The Howard County Board of Education
The Howard County Education Association
Beginning July 1, 2023 and Ending June 30, 2024
This is a One (1) Year Agreement
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... ii
Article 1: Recognition ............................................................................................................................. 1
Article 2: Negotiation Procedure ............................................................................................................ 1
Article 3: Grievance Procedure .............................................................................................................. 2
Article 4: Personal and Academic Freedom ........................................................................................... 4
Article 5: Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 5
Article 6: Transfers ................................................................................................................................. 6
Article 7: Assignment and Reassignment ............................................................................................... 8
Article 8: Promotional Vacancies ........................................................................................................... 9
Article 9: Classroom Control .................................................................................................................. 9
Article 10: Protection of Teachers ........................................................................................................ 10
Article 11: Limit of Duties ..................................................................................................................... 12
Article 12: Personnel Employment ....................................................................................................... 13
Article 13: Professional Development and Reimbursement .................................................................. 16
Article 14 Association Rights and Privileges ........................................................................................ 17
Article 15: Sick and Bereavement Leave ............................................................................................. 20
Article 16: Temporary Leaves of Absence ............................................................................................ 21
Article 17: Extended Leaves of Absence .............................................................................................. 22
Article 18: Working Hours and Work Load ........................................................................................... 25
Article 19: Teaching Conditions ........................................................................................................... 30
Article 20: Salaries ............................................................................................................................... 34
10-Month Teachers (195 Days) ........................................................................................................ 35
11-Month Teachers (215 Days) ........................................................................................................ 37
Other Certificated Staff ..................................................................................................................... 40
Notes: Article 20, Salary Schedules ................................................................................................. 44
Interscholastic Athletics Coaches’/Advisors’ Stipends, ..................................................................... 41
Article 21: Deductions from Salary ....................................................................................................... 46
Article 22: Insurance Protection ........................................................................................................... 47
D. C
omparison of VIP Medical Plans ............................................................................................. 50
E. Comparison of Dental Benefits .................................................................................................. 51
F. Vision Program.......................................................................................................................... 53
Article 23: Sick Leave Bank ................................................................................................................. 54
Article 24: Family Crisis Leave Exchange ............................................................................................ 56
Article 25: General ............................................................................................................................... 59
Article 26: Duration .............................................................................................................................. 60
Appendix A: Benefits Advisory Committee ........................................................................................... 61
Appendix B: Voluntary Transfers ......................................................................................................... 62
Article 1: Recognition
A. The Board recognizes the Association as the exclusive bargaining agent for all non- supervisory
certificated professional employees of the Howard County Public Schools with regard to all matters
relating to salaries, wages, hours, and other working conditions. The Superintendent of Schools and
the members designated by the Board to act as its representatives in negotiations are excluded.
This recognition is in accordance with the provisions specified in Section 6-401, et seq., Education
Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
B. For the purpose of this Agreement, the term “teacher,” when used hereafter, shall refer to all
professional non-supervisory certificated employees represented by the Howard County Education
Association. The term Association” shall refer to the Howard County Education Association; the
term “Board” shall refer to the Board of Education of Howard County. The term “accumulated,” when
applied to leave, shall refer to earned leave, not unearned leave.
Article 2: Negotiation Procedure
Both parties agree to negotiate in good faith as prescribed in Section 6-401, et seq., Education
Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The parties agree to utilize the contents and format of
the Agreement in effect as the basis for proposals for negotiation in the new Agreement. This is
understood to mean that:
1. Items in the existing Agreement which remain satisfactory to both parties would be continued as
part of the new Agreement.
2. Items in the existing Agreement which are believed in need of change, deletion, or addition by
either party may be the subjects of new proposals for negotiation.
3. Items not included in the existing Agreement but believed desirable for consideration in the new
Agreement by either party may be proposed as additions to the existing Agreement.
Negotiations shall begin no later than December 1
unless a later date is mutually acceptable to
both parties. All issues proposed for negotiations shall be detailed in writing and submitted by
the Association to the Board or its delegated representatives not later than the first negotiating
session. The Board shall submit in writing to the teacher representatives all additional issues
upon which it wishes to negotiate no later than the first negotiating session.
Neither party shall have any control over the selection of consultants or negotiation representatives
of the other party.
Negotiation sessions shall be closed meetings held as frequently as necessary, and, unless
mutually agreed otherwise, at a time other than the regular school day for students, to complete the
negotiations by the stated completion date.
If agreement has not been reached or at the request of either party, the provisions for handling an
impasse as provided by Education Article, 6-408 (e) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, shall
Article 3: Grievance Procedure
Purpose and Definition
1. Purpose - The purpose of this procedure is to secure an equitable solution to a grievance at the
lowest possible level. Nothing contained herein will be construed as limiting the right of any
teacher to have a complaint adjusted without the assistance of the Association.
2. Definitions
a. Grievance - Any complaint by a teacher that cannot be settled orally concerning the
interpretation or alleged violation of an express provision(s) of this agreement.
b. Grievant - A teacher, class, or group of teachers filing a grievance.
c. Association - the Association filing a grievance.
1. A grievance, including a class grievance and an association grievance, shall be presented in
writing on the prescribed form and shall contain at least the following:
a. Name(s) and position(s) of the grievant(s).
b. A statement of the grievance and the facts involved, including relevant dates.
c. A reference to the express provision(s) of this Agreement allegedly misapplied, violated, or
d. The corrective action requested.
e. Signature(s) of the grievant(s).
2. The Superintendent/designee shall inform the Association in writing within ten days of any
grievance that is filed.
3. A grievance shall be presented in the following steps:
Step 1: Between the grievant and their representative, and/or the Association, at the request
of the grievant, and the employee’s immediate supervisor and/or their designated
Step 2: Between the grievant and their Association representative, and the Superintendent
and/or their designated representatives
Step 3: Submitted to binding arbitration. Grievances filed by the Association are not subject
to binding arbitration unless covering Article 14, Association Rights and Privileges.
4. Any grievance shall be presented at Step 1 in writing, signed by the grievant, within twenty (20)
school days from the date of its occurrence, or the date when the grievant knew or should have
known of its occurrence. The Administrator’s answer at each Step shall be given in writing within
seven (7) school days after each step meeting, which shall be held within seven (7) school days
following receipt of appeal. Unless a grievance is appealed to the next step within seven (7)
school days of the Administrator’s answer, it shall be deemed settled in accordance with the
Administrator’s answer, which shall be considered acceptable to the grievant and the
a. In the event the grievant and the Association are not satisfied with the disposition of a
grievance at Step Two (2), the Association may vote within 30 days of the Step Two (2)
decision to submit the grievance to binding arbitration under the Voluntary Labor Arbitration
Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The parties further agree to accept the
arbitrator’s award as final and binding upon them. Grievances filed by the Association are
not subject to binding arbitration, unless covering Article 14, Association Rights and
b. The jurisdiction and authority of the arbitrator and any opinion or award shall be confined to
the express provision(s) of this Agreement at issue between the Association and the Board.
The arbitrator shall not add to, alter, detract from, amend, or modify any provision(s) of this
c. After the Board is advised by the Association of a decision to submit a grievance to binding
arbitration under paragraph 5.a, the Board and the Association may within 15 school days
agree to a pre-arbitration conference as set forth in paragraph 6.
a. The pre-arbitration conference shall be held with representatives of the Board, the
Association, and the Grievant, at their option, for the express purposes of settlement. During
this conference both parties may present exhibits, stipulate all possible facts of the case and
agree to the authenticity of all documents.
b. If a pre-arbitration conference is held without the presence or participation of the Grievant,
the Association shall have full authority to act on behalf of the Grievant.
c. HCEA shall give the HCPSS Board at least 7 calendar days’ advance notice of its intent to
vote on proceeding to arbitration. Either the HCEA Board of Directors or the HCPSS Board
may submit a summary statement detailing their position to be shared with the other Board
prior to a final vote on proceeding to arbitration.
1. “Days” shall mean working school days.
2. Failure at any step of this procedure to communicate the decision on a grievance within the
specified time limits shall permit the aggrieved party to proceed to the next step.
3. To avoid any dispute in determining compliance with the specified time limits, the day on which
a written grievance, appeal, or notice of hearing is received shall not be included in determining
the limitation period. All written grievance notices or appeals are deemed to have been received
on the day after the date of postmark, if mailed, or on date stamped or recorded thereon by a
school official, who shall initial the same, if hand delivered.
4. The time limits in any step of this procedure may be extended or reduced in any specific
instance by mutual agreement between the aggrieved party and/or their representative and the
This procedure will be pursued should the grievant become incapacitated or, if left unresolved
until the next school year, could result in irreparable harm to a party in interest.
5. If a grievance affects a group or class of teachers, involving two or more teachers, the
Association may submit such grievance in writing to the Superintendent directly, and the
processing of such grievance shall be commenced at Step Two (2).
6. Both parties agree that grievance proceedings will be kept confidential at all levels.
7. Documents, communications, and records initiated during and related to the processing of a
grievance shall be filed in a separate grievance file. A settled grievance that relates to a salary
adjustment may be referred to in the personnel file of the grievant(s).
8. Arbitration hearings will be scheduled to commence at 10:00 a.m., when no more than three (3)
employees of the Board of Education of Howard County (including the Grievant and/or
Grievants) are required by the Association to testify. In any case in which the Association will
require the attendance of more than three (3) employees, the hearing will be scheduled to
commence at 3:00 p.m. If the parties mutually agree, the hearing may commence at an earlier
or later time.
Article 4: Personal and Academic Freedom
A. The personal life of a teacher shall be the concern of and warrant the review and appropriate action
of the Board only:
1. As it may prevent the teacher from performing their assigned functions during school duty
2. As it may be in violation of local, state, national, or common law.
B. Each teacher will be entitled to full rights of citizenship, and no religious or political activities of any
such teacher or the lack thereof will be grounds for any discipline or discrimination with respect to
the professional employment of such person provided they do not affect their work performance.
C. The Board and the Association agree that academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of the
purposes of the Howard County School System, and they acknowledge the fundamental need to
protect teachers from any censorship or restraint, which might interfere with their obligation to
pursue the truth in the performance of their teaching functions. They agree that subject to
curriculum guidelines, and appropriate supervision by the teacher’s evaluator, the responsibility for
teaching all appropriate material rests with the teacher.
D. No student’s grade shall be changed without a conference between the student’s teacher and the
administrator. After the conference, the teacher will be notified, in writing, of the administrator’s
decision. In the event the student’s teacher is not available for a conference, the administrator will
notify the teacher in writing of any changes in a grade.
Article 5: Evaluation
Teachers shall be evaluated consistent with the terms and conditions set forth below and in conjunction
with applicable laws and regulations.
A. Non-tenured teachers shall be observed and receive written observation reports at least four (4)
times during the school year, twice during the first semester and twice during the second semester
by their principal, assistant principal, or any other certificated- supervisory personnel as approved
by the Superintendent/designee. Classroom observations of teachers’ professional practice shall be
conducted by certificated-supervisory personnel who have completed training that includes
identification of teaching behaviors that result in student growth. Teachers shall be informed, in
writing, if they will be formally evaluated that year. Support received from resource teachers, new
teacher mentors, discipline- specific support teachers and any other teacher-level position will be
solely for the purpose of helping the teacher improve.
B. In an observation year tenured teachers shall be observed and receive written observation reports
by the above-mentioned personnel at least twice a year, once during the first semester and once
during the second semester.
C. Written comments shall be made concerning any observation of the teacher’s work performance.
The observation report will be accessible electronically or on paper within five (5) school days after
it is made. A post-observation conference shall be held at the request of the teacher or observer. A
teacher receiving an unsatisfactory observation shall receive a written explanation of the reasons
for the unsatisfactory observation and written recommendations for improvement.
D. All monitoring or observation of the work performance of the teacher shall be conducted openly and
with full knowledge of the teacher.
E. All classroom teachers shall complete annually, in consultation with the administrator, the Student
Learning Objective (SLO) Form. Student Learning Objectives are submitted between September
15th and October 31st each year. Revisions will be approved by the administrator and finalized
within 10 duty days after mutual agreement is reached, but not later than November 15th. If
needed, adjustments to the SLOs will occur between January 2nd and January 31
. Teachers
instructing courses that do not extend throughout the whole year will consult with their administrator
to identify a mid-point date to adjust their SLOs accordingly.
F. A conference shall be held with the teacher as part of the evaluation process.
G. The observation and evaluation document shall include a statement that indicates that the signature
of the certificated individual does not necessarily indicate agreement with the observation and
evaluation report.
H. Any observation or evaluation shall provide for written comments and responses by the individual
being observed or evaluated, which shall be attached to the observation or evaluation report.
I. An evaluation report that evaluates a teacher as ineffective shall include at least one observation by
a certificated-supervisory employee other than the immediate supervisor such as an assistant
principal, or any other certificated-supervisory personnel as approved by the
J. The final evaluation shall be completed and electronic access given to the teacher evaluated prior
to the end of the school year. Teachers shall have access to their evaluation within five (5) duty
days after it is completed, but not later than the last duty day for ten-month teachers.
K. No such evaluation report will be submitted to the Office of Human Resources, placed in the
teacher’s file, or otherwise acted upon without a prior conference with the teacher or the teacher’s
signature on the evaluation form.
L. Any complaints regarding a teacher made to any member of the administration by any parent,
student, or other person which are used in any manner in evaluating such teacher will be promptly
investigated and called to their attention unless the investigation is conducted by a law
enforcement, social services, or other similar agency.
M. Upon request of the teacher, a curriculum staff/central office specialist shall jointly plan, implement
and assess the classroom teaching techniques or procedures in question. Further teaching
demonstrations by the above-mentioned personnel may be conducted at the discretion of their
immediate director.
N. Neither teacher nor student proficiency tests shall be the sole criterion used in the retention,
evaluation, or promotion of teachers.
