2019-2020 SP19 SU19 FA19 SP20 SU20 FA20
Board of Directors 3
Key Institutional Committees 4
Key Administrators 7
School of Acting Full-Time Faculty 11
School of Advertising Full-Time Faculty 11
School of Animation & Visual Effects Full-Time Faculty 13
School of Architecture Full-Time Faculty 18
School of Art Education Full-Time Faculty 23
School of Art History Full-Time Faculty 24
School of Communications & Media Technology Full-Time Faculty 25
School of Fashion Full-Time Faculty 26
School of Fine Art Full-Time Faculty 32
School of Game Development Full-Time Faculty 36
School of Graphic Design Full-Time Faculty 39
School of Illustration Full-Time Faculty 41
School of Industrial Design Full-Time Faculty 43
School of Interior Architecture & Design Full-Time Faculty 45
School of Jewelry & Metal Arts Full-Time Faculty 46
School of Landscape Architecture Full-Time Faculty 47
School of Motion Pictures & Television Full-Time Faculty 47
School of Music Production & Sound Design for Visual Media Full-Time Faculty 49
School of Photography Full-Time Faculty 49
School of Visual Development Full-Time Faculty 51
School of Web Design & New Media Full-Time Faculty 52
School of Writing for Film, Television & Digital Media Full-Time Faculty 54
Support Department: Academy Resource Center 54
Support Department: English For Art Purposes Full-Time Faculty 57
Support Department: Foundations Full-Time Faculty 63
Support Department: Liberal Arts Full-Time Faculty 64
School of Acting 69
School of Advertising 69
School of Animation & Visual Effects 70
School of Architecture 71
School of Art Education 72
School of Art History 72
School of Communications & Media Technology 72
School of Fashion 73
School of Fine Arts 75
School of Game Development 75
School of Graphic Design 76
School of Illustration 77
School of Industrial Design 78
School of Interior Architecture & Design 78
School of Jewelry & Metal Arts 79
School of Landscape Architecture 79
School of Motion Pictures & Television 80
School of Music Production & Sound Design for Visual Media 81
School of Photography 81
School of Visual Development 82
School of Web Design & New Media 82
Support Department: Academic Resource Center 83
Support Department: Foundations 84
Support Department: Liberal Arts 84
Dr. Nancy Houston
Dr. Elisa Stephens
Caroline Daniels
Greg Jones
Jason Konesco
Dr. Thomas Stauffer
Frank Vega
Carolyn Wente
Anne Wilbur
Dr. Jamie Williams
Richard A. Winn
Charlotte Yates
Debra Zumwalt
Academic Steering Committee
The Academy of Art University Academic Steering Committee (ASC) represents the faculty of the University and
provides a formal channel for faculty input to the administration. The ASC is comprised of academic and faculty
stakeholders from throughout the University.
Bill Maughan (Chair), Graduate Director of Illustration
Jan Yanehiro (Vice Chair), Director of Communications and Media Technologies
Rachel Platkin (Secretary), VP of Institutional Effectiveness/Director of Program Review
Ryan Baldwin, Director of Online Photography
Antonio Borja, Director of Industrial Design
Thomas Durham, Director of Fine Art Sculpture
Eileen Everett, Academic Vice President of Liberal Arts
David Goodwine, Executive Director of Game Development
Phil Hamlett, Director of Graphic Design
Craig Nelson, Executive Director of Fine Art Painting
Andrea Pimentel, Director of Advertising
Iliana Ricketts, Online Director, Fashion
Sue Rowley, Chief Academic Officer
Melissa Sydeman, Academic Vice President of Entertainment and Broadcast Media
Catherine Tate, Director of 3D Animation and Visual Effects
Nicholas Villarreal, Director of Visual Development and 2D Animation
Executive Cabinet
The President’s Executive Cabinet works as a cohesive team to oversee and coordinate institutional operations and
improvement initiatives. It is comprised of members of the President’s Executive Leaders (direct reports) and Senior
Managers. The Executive Cabinet members represent, report progress on, and communicate back to the main
institutional committees (WSCUC Steering Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Academic Steering
Committee, Student Success Committee). The Executive Cabinet meets in weekly “scrum” meetings and minutes
document actions taken and are distributed after each meeting.
Elisa Stephens, President (Chair)
Joe Vollaro, Executive Vice President of Financial Aid/Compliance
Sue Rowley, Chief Academic Officer
Martha Weeck, Executive Vice President of Finance
Bill Tsatsoulis, Chief Marketing and Admissions Officer
Jim Sober, Executive Vice President Business Intelligence and Strategic Analysis
Josh Blazer, Executive Vice President of Information Systems and Communication
Chris Visslailli, Vice President of Human Resources
Gordon North, Vice President of Operations
Mike Petricca, Vice President of Campus Safety and Lab Resources
Roger Gomez, Vice President of Student Operations
Serita Sangimino, Vice President of Student Affairs
Brad Jones, Director of Athletics
Contact: Joe Vollaro
Strategic Planning Committee
The Strategic Planning Committee tracks and monitors progress on Academy of Art University’s Strategic Plan 2016-
2021. The Strategic Plan’s focus areas (Institutional Effectiveness, Students and Faculty, Organization and Facilities
and Finance and Regulatory Compliance) build upon the Academy’s mission and vision. Assigned area leads are
tasked with implementing and monitoring initiatives tied to critical success factors for each focus area. The Strategic
Planning Committee meets on a quarterly basis to monitor and track progress on driving the strategic plan forward, in
alignment with the annual budgetary approval process.
Nancy Houston, Chairman, Board of Directors (Co-Chair)
Elisa Stephens, President (Co-Chair)
Mike Petricca, Vice President of Campus Safety and Lab Resources
Joe Vollaro, Executive Vice President of Financial Aid/Compliance
Sue Rowley, Chief Academic Officer
Martha Weeck, Executive Vice President of Finance
Bill Tsatsoulis, Chief Marketing and Admissions Officer
Jim Sober, Executive Vice President of Business Intelligence and Strategic Analysis
Josh Blazer, Executive Vice President of Information Systems and Communication
Kate Griffeath, Executive Vice President of Educational Support
Patrick Adsuar, Vice President Information Technology
Gordon North, Vice President of Operations
Joan Bergholt, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness
Roger Gomez, Vice President of Student Operations
Mahina Duran, Vice President of Academic Administration
Serita Sangimino, Vice President of Student Affairs
Chris Visslailli, Vice President of Human Resources
Brad Jones, Athletic Director
Jason Shaeffer, Vice President of Online Education
Jan Yanehiro, Director of Communications and Media Technologies
Eileen Everett, Academic Vice President of Liberal Arts
David Goodwine, Executive Director of Game Development
Contact: Mike Petricca
Student Success Committee
The Student Success Committee brings together members from student-facing departments across the Academy to
plan, drive, and measure initiatives for improving persistence and graduation rates by improving the student
experience and enhancing student success. The Student Success Committee reviews and responds to
disaggregated student data to inform its work, including monitoring and tracking actions taken in response to the
results of the annual Student Satisfaction Survey.
Roger Gomez, Vice President of Student Operations, (Chair)
Kate Griffeath, Executive Vice President of Educational Support
Sue Rowley, Chief Academic Officer
Jim Sober, Executive Vice President of Business Intelligence and Strategic Analysis
Bill Tsatsoulis, Chief Marketing and Admissions Officer
Josh Blazer, Executive Vice President of Information Systems and Communication
Mike Petricca, Vice President of Campus Safety and Lab Resources
Jason Shaeffer, Vice President of Online Education
Denise Cottin, Vice President of Curriculum
Serita Sangimino, Vice President of Student Affairs
Jessie Eckardt, Director of Institutional Research
Jim Woehrle, Senior Institutional Research Analyst
Stephen Newman, Director of Student Services
Dana Beeson, Associate Director, Student Services Operations and Support
Katie Taylor, Director of Records
Martha Breen, Director of Creative Development, Online Education
Kenny Ortiz, Associate Director of Financial Aid
Rachel Platkin, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness
Eileen Everett, Academic Vice President of Liberal Arts
Contact: Roger Gomez
WSCUC Steering Committee
The WSCUC Steering Committee oversees, coordinates and monitors Academy of Art University compliance with
WSCUC Standards and is responsible for the planning and coordinating of committees and teams through
widespread engagement of campus stakeholders in the accreditation process. The WSCUC Steering Committee is
responsible for driving the self-study, managing timelines, reporting and completion of all aspects of WSCUC
accreditation (offsite review, peer review team visits, reaffirmation, mid-cycle review, annual report etc.) The
Accreditation Liaison Officer (ALO) facilitates communication with our WSCUC Staff Liaison, engages participation in
accreditation across campus and serves as an ongoing resource on accreditation.
Cathy Corcoran, Vice President of Accreditation Compliance/WSCUC ALO (Chair)
Elisa Stephens, President
Nancy Houston, Chairman, Board of Directors
Joe Vollaro, Executive Vice President of Financial Aid/Compliance
Sue Rowley, Chief Academic Officer
Eileen Everett, Academic Vice President of Liberal Arts
Melissa Sydeman, Academic Vice President of Entertainment and Broadcast Media
Rachel Platkin, Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness
Contact: Cathy Corcoran
Elisa Stephens
President, Academy of Art University
Sue Rowley
Chief Academic Officer
Vasilios Tsatsoulis
Chief Operating Officer
Robert Fisher
Chief Executive Officer, Automobile Museum
James Sober
Executive Vice President, Business Intelligence & Strategic Analysis
Kate Griffeath
Executive Vice President, Educational Support Services
Ray Chan
Executive Vice President, Enrollment
Martha Weeck
Executive Vice President, Finance
Joseph Vollaro
Executive Vice President, Financial Aid & Compliance
Joshua Blazer
Executive Vice President, Information Systems & Communication
Hector Verdugo
Senior Vice President, Admissions
Roger Gomez
Senior Vice President, Student Operations
Melissa Sydeman
Academic Vice President, Entertainment and Broadcast Media
Eileen Everett
Academic Vice President, Liberal Arts
Mahina Gonzalez-Duran
Vice President, Academic Administration
Michael Petricca
Vice President, Campus Safety and Lab Resources
Denise Cottin
Vice President, Curriculum
Chris Visslailli
Vice President, Human Resources
Patrick Adsuar
Vice President, Information Technology
Rachel Lawrence
Vice President, Institutional Effectiveness
Alana Addison
Vice President, Instructional Evaluation & Faculty Coaching
Jason Shaeffer
Vice President, Online Education
Gordon North
Vice President, Operations
Serita Sangimino
Vice President, Student Affairs
Aaron Schuyler
Associate Vice President, Online Education Systems
Joyce Gomez
Executive Director, Admissions Operations Support
Allen James
Executive Director, Transportation
Reid Raukar
Senior Director, Admissions
Audrey Lichtner
Senior Director, Applications
Stephen Newman
Senior Director, Student Services
Wei He
Acting Director/Cross Cultural Specialist, International Admissions & Student Services
Greg Grundstrom
Director, Academic Shop
Galina Rozina
Director, Academic Shops and Labs
Paula Wood
Director, Academic Technology
Andrea Keklikian
Director, Accessibility Resources
Jim O'Hara
Director, Art Support and EAP Liaison
Danielle Sherman
Director, Assistant Athletic Operations
Brad Jones
Director, Athletic
Lauren Janusch
Director, Career Development
Martha Breen
Director, Creative Development
Kevin LaSure
Director, Cross Country & Track and Field
Anthony Albert
Director, Curriculum
Raina Rorie
Director, Domestic Undergraduate Admissions
Jennifer Yeung
Director, Domestic Undergraduate Admissions
Robert McDonald
Director, English for Art Purposes
Kevin Koczela
Director, Faculty Evaluation & Coaching
Carey Nerad
Director, Finance
Mark Downey
Director, Financial Aid
Torie Toler
Director, Human Resources
Emily Manwell
Director, Industry Relations
Jessica Eckardt
Director, Institutional Research
Julianne Kan
Director, International Admissions
Anne Ekkaia
Director, International Student Services & SEVIS Coordinator
Debra Sampson
Director, Library
William Liu
Director, Marketing & Strategic Development
Aaron Field
Director, Online Academic Support
Chantelle Ferguson
Director, Online Language Support
Cynthia Orrico
Director, Online Programming
Maya Frenklach
Director, Online Student Support
Tania Waisberg
Director, Online Video Services
Salomeh Ghanaei
Director, Outreach
Liam Aleguire
Director, Production
Gabriel Gima
Director, Public Relations & Special Events, School of Fashion
Kaitlyn Taylor
Director, Records/Office of the Registrar
Brett Bovee
Director, Sports Information
Anne Connors
Director, State Authorization
Stephen Homer
Director, Strategic Analysis
Dana Beeson
Director, Student Operations
Jason Sweitzer
Dan Emerson
Associate Athletic Director, Compliance & Student -Athlete Development
Robert Garcia
Associate Athletic Director, Media Relations
Lynda Espana
Associate Director, Accessibility Resources
Christi Hernandez
Associate Director of Production, Online Video Services
James Holman
Associate Director, Campus Safety Academic Operations
Annette Cutcomb
Associate Director, Default Prevention
Kenneth Ortiz
Associate Director, Financial Aid
Crucita Polizzi
Associate Director, Liberal Arts Administration
Austin Carrow
Assistant Athletic Director, Academics & Admissions
Michael Morini
Assistant Athletic Director, Finance & Operations
Christina Emery
Assistant Director, Domestic Outreach
Sparsha Ananda
Assistant Director, Graduate Student Services
Aristotle Artadi
Assistant Director, Field Operations
Olga Nova
Assistant Director, Library
Jaime Hopper
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Student Services
Jacob Kernodle
Assistant Director, Undergraduate Student Services
Shaun Osburn
Art Director
James Volker
Technical Director
Hector Zavala
Technical Director & Coordinator, Theater Program
Christina Petricca
Coordinator, Title IX
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Jana Sue Memel
Executive Director, Schools of Entertainment
Academy Award-winning producer and writer.
Has Produced 25+ movies and 65+ half-hour, live-action shorts that have played as television series I more than 30
countries. Films she has produced have won Writers Guild and Directors Guild Awards, Emmys, CableACE Awards
and the Humanitas Prize.
Educational Background: USC Law School; Pitzer College (BA-Sociology & BA-History)
Karen Hirst
Full-Time Faculty, School of Acting
Karen Hirst is a comedian, actor and singer. Karen began her professional career with Second City Improvisational
Theater in Chicago as part of their touring company. She appeared on stage with Second City alumni Eugene Levy,
George Wendt, John Candy, Jim Belushi, Betty Thomas and many others.
She was a performing/teaching artist with the Wolf Trap Foundation in Washington, D. C., and coordinated their Bay
Area program. Karen conducted workshops nationally for them on the use of comedy in the classroom.
Karen has written and continues to perform her own shows in the Bay Area. Locally, Karen has performed at the
Magic Theater, The Phoenix, Spreckles Center for The Performing Arts, and many other venues.
She holds a degree in acting from MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois and pursued advanced acting studies at
Circle in the Square, in New York.
Karen teaches Improvisation, Acting for Actors, Respect for Acting, and is the faculty sponsor for the Drama Club.
Karen has been with the Academy since 1996 and is a full-time faculty member.
Educational Background: MacMurray College (BA-Speech & Theater Arts)
Andrea Pimentel
Co-Director, School of Advertising and School of Web Design & New Media
Andrea is a committed educator and award-winning Interactive Art Director, Creative Director, and UI Designer in San
Francisco and Silicon Valley. She has worked for large-scale websites, start-ups, and mobile apps, and some of San
Francisco’s top advertising agencies developing cutting edge campaigns.
In her roles as Art Director and Creative Director, Andrea has worked with many top brands, including Suzuki,
Shutterfly, G4tv, SanDisk, Nokia, Tonik Health, WaMu, eBay, and Bank of America. Andrea has also taught classes
and had leadership roles in the School of Web Design and New Media.
Educational Background: Brigham Young University (BFA-Visual Design, emphasis Industrial Design)
Fred McHale
Co-Director, School of Advertising and School of Web Design & New Media
Fred has over 20 years of experience as a designer, developer, and program manager. After graduating with a
degree in Computer Science, he focused his energy in the area of design and emerging technology. He works with
numerous high profile clients in the Bay Area to design and develop web applications, mobile applications, interactive
experiences, and manage teams of designers and developers.
Fred enjoys speaking at industry events, contributing to the open source community, major league baseball, and
playing guitar in his free time.
Educational Background: California State University Bakersfield (BS-Computer Science)
Nikki Oettinger
Online Director, School of Advertising and Web Design & New Media
Nikki is an interactive designer from San Francisco and a 2010 BFA graduate from the School of Web Design & New
Media. After graduation, she went to work utilizing her vast range of skills. Her work experience ranges from motion
graphics, to designing interactive experiences, and managing teams of designers for companies large and small. In
her roles, Nikki has worked with companies including, Amazon, Gallo, Indeed, Chegg, Sotheby’s, Autodesk and
Tapjoy. She now devotes her time to education, online education standards and curriculum. She has a passion for
mentoring students and supporting them to achieve their goals.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Web Design & New Media)
Mark Edwards
Associate Director, School of Advertising
Mark Edwards has been a successful, award-winning copywriter for more than 20 years. His work has been
recognized in shows as diverse as The One Show, the Addys, and the Direct Marketing Association's Echo Awards.
His work has appeared for some of the world's best-known brands including Aetna, AMD, Apple, Bank of New York,
BMG Entertainment, Charles Schwab, Chase Manhattan Bank, DeBeers, Dove, Dunkin' Donuts, EMI Records, Harry
Winston, Intuit, Lucent, Microsoft, Saab, Showtime, Sony, Starbucks, Sun Microsystems, Time Warner and Wells
Educational Background: University of Texas Austin (BS-Advertising)
James Wojtowicz
Associate Director of Art Direction & Industry Development, School of Advertising
James Wojtowicz has worked as an Art Director across several disciplines including advertising, feature films,
interactive web development, and magazine publishing. He has developed branding campaigns alongside California
lifestyle brand specialist Mike Salisbury as well as major advertising agencies including Chiat Day, Foote Cone and
Belding, Public Interest, and Ogilvy & Mather. His client list includes Levi's, Volkswagen, Rollerblade, Los Angeles
Angels, Quicksilver, The Bill Gates Foundation, Twentieth Century Fox, and others. Jim has lectured on the creative
process at the Smithsonian/Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian design conference in NYC.
Educational Background: Art Center College of Design (BFA-Advertising)
Raina Maes
Online Coordinator, School of Advertising and Web Design & New Media
Raina is a videographer, photographer, and oil painter with over 10 years experience in the field. Raina received her
BFA in Computer Arts Visual Effects from Academy of Art University in 2004. From there she completed the MFA
program at Academy of Art University in Motion Pictures & Television, Cinematography in 2008. Raina’s film clients
have included The City of Oakland, Academy of Art University, Libby Schaaf, and Keyrose TV. Her film expertise
spans from feature films, commercials, to reality television. Raina’s skills include directing, shooting, writing, and
She now dedicates her time to education for Web Design & New Media in conjunction with shooting photos for the
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Motion Pictures & Television)
Terry Jones
Full-Time Faculty, School of Advertising
A modern day “Mad Man”, Terry is an award-winning Creative Director, Creative Conceptualist and Writer with
schooling from the prestigious Academy of Art University in San Francisco, and as Vice President/Creative Director at
Carol H. Williams Advertising in the Greater Bay Area, he has been either the mind or hand behind several award
winning and business moving ads and campaigns here for over a decade. He has created this body of work for such
high profile clients as the General Motors Corporation which included Chevy, GMC Trucks, Buick and Cadillac, Coors
Light Beer, Nissan Motors, Cingular Wireless, Bank Of America, P&G, Pacific Bell, Well Fargo Bank, Hewlett
Packard, The Walt Disney Corporation, California Lottery, The Coca-Cola Company, Washington Mutual Bank,
Crown Royal as well as several brands for General Mills including Cheerios, Warm Delights, Cinnamon Toast
Crunch, Hamburger Helper, Nature Valley and Pop Secret popcorn.
Professional Background: General Motors Corporation
Catherine Tate
Director of 3D Animation, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Catherine Tate is an accomplished Visual Effects Artist and Compositor who has worked on some of the industry's
most recognizable films and video games. Catherine Tate is currently the Compositing Lead in the Animation &
Visual Effects department at Academy of Art University where she has been teaching since 2004. She established a
collaborative class in 2006 at ACADEMY OF ART UNIVERSITY known as ""Studio400A"" which has produced visual
effects on numerous independent films. Her objective is to connect visual effects students to filmmakers to create a
more real world experience in the classroom. Some of Studio400A's most recent work includes Beasts of the
Southern Wild, which was nominated for four Academy Awards including best picture, 2013 Sundance and Festival
de Cannes winner Fruitvale Station, and the feature Bluebird, which opened the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival.
Studio400A also worked on the features Half-Life and Circumstance, along with the short Crazy Beats Strong Every
Time, which were also official selections at the Sundance Film Festival.
Professional Background: Industrial Light + Magic (1991-1995 and 1997-2003), The Orphanage (2003-2004), ESC
Entertainment (Contractor). Visual Effects Supervisor: “Beasts of the Southern Wild”, “Crazy Beats Strong Every
Time”, “Exposure”, “Circumstance”, “Midnight Son”, “Dear Lemon Lima”. Partial list of feature films compositor:
“Synedoche, New York”, “Hulk”, “Men in Black II”, “House of Wax”, “Wild Wild West”, “Perfect Storm”, “Minority
Report”, and “AI”. Additional studio feature film credits include: “Contact”, Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom
Menace”, Sleepy Hollow, Galaxy Quest, Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones”, and Hellboy.
Tom Bertino
Graduate Director, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Tom Bertino is a renowned animator with more than three decades of experience. Tom worked at Industrial Light +
Magic for nearly 20 years and was nominated for an Academy Award and BAFTA for Best Achievement in Visual
Effects for the CG imagery he created for The Mask. He is credited with animation direction on Men in Black II, Star
Wars: Episode I, and many other films. He has also worked for Toon Disney, Nepenthe, Hanna-Barbera and Colossal
Pictures in a number of capacities.
Professional Background: Partial List of Feature Films Animation Direction: “Work in Progress” (Director),
“Frankenstein” (Co-Director), “Son of the Mask,” “Men in Black II,” “The Time Machine,” “Star Wars: Episode I,”
“Flubber,” “101 Dalmatians,” “Casper,” “The Mask” (Academy Award Nominee, Best Visual Effects & British Academy
Award Nominee, Best Visual Effects),“General Cinema Trailer,” “Joe Versus the Volcano,” “Ghostbusters II,” “The
Accidental Tourist.”
Professional Experience: Industrial Light & Magic (1986-2005)
Charles Keagle
Online Director, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Charles has been part of the Academy family since 2003. He currently lives in Los Angeles after many years in San
Francisco as the on-campus Animation Lead during that time.
A doodler since birth, Charles came to the amazing realization while at Northwestern University that adults, not kids,
created cartoons. He promptly dropped his political science major and majored in art, creating his first animated short
using only Disney's The Illusion of Life as guidance.
His first job in animation was as a production assistant on the film Ferngully, the Last Rainforest. He then attended
the Character Animation program at CalArts, where his animated short "Are We There Yet?" was selected for the
"Best of the Year" show as well as the Spike and Mike Festival of Animation. After Cal Arts, Charles worked on The
Ren & Stimpy Show.
Charles was hired as an animator at Pixar and then given the opportunity to work in story on Toy Story 2. Later, he
storyboarded and animated for South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut. As Story Supervisor for Pulse Entertainment,
he oversaw production of Kung Fu 3D, an online series for Warner Bros, and co-designed an interactive Coyote and
Roadrunner project.
Charles' work has been shown at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and at the Centre Pompidou in Paris.
During his free time Charles likes to write. He has written a screenplay and is currently working on children's book
ideas so that he can read them to his son Charlie and his daughter Alex.
Educational Background: Northwestern University (BA-Studio Art)
Nicolás Villarreal
Director of Visual Development and 2D Animation, Schools of Visual Development and Animation & Visual Effects
Villarreal graduated with honors from the Master’s program at Academy of Art University in 2002. He has worked as a
traditional animator, character designer, sculptor, and Visual Development artist for film and video game companies,
including Walt Disney Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment, Jim Henson Studios, Sega, Digital Domain, Reel FX,
and Amazon Studios.
He has given presentations and screened his films at Pixar Animation Studios, DreamWorks Animation, Blue Sky
Studios, the Sydney Opera House and several universities in South America and Europe.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Illustration); Instituto de Arte Cinematográfico de
Avellaneda (BFA-2D Animation)
Dennis Blakey
Online Associate Director, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Dennis Blakey is a visual effects and computer graphics artist, inventor and producer that began using Wavefront 3D
software in 1986, and Side Effects Software since its beginning. His early computer graphics work includes Project
Galileo at JPL, creating the morphing effects for the security character "Odo" on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for
which he received a visual effects Emmy in 1993, and film visual effects and animation for Digital Domain and Walt
Disney Feature Animation, now Walt Disney Animation Studios.
Professional Experience: JPL (Computer Graphics); Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; Walt Disney Animation Studios
Daisy Church
2D Animation Lead, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Daisy Church works and lives in San Francisco as an artist and illustrator.
She has worked extensively for over 10 years as a 2D animator for both television and mobile games. Her work has
been seen on Cartoon Network, HBO, MTV, Adult Swim, Nick Jr, Disney Interactive Games and Disney Playhouse.
