Including the annual financial report
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Selected financial information 4
Highlights of the
2019 financial year 6
Highlights of the beginning
of the 2020 financial year 10
1.1 Market and environment 13
1.2 Strategic outlook 18
1.3 Activities 24
2.1 Composition of the Board of Directors 48
2.2 Organization and functioning
of the Board of Directors 75
2.3 Activities and functioning of the Board
of Directors and its Committees 83
2.4 Summary table of the AFEP-MEDEF
Code’s comply or explain
recommendations not applied 93
2.5 Compensation of the company ocers 94
2.6 CEO Committee 116
2.7 Group Executive Committee 117
2.8 Share capital and
shareholder structure 118
3.1 Enterprise risk management 130
3.2 Risk factors and their management 132
3.3 Organization and functioning
of internal control 147
4.1 Creating long - term value for all our
stakeholders 156
4.2 Human resources 164
4.3 Environmental impact 181
4.4 Customer trust 201
4.5 Ethics and compliance 206
4.6 Societal value 209
4.7 Report by one of the Statutory Auditors 216
5.1 Investments and financing 222
5.2 Comments on the financial statements 224
5.3 Key financial indicators 228
5.4 Subsequent events
and outlook for 2020 231
Financial statements
5.5 Consolidated financial statements 234
5.6 Notes to the consolidated
financial statements 241
5.7 Statutory Auditors’ report
on the consolidated financial statements 321
5.8 Statutory financial statements 327
5.9 Five - year results summary 339
5.10 Statutory Auditors’ report
on the financial statements 340
5.11 Statutory Auditors’ special report
on regulated agreements 344
6.1 History 348
6.2 General information 350
6.3 Information on the agreements
concluded in connection with
the business combination between
Air France and KLM 351
6.4 Legislative and regulatory environment
for the air transport industry 353
6.5 Information and control 356
Air transport glossary 358
Financial glossary 360
Table of concordance for the Universal
Registration Document 362
Information included by reference 364
Table of concordance for
the Annual Financial Report 365
The components of the
Annual Financial Report are identified
in the index by the following pictogram
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Group profile
In its principal businesses of passenger and cargo transportation, low-cost operations and
aircraft maintenance, AirFrance - KLM is a leading global player.
This Universal Registration Document is an unocial translation of the French Document d’enregistrement
universel, which was filed with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers on April 17, 2020, as competent authority
under Regulation (EU) 2017/1129, without prior approval pursuant to Article 9 of the said regulation.
The Universal Registration Document may be used for the purposes of a public oer of securities or the
admission of securities to trading on a regulated market if it is approved by the AMF, together with any
amendments if applicable, a transaction memorandum and a summary approved in accordance with
Regulation (EU) 2017/1129. In the event of any ambiguity or discrepancy between this unocial translation
and the French Document d’Enregistrement Universel, the French version shall prevail.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document2
Paris, April 17, 2020
Dear Shareholders,
As I write this, the world is experiencing an
unprecedented health crisis. The global fight against
Covid - 19 is underway, and our economies and
societies are reeling. This is an unprecedented
chapter in the history of the Air France - KLM Group,
as well as for the airline industry as a whole.
Our Group is committed to tackling this crisis and
demonstrating that we have all the assets to
overcome it, as we have done time and time again
throughout our history.
Our primary asset is the 83,000employees at the
Air France - KLM Group. Whether at Air France,
KLM, Transavia, Hop! or KLM Cityhopper, on board
our aircraft, at the airports, in our maintenance
hangars, on the runways or in our sales departments
around the world, our employees have shown
exceptional commitment and dedication since the
beginning of this crisis They have worked tirelessly
to transport medical equipment and to repatriate
more than 300,000of our fellow French, Dutch
and European compatriots. It is also in these
moments that we can see the true strength of the
Air France - KLM Group.
Our Group’s assets are plentiful. Throughout 2019,
we have been building the foundations of our
Group’s go forward plan: renewed managerial
governance, simplification of our brands, clarification
of our products, harmonization of our fleet, and
greater trust and stability in our relationships with
our labor partners.
In 2019, we accelerated our fleet renewal plans.
With the order for 38Airbus A350s and 60Airbus
A220s, and the phasing out of our Airbus A380s
and Airbus A340s, Air France is continuing to
simplify while adding greater operational flexibility.
With a future fleet of long - haul aircraft comprising
Boeing 777s and Boeing 787s, and the Boeing 737
for its medium - haul network, KLM will gain a major
competitive advantage thanks to this simplicity.
Our Group is committed to tackling this crisis and
demonstrating that we have all the assets to overcome
it, as we have done time and time again throughout
our history.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 3
IN 2019
The introduction of new aircraft into our fleet
is also a lever for accelerating our sustainable
growth. Having been committed to sustainable
transformation for many years, we again
ranked first on the Dow Jones Sustainability
Index in 2019, positioning us as the industry
leader in terms of sustainability and overall
Corporate Social Responsibility.
This work on our fundamentals has been a
necessary step to solidify the basis of our
future. In November2019, we presented our
strategic trajectory from 2020 to 2025, along
with four key priorities. Firstly, the optimization
of our operating model, to improve the
eciency of our processes. Secondly, to
increase our revenues by leveraging the
power of our hubs and our development in
the most profitable segments of our three
brands Air France, KLM and Transavia. Thirdly,
the development of the Group’s other
businesses such as maintenance, cargo, our
Flying Blue frequent flyer program, and how
best to leverage our customer data. Our last
strategic focus is pragmatic consolidation
opportunities in our sector.
The world post crisis will no longer be the
same. The fundamentals of our strategy
remain, but in a sector that is likely to
undergo profound changes, we must adapt
and accelerate our transformation.
We are determined to see Air France - KLM
overcome this crisis and become a European
champion. With what we have achieved in
2019 and with the extraordinary commitment
of all our employees, I know that we will
succeed, to the benefit of our employees,
our customers, our shareholders, all our
partners, and indeed for future generations.
Benjamin Smith
Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM
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Pursuant to Article 28 of Regulation (EC) No.809/2004 of
April 29, 2004, the following information is incorporated by
reference in this Universal Registration Document (See also
Section5.3–Financial indicators, page 228):
the consolidated financial statements of the Air France - KLM
Group relating to the financial year ended December31, 2018
and the relevant Statutory Auditors’ Report, as published in
Sections 5.5to 5.7 in chapter5of the Air France - KLM Group’s
2018 Registration Document;
the consolidated financial statements of the Air France - KLM
Group relating to the financial year ended December31, 2017
and the relevant Statutory Auditors’ Report, as published in
Sections 5.5to 5.7 in chapter5of the Air France - KLM Group’s
2017 Registration Document;
the review of the financial situation and results for the financial
year ended December31, 2018, as published on pages 4 and
5of the 2018 Registration Document;
the review of the financial situation and the results for the
financial year ended December31, 2017, as published on pages
4 and 5of the 2017 Registration Document.
Since January1, 2019, the Air France - KLM Group has applied the
following accounting changes:
Customer compensation: Compensation payments for cancelled
or delayed flights are recognized as variable compensation
components within the meaning of IFRS15 and must be booked
as a reduction of revenue.
Component approach for Life Limited Parts (LLPs): Internal IT
development and historical data analytics have improved the
Group's ability to track LLP accounting management more
precisely. As a result, since January 1, 2019, the Group has applied
the component approach for these spare parts. This means that
their maintenance costs must be capitalized and amortized over
the useful lives of the LLPs which are expressed in cycles.
As a result, the elements of selected financial information for 2018 are
presented, firstly, as initially reported and, secondly, on a restated basis.
(in € billion)
Revenues stood at €27.2billion, up
by 3.7% versus 2018 restated, notably
thanks to the strong revenue growth
in the low - cost and maintenance
Income from current operations
(in € million)
Income from current operations
stood at €1,141 million, down by
€264million versus 2018 restated.
This decline was due to pressure on
the cargo unit revenue and the
higher fuel bill in 2019.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document4
financial information
Revenue breakdown Breakdown of income from current operations
86% Network
6% Transavia
8% Maintenance
66% Network
11% Transavia
23% Maintenance
(1) Since 2017, the Passenger and Cargo activities have been regrouped under Network.
(2) Third-party revenues.
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Debt ratio
(at December31)
The net debt/EBITDA ratio stood at
1.5x at December31, 2019, a stable
situation explained by the decline in
Net debt
(in € billion)
Net debt stood at €6.15billion at
December 31, 2019, broadly
unchanged on the previous year.
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
(at December31)
The return on capital employed
(ROCE) was 1.9 points lower at
8.5% at the end of 2019, down
relative to 2018 restated, due to the
decline in income from current
operations for the financial year.
Net result, Group part
(in € million)
The net result, Group part stood at
€290million, down by €130million
versus 2018 restated.
Adjusted operating free cash - flow
(in € million)
In 2019, the Group generated
€(385) million of operating free
cash - flow, down by €500 million
relative to the previous year. This
decline is mainly explained by
higher investment in 2019.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 5
financial information
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Signature of employee agreements and simplification
of the brand portfolio at Air France
In January2019, three employee agreements were signed at Air France.
on January10, an agreement between Air France and its Cabin
Crew sta, improving their working conditions while enabling
better service delivery to customers;
on January11, the wage agreement signed with the unions
representing Air France Ground Sta, providing for individual
increases and enabling the financing of exceptional individual
bonuses, thereby oering additional ways to recognize
on February 19, the signature of a Pilot sta category
agreement with the SNPL providing the flexibility required to
support Air France’s new ambition, while foreseeing measures
to improve flight safety, the commercial strategy, operational
robustness, day-to-day life and pilot compensation.
The Cabin Crew agreement also enabled the integration of the
Joon employees and aircraft. The simplification of the brand
portfolio is an undeniable asset for our employees, our customers
and all our partners.
In the same spirit of simplification, from now on the flights
operated by the regional fleet under the Hop! brand are marketed
under the Air France HOP banner.
The Air France - KLM Group can thus rely on two powerful brands,
Air France and KLM, supplemented by regional brands Air France
HOP and KLM Cityhopper, together with a low - cost proposition
via the Transavia brand.
Reinforced agreements between Air France,
KLM and Virgin Atlantic
On March4, Air France, KLM and Virgin Atlantic announced their first
code share agreement, oering their respective customers new
travel options to/from North America, and more opportunities to
earn Miles via their loyalty programs. Thanks to this partnership,
customers of the three airlines can build their ideal journeys
across the Atlantic by choosing from the numerous flight options
operated by Air France, KLM, Virgin Atlantic and Delta.
For customers, these agreements are reflected in a wide choice
of additional flights with 24 new routes between the United
Kingdom and North America on flights via, notably, London-
Heathrow and Manchester, and more options between Paris and
New York via Manchester.
Convertible bond issue
On March20, 2019, Air France - KLM successfully placed bonds
convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing
shares (OCEANEs) due in 2026 for a total of around €500million,
representing 27,901,785underlying shares.
Air France, KLM and Delta celebrate a decade
of their transatlantic joint - venture
On June4, 2019, Air France, KLM and Delta Air Lines celebrated
ten years of their successful transatlantic cooperation. Over the
past decade, the three airlines have soared to new heights by
opening up new routes between Europe and North America, and
improving the service oered to their customers. Built around a
network of seven hubs–five in the United States and two in
Europe–the partnership currently covers Canada, the United
States, Mexico and Europe.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document6
Highlights of the
2019 financial year
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Air France - KLM and Accor strengthen their partnership
around their loyalty programs with more rewards
for their members
Since June20, 2019, the members of the Flying Blue and Accor
Live Limitless loyalty programs have been able to benefit from
Miles+Points, an innovative opportunity enabling them to earn
points and Miles on both their flights and stays: Miles are earned
on hotel stays while Points are earned for each flight and can be
converted for even more ways to redeem.
2019 - 20Winter season: Air France - KLM increases capacity
by 2.5% compared with the Summer 2019 season and
proposes 32new routes
This capacity increase for the Winter season relative to the
Summer season is distributed as follows:
+4% for the long - haul passenger network operations;
-2% for the short and medium - haul passenger network
-1.9% for Transavia’s low - cost operations.
KLM celebrates a centenary of aviation
The longest - standing commercial airline in the world still to be
flying under its original name, on October7, 2019 KLM celebrated
its centenary. A true pioneer in aviation, KLM celebrated this
milestone with its customers and partners underlining not just its
remarkable history of the past ten decades but also the evolution
of aviation and that of society as a whole, of innovation and the
Investor Day: becoming a European champion
At the Investor Day on November 5, 2019, Air France - KLM
presented its go forward plan around four pillars that are key to the
Group's transformation to become a veritable European champion.
optimizing the operational model;
refocusing revenue growth around the most profitable
developing initiatives on customer data, the Flying Blue loyalty
program, maintenance and cargo;
analyzing all the consolidation opportunities.
All these initiatives support the Group’s goal to remain a leader
in the sector’s ecological transition.
Air France - KLM, Delta Air Lines and Virgin Atlantic reinforce
their partnership between Europe and North America
On November 21, 2019, Air France - KLM, Delta Air Lines and
Virgin Atlantic welcomed the US Department of Transportation’s
decision to grant them Antitrust Immunity (ATI) in the framework
of the extension of the transatlantic joint - venture. This regulatory
step now enables the airlines to move forward with their alliance.
In parallel, the partners finalized the expanded joint - venture’s
governance by agreeing simplified decision - making processes
that will enable the joint - venture to deliver its full synergy potential.
This partnership is key to strengthening the Group’s leadership
position between Europe and North America and, from
January2020, will oer its customers the best streamlined travel
experience across the Atlantic.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 7
Highlights of the
2019 financial year
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document8
Highlights of the
2019 financial year
Air France - KLM simplifies and improves its managerial
On February19, 2019, the Air France - KLM Board of Directors
unanimously approved the presentation given by Benjamin
Smith, Chief Executive Ocer of Air France - KLM, outlining his
ambitions, the principles of managerial governance and the
strategic decision - making processes at Group level, aimed at
simplifying and improving the Group’s governance to recapture
the airline leadership position in Europe.
The elements key to attaining the Group’s long - term goals are:
establish a CEO Committee to determine the strategic direction
for all the Group’s airlines and business units. This CEO
Committee is chaired by Benjamin Smith. The other members
of the Committee are Pieter Elbers (President & Chief
Executive Ocer of KLM, and Deputy Chief Executive Ocer
of Air France - KLM), Anne Rigail (Chief Executive Ocer
of Air France and Deputy Chief Executive Ocer of Air France
- KLM) and Frédéric Gagey (Chief Financial Ocer of
Air France - KLM);
increase collaboration across the Group to better capture
synergies and eciencies, aimed at improving overall Group
celebrate the longstanding heritage, reputation and brand
recognition of Air France, KLM and Transavia within their
respective markets, and reinforce the Group’s position at its
two hubs, Amsterdam Schiphol and Paris-Charles de Gaulle;
simplify the Group's decision-making processes in the following
areas: fleet and network strategy, alliances and commercial
strategy, human resources, procurement, digital and customer
data management.
In agreement with the Supervisory Board of KLM, the Air France - KLM
Board of Directors proposed the renewal of Pieter Elbers’ mandate
as President & Chief Executive Ocer of KLM. This renewal was
ratified by the KLM Shareholders’ Meeting of April25, 2019.
Acquisition by the Dutch State of a shareholding
in Air France - KLM
On March 1, 2019, the Dutch State announced that, on
February26, 2019, it had crossed the 5% and 10% thresholds in
Air France - KLM’s share capital and voting rights and held
60,000,000shares, representing the same quantity of voting
rights, i.e. 14.00% of the share capital and 11.91% of the voting
rights in Air France - KLM. The Dutch State stipulated that it had
no plans to purchase more shares in Air France - KLM or a controlling
interest. Following the acquisition of this shareholding, the French
and Dutch States announced the creation of a joint working group
to, notably, investigate changes in the two States’ shareholdings
in Air France - KLM and KLM’s capital structure, together with the
governance rules within the Group.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 9
Next step in the optimization of the Air France - KLM
Group’s long - haul fleet
On June28, 2019, Air France and KLM announced that they were
pursing the optimization of their respective long - haul fleets. To
realize fleet eciencies through harmonization and the growth
of similar aircraft fleets, the airlines will swap the remaining firm
orders for Boeing 787s and A350s between them.
The implementation of this swap means that, in the 2021 - 23
timeframe, the six Boeing 787s ordered for Air France will be
transferred to KLM, and the current seven Airbus A350 - 900s on
order for KLM will be transferred to Air France.
Air France currently operates nine Boeing 787 - 9s and one
additional aircraft is scheduled to arrive in May 2020, resulting in
a fleet of ten Boeing 787 - 9s. In addition, Air France received its
first A350 - 900 in September2019. It already has an additional
20on firm order to which will be added the seven A350 - 900s
initially intended for KLM, resulting in a total of 28aircraft.
KLM currently operates 13Boeing 787 - 9s and received its first
Boeing 787 - 10 in June 2019. This fleet will grow to a total of
21Boeing 787s by the end of 2020 to which will be added the six
Boeing 787s initially intended for Air France, resulting in a total
of 27aircraft.
In parallel, all the options for further fleet development at Air
France within the Air France - KLM Group are currently under
review, in consultancy with all stakeholders.
Air France - KLM accelerates its fleet renewal and orders an
additional 10A350 - 900s for Air France
On December11, 2019, the Air France and Air France - KLM Boards
of Directors reached a decision concerning the replacement of
Air France’s A380s and approved an order for ten A350 - 900s.
With this decision, Air France - KLM is pursuing its fleet
rationalization and simplification strategy.
KLM is already well on its way to simplifying its long - haul fleet
which will ultimately consist of only Boeing 777 and 787aircraft,
sharing a common pilot type rating.
At Air France, this upcoming order will bring the total number of
A350 aircraft to 38, including three that have already been
This is the next step for Air France as it pursues its fleet
simplification strategy. As a result, in 2023, the Air France long - haul
fleet will consist of 116aircraft split amongst only four families:
A330s and A350s, Boeing 777s and 787s. As at KLM, this will bring
Air France greater operational flexibility, as well as the opportunity
to make significant economies of scale, thanks in particular to a
reduction in the number of pilot qualifications required.
These next - generation aircraft will replace the A380s currently
in operation at Air France and which will be retired between now
and the end of 2022. Their arrival will also allow the company
to accelerate the phase - out of the A340s during the first quarter
of 2021.
The A350 - 900combines economic eciency and environmental
performance, with 25% less fuel consumed compared to previous -
generation aircraft, i.e., 2.5liters per passenger/100km. It also
boasts a 40% reduction in noise footprint. The Air France A350 - 900
is equipped with a spacious and silent cabin, a latest - generation
in - flight entertainment system and WiFi connectivity for customer
Highlights of the
2019 financial year
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COVID-19crisis–impact post February2020
As of April17, 2020, as we finalize this 2019 Universal Registration Document, the COVID-19crisis has continued to spread,
leading many countries to take increasingly strict measures, including restrictions on travel opportunities and border closures.
Faced with these restrictions, the AirFrance – KLM Group has taken strong measures and drastically reduced its flight activity
which, over the next few months, should be less than 10% of last year’s level. As the crisis continues, the conditions for a
recovery remain uncertain and the Group will continue to monitor the unfolding situation on a daily basis to make adjustments
as necessary. The AirFrance – KLM Group, Air France and KLM have entered into in - depth discussions with their respective
governments and financial institutions to dispose of the resources that will enable them to secure and sustain adequate levels
of liquidity by all means, notably within the framework of the European Commission’s Temporary Framework on State Aid
published on March19, 2020.
On January6, 2020, the Air France - KLM Group
launched a Tender Oer to repurchase three series
of existing notes subject to the success of a new
issue of senior fixed rate “Benchmark” notes
with a five - year maturity.
The three series of notes comprised, firstly, a €600 million
principal amount of senior notes maturing on June18, 2021 and
bearing a fixed coupon of 3.875% (ISIN: FR0011965177), secondly
€400million in senior notes maturing on October12, 2022 and
bearing a fixed coupon of 3.750% (ISIN: FR0013212958) and,
lastly, a €600million initial principal amount of Undated Deeply
Subordinated Fixed Rate Resettable Notes bearing a fixed
coupon of 6.25%, of which €403.3million is outstanding (ISIN:
On January10, 2020, after two days of investor road shows, Air
France - KLM successfully placed the new issue of senior notes
(ISIN: FR0013477254) in the amount of €750 million, with a
five - year maturity and bearing an annual coupon of 1.875%.
The net proceeds from this new issue were used for Air France - KLM’s
general corporate purposes and to fund the repurchase of the
notes subscribed to the cash Tender Oer, which closed on
January 13, 2020 and whose results were announced on
January14, 2020, as follows:
Existing Notes for a total principal amount of €677.7 million
(representing 48.3% of the outstanding Existing Notes) were
tendered to the Tender Oer, of which €350 million were
accepted, composed of €311.2 million in 2021 Notes and
€38.8million in 2022 Notes; no subordinated perpetual notes
were repurchased by the Company.
As a result, the principal amount of outstanding Existing Notes
after completion of the Tender Oer is €1,053.3million, of which
€288.8million in 2021 Notes, €361.2million in 2022 Notes and
€403.3million in subordinated perpetual notes. The settlement
and delivery combined with the net proceeds on the new bonds
issued took place on January16, 2020.
This transaction is part of the Company’s ongoing dynamic
management of its balance sheet structure, contributing to
reducing the overall cost of the Group’s debt and extending its
maturity profile.
Launch of a major international partnership
between Air France, KLM, Delta Air Lines
and Virgin Atlantic: the expanded joint - venture
enables customers to benefit from more destinations
and ways to earn and spend frequent flyer points.
On February3, 2020, Air France, KLM, Delta Air Lines and Virgin
Atlantic launched their expanded joint - venture oering a wider
choice of routes and loyalty options on travel between Europe,
the United Kingdom and North America.
This new partnership enables customers to benefit from more
convenient flight schedules and a shared goal of ensuring a smooth
and consistent travel experience, whichever airline people fly. The
new benefits have been accessible from February13. Loyalty program
customers can earn and use miles or enjoy elite benefits for
flights on any of the four airlines’ worldwide operations, including
a transatlantic trip, intra-European hops or domestic US journey,
oering more opportunities to quickly move up through the
loyalty tiers and reach a higher status. Eligible elite loyalty
program membesrs can enjoy priority boarding and access to
more than 100airport lounges when traveling internationally.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document10
Highlights of the beginning
of the 2020 financial year
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 11
1.1 Market and environment 13
1.1.1 The economic environment 13
1.1.2 The industry context and competition 14
1.2 Strategic outlook 18
1.2.1 The AirFrance – KLM Group’s ambition 18
1.2.2 AirFrance – KLM: core assets and unique competitive advantages 18
1.2.3 The value creation model 19
1.2.4 Strategic orientations 22
1.3 Activities in 2019 24
1.3.1 Network business (passenger and cargo):
maintained commercial oensive and growth 24
1.3.2 Low - cost business (Transavia): “We make low - cost feel good” 35
1.3.3 Maintenance business 36
1.3.4 Fleet 42
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document12
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Impact of COVID-19 post February 2020
Recent events
As of April17, 2020, as we finalize this 2019 Universal
Registration Document, the COVID-19crisis has continued
to spread.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19public health crisis,
the AirFrance – KLM Group has implemented measures
to ensure the protection of its passengers and sta,
and to preserve the conditions of its financial viability.
Faced with the increasingly strict measures taken by many
countries, including restrictions on travel opportunities
and border closures, the AirFrance – KLM Group has
drastically reduced its flight activity which, over the coming
months, should be less than 10% of last year’s level.
The Group has implemented strong measures since the
beginning of the crisis which include, amongst others:
negotiation with governments of payment deferral for
taxes (civil aviation, solidarity, etc. ), social contributions
and various charges;
negotiation with lessors and airports of payment
cost reduction measures, estimated at this stage at
€500 million in 2020, an increase of €300 million
compared to previous announcements;
the possibility of early retirement of certain sub - fleets
of aircraft;
implementation by Air France of partial activity measures
and application by KLM of the Temporary Emergency
Bridging Measure for Sustained Employment (NOW),
with an impact estimated at this stage at around
€1.1billion for 2020;
review of the investment plan which will be reduced
by at least €700million in 2020, i.e. €350million more
than in previous announcements, to which will be added
the impact of the decline in own and third - party
activity on the amount of maintenance investments.
In solidarity with all the employees, the members of the
AirFrance – KLM Board Directors, its Chair and the Chief
Executive Ocer will also participate in the eort in line
with the measures applicable to the employees of the
Group, with a similar reduction in their remuneration.
Outlook for 2020
As the crisis continues, the conditions for a recovery
remain uncertain, both in terms of our air operations,
but more generally in terms of the timetable for an
economic and demand recovery.
Currently, our best estimates incorporating all the
aforementioned measures show that, in the absence of
additional financing, a liquidity requirement is expected
in the third quarter of 2020.
As a result, the AirFrance – KLM Group, Air France and
KLM are engaged in in - depth discussions with their
respective governments and financial institutions to
dispose of the resources that will enable them to
secure and sustain adequate levels of liquidity by all
means, notably within the framework of the European
Commission’s Temporary Framework on State Aid
published on March19, 2020.
At this stage, given the various options currently being
envisaged and the quality of the discussions with the two
States and financial institutions, the AirFrance – KLM
Group is confident that it will be able to obtain additional
financing to meet all its future financial obligations and
enable it to ensure the recovery of its activity beyond
the current crisis.
Impact of COVID-19post February2020
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Currency exchange rates
Brent 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019
(US$/bbl) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Average price for the period 66.8 74.5 75.2 67.7 63.2 68.9 61.9 59.0
(Source 1)
Real GDP growth (%) 2018 2019
World 3.1 2.5
European Union 2.0 1.4
of which United Kingdom 1.4 1.3
Euro zone 1.8 1.1
of which France 1.7 1.3
of which Netherlands 2.5 1.7
North America (USMCA countries) 2.8 2.1
of which United States 2.9 2.3
Asia-Pacific 4.9 4.3
of which China 6.6 6.1
of which Japan 0.8 0.8
Middle East 0.7 -0.5
of which Iran -4.7 -9.3
Sub-Saharan Africa 2.6 2.5
Latin America (excl, Mexico and Venezuela) 1.4 0.8
of which Brazil 1.3 1.1
of which Argentina -2.5 -3.0
(source 1)
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 13
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Market and environment
World GDP growth slowed by 0.6% in 2019 compared to 2018,
while growth in world trade growth witnessed a much sharper
2.8% downturn from 3.7% to 0.9%, mostly due to the trade war
between the US and China (source 2).
European (EU) GDP growth was 0.6% down on its 2018 level,
within a context of slowing global growth and threats of taris
on EU exports to the United States (e.g. cars, aircraft) which
aected business confidence, especially in Germany (source 3).
Brexit also added to the uncertainty in Europe (source 4).
GDP growth in North America slowed by 0.7%, with the United
States having been impacted by the trade war with China, though
to a lesser extent than the latter (source 5).
GDP growth in the Asia-Pacific saw a 0.6% deceleration with
China and its manufacturing partners in the region being
significantly aected by the decline in exports to the United
States owing to the new taris (source 6).
Middle Eastern GDP contracted by 0.5% in 2019, aected by
lower oil prices and the prevailing US sanctions on Iranian exports
(source 7).
In the Sub-Saharan Africa region, GDP growth was broadly
unchanged (-0.1pt).
Latin American GDP growth slowed by 0.6% as the recession in
Argentina deepened within a context of a sharp currency
devaluation (source 8). Chile’s social tensions and the political
instability in Bolivia also contributed to this weaker growth
(sources 9 and 10).
1.1.1 The economic environment
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document14
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Market and environment
The strengthening in the US dollar (USD) impacted countries with
a high level of foreign debt like Argentina (source 8), leading to
a weakening in the Argentinian Peso (ARS).
The uncertainty about Brexit and its political ramifications led to
increased volatility in UK Sterling (GBP), which is now
appreciating against the Euro (source 4).
The Chinese Yuan (CNY) depreciated in the third quarter before
again strengthening in the Q4, in line with the unfolding trade
war negotiations (source 6).
1.1.2 The industry context
and competition
2019 saw a progressive deceleration in worldwide passenger
trac growth (+4.2% in Revenue Passenger-Kilometers forecast
for 2019 versus 7.4% in 2018) and a contraction in cargo (4.1%
decline in Freight Ton-Kilometers during 2019) although the EBIT
margin is forecast to be only slightly below its 2018 level (5.1%
versus 5.7%). Only in North America and Europe were airlines
able to create value for their investors, something which has been
a steady feature since 2015 (sources 12, 13).
European consolidation
In Europe, break - even load factors are amongst the highest in the
industry, owing to low yields in an intensely - competitive open
aviation area and high regulatory costs (source 12); this may
explain the significant number of bankruptcies and the current
European consolidation.
Following the collapse of Primera Air, Small Planet Group and
Cobalt Air amongst others last winter, more carriers have since
filed for bankruptcy in Europe: Wow, Germania, Aigle Azur, XL
Airways, Adria Airways and Thomas Cook Group, with the
exception of its German and Danish subsidiaries (Condor &
Sunclass Airlines) which are still flying.
big European airlines like Alitalia and Condor are under
administration as they await new shareholders, while Norwegian
Airlines has changed its strategy from growth to profitability;
bankrupt Flybe has been taken over by a consortium led by
Virgin Atlantic and will be rebranded as Virgin Connect;
outside Europe, the disappearance of Jet Airways in India has
notably had a significant impact on their partners;
the global alliances have been significantly challenged with a
tie - up between Delta, a SkyTeam alliance member, and LATAM
(Oneworld alliance). This move was followed by the IAG
purchase oer for Spanish carrier, Air Europa, a member of
the SkyTeam Alliance.
Regarding the European consolidation, Air France – KLM will
pragmatically evaluate the potential opportunities. Looking ahead,
AirFrance – KLM will take advantage of consolidation opportunities
when and where they make sense for the Air France and KLM
networks, while applying strict financial discipline.
Competitiveness and constraints of the French
and Dutch markets
The French and Dutch airline markets are facing growing
constraints; making it more challenging to attain a European
leadership position.
For the past three years, airport capacity at Amsterdam-Schiphol
has been limited by a ceiling of 500,000aircraft movements. In
2020, the approval of the conditions for further growth at
Schiphol is expected, together with a decision on the opening of
regional airport Lelystad.
Over the next two years (2020 - 21), an increase of some 15% in
airport charges will be implemented for additional infrastructure.
In addition, as of 2021, a new Aviation Tax yielding an annual
€200million will be levied on all local passengers departing from
Dutch airports.
Currency exchange rates
For one Euro 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019
(average) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
USD 1.23 1.19 1.16 1.14 1.14 1.12 1.11 1.09
GBP 0.88 0.88 0.89 0.89 0.87 0.87 0.90 0.86
CHF 1.17 1.17 1.14 1.14 1.13 1.13 1.10 1.10
BRL 3.99 4.30 4.59 4.35 4.28 4.41 4.42 4.52
ARS 24.2 27.7 36.3 42.3 44.2 49.4 55.2 64.7
CNY 7.81 7.60 7.91 7.89 7.66 7.66 7.80 7.74
JPY 133 130 130 129 125 124 119 118
(source 1)
Oil prices began to fall as of the second quarter 2019 against a
backdrop of slowing global demand for oil (GDP and trade
slowdown) and a steady increase in the supply of US shale oil,
osetting production cuts in the OPEC+ agreement (source 11).
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 15
1Market and environment
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
In France, airport taxes and fees make Roissy-CDG one of the
most expensive airports. Successive French governments have
introduced specific taxes raising a total of €250million, with a
subsequent negative impact on the competitiveness of the
French flag: e.g. Civil Aviation Tax, Solidarity Tax, Eco - tax to be
implemented in 2020, CDG Express tax to be introduced in 2024
to finance the future rail shuttle between Roissy-CDG and the
Paris city center. Air France is also significantly exposed to French
social charges which are the highest in the industry, something
which is not the case for its pan-European low - cost competitors
operating in France who can base all or a portion of their crews
in the outstation countries.
European medium - haul
2019 witnessed a slowdown in industry growth:
+2.8% in seats during the Summer 2019 season compared to
+5.2% in seats during Summer 2018;
+1% in seats during the Winter 2019 season compared to
+5.5% in seats in Winter 2018.
This trend was partly explained by the aforementioned
bankruptcies since Winter 2017, as well as by the significant
reduction in capacity at Norwegian Airlines and Eurowings.
In Summer 2019, Ryanair, easyJet, Wizz Air and Vueling remained
the growth drivers while Eurowings witnessed a deceleration after
its 2018 restructuring. Norwegian posted a significant decrease
in both international and domestic flows. The grounding of the
Boeing 737 Max aircraft slightly amplified the reduction in
capacity (an estimated -1.3% impact on growth) that had already
been planned. The Winter 2019 season is seeing contrasting
trends for the six main low - cost carriers. Wizz Air and, to a lesser
extent, Ryanair and Vueling capacity is up, while easyJet’s growth
is flat (and sharply lower in Germany). Norwegian and Eurowings
capacity is down. For the first time ever, the top six low - cost
airlines are growing at a similar pace to the legacy airlines.
During the Summer 2019 season, the industry’s medium - haul
capacity growth was driven by international routes, particularly
towards the southern European countries. As in previous years,
growth for most domestic flows lagged that of international
flows, except for Spain. In the Winter 2019 season, the overall
decline in domestic flows is mainly due to the German and
Turkish domestic markets,
Competition remained intense in France over the summer of 2019
(+4.9% growth in seats), continuing to be driven by easyJet, Ryanair
and, to a lesser extent, Vueling. However, industry capacity in
France is lower in the Winter 2019 season due to the reduction
at AirFrance – KLM while Ryanair is still the growth driver. Growth
to/from Netherlands remains limited, owing to slot constraints.
(AirFrance – KLM analysis based on source 14).
European long - haul
Industry growth slowed in 2019:
+5.2% in seats during the Summer 2019 season compared to
+8.6% in seats during Summer 2018;
+3.2% in seats during the Winter 2019 season compared to
+8.7% in seats during Winter 2018.
The collapse of airlines like Jet Airways, WOW Air, Thomas Cook,
Aigle Azur and XL Airways contributed to a slowdown in capacity
growth across all regions as of the Summer 2019 season.
In Summer 2019, Norwegian significantly reined in its pace of
growth which, together with the bankruptcy of Primera Air, led
to the lowest capacity growth on routes (+3.6% in seats) to North
America since Winter 2014. Over the same period, total capacity
to Latin America saw double - digit growth (+12.6%), capacity to
Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa was up by around 7%, capacity to
the Middle East was some 5% higher and capacity to the
Caribbean and Indian Ocean region remained unchanged.
AirFrance – KLM increased its long - haul capacity (+1.3%) at a
slower pace than Lufthansa Group and IAG, but remained the
largest airline group on long - haul routes from Europe.
In Winter 2019, seat capacity growth is down to only 3.2%, i.e. the
lowest growth in long - haul capacity since Winter 2012. The
low - cost and leisure airlines have reduced their capacity by 11.0%
for Winter 2019, compared to growth of 19.1% in the previous year.
AirFrance – KLM has upped its long - haul capacity by 3.9% for
Winter 2019, outpacing Lufthansa Group’s +1.5% and slightly
short of the growth in IAG’s long - haul capacity (+4.3%).
(AirFrance – KLM analysis based on source 14)
New passenger oers: Virtual Interlining and platforms
The Virtual Interlining (also known as self - connect) concept is no
longer the preserve of the low - cost airlines but has migrated to
full - service carriers like Emirates and Singapore Airlines notably
through easyJet’s “Worldwide by easyJet” platform (sources 15
and 16).
Latterly, Eurowings, Transavia and Jetstar Group/Tigerair Taiwan have
all announced Virtual Interlining options (sources 17, 18 and 19).
The recently - announced partnership between Jetstar Group and
Tigerair Taiwan resolves one of the major pitfalls with traditional
Interlining: passengers no longer have to retrieve their baggage
at the transfer airport but can benefit from seamless transfer to
the final destination (source 20). In Europe, Stansted Airport and
Kiwi.com are working on a similar solution (source 21).
Air Asia has started selling tickets for other airlines (even when
Air Asia is not part of the itinerary) on its website with the help
of Kiwi.com’s technology (source 22). The Asian carrier is looking
to become a one - stop travel shop and has realized that it can be
relevant to customers only if it avoids limiting itself to oering
itineraries on partner airlines.
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Kiwi.com is moving from an Online Travel Agency oering Virtual
Interline itineraries to a much broader platform including
door - to - door itineraries (bus, train, plane). Moreover, it oers
Virtual Fare Types in which it adds flexibility (cancellation,
rebooking etc. ) to tickets that usually do not include such
flexibility (source 23).
During 2019, international freight demand measured in Freight-
Ton-Kilometers (FTK) decreased by 4.1% relative to 2018 (versus
+4.0% in 2018 versus 2017), while capacity measured in Available-
Freight-Ton-Kilometers (AFTK) increased by 1.7% (5.4% in 2018)
(sources 13 and 25).