O. In recognition that teacher evaluation is an ongoing opportunity for continuous improvement, the
parties agree to establish a Joint Evaluation Committee to discuss performance evaluation criteria
for certificated teachers based on the general standards established in accordance with Section 6-
202(c) of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The committee will make
recommendations and function in accordance with said Section 6-202(c). The committee will meet
at least four times per fiscal year.
Article 6: Transfers
A. Voluntary Transfers - a voluntary request by a teacher for a change in assignment to a different
1. The process for voluntary transfers will be established per the Memorandum of Understanding
included as Appendix B to this agreement. If agreement isn’t reached, the following language
will be enforced.
a. Teachers who desire to transfer to another building may file a voluntary transfer request by
April 1 of such desire with the Superintendent or their designee who shall notify the
immediate supervisor of such request. Such statement will include the grade and/or subject
to which the teacher desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which they desire
to be transferred, in order of preference.
b. Principals receiving voluntary transfer requests shall acknowledge receipt of the request for
transfer. If the teacher’s request for transfer is denied, they will, upon request, receive a
written explanation of the reasons therefore from the Superintendent or their designee.
c. An applicant for transfer shall assume that they will continue in their present position until
such time as they are notified, in writing, that their transfer has been granted; said
notification shall be from the Superintendent or their designee.
d. Voluntary transfers for teachers for the ensuing year will not be processed after August 1,
except for extenuating reasons.
e. A teacher will have until August 1 to withdraw their transfer request or accept/deny in writing
via e-mail, any transfer offered by the principal. The acceptance/denial must be made within
24 hours of the written email transfer offer from the principal. If the teacher declines the
transfer offer or fails to respond within 24 hours after the offer, their name will be removed
from that school’s transfer list for that year’s staffing cycle. If the teacher does not withdraw
their transfer request prior to the August 1 deadline, then after August 1, if selected by the
principal, they can be placed into a vacancy based on the schools selected on their
voluntary transfer request form.
2. Reading Specialists and Guidance Counselors will be allowed to apply for voluntary transfers
through an alternative process.
B. Involuntary Transfers - an involuntary change in a teacher’s assignment to a different school(s) due
to student enrollment, program, or redistricting changes
1. Procedures
a. Notice of transfer shall be given to the teacher when possible at least ten (10) duty days
prior to the date of change in August and September and thirty (30) duty days prior to the
date of change during the remainder of the year. Teachers who are involuntarily transferred
after the start of the student year shall be provided two (2) duty days of unassigned class
time to prepare for the transfer.
b. An involuntary transfer will be made only after meeting between the teacher involved and
the appropriate administrator, at which time the teacher will be notified in writing, upon
request, of the reason or reasons. In the event that a teacher objects to the transfer at this
meeting, upon their request, the Superintendent or their representative will meet with them.
c. A list of any open positions identified by field or qualification will be made available to all
teachers being involuntarily transferred. Positions declared vacant that are filled by long-
term substitutes shall be considered vacancies for the purpose of transfers. An involuntarily
transferred teacher will be considered for returning to their original position and school when
said position becomes vacant. If the vacancy occurs within the teacher’s first semester at
the new school, they may be considered for return in the current school year. If the position
becomes available later in the teacher’s first year at the new school, they may utilize the
voluntary transfer process to return to their former school for the following school year and
shall be notified by the Department of Human Resources about the vacancy.
d. Teachers returning from leave granted under Article 17, Sections A, B, and D, and teachers
who are involuntarily transferred will be placed ahead of 1) teachers returning from an
approved leave of absence; 2) teachers requesting a voluntary transfer (except in situations
where placement has already occurred before surplus teachers have been designated); and
3) persons newly hired.
e. Principals or supervisors will request volunteers from among those affected by the need for
transfer. If there are insufficient or no volunteers, then the principal or supervisor is
recommended to consider the following in determining involuntary transfers from their
(1) Employee’s area of certification
(2) Length of service in the Howard County Public School System
(3) The number of times an employee has been involuntarily transferred and how recently
the involuntary transfers were made
(4) Other relevant factors including, among other things, state and/or federal laws, rules,
regulations, or administrative directives
C. Administrative Transfers
Whenever possible, and in general, initial notification on the part of the principal to the teacher they
will be recommending for administrative transfer should occur no later than. 2 weeks before the end
of the voluntary transfer window. This will allow a teacher so notified to apply for a voluntary transfer
under the provisions of the Negotiated Agreement if they are interested in doing so.
Article 7: Assignment and Reassignment
A. Assignment - annual designation of a position involving grade(s) and/or subject(s) within a school
1. When determining assignments, the principal or supervisor should give consideration to
teacher’s years of experience in the proposed area of the assignment.
2. In arranging schedules for teachers who are assigned to more than one school, every effort will
be made to limit the amount of interschool travel. Adequate travel time shall be allowed for
teachers who are required to report to another school during the school day. Travel time shall
be exclusive of lunch and planning.
3. All teachers will be given written notice of their class and/or subject assignments, by July 1. All
teachers will be given electronic access to their salary schedules, sick leave, annual leave, and
personal leave accumulated for the forthcoming year not later than July 30, except in cases of
emergency. Any teacher may request and receive email or written confirmation of the salary and
leave information identified in this Section.
B. Reassignment - a change in assignment within a school.
1. After a teacher has been assigned for the school year, it may be necessary to make a
reassignment. When changes in grade assignment in the elementary schools and in subject
assignments in the secondary schools are necessary, the parties agree that volunteers should
be solicited whenever possible. Notice of reassignment shall be given to the teacher when
possible at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the first day of pre-service week and twenty (20)
calendar days prior to the date of change during the remainder of the year.
2. Reassignment will be made only after meeting between the teacher involved and the
appropriate administrator, at which time the teacher will be notified in writing, upon request, of
the reason or reasons. In the event that a teacher objects to the reassignment at this meeting,
upon their request, the Superintendent or their representative will meet with them.
3. Any grade level elementary school teacher reassigned to another grade level after the start of
the student year will receive two (2) duty days of unassigned time to prepare for the new
4. In reassigning teachers, items in 7A.1 and A.2 will be considered.
C. Special Assignment - The superintendent may choose to designate up to one (1) teacher who has
achieved tenure and is selected by the Howard County Public School System and the Association
to be granted a role as a teacher on special assignment at the current step and lane on their current
salary scale for one (1) year for the purpose of engaging in collaborative HCPSS-Association
1. An individual designated to serve in this position shall become or remain a full-time employee of
the Howard County Public School System. For individuals who are part-time prior to serving in
this position, there is no guarantee of a return to a part-time position once the position expires.
2. Upon completion of their term(s), the individual will return to their original position or a similar
position and salary.
Article 8: Promotional Vacancies
A. Announcements of Vacancies: Announcements of vacancies shall be posted on the faculty bulletin
boards, published by circular to the staff, posted online and sent to the Howard County Education
Association office. Announcements must be distributed at least twelve (12) calendar days
(exclusive of Board designated holidays) before the closing dates for accepting applications.
B. Submission of Application: Candidates must complete an employment application in the HCPSS
applicant tracking system (“Frontline”).
Article 9: Classroom Control
A. Classroom Control
1. When, in the judgment of a teacher, a student is by their behavior seriously disrupting a school
activity or instructional program to the detriment of other students, the teacher may temporarily,
with notification to the principal, exclude the student from the activity and/or program and refer
them to the principal or other school-level disciplinary program(s) designed to assist such
2. Except when necessary to fulfill other normal student responsibilities, the student shall not
return to the classroom activity, program, or area where such disruption had taken place until
the teacher is satisfied that proper remedial action has been taken or until the teacher has had a
formal conference with or a written reply that provides the remedial action taken by the
administrator or the reasons why such action was not taken.
3. The “Student Code of Conduct” shall be followed by the school administrator in reviewing
individual student disciplinary actions. The final school building level authority for student
disciplinary action is the school principal.
B. Physical or Verbal Abuse
1. Any teacher verbally or physically abused or who is threatened with physical abused in
connection with their employment shall immediately report the incident in writing to their
immediate supervisor.
C. All schools shall have a two-way communications system in which a teacher can initiate calls to the
school office. Schools presently without such systems shall have them included in their renovation
D. Administrative Responsibility for Student Disciplinary Procedures
1. The principal of each school, with input from the Staff Advisory Committee and/or other
appropriate committees designated for this purpose, will be responsible for the development of
an appropriate student disciplinary procedure with feedback from all members of the faculty and
2. It shall be the principal’s responsibility to inform, in writing, the faculty and staff of the school
disciplinary procedure. This shall occur by the end of the first student week of school.
E. The initial responsibility for pupil behavior, safety, and control rests with the classroom teacher. The
Board will provide all teachers with a policy of discipline as based on Maryland School Laws.
F. The teacher may request a conference with the school-based administrator to discuss incidents of
student discipline which directly affected the teacher whether corrective action was taken or not.
Article 10: Protection of Teachers
A. The parties agree that they shall give support to the discipline procedures and policies of the Board
and the items related to student discipline in this Agreement. The administration and the teachers
recognize a mutual responsibility for the enforcement of such policies. It is also agreed that such
policies will be enforced fairly and consistently without favoritism in compliance with local, state, and
federal anti-discrimination policies and laws.
B. Whenever a teacher is absent from school as a result of compensable injury occurring in the course
of their employment, they will be paid their full salary for a period not to exceed 90 days with no loss
of fringe benefits, and no part of such absence will be charged to their annual or accumulated sick
leave. The parties acknowledge that payment of workers’ compensation leave under this section
fully satisfies the Board’s obligation to pay temporary total disability benefits under workers’
compensation law so no duplication of benefits may occur during this 90 day period. As such, any
workers’ compensation payments made for temporary disability due to said injury and applicable to
the aforementioned 90-day period shall be endorsed over to the Board. The intent of this provisory
is to ensure that HCPSS covers the additional one-third (1/3) of an employee’s Temporary Total
Disability (TTD) award up to 90 days. The 90 days need not be consecutive.
If during the 90 day period the employee was granted leave from the sick bank, and it is
subsequently determined that the employee was absent as a result of a compensable injury, the
Board shall restore any used sick bank leave occurring during the aforementioned 90 day period.
The teacher may apply for an unpaid leave of absence under Article 17 of this Agreement without
affecting any benefits which may be due under the workers’ compensation law.
The Board will reimburse teachers for the cost of medical, surgical, or hospital services (as covered
under workers’ compensation insurance) incurred as the result of any injury sustained in the course
of their employment.
C. In the event of bomb threats against school system property, teachers will not be asked to search
for bombs.
D. Teachers, with the exception of pupil personnel workers, need not discuss student problems with
parents away from the school site.
E. In case of an assault by a student, or a nonstudent, on school property, including the school parking
lot, on a teacher, causing damage or loss to their personal property--such as clothing--the Board
shall make an equitable financial adjustment with the teacher for personal property losses not
otherwise covered by insurance or restitution. For other damage to personal property or injury
caused by a student the board will take the lead in seeking restitution from the family.
F. Any physical assault upon a teacher by a student may result in suspension of said student based
on an investigation of the incident conducted by the school administrator. Administration will follow
established school system discipline guidelines. Except cases involving students with disabilities,
no student shall be returned to class without conferring with the teacher.
G. In the event of threats made against staff members the administrator will review and explain the
school system Threat Management Process with the affected staff member. Throughout the
process, the affected employee will be provided access to available resources within the system to
address emotional wellbeing. At the conclusion of the investigation, the employee will be informed
of the outcome.
H. A comprehensive and thorough review of the Emergency Operating Procedures will occur prior to
the end of September each school year. This review will include the roles, responsibilities, and
expectations of staff members in the event of an emergency. Information and instructions on
accessing 911 will be included.
I. No visitor shall be permitted to enter a classroom without approval of the administrator. A teacher
will be notified, 24 hours in advance, either orally or in writing, by a school administrator. The
teacher may request that the visit be rescheduled based on the instructional needs and the best
interests of the students.
J. The Board shall provide, at the teacher’s request, legal counsel to defend the teacher in an action
arising out of an assault on a teacher in the course of the teacher’s professional duties or arising
out of any disciplinary action taken by a teacher in accordance with the disciplinary policy of the
K. Except for students with disabilities, if a student has been apprehended in a plan to cause serious
injury or death to a teacher as determined under the school system’s threat management plan, that
student will not be returned to that teacher’s classroom.
L. No teacher will be disciplined or reprimanded without cause.
M. Teachers shall be provided due process before the imposition of any discipline.
1. Prior to any due process hearing/meeting, the teacher will be advised that disciplinary action is
being considered.
2. The teacher will be advised of their right to have Association representation at the due process
hearing/meeting. Association representative (s) shall be entitled to accompany and represent a
teacher at the meeting.
3. Upon request, when necessary for the employee to arrange for an Association representative to
attend the meeting, if HCPSS provides less than two (2) days notice, this meeting may be
delayed an additional duty day.
N. Employees will be given a minimum of one (1) duty day advance notice prior to a meeting for the
issuance of discipline. Upon request, when necessary for the employee to arrange for an
Association representative to attend the meeting, this meeting shall be delayed an additional duty
O. Teachers shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of their personnel file,
maintained by the Office of Human Resources, in the presence of a Human Resources
administrative staff member, and to receive copies at Board expense of any documents contained
therein which are not available from the original source or which the teacher had not previously
received. A teacher shall be entitled to have a representative(s) accompany them during such
review. The Board will protect the confidentiality of personal references, academic credentials, and
other similar documents.
P. No material derogatory to a teacher’s conduct, service, character, or personality will be placed in
their personnel file, maintained by the Office of Human Resources, unless the teacher has had an
opportunity to review such material by affixing their signature to the copy to be filed with the express
understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof. They
will also have the right to submit a written answer to such material and their answer will be reviewed
by the appropriate administrator and attached to the file copy.