She loves to paint and work on her personal fine art, and actively exhibits her work in galleries worldwide. She also
loves to curate and organize group art shows in San Francisco.
In her free time, Daisy loves to travel with her husband and artist partner in crime, Damon O'Keefe.
Professional Background: Cartoon Network, HBA, MTV, Adult Swim, Nick Jr., Disney Interactive Games, Disney
Playhouse (2d Animator)
Derek Flood
Associate Director of Visual Effects, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Derek Flood received his BFA in Painting from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. He has also had intensive
training at the School of the Art Institute in Chicago where he focused on classical and computer animation. He has
over 10 years of experience in character animation, directing, and photorealistic lighting/texturing. Prior to becoming
full-time faculty, Derek was an Independent Director and Animator at Sharktacos Studios, which he founded in 2003.
Derek has also worked at DreamWorks and various companies in Munich and Berlin. Film credits include The Pianist
and Shrek2. Derek has been the recipient of the Audience Favorite at Animago, Germany's premier CG animation
award. His Say Cheese has been an official selection at festivals and they include SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater,
World Animation Celebration, Anima Mundi in Brazil, Edinburgh International Film Fest in the UK, Art Futura in Spain,
Hiroshima in Japan, and many more. Say Cheese has been aired on television programs in Holland, Japan, the UK,
and the US.
Educational Background: University of Illinois Urbana (BFA-Painting)
George Pafnutieff
Graduate Associate Director, School of Animation & Visual Effects
George teaches courses in Maya fundamentals and pre-production principles, and was previously a Senior Systems
Engineer at Apple Computer, Inc., Technical Supervisor for ILM, and Systems Administrator for Reliant Integration
Systems. George holds a BS in Information Systems Management from San Francisco State University.
Educational Background: University of San Francisco (B.S.-Computer Science)
Robert Steele
Undergraduate Associate Director & Portfolio Coordinator, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Robert Steele's professional background includes working as Art Director and Computer Animator for various video
game companies such as Sega Technical Institute, Captivation Digital Laboratories, Full-On Amusement Company
Blizzard Entertainment, and Virgin Entertainment. Project credits include Diablo 2, Diehard Arcade, ComicZone,
Robocop vs. Terminator, and Disney's The Jungle Book video games. He also produced Commercial Animatics and
Storyboards at Jim Keeshen Studios in Los Angeles, California and was a Storyboard Artist for the Widget and Mr.
Bogus animated television series for Calico Creations. He was Producer on animated short,” Monkey Love " at Jim
Keeshen Studios which was a Nominee for Animated Short Film ASIFA 1996 and recipient of the Golden Gate
Award, San Francisco Independent Film Festival, 1997.
Educational Background: Santa Monica College (AA-Fine Arts)
Rey Hernandez
Organic Modeling Lead
Rey's art career started in the fine art world creating bronze sculptures and showing his art in galleries and museums.
He has since been working for 15 years as a freelancer doing 3D modeling, traditional sculpting, and 3D printing for
the collectible sculpture market. Clients have included A&E, HBO, Universal Studios, Universal Records, Warner
Brothers, Sony Interactive Entertainment, San Francisco Giants, Winter Olympics, and Independent Collectors.
Rey has also worked at a design firm as an Art Director and Senior 3D Modeler creating custom Sculptures for
Museum Exhibits, and Zoo’s with a focus on anatomical accuracy. Projects locally have included the SF Zoo, The
Marine Mammal Center, and the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
In the fall of 2017 he started as an Organic Modeling Instructor at AAU to share his knowledge of Digital Sculpting in
the current market.
Professional Background: A&E, HBO, Universal Studios, Universal Records, Warner Brothers, Sony Interactive
Entertainment, San Francisco Giants, Winter Olympics, and Independent Collectors.
John Ioannis Korellis
Story & Storyboard Lead, School of Animation & Visual Effects
For over 20 years in the animation industry, John has been involved as a storyboard artist in a variety of animated,
live action and video game projects for companies including Paramount, Disney Playhouse, ILM, Electronic Arts,
Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Midway Games, Marvel and HBO. He has also storyboarded over 100 commercials
for companies like Hershey's, KFC, E-Trade, Nabisco, Post, Nestle, Ford, Mercedes-Benz and AAA. When John isn’t
creating story art he loves researching history and illustrating aircraft art for publication.
Professional Background: Paramount, Disney Playhouse, ILM, Electronic Arts, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network,
Midway Games, Marvel, HBO, Hershey's, KFC, E-Trade, Nabisco, Post, Nestle, Ford, Mercedes-Benz and AAA.
Sasha Korellis
Production Lead, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Sasha Korellis is currently a Production Coordinator in the Academy of Art University's School of Animation. She is
also currently Executive Producer and Head of Content Development for Girl Friday Productions. Previously, she has
worked for such companies as Leap Frog Enterprises, There TV, Wild Brain, Carl's Fine Films, and NVIDIA. She
holds a BA in Film & Video with concentrations in producing and editing from Columbia College.
Educational Background: Columbia College (BA-Film & Video)
Ease Owyeung
Hard Surface Modeling Lead, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Ease Owyeung is currently the 3D modeling Coordinator for the Academy of Art University's Animation & Visual
Effects department. He holds a BA degree in Architecture from the University of Arizona. Prior to joining the
Academy of Art, Ease had his own Animation Studio and created the CG animation for a Nova series called
Becoming Human; Worked as a 3D modeler for Walt Disney Animation; Art department manager at Tippett Studios;
Art Director for 3DO company and 13 years as Senior Modelmaker at ILM. Film credits include: Empire Strikes Back,
Return of the Jedi, E.T., Poltergeist, Raider of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Hunt for Red
October, Innerspace, My Favorite Martian, Evolution, Meet the Robinsons.
Educational Background: University of Arizona (BA-Architecture)
Michael Parks
Animation Lead, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Michael has worked in animation for twenty-seven years, including eight years at Pixar Animation Studios. Credits
there include Toy Story 2, Finding Nemo, and The Incredibles. He has also worked in a wide assortment of
animation fields including motion capture at Imagemovers Digital (A Christmas Carol), stop motion at Stoopid Buddy
Stoodios, (Robot Chicken), previs and postvis at The Third Floor (Thor Ragnarok), video games at EA (Dead Space
3), as well as a variety of freelance projects.
Professional Background: Toy Story 2, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles
Jason Patnode
Technical Lead, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Jason Patnode has taught at the Academy of Art University since 2001 and he is currently Full-Time Faculty/ Maya
Coordinator for the school's Animation & Visual Effects department. He teaches graduate and undergraduate
students in 3D modeling, visual effects, and animation for video games and film. Jason has written several books on
the subject of Maya and Zbrush. Prior to joining ACADEMY OF ART UNIVERSITY as full-time faculty, Jason was a
Lead Technical Artist for LucasArts Entertainment where he worked on various games: Star Wars Episode 3, Full
Throttle 2, and Star Wars: Jedi Fighter. Jason received his BA in Film Production from San Francisco State
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (BA-Film Production)
Peter Bakic
Dynamics Coordinator, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Peter Bakic received his degree in 3D computer graphics from the University of Toronto. Prior to teaching, Peter was
a VFX Supervisor at Rocket Studio and worked on advertising projects for Lexus, Apple, Nissan, Gucci, Subaru,
Southwest Airlines, and Sprint. Peter also worked at ILM on a variety of movies, including Star Wars Episode 2:
Attack of the Clones, Harry Potter, Minority Report and Sleepy Hollow. He founded the Chiron School for Creative
Technologies in Yugoslavia and is a member of ACM SIGGRAPH and the Visual Effects Society.
Professional Background: Rocket Studio (CG supervisor / Lead Technical Director), Industrial Light and Magic (R&D
Technical Director)
David Facchini
Stop Motion Coordinator, School of Animation & Visual Effects
A multidisciplinary artist dedicated to innovation in storytelling for stage, screen and beyond, David’s past clients
range from Universal Studios to the Department of Health and Human Services. Upon graduation from Columbia
College Chicago, David helped update and implement their Stop Motion program while completing his first Stop
Motion film, Vodka Monster. A writer and director, he’s performed in and produced comedy nationally for NPR and
The Second City. David’s sculptures have been sold in galleries, showcased in museums and awarded at film
festivals across the country to recipients including the godfather of the Blaxploitation film genre, Melvin Van Peebles.
Educational Background: Columbia College Chicago
Shaun Featherstone
Freshmen Studies Coordinator, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Shaun Featherstone is currently the Storyboard Coordinator at Academy of Art University where he has taught since
2003. As a full-time instructor in the university's Animation & Visual Effects department, Shaun works with
undergraduate and graduate students in the following areas: animation pre-production, history and techniques of
visual effects and computer animation, character animation techniques and theory. Shaun holds a BA in Art &
Education from the University of Leeds. He also holds a post-graduate certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher
Education from Teesside University.
Educational Background: University of Lincoln Hull (BA-Animation)
Rob Gibson
Technology Officer & Computer Animation Production Coordinator, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Rob Gibson has been a full-time instructor at the Academy of Art University's Animation & Visual Effects department
since 2002. Currently, he is the Technology Officer and Coordinator of Computer Animation Production for the
department. He was previously a Senior Animator at Forensic Technologies; Director of Computer Arts for Academy
of Art College; and Director of Digital/Visual Media for the Ex'pression Center for New Media. Rob holds a Bachelor of
Architecture from California College of the Arts.
Educational Background: California College of Arts and Crafts (B.Arch-Architecture)
Virginie Michel d’Annoville
Online 3D Animation Coordinator, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Virginie Michel d'Annoville is an animation supervisor, animator, rigger and professor of animation with over 25
experience in feature animation and visual effects, commercials, and games for various studios with most of that time
spent at Industrial Light + Magic in San Francisco in addition to Lucasfilm Animation in Singapore and Sony Pictures
Imageworks in Los Angeles. She was a technical animation supervisor on the Academy Award winning animated film
Rango as well as a sequence supervisor and a character lead. Virginie has also worked on a large variety of other
films such as Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, Star Wars
Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Hulk, Superman Returns, The
Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.
Virginie has been teaching at the Academy of Art University since 2011 and she currently lives in San Francisco.
Educational Background: Malaysian Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators MAISCA (MA-Image
Synthesis & Computer Animation); SUPINFO International University (MA-Graphic Design & Computer Science)
William Ziegler
Editing Coordinator, School of Animation & Visual Effects
Will was drawing as soon as he could hold a pencil. His love of broadcasting led him to volunteer in local access early
on. In college Will explored animation but was swept into editing, videography, and motion graphics. This resulted in
a BFA in Digital Media Production from Pittsburgh’s Art Institute, and extended his studies at Carlowe University. Will
has freelanced on music videos, live concerts, live sports and sketch comedy. At the Academy of Art University, Will
advanced as the Animation department’s editor and discovered a passion for teaching. When not at the Academy,
Will volunteers for community radio.
Educational Background: Pittsburgh Art Institute (BFA-Digital Media Production)
Mimi Sullivan
Executive Director, School of Architecture
Ms. Sullivan’s 28 years of diverse architectural and interior design experience includes extensive work in award
winning multi-family/mixed use/transit oriented housing as well as commercial, retail, civic building design and custom
single family homes. Ms. Sullivan’s work in affordable housing has been published in Architectural Record as well as
the San Francisco AIA magazine, Small Firms Great Projects.
She is both an architect and an educator. She has taught architectural design, media, and process at universities in
the United States and in Japan. She was the founding director of the Graduate Architecture Program at Academy of
Art University in San Francisco and achieved the initial NAAB accreditation for the program in 2007.
Prior to starting SSDP in 1999 with her partner, Ms. Sullivan was teaching Japanese architectural history at Waseda
University in Tokyo, Japan while acting as the Resident Director for the Oregon State System of Higher Education for
study abroad programs at multiple universities in Tokyo. Ms. Sullivan was a guest critic and lecturer at Daido
University in Nagoya and Aoyama Gakuin in Tokyo, Japan.
Ms. Sullivan received a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Rice University with a Minor in Fine Arts, and a Master
of Architecture and Master of International Studies from the University of Oregon.
Prior to starting SSDP in 1999 with her partner, Ms. Sullivan was teaching Japanese architectural history at Waseda
University in Tokyo, Japan while acting as the Resident Director for the Oregon State System of Higher Education for
study abroad programs at multiple universities in Tokyo. Ms. Sullivan was a guest critic and lecturer at Daido
University in Nagoya and Aoyama Gakuin in Tokyo, Japan. Ms. Sullivan received a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
from Rice University with a Minor in Fine Arts, and a Master of Architecture and Master of International Studies from
the University of Oregon.
Educational Background: University of Oregon (M.Arch-Architecture); University of Oregon (MA- International
Studies); Rice University (BA-Architecture)
Mark Müeckenheim
Graduate Director, School of Architecture
Mark Mückenheim Architekt AKNW BDA (Germany) is a licensed architect in Germany and the European Union, the
principal of MCKNHM Architects, and the co-author of the book "Inspiration - contemporary design methods in
architecture" released by BIS Publishers in 2012. Before establishing his own architecture practice in 2001, he
worked and collaborated with different architecture firms in Germany, USA and England, gaining extensive
experience from concept to realization on various projects of internationally recognized design excellence.
Mark Mückenheim has lectured and acted as a guest critic at numerous institutions in Germany, the European Union,
and the US. Among other schools, he taught for more than six years at the distinguished RWTH Aachen before being
appointed as a visiting professor at the TU Munich from 2009 to 2012. Since 2013, he is appointed as the graduate
director of the school of architecture at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. His award winning work has
been featured in various international book and journal publications and has also gained reputation through a number
of exhibitions in Germany and abroad - most recently the house of architecture in Lille, France, the German
Architecture center in Berlin and the 12th Architecture Biennale in Venice.
Educated in Germany, the United States, and England, sponsored by a Fulbright scholarship and a DAAD grand from
the German government, Mückenheim received his Master of Architecture from Parsons School of Design, New York,
and his Graduate Diploma in Architecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London.
Educational Background: Parsons School of Design, New York (M.Arch-Architecture); Bartlett School of Architecture,
University College London (Graduate Diploma-Architecture)
Jennifer Asselstine
Undergraduate Director, School of Architecture
Jennifer Asselstine AIA has 30 years of experience in architecture and design and runs a design business in San
Anselmo. She earned her Bachelor of Architecture degree from University of Minnesota, where she received an
award from the American Institute of Architects. She studied at London’s Architectural Association and worked in the
U.S., London, Malaysia and Australia on projects ranging from hotels and senior housing to an IMAX theater. She
won a design award from the American Society of Interior Designers for the Red Cross Headquarters and Blood
Processing Center.
Educational Background: University of Minnesota (BA-Architecture)
Eric Lum
Online Director, School of Architecture
Eric Lum, AIA, Ph.D., LEED BD+C, is a licensed architect in the state of California and NCARB certified. He has
worked for the offices of Venturi, Rauch and Scott Brown, Kallmann, McKinnell and Wood Architects, Arthur Erickson
Architects, and Gensler, among others. He studied architecture at the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in
New York, University of California Berkeley, the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, where he gained his doctorate in architectural history.
Educational Background: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ph.D.); Harvard (MDesS); University of California,
Berkeley (M.Arch); University of British Colombia (BA)
Gloria Jew
Graduate Assistant Director, School of Architecture
Gloria Jew has been teaching since graduate studies at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. She is a licensed
architect in the state of Texas and also EDAC certified, Evidence Base Design Research. She has taught design
studios in core, design fundamentals and studios to 5th year architecture. Recently, at UNLV, she taught a thesis
level urbanism studio, positing typological ideas and cultural settings which act as a catalyst to the Downtown of Las
Vegas. Gloria has taught inter-disciplinary studios in urban anthropology, exploring the cultural conditions that create
an imprint to its urban context. She has collaborated with performance artists and along with students have created
stage sets for Eth Noh Tec, and the poet Anne Carson. The students in this case are from architecture, interior
design, animation, industrial design, fashion, painting, interaction design, graphics and film-making. In professional
practice Gloria was design director at Gensler in a flex studio which garnered her expertise in workplace, hospitality,
retail and healthcare. She groomed her professional experience with Bay Area practices including RMW, Anshen +
Allen and HDR Architecture, where the project Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi is currently under construction. She has
worked in the Middle East and China and these locales have forged opportunities for design teaching. Gloria
continues to act as a mentor to student graduates and young professionals. Racing a sailboat is her passion and this
metaphor is used in her teaching and practice: that as navigator and practitioner. The primary focus and belief is
fostering a creative design process which includes a focus on cultural context, informed by research, analysis and
Educational Background: Harvard University (M.Arch); City University of New York (BS-Architecture)138
Karen YunJin Seong
Undergraduate Assistant Director, School of Architecture
Karen Seong is a licensed architect in California and New York, a LEED accredited professional, and NCARB
certified. She developed her professional expertise while with Skidmore Owings and Merrill in New York and in San
Francisco. She held leadership positions working collaboratively with large international teams on award-winning
projects ranging from high-rise to institutional buildings in the US and in the Middle East. Driven by an interest in
materials and systems innovations, she helped establish SOM LAB to conduct research in collaboration with industry
leaders in an effort to develop new building materials. Karen’s teaching philosophy is stimulated by an interest in
seeking innovation in the margins of established practices. Her pedagogy places an emphasis on materials studies
and a process-oriented design method. She firmly believes that inventiveness is the most meaningful and relevant
when it is grounded in an understanding of the current limitations in the building industry. Her design research is
centered on crafting a conceptual strategy to draw out latent opportunities. Karen has previously taught at UC
Berkeley and has been a guest critic at various institutions in the US and in Korea. She received a Bachelor of Arts in
Architecture from UC Berkeley and a Master of Architecture from Columbia University with distinction.
Educational Background: Columbia University (M.Arch-Architecture); University of California Berkeley (BA-
Alberto Bertoli
Full-Time Faculty, School of Architecture
Mr. Bertoli has vast experience in different areas of the architectural profession. His work ranges from the planning of
shuttle facilities for the space program to the designing of a performing arts center. He most recently designed the
InterContinental San Francisco hotel. His work has also been recognized by multiple AIA Chapters, the Architectural
Association of France, and at numerous international competitions. Mr. Bertoli started his formal education at the
University of Buenos Aires, and continued at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He has his professional license through the
State of California. Before joining the Academy he was a lecturer at Cal Poly SLO, UCLA Graduate School of
Architecture, and taught for more than 20 years at SCIARC.
Educational Background: California Polytechnic State University (BA-Architecture)
Braden Engel
Undergraduate Architecture History & Theory Coordinator, School of Architecture
Braden Engel is a full-time faculty member and undergraduate history theory coordinator. He has taught
internationally at the Architectural Association, London, the University of Greenwich, London, and he was a Senior
Lecturer in Architecture at California College of the Arts, Lecturer in Architecture at UC Santa Cruz and at the
University of California Berkeley before joining the Academy of Art University.
Braden received an M.A. in Histories & Theories of Architecture from the Architectural Association, London, and an
M.Arch and a B.S. in Philosophy from North Dakota State University. His written work has been published in the
United States and abroad, including The Journal of Architecture (RIBA), Planning Perspectives, AA Files, and PLAT.
Braden’s current research and writing focuses on the interval between aesthetic experience and modes of
presentation in architectural historiography, framed by the mixing of continental European and American pragmatist
philosophies in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Educational Background: Architectural Association School of Architecture (MA Histories & Theories of Architecture);
North Dakota State University (BS Philosophy & Master of Architecture)
David Gill
Graduate Architecture Advisor & Full-Time Faculty, School of Architecture
David Gill is a licensed architect with over 20 years of practice. He received a Bachelor of Architecture with
Distinction from California College of Arts and Crafts (now CCA). He went on to work for Kuth / Ranieri, for Baum /
Thornley Architects, and had his own practice in Berkeley. Gill is presently a project architect at Mark Horton /
Architecture in San Francisco. Recent projects include Modesto Commerce Bank, House of Air SF, House of Air
Mammoth Lakes, Computer History Museum, Temple Sinai, numerous custom residential projects and a conceptual
proposal for the Contemporary Art Museum at the Presidio. He is designing a community arts center for Shipyard
Community Arts, an organization for which Gill also serves as a board member.
Gill is also currently a faculty member at the graduate school of architecture at the Academy of Art University,
teaching advanced design studios, thesis development and refinement, and materials and methods. He has also
taught graduate design studios at CCA, and has been a guest critic at University of San Francisco, University of
California at Berkeley and Cal Poly SLO.
David Gill's interests both professional and academic lie in the materiality of architecture; the tectonic, poetic and
cultural meanings in fundamental materials. How these materials/meanings are perceived, in turn, inform the design
process. Drawing connections is both a literal and a figurative pursuit; an endlessly evolving practice.
Educational Background: California College of Arts and Crafts (B.Arch-Architecture)
Nicole Lambrou
Graduate Midpoint Coordinator, School of Architecture
Nicole Lambrou received a Masters of Architecture from Yale University in the spring of 2006. In her final year at Yale
she was selected as a Teaching Fellow for two graduate courses in the School of Architecture, Visual Representation
and Independent Drawing Projects. Nicole is also the recipient of the Yale School of Architecture Drawing Prize, and
architectural drawing continues to be an integral part of her design process.
During her work in Germany with Behnisch Architekten, Nicole had the opportunity to become immersed in design
that is integrated with sustainable concepts while working on Harvard University's campus expansion. At the time she
was also involved with generating graphics for a rotating exhibition, in collaboration with Transsolar, representing
human impact on the planet and throughout history.
Since moving to San Francisco in August of 2007 and before founding her own practice, Nicole worked for several
years at an architecture firm whose scope of work involved public housing in the city of San Francisco and public
schools throughout the state of California. Through a collaborative partnership with AE Design she also completed
several houses at Sea Ranch, CA. Most recently Nicole launched a green roof system that was included in the
CitiesAlive Conference in San Francisco.
Nicole also participated in the AIAS conference in the Fall of 2012. She was awarded second place for the design of
a public library in Gevgelija, Macedonia in an international competition sponsored by the United Nations Development
Program, and has received accolades for various other architectural submissions throughout her design career.
Nicole is a registered architect in the state of New York.
Educational Background: Yale University (M.Arch-Architecture); Binghamton University (BA-Philosophy)
Alexandra Neyman
Undergraduate Collaboration, Communication & ARH 210 Coordinator, School of Architecture
Alex holds a Master of Architecture and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Michigan. Alex
has worked in multiple architectural offices since 1999 and taught architecture at the University of Michigan.
Alex’s practice agglab is an interdisciplinary design and research practice focused on competitions, installations,
publications, lectures and workshops. The work of agglab has been exhibited and published widely at: Future Fires,
SOMArts Cultural Center, San Francisco Design week, LACDA and LA Electron Salon, Acadia Design Conference,
and so on. Agglab exhibited work and held workshops at Cranbrook Academy of Art and the University of Michigan.
Education Background: University of Michigan (BS/MA-Architecture)
Doron Serban
Undergraduate Emerging Technology Coordinator, School of Architecture
Doron Serban is a full-time faculty member and the undergraduate emerging technologies coordinator. His research
focuses on how the transdisciplinary role of visualization in architecture can reshape the boundaries between logical
and intuitive decision processes.
Besides teaching, Doron Serban is a designer working in the Bay Area. Through Doron Serban Design, his
professional work navigates building design, design competitions, photography, cinematography, motion design,
branding, and architectural visualization. Outside of architecture, he is a co-owner and coach of CoCo CrossFit in
Concord, CA.
Educational Background: Syracuse University (M.Arch-Architecture); University of California, Riverside (BA-Music)
Sameena Sitabkhan
Community Outreach Coordinator, School of Architecture
As a licensed architect, Sameena has designed and managed a range of building typologies over the past 15 years.
A competent Project Architect, she is focused on pushing the boundaries of design through engagement and problem
solving. Her practice and research looks at the intersection of architecture and conflict, and she’s been an artist and
curator in residence in Mexico, Decolonizing Architecture in the West Bank , and most recently as a fellow at the
YBCA. Formerly an Associate at David Baker Architects, designing and managing affordable housing projects,
Sameena is currently studio faculty and the B.Lab Coordinator. She is focused on creating opportunities for student
engagement in community based projects, including making with an emphasis on advocacy. Sameena has an
undergraduate degree in Urban Planning from the University of California, San Diego, and a Masters Degree in
Architecture from SCIArc in Los Angeles.
Educational Background: UC San Diego (BA-Urban Planning); SCIArc (MA-Architecture)
Peter Suen
Graduate Emerging Technologies Coordinator, School of Architecture
Peter Suen received a Masters of Architecture from U.C. Berkeley, where he was an Eisner Prize and Henry Adams
AIA Medal recipient. At Berkeley, he was also a member in the BIOMS group where he worked on multi-disciplinary
teams that included engineers, physicists and architects. As a Research Specialist, he worked on advanced facades
including self-regulating membranes and microlens arrays for greywater disinfection.
In his own research, Peter has been particularly interested in the role of the architect as a designer of information and
how that can have a direct impact on how we live. He has focused on different systems of intelligence, from analog
computation to living slime mold, and sought to understand how these systems can process information differently
from human designers.
Before architecture, Peter worked both as an intellectual property attorney and as a software developer. He received
a JD from Stanford Law School in 2002 and a Master of Science in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon
University in 2004. Working in San Francisco, he has had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects from
tiny micro-apartment lofts to large winery developments.