Cargo trac growth turned negative in 2019 for the first time
since 2012. The 3.3% annual decline in demand was the steepest drop
since 2009 at the time of the global financial crisis. The amount
of air freight carried fell to 61.2million tons from 63.3million tons
in 2018. Cargo trac is expected to experience a modest
rebound with 2.0% growth in 2020, with the number of tons
forecast to reach 62.4million, still short of its 2018 level. Yields
should continue to slide with a 3.0% decline forecast for 2020,
an improvement on the 5.0% decline in 2019. Cargo revenues are
expected to fall for a third successsive year in 2020, to a total of
US$101.2billion, down by 1.1% on their 2019 level (source 24).
All regions posted a decline in trac during 2019, except for
Africa (+13%). One of the positive developments in recent months
has been an apparent thawing in the tone of the US-Chinese
trade negotiations. Scheduled US tari increases have been
delayed, and additional tari exclusions implemented on
October31 for US$300billion of goods. Although this position
could change rapidly, for now this amounts to good news for
world trade and the air cargo outlook (source 24).
According to estimates, the global MRO market, which comprises
the maintenance and modification spending by aircraft operators
either directly or through sub - contractors, will be worth US$90billion
in 2020 (source: ICF International).
The trends in this business closely follow those of the commercial
airline fleets globally and their utilization. In the short term, airlines
tend to focus on adjusting their use of older - generation aircraft in
that their costs, and particularly maintenance costs, are the
highest. The MRO operators thus suer from more volatile demand
on older - generation aircraft than on the next - generation models.
The market is also characterized by increased pricing pressure
resulting from fiercer competition between maintenance operators
(MROs) and more exacting requirements on the part of customer
airlines. Furthermore, a growing number of airlines are looking to
transfer the financing of spare parts to maintenance service
providers within the framework of increasingly - large - scale contracts
(in terms of revenue, duration, complexity, etc. ). Lastly, the
competition from Original Equipment and Engine Manufacturers
(OEMs) and Original Aircraft Manufacturers (OAMs) has considerably
increased in recent years (seeBusiness environment).
Sustainable aviation
Customers are increasingly concerned about their environmental
footprint when they travel, in Europe but also in many other parts
of the world, as seen in the “flight - shaming” or Flygskam
Beyond what is sometimes perceived as a long - term “aspirational”
goal set by the industry, (50% reduction in 2050 emissions
relative to their 2005 level), governments and the general public
expect concrete guarantees on the emission trajectory of aviation,
and on the key initiatives to support this trajectory (technology,
biofuel, etc. ).
In the absence of these guarantees, there is a significant risk of
further taxation initiatives (eco - tax in France, tax increase in
Germany, etc. ) aimed at driving down demand and trac. To
counter this risk and reduce their environmental footprints, airlines
are investing massive amounts in measures like fleet renewal and
participating in projects to promote biofuel development, otake
agreements and voluntary carbon osetting financed by the
airlines and/or proposed to customers.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document16
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Market and environment
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1) Oxford Economics databank 03/01/2019; 2) IATA–Airline Industry semiannual report–December2019 update; 3) Oxford Economics– Germany report–December2019 update;
4) Oxford Economics–UK report–December2019 update; 5) Oxford Economics–US report–December2019 update; 6) Oxford Economics– China report–December2019 update;
7) Oxford Economics–Iran report–December2019 update; 8) Oxford Economics–Argentina report–December2019 update; 9) Oxford Economics Chile report–December2019
update; 10) Oxford Economics–Bolivia report–December2019 update; 11) Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-12-02/opec-gambles-that-u-s-shale-s-
golden-age-is-over; 12) https://www.iata.org/publications/economics/Reports/Industry-Econ-Performance/Airline-Industry-Economic-Performance-Dec19-Report.pdf;
13) https://www.iata.org/publications/economics/Reports/freight-monthly-analysis/freight-analysis-oct-2019.pdf; 14) OAG analyzer extracts (snapshot Apr 14th, 2019 for IATA
Summer 18&19Medium Haul; snapshot Nov 4th, 2019 for IATA Winter 18&19Medium Haul; snapshot Mar 17th, 2019 for IATA Summer 18&19Long Haul; snapshot Oct 7th, 2019 for
IATA Winter 18&19 Long Haul); 15) https://www.businesstraveller.com/business-travel/2018/11/20/emirates-joins-easyjet-connections-service/; 16) https://www.businesstraveller.com/
business-travel/2018/09/10/singapore-airlines-joins-worldwide-by-easyjet-connections-service/; 17) https://newscloud.eurowings.com/en/press-releases/2019/q2/virtual-
interlining-eurowings-distributes-tickets-of-other-airlines-for-the-first-time.html; 18) https://corporate.transavia.com/fr-FR/actualites/transavia-lance-transavia-smart-connect/;
19) https://atwonline.com/airports-routes/jetstar-group-tigerair-taiwan-sign-interline-agreement; 20) https://atwonline.com/airports-routes/jetstar-group-tigerair-taiwan-sign-
interline-agreement; 21) https://partners.kiwi.com/london-stansted-airport-teams-kiwi-com-revolutionise-transfer-trac/; 22) https://skift.com/2019/11/15/airasia-com-starts-
selling-competitors-flights-via-kiwi-com-partnership/; 23) https://partners.kiwi.com/kiwi-com-introduces-virtual-fare-types-on-its-booking-page/; 24) https://www.iata.org/
pressroom/pr/Pages/2019-12-11-01.aspx; 25) https://www.iata.org/publications/economics/Reports/freight-monthly-analysis/freight-analysis-oct-2018.pdf
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Market and environment
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1.2.1 The AirFrance – KLM
Group’s ambition
The Group’s business brings people, economies and cultures
together, and drives economic growth and social progress. The
overarching ambition of the AirFrance – KLM Group is to become
an aviation champion in Europe and one of the most powerful in
the world for its sta, customers and shareholders, while
assuming its role as a pioneer in sustainable aviation. As such,
flight safety is both an absolute imperative that the Group owes
to its customers and sta, and a daily commitment.
The AirFrance – KLM value creation model addresses all of the
Group’s stakeholders, namely employees, shareholders, customers,
suppliers, authorities, institutional and non - governmental
organizations, and other local partners. As part of its day - to - day
activities, the Group interacts with diverse stakeholders, while its
business and operations have multiple impacts (qualitative and
quantitative) on society. The value creation model shows the
impact areas where the AirFrance – KLM Group adds value and
which, thanks to its fundamental strengths and unique competitive
advantages, enables a response to the societal and sustainability
1.2.2 AirFrance – KLM:
core assets and unique
competitive advantages
As the European leader for intercontinental trac on departure
from Europe, AirFrance – KLM is a major global air transport player.
Its main businesses are passenger and cargo transportation
through its network activities, low - cost transportation and
aeronautical maintenance.
The Group takes action to reconcile growth with environmental
protection, social value and local development at its hubs and
destinations. By developing state - of - the - art technologies, investing
in R&D and innovation, and partnering with stakeholders, the
Group strives to optimize the use of its dierent forms of capital
and resources. This approach gives AirFrance – KLM a strong
position in the aviation industry’s competitive landscape.
People: 83,000engaged and professional
employees and a diverse culture
Air France – KLM is committed to the value of its workforce
worldwide. Through our employees’ collective dedication,
professionalism and accomplishments, AirFrance – KLM is able to
provide premium services and a caring journey, fostering lasting
relationships with customers while operating in an ecient and
safe manner.
Brands: a portfolio of attractive, strong brands
and a common frequent flyer program
AirFrance – KLM has a portfolio of strong brands, positioned in
complementary markets with their own specific operating models,
aligned with customer expectations. The common frequent flyer
program, “Flying Blue”, contributes to reinforcing the attractiveness
of the brands.
Partnership: a solid network of suppliers
and partnerships
AirFrance – KLM is pursuing its commercial integration strategy
with its principal partners worldwide, like Delta Air Lines,Inc. and
China Eastern Airlines, and through the SkyTeam alliance, to oer
value - added services and innovations, whilst reinforcing its
network and building mutual trust. Engaging with stakeholders
through sound and regular dialogue is also key for AirFrance – KLM
in terms of identifying emerging issues, tackling upcoming challenges
and better understanding their expectations. AirFrance – KLM
sees this as an opportunity to continue strengthening its
sustainable and local footprint, creating the basis for trust and
long - term acceptance, and developing its activities.
An extensive network operated with an optimized fleet
The AirFrance – KLM Group currently operates one of the largest
networks between Europe and the rest of the world, organized
around the dual intercontinental hubs of Paris-CDG and
Amsterdam-Schiphol, which are two of the four largest connecting
platforms in Europe, and takes advantage of numerous partnerships
to oer its customers a global network. In Summer 2020, it will
serve 308destinations in 116countries. Given its presence in all
the major air transport markets, the Group also has a natural risk
hedge since no one market represents more than a third of
network revenues.
In 2019, Air France – KLM confirmed its leadership position in
terms of trac with just over 104 million passengers carried
between Europe and the rest of the world, and on intra-European
routes on departure from the Group’s natural markets.
Finance: a stable shareholding structure
with the French and Dutch States,
Delta Air Lines and China Eastern
Financial capital not only ensures AirFrance – KLM’s financial
sustainability but also its ability to accelerate its transformation
while enabling value creation with all other forms of capital.
Through the combined use of share capital, cash reserves and
debt, the Group is able to fund its infrastructures, optimize its
fleet, develop its sta, innovate through digital investments and
benefit its supply chain and community relationships.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document18
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Strategic outlook
1_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:07 Page18
Environment: an experienced and knowledgeable
industry player committed to contributing to
positive change
The Group is endlessly innovating so as to be a reference in
sustainability. Its ground and flight operations have an impact on
the environment, including climate change, noise, air pollution
and waste. The Group strives to continuously improve all aspects
of its activities to reduce its environmental footprint. In particular,
it is contributing to the establishment of a sustainable biofuels
industry for aviation.
1.2.3 The value creation model
The AirFrance – KLM Group’s ambition is to become a European
aviation champion and one of the most powerful in the world for
its sta, customers and shareholders, while assuming its role as a
pioneer in sustainable aviation.
People: be the best place to work
AirFrance – KLM wants to position itself as an employer of choice and
is targeting a leading Employee Promoter Score. Our 83,000people
are our primary asset as they are the face of our company to our
customers and represent our brands across the world. The Group
will continue to invest in training to ensure their skills are top
notch, and further empower them through the use of digital tools,
enabling them to surpass our customers’ expectations.
The relationship linking the Group to its employees is based on the
underlying values of trust, respect, transparency and confidentiality.
Customers: exceed customer expectations
AirFrance – KLM wants to ensure an unrivaled end - to - end customer
experience which exceeds customer expectations at all touchpoints.
The Group is targeting a leading Net Promoter Score by improving
the customer experience through personalized and digitilized
oers and best - in - class operational performance. Thanks to the
professionalism of the Group’s frontline sta, the quality of its
products and services, and an improved operational performance,
Air France, KLM and Transavia maintain a daily focus on customers.
Beyond the satisfaction of our customers on the quality of the
service AirFrance – KLM airlines promise to them, the financial
impact of customer satisfaction is huge: it is a key driver of
Air France – KLM market share gains and revenue growth,
increasing customer loyalty and propelling customer growth.
Impact of COVID-19
post February 2020
Despite the measures initially implemented by the Group
in response to the COVID-19crisis, the deterioration in the
environment linked to the epidemic and the resulting
sharp reduction in its activity today lead the Group to
forecast a sharply deteriorated financial trajectory
compared to the outlook presented on publication of its
annual results.
As the crisis continues, the conditions for a recovery
remain uncertain, both in terms of our air operations, but
more generally in terms of the timetable for an economic
and demand recovery.
Our current best estimates, incorporating all the measures
taken by the Group since the beginning of the crisis, show
that, in the absence of additional financing, a liquidity
requirement is expected in the third quarter of 2020.
As a result, the AirFrance – KLM Group, Air France and
KLM are engaged in in-depth discussions with their
respective governments and financial institutions to dispose
of the resources that will enable them to secure and
sustain adequate levels of liquidity by all means, notably
within the framework of the European Commission’s
Temporary Framework on State Aid in force published on
March19, 2020.
At this stage, given the various options currently being
envisaged and the quality of the discussions with the two
States and the financial institutions, the AirFrance – KLM
Group is confident that it will be able to obtain additional
financing to meet all its future financial obligations and
enable it to ensure the recovery of its activity beyond the
current crisis.
Planet and society: contribute to the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals
Through the initiatives of its airlines, AirFrance – KLM is committed
to leading the way in terms of sustainable aviation at both flight
and ground operations level. The Group aims to continue its
eorts to reduce its environmental footprint by improving its
operations and processes, partnering and innovating in the
supply chain and mobilizing our sta and the industry.
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Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Strategic outlook
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document20
83,000 engaged
and professional
employees and
a diverse culture
Portfolio of attractive,
strong brands and
a common frequent
flyer program
“Flying Blue”
A powerful network
of suppliers and
An extensive network
operated with an
optimized fleet
A stable shareholding
structure with the
French and Dutch
States, Delta Air
Lines and China
An experienced
and knowledgeable
player in the
industry committed
to contributing
to a positive
With a European base and a global
network of more than 300 destinations,
the Air France-KLM Group
is a global aviation player in the
passenger, cargo and maintenance
businesses, represented by 3 strong
brands, and leading the way in
sustainable aviation
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 21
IN 2019
Reach top financial
Contributing to UN
sustainability goals
Exceed customer
Optimize our Operating Model
Grow Profitable Passenger Revenue
Leverage European Consolidation
Develop Customer Data, Flying Blue,
Cargo and E&M
Commit to Global Sustainability
Be the best
place to work
for our employees
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1.2.4 Strategic orientations
Five orientations have been identified to achieve the
AirFrance – KLM Group’s goals and build on the important 2019
achievements in terms of brand, fleet and product simplification.
Safety is paramount, a prerequisite that comes before all else. At
the heart of the trust of customers and sta, safety is key to the
Group’s activity and the sustainability of air transportation. Optimize the AirFrance – KLM
operating model
The optimization of the AirFrance – KLM model will enable a
reduction in operating costs and increased eciency, taking full
advantage of the Group’s assets. Increasing commercial and fleet
flexibility is a Group priority allowed by continuous and trustful
social discussions. A number of changes have already been
approved and launched, enabling fleet, product and cabin
optimization, and oering growth opportunities for Transavia
a. To reach operational excellence, the AirFrance – KLM Group is
focused on optimizing and simplifying internal processes.
since 2014, KLM has executed a successful transformation of
its organization and processes, through a series of structural
programs like the High Performance Organization (HPO),
the digitalization of operations, increased agility at network
planning and improved fleet utilization. The results are
visible at the level of KLM’s unit cost and operational
eciency. KLM will continue its simplification eorts
around five pillars: Customer & Product, network & Fleet,
Operational Excellence, People & Organization, Innovation
& Sustainability,
Air France has also begun its transformation through an
ambitious program to simplify its processes and organization,
and redesign the support functions and managerial
structure, to reduce overheads, break silos, empower sta
and streamline processes;
b. Simplifying and renewing the fleet is an important part of
these changes implemented by the Group. By reducing the
number of aircraft types and adjusting cabin layouts the
Group will gain greater operational flexibility (operations,
marketing, catering, maintenance) and economies of scale.
Air France is targeting a reduction from nine to five/seven
cockpits in the mid term. The Air France HOP regional fleet
will focus on two aircraft types, the Bombardier CRJ1000
and the EMB170/190, compared with four aircraft types
currently, with around 50 - 60aircraft in the mid term. The
medium - haul fleet will be modernized around the Airbus
A220 and the future replacement of the current
A320 - 321fleet, targeting c.110 - 115aircraft in the mid term.
On long - haul, the Air France fleet will be simplified around
the A330, A350, Boeing 787-9 and Boeing 777, targeting
around 118 - 123 aircraft in the mid term and two/three
cockpits versus the four currently. The current Air France
A380s will be replaced by new generation A350s,
KLM is targeting a unique cockpit per haul (short, medium
and long - haul) over the mid term compared with the current
five. KLM Cityhopper’s regional fleet will see the phase - in
of the Embraer 195, targeting 52 - 54aircraft over the mid
term. The medium - haul fleet will still include the Boeing 737
with a target of 52 - 54aircraft. The long - haul fleet will focus
on the Boeing 787 and 777, phasing out the Boeing 747
and A330,
the Transavia France and Transavia Netherlands fleet will
remain composed of Boeing 737s. The fleet will reach
80to 115aircraft in the mid term;
The current deliveries of A350 and Boeing 787 aircraft will
contribute to a modernized Air France – KLM fleet with a
stronger economic and operational performance, in addition
to an accelerated aircraft retrofit program with the goal of
oering in - flight connectivity and a full - flat Business Class
seats across the fleet as soon as possible.
c. Growth forecasts for Transavia Netherlands and Transavia
Transavia Netherlands will grow its capacity through fleet
renewal, to remain the number one low - cost carrier in the
Netherlands. With demand still growing and slots
constrained, Transavia will consider flying from secondary
and tertiary airports,
Transavia France aims to become the number one
low - cost carrier in France in terms of based aircraft;
Transavia will thus strengthen its position in the core leisure
and VFR market segments, and diversify its network by
adding destinations in Northern and Eastern Europe.
d. The formation of the Air France – KLM Group oers the
opportunity to capitalize on the international reach of each
airline while continuing to build synergies. Leveraging this
potential will be key in the coming years. Much has already
been accomplished and has proven to be to the benefit of all
our airlines. The synergies have concerned sales, revenue
management, strategic alliances, IT, cargo and maintenance.
Some areas can be further built on and will constitute the
next focus such as Fleet & network, Human Resources,
Commercial & Alliances, Purchasing & Procurement,
Digital & Data Management.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document22
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Strategic outlook
1_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:07 Page22 Grow profitable passenger revenue
In recent years, the AirFrance – KLM Group has built a powerful
asset through its complementary dual hubs in Amsterdam and
Roissy-Charles de Gaulle, increasing the range of destinations,
frequencies and schedules proposed to customers. In the coming
years, the Group’s airlines will focus their growth on the most
profitable segments.
Given its positive profitability, KLM can grow on all segments,
leveraging powerful positions on connecting trac. The brand is
looking to become the best connection carrier to/from Europe,
and will strengthen its leadership at Schiphol.
Air France will optimize its revenue mix towards the more profitable
premium segments:
in the past, to comply with internal available seat - kilometer
(ASK) production rules, Air France had to reduce the size of
its Premium cabin (Premium Economy and Business) to increase
the oer of Economy seats. Thirteen Premium seats were thus
removed from the Air France 777 - 200ERs between 2014
and 2019.
This constraint prevented Air France from growing on the
higher - margin Premium segment, despite the market demand
growth: the number of industry long - haul Premium seats
increased by 8% between 2014 and 2019 while Air France’s
Premium long - haul capacity grew by only 4% over the same
a new internal production balance agreement was negotiated
and signed with the unions in 2019. Thanks to this new
agreement, which is no longer ASK-based, Air France can now
optimize cabin configurations and the fleet, and thus respond
to the market demand by increasing its proportion of
Premium seats;
Air France will focus more on its main strengths: Paris local
and high - yield connecting trac to extract maximum value
from local and Premium markets, and a redesign of the Orly
strategy together with Transavia to strengthen the Group
position at this airport. Leverage European consolidation
Within a context of a major European consolidation, the
AirFrance – KLM Group will pragmatically evaluate acquisition
opportunities, positioning itself solely on transactions that are
aligned with the Group’s strategy and DNA. Grow non - passenger businesses (Customer
Data, Flying Blue, E&M) and Cargo
Air France – KLM’s strategy is to reinforce and diversify its
portfolio of activities by growing non - passenger businesses on
four pillars: leveraging customer data, the “Flying Blue” loyalty
program, Cargo and Engineering & Maintenance.
the AirFrance – KLM Group has a significant opportunity to
further leverage its commercial footprint, by utilizing its
well - established loyalty program, Flying Blue, and customer
data to personalize the oer to provide a more attractive
customer value proposition at a reduced cost of sale.
AirFrance – KLM will accelerate harnessing the benefit of our
customer database including Flying Blue information, and
data from airport and inflight touchpoints, to push the right
oer to the right client on the right channel at the right time;
Flying Blue is aiming to increase its contribution to Group
sales and margin via the sale of Miles, providing a new digital
experience and enabling payment in Miles;
AirFrance – KLM has built a very strong position over the past
few years in the Engineering & Maintenance field, contributing
positively to the Group’s operating results. The order book has
grown by 36% in less than four years and the Group has
leveraged Air France and KLM fleet renewal to build a strong
presence with Next Gen products and prepare for future
long - term growth.
This will continue in the A220 market. AirFrance – KLM Engineering
& Maintenance has a strong worldwide presence with an
admirable position in the fastest - growing E&M market, Asia, which
represents 41% of sales. AirFrance – KLM will invest in developing
its E&M business by digitalizing its operations to achieve
profitable growth, building on the current solid order book and
major strategic partnerships.
Cargo is by nature a volatile but growing market. After
restructuring, as the number five global player, AirFrance – KLM
Cargo constitutes a strong foundation that can be further developed.
For 2020 and beyond, the aim is to further increase the Cargo
contribution through innovation and transformation, focus on
high growth segments (for example SMEs, Pharma, fresh
products, e - commerce) and secure eective partnerships. Commit to global sustainability
As a global aviation player, the Group acknowledges the importance
of Corporate Social Responsibility, having headed the Dow Jones
Sustainability World Index for the fifteenth year running.
The AirFrance – KLM strategy is centered around four pillars:
environment: Reduce our environmental footprint by improving
our operations, by innovating in the supply chain and by
mobilizing our sta and the industry;
human resources: Maintain a responsible social policy and
encourage personal development to ensure the motivation
and drive of our employees;
customer trust: Integrate sustainability within the entire value
chain to oer our customers sustainable and innovative
products and services;
societal value: Create economic and social value, through our
network, at hubs and destinations.
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Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Strategic outlook
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1.3.1 Network business
(passenger and cargo):
maintained commercial
oensive and growth
The network business corresponds to passenger and cargo
transportation services on the scheduled flights of the network
airlines, Air France and KLM. The network business is
AirFrance – KLM’s principal activity, contributing approaching
87% of the Group’s revenues.
The Group amplified its growth trajectory by initiating numerous
improvements to its network. Projects around the optimization
of fleet utilization, improved operational performance, simplified
and harmonized crew rotations, the product, on - board connectivity
and the fleet were thus launched and were subsequently
reflected in the customer proposition.
In 2019, network capacity was built based on a combination of
these dierent factors within a changing economic context
(higher oil price, exchange rate fluctuations), and to satisfy the
expectations of the dierent customers (Leisure, Business) for
new destinations, with increasingly exacting requirements in
terms of the quality of operations.
The operational constraints were re - evaluated to optimize
operational eciency and increase levels of customer satisfaction.
Activity grew by taking advantage of new route opportunities
while, when necessary, adjusting the network. 2019 proved to be
a year of significant growth, with Air France and KLM serving
116countries and 312destinations. Short and medium - haul operations
at the heart of the Group’s strategy
An expanded network with new routes, oriented towards
the fastest - growing areas in Europe
The short and medium-haul network remains central to the
Group's strategy:
on the French short - haul network, Air France interlinks the
French regions with daily flights from 31airports. Additionally,
the La Navette product responds to the specific needs of
Business travelers by serving five cities to/from Paris-Orly
(Marseilles, Toulouse, Nice, Bordeaux and Montpellier).
To contend with the increased competition from the TGV, the
OuiGo oering and low - cost carriers, Air France adjusted and
restructured its schedule and production capacity ro improve
its operational robustness and the service oered to
customers. Capacity was thus limited by the size of aircraft
module (reduction in the Airbus fleet, gradual phase - out of
the HOP ATRs), the network was restructured, new routes
were opened and the number of seasonal flights increased.
The La Navette product is continuously being improved with
optimized frequencies and a more qualitative fleet.
To complete its proposition, Air France maintains its partnership
with Blablabus: this partnership is an opportunity to become
a player in interoperability, oer passengers more connecting
opportunities and expand the catchment areas. From the
same perspective, the TGV Air product (combined train +
aircraft proposition) is oered to our customers;
the medium - haul network is constructed around the Paris-CDG
and Amsterdam-Schiphol hubs, oering multiple connecting
opportunities in Europe. It proposes an attractive schedule of
flights accompanied by a fare oer adapted to the needs
of all passengers, thanks to three price ranges irrespective of
when tickets are purchased (Light, the simplest travel
proposition, Standard the best value and Flex the most flexible).
In Summer 2019, the attractiveness of the CDG hub was reinforced
with a more - than - 5% increase in connecting opportunities.
In 2019, Air France introduced new routes on the short and
medium - haul network;
seven destinations on departure from Paris-Charles de Gaulle
operated by Air France: e.g. Belgrade (Serbia), Tbilissi (Georgia);
in the seasonal Summer period, the opening of attractive
leisure destinations: Olbia (Italy), Palermo (Italy), Split (Croatia),
Heraklion (Greece);
new routes on departure from the French regions: Lorient-
Lyon, an oer between the French provinces and Corsica, and
a reinforced oer between the French provinces and Europe;
in parallel, an increase in capacity on fast - growing markets like
North Africa (Marrakesh), Germany (Munich, Hamburg), Iberia
(Oporto) and Italy (Milan).
Within a context of more intense competition, the Group is thus
demonstrating its ability to adapt to changing trends and seize
opportunities. Agility and pragmatism have become the principles
behind the construction of the oer, in terms of opening new
routes, capacity adaptation and the oer of seasonal destinations.
These principles enable the generation of new opportunities for
growth and profitability. Long - haul operations: capacity growth,
preservation of market share and fleet
Key principles: capacity growth, preservation of market
share and fleet renewal
In long - haul, the Group increased its activity in 2019. Within an
increasingly complex environment in which industry growth
exceeded trac demand, the Group leveraged its balanced
network by redeploying capacity to growth areas and opening
new destinations in the business and leisure markets.
On the long - haul network, Air France opened two new destinations:
Dallas (United States) and Quito (Ecuador).
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Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Activities in 2019
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Change in capacity by geographical region
AirFrance – KLM’s growth was mainly driven by the Americas
and Asia.
North America: capacity reinforced within the framework of the
transatlantic joint - venture
In the United States, Air France opened Dallas with five flights a
week while reinforcing the Seattle service (addition of two
frequencies a week) over the Summer and Washington (addition
of a new flight four times a week) in the Winter.
In Canada, Air France added a new flight to Toronto three times
a week over the Summer and a weekly frequency to Montreal in
the Winter. It was also on the Toronto route that Air France
decided to launch its new A350 aircraft.
In Mexico, two weekly frequencies were added on Cancun in
Winter to reach a daily flight.
Central and South America, Caribbean-Indian Ocean:
significant growth
In South America, Air France opened a Quito service with three
weekly flights.
The service to South America was also reinforced with the
addition of weekly frequencies to Lima (one additional frequency
in Summer and two in Winter), Santiago (three additional
frequencies in the Winter), San José, Panama and Fortaleza, each
with one additional frequency over the Summer.
In the Caribbean-Indian Ocean, the Winter season saw a strong
increase in frequencies to avoid a fall in capacity following
maintenance operations on our 777 - 14J aircraft. Six weekly flights
were thus added to Fort - de-France, four to Pointe - à-Pitre and
two to Réunion Island in the Winter season.
Frequencies were also increased on Saint Martin (one weekly
frequency) and on Mauritius during the school holidays.
Asia and the Middle East: a more mixed picture
At the same time, the Asia-Middle East network saw capacity
growth via increased frequencies to Tokyo-Haneda (+2/7 in the
Summer season and in Winter for a 14/7oer), Osaka in Winter
(+1/7) and Dubai in Winter (+2/7 for a 12/7oer). Bangkok became
a slightly more seasonal destination with the loss of two frequencies
over the Summer for a total of 3/7.
Africa: adapting to the market dynamics
Air France adapted its schedule to take advantage of market
opportunities: a third flight was added on Abidjan (to 19/7per
week) and two frequencies were added to Nairobi (5/7).
The Nouakchott-Conakry route become a circular flight, thereby
oering a direct service to Conakry outbound from CDG.
Fleet and product: towards a modern long - haul fleet,
oering ever - more comfort
AirFrance – KLM’s long - haul fleet is composed of 176aircraft. The
Group is pursuing its strategy of fleet renewal and modernization
involving, notably, cabin upgrades and access to on - board satellite
connectivity enabling an in - flight WiFi oer for customers.
The Air France Group fleet numbers 109long - haul aircraft while
the KLM fleet is composed of 67aircraft.
Fifty - three Boeing aircraft are now equipped with the BEST
Business and Leisure cabins (25777 - 200s, 19777 - 300s and nine
787 - 9s) with, in the Business cabin, the Cirrus full - flat seat from
Zodiac installed in a “four - front - facing” configuration, oering aisle
access for every customer. In Economy, the Zodiac Z300 seat is
fitted with an 11 - inch Panasonic screen enabling customers to
benefit to the full from the video oer. In La Première, on the
777 - 300s, the four suites are now much sought - after by customers.
The 787s joining the Air France fleet since 2017 came
ready - equipped with these BEST cabins with, notably, a significantly
improved seat in Premium Economy, oering more space and
enhanced comfort.
In parallel, during 2019, Air France began the BEST retrofitting
work on its 15 - strong fleet of A330s, with the installation of a new
Stelia seat in Business. The new configuration includes sixteen
additional seats (36J/ 21W/167Y). The fifteen aircraft will be
completely refurbished over the summer of 2020.
In January2020, Air France continued it fleet renewal and unveiled
the new travel cabins available on board its Boeing 777 - 300s
principally serving destinations in the Caribbean and Indian
Ocean region. On board, the aircraft’s 472seats (14 in Business,
28 in Premium Economy and 430 in Economy) have been
comprehensively redesigned to oer the highest standards of
comfort, with a soft, warm ambiance in the airline’s colors. At the
end of 2020, the ten Boeing 777 - 300s (so - called Caribbean-
Indian Ocean) will be comprehensively refurbished. In January2020,
the oer on board the Economy cabin as harmonized across the
whole long - haul network.
On September27, 2019, Air France took delivery of its first A350.
This latest - generation more environmentally - friendly aircraft
oers 324seats, with 34 in the Business cabin, 24 in Premium
Economy and 266 in Economy.
The new configuration in the Business cabin (1 - 2 -1) has 34seats
with direct aisle access which convert into a near - two - meter - long
full - flat seat.
In Premium Economy, the brand new Recliner seat is 48cm wide,
reclines to 124° and has a 96cm seat pitch between each row.
In Economy, the seat has been redesigned for even more comfort,
with a reinforced ergonomic seat cushion, a 118° seat recline and
a 79 - cm seat pitch for more leg room.
The long - haul Business proposition is gaining consistency,
enabling the oer of a full - flat seat on ever - more of the airline’s
aircraft. At the end of 2020, 80% of Air France’s long - haul fleet
will be equipped with full - flat seats.
In 2019, KLM continued its fleet renewal program which is key to
its growth ambitions and its plans to make the aeronautics
industry more sustainable. Between 2015 and 2019 a total of
64 new aircraft entered the fleet, including those for KLM
Cityhopper and Transavia. The cabin upgrade program on
in - service aircraft was pursued. All thirteen Airbus A330s are now
retrofitted and boast new seats, new in - flight entertainment and
new cabin interiors.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 25
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Activities in 2019
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Three Boeing 747 were retired from the fleet in 2019. They were
replaced by the Boeing 787 - 10, which is the stretched version of
the Boeing 787 - 9with an additional 50seats. KLM will receive an
additional four 787 - 10s in 2020.
The aircraft in the European fleet are being replaced with larger
versions. KLM took delivery of four Boeing 737 - 800aircraft while
two Boeing 737 - 700s were sold. Transavia took delivery of two
Boeing 737 - 800s. KLM also decided to replace part of its EMB190
fleet with the newer and larger Embraer E195-E2, placing an order
for 21leases and purchase rights for a further fourteen aircraft.
Once delivery starts in the first quarter of 2021, these aircraft will
be used by KLM Cityhopper on its European destinations.
Furthermore, in 2019, the decision was taken to swap KLM’s A350
orders with Air France’s Boeing 787 orders. This will bring significant
eciencies, notably in terms of flight deck crew, cabin crew,
maintenance and day - to - day operations, contributing to further
cost reductions for KLM. Such synergies underscore the strength
of the Air France – KLM Group. The Cargo fleet remained
unchanged at four aircraft. The total consolidated fleet, excluding
training aircraft, grew from 209 to 214 aircraft, of which
67long - haul aircraft.
On its domestic and European network, Air France is
pursuing the upgrade to its customers’ travel experience
Air France is the first airline in the world to have chosen Safran
Cabin’s latest ECOS luggage compartments to equip its A320
and A321 single - aisle short and medium - haul aircraft, thereby
oering its customers more space to stow their cabin baggage.
The ECOS “Ecient Cabin Open Space” system oers up to 60%
more storage capacity than the luggage racks currently available.
It consists of new bins, ceiling and cove panels that provide a
lower shelf height for ease of loading and visibility. The new
luggage compartments are also equipped with easy - to - reach
doors which do not encroach on the cabin aisle. Robust,
lightweight and easy to maintain, the ECOS system is simple and
fast to install, requiring no aircraft modifications. It provides an
easier and smoother boarding experience, greatly reducing the
time spent searching for luggage space on board or the need to
put certain bags in the hold. Aircraft turnaround times will also
be reduced to improve eciency and on - time performance.
In total, Air France plans to gradually equip its 40A320s and
11 A321s with 1,342 new luggage compartments between
September2020 and September2022.
On board connectivity: ongoing roll - out of
the Air France CONNECT oer across the Air France fleet
In 2019, Air France enabled its customers to remain connected
on board by installing the latest satellite connectivity technologies
across the whole of its fleet.
Equipment on the A330 and Boeing 777: Gogo
Equipment on the A320 family (Airbus 318, 319, 320, 321):
Orange/Global Eagle Entertainment
The aircraft joining the fleet arrive already equipped: 787:
Panasonic/A350: Inmarsat
Progressive deployment across the whole fleet by the end of
At the end of January2020, 95aircraft had been equipped,
51long - haul and 44short/medium - haul.
From their personal devices (smartphone, tablet, computer),
customers can thus:
use their instant messaging applications free of charge;
purchase passes to surf the internet;
benefit from a wide selection of services and entertainment
to watch free of charge, notably on short and medium - haul
With Air France CONNECT, customers can access three WiFi
passes from their own devices:
a free “Message” pass for everyone, to send and receive
messages for the duration of the flight;
a “Surf” pass from €3to €18to surf the internet, and consult
and send emails;
a “Stream"pass from €10to €30to benefit from high - speed
The Air France CONNECT proposition is progressively being
expanded to oer customer additional services such as shopping,
exclusive access to the La Cave Air France cellar, a wide range of
activities and a ride - hailing service with Hertz DriveU.
On the short and medium - haul flights, customers without
individual screens can enjoy a wide range of entertainment free
of charge: films, TV programs, two live television channels, music,
audio books, newspapers and magazines, and games. Customers
can also find all the flight and connecting information they need
thanks to the LEA travel assistant. To respond to the expectations
of passenger and improve connectivity, KLM is equipping more
aircraft with WiFi. In 2019, KLM took delivery of four Boeing 787-10
equipped with WiFi and installed WiFi on five of its Boeing 777-200s
and five of its Boeing 777-300s. At the end of 2019, 53% of the
intercontinental fleet had been connected and this percentage is
set to increase to 100% in the spring of 2021. KLM Citihopper’s new
Embraer 195-E2 will also be equipped with the WiFi technology.
Gastronomy on board: new signature dishes in 2019
As an ambassador for fine French cuisine, Air France entrusts its
La Première and Business class menus to renowned chefs. In
2019, in collaboration with the Servair Culinary Studio, the
company welcomed two new French Michelin - starred chefs,
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document26
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Activities in 2019
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Andrée Rosier and Emmanuel Renaut. All the talented chefs
working with Air France thus take part in the design of menus,
the choice of products and the creation of gourmet dishes to be
enjoyed in the sky, on flights departing from Paris and numerous
airports worldwide.
Since July2019, Air France has taken its collaboration with chefs
in the Business cabin to another level. Their signature dishes now
account for all of the à la carte options for hot dishes
The signature dishes are also available in Business on board the
medium - haul flights from/to Algiers, Amman, Athens, Bucharest,
Casablanca, Erevan, Istanbul, Kiev, Marrakech, Moscow, Oran, Rabat,
Stockholm, Sofia, St Petersburg, Tel Aviv, Tunis and Warsaw.
On departure from Paris in the La Première cabin:
from January to March2019: Michel Roth;
from April to June2019: dishes signed by Joël Robuchon, in
hommage to the prestigious Michelin - starred chef who
presided over the Servair Culinary Studio;
from July to October 2019, Régis Marcon, the legendary
French chef, recognized by his peers – Bocuse d’Or in
1995–and acclaimed by critics with three Michelin stars;
from November 2019 to February2020, for the first time,
Emmanuel Renaut will be creating dishes for Air France’s La
Première menu. Awarded the title of Meilleur Ouvrier de
France, triple - starred Emmanuel Renaut belongs to a new
generation of chefs who are reinventing Savoyard cuisine.