Article 11: Limit of Duties
A. Teachers will continue to carry out such duties that are deemed necessary for the proper operation
and function of the school provided that every effort be made by the Board to provide assistance to
perform nonprofessional assignments.
B. Teachers will not be required to perform custodial duties.
C. Teachers will not be required to deliver books, equipment, or any heavy or bulky teaching materials
to classrooms.
D. Teachers will not be required to drive pupils to activities which take place away from the school
E. Teachers Secretaries
1. The Board shall provide one teachers’ secretary for each school to assist teachers in the
preparation of materials, correspondence, ordering supplies, and other duties related
exclusively to teachers.
2. Teachers’ work shall have priority over administrative work.
F. Except in cases of emergency, secondary teachers assigned to more than one school in a day shall
not be assigned non-teaching duties that day. Except in cases of emergency, elementary teachers
assigned to more than one school in a day shall not be assigned non-teaching duties that day
except for afternoon bus duty.
G. Teachers shall not be required to supervise student teachers.
H. Teachers shall not be required to obtain substitutes except as may be necessary to properly utilize
the electronic substitute calling system, but may obtain substitutes with the permission of the
I. Elementary school teachers will not be assigned lunch or recess duty.
J. In order that school counselors, school social workers and psychologists may be effective in their
positions in working with students, every effort will be made to support their role as a student
advocate and avoid placing them in an investigative position that could compromise their
relationship with students.
Article 12: Personnel Employment
1. All new teachers will be placed on the proper step of the salary schedule according to their
certification, experience, and education, but not to exceed Step 18. No presently employed
teacher will receive less than the salary indicated on the salary schedule for their credited
certification, experience, and education.
2. Year-for-year credit will be given for previous outside teaching experience in a duly accredited
school, pre-K-12 or any combination of grades within pre-K-12, upon initial employment in
accordance with the provisions of the above paragraph.
3. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, school mental health therapists, social workers and
speech/language pathologists can receive credit for purposes of placement on the salary scale
for related professional work experience on a license or teaching certificate.
4. In areas determined in advance by the Superintendent’s designee, teachers may receive credit
for purposes of placement on the salary scale for related professional work experience (up to 10
years) in the field in which they are hired to teach. Related professional work experience
includes teaching at least 9 credits per semester in the related area at the college/university
level. Credit for related professional work experience may only be awarded if the teacher
(applicant) was eligible for a Maryland teaching certificate at the time of the professional work
5. Credit not to exceed two (2) years for military experience or alternative civilian service required
by the selective service system and not to exceed two (2) years for Peace Corps, VISTA, or
National Teacher Corps work, will be given upon initial employment.
6. Paraeducators who are or were employed as paraeducators with the Howard County Public
School System will be granted service credit not to exceed ten (10) years for the purpose of
placement on the Teachers Salary Scale, if and when they become Howard County teachers.
a. New teachers whose credits from A1-A6 above do not equal three or greater will be granted
placement credits such that the total credits are equal to 3 and will be placed on salary step
4 of the appropriate scale. These additional credits do not impact or adjust a teacher’s years
of service as defined in other provisions of this agreement.
b. Current HCPSS teachers who do not have a minimum of 3 credits by FY23 will be granted
additional placement credits such that the total credits for FY 23 are equal to 3 and they will
be placed on salary step 4 of the appropriate scale for FY23. These additional credits do not
impact or adjust a teacher’s years of service as defined in other provisions of this
B. Previously accumulated sick leave days will be restored to all teachers who return to teach in
Howard County.
C. The Superintendent and/or their designee shall inform teachers within thirty (30) days after receipt
of changes in state and/or local certification policies.
D. Reduction in Force
1. In any reduction of teachers as a result of budgetary actions, curriculum changes, administrative
reorganization, and/or reduction in enrollment, the reductions within the affected area of
certification shall be in the following order:
a. Non-tenured teachers holding provisional certificates
b. Non-tenured teachers holding regular certificates
c. Tenured teachers
d. At such time when teachers in the above categories are to be separated when all other
factors are equal the length of continuous service in Howard County Public Schools,
appropriate certification and ability to teach the available grade levels or subject areas (i.e.,
having taught such grade level or subject within the prior 3 years) may be considered.
Any action taken under this section (letter d) will not be subject to the grievance procedure;
however, it shall be subject to an administrative appeal under §4-205(c) of the Education
Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
E. Seniority Determination
1. Seniority shall be determined by the day, month, and year and time the teacher signed a regular
or provisional contract with the Board or the date of a letter of assignment within each of the
categories indicated in D.1 of this article.
2. Approved leaves of absence and leave under Article 17, Section A, B, or D will neither count
toward years of service for seniority purposes nor be considered as a break in service (i.e. a
teacher signed a contract on August 1, 2000 and taught through June 30, 2005 in the Howard
County Public School System, had three years of child rearing leave, and has been teaching
continuously in the Howard County Public School System since returning from leave in
September 2008, will have ten (10) years of continuous service, thus ten (10) years of seniority
on June 30, 2013).
F. Teachers who are laid off because of reduction in force will be placed on a priority recall list for no
less than three (3) years if they provide notice, according to Section 2 c (3) of this Article.
1. While teachers are on the priority recall list, no new teacher shall be hired except where:
a. There are no teachers on the priority recall list certified to fill the vacancy,
b. All certified teachers with the appropriate certification area on the priority recall list decline
the offer to fill the vacancy.
2. Recall Procedures
a. A teacher on the priority recall list shall be notified in writing in the inverse order of layoff of
any vacancy which occurs for which the teacher is certified in and which matches their prior
employment status (e.g. full time, part time). A teacher on the priority recall list who was part
time when terminated under this section will not be entitled to a position with more time
unless conditions in D.2 of this article apply.
b. The notification shall be by certified return receipt mail sent to their address on file in the
Office of Human Resources.
c. The teacher so notified shall respond to the Office of Human Resources in writing within ten
(10) calendar days after receipt of the notification of the vacancy as to whether or not they
will accept or reject the offer of the position. A nonresponse or a response received after ten
(10) calendar days will be deemed as a rejection.
(1) If the teacher rejects the position or cannot begin the new assignment within thirty (30)
calendar days from the date of offer, the teacher shall have deemed to have waived their
claim to that position. However, a laid-off employee who has accepted employment in
another Maryland public school system and is unable to obtain a release from their
employment contract may decline an offer to return to work and maintain recall rights for
one year if the offer is issued later than July 1 for a position which will become available
at the beginning of or during the following school year.
(2) A teacher on the priority recall list may decline the offer of employment once within their
area of certification and prior employment status (e.g. full time, part time).
(3) By the end of one year from the date of being notified of the layoff, it is the teacher’s
responsibility to notify the Office of Human Resources in writing no later than March 1st,
if they desire to remain on the priority recall list for the second year or third year.
3. Benefits for Teachers on the Priority Recall List
a. Teachers on the priority recall list may at their option pay the group rate costs of all medical,
health, and/or dental insurance benefits provided by this contract which the individual had at
the time of layoff under this section. The employee may continue such coverage as long as
they remain on the recall list and as long as they pay 100% of the premiums. The payments
will be quarterly, in advance.
b. Teachers recalled to active employment under these provisions shall have restored to them
all sick leave and personal leave accrued prior to being laid off under this article.
c. Layoff under this section will neither be considered as a break in service or count towards
years of service for seniority purposes as long as a teacher is re-employed under the
conditions of this section.
4. Tenured teachers on the priority recall list will be placed before teachers returning from leaves
under Article 17, except for those returning from leave as per paragraphs A, B, and D of Article
G. For summer school positions or for any teaching or advisory positions not performed during regular
school hours, the Board shall utilize the services of its qualified professional employees, when such
personnel are available.
H. Teachers shall receive their pay checks in individually sealed envelopes or shall have the option of
having their pay checks deposited directly through a bank designated by HCEA. In the event that a
payday falls on a nonworking day, paychecks for teachers shall be delivered on the nearest working
day to the scheduled pay date. Effective July 1, 2005, all new hires must either authorize direct
deposit of pay or obtain a money card.
I. Part-time teachers employed by the Board, based on qualifications and seniority, shall be
considered for vacancies consistent with the provision of Article 6A (“Voluntary Transfers”).
J. The Board agrees to provide written notice to the Association within 14 days of entering into a
subcontracting agreement under which educational services are provided to students.
Article 13: Professional Development and Reimbursement
A. Teachers who travel using their own vehicle during the work day shall be reimbursed for all work-
related travel in accordance with IRS regulations for all driving in excess of their normal daily
commute to/from their home school/office. Teachers will be required to attend no more than three
(3) countywide meetings per year without being reimbursed for mileage.
B. Teachers earning graduate or undergraduate college credit or approved staff development courses
taken for credit toward certification shall be reimbursed for tuition costs by the Board. The rate of
reimbursement is up to $350 per credit up to a maximum of 45 graduate credit hours, with an
annual limit of twelve (12) credit hours, and a rate of up to $205 per credit up to a maximum of 24
undergraduate credit hours while employed by the Board of Education of Howard County and if the
course is in a Maryland State Department of Education certificated area. There is no annual limit for
credits taken through a Board- sponsored cohort program, as designated by the Superintendent’s
designee. Documentation must be submitted within sixty (60) days of the end of the course.
Teachers may use unused undergraduate and graduate credit hours to renew teaching certificates.
If the cost of such tuition is less than the specified fiscal year amount per credit, the Board shall
reimburse teachers for the full cost of said tuition. Reimbursement shall be made only upon written
request by the teacher who shall provide an official grade report or official transcript indicating
satisfactory completion of the course and proof of cost and proof of payment.
Teachers may use available graduate credit reimbursement for National Board Certification (NBC)
work as designated below, when such fees are not eligible for reimbursement by local/state and/or
other sources.
1. Three (3) available credits for successful NBC candidacy
2. One (1) available credit per successful NBC retake
3. Three (3) available credits per successful NBC renewal
Occupational therapists, physical therapists, school mental health therapists, social workers,
speech-language pathologists, and audiologists who are required to maintain a professional license
or certification through an agency other than the Maryland State Department of Education shall be
eligible for reimbursement for the cost of programs and/or courses required for licensing approved
in advance. The total reimbursement shall not exceed $420 per year.
If directed by the Superintendent/designee to obtain additional certification endorsements, the
Board will provide additional reimbursement for tuition at the rate set forth in paragraph B after the
reimbursement provisions of that paragraph have been exhausted.
C. If a salary is affirmed for a school year on the basis of an anticipated certification status, said salary
will not be diminished during that school year.
D. Two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) shall be allocated to paying the expenses of teachers to
attend approved professional meetings. These expenses of teachers shall include food,
transportation, lodging, and other convention expenses. Reimbursements to teachers for meals and
incidentals shall not exceed the applicable U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) per diem
rate. The teacher will also receive salary during this time. These days shall not be deducted from
sick or personal leave.
E. The Board and Association recognize that from time to time employees require a documented plan
to assist in their professional growth. In order to effectively support the employee and provide
appropriate resources, a non-disciplinary, non-evaluative Professional Growth Plan (PGP) should
be developed to identify areas for growth and ensure optimum opportunity for the employee to
improve their job performance.
The employee will be involved in the development of the PGP and will have an opportunity to
provide input prior to the plan being finalized. Final approval of the PGP is at the discretion of the
principal/supervisor. If the employee disagrees with the content of the PGP, they can attach a
statement to the PGP noting their concerns. It is the responsibility of the employee to comply with
the plan and work to improve in the areas noted for growth. It is the responsibility of the
administrators to provide sufficient resources, tools, and timely feedback for the employee to
comply with the plan.
Elements of the PGP will include areas identified as needing improvement and the resources to be
provided by HCPSS to support the PGP. In order to monitor the employee’s progress, monitoring
dates should be scheduled at the outset of the PGP. However, this does not preclude the employee
from requesting a review conference at any time during the duration of the plan. No such request
will be unreasonably denied.
Article 14 Association Rights and Privileges
A. There will be no reprisals of any kind taken against any teacher solely by reason of their
membership in the Association or for participation in any of its lawful activities.
B. The Association may request and shall be given a place on the agenda of all regular Board
meetings for brief reports and announcements.
C. The appropriate administrator or supervisor shall be available upon reasonable request to meet with
representatives of the Association.
D. The principal of each school shall be available upon reasonable request of Association
representatives to discuss questions relating to the implementation of this Agreement in their
E. The Association will be provided with the names and addresses of all new teachers and all retiring
teachers as soon as such information is available. Each quarter, the Association will be provided
the names of teachers who retired during that quarter. The Association recognizes that the Board
can only submit information actually provided by the employee.
F. The Association will have the right to have placed in the Superintendent’s packet for all new
teachers a letter prepared by the Association which informs said teachers that the Association is
recognized as the exclusive negotiating representative for all teachers in the Howard County Public
School System.
G. The Association shall be given a place on the agenda of the orientation program for new teachers
to explain the function and benefits of membership.
H. In order for the Association to properly fulfill this Agreement for the benefit of all teachers and the
welfare of the school system, the Association representative may visit schools and talk with
teachers, provided the exercise of this right will not interfere with the educational program. The
Association representative will check in at the front office and identify themselves as an Association
representative to the front office staff of the school upon their arrival.
I. The Association shall continue to use school buildings without cost at reasonable times for
meetings provided the use of the building shall not result in any additional cost to the Board. The
administrator of the building in question will be notified in advance of the time and place of all such
J. The Association representative will have the right to schedule meetings of the teachers before or
after school work days or, at any other times which do not disrupt the normal school program.
K. There will be bulletin board space of appropriate size reserved for the Association, in an appropriate
place in each school building, for the purpose of displaying notices, circulars, and such material.
Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal, but their advance approval will not
be required.