Educational Background: U.C. Berkeley (M.Arch); Stanford Law School (JD); Carnegie Mellon University (Master of
Science Computer Science)
Marybeth Tereszkiewicz
Director, School of Art Education & Teaching Credential Program in the Visual Arts
Marybeth Tereszkiewicz holds a Master of Education and Credential in Art from San Francisco State University and a
BA from the State University of New York. Prior to her current post as Director of the School of Art Education at
Academy of Art University, Marybeth taught Art in San Francisco High Schools for over 20 years.
Marybeth is passionate about the potential of art education to improve the lives of students, schools and
communities. As well as her extensive classroom experience, she has worked to bring the arts to many community
organizations, both locally and globally; e.g. School/community Liaison for the San Francisco International Arts
Festival and Program Creator/ Director for the ‘Tree of Life Arts Empowerment Camp’ held over two summers 2012-
2013 in rural impoverished Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. In 2016, she was invited to present on the topic of
Contemporary Art Education at the International Art Forum held in Hainan Province, China.
In 2017, Marybeth was chosen by the California Teaching Commission to be the state’s Lead Assessor for K-12 Art
Teaching Credential.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (M.Ed.-Education); State University of New York (BA-
Political Science)
Matthew Sweeney
Associate Director, School of Art Education
Matthew Sweeney received his Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Vermont,
where he also earned a bachelor’s degree in Studio Art, Political Science, and German. His teaching career has
spanned a variety of educational environments, including public, charter, and alternative middle and high schools in
Vermont and California, where he taught art with a particular interest in utilizing the arts to empower at-risk youth and
students with emotional and behavioral disabilities. Since joining the faculty of the Academy of Art University in 2006,
he has also supported students as an Academic Coach and has taught in the School of Art Education since the
program began.
Matthew is a strong advocate for art education as our greatest tool for teaching critical thinking and the other skills
essential to thrive in the 21st century. He has embraced the spirit of innovation in San Francisco to explore the
intersection of technology, art, and teaching through a number of ventures. Beyond his many years integrating
technology into his own arts classroom, he served as the Visual Arts Educator for the Yerba Buena Center for the
Arts, where he created one of the first interactive museum guide applications, and consults for Bay Area startups in
the education technology sector.
Educational Background: University of Vermont (M.Ed.-Curriculum and Instruction & BA-Studio Art, Political Science,
and German)
Ceana Botts
Administrator & Full-Time Faculty, School of Art Education & Teaching Credential Program
Ceana earned her BA Art Education from the University of Toledo (Ohio), and taught visual art grades 7-12 in Ohio
and Michigan. She lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico for many years where she painted murals, trompe l’oeil, and faux
wall finishes, for corporations, businesses, schools, and private homes as well as created her own paintings.
In 2003, Ceana relocated to the Bay Area, and realized how much she missed teaching, so returned to school. She
earned her MA TESL from the University of San Francisco, and had been tutoring and teaching English. Three years
ago, she melded her love of language, art, and teaching when she joined the School of Art Education at The
Academy of Art University.
Educational Background: University of Toledo (BA Art Education)
Gabriela Sotomayor
Director, School of Art History
Gabriela Sotomayor is an Oxford-trained classical archaeologist and art-historian, whose D.Phil thesis focused on the
subject of ancient luxury trade. Her research looks to the gem and jewelry trade from 300BC-300AD with a particular
focus on the role of Egypt as a trading gateway.
Following a BA in Art History and Archaeology from Washington University in St. Louis, she attained her MA in Greek
and Roman Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London, analyzing the jewelry of the Egyptian Fayum funerary
She studied in Florence, Italy, and Athens, Greece as a Gates Millennium Scholar, and has worked in and curated for
art museums and galleries in the US, UK and Chile. In addition to her duties as the Director of the School of Art
History, Gabriela teaches art history courses and advises BFA and MA thesis students, while continuing her research
on ancient luxury trade in the Greco-Roman world.
Educational Background: University of Oxford (Ph.D.-Classical Archaeology); Courtauld Institute of Art (MA-History of
Art); Washington University in St. Louis (BA-Art History & Archaeology)
Eileen Everett
Academic Vice President, Liberal Arts
Eileen M. Everett has been with the Academy of Art University since 1999 and has directed the Liberal Arts
Department since 2003. Eileen earned her BA in Art History at Indiana University’s Henry Radford Hope School of
Fine Arts and her MA from the University of California, Santa Barbara in the History of Art and Architecture where her
Master’s Thesis on 18th Century French Painting was received with Honors. In addition to her duties as Academic
Vice President, Eileen teaches Art History courses online and onsite and travels with the ACADEMY OF ART
UNIVERSITY Art History Study Abroad program when her schedule permits.
Educational Background: University of California, Santa Barbara (MA-History of Art and Architecture); Indiana
University (BA-Art History)
Candace Huey
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Candace earned her MA in Art History at Courtauld Institute of Art (London, UK), graduating with Honors. Her thesis
explores the issues surrounding the visual and material culture of 17thC Netherlandish Art. She earned her BA from
UC Berkeley in the History of Art with a minor in Anthropology. Candace has worked for the Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco as well as a major Bay Area art gallery and has interned at Courtauld Institute Gallery and Butterfields
Auction House. Candace is a member of the Historians of Netherlandish Art and has presented her research at their
conference in Amsterdam.
Educational Background: Courtauld Institute of Art (MA-History of Art); University of California, Berkeley (BA-History
of Art)
David Riffert
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
David has 20 years of teaching experience. His articles have been featured in print and publications. Colleges that
David has taught at include The Pennsylvania State University, Principia College, and Academy of Art University.
David received his BA in History and Art History from Principia College in 1986, and earned his MA in Art History from
The Pennsylvania State University in 1992. David also coordinates the Liberal Arts Study Abroad graduate curriculum
and has traveled to Europe numerous times with Academy students.
Educational Background: Pennsylvania State University (MA-Art History); Principia College (BA-History/Art History)
Stephen P. Williams
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Stephen Williams earned a BA and an MA in history at San Francisco State University. His graduate work included
not only the study of civilization from antiquity through the Renaissance, but also the art of the early Renaissance. His
research projects included the representation of St. Francis of Assisi in literature and art, the graphic art and text of
the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili of Colonna and its representation of Renaissance pagan ideals, as well as the
evolution of early Christian iconography. Other topics of interest and research include the French Revolution and
World War I. He is also enthusiastic about Italy and has studied Italian and history at the Scuola Leonardo Da Vinci in
Rome. Mr. Williams has been teaching courses on art history and western civilization at the Academy since 2001.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-History); San Francisco State University (BA-History)
Jan Yanehiro
Director, School of Communications & Media Technologies
Jan Yanehiro co-hosted Evening Magazine, a nightly program in San Francisco that ran for 15 years on KPIX TV-
CBS5. The television show pioneered the use of video. Evening Magazine is often cited as the show that launched
entertainment and reality programming. Yanehiro traveled the world in search of exotic places and fascinating
celebrities. She has bungee jumped, sky dived with the Army’s Golden Knights and climbed a frozen waterfall in
Colorado. She has hosted 6 documentaries on the US Government relocation and the redress of 110,000 Japanese
Americans during World War II. Yanehiro has won multiple awards including an Emmy, the Eleanor Roosevelt
Humanitarian Award and the Girl Scout’s Woman of Distinction. She is Board Chair of The Representation Project
and holds seats on Kristi Yamaguchi’s Always Dream Foundation and The Bank of Marin. Yanehiro graduated from
Fresno State University with a degree in Journalism: News-Editorial. She is the author of three books, her latest is,
This Is Not The Life I Ordered…50 Ways To Keep Your Head Above Water When Life Keeps Dragging You Down.
Educational Background: Fresno State University (BA-Journalism: News Editorial)
Steve Kotton
Associate Director, School of Communications & Media Technologies
Steve Kotton has more than 30 years of experience in visual communication productions. He is the co-owner and
Director of Production for New Material, Inc., that syndicates science and technology programming to broadcast
networks and the web. His prior company, Pacific Video Resources, produced satellite broadcasts, webcasts, live
action and VFX for video games, and syndicated series. Kotton was the Director of Digital Education Productions and
a Producer and Director for HGTV, The History Channel, and the DIY Network. He was selected as one of the first
cinematographers in the country to test the first field video camera, the Ikegami HL 33 back in 1977. Since then he
has won many awards including 4 Emmys, a Clio and an International Film and Video Festival Award for Creative
Excellence. Kotton is the Director of Photography for a new silent movie, The Canyon, produced for the 100th
Anniversary of Essanay Films, Niles, California.
Professional Background: New Material, Inc. (co-owner and Director of Production), Director of Digital Education
Productions and a Producer and Director at HGTV, The History Channel, and the DIY Network
Richard Hart
Full-Time Faculty, School of Communications & Media Technologies
Richard Hart has reported on emerging technologies for ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Discovery, SyFy, and USA Network.
As producer and host of Discovery’s longest-running technology series, he became the only person to win both a
DuPont-Columbia Journalism Award for investigative reporting and an Emmy Award for comedy. Also one of the
founding members of CNET/CBS Interactive, he continues to host technology reports syndicated to television stations
in the US. Hart has co-hosted with Ryan Seacrest, Robin Williams, Whoopi Goldberg and Jan Yanehiro. He holds a
degree in Physics from the University of Detroit, where he was an NCAA fencer. As a 2nd degree black belt, he
founded United Taekwondo of San Diego. Hart is an instrument-rated pilot and an advanced SCUBA diver who has
piloted an F-16 and bungee jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge.
Professional Experience: ABC; CBS; NBC; CNN; Discovery; SyFy; USA Network; CNET
Simon Ungless
Executive Director, School of Fashion
Simon Ungless graduated from Central Saint Martins School of Art and Design in 1992 and was awarded the
prestigious M.A. Degree in Fashion with Distinction. He collaborated with Alexander McQueen on the first 10
collections shown in London and New York, and personally introduced Sarah Burton, Creative Director of Alexander
McQueen, to the late designer.
In 2002, he was named Creative Director of Member Holiday, a Korean-based contemporary brand, launching both
men’s and women’s collections with 37 freestanding stores. His work experience spans fashion design, textile design,
forecasting, brand development, and marketing for such clients as Givenchy, Paul Smith, and Versace.
In addition to his duties as the Executive Director of the School of Fashion overseeing both M.F.A. and B.F.A.
programs, he is the editorial director of the School of Fashion’s 180 Magazine, as well as the executive producer of
the annual Graduation Fashion Show, Portfolio Review, and Scholarship Award Ceremony, and the New York
Fashion Week show. Currently, Ungless operates two artisanal design companies, When Simon Met Ralph, which
focuses on apparel, and Blackened, which centers on accessories and home. Both projects reflect Ungless’
inspirational developments over his career.
Educational Background: Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (MA-Fashion); Polytechnic of East London
Gary Miller
Director, School of Fashion
Gary Miller has more than 16 years of experience in New York and London as a fashion director. His design scope
encompasses building and maintaining a brand’s identity, initiating a start-up concept, reinvigorating an existing line,
and nurturing an ongoing successful brand. For many years, he worked as a Design Director for men’s sportswear
division at Macy’s Merchandising Group in New York. Previously, he worked at The Men’s Wearhouse, Wilke-
Rodriguez, Here and There (now part of The Doneger Group), and Michiko Koshino.
Mr. Miller holds a B.A. in Fashion Design with Textiles from Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication in
the U.K.
Educational Background: Ravensbourne College of Design & Communication (BA-Fashion Design & Textiles)
Jinah Oh
Director of Fashion Merchandising, School of Fashion
Jinah Oh earned her M.B.A. in Marketing at Golden Gate University in San Francisco, as well as a B.S. in Clothing
and Textiles and a B.A. in Philosophy from EWHA Women’s University in Seoul, Korea. She has extensive
experience in international fashion and luxury brands. With Escada Asia, she developed business and market
strategies, managed merchandising and buying for multiple brands, pioneered and initiated brick and mortar and e-
commerce channel development. Later with Cartier, Richemont Korea Ltd., she oversaw retail operations and all
aspects of retail marketing activities for the Korean market.
Educational Background: Golden Gate University (MBA-Marketing); Ewha Women's University (BS-Clothing &
Textiles); Ewha Women's University (BA-Philosophy)
Iliana Ricketts
Online Director, School of Fashion
Iliana Ricketts was appointed to Director of Online Fashion in 2014, Assistant Director of Online Fashion in 2009, and
held the position of Fashion Department Coordinator since 2005. Prior to arriving to the U.S., Iliana was established
as a recognized designer in her country of Bulgaria.
Ms. Ricketts received her M.F.A. in Fashion Design from Academy of Art University. In 2002, she launched ‘ILYA,’ a
designer ready-to-wear label sold nationally in stores such as Henri Bendel. Her line was also seen on the HBO
television series, Sex And The City. In 2004, she became head designer of the boutique and golf line GGblue. Under
her creative direction, GGblue became one of the most successful and fashion-forward brands in the golf and leisure
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Fashion Design); Training Centre Calgaria (BFA)
Robert Curry
Associate Director of 3D Design, Construction, Draping & Flat Pattern, School of Fashion
Robert Curry graduated from University of Leeds in 1994. Over the years, he worked with Vivienne Westwood,
designers Tristan Webber and Julien MacDonald, and Japanese label Unobilie. His work has appeared on the covers
of Vogue, Elle and Marie Claire. He has dressed Liza Minelli, Jerry Hall, Jennifer Lopez, Helena Bonham Carter,
Kylie Minogue, Minnie Driver, and the Queen of Jordan, as well as many women of the European aristocracy.
Within a year, he was promoted to “Premier” of the Atelier – responsible for the creation of the showpieces for the
Paris womenswear collections, as well as orders for client wedding dresses, ball gowns, exhibition and advertising
pieces. Over the years, he collaborated on multiple collections with designers Tristan Webber and Julien MacDonald
and also worked with Japanese label Unobilie.
His work has appeared on the covers of Vogue, Elle and Marie Claire. He has dressed Liza Minelli, Jerry Hall,
Jennifer Lopez, Helena Bonham Carter, Kylie Minogue, Minnie Driver, and the Queen of Jordan, as well as many
women of the European aristocracy.
Educational Background: Leeds University (BA-Fashion)
Flore Morton
Associate Director, School of Fashion
Flore Morton joined the Academy’s School of Fashion in 2006 and has built the styling program from scratch while
teaching portfolio-level fashion design, fashion styling, and photo shoot production. During her 20 years in the fashion
industry, Flore Morton has designed knitwear, woven, leatherwear, swimwear and accessories for Martin Margiela
and Jean Paul Gaultier at Hermès women’s ready-to-wear department in Paris. She has expertise in tailoring,
dressmaking, knitwear, leatherwear, swimwear, accessories, and styling. She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in
Fashion Design from the École Supérieure d’Arts Appliqués Duperré in Paris.
She is also managing the photo shoots and styling for 180 Magazine, and leading the School of Fashion exchange
Educational Background: École Supérieure d’Arts Appliqués Duperré, Paris (BFA-Fashion Design)
Russell Clower
Online Assistant Director of Fashion Merchandising, School of Fashion
Russell Clower received his BFA in Illustration from Parsons School of Design and has contributed to numerous retail
outlets as both in-house visual merchandising manager and consultant. He spent much of his career at San
Francisco's luxury retailer Wilkes Bashford Company, where he was Assistant Visual Director, and later, Creative
Director/Director of Special Events. Clower was also Visual Merchandising Director and Assistant Art Director at
Bebe, where he was responsible for the visual merchandising of 128 stores. He has worked with numerous clients
over the years, including Polo Ralph Lauren, Sue Fisher King Home, DISH Inspired Tableware, Wilkes Sport,
Hamilton Jewelers, and Juniper Hill Furniture.
Educational Background: Parsons School of Design (BFA-Illustration)
Rhona MacKenzie
Assistant Director of Textiles, School of Fashion
Rhona MacKenzie received her BA in Printed Textiles from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, and has
had much experience designing and printing fabric for a variety of companies. She has worked for Eley Kishimoto as
Print Studio Manager, and also worked on prints for Guy Laroche, Jil Sander, and Alexander McQueen. Her work has
been published in magazines such as Vogue (UK), ID Magazine, Fabrex, and International Textiles. MacKenzie has
also done freelance work for Schweppes International Ltd., The Scotch House, and BBC Television.
Educational Background: Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design (BA-Printed Textiles)
Alina Bokovikova
Costume Design Coordinator, School of Fashion
Alina Bokovikova has an M.F.A. in Costume Design from UC San Diego and a Masters Degree in Education from
Russia. As a professional costume designer she created costumes for more than sixty productions for theatre, opera
and dance and served as a resident costume designer at North Coast Repertory Theatre (School for Lies/ Graig Noel
Award). Her other credits include productions for Opera San Jose, California Shakespeare Company, Opera
Parallele, Theatreworks, Stanford Repertory Theatre, The Old Globe Theatre, La Jolla Playhouse (Camino Real/
Patté Award), San Diego Repertory Theatre, MOXIE Theatre, and Opera Neo Company. She was featured in The
American Theatre Magazine, and presented her works in Europe and Russia.
Educational Background: UC San Diego (MFA-Costume Design)
Elena Eberhard
Fashion Journalism Coordinator, School of Fashion
Elena Eberhard’s experience spans a 20-year career in fashion journalism and public relations, connecting fashion
professionals and promoting creative designers. She started as Public Relations Director for the Russian fashion
house Parfionova. At the Paris based fashion guide ModemOnline.com, Eberhard was the Editor of Modem Europe
and developed relationships with organizers of fashion weeks and industry tradeshows in France, Italy, Germany,
Spain, Turkey, Georgia, Scandinavia, Russia, and the USA. She managed the international relations and expansion
into the US for Premium Berlin. Eberhard holds an MA in Social Psychology and attended Sorbonne University in
Paris, where she studied Management of Cultural Projects.
Educational Background: St.Petersburg State University (MA Social Psychology); New Sorbonne University Paris III
(MA Management of Cultural Projects and Institutions)
Geetika Gupta
Merchandising Coordinator, School of Fashion
Geetika Gupta is a fashion design entrepreneur and has worked in diverse areas in the fashion industry, including
couture, children’s wear and resort wear. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from The Nottingham Trent
University, UK and later completed an MBA in Marketing. She has worked in the US and Asia, and brings global
knowledge and exposure to her work.
Geetika is a passionate educator, and a life-long learner; with a strong belief in integrating knowledge of the past with
new technologies. She is inspired by color and print, and loves to travel in search of art and textiles.
Educational Background: Nottingham Trent University (MBA-Marketing)
Damion Le Cappelain
Footwear and Accessory Design Coordinator
Damion Le Cappelain has 5 years experience teaching footwear and accessory design at Savannah College of Art
and Design, Georgia, before joining the Academy in March 2017. Prior to this he designed men’s footwear for
Hudson in London and various freelance and consultation work for companies including 3.1 Phillip Lim, Tom Lipop,
T&F Slack and Roots Collective. Damion continues to produce bespoke made to order shoes and bags for his
customers and work on his own line. Damion received an MA in Menswear (Footwear) from the Royal College of Art,
London. Prior to this he studied footwear design at Cordwainers (London College of Fashion).
Educational Background: Royal College of Art(MA-Menswear, Footwear)
Akemi Okamoto
Freshman Student Online Coordinator, School of Fashion
Akemi Okamoto received her BFA from the Academy of Art in Fashion Design. She joined the University as part time
faculty in 2006, and currently holds the Freshman Student Online Coordinator position.
Akemi has many years of design experience and has held Assistant Design and Design positions in
the Womenswear market.
She has also been contracted by celebrity stylist Mariel Haenn to work on custom pieces for Rihanna in Los Angeles,
From 2011-2014, she was the designer/owner of her own line of Contemporary womenswear apparel and showed in
the San Francisco and Los Angeles markets selling into stores along the West Coast. Akemi continues to create
custom pieces for independent musicians for live performance, video and photo shoots.
Educational Background: Academy of Art (BFA-Fashion Design)
Midori Sargent
Knitwear Coordinator, School of Fashion
Midori Sargent has designed Women’s high fashion knitwear for the past over 20 years. She was the head knitwear
designer for some of the largest apparel companies in Tokyo, “Bigi” and “Itokin”. While at Itokin, she launched and
designed the “Sybilla” and “Jocomomola” lines, licensed from the Spanish Designer Sybilla Sorond, and sold
internationally through over 80 stores in Tokyo, Madrid, Milan, Paris, Hong Kong, Soul and NY. She was the owner
and designer of Midori Sargent Knitwear Designs, specializing in high-end knitwear sold in the SF Bay Area and east
coast. Midori designed the featured knitwear collection of Itokin’s Sybilla line for SS2015, AW2015/16, and AW16/17
which are exhibited and sold at major fashion department stores in Tokyo, beginning with the Isetan Shinjuku “The
Fashion Stage”. Midori also launched the Spanish company “Proessa” knitwear department and designed the
AW2016/17 knitwear collection for “Sybilla Madrid”.
Professional Background: Bigi; Itokin
Andrea Skillings
Fashion Product Development Program Coordinator, School of Fashion
I have over 15 years’ experience in product development and production in the children’s wear market. My areas of
expertise include merchandising, product development, fabric selection, costing and sourcing. The majority of
experience is with small, family owned companies but this experience allowed me to broaden my interest to all areas
of design, merchandising and production. This is my first semester at the Academy of Art University but I’ve taught
face-to-face courses to undergraduate students at colleges in New York City. My teaching philosophy is to encourage
students to work from a place of curiosity and engage with awareness as they learn about their major but also about
themselves. I enjoy seeing students grow not just in knowledge of course material but also in how they view
themselves as aspiring professionals. The students bring their own unique life experiences and abilities to the
classroom and I see my role as affirming those abilities as well as challenging in the growth areas where they can
further develop.
Educational Background: The New School, New York (MA-Fashion and Textiles)
Chun Ming “Jim” Yang
Foundations Coordinator, School of Fashion
Jim Yang earned his BFA in Illustration from the Academy of Art University. Since 2007, he has been teaching at
Academy of Art University and currently serves as a full-time instructor for the Fashion department where he teaches
fashion illustration. Prior to joining Academy of Art University, he was an Animator for Radical Entertainment. Jim has
been an acting board member of the Vancouver Figure Drawing Society since 2007. He speaks fluent Mandarin and
Taiwanese and has been training in martial arts for at least 9.5 years.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Yuko Fujishima
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
Yuko Fujishima is an experienced instructor with more than 14 years of experience. Areas of expertise include basic
to advanced designing, pattern-making, sewing, and draping. She has taught at Bunka Fashion College where she
also received her degree in Apparel Design. She is now teaching full-time at the Academy of Art University's School
of Fashion.
Educational Background: Bunka Fashion College of Japan (Apparel Design Technique)
Matthew Gerring
Full-Time Faculty Visual Merchandising, School of Fashion
Matthew Gerring, Full time Merchandising Faculty, joined the School of Fashion teaching part time in 2007 and
became full time in Spring 2016. He has worked as the Textile Department Head for event design and production
company DaVinci Fusion, a Fabrication Artist with Scientific Arts Studio working on exhibits for government and
corporate clients, and a Habitat Artist for The National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD. Matthew received a B.F.A. from
the Maryland Institute College of Art where he studied painting and fiber art, and received a National Merit
Scholarship. He received a M.F.A. from the California College of the Arts where he studied Textiles, received a
National Merit Scholarship, and was the recipient of the prestigious Artist in Residence program at the Headlands
Center for the Arts. He also completed the renowned artist residency at the Skowhegan School of Painting and
Sculpture where only 65 applicants are accepted each year.
Educational Background: Maryland Institute College of Art (BFA-Painting); California College of the Arts (MFA-
Jennifer Jeon
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
Since Jennifer Jeon started her first career at Zandra Rhodes Studio in London in 2002, she has numerous
experience in textile design and prints. Jennifer’s work has been exposed in magazines such as WWD, Vogue,
L’Officiel-Paris magazine and she has worked as freelance designer for many fashion and textile design companies
include Club Monaco, London Portfolio and Old Navy. While she is teaching at Academy of Art University, Jeon has
invited to submit columns to Surtex Newsletter, On the Surface, addressing the state of surface design education in
the United States as a design educator. Jennifer Jeon is holding MFA Textile Design in Fashion from Academy of Art
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Textile Design ); Kyungwon University (BFA-Fiber Arts)
Ying Li
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
Chris Yingyi Li, a native of Hong Kong, has over fifteen years experience working as a fashion designer in Hong
Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, and Seoul. After moving to the United States, she received her second degree in Fashion
Knitwear Design from the Academy of Art University. Her designs have earned awards and distinctions such as the
CFDA Scholarship Award, the CFDA Vitaminwater® Color T-Shirt Collection Contest Finalist Award, and the
Discarded to Divine Home Decor Jury Award. Her design philosophy prioritizes matching constraints to possibility and
need to demand while synthesizing new ideas from seemingly disparate fragments.
A life-long learner, Chris is currently studying Design Thinking at Stanford University. In her free time, she loves to
knit, paint, and draw. She also enjoys reading, traveling, music, movies and gardening.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BA-Fashion Knitwear Design)
Banu Reynolds
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
[To Be Published]
Chelsea Snyder
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
Chelsea Rae Snyder was born in New England. During her childhood she was fortunate to be surrounded by creative
and resourceful family. Influenced by skills learned from her grandmother helped set her path as a Fashion designer.
Her grandmother was a teacher, and taught her how to sew. Her mother was a musician and an artist, and taught her
how to draw. Following high school, Chelsea studied at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for two years, focusing on
graphic design and fiber arts, before making a decision to focus on fashion design and continue her studies in San
Chelsea received Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in fashion design from the Academy of Art University, in San
Francisco. In addition, she completed three internships: Nice Collective in San Francisco, California; EDUN, New
York City, New York; and, Veronique Branquinho in Antwerp, Belgium.
