LB&I International Practice Service
Process Unit Audit
Shelf Individual Outbound
Volume 9 Jurisdiction to Tax UIL Code 9431
Part 9.2 Taxation Based on Residency Status Level 2 UIL 9431.02
Chapter 9.2.6 Joint Return Election (IRC 6013(g) and (h)) Level 3 UIL 9431.02-06
Sub-Chapter N/A N/A
Unit Name Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Document Control Number (DCN) JTO/9431.02_09(2014)
Date of Last Update 08/28/14
Note: This document is not an official pronouncement of law, and cannot be used, cited or relied upon as such. Further, this document may not contain a
comprehensive discussion of all pertinent issues or law or the IRS's interpretation of current law.
Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Table of Contents
(View this PowerPoint in “Presentation View” to click on the links below)
Process Overview
Determination of Process Applicability
Summary of Process Steps
Process Steps
Other Considerations and Impacts to Audit
Training and Additional Resources
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Index of Related Issues
Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Process Overview
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Process Description
The purpose of this unit is to determine whether a nonresident alien individual married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien properly made
the election to be treated as a resident of the United States under IRC § 6013(g). This election applies to the first year in which the
election is properly made and to all subsequent tax years until it is terminated or suspended.
The election under IRC § 6013(g) affords a nonresident alien married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien the ability to be treated as a
U.S. resident for purposes of Chapter 1 and Chapter 24 and sections 6012, 6013, 6072 and 6091 of the Code for the entire taxable
year. By making this election, the nonresident alien and his spouse may file a joint U.S. income tax return. Chapter 1 of the Code
covers most, but not all, income taxes. Chapter 24 governs income tax withholding at source. IRC Sections 6012, 6013, 6072, and
6091 address income tax return filing requirements. If an election is made under IRC § 6013(g), the worldwide income of both
spouses is, in general, subject to U.S. income taxation. Generally, this election precludes individuals from claiming any benefits under
an income tax treaty.
It is important to note that this is an election that both spouses must make of their own accord, and not an election that the Service can
compel them to make. Additionally, absent this election, the U.S. spouse would have to file as married filing separate (with higher tax
rates and more limited deductions) and the alien spouse would have to file as a non-resident alien or may have no U.S. tax return filing
requirement at all, but may be subject to withholding on his or her U.S. source income.
CAUTION: A nonresident alien is not treated as a resident alien under IRC § 6013(g) for purposes of certain U.S. taxes on
income, e.g. self-employment tax and the tax imposed by IRC § 1411. Nevertheless, a nonresident alien can make a separate
election to be treated as a resident alien for purposes of IRC § 1411 under the regulations promulgated under that section.
Example Circumstances Under Which Process Applies
An examiner receives a case involving an individual who, along with his or her U.S. citizen or resident alien spouse, elected to be
treated as a resident alien for U.S. income tax purposes during the year of the initial election and for all subsequent tax years
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Determination of Process Applicability
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
An individual who makes the election under IRC § 6013(g) with his or her spouse is generally treated as a resident alien for purposes
of Chapter 1 and Chapter 24, and sections 6012, 6013, 6072, and 6091 of the Code for the entire taxable year.
Criteria Resources 6103 Protected Resources
In order to properly make the election under IRC §
6013(g), several criteria must be met:
The individual must be a nonresident alien,
The individual must be married to a U.S. citizen or
resident alien at the close of the taxable year for which
the election is being made,
A statement making the election must be attached to a
joint return,
The election must be made timely,
An election may not be made if an election under IRC
§ 6013(g) was previously terminated by either spouse.
Form 1040
IRC § 6013(g)
IRC § 6511(a)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(4)
Once made, the election is in effect for all subsequent
years except for years for which the election is suspended
or terminated.
IRC § 6013(g)(3)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(1)(i)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(1)(ii)
TREATY IMPLICATION: Individuals making this
election are generally prohibited from claiming
benefits under a U.S. income tax treaty as a
resident of a treaty country.
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(2)(v) and Ex.
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Determination of Process Applicability
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
An individual who makes the election under IRC § 6013(g) with his or her spouse is generally treated as a resident alien for purposes
of Chapter 1 and Chapter 24, and sections 6012, 6013, 6072, and 6091 of the Code for the entire taxable year.
Criteria Resources 6103 Protected Resources
NOTE: If both spouses are nonresident aliens at the
beginning of the year, the couple may still make an
election under IRC § 6013(g) as long as one spouse
becomes a U.S. resident during that year.