On departure from Paris in the Business cabin:
from January to March 2019: Anne Sophie Pic. For her
restaurants in Valence, Paris, London and Lausanne she totals
seven Michelin stars, making her the female chef with the most
Michelin stars in the world;
from April to June2019: Arnaud Lallement, three stars in the
Michelin Guide;
from July to October2019, there is Savoyard chef, Guy Martin,
a ground - breaking chef of his generation;
from November to February2020, for the first time, Air France
has entrusted its Business class menu to Andrée Rosier, the
first female chef to be awarded the title of Meilleure Ouvrier
de France in 2007 and a Michelin - starred chef.
KLM Inflight Services continued to reduce the weight of its
product, for example through lighter meal trays. In December 2019,
KLM Inflight Services piloted its Closed Loop initiative, aimed at
working with recycled catering supplies, on the Vancouver flights.
KLM is the first airline in the world to trial the recycling of dierent
catering items within a closed-loop system.
In 2019, Air France rolled out a number of initiatives on board all
its flights, mainly in the Economy and Premium Economy cabins:
plastic cutlery and stirrers were replaced with wooden items
(FSC-certified birch from sustainably-managed forests), all the
cups used are in paper and the coee and cutlery kits are now
packaged in eco-responsible materials. To avoid waste, creamer
is provided on request by customers. Acceleration in customer - focused
initiatives to become the number one
for Customer Intimacy
AirFrance – KLM Digital aims to be the travel industry’s
leading sales powerhouse by providing the most relevant
oers and services to our customers and a seamless
experience over the customer journey
Digital and the Group’s customers are one and the same. Digital
channels now enable AirFrance – KLM to sell tickets and satisfy
customers, in their location and at the time of their choice.
In future, technology will give the Group an unprecedented level
of control. With the end of the Full Content Deal, the Group is
now free to remodel its communication and support policy as it
would wish.
The pillars of digital
Digital is one of the Group’s largest sales channels with the direct
online channels accounting for 36% of the total tickets sold.
Digital services also contribute to oering an enhanced customer
experience, with personalized products and services. Every week,
the Group handles 52,000social media messages, with 50% of
the responses supported by Artificial Intelligence tools.
A powerful digital sales engine
The Group has learned a great deal since the deployment of digital.
Firstly, that digital channels need to be fast, easy to use and
recognizable. Secondly, that direct online channels contribute to
an improved level of customer service, enabling contact to be
personalized and forging long - term relations. Lastly, that the
online journey must also be as convenient and relevant as possible,
whether the customer is comparing flights, searching destinations
or looking for trip ideas. These aspects have become the three
key drivers for our digital sales engine.
One important milestone was the roll out of the new digital
platform, merging expertise and back - end platforms to create a
powerful sales and service engine. This enables the Group to
accelerate its product development, thanks to a single
development flow and team for the two brands, leading to one
of the biggest digital platforms in the industry.
As an international Group selling its digital oer in 139markets,
AirFrance – KLM deploys substantial eorts towards an approach
that is both global and local. Within this context, the Group
developed the AFKL Digital platform for the local teams, aligned
performance management and launched a toolkit for
upper - tunnel activities.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 27
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Activities in 2019
(1) Stockholm, Sofia, Bucharest, Algiers, Oran, Tunis, Warsaw, Rabat, Marrakech, Casablanca, Kiev, St Petersburg, Athens, Istanbul, Moscow, Tel Aviv, Erevan, Amman.
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Key projects for markets in 2020
This year, the Group is planning some major improvements to
underpin growth in direct online sales, targeting a 40% share of
coupons sold in 2022: a new live worldwide digital platform, a
digital marketing dashboard, Business Travel Services and the
first personalized bundles under New Oer Management.
Air France – KLM’s goal is to keep on increasing yield and
incrementality, and its planning a move from an e - acquisition
channel to a customer - centric perspective via an omni - channel
Key successes for AirFrance – KLM Digital
Customer service organization of the future
The Group has never ceased developing and expanding its
dedicated social media team. By digitalizing its services,
Air France – KLM is now able to respond to its customers
24/7across all its channels in ten languages. It is now leveraging
this to build the service organization of the future: a fast and
high - quality service, combining a technological and human
response. Thanks to chatbots and artificial intelligence, combined
with the expertise of 500agents worldwide, AirFrance – KLM has
increased its Net Promoter Score by 15points, in a context of 30%
growth in the messages received.
This performance has been recognized by the whole industry and
by Facebook which, during the annual worldwide F8 event at San
José in the US, welcomed the Group’s strategy as one of the best
in class for building excellent customer service experiences on
Messenger. The Group plans to pursue the development of its
services on the social media, aimed at assisting and advising
customers, and driving sales.
Personalizing the oers and advertising
As an airline Group, Air France – KLM aims to sell tickets and
additional services but it wants to do this by tapping into the
existing behavior of its passengers in a smart way: personalized,
relevant and ecient. To this end, it uses all the actionable
insights at its disposal, together with its performance mindset
and way of working, to create personalized advertising for its
products and services.
Its in - house Data platform, aggregating the data of 100million
customers, enables the building of a smart personalization strategy:
no dependency on any one data provider, access to real - time
information for frontline sta and a means of personalizing the
messages. Above all it enables the highest - possible level of GDPR
compliance to guarantee the confidentiality of customer data.
The Group’s priority is to be an open, transparent and trusted
party for customers and other stakeholders.
The in - house digital Media Buying platform also enables the
Group to limit marketing pressure, personalize its advertising and
ensure cost control over its media spends.
Since the Group’s approach is pragmatic and “personalization”
extremely important, irrelevant elements are starting to be
removed from its advertising. AirFrance – KLM is looking to move
from an acquisition - channel to a customer - centric perspective.
Using an omni - channel approach means responding to customer
needs on the right channel at the right moment in their journeys.
Memorable experiences
The Group wants to exceed customer expectations by oering
them memorable experiences. It also believes that time spent on
its apps, websites and channels could be reduced if everyone
does their jobs well. It also believes that the moments spent with
AirFrance – KLM can be turned into memorable experiences.
To enhance the customer experience at key moments in their
journeys, the Group has launched functionalities that add value
to its oer: new payment methods (Apple Pay, Money pool, etc. ),
Follow My Bag (customers can track their bags through the three
main stages in their travel, check - in, embarkation and retrieval)
and Walking Timeline (a personalized guide to steer connecting
passengers through the airport). Similarly, in the event of service
disruption (flight delay or cancellation), Air France has developed
massive rerouting solutions (via OPR), enabling customers to be
oered an alternative within record time, together with the
related services (ICoupon, digital format service voucher).
Air France is also the first airline to propose a 100% digital
experience for Unaccompanied Minors.
The mobile app is still greatly appreciated by customers with high
satisfaction rates on shopping and nearly 400,000downloads
per month for the Air France and KLM apps.
Better together
The way companies collaborate has changed and the Group sees
new partnerships with digital platforms as key to realizing its
digital transformation as an organization and to oering its
customers more added value.
A technological pioneer
Since its inception, the Group has consistently sought ever - better
solutions to existing problems. That is why it uses new, emerging
technologies like voice assistants, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
Augmented Reality (AR), to assist its customers more eectively.
For example, at Roissy-CDG airport, all the connecting routes are
now available in the Air France app. Similarly, Air France is the
first European airline to have embedded RFID technology to
facilitate the traceability of baggage at Roissy-CDG, in collaboration
with Paris Aéroport.
Artificial Intelligence
The AirFrance – KLM strategy is to find the best balance between
human interventions and technology, the latter’s continuous
development leading to greater eciency. Thanks to Artificial
intelligence, the Group is able to assist more customers, more
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eectively and more rapidly. Artificial intelligence now handles
50% of messages on the social media. In the event of service
disruption (flight delay or cancellation), customers can communicate
with a chatbot for a rapid, interactive response to their requests.
Voice assistance
Voice platforms are the interfaces of tomorrow. Irrespective of
their location, the Group wants to oer its customers the best
possible travel companion. Voice assistants constitute the new,
fourth entry point to date, after apps, websites and the social
media. AirFrance – KLM was one of the first airline groups to
propose services on Google Home and Amazon Alexa, on which
it currently has thousands of users.
Contributing to the sustainable development strategy
Digital has made a material contribution to the action plan on the
two major strategic pillars: reducingCO
emissions and carbon
osetting. By oering their customers a 100% digital experience,
Air France and KLM can limit their use of paper and prioritize
digital boarding cards.
In terms of carbon osetting, during the ticket booking process,
AirFrance – KLM oers customers the opportunity to voluntarily
oset theirCO
emissions via osetting programs or by making
a donation in favor of the planet to finance forestry plantation
projects selected by the Group.
For its ground operations, Air France is committed to an ambitious
plan to replace 90% of its fossil - fired ramp equipment (baggage
trailers, boarding walkways, etc. ) with electric equipment by
2025. Innovative solutions are being implemented with startups
like Carwatt, implanting batteries recycled from the automotive
industry in baggage conveyor belts.
Key figures: digital for the Group in 2019
564million visits on the digital touchpoints
–1.5m per day
70% online check - ins
€4,6bn generated online (NTR)
39million fans and followers on social media
550+ agents dedicated to social media: the largest team in the
airline industry
40,000iPads issued to employees and crews
Major industry accolades in 2019
In 2019, both Air France and KLM won some major accolades.
During the Facebook F8 event, Air France won exemplary brand
for the customer experience on Messenger and the award for
Digital empowering sta during the hub Forum in Paris. KLM also
received several awards: Gold for Travel Assistant (Spin), number
one for volume answers via the Social Media (Emerce), and
Bronze for Family Updates and Gold for Travel Assistant (Lovies).
Customer intimacy increasingly anchored
in Air France’s customer relations
In 2019, Customer Intimacy remained at the heart of Air France’s
Customer strategy.
The company continued to oer all customer - facing sta the
option to share their experience around “cross - functional cafés”;
since 2014, this program has reached more than 1,500people.
Remaining within the framework of Customer Intimacy,
cross - cutting targeted training programs were rolled out for La
Première sta, bringing together 60 call - center agents,
1,200flight crew personnel and 150lounge agents. Hub managers
also benefit from the Nouvel Elan de la Relation Attentionnée
training. For the joint Air France and KLM international teams, the
We Care for Our Customers program (international version of
Customer Intimacy) was deployed in 2019. Fifteen call centers,
i.e. 2,400agents and 180 international outstations, benefited
from this.
The customer continuity function was extended to all our
customers (beyond the holders of Flying Blue or Air France
cards). This tool which is accessible to the sales teams, oers an
ever - more - comprehensive vision of our customers in the strict
respect of the data protection regulations. More than 33,000cases
were initiated in 2019, giving contextual information on the
journeys under way for customers, oering at each touch point
the opportunity to use this information eectively for greater
personalization of the journey.
2019 saw the expansion of the Empowerment initiatives that had
been successfully trialed with cabin crews. Within the framework
of the Gift For Care project, 30,000gifts were oered to our
customers across the network. Furthermore, following the very
positive Lab Empowerment experience realized in 2018 with a
sample of hostesses and stewards, this initiative was extended to
all 14,000cabin crew sta in 2019, giving them the possibility of
sending a post - flight personalized gift via the Air France
Shopping platform.
In 2019, the Customer Action Loop initiative rolled out across
Air France’s long - haul flights was extended to all short and
medium - haul flights. All Air France teams can now poll customer
opinions on the experience they have just had in real time. This
customer feedback is now an integral part of crew briefings and
enables the implementation of management actions to further
enhance the customer experience. Air France crews were thus
able to access some 1,200,000customer feedback data points
in 2019.
Air France also continued to leverage its Club composed of some
100frequent flyer customer members who are regularly asked
to volunteer their input on dierent travel - related issues. Some
twenty co - creation workshops took place in 2019, bringing
together the members of this Club and Air France sta (flight
crews, ground sta, product heads, etc. ) to work on numerous
subjects including La Cave Air France, the content of the amenity
kits distributed on board, sustainable development, etc.
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Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Activities in 2019
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In 2019, KLM strengthened the fundamentals of its product via
more digital and personalised services, by working more closely
with operational departments and partners and changing the
way in which it handles disruptions. Throughout the customer
journey, services are aligned with customer expectations, thereby
making the company as a whole more customer - centric.
Digital services make it easier for passengers to take control of
their own journeys and manage their time eectively. Frontline
sta are supported by the available digital tools in the provision
of real - time, accurate information to customers and thus deliver
better care. On flights to/from the United States and as part of a
complex proof of concept, KLM began testing biometric
boarding. These digital features, in combination with oine
solutions, are key to making the passenger journey faster, more
comfortable and more ecient.
KLM also opened its flagship Crown Lounge at Schiphol. This
6,800square meter architectonic beauty oers Business class
passengers with KLM and its partners an unforgettable
experience across five themed zones. Cargo business: AirFrance – KLM,
a major player in air freight
During the 2019 financial year, the Group carried 1.1million tons, i.e.
a 2.3% decline, of which 81% in the bellies of passenger aircraft and
19% in the full - freighter fleet over a network of 391destinations
in 158countries.
In 2019, cargo industry capacity additions led to the worst trac
versus capacity trend for the past ten years. Opportunistic
growth strategies were one of the main drivers after two strong
years for the air freight market, leading to substantial (belly)
overcapacity, particularly on the North Atlantic routes. On the
demand side, by the year end global air freight demand had been
in decline for fourteen consecutive months on the back of:
geo - political uncertainties resulting in weak global air freight
trade tensions impacting especially ex-Asia volumes, and a;
sharp decline in demand from the auto - motive industry.
In this context, the market share of AirFrance – KLM Cargo proved
resilient, with the growth realized in alternative flows partly
mitigating the ex-Asia losses.
The Group’s Cargo strategy is focused on maintaining and increasing
load factors where possible and taking a proactive approach to
new revenue opportunities. A new revenue action plan has been
established for 2020 to deliver incremental revenues. Airline partners and alliances: expanding
the Group’s commercial presence to respond
to global air transport demand
Air transport demand is global and, to respond to this demand,
Air France – KLM is pursuing an ambitious strategy aimed at
expanding its commercial presence in every region of the world.
Airline alliances and partnerships are an integral part of this
strategy. They contribute to meeting customer expectations and
thus creating value for the Group. They reinforce the Group’s
market positioning thanks to an expanded and more diversified
network, which supplements the Group’s own oer. They may
also enable the generation of operational synergies.
Strategic partnerships
In July2017, AirFrance – KLM announced a further major step in
the reinforcement of its strategic partnerships with, on one hand,
the creation of a single global joint - venture between AirFrance
– KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc. and Virgin Atlantic and, on the other
hand, the intensification of its partnership with China Eastern
Airlines. These two commercial alliances have been consolidated
by equity links. Delta Air Lines,Inc. and China Eastern Airlines
each acquired an 8.8% stake in Air France – KLM within the
framework of reserved capital increases carried out during 2017,
for a total of €751million.
The strategic, commercial and capitalistic reinforcement of these
partnerships positions AirFrance – KLM as the European pillar of
the leading global airline network.
Transatlantic joint - venture with Delta Air Lines and Virgin Atlantic
On January1, 2020, following approval by the US authorities on
November 21, 2019, the Group launched a new transatlantic
joint - venture between AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines and Virgin
Atlantic. As a result, as of December31, 2019 and a decade after
its creation, the Group ended the previously - existing
joint - venture between AirFrance – KLM, Delta and Alitalia. As with
most joint - ventures in the industry, it did not lead to the creation
of a common company but rather the signature of a contract
defining both the mechanism of a common income statement,
governance and organizations to manage all aspects of the
partnership. The existence of an internal common income
statement ensures that the partners implement all the actions
contributing to an improved operating result for the activity, to
their mutual benefit. Each company member of the joint - venture
recognizes the revenues and costs relating to the joint - venture
scope in their respective income statements. If necessary, a
settlement mechanism between joint - venture members will
compensate the imbalances in value creation based on a
mechanism agreed between the parties. This mechanism
contributes to ‘‘metal neutrality’’, enabling the dierent members
to jointly manage capacity and look for overall optimization
rather than the individual interests of each airline, ultimately
increasing value for both partners and customers.
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The governance bodies comprise a CEO Committee, a Steering
Committee and Working Groups.
The scope of this joint - venture is very wide, covering all the flights
between North America, Mexico and Europe through integrated
cooperation and all the flights between North America and
Mexico to and from the Mediterranean basin, Africa, the Gulf
countries and India together with the flights from Europe to and
from Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru and Ecuador
through close coordination.
With revenues exceeding US$13billion and a market share of
23%, this new joint - venture is a major player on the transatlantic,
the leading market for international air transportation. More than
340daily flights link the nine principal hubs: Paris, Amsterdam,
London, Atlanta, New York, Detroit, Minneapolis, Cincinnati and
Salt Lake City. Pricing and revenue management are centralized
within a 60 - strong team based in Amsterdam.
The coordination of the network has been reflected in the
strengthening of the hub to hub services, the optimization of aircraft
types assigned on each route and an increase in the number of
destinations served by non - stop flights on both sides of the
Atlantic. The sales forces have been regrouped in each region.
This extended scope marks the expansion and strengthening of
one of the most advanced partnership models in the airline
Partnerships in China–a consolidated presence
in the Chinese market
Air France and KLM benefit from a historic presence in China,
bolstered by strong partnerships with two of the three largest
Chinese carriers, through joint - venture agreements concluded
during the past two decades. In 2006, KLM was the first to sign
a joint - venture agreement with China Southern, thereby benefiting
from its partner’s vast domestic network operated on departure
from the Guangzhou and Beijing hubs. This agreement was expanded
to Xiamen Airlines, a subsidiary of China Southern, in 2015. For
its part, in 2010, Air France signed a joint - venture agreement with
China Southern, regrouping the Paris-Guangzhou operations of
the two partners and developing their respective cooperation
beyond their main hubs. In July2018, AirFrance – KLM on one
side, and China Southern and Xiamen Airlines on the other,
committed to a new period of joint - venture cooperation by
forming a single joint - venture which remains in force despite
China Southern’s announcement that it was leaving the SkyTeam
alliance, eective January1, 2019.
In 2012, Air France signed a joint - venture agreement involving
the Paris and Shanghai routes with China Eastern Airlines, a major
player in Chinese air transportation, operating a vast domestic
network and internationally mainly out of its base in Shanghai,
China’s economic lung. This agreement was extended to KLM in 2016,
when China Eastern Airlines inaugurated the Shanghai-Amsterdam
service. The partnership was further reinforced in 2017 when
China Eastern Airlines acquired an 8.8% stake in AirFrance – KLM
via a reserved capital increase. In November2018, AirFrance – KLM
and China Eastern signed an agreement to extend their
joint - venture as of January1, 2019 to two additional routes, Paris-
Wuhan and Paris-Kunming, thereby oering their respective
customers new routes under code share and new connecting
opportunities between Europe and China.
Thanks to these partnerships, Air France – KLM can oer its
customers access to a total of some fifty destinations in China,
completing its own network with eight destinations in Greater
In total, the revenues from routes operated between Europe
and China by airlines participating in joint-venture agreements
represent more than €1 billion.
Strategic partnership with GOL
In 2014, AirFrance – KLM and GOL Linhas Aéreas Inteligentes
signed an exclusive five - year strategic partnership reinforcing
their commercial cooperation between Brazil and Europe. The
partnership notably foresees the optimization of synergies between
the two groups and, in particular, connecting opportunities in the
major Brazilian cities served by the Group. The partnership led to
a significant increase (approaching 25%) in the percentage of Air
France and KLM passengers transferring to GOL flights. Since
April2015, GOL has used its code on AirFrance – KLM flights
between Europe and Brazil, and on European destinations beyond
Paris and Amsterdam. The two partners cooperate on promoting
sales in their home markets and, since November2017, Air France
has been GOL’s GSA for the French market. This GSA agreement
is currently being deployed across the European market.
In May2018, Air France and KLM took a new step in their strategic
development in Brazil with the opening of new routes to
Fortaleza on departure from Paris and Amsterdam. These flights
connect with GOL’s new strategic hub in Fortaleza, oering
increased connectivity for customers to the main cities in
northern and north - eastern Brazil.
On October30, 2019, AirFrance – KLM and GOL renewed this
strategic partnership agreement for a five - year period, thereby
reinforcing this cooperation. Air France – KLM remains GOL’s
exclusive European partner, reciprocally with some exceptions
Since January1, 2020, Alitalia has no longer been a member of
the transatlantic joint - venture between AirFrance – KLM, Delta
Air Lines and Virgin Atlantic. However, the US authorities have
prolonged the anti - trust Immunity until May20, 2020, enabling
AirFrance – KLM, Delta and Alitalia to continue their commercial
cooperation until that date, leaving time to explore the dierent
avenues for future collaboration with Alitalia.
Other joint - ventures and code shares
Air France – KLM implements various forms of partnership
agreements, the choice depending on the balance between value
creation for its customers and the Group, and the necessary level
of interaction between the oers of the partners, together with
the regulatory requirements framing the scope of the agreement.
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The first level of interline cooperation is Trac and Special
Prorate Agreements (SPA) between the partner airlines, enabling
the combination of their networks while maintaining their
respective IATA codes and setting their own fares.
Within the framework of a code - sharing agreement, two partner
airlines sell tickets on the same flight, each under their own code
and setting their own fares. The operating carrier has operational
control over the aircraft while the marketing partner, for sales
purposes, uses its own flight number on its partner’s flights. Any
such agreement must comply with the safety and regulatory
requirements set forth by the competent authorities.
There are two types of code sharing. In the first, under a block
seat agreement, the marketing partner purchases a fixed amount
of capacity from the operating carrier. The marketing partner has
inventory control over the seat block. In the second, known as
free flow, no division of capacity is set, the two partners
potentially selling all the seats on the relevant flights although
inventory control remains the prerogative of the operating carrier.
Access to capacity on the relevant flights is through negotiated
fares for each booking class.
Joint - ventures are the next level of integration in alliances and
participate in the trend towards consolidation when the partners
are seeking a higher level of joint optimization on a sub - scope of
their network without, however, considering a merger.
A joint - venture enables value creation for customers in the
markets where it is implemented and, as a result for the partners
who organize coordination of the commercial activities:
for customers, they enable access to an expanded oer of
flights and increased connectivity, loyalty program benefits
across a wider perimeter, a harmonized travel experience and
integrated commercial propositions;
the partners thus improve their market positioning, serving a
higher number of customers and enabling them to capture
market growth.
The partners define the governance principles and financial
sharing mechanisms, enabling decision - making and execution
across the whole value chain, thus responding to the commercial
objectives of the joint - venture.
The final stages in cooperation consolidation and integration are
mergers or equity interests, anchoring the development of a
common strategy over the long term.
Joint - ventures, equity interests and mergers must be approved
in the light of the regulations in force in the jurisdictions covering
the scopes of the agreements, particularly with respect to the
competition rules (e.g. Anti - trust Immunity). SkyTeam alliance
The three large alliances, SkyTeam (to which Air France and KLM
belong), Star Alliance and oneworld, represent some 55% of
worldwide trac. Among the top 50airline carriers in the world,
only 15do not belong to a global alliance, including eight low - cost
carriers whose business models make them unlikely to want to
join an alliance.
Since the inception of the global alliances, their capacity in terms
of the available seats oered by member airlines has grown by
more than the industry average, with SkyTeam now being the
second largest alliance, behind Star Alliance and ahead of
SkyTeam: a global alliance
SkyTeam, created in 2000, is a global alliance which numbered
19airline members at December31, 2019: Aeroflot, Aerolineas
Argentinas, Aeromexico, Air Europa, Air France, Alitalia, China
Eastern Airlines, China Airlines, Czech Airlines, Delta Air Lines,Inc.,
Garuda Indonesia, Kenya Airways, KLM, Korean Air, Middle East
Airlines, Saudi Arabian Airlines, Tarom, Vietnam Airlines and
Xiamen Airlines.
Belonging to SkyTeam enables its members to strengthen their
brand awareness and extend their oer around the globe,
thereby bolstering their commercial presence. As members of
the SkyTeam alliance, Air France and KLM have access to a global
network of some 15,500daily flights to 1,036destinations in more
than 170countries.
The 676million annual passengers benefit from a seamless travel
experience on the flights of member airlines and have access to
790airport lounges around the world. The 230million passengers
who are members of frequent flyer programs can earn and burn
air miles on all SkyTeam partner flights.
Airlines need to fulfil a series of specific membership requirements
before becoming an alliance member, relating to operations,
technologies and products. Members must be linked by bilateral
agreements covering codesharing, their loyalty programs and
access to airport lounges.
While retaining their separate identities and brands, the airlines
combine their networks to oer their customers a more extensive
range of travel solutions and the related global services, more
rapid earning of miles, access to numerous airport lounges but
also a more seamless customer service during the dierent
stages of their journeys thanks to the SkyPriority and SkyTransfer
SkyTeam also provides an environment and tools enabling
members to generate operational cost synergies (e.g. co - located
facilities, better use of airport lounges and notably the seven
SkyTeam lounges, a converging IT platform, etc. ).
Airlines must also be able to oer the products and services
exclusive to the alliance. SkyTeam has notably developed
proprietary products such as Passes enabling travel at
competitive fares, global contracts reserved for large companies
or international events and a product dedicated to Marine and
Oshore personnel.
SkyTeam’s main governance body is the Alliance Board,
composed of the Chairs and Chief Executive Ocers of the
19member airlines. The Alliance Board meets twice a year to
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2018 results restated with a similar impact to 2019, following a
change in accounting method for Life Limited Parts and Customer
Compensation. For more detail, see Notes to the consolidated
financial statements, paragraph 2, pages 12-15.
In 2019, the passenger business continued its growth, with total
revenue rising by 3.6% and the number of passengers carried up
by 2.3%.
A dynamic commercial strategy and revenue management enabled
the passenger business to limit the impact of the commercial
environment, with the unit revenue remaining broadly stable (-
0.4%) at constant currency.
Passenger Network business
2018 at constant
2019 restated Change currency
Number of passengers (in thousands) 87,624 85,619 +2.3%
Capacity (in ASK million) 299,606 292,184 +2.5%
Trac (in RPK million) 263,499 255,405 +3.2%
Load factor 87.9% 87.4% +0.5pt
Total passenger revenues (in €m) 21,119 20,383 +3.6% +2.5%
Scheduled passenger revenues (in €m) 20,408 19,743 +3.4% +2.1%
Unit revenue per ASK (in € cents) 6.81 6.76 +0.8% -0.4%
2018 results restated with a similar impact to 2019, following a
change in accounting method for Life Limited Parts and
Customer Compensation. For more detail, see Notes to the
consolidated financial statements, paragraph 2, pages 12-15.
In the 2019 financial year, total revenue for the combined
passenger and cargo businesses stood at €23,272 million,
representing an increase of €600million. This improvement was
mainly due to the capacity growth in 2019.
The operating result was down by 28.1% relative to the previous
year, mainly explained by the higher fuel bill, with a good cost
performance being oset by the decline in cargo unit revenue. Key figures
Network business
2018 at constant
2019 restated Change currency
Total revenues (in €m) 23,272 22,672 +2.6% +1.5%
Scheduled revenues (in €m) 22,251 21,731 +2.4% +1.1%
Income from current operations (in €m) 749 1,042 -293 -256
define the strategic orientations of the Alliance such as the
introduction of new members, the definition of the customer
experience and the positioning of the SkyTeam brand along with
its related investment and operational budget.
The Executive Board, consisting of senior executives with direct
commercial and operational roles, is appointed by the Alliance
Board and translates the approved strategic orientations into
action plans in a wide range of disciplines ranging from
marketing, airport synergies, interface between information
systems, the transfer product between member airlines, cargo
and advertising to the brand.
In parallel with their proprietary development projects, the
member airlines commit to implementing the SkyTeam action
plans by earmarking the required internal resources and
respecting the timelines set.
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Cargo business
at constant
2019 2018 Change currency
Tonnage transported (in thousands) 1,110 1,137 -2.3%
Capacity (in millions of ATK) 14,609 14,365 +1.7%
Trac (in millions of RTK) 8,467 8,657 -2.2%
Load factor 58.0% 60.3% +2.3pt
Total cargo revenues (in €m) 2,153 2,288 -5.9% -7.8%
Scheduled cargo revenues (in €m) 1,843 1,988 -7.3% -9.1%
Unit revenue per ATK (in € cents) 12.62 13.84 -8.9% -10.7%
All the trac indicators were up across the whole network. The
increases in capacity and load factor enabled the Group to improve
its revenues. The economic and political diculties witnessed in
the world in 2019 had a negative impact on these Group revenues.
The long - haul network posted a robust performance with a load
factor up by 0.3of a point to 88.7%. Capacity increased by 2.9%
to 240,774million ASK.
North America remains the Group’s leading network with 28.9%
of capacity and 29.1% of total trac. Since the signature of the
transatlantic joint - venture in 2018, the Group has cooperated with
Delta Air Lines, Inc. on these routes. The dierent airlines
maintained strict capacity discipline to contend with the intense
competition on these lines. The number of passengers increased
strongly by 6.1% for AirFrance – KLM.
Asia-Pacific is the Group’s number two network with 26.6% of
capacity and 27.1% of total trac. The Group carried 6.7million
passengers in its aircraft. AirFrance – KLM has a joint - venture with
China Eastern notably on the Paris/Amsterdam-Shanghai routes.
The Group also cooperates with China Southern and Xiamen
Airlines via a joint - venture on several Chinese routes like Beijing
and Guangzhou. This partnership reinforces AirFrance – KLM’s
European leadership on Shanghai, the largest business center in
China. In 2019, the load factor stood at 90.5%.
AirFrance – KLM’s capacity on the Latin American network rose
by 6.4% in 2019 with a load factor down by one percentage point.
The economic diculties in Brazil and Argentina continued to
impact the Group’s results in 2019.
Capacity on the Africa-Middle East network was down by 2.3%
in 2019. The load factor gained 0.8 of a point to 84.3%. The
rationalization of the network has a positive impact on the
economic results from these routes.
The load factor on the Caribbean-Indian Ocean network
increased by 1.1points in 2019. Capacity was reduced by 0.6%
while trac was up by 0.6%.
The short and medium - haul network benefited from a 1.4 - point
increase in load factor. The Domestic France network was
significantly rationalized with capacity down by 7.5% while
medium - haul maintained its growth with a 2.9% increase in
No. of
Capacity in ASK Trac in RPK Load factor passengers
(in millions) (in millions) (in %) (in thousands)
Destination region 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
North America 69,677 66,223 62,245 58,858 89.3% 88.9% 8,760 8,257
Latin America 39,153 36,765 34,753 33,004 88.8% 89.8% 3,664 3,452
Asia-Pacific 64,124 62,079 58,008 56,157 90.5% 90.5% 6,659 6,419
Africa-Middle East 36,955 37,816 31,157 31,575 84.3% 83.5% 5,484 5,581
Caribbean–Indian Ocean 30,883 31,075 27,500 27,325 89.0% 87.9% 3,753 3,726
Total long - haul 240,774 233,957 213,664 206,919 88.7% 88.4% 28,320 27,435
Short and medium - haul 58,832 58,226 49,835 48,486 84.7% 83.3% 59,304 58,184
Total 299,606 292,184 263,499 255,405 87.9% 87.4% 87,624 85,619
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Transavia, the AirFrance – KLM Group’s low - cost business, operates
point - to - point flights to/from the Netherlands and France.
Transavia’s costs structure is strictly aligned with the low - cost
business model: maximizing the utilization of aircraft, simple
products and fares, a strong focus on ancillary revenues, a single
aircraft type, a light organizational structure and the outsourcing
of a significant portion of the activities. Its unit costs are thus
comparable to those of the other low - cost operators at around
4.94euro cents per ASK for an average flight distance of around
At December31, 2019, Transavia had an operational fleet of seven
Boeing 737 - 700s and 73Boeing 737 - 800s, of which 42based in the
Netherlands and 38 in France, and more than 3,000 full - time
employees. In 2019, the Transavia network comprised
130destinations in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
Flights were operated from six dierent bases: Amsterdam,
Rotterdam, Eindhoven, Paris-Orly, Nantes and Lyon, oering a
network of more than 225routes.
In 2019, Transavia pursued its growth with capacity expansion of
6.5%. The company carried 16.6million passengers, up by 4.8%
relative to 2018. The load factor increased by 0.2of a point to
92.2%. Revenues reached €1.7billion, growth of 9.3% while the
unit revenue per ASK progressed by 3%. The operating margin
stood at 7.5%, with operating income of €131million, €14million
down compared to last year.
In the Netherlands, Transavia continued to focus on the
development of scheduled flights with the opening of nine new
routes, thereby further strengthening its number one low - cost
position. In addition to this core business in point - to - point,
Transavia continued to oer connecting flights thanks to the KLM
hub in Amsterdam. In France, Transavia was the number one
low - cost operator at Paris-Orly and accelerated its growth as
planned, with the opening of 21new routes.
Since April2019, all Transavia flights have been operated from
the new Terminal Orly 3, oering passengers a higher standard
of comfort and fluidity: signage is more visible and clearer, there
are 50self - service kiosks and 45automatic baggage drop - o
points, and the boarding lounge is fully equipped with connected
furniture oering a haven of tranquillity before the departure of
the aircraft. In the arrival area, a new sorting system improves the
delivery time for baggage.
In 2020, the growth in Transavia’s capacity is set to continue with
53new routes planned, leading to a total of 280routes and 4%-
6% growth in ASK. To support this growth, Transavia France
announced the opening of a new base in Montpellier in the south
of France, with 20routes. In parallel, the network to Algeria will
also be extended with twelve new routes from Paris, Lyon and
Montpellier. In April2020, Transavia Netherlands will begin to
operate flights to eight destinations out of Brussels, aimed at
serving the growing demand from the home market in a
slot - constrained environment for all Dutch airports.
In France, Transavia signed an agreement on Quality of life in the
Workplace with all the unions. This agreement addresses three
themes concerning Quality of Life in the Workplace: gender
equality, quality of working relationships and a balance between
professional and personal life. At the end of September, a social
agreement for the Group was signed covering Transavia’s future
development, including an agreement for non - restricted growth
in the number of aircraft. Recently, negotiations were launched
on the new Collective Labor Agreements (for entry into force in
April2020) for Transavia Netherlands.
In both the Netherlands and France, the operational performance
was under pressure in the past year due, for example, to longer
air trac control delays and challenges with fleet availability,
leading to a slight decline in On-Time Performance.
In recent years, Transavia has developed multiple innovations to
the benefit of the user experience. Every month, the Transavia
website welcomes over three million users, of whom 54% from a
mobile device. Transavia has a significant presence on the social
media and the company numbers more than 1.2million Facebook
fans (NL) and 1,039,000Instagram followers (NL/FR). The most
popular platform is WhatsApp, which is used for more than 60%
of the contact with the company on the social media. The
company oers an eective and personalized customer service,
handling around 500conversations a day, and is committed to
responding to customer messages within 60minutes. In 2019, the
next steps were taken to give passengers more control during
their journeys with the introduction of self - service options to cancel
bookings or change passenger details. With the introduction of
Tours & Tickets, the separate sales oer was further extended
whilst various trials are ongoing to meet passenger needs more
eectively throughout their journeys.
In October2019, in partnership with Dohop, Transavia launched
a new platform: Transavia Smart-Connect. This platform oers
connections between several flights in its network at attractive
prices and oers full support (provided by Dohop) in the event
of missed connections. Transavia Smart-Connect extends the
range of available travel oers within the entire Transavia network.
All these services are contributing to an improvement in customer
satisfaction. In the Netherlands, 2019 saw Transavia realize a Net
Promoter Score of 37 while the Transavia France cabin crew
reached a customer satisfaction level of 8.5/10. In 2019, Transavia
France received two major awards from Capital magazine: Best
Employer 2020 (2
in the Transport category) and Best low - cost
Airline 2020 (1
in the Low Cost Airline category) while Transavia
Netherlands received the Dutch Marketing Award for Internal
In 2019, the Transavia Ventures investment fund was founded in
the Netherlands, aimed at generating new revenue streams. The
fund focuses on scalable innovations in the areas of travel,
technology, mobility, logistics, digital retail, hospitality and
sustainability. The first investments have been made and more
will follow in 2020.
1.3.2 Low - cost business (Transavia): “We make low - cost feel good”
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Aircraft maintenance is the Air France – KLM Group’s third
business with third - party revenues of €2.1billion. These revenues
generated with external clients represent a little over 46.3% of
the total revenues in this business. In 2019, the AFI KLM E&M
order book increased by US$0.1billion, to a total of US$11.5billion.
In the aircraft maintenance or MRO (Maintenance, Repair and
Overhaul) market, Air France Industries KLM Engineering &
Maintenance (AFI KLM E&M) ranks number two globally amongst
the multi - product players. The role of AFI KLM E&M is to supply
competitive support for the Group’s fleet, while consolidating its
position as a leading MRO in its own market.