Since completing her degree, Chelsea has worked for Abercrombie and Fitch, Dockers, and Old Navy. Presently her
career consists of freelancing for local companies in San Francisco and working with individual clients designing and
sewing custom pieces. Chelsea's career goals consist of developing her own line of clothing as well as continuing to
work with individual clients. Her design philosophy is to create pieces with sustainability, versatility, and durability in
Chelsea presently resides in San Francisco, California with her husband Michael Paul Snyder, her daughter, and her
dogs. She enjoys all the city has to offer as well as the nature that surrounds it. Examples of her work can be found
on her website chelseasnyder.com.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Fashion Design)
Leonid Solodukha
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
Leo Solodukha graduated from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute in 1982 with degree in industrial design, but he
followed his passion and pursued a career in fashion, first apprenticing and then working as an assistant designer at
Slava Zaitsev Fashion House in Moscow, Russia. After moving to the United States in 1991, he continued to hone his
skills as lead patternmaker at Byer California, then continuing as Senior Technical Designer at the Bay Area iconic
brands such as Esprit and GAP. In 2009 -2010, Leo took a break from pressures of commercial enterprise and
shared the wealth of his knowledge with younger generation of fashion enthusiasts at this very institution, Academy of
Art University. In late 2010, he was hired as Manager of Product Development for rapidly expanding outdoors label,
Mountain Hardwear. From 2013 to 2018, he tried his hand in establishing and developing smaller startup labels, such
as Trumaker and Triple Aught Design, and a niche label, Ariat International.
Educational Background: Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (BS-Design and Construction)
Hersha Steinbock
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
Hersha Steinbock received her BA in English from UC Berkeley and MA in English from Portland State University.
She has worked in the fashion industry since 1978 when she worked as a Sportswear Buyer for I. Magnin & Co. After
7 years there, she moved on to become Sales Manager for Spumoni Sportswear, Vice President/ Sales Manager for
Byer California. For a few years, she worked as a Store Manager for The Susan Co., a high end specialty apparel
retailer. More recently, she has been a Buyer for Bebe Stores Inc. and Director of Sales & Merchandising for Fiona/
Cou Paris at San Jose's Santana Row. She now currently serves as a Full-Time Instructor for the Academy of Art
University's Fashion Merchandising program.
Educational Background: Portland State University (MA-English); University of California Berkeley (BA-English)
Tsomo Tsering
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
Tsomo Tsering is an experienced professional in the fashion industry. After she received her BA from the University
of Tibet, she worked in various capacities within the fashion industry. She has done freelance sewing, pattern
drafting, and designed traditional costumes for individuals. Since 1998, she has also been a Production Assistant at
Diana Slavin Woman's Wear. In addition to her day job, Tsering also works as a freelance patternmaker for local
designers, Arlen Wohl, Loretta Warner, GG Sport, and others. She received the Critic's Merit Award, the ADM
Student Merit Award for Best Sportswear, and placed 3rd at the CA Community College Symposium for Professional
Wear. Tsering is fluent in Mandarin and Tibetan.
Educational Background: University of Tibet (BA-Art)
Wa Shan Yeung
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fashion
Sebastian Yeung graduated from Central Saint Martins with a B.A. honors degree in 1993 and Master Degree in
Fashion Theory, Marketing and Management from Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1995. During in UK, he has
been working as a freelance designer for Helen Storey, Pam Hogg & Johnny Moke. He also has almost 21 years of
teaching experience and working in different fashion companies in UK, Hong Kong & Shanghai. His expertise is
eveningwear design, contemporary wear and street fashion.
His design philosophy is affected & influenced by global environment, more focus on shaped and refine the details
mixing with the past & future, evolve in individuality and focus on total look. He believe the older he get and it will
more true about what he look at fashion design, anything will whittle away if that is inexplicably bad taste & cliché.
Sebastian also has a very strong experience in fashion accessories design such as millinery, handbag & shoe
making. Besides, he has also very keen in turban design and small leather goods.
Educational Background: Central Saint Martins (BA-Fashion Theory, Marketing and Management); Hong Kong
Polytechnic University (MFA- Marketing and Management)
Craig Nelson
Executive Director of Painting & Printmaking, School of Fine Art
For more than 30 years, Craig Nelson has depicted figures, landscapes, California coastal vistas, and various
environments in rich, vibrant oils. He has painted countless movie posters, including the one-sheets for Slap Shot,
The Monster Squad, and The Incredible Journey; many book covers; and album covers for the likes of Natalie Cole
(Thankful) and Rick Nelson (Country). Some of his most prestigious works have been his Broadway production
posters for Neil Simon’s Lost in Yonkers and Proposals; both originals are in the playwright’s private collection.
During his illustrious career, Nelson has won more than 200 awards of excellence in various shows, as well as five
gold medals and four silver medals from organizations including the Society of Illustrators and the California Art Club.
In 1996, one of his paintings was chosen for the Communication Arts Annual cover.
Educational Background: Art Center College of Design (BFA-Illustration)
Tom Durham
Director of Sculpture, School of Fine Art
Tom Durham holds an MFA degree in sculpture and drawing from the University of Minnesota and has worked as a
sculptor for more than 30 years. His creations have been exhibited predominately in the United States, throughout
South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland, and New York.
His works include the Max Heller sculpture in Greenville, S.C., the life-size sculpture of Larry David as the Statue of
Liberty at HBO’s Kevin Largent Studios in New York, the bronze sculpture Citadel in Charleston, S.C., the portrait of
Gino Bataglio in Chicago, and Phillip Simmons and Christ and Child for the Elpis Foundation in Charleston, S.C.
Durham brings to his role at the School of Fine Art more than 15 years of teaching experience.
Educational Background: University of Minnesota (MFA); College of Charlseton, SC (BA)
Carolyn Meyer
Director of Painting, School of Fine Art
Carolyn Meyer launched her career as an art director for Gardner Communications Inc., an advertising agency in San
Francisco, and was one of the founding principals of Paris Printing, a large-size printing company in Northern
California. Her works are on display at local galleriesincluding ArtHaus, William Lester Gallery, and Hang Gallery
and in galleries across the United States.
A 1995 graduate of the Academy of Art University Painting MFA program, Meyer also teaches landscape painting
and abstract painting courses in the School of Fine Art.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Fine Arts); Academy of Art University (BFA-Advertising)
Annamarie Nelson
Online Director of Painting & Printmaking, School of Fine Art
Annamarie Nelson, also known as Anna, started teaching still life painting in 1992 for the summer Art Experience
program at Academy of Art University and has been a member of the faculty ever since. She graduated from UCLA
with a degree in Italian Language and Literature, worked for the Italian Department at UCLA as well as various travel
agencies acting as tour guide for students studying in Florence, Italy.
She attended Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA as an illustration major and after six terms began
accepting freelance work and commission paintings. Anna continues to contribute work to the annual Academy of Art
University Faculty + Alumni Fine Art Auction to help raise scholarship money benefiting Academy students.
Educational Background: University of California, Los Angeles (BA-Italian Language and Literature)
Brandie Grogan
Printmaking Coordinator, School of Fine Art
Brandie Grogan is a San Francisco-based mixed media artist who works in the mediums of printmaking, fiber arts
and sculpture. Combining these processes with found objectswood, metal, resin and fabricshe creates both two-
dimensional and three-dimensional installation work. Grogan’s work is included in both national and international
collections including the Yerevan Print Biennale, Hunterdon Art Museum, Guanlan Printmaking Museum, Dallas
Cowboys Stadium and the Basler Papiermühle in Basel Switzerland.
Educational Background: The Ohio State University (BA-Fine Arts); Academy of Art University (MA-Fine Arts in
Steven Krochman
Online Coordinator of Sculpture, School of Fine Art
Steven Krochman holds a MFA and BFA in Sculpture from Boston University and CSU Long Beach. He has over 15
years of professional experience in Fine Arts including work as a Mold Maker at the New England Sculpture Service,
Graduate Student Teacher for Life Sculpture, and work on a commissioned project for the Elbert Weinberg Estate.
His work has been exhibited in solo, group, and juried exhibitions in galleries at Cal State University at Long Beach,
Boston University, Long Beach Arts Association Gallery, Cypress College and Chemers Gallery. He won the
Friedman Brothers Fellowship while studying at Boston University.
Educational Background: Boston University (MFA-Sculpture); California State University Long Beach (BFA-Sculpture)
Beverly Lazor
Undergraduate Online Coordinator, School of Fine Art
After a long career as a freelance illustrator and product designer, Beverly Lazor found her passion for plein air
painting as well as instructs online classes. She currently has work exhibited in Jessup Cellars Gallery in Napa,
California, as well as galleries in Southern California.
Educational Background: Art Center College of Design (BFA-Illustration)
Jesse Mangerson
Graduate Online Coordinator, School of Fine Art
Jesse Mangerson studied Illustration at University of Wisconsin Eau Claire earning a BFA. He then migrated west
where he earned his MFA in Illustration at Academy of Art University, where he continues to teach in the online
Foundations and MFA Fine Art Painting departments. His work shows in galleries in Northern California and the
Midwest. Independent publishers on both the East and West coasts have published his illustrations both in print and
Mangerson lives with his wife and two children in Madison, Wisconsin, where he works from his home studio.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Illustration); University of Wisconsin (BFA-Illustration)
Meri Brin
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Meri Brin was born in Chicago, Illinois and moved to the Bay Area in 1994. She received her BFA in Printmaking from
the School of Fine Art at Academy of Art University. She currently teaches Printmaking and Silkscreen. Previously,
she taught paper crafts at Zeum and Silkscreen at Mission Grafica. She has shown locally and nationally, including a
solo show at Oaklandish in 2012. Group shows have included Junk Mail at The Soap Gallery in 2010 and the Print
Zero Exchange in Seattle, Washington. In 2008, she won a materials award from the Monotype Guild of New
England. Besides prints, Brin also makes books, zines and stationery under the name Fixed Orifice Press. She has
contributed artwork to Good Mail Day from Quarry Press, and the Stoner Coffee Table Handbook from Chronicle
Books. Brin is a member of Southern Graphics, and is on the board of the California Society of Printmakers.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Fine Art)
Daniel Burt
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Daniel Burt received his BFA in Painting from the University of New Mexico and his MFA in Fine Art Sculpture from
Academy of Art University. His work has currently exhibited at Luna Rienne Gallery in San Francisco. In the past, he
has exhibited at Cal Arts, Lab 101,111 Minna, Mimi Barr Group Show, Taos in New Mexico, and others. He was
awarded the Academy of Art University's Best Mixed Media and Student Choice Award in their annual Spring Show
while he was a student there.
Daniel's public commissions are on display in the heart of San Francisco's Mission district, at the Bethany Center. His
permanent work is also on display at the Raymond Vineyards in Sonoma.
Since 2007, Daniel has been teaching and building sculpture classes at the Academy of Art University. He is currently
a full-time instructor for the university's sculpture department.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Fine Art Sculpture); University of New Mexico (BFA-
Margaret Keelan
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Margaret Keelan received her BFA at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada and her MFA at the University of
Utah. In 2003 she juried the California Clay Competition at the Artery in Davis, CA, and was invited to lecture on her
latest work at the 2005 National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts in Baltimore, 2007 CCACA, Davis
California and at 2007 SOFA, New York. Recent exhibitions have included Vanitas: Transient Treasures at the
Lacoste Gallery in Concord MA and Regina Clay: Worlds in the Making, traveling across Canada. Other venues have
been in Chicago, New York, Santa Fe, Montana, and Pomona, as well as solo shows in St. Louis, MO and Seattle,
WA. Her work can also be seen in 500 Figures in Clay: Ceramic Artists Celebrate the Human Form, The Craft and Art
of Clay, Ceramics: Art and Perception, Confrontational Ceramics, and Ceramics Review in England.
Educational Background: University of Utah (MFA-Ceramic Sculpture); University of Saskatchewan (BA-Ceramic
Kevin Moore
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Kevin Moore was born in Rotterdam, Holland in 1976. His father's role as a missionary with the Church of the
Nazarene took the Moore family to Kenya, South Africa, France and Zaire before settling in California. He has
exhibited consistently in San Francisco and has works in collections in Italy and Denmark. Moore has been reviewed
in ARTNEWS, American Art Collector and WHERE Magazines, and was selected as one of the top "21 under 31"
emerging artists by Southwest Art Magazine in 2005. The artist lives and works in the Bay Area and is a full-time
faculty member at Academy of Art University where he graduated in 2000.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Painting)
Jennifer Roberts
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Jennifer Roberts has been a faculty member at Academy of Art University since 1991. She has 25 years of
experience as an exhibiting artist, visual designer and is an educator in design, color theory, painting and sculpture.
Her watercolors are noted for their exquisite light, luminosity, color harmony and brush language.
It is for these reasons that artists seek out Robert’s private painting workshops in California, Hawaii, Italy and France.
She considers teaching a privilege and exhibits internationally, with work hanging in collections across the United
States, Europe and Asia. She received a first place award from the National Association of Printers and a Grant
Award from the Sesnon Foundation.
A partial listing of collectors include: the Bank of Tokyo, Pacific Bell, Bill Graham Presents, Ruth Asawa and the
collection of Stephen DeStaebler.
Professional Background: Bank of Tokyo; Pacific Bell; Bill Graham Presents; Ruth Asawa, Stephen DeStaebler
Christine Rolik
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Chris Rolik is an artist and educator who wears a number of hats maker of one-of-a-kind altered books, creator of
textile-inspired sculptural objects made primarily with found and recycled materials, and instructor of popular
bookmaking classes and workshops in San Francisco and around the country. She also maintains a busy textile
conservation practice where she has the unique opportunity to handle and spend time with all manner of historical
textiles, traditional costume and the occasional ritual object. These different areas of interest all end up having a
wonderful and exciting influence on one another.
She is full time faculty at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco where she has taught Book Arts since 1998.
She maintains a studio and lives in Dogtown West Oakland, CA.
Educational Background: California College of Arts and Crafts (BFA-Textiles)
Peter Schifrin
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Peter Schifrin is a professional sculptor who has created numerous large-scale public and private commissions in
bronze, including 18-foot bronze, Full Sky for award-winning home in New York (2008), 17-foot bronze, Earth & Sky
for DeLoach Vineyards, Sonoma (2009), 16-foot bronze and steel, Coyotes in downtown San Jose, the11-foot bronze
and steel, Firefighter in San Ramon, 9-foot bronze, Wounded Man for the city of San Mateo’s Performing Arts Center,
and Play Sky a 12-foot bronze at a private residence in Sonoma (2009).
In 2004, Peter Schifrin created two 22-foot bronze monuments, Confluence and Skyward at Post and Mason St in
San Francisco's premier Union Square District, commissioned by the Academy of Art University. His work is
highlighted in the hardcover monograph, Love and Fear: The Sculpture of Peter Schifrin with accompanying film on
DVD. In 2009 thru 2012 Peter collaborated with artist David Duskin, to create a monumental-scale work, J-Line. Peter
Schifrin is a member of the International Sculpture Center and is a voted "Fellow" with the National Sculpture Society.
Educational Background: Boston University (MFA-Sculpture); San Jose State University (BA-Sculpture)
Brandon Smith
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Brandon is a California native raised on the central coast, and is now residing in Oakland. Brandon is a traditional oil
painter whose subject matter is primarily figurative. In addition he is known to paint street scenes, and the occasional
still life and landscape. He began teaching for the Academy in 2003, and in 2008 became a full time faculty member
of the Fine Art department. His paintings are represented by Grey McGear Modern in Santa Monica.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Fine Art)
Tomutsu Takishima
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Tomutsu's work has been seen in many exhibitions in the bay area, including AAC, Romeo 5 Art Cafe, and Merced
Multicultural Art Center. His awards include a 3rd place MFA Fine Art Painting Award from AAC, as well as a first
award in oil from Society of Western Artists national open show. Tomutsu received his BFA with distinction in Painting
and Drawing from AAC in 1994, and received his MFA in Painting from AAC in 1998.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Painting); Academy of Art University (BFA-Painting and
Zhao Wu
Full-Time Faculty, School of Fine Art
Zhaoming Wu was born in China and grew up in Guangzhou City. He received his BFA from Guangzhou Academy of
Fine Art China and his MFA from Academy of Art University, San Francisco. Since 1983, he has been exhibiting his
work in Asia, Europe, the United States and other countries around the world.
He has won numerous awards, including the Merit Award at the 6th National Art Exhibition in Beijing, China, the
Gustafson Fund Award, from the National Oil and Acrylic Painter’s Society, 1st place in the 9th Biennial National
Figure Painting and Drawing Exhibition, from Mendocino Art center, California; Second Prize Winner in International
Artist magazine (Aug/Sept 2001), grand prize winner in International Artist magazine (Aug/Sept 2005); the Daler-
Rowney Award from the Oil Painters of America (2000) and the Art Distributor Award from the Oil Painters of America
Long active as both an artist and a teacher, he served as a professor of painting at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine
Art and is currently an instructor of painting at Academy of Art University. His works have been featured in many
publications, including two drawing books of Zhaoming Wu and two painting books of Zhaoming Wu; International
Artist magazine (April/May 2003, August/September 2005), Art of the West magazine (September/October 2004,
July/August 2007), Art Talk Magazine (February 2005), and American Art Collector (January 2007).
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Fine Art); Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art (BFA-Painting)
David Goodwine
Executive Director, School of Game Development
David Goodwine is an Animation & Visual Effects graduate of Academy of Art University. He has been in the
entertainment industry for 18+ years, including 14 years in games. David has worked for companies such as Double
Fusion, Eidos / Crystal Dynamics, Electronic Arts, and PDI/Dreamworks.
His game credits include projects such as 25 to Life, Legacy of Kain: Defiance, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers,
Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Project: Snowblind, and Tomb Raider: Legend. Films worked on include
Evolution, The Mexican, The Deep End, The Legend of Bagger Vance and Shrek 3D.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration); San Diego State University (BS-Exercise
David “Rez” Graham
Director of Game Programming, School of Game Development
David “Rez” Graham is currently Director, Game Programming at the Academy of Art University’s School of Game
Development. Most recently, he was the Lead Artificial Intelligence Programmer at Electronic Arts. He has worked in
the gaming industry as an engineer since 2005 spending most of that time working on various kinds of AI, from
platform enemy AI to full simulation games. Prior to working at EA, he was at PlayFirst, Slipgate Ironworks, and
Planet Moon Studios. He is the co-author of Game Coding Complete, 4th Edition and regularly speaks at The Game
Developers Conference as well as various colleges and high schools. Rez spends his free time performing improv
and running tabletop RPGs.
Educational Background: Heald Institute of Technology (AS-Electronics/Computer Technology)
Charles Huenergardt
Online Director, School of Game Development
Charlie started out testing games in 1996-2000 for Sega and Sony. In 2000 Charlie landed a job at 3DO as a Level
Designer and worked in design from 2000-2011 at 3DO, Sony, EA, Crystal Dynamics, Activision, Pirate Games, and
Page 44. Charlie has worked on such titles as Ape Escape, Army Men, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Spider-
Man: Web of Shadows, Project Snowblind, Pictionary, and several more. When Charlie isn’t teaching or managing
the online side of the department, he finds pleasure in many side projects that include 3D modeling, game and level
design, scripting, VR, and drawing.
Professional Background: Danger Mine Games (Creative Director & Founder), Page 44 Studios (Project Lead),
Shaba Games (Sr. Game Designer), Crystal Dynamics (Game Designer), Pirate Games (Game Designer), Electronic
Arts (Game Designer), Sony Computer Entertainment America (Jr. Game Designer), 3DO (Level Designer)
Michael Witzel
Director of Esports, School of Game Development
Michael Witzel began his career in technology and communications in the US Marines. There he built large scale
communication networks from the ground up. Michael pivoted into the gaming industry and received his Bachelor of
Fine Arts degree from Academy of Art’s School of Game Development. Michael combined his passion for games and
esports and created the ArtU Esports Program in 2016. He continues to progress the program forward with the goal
of making it the number 1 collegiate esports program in the world.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BA-Game Design)
Brian Hess
Associate Director, School of Game Development
Brian Hess received his BS in Media Arts & Animation from the Art Institute of California. He also is a freelance artist
for Beneville Studios where he creates commissioned artwork and one of a kind objects for exclusive clientele.
Additionally previous employment includes Thrasher Magazine, Atlantis Resorts, Zynga, TinyCo., and most currently
Action Lab Comics.
Educational Background: Art Institute of California (BS-Media Arts and Animation)
Scott Berkenkotter
Programming Lead, School of Game Development
After earning a BA degree in Linguistics at UC Davis, Scott Berkenkotter realized his true passion for game design
and returned to his home town of Fremont, CA to earn a Certificate in Game Design at Ohlone College. Scott was the
Founding President of the Ohlone Game Developers Club for two years, and led a team of five to build an interactive
educational experience in Second Life. He has since worked his way up from a tester at Electronic Arts to working as
Lead Engineer at independent studios such as Millionants Productions and Foam Robot, Inc. Prior to joining
Academy of Art University, he developed the English-learning app Idiom Power for web, iOS, and Android.
Educational Background: UC Davis (BA-Linguistics); Ohlone College (Certificate-Game Design)
Michael Buffington
Concept Art Lead, School of Game Development
Michael Buffington is a graduate of the Academy of Art University where he majored in Illustration. He works as a
freelance illustrator producing storyboards and concept art for video games, animation, and film. In 2008, Michael
worked as the In-house designer and Props supervisor on a high profile CG animated feature film entitled Alpha &
Omega. Michael also worked as a Designer for Lucas Film Animation on the Third season of The Clone Wars
television series which airs on Cartoon Network.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Gregory Eichholzer
UI/UX Lead, School of Game Development
Greg Eichholzer most recently was Associate Art Director at RockYou, Inc. and previously was a Lead Artist at
Kabam, Inc. He has animated game elements, illustrated, and designed UI for PC, web games, and mobile games.
Notable games Greg has worked on include Dragons of Atlantis, The Godfather: Five Families, Kingdoms of
Camelot, Marvel: United, The Fairly OddParents: Shadow Showdown, and Scooby-Doo! Case File #2: The Scary
Stone Dragon.
Greg is an MFA candidate at Academy of Art University and holds a BFA in Visual Communications from Cazenovia
College, NY.
Educational Background: Cazenovia College (BFA-Visual Communications)
Steve Goodale
Game Design Lead, School of Game Development
Steven’s long career began in 1992 at Sega. His first design work was at Electronic Arts working on Road Rash3D
where he shipped multiple titles in both Design and Production capacities. While at 3DO he helped ship some of their
more successful products including WDL Thunder Tanks and Sarge's War. Steven moved into AAA development
when he was both Lead Systems Designer and Creative Director for Crystal Dynamics popular Tomb Raider
Professional Background: BabyBubblez! (CEO & Founder), Crystal Dynamics (Creative Director), 3DO (Game
Designer), Electronic Arts (Assistant Produce), Sega of America (Lead Analyst
Philip Kauffold
Technical Lead, School of Game Development
Phillip Kauffold studied animation at the Art Institute of California-San Francisco, then got his start in games working
on Tomb Raider: Anniversary at Crystal Dynamics. While animating the Tomb Raider games, he also started rigging
characters and props, and eventually managed the cinematics pipeline. Following that, he worked on a variety of
mobile games at DeNA San Francisco such as We Rule, We City, and Dreamtopia. He also worked freelance on
other projects, such as an avatar system designed to help people with hospital discharge instructions.
Phil started teaching character and creature rigging at Academy of Art University in 2012, and has developed
curriculum for technical animation, animation, and virtual reality.
Educational Background: Art Institute of California (BS-Media Arts and Animation)
Jamin Shoulet
3D Modeling Lead, School of Game Development
Jamin Shoulet has worked in the gaming and multi-media industry for over 15 years. As a veteran game artist, he has
worked with heavy hitting companies such as Blizzard Entertainment, Trion, Gazillion, Ubisoft, Perpetual
Entertainment, and One Thumb Mobile. He was a key core artist for the immensely popular online game World of
Warcraft. Other titles include Star Trek Online, RIFT, Warcraft 3 and Rocksmith.
Previous years of experience includes working with Toyota, United States Airforce, US Dept. of State, Toshiba,
Nissan and Honeywell on various multi-media projects for CD-ROM and Web based training. His experience has also
brought him overseas to Taiwan as a consultant for games such as Holy Beast Online.
Professional Background: As a veteran game artist of 15 years, Jamin Shoulet has worked with heavy hitting
companies such as Blizzard Entertainment, Trion, Gazillion, Ubisoft, Perpetual Entertainment, and One Thumb
Mobile. He was a key core artist for the immensely popular online game “World of Warcraft.” Other titles include “Star
Trek Online,” “RIFT”, “Warcraft 3” and “Rocksmith”. Previous years of experience includes working with Toyota,
United States Air Force, US Dept. of State, Toshiba, Nissan and Honeywell on various multi-media projects for CD-
ROM and Web based training. His experience has also brought him overseas to Taiwan as a consultant for games
such as “Holy Beast Online, “ and now currently freelances his skills for smaller mobile companies.
Patrick Kenney
Online Coordinator, School of Game Development
Patrick has created 2D and 3D art and animation for video games since 1995 most notably for Activision and
Acclaim Entertainment. His freelance work includes Forge and a Virtual Congress project for the Library of Congress.
He is credited on more than 20 published titles, including Spiderman: Web of Shadows, Shrek Super Slam, well as
several titles within the Tony Hawk franchise. Before joining the Academy of Art University, Patrick was an instructor
at the Columbus College of Art and Design.