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(c), Ex.2
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Summary of Process Steps
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Step 1
Determine whether the individual was a nonresident alien who is married to a U.S. citizen or resident alien at the close
of the taxable year for which the election is being made.
Step 2 Determine whether the individual and his or her spouse made a proper election under IRC § 6013(g).
Step 3 Determine the tax consequences of making the election.
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Step 1
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Step 1: Determine whether the individual is a nonresident alien who is married to a U.S. citizen or resident.
DECISION POINT: Was the individual a nonresident alien? Was the individual married to a U.S. citizen or resident at the close
of the taxable year?
Considerations Resources 6103 Protected Resources
In order to make the 6013(g) election, the individual
must be married to either a citizen of the United
States or a resident of the United States at the close
of the taxable year for which the election is being
made. Whether two individuals are married at the
close of the taxable year is determined under Treas.
Reg. § 1.6013-4(a).
NOTE: Same-sex couples that are legally married
in jurisdictions that recognize their marriages, will
be treated as married for ALL federal tax purposes
even if they currently live in a jurisdiction that does
not recognize the marriage as valid. Any same-
sex marriage legally entered into in one of the 50
states, District of Columbia, a U.S. territory or a
foreign country is covered by the ruling.
IRC § 6013(g)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(4)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-4(a)
IR-2013-72, August 29, 2013
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Step 1 (cont’d)
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Step 1: Determine whether the individual is a nonresident alien who is married to a U.S. citizen or resident.
DECISION POINT: Was the individual a nonresident alien? Was the individual married to a U.S. citizen or resident at the close
of the taxable year?
Considerations Resources 6103 Protected Resources
CAUTION: The individual must be a
nonresident alien under IRC § 7701(b)(1)(B)
in order to make the election under IRC §
6013(g). An individual is not a nonresident
alien if the individual is a lawful permanent
resident (LPR), met the Substantial Presence
Test (SPT) under IRC § 7701(b)(3), or made
a First-Year Election under IRC § 7701(b)(4).
IRC § 6013(g)
IRC § 7701(b)(1)(A)(i)
IRC § 7701(b)(1)(A)(ii)
IRC § 7701(b)(3)
IRC § 7701(b)(4)
Treas. Reg. § 301.7701(b)-1(b)
Treas. Reg. § 301.7701(b)-1(c)
Treas. Reg. § 301.7701(b)-4(c)(3)
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Step 2
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Step 2: Determine whether the individual and his or her spouse made a proper 6013(g) election.
DECISION POINT: Did the individual and his or her spouse properly make a 6013(g) election?
Considerations Resources 6103 Protected Resources
There is no specific form used to make the election
under IRC § 6013(g). The election is made by
attaching a statement to a joint Form 1040 for the
first taxable year in which the election is to be in
effect. The statement should include:
A declaration that the election is being made and
that the individuals meet the necessary
requirements (e.g., that one spouse is a U.S.
citizen or resident)
The name, address, and taxpayer identification
number (TIN) of each spouse; if one spouse is
deceased, the executor’s or administrators
information is required.
Two signatures; the statement must be signed by
both persons making the election.
Form 1040 or Form 1040A
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(4)(ii)
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Step 2: Determine whether the individual and his or her spouse made a proper 6013(g) election.
DECISION POINT: Did the individual and his or her spouse properly make a 6013(g) election?
Step 2 (cont’d)
Considerations Resources 6103 Protected Resources
The election must be made before the time period
for making a claim for refund expires generally, the
later of 3 years from the time the return was filed or
2 years from the time the tax was paid.
NOTE: If the election is made with a joint
amended return, the amended return should be
made on Form 1040 or 1040A, and the word
‘Amended’ should be written clearly on the front of
the return. Amended returns also need to be filed
for any subsequent year in which either of the
spouses filed a return.
IRC § 6013(g)
IRC § 6511(a)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(4)(i)
CCA 201329016
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Step 3
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Step 3: Determine the tax consequences of making the election.
If the election under IRC § 6013(g) is properly made, the nonresident alien individual is treated as a resident alien of the United States
and the individual’s worldwide income is, in general, subject to U.S. income tax for the entire taxable year.