L. The Association will have the right to place Association notices, circulars, and other materials in all
teachers’ mailboxes. Copies of all such material will be given to the building principal and
Superintendent, but their advance approval will not be required. The Association will also have the
right to use the interschool mail to distribute prepackaged and labeled material, and its office shall
be a designated stop on the interschool mail distribution route for delivery of interschool mail, so
long as the Association office is on a regular route.
M. No teacher will be prevented from wearing pins or other identification of membership in the
N. Teachers shall be allowed to attend professional meetings with the approval of the Superintendent.
O. The rights and/or privileges granted to the Association in this section will not be granted to any
other teachers’ group or organization during the term of this Agreement.
P. Officers and members of the Association recognize that school equipment, time, and materials are
intended primarily for the use of pupils.
Q. Unless a teacher requests that their address and phone number not be distributed, the Association
faculty representative shall be provided with a faculty list, including home addresses and telephone
numbers, by September 15
R. Association officers and/or representatives shall be permitted to draw upon a total of fifty (50) full
days for use for Association business. Upon request of the president, a representative shall be
released from professional duties for Association duties, with payments of substitutes, if necessary,
borne by the Association. Notice of such absence shall be given as far in advance as reasonably
possible to the employee’s immediate superior, but in no case shall the notice be less than 48
hours. No one may use more than five (5) consecutive days or more than ten (10) days in a school
year under this Article.
Any Association leave days remaining at the end of each year may be deducted from the amount
HCEA pays to the Board for the Association president’s salary. The amount deducted for each day
will be the difference between the daily substitute rate and the daily rate of the president.
S. In addition to paragraph S, the Association may designate a maximum of thirty-five (35) unit
members to attend the annual Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) convention.
1. The Association shall, ten (10) calendar days prior to the first day of the MSEA convention,
submit a list of unit member names designated to attend said meeting to the Superintendent.
Their approval will not be necessary.
2. The Board shall allow the designated unit members not more than one (1) full duty day for such
attendance, without loss of pay or any other benefit due them, per school year.
3. The Board and the Association agree that this section (Article 14, Section T) does not apply if
schools are closed on the day that the convention Maryland State Education Association is held.
T. The Board of Education shall provide the Association with copies of all policy changes or directives
issued by the Board or Central Office administrative personnel that affect wages, hours, or
conditions of employment of teachers as a group. The Board shall provide the Association written
notification of any change to a position description (for positions covered under this agreement) as
soon as reasonably possible.
This language is not subject to the grievance process.
U. The Board shall furnish to the Association in response to reasonable request from time to time
available information concerning the financial resources of the system, including but not limited to:
annual financial reports, names of teachers, individual and teacher group health insurance
premiums and experience figures, and such other information that shall assist the Association in
developing intelligent, accurate, and constructive programs on behalf of the teachers and the
students as well as informed proposals during the course of negotiations.
V. Association representatives and Board of Directors members shall be permitted to leave the school
building immediately following student dismissal in those schools dismissing students at 3:15 or
later for the purpose of attending scheduled Association meetings. Such early departure shall not
exceed two (2) times per month.
W. The Association president shall have access to the sick leave bank when 15 days of Association-
provided sick leave are exhausted.
X. Teachers interested in terminating HCEA membership must submit a written withdrawal to the
HCEA office. If the written request is not received during the withdrawal window, on or before
September 15th, membership costs will be collected for the entire year. If a withdrawal of
membership occurs after September 15th, full membership dues will be deducted by payroll for that
year unless there are insufficient funds in the employee’s final paycheck, then HCEA will be
responsible for collecting any balance that remains outstanding.
Y. The Association and the Board agree that it is mutually advantageous to have Association
bargaining units represented on HCPSS Board policy groups and committees.
Z. The parties will study the feasibility of negotiating provisions under which HCEA employees that
implement employee benefits in the contractual agreement (i.e.., sick leave bank, family crisis
leave, Help A Child, etc.…) will be considered employees under the HCPSS plan document and be
eligible to participate in the HCPSS health insurance.
Article 15: Sick and Bereavement Leave
A. Sick Leave
1. Sick leave shall be used for the personal health needs of the teacher or immediate family. Ten -
month employees will earn up to 6 days of sick leave per year. Eleven-month employees will
earn up to 7 days of sick leave per year. Twelve-month employees will earn up to 12 sick days
per year. These days will be annualized throughout the year but the annual total shall be
available on the second day of the duty year. Employees who vacate their position before
completing 5 months or less of work within a school year, and have used more sick time than
earned, shall be required to reimburse the Board and/or have their pay adjusted for up to three
days of unearned leave. No employee who has completed more than 5 months of work within a
school year will be required to reimburse the Board if they have used more sick time than
2. The total unused portion of the annual sick leave allowance shall be permitted to accumulate to
an unlimited amount.
3. All teachers may use their accumulated sick leave as of the first day of the duty year, even if
they have not been able to report for duty on that day, provided the teacher presents evidence
of eligible illness.
4. Employees who vacate their position and who have used more sick leave than earned shall be
required to reimburse the Board and/or have their pay adjusted for the appropriate amount of
5. Teacher bargaining unit members whose primary duties do not require substitute coverage for
the period requested may submit and use leave in one half (1/2) hour or more whole
6. Misuse of leave shall result in deduction of full pay.
B. An employee shall be granted five (5) consecutive duty days of bereavement leave absence without
the loss of salary for a death in the immediate family. Immediate family shall include child, parent,
sibling, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, step-child, step-
parent, step-sibling, grandparent of spouse, biological parent of the employee’s child, or of anyone
who has lived regularly in the household of the employee for at least two (2) years within the last
five (5) years.
Upon the death of an uncle, aunt, niece or nephew, the employee will be permitted up to two (2)
days of bereavement leave absence at any one time without the loss of salary for leave days that
are duty days.
Employees may use two (2) days of the allowable bereavement leave within 100 duty days of the
relative's death.
Requests for exceptions to the provision cited above may be submitted to the Office of Human
Resources and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
C. Teachers under contract for less than full time shall be allowed sick leave and bereavement leave
based on the percentage of time worked.
D. Teachers shall, at their request, be allowed to use sick leave for absence due to disability
connected with or resulting from pregnancy. Under this provision, such disability shall be treated as
a temporary disability under all Board policies, and the teacher must return to work as soon as
physically able, unless the teacher resigns or requests a leave of absence.
E. Any unit member who retires or resigns effective July 1 of any year and who files the necessary
documents committing to such intent no later than March 1 of that year will receive termination pay
in the amount of $750.
Article 16: Temporary Leaves of Absence
A. Teachers will be entitled to the following temporary leaves of absence with full pay each school
1. Personal leave
a. Up to seven (7) days of leave per year, with no loss of pay, shall be available to each 10-
month teacher for personal leave. Up to eight (8) days of leave per year, with no loss of pay,
shall be available to each 11-month teacher for personal leave. Up to four (4) days of leave
per year, with no loss of pay shall be available to each 12-month teacher for personal leave.
Although personal leave is accrued per paycheck, teachers will be able to utilize their
allotment in advance.
b. The teacher shall not be required to give the reason for taking personal leave but, except in
cases of emergency, must notify the principal of their intention 24 hours in advance.
c. Unused personal leave days may be accumulated up to ten (10) and any days in excess of
ten (10) shall be transferred to sick leave. No more than six (6) days can be used
d. When an employe has exhausted all sick leave (earned/accrued) the employee may use
personal leave in the case of a personal family illness.
e. Personal leave may not be used solely to extend holidays and/or vacation periods. Personal
leave may be granted by the Office of Human Resources during these periods provided that
the request is made in writing at least ten (10) duty days in advance. This provision does not
apply when the situation described in letter d above is in effect. In that case, an employee
may use personal leave to extend a holiday or vacation period with documentation from a
medical provider.
f. Misuse of leave shall result in deduction of full pay.
g. Teacher bargaining unit members whose primary duties do not require substitute coverage
for the period of time requested may request to use personal leave beginning with one (1)
full hour increment and then in increments of one-half (.5) hour.
2. Legal Proceedings
a. An employee shall be granted leave with no loss of pay for attendance in any legal
proceedings connected with their employment with the school system and for court
subpoena when the employee is called as a witness, provided such appearances are not
related to:
i. any suit litigation brought by the employee against the Board or its employees.
ii. any criminal charges brought against the employee.
iii. any non-work related civil or administrative proceedings wherein the employee or a
member of the employee’s immediate family is a party to the proceedings.
b. Any employee called for jury duty shall notify their supervisor of their plan for such services
as early as possible and shall receive full pay and fringe benefits in addition to the
remuneration for jury duty. The employee may be required to submit a certificate of
3. Temporary Military Service
a. Requests for leave for military service should be submitted to the Office of Human
Resources and will be approved in compliance with current federal law/regulation.
Eligible employees will also receive up to fifteen (15) days of paid leave per year for military
Article 17: Extended Leaves of Absence
A. The Board agrees that up to one (1) teacher who has achieved tenure and is designated by the
Association will, upon request, be granted a leave of absence without pay or other benefits for a
minimum of one (1) year for the purpose of engaging in Association (local, state, or national)
activities. In addition, a tenured teacher who is elected MSEA president or vice-president or NEA
president or vice president will, upon request by HCEA, be granted a leave of absence without pay
or other benefits for the year(s) the teacher is president.
1. An individual elected to serve as President of the Howard County Education Association shall
become or remain a full time employee of the Howard County Public School System and shall
be granted leave status for the period of their term. For individuals who are part-time prior to
being elected president, there is no guarantee of a return to a part-time position once the term
2. During their term, the President of HCEA shall be placed on the top step of the salary schedule
labeled 12-month Coordinator/Staff Development Facilitator.
3. The salary and fringe benefits for the HCEA President will be paid by the Howard County Public
School System and reimbursement will be made to the Howard County Public School System
by HCEA. The reimbursement will be reduced by $10,000 annually for the person or persons
administering the HCEA Sick Leave Banks. This amount is non-negotiable through FY27, as
long as HCEA has someone employed in the role.
4. Upon completion of their term(s), the HCEA President will return to their original position or a
similar position and salary and will be considered as if they were actively employed by the
Board during the leave and will be placed on the salary schedule at the level they would have
achieved if they had not been absent, subject to the terms of the Master Agreement.
B. A leave of absence without pay of up to two (2) years may be granted to any teacher with tenure
who serves successfully in the Peace Corps, VISTA, National Teacher Corps, or serves as an
exchange teacher or overseas teacher and is a full-time participant in either of such programs.
C. A teacher on tenure may be granted a leave of absence without pay for up to one (1) year for study.
Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board.
D. Military leave without pay will be granted to any teacher who is inducted into any branch of the
Armed Forces of the United States for the period of said induction.
E. Tenured members with 2 or more consecutive years’ experience with HCPSS, at their request, shall
normally be granted a leave of absence for child rearing, without pay, for such a period of time as
the teacher requests, but not to exceed three years per child and six (6) consecutive years in total.
When a member returns from such leave they must work for a minimum of (1) year before being
granted an additional leave under this section.
Applications for such leave shall be made as soon as possible, but normally at least thirty (30) days
prior to the effective date.
All leave requests must be planned to conclude at the end of a school year, except the following
1. A teacher with 12 weeks of FMLA leave available as of the birth or adoption of the child, who
uses all or part of their 12-weeks of FMLA after the birth or adoption, may return to work at the
conclusion of their leave.
2. A teacher with less than 12 weeks of FMLA leave available as of the birth or adoption of the
child, who uses the remainder of their FMLA may add child rearing leave up to a total of 12
weeks of leave after the birth or adoption and may return to work at the conclusion of their
3. A teacher with no FMLA available as of the birth or adoption of the child may use up to 12
weeks of child-rearing leave after the birth or adoption and may return to work at the conclusion
of their leave.
Members on child-rearing leave on or before June 30, 2021 are grandfathered under the collective
bargaining agreement in effect at the time their leave began.
F. The Board may grant a leave of absence without pay to any teacher with tenure to campaign for
public office or to campaign for a candidate for public office. If granted, the length of the leave will
be for a minimum of one (1) semester.
In the event the teacher is elected to the public office of state senator or delegate, the Board shall
grant a leave of absence without pay for a minimum of one (1) semester. In the event the teacher is
elected to another public office, the Board shall grant a leave of absence without pay for the
duration of their service, not to exceed six (6) years.
G. Any teacher whose illness extends beyond the period covered by their accumulated sick leave and
any additional sick leave granted to them by the Board may be granted a further leave without pay
for such time as is necessary for complete recovery from such illness.
H. Upon return from leave granted pursuant to A, B, or D, of this Article, a teacher shall be restored to
their former position or to a position of like nature and status and will be considered as if they had
been actively employed by the Board during the leave and they will be placed on the salary
schedule at the level they would have achieved if they had not been absent. A teacher will not
receive increment credit for time spent on leave granted pursuant to Section C, E, F, G, or J of this
The following are applicable generally to all extended leaves unless elsewhere excluded in this
1. Other benefits to which a teacher was entitled at the time their leave of absence commenced,
including unused accumulated sick leave, will be restored to them upon their return; and they
will be assigned to the first available position for which they are certificated.
2. All requests for extended leaves of absence, extensions, or renewals of such leaves will be
made in writing, and the Superintendent/designee will provide a written response to all such
3. Leaves taken under Section B or C of this article shall be planned to commence and terminate
at the beginning of the fall semester. Said leaves shall be requested no later than July 15.
I. Nothing contained herein shall prevent a teacher on leave without pay from being a substitute or
doing other temporary work for the Howard County School System while on such leave. While on
leave, the teacher is still under contract with the Board, therefore they cannot accept other similar
J. A leave of absence for up to one school year without pay may be granted to a teacher to care for a
sick member of their immediate family (child, spouse, parent). Appropriate medical statements shall
be submitted to the personnel office to verify the need.