The Group operates in three major maintenance segments: airframe
maintenance, engine maintenance and component support
(electronic, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, etc. ). Airframe
maintenance covers three sub- segments: line operations support
which aims to verify the proper day - to - day functioning of systems
and the integrity of the aircraft structure, heavy maintenance for
in - depth checks involving the disassembly of cabins, equipment
and some structural elements, and the realization of modification
programs, particularly the retrofitting of cabins. Business environment
An attractive market despite the growing constraints
According to estimates, the global MRO market, which comprises
the maintenance and modification spending by aircraft operators
either directly or through sub - contractors, will be worth
US$90billion in 2020 (source: ICF International).
The trends in this business closely follow those of the commercial
airline fleets globally and their utilization. In the short term, airlines
tend to focus on adjusting their use of older - generation aircraft
in that their costs, and particularly maintenance costs, are the
highest. The MRO operators thus suer from more volatile demand
on older - generation aircraft than on the next - generation models.
Key figures
Transavia 2019 restated Change
Number of passengers (in thousands) 16,581 15,828 +4.8%
Capacity (in ASK million) 32,867 30,850 +6.5%
Trac (in RPK million) 30,303 28,392 +6.7%
Load factor 92.2% 92.0% + 0.2pt
Total passenger revenues (in €m) 1,744 1,595 +9.3%
Unit revenue per ASK (in € cents) 5.34 5.18 +3.0%
Unit cost per ASK (in € cents) 4.94 4.71 +4.8%
Income from current operations (in €m) 131 145 -14
1.3.3 Maintenance business
Lastly, Transavia is committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) approach and increasingly focuses on sustainability and
inclusivity via a number of dierent initiatives. In the Netherlands,
Transavia is part of the industry’s Smart & Sustainable initiative
which is committed to reducing the sector’sCO
emissions to
their 2005 level by 2030. To reach these goals, Transavia has
deployed a series of measures, such as the installation of split
scimitar winglets, improved engine technology, lighter and more
durable brakes, lighter galleys combined with lightweight trolleys,
and E-Leather
seat covers. Currently, Transavia is further researching
the options to participate in a synthetic kerosene initiative in the
Netherlands. Since December2019, Transavia has collaborated
with KLM in their CO2Zero program to oer passengers osetting
options for theCO
emissions from their flights. Transavia France
is fully committed to eliminating single - use plastics on all
scheduled flights. At the end of 2019, plastic cutlery, tumblers and
stirrers had been replaced on board with sustainable, certified
alternatives, Transavia thus becoming the first world airline to
become plastic free and use FSC-certified tumblers. Thanks to
the dierent flight operation optimization initiatives, Transavia
France has achieved a 14% reduction in itsCO
emissions per
passenger per kilometer, relative to their 2010 level. Transavia is
strengthening its partnership with the start - ups Open Airlines
and Safety Line, launching new tools which will help to further
emissions through the use of big data and optimized
flight operations. Furthermore, in both the Netherlands and
France, the company supports organizations that help sick
children (respectively the Peter Pan and Carlesimo foundations).
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The market is also characterized by increased pricing pressure
resulting from fiercer competition between maintenance operators
(MROs) and more exacting requirements on the part of customer
airlines. Furthermore, a growing number of airlines are looking to
transfer the financing of spare parts to maintenance service
providers within the framework of increasingly - large - scale contracts
(in terms of revenue, duration, complexity, etc. ). Lastly, the
competition from Original Equipment and Engine Manufacturers
(OEMs) and Original Aircraft Manufacturers (OAMs) has
considerably increased in recent years.
Ever-fiercer competition
As with all the players in the aeronautics and air transport industry,
the MRO operators are participating in a vast consolidation
movement to reinforce economies of scale and contend with
pricing pressure.
Against this backdrop, air framers, engine manufacturers and
aircraft component manufacturers are continuing to develop their
after - sales services to oer their customer increasingly - integrated
aircraft maintenance solutions. This positioning corresponds to a
long - term strategy based on leveraging intellectual property by
selling licenses to a limited number of maintenance service
providers seeking to expand their business activity on certain
products. This trend is escalating, especially with the arrival of
new aircraft like the E2, A220, A350, 787, etc. Ultimately, this
trend could result in reduced competition on the MRO market,
with a seriously adverse eect on airline maintenance costs.
Lastly, 2019 was marked by the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max,
although the impact on the MRO market has not been perceptible
in the short term. Nevertheless, the prolonged cessation of the
program risks putting pressure on the OEMs and Boeing who
may look to pass on their losses in the MRO market.
The ability to sustain balanced competitive conditions is a priority
objective, both for AFI KLM E&M’s commercial activity but also
to contain Air France and KLM maintenance costs.
This business is also experiencing a technological change which
is influencing the products, processes, methods and competencies
within the maintenance activities. This is notably the case with
next - generation aircraft whose avionics dimension is playing an
increasingly important role relative to the mechanical systems:
digital tools, composite structures, connectivity, etc. Innovation
is an integral part of all the business processes. AFI KLM E&M’s position as a world leader
On the strength of its solid position as the number two global
multi - product MRO by total revenue, AFI KLM E&M is pursuing
its targeted development strategy based on its own specific
features and the Group’s objectives.
This strategy has two pillars: firstly, cutting costs and maintaining
high standards of quality and performance and, secondly, growing
the customer portfolio in high value - added products and services.
In the past decade, this ambition has been reflected in substantial
investment in modernizing AFI KLM E&M’s IT system and industrial
infrastructure at its principal maintenance sites: Toulouse,
Amsterdam, Villeneuve-Le-Roi, Roissy and Orly.
A maintained ambition
As part of its continuous improvement eorts, AFI KLM E&M
arms its ambition of making AFI KLM E&M a benchmark brand
in its market as an airline MRO player supported by a powerful
global network.
In 2019, AFI KLM E&M strengthened its global position on
new - generation aircraft, with strong growth for the A350, 787,
A320neo and 737MAX products. 2019 was also marked by the
first so - called Quick Turn services on the LEAP engine equipping
the 737MAX and A320neo. The current order book status indicates
that AFI KLM E&M is able to maintain and even reinforce its
market position with the new aircraft generations, notably by
supporting the development of the Group’s fleet with the A220
and the E2.
This market success is supported by The MRO Lab
program which focuses on strategic areas of the MRO sector,
ranging from technician mobility and the customer experience
through to the Internet of Things, Big Data applications, predictive
maintenance, digitalization, additive manufacturing and Artificial
In the digital field, PROGNOS
constitutes a major building block.
Launched in 2016, it regroups a range of predictive maintenance
solutions based on exploiting the data from aircraft systems with
a view to improving maintenance models and processes. The
range of solutions now includes PROGNOS
Aircraft, PROGNOS
for Inventory and
for Engines. AFI KLM E&M capitalizes on the vast
amount of data generated by the Air France and KLM fleets to
develop its PROGNOS
solutions, and verify their operational
relevance and performance before sharing such innovations with
its customers.
In aircraft maintenance, adaptation projects also continued to
reinforce AFI KLM E&M’s competitiveness. Cost - saving initiatives
were implemented to optimize activity on a site - by - site basis,
strengthen external partnerships and deploy more ecient work
organizations. All this was accompanied by eorts to match resources
to the level of business activity and build new career paths.
Two strategies support the growth in the Engines and Components
segments: positioning on products and services aligned with
market expectations, and the development of a global MRO
In 2018, to support our fast - growing customer base in South-East
Asia, AFI KLM E&M announced the creation of Singapore
Component Solutions, a joint - venture with Sabena, for aircraft
component repair in Singapore.
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In 2019, AFI KLM E&M consolidated its global network by reinforcing
its engineering presence in Asia, notably via its joint - venture with
Sabena and its components shop in Shanghai. The positioning in
Asia was also strengthened via the strategic partnership with
GMF, the Garuda maintenance subsidiary.
Contributing to the Flight Safety
and Operational Eciency programs
AFI KLM E&M’s primary task is to guarantee the airworthiness of
the Group’s fleet and ensure regulatory compliance. To this end,
AFI KLM E&M manages technical data, implements the
maintenance policies, and ensures the permanent availability of
the required skilled sta and technical resources.
AFI KLM E&M pursued the deployment of its Safety Management
System (SMS), enabling the implementation of processes relating
to Flight Safety in a systematic, cross - functional manner. This is
done through regular meetings devoted to event analysis and the
establishment and monitoring of action plans. The SMS is also
based on a system of feedback encouraged by the deployment
of a “safety mind - set” and supported by a network of local Flight
Safety Ocers.
AFI KLM E&M also realized a volunteer - driven oversight evaluation
known as MLOSA (Maintenance Line Operations Safety Assessment)
in its Paris plants. Consisting of a frontline campaign by a network
of observers, this procedure enables the identification and
reporting of situations which could present a high risk to Flight
Safety. Given the success of this operation in the Airframe,
Engines and Components division, the approach has been
extended to the Engineering Functions.
Airframe maintenance at the service of airlines
Line Operations support
AFI KLM E&M continues to market its services to customers in
the line maintenance segment and to develop its business in its
main bases as well as internationally.
Light Maintenance operations
Within the framework of AFI KLM E&M’s continuous improvement
eorts, the Light Maintenance operations, which are mostly
executed in Amsterdam, Paris-CDG and Paris-Orly, continued to
implement new processes to further reduce Turn Around Times and
increase aircraft utilization, to the benefit of Air France and KLM.
At the same time, AFI KLM E&M continues its iGO Solutions
joint - venture operations by delivering high - performance support
to its customers; Transavia for its 737fleet and Air Caraïbes/French
Blue for their A330 and A350 fleets.
Heavy Aircraft Maintenance
Heavy maintenance continues to undergo structural change
in a market where prices remain low. A maintenance master plan
has thus been implemented, designed to rationalize the
aircraft maintenance operations by optimizing activity on a
site - by - site basis (Paris-CDG, Amsterdam-Schiphol, Paris-Orly,
Toulouse-Blagnac). The Group’s new fleet plans will enable this
optimization to be continued in coming years.
AFI KLM E&M continued its use of external partners to cut
maintenance costs for the Group’s fleets and obtain, in return,
additional work in the high - growth Engine and Components
segments. The strategic partnership with GMF is an illustration of
this policy.
From engineering to maintenance, AFI KLM E&M provides
continuous support for the Group’s airlines, as well as for an
ever - growing number of customers, by defining and deploying
new cabin products in both short and medium - haul and across
the long - haul oering.
Military Product
In mid - 2015, AFI KLM E&M saw the renewal of the Maintenance
Contract for the four AWACS belonging to the French Air Force
for a ten - year period. In addition, AFI KLM E&M is also designing
and executing the Cockpit Avionic Renovation for the same fleet.
Component Support: managing a global supply chain
Component Support covers the repair of a broad technological
spectrum of aircraft parts, the management of technical and
reliability standards and the management of component shipments
to/from customers’ operating bases. The growth opportunities
for this product are located in far- flung markets. AFI KLM E&M’s
customers are evolving towards service integration, requiring
access to a spares pool. The Group is also deploying appropriate
support services worldwide, with local logistics facilities and asset
management programs.
The success of these oerings is reflected in the loyalty of AFI
KLM E&M’s customers. In 2019, a number of airline customers
renewed their trust by prolonging or expanding their contracts
with AFI KLM E&M.For example, Cebu Pacific added component
support on the A320neo to its contract. This was also the case
for AirAsiaX and the expansion to the A330neo. 2019 saw AFI
KLM E&M sign a number of contracts, notably with China
Southern Airlines, Virgin Atlantic and Fidji Airways for the support
of the A350 or Air Tahiti Nui for the 787. Lastly, concerning the
maintenance of APUs via AFI KLM E&M subsidiary EPCOR,
several long - term contracts were signed with Gulf Air, Air Tahiti
Nui and El Al.
Engines: expanded capacity with the LEAP engines
equipping the A320neo and 737MAX
In 2019, AFI KLM E&M pursued the roll - out of its LEAP product
range. The LEAP is the engine equipping the A320neo and
737MAX aircraft, and will be one of the main engines for the
fast - growing narrow - body fleets.
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2019 also saw an expansion in the Engine Maintenance customer
portfolio. The newly - signed contracts included, for example,
WestJet for support on the GEnx and Philippine Airlines for the
CFM56 - 5b.
The Group oers engine support on the following engines:
CFM56: the Group’s workshops support one of the world’s
largest fleets of CFM56 engines, handling some 400engines
operated by various airlines. AFI KLM E&M is using its
Amsterdam engine shop to position itself on the growing
need for CFM56 - 7B support and the Orly engine shop for the
CFM56 - 5support requirements (5A, 5B and 5C);
CF6 - 80: by oering full - service maintenance at its Amsterdam
engine shop, AFI KLM E&M is well positioned to support the
CF6 - 80E1 equipping the A330s and the final phase in the life
of the CF6 - 80C2. AFI KLM E&M’s long maintenance track
record with these engines means that it currently oers the
most suitable maintenance solutions. The progressive
phase - out from the fleet of the Group’s 747 - 400aircraft gives
AFI KLM E&M access to recycled spare parts and enables the
remaining potential of these engines to be used to support its
customers’ CF6 - 80C2 fleets;
GE90: on the strength of its state - of - the - art infrastructure,
AFI KLM E&M oers the main alternative to the engine
manufacturer for overhauls to this engine. Since 2012, AFI KLM
E&M has had a new engine test cell at Paris-CDG. This test
facility can test 300engines per year, reducing processing
time and oering a more cost - eective service for customers.
This test facility, combined with significant expertise and
proven experience, has attracted the interest of a growing
number of airlines including LATAM, Philippines Airlines and
Vietnam Airlines. AFI KLM E&M has signed major long - term
contracts with Aeroflot and Air China.
In addition to its infrastructure, AFI KLM E&M is building its
know - how and can oer customers the benefit of its GE90
operating experience with, for example, On-Site/On-Wing
Support enabling remedial as well as preventive actions
anywhere in the world. This support can be accompanied by
GE90 Engine Monitoring, designed to detect technical
problems upstream thereby limiting potential engine damage.
GP7200: as of 2013, AFI KLM E&M implemented an investment
program and sta training as part of the GP7200 maintenance
program. The Group can also rely on its CRMA subsidiary in this
respect since it is very well placed on this engine having been
approved as a Primary Repair Source by the manufacturer,
Engine Alliance. CRMA has become the world leader in the
repair of engine combustion chambers and Turbine Center
Frames (TCF);
GEnx: In 2014, the Air France – KLM Group chose the GE
engine to equip its 787fleet. In parallel, AFI KLM E&M became
a member of the GEnx - 1B repair network. The ramp - up of this
capacity was realized in less than six months, making AFI KLM
E&M the first non-OEM supplier to carry out, as of 2015, Quick
Turn checks on this engine. In 2017, the AFI KLM E&M Zephyr
test cell successfully passed the GEnx correlation test,
enabling AFI KLM E&M to also perform engine test runs for its
ten GEnx airline customers;
LEAP: In 2019, AFI KLM E&M received authorization from the
Civil Aviation Authority of China (CAAC) for maintenance on
the LEAP engine. This authorization from the Chinese
authority enables AFI KLM E&M to carry out all types of
operations (both on - wing and on - site as shop activities) for
LEAP-1A/-1B engines, parts and control units, for all customers
in China (airlines and MROs). Having obtained the same
authorization from the EASA and FAA in 2018, the Group MRO
is extending the scope of its LEAP support services, which are
now within reach for customers on both sides of the globe.
The CAAC authorization came at a time when AFI KLM E&M
had already acquired solid experience with these types of
engines, which can now be shared with its customers in the
Chinese region.
AFI KLM E&M: an international network tailored to local
AFI KLM E&M is pursuing its growth strategy on profitable markets
and segments by deploying its network of subsidiaries (EPCOR,
CRMA, KLM UK Engineering, Barfield, AFI KLM E&M Components
China) and partnerships (ATI, Beijing LMI, Spairliners, Max MRO
Services, AAF Spares, iGO Solutions, Airfoils Advanced Solutions,
Singapore Component Solutions, AMES and Bonus Tech), and
leveraging the power of its global logistics network. The
development of this MRO network guarantees AFI KLM E&M
customers local access to the Group’s full array of services,
tailored solutions and local spare parts inventories.
AFI KLM E&M subsidiaries and joint - ventures
Located in the Greater Paris area, CRMA specializes in repairs to
engine parts and, in particular; combustion chambers. Its
positioning on next - generation products has enabled CRMA to
pursue the strong growth in its third - party customer activity.
Following the Apollo project to grow its production capacity,
CRMA was able to respond to its expanding activities and growing
customer demand via the creation of an additional 2,500m2 and
investment in new, state - of - the - art, engineering equipment. The
capacity expansion thus enabled CRMA to optimize its flows by
improving its Turn Around Times and the quality of its operations.
In 2019, significant progress was made in the joint - venture
between Safran Aircraft Engines and Air France Industries KLM
Engineering & Maintenance concerning the development of a
joint - venture, Airfoils Advanced Solutions, with the initial successes
from the industrial ramp - up, particularly for the GE90 engine. This
company specializes in the repair of aircraft engine high - pressure
compressor blades and variable pitch stator vanes and is focused
on the CFM International CFM56 engines powering the A320 and
737 and GE’s GE90 engines powering the 777.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 39
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Activities in 2019
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AFI KLM E&M is optimizing and developing its US engine
tear - down unit Bonus Tech. Since 2013, this joint - venture has
operated as part of the MRO global network. Based in Miami, the
partnership combines the know - how and the skills of Bonus Tech
as a major player in the global engine tear - down market, with the
industrial assets of AFI KLM E&M in the United States: equipment,
tooling and support.
Barfield, an AFI KLM E&M subsidiary, is an FAA and EASA
Certified Repair Station oering maintenance services to major
passenger, cargo and regional airlines, serving mainly North,
South and Central America, together with the Caribbean. Barfield
has 450employees based at its US sites: Miami, Atlanta, Phoenix
and Louisville.
AAF Spares, a joint - venture with AvTrade, is specialized in the
management of spare parts, enabling customer airlines to benefit
from the know - how of the two entities in the management and
optimization of their spares inventories.
Shanghai - based AFI KLM E&M Components China is a 100%-
owned subsidiary initially specializing in A320 and Boeing 737
avionics systems.
EPCOR, based at Amsterdam-Schiphol, provides state - of - the - art
services in Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) maintenance.
Located in India (Mumbai), Max MRO Services Pvt. Ltd is a
market - leading component MRO, in which Air France has a 26%
equity interest.
Singapore Component Solutions, the component repair
joint - venture with Sabena Technic in Singapore, is one of the very
first multi - product and multi-fleet MROs to set up a component
repair shop at the Asian hub.
Hamburg - based Spairliners is a joint - venture set up by Air France
and Lufthansa Technik to provide end - to - end component support
for airlines operating the A380 and Embraer E-Jets.
Located in Dubai, the AMES maintenance center (a joint - venture
with Safran Nacelles) handles engine nacelle repair and overhaul
in the Middle East.
Airframe maintenance
In Morocco, Aerotechnic Industries (ATI) is a joint - venture between
Royal Air Maroc (RAM) and Air France. Based at Casablanca airport,
ATI operates three maintenance bays for heavy maintenance on
A320 and Boeing 737aircraft.
At Norwich International Airport in the United Kingdom, KLM UK
Engineering Limited delivers maintenance services for narrow - body
and regional aircraft, together with an aircraft disassembly service.
The iGO Solutions joint - venture provides light maintenance
services for AFI KLM E&M customers at Paris-Orly airport.
Corporate Social Responsibility as a lever in achieving
sustainable levels of performance
As a major contributor to the Group’s Sustainable Development
goals, AFI KLM E&M has made Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) an integral part of its management systems. Every process
and project is thus enriched by listening to stakeholders,
technological and other forms of innovation, an ergonomic work
station program and a circular economy approach aimed at
reducing the business’s environmental footprint and gaining
economic eciency. AFI KLM E&M thus leverages this
sustainable performance lever to the benefit of its customers and
other stakeholders.
The MRO Lab
ensuring the eectiveness of the oer
Within the framework of The MRO Lab
program, AFI KLM E&M
is developing the tools required to become a key player in industry
innovation: relationships with start - up incubators, partnerships
with universities, participative innovation, etc. With its Participatory
Innovation (DPI) and FAB LAB programs supported by the
creativity of its employees, AFI KLM E&M generates significant
In 2019, this momentum enabled the emergence of more than
3,250 “DPI” participatory innovation ideas. At least 1,100were
selected, of which some have already been implemented. Sta
events are organized to showcase their achievements on the
theme of innovation. Bringing together several hundred members
of sta, these events enable them to share their ideas and
envisage the benefits of new technologies for their own working
Similarly, relations with suppliers are regularly re - evaluated.
The circular economy contributing to high standards of
environmental and financial performance
Since 2013, as a member of the French Aviation Industry’s
Strategic Committee on the Circular Economy, Air France
Industries has contributed to the establishment of the industry
roadmap which was submitted to the French government in
AFI KLM E&M is constantly seeking to factor the circular
economy into its practices, for example within the framework of
the REVERSE project devoted to cost optimization via the reuse
of materials, recovery by tear down and the recycling of waste
A material recycling procedure has been developed and, since
2016, has been permanently applicable in the Engines and
Materials & Services businesses. The materials recovered will thus
have five possible destinations: reuse, disassembly, sale in the
surplus parts market, dismantling and reprocessing for sale within
the framework of an Air France product line (non - aeronautic) and
the reprocessing of waste from reject materials not recovered by
one of the previous measures.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document40
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Activities in 2019
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2018 results restated with a similar impact to 2019, following a
change in accounting method for Life Limited Parts. For more
detail, see Notes to the consolidated financial statements,
paragraph 2, pages 12-15.
The maintenance business is the AirFrance – KLM Group’s third
business with third - party revenues of €2.1billion in 2019, growth
of 11.3%.
Key figures
2018 at constant
2019 restated Change currency
Total revenues (€m) 4,617 4,349 +6.2%
Third - party revenues (€m) 2,138 1,920 +11.3% +5.8%
Income from current operations (€m) 260 214 +46 +27
Operating margin (%) 5.6% 4.9% +0.7pt +0.4pt
This process has thus been applied for the handling of Economy,
Business and La Première seats at the end of their useful lives. It
enriches the Scrap program on the repair of aircraft and engine
parts and has a significant environmental impact by, for example,
reducing mineral extraction (titanium, nickel, etc. ) for component
manufacturing. It also generates savings by up - cycling products
and oering them a second life.
Apprenticeship to ensure the perpetuation of know - how
Within the framework of its apprenticeship policy, Air France
Industries oers diverse paths to apprentices in accordance with
their aspirations and training needs.
By passing on their know - how, the apprentice masters enable
young people to acquire valuable experience that can increase
their employability.
As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility approach, Air
France Industries also welcomes “School of the Second Chance”
(École de la deuxième chance) interns who have dropped out of
formal education with no qualifications and are seeking a
professional direction.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 41
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Activities in 2019
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Fleet management
AirFrance – KLM is pursuing a proactive policy of fleet renewal
and modernization, thereby contributing to the improvement in
the fleet’s energy eciency and a reduction in its environmental
footprint. 2019 marked the arrival in the Air France fleet of its
three first A350 - 900s.
Over the course of 2019, the Air France Group:
in long - haul, withdrew two A340s from its fleet list, replacing
them with two new Boeing 787 - 9s and three new A350 - 900s;
in medium - haul, retired one old - generation A319, replacing it
with an A320;
in HOP!, retired nine ATRs and one EMB145, replacing them
by the entry into the fleet of four new EMB190s;
for Transavia France, took delivery of four Boeing 737 - 800s.
Air France also placed an order for ten more A350 - 900s and
60A200 - 300s, thereby accelerating the renewal of its fleet and
anticipating the phasing out of less - energy - ecient aircraft.
For its part, KLM welcomed the first four Boeing 787 - 10s into its
fleet together with four Boeing 737 - 800aircraft, replacing three
Boeing 747 - 400s and two Boeing 737 - 700s.
Transavia Netherlands took delivery of two new Boeing 737 - 800s.
Over the longer term, the modernization of the fleet will be
reflected in the phasing out of KLM’s Boeing 747 - 400s and their
replacement with Boeing 787 - 10s, and in the ongoing growth in
the A350 - 900 fleet within Air France. The introduction of an
A220 - 300 for Air France as of 2021 and the EMB 195E2 for KLM
will also enable the modernization of the Group’s short and
medium - haul fleet. Transavia (France and the Netherlands) will
see its fleet adapt to the growth market in the leisure segment.
The Group will continue to invest substantial sums in cabin
refurbishment, as is currently the case for its A330 - 200s and
Boeing 777 - 300s, as well as in the satellite on board connectivity
proposition, enabling customers to be oered an in - flight WiFi
Change in the December31, during the New Option December31,
AirFrance – KLM Group order book
2018 period
orders conversion 2019
Main fleet 49 13 72 - 108
Regional fleet 0 0 - - -
Total 49 13 72 - 108
(1) Excluding operating leases.
(2) Transfers between the Group’s airlines are excluded.
Exercise Options
Change in the December31, during the cancelled New December31,
AirFrance – KLM Group’s option portfolio
2018 period or expired options 2019
Main fleet 47 - 19 30 58
Regional fleet - - - - -
Total 47 - 19 30 58
(1) Excluding operating leases.
1.3.4 Fleet
At December 31, 2019, the Air France – KLM Group fleet was
composed of 554aircraft, of which 546 in operation, versus a
respective 548 and 537aircraft at December31, 2018.
The main operational fleet consisted of 428aircraft (416aircraft
at December31, 2018), of which 176were long - haul aircraft (172at
December 31, 2018), six were cargo aircraft (six aircraft at
December31, 2018) and 246were medium - haul aircraft (238at
December31, 2018) including 80aircraft in the Transavia Group
fleet (73aircraft at December31, 2018).
The regional fleet in operation was composed of 118aircraft (121at
December31, 2018).
At December 31, 2019, the average age of the aircraft in the
operational fleet was 11.6 years, of which 11.9 years for the
long - haul fleet, 12.3years for the medium - haul fleet, 16.8years
for the cargo fleet and 9.6 years for the regional fleet. This
compared with 11.3years at December31, 2018, of which 11.9years
for the long - haul fleet, 11.6 years for the medium - haul fleet,
15.8years for the cargo fleet and 9.4years for the regional fleet.
At December31, 2019, 40.4% of the total Group fleet was fully
owned (38.7% at December31, 2018), 15.2% was under finance
lease (17.0% at December31, 2018), and 44.4% under operating
lease (44.3% at December31, 2018).
Excluding operating leases, there were firm orders outstanding
for 108 aircraft at December 31, 2019 after the delivery of
13 aircraft wholly owned by the Group. Options stood at
58aircraft (47at December31, 2018).
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document42
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Activities in 2019
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AirFrance – KLM Group fleet at December31, 2019
AF (incl. KLC & Transavia Transavia Fully Finance Operating
Type of aircraft (incl. HOP!) Martinair) France NL owned lease lease Total
Long - haul 109 67 0 0 74 32 70 176
Boeing 747 - 400 0 8 0 0 8 0 0 8
Boeing 777 - 300 43 14 0 0 14 21 22 57
Boeing 777 - 200 25 15 0 0 25 1 14 40
A350 - 900 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 3
Boeing 787 - 10 0 4 0 0 3 1 0 4
Boeing 787 - 9 9 13 0 0 7 3 12 22
A380 - 800 10 0 0 0 1 4 5 10
A340 - 300 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 4
A330 - 300 0 5 0 0 0 0 5 5
A330 - 200 15 8 0 0 11 0 12 23
Medium - haul 115 52 38 42 85 21 141 247
Boeing 737 - 900 0 5 0 0 2 0 3 5
Boeing 737 - 800 0 31 38 35 29 10 65 104
Boeing 737 - 700 0 16 0 7 3 5 15 23
A321 20 0 0 0 11 0 9 20
A320 44 0 0 0 3 5 36 44
A319 33 0 0 0 20 0 13 33
A318 18 0 0 0 17 1 0 18
Regional 76 49 0 0 59 31 35 125
ATR72 - 600 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
ATR72 - 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ATR42 - 500 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
CRJ1000 14 0 0 0 14 0 0 14
CRJ700 11 0 0 0 11 0 0 11
EMB190 15 32 0 0 8 13 26 47
EMB175 0 17 0 0 3 14 0 17
EMB170 15 0 0 0 9 1 5 15
EMB145 17 0 0 0 14 3 0 17
Cargo 2 4 0 0 6 0 0 6
Boeing 747 - 400BCF 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
Boeing 747 - 400ERF 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3
Boeing 777-F 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
Total AF-KLM 302 172 38 42 224 84 246 554
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Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Activities in 2019
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The Air France fleet
The Air France fleet was composed of 226 aircraft at
December31, 2019, with 225 in operation (223 and 223 respectively
at December31, 2018). The fleet numbered 109long - haul aircraft,
115medium - haul aircraft and two freighters.
At December31, 2019, the average age of the operational fleet
was 13.7years, with 13.0years for the long - haul fleet, 14.5years
for the medium - haul fleet and 10.9years for the cargo fleet. At
December 31, 2018, the average age of the fleet had been
13.1years, with 12.7years for the long - haul fleet, 13.6years for the
medium - haul fleet and 9.9years for the cargo fleet.
Within the fleet, 96aircraft are fully owned (42.5%), 28are under
finance lease (12.4%) and 102under operating lease (45.1%).
During the 2019 financial year, the company took delivery of three
A350 - 900s, two Boeing 787 - 9s and one A320 - 200, while two
A340 - 300s and one A319 - 100were reconfigured. All of the aircraft
in the Joon fleet were reintegrated within the Air France fleet.
The regional fleet, Air France HOP!
At December 31, 2019, the regional fleet was composed of
76 aircraft, of which 69 in operation, with a maximum seat
capacity of 100.
The average age of the fleet in operation is 12years. The fleet is
68.4% wholly owned, 5.3% under finance lease and 26.3% under
operating lease.
In 2019, four EMB190 aircraft joined the fleet while nine ATRs and
one EMB145 were retired, thus pursuing the modernization and
rationalization strategy for the regional fleet.
The Transavia France fleet
The Transavia France fleet is composed of 38Boeing 737 - 800s
(34aircraft at December31, 2018). The average age of the aircraft
in the fleet is 7.8years. Of this fleet, 23.7% is fully owned, 10.5% is
under finance lease and 65.8% under operating lease. The Air France Group fleet
At December31, 2019, the Air France Group fleet totaled 340aircraft, of which 264aircraft in the main fleet and 76 in the regional
fleet. The average age of the aircraft in the operational fleet was 12.7years (12.2years at December31, 2018), Firm orders stood at
Fleet at Aircraft entering
Aircraft Fleet at
December31, the fleet over withdrawn
Air France Group fleet 2018 the period over the period 2019
Long - haul fleet 106 9 6 109
Medium - haul fleet (including Transavia France) 149 18 14 153
Cargo 2 - - 2
Regional fleet 82 4 10 76
Total 339 31 30 340
(1) Owned, operating lease and financial lease.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
1 Activities in 2019
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The KLM fleet
At December31, 2019, the KLM fleet comprised 119aircraft (116at
December 31, 2018), of which 67 long - haul aircraft and
52medium - haul aircraft. Of this fleet, 44aircraft were fully owned
(37%), 17aircraft were under finance lease (14.3%) and 58under
operating lease (48.7%). Of this fleet, 119aircraft are in operation.
At December31, 2019, the average age of the aircraft in revenue
service was 11.1years, with 10.3years for the long - haul fleet and
12.3years for the medium - haul fleet. At December31, 2018, the
average age of the aircraft in the fleet had been 11.3years, with
10.6 years for the long - haul fleet and 12.2 years for the
medium - haul fleet.
During the 2019 financial year, the long - haul fleet was
modernized with the arrival of four Boeing 787 - 10s while three
Boeing 747 - 400s were retired. For medium - haul, four 737 - 800s
joined the KLM fleet while two 737 - 700s were retired.
The regional fleet, KLM Cityhopper
The KLM Cityhopper fleet was composed of 49aircraft, all in
operation at December31, 2019. The aircraft in this regional fleet
have an average age of 6.2years. In this fleet, 14.3% of the aircraft
are fully owned, 55.1% are under finance lease and 30.6% under
operating lease.
The Transavia Netherlands fleet
The Transavia Netherlands fleet consists of 42aircraft, of which
seven are Boeing 737 - 700s and 35are Boeing 737 - 800s.
In this fleet, 9.5% of the aircraft are under finance lease, 61.9% are
under operating lease (including one aircraft belonging to
Transavia Company) and 28.6% fully owned. The average age of
the aircraft in the fleet is 10.3years.
During the 2019 financial year, two Boeing 737 - 800s joined the
The Martinair fleet
Martinair has a fleet of four fully - owned freighters. The average
age of the aircraft in this fleet is 19.7years. The KLM Group fleet
The KLM Group fleet totaled 214aircraft at December31, 2019, of which 165 in the main fleet and 49 in the regional fleet.
The average age of the aircraft in the operational fleet was 10years (9.7years at December31, 2018).
Including the operational leases, firm orders stand at 34aircraft.
Fleet at Aircraft entering
Aircraft Fleet at
December31, the fleet over withdrawn
KLM Group fleet 2018 the period over the period 2019
Long - haul fleet 66 4 3 67
Medium - haul fleet (including Transavia Netherlands) 90 6 2 94
Cargo (including Martinair) 4 - - 4
Regional fleet 49 - - 49
Total 209 10 5 214
(1) Owned, operating lease and financing lease.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
Presentation of the Air France - KLM Group
Activities in 2019
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document46
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 47
2.1 Composition of the Board of Directors 48
2.1.1 Composition of the Board of Directors at December31, 2019 48
2.1.2 Presentation of the Board directors at December31, 2019 52
2.2 Organization and functioning of the Board of Directors 75
2.2.1 Functioning of the Board of Directors 75
2.2.2 Separation of the functions of Chair of the Board of Directors
and Chief Executive Ocer 75
2.2.3 Rules applicable to the appointment and replacement of members
of the Board of Directors 77
2.2.4 Independence of the Board directors 80
2.2.5 Other rules applicable to Board directors 81
2.3 Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors
and its Committees 83
2.3.1 Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors 83
2.3.2 Activities and functioning of the Committees 87
2.4 Summary table of the AFEP-MEDEF Code’s comply
or explain recommendations not applied 93
2.5 Compensation of the company ocers 94
2.5.1 General principles 94
2.5.2 Compensation of the company ocers in 2019 94
2.5.3 Compensation policy for the company ocers in respect of 2020 107
2.6 CEO Committee 116
2.7 Group Executive Committee 117
2.8 Share capital and shareholder structure 118
2.8.1 Share capital 118
2.8.2 Securities conferring entitlement to shares 121
2.8.3 Authorization to buy back AirFrance – KLM’s own shares 121
2.8.4 Reinforcement of the AirFrance – KLM Group’s strategic partnerships
with Delta Air Lines,Inc. and China Eastern Airlines 121
2.8.5 AirFrance – KLM shareholder structure 123
2.8.6 A regular dialogue with individual shareholders and investors 125
2.8.7 Legal and statutory investment thresholds 125
2.8.8 Identification of shareholders and statutory provisions
concerning shareholders 126
2.8.9 Information on trading in the stock 127
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This section constitutes the corporate governance report foreseen in the final paragraph of Article L.225 - 37of the French Code of
Commerce (Code de Commerce) and includes the information referred to in Articles L.225 - 37 - 2to L.225 - 37 - 5of the Code de Commerce.
Pursuant to the provisions of Article L.225 - 37of the Code de Commerce, a presentation on this report will be made to shareholders
during the forthcoming Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting on May26, 2020.
2.1.1 Composition of the Board of Directors at December31, 2019
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document48
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
19 Board directors
representative of
the French State
appointed by
ministerial order
Board directors
appointed by
the Shareholders’
representatives of the
employees, of whom
one appointed by the
Comité de Groupe Français
and the other by the
European Works Council
, and
(4) (5)
11 French
1 Canadian/British
1 US
5 Dutch
1 Chinese
(1) Of whom two directors appointed as proposed by the French State and two directors representing the employee shareholders.
(2) In application of the provisions of Article L.225-27-1 of the Code de Commerce and Article 17-3 of the Articles of Incorporation.
(3) Pursuant to Article 4 of Ordinance No. 2014-948 of August 20, 2014 relating to governance and transactions involving the share capital of State-owned companies.
(4) Pursuant to the provisions of Article 9.3 of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the Board directors representing the employee shareholders and the employees are not taken
into account for the calculation of this percentage.
(5) At December 31, 2019, the percentage of independent directors stood at 47%. This exceptional situation is linked to the entry into the share capital of the Dutch
State and is temporary (see section 2.2.4 Independence of the Board directors).
(6) The Board directors representing the employees, appointed pursuant to Article L. 225-27-1 of the Code de Commerce, are not taken into account for the gender
parity calculation in line with the provisions of the aforementioned Article.