Educational Background: Champlain College (BS-Graphic Design and Digital Media), studied abroad at Florence
University of the Arts and Champlain College Dublin
Miles Horak
Full-Time Faculty, School of Game Development
Miles has been programming and scripting video games for over ten years at the 3DO Company, Page 44 Studios,
and Zynga. Miles scripted gameplay on Army Men Air Attack 2, Sarge's War, Dragon Rage, and Four Horsemen of
the Apocalypse, he scripted menus and gameplay on two Tony Hawk ports, and he scripted mini-games on the Spin
it Rich casino slot game. Miles programmed the UI system that Page 44 used in four Disney games and Party Place,
and he programmed UI on Solstice Arena. Miles is a huge Nintendo fan, he figured out the remote controls and
programmed gesture recognition for two Wii games.
Professional Background: 3DO Company; Page 44 Studios; Zynga (Programming and Scripting)
Filip Krstevski
Full-Time Faculty, School of Game Development
Filip Krstevski received his B.Sc. in Computer Science with Honors from Ryerson University in Toronto Canada.
Since 2007, Filip has worked at various studios throughout North America as a Software Engineer. Some notable
companies include Midway Games and Phosphor Games. He’s worked on games such as NBA Ballers: Chosen
One, Blitz the League II, Tony Hawk: Shred, Gears of War 3, The Dark Meadow and the Infinity Blade series.
Educational Background: Ryerson University (BS-Computer Science)
Jason Weesner
Full-Time Faculty, School of Game Development
Jason Weesner is a senior game designer with over 25 years of experience in the game industry. He’s a professional
nerd who was raised on Dungeons & Dragons, pinball machines, Doctor Who, and Boy Scouts and somehow found a
way to turn all of that into a career. Jason has worked on games like Sly Cooper, Pac-Man, Jurassic Park, and Tomb
Raider which have sold millions of copies and other games like Seablade and Ninja Golf which you may find buried in
a landfill in New Mexico.
Professional Background: 25 years’ experience in the game industry
Phillip Hamlett
Director, School of Graphic Design
As a former AIGA national board member, founder of Compostmodern, and co-author of The Living Principles for
Design, he sets the agenda for sustainable business practice within the design community at large. In 2014, Hamlett
was named president of the AIGA San Francisco Chapter, the driving force for design in the Bay Area.
Educational Background: University of Georgia (BFA-Graphic Design)
William Culpepper
Online Director, School of Graphic Design
Since 2000, William Culpepper has worked on a variety of visual communication projects for both public and private
organizations. His practice has encompassed all facets of the graphic design profession, from typesetting local
newspapers to acting as creative director for national campaigns. Prior to arriving at Academy of Art University,
William taught at Virginia Commonwealth University, Northern Arizona University and Ferris State University. William
received his BFA from Montana State University and his MFA at the Academy of Art University. His thesis project,
“Grafik Intervention: Sparking Urban Revitalization Efforts through Graphic Design,” has become an active point of
reference for the design community and its efforts to promote “Design for Good.” This project has been featured in
national design publications, online and in print, including Communication Arts, Design Observer and AIGA's Design
for Good. William’s work includes mixed media and visual messaging through typography. His artistry is interactive
and customized to reflect locations, situations, conversations and observations from his environment, and has been
exhibited across the United States and nationally. William currently lives in Bozeman, Montana looking for perfect
vistas in the morning light with his wife and two active daughters.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA Graphic Design); Montana State University (BFA-Studio
Mary Scott
Director Emerita, School of Graphic Design
School of Graphic Design Chair Mary Scott can usually be found teaching the programs’s signature portfolio class to
both grads and undergrads. This gives her a bird’s-eye view of the students as they launch their careers in design.
Prior to coming to the Academy in 1999, Mary taught at Art Center College of Design and Otis College of Art and
Her professional life was spent as partner and creative director at Maddocks & Company in Los Angeles, where her
projects for Procter & Gamble, Hitachi, Sony, Disney, Microsoft, Max Factor, Avon and Vidal Sassoon received
numerous industry awards.
With almost 40 years of experience, Mary has served on the national board of AIGA, was chapter president in Los
Angeles, and received the AIGA Fellows Award from the San Francisco Chapter in 2006. In 2012 she was awarded
an honorary doctorate from Academy of Art University. Her hobby is landscape and garden design.
Educational Background: University of California, Los Angeles and Mount St. Mary’s College.
Professional Background: Maddocks and Company (Vice President and Director of Creative Operations, 25 years),
Audio Magnetics, Sony Superscope, William Pereira and Associates, Capitol Records.
Thomas McNulty
Undergraduate Associate Director, School of Graphic Design
Thomas has been serving as Associate Director since 2001. During his design career, he has worked with renowned
designer Robert Miles Runyan, Enterprise IG, CFNAPA, Neworld Associates (Ireland) and was the co-founder and
vice president of Profile Design in San Francisco for over 10 years.
He has successfully managed and directed many multinational brand and packaging programs for clients such as
Anheuser Busch, Apple, Oracle, Charles Krug Winery, The Hershey Company, Kraft Foods, Logitech, Lynch
Vineyards, Mariani Nut Company, Mileeven Fine Foods (Ireland), Mrs Fields, Trinchero Family Estates, and
Safeway, winning awards and recognition for design excellence. His work can be found in numerous design industry
publications. He is a graduate of Art Center College of Design, recipient of ACCD, Rita Sue Siegal Humanitarian
Educational Background: Art Center College of Design (BFA-Graphic Design)
Jeremy Stout
Online Associate Director, School of Graphic Design
Jeremy Stout teaches, develops content and is integral in planning in the MFA and BFA programs. His wide range of
design experience allows him to teach all levels of typography, brand, digital and print design.
Jeremy has worked at a number of large and small firms in the Bay Area. At Chronicle Books, he directed and
designed over 150 titles. He was also a senior designer at Landor and Associates, where he created branding for
clients such as FedEx, Visa, Accenture and John Deere. At Character, he served as an art director on projects for
clients such as Nike, Restoration Hardware, Facebook and Adobe. Jeremy is also the coauthor of a book for
Bloomsbury Press called The Graphic Design Process.
Educational Background: California College of the Arts & Crafts (BFA-Graphic Design & Printing)
Hunter Wimmer
Associate Director, School of Graphic Design
Hunter Wimmer has nearly two decades of experience in translating strategic business objectives into innovative,
relevant visual solutions. As design director for IDEO, he broadened his professional scope by bringing a unique
perspective on user-centered research and multidisciplinary collaboration into the overall design process. Through his
work with Gap and as design director of Banana Republic’s marketing team, he discovered new insights into branding
and consumer messaging, which he leverages in both his work and teaching.
Prior to joining the Academy in 2005, he spent several years anchoring the Graphic Design program at the University
of California Berkeley Extension in San Francisco. Hunter’s work has been featured in numerous books and
publications such as Print, HOW, Critique and Wallpaper magazines. He holds a degree in Communication Arts and
Design from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Educational Background: Virginia Commonwealth University (BFA-Communication Arts & Design)
Chuck Pyle
Director, School of Illustration
Mr. Pyle is an internationally sought-after artist, working with clients from New York to Tokyo. His clients include
Microsoft, Pacific Bell, Safeway, Avis, Ask Jeeves, Sun Microsystems, Reader’s Digest, The New York Times, The
Boston Globe, Atlantic Monthly, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, McCall’s, Penguin, Bantam, Book of the Month Club,
Houghton Mifflin, Seattle Opera, Nisshin Foods, and the Chicago Museum of Science and Technology.
Mr. Pyle received the 2015 Distinguished Educator in the Arts award from the Society of Illustrators.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Jeannie Brunnick
Online Director, School of Illustration
Jeannie is an adept illustrator who has gained national recognition for her work with clients such as: Universal/MCA,
MGM Studios, 20th Century Fox Studios, Sony Pictures, Warner Bros. Studios, Disney Imagineering, and Mattel
Toys. Jeannie was a featured illustrator in Outstanding American Illustrators and has been awarded by the Society of
Illustrators in Los Angeles.
Educational Background: Art Center College of Design (BFA-Illustration)
William Maughan
Graduate Director, School of Illustration
A professional illustrator and fine artist, Mr. Maughan has provided numerous illustrations for such companies as
DreamWorks, CBS, Universal Studios, Chevrolet, Doubleday, Oxford University Press, to name but a few. His work
has been represented by major galleries and publishers, domestically and internationally. Mr. Maughan’s book, The
Artist’s Complete Guide to Drawing the Head, was published in 2004.
Educational Background: Art Center College of Design (BFA-Illustration)
Lisa Berrett
Assistant Director, School of Illustration
Lisa earned her BFA in Illustration at Academy of Art University in 1986 and has worked as a freelance illustrator for
nearly 20 years. She has illustrated for a wide range of products, including children's books and magazines, games,
CD-ROM packaging as well as advertising, food label art, and educational materials for kids. Lisa returned to the
Academy in 2001 to instruct future illustrators on the principles of clothed figure drawing.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Gary Amaro
Full-Time Faculty, School of Illustration
Gary has worked in genres ranging from storyboard and comics art to visual development and fine art. His sketches
are featured in the book, The Art of Urban Sketching: Drawing on Location Around the World, and his paintings show
at Los Angeles’ Gallery Nucleus. His comics work includes The Sandman and Gotham Central, and his video game
concept art appears in Darkspore, The Godfather 2, and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Gary’s illustrations have won The New Yorker’s Eustace Tilley contest five consecutive years.
Educational Background: University of California Berkeley (BA-Art, BA-English)
Thomas Ellsworth
Full-Time Faculty, School of Illustration
Tom Ellsworth received his BFA in Illustration from Academy of Art University. He is an experienced illustrator with
numerous years of experience specializing in digital illustration and more specifically, vector art.
Current and previous clients have included Biocodex Inc., Hewlett-Packard, Safeway, Performance Computing
Magazine, Commish Kit, Space Dog Books, Rebel Bar, Blue Restaurant, Velvet Cantina Restaurant, Tessitura
Network, and Truck Bar. Published books include Snark, Inc. and The Amazing Snox Box.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Thomas Gronbukt
Full-Time Faculty, School of Illustration
Thomas Gronbukt has extensive training and education in Illustration, Fine Art, Design and Digital Technology. He
designed and created images in multiple mediums. He creates professional illustrations in acrylics, oil, watercolor,
pastel, pen &ink, colored pencil, printmaking, computer software and mixed media. Gronbukt received his BFA in
Illustration from Academy of Art College.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Steve Kloepfer
Full-Time Faculty, School of Illustration
Steven Kloepfer has more than 20 years of professional experience in illustration. He has been an
instructor/consultant of art with the San Mateo Park and Recreation Department and PDI,
copywriter/producer/consultant with DKS Creative, owner/illustrator of Creative Illustrator, freelance desktop publisher
and freelance editor.
Steve is currently Full-Time Faculty in the Academy of Art University’s School of Illustration and School of Visual
Development. Prior to becoming full-time faculty, Steve had been teaching at Academy of Art University since 2002.
Professional Background: San Mateo Park and Recreation Deaprtment and PDI (instructor/consultant of art); DKS
Creative (copywriter/producer/consultant); Creative Illustrator (owner/illustrator); Freelance desktop publisher;
Freelance editor
Stephen Player
Full-Time Faculty, School of Illustration
Stephen Player was born in England in 1965. He acquired a first-class honors illustration degree in London in 1985.
Since then, Stephen has enjoyed a thriving freelance career. His work has been used in advertising, television, film,
promotion, and over one hundred books. These books are mostly in the sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and children’s genres,
as well as graphic novels. Stephen is a winner of the British Sci-Fi and Fantasy Association Award, received a
Substantial Contribution to Children’s Literacy Award, and received a Sheffield Children’s Book Award.
Stephen has been exhibited widely across Europe. He has been teaching at Academy of Art University since 2001.
Educational Background: Camberwell College of Arts (BA-Illustration)
Robert Revels
Full-Time Faculty, School of Illustration
Robert has worked as a professional artist since 1994. He has worked on a variety of projects ranging from children's
stories to large concert backdrops for artists such as Carlos Santana and U2. Since graduating from the Academy, he
has garnered numerous awards. He is the founder of the greeting card company, Rockfish Designs.
Robert has returned to teach at his alma mater to give back to the next generation of artists.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Tom Matano
Executive Director, School of Industrial Design
Mr. Matano has almost 30 years of experience in the automotive industry, holding design positions at General Motors
in Detroit, Michigan, GM Holden’s Ltd. in Melbourne, Australia, and BMW in Munich, Germany.
In 1983, he joined Mazda’s North American studio as a Chief Designer. From there, he went on to become Executive
Vice President of Western Operations for Mazda R&D North America, Inc., and Executive Designer & Director of
Mazda North American Operations.
From 1999 to 2002, Mr. Matano worked at Mazda’s headquarters in Japan as an Executive Designer in the Global
Advance Studio, overseeing efforts for Japan, Europe, and North America; and eventually he was named General
Manager of Mazda Design in charge of all Chief Designers.
His accomplishments at Mazda include the 1993 RX-7 and Miata, in addition to many other projects produced by the
design teams he built and managed.
Since 2002, Mr. Matano has been committed to becoming an educator, using his diverse knowledge and experience
to enhance the Industrial Design program at Academy of Art University in San Francisco, CA, now ranked #4 in the
Red Dot World Ranking of Industrial Design schools.
Educational Background: Art Center College of Design (BS-Transportation Design)
Mark Bolick
Graduate Director, School of Industrial Design
Mark Bolick made a splash in Silicon Valley when he collaborated on projects with Nike, Motorola, IDEO, Stanford,
NASA, MIT, and The Exploratorium before switching gears to pursue furniture design in the late ’90s.
In 2006, he joined India Rose LLCa family-business home furnishings design firm named after his eldest daughter
that designs, develops, sources, and manufactures home products for retailers such as Crate & Barrel,
Anthropologie, Harry & David, and Jackson Perkins. Previously he was a director of furniture for Restoration
Hardware and a design manager for William Sonoma, Inc. He joined the School of Industrial Design in 2008.
Educational Background: California College of Arts & Crafts (BFA-Industrial Design)
Antonio Borja
Director, School of Industrial Design
Antonio Borja received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the School of Industrial Design in 2004. After launching
his professional career as a freelancer, he joined General Motors as a creative designer, returning to his alma mater
as an instructor in 2009, to teach Design Drawing, Transportation Design, and Digital 3D modeling courses. Since
then, he has led a collaborative class that has been sponsored by companies such as Nissan, Peugeot, and Jaguar.
In 2014, he became associate director of the School of Industrial Design, where he works with Tom Matano on many
initiatives, including the integration of the latest rapid prototyping and visualization methods into the design
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Industrial Design)
Hideki Masuda
Online Director, School of Industrial Design
Hideki Masuda joined the School of Industrial Design in 1998 as an instructor and one of the founding members of
Transportation Design discipline. He became Online Associate Director in 2014, and has helped grow the Industrial
Design program by developing new courses and updating existing offerings to ensure that the school remains current
with rapidly evolving industry standards.
His collaborative efforts include the establishment of a cutting-edge computer lab at the school, as well as the
installation and expansion of its 3D printing facility.
Educational Background: Bard College (BA-Studio Art); Art Center College of Design (BS-Transportation Design)
Lloyd Buck
Associate Director, Automotive Restoration Program
Lloyd Buck is an award-winning classic car restoration expert with more than 40 years of industry experience. In
1985, he joined Auto Europa, and a year later, he began maintaining and restoring vehicles for the Keller Collection
at the Pyramids, one of the most significant auto collections in the world. He then became the Keller Collection’s
manager until 2012, when he joined Academy of Art University as a mechanic for its celebrated Automobile Museum
Professional Background: Auto Europa; Kelly Collection (Manager); Academy of Art University (Mechanic)
Andrew Putman
Rapid Prototyping Manager, School of Industrial Design
Andrew Putman is a Full-Time Faculty member of the Academy of Art University's School of Industrial Design and
manager of the department’s CNC/ Rapid Prototyping facilities. After receiving his BFA in Industrial Design Andrew
spent six years in wayfinding and structural design finding his way back to the IND department to build on and
further develop the model making coursework.
Educational Background: (BFA-Industrial Design)
Archana Myer
Executive Director, School of Interior Architecture & Design
Archana Myer has a unique background which combines hospitality design, project management, and marketing.
Most recently she was at the world's largest Hospitality Firm, Hirsch Bedner Associates (HBA) as a Senior
Designer/Project Manager. While at HBA she worked on several large-scale international hospitality projects
including properties for Ritz Carlton, Hilton Hotels, and InterContinental Hotel Group.
In addition to her design and project management responsibilities, she co-managed the San Francisco office of HBA
and played a key role in creating a new marketing and client development strategy which has proven to be quite
Prior to HBA, Ms. Myer worked as a Marketing Coordinator at Fluor Corporation, a Fortune 500 engineering and
Construction Company. The skills gained while at Fluor proved to be extremely useful in the design industry
throughout the course of her career.
Holding degrees from UC Santa Barbara and Academy of Art University, Ms. Myer has a unique educational
background that has led to her diversity as a design professional. Her combination of design skills and management
experience makes teaching the natural next step for her.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Interior Architecture & Design); University of California
Santa Barbara (BA-Global Studies)
Kathleen Valkuchak
Director, School of Interior Architecture & Design
A native of California, Katie Valkuchak received her BA in Art History from the University of California at Santa Cruz
in 2003, and her BFA in Interior Architecture and Design from Academy of Art University in 2006. After working for
several firms in the Bay Area, including Backen Gillam Kroeger Architects, and later as an independent Design
Consultant, Katie returned to Academy of Art University in 2010 to teach and share her experiences.
Since then, Katie discovered that she had a great passion not only for design, but also for teaching and found the
perfect opportunity to pursue them both here at the Academy.
Educational Background: UC Santa Cruz (BA-Art History), Academy of Art University (BFA Interior Architecture &
Tom Collom
Capstone Coordinator, School of Interior Architecture & Design
Tom received his B.A. Degree in Architecture from the University of California at Berkeley. While still attending
school, Tom won first place, including the design commission, in the National Endowment for the Arts sponsored,
"National Cityscape Design Competition," for a site specific sculpture park in St. Paul, Minnesota. Tom's experience
spans many design fields including city and regional planning, architecture, retail, corporate interiors, landscape and
industrial design.
Upon graduation, Tom worked for a mid-sized architectural and industrial design firm, deTienne Associates in San
Francisco, designing office buildings, corporate interiors and developed new product concepts for workstations and
work environments for Herman Miller, Inc. Some of the work and findings have been published in Facilities Design &
Since then Tom worked with In-house architectural director, Bruce Slesinger at Esprit de Corp helping to define
Esprit's retail image worldwide, through the design of retail stores, showrooms, custom furniture and store fixtures.
Tom and Bruce's successful working partnership inspired them to open their own design firm BruceAndTom (BAT) in
BruceAndTom (BAT) is listed in VM&SD as one of the top 50 Design Firms and Display & Design Ideas (DDI) as one
of the top 100 Retail Design Firms since 1996. With a primary focus on Retail and Commercial design, a few of the
retail identities BruceAndTom have created are: Hot Topic - Blackheart, Gymboree, bebe, Discovery Channel, Janie
and Jack, Fila, Adidas and Reebok.
In the last 5 years, BruceAndTom have been involved in developing and operating several new and innovative retail
food companies in the SOMA area of San Francisco: Small Foods and The Market on Market Street with an eye on
expanding these concepts nationally. He also currently teaches at the Academy.
Educational Background: UC Berkeley (BA-Architecture)
Kathleen Roche
Design Fundamentals Coordinator, School of Interior Architecture & Design
Kathleen Roche is known for excellence in high-end residential, retail, restaurant, and commercial projects, having
collaborated with a number of design firms including Barbara Colvin & Co. and Juliana Carlsen Interiors. She has
unique experience in graphic design and market research, a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education, and
studied Interior Architecture and Design at the University of California, Berkeley.
In 2009, in conjunction with continuing her design practice, she joined the School of Interior Architecture team at AAU
as an instructor. Kathleen has supported the department with developing curriculum, assessment activities and
accreditation efforts. In 2018 she transitioned to a full time role as the Design Fundamentals Coordinator.
Educational Background: UC Berkeley (BS-Art Education)
Charlene Modena
Director, School of Jewelry & Metal Arts
Charlene Modena received her MA in Metal Arts from San Francisco State University and MFA in Sculpture from
Academy of Art University. She has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions throughout the world,
including the American Institute of Architects, the University of Guanajuato (Mexico), the Butler Museum, Elements
Gallery, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, the Biennale Internationale-Limoges (France), and the Ueno Royal Museum (Tokyo).
Her work is included in the collections of the Xerox Corporation, the American Crafts Museum, and Ann Rockefeller-
Roberts. She is also listed in World Who’s Who of Women and was a Marin Arts Council Grant prize winner. She has
been published in Design Magazine, American Crafts, Metalsmith Journal, several Lark Books 500 Series, and more.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-Sculpture with an emphasis in Metal Arts); Academy of
Art University (MFA-Sculpture)
Karen Chesna
Online Coordinator, School of Jewelry & Metal Arts
A native of Chicago, Karen Chesna earned her MFA in Sculpture/Metals from the Academy of Art University, and
holds a BA in the History of Art and Architecture, with a concentration in Indigenous Art, from the University of Illinois
at Chicago. She spent many years working in the Anthropology Department of the Field Museum of Natural History
and considers this a major influence on her sculptural jewelry, artist books, and small metal-based mixed media
Karen owns and operates Glacier Metal Arts Studio in Missoula, Montana, where she teaches metalsmithing to
students of all skill levels.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Sculpture/Metals); University of Illinois, Chicago (BA-
History of Art and Architecture, concentration in Indigenous Art)
Jeff McLane
Director, School of Landscape Architecture
Jeff McLane is a licensed landscape architect in California. For the past 17 years he has been a founding partner and
president at Jeff McLane + Associates Landscape Architects in Marin. He was a founding partner of MAC Studio, a
community-based design group in Oakland.
Jeff is LEED BD+C certified through the US Green Building Council and is committed to design work that is
sustainable, responsible and inclusive.
For the past 25 years, Jeff has worked on a variety of projects throughout the greater San Francisco Bay Area,
working for variety of public and private clients including commercial, educational, institutional, and community
participatory design projects.
Jeff is also a painter and sculptor, and has exhibited his work in galleries throughout the Bay Area.
Professional Background: Jeff McLane + Associates Landscape Architects (Founding Partner & President)
Heather Clendenin
Online Director, School of Landscape Architecture
As a licensed landscape architect, Heather has over 30 years and a wide range of professional and academic
experience. She has taught at UC Berkeley, the University of Michigan, and the Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts
in Copenhagen where she was a Fulbright Scholar. Selected projects include: the Advanced Concepts Center for
General Motors, Malibu, CA; Columbia University’s athletic training center, NY, NY; Carousel Park Playground at the
Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica CA; the masterplan for Claremont’s Harvey Mudd College, CA; the General Motors
Corporate Headquarters in Thousand Oaks, CA; and Berkeley Hillel in Berkeley, CA as well as several design
competition awards. She has an MLA from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University.
Educational Background: Harvard (MLA-Design)
Jana Sue Memel
Executive Director of the Schools of Entertainment
Academy Award-winning producer and writer.
Has Produced 25+ movies and 65+ half-hour, live-action shorts that have played as television series I more than 30
countries. Films she has produced have won Writers Guild and Directors Guild Awards, Emmys, CableACE Awards
and the Humanitas Prize.
Educational Background: USC Law School; Pitzer College (BA-Sociology & BA-History)
Randy Levinson
Director, School of Motion Pictures & Television
Randy Levinson is a studio executive and Independent producer. He has developed and supervised production of
over 40 feature films and TV movies for Showtime, Starz!, USA!, and Lifetime. He also executive produced The Gay
Riviera, a ground breaking reality series for Bravo.
Educational Background: USC School of Cinematic Arts (MFA-Peter Stark Producing Program)
Kenn Ferro
Director, School of Motion Pictures & Television
Kenn Ferro has 30 years of experience in cinematography. He has served on the Board of Governors of The Society
of Operating Cameramen and is a member of the American Society of Lighting Designers.
Educational Background: San Diego State University (BA-Radio Television)
Paula Lima
Associate Director of Production, School of Motion Picture & Television
Paula Lima has worked for over 15 years in the film industry, both as an Assistant Director and as a Unit Production
Manager. Her credits include productions in multiple countries, ranging from independent artistic films to larger
budget commercial projects.
Professional Background: 15 Years in the film Industry (Assistant Director & Unit Production Manager)
Jack Perez
Lead Directing Faculty, School of Motion Pictures & Television
Jack Perez has directed over a dozen feature films. His latest is a World War 2 adventure-comedy being produced by
Ben Stiller. His movies include the indie hits Some Guy Who Kills People (produced by John Landis), La Cucaracha
(Winner Best Feature Austin Film Festival), and The Big Empty (Winner AFI Film Fest Best New Writer). He is also
the writer/director of the modern cult classic Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus; directed Wild Things 2 for Sony
Columbia and wrote/directed Monster Island for MTV. He is also the director/creator of the hit Adult Swim video
game, Polar Bear Payback.
His television directing credits include the pilot for Xena: Warrior Princess; episodes of Hercules: The Legendary
Journeys; the hit reality series Temptation Island and Last Comic Standing; and the made-for-television movies,
Unauthorized: Brady Bunch, The Final Days and The Mary Kay Letourneau Story.