K. Teachers whose leave expires between March 1 and June 30 must notify the Office of Human
Resources by March 1, in writing, regarding their intention to return from the expired leave. Failure
to do so, will be construed as a lack of interest in employment. However, at the Board’s discretion
they may still consider such placement if requested by the teacher after the deadline.
11- and 12-month employees must notify the Office of Human Resources, in writing, regarding their
intention to return from the expired leave no later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to the end of
the approved leave period. Failure to do so, will be construed as a lack of interest in employment.
However, at the Board’s discretion they may still consider such placement if requested by the
teacher after the deadline.
L. Other leaves may be granted at the discretion of the Board of Education.
Article 18: Working Hours and Work Load
A. It is recognized that teachers are professionals, and therefore their primary duties may not always
be accomplished entirely within the scheduled work day. However, teachers shall be assigned
appropriate starting and dismissal times, provided that the total regular work day will be no longer
than 7 hours and 35 minutes consecutively, except for one Back-To- School night per year and
when faculty meetings are held. Teacher attendance at Back-To- School night will not extend
beyond two hours and thirty minutes. Teachers who are unable to attend Back-To School night due
to extenuating circumstances may, in cooperation with their principals, make other arrangements
for presentation of their programs to parents.
In the event that it becomes necessary to assign nonteaching duties during the regular work day,
such duties will be assigned on a just basis.
In regard to delayed opening and/or early dismissal days as a result of emergency conditions the
work day of school-based teachers will be delayed by a length of time equal to the length of the
delayed opening, or dismissal of teachers will occur earlier by a length of time equal to the length of
the early closing of schools. Teachers who are approved to telework on a day of a late opening or
early dismissal will work their regular work hours on that day.
B. The school calendar shall include one hundred ninety-five (195) working days for ten- month
teachers. This will include 193 scheduled working days and two days of professional time not
scheduled in the school calendar that shall be used as described in paragraph 4 below. Days when
students are not present may be used as professional days that will focus on instruction and
student achievement. The scheduled professional days will be used by teachers to concentrate on
the achievement of their students. Individual planning for instruction, system-wide professional
development, professional development at the school level, working collaboratively with colleagues,
professional development plan implementation and other team/department work focused on
improving student performance are all appropriate uses of these days other than those referenced
in paragraph 1 below.
1. The school calendar shall include one hundred ninety-seven (197) working days for 10-month
special education teachers and related service providers (i.e., SLPs PTs, etc.). This will include
193 scheduled working days and four (4) days of professional time not scheduled in the school
calendar that shall be used as described in paragraph 4 below.
2. Eleven-month personnel: duty year is twenty (20) days more than a ten-month teacher.
3. Twelve-month personnel: All represented twelve-month employees shall work the same
schedule as 12-month central office staff.
4. The two unscheduled days for 10 and 11-month unit members shall be professional time,
outside the scheduled duty day, that will focus on instruction and improving student
achievement, and professional activities that improve the learning environment. If there are
issues over application of this provision that cannot be resolved at the school level they will be
forwarded to the HCPSS office of School Administration and HCEA for joint resolution.
The four unscheduled days for 10-month special educators and related services providers shall
be professional time, outside the scheduled duty day, that will focus on instruction, case work
and improving student achievement, and professional activities that improve the learning
environment. If there are issues over application of this provision that cannot be resolved at the
school level they will be forwarded to the HCPSS office of School Administration and HCEA for
joint resolution.
Prior approval on use of the time will not be required. However, by June 1st of each year all 10
and 11 month unit members shall be responsible for submitting a voucher identifying the
professional activities in which the teacher has been engaged. Teachers who do not turn in the
above documentation will have their final pay adjusted accordingly.
C. All twelve-month employees will receive annual leave based on the following schedule:
Length of Service/Years Number of Annual Leave Days
1-9 20
Unused annual leave may be accumulated up to a maximum of 45 days. Each year, annual leave in
excess of 45 days that is not used shall be automatically transferred to a certificated employee’s
accumulated sick leave. At termination of employment, a lump sum settlement shall be made at the
current salary rate of any unused annual leave, but not to exceed a maximum of forty-five (45) days
or the maximum established by Board policy. In the event of an employee’s death, such amount
shall be paid to the employee’s estate or designated beneficiary.
D. Every reasonable effort shall be made to start faculty meetings on time and to keep meetings as
brief as possible. Except in cases of emergency, there shall only be one school- wide faculty
meeting per month, which may extend no more than one-half (1/2) hour beyond the regular work
day. Every effort will be made to begin the meeting no more than ten (10) minutes after the student
dismissal time. Two other faculty meetings per month may be held within the regular work day, one
of which may be held before the start of the student day.
Attendance at all other assignments or meetings other than during the regular work day will be at
the option of the individual teacher except as specifically provided elsewhere in this Agreement.
E. Teachers shall have a 30-minute, duty-free lunch period. On regularly scheduled student days, the
teacher’s lunch period shall be scheduled within the student day. This provision does not apply
when the school or student day is shortened for any reason.
Teachers shall not be required to stay in their building during the duty-free lunch period. Teachers
should notify the school office before leaving and upon returning. In an emergency, it is understood
that a principal may limit the number of teachers who may leave at any one time.
F. Planning Time
1. In addition to their lunch period, secondary school teachers will have daily preparation time of at
least fifty (50) consecutive minutes during the regular student day four days a week and at least
forty (40) consecutive minutes on the regular student day of the week with shortened class
periods. In addition, they will have another ninety (90) minutes during the week, in which they
will not be assigned to any other duties. No portion of the additional 90 minutes will be in blocks
of less than 25 minutes.
2. In addition to their lunch period, Elementary teachers will have weekly preparation time during
the duty week of at least three hundred twenty-five (325) minutes. At least three hundred (300)
of those minutes will occur within the student day and at least two hundred twenty (220) minutes
will be scheduled in blocks of at least fifty five (55) consecutive minutes. No portion of the total
325 minutes will be in blocks of less than 25 minutes. Teachers shall have at least thirty (30)
consecutive minutes of preparation time during each regular student day, which may be recess
periods. During this preparation time, they will not be assigned to any other duties.
3. The scheduling of daily planning periods shall be determined by the principal after consultation
with the faculty.
The scheduling of PIP periods shall be determined by the principal after consultation with the
faculty, which shall occur prior to the first student attendance day of the school year.
4. Principals will support teacher initiated collaboration among educators through the use of PIP
G. Secondary school teachers will not be required to teach more than two (2) subject areas (e.g. social
studies, science) or more than three (3) content preparations (algebra, geometry, biology,
chemistry, etc.) except in cases of emergency. This does not mean levels of the same content (e.g.,
Algebra GT, Algebra I, Algebra honors). In the event a teacher is assigned more than three (3)
content area preparations, teachers will not be assigned non- instructional duties during their work
H. When a related arts teacher or guidance counselor is in charge of the class, the classroom teacher
shall have the option to leave the classroom.
I. Both the Board and the Association recognize the important contribution of PTA and PTSA
organizations to the school system and encourage participation by teachers in their activities.
J. No more than two (2) emergency daily lesson plans will be required to be on file for use by a
substitute teacher. The lesson plans shall be updated within five (5) school days upon the return of
the teacher to their regular assignment.
K. Substitutes shall be provided for all classroom teachers (including media personnel and specialists)
who attend professional conferences and activities, including in-service meetings and approved
teacher visitations to other county schools. Teachers identified as the teacher-in-charge or other
approved chaperone for a pre-approved field trip will not use their own leave to attend that field trip.
The provision of a substitute for the teacher-in- charge or other approved chaperone will be based
on the needs of that school and approved by the principal/designee.
At the discretion of the Superintendent or their designee, substitutes may be provided for physical
therapists, occupational therapists, school mental health therapists, speech-language pathologists,
school psychologists, gifted and talented resource teachers, guidance personnel, teachers of the
vision impaired, teachers of the hearing impaired, work study coordinators, trainer/teachers
assigned to the county diagnostic center, audiologists, facilitators, supervisors, 11-month
specialists, or coordinators.
If a related service provider is using approved leave, missed service hours will not be reflected in
the related service provider’s evaluation nor will they be subject to counseling or disciplinary action.
L. When a substitute cannot be secured through the electronic substitute calling system, teachers who
substitute during their preparation, i.e. planning, time will be compensated at $55 per period or
class. Teachers may not be mandated to do this during their planning time, but may freely and
willingly volunteer to do so.
Teachers who provide close adult supervision during their preparation, i.e. planning, time will be
compensated at $55 per period or class. Teachers may not be mandated to do this during their
planning time, but may freely and willingly volunteer to do so.
This language is only in effect until the end of FY24 unless both parties mutually agree to extend it.
M. Media specialists who are teaching a class shall not be required to provide normal media services
during said teaching time.
N. Teachers may not be required to work beyond the contract day during the parent-teacher
conference window. However, if a teacher volunteers to work evening conferences (one or two
evenings), they will receive an equal amount of time off during the conference window. Teacher
participation in evening conferences requires the concurrence of the principal. The HCPSS
community will be made aware that parent-teacher conferences will not normally be scheduled
during the week immediately before or after the designated conference window unless extenuating
circumstances exist. Attendance at any such conferences outside the conference window and
within the week before and week after the conference window will be at the option of the teacher.
O. Telework
All teachers are allowed to telework on the MSEA Convention Day, provided it doesn’t fall on a
student day.
With the approval of the Superintendent or their designee, school-based employees may be eligible
to telework at appropriate times when students are not in the buildings, including during the parent-
teacher conference window, and other days as designated by the Superintendent or their designee.
1. The Superintendent or their designee will determine which positions, if any may need to be on
site for all or part of the day to support other professionals in the building or to fulfill their
professional responsibilities.
2. First-year HCPSS teachers will be required to work on site for the first two marking periods on
professional work days designated for grading and reporting, and during the November parent-
teacher conference window.
3. Teachers who have not demonstrated the ability to meet their professional responsibilities may
be required to work on site at the discretion of their supervisor.
4. Upon request a written rationale will be provided by the supervisor to any educator whose
request to telework is denied.
With the approval of the Superintendent or their designee, non-school based employees may
request, and be granted by their supervisor, the option of working remotely.
P. Teachers will have a minimum of three (3) full work days from the end of the quarter (in quarters 1,
2 and 3) until grades are due.
Q. Any teacher who extends their duty day by chaperoning overnight outdoor education week for a
minimum of two (2) nights will be compensated at $125 per night.
R. During the back-to-school week for teachers in August, a pre-determined number of days will be
meeting free periods of self-directed time for teachers. This time will be based on the number of
pre-service days that are scheduled on the calendar.
8+ pre-service days
1 and 2 half days or 2 full days of self-directed time
6-7 pre-service days
1 full day and 1 half day of self-directed time
5 or less pre-service days
1 full day of self-directed time
*½ days must be in a continuous block of 3.5 hours.
S. At the discretion of the Superintendent/Designee, employees may have the option to test out of
professional development. This option does not apply to any professional development required by
local, state and/or federal regulations/laws.
T. Teaching special education team leaders will be provided one full sub day, or two half sub days, per
quarter for the purpose of completing casework. This shall be over and above all other provisions of
planning, other self-directed, or casework time in this contract.
U. HCEA and HCPSS recognize the importance of reasonable staffing ratios between certified staff
and students. Guidelines based on best practices for staffing are outlined below and include:
Population/Program Ratio (educator: student)
HCPSS Class Size Target Ratios
Grades 1-2
Grades 3-5
HCPSS Target Staffing Ratios
National Association Recommended Ratios
Related Arts
V. At the discretion of their principal, any classroom teacher who is required to move to another
classroom after the start of the student year may receive one (1) duty day of unassigned time to
prepare for the new classroom.
Article 19: Teaching Conditions
A. The Board shall provide:
1. A separate, adequate, dining area for teachers.
2. Well-maintained, properly lighted, clean, ventilated, safe, healthful, and furnished classrooms
and/or teaching areas. The parties agree that Federal and State Occupational Safety and
Health laws will be adhered to.
3. Adequate, well-maintained exit/entrance walks and playground space.
4. The faculty may arrange for the installation of vending machines after consultation with the
principal. If the faculty chooses not to install a vending machine, one may be installed by
another group or organization in consultation with the principal. All the proceeds from the
machines shall be used in such manner as the faculty of that building shall determine.
5. An appropriately furnished room to be used as a faculty lounge.
6. Desks and file cabinets for teachers. Lockable desks or file cabinets will be provided as
B. To the extent possible and within limits of the funds available, in existing buildings, and in all new
buildings, the Board shall provide the following:
1. Space in each classroom in which teachers may safely store instructional materials and
2. Well-lit, ventilated and clean teachers’ restrooms, separate from the students’ restrooms.
3. Working, conference, and storage facilities for special instructional personnel.
4. Sinks for all pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, primary, and special education classrooms and/or
teaching areas.
5. Emergency lighting in teaching areas, corridors and restrooms.
C. Classroom interruptions shall be permitted only in case of emergency or announcements of
building-wide concerns.
D. Unless provided free publicly, all medical examinations and tests required for employment in the
Howard County School System shall be paid by the Board.
E. Whenever a principal is absent for more than one-half (1/2) day and a teacher is appointed acting
principal, the teacher shall be relieved of their classroom duties for the period of the principal’s
absence. When a principal is absent for one-half (1/2) day or less, no substitute will be provided,
and the teacher designated as acting principal shall not be expected to handle any matters coming
into the principal’s office other than emergency situations which require immediate attention. In
spite of the principal’s absence, they are fully responsible for actions and decisions made through
the principal’s office during their absence.
Teachers appointed as acting principal by the Board on the recommendation of the Superintendent
will be compensated at the appropriate administrative salary level for that teacher, and they shall be
fully responsible for actions and decisions made as acting principal.
F. When the work of non-instructional personnel tends to interfere with a teaching situation, the
teacher may request that such work be rescheduled to a more appropriate time.
