lead-contaminated dust, provided that that
any chipping peeling, or flaking paint has been removed or repainted on interior and exterior of the rental
dwelling unit. After verifying paint condition meets the standard the accredited inspector must collect dust
samples from each room in the unit. Each dust sample must be analyzed by a qualified laboratory, and the
results must fall below specified levels. In general, testing for lead contaminated dust is most likely to be
successful in a clean, well maintained property.
A Modified Risk Reduction inspection is conducted in response to either (a) written notice from the tenant,
or from any other source, of the presence of defects in the unit or (b) within 30 days of being notified a
person at risk (pregnant woman or child under 6 years of age) has a blood lead level of 5 micrograms per
deciliter or more and an Environmental Investigation has identified defects.
The Modified Risk Reduction standard is met when the Owner provides for the temporary relocation of
tenants to a lead free dwelling unit or another dwelling unit that has met a risk reduction standard or by
passing the test for lead contaminated dust and performing specific lead hazard reduction treatments. The
lead hazard treatments must be performed and by an accredited contractor or supervisor.
A rental dwelling unit which has been certified to be free of lead paint (XRF readings below 0.7mg/cm2 or
paint chip samples below 0.5% by weight) may be exempted from annual registration fees and from further
risk reduction requirements. If the lead paint survey determines that lead paint is present in a unit, an
accredited abatement supervisor or contractor can fully abate the lead paint. An accredited inspector can
issue a Lead Free certificate following a determination that the abatement has been satisfactorily
completed. There is, however, no obligation under the Law to fully remove or otherwise permanently
abate all of the lead paint in a rental property.
If the lead paint survey determines that there is no lead paint on interior surfaces of the unit, but does
have lead paint on exterior surfaces, that unit may qualify for a Limited Lead Free certificate. If the unit
meets the Limited Lead Free Standard, the accredited inspector must visually inspect the exterior areas to
ensure there is no chipping, peeling or flaking paint on those surfaces. The unit meeting the Limited Lead
Free certificate must be re-inspected every two years on or before the date of the original certification. If
the re- inspection does not occur in a timely manner the original certificate is no longer considered valid.
When a the owner submits a lead free certification to the Department they are required to also submit a
Lead Free Inspection Fee Payment with the appropriate processing fee. The processing fee is $10 (per unit)
for every unit represented by the certificate.
For more information on Rental Registration please visit the Rental Registration Page or call 410-537-4199 or toll free
in Maryland 1-800-776-2706.
For more information on Compliance please visit the Lead Program's Rental Owner Page or call (410) 537-3825 or toll
free in Maryland 1-800-633-6101, Ext. 3825.
1800 Washington Boulevard | Baltimore, MD 21230-1718 |
410-537-3000 | 800-633-6101 | TTY Users: 800-735-2258
Lawrence Hogan, Governor | Boyd Rutherford, Lt. Governor | Ben Grumbles, Secretary Revised