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Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Board of Directors Solenne Lepage
April1, 2019
Martin Vial
May31, 2019
Mathi Bouts
April17, 2019
Karim Belabbas
May10, 2019
Patrick Vieu
May28, 2019
Astrid Panosyan
May28, 2019
Jean-Dominique Comolli
May28, 2019
Bing Tang
July30, 2019
Jian Wang
July30, 2019
Solenne Lepage
April1, 2019
Martin Vial
October30, 2019
Hans N.J. Smits
May28, 2019
Cees ‘t Hart
May28, 2019
Jaap de Hoop Scheer
May28, 2019
Benjamin Smith
May28, 2019
Audit Committee
n/a n/a Jean-Dominique Comolli
May28, 2019
Appointments and
Hans N.J. Smits
May28, 2019
Jaap de Hoop Scheer
(in the capacity as Chair)
October30, 2019
Isabelle Bouillot
(in the capacity
as interim Chair)
October30, 2019
Patrick Vieu
May28, 2019
Astrid Panosyan
October30, 2019
Bing Tang
July30, 2019
Jian Wang
October30, 2019
and Compliance
Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors during the 2019 financial year
Departure Appointment Re - appointment
(1) In a letter dated March29, 2019, Ms.Solenne Lepage informed the company that she would be stepping down as a Board director representing the French State,
eective April1, 2019.
(2) By a ministerial order of May31, 2019, Mr. Martin Vial was appointed as a Board director representing the French State, replacing Ms.Solenne Lepage.
(3) The mandate of Mr. Mathi Bouts, a Senior Purser on KLM long - haul flights, as a Board director representing the employees, was renewed on April17, 2019 by the
European Works Council for a two - year term of oce expiring at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the
financial year ending December31, 2020.
(4) The mandate of Mr. Karim Belabbas, a Support Technician Weight and Balance. CDG H ub Ground Operations, as a Board director representing the employees, was
renewed on May10, 2019, by the Comité de Groupe Français for a two - year term of oce expiring at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the
financial statements for the financial year ending December31, 2020.
(5) On May28, 2019, the Shareholders’ Meeting approved the ratification of the co - opting decided by the Board of Directors meeting of December5, 2018, together
with the appointment for a four - year term of oce, expiring at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the financial
year ending December31, 2022.
(6) On July30, 2019, the Board of Directors noted the resignation of Mr. Bing Tang from his functions as a Board director and, as proposed by the company China
Eastern Airlines, after consultation with the Appointments and Governance Committee, decided to co - opt Mr. Jian Wang as a Board director, eective as of July30,
2019, for his predecessor’s remaining term of oce, i.e. until the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for the financial
year ending December31, 2020.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document50
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Composition of the Board of Directors at December31, 2019
Personal information
of shares
Board directors Gender Nationality Age held
Board directors appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting
Anne-Marie Couderc Female French 69 1,000
Benjamin Smith Male Canadian 48 100,000
and British
Maryse Aulagnon Female French 70 1,500
Leni M.T. Boeren Female Dutch 56 2,000
Isabelle Bouillot Female French 70 230
Delta Air Lines,Inc. US 37,527,410
(Represented by George Mattson)
Cees’t Hart Male Dutch 61 3,500
Jaap de Hoop Scheer Male Dutch 71 1,025
Anne-Marie Idrac Female French 68 1,000
Isabelle Parize Female French 62 300
Jian Wang Male Chinese 46 300
Alexander R. Wynaendts Male Dutch 59 1,000
Board directors elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the French State
Jean-Dominique Comolli Male French 71 0
Astrid Panosyan Female French 48 0
Board directors representing the employee shareholders elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting
François Robardet Male French 62 757
Paul Farges Male French 48 816
Board directors representing the French State appointed by ministerial order
Martin Vial Male French 65 0
Board director representing the employees appointed by the Comité de Groupe Français
Karim Belabbas Male French 46 0
Board director representing the employees appointed by the European Works Council
Mathi Bouts Male Dutch 60 0
Independent directors.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 51
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Experience Position within the Board Participation in Committees
Number of Expiry Appointments Sustainable Development
directorships in Date of term Board Audit Remuneration and Governance & Compliance
listed companies appointed of oce experience Committee Committee Committee Committee
2 May19, 2016 2020 AGM 4years X
1 December5, 2023 AGM 1year
2 July8, 2010 2021 AGM 10years X X
2 May16, 2017 2021 AGM 2years X X
1 May16, 2013 2021 AGM 7years X X
(interim Chair)
2 October3, 2021 AGM 3years X X
2 May28, 2019 2023 AGM n/a
1 July7, 2011 2023 AGM 9years X
4 November2, 2021 AGM 3years X
2017 (Chair)
3 March27, 2022 AGM 6years X X
1 July30, 2019 2021 AGM n/a X
3 May19, 2016 2020 AGM 4years X
1 December14, 2023 AGM 10years X X
2 May28, 2019 n/a X
1 December6, 2022 AGM 4years X X
1 May15, 2018 2022 AGM 2years X
3 May31, 2019 2023 AGM n/a X
1 June1, 2017 2021 AGM 3years X
1 October10, 2021 AGM 3years X
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document52
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
French companies
Chair of the Société Air France
Board of
Directors since 2018;
Board director and Chair of the Remuneration
Committee of Ramsay Générale de Santé since 2014;
Board director of Transdev since 2012 and
member of the Audit Committee of Transdev SA
since 2017;
Board director and Chair of the Remuneration and
Nomination Committees of Plastic Omnium
since 2010;
Member of the Supervisory Board of Ayming
since December2014;
Board director of the Veolia Foundation;
Member of the ESEC Council since
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
French companies
Member of the MEDEF Executive Committee
until 2018;
Chair of Presstalis Group until June2017;
Board director and Chair of the Board of Directors
of Presstalis Group until June2017;
Anne-Marie Couderc
Chair of the Board of Directors
Independent director
Chair of the Appointments and Governance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born February13, 1950, Anne-Marie Couderc is a graduate in private law and holds a French Professional Lawyer’s
Certificate (Certificat d’Aptitude à la Profession d’Avocat).
Ms.Couderc began her career in 1972 as a lawyer with the Paris Bar. She then became Chief Legal Ocer in
Hachette’s industrial division between 1979 and 1982, before fulfilling dierent management functions within
the Lagardère Group from 1982 to 1995.
In parallel, Anne-Marie Couderc has pursued a political career: having been elected to the Paris Council in
1983, until 2001 she successively served as Advisor then Deputy to the Mayor of Paris between 1989 and 2001.
Having been elected a Deputy of the French National Assembly in 1993, she subsequently joined the
government in 1995 where she was appointed Secretary of State to the Prime Minister, responsible for
Employment, then Minister for Employment and Social Aairs, responsible for Employment, until 1997.
In 1997, she was named Chief Executive Ocer of Hachette Filipacchi Associés followed, from 2006 to 2010,
by Secretary-General of Lagardère Active (press and audiovisual). From 2011 to 2017, she was Chair of Presstalis
Group (press distribution), Since June30, 2017, Ms.Couderc has been a company director.
Ms.Couderc has been Chair of the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors since May15, 2018.
Nationality: French
Age: 69years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May19, 2016
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2020 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
AirFrance – KLM,
2 rue Robert-
2.1.2 Presentation of the Board directors at December31, 2019
Board directors appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting
(G) Company in the AirFrance – KLM Group.
(1) Listed company.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 53
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
French companies
Board director of Société Air France
December12, 2018;
Non-French company
Member of the Supervisory Board of KLM
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Benjamin Smith
Chief Executive Ocer
Board director
Expertise and professional experience
Born August27, 1971, Benjamin Smith is a reputed senior airline industry executive at international level, having
spent the past twenty years at Air Canada where he was President Airlines and Chief Operating Ocer.
In 1990, in parallel with his studies, he started out as a customer service agent at Air Ontario before taking an
entrepreneurial path in 1992 when he set up his own retail corporate travel agency which he ran successfully
for eight years. In 1999, he also simultaneously took on a consultancy role for Air Canada before finally joining
the Group in 2002.
As of his 2002 arrival, Benjamin Smith fulfilled a number of high - ranking positions at Air Canada including Head
of network Planning before joining the executive management team as Executive Vice-President and Chief
Commercial Ocer.
In 2014, he was appointed President Airlines (Air Canada, Rouge, Express, Cargo) and Chief Operating Ocer
of Air Canada with overall responsibility for commercial aairs, operations and customer relations for the Group.
He was also responsible for Air Canada’s commercial growth strategy.
On August 16, 2018, Benjamin Smith was appointed Chief Executive Ocer of Air France – KLM. On
December5, 2018, he was appointed as a Board director within the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors.
Nationality: British and
Age: 48years
First appointed
as a Board director:
December5, 2018
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2023 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the company’s stock:
Professional address:
AirFrance – KLM,
2 rue Robert-
(G) Company in the AirFrance – KLM Group.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document54
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
French companies
Lead Director and Chair of the Remuneration
Committee of Veolia Environnement
Chair and CEO of MAB-Finances SAS.
Non-French company
Director of Holdane BV Netherlands (MAB
Finances Group).
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
French companies
Within the Ane Group:
Chair of Ane R.E
until December18, 2018;
Chair of Promane SAS, CEO of ATIT (SC) and
of Transane SAS, representative of Ane, Mab
Finances and Promane within the employee
representative bodies of the various Ane Group
entities until January1, 2017;
Chair of the Board of GESFIMMO (SA) until
Member of the BPCE group’s (Banques Populaires
Caisses d’Epargne) Supervisory Board and Chair of
the Appointments and Remuneration Committees
until April 2019.
Non-French company
Within the Ane Group:
Chair of the Board of Banimmo
(1) (2)
. Belgium until
November8, 2018.
Maryse Aulagnon
Independent director
Chair of the Audit Committee and member of the Remuneration Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born April19, 1949, Maryse Aulagnon, Honorary Master of Petitions at the Conseil d’État, is a graduate of the
Institut des Sciences Politiques de Paris and of the École Nationale d’Administration and holds a post - graduate
degree (DESS) in Economic Sciences.
Having occupied various positions at the French Embassy in the United States and in a number of Ministerial
cabinets (Budget, Industry), Ms.Aulagnon joined the CGE Group (now Alcatel) in 1984 as Director of International
Business. She subsequently joined Euris as Chief Executive Ocer on its creation in 1987. She served as Chair
of the Ane Group SA
(a real estate company) which she founded in 1990 until December18, 2018 and is
now developing Finestate (MAB Finances), a co - living company.
Ms.Aulagnon was appointed Chair of the Fédération des Sociétés Immobilières et Foncières (FSIF) in April2019.
Nationality: French
Age: 70years
First appointed
as a Board director:
July8, 2010
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
25rue de Ponthieu,
(1) Listed companies.
(2) Banimmo is controlled by Ane (49.5%).
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 55
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Non-French companies
Member of the Board of Directors of FCLTGlobal,
USA, since 2019;
Chair of the Executive Board of Kempen & Co NV
(Netherlands) since 2018;
CEO of Kempen Capital Management NV
(Netherlands) since 2018;
Member of the Van Lanschot Kempen N.V.
(Netherlands) Executive Board since 2018;
Member of the Supervisory Board of Tata Steel
Nederland BV, Netherlands, since 2014.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Non-French companies
Chair of the Supervisory Board of Transtrend BV,
Netherlands until 2019;
Within the Robeco Group: Chair of the Management
Board of Robeco Groep NV, Chair of the
Management Board of Robeco Holding BV, Chair
and CEO of the Management Board of Robeco
Institutional Asset Management BV, Chair of the
Management Board of Robeco Nederland BV,
(Netherlands), Chair of the Board of Directors of
Boston Partners Global AdvisorsInc., (USA), Director
of Harbor Capital AdvisorsInc., (USA), Vice-Chair
of RobecoSAM AG (Switzerland) until 2016;
Chair and member of the Board of DUFAS,
Netherlands, until 2016;
Member of the Sustainable Asset Management
USAInc. Board of Directors, USA, until 2016.
Leni M.T. Boeren
Independent director
Member of the Audit Committee and of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born December23, 1963, Leni M.T. Boeren holds a Masters degree in Business Management from Erasmus
University in Rotterdam (the Netherlands).
Ms.Boeren started her career in the financial sector at Paribas in 1983. She went on to work for Rabobank, where
she held various positions through to 1992. She then moved to Robeco as head of the marketing and product
management department from 1992 to 1997. She subsequently became a member of the Board of Directors
of Amsterdam Exchanges NV followed, in 2000 to 2005, by her appointment as a member of the Executive
Committee of Euronext NV, the result of the merger of the Paris (ParisBourse), Brussels (Brussels Exchanges)
and Amsterdam (Amsterdam Exchanges) stock exchanges.
From January2005 until December2016, Leni Boeren was successively a member. Vice-Chair and Chair of the
Management Board of Robeco Groep NV, an international asset management firm. She was also responsible
for Robeco’s subsidiaries and held several Board positions. She also served as a member and Chair of the
Board of DUFAS, the Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association (2009 - 2016).
Since February2018, Ms.Boeren has been a member of the Executive Board of Van Lanschot Kempen N.V.
(Netherlands). She is Chief Executive Ocer of Kempen Capital Management NV (Netherlands), one of Van
Lanschot Kempen’s core activities.
Nationality: Dutch
Age: 56years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May16, 2017
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
AirFrance – KLM,
2 rue Robert-
(1) Listed companies.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document56
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
French companies
President of China Equity Links since 2006;
President of IB Finance;
Member of the Supervisory Board of Gimar & Cie.
Non-French companies
Board director of Saint Gobain China;
President of CELPartners Ltd, Hong Kong;
Board director of Yafei Dendistry Limited
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
French companies
Board director of Saint-Gobain
until June2016.
Non-French companies
Board director of Crystal Orange Hotel Holdings
until May2017;
Board director of JD Holding Inc
Board director of Umicore, Belgium, until
Isabelle Bouillot
Independent director
Interim Chair of the Remuneration Committee and member of the Audit Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born May5, 1949, Isabelle Bouillot holds an advanced degree in Public Law and is a graduate of the Institut
des Études Politiques de Paris and the École Nationale d’Administration.
Having occupied various positions in the French Public Administration, including Economic Advisor to the
President of the Republic between 1989 and 1991 and Budget Director at the Ministry of Economy and Finance
between 1991 and 1995, Ms.Bouillot was Deputy Chief Executive Ocer in charge of the financial and banking
activities at the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations between 1995 and 2000, then Chair of the Management
Board of the Investment Bank of the CDC IXIS Group from 2000 to 2003. Since 2006, Ms.Bouillot has been
President of China Equity Links (SAS).
Nationality: French
Age: 70years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May16, 2013
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
China Equity Links,
9avenue de l’Opéra,
(1) Listed company.
(2) Unlisted company registered outside France in which China Equity Links holds or held an equity interest.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 57
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Directorships and oces held during the last
five years and having expired
Delta Air Lines,Inc.
Board director
Member of the Remuneration Committee and of the Audit Committee
Corporation formed under the laws of the State of Delaware having its registered oce sis Delta Bld, Atlanta,
GA, USA 30354.
Nationality: US
First appointed
as a Board director:
October3, 2017
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
1030 Delta Boulevard,
Atlanta, GA, USA 30354
Other directorships and oces
Non-French companies
Board director of Delta Air Lines,Inc.
, USA;
Board director of Injection Technologies Inc.,
Board director of Instant ChannelInc., USA;
Board director of Tropic Ocean Airways, USA;
Senior advisor of Comvest. Partners, USA;
Senior advisor of Star Mountain Capital, USA.
Directorships and oces held during the last
five years and having expired
Non-French companies
Chair of Wilbanks Energy Logistics LLC, USA, until
George N. Mattson
Permanent representative of Delta Air Lines,Inc.
Expertise and professional experience
Born March23, 1966, George Mattson is the permanent representative on AirFrance – KLM’s Board of Directors
of Delta Air Lines,Inc., a corporation formed under the laws of the State of Delaware having its registered
oce at 1030 Delta Bld. Atlanta. GA USA 30354.
George Mattson is a retired partner at Goldman Sachs & Co where he had a 19 - year career. He has extensive
experience in M&A. corporate finance and the capital markets. During this period, he also acquired extensive
knowledge of the airline sector.
He is now a private investor focused on acquiring and growing private industrial companies. George Mattson
has been a member of Delta’s Board of Directors since 2012, where he chairs the Finance Committee and sits
on the Personnel & Compensation and Corporate Governance Committees.
Nationality: US
Age: 52years
Professional address:
1030 Delta Boulevard,
Atlanta, GA USA 30354
(1) Listed company.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document58
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Non-French companies
Member of the Board of the Center for European
Policy Studies based in Brussels. Belgium;
Member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch
employers’ association VNO-NCW, Netherlands;
Member of the Board of Trustees of Friends of
Europe based in Brussels, Belgium;
Co-President of the Security & Defense Agenda,
Brussels. Belgium;
Member of the European Council on Foreign
Aairs, based in London. United Kingdom;
President of the Advisory Council on Foreign
Aairs, Netherlands;
President of the Netherlands Civil Honors
Advisory Committee, Netherlands;
Member of the Trilateral Commission.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Non-French companies
Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Rijksmuseum,
Netherlands until October2017;
Member of the International Advisory Board of Royal
Ten Cate NV, Netherlands, until October2016;
Vice-Chair of the Franco-Dutch Cooperation
Council, Netherlands, until 2015.
Jaap de Hoop Scheer
Board director
Member of the Remuneration Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born April3, 1948. Jaap de Hoop Scheer is a law graduate of Leiden University.
Mr. de Hoop Scheer started his diplomatic career in 1976, subsequently becoming Private Secretary to the
Minister of Foreign Aairs (1980 - 1986). He then became a member of the Dutch Parliament (1986 - 2002),
leader of the Christian Democratic Alliance (CDA) (1997 - 2001), Dutch Minister of Foreign Aairs (2002 - 2003)
and Secretary General of NATO (2004 - 2009). Since 2012, Mr. de Hoop Scheer has taught international politics
and diplomacy in the Governance and International Aairs Faculty of Leiden University (Netherlands). Mr. de
Hoop Scheer is a Minister of State.
Nationality: Dutch
Age: 71years
First appointed
as a Board director:
July7, 2011
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2023 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
AirFrance – KLM,
2 rue Robert-
(1) In view of the acquisition by the Dutch State of a shareholding in AirFrance – KLM on February26, 2019, and on the basis of the report of the Appointments and
Governance Committee, during its meeting of March25, 2019 the Board of Directors considered that Mr. de Hoop Scheer, a Board director appointed as proposed
by the Dutch State, had no longer qualified as an independent Board director as of that date (see section2.2.4. Independence of the Board directors).
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 59
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
(1) Listed companies.
Other directorships and oces
French companies
Board director of Bouygues
Board director of Saint-Gobain
Board director of Total
Board director of SANEF.
Board director of the Fondation Robert Schuman;
High representative of the French government for
the development of autonomous vehicles;
President of the France Logistique Association.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
French company
Member of the Supervisory Board of Vallourec
until 2015;
President of the Aéroport de Toulouse-Blagnac
Supervisory Board until May2018.
Anne-Marie Idrac
Independent director
Chair of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born July27, 1951. Anne-Marie Idrac is a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques, the École Nationale
d’Administration and the Institut des Hautes Études de Défense Nationale. Ms.Idrac has spent most of her
career in the fields of the environment, housing, urban development and transport.
She was Chief Executive Ocer at the Public Development Agency of Cergy-Pontoise, Director of Land
Transportation at the Ministry of Equipment and Transport and subsequently Secretary of State for Transport.
She occupied the positions of Chair and CEO of the RATP (Paris Public Transport Authority) from 2002 to
2006, and Chair and CEO of the SNCF (French State Railways) from 2006 to 2008. She was a Member of
Parliament from 1997 to 2002 and Secretary of State for Foreign Trade from 2008 to 2010.
Anne-Marie Idrac is a company director and consultant.
Nationality: French
Age: 68years
First appointed
as a Board director:
November2, 2017
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
AirFrance – KLM,
2 rue Robert-
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(1) Listed companies.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
French companies
Board director of Robertet
since June2018;
Chair of DHI SAS since November2018;
Chair of Delsey SA since January2019.
Non-French companies
Associate of Odys SPRL, Belgium;
Board director of DUSHInc., Delsey LuggageInc.,
Delsey Asia Limited; Delsey Hong Kong Ltd;
Delsey Korea Holding Ltd since the end of 2018;
Board director of Pandora
since January2019.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
French companies
Within Nocibé/Douglas Group until January2016:
CEO and Chair of the Managing Board of Al
Perfume France,
CEO and Chair of the Managing Board of
Parfumerie Douglas France,
Chair and CEO of Douglas Expansion,
Chair of Douglas Passion Beauté Achats DPB-
Board director of Auchan Retail International until
Non-French companies
Within Nocibé/Douglas Group until October2017:
Chair and Chief Executive Ocer of Douglas
Holding AG,
Member of the Supervisory Board of Douglas
Holding AG. Germany,
Member of the Managing Board of Douglas GmbH,
Parfümerie Douglas GmbH, Douglas Cosmetics
GmbH, Kirk Beauty One GmbH, Kirk Beauty Two
GmbH, Germany, Parfumerie Douglas Nederland
BV, Douglas Investment BV, Netherlands,
Parfümerie Douglas Ges mbH, Austria, Douglas
Polska Sp.z.o.o, Poland, Douglas Spain SA and
Parfumerie Iberia Holding SL. Spain, Parfümerie
Douglas Portugal LDA. Portugal,
Member of the Supervisory Board of Beiersdorf
, Germany until February2016;
within Nocibé/Douglas until January2016:
Chief Executive Ocer of Parfumeria Douglas
Portugal SA, Portugal,
CEO of Parfümerie Douglas GmbH and Douglas
Cosmetics GmbH, Germany,
CEO of Douglas Monaco, Monaco.
Isabelle Parize
Independent director
Member of the Remuneration Committee and of the Audit Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born June16, 1957, Isabelle Parize is a graduate of the École Supérieure de Commerce de Paris. Having
occupied various positions within Procter & Gamble between 1980 and 1993 including notably that of
Marketing Manager, Health and Beauty Care, Ms.Parize joined Henkel Group in 1994. She was Managing
Director of Schwarzkopf, Henkel France, from 1994 to 1998, and then Senior Vice-President in charge of Europe,
the Middle East and Africa and of strategic marketing (based in Germany) from 1998 to 2001. She subsequently
became Managing Director of Canal+ Distribution and Chief Executive Ocer of CanalSatellite in 2001. She
then became President of the Fragrance division at Quest International (2005 - 07) and Managing Director
then Vice-Chair of the company Betclic (2007 - 11) before joining Nocibé as President of the Managing Board
(2011 - 16). She was Chair and Chief Executive Ocer of Douglas Holding AG until October2017.
In November2018, Ms.Parize became CEO of Delsey. She is a member of several Boards of Directors.
Nationality: French
Age: 62years
First appointed
as a Board director:
March27, 2014
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2022 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
31, rue des Aduatiques,
1040 Etterbeek
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France -KLM 61
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and offices
Non-French companies
CEO of Carlsberg Group
Chair of the Supervisory Board of KLM
Directorships and offices held in the last five
years and having expired
Cees ‘t Hart
Board director
Expertise and professional experience
Born in 1958, Mr. ‘t Hart holds an MA in Social Science from Leiden University (Netherlands). He worked for
24years with Unilever
, starting his career as a management trainee before holding a range of international
management positions in the Netherlands, Hungary, Singapore, Poland and Italy. His last position in Unilever
was as a member of the Unilever Europe Board as SVP Marketing Operations. After seven years as Chief
Executive Officer of the Dutch dairy cooperative Royal FrieslandCampina, he joined Carlsberg Group as Chief
Executive Officer in 2015. He has also been a Member of the Supervisory Board at KLM since 2014 and its
Chair since May2019.
Nationality: Dutch
Age: 61years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May28, 2019
Expiry of current term
of office:
2023 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
NY Carlsberg,
Vej 100, DK-1799,
Copenhagen V, Denmark
(G) Company in the AirFrance – KLM Group.
(1) Listed companies.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document62
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Non-French companies:
Corporate secretary of China Eastern Airlines
Corporation Limited;
Director, Oce of Board Aairs, China Eastern Air
Holding Company Limited;
Chair of Eastern Airlines Industry Investment
Company Limited;
Board member of Eastern Air Logistics
Corporation Limited.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Non-French companies:
Board member and President of Eastern Airlines
Industry Investment Company Limited until
Jian Wang
Board director appointed as proposed by China Eastern Airlines
Member of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born August181973, Jian Wang graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University with a Bachelor degree in
Engineering. He also holds a postgraduate Master of Business Administration from East China University of
Science and Technology and an Executive Master of Business Administration degree from Tsinghua University.
Jian Wang began his career in the aviation industry in 1995 and has extensive experience of corporate
governance, strategic investment, capital operations and management. He has designed and facilitated a
number of capital and strategic projects in China Eastern.
Since April2012, Jian Wang has been Corporate Secretary of China Eastern Airlines
, a controlling subsidiary
of China Eastern Air Holding Company Limited. Between November2016 and February2019, he was a Board
member and President of Eastern Airlines Industry Investment Company Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary
of China Eastern Air Holding Company Limited. Since June2017, Mr. Wang has also been Board member of
Eastern Air Logistics Corporation Limited.
Jian Wang is currently Corporate Secretary of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited and Chair of Eastern
Air Industry Investment Company Limited.
Nationality: Chinese
Age: 46years
First appointed
as a Board director:
July30, 2019
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
China Eastern Airlines,
2550 Hongqiao
International Airport
Shanghai 200335P.R.
(1) Listed company.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 63
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Non-French companies
Board director of CitigroupInc.
, USA, since 2019;
Member of the Supervisory Board of Puissance
BV, Netherlands, since 2017;
Chair and CEO of Aegon N.V.
, Netherlands, since
Board director of the Geneva Association,
Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Rijksmuseum
in Amsterdam;
Member of the Advisory Board of the Vumc
Cancer Center in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Mauritshuis
Museum in The Hague, Netherlands, until 2018;
Vice-Chair of the PEIF (Pan-European Insurance
Forum) until 2018.
Alexander R. Wynaendts
Independent director
Member of the Appointments and Governance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born August1, 1960. Alex Wynaendts, a Dutch national, holds an electrical engineering degree from the École
Supérieure d’Électricité (1984) and an economics degree from the Université Paris-Sorbonne (1983). He has
more than thirty years’ experience of insurance and international finance.
Mr. Wynaendts began his career in banking with ABN AMRO in 1984, where he was responsible for commercial and
investment banking operations in Amsterdam and London. Between 1992 and 1997, he held various positions
with ABN AMRO in London. In 1997 he joined Aegon within the Group Business Development division. He
joined Aegon’s Executive Board in 2003 and was appointed Aegon’s Chief Operating Ocer in 2007.
Since April23, 2008. Mr. Wynaendts has been Chair and CEO of Aegon N.V.
Nationality: Dutch
Age: 59years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May19, 2016
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2020 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
Aegon NV,
Aegonplein 50,
2591 TV La Haye,
(1) Listed companies.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document64
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
French companies and public institutions
Director of France Télévisions. representing the
French State.
Jean-Dominique Comolli
Board director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the French State
Member of the Appointments and Governance Committee and of the Remuneration Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born April25, 1948, Jean-Dominique Comolli is a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and of
the École Nationale d’Administration and holds a Masters degree in Economic Sciences.
Mr. Comolli began his career in 1977 as a civil administrator before becoming a technical advisor at the French
Ministry of Budget under Laurent Fabius, then a member of Prime Minister Pierre Mauroy’s and Laurent Fabius’
sta. He then became Chief of Sta at the French Budget Ministry under Michel Charasse, before being
appointed Director of Customs in 1989. Between 1993 and 2010, he was Chair and Chief Executive Ocer of
Seita, Vice-Chair of Altadis until 2005 and Chair of the Board of Altadis between 2005 and 2010.
In September2010, Mr. Comolli was appointed Commissioner for State Holdings, a position he was to occupy
until October2012.
Mr. Comolli is currently an Honorary Civil Service Administrator.
Nationality: French
Age: 71years
First appointed
as a Board director:
December14, 2010
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2023 Shareholders’ Meeting
Professional address:
AirFrance – KLM,
2rue Robert-
Board directors elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the French State
Pursuant to Article 6of French Ordinance No. 2014 - 948of August20, 2014 concerning governance and transactions involving the share
capital of public sector companies, and in that the French State has a direct holding of between 10% and 50% in the AirFrance – KLM
share capital, one or several seats are reserved within the Board of Directors for members potentially proposed by the French State.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 65
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
French companies and public institutions
Board directorships in companies belonging to
the Unibail Radamco-Westfield Group: Chair of
Doria, Unibail Management and Espace Expansion
Immobilière, Chair of Unibail-Rodamco Participations,
Member of the Supervisory Board of Uni-Expos,
Chair of URW Brands, Chair of the Board of
Directors and CEO of Tayninh;
Member of the Supervisory Board of AP-HP
Member of the Strategy Committee of Fabernovel
Non-French companies
Board director of WCL Management PTY Limited
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
French companies and public institutions
Member of the Management Board of Unibail-
Radamco SE;
Board director of Radamco Participations.
Non-French companies
Board director of U&R Management BV;
Board director of Rodamco Europe Beheer BV.
Astrid Panosyan
Board director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the French State
Member of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born August13, 1971, Astrid Panosyan is a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques (IEP) Paris, the École
des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC) and of Harvard University (Kennedy School of Government).
She began her career at AT Kearney before joining AXAs Strategy Department in 1998 before moving to the
Department of Business Support & Development for Asia-Pacific region.
In 2002, she joined Groupama where she successively held various senior positions in the International
Department, the Department of Strategy and the Department of Finance. She became General Secretary of
the Group in 2011.
Before joining Unibail-Rodamco SE on September1, 2015, she was previously an advisor and member of the
cabinet of Emmanuel Macron. French Minister of Economy, Industry and Digital Aairs, where she was in
charge of Economic Attractiveness and International Investments.
She is currently Managing Director of the Central Functions of the Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield Group
in charge of Human Resources, Organization, Information Systems, Legal Aairs, Risks & Compliance and Security.
Nationality: French
Age: 48years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May28, 2019
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2023 Shareholders’ Meeting
Professional address:
7Place du Chancelier
(1) Listed company.
(2) Company in the Unibail-Radamco-Westfield Group.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document66
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Board director representing the French State appointed by ministerial order
Pursuant to Article 4of French Ordinance No.2014 - 948of August20, 2014 concerning governance and transactions involving the
share capital of public sector companies and Article 2of the decree - law No.2014 - 949of August20, 2014 applying French Ordinance
No.2014 - 948, in that the French State holds more than 10% of Air France - KLM’s share capital, a seat may be reserved for the French
State within the Board of Directors. Martin Vial was appointed Board director representing the French State by a ministerial order
dated May31, 2019.
Other directorships and oces
French companies
Board director of Bpifrance SA. in the capacity as
representative of the French State;
Board director of E.D.F.
. in the capacity as
representative of the French State;
Board director of Renault Group
in the capacity
as representative of the French State.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Board director and member of the Strategy and
Governance and Remuneration Committes of
until 2017;
Chair of Sicav Libertés et Solidarité until 2015.
Martin Vial
Board director appointed by the French State
Member of the Audit Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born February8, 1954. Martin Vial ia a graduate of ESSEC and the École Nationale Supérieure des Postes et
He began his career as an administrator of Post Oces and Telecommunications in the Financial Oce of the
French Postal Service (Direction Générale des Postes). In 1986 he joined the Treasury Department at the Ministry
of the Economy and Finance, where he was responsible for overseeing banking activities and stock flotations.
In 1988 he was appointed technical advisor and later Deputy Director of the Oce of the Minister for Post
Oces. Telecommunications and Space, where he was notably responsible for the institutional reform of the
postal service and France Télécom. From 1991 to 1993, he was successively Deputy Director and then director
of the Oce of the Minister of Infrastructure, Housing, Transport and Space, before going on to become
director of the Oce of the Minister for Post Oces and Telecommunications.
In 1993 Martin Vial was appointed Chair and Managing Director of the airline Aéropostale, a joint subsidiary of
Air France, La Poste and TAT. In 1996 he was elected Chair of the CSTA (French air transport association) and
of the FNAM (National Federation of Commercial Aviation).
At the end of 1997, he became CEO of the La Poste Group.
In December2000, he became Chair of the La Poste Group. At the same time he was a member of the
Supervisory Board (1998), then Vice Chair (2002) of the National Welfare Fund (CNP). From 1999 to 2004, he
was also a member of the Economic and Social Council and a member of the Strategic Council on Information
Technologies under the authority of the Prime Minister.
In September2002, Martin Vial joined the Cour des Comptes as counsel. From 2003 to 2014, he served as
CEO of the Europ Assistance Group, the world leader in care services with 44subsidiaries in 33countries, and
CEO of Europ Assistance Holding. He also Chairs several Boards of Directors of the Group’s companies.
In January2015, he founded Premium Care, a senior assistance company with high - tech content and delivering
an end - to - end remote assistance and home services oer.
On August24, 2015, Martin Vial was appointed a Commissioner of State Shareholdings.
Nationality: French
Age: 65years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May31, 2019
Expiry of current term
of oce:
Professional address:
Agence des
Participations de l’État,
Ministère de l’Économie des
Finances et de l’Industrie,
139rue de Bercy,
75572Paris Cedex 12
(1) Listed companies.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 67
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Board directors representing the employee shareholders
Pursuant to Articles L.225 - 23of the French Code of Commerce (Code de Commerce), L.6411 - 9of the French Transport Code (Code des
Transports) and 17 - 2of the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation, in that the employees of AirFrance – KLM subsidiaries hold more
than 3% of AirFrance – KLM’s share capital, there are two representatives of the employee shareholders within the Board of Directors:
one representative belonging to the flight deck crew category of sta; and
one representative belonging to the other employee category of sta.
These Board directors representing the employee shareholders are elected by the Shareholders’ Meeting having been proposed by
the shareholders referred to in Article L.225 - 102of the Code de Commerce. The employee and former employee shareholders are
invited to choose their candidates for each of the two colleges (flight deck crew and other employees), the appointment taking place
based on a majority vote in two rounds of balloting. The candidate having obtained the absolute majority of the votes cast in each
college, in either the first or second round, is then proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting.
Other directorships and oces
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Within the SNPL pilots’ union:
Vice-President of the Air France section and
Head of International Aairs until October2017,
Elected member of the Comité d’Etablissement
until March2015.
Paul Farges
Board director representing the flight deck crew employee shareholders
Member of the Audit Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born February9, 1971, Paul Farges holds two qualifications from the École Nationale d’Aviation Civile: a degree
in Air Trac Control Engineering and a diploma as an Airline Pilot (ATPL).
He began his career in 1994 as Head of the Aviation Sans Frontière (ASF) mission in Angola before becoming
an air trac controller at the Centre en Route de la Navigation Aérienne Nord from March1995 to June1998.
In 1999 he joined Air France where he was as a Pilot Ocer on the Boeing 737 until 2001, then on the Boeing 747
from 2001 to 2007. He subsequently became a Flight Captain on the A320 in 2007, before becoming an airline
pilot instructor in 2017. Since 2019, Mr. Farges has been assigned to the Boeing 777.
He also holds a Corporate Directors Certificate (Sciences-Po–IFA).
Nationality: French
Age: 48years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May15, 2018
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2022 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
Air France,
45rue de Paris,
95747Roissy Charles
de Gaulle Cedex
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document68
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
French entities
Titular member (elected) of the Supervisory
Board of the Aeropelican employee shareholder
Titular member (elected) of the Supervisory
Board of the Horizon Epargne Actions diversified
savings fund;
Manager of SCI Arcole 3.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
François Robardet
Board director representing the current or former Ground Staand Cabin Crew employee shareholders
Member of the Audit Committee and of the Remuneration Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born November9, 1957, François Robardet is a graduate of the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers.
Mr. Robardet began his career in 1983 as a consulting engineer on management information systems within
Compagnie Générale d’Informatique.
In 1993 he joined Air Inter as an IT project manager before moving to Air France in 1997.
Nationality: French
Age: 62years
First appointed
as a Board director:
December6, 2016
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2022 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
Air France,
5avenue Maxwell,
31109Toulouse Cedex
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 69
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Karim Belabbas
Board director representing the employees
Member of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born July28, 1973, Karim Belabbas is a graduate of the École Supérieure des Métiers de l’Aéronautique in
Montpelier (1998). He holds a university degree in aeronautics from Saint-Denis University (2001).
Having been an Air Trac Operations Coordinator with Aéroport de Paris, Mr. Belabbas joined Air France in
November1999 as an Aircraft Leader.
Since 2005 Karim Belabbas has been a Support Technician Weight and Balance, CDG hub Ground
Nationality: French
Age: 46years
First appointed
as a Board director:
June1, 2017
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting
Professional address:
Air France,
45rue de Paris,
95747Roissy Charles
de Gaulle Cedex
Board directors representing the employees
Pursuant to Article 17 - 3of the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation and Article L.225 - 27 - 1of the French Code of Commerce
(Code de Commerce), there are two Board directors representing the employees within the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors:
on June1, 2017, as stipulated in Article L.2331 - 1of the French Employment Code (Code du Travail), the Comité de Groupe Français
appointed Mr. Karim Belabbas, a Support Technician Weight and Balance CDG hub Ground Operations, as a Board director
representing the employees. His mandate was renewed by the Comité de Groupe Français on May10, 2019.
on October10, 2017, AirFrance – KLM’s European Works Council appointed Mr. Mathi Bouts, a Senior Purser on KLM long - haul flights,
as a second Board director representing the employees following the realization, on October3. 2017, of the capital increases
reserved to China Eastern Airlines and Delta Air Lines,Inc. His mandate was renewed by the European Works Council on April17, 2019.