G. Teachers will comply with reasonable School Administration requirements regarding check-in,
check-out, and notification if leaving the building during the day. This information is solely for
attendance, security and safety purposes and will not be used as the basis for disciplinary or
evaluative action.
H. Labor/Management Committee,
1. Purpose
The parties agree to actively support a Joint Labor Management Collaboration Committee. The
intent of the Labor/Management Committee is to investigate study and discuss possible
solutions to mutual problems affecting labor/management relations. The parties may also
attempt to resolve differences of interpretation of negotiated matters. However, it is recognized
that the Labor/Management Committee is not a substitute for the grievance procedure.
Additionally, it is recognized that neither party will submit or otherwise seek modification of any
negotiated term or condition of the agreement through the Labor/Management Committee and
no bargaining will take place.
2. Membership
Standing members of the Labor/Management Committee will include:
a. The president or designee of the Howard County Education Association
b. Two other representatives of the Association to be determined by the president.
c. The Superintendent or designee.
d. Two other representatives of management determined by the Superintendent.
e. At any meeting of the Labor/Management Committee, either party may be represented by
up to four additional members. Both parties may rotate these members in order to
accommodate discussion of scheduled agenda items at meetings.
f. The committee may elect to use outside impartial facilitation for some or all meetings.
3. Chairperson
The President of HCEA/designee or the Superintendent/designee can convene the
Labor/Management Committee. Responsibility for chairing meetings shall alternate each
meeting between HCEA and HCPSS. Each party will determine whether their chair assignment
will be permanent or rotate among their members.
4. Minutes
The Superintendent’s designee will prepare minutes of the meeting. Drafts of the minutes of
meetings will be submitted to each co-chair by the secretary for approval and submission to the
other committee members. Copies of the minutes will then be distributed to all members who
were in attendance at the meetings.
5. Date, Time, and Agenda of Meetings
The committee will schedule regular meetings at least quarterly. Additional meetings may be
called at the request of either party. Such additional meetings will be requested a minimum of
two weeks in advance along with the proposed agenda items of the requesting party. The
proposed agenda for all meetings shall normally be limited to one and one half hours and shall
include the topics along with a brief description and will be submitted five days prior to the
meeting to both parties. The individual assigned to chair the meeting will be responsible for
preparing and distributing the agenda. Topics not on the agenda will not be discussed.
However, it is recognized that either party may initiate a topic not on the agenda provided the
other party concurs that it is of an emergency nature or a current item that would be of benefit to
be discussed as soon as possible.
6. General Guidelines
a. As time permits, each topic will be discussed fully and recommendations made on the topic
before proceeding to another topic.
b. Topics requiring further study may be tabled and brought for further discussion at a future
c. It is recognized that recommendations growing out of these meetings are not binding.
d. No grievances shall be discussed and no bargaining shall take place. However, topics that
could lead to grievances may be discussed.
e. All recommendations made by the Committee shall be arrived at by the process of mutual
consensus. There shall never be a vote taken by the Committee.
f. Either party may initiate a request to the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service for
g. Where mutually satisfactory decisions are not reached, the topic shall be canceled, reverting
to its proper place in the labor/management relationship for instance grievance procedure,
negotiations, etc.
Article 20: Salaries
10-Month Teachers (195 Days) ........................................................................................................ 35
10-Month Special Education Teachers and Related Service Providers (197 Days) 36
11-Month Teachers (215 Days) ........................................................................................................ 37
Other Certificated Staff ..................................................................................................................... 40
Notes: Article 20, Salary Schedules ................................................................................................. 44
Interscholastic Athletics Coaches’/Advisors’ Stipends, ..................................................................... 41
The parties agree in subsequent years that the intent is not to further compress the beginning of the
scale, but instead to reach compliance with the Blueprint legislation via increasing the COLA.
10-Month Teachers (195 Days)
Fiscal Year 2024 (Effective July 1, 2023)
(BA/BS +30)
(MA/MS +30)
10-Month Special Education Teachers and Related Service Providers
(197 Days)
Fiscal Year 2024 (Effective July 1, 2023)
(BA/BS +30)
(MA/MS +30)
11-Month Teachers (215 Days)
Fiscal Year 2024 (Effective July 1, 2023)
(BA/BS +30)
(MA/MS +30)
Notes: Article 20, Salary Schedules - Teachers
A. Salary Grades
A Conditional Certificate and Standard Professional Certificate (SPC)
B Bachelor’s plus APC or 30 credit hours applicable to APC
C Master’s Degree
D Master’s Degree plus 30 graduate credit hours
E Earned Doctorate
B. Teachers who are currently on the provisional degree scale, Schedule A, Step 10, or above, shall
continue to receive negotiated salary increases until they move to another scale or leave the school
C. Industry & Trades Teachers
Industry & Trades teachers with an APC shall be eligible for grade advancements beyond Grade B
as follows:
APC plus 15 credits from an MSDE pre-approved program of study equal Grade C, the
Master’s Degree grade
APC plus 45 credits from an MSDE pre-approved program of study equal Grade D, the
Master’s Degree plus 30 grade
D. Salary payments for ten (10)-month employees will be made on a biweekly basis over a ten- or
twelve-month period at the option of the teacher. Such decision shall be made by the teacher by
June 30th of the prior school year and shall remain in effect for the duration of the ten (10) or twelve
(12)-month option period. Teachers not giving notice on the appropriate form will continue with their
current pay option. A teacher who has not made an initial selection will be paid on a 12-month
schedule. when that becomes possible.
E. Instructional Team Leaders shall receive a supplement of $3,000. Every year, starting in FY25, the
supplement will increase by the same COLA applied to the 10-month teacher salary scale.
F. Teachers successfully completing the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
certification program (NBPTS), also known as National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs), who are
not primarily responsible and accountable for teaching students in the classroom, shall receive an
annual supplement of $2,000 each year their NBPTS certificate remains in good standing.
In accordance with the Blueprint law, teachers successfully completing the National Board of
Professional Teaching Standards certification program (NBPTS), also known as National Board-
Certified Teachers (NBCTs), who are primarily responsible and accountable for teaching students in
the classroom, shall receive an annual supplement of $10,000 each year their NBPTS certificate
remains in good standing. Additionally, NBCTs who teach at schools that are low performing, as
defined by the Blueprint law, shall receive an additional annual supplement of $7,000. The NBCT
will continue to receive this supplement even if the school ceases to be low-performing while the
teacher is at the school. This determination will be made on or before July 1 for the following school
The aforementioned supplement will be dispersed throughout the teacher’s work year. If the teacher
achieves NBCT during their work year, the supplement will be implemented and prorated for the
remainder of the year. If the teacher loses their NBCT during their work year, the supplement will be
discontinued for the remainder of the year. If the Blueprint law changes the parties shall revise the
supplement to align with any changes.
G. School Counselors who opt to complete the National Board Certified Counselor (NBCC) program
instead of the NBPTS/NBCT program shall receive an annual supplement of $2000.
H. Audiologists and Speech and language pathologists who hold a Certificate of Clinical Competence
from the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA), Physical Therapists who pass the
National Physical Therapy Exam (NPTE), BCBA’s who are certified through the Behavior Analyst
Certification Board (BACB), and Occupational Therapists who hold a National Board for
Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) shall receive an annual supplement of $3,000.
I. Supplements referred to in (E), (F), (G) and (H) above shall be included in the teacher’s annual
salary for retirement and life insurance purposes and will be awarded proportionally if said
supplement is earned during the course of a school year.
J. For purposes of payroll calculation, the professional salary schedule is based on a seven-hour
K. Personnel employed for work, which is an extension of normal teaching duties, beyond the normal
school year, shall be compensated on a prorated sum based on the salary normally received if such
work and rate of compensation are not provided in this agreement.
L. Summer School:
HCPSS personnel employed for summer school shall be paid an hourly rate, which is based on
their current salary excluding any stipends or supplements (Example: 10-month salary is $58,000;
hourly rate would be $58,000/1365 hours = $42.49 hourly rate).
Teachers working in summer programs that run 20 or more calendar days will accrue one (1) day of
sick leave.
HCPSS employees working in “COVID Recovery” summer programs will receive a $1,000 incentive
payment after completion of the programs. This incentive will expire at the conclusion of recovery
programs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
M. Programs Outside the Duty Day:
HCPSS personnel employed in after-school extension programs, curriculum writing, or leading
workshops shall be paid a rate of $45 per hour. HCPSS personnel who attend workshops will be
paid a rate of $30 per hour. Every year, starting in FY25, the rate will increase by the same COLA
applied to the 10 month teacher salary scale.
Other Certificated Staff
Fiscal Year 2024 (Effective July 1, 2023)
10 Months
11 Months
Staff Dvlp.
12 Months
Grade I
Grade II
Grade III
Notes: Article 20, Other Certificated Staff
Entry level placement on Grade II or Grade III due to promotion is determined by the individual’s current
salary multiplied by a factor of eleven tenths (11/10ths) or twelve-tenths (12/10ths), depending on
promotion to an eleven (11)- or twelve (12)-month position. If a step on the appropriate salary scale
matches an individual’s newly computed salary, the individual is placed on that step. If an individual’s
computed salary is between steps, the placement is on the step above the individual’s computed step.
Interscholastic Athletics Coaches’/Advisors’ Stipends
The assignment of coaches/advisors will follow the procedures outlined in the HCPSS policy on the
Selection of Coaches and Advisors of High School Extracurricular Activities, unless stated
otherwise in this agreement. Acceptance of such assignment shall be voluntary and for a single
season for coaches or a single school year of advisors. A coach/advisor will be notified by the
Superintendent/ designee no later than 60 days after the completion of the activity if they will be the
coach/ advisor the following year.
Compensation for coaches and advisors in schools where a program is funded by the board:
Adjustments within classifications at individual schools may be made by the principal based on
student participation and staffing needs, subject to the approval of the Superintendent/designee.
Every year, starting in FY25, the stipends will increase by the same COLA applied to the 10-month
teacher salary scale.
High School
Allied Sports
Bowling (1)
Soccer (1)
Softball (1)
Varsity, (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Basketball Boys
Varsity (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Basketball Girls
Varsity (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Fall Varsity (1)
Fall Junior Varsity (1)
Winter Varsity (1)
Winter Junior Varsity (1)
Cross Country
Varsity (2)
Field Hockey
Varsity (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Varsity, head coach (1)
Varsity, assistant (2)
Junior Varsity (2)
Varsity (1)
Indoor Track Boys
Varsity (1)
Indoor Track Girls
Varsity (1)
Lacrosse Boys
Varsity (1)
Assistant (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Lacrosse Girls
Varsity (1)
Assistant (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Outdoor Track Boys
Varsity (1)
Assistant (1)
Outdoor Track Girls
Varsity (1)
Assistant (1)
Varsity (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Junior Varsity
Varsity (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Varsity (1)
Varsity (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Freshman (1)
Varsity (1)
Junior Varsity (1)
Graduation Coordinator (1)
ATHS (1)
(National Technical Honor Society)
Band Front (1)
(Career & Technology Student Org.)
FIRST Robotics (1)
Future Educators of America (1)
It's Academic (1)
Junior Class Advisor (1)
Math Team (1)
National Honor Society (1)
Newspaper (1)
Pom Poms (1)
Speech/NFL (National Forensic
League) (1)
Student Council (1)
Senior Class Advisor (1)
Yearbook (1)
Dance (1)
Music; Orchestra (1)*
Vocal Music (1)
Dramatics (1)
Music; Instrumental (1)
Stage Production (1; 2 productions)
*Orchestra directors only assigned .5 to one school will receive half the stipend amount
Middle School/Elementary Schools
A. Intramural and Co-curricular Activities
Middle School intramural and co-curricular sponsors will be compensated $450 per activity as
approved by the Superintendent/designee.
B. Elementary/Middle School Advisors Stipends
Band Director
Chorus Director
Orchestra Director
Notes: Article 20, Salary Schedules
A. Part-Time Teachers
a. A part-time teacher is a teacher assigned to one of the part-time teacher salary categories noted
Part- time
Number of
Minutes in Teacher
Work Day
Number of
Planning Minutes
in Teacher Work
Number of Duty
Free Lunch
Minutes in Teacher
Work Day
Number of
TOTAL Minutes
in Teacher Work
b. A 30-minute lunch period and planning time, as referenced in the chart above, will be provided
for teachers assigned to a .5 and higher position.
c. A part-time teacher’s salary will be computed based on the percentage of instructional time and
any other assigned responsibilities scheduled during the regular school day.
d. The percentage of any sick and personal leave will be consistent with the percentage of the
e. Reimbursement for health benefits for a part-time teacher, .5 and above is outlined in Article 22,
Insurance Protection.
f. Salary category .90 shall not be used to develop a teaching schedule in any four-period day
high school unless the tenured teacher voluntarily selects the .90 category designation.
B. Any teacher residing out of county who is a parent or legal guardian of a child enrolled in a Howard
County public school shall receive a 50% discount on HCPSS tuition while the teacher is employed
with HCPSS. This benefit shall cease at the time of the employee’s severance with the school
I. Upon payment of tuition, a non-resident student whose parent is a school-based HCPSS .5
or greater full-time equivalent employee may be admitted to the HCPSS and enrolled in the
school to which the parent is assigned or into a school within a prescribed feeder pattern
cluster. If the employee leaves a .5 or greater full-time equivalent employment, the non-
resident student may complete the current school year.
II. Upon payment of tuition, a non-resident student whose parent is a non-school-based .5 or
greater full-time equivalent represented by the Howard County Education Association, may
be admitted to the HCPSS and enrolled into a school within the prescribed feeder pattern
cluster as determined by HCPSS. If the employee leaves .5 or greater full-time equivalent
employment, the non-resident student may complete the current school year only.
III. A resident student whose parent is a .5 or greater full-time equivalent, school-based HCPSS
employee may be enrolled in the school to which the parent is assigned or into a school
within a prescribed feeder pattern cluster.