A member of the DGA & WGA, he is the recipient of awards for both writing and directing and has received the critical
praise of Roger Ebert, Harry Knowles of Ain't It Cool News, Fangoria magazine, Film Threat, The LA Weekly, the
Austin Chronicle and the New York Times.
Educational Background: New York University (BFA-Film & Television)
Kris Boxell
Full-Time Faculty, School of Motion Pictures & Television
As a Production Designer, Kris enjoys the process of creating settings that support cinematic storytelling. She has
extensive experience as a Set Decorator on feature films, episodic television and new media. While heading the
Production Design Track in the school of Motion Pictures and Television at the Academy of Art University, Kris
continues to work on projects for the big and small screens, often finding positions for graduates of our academic
programs. Feature film credits include “Bull Durham”, “James and the Giant Peach”, “All About Evil” and “Blue
Professional Background: Bull Durnham, James and the Giant Peach, All About Evil, Blue Jasmine
Jess Kreusler
Online Director, School of Motion Pictures & Television
Jess Kreusler joined Wild at Heart Films as Creative Executive in 2009, developing feature screenplays and
television series including projects with Martin Scorsese, three-time Oscar-winner Mark Harris, and Richard Donner.
Before becoming Online Director of the School of Motion Pictures & Television, Jess served as Online Coordinator
since 2012.
Educational Background: Kent State University (BA-Theatre Studies & Sociology)
Elan Santiago Cuan
Technical Director, School of Motion Pictures & Television
Elan Santiago has over 35 years of experience in the Motion Pictures, Photography and Television industry. A native
of Havana, Cuba, Elan graduated with honors from the University of Havana, Cuba, and went on to receive a
Professional Merit Scholarship to the Paris National Audio-Visual Institute for his Masters. As a Director and Director
of Photography, he has worked for the National Cuban Radio and Television Network, Babylon Films, Ramon
Suarez, and the National Audio-Visual Institute, among others. Some of his past photography clients include KDTV,
the Miami Herald, Emerson USA, Medical Tribune Magazine, and David Starr Make-Up. He has worked at the
Academy of Art University for nearly 28 years where he has taught Studio Lighting and MFA GDS in addition to guest
lecturing at Kun Shan University in Taiwan.
Educational Background: Paris National Audio-Visual Institute (MA)
Alfred Pollard
Set Design Manager, School of Motion Pictures & Television
Since 1976, Alfred Pollard has been designing and constructing sets for stage, television, and film. Currently, Pollard
is designing a set for Shorgun Player's "The Miser" Moliere. Some of Pollard's career highlights include work on an
independent film called "The Californians," in which he helped coordinate construction of a set with a $100,000
budget. Ultimately, the film went on to earn $10,000,000. Pollard was also an Art Director at the Sundance Film
festival, where he designed three main sets and graphics for locations.
Professional Background: Set Design for Shotgun Players
Brad Hughes
Director, Music Production and Sound Design for Visual Media
He is a voting member of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, which hosts the annual Grammy
Awards, and serves on the Education committee of the NARAS San Francisco chapter. He holds a BFA in World
Arts & Cultures from U.C.L.A., and an MFA in Music from The California Institute of the Arts.
Educational Background: California Institute of the Arts (MFA-Music Performance); University of California, Los
Angeles (BFA-World Arts & Cultures)
Adrienne Pao
Director, School of Photography
San Francisco Bay area based photographer Adrienne Pao explores identity, culture, and society, communicating
with a sense of humor. Pao’s work appears in fashion and pop culture magazines and art journals around the world.
Her commissions are seen worldwide. Her photographs and installations have been shown nationally and
internationally. She has been committed to photographic education for over 10 years.
Educational Background: San Jose State University (MFA-Photography); University of California, Los Angeles (BA)
Ryan Baldwin
Online Director, School of Photography
Ryan Baldwin has been a professional photographer for more than 20 years and is a graduate of Brooks Institute of
Photography. His fine prints have been showcased at numerous gallery shows and his work has been published in
magazines, books and national advertising campaigns. He is especially interested in using photography as a tool for
environmental awareness and cultural preservation. He has taught photography at the Academy since 2001 and
developed the digital imaging and online photography curriculum.
Educational Background: Brooks Institute of Photography (BA-Still Photography)
Tamara Hubbard
Online Associate Director, School of Photography
Tamara Hubbard is a fine art photographer and educator based in Northern California. She has worked for the
Academy of Art University as an online curriculum developer and instructor since 2007 and has been in her role as
Associate Director since 2010. As an instructor of the graduate program and chair of the online MFA Thesis
Committee, she has had the unique opportunity to work with students from six different continents.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Photography); Southern Oregon University (BS-
Psychology); College of the Redwoods (AA-General Education)
Katty Ryan Hoover
Senior Faculty & Curriculum Coordinator, School of Photography
Katty Ryan Hoover was born in Corbin, Kentucky. She received her BA in the College Scholars program at University
of Tennessee and her MFA in photography at San Francisco Art Institute. She has also studied at University of Notre
Dame and Semester at Sea through the University of Virginia.
Her work is aimed at people: narratives of isolation, loneliness, and social tension, and the body as a site of
psychological negotiation. Her work has been shown at Tampa Museum of Art, Marin Museum of Contemporary Art,
James Madison University, and Michael Rosenthal Contemporary Art in San Francisco. Hoover currently lives and
works in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Educational Background: San Francisco Art Institute (MFA); University of Tennessee, Knoxville (BA)
Kimberly Mowbray
Full-Time Faculty, School of Photography
Kimberly Mowbray is a fine art photographer based in Santa Rosa, California. She has an MFA degree in
Photography from Academy of Art University. Kimberly works primarily in alternative processes. Through her
photographs she explores the understanding of self and how that interacts with a given environment.
By using the photographic medium she is able to show the beauty and serenity in various locations and pair that with
her own figure reacting and responding to the stillness of the landscape. Kimberly is an active member in Society for
Photographic Education and exhibits her work nationally.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Photography); Sonoma State University (BA-Psychology)
Michael Sims
Full-Time Faculty, School of Photography
Michael Sims is a photographer and educator living and working in San Francisco. He has been teaching in the Bay
Area for the past 10 years and in 2011 joined the Academy of Art as a full-time faculty member.
Michael earned a BFA from Indiana University, with a major in photography and a minor in Art History. He earned his
MFA in photography from the Rochester Institute of Technology.
Michael’s photographic practice utilizes the medium’s cutting-edge technology but also engages its historic traditions.
He is interested in blurring the line between the contemporary and the antique. His work explores cultural concepts of
beauty while also tracing the roots of ancient ritual alive within contemporary society. Michael’s photographic
expertise ranges from medium and large format digital photography and printing to hand-brushed platinum printing
and handmade bookbinding.
Educational Background: Rochester Institute of Technology (MFA-Photography); Indiana University (BFA-
John Vano
Full-Time Faculty, School of Photography
John Vano developed an interest in photography at a young age. His Uncle who was a well-known portrait
photographer sparked his initial enthusiasm for the camera. Born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area, John’s
love of both photography and people eventually led him to Milan, Italy where he lived for three years and studied
photography at The European Design Institute.
Educational Background: The European Design Institute (Photography)
Nicolás Villarreal
Director of Visual Development and 2D Animation, Schools of Visual Development and Animation & Visual Effects
Villarreal graduated with honors from the Master’s program at Academy of Art University in 2002. He has worked as a
traditional animator, character designer, sculptor, and Visual Development artist for film and video game companies,
including Walt Disney Studios, Sony Computer Entertainment, Jim Henson Studios, Sega, Digital Domain, Reel FX,
and Amazon Studios.
He has given presentations and screened his films at Pixar Animation Studios, DreamWorks Animation, Blue Sky
Studios, the Sydney Opera House and several universities in South America and Europe.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Illustration); Instituto de Arte Cinematográfico de
Avellaneda (BFA-2D Animation)
Chris Carman
Associate Director, School of Visual Development
Christopher Carman is a versatile and collaborative graphic artist with a strong background in web/mobile based
games and apps for the entertainment, education, and design industries. A 2006 graduate of Academy of Art
University, Christopher joined our faculty in 2007 as an instructor for courses focused on sequential art, perspective,
anatomy, and character design.
He accepted the role of Associate Director of the School of Visual Development in 2013. He’s previously worked as
an art director, conceptual artist, and animator for clients including Adobe Systems, Zynga, MTV Games, and
Electronic Arts.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Alessandro Squitti
Production Lead, School of Visual Development; Italian Lead, Liberal Arts
Alessandro Squitti is a film producer and Italian instructor with more than a decade of experience as an audiovisual
communicator and a Master’s degree in Italian Language and Literature from Sapienza – Università di Roma. He
joined the Academy as a lab technician in 2000, and continuously has helped organize the School of Animation &
Visual Effects’ Fall Festival and the annual Academy of Art University Spring Show.
As a freelance web designer and videographer, Squitti has worked for Current TV, Notable Inc., and Red Clover
Studios, and the company he co-founded in 2005, CurlyHairedPeople Films, has created more than 20 short action
films, including award-winning music videos.
Educational Background: La Sapienza University (Masters-Italian Language and Literature)
Jeremy Saliba
Online Curriculum Coordinator, School of Visual Development
Jeremy Saliba received his BFA in Illustration with an emphasis in 2D animation from Academy of Art University in
2003. He later joined the Academy as a part-time instructor in 2007, spearheading new curricula that integrated
Wacom Cintiq technology, and becoming Online Curriculum coordinator for the School of Visual Development in
Saliba is also a cover artist for Dynamite Entertainment, and worked as the art director for the graphic novel
Ultrasylvania. Previously, he worked as digital artist, concept artist, and character designer for clients including
NVIDIA graphics and Tor Books.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration, emphasis in 2D Animation)
Fred McHale
Co-Director, School of Advertising and School of Web Design & New Media
Fred has over 20 years of experience as a designer, developer, and program manager. After graduating with a
degree in Computer Science, he focused his energy in the area of design and emerging technology. He works with
numerous high profile clients in the Bay Area to design and develop web applications, mobile applications, interactive
experiences, and manage teams of designers and developers.
Fred enjoys speaking at industry events, contributing to the open source community, major league baseball, and
playing guitar in his free time.
Educational Background: California State University Bakersfield (BS-Computer Science)
Andrea Pimentel
Co-Director, School of Advertising and School of Web Design & New Media
Andrea is a committed educator and award-winning Interactive Art Director, Creative Director, and UI Designer in San
Francisco and Silicon Valley. She has worked for large-scale websites, start-ups, and mobile apps, and some of San
Francisco’s top advertising agencies developing cutting edge campaigns.
In her roles as Art Director and Creative Director, Andrea has worked with many top brands, including Suzuki,
Shutterfly, G4tv, SanDisk, Nokia, Tonik Health, WaMu, eBay, and Bank of America. Andrea has also taught classes
and had leadership roles in the School of Web Design and New Media.
Educational Background: Brigham Young University (BFA-Visual Design, emphasis Industrial Design)
Nikki Oettinger
Online Director, School of Advertising and Web Design & New Media
Nikki is an interactive designer from San Francisco and a 2010 BFA graduate from the School of Web Design & New
Media. After graduation, she went to work utilizing her vast range of skills. Her work experience ranges from motion
graphics, to designing interactive experiences, and managing teams of designers for companies large and small. In
her roles, Nikki has worked with companies including, Amazon, Gallo, Indeed, Chegg, Sotheby’s, Autodesk and
Tapjoy. She now devotes her time to education, online education standards and curriculum. She has a passion for
mentoring students and supporting them to achieve their goals.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Web Design & New Media)
DC Scarpelli
Associate Director, School of Web Design & New Media
DC is proud to be a professional Type Nerd. He is a longtime type designer, typographer, and visual designer for
interactive and print media, and has created and edited several artists’ books in the collection of the San Francisco
Museum of Modern Art. His background is in the theater: he is on the Board of Directors of 42nd Street Moon, and is
resident visual designer at four Bay Area theater companies. He’s also an award-winning stage actor, director and
playwright. DC holds a BFA in Computer Arts: New Media from AAU and a prior BA in Theater Studies from Yale
Member: AIGA, SoTA, TDC; DC publishes his type designs as The Ampersand Forest.
Educational Background: Yale University (BA-Theater Studies); Academy of Art University (BFA-Web Design & New
Raina Maes
Online Coordinator, School of Advertising and Web Design & New Media
Raina is a videographer, photographer, and oil painter with over 10 years experience in the field. Raina received her
BFA in Computer Arts Visual Effects from Academy of Art University in 2004. From there she completed the MFA
program at Academy of Art University in Motion Pictures & Television, Cinematography in 2008. Raina’s film clients
have included The City of Oakland, Academy of Art University, Libby Schaaf, and Keyrose TV. Her film expertise
spans from feature films, commercials, to reality television. Raina’s skills include directing, shooting, writing, and
She now dedicates her time to education for Web Design & New Media in conjunction with shooting photos for the
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Motion Pictures & Television)
Michael Cantanzaro
Full-Time Faculty, School of Web Design & New Media
Michael has been the Front-end Web Developer and owner of Catanzaro Creations since 2008. He has designed and
built websites for clients in law, automotive, construction, multi-media production, visual arts, and numerous sites for
personal use. Before that he worked as a lead programmer in many industries such as banking, retail and insurance.
He has more than 30 years of experience on a variety of computer platforms; mainframes, minicomputers and
Professional Background: Catanzaro Creations (Front-end Web Developer/Owner)
Hamilton Cline
Full-Time Faculty, School of Web Design & New Media
With a career spanning caricature, woodcarving, phone sales, and sandwich art, Hamilton has settled into the role of
web technology enthusiast. In his spare time he makes websites and widgets, while trying to keep fresh with portraits
and caricatures. His background in game development and playing Sierra adventure games makes him a problem
solver and an analytical helper for any students with brain-busting programming issues.
He also once played Flute the bellows-mender in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Professional Background: Caricature; Woodcarving; Phone Sales; Websites; Widgets
Jana Sue Memel
Executive Director of the Schools of Entertainment
Academy Award-winning producer and writer.
Has Produced 25+ movies and 65+ half-hour, live-action shorts that have played as television series I more than 30
countries. Films she has produced have won Writers Guild and Directors Guild Awards, Emmys, CableACE Awards
and the Humanitas Prize.
Educational Background: USC Law School; Pitzer College (BA-Sociology & BA-History)
Stuart Thomas
Associate Director, School of Writing for Film, Television & Digital Media
Stuart Thomas is an award-winning writer with over 50 produced credits across theater, film and television. Stuart is
currently writing projects under commission from the BBC, The Comedy Unit (UK), On the Rocks Films, The Queen’s
Theatre and Zac Productions (UK). His latest feature, Out Here, is entering production in the UK.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Motion Pictures & Television, emphasis in Screenwriting);
University of Glasgow
Kate Griffeath
Executive Vice President, Educational Support Services
Kate Griffeath has worked as an educator, teacher trainer, administrator, and professional consultant for over three
decades and brings passion and innovation to her leadership role at the Academy of Art University. As an Executive
Vice President, she has built and developed seven distinct educational support departments serving both students
and faculty and has worked closely with all academic and administrative departments. She has overseen numerous
educational partnerships with outside companies and has been a key member of the Accreditation, Management,
Student Grievance, Student Representative, and Strategic Planning Committees. Additionally, she was the founder
and has been chair of the university’s Student Success Committee for over a decade. Finally, she has published
articles, both nationally and internationally, and has presented and taught at a wide range of universities,
conferences, companies, and organizations.
Educational Background: Columbia University (MA-TESOL); University of California, Santa Barbara (BA-Sociology)
Lynda Espana
Associate Director, Classroom Services
Lynda was born in California and grew up on the East Coast on a small island in Maine. She is happy to call San
Francisco her home for over a decade now. Lynda received her B.A. in Marketing from Marietta College in Ohio,
where she was also a student-athlete. She has a diverse vocational background including coaching collegiate
basketball teams, a short stint as a paramedic, and several years as a sign language interpreter. She is inspired by
the creativity and passion of the students and faculty here at the Academy. Lynda enjoys stand-up comedy, blogging,
camping, sailing, rockabilly music, and collecting vintage clothes and mid-century memorabilia.
Educational Background: Marietta College, Ohio (BA-Marketing)
Chantelle Ferguson
Director, Online Language Support
Chantelle Ferguson has been teaching for nearly 20 years. After earning a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and a
master’s degree in English, she moved to South America where she taught English at a private university and
developed one of the first online academic writing courses offered in the region. She has since designed and taught
numerous on campus and online courses at universities in the United States. In addition she has worked as a
Spanish instructor, newspaper journalist, and yoga instructor. She has been at Academy Art University since 2003
and director of Online Language Support since 2005.
Educational Background: California State University, East Bay (MA-English)
Aaron Field
Director, Online Academic Support
Aaron is a born and bred San Francisco native happily stuck in the cool, gray, city of love. His love of writing led him
to pursue a degree in English with the University of California, Davis. Aaron has been with the Academy in the online
support department for seven years.
Educational Background: University of California, Davis (BA-English)
Andrea Keklikian
Director, Accessibility Resources
Andrea has been facilitating equal access for students with disabilities at Academy of Art University since 2004. She
is especially interested in applying the principles of Universal Design wherever possible so that diverse groups of
students can fully enjoy their curriculum and campus. Andrea has degrees in Elementary Education and Special
Education from the University of Delaware and holds a California state teaching credential. Before joining the
Academy, she taught in a K8 school within a group home and was a public high school special day class teacher.
Educational Background: University of Delaware(Elementary Education; Special Education); California State
Teaching Credential
James O’Hara
Director, Art Support and EAP Liaison
James O'Hara began his teaching career in 1984 while still an undergraduate at Brown University, where he earned
his B.A. in Urban Studies (Honors) and English: Creative Writing. Two years later, he joined the Peace Corps and
later worked as a teacher trainer and supervisor for Save the Children in Indonesia and Thailand. After returning to
the U.S. to teach in the Minnesota public schools, he moved to the Bay Area, where he received his M.A. from U.C.
Berkeley in 1992. He became an adjunct professor at Golden Gate University in 1989, designing the Professional
English curriculum at both Golden Gate and SFSU. He has worked as a faculty member and educational support
director at the Academy of Art University since 1995.
Educational Background: University of California, Berkeley (MA); Brown University (BA)
Lisa Chou
Online Language Support & Online Writing Lab Coordinator, Academy Resource Center
Lisa Hsu holds a BA in Psychology from UC Berkeley and a MA in TESOL from San Francisco State University.
Currently, she is an Instructor at St. Mary's College and Ohlone College where she works with international students
learning ESL and English Composition. Previously, she taught at American Language Institute where she taught high
intermediate and advanced reading, writing, TOEFL, and pronunciation classes. Hsu is a member of CATESOL and
she is the SFSU MA TESOL Student Association Budget Officer.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-TESOL); University of California, Berkeley (BA-
Donna Dager
Online Educational Support Website Coordinator, Academy Resource Center
Donna Dager holds an MA in Communication Arts and a BS in Education from Norwich University and SUNY-
Cortland respectively. She has over 19 years of professional experience in Computer Arts including work as a CD-
ROM Designer/Animator, Producer/Director at Mid-Peninsula Access Corporation, Multimedia Artist for Red Button
Productions and teaching experience for the San Mateo County Office of Education, Palo Alto Arts & Cultural Center,
and Foothill College. She is currently a FT Instructor with the Academy of Art College. She is a member of TESOL
and has participated in ESL multi-media workshops in Vancouver, B.C., and Seattle, Washington.
Educational Background: Vermont College of Norwich University (MA-Communication Arts); State University of New
York College at Cortland (BS-Education)
Carl Pellegrini
Online Language Support & Speaking Lab Coordinator, Academy Resource Center
Carl Pellegrini has interdisciplinary experience in website production, education and curriculum development in the
fine arts. He is currently Head Teacher/Internship Coordinator at the Aspect International Language Academy
teaching English as a second language to adults. Carl is proficient in 5 languages and has taught English in many
countries including Japan, Italy and Guatemala. He also is credited with a number of ESL video works. Pellegrini
holds a BA in Italian from the University of Washington.
Educational Background: University of Washington (BA-Italian)
Alice Clay
Online Language Support, Academy Resource Center
Alice Clay has 11 years of professional experience teaching English as a second language including work as a
proofreader/writer in Athens, Greece, Director of ESL Studies in Moscow, Russia, Art Education teacher in
Minnesota, Co-founder of the American English School of Moscow, ESL instructor in Japan, and instructor of ESL
and 20th Century Design History in Japan. Clay holds two BA degrees from the University of Minnesota in Fine Arts
and Russian Area Studies. She speaks 4 foreign languages, having worked with International students for over 10
years. She completed a post-graduate Apprenticeship with the master printmaker at the Moscow House of Artists
Educational Background: University of Minnesota (BA-Fine Arts and Russian Area Studies)
Thomas Donahoe
Online Language Support, Academy Resource Center
Thomas Donahoe received his Doctorate of Educational Technology from Pepperdine University. He also holds a
Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers in Other Languages from the School for International Training and a
BA in Journalism from the University of Hawaii-Manoa. He also participated in a yearlong distance learning course
on technology and telecommunications for teachers for the Department of Education in Hawaii. For more than 7
years, Thomas was a Citizenship Program Coordinator at the Rancho Santiago Community College District. He also
served as an Adjust Instructor at the same college where he taught ESL grammar, Citizenship courses, and
Advanced Grammar review. Previously, he has taught language, writing, and English at various universities and
colleges, including UC Irvine Extension, Pepperdine University, Cerritos College, and the Mid-Pacific Institute.
Thomas is currently affiliated with the International Society for Technology in Education and Computer Using
Educators. He was a recipient of the CATESOL Rick Sullivan Stipend.
Educational Background: Pepperdine University (Ph.D.-Educational Technology); School for International Training
(MA-Teaching English to Speakers in Other Languages); University of Hawaii-Manoa (BA-Journalism)
Tezra Jackson
Online Language Support, Academy Resource Center
A Southern Louisiana native, Tezra holds a B.A. in English from the University of Akron and a M.A. in Education
(TESOL) from Pepperdine University. Her desire for teaching and travel heightened after serving nearly 6 years in the
U.S. Army. Additionally, she has taught abroad in several places such as the Dominican Republic and Saudi Arabia.
Educational Background: University of Akron (BA-English); Pepperdine University (MA-Education TESOL)
Walter Thoma
Online Language Support, Academy Resource Center
Walter has more than 10 years of teaching experience. He has been teaching at Academy of Art University since
1996 providing specialized English language instruction for international students. He worked for World Learning Inc.,
an international educational services organization, founded in 1932, which provides language instruction for
international students and executives. Walter received his BA in Sociology and Fine Arts from Brandeis University in
1981, and received his MA in ESL from University of Massachusetts at Boston in 1989.
Educational Background: University of Massachusetts (MA-ESL); Brandeis College (BA-Sociology & Fine Arts)
Bob McDonald
Director, English for Art Purposes
Bob studied American Literature at Boston U. and U.C. Santa Cruz as an undergraduate. He then attended The
California Culinary Academy, but after a brief stint working as a chef, he decided to return to his passion of literature
and language. He went on to receive an M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language from San Francisco State.
Bob has travelled extensively through Asia, Europe and Latin America, with the most recent trips being to Cuba. He
also settled in Buenos Aires, Argentina for two years to teach English. He began working at the Academy in 1994 as
an ESL teacher and became EAP Director in 2000.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-TESOL); University of California, Santa Cruz (BA-
American Studies)
Sherise Lee
Associate Director, English for Art Purposes
Sherise brings her love for both teaching and art into her role at the Academy. She graduated from the University of
California at Davis (Go Ags!) with degrees in Art History and Sociology. She later completed a Masters degree in
second language education. Her experiences range from working in event marketing to teaching elementary school in
China. When she's not traveling, Sherise enjoys running and pursuing her design interests. You can also find her on
the hunt for good eats in the city.
Educational Background: Biola University (MA-TESOL); Dallas Theological Seminary (MA); University of California,
Davis (BA-Art History & Sociology)
Jarrod Armour
Level 3 Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
Jarrod has been a member of Academy of Art University’s faculty since Fall 2014, predominantly teaching writing
courses, tutoring in the EAP Lab, and helping out the web designers. A native of California, Jarrod grew up in the
broader Los Angeles area before studying History and French at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Upon
graduating, he moved to San Francisco, eventually discovering a career in teaching English. Since receiving a
Master’s degree in this field from San Francisco State University, Jarrod has worked at a number of institutions
around the Bay Area and in China, where he has lived and taught in cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan and
Suzhou. When he is not teaching at the Academy, Jarrod enjoys reading books, wandering around urban or natural
spaces, traveling, cooking up meals for friends and family, people-watching, and riding the bus.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-English); University of California, Santa Cruz (BA-
History and French)
Monica Berini
Graduate Major-Specific Curriculum Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
Monica has taught in a variety of disciplines for many years, and teaching English as a Second Language has been a
focus since 2007. She received her Bachelor of Arts from UC Berkeley in Peace and Conflict Studies and her Master
of Arts in TESOL from San Francisco State University. She has taught at the Academy of Art since 2013, and is a full-
time EAP instructor, graduate Graphic Design liaison, and EAP 604 coordinator. Monica is interested in applied
linguistics, adult second language acquisition, dialects, semiotics, and critical pedagogy, and believes that the best
teachers also remain lifelong learners.