Mr. Belabbas and Mr. Bouts were both appointed for two - year terms of oce, expiring at the end of the AirFrance – KLM Annual
General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held during the year in which their terms of oces expire, i.e. at the end of the 2021 Annual
General Shareholders’ Meeting.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document70
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Non-French company
Chair of the Dutch foundation MNO, Netherlands,
since 2011.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Non-French company
Member of the VNC Council Schiphol-Oost,
Netherlands, until 2017.
Mathi Bouts
Board director representing the employees
Member of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born June29, 1959, Mathi Bouts holds a Bachelor in mathematics and philosophy from the Catholic University
of Nijmegen (The Netherlands). He joined KLM in 1987 as a steward. He previously occupied the positions of
Chair of KLM’s Works Council (where he was, in particular, a member of the Financial Economic Committee)
and Vice-Chair of the AirFrance – KLM European Works Council until 2010. Since 2011, he has been Chair of
the Dutch foundation MNO (Stichting MultiNationale Ondernemingsradenoverleg), a network of works Councils
in multinationals.
Mathi Bouts has been a Senior Purser on KLM long - haul flights since 2017.
Nationality: Dutch
Age: 60years
First appointed
as a Board director:
October10, 2017
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2021 Shareholders’ Meeting
Professional address:
PO Box 7700, 1117 ZL
Schiphol Airport,
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 71
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces as representative
of the French State
French companies and public institutions
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
French companies and public institutions
Board director of ADP Group
(ex-Aéroports de
Paris) as a representative of the French State until
Board director of SNCF Mobilités (ex SNCF) as a
representative of the French State until
Board director of Régie Autonome des Transports
Parisiens (RATP) as a representative of the French
State until March2019;
Board director of Réseau Ferré de France (now
SNCF Réseau) until July2015.
Solenne Lepage
Board director representing the French State
Member of the Audit Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born February7, 1972, Solenne Lepage holds a degree in philosophy and an advanced degree in history, and
is a graduate of the École Nationale des Chartes, the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and the École
Nationale d’Administration.
Having started her career in 2002 within the Ministry of the Economy and Finance as a deputy civil
administrator reporting to the heads of various oces (Public Banks, Energy, Chemicals, European
Coordination and Strategy), she was from 2006 to 2009 Client Relationship Manager for Large Companies in
the banking and insurance sector at HSBC France. In 2009 she became Head of the “EDF and Other
Shareholdings” oce in the Agency for State Shareholdings.
Appointed Deputy Director. “Transport and Audiovisual” at the Agency for State Shareholdings in
October2012., Ms.Lepage was Director of Transportation Shareholdings at the Agency for State Shareholdings
from August2014 until October2018. From October2018 until March2019 she was a Project Manager in the
General Management of the Agency for State Shareholdings, reporting to the Commissioner of State
Since April2019, she has been Deputy Chief Executive Ocer of the French Banking Federation.
Nationality: French
Age: 47years
First appointed
as a Board director:
March21, 2013
Expiry of current term
of oce:
Professional address:
Fédération Bancaire
18rue La Fayette,
75440Paris Cedex 09
Board directors whose terms of oce expired during the 2019 financial year
(1) Listed company.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document72
Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Board director of the Fund for the Development
of an Intermodal Transportation Strategy in the
Alpine Region since March1. 2019.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Patrick Vieu
Board director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the French State
Member of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born December2, 1964, Patrick Vieu holds a history degree and a doctorate in philosophy, having graduated
from the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and the École Nationale d’Administration.
Mr. Vieu began his career in 1993 at the French Transport Ministry where he occupied, notably, the functions
of Deputy Director of Motorway and Infrastructure Concessions (1999 - 2004). He served as Director of Rail
and Public Transport (2005 - 2008) then Director of Transport Services (2008 - 2011) at the Ministry of Ecology,
Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing. In summer 2011, he became Project Director reporting to
the Vice-President of the General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development before being
appointed Environment and Territories Advisor responsible for advising the French President on transport
and sustainability issues in 2012. Since June2014, Mr. Vieu has been Advisor to the Vice-President of the
General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development.
Nationality: French
Age: 55years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May21, 2015
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2019 Shareholders’ Meeting
Professional address:
Conseil Général
de l’environnement et du
développement durable,
92055Paris-La Défense
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 73
Corporate governance report
Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Non-French companies
Deputy Secretary-General of the Party for China
Eastern Airlines
, China, since March2019;
Board director of China Eastern Airlines
, China,
since May2019.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Non-French companies
Chair of Shanghai Airlines, China, from
January2012 to January2018;
Senior executive of China Eastern Air Holding
Company Limited from May 2011 to
Vice-President of China Eastern Airlines
, China,
from February2010 to March2019;
Non - executive director of TravelSky Technology
from June2018 to September2019.
Bing Tang
Board director appointed as proposed by China Eastern Airlines until July30, 2019
Member of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born February8, 1967, Bing Tang is an engineer by training and graduated from Nanjing University of Aeronautics
and Astronautics majoring in electrical technology. He obtained a doctoral degree in national economics from
the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Bing Tang has pursued his career in the civil aviation industry where he served as Executive Vice-President of
MTU Maintenance Zhuhai Co., Limited. Chief of the Administrative Oce of China Southern Air Holding Company
and President of Chongqing Airlines Company Limited. He occupied various managerial positions within China
Southern Airlines from December 2007 until May 2009. He served as Chair of Shanghai Airlines from
January2012 until January2018. He was also Vice-President of China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited
from February2010 to March2019. He was a senior executive for China Eastern Air Holding Company from
May2011 until February2019.
In February2019, Bing Tang was appointed Vice-President and Deputy Secretary General of the Party at China
Eastern Airlines Holding. Since March2019, Mr. Tang has been Deputy Secretary General of the Party then,
since May2019, a Board director of China Eastern Airlines
Nationality: Chinese
Age: 52years
First appointed as a Board
October3, 2017
Expiry of term of oce:
July30, 2019
Number of shares held in the
Company’s stock:
Professional address:
China Eastern Airlines,
36Hongxiang Sanlu,
Minhang District,
201100P.R. China
(1) Listed companies.
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Corporate governance report
2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Other directorships and oces
Non-French company
Member of the Supervisory Board of Odfjell S.E.
Member of the Supervisory Board of Erasmus
University, Rotterdam, from October 1 to
December1, 2019;
Interim Chair of the Board of Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, Netherlands, since December2019.
Directorships and oces held in the last five
years and having expired
Non-French company
Chair of the KLM NV
Supervisory Board,
Netherlands, until May2019;
Chair of the Board of Erasmus University,
Rotterdam, Netherlands, until May2018.
Hans N.J. Smits
Board director
Member of the Remuneration Committee
Expertise and professional experience
Born March13, 1950, Hans Smits holds a degree in civil engineering from the Technical University of Delft in
the Netherlands (1968 - 1973) and an MBA in business administration from Erasmus University in Rotterdam
(1973 - 1975).
Mr. Smits began his career in the Delta Department of the Dutch Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water
Management where, from 1975 to 1986, he occupied a number of management positions. In 1986, he joined
the Ministry of Economic Aairs as Vice Director-General for Services, Small and Medium-Sized businesses
and Planning. From 1988 to 1992, he continued his career within the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and
Water Management as Director-General for Transport then Secretary-General before being appointed
President and Chief Executive Ocer of Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport (1992 - 98).
Between 1998 and 2002, he was Vice-Chair then Chair of the Board of Directors of Rabobank Nederland. In
2003 - 04, he was a Board director at Arthur D. Little Benelux then, from 2005 to 2014, he was Chair and CEO
of Havenbedrijf Rotterdam NV (“Port of Rotterdam Authority”).
Since 2014, Mr. Smits has been Chair and Chief Executive Ocer of Janssen de Jong Groep
Nationality: Dutch
Age: 69years
First appointed
as a Board director:
May19, 2016
Expiry of current term
of oce:
2019 Shareholders’ Meeting
Number of shares held
in the Company’s stock:
Professional address:
Janssen de Jong Groep BV,
Science Park Eindhoven
50015692 EB, Son en
Breugel. Netherlands
(1) Listed company.
(G) Company in the AirFrance – KLM Group.
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2.2.1 Functioning of the Board
of Directors
Corporate Governance Code
The Board of Directors functions according to the corporate
governance principles in force in France as set forth in the AFEP-
MEDEF Corporate Governance Code (hereinafter the “AFEP-MEDEF
Code”), updated in January2020, and available on the AFEP
(www.afep.com) and MEDEF (www.medef.com) websites.
In application of Article L.225 - 37 - 4, paragraph 8, of the French
Code of Commerce (Code de Commerce) and in line with the
recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, this section identifies
in a summary table the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF
Code that have not been adopted and explains the reasons for
this choice (see Section2.4Summary table of the AFEP-MEDEF’s
Comply or Explain recommendations not applied).
Internal Rules
On June17, 2004, the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors adopted
a set of Internal Rules based on the corporate governance
principles established by the AFEP-MEDEF Code.
In addition to the respective missions and powers of the Chair of
the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Ocer, these
Internal Rules specify the modalities for the organization and
functioning of the Board, and establish the prerogatives and
duties of Board directors as regards the rules on reporting,
disclosure, confidentiality and conflicts of interest. They also
determine the powers of each of the advisory Committees
established within the Board.
The last update to the Internal Rules took place on March12, 2019.
It concerned the missions of the newly - created Sustainable
Development and Compliance Committee and the changes to
the AFEP-MEDEF Code having taken place in June2018.
The Internal Rules are available on the AirFrance – KLM website
at http://www.airfranceklm.com (Governance section).
2.2.2 Separation of the functions
of Chair of the Board of
Directors and Chief
Executive Ocer
During its meeting of May15, 2018, the Board of Directors decided
to separate the functions of Chair of the Board of Directors
and Chief Executive Ocer. This decision followed
Mr. Jean-Marc Janaillac stepping down as Chair and Chief
Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM, and the implementation of
a transitional governance to, notably, enable the Chair of the
Board of Directors to focus on the eective functioning of the
Board and on the search for candidates for the position of
AirFrance – KLM’s Chief Executive Ocer.
On August 16, 2018, the Board of Directors confirmed the
separation of the functions of Chair of the Board of Directors
and Chief Executive Ocer within the framework of the
implementation of the long - term governance with the
appointment of Mr. Benjamin Smith as the new Chief Executive
Ocer of AirFrance – KLM. The confirmation of the separation of
the functions of Chair and Chief Executive Ocer reflected the
conclusions of the Board of Directors which considered that this
form of governance was the best choice for the Company at this
stage in its development in that it enables the Company to
benefit from a new dynamic with a Chair of the Board of
Directors who is dedicated to governance matters and a Chief
Executive Ocer with recognized expertise in the air transport
industry, who is focused on the Group’s operations. The
complementarity of their profiles and roles optimizes the Group’s
governance and ensures a balanced and respectful division of
their respective missions. It also enables the eective coordination
of the Board of Directors thanks to the presence of a Chair of the
Board of Directors who is exclusively devoted to its functioning
and guarantees a more eective separation between the control
and management functions.
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Organization and functioning of the Board of Directors
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Powers and missions of the Chair
of the Board of Directors
In her capacity as Chair, Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc organizes and
steers the work of the Board of Directors, ensures the preservation
of the corporate interests and oversees the eective functioning
of the corporate bodies (Board of Directors. advisory Committees
and Shareholders’ Meetings) in the respect of the principles of
good governance. She also ensures that the Board of Directors
devotes the time required to issues of interest to the Group’s
future and, in particular, its strategy.
She has no executive responsibility but may represent the Group
in its high - level relations, notably with the public authorities,
major customers and partners, at both national and international
level, in close collaboration with the Chief Executive Ocer. She
devotes her best eorts to promoting the values and image of
the Group in all circumstances. Lastly, the Chief Executive Ocer
keeps her regularly informed of any significant events and
situations relating to the life of the Group and she may ask him
for any information relevant to the understanding of the Board
and its Committees
. Ms. Couderc, an independent Board
director, also retains her role as Chair of the Appointments and
Governance Committee.
Powers and missions of the Chief Executive Ocer
In his capacity as Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM, Mr.
Smith is invested with the broadest powers to act in the
Company’s name in all circumstances within the limits of the
corporate purpose and subject to those expressly attributed by
law to the Shareholders’ Meeting and the Board of Directors.
Furthermore, without prejudice to the legal provisions relating to
the authorizations that must be granted by the Board of Directors
(regulated agreements. securities. agreements and guarantees,
divestment of equity interests and real estate, etc. ), the Internal
Rules require prior approval from the Board for operations by the
Company and its Principal Subsidiaries whose amount is equal
to or exceeds €150million as outlined in points (i), (ii) and (iii) of
paragraph (d) on the powers and missions of the Board of
Directors hereinafter.
The Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM also chairs both
the CEO Committee and the Group Executive Committee (see
sections 2.6CEO Committee and 2.7Group Executive Committee).
Powers and missions of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors deliberates on any matters falling within
the powers devolved to it by law and those stipulated by the
Internal Rules or in application of the AFEP-MEDEF Code.
In particular, prior to any decision or deployment by the
Company or a principal subsidiary (Air France, KLM, and any
other subsidiary, as may be decided by the Board of Directors,
hereinafter known as the “Principal Subsidiaries” or individually
“Principal Subsidiary”), the Board of Directors:
a) approves the Group’s strategic directions and reviews them
as a whole at least once a year;
b) approves the budget including the capex plan;
c) without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph (d) below,
approves any significant operations that are liable to aect
the Group’s strategy or modify its financial structure or scope
of activity; the Chief Executive Ocer is responsible for
determining whether or not an operation is significant in
d) approves the following operations by the Company and its
Principal Subsidiaries when their amount is equal to or in
excess of €150million:
(i) operating lease contracts, investments, the acquisition or
sale of any assets including, specifically, the fleet, interests
in companies formed or to be formed, participation in the
formation of all companies, groups or organizations,
subscriptions to all issues of shares, units or bonds,
(ii) borrowings, issues of bonds and aircraft financing,
(iii) granting of all exchanges with or without balancing cash
adjustments involving the Company’s assets, stocks or
e) as recommended by the Appointments and Governance
Committee (as provided in Article 8of the Internal Rules),
approves the appointment of the Chair and Chief Executive
Ocer or Chief Executive Ocer of any of the Principal
Subsidiaries; and
f) as recommended by the Remuneration Committee (as provided
in Article 9of the Internal Rules), approves the compensation
of the Chair and Chief Executive Ocer or Chief Executive
Ocer of any of the Principal Subsidiaries.
The Board ensures the proper running of the company and its
Principal Subsidiaries, and approves the acquisition or sale of any
equity interests whenever their amount is equal to or in excess
of €150million.
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Corporate governance report
2 Organization and functioning of the Board of Directors
(1) Article 1.2of the Internal Rules of the Board of Directors.
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Corporate governance report
Organization and functioning of the Board of Directors
Appointment and re - appointment
of members of the Board of Directors
The modalities governing the appointment of Board directors are
set forth in Article 17 of the Air France – KLM Articles of
Incorporation and in the Internal Rules.
The Board of Directors is thus composed of between three and
eighteen members, excluding the Board directors representing
the employee shareholders and the Board directors representing
the employees. The AirFrance – KLM Board directors are appointed
by the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting with the exception
of the Board director representing the French State (appointed by
ministerial order
) and the two Board directors representing the
employees (appointed, depending on the case, by the Comité de
Groupe Français or the AirFrance – KLM European Works Council)
As proposed by the Appointments and Governance Committee,
the Board of Directors submits for approval by the Shareholders’
Meeting, the appointment, ratification of the co - opting and
re - appointment of the Board directors. The proposals for the
appointment, co - opting and re - appointment of Board directors
formulated by the Board of Directors comply with the legal and
regulatory provisions (including, notably, the rules on parity) and
the recommendations formulated by the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate
Governance Code (including, notably, the rules on the independence
of the Board directors)
Pursuant to Article 8.2 of the Internal Rules of the Board of
Directors referring to the provisions of the agreements signed on
October16, 2003 (Framework Agreement) within the framework
of the business combination between Air France and KLM, the
Appointments and Governance Committee submits to the Board
of Directors proposals regarding:
a) the appointment as a Board director of the Chair of the KLM
Supervisory Board;
b) the appointment or re - appointment as Board directors of two
high - profile individuals residing in the Netherlands, chosen
after consultation and on the recommendation of the KLM
Supervisory Board; and
c) the appointment or re - appointment as a Board director of a
high - profile individual residing in the Netherlands, chosen after
consultation and on the recommendation of the Dutch State.
Two Board directors are appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting as
proposed by the French State, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2014 - 948 of
August20, 2014.
Furthermore, pursuant to Articles L. 225 - 23 of the Code de
Commerce. L.6411 - 9of the Code des Transports and Article 17 - 2of
the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation, two Board directors
representing the employee shareholders are appointed by the
Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the employee (and former
employee) shareholders referred to in Article L.225 - 102of the
Code de Commerce:
one representative belonging to the flight deck crew category
of sta; and
one representative belonging to the other employee category
of sta.
The employee and former employee shareholders are invited to
select their candidates for each of the two colleges (Flight Deck
Crew and Other Employees), the appointment taking place based
on a majority vote in two rounds of balloting. The candidate
having obtained the absolute majority of the votes cast in each
college, in either the first or second round, is then proposed to
the Shareholders’ Meeting
Lastly, in that the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors is composed
of more than eight directors, there are two directors representing
the employees in the Board of Directors
. Pursuant to Article 17 - 3of
the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation, the first Board
director representing the employees is appointed by the Comité
de Groupe Français as stipulated in Article L.2331 - 1of the Code du
Travail, while the second is appointed by the European Works Council
of Air France – KLM. Each Board director representing the
employees is appointed for a two - year term of oce, expiring at
the end of the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting taking place
during the year in which their mandate expires
Pursuant to the corporate governance principles as stipulated by
the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code, the duration of
Board directors’ terms of oce is four years
and the expiration
dates for these terms of oce are staggered to facilitate the
smooth renewal of the Board of Directors.
Furthermore, every Board director
must own at least ten shares for
the duration of their term of oce (Article 19of the AirFrance – KLM
Articles of Incorporation).
2.2.3 Rules applicable to the appointment and replacement
of members of the Board of Directors
(1) Pursuant to Article 4of Ordinance No. 2014 - 948of August20, 2014 relating to governance and to transactions involving the share capital of State - owned companies and
Article 2of decree No. 2014 - 949of August20, 2014, in application of Ordinance No. 2014 - 948.
(2) Board directors appointed pursuant to Article L.225 - 27 - 1of the Code de Commerce, in accordance with the modalities foreseen by Article 17 - 3of Air France- KLM’s
Articles of Incorporation.
(3) Article 8.3 of the AFEP-MEDEF Code notably provides that half the members of the Board of Directors must be independent directors (see
Section2.2.4Independence of the Board directors).
(4) The mandates of the two Board directors representing the employee shareholders will expire at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial
statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2021. The process to select new candidates, whose appointment will be submitted to the Shareholders’
Meeting approving the financial statements for the financial year ending December31, 2021, will be launched in January2022.
(5) The Board of Directors includes two directors representing the employees pursuant to Article L.225 - 27 - 1of the Code de Commerce, the number of directors representing
the employees being increased to two when the number of directors referred to Articles L.225 - 17 and L.225 - 18of the Code de Commerce is more than eight.
(6) On May10, 2019, Mr. Karim Belabbas, a Support Technician Weight and Balance, CDG hub Ground Operations, was re - appointed by the Comité de Groupe Français
while, on April17, 2019, Mr. Mathi Bouts, a Senior Purser on KLM long - haul flights, was re - appointed by Air France – KLM’s European Works Council as a second
Board director representing the employees. Their mandates will expire at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting convened to approve the financial statements for
the financial year ending December31, 2020.
(7) With the exception of the Board directors representing the employees whose term of oce is two years pursuant to Article 17 - 3of the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation.
(8) With the exception of the Board directors representing the employees and the Board directors representing the employee shareholders (Article L.225 - 25 paragraph 3 of
the Code de Commerce) and the Board directors appointed by the State or the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the State (Article 5paragraphs 5 and 6VI of
Ordinance No. 2014 - 948of August20, 2014).
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Diversity policy applicable to the members
of the Board of Directors
As recommended by the Appointments and Governance
Committee, in its meeting of February19, 2020 the Board of
Directors reviewed the criteria in the diversity policy applicable
to the composition of the Board of Directors. The criteria and
targets of this policy set out below take into account the results
of the evaluation of the Board together with the skills matrix of
the Board directors (see below).
Selection criteria for Board directors
Within the framework of the appointment and re - appointment
of Board directors, and to preserve the balanced nature of its
composition, the Board prioritizes the following selection criteria:
openness to the world, international professional experience
and the diversity of nationalities. AirFrance – KLM was born
from the business combination of two companies with
dierent nationalities having global operations, leading to
numerous international challenges;
General Management experience acquired within major French
or international companies; the Group numbers more than
80,000employees divided between three major businesses,
Passenger, Cargo and Maintenance, across 116countries;
knowledge and practical experience of the transport and airline
industries, and of tourism, since these are the businesses in
which the Group has its main businesses;
the Board of Directors also ensures that the areas of expertise
linked to the Group’s strategic priorities are represented
amongst its members, particularly in the fields of brand
strategy, digital and customer relations, human resources, and
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR);
the selection of profiles that oer expertise covering the
strategic areas for the Group (brands, digital, etc).
Implementation of the diversity policy
The Board has set itself clear targets for the implementation of
this diversity policy:
maintain a balance between the Company’s dierent stakeholders
and the balanced representation of men and women;
prioritize Board directors with independent mindsets;
promote adherence to the Group’s fundamental values;
ensure the availability of the Board directors.
In connection with this policy, the following changes to the
composition of the Board of Directors took place during 2019:
Consolidation of air transport industry expertise:
The Board of Directors welcomed Mr. Wang as the new
representative of China Eastern Airlines, an airline company and
shareholder of the Group. Mr. Wang succeeded Mr. Tang who
stepped down following his promotion within China Eastern. He
brings to the Board, in particular, his aviation expertise and
international experience. Mssrs. Bellabas and Bouts also saw their
mandates renewed as Board directors representing the employees.
They continue to contribute their in - house perspective and
professional skills obtained within the airline industry professions,
the former being a support technician in the Ground Operations
at the Roissy hub and the latter a Senior Purser on long - haul
flights. Lastly, Mr. Smith, the Group’s Chief Executive Ocer, a
recognized air transportation expert, notably as a former Chief
Operating Ocer of Air Canada, saw his Board director mandate
A better balance between nationalities and greater
openness to the world:
The arrival in the Board of Mr. ‘t Hart, a Dutch national appointed
as proposed by KLM to replace Mr. Smits (on expiry of his term
of oce as Chair of the KLM Supervisory Board), enables the
Board to consolidate the diversity of its nationalities.
Five Board directors, Ms. Boeren and Mssers Bouts, ‘t Hart,
Wynaendts and de Hoop Scheer are Dutch nationals within the
Board of Directors. Lastly, Mr. Smith, who holds dual Canadian
and British nationality, was confirmed in his capacity as a Board
director for a four - year term of oce.
The Board thus numbers five dierent nationalities and eight
non-French Board directors (one Canadian-British director, five
Dutch directors, one US director and one Chinese director), i.e. a
proportion of 42%. These Board directors bring to the Board of
Directors an in - depth knowledge of their respective markets.
A balance favorable to the exercise
of the missions of the Committees
Based on criteria like gender representation, professional
qualifications and experience, and nationality, the Board ensures
that there is a balance favorable to the exercise of the missions
of the individual Committees.
Balanced competencies of the Board of Directors
at December31, 2019
The following table shows, by Board director, the competencies
that are key to the eective functioning of the Board in relation
to the matters it addresses. These areas of expertise was the
subject of a specific review during the evaluation of the Board of
Directors, as part of the analysis of the contributions of the
individual Board directors to the Board’s work.
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Corporate governance report
2 Organization and functioning of the Board of Directors
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Competencies of the Board of Directors at December 31, 2019
Current General Air Gover- Interna- Public
Board director main function Management Transport Transport nance tional Aairs Finance HR CSR
Anne-Marie Couderc Chair of the
AirFrance – KLM
Board of Directors
Company director
Benjamin Smith Chief Executive Ocer
of AirFrance – KLM
Maryse Aulagnon Chair and CEO of
Mab-Finances SAS
Leni M.T. Boeren Member of the Executive
Board of Van Lanschot
Kempen NV and CEO
of Kempen & Co NV
Isabelle Bouillot President of China
Equity Links
Delta Air Lines,Inc.
(represented by
George Mattson) Airline company
Cees ‘t Hart CEO of Carlsberg Group
Chair of the KLM
Supervisory Board
Jaap de Professor at the University
Hoop Scheer of Leiden (Netherlands)
Anne-Marie Idrac Board director
Isabelle Parize Corporate counsel
and company director
Jian Wang Corporate Secretary
and Chair of Eastern
Airlines Industry
Investment Co., Ltd.
Alexander Chair and CEO of
R. Wynaendts Aegon NV (Netherlands)
Martin Vial Commissoner of
State Shareholdings
Jean-Dominique Honorary Civil Service
Comolli Administrator
Astrid Panosyan Managing Director
of the Central Functions
of the Unibail-Rodamco-
Westfield Group (URW)
François Robardet Air France executive
Paul Farges Airline pilot instructor
Karim Belabbas Support Technician
Weight and Balance,
CDG hub
Ground Operations
Mathi Bouts Senior Purser, KLM
long - haul flights
Total number
of Board directors 14 2 9 13 13 10 10 8 2
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Organization and functioning of the Board of Directors
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Having examined the situations of the individual Board directors
as at December31, 2019 in the light of the criteria stipulated by
the AFEP-MEDEF Code, and as proposed by the Appointments
and Governance Committee, at its meeting of February 19, 2020,
the Board of Directors considered that:
seven Board directors (Ms.Aulagnon, Ms.Boeren, Ms.Bouillot,
, Ms.Idrac, Ms.Parize and Mr. Wynaendts) are
independent in that:
none of these seven board directors has, directly or
indirectly, a relationship with the company, its Group or its
management that is such as to color their judgement
(aside from the fact that the candidacy of some of these
individuals had been proposed to the Shareholders’
Meeting by KLM pursuant to the agreements signed in
no significant business relationships exist between the
Group and each of these independent Board directors,
in her capacity as Chair of the Board of Directors,
Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc receives only fixed compensation
and no variable compensation in the form of either cash
or shares;
the other non - independent Board directors are:
a representative of the French State appointed by
ministerial order: Mr. Vial,
board directors whose candidature was proposed to the
Shareholders’ Meeting by the French State: Mr. Comolli and
a Board director whose candidature was proposed to the
Shareholders’ Meeting by the Dutch State: Mr. Jaap de
Hoop Scheer
Delta Air Lines,Inc.
, whose permanent representative is
George Mattson, and
a Board director whose candidature was proposed to the
Shareholders’ Meeting by China Eastern Airlines: Mr. Wang
representatives of the employee shareholders: Mr. Farges
and Mr. Robardet,
representatives of the employees: Mr. Belabbas and
Mr. Bouts, and
executive directors of the Air France – KLM Group:
Mr. Smith, Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM and
a Board director of Air France and Mr. ‘t Hart, Chair of the
KLM Supervisory Board.
Given the above, and pursuant to the provision of the AFEP-MEDEF
Code wherein Board directors representing employee shareholders
and Board directors representing the employees are not counted
in the calculation of the percentages of independent shareholders
within Boards of Directors and Committees (§9.3 and 15.1of the
AFEP-MEDEF Code), the percentages of independent directors
as of December31, 2019 were:
47% of the Board of Directors;
67% of the Audit Committee (chaired by an Independent
67% of the Appointments and Governance Committee
(chaired by an Independent director);
50% of the Remuneration Committee (chaired on an interim
basis by an Independent director).
At December31, 2019, the proportion of independent directors
was thus 47%, i.e. below the 50% threshold recommended by the
AFEP-MEDEF Code for non - controlled companies. This deviation
from the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code is due to
an exceptional situation linked to the acquisition by the Dutch
State of a shareholding in February2019. Discussions are ongoing
between the Company, the French State and the Dutch State to
re - balance the composition of the Board of Directors. This
situation is thus temporary.
2.2.4 Independence of the Board directors
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Corporate governance report
2 Organization and functioning of the Board of Directors
(1) Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc, Chair of the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors is also non - executive Chair of the Air France Board of Directors.
(2) Pursuant to the agreements of October16, 2003 concluded between the Dutch State, Air France and KLM.
(3) Pursuant to the provisions of the Memoranda of Understanding signed by these two companies with AirFrance – KLM on July27, 2017.
(4) Pursuant to the provisions of the Memoranda of Understanding signed by these two companies with AirFrance – KLM on July27, 2017.
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Training for Board directors
Newly - appointed Board directors are encouraged to meet with
the company’s principal executives and are oered site visits to
increase their understanding of the Group’s business environment
and activities. On their appointment, they are also sent a dossier
including, notably, the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation,
the Internal Rules, the Universal Registration Document, the latest
press releases issued by the company and a reminder of the stock
market Compliance Rules.
On their appointment and during their terms of oce, individual
Board directors (including the Board directors representing the
employees and the employee shareholders) can benefit from the
training that they deem necessary for the exercise of their
mandates. This training is proposed and organized by the Company.
This training, which is paid for by the Company, is mostly carried
out via a program designed by a professional body and is aimed
at gaining a better understanding of the functioning of the Board
of Directors and their roles as Board directors. Accounting and
financing modules are also proposed to enable them to improve
their financial know - how. A fraction of this training time is carried
out within the Company. Pursuant to the applicable regulation,
during its meeting of February19, 2020, the Board of Directors
decided to terminate the training program in French and English
oered to the Board directors representing the employee
shareholders and the employees.
2.2.5 Other rules applicable
to Board directors
Situation of conflict of interests
Pursuant to the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code and
in application of Article 11of the Internal Rules of the Board of
Directors, any director is bound to report to the Board any conflict
of interest, whether actual or potential, because of the position he
or she holds in another company, and must abstain from taking
part in the deliberation and voting on the related resolution. Every
year, the Company sends the Board directors a questionnaire
enabling confirmation that there are no conflicts of interest and
the Company to be informed of any potential conflicts.
To the Company’s knowledge, none of the Board members are
related and there are no conflicts of interest between the duties
of the Board members with regard to the Company and their
private interests and other duties.
With the exception of the agreements listed below, there are no
arrangements or agreements between the main shareholders,
customers, suppliers or other parties, in accordance with which
a member of the Board of Directors has been selected:
(i) the agreements signed on October 16, 2003 between
Air France, KLM and the Dutch government pursuant to
which the appointments of four Board directors are
proposed to the Board of Directors by KLM and the
Dutch State (see Section 2.2.3 Rules applicable to the
appointment and replacement of members of the Board
of Directors–Appointment and re - appointment of members
of the Board of Directors); and
(ii) the agreements signed on July27, 2017 between, firstly,
AirFrance – KLM and Delta Air Lines,Inc. and, secondly,
between Air France – KLM and China Eastern Airlines
pursuant to which Delta Air Lines,Inc., represented by Mr.
Mattson, and Mr. Wang were appointed to the Board of
Directors (see Section 2.8.4 Reinforcement of the
AirFrance – KLM Group’s strategic partnerships with Delta
Air Lines,Inc. and China Eastern Airlines).
Furthermore, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2014 - 948
of August 20, 2014 concerning governance and transactions
involving the share capital of public sector companies and the
application decree - law No. 2014 - 949of August20, 2014, a Board
director representing the French State is appointed by ministerial
order and two Board directors are appointed by the Shareholders’
Meeting as proposed by the French State (see Section2.2.3Rules
applicable to the appointment and replacement of members of
the Board of Directors–Appointment and re - appointment of
members of the Board of Directors);
As of December31, 2019, there were no service level contracts
binding any member of the Board of Directors to AirFrance – KLM
or to one of its subsidiaries and foreseeing the granting of benefits
under the terms of the contract.
With the exception of Delta Air Lines,Inc., (see the Subscription
Agreement signed on July27, 2017 and detailed in Section2.8.4
Reinforcement of the Air France – KLM Group’s strategic
partnerships with Delta Air Lines,Inc. and China Eastern Airlines),
the Board directors have accepted no restrictions concerning the
sale of their shareholdings in AirFrance – KLM, subject to respect
of the rules relating to the prevention of insider trading and the
statutory obligation to own at least ten shares in the Company
during their terms of oce
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Corporate governance report
Organization and functioning of the Board of Directors
(1) This obligation to hold at least ten shares in the company for the duration of their terms of oce is not applicable to directors representing the employee
shareholders, directors elected by the employees and directors representing the employees (Article L. 225 - 25 paragraph 3of the Code de Commerce), nor to
directors appointed by the State or the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the State (Articles 5paragraphs 5 and 6VI of French Ordinance No. 2014 - 948of
August20, 2014).
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Stock market and ethical compliance
The Compliance Code, adopted by the Board of Directors on
March25, 2004, and as amended on November17, 2017, notably
reminds company ocers, senior executives of the Company,
anyone with close personal ties with the latter and certain
employees with access to inside information that they are
required to refrain from trading in the Company’s shares for a
minimum of (i) thirty calendar days prior to the publication of the
full annual and half - year financial statements and (ii) a minimum
of fifteen calendar days prior to the publication of the full
quarterly financial statements, the day of their publication being
included in these periods. They also reiterate the specific
obligations (particularly relating to access to inside information)
applying to senior executives, Board directors and anyone with
access to inside information relating to Air France – KLM
concerning the use of this information and their trading in the
shares of AirFrance – KLM pursuant to the applicable laws and
regulations relating to market abuse.
In the past five years, to the Company’s knowledge, no Board
director has been the subject of a fraud conviction or ocial
public sanction pronounced by the statutory or regulatory
authorities, associated with a bankruptcy, sequestration of goods
or a placing of a company into administrative receivership nor
has, lastly, been prevented by a court from acting as a member
of a management or supervisory body of an issuer or from
involvement in managing the business of an issuer. This
information is confirmed every year via a questionnaire sent to
the Board directors.
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Board activity during the 2019 financial year
The minimum number of Board meetings is set at five per year.
Prior to Board meetings a dossier is circulated containing the
agenda for the meeting together with any summaries or, where
appropriate, full documentation on any issues requiring special
analysis and/or prior consideration. The matters raised in
meetings are usually the subject of presentations, followed by
Board meetings are conducted in French; however, individual
directors may speak in French, English or Chinese with
simultaneous interpretation.
During these meetings, the following matters were notably
annual, half - year and quarterly financial statements;
regular status reports on the Group’s activity and financial
budget including the capex plan;
financing plan;
financial operations;
presentation on the financial, legal, operational, social and
environmental risks;
report on compliance;
regular information on Air France and KLM activity and
information on the alliances;
discussions concerning potential acquisitions;
update on flight safety;
implementation of the partnerships with Delta Air Lines,Inc.
and Virgin;
governance of the Group and, notably: change in the Group’s
governance following the acquisition by the Dutch State of a
shareholding in AirFrance – KLM, independence of the Board
directors, evaluation of the Board of Directors, appointment
and training of the new Board directors, compensation of the
top executives and the succession plan for the Company
In April 2019, the Board of Directors held its annual meeting
devoted to the Group’s strategy, which took the form of a
two - day seminar.
2.3.1 Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 83
Corporate governance report
Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors and its Committees
13 meetings
(19 in 2018)
extraordinary meetings
(11 in 2018)
average attendance
of Board directors
(91% in 2018)
Lasting on average
4 hours 30’
per meeting
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Board director attendance
The attendance rates for individual directors at meetings of the Board of Directors during 2019 are presented below:
Board director Board meeting attendance
Anne-Marie Couderc Chair of the Board and of the Appointments and Governance Committee 100%
Maryse Aulagnon Chair of the Audit Committee 92%
Karim Belabbas 92%
Leni M.T. Boeren 100%
Isabelle Bouillot Interim Chair of the Remuneration Committee 92%
Mathi Bouts 100%
Jean-Dominique Comolli 100%
Cees ‘t Hart
Jaap de Hoop Scheer 77%
Delta Air Lines,Inc. (represented by George Mattson) 92%
Paul Farges 100%
Anne-Marie Idrac Chair of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee 100%
Solenne Lepage
Astrid Panosyan
Isabelle Parize 92%
François Robardet 100%
Benjamin Smith 100%
Martin Vial
Jian Wang
Alexander R. Wynaendts 85%
Hans N.J. Smits
Bing Tang
Patrick Vieu
Average attendance 89%
(1) Board director since May28, 2019.
(2) Board director representing the French State until April1, 2019.
(3) Board director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the French State since May28, 2019.
(4) Board director representing the French State since May31, 2019.
(5) Board director since July30, 2019.
(6) Board director until May28, 2019.
(7) Board director until July30, 2019.
(8) Board director appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting as proposed by the French State until May28, 2019.