IV. A resident or non-resident student who is the child of a HCPSS employee requesting
reassignment must maintain enrollment in the school where assigned during a given school
year. The student can attend the reassigned school and the associated feeder cluster
schools through the student’s entire education as long as the parent remains an employee
at the work location where the reassignment was granted.
C. Teachers hired on or after April 1 shall not be eligible for any increment negotiated for the
subsequent fiscal year.
D. Paraeducators who are or were employed as paraeducators with the Howard County Public School
System will be granted service credit not to exceed ten (10) years for the purpose of placement on
the Teachers Salary Scale, if and when they become Howard County teachers. This provision only
applies to paraeducators hired beginning in FY08.
Article 21: Deductions from Salary
A. The Board agrees to deduct from teachers’ salaries membership dues and assessments for the
Howard County Education Association, the Maryland State Education Association, and the National
Education Association as said teachers individually and voluntarily authorize to deduct through an
appropriate written authorization form prepared by the Association. The Board agrees to transmit
such monies promptly to the Association.
1. Deductions shall be made in equal installments beginning with the last pay in September or the
first pay in October, providing the list of names and dollar amounts of those Association
members who authorize deductions is presented to the Payroll Department at least ten (10)
calendar days prior to the first pay date in October.
2. The Association will certify to the Board in writing the current rate of membership dues.
3. The Association will give the Board thirty (30) days’ written notice prior to the effective date of
any change in the rate of dues.
4. In the event a teacher terminates employment, the Board shall deduct, when possible, the
unpaid dues for the current membership year from the teacher’s final check and transmit these
dues promptly to the Association.
B. Payroll deductions will be available at the request of the individual teacher for:
1. Credit Union
2. Educators’ Financial Group
3. Fund for Children and Public Education
4. Help-A-Child Fund
5. Horace Mann Life
6. Hospitalization, Health, Major Medical
7. MD State Retirement and Pension System
8. Tax Sheltered Annuities in existence and utilized by unit members during the 1989- 90 school
9. Additional tax-sheltered annuities as established by the Board of Education based on criteria
developed by the Board of Education. It is understood the companies agree to cooperate with
the Board in the collection procedures.
10. Teacher Association Dues
11. United Teacher Association Insurance
12. United Way (Including Bright Minds Foundation)
13. Voluntary benefits, including short term disability
C. The Board agrees to deduct charitable contributions from teachers’ salaries only when the teacher
has duly authorized such deduction and has voluntarily determined the amount of such a
contribution. No individual quotas will be established. Teachers shall not be pressured to give to
D. The rights and/or privileges granted to the Association will not be granted to any other teachers’
group or organization during the term of this Agreement.
Article 22: Insurance Protection
A. Life Insurance
The Board shall pay the full cost for group term life insurance protection equal to a teacher's base
salary (to the nearest thousand), with a minimum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to be paid to the
teacher’s designated beneficiary upon death and, in the event of accidental death, a sum not less
than two (2) times that amount.
B. Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance
For teachers with a start date on or before June 30, 2011, the Board shall pay eighty-six percent
(86%) of the premium cost of a group medical plan including prescription drugs for each teacher
and covered eligible dependent(s).
For teachers with a start date on or after July 1, 2011, and on/or before June 30, 2021,the Board
shall pay eighty-five percent (85%) of the premium cost of a group medical plan including
prescription drugs for the teacher and eligible dependent(s).
For employees with a continuous service date on or after July 1, 2021, the Board shall pay eighty-
four percent (84%) of the premium cost of a group medical plan including prescription drugs for the
employee and covered eligible dependents(s).
For the 2022 plan year, specialist copays are increasing by $5.00. The Aetna and CareFirst HMO
plans will change from $15.00 to $20.00 and the Aetna PPO plan will change from $20.00 to
The Board will offer teachers enrolled under the Variety of Insurance Program (VIP) dental and
vision plan(s). Employees may elect to purchase dental and/or vision coverage for eligible
The selection and removal of health, dental, and/or vision carriers and their respective plans is at
the Board’s discretion.
The Board will establish a committee, to include representation from all bargaining units, to provide
input on the HCPSS health benefits program.
C. Variety of Insurance Program (VIP) Medical, Dental, and Vision Program
1. Teacher Election of Variety of Insurance Programs (VIP)
a. Once a teacher elects to participate in the VIP Program, they will not be allowed to
participate in a prior insurance arrangement.
b. The third party administrator will determine the usual and customary charges twice a year by
using the average charges for the service area where the services were performed.
2. Teacher Selection of Optional Benefits under the VIP Program
a. If a teacher elects to participate or becomes eligible to participate in the VIP Program, they
must select among the optional benefits offered as part of the VIP Program. These optional
benefits include:
(1) Medical Plan(s)
(2) Dental Plan(s)
(3) Vision Care Plan(s)
(4) Flexible Spending Accounts, including:
(a) Dependent Care Account
(b) Health Care Spending Account
(5) Benefit Dollars (pro-rated for part-time employees).
Information on health, dental, and/or vision plans will be made available to eligible employees
during the Open Enrollment Period.
b. The selection of optional benefits is an irrevocable election for the entire Plan Year except
the election may be revoked and a new selection of benefits made if the teacher has a
change in family status (e.g., marriage, divorce, change in same-sex domestic partner
status, death of spouse or child, birth or adoption of child, or termination of employment of
spouse, or same-sex domestic partner). This applies not only to participation in the insured
programs, but also to the level of participation in the Dependent Care Account and the
Health Care Spending Account.
c. Each open enrollment period as established by the Board, teachers electing or eligible to
participate in the VIP Program will be given the opportunity to change the benefits they have
selected. Each year teachers will be informed of any changes in the VIP Program. This will
give each teacher the chance to review and compare various benefit alternatives in order to
make the proper selection during the open enrollment period.
d. Each Medical Plan alternative (including electing no Medical Plan) will have a specified
number of "benefit credits" associated with its selection. These benefit credits may be used
to purchase any of the optional insured benefits (Vision and Dental Plans or teacher
contributions for medical coverage) or contribute to the Dependent Care Account or Health
Care Spending Account.
e. Each insured benefit option (Medical, Vision, and Dental Plans) will have a "price tag" or
cost to a teacher if that particular benefit is selected. Benefit credits may be used to
purchase or pay the price of each insured's benefit selected. Amounts contributed to the
Dependent Care Account or Health Care Spending Account are optional with teachers
choosing to contribute any amount within the plan limits. Teachers may, however, purchase
benefits whose total price tags exceed their benefit credits. In this case, the teacher must
make up the difference through teacher contributions. All contributions to the VIP Program
will be on a pretax basis. This means that federal and state income taxes will not be
withheld on teacher contributions nor will these contributions be included in a teacher's
gross wages as reported on W-2 Form. FICA tax will not be withheld. Teacher contributions
will be included in the annual salary for retirement and life insurance purposes.
f. Participants in the Dependent Care Account must meet tax law requirements in order to
participate in this plan. Contributions may only be used to reimburse a teacher for expenses
actually incurred during the Plan Year for which they were contributed. Any amounts
remaining in the Dependent Assistance Account at the end of the Plan Year will be forfeited.
g. The Health Care Spending Account will operate similar to the Dependent Care Account. The
most important facts are that amounts contributed may only be used to reimburse expenses
incurred during the Plan Year for which they were contributed, and amounts remaining at
the end of the Plan Year will be forfeited.
h. Teachers may elect to receive their unused benefit dollars in cash, which will be added to
their regular pay check. If the teacher elects this option, the payments will be prorated on a
per-pay basis. This amount is taxable.
i. Total teacher contributions to the Dependent Care Account and/or Health Care Spending
Account will all be prorated on a per-pay basis.
j. Teachers hired during the Plan Year will make their selection in advance of becoming
eligible for VIP Program benefits. This election will be in effect for the remainder of the Plan
Year (except for a qualified life status change creating a special enrollment period for
individuals who did not enroll in a group health plan when they were first eligible due to the
existence of alternative coverage.
D. Comparison of VIP Medical Plans
Summary of 84-85 Plan (Revised) Alternate Plan
Hospital Expenses
Room, Board & General
Semi-private room rate for 365
Semi-private room rate for 365
Diagnostic Testing Lab
Work & X-rays Inpatient
Covered in full for 365 days
Covered in full for 365 days
Use of Hospital
Outpatient facilities
Covered in full
Covered in full
Extended care facility
Covered in full for combined
hospital maximum of 365 days
Covered in full for combined
hospital maximum of 365 days
Physician Services
100% of the usual and
reasonable charge
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 80% of the next
$2500, 100% thereafter
Surgery - Outpatient
100% of the usual and
reasonable charge
100% of the usual and
reasonable charge
Mental and Nervous
30 days in full; then after
$100/$200 deductible, plan
pays 80% of covered
30 days in full; then after
$100/$200 deductible, plan
pays 80% of covered
After $100/$200 deductible
plan pays 52% of plan
allowable amount for the first
20 visits per year, then 50% of
the plan allowable amount
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 52% of plan
allowable amount for the first
20 visits per year, then 50% of
the plan allowable amount
Other Services
Ambulance Service
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 80% of the next
$2500; 100% thereafter
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 80% of the next
$2500; 100% thereafter
Diagnostic Testing, Lab
Work & X-rays
100% of the usual and
reasonable charge
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 80% of the next
$2500; 100% thereafter
Prescription Drug
When not covered by any
other plan, after $100/$200
deductible, plan pays 80% of
the next $2500; 100%
When not covered by any
other plan, after $100/$200
deductible, plan pays 80% of
the next $2500; 100%
Home Health Care
100% of the usual and
reasonable charge for up to 90
days each calendar year.
Physician’s services limited to
one visit per day.
Maximum of 40 Home
Health Aid visits per calendar
100% of the usual and
reasonable charge for up to 90
days each calendar year.
Physician’s services limited to
one visit per day.
Maximum of 40 Home
Health Aid visits per calendar
Summary of 84-85 Plan (Revised) Alternate Plan
Orthopedic & Prosthetic
Devices Outpatient
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 80% of the next
$2500; 100% thereafter
100% of the usual and
reasonable charge, subject to
certain limitations
Physical Therapy &
Rehabilitation Outpatient
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 80% of the next
$2500; 100% thereafter
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 80% of the next
$2500; 100% thereafter
Voluntary Second
Surgical Opinion
100% of physician’s fee; 100%
of X-ray and lab fees
100% of physician’s fee; 100%
of x-ray and lab fees
Preadmission Testing
100% of hospital charges
ordered by physician
100% of hospital charges
ordered by physician
100% of the usual and
reasonable charge
After $100/$200 deductible,
plan pays 80% of the next
$2500; 100% thereafter
Emergency Treatment
Hospital Charges
100% of hospital charges
within 72 hours of accidental
injury or onset of serious
100% of hospital charges
within 72 hours of accidental
injury or onset of serious
Physician’s Fees
100% of the usual and
reasonable charges within 72
hours of accidental or onset of
serious illness
100% of the usual and
reasonable charges within 72
hours of accidental or onset of
serious illness.
Annual Deductibles
$100 per individual to a
maximum of $200 per family
$100 per individual to a
maximum of $200 per family
Maximum out-of- pocket
Per Year
Lifetime Maximum Benefit
Basic benefits plus
Major Medical
Hospital benefits, plus
$1,000,000 Major Medical
E. Comparison of Dental Benefits
84-85 Dental Plan
Alternate 2nd Dental Plan
% of UCR
% of UCR
Oral examination
X-rays 100%
Fluoride Treatment
Emergency Treatment
Fillings (not gold foil)
Simple Extractions
Root Canal
Prosthetic Repair
Space Maintainers
Surgical Extractions
Oral Surgery
Dentures and Bridges
Maximum Annual Benefit
Orthodontic Maximum Lifetime
*Subject to Missing Tooth
*Are dentures and bridges
covered for teeth missing before
dental coverage?
Only after satisfying a 5- year
waiting period
F. Vision Program
1. Schedule of Benefits
Vision Exam...Reasonable and Customary Charge
(Limited to one per 12-month period)
(Per Pair)
Total Allowance
Double Bifocal
Contact Lenses
(Per pair):
Cosmetic (in lieu of
frames & lenses)
Bifocal Contact Lenses
Medically Required*
* Following cataract surgery or when visual acuity is correctable to at least 20/70 in the
better eye only by use of contact lenses
In some instances, benefits may be provided toward two vision exams during the same
benefit period.
2. Benefits are not available for:
a. Replacement or repair of broken or lost frames and lenses (including contacts) for which
benefits were provided.
b. Sunglasses (lenses tinted darker than #2 tint), even if prescribed -- unless you purchase a
contract specifically covering sunglasses. Photochromic lenses are not considered
3. Details:
a. This Program provides 100% of the reasonable and customary charge for a vision exam
performed by an Ophthalmologist or Optometrist.
b. The Program entitles members to coverage of services once every 12 months, starting with
the initial visit for vision services. To receive benefits, an invoice must be submitted to the
insurance carrier.
G. Employees with at least 15 years of cumulative service with HCPSS, are retiring with the Maryland
State Retirement Pension System, and are enrolled in one of the school system’s medical,
prescription, dental, and/or vision plans for at least one full year immediately prior to retirement
date, are eligible for a Board contribution towards the cost of retiree coverage in accordance with
the HCPSS Benefits Enrollment Guide for Retirees.
Article 23: Sick Leave Bank
A. Teachers on active duty in Howard County are eligible to contribute to a sick leave bank.
Contributors will be permitted to apply for leave from the bank to cover regularly scheduled duty
days for periods of personal illness, injury, or quarantine which are not only prolonged but are also
catastrophic and incapacitating and which are not likely to permanently disable the teacher. New
members of the sick leave bank may not access the bank until a 60 school-day waiting period has
been met.
