EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service
Author: Monika Dulian
Members' Research Service
PE 754.566 October 2023
Geothermal energy in the EU
Geothermal energy is heat generated within the Earth's crust. It is used mainly for electricity
generation, district heating and industrial processes. Several geothermal technologies exist, at
different levels of maturity. Heat is usually extracted from the ground using heat pumps to power
district heating systems, or used directly to heat builidngs. Electricity generation uses the heat
stored underground, converting it to electrical power. The three main technologies for elect ricity
generation are dry steam, flash steam and binary cycle.
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), geothermal energy pr ovides
electricity generation in more than 30 countries worldwide, reaching a total installed capacity of
around 16 gigawatts (GW) in 2021. In the EU, the gross capacity for electricty was just over
1 gigawatts electric (GWe) that year. EU electricity production amounted to 6 717 gigawatts thermal
(GWth), with Italy responsible for most of it. Several other EU countries produce electricity from
geothermal (Germany, Portugal, France, Croatia, Hungary and Austria), albeit with co ns ider ably
smaller production. The geothermal district heating and cooling sector has seen a 6 % growth rate
in installed capacity, reaching 2.2 GWth in 2021. Geothermal represented 0.5 % of the global
renewable electricity market in 2022, generating 0.2 % of electricity in the EU.
Geothermal energy is a sustainable and reliable source that produces minimal greenhouse gas
emissions while providing constant baseload energy generation. The challenges for large-scale
geothermal energy capacity include high upfront development costs, long project development
timelines and higher risk during the early phases of exploration. Another significant obstacle to the
development of geothermal is the fragmented nature of statistics on geothermal energy and
insufficient geothermal resource mapping.
The EU's commitment to the geothermal sector is deeply rooted in the European Green Deal. Draft
national energy climate plans show that EU Member States have promising ideas fo r geothermal.
The development of geothermal is also set to be supported by the recently revised Renewable
Energy and Energy Efficiency Directives. Moreover, the European Commission's announced heat
pump action plan has the potential to encourage the use of small and large geothermal heat pumps
in buildings, heating and cooling systems, and industry.
Geothermal use and technologies
Geothermal energy in numbers
Benefits and challenges of geothermal energy
Policy support
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Geothermal energy is heat generated within the Earth's crust as a result of the planet's formation
and the radioactive decay of materials. Thermal energy is stored in rocks and fluids in the centre of
the Earth. Drilled wells connect the geothermal resource with the surface in order to use the energy
contained in the fluid. Geothermal energy can be a source of electricity generation; it ca n pr ovide
direct heat for multiple uses such as district heating, water heating, industrial processes, greenhouse
food production and fish breeding. In addition, the term relates to the use of energy extracted from
the Earth's constant temperatures at shallow depth (usually
up to 500 metres) by means of ground-
source heat pumps. In terms of geothermal gradients, the resources are divided into shallow
geothermal, middle deep geothermal and deep geothermal. This determines the temperature
available, as on average it increases by about
25 °C for every kilometre of depth. In the context of
the European Green Deal and the EU's ambition to phase out fossil fuels by scaling up the roll-out
of renewables, home-grown geothermal energy can play a greater role in meeting the EU's energy
needs for both electricity and heating and cooling.
Geothermal use and technologies
Several geothermal technologies exist, with different levels of maturity. Temperatures between
40 °C and 150 °C are ideal for district heating. For electricity generation, medium- to high-
temperature resources are needed.
Table 1 Simplified scheme of geothermal resources, application and technology
Source: I. Nardini, 'Geothermal Power Generation', The Palgrave Handbook of International Energy Economics,
District heating
Geothermal district heating systems typically consist of a central heat production facility, a network
of pipes for heat distribution, and individual heat exchangers
in buildings to transfer geothermal
heat to indoor spaces and hot water systems. Heat is extracted from the ground using heat pumps
or other geothermal technologies. Some systems using shallow geothermal resources operate on
large heat pumps able to increase temperatures beyond 80 °C, thus expanding potential uses
beyond residential heating. These systems can be small, from 0.5–2 megawatts thermal (MWth), and
larger (50 MWth), where MWth is the input energy required. Hot water can also be used directly in
heating or cooling applications.
Electricity generation
Electricity generation from geothermal energy involves harnessing the heat stored beneath the
Earth's surface and converting it into electrical power. Geothermal power plants use fluids from
underground reservoirs to produce steam, which then drives turbines to generate electricity. The
three main types
of geothermal technologies are dry steam, flash steam and binary cycle.
Temperature Fluid type Application Technology
High (> 150 °C) Water, vapour
Direct heat use
Dry steam, flash plants
Heat exchanger
(90-150 °C)
Direct heat use
Binary cycle
Heat exchanger, heat pump
Low (< 90 °C) Water Direct heat use
Heat exchanger, heat pump, direct
heat use
Geothermal energy in the EU
Dry steam power plants use high-pressure, high-temperature steam directly from
the Earth to turn turbines connected to generators. Wells connect the plant with
geothermal reservoirs where the steam naturally rises to the surface and is then
routed to the power plant. Direct dry steam plants range in size
from 8140 MW.
Flash steam power plants are the most common type of geothermal power plant.
They use high-temperature water from geothermal reservoirs. The mechanism br ings
hot water to the surface and allows it to 'flash' into steam as it passes through a
pressure reduction system. The steam resulting from the 'flashing' then drives a
turbine and generates electricity. The remaining cooler water flows back into the
reservoir to maintain pressure. Flash plants vary in size depending on whether they
are single (0.280 MW), double (2110 MW) or triple-flash (60150 MW) plants.