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Regulated agreements and commitments
Agreements referred to in Article L.225 - 37 - 42 of the Code
de Commerce
Except for agreements covering current operations and entered
into under normal terms and conditions, no agreements were
entered into in 2019, either directly or through an intermediary,
between, on one side, a Board director or shareholder of
AirFrance – KLM holding a fraction of the voting rights greater
than 10% (French and Dutch States) and, on the other, a
corporate shareholder in which more than half the share capital
is held, directly or indirectly, by AirFrance – KLM.
Agreements and commitments referred to in Articles
L.225 - 38 and L.225 - 42 - 1of the Code de Commerce
Agreements and commitments authorized and signed
during the financial year
Transatlantic partnership between AirFrance – KLM.
Delta Air Lines,Inc. and Virgin Atlantic
On October 30, 2019, the Board of Directors mandated the
AirFrance – KLM management to finalize the discussions and
negotiate amendments to the agreements authorized during the
Board meetings of March14 and May15, 2018 (see Section2.8.4
Reinforcement of the AirFrance – KLM Group’s strategic partnerships
with Delta Air Lines,Inc. and China Eastern Airlines), so as to no
longer proceed with the planned investment by AirFrance – KLM
in a 31% equity interest in Virgin Atlantic Limited. This decision
resulted in the amendment of the following agreements:
1. termination of the Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) between
AirFrance – KLM Finance SAS and Virgin Investments Limited,
enabling AirFrance – KLM, through its 100%-owned subsidiary
AirFrance – KLM Finance SAS, to acquire a 31% equity interest
in Virgin Atlantic, and termination of agreements ancillary to
the SPA;
2. amendment and updating of the Joint Venture Agreement
between Delta Air Lines,Inc., Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited,
AirFrance – KLM, KLM and Société Air France, aimed at the
implementation of a commercial joint - venture between
AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc., Virgin Atlantic Airways
Limited, Air France and KLM (signed on January30, 2020 and
eective as per January1, 2020) to reflect the termination of
the SPA;
3. amendment and updating of the Implementation Agreement
between Air France – KLM, Air France – KLM Finance SAS,
Société Air France, KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc., Virgin Investments
Limited, Virgin Atlantic Limited, Virgin Atlantic Airways
Limited and Sir Richard Branson (signed on January9, 2020
and eective as per January1, 2020) to reflect, notably, the
termination of the SPA;
4. signature of the agreement between AirFrance – KLM, Delta
Air Lines,Inc. and Virgin Group (signed and eective as per
January30, 2020) granting AirFrance – KLM, subject to specific
conditions, a right to acquire shares in Virgin Atlantic Limited
in the event of a sale by Virgin Group of shares in Virgin
Atlantic Limited to a third party.
Since Delta Air Lines,Inc. is a Board director of AirFrance – KLM
and of Virgin Atlantic, the aforementioned contracts enter into
the application scope for the regulated agreements procedure
set forth in Article L.225 - 38of the Code de Commerce. Any
agreement, entered into directly or through an intermediary
between, notably, the company and one of its Board directors,
whether this latter has a direct or indirect interest, is subject to
the prior authorization of the Board of Directors. Agreements
between the company and another company are also subject to
prior authorization by the Board of Directors if one of the Board
directors of the company is an owner, an unlimited liability partner,
a manager, a Board director, a member of the Supervisory Board
or, in general, a director of this other company. The termination,
amendment or renunciation of regulated agreements must follow
the same procedure as their signature, which begins with prior
approval by the Board of Directors.
For more information on the July 2017 agreements between
AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc. and Virgin Atlantic, see
Section 2.8.4 Reinforcement of the Air France – KLM Group’s
strategic partnerships with Delta Air Lines,Inc. and China Eastern
Airlines in this Universal Registration Document.
Agreements and commitments authorized and signed
in previous financial years
Commitments relating to the severance payment
to the benefit of Benjamin Smith,
Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM
On August16, 2018, pursuant to the provisions of Article L.225 - 42 - 1
of the Code de Commerce, the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors
authorized the granting of a severance payment to the benefit
of Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM,
in some instances of forced termination and, namely, dismissal,
non - renewal of his mandate as Chief Executive Ocer or forced
resignation linked to a change of control.
It is stipulated that the instances of forced termination enabling the
implementation of this severance payment exclude any situation
of serious misconduct on the part of the Chief Executive Ocer.
In accordance with the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF
Code, the basis of the severance payment is equivalent to two
years of his annual fixed and variable compensation (based, as
applicable, on the target variable compensation in the event of a
termination during the first 24months).
A coecient (between 0 and 100% inclusive) will be applied to
the basis of the severance payment based on the achievement
rate for the performance criteria relating to the annual variable
component of his compensation over the two last financial years
of his mandate (or since his appointment, in the event of
termination during the first 24months). The Board of Directors
will assess the achievement of these performance criteria.
For more information, please see section2.5.2Compensation of
the executive ocers in this Universal Registration Document.
There were no agreements or commitments authorized and
signed over the course of previous financial years whose execution
continued during the last financial year.
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Procedure for the qualification and regular evaluation
of the current agreements entered into under normal terms
and conditions.
During its meeting of December11, 2019, as recommended by the
Audit Committee, the Board of Directors established a procedure
enabling the qualification and regular evaluation of the agreements
relating to current operations entered into under normal terms
and conditions pursuant to the provisions of Article L.225 - 39
paragraph 2of the Code de Commerce. The current and normal
nature of an agreement is evaluated on a case by case basis during
the signature, renewal or amendment of the said agreement, on
the basis of objective criteria defined in the procedure.
Within the framework of this annual evaluation procedure, the
draws up an inventory of all the agreements referred to in
Article L.225 - 39paragraph 1of the Code de Commerce;
reviews all the elements and documents having enabled the
qualification of the agreements; and
as necessary, reviews the qualification of any agreements with
interested parties (regulated agreement or free agreement,
depending on the case).
Persons with an interest in one of these agreements, entered into
either directly or through an intermediary, do not participate in
their evaluation.
Evaluation of the functioning
of the Board of Directors and its Committees
At least once a year, the Board of Directors conducts an evaluation
of its functioning and organization, pursuant to Article 10of the
AFEP-MEDEF Code and Article 2of the Board’s Internal Rules.
This evaluation is steered by the Appointments and Governance
Committee. Every three years, this evaluation is entrusted to an
independent external consultant
For 2019, the Board of Directors conducted an auto - evaluation in
the form of a questionnaire submitted to each Board director. The
following topics were addressed through the evaluation questionnaire:
composition, organization, functioning and dynamic of the
Board of Directors and its Committees;
relationship between the Board of Directors and the Senior
eectiveness of the Board of Directors and its Committees;
articulation of the work of the Board of Directors with those
of the subsidiaries of AirFrance – KLM;
the individual contributions of the Board directors to the
Board’s work;
main changes and areas requiring improvement.
More specifically, the individual contributions of the Board
directors were analyzed in two areas:
analysis of the individual areas of expertise and the skills to be
developed within the Board;
analysis of the obstacles to individual contributions to the
work of the Board.
The results of the evaluation were handled under the seal of
anonymity and gave rise to a presentation and debate during the
Board of Directors meeting of February19, 2020.
By way of a reminder, a series of measures implemented during the
2018 financial year were pursued in 2019 on the following themes:
reinforced coordination between the three AirFrance – KLM,
Air France and KLM Boards;
clarification of the respective missions of the AirFrance – KLM,
Air France and KLM Boards and Committees;
broadening of the themes addressed by the Board to new
operational, business and competition matters;
development of the deliberations on the strategic options.
During the 2019 financial year, the following actions were also
earlier and improved preparation and sharing of the information
circulated to the Board directors, and in a more succinct format;
more eective Board meetings via an improved balance
between the time allocated to presentations and discussions;
strengthening of the cohesion within the Board of Directors.
As a general rule, the Board directors considered that the
functioning of the Board of Directors had improved during 2019
since the previous evaluation. The evaluation revealed the
following positive points:
the separation of powers between the Chair of the Board of
Directors and the Chief Executive Ocer, adapted to the size
and functioning of the Board;
a marked improvement in the quality of the information on the
competitive environment made available to the Board directors;
secretarial services to the Board, organization, duration and
logistics of Board meetings, together with the secured digital
tools for the sharing of information;
satifactory complementarity of the expertise within the Board.
The results of the 2019 evaluation enabled the identification of a
number of areas for improvement to be monitored during 2020
and, notably:
improve the circulation of the work of the Board’s advisory
Committees amongst all the Board directors;
increase the participation of the Group’s key executives in
meetings of the Board of Directors;
formalize the follow - up process for decisions taken by the
Board of Directors.
Corporate governance report
2 Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors and its Committees
(1) The last independent evaluation by an independent external consultant was carried out in respect of the financial year ended December 31, 2017.
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At December31, 2019, the Audit Committee was composed of
the following eight members: Maryse Aulagnon (Chair of the
Committee), Leni M.T. Boeren, François Robardet, Paul Farges,
Isabelle Parize, Martin Vial, Isabelle Bouillot and Delta Air
Lines,Inc. represented by George Mattson.
Martin Vial became a member of the Committee on
October30, 2019.
The members of the Audit Committee benefit from financial and
accounting competencies enabling them to exercise their
At its meeting of November 9, 2011, the Board of Directors
adopted the position whereby, pursuant to the provisions of
Article L.823 - 19of the Code de Commerce, the Company’s Audit
Committee includes at least one independent member with
specific finance and accounting skills in the person of
Ms. Aulagnon. It deemed that Ms. Aulagnon’s educational
background and professional experience fulfill this requirement
for specific financial competence, and that she has no
relationships with the company, its Group or management that
are such as to color her judgment. The seven other Committee
members also have financial and/or accounting skills.
The principal executives responsible for accounting, legal aairs,
finance, internal control and Internal Audit of AirFrance – KLM
also attend meetings in an advisory capacity.
The Statutory Auditors attended all the meetings of the Audit
Committee. At the request of the Chair of the Committee and
pursuant to Article 16.3of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, they were able
to consult with Committee members outside the presence of the
Group’s senior executives on the occasion of the review of the
annual financial statements.
The Audit Committee’s principal missions are to review the
interim and annual consolidated financial statements to inform
the Board of Directors of their content, ensure that they are
reliable and exhaustive and that the information they contain,
including the forward - looking information provided to shareholders
and the market, meets high standards of quality. The Committee
also oversees the auditing of the annual financial statements. In
particular, the Audit Committee reviews the:
consolidation scope;
relevance and consistency of the accounting methods used
to draw up the financial statements;
principal estimates made by the Senior Management of
AirFrance – KLM;
principal financial risks with the Senior Management of
Air France – KLM and the material o - balance - sheet
comments and recommendations made by the Statutory
Auditors and, if applicable, any significant adjustments
resulting from audits.
As necessary, the Audit Committee formulates recommendations
to guarantee the integrity of the process to establish the financial
The Audit Committee monitors the eectiveness of the Internal
Control and risk management procedures and, as necessary, Internal
Audit, in terms of the processes relating to the establishment and
treatment of the accounting and financial information, with no
compromise to its independence. In this capacity, it reviews in
particular the program and results of Internal Audit to ensure,
notably, that, in the event of any malfunctioning, the appropriate
action plans and follow - up monitoring have been implemented.
The Committee discusses with the Statutory Auditors and reviews
their conclusions on the half - year and annual financial statements.
It also pays particular attention to the audit points identified by
the Statutory Auditors and ensures compliance with the legal and
regulatory requirements for financial and accounting information.
The Audit Committee is responsible for steering the procedure to
select the Statutory Auditors. It submits a recommendation to the
Board of Directors when their appointment or re - appointment
by the Shareholders’ Meeting is envisaged pursuant to Article
L.823 - 3-1of the Code de Commerce. It proposes the selection
procedure to the Board of Directors and, in particular, whether a
2.3.2 Activities and functioning of the Committees
Audit Committee
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 87
Corporate governance report
Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors and its Committees
Average duration of
3 hours 30’
per meeting
Board director
Board directors
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During the 2019 financial year, the Audit Committee met five
times (as in 2018) with an attendance rate for its members of 89%
(96% in 2018). The duration of the meetings averaged three and
a half hours.
The following matters were notably reviewed by the Audit
Committee during the 2019 financial year:
Review of the financial statements.
The Committee reviewed the quarterly, half - year and annual
financial statements, and the budget, prior to their presentation
to the Board of Directors. It conducted a detailed examination of
the Statutory Auditors’ summary reports on the half - year and
annual financial statements as well as the significant points noted
in audits. The main accounting options adopted were the subject
of a special quarterly presentation. In 2019, for example, particular
attention was paid to the impact of oil price movements and the
issuance of a new convertible bond.
The review of the financial statements by the Audit Committee
usually takes place the day before their review by the Board of
Review and monitoring of the budget
The Audit Committee reviews the budget prior to its presentation
to the Board of Directors and oversees its tracking on a quarterly
basis. This year the Audit Committee examined the major points
in the 2020 budget prior to its review of the detailed budget.
Internal control, risk management and Internal Audit
During every meeting of the Audit Committee, Internal Audit
gave a presentation on its quarterly activity report.
The Company applies high standards of financial disclosure and
corporate governance, and maintains a rigorous level of internal
control across the Group.
The Audit Committee reviewed the summary sheet of the main
operational and/or strategic risks on a quarterly basis. The
Committee also reviewed the financial risks (fuel and emission
quotas, currency exchange rates, financing, etc. ).
Board director Audit Committee attendance
Maryse Aulagnon Chair of the Audit Committee 100%
Leni M.T. Boeren 80%
Isabelle Bouillot 100%
Delta Air Lines,Inc. (represented by George Mattson) 40%
Paul Farges 100%
Solenne Lepage 100%
Isabelle Parize 80%
François Robardet 100%
Martin Vial 100%
Average attendance 89%
(1) For the period from January1, 2019 to March31, 2019.
(2) For the period from October30, 2019 to December31, 2019.
call to tender is appropriate. It verifies the independence and
quality of the Statutory Auditors’ work, examines issues relating
to their amount of fees for the execution of statutory audit
assignments, reviews and approves the fees submitted by each
of the Statutory Auditors on an annual basis and ascertains that
the joint system of Statutory Auditors is eective.
The Committee also follows the realization by the Statutory Auditors
of their assignment and notes the comments and conclusions of
the Audit Oce Control Board (Haut Conseil du Commissariat
aux Comptes) following the verification carried out pursuant to
Articles L.821 - 9 and following of the Code de Commerce.
The Committee approves the supply of services other than the
certification of the financial statements pursuant to the
applicable regulation. It rules on this point having first analyzed
the risks of any compromise to the independence of the Statutory
Auditors and the safeguarding measures applied by the latter.
The Committee is also responsible for reviewing the Group’s overall
financial, accounting and fiscal policy and its implementation. It
issues an opinion on the Group’s significant financial operations.
The Audit Committee has access to the resources required to
fulfill its mission and may, notably, be assisted by persons from
outside the Company. Lastly, the Committee regularly reports to
the Board of Directors on the execution of its missions. It also
reports back on events subsequent to the certification of the
financial statements, on the manner in which this certification
process contributed to the integrity of the financial information
and on the role it has played in this process.
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Statutory Auditors
The Audit Committee approved the budget for the Statutory
Auditors’ fees prior to the opening of the financial year together
with their final amount as of the closing date. The Committee also
addressed the matter of the appointment or re - appointment
of the Statutory Auditors within the framework of the duration
of their mandates and in application of the new requirement
to organize a call to tender on the appointment of a new
Statutory Auditor (Article 16of Regulation (EU) No.537/2014 of
April16, 2014).
Approval of non - audit services
To execute this mission, the Audit Committee relies on an internal
procedure deployed within the Group in 2004 and updated in
2016, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2016 - 315of
March17, 2016 relating to Statutory Auditors, which came into
force on June17, 2016.
As foreseen by its annual work schedule, the Audit Committee
also reviewed the following matters in 2019:
tracking of the cash and financing situation;
review of the financing and capex plan;
review of the principal litigation, fiscal risks and financial risks;
financial operations;
discussions concerning potential acquisitions;
fraud detection and prevention;
monitoring of activity in the Group’s subsidiaries;
review of the management report;
monitoring of changes in the KLM pension funds’ assets and
Review of the Financial strategy
The Committee is also tasked wih reviewing the Group's overall
financial, accounting and fiscal strategy, and its implementation.
It also advises on the Group's significant financial transactions.
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Corporate governance report
Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors and its Committees
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During the 2019 financial year, and in view of the governance
changes, the Remuneration Committee formulated a number of
recommendations for the Board of Directors concerning:
during its meetings of February18, 2019 and December10,
2019, the modalities for the granting of Board directors’ fees;
during its meetings of February18, 2019 and March11, 2019,
the 2018 compensation and the compensation policy in
respect of 2019 for the Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance –
KLM, the Chief Executive Ocer of Air France and the Chief
Executive Ocer of KLM;
during its meetings of February18, 2019 and March11, 2019,
the compensation for the Chair of the AirFrance – KLM Board
of Directors.
The Committee was also consulted on the 2019 compensation
for the Group’s Chief Financial Ocer. Furthermore. in his
capacity as Chief Executive Ocer, the Committee formulated
recommendations for Mr. Smith concerning the compensation of
the members of the KLM Management Board.
(see Section2.5Compensation of the company ocers hereinafter.
established with the cooperation of the Remuneration Committee).
Board director Remuneration Committee attendance
Isabelle Bouillot Interim Chair of the Remuneration Committee 100%
Maryse Aulagnon 100%
Jean-Dominique Comolli 100%
Delta Air Lines,Inc. (represented by George Mattson) 100%
Jaap de Hoop Scheer 80%
Isabelle Parize 100%
François Robardet 100%
Hans N.J. Smits 67%
Average attendance 94%
Remuneration Committee
At December31, 2019, the Remuneration Committee was composed
of the following seven members: Isabelle Bouillot (Interim Chair of
the Committee), Jean-Dominique Comolli, Jaap de Hoop Scheer,
Isabelle Parize, François Robardet. Maryse Aulagnon and Delta
Air Lines,Inc. represented by George Mattson.
Isabelle Bouillot has acted as interim Chair of the Remuneration
Committee since October30, 2019.
The Remuneration Committee is primarily responsible for
formulating recommendations to the Board of Directors on the
level of/changes to the remuneration of the executive ocers. It
may also be asked to comment on the remuneration of the
Group’s senior executives who are members of the Executive
Committee and on the remuneration granted to individuals
recruited for fixed terms, when the level of this remuneration is
exceptionally high. The Remuneration Committee reviews and
issues an option on the policy governing any stock subscription
and share purchase option schemes or any other long - term
incentive programs.
The Remuneration Committee met five times during the 2019
financial year (six meetings in 2018) and the attendance rate for
members was 94% (94% in 2018).
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document90
Corporate governance report
2 Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors and its Committees
Board director
Board directors
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Corporate governance report
Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors and its Committees
The Appointments and Governance Committee notably addressed
the following matters:
consequences of the acquisition by the Dutch State of a
shareholding on February26, 2019, within the framework of a
working group established between the French and Dutch
States as announced on March 1, 2019 aimed, notably, at
improving the Group’s governance;
proposals relating to changes in the composition of the Board
of Directors for submission to the Shareholders’ Meeting of
May28, 2019;
changes in the composition of the Committees, to take into
account the change in the composition of the Board of
Directors during the 2019 financial year;
review and regular updating of the succession plan for the
Group’s principal directors;
recommendations on the appointment and re - appointment
of members of the Air France Board of Directors and the KLM
Supervisory Board;
independence of the members of the AirFrance – KLM Board
of Directors;
diversity and non - discrimination policy with the Group’s
management bodies;
internal rules for the AirFrance – KLM CEO Committee;
auto - evaluation of the functioning of the Board of Directors
by the Board directors taking place between December2019
and January2020 (for more details see Section2.3.1Activities
and functioning of the Board of Directors).
Board director Appointments and Governance Committee attendance
Anne-Marie Couderc Chair of the Appointments and Governance Committee 100%
Jean-Dominique Comolli 100%
Alexander R. Wynaendts 100%
Average attendance 100%
Appointments and Governance Committee
At December 31, 2019, the Appointments and Governance
Committee was composed of the following three members:
Anne-Marie Couderc (Chair of the Committee), Jean-Dominique
Comolli and Alexander R. Wynaendts.
The Appointments and Governance Committee is responsible for
proposing candidates for the appointment and replacement of
the Chair of the Board of Directors, the other Board directors and
the executive ocers of AirFrance – KLM, and for the succession
plans for the executive ocers, particularly in the event of
unforeseen vacancies. Having initiated, when necessary, the
relevant searches, the Committee may submit any proposals it
deems fit to the Board of Directors regarding the latter’s
composition. The Appointments and Governance Committee
also formulates recommendations for the Board of Directors on
the appointment of the Chief Executive Ocers of the Principal
Subsidiaries. Furthermore, it is consulted by AirFrance – KLM’s
Chief Executive Ocer on the appointment of the other
executive ocers (Executive Vice-Presidents and members of
the Management Board) and members of the Boards of Directors
and Supervisory Boards of the Principal Subsidiaries. It
establishes the succession plan for the executive ocers and also
formulates proposals to the Board of Directors concerning the
diversity and appointment policy for Board directors.
The Appointments and Governance Committee makes
recommendations regarding the governance principles for the
Air France – KLM Group and reviews the consistency of the
governance between the Company and its Principal Subsidiaries.
The Appointments and Governance Committee steers the annual
evaluation of the functioning of the Board of Directors.
Lastly, prior to review by the Board of Directors, the
Appointments and Governance Committee formulates proposals
on the independence of the members of the Board of Directors
in the light of the criteria in the AFEP-MEDEF Code.
During the 2019 financial year, the Appointments and
Governance Committee met thirteen times (twelve in 2018) with
an attendance rate for members of 100% (94% in 2018).
Board director
Board directors
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The Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
notably addressed the following subjects:
AirFrance – KLM’s Extra - financial performance statement;
review of the Group’s compliance program;
anti - corruption plan for the Group;
Group’s environmental, social and societal ambitions.
Board director Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee attendance
Anne-Marie Idrac Chair of the Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee 100%
Karim Belabbas 100%
Leni Boeren 100%
Mathi Bouts 50%
Bing Tang 100%
Patrick Vieu 100%
Average attendance 92%
Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee
At December31, 2019, the Sustainable Development and Compliance
Committee was composed of the following six members: Anne-
Marie Idrac (Chair of the Committee), Karim Belabbas, Leni
Boeren, Mathi Bouts, Astrid Panosyan and Jian Wang.
Astrid Panosyan and Jian Wang became members of the
Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee on
October30, 2019.
The Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee assists
the Board of Directors in reviewing the Group’s policies on
compliance and sustainable development. It ensures that the
Group promotes long - term value creation and takes the social
and environmental issues involved in its activities into account in
the establishment of the Group’s strategy by submitting
recommendations to the Board.
The Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee’s
mission is thus to:
review the Group’s CSR policy and its implementation;
examine the extra - financial risks and specifically those relating
to environmental, social and societal matters;
review the Extra - financial performance statement foreseen in
Article L.225 - 102 - 1of the Code de Commerce including, in
particular, the extra - financial performance criteria;
review the Group’s compliance program and monitor its
implementation pursuant to the AFEP-MEDEF Code.
The Sustainable Development and Compliance Committee may
also deal with any matters potentially deemed appropriate by the
Board of Directors.
During the 2019 financial year, the Sustainable Development and
Compliance Committee met twice (first year of functioning for
the Committee), with an attendance rate for members of 92%.
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Corporate governance report
2 Activities and functioning of the Board of Directors and its Committees
Board director
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The following table shows the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code which have not been applied and the reasons for this:
Provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code not applied Reasons
Meeting of the non - executive directors outside the presence of the executive or “in - house” ocers
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 93
Corporate governance report
Summary table of the AFEP-MEDEF Code’s comply or explain recommendations not applied
“It is recommended that a meeting not attended
by the Executive Ocers be organised each year”.
(paragraph 11.3of the AFEP-MEDEF Code)
The current practice is that the main matters concerning
executive ocers (such as their appointment, performance and
compensation) are discussed by the Board of Directors outside
the presence of the interested parties, after hearing the opinion
of, as required, the Appointments and Governance or
Remuneration Committees.
“The independent directors should account for half
the members of the Board in widely held corporations
without controlling shareholders.
(paragraph 9.3of the AFEP-MEDEF Code)
Following the entry into the share capital of the Dutch State in
February 2019, the Board of Directors of AirFrance – KLM no
longer considers Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheer, a Board director
appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting as proposed by the
Dutch State pursuant to the 2003 governance agreements, to
be independent. As a result, as of December 31, 2019, the
proportion of independent directors stood at 47%, i.e. below
the 50% threshold foreseen by the AFEP-MEDEF Code. The
discussions initiated in 2019 between the Company and the French
and Dutch States are continuing aimed at rebalancing the composition
of the Board of Directors. This situation is thus temporary.
Proportion of independent directors within the Board of Directors
‘’It must not include any executive ocer and must mostly
consist of independent directors.‘’
(paragraph 18.1of the AFEP-MEDEF Code)
Following the entry into the share capital of the Dutch State in
February 2019, the Board of Directors of AirFrance – KLM no
longer considers Mr. Jaap de Hoop Scheer, a Board director
appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting as proposed by the
Dutch State pursuant to the 2003 governance agreements and
a member of the Remuneration Committee, to be independent.
As a result, as of December 31, 2019, the proportion of independent
directors within the Remuneration Committee stood at 50%.
The discussions initiated in 2019 between the Company and the
French and Dutch States are continuing aimed at rebalancing
the composition of the Board of Directors and its Committees.
This situation is thus temporary.
Proportion of independent directors within the Remuneration Committee
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Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers
2.5.1 General principles
Pursuant to the new provisions of Article L.225 - 37 - 2of the French
Code of Commerce (Code de Commerce), the compensation of
Air France – KLM’s company ocers is set by the Board of
Directors, as recommended by the Remuneration Committee,
consistent with the provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. The
company’s Board of Directors thus establishes a compensation
policy aligned with the company’s interest, linked to its commercial
strategy, and which contributes to its long - term sustainability. It
outlines all the components of the fixed and variable compensation
for the company ocers and explains the decision - making process
followed for its establishment, revision and implementation. This
compensation policy is the subject of a draft resolution submitted
for approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting, in the conditions foreseen
in Article L.225 - 98of the Code de Commerce, on an annual basis
and on any significant amendment to the compensation policy.
Pursuant to the new provisions of Article L.225 - 37 - 3 and L.225 - 100
of the Code de Commerce, the Shareholders’ Meeting must also
vote, on an annual basis, firstly on the information referred to in
Article L.225 - 37 - 3I, including notably the total compensation
and benefits of any kind paid in respect of the mandate during
the last financial year or granted in respect of the mandate for
the same financial year to all the company ocers and, secondly,
on the total compensation and benefits of any kind paid during
the last financial year or granted in respect of the same financial
year to each executive ocer.
In application of Ordinance No.2019 - 1234 of November27, 2019,
taken in application of Act No.2019 - 486of May22, 2019 relating
to the growth and transformation of businesses (known as the
PACTE Act), the Shareholders’ Meeting of May26, 2020 is thus
convened to approve the:
information relating to the compensation for each of the
company ocers, provided in application of Articles L.225-37 - 3I
and L.225 - 100II of the Code de Commerce. This information
is presented hereinafter in section 2.5.2 of this Universal
Registration Document (Compensation of the company
ocers in 2019);
the fixed and variable elements composing the total
compensation and benefits of any kind paid during the 2019
financial year or granted in respect of this financial year to
Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc, Chair of the Board of Directors and
to Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer, in application of
Article L.225 - 100III of the Code de Commerce. This information
is presented hereinafter in Sectionof this Universal
Registration Document (Elements of compensation paid during
the 2019 financial year or granted to the executive ocers in
respect of this financial year and submitted for approval by
the Shareholders’ Meeting of May26, 2020); and the;
2020 compensation policy for the company ocers, i.e. the
Board directors, the Chair of the Board of Directors and the
Chief Executive Ocer, as established by the Board of Directors,
in application of Article L.225-37 - 2of the Code de Commerce.
This policy is set forth hereinafter in Section 2.5.3 of this
Universal Registration Document (Compensation policy for
the company ocers in respect of 2020).
Note that, pursuant to the new provisions of Article L.225 - 37 - 2of
the Code de Commerce, to avoid becoming null and void, no
elements of compensation of any kind whatsoever, may be
established, granted or paid by the company, nor any commitment
made corresponding to elements of compensation, fees or
benefits due or potentially due on taking up, stepping down or a
change in their duties or following their exercise, unless it complies
with the approved compensation policy or, in its absence, with
past compensation or practices.
Furthermore, if the Shareholders’ Meeting of May26, 2020 does
not approve the draft resolution referred to in Article L.225 - 100II
of the Code de Commerce, the Board of Directors must submit a
revised compensation policy, taking into account the shareholder
vote, for approval by the next Shareholders’ Meeting. In such a
situation, the payment of the sum allocated to the Board
Directors for the 2020 financial year would be suspended until
approval of the revised compensation policy.
Lastly, the elements of variable or extraordinary compensation
attributable to the Chair of the Board of Directors and the Chief
Executive Ocer in respect of the 2019 financial year may only
be paid following approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting of
May26, 2020 of the elements of compensation for the relevant
individual under the conditions foreseen in Article L.225-100III
of the Code de Commerce.
2.5.2 Compensation
of the company ocers
in 2019
The information referred to in Article L.225 - 37 - 3I of the Code
de Commerce and the elements of compensation paid during the
2019 financial year or granted in respect of this financial year to
the various company ocers of AirFrance – KLM, to be submitted
to the vote by shareholders during the Shareholders’ Meeting of
May26, 2020 in application of Article L.225100of the Code de
Commerce, are detailed hereinafter and concern:
the Company’s Board directors (section;
the Chair of the Company’s Board of Directors,
Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc (sectiona. ); and
the Company’s Chief Executive Ocer, Mr. Benjamin Smith
(sectionb. ).
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Corporate governance report
Compensation of the company ocers
2 Elements of compensation paid during the 2019 financial year or granted to the Board directors in respect
of this financial year and submitted for approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May26, 2020
The elements of compensation paid during the 2019 financial year or granted in respect of this financial year to the Board directors
of Air France – KLM, to be submitted to the shareholder vote at the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2020 pursuant to
Article L.225-100of the Code de Commerce, are detailed hereinafter:
Attendance Amounts Amounts
rate at Board granted in respect granted in respect
and Committee of the 2019 financial of the 2018 financial
meetings and at the year and paid during year and paid during
Shareholders’ Meeting this financial year or this financial year or
(2019 financial year)
accounting value (in €) accounting value (in €)
Members of the Board of Directors in function as of the date of this Universal Registration Document
Anne-Marie Couderc
100% N/A 25,042
Benjamin Smith
100% N/A N/A
Maryse Aulagnon 98% 55,214 55,797
Karim Belabbas
96% 43,214 47,500
Leni M.T. Boeren 91% 57,214 60,113
Isabelle Bouillot 95% 49,929 52,500
Mathi Bouts
75% 50,500 45,684
Jean-Dominique Comolli 100% 50,000 57,500
George Mattson (Permanent representative of Delta Air Lines,Inc. ) 78% 55,214 54,500
Paul Farges
(4) (6)
100% 48,000 32,281
Jaap de Hoop Scheer 79% 21,286 55,910
Anne-Marie Idrac 100% 45,000 43,797
Isabelle Parize 91% 57,214 53,410
Alexander R. Wynaendts 89% 46,643 51,850
François Robardet
100% 53,000 60,500
Astrid Panosyan
80% 12,500 N/A
Cees’t Hart
100% 21,286 N/A
Martin Vial
100% 15,886 N/A
Jian Wang
67% 14,857 N/A
Former members of the Board of Directors during the 2018 and 2019 financial years
no longer acting in the capacity of Board director as of the date of this Universal Registration Document
Louis Jobard
N/A N/A 20,042
Solenne Lepage
91% 14,100 55,500
Patrick Vieu
89% 25,643 47,500
Hans Smits
44% 23,414 47,320
Bing Tang
86% 39,786 40,759
Total 826,417 907,505
(1) In view of the introduction of a variable portion in the compensation policy for Board directors for their attendance at meetings of the Board of Directors’
Committees, the attendance rate presented includes their attendance at meetings of the Board, the Committees and the Shareholders’ Meeting.
(2) Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc received compensation in her capacity as a Board director for the period from January1to May15, 2018.
(3) Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM, was appointed as a Board director on December5, 2018. He does not receive compensation in
respect of his Board director duties.
(4) The Board directors representing the employee shareholders and the Board director representing the French employees appointed by the Comité de Groupe
Français receive compensation in respect of their employment contracts with Air France, with no link to their corporate mandates within Air France – KLM.
Furthermore, their compensation is paid to their unions.
(5) Mr. Mathi Bouts receives compensation in respect of his employment contract with KLM, with no link to his corporate mandate within AirFrance – KLM.
(6) Board director since May15, 2018.
(7) Board director since May28, 2018.
(8) Board director since May31, 2019.
(9) Board director since July31, 2019.
(10)Board director until May15, 2018.
(11) Board director until April1, 2019.
(12)Board director until May28, 2019.
(13)Board director until July30, 2019.
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Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers
In respect of the 2019 financial year and paid during this financial
year, the Board directors were granted total compensation of
€826,417 (within the framework of the €950,000budget voted
by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May15, 2018).
The compensation for Board directors is composed of a fixed and
variable portion, linked to the diligence of the Board directors,
whose allocation and granting modalities are set by the Board of
Directors, as proposed by the Remuneration Committee. The
number of meetings of the Board of Directors and its Committees
held during the 2019 financial year and the attendance rates of
the individual Board directors at the aforementioned meetings is
set forth in in Section2.3of this Universal Registration Document.
The allocation rules, unchanged since the Board of Directors’
resolution of February19, 2014, are set forth in Sectionof
this Universal Registration Document.
Note that, during its meeting of December11, 2019, the Board of
Directors decided to introduce a variable element of compensation
granted to the Board directors in respect of their duties within
the Committees:
Audit Committee:
the Chair now receives a fixed portion of €4,500 and a
variable portion of €7,500based on attendance at Committee
meetings; and
the members now receive a fixed portion of €3,000 and a
variable portion of €5,000based on attendance at Committee
Other Committees:
the Chair now receives a fixed portion of €3,000 and a variable
portion of €4,500 based on attendance at Committee
meetings; and
the members now receive a fixed portion of €2,000 and a
variable portion of €3,000based on attendance at Committee
Note also that, in view of the very high number of extraordinary
meetings of the Board of Directors taking place during the 2018
financial year within the framework of the transitional governance
period and the eorts made by the dierent Board directors to
participate in these meetings, during its meeting of October29,
2018 the Board of Directors granted an additional extraordinary
amount of compensation (within the framework of the budget
voted by the Shareholders’ Meeting) to each of the Board
directors, determined on the basis of a maximum variable
amount of €7,500calculated pro rata temporis based on their
attendance at the extraordinary meetings of the Board of
Directors held during the transition period (i.e. as of May16, 2018),
with the exception of the Chair of the Board of Directors and the
Chief Executive Ocer. Elements of compensation paid during
the 2019 financial year or granted to the
executive ocers in respect of this financial
year and submitted for approval by the
Shareholders’ Meeting of May26, 2020
a. Compensation of Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc, Chair of the Board
of Directors, for the period from January1to December31, 2019
Presentation of the 2019 compensation structure
for Ms.Couderc, Chair of the Board of Directors
Pursuant to the Board of Directors’ resolutions of March12, 2019,
the compensation of the Chair of the Board of Directors comprised
only a fixed portion of €200,000. There were neither Board directors’
fees nor variable compensation in addition to this compensation.
The 2019 compensation policy for the Chair of the Board
of Directors was approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of
May28, 2019.
For more details on the compensation policy for the Chair in
respect of the 2019 financial year, see Sectionof the 2018
Registration Document.
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Corporate governance report
Compensation of the company ocers
Fixed compensation €200,000 €200,000 In her capacity as Chair of the Board of Directors,
Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc’s annual gross fixed
compensation in respect of the 2019 financial
year was set at €200,000by the Board of
Directors during its meeting of March12, 2019.
This annual gross fixed compensation is
unchanged on its 2018 level.
Annual variable compensation N/A N/A Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc does not benefit from
variable compensation.
Multi - year variable compensation N/A N/A Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc does not benefit from
multi - year variable compensation.
Extraordinary compensation N/A N/A Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc does not benefit from
extraordinary compensation.
Stock options, performance shares or other
long - term benefit (equity warrants, etc. )
N/A N/A No awards of this type were made during the
2019 financial year. Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc
does not benefit from any elements of
long - term compensation.
Compensation granted in respect of a
Board director’s mandate
N/A N/A Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc does not receive
in respect of her Board director’s mandate.
Benefits of any kind €15,985 €15,985 Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc benefits from a
chaueur - driven company car.
Severance pay N/A N/A Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc does not benefit from
severance pay.
Non - compete indemnity N/A N/A Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc does not benefit from
a non - compete indemnity.
Supplementary pension scheme N/A N/A Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc does not benefit from
a supplementary pension scheme.