Educational Background: UC Berkeley (BA-Peace and Conflict Studies); San Francisco State University
Colin Blake
Writing for Multilingual Students Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
After graduating from Reed College in Portland, Oregon, Colin found himself in San Francisco, looking for work with
nothing but a degree in English Literature. That search brought him to the world of teaching, but not in California. He
took his first job in English as a Second Language instruction in Tokyo, Japan. One year later, he returned to the Bay
Area but after spending several years in the educational publishing arena, Colin returned to teaching and attended
the MA TESOL program at the University of Washington in Seattle. Since returning to the Bay Area with a Master's in
hand, he has taught at a number of schools, but he is delighted to call the Academy of Art University home. He has
taught at Academy of Art University since January 2011, and spends his time between semesters traveling the world
with his partner and hanging out with his dog Sweeney in Alameda.
Educational Background: University of Washington (MA-TESOL); Reed College (BA-English Literature)
Christopher Carpenter
Level 2 Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
Christopher Carpenter earned his MA in Applied Linguistics at Georgia State University in 2001 and now has over 15
years’ experience teaching in the US and abroad. When not teaching writing as a subject, he enjoys writing himself
and has worked as a reporter, a freelance writer and an editor. He also enjoys traveling, photography, surfing and
cycling, activities which have taken him around the world to many beautiful places where he has met many beautiful
people. In 2009, he completed a three-month, 15-thousand-kilometer bicycle trek through Japan which took him from
Tokyo to Osaka to the remote island of Shikoku and back. He has been teaching at AAU in the EAP Department
since 2012.
Educational Background: Georgia State University (MA-Applied Linguistics)
Hilaire Fong
Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
Hilaire Fong currently holds a MA in TESOL from SFSU. She also has a BA in Psychology with a minor in French
from UCLA (obtained 06/2005). She also has an Advanced CTESOL from Transworld Schools (obtained 04/2007).
Hilaire worked for a Landor Associates, a design and branding firm in San Francisco from 2005 to 2007. She worked
for Kaplan International Colleges as an ESL Instructor from 2007 to 2009 and then again in 2010 to 2011. She taught
for AEON Corporation, an English language school in Japan from 2009 to 2010. She was the Head Teacher at
Kaplan International Colleges from 2011 to 2012. Hilaire is currently the SFSU MA TESOL Student Association Co-
President. Professional organizations include TESOL. Awards include International TESOL Convention Travel Grant
Award for Dallas 2013. Publications include articles for UCLA's Daily Bruin (2001-2003). She also have a working
knowledge of French and basic knowledge of Chinese and Japanese.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-English, TESOL); University of California, Los Angeles
Natasha Haugnes
Undergraduate Major-Specific Curriculum Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
Natasha has a BS in Human Development (with Music and French minors) from UC Davis, as well as an MA in
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (with a Teaching Composition certificate). She has taught ESL,
English Composition, and adult pedagogy (Professional Practices for the Teaching Artist) courses in a variety of
settings, including Lycée Gheris, in Morocco while she was a Peace Corps volunteer. Natasha loves working with
artists this is what has kept her at AAU since 1995. She started in the ESL department, then moved to the ARC.
And for the past 13 years, she worked in faculty development, supporting art and design faculty in their teaching and
course development work. She is excited to be back in the EAP department with the team of super creative, smart
colleagues! She presents regularly at national conferences. She has authored two ESL textbooks (Pearson), as well
as Meaningful Grading: a guide for faculty in the arts (Aug 2018, WVUPress).
Educational Background: UC Davis (BS-Human Development with Music and French Minors); San Francisco State
University (MA-TESOL)
John McConnel
Testing Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
John earned his BA in Theater from the University of Vermont and his Master’s in Applied Linguistics at Queens
College. He was an Adjunct Professor at New York University’s American Language institute from July 2007 to
December 2011. There he taught extensive English courses for levels 1-6, incorporating original material into four-
skill curriculum. Additional teaching responsibilities have included five semesters teaching Academic Writing in the
Advanced Workshop Program. In 2009, Queens College Linguistics Department awarded John the Elaine Newman
Award from Academic Excellence.
Educational Background: Queens College (MA-Applied Linguistics); University of Vermont (BA-Theater)
George Schupp
EAP Labs Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
George has 12 years of teaching experience specializing in secondary ESL and special education classes. The
schools that he taught include Nova Intercultural Institute, Osaka, Japan; The Arc San Francisco; and San Francisco
Unified School District. George received his Bachelor of Science in Communications with honors from Ohio University
in 1985. George also holds a MA in English from San Francisco State University.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-English); Ohio University (BS-Communications)
Amy Shipley
Graduate Curriculum Coordinator, English for Art Purposes
Amy Shipley holds a MA in TESOL (Teaching English as a Second Language) and a Writing Certificate from San
Francisco State University (SFSU), and a BA in Rhetoric and Communication from UC Davis. She started her
teaching career working internationally in Japan, India, and Peru. After receiving her Master’s Degree, she taught in
private language schools and community colleges and in the Bay Area, including the American Language Institute at
SFSU / SSU, Foothill College, Cañada College, SF City College, and the College of Extended Learning at UC
Berkeley and San Francisco State University. She enjoys incorporating technology in her classes and values student-
centered learning. In her spare time, Amy enjoys outdoor activities, weight-training, and practicing Aikido. She also
volunteers with WildCare, rehabilitating injured and orphaned wildlife.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-TESOL); University of California, Davis (BA-Rhetoric &
Monique Aas
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
After Monique Aas got a BA in History, she felt like she needed an adventure, so she took off to Oita, Japan to teach
English as a Second Language. From Japan, she traveled to New Zealand, Benin, Niger, Burkina Faso, Ghana,
Gabon, Europe and Guam. After five years of living and traveling abroad, she decided to settle down in San
Francisco and get her M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language from San Francisco State University. She
began teaching at AAU as soon as she got her Master’s in 2013. Monique’s hobbies include skiing, reading,
watching movies, and jogging.
Educational Background: Lewis and Clark College (BA-History); San Francisco State University (MATESOL).
Glenn Ryan Alejandro
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
[To be Published]
Margaret Cardenas
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Margaret Cardenas accidentally came to the world of ESL through landscaping. In 2004, her then landscaping
company suggested she could help her Spanish speaking coworkers with English classes after work. Her first
students were all adult landscapers from Mexico and Central America. After doing this for several years, she decided
to get her Basic and Advanced CTESOL Certificates and teach full time. In 2007, she joined ELS Language Schools,
San Francisco where she happily taught international students for 11 years. Margaret was delighted to join the AAU
faculty in 2018. In her free time she is a textile artist, a voracious reader, and an avid gardener.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (BA); San Francisco State University (MA); Transworld
Teacher Training Programs (Basic CTSEOL); Transworld Teacher Training Programs (Advanced CTSEOL)
Jane Emley
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Jane Emley holds a MA in English and a BA in Latin American Studies and Italian from SFSU and UC Berkeley
respectively. She has over 19 years of professional teaching experience as an instructor for foreign students for UC
Berkeley Extension, ESL instructor at SFSU and other various teaching positions including private instructor for
students at Centro Studi Dell'Univerisita di California in Padua, Italy. She has attended the ACCTLA Conference and
the TESOL Conference as a presenter. She is also a current member of TESOL.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-English); University of California, Berkeley (BA-Italian
& Latin American Studies)
Molly Flanagan
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Molly Flanagan has over ten years of experience teaching English to children, teens and adults in rural Japan, Costa
Rica and the SF Bay Area. She has a Master's degree in TESOL from the School for International Training, and also
loves learning languages. So far she has studied Japanese, Spanish, German, and Portuguese. Molly spent nine
years at AAU as a faculty developer, working with instructors to develop their teaching. Now, she is happy to be back
in the classroom supporting international students. In her free time, Molly enjoys dance, interspecies friendships, and
time in nature.
Educational Background: School of International Training (MA-TESOL)
Janine Gluud
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Janine Gluud has a MA in English as a Second Language and a BA in French from the University of Hawaii and
NYU-Binghamton respectively. She has over 20 years of professional teaching experience including work in the
English Fluency Program at SF State University Ext. Ed., English Institute at Canada College, Peralta Community
College, UC Berkeley Extension, and other teaching programs in Spain, Portugal, Hawaii, Taiwan, and Mexico. She
is fluent in French and Spanish and has studied Portuguese, Japanese, and Mandarin. She is a member of TESOL
and CATESOL and volunteered on the Canada College Evening Advisory Board Panel. She has held numerous
presentations and workshops on the English language in Spain and Canada.
Educational Background: University of Hawaii (MA-English as a Second Language); State University of New York at
Binghamton (BA-French)
Tasha Hansen
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Tasha Hansen’s teaching career began accidentally while accompanying her husband on a humanitarian aid
assignment in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina from 1999-2002. Her first-ever students were Bosnian and Italian
employees at an Italian war relief organization. Inspired by this first teaching experience, she went on to earn a
Cambridge Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) and a Master’s degree in Teaching English
as a Second Language (TESL). In addition to teaching at Academy of Art, she has taught ESL at language schools in
Prague and Berkeley and academic writing and presentation skills at Golden Gate University in San Francisco. When
she isn’t planning lessons or teaching international students, she can most often be found on a bicycle, a hiking trail,
or a yoga mat. Tasha is pleased to be back at Academy of Art University, in 2017, after teaching elsewhere for five
Educational Background: University of Minnesota (BA-American Studies); University of Birmingham in the UK (MA-
Teaching English as a Foreign/Second Language)
Heather Jovanelli
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Heather Jovanelli is a 2008 MFA graduate of Mills College and has since been teaching English language acquisition
and composition writing to post-secondary students from around the world. Her masters in Creative Writing provided
a starting point to intellectual pursuits that include synthesizing ESL with art criticism, grammar analysis with
conversation skills, web coding with self-expression, calligraphy with translation, and strengthening research
methodologies in the classroom. She has some real east coast winters under her belt as she earned Bachelor
degrees in Studio Art and English with a focus on Literary Analysis at the University of Maine in 2006. She has had
the pleasure of teaching EAP 4 and LA composition classes for several semesters here at AAU. Her interests in
languages, gardening, watercolor, art history, and philosophy enrich her life. She aspires to compose a grammar and
art criticism textbook as part of her professional journey.
Educational Background: Mills College (MFA)
Laura Messina
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Laura has a B.A. in Social Ecology from U.C. Irvine and an M.A. in TESOL from San Francisco State University,
where she also taught English classes. Laura has been teaching at AAU since 2003, and has taught ESL4, EAP604,
GLA612, EAP605W, LA108, and LA107. In addition, she is a support instructor for various majors.
Educational Background: UC Irvine (BA-Social Ecology); San Francisco State University (MA-TESOL)
Paget Norton
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Paget Norton is an experienced educator with more than 10 years of experience. After receiving her MFA in Creative
Writing from San Diego State University and her BA in Literature/Writing from UC San Diego, Norton went on to teach
at San Diego State University as an Adjunct Professor. Afterwards, she worked for two years with the US Peace
Corps as an English Professor. Most recently, she was responsible for Instruction and Special Projects at Vallecitos
CET for two years. She has worked on the White Ribbon Campaign in Morocco and was a Team Leader for Taking
Our Daughters to Work Day in Morocco. Currently, Norton is an ESL instructor with Academy of Art University. In
addition to teaching, Norton has also worked with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and has
managed the coordination of volunteers and books from the Sabre Foundation to Morocco.
Educational Background: San Diego State University (MFA-Creative Writing); University of California, San Diego (BA-
Amy Parker
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Amy has more than 20 years of teaching experience. She was the co-author of Talking Together, a beginning ESL
conversation text, Lateral Communications, a division of Longman Publishers. She also reviewed several textbooks
such as, The Advanced Grammar Book, second edition, Heinle and Heinle publishers; Grammar Mastery, Houghton-
Miffin publishers, etc. Moreover, Amy is a member of numerous professional affiliations such as CATESOL.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-English: EFL/ESL); Michigan Technological University
(BA-Liberal Arts)
Nancy Taylor
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
After graduating from Mary Washington College with a BA in English Literature and Political Science, Nancy moved
to Oakland where she has had the opportunity to work with International and immigrant students from all over the
world. After working in the legal profession for 10 years, Nancy went back to school and earned a Masters Degree in
English literature with a teaching credential in Education. Afterwards, Nancy went to the UC Berkeley Extension and
received a certification in EFL/ESL. Nancy has worked at the Academy of Art for the last 12 years in the EAP
department as a teacher and advisor. She can most often be found in the Gaming and/or Animation departments.
You can also find Nancy hanging out with her best friend, Cali (dog), or in interfaith environments that are aligned
with Hinduism, Sufism or New Thought.
Educational Background: Graduate Theological Union (Masters of Divinity (pending); University of Alabama in
Huntsville (MA-English Literature); Mary Washington University (BA-English Literature and Political Science)
Erika Weisbrich
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Erika Weisbrich has worked for over twelve years in San Francisco and abroad as ESL teacher and program
developer. She has an M.A. TESOL and the Certificate in the Teaching of Composition from San Francisco State
University. A native Californian with travel experiences in twenty countries, she has lived in Germany and taught in
Japan and Turkey. Having specialized in English for Art Purposes and curriculum development since 2001, she
greatly enjoys the English for Art Purposes courses at Academy of Art University and started teaching them in Spring
2008. She has also recently taught writing for the extension program at San Francisco State University. In her free
time she enjoys delving into the international flavors of the Bay Area, especially when seeking out a good "cheap
eat". A lifelong lover of words and the arts, she holds a B.A. in English/Creative Writings from SFSU and enjoys
poetry, Romanticism, etymology, languages, her husband's British English, and the cute "wordlets" now spoken by
her little boy/girl twins.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-English TESOL); San Francisco State University
(Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Composition); San Francisco State University (BA-English)
Steven Weiss
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Steven Weiss is a dynamic ESL teacher with years of experience. For the last 4 years, Weiss has been an English
Teacher in Brussels at Interface III and Babelachtig. Additionally, he has worked as a Freelance Translator for French
to English texts. Weiss holds a Master's in Philosophy from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and a BA in Philosophy
and Sociology from Pennsylvania State University.
Educational Background: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (MA-Philosophy); Pennsylvania State University (BA-
Philosophy and Sociology)
Maw Win
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Maw Shein Win received her BA in English with a focus on Creative Writing from CSU Long Beach. She has
continued taking graduate courses in TESL and TEFL at SFSU. She has taught various ESL, EFL and literacy
courses throughout the bay area. Win has also taught an Intensive English Program in Japan as well as volunteering
as an English teacher for a Burmese community in Japan. Her training includes TOEFL and TOEIC, English
Speaking Proficiency testing, Adult Basic Education Credential for English and Humanities, CBEST Verification, ESL
Citizenship workshops, and OTAN ESL Institute workshops.
Educational Background: California State University, Long Beach (BA-English)
Tingying Wu
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Jessie Wu has over 13 years of teaching experience as an instructor for international students. She has an M.A. in
TESOL from California State University, East Bay, where she taught intensive English courses for IEP students from
June 2006 to December 2018. There she was involved with Speaking Partners Program, Curriculum Committee and
worked with students closely as an international student advisor. Jessie starts her AAU career in 2019 as an onsite
Academic Coach for EAP students in addition to teaching. She is also a support instructor for various majors.
Educational Background: Cal State, East Bay (MA-TESOL); National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (BA-Foreign
Languages and Literatures)
Stacy Hernandez
Content Instruction Developer, English for Art Purposes
Stacy Hernandez has an M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages from San Francisco State
University, where she also earned a Certificate in Teaching Post-secondary Reading. As an undergraduate, she
studied Writing and Music at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. Stacy has taught ESL courses at all
levels and has over two years of experience tutoring in academic writing labs.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages);
Whitworth University (BA-Music and Writing)
Leandro Ng
Director, Foundations
Leandro Ng is an Illustrator and Instructor with years of experience. He has worked for companies such as the Gap,
Levi Strauss, Hasbro Toys, Synergy, and others. Most recently, he worked on a graphic novel series entitled "One
World Manga which will be distributed in several countries. He received his BFA in Illustration from Academy of Art
University. Ng works with various media, including watercolor, acrylic, oil, pastel, charcoal, and others. Ng regularly
attends the San Diego ComiCon and San Francisco Wondercon conferences. He is an active member of both
groups. Leandro is currently Director of the Foundations department at Academy of Art University.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration)
Cameron Harris
Figure Modeling Coordinator, Foundations
Having grown up in an artistic family, Brei Harris has been inspired by paintings from nineteenth century Europe and
Russia. Since moving to San Francisco and earning a degree in Fine Arts from the Academy of Art University, Brei
has strengthened her technical skills in drawing, oil painting and figurative sculpture. She specializes in
contemporary figurative sculpture and enjoys the tangible nature of the creative process and the presence a three-
dimensional piece evokes.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Fine Art); University of California, San Diego (BA)
Li Mei Huang
Color Course Coordinator, Foundations
[To be Published]
Joko Budiono
Full-Time Faculty, Foundations
Joko has 8 years professional experience in Illustration including freelance architectural rendering and illustration
projects for Midlen Production, Punch Studio. Joko's shows include work submitted to Academy of Art Galleries, SF
Open Studio, and San Francisco Society of Illustration Shows. In addition, he has been involved with Laguna Honda
Hospital Art Project and teaches perspective drawing/workshop at the Academy of Art College. He holds a BFA in
Illustration and MFA in Fine Art from Academy of Art University.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Fine Art); Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration);
Hartnell College (AA-Art)
Adam Caldwell
Full-Time Faculty, Foundations
Adam Caldwell has a BFA in Painting and Illustration from California College of Arts and Crafts. Caldwell has over 9
years of professional experience including work in restaurant management, freelance illustration for Caldwell
Illustration Company, kickboxing instruction, and work as an instructor at the Academy of Art University in the
Foundations Dept. He was an instructor and director of the board at the Evolving Body Mind Institute. He is a member
of the Society of Illustrators West.
Educational Background: California College of Arts and Crafts (BFA-Painting and Illustration)
Jon Dalton
Full-Time Faculty, Foundations
Jon Dalton is a freelance illustrator. He is also a member of the Children's Writers & Illustrators Market and Artists &
Graphic Designer's Market. Dalton received his BFA in Illustration from Academy of Art University.
Educational Background: Academy of Art College (BFA-Illustration)
David Choong Youb Lee
Full-Time Faculty, Foundations
David Lee has 4 years of professional experience in Fine Arts. Currently, he is a foundations instructor at ACADEMY
OF ART UNIVERSITY and founder of Hookin Style Design Company. His work has been exhibited in galleries in San
Francisco and Las Vegas. He has received the Herman Lambert Scholarship, Best of Show-30th Annual National
Juried Exhibition at the Palm Springs Desert Museum, two Best Figure Painting awards and one Best Landscape
award at the Academy of Art University's Spring Show. He has attended the Society of American Portrait Artist's
seminar and various clothing design and comic conventions. Lee holds a BFA from Academy of Art University.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Fine Art); Academy of Art University (BFA-Fine Art)
Cristen Miller
Full-Time Faculty, Foundations
Cristen Miller is an oil and pastel painter who has received several awards. Her works have been selected to various
exhibitions and private collections throughout the San Francisco Bay Area as well as Southern California, Wyoming
and Utah. Miller placed third in the Academy of Art University's Annual Show and she was one of only four students
invited to represent the University in painting on the television show "Entertainment Tonight." Miller has also
participated in various exhibitions, including Contemporary Realism Group Show and a solo exhibit at 688 Sutter
Gallery. She has a BFA in Painting from Academy of Art University. Miller is a member of the National Portrait
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (MFA-Fine Art); Academy of Art University (BFA-Fine Art)
Henry Yan
Full-Time Faculty, Foundations
Since 1990, Henry Yan has been doing portraits, figures and landscapes for various galleries and commissioned
clients as an experienced Painter. For the last 9 years, Yan has been a FT Instructor in the Academy of Art
University's Foundations department where he teaches drawing and painting classes. He holds a BFA in Illustration
from Academy of Art University as well as a Bachelor in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai Institute of Applied
Technology. He is a member of the American Society of Portrait Artists Foundation.
Educational Background: Academy of Art University (BFA-Illustration); Shanghai Institute of Applied Technology (BA-
Electrical Engineering)
Eileen Everett
Academic Vice President, Liberal Arts
Eileen M. Everett has been with the Academy of Art University since 1999 and has directed the Liberal Arts
Department since 2003. Eileen earned her BA in Art History at Indiana University’s Henry Radford Hope School of
Fine Arts and her MA from the University of California, Santa Barbara in the History of Art and Architecture where her
Master’s Thesis on 18th Century French Painting was received with Honors. In addition to her duties as Academic
Vice President, Eileen teaches Art History courses online and onsite and travels with the ACADEMY OF ART
UNIVERSITY Art History Study Abroad program when her schedule permits.
Educational Background: University of California, Santa Barbara (MA-History of Art and Architecture); Indiana
University (BA-Art History)
Michael Leitch
Associate Director, Liberal Arts
Michael Leitch has over 25 years of professional experience in theater, radio, and television arts. He has been an
instructor with Academy of Art University since 1998. He has also taught match, flight, physics, and ESL to high
school and college students. Leitch has professional experience both in Japan and the USA as a theater actor, radio
personality, and TV and voice-over artist. Leitch possesses years of training in radio and TV production. He also has
international experience, having worked in Japan for 4 years. Additionally, he has traveled to Nepal, Thailand, and
China. He is a member of the World Affairs Council and was a Peace Corps dependent in Costa Rica. Leitch studied
French and Japanese for several years and is a certified commercial pilot. Leitch received his BS in Physics from
Evergreen State College. He is an active member of the American Physics Society and the FAA.
Educational Background: Evergreen State College (BS-Physics)
Jesse Ficks
Film History Coordinator, Liberal Arts
Jesse Ficks is currently Host and Curator of the monthly series, Midnites for Maniacs at The Castro Theatre. He is
also working as a Film Editing Technician at the Academy of Art University. Previously, he was Manager of The
ImaginAsian Theatre, Assistant Manager & Curator of the Four Star Theatre as well as Membership Associate of the
Film Arts Foundation. Ficks has participated in various film festivals, including Sundance, Cannes, and SF Asian
American Film Festival. He has been published in the SF Bay Guardian. Ficks holds a BA in Theatre Arts/Film from
Portland State University.
Educational Background: Portland State University (BA-Theatre Arts/Film)
Robert Goldie
Curriculum Coordinator for Social Studies, Liberal Arts
Bob Goldie has been with the Academy of Art University since 2005 where he has been an instructor, academic
coach, and a coordinator for the Writing Lab before moving to Liberal Arts 2011 to serve as a social studies
coordinator and a sociology instructor for both online and onsite classes. He received his B.A. in History and M.A. in
Social Studies Education at the University of Colorado and has since pursued an ambition to empower students to
become passionate lifetime learners and thinkers by making education interesting and meaningful. Bob also writes
music and fanzine reviews for Maximum RocknRoll, collects records, fixates on the history of San Francisco, and
enjoys life’s experience.
Educational Background: University of Colorado at Boulder (MA-Education); University of Colorado at Boulder (BA-
Kelly Holt
Writing Coordinator, Liberal Arts
Claudia Holt holds a MA in Psychology from Sonoma State University, an MS in Education from Nazareth College
and a BA in German Language and Literature from UC Santa Barbara. Most recently, after obtaining her MA she has
traveled extensively through South America where she strengthened her Spanish speaking skills and studied sacred
geography. Previously, she was Director of the Academy Resource Center at the Academy of Art University and has
taught ESL courses for more than 10 years.
Educational Background: University of California, Santa Cruz (Ph.D.-Literature); San Francisco State University (MA-
Literature, & MFA-Creative Writing); University of California, Santa Cruz (BA-Literature and American Studies)
Kevin Brent Forman
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Kevin Brent Forman began teaching at Academy of Art University in 2000. Since coming to the Academy, Kevin has
been a Support Instructor in a variety of graduate & undergraduate Art History classes, and in 2006, became a lead
instructor in the undergraduate Art History classroom. He has team-taught Study Abroad seminars throughout
Europe, and loves traveling to experience Art History firsthand. In addition to teaching Art History, Kevin has also
taught English for Art & Design purposes for non-native speakers of English. With a strong background in pedagogy,
Kevin regularly presents his best-practices to audiences within the University and external at academic conferences.
Educational Background: San Francisco State University (MA-English & BA-Humanities)
Melissa Greenley
Full-Time Faculty, English for Art Purposes
Melissa holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology, a Masters Degree in Education specializing in Curriculum
and Instruction, and holds California Single Subject Teaching Credentials in Biology and Chemistry, with English
Language Learner (ELL) certification. She began her teaching career in public secondary schools, having spent 15
years teaching chemistry, biology, anatomy/physiology, ecology, Earth science, health, physical science, and math.
She has also been a presenter at California and National Science Teachers Association conferences, and was one of
the writers and pilot teachers for a National Science Foundation funded chemistry textbook.
Educational Background: BA-Kinesiology; MA-Education (Curriculum and Instruction)
Darrell Hayden
Faculty Athletics Representative; Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Darrell Hayden was born in New York and raised in Los Angeles in and around the entertainment business. Interests
include herpetology, Native American flutes, iPhone photography, and succulents. Two children -- one recent
graduate of UCSB.
Educational Background: Brandeis University (BA-English & American Literature)
Claudia Holm
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Claudia Holm has 16 years professional experience in liberal arts including management of organizational systems
and implementation of educational seminars for Gold Coast Seminars in San Francisco and manager of accounts
payable/ receivables, and payroll for Jeff Morley, DDS. She has attended the Writer's Center Workshop in San
Francisco and is a member of the Associated Writer's Program (AWP). Holm received her BA in Humanities from
New College of California and her MA in Writing and Consciousness from New College of California.