B. The contribution on the appropriate form will be authorized by the teacher and continued from year
to year until canceled in writing by the member. Cancellation, on the proper form, may be elected at
any time, and the member shall not be eligible to use the bank as of the effective cancellation date.
Sick leave properly authorized for contribution to the bank will not be returned if the member effects
C. Enrollment Period - The annual enrollment period shall be from July 1 to October 31. Teachers
returning from an extended leave of absence and new teachers may contribute within thirty (30)
calendar days upon reassignment or employment. Teachers returning from extended sick leave
shall be permitted to contribute to the bank upon approval of the committee.
D. Annual rate contribution shall be a maximum of one (1) day per year as determined after
examination of the 3-year usage trend data by the Association. This information will be forwarded to
the Superintendent/Designee for approval prior to October 1 of each year.
E. The maximum number of sick days that can be granted in any one fiscal year will be the remaining
number of duty days a teacher is scheduled to work. In no case will the granting of leave from the
bank cause a teacher to receive more than his annual salary.
F. Teachers must use all accumulated sick leave and all but two (2) days of accumulated personal
leave before receiving leave from the bank. Application for use of the bank shall be made on the
required form and submitted to the approval committee. For a definition of “accumulated”, please
see Article 1.B.
G. A four-member approval committee, comprised of three members appointed by the president of the
Association, and one member appointed by the superintendent, shall have the responsibility of
receiving requests, verifying the validity of requests, recommending approval or denial of the
requests, and communicating its decision to the teacher and the Superintendent/designee. The
Association shall develop its rules of procedure and shall give wide distribution to said rules upon
approval of the Board of Directors of the Association. Approved procedures shall be posted on the
HCPSS website annually no later than October 1.
H. The Payroll Department shall verify that sick leave is exhausted and that accrued personal leave
does not exceed the 2-day maximum. Upon notification by the committee, Payroll shall credit the
affected teacher with the number of days granted.
I. If a teacher does not use all of the days granted from the bank, the unused sick leave bank days
will be returned to the bank.
J. Bank grants will not be automatically carried over from one fiscal year to another. All bank grants
will end as of June 30 or the last duty day of the school year and must be renewed through the
approval committee.
K. The Association shall provide the Superintendent with an annual sick Bank Report by August 31 of
each year detailing the beginning balance of the sick bank, additions to the sick bank, deductions
from the sick bank, and ending balance of the sick bank as of June 30 each year. HCEA and the
Superintendent/Designee will provide each other quarterly sick bank reports on the days and hours
granted and used for accounting and compliance purposes only.
Article 24: Family Crisis Leave Exchange
The purpose of the Family Crisis Leave Exchange (FCLE) is to provide sick leave to HCEA certificated
unit members after their accumulated sick leave, personal leave, annual leave, and any other paid
leave available to them (e.g., Workers' Compensation) has been exhausted. The exchange is intended
solely for situations that are catastrophic and life-threatening to members of their immediate family and
that require a unit member to be temporarily absent from their assignment. This leave is not available
for an employee's personal illness or injury. The exchange will be funded by voluntary contributions of
sick, personal, or annual leave. For a definition of “accumulated”, please see Article 1.B.
A. Rules & Eligibility
1. A request for leave may be made only relating to a catastrophic and life¬ threatening illness or
injury of a member of the immediate family that qualifies as a "medical emergency" under IRS
Regulations. Immediate family member means the unit member's spouse, child, or parent. Child
includes the biological, adopted, foster, step, legal ward, or child of a person who stands in the
shoes of a parent to that child. (See BOE Policy 7100 Family Medical Leave)
2. The applicant shall not be employed during their normal HCPSS work hours in any other
capacity during the covered period.
3. If the applicant is receiving a second income, (i.e., from a second job, benefit) that information
must be disclosed to the FCLE Committee (the Committee). This will not automatically disqualify
an applicant, but it will be a factor in the committee’s decision.
4. A unit member may receive a maximum grant for 1 catastrophic, life-threatening illness in
any three (3) year period.
5. A maximum grant shall be thirty (30) consecutive workdays.
B. Procedures
1. An applicant must use all accumulated sick, personal, annual or any other available paid leave
(if applicable) before receiving leave from the FCLE.
2. Application must be made in writing to the FCLE Committee in care of the HCEA office, stating
the details of the circumstances and the likely duration.
3. The HCPSS Payroll Department shall verify the unit member's leave status to the Committee.
4. A written statement detailing the condition, treatment plan, and diagnosis of applicant's
immediate family member must be submitted to the FCLE by the attending physician(s) before
any FCLE can be granted.
C. Functions of the FCLE Committee
1. A three (3) member Committee, with two (2) members appointed by the HCEA President and
approved by the HCEA Board of Directors, and One (1) member from the office of HCPSS
Payroll and Benefits, shall have the responsibility of receiving requests, verifying the validity of
requests (including qualification under IRS Regulations), recommending approval or denial of
the request, and communicating its decision to the applicant and the appropriate division(s) of
the Howard County Public School System. The Committee shall develop rules and procedures
and shall give wide distribution to said rules upon approval of the HCEA Board of Directors and
the Superintendent. The HCEA Business Manager (or liaison) shall be an ex officio member of
the committee.
2. The Committee may approve any request only if all members of the Committee agree that it is a
qualifying illness and approve the application.
3. The Committee shall notify the applicant of its decision, in writing, within ten (10) workdays.
4. If the application is approved, the Committee will notify potential voluntary contributors in the
following order:
a. applicant’s spouse, if the spouse is an active HCPSS employee
b. unit members at the applicant's worksite (s)
c. unit members at other work sites (if needed)
5. The Committee shall notify the appropriate HCPSS Departments, supervisors, and the building
level administrators (if appropriate) if an application is granted.
6. If an application is denied, the Committee's decision may be appealed within fifteen (15)
calendar days after notification of the decision to the joint Appeals Committee of four
representatives; two shall be appointed by the HCEA Board of Directors and two shall be
appointed by the Superintendent. Any appeal shall be submitted in writing to the HCEA office.
The decision by the joint committee is final and binding unless the illness/injury fails to qualify as
a medical emergency under IRS Regulations.
7. Any abuse of the FCLE will result in forfeiture of days granted and will prohibit any future use of
the FCLE.
a. The applicant will be informed in writing of suspected abuse of the FCLE.
b. The Committee will investigate any accusations of abuse. If abuse is determined, any
remaining days granted shall be forfeited.
c. If abuse is determined, the unit member shall be informed of the right to appeal the decision
to the FCLE joint Appeals Committee referenced in number 6 above.
D. Contributions
1. Spousal volunteers who wish to contribute any of their earned sick, personal, or annual leave
must have a minimum of five (5) accrued leave days remaining after the contribution.
2. Other volunteers who wish to contribute any of their earned sick, personal, or annual leave must
have a minimum of fifteen (15) accrued leave days remaining after the contribution.
3. Contributions from other volunteers are limited to a maximum contribution of two (2) earned
days in any individual case as follows:
16-29 accrued days = 1day available to donate
30+ accrued days = up to 2 days available to donate
4. Contributors must complete and sign the "Family Crisis Leave Exchange Donation Form" and
return the form to the HCEA Office. (5082 Dorsey Hall Drive, Suite 102, Ellicott City, MD 21042)
5. HCEA shall establish a database system to track the donations, along with their utilization.
6. HCEA shall provide the Payroll and Human Resources Departments:
a. name of recipient
b. evidence of qualification as a medical emergency under IRS Regulations
c. names of contributors and number of days donated by each contributor
d. number of days granted
e. number of days used
7. Days contributed, if approved, will be granted in the order they were received.
8. All unused contributions shall be returned to those who contributed them in the reverse order
they were received, should a successful applicant:
a. return to work prior to using full grant
b. experience a change in status related to reasons for qualifying use of FCLE
c. abuse the FCLE
d. qualify for any other type of leave
E. The exchange balance shall remain at zero (0) until the next request.
F. The Committee will function on an “as needed” basis.
Article 25: General
A. If any provision of this Agreement or any application of this Agreement to any teacher or group of
teachers is held to be contrary to law, then such provision or application will not be deemed valid
and subsisting, except to the extent permitted by law, but all other provisions or applications will
continue in full force and effect.
B. It is agreed that this Agreement includes all items to be requested by the Association for inclusion in
the Board of Education Budget Requests.
C. This Agreement incorporates the entire understanding of the parties on all matters which were the
subject of negotiations; and, during the term of this Agreement, neither party will be required to
negotiate with respect to any matter whether or not covered by this Agreement and whether or not
within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or
executed this Agreement. This provision, however, in no way limits the implementation of the
Grievance Procedure as set forth in Article III.
D. The Association recognizes and accepts responsibility to adhere to existing policies of the Board of
Education not modified or changed by the expressed terms of this Agreement.
E. This Agreement may not be modified in whole or in part by the parties except by an instrument in
writing duly executed by both parties.
F. Each member of the negotiating unit shall receive a copy of this Agreement. Reproduction of this
Agreement shall be mutually agreed upon and the cost shared equally by the Board and the
G. “Same-sex Domestic Partner” as used throughout this Agreement means an individual approved by
the Board to receive Domestic Partner Benefits under criteria established by the Board. Domestic
Partner Benefits and coverages cannot begin until Same-sex Domestic Partner status is approved
by the Board and will be provided as permitted by law. The above language shall only apply to
those employees who currently receive same sex domestic partner protection under the negotiated
agreement as of January 1, 2015, and current employees residing outside of Maryland in states that
do not recognize same sex marriage.
Appendix A: Benefits Advisory Committee
The Board agrees to establish a Benefits Advisory Committee to provide recommendations into
maintaining quality and affordable benefits. It is understood that the recommendations of the committee
do not constitute negotiations and are only advisory.
The focus of the committee shall be to:
A. Make recommendations on cost containment strategies;
B. Study, discuss and recommend possible plan design changes and rate setting;
C. Develop strategies to educate employees regarding benefit plans;
D. Make recommendations on the insurance fund balance/reserve;
E. Make recommendations on the HCPSS budget mark for funding employee benefits;
F. Evaluate insurance vendor bids;
G. Participate in benefit bid process;
H. Review monthly reports of claims data s compared to the projection of costs to be aware of the
The Benefits Advisory Committee will be provided with full access, within HIPAA guidelines, to plan
utilization and vendor performance, outcome and cost data, including vendor contracts, to facilitate their
work towards increasing market transparency and reducing costs.
The Benefits Advisory Committee will meet at least six (6) times per year. The committee will report to
the Chief Business and Technology Officer on its work as needed. A copy of their report(s) will be
forwarded to the Association/Union president for possible use in negotiations.
The composition of the committee will include up to three (3) representatives appointed by and
representing the Board, one (1) representative from each bargaining unit within the Association/Union
(e.g., HCEA-Certificated and HCEA-ESP) appointed by the President who is a current employee or the
president may appointment themselves, one (1) representative from each of the other employee groups
appointed by their president or the president may appoint themselves, and one (1) person representing
the retired employees’ association.
The Association/Union representative appointed to the committee shall be released from their duties, if
necessary, for meetings of the committee without loss of salary whenever such meetings are held
during the duty day.
Once appointed, the Committee will elect a chairperson and vice chairperson from the employee/retiree
representatives group. The committee shall develop operational procedures to assist them in their
work, which may include subject matter experts, to support the focus of the committee as indicated
Appendix B: Voluntary Transfers
July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023
An efficient, successful voluntary transfer process is a shared priority of HCEA and HCPSS. The
parties recognize the need to communicate in a coordinated, expeditious manner.
A. All employees who desire to transfer to another building, department, or K-12 level for the following
school year, shall notify the Office of Human Resources of such request, no earlier than February 1
and no later than April 15 of the current school year. Please note teachers who wish to move to a
different content area within their building should not use the voluntary transfer process. School
principals will provide an opportunity for teachers to document their desire to move to a different
grade level or content.
B. Requests for transfer are to be in writing and use the established online system. Vacancy
information will be provided to those seeking voluntary transfers as soon as possible. This
information will be updated weekly, up until August 1. There is no limit on the number of
schools/work sites an employee (as identified in paragraph A above) can apply for.
C. If a vacancy occurs after August 1 in a building, department, K-12 level, or a different content or
certification area, the employee may, in rare cases, still be considered. Any such transfer will be
approved by the Department of Human Resources and/or School Management and Instructional
D. An employee can withdraw their transfer request at any time up until they accept a transfer for the
following school year. An employee will have one business day to accept/deny in writing, via email,
any transfer offered by the principal.
E. Voluntary Transfer Job Fairs will be held in the spring of each year. When possible, dates for the
Job Fairs will be established and advertised to all employees prior to the closing of the transfer
process window.
1. All schools will participate in the Job Fairs with adequate staff to conduct interviews.
2. Employees who are unable to attend the Job Fairs can request an interview directly with the
principals of schools to which they would like to transfer. Principals are encouraged to
accommodate the request but are not required to do so. Interviews may not be held prior to the
dates of the Job Fairs.
3. In order to maximize the number of transfer employees who can meet with a principal, Job Fair
interviews may be limited.
F. Principals are encouraged to consider internal school applicants, with proper certification and
current endorsements.
G. Principals are encouraged to consider current HCPSS employees who apply for voluntary transfers
over external candidates.
H. Teachers returning from leave granted under Article 17, Sections A, B, and D, and teachers who
are involuntarily transferred will be placed ahead of 1) teachers returning from an approved leave of
absence; 2) teachers requesting a voluntary transfer (except in situations where placement has
already occurred before surplus teachers have been designated); and 3) persons newly hired.
I. An employee who requests a voluntary transfer will have the ability to provide a link to their resume
and/or cover letter on the transfer form.
J. The timelines/dates described in this memorandum of understanding may be waived by mutual
agreement of the Howard County Board of Education and the Howard County Education
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Memorandum of Understanding
on the date set forth herein.
David Larner, Chief Negotiator
Howard County Education Association