Considerations Resources 6103 Protected Resources
Once the election is made, it remains in effect for all
subsequent taxable years except for years for which
the election is suspended or terminated. The
election is suspended for a taxable year if during that
taxable year neither spouse is a U.S. citizen or
IRC § 6013(g)(3)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(1)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(a)(3)
The election can be terminated at the earliest of
either of the following:
Revocation made by either spouse by filing a
statement of revocation on or before the last day
on which the return for that year is due,
The death of either spouse, (such termination
would only affect tax years after the year in which
the spouse died),
Legal separation under a decree of divorce or
separate maintenance (as of the beginning of the
taxable year in which the divorce or separation
occurs), or
IRC § 6013(g)(4)
IRC § 6013(g)(5)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(b)
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Step 3 (cont’d)
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Step 3: Determine the tax consequences of making the election.
If the election under IRC § 6013(g) is properly made, the nonresident alien individual is treated as a resident alien of the United States
and the individual’s worldwide income is, in general, subject to U.S. income tax for the entire taxable year.
Considerations Resources 6103 Protected Resources
The election can be terminated at the earliest of
either of the following:
Termination by the Service if it determines that
either spouse has failed to keep adequate records,
failed to grant adequate access to such books or
records, or failed to supply other such information
IRC § 6013(g)(4)
IRC § 6013(g)(5)
Treas. Reg. § 1.6013-6(b)
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Step 3 (cont’d)
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Step 3: Determine the tax consequences of making the election.
If the election under IRC § 6013(g) is properly made, the nonresident alien individual is treated as a resident alien of the United States
and the individual’s worldwide income is, in general, subject to U.S. income tax for the entire taxable year.
Considerations Resources 6103 Protected Resources
With a proper election in place, the individual and his
U.S. citizen or resident spouse can properly file a
joint U.S. income tax return.
IRC § 6013(a)
IRC § 6020(b)
A Joint Return Election cannot be made, however, if
the Service has issued a Statutory Notice of
Deficiency and the individuals have timely petitioned
the Tax Court.
IRC § 6013(b)(2)(B)
Olson v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo.
Kitcher v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo
Mazanek v. Commissioner, T.C.
Memo 1984-633.
This prohibition does not apply if the individuals have
not previously filed a separate return (e.g., in cases
where the Statutory Notice of Deficiency is based on
a Substitute for Return under IRC § 6020(b)).
Millsap v. Commissioner, 91 T.C.
Phillips v. Commissioner, 851 F.2d
1492 (D.C. Cir. 1988)
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Other Considerations / Impact to Audit
Election Under IRC § 6013(g)
Considerations Resources 6103 Protected Resources
CAUTION: A nonresident alien is not treated
as a resident alien under IRC § 6013(g) for
purposes of certain U.S. taxes on income,
e.g. self-employment tax and the tax imposed
by IRC § 1411. Nevertheless, a nonresident
alien can make a separate election to be
treated as a resident alien for purposes of
IRC § 1411 under the regulations
promulgated under that section. Also, the
nonresident alien could be subject to U.S.
self-employment tax under a Totalization
IRC § 1402(b)
IRC § 1411
Treas. Reg. § 1.1411-2(a)(2)(iii)(B)
SSA § 233
Social Security Administration list of
countries with which the United
States has entered into a Totalization
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Training and Additional Resources
Chapter 9.2.6 Joint Return Election (IRC 6013(g) and (h))
Type of Resource Description(s) and/or Instructions for Accessing References
Other Training Materials U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens IRS Publication 519
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Acronym Definition
CCA Chief Counsel Advisory
DCN Document Control Number
IPN Issue Practice Network
IPS International Practice Service
LPR Lawful Permanent Resident
SPT Substantial Presence Test
TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
UIL Uniform Issue List
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Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Volume Part Chapter Sub-Chapter
Jurisdiction to Tax Outbound Taxation Based on Residency Status Joint Return Election Under IRC § 6013(g) N/A
Index of Related Issues
Issue Associated UIL(s) References
First-Year Election 9431.02 IPS Unit Document Control Number (DCN)
Unit Under Construction
Election under IRC § 6013(h) 9431.02 IPS Unit Document Control Number (DCN)
Unit Under Construction
Residency Status of Lawful
Permanent Residents
9431-01 IPS Unit Document Control Number (DCN)
Determining an Individual’s
Residency for Treaty
9450.05 IPS Unit Document Control Number (DCN)
Unit Under Construction
Substantial Presence Test 9431.01 IPS Unit Document Control Number (DCN)
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