Educational Background: New College of California (MA-Writing and Consciousness); New College of California (BA-
Susan Meserve
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Susie Meserve is a creative writing instructor and has taught at a variety of learning institutions including: University
of Massachusetts and Portland International Community School. She was a founding member of Valley Free Radio
Project in Northampton Massachusetts. Her poems have been published in Indiana Review, Red Rock Review,
Redactions, Willamette Week, and Terminus. Her articles have also been published in Rain Taxi Review of Books,
Oregon Humanities, The Voice, Anodyne Magazine, and Technology & Learning. She received her B.A. in English
from Tufts University and her MFA in English from University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
Educational Background: University of Massachusetts at Amherst (MFA-English); Tufts University (BA-English)
Tom Molanphy
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Tom Molanphy received his BA in English Literature from Loyola University and his MFA in Creative Writing from the
University of Montana. He has more than 16 years of combined experience in teaching and writing. Since 2001,
Molanphy has taught English at the Academy of Art University. He previously taught at Archbishop Riordan High
School and Meadowhill Middle School in Montana. He has also taught 8th grade English for the Toledo School
District in Belize. Molanphy has written and copy-edited computer manuals for Education Logistics and worked as a
news reporter, copy editor, and editorial editor/columnist for Loyola Maroon while at Loyola University. He has
published a novella and several essays for the StreetBeat Quarterly. Molanphy is a Volunteer Tutor for 826 Valencia.
Educational Background: University of Montana (MFA-Creative Writing); Loyola University (BA-English Literature)
Brennan Pelosi
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
[To be Published]
Allyson Ritger
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Allyson Klein holds an MFA and MA in Writing & Consciousness from New College of California. She also holds a BA
in Criminal Justice from University of Delaware. Currently, she is Assistant to the Librarian at New College of
California where she tutors students with compositions and essays and assists students with database research. She
has published a work of fiction, Notes from the Creamery and has a forthcoming work, Five Fingers Review. Klein
has also been published in Transitions Abroad, Big World Magazine, and SF Downtown Magazine. Klein has also
taught English in China and has been a freelance travel writer in Fiji, New Zealand, Australia, Thailand, Burma, Hong
Kong, Singapore, Pakistan, Tanzania, Sudan and many more. She is a regular newsletter contributor to Insight
Meditation Community of San Francisco and has been a pen-pal for over 3 years with the SF Zen Center's Prison
Outreach Program.
Educational Background: New College of California (MA); New College of California (MFA); University of Delaware
Simone Scott
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Currently, Simone Scott is an ESL/EFL Teacher at Aspect International Language Academies where she designs
curriculum teaches grammar, and combined skills courses. Previously, she provided one-on-one ESL instruction for
beginners at the Embassy Center for English Studies. Scott has nearly 3 years of English Instruction. She has been
published in Zyzzyva, Tampa Review, Toward Freedom Magazine, and WetFeet.com. Scott holds a MA in
English/Creative Writing from SFSU and a BA in English from the University of Vermont.
Educational Background: San Francisco University (MFA); University of Vermont (BA)
Richard Tubiolo
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Richard Tubiolo's experience spans through 12 years of marketing leadership, including account management for
accounts up to $8.1 million; advertising; brand management and development; business development and
relationship management; education and training; project and program management; research, strategic planning
and product development.
Educational Background: Golden Gate University (MBA); California State University, Northridge (BA)
Jose Yulo
Full-Time Faculty, Liberal Arts
Jose Yulo is an award-winning college instructor with over five years of teaching experience at various colleges. After
receiving his BA in Liberal Arts from St. John's College and his MA in Communication Studies from Emerson College
where he received the Outstanding Student Award for Theories of Rhetoric, Yulo went on to teach at Mission College.
He then taught at Foothill College and Campion College where he taught Speech, Rhetoric, and American Society
and Culture. Most recently, he has been teaching Philosophy at Foothill College. Yulo recently earned his Doctor of
Education with a concentration on the Philosophy of Education from the University of San Francisco. His dissertation
covered Presocratic and Platonic ethical philosophy, the literature of J.R.R. Tolkien, and Friedrich Nietzche's and
Immanuel Kant's educational and ethical philosophies. Yulo also helped interview Holocaust survivors for the Bay
Area Holocaust Oral History project in 2002.
Educational Background: University of San Francisco (PhD-International & Multicultural Education): Emerson College
(MA-Political Communication); St. John's College (BA-Liberal Arts)
Back to Table of Contents
Caroline Altman
Letitia Bartlett
Erin Brunicardi
MaryBeth Cavanaugh
Elaine Clark
Rebecca Dumaine
Deborah Eubanks
Dexter Fidler
Meredith Fox
Nancy Gold
Melissa Gray
Marvin Greene
Annette Haywood-Carter
Clark Lewis
Anthony Montes
Mark Rafael
Emilie Talbot-Brooks
Thomas Thanangadan
Bruce Williams
Andrew Cruz
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Arts)
Alexandra Dacks
Academy of Art University (Master of Fine Arts)
James Gleeson
University of San Francisco (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Kadesha Goins
Academy of Art University (Master of Fine Arts)
Jane Goodwin-Bell
Academy of Art University (Master of Arts)
Nancy Juliber
San Francisco State University (Master of Arts)
Yan Liu
Ohio State University (Doctor of Philosophy)
Nathan Lomas
Rochester Institute of Technology (Master of Fine Arts)
Jane Markell
Thunderbird School Global Mgmt (Master of Business Admin)
Don Mulkey
Stephen F. Austin State Univeristy (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Roger Muller
Academy of Art University (Master of Fine Arts)
Ann O'Phelan
National University (Master of Fine Arts)
Patrick Peduto
Ringling College of Art & Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Tom Pope
University of Notre Dame (Bachelor of Arts)
Mary Roberts
New College California (Master of Arts)
June Sargent
University of Denver (Master of Business Admin)
Rafael Scott
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Ellen Shakespeare
Kent State University (Master of Arts)
Dylan Smith
Academy of Art University (Master of Fine Arts)
John Stewart
San Francisco Art Institute (Master of Fine Arts)
Tyrone Stude
Academy of Art University (Master of Fine Arts)
Joseph Szymanski
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Michael Utterback
Virginia Commonwealth University (Master of Science)
Walter Wanger
Cornell University (Master of Arts)
Cybele Zufolo
Columbia University (Master of Fine Arts)
Paulo Alvarado
Kevin Andrus
Jeff Bedrick
Linda Bel
Tan Bi
Frederic Cabral
Kela Cabrales
Charles Canfield
Michael Carroll
Joseph Censoplano
Shaun Chacko
Kathleen Chamberlin
Simon Christen
Diana Coco-Russell
Jeffrey Cooperman
Craig Dauterive
Bonita DeCarlo
Norman DeCarlo
Natasha Devaud
Jeff Doran
Sarah Fenton
Ken Fisk
Samuel Fleming
Jonathan Gilbert
Amy Gohal
Jean-Denis Haas
Jon Hallock
Pascal Hang
Mark Harris
Guilherme Jacinto
Christopher Kelly
Anthea Kerou
John Ioannis Korellis
Francine Landes
Steven Lee
Stewart Lew
Jessica Madsen
Thomas Meade
Garrett Moore
Shawn Nelson
David Nethery
Bruce Nicholson
Jennifer Oliver
Jason Peltz
Van Phan
Fred Pittman
Mary Kathleen Quaife
Michael Raphaelovich
Nickolas Rosario
Brett Schulz
Oliver Sin
Vaughn Smith
Terry Song
Elizabeth Sousa
David Tanaka
Michael Vickner
Susan Weeks
Stephen Wong
Ben Zelkowicz
Paul Adamson
Jesse Agosta
Shakeel Ahmed
Khaldoun Alcharabi
Vivek Anand
Jason Austin
Simon Battisti
Robert Best
Laura Brugger
Carol Buhrmann
Paul Burgin
Abraham Burickson
David Campbell
Min I Chu
Elizabeth Cohn-Martin
Daniela Di Luzio
Shruti Dixit
Susanna Douglas
Peter Engel
Goetz Frank
Alexa Getting
Yulia Grinkrug
Eoanna Harrison
Drake Hawthorne
Michael Heacock
Rebal Knayzeh
James Kraus
Antonio Lao
Toby Lewis
Mei Liu
Sepideh Majidi
Katy Martin
Simon McKenzie
Zachary Meade
Shaum Mehra
Mark Myers
Nathan Ogle
Francesca Oliveira
Maria Paz De Moura Castro
Christopher Pizzi
Philip Ra
Eric Reeder
Benjamin Rice
Paul Rivers
Michael Robbins
Darby Rowland
David Schragger
Julia Schuetz
Maduhlika Singh
Peter Strzebniok
Carlo Sturken
Peter Suen
Bradley Sugarman
Jen Tai
Elizabeth Tippin
Juan Ugarte
Carl Wilford
Matthew Williamson
Ethen Wood
Nicole Kircher
Valeria Miranda
Anna Glaze
Craig Griffeath
Jonah Rosenberg
Ellen Sondag
Monica Neiman Sotomayor
Roger Apolinar
Kimberly Coyle
Desmond Crisis
Joe Fonzi
Liza Frampton
Richard Hart
Heather Hasper
Sharon Karnow
Michelle Kennedy
Tiffany McElroy
Dianne Nakano
Atiye O'Brien
Manny Ramos
Peter Shaplen
David Stoelk
Marjorie Sturm
Timothy Swartz
Pamela Uzzell
Anton Wannenburg
Mark Willard
Suzanne Ashford
Elisa Benzoni
Deenie Bernsten
Maria Birger
Yi-Hui Bruce-Wen
Svetlana Bulyzhkina
Linda Butler
Jeremy Butts
Catherine Campbell
Nelson Cantada
Philip Chidel
William Clarke
Tria Connell
Briana Corcoran
Christine Crook
Kim Data
Sarah Dean
Keverne Desantis
Dale Dombrowski
Diane Dorrans Saeks
Benjamin Ellis
Hao Fang
Jayne Foster
Marcy Frank
Robert Friederich
Limin Fu
Jaime Galli
Jianguo (Kevin) Gao
Aneta Genova
Ivanka Georgieva
Mokshini Godamunne
Namrita Gupta
Andrew Hagenbuch
Karen Hook
Linda Horn
Candace Hynson
Yoko Ichikawa
Catherine Janky
Cassandra Jenkins
Arijana Kajdic
Bridget Kaufman
Olga Kedik
Leesa Klotz
Margaret Koenig
Jenny Krasteva
Mung Lar Lam
Jean Lamprell
Kari Lantin
Lia Larrea
Hedy Lavinsky
Philomena Lee
Jennifer London
Mandana MacPherson
Amanda Manashi
Diana McCulloch
David McGrane
Emily Melville
Dina Meoli
Bethany Meuleners
Tanja Milutinovic
Edwin Mohney
Sharon Murphy
Peter Nguyen
Martin Nunez-Iii
Sofia Odero
Uduak Oduok
Kristine Osgood
Sandra Parenti
Kelliane Parker
Janet Pedersen
Christine Peregrin
Jacqueline Phelan
Marcela Pinzon
Karen Potesta
Jackson Riker
Matthew Robinson
Katie Sabo
Sara Shepherd
Jill Siefert
Jodey Simmonds
Ricardo Sison
Elena Slivnyak
Nancy Sommer
Stephanie St. Croix
John Sun
Tricia Theodosis
Teresa Tran
David Trautz
Emma Trewartha
Margot Urbanowicz
Nadia Vertlib
Danielle Wallis
Margaret Whitaker
Lindie Wilhelm
Christine Wong
Arlene Zacarias
Jenny Balisle
Mark Jason Bowen
James Claussen
Sean Connor
Cheryl Coon
Carla Crawford
Angela Cunningham
Suzanne D'Arcy
Jacob Dhein
Barry Ebner
Mark Elliot
Sandy Frank
Gregory Gandy
Sheldon Greenberg
Edmund He
Courtney Jacobs
Sung Kim
Dean Larson
Kristan Le
Ho Jun Lee
Karen Leoni
Cathy Locke
Romanoos Mattonen
Erin McAdams
Jeffrey Nishinaka
Lynne Osgood
Drew Price
Claudia Rilling
Daniel Segrove
Kevin Wueste
James Yamasaki
Joevic Yeban
Zachary Zdrale
Dustin Aber
Billy Burger
Kalen Chock
Denmark Gibbs
Mark Girouard
Todd Gorang
William Graban
Matthew Greene
Kevin Harkness
Patrick Hillstead
Lloyd Hoshide
Lori Hyrup
Dana Jakobson
Amrinder Jassar
Jacqueline Jocson
Tae Jun Jung
Thomas Jung
Mary Krefting
Filip Krstevski
Lisa Liang
Brandon Luyen
Lawrence Mangum
James Marion
David Markowitz
Christopher Middleton
Cody Miles
Marius Millar
Brendan Milos
Joshua Morton
Ana Nelson
William Oglesby
Graham Pezzuti
Geatano James Sacco III
Jonathan Sakamoto
Nathan Shorts
Joseph Simons
Gordon Tian
Jonathan Usiak
Patrick Wagner
Henry Yamada
Troy Alders
Patrice Anderson
Amalia Broadbent
Nadine Brown
Andrew Cambouris
Hannah Coward
Nancy Cutler
Christine George
Ariel Grey
Dean Gustafson
David Hake
Barbara Hughes
Sandra Isla
Wioleta Kaminska
Justin Lee
Julie LeFrancois
Andrew Loesel
Lloyd Mitchell
Kathryn Morgan
Christopher Morlan
Thomas Mungovan
John Nettleton
Lian Ng
Sejal Patel
Jessica Peltz
Shel Perkins
Jacques Rossouw
Janine Ryle
Becky Sehenuk Waite
Tom Sieu
Bob Slote
David Spears
Adele Wiejaczka
Stanley Zienka
Christine Apostolou
David Ball
Christopher Canga
Joseph Cavalieri
Warren Chang
Danielle Colman
Mario Delgado
Thomas Denmark
Angela Dominguez
Julie Downing
Michael Dubisch
Marc Ericksen
Tanya Ericson
Theresa Fleming
Thomas Gianni
Alexandria Gold
Mick Gray
Aaron Gregory
Phillip Hua
Eda Kaban
Xiao Liu
Lourdes Livingston
Marc Lopez
David Mar
Christopher Marrinan
Jorge Mascarenhas
Sara Palacios Gutierrez
Julie Peterson-Goonan
George Pitcher
Carl Potts
Kevin Robinette
Christopher Schenck
Mark Simmons
Christopher Sloan
Sandra Speidel
Victoria Vebell
Dylan Vermeul
Shari Warren
Gary Weiss
Shafiq Ahmadi
Cornish College of the Arts (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
John Armour
Dayton Art Institute (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Thomas Balaguer
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Lewis Bangham
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
Meredith Barberich
Tufts University (Bachelor of Arts)
John Bavaresco
15+ yrs. experience in VFX and in the 3d industry.
Scott Bergan
34+ yrs. experience as a master automobile craftsman
York Bleyer
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Daniel Bohman
College for Creative Studies (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Zachary Calev
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Michael Campbell
University of Arizona (Master of Fine Arts)
Won Seok Choi
University of California, San Diego (Bachelor of Arts)
David Curiel
The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale (Bachelor of Science)
Lawrence Davidson
California College of the Arts (Master of Architecture)
Victoria Davila
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Robert Devlin
58+ yrs. exp. as racecar driver, author, and automobile concours
Kenneth Downes
40+ years of experience in automobile upholstery
Rebecca Duke
Maine College of Art (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Shawn Flynn
University of California, San Diego (Bachelor of Science)
Mark Garcia
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Dallas Good
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
John Guenther
California State University, Long Beach (Bachelor of Arts)
Didula Jayaratna
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Agota Jonas
San Jose State University (Master of Arts)
Jiyeon Kim
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
Kwan Kim
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
Shizunori Kobara
San Jose State University (Bachelor of Science)
Susan Kralovec
Cranbrook Academy of Art (Master of Fine Arts)
Alexander Ksoll
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
John Lazorack III
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Wayne Li
Stanford University (Master of Science)
Inbal Lishansky
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Tom Luedecke
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
John Marsh
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Michael Mathe
California College of the Arts (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
David Melvin
Art Institute of Pittsburgh (Bachelor of Science)
Andrew Morandi
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Jessica Pastor-Tomas
La Sapienza University (Master of Arts)
Joseph Perez
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Leif Petersson
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
Theodore Renteria
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
Henry Riekena
Tulane University (Bachelor of Science)
Manuel Rojas
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
Daniel Seifert
Fashion Institute Technology (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
James Shook
San Jose State University (Bachelor of Science)
Shin So
Pratt Institute (Master of Arts)
Theodore Somogyi
Academy of Art University (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Akino Tsuchiya
Rikkyo University (Bachelor of Arts)
Lisa Vuskovic
University of California, Berkeley (Bachelor of Arts)
Rodney Wong
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
Hanbin Youn
Art Center College Design (Bachelor of Science)
Ryadi Adityavarman
Ivan Azerbegi
Danielle Baker
Daniel Bohlen
Juliana Carlsen
Mary Ferroggiaro
Jim Fong
Robert Frank
Cathleen Gouveia
Christine Hanlon
John Hoffpauir
Edwin Jordan
David Jozaites
Mike Kadivar
Robert Kelly
Lindsey King
Scott Kress
Ryan Long
Jemy Massie
Mark Miller
Nicole Naillon
Molly Ness
Edward Pertcheck
Marten Pesen
Wafaa Sabil
Corinne Sadowsky
Michael Sammet
Stephanie Smith
Susan Sutton
Suzan Swabacker
Leonarda Tamayo
Chamindri Wijemanne
Archibald Woo
Timberly Yeagle
Serena Zanello
Olga Zhovreboff
Heather Blaikie
Sydney Brown
David Casella
Killean Evans
Francesca Mackie
Wendy McDermott
Alexis Pavlantos
Gordon Silveria
Chrystal Sunshine
Toni Bava
Yi-Shan Chen
Peter Frankel
Philip Frankl
Nicholas Gotthardt
Harold Harrison
Mihai Hogman
Owen Lang
Sergio Lima
Brett Marsengill
Charu Sharma
Lee Toney
Victoria Arch
Michael Axinn
Tim Boxell
Austin Briggs
Douglas Campbell
Richard Cascio
Anne Chamberlain
Jonathan Crosby
Bob Degus
Karen DiConcetto
Charles Dougherty
Patrick Egan
Janice Engel
Kenneth Estin
Bruce Finn
Nana Greenwald
Charlotte Grossman
Dan Harris
David Hauslein
Jeryl Jagoda
Erin King
Richard Kizu-Blair
Mark Kohr
Roy Langbord
Consuelo Lopez-Robbins
Randall Love
Robert Martin
Margaret McClellan
Vonti McRae
Michael Meltzer
Dana Merwin
Philip Messina
David Burton Morris
Gerald Olson
Julie Oxendale
Spenser Querry
Lee Redmond
Jeremy Stuart
Ellen Sumter
David Taylor
Paul Theren
Ian Valentine
Tracy Ward
Doug Williams
Noemi Zeigler
Boris Zubov
Lincoln Andrews
Eric Bikales
Jeffrey Byron
Matthew Campagna
Conn Cianci-McGraw
Fabrizio Dal Bello
Patrizio Deidda
Miik Dinko
Gunnard Doboze
Dirk Epperson
Kenneth French
Harry Gold
Craig Kupka
Gregory Kupka
James Lay
Jeremy Liu
Jim Lively
Scott Looney
Carla Lucero
Brian Magerkurth
Jason Martineau
Sonia Mokhtari
Bruno Pelletier-Bacquaert
George Peterson Jr.
Raju Ramayya
Baxter Robertson
Christopher Ruscoe
Lauren Sharkey
David Sonnenschein
Turner Van Ryn
Timothy Archibald
Patrik Argast
David Arnold
Shannon Ayres
Connie Begg
Alyson Belcher
David Bowman
Edward Caldwell
Diane Choplin
Nicholas Clements
Kristin Davidson
Michael Erdman
James Goins
Nicolas Gutierrez Vargas
Chris Hardy
Amy Herold
Bryan Hewitt
Dawn Johnsen
Cadrian Johnson
Gregory Koch
Laura Kurtenbach
Kristopher Lattimore
Joseph Lavine
Lisa Levine
Kent Marshall
Tim Mena
Chloe Meynier
Steven Moeder
Mark Murrmann
Emmanuelle Namont Kouznetsov
Tracy Nichols
William Purcell
Anthony Rogers
Marc Simon
Cecelia (Cissy) Spindler
David Spindler
Michael ten Pas
Peter Tonningsen
Marc Ullom
Chris Wahlberg
David Wasserman
Martin Welch
Vincenzo Barkasy
Ryan Calloway
Steve Galgas
Aaron Guadamuz
Nelson Hernandez
Michael Judge
Wilbur Liang
Sean Pando
Brandon Pike
Juan Porras
Julie Speyer
Aletta Wenas
Johnny Ahmad
Matthew Bennett
Sarah Birdwell
Wei-Hsin Chen
Kwang-Hi Cho
Claudia Dallendorfer
Matthew David
Carolina de Bartolo
Michelle Downes
Dan Eriksson
Darren Farrugia
Teylor Feliz
Matthew Ganucheau
Erik Hartley
Mark Hellar
Dale Jones
Kevin Kidwell
Daniel Kim
Camila Lachman Zamora
Gabriel Lamb
Aaron Lawrence
Michael Lee
Vicente Llopis
Nikolai Lokteff
Micheal Lopez
Justine Luis
Ryan Medeiros
Zachary Mexicano
Beth Middleworth
Matt Moresco
Heather Norvall
Aries Nunez
Helene Park
Maria Pentkovski
Frank Pietronigro
Michael Ritchie
Clarke Robinson
Joshua South
Milos Vlaski
Joseph Weaver
Judith Barr
Anita Browning
Kim Burke
Sarika Chaudhuri
Chris Correale
Scot Crisp
Alisa De Palma
Dustin Delaney
Jacob Eastman
Donna Ernst
Siobhan Fleming
Heyward Gignilliat
Karl Graham
Steve Grant
Paul Hallaman
Osa Kauffman
Lena Kelly
Blaire Kilbey
Alexandra Lacey
Anita Mamoun
David Masterson
Colleen McKee
Wynn Newberry
Thy Nguyen
Wendi Olson
Susan Pasley
Robb Putnam
Angelika Rappe
Suzanna Rogstad
Romalyn Schmaltz
Alissa Sears
Mona Shaath
Renee Snyder
Roger Swee
Jamie Terhune
Samuel Tomfohr
Rebecca VanDeVoort
Sandra Wiggin
Stephen Zannis
Kevin Zaragoza
Joo Hee Bae
Alison Bereuter
Jerry Boxley
Todd Casey
Baoping Chen
Jane Cozart
Christopher Dorosz
Michele Goodwin
Justin Howard
Kristina Komsthoeft
Thomas Marsh
Rachel Moseley
Deborah Samia
Thomas Starnes
Yelena Uger
Chenoa Warner
David Yeung
Maya Akpinar
University of California, Berkeley (Master of Arts)
Laine Ballard
New College California (Master of Fine Arts)
Cheryl Barton
San Francisco State University (Master of Arts)
Christopher Braun
University of Wales Trinity Saint David (Master of Arts)
Lucia Brown
Portland State University (Master of Arts)
Robert Cash
Portland State University (Master of Arts)
Cristen Cassell
University of California, Santa Barbara (Bachelor of Arts)
Maria Nichole Clark
Sonoma State University (Master of Arts)
William Clark
New Jersey City University (Master of Arts)
John Dobson
San Francisco State University (Master of Arts)
Roxanne Farrar
Florida State University (Doctor of Philosophy)
Chris Frederick
Regent University (Master of Arts)
Eric Frederick
Westminster Theological Seminary (Master of Divinity)
Teddy Goldsworthy-hanner
Academy of Art University (Master of Fine Arts)
Margaret Hayden
Columbia University (Master of Arts)
Elizabeth Hille
Bennington College (Master of Fine Arts)
Heather Holliger
George Mason University (Master of Fine Arts)
Caroline Hood
Southern Methodist University (Master of Arts)
Andrea Jost
Goethe University Frankfurt (Master of Arts)
Ludmila Kisseleva
Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (Doctor of
Rick Kitagawa
University of California, Berkeley (Bachelor of Arts)
Helen Klonaris
New College California (Master of Fine Arts)
Suzanne L'Heureux
American University (Master of Arts)
Heather Lindsay
Brigham Young University (Master of Science)
Adriana Macias
Mills College (Master of Arts)
Andrea Maison
University of California, Santa Barbara (Master of Arts)
Laura Maschietto
Instituto De Ensenanza Superior (Master of Arts)
Maria Matthies
Academy of Art University (Master of Arts)
Benjamin Mirov
New School (Master of Fine Arts)
Matthew Pevey
California State University, East Bay (Master of Arts)
Kimberly Reid-Schafer
California State University, East Bay (Bachelor of Arts)
Michael Routery
New College California (Master of Fine Arts)
Georgia Sang-Baffoe
Howard University (Master of Science)
James Sidel
University of Iowa (Master of Fine Arts)
Jennifer Taylor
University of California, Santa Barbara (Master of Arts)
Robert Tindall
San Francisco State University (Master of Arts)
Samuel Tsitrin
University of California, Berkeley (Bachelor of Arts)
Erica Valponi
University of London (Master of Arts)
Sandy Zhang
University of California, Davis (Master of Science)
© Academy of Art University 2019
Published: November 1
, 2019
Content Coordinator: Denise Cottin