Binary cycle power plants work by using a secondary working fluid with a lower
boiling point than water contained in a closed loop. The hot geothermal fluid heats
this secondary fluid, which vaporises, generating enough pressure to drive a tu rbine
connected to a generator. Binary power plants, which usually use geothermal fluids
with lower temperatures than required for flash and dry steam, can work in a
completely closed cycle, with geothermal fluid returning to the reservoir.
Geothermal energy in numbers
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), geothermal energy provides
electricity generation in more than 30 countries worldwide, reaching a total installed capacity of
around 16 gigawatts (GW) in 2021. In the early 1950s, that capacity amounted to o n ly
200 megawatts electric (MWe), before geothermal energy saw an increase in the 1970s and 1980s
partly due to oil crises. Since 2000, installed geothermal electricity capacity has increased at an
average annual rate of about 3 %. Despite this growth, geothermal represented only 0.5 % of the
global renewable electricity market in 2022. A
report from the European Commission's Joint
Research Centre indicates that in 2021, gross capacity for electricity in the EU reached over 1 GWe,
while net capacity was 877 MWe. EU electricity production amounted to 6 717 GWh, with It a ly
responsible for most of it (6 026.1 GWh). Other countries have considerably smaller productions:
Germany 231.0 GWh, Portugal 217.2 GWh, France 133.2 GWh, Croatia 93.7 GWh, Hungary 16.0 GWh,
and Austria 0.1 GWh. More recent data
show that geothermal generated 0.2 % of electricity in the
EU. The geothermal district heating and cooling sector has seen a growth rate in installed capacity
of 6 %, and in 2021, there were
262 systems with a total installed capacity of 2.2 GWth. Over all,
geothermal made up 2.8 % of renewable energy sources used for production of primary energy in
the EU in 2021. According to the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC), an industry
organisation, geothermal energy is able to satisfy around 25 % of heating and cooling consumption
in Europe and around 10 % of electricity. However, the real potential of geothermal is hard to assess
due to the fragmented nature of statistics on geothermal and insufficient geothermal resource
mapping, as noted in Parliament's ITRE committee draft own-initiative report on geothermal energy.
Benefits and challenges of geothermal energy
Geothermal energy is a long lasting, cost-effective and weather-independent source of renewable
energy. According to IRENA, geothermal can help stabilise electricity grids, partly offsetting risks
connected to the fast deployment of variable renewables (mainly wind and solar). As a heat source,
geothermal has low operating costs, offers efficiency gains by supplying heat directly, and can be
expanded according to needs. As an electricity source, geothermal offers high plant efficiency, low
greenhouse gas emissions and a small ecological footprint. Moreover, geothermal energy
exploitation presents an opportunity to recover from geothermal brines minerals such as lithium,
silica, zinc, manganese, as well as several rare-earth elements. Extraction and commercialisation of
lithium (used in batteries) could be a way to finance geothermal projects. Furthermore, s o urcing
lithium from geothermal brines is more environmentally friendly than traditional lithium production
from dry salt lakes or hard-rock mining.
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The main challenges are that geothermal has longer project development timelines, requires higher
upfront capital expenditures, and comes with high risk during the early phases of exploration. Both
for electricity generation and heating, challenges relate to difficulties accessing financing, co m plex
and fragmented regulatory frameworks, long permitting procedures and lack of a qualified
workforce. Another challenge is public acceptance, mainly because of limited information on
geothermal technology, and concerns about land use and environmental and social impacts. Ways
to overcome hurdles to market growth include
: i) taking advantage of beneficial regulatory
frameworks and interconnecting regional electricity grids to export geothermal electricity from
countries with high potential; ii) increasing synergies with renewable hydrogen production to tackle
financial constraints; iii) improving the efficiency of electricity production from medium-
temperature geothermal resources in order to avoid risky deep drilling.
Policy support
EU support for the geothermal sector is rooted in the European Green Deal. Draft national energy
climate plans submitted to the Commission show that Member States have promising ideas for
geothermal. The latest revision of the Renewable Energy Directive increased the overall target for
the share of renewable energy sources (RES) by 2030, and set a binding target for an annual
percentage point increase in the RES share for heating and cooling. The directive gives priority
access to geothermal electricity and envisages incentives for investment such as feed-in tar iffs or
premiums. The revision also ensures simpler permitting for small and large heat pumps. The revised
Energy Efficiency Directive includes an amended definition of an efficient heating and cooling
system aiming to boost RES. The definition steadily increases minimum requirements in order to
establish continuous growth of the amount of renewable energy and waste heat in the system.
Geothermal energy also features in the Commission proposal for a
net-zero industry act, as one of
eight strategic technologies. Lithium that could be extracted from geothermal brine is covered in
the proposed
critical raw materials act. The announced heat pump action plan envisages at least
10 million additional heat pumps by 2027 and 30 million by 2030. The plan would encourage use of
small and large geothermal heat pumps in buildings, heating and cooling systems, and in industry.
Bruhn D. et al., Clean Energy Technology Observatory: Deep Geothermal Energy in the European
Union 2022 Status Report on Technology Development, Trends, Value Chains and Markets,
Publications Office of the EU, 2022.
European Geothermal Energy Council, EGEC Geothermal Market Report 2022.
IRENA and International Geothermal Association, Global geothermal market and technology assessment,
February 2023.
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