Elements of compensation paid during or granted in respect of the 2019 financial year
The elements of compensation paid during the 2019 financial year or granted in respect of this financial year to Ms.Anne-Marie
Couderc, Chair of the Board of Directors, for the period from January1to December31, 2019, to be submitted to the shareholder vote
during the Shareholders’ Meeting of May26, 2020 pursuant to Article L.225-100of Code de Commerce, are detailed as follows:
Amounts granted
Amounts paid in respect
Elements of compensation during the 2019 of the 2019
submitted to the vote financial year financial year Presentation
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Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers
b. Compensation of Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer,
for the period from January1to December31, 2019
Presentation of the 2019 compensation structure
for Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer
As proposed by the Remuneration Committee, the compensation
policy for the Chief Executive Ocer was defined by the Board
of Directors during its meeting of August 16, 2018. The 2019
compensation policy for the Chief Executive Ocer, set pursuant
to the Board of Directors resolutions of February19, 2019 and
March12, 2019, is composed of the following three elements:
1. fixed compensation;
2. annual variable compensation linked to the performance
during the previous financial year; and
3. variable long - term compensation.
The 2019 compensation policy for the Chief Executive Ocer
was approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2019.
For more details on the compensation policy for the Chief
Executive Ocer in respect of the 2019 financial year, see
Sectionof the 2018 Registration Document.
Elements of compensation paid during or granted in
respect of the 2019 financial year
The elements of compensation paid during the 2019 financial
year or granted in respect of this financial year to Mr. Benjamin
Smith, Chief Executive Ocer, for the period from January1to
December31, 2019, to be submitted to the shareholder vote at
the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2020 in application of
Article L.225 - 100 of the Code de Commerce, are detailed as
Elements of Amounts paid granted in respect
compensation during the 2019 of the 2019
submitted to the vote financial year financial year Presentation
Fixed compensation €900,000 €900,000 Mr. Benjamin Smith’s annual gross fixed compensation in his capacity
as Chief Executive Ocer was set at €900,000by the Board of
Directors during its meeting of February19, 2019.
This annual gross fixed compensation is unchanged relative
to its 2018 level.
Annual variable
€366,667 €768,456
The payment
of this
is subject to its
approval by the
Meeting of
May26, 2020
Note that, as proposed by the Remuneration Committee, in his capacity
as Chief Executive Ocer for 2018, the amount of Mr. Benjamin Smith’s
annual gross variable compensation was set at €366,667by the Board
of Directors during its meeting of August16, 2018. In that he took up
his duties during the last part of the 2018 financial year, this amount
was not subject to performance criteria. Following approval by the
Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2019, (fifteenth resolution),
this annual gross variable compensation was paid during the
2019 financial year in respect of the 2018 financial year
As proposed by the Remuneration Committee, the amount of
Mr. Benjamin Smith’s annual gross variable compensation in his
capacity as Chief Executive Ocer was set at €768,456by the Board
of Directors during its meeting of February19, 2020. This amount
corresponds to 85.4% of his annual gross fixed compensation and is
composed as follows:
quantitative criteria linked to the Group’s financial objectives: 41.6%
(i.e. 30.4% of his annual gross fixed compensation):
19% (compared with a target at 61% and a maximum at 79%)
of the fixed compensation in respect of the quantitative
performance linked to AirFrance – KLM’s Current Operating
Income (COI), i.e. an achievement rate of 31.2%. This percentage
takes into account the level of COI achieved by the Group
and the performance relative to the competitors,
11.4% (compared with a target at 12% and a maximum at 16%)
of the fixed compensation in respect of the quantitative
performance linked to the adjusted net debt, i.e. an achievement
rate of 96.4%. This percentage takes into account the level of
Adjusted Net Debt achieved by the Group;
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Corporate governance report
Compensation of the company ocers
Elements of Amounts paid granted in respect
compensation during the 2019 of the 2019
submitted to the vote financial year financial year Presentation
qualitative criteria composed of individual targets: 112.2% (i.e. 55% of
his annual gross fixed compensation):
15% (compared with a target at 12% and a maximum at 15%) of the
fixed compensation in respect of the qualitative performance linked
to social stability and dialogue, i.e. an achievement rate of 125%,
This target is evaluated relative to the improvement in the Group’s
Employee Promoter Score
(3) (5)
In its evaluation, the Remuneration Committee noted an increase
in this indicator at the end of 2019 and took into account the new
employee dialogue established throughout the financial year,
based on transparency and trust,
15% (compared with a target at 12% and a maximum at 15%) of
the fixed compensation in respect of the qualitative performance
linked to customer engagement, i.e. an achievement rate of 125%,
This target is evaluated relative to the improvement in the Group’s
Net Promoter Score
(4) (5)
In its evaluation, the Remuneration Committee noted a significant
improvement of more than 33% in this indicator in 2019 resulting,
notably, from the deployment of the strategic plan to redefine the
commercial oer and the complementary repositioning of the
Group’s brands,
13% (compared with a target and a maximum at 13%) of the fixed
compensation in respect of the qualitative performance linked to
the definition of the strategic orientations to strengthen the
Group’s competitiveness and their initial execution, i.e. an
achievement rate of 100%,
This target takes into account the definition of the strategic
orientations to strengthen the Group’s competitiveness and their
initial execution,
In its evaluation, the Remuneration Committee took into account
the medium and long - term strategic plan defined and unveiled
during the Investor Day in November2019 together with its
degree of acceptance by the market,
12% (compared with a target and a maximum at 12%) of the fixed
compensation in respect of the qualitative performance linked to
the implementation of the managerial governance, i.e. an
achievement rate of 100%,
This target takes into account the implementation of the
managerial governance and notably the promotion of positive working
relationships between the executive teams of AirFrance – KLM,
Air France, KLM and other subsidiaries,
In its evaluation, the Remuneration Committee noted the
implementation of a new governance as of February2019, composed
of a CEO Committee resulting from reinforced strategic and
managerial cooperation within the Group and its subsidiaries.
In application of Article L.225 - 100III of the Code de Commerce, the
payment of the amount of €768,456is subject to prior approval by the
Shareholders’ Meeting of May26, 2020.
In the event of a positive vote by the shareholders during the Shareholders’
Meeting of May26, 2020, authorizing the payment of Mr. Benjamin
Smith’s variable compensation, the company will not have the option
to request its return.
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Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers
Elements of Amounts paid granted in respect
compensation during the 2019 of the 2019
submitted to the vote financial year financial year Presentation
Long - term variable
N/A 220,506perform
ance units valued
at €2,000,000,
calculated with
reference to the
AirFrance – KLM
opening share
price on
August17, 2018
As proposed by the Remuneration Committee, during its meeting of
March14, 2018, the Board of Directors decided to set up two long - term
compensation plans: a Long - term Incentive Plan and a Specific
Long - term Incentive Plan.
As proposed by the Remuneration Committee, during its meeting of
March12, 2019, the Board of Directors decided to grant Mr. Benjamin
Smith, in his capacity as Chief Executive Ocer, performance units
within the framework of two long - term plans:
Long - term Incentive Plan (Phantom Shares): grant of
110,253performance units, payable in 2022 subject to a three - year
presence and performance conditions. Their payment in 2022
(subject to the presence and performance conditions) will be
calculated relative to the share price after the results announcement
for the 2021 financial year;
Specific Long - term Incentive Plan: grant of 110,253performance
units, payable in AirFrance – KLM shares (one performance unit
conferring the right to one share) in 2022 subject to a three - year
presence and performance conditions;
Note that Mr. Benjamin Smith does not use and has given an
undertaking that he will not use risk hedging transactions within the
framework of this plan until the payment of the performance units.
The main terms and conditions of these two long - term incentive plans
are detailed in Sectionof the 2018 Registration Document.
Multi - year variable
N/A N/A Mr. Benjamin Smith does not benefit from multi - year variable
N/A N/A Mr. Benjamin Smith does not benefit from extraordinary compensation.
Stock options,
performance shares
or other long - term
benefit (equity
warrants, etc. )
N/A N/A No awards of this type were made during the 2019 financial year.
granted in respect of
a Board director’s
N/A N/A Mr. Benjamin Smith does not receive compensation in respect
of his Board director’s mandate.
Benefits of any kind €313,201 €313,201 Mr. Benjamin Smith benefits from a chaueur - driven company car, a
supplementary health and disability scheme benefiting all the Group’s
personnel. Given his relocation to France, he also benefits from an
accommodation allowance, free airline tickets, school fees
and advisory fees.
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Corporate governance report
Compensation of the company ocers
2015 2016 2017 2018
Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year
Chair and Chief Executive Ocer
Ratio with average compensation for the employees in the relevant scope 10.97 17.74 13.99 16.97
Ratio with median compensation for the employees in the relevant scope 14.55 22.55 18.00 22.00 Ratios on the multiples of compensation
for the executive ocers in 2019
This section has been realized pursuant to the provisions of
Article L.225 - 37 - 3I, paragraph 6of the Code de Commerce and
sets forth, for the company’s last five financial years, the ratios
between the level of compensation for the executive ocers and,
firstly, the average remuneration on a Full Time Equivalent basis
for employees of the company other than the company ocers
and, secondly, the median compensation on a Full Time
Equivalent basis for employees of the company other than the
company ocers.
The following multiples have been calculated based on the
annualized fixed and variable compensation paid during the
relevant years.
Since the company Air France – KLM does not include a
representative number of employees during the period in
question, a broader scope has been used (“relevant scope”)
consisting of Air France employees on permanent contracts
(except expatriate and seconded sta) in France, present and
paid throughout the year on a full time basis.
Elements of Amounts paid granted in respect
compensation during the 2019 of the 2019
submitted to the vote financial year financial year Presentation
Severance pay N/A N/A Pursuant to the 2019 compensation policy approved by the Shareholders’
Meeting of May28, 2019 (seventeenth resolution) and the regulated party
agreement referred to in Article L.225-42 - 1of the Code de Commerce
(in force at the time) and approved by the aforementioned Shareholders’
Meeting (fifth resolution), Mr. Benjamin Smith continues to benefit from
the severance payment granted to him by the Board of Directors in its
meeting of August16, 2018 in the event of forced termination linked to
a change of control (excluding any situation of serious misconduct on
the part of the Chief Executive Ocer).
Pursuant to the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the basis
of this severance payment is equivalent to two years of his annual fixed
and variable compensation (based on the specific calculation modalities
referring, as necessary, to the target variable in the event of
termination in the first 24months).
A coecient (between 0% and 100%) will be applied to this amount on
the basis of the performance of the interested party, measured with
reference to the achievement rate of the performance criteria for the
annual variable component of his compensation over the preceding
two financial years of his mandate (or since his appointment, in the
event of termination during the first 24months). The AirFrance – KLM
Board of Directors is responsible for evaluating the achievement of
these performance criteria.
Non - compete
N/A N/A Mr. Benjamin Smith does not benefit from a non - compete indemnity.
pension scheme
N/A N/A Mr. Benjamin Smith does not benefit from a collective supplementary
pension scheme.
(1) For the period from September17to December31, 2018.
(2) For confidentiality reasons, the amount set in the 2019 budget is not disclosed.
(3) EPS = Internal indicator of employee satisfaction
(4) NPS = Customer satisfaction indicator.
(5) The EPS and NPS are internal indicators set each year by company taking into account the histories and performance plans of these companies.
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Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers Change in the compensation policy
This section has been established in application of the provisions of Article L.225 - 37 - 3I, paragraph 7of the Code de Commerce and
shows the annual change in compensation, the performance of the company AirFrance – KLM, the average remuneration on a Full
Time Equivalent basis for employees of the company Air France – KLM other than the Directors and the ratios referred to in
sectionof this Universal Registration Document, for the last five financial years:
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year
Annual compensation
Chair and Chief Executive Ocer
Compensation €645,000 €1,065,334 €852,167 1,100,000 N/A
Change / Y-1 + 65.17% - 20% +29.08%
Ratio with average compensation 10.97 17.74 13.99 16.97 N/A
Change / Y-1 + 6.77 - 3.84 + 2.98
Ratio with median compensation 14.55 22.55 18.00 22.00 N/A
Change / Y-1 + 8.00 - 4.55 + 4.00
Detail on the elements used to calculate the ratios presented
2018 Financial Year:
the compensation of the Chair of the Board of Directors
has been annualized based on Ms.Anne Marie Couderc’s
compensation in her capacity as Chair for the period from
May15to December31, 2018,
the compensation of the Chief Executive Ocer has been
annualized based on Mr. Benjamin Smith’s compensation in
his capacity as Chief Executive Ocer from September17 to
December31, 2018 (the compensation of Mr. Gagey, interim
Chief Executive Ocer from May15to September17, 2018
has not been included in this calculation since it was
established on the basis of his compensation as Chief
Financial Ocer and not on that of the compensation for
the Chief Executive Ocer);
2019 Financial Year:
The annual variable compensation of the Chief Executive
Ocer paid in 2019 in respect of 2018 has been annualized
based on Mr. Benjamin Smith’s compensation in his capacity
as Chief Executive Ocer for the period from September17to
December31, 2018.
2018 Financial Year 2019 Financial Year
Chair of the Board of Directors
Ratio with average compensation for the employees in the relevant scope in the relevant scope 3.09 3.43
Ratio with median compensation for the employees in the relevant scope 4.00 4.43
Chief Executive Ocer
Ratio with average compensation for the employees in the relevant scope 13.89 39.19
Ratio with median compensation for the employees in the relevant scope 18.00 50.66
Detail on the elements used to calculate the ratios presented
2016 Financial Year:
The compensation of the Chair and Chief Executive Ocer in
respect of the 2016 financial year is composed of:
Mr. Alexandre de Juniac’s compensation in his capacity as
Chair and Chief Executive Ocer for the period from
January1to July4, 2016 (see 2016 Registration Document,
page 40), and
Mr. Jean-Marc Janaillac’s compensation in his capacity as
Chair and Chief Executive Ocer for the period from July4
to December31, 2016 (see 2016 Registration Document,
page 41);
2018 Financial Year:
The compensation of the Chair and Chief Executive Ocer has
been annualized based on Mr. Jean-Marc Janaillac’s compensation
in his capacity as Chair and Chief Executive Ocer for the
period from January1to May15, 2018.
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Compensation of the company ocers
Chair of the Board of Directors
Compensation N/A N/A N/A €200,000 €215,985
Change / Y-1 +7.99%
Ratio with average compensation N/A N/A N/A 3.09 3.43
Change / Y-1 + 0.34
Ratio with median compensation N/A N/A N/A 4.00 4.43
Change / Y-1 + 0.43
Chief Executive Ocer
Compensation N/A N/A N/A €900,000
Évolution / Y-1 + 174.47%
Ratio with average compensation N/A N/A N/A 13.89 39.19
Change / Y-1 + 25.3
Ratio with median compensation N/A N/A N/A 18.00 50.66
Change / Y-1 + 32.66
Board directors
Compensation (formerly directors’ fees) €625,960 €670,615 €720,695 €907,505
Change / Y-1 7.13% 7.47% 25.92% -8.93%
Employees of AirFrance – KLM relevant scope
Average compensation €58,792 €60,040 €60,914 €64,814 €63,033
Change / Y-1 2.1% 1.5% 6.4% -2.7%
Performance of the Company on the basis of reported figures
Earnings (in €m) €127 €792 -€247 €419 €290
Change / Y-1 +€665 -€1,066 +€694 -€129
Current Operating Income (COI) (in €m) €8161,0491,488 1,332 €1,141
Change / Y-1 +€233 +€439 -€83 -€264
Net debt/EBITDA ratio 3.3x 2.9x 2.1x 1.4x 1.5x
Change/ Y-1 -0.4 -0.8 -0.7 +0.1
(1) The compensation packages of the Chair and Chief Executive Ocer, of the Chair of the Board of Directors and of the Chief Executive Ocer set forth above have
been calculated on the basis of the fixed and variable compensation paid during the relevant financial years. These elements have been annualized to enable their
(2) The compensation of the Chief Executive Ocer for the 2018 financial year includes only the annualized fixed compensation for the Chief Executive Ocer. The variable
portion of the compensation for the Chief Executive Ocer granted in respect of the 2018 financial year was paid following the Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2019.
(3) Note that, during its meeting of December11, 2019, the Board of Directors decided to introduce a variable portion for the compensation granted to the Board
directors in respect of their duties in the Committees:
Audit Committee:
the Chair now receives a fixed portion of €4,500 and a variable portion of €7,500based on attendance at Committee meetings; and
the members now receive a fixed portion of €3,000 and a variable portion of €5,000based on attendance at Committee meetings.
Other Committees:
the Chair now receives a fixed portion of €3,000 and a variable portion of €4,500based on attendance at Committee meetings; and
the members now receive a fixed portion of €2,000 and a variable portion of €3,000based on attendance at Committee meetings.
(4) In view of the very high number of extraordinary meetings of the Board of Directors taking place during the 2018 financial year within the framework of the transitional
governance period and the eorts made by the diferent Board directors to attend these meetings, during its Meeting of October29, 2018 the Board of Directors
granted an additional extraordinary amount of compensation (within the limits of the budget voted by the Shareholders’ Meeting) to each member of the Board of
Directors. These elements are set forth in Sectionof this Universal Registration Document.
(5) Since the company AirFrance – KLM does not have a representative number of employees during the period under observation, a broader scope has been used (“relevant
scope”) composed of Air France employees on permanent contracts (excluding expatriates and sta on secondment), present and paid in France throughout the
year on a full time basis.
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year Financial Year
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Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers Additional information concerning the
compensation paid or granted to all the
company ocers in 2019
During the 2019 financial year, the amount of compensation paid
to the Board directors did not exceed the maximum budget of
€950,000, approved by the shareholders during the Shareholders’
Meeting of May15, 2018.
During the 2019 financial year, the elements of compensation
paid or granted to the Chair and Chief Executive Ocer for the
period from January 1 to May 15, 2018 complied with the
compensation policy for the Chair and Chief Executive Ocer
approved by the shareholders during the Shareholders’ Meeting
of May15, 2018.
Furthermore, Note that following the resignation of the Chair and
Chief Executive Ocer on May15, 2018, the Board of Directors
decided that same day to implement a transitional governance.
Within this framework, the Board of Directors decided to:
separate the functions of Chair of the Board of Directors and
Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM;
appoint Ms. Anne-Marie Couderc as Chair of the Board of
Directors; and
appoint Mr. Frédéric Gagey as interim Chief Executive Ocer.
At its meeting of August16, 2018, the Board of Directors appointed
Mr. Benjamin Smith as Chief Executive Ocer, who took up his
duties on September17, 2018, replacing Mr. Frédéric Gagey.
The payment and granting of the elements of compensation in
respect of the 2018 financial year to Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc, Mr.
Frédéric Gagey and Mr. Benjamin Smith for their respective duties
were approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2019.
Nonetheless, pursuant to Article L.225 - 37 - 3I, paragraph 8of the
Code de Commerce, Note that, during the 2019 financial year,
following the implementation of the new governance, the total
compensation granted or paid to the executive ocers did not
respect the compensation policy for the Chair and Chief
Executive Ocer approved by the shareholders during the
Shareholders’ Meeting of May15, 2018.
In eect, in view of the adoption of the Group’s new governance
during the year and in light of Mr. Benjamin Smith’s profile and
international experience, the Board of Directors considered that
it was necessary to change the compensation framework for the
new Chief Executive Ocer which had initially been foreseen for
the Chair and Chief Executive Ocer. As a result, during the 2019
financial year, in addition to the elements of compensation paid
to the Chair and Chief Executive Ocer pursuant to the
compensation policy voted by the Shareholders’ Meeting of
May 15, 2018, for the period from January 1 to May 15, 2018,
variable compensation of €366,667was paid to Mr. Benjamin
Smith in his capacity as Chief Executive Ocer from
September17to December31, 2018. Given that he took up his
duties towards the end of the 2018 financial year, this variable
compensation was not subject to performance criteria.
Pursuant to Article L.225 - 37 - 3I, paragraph 10of the Code de
Commerce, Note that, during the 2019 financial year, no disparity
or other exemption relative to the procedure for implementing
the compensation policy was applied. It is however stipulated
that, during its meeting of December 11, 2019, the Board of
Directors decided to introduce a variation portion into the
compensation granted to Board directors for their duties
exercised within the Committees.
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Compensation of the company ocers
2 Elements of compensation for the executive ocers pursuant to AMF recommendation No. 2009 - 16,
as amended on April15, 2015
Summary table of the compensation, options and shares granted to each executive ocer
2019 2018
(in €) Financial Year Financial Year
Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc, Chair of the Board of Directors
Compensation due in respect of the financial year 200,000 150,042
Multi - year variable compensation granted during the financial year N/A N/A
Stock options granted during the financial year N/A N/A
Performance shares granted during the financial year N/A N/A
Total 200,000 150,042
(1) Compensation in her capacity as a Board director for the period from January1to May15, 2018 amounting to €25,042 and paid in 2018 + fixed compensation for
the period from May15to December31, 2018 in her capacity as Chair of the Board of Directors amounting to €125,000 and paid in 2018.
2019 2018
(in €) Financial Year Financial Year
Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer
Compensation due in respect of the financial year 1,668,456 629,167
Multi - year variable compensation granted during the financial year 2,000,000
Stock options granted during the financial year N/A N/A
Performance shares granted during the financial year N/A N/A
Total 3,668,456 962,167
(1) Fixed and variable compensation for the period from September17to December31, 2018.
(2) 220,506performance units valued at €2,000,000 and calculated relative to the AirFrance – KLM opening share price on August17, 2018, payable in 2022 subject to
performance and three - year presence conditions.
(3) 36,714performance units valued at €333,000 and calculated relative to the AirFrance – KLM opening share price on August17, 2018, payable in 2021 subject to a
three - year presence condition.
Summary table of the compensation, options and shares granted to each executive ocer
Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc, Chair of the Board of Directors 2019 Financial Year 2018 Financial Year
Amounts Amounts Amounts Amounts
granted paid granted paid
Fixed compensation 200,000 200,000 125,000
Variable compensation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Multi - year variable compensation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Extraordinary compensation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Compensation granted in respect of a Board director’s mandate N/A N/A 25,042
Benefits in kind 15,985
Total 215,985 215,985 150,042 150,042
(1) For the period from May15to December31, 2018.
(2) Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc received compensation in her capacity as a Board director for the period from January1to May15, 2018, paid in 2018.
(3) Ms. Anne-Marie Couderc benefits from a chaueur - driven company car.
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Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers
Loans and guarantees granted to the company ocers
Stock subscription or purchase options granted to the
company ocers of AirFrance – KLM
AirFrance – KLM did not put in place any stock subscription or
purchase option schemes to the benefit of its company ocers
during the financial year, nor during the preceding financial years.
Stock subscription or purchase option schemes granted to
the compan y ocers of AirFrance – KLM and to the employees
of the AirFrance – KLM Group by the subsidiaries
Air France and KLM have not recently put in place any stock
subscription or purchase option schemes to the benefit of their
employees. The last option plan implemented by KLM in 2007
became null and void in 2012.
Information on stock subscription or purchase option
schemes granted to the employees of the AirFrance – KLM
Group and exercised by them during the financial year
Performance shares granted to the company ocers
of AirFrance – KLM
Air France – KLM and its subsidiaries did not establish a
performance share scheme to the benefit of the AirFrance – KLM
company ocers during the financial year, nor during the
preceding financial years.
Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer 2019 Financial Year 2018 Financial Year
Amounts Amounts Amounts Amounts
granted paid granted paid
Fixed compensation 900,000 900,000 262,500
Variable compensation 768,456 366,667
Long - term variable compensation 2,000,000
N/A 333,000
(1) (4)
Multi - year variable compensation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Extraordinary compensation N/A N/A N/A N/A
Compensation granted in respect of a Board director’s mandate N/A N/A N/A N/A
Benefits in kind 313,201
Total 3,981,657 1,579,868 962,167 262,500
(1) For the period from September17to December31, 2018.
(2) Payment of the fixed compensation in respect of the 2018 financial year for the period from September17, 2018 to December31, 2018.
(3) 220,506performance units valued at €2,000,000 and calculated relative to the AirFrance – KLM opening share price on August17, 2018, payable in 2022 subject to
performance and three - year presence conditions.
(4) 36,714performance units valued at €333,000 and calculated relative to the AirFrance – KLM opening share price on August17, 2018, payable in 2021 subject to a
three - year presence condition.
(5) Mr. Benjamin Smith benefits from a chaueur- driven company car, a supplementary health and disability scheme benefiting all the Group’s personnel. Given his
relocation to France, he also benefits from an accommodation allowance, free airline tickets, school fees and advisory fees.
Summary table of the situation of the executive ocers
Indemnities or
benefits due or
Supplementary potentially due on Indemnity
Employment pension scheme a cessation or relating to a
contract (see above) change of function non - compete claue
Executive directors Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Ms.Anne-Marie Couderc,
Chair of the Board of Directors
Initiation of mandate: May15, 2018 X X X X
Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer
Initiation of mandate: September17, 2018 X X X X
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Compensation of the company ocers
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
2.5.3 Compensation policy
for the company ocers
in respect of 2020
This section has been realized pursuant to Articles L.225 - 37 - 2
and R. 225 - 29 - 1 of the Code de Commerce and shows the
elements composing the compensation policy for the company
ocers in respect of 2020.
As recommended by the Remuneration Committee, the Board of
Directors took into account the vote of the Shareholders’ Meeting
of May28, 2019 on the compensation for the executive ocers
in respect of the 2018 financial year to determine the
compensation policy for the company ocers in respect of 2020.
Established by the Board of Directors, as recommended by the
Remuneration Committee and consistent with the provisions of
the AFEP-MEDEF Code, the compensation policy for the
company ocers of AirFrance – KLM in respect of 2020 is:
aligned with the company’s interests in that it enables qualified
company ocers to be attracted and retained while being
adapted to the responsibilities of the beneficiary and
consistent with the practices in comparable companies;
linked to its commercial strategy in that it is composed, firstly,
of a long - term variable portion giving the executive directors
an interest in the company’s results and adapted as a function
of the strategic priorities; and
contributes to the company’s long - term sustainability in that
it is always aligned with the interests of shareholders.
This policy is subject to an annual review by the Remuneration
Committee. The work of the Remuneration Committee takes into
account the examination of benchmarking studies carried out
with the help of external consultants to compare this policy with
the practices in comparable companies. The Committee also
ensures that the compensation policy is aligned with the
company’s strategy. On the basis of this work, the Committee
formulates recommendations for the Board which then sets the
compensation policy on an annual basis. The Remuneration
Committee also formulates recommendations for the Board
regarding its implementation.
As recommended by the Remuneration Committee, during the
establishment of the compensation policy for company ocers,
the Board of Directors takes into account the remuneration and
employment conditions of AirFrance – KLM’s employees. As for
all the employees of AirFrance – KLM, the Board of Directors
ensures the implementation of a fair, simple, transparent and
consistent compensation policy. The Board of Directors takes
particular care that, at their individual level, all the employees and
company ocers have the material resources required for the
fulfilment of their respective duties.
Were a new Chair of the Board of Directors or a new Chief
Executive Ocer to be appointed, the elements of compensation
foreseen in the compensation policy for company ocers would
also apply to them. As recommended by the Remuneration
Committee, the Board of Directors will then determine, while
adapting them to the situation of the interested parties, the
targets, levels of performance, parameters, structure and maximum
percentages relative to their annual fixed compensation which may
not be higher than those approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting.
The 2020 compensation policy for the company ocers outlines
all the components of the fixed and variable compensation for
Board directors (Section hereinafter); the Chair of the
Board of Directors (sectiona. hereinafter); and the Chief
Executive Ocer (Sectionb. hereinafter), and explains the
decision - making process for its establishment, review and
This 2020 compensation policy for the company ocers will the
subject of a draft resolution submitted to the Shareholders’
Meeting of May26, 2020 under the conditions foreseen by Article
L. 225 - 98 of the Code de Commerce and on any material
amendment to the compensation policy. Compensation for the Board directors
in respect of 2020
Subject to approval of the 2020 compensation policy for company
ocers by the Shareholders’ Meeting of May 26, 2020, the
AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors will receive, in respect of their
Board directors’ mandates, compensation (formerly directors’
fees) amounting to a maximum which was set at €950,000 for
the entire Board of Directors.
The compensation for Board directors will be composed of a
fixed portion and a variable portion linked to the attendance of
the Board directors, whose modalities for distribution and
granting are set by the Board of Directors, as proposed by the
Remuneration Committee.
These allocation rules have been unchanged since the Board of
Directors’ resolution of February19, 2014, and are as follows:
15,000 for the fixed portion;
€25,000 for the variable portion, mainly based on attendance
at meetings of the Board of Directors and at Shareholders’
Meetings; and
a sum of additional compensation is also granted to
non - resident Board directors (€7,000).
At its meeting of December11, 2019, the Board also resolved to
introduce a variable element of compensation allocated to the
Board directors for their duties within the Committees:
for the Audit Committee:
the Chair will receive €4,500 as a fixed portion and €7,500
as a variable portion based on attendance at Committee
meetings, and
the members will receive €3,000 as a fixed portion and
€5,000 as a variable portion based on attendance at
Committee meetings; and
for the other Committees:
the Chair will receive €3,000 as a fixed portion and €4,500
as a variable portion based on attendance at Committee
meetings, and
the members will receive €2,000 as a fixed portion and
€3,000 as a variable portion based on attendance at
Committee meetings.
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2 Compensation of the company ocers
Note that, relative to the allocation policy voted in 2014, the
introduction of the variable portion for duties exercised within
the Committees (i) does not change the total budget granted for
the duties exercised within the Committees as either member or
Chair, and (ii) has been set based on the same proportions as the
variable portion defined for meetings of the Board of Directors.
For Board directors leaving or joining the Board during the
financial year: their amount of compensation is calculated pro
rata temporis based on the number of Board of Directors,
Committee and Shareholders’ Meetings held during the period
the Board director was in function.
In respect of the aforementioned allocation, all the Board
directors, with the exception of the Chair of the Board of
Directors and the Chief Executive Ocer, will receive an amount
of compensation in line with the allocation modalities set by the
Board of Directors.
Note also that, in the event of a high number of extraordinary
meetings of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors may
decide on an additional extraordinary distribution, within the
limits of the budget allocated by the Shareholders’ Meeting. The
additional amount will be calculated pro rata temporis based on
the attendance rates of individual Board directors at these
extraordinary meetings.
The Board directors (non - executive directors) may not benefit
a long - term incentive plan or specific long - term incentive plan;
benefits in kind which are not linked to their duties;
an employment contract;
a non - compete indemnity;
an award of stock - options or bonus shares.
Modalities for the granting and payment
of the compensation (formerly directors’ fees)
to representatives of the State and Board directors
appointed as proposed by the French State
The allocation rules for compensation paid to the Board directors
outlined above are applicable to the State representatives and
Board directors appointed as proposed by the French State.
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2014 - 948 of August20, 2014 and
Article 1 of the ministerial order of December 18, 2014, as
amended by the ministerial order of January 5, 2018, the
following rules apply:
for Board directors appointed directly by the French State,
100% of the compensation is paid to the State (Art. 5of the
for Board directors appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting
as proposed by the French State (Art. 6of the Ordinance),
there are two dierent cases:
for public ocials of the French State, 100% of the
compensation is paid to the State,
for those not acting in the capacity of public ocials, the
payment of the compensation must be shared as follows:
- 15% paid to the State, and
- 85% paid directly to the relevant Board director (with the
application of the social and fiscal charges).
Commitment of the members of the Board
of Directors of AirFrance – KLM
On April 3, 2020, the members of the AirFrance – KLM
Board of Directors decided to reduce their compensation
paid in respect of 2020 by 25%, pro rata temporis for
periods of partial activity applied to all employees. Compensation of the executive ocers
in respect of 2020
As recommended by the Remuneration Committee, the
compensation packages of the Chair of the Board of Directors
and of the Chief Executive Ocer are set by the Board of
Directors, pursuant to the provisions of the AFEP-MEDEF Code.
Pursuant to the Internal Rules, as recommended by the
Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors also approves
the compensation of the Chief Executive Ocers of the principal
subsidiaries (Air France and KLM). Furthermore, the Remuneration
Committee makes a recommendation to the Chief Executive
Ocer regarding the compensation of the Group’s Chief
Financial Ocer and reviews the compensation of the members
of the KLM Managing Board.
On an annual basis, the Remuneration Committee formulates and
reviews these compensation policies, in relation to the performance
targets. The annual variable portion of the compensation for the
three Chief Executive Ocers (AirFrance – KLM, Air France and
KLM) is thus subject to the achievement of performance criteria:
quantitative financial criteria;
qualitative criteria relating to the improved performance of
the company and the implementation of its strategy;
performance relative to the principal competitors.
These compensation policies establish the principles and criteria
for determining, allocating and granting the fixed, variable and
extraordinary components of the total compensation and benefits
of any kind awarded, firstly, to the Chair of the Board of Directors
and, secondly, to the Chief Executive Ocer, as well as their relative
magnitude. All of these elements are detailed in this section in
points a. relating to the mandate of the Chair of the Board of
Directors and b. relating to the mandate of the Chief Executive
Ocer, pursuant to the provisions of Articles L.225 - 37 - 2 and
R.225 - 29 - 1of the Code de Commerce. Following consultation
with the Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors will be
able to derogate, on a temporary basis, from these compensation
policies in the event of exceptional circumstances and insofar as
the changes are aligned with the company’s interests and required
to guarantee the Group’s sustainability or viability. The elements
of compensation which may be derogated and the events giving
rise to the use of this derogation are outlined in this section under
points a. relating to the mandate of the Chair of the Board of
Directors and b. relating to the mandate of the Chief Executive
Ocer, pursuant to the provisions of Articles L.225–37–2 and
R.225–29–1of the Code de Commerce.
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Compensation of the company ocers
Note that, given the adoption of the new Group governance over
the course of 2018, and in view of the profile and international
experience of Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer of
AirFrance – KLM from September17, 2018, the AirFrance – KLM
Board of Directors considered it necessary to modify the
framework for the compensation of the Group’s Chief Executive
Ocer which had been approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting
of May15, 2018 and which had de facto become inapplicable.
Within this context, the Board of Directors reviewed the
compensation practices for similar functions at competitor airline
companies internationally and took into account the compensation
paid to Mr. Benjamin Smith in respect of his duties at Air Canada,
as well as his residency of Canada which required him to relocate
to France.
Note that, to determine the elements of compensation for the
Chief Executive Ocer, the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors
referred to a sample of compensation in place in comparable
international airline groups.
The structure of the compensation set by the Board of Directors
in August2018 remained unchanged for the 2019 financial year.
It is also within this framework that the compensation policy was
set for 2020.
a. Compensation of the Chair of the Board of Directors
During its meeting of February19, 2020, as proposed by the
Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors set the structure
of the compensation attributable to the Chair of the AirFrance – KLM
Board of Directors in respect of the 2020 financial year.
Following consultation with the Remuneration Committee, the
Board of Directors will be able to derogate, on a temporary basis,
from the compensation policy for the Chair of the Board of Directors
in the event of exceptional circumstances and insofar as the
changes are aligned with the company’s interests and required
to guarantee the Group’s sustainability or viability. The elements
of compensation to which the derogation may apply are the
annual fixed and variable compensation and the derogations may
consist of an increase or decrease to the relevant compensation.
The events potentially giving rise to the use of this derogation
from the compensation policy shall include, but not be limited to,
a major change in strategy or a public health crisis.
Annual compensation (fixed and variable)
Description of the annual fixed and variable elements
As recommended by the Remuneration Committee, during its
meeting of February19, 2020 the Board of Directors decided to
increase the annual gross fixed compensation of the Chair, in
respect of her duties, to €220,000.
The Chair of the Board of Directors will not benefit from variable
or multi - year compensation.
Commitment of the Chair of the AirFrance – KLM Board
of Directors
(i) During the meeting of the Board of Directors of March19,
2020, the Chair informed the Board of her decision to waive
the application, in respect of the 2020 financial year, of her
new annual fixed compensation set by the Board of Directors
on February19, 2020. Her annual fixed compensation will
thus be €200,000 in respect of her duties for 2020;
(ii) The Chair informed the Board of Directors of her decision
to subject her fixed compensation paid in 2020 to the same
salary terms and conditions as those that will be applied to
all Air France and Air France – KLM SA employees (in
particular to reduce the payment pro rata temporis for
periods of partial employment applied to all employees).
Annual extraordinary compensation
The Chair of the Board of Directors will not benefit from annual
extraordinary compensation.
Long - term incentive plan or specific long - term incentive plan
The Chair of the Board of Directors will not benefit from a
long - term incentive plan or a specific long - term incentive plan.
Compensation in the capacity of Board director
The Chair of the Board of Directors will not receive compensation
in respect of her Board director duties.
Severance pay
The Chair of the Board of Directors will not benefit from
severance pay.
Benefits in kind
The Chair of the Board of Directors will dispose of material
resources that cannot, in practice, be separated from the
performance of her duties.
The Chair of the Board of Directors will not benefit from an
employment contract, nor from a top - up pension plan,
non - compete indemnity, stock options or bonus shares.
b. 2020 compensation policy for the Chief Executive Ocer
Introductory remarks
As recommended by the Remuneration Committee, during its
meeting of February19, 2020, the Board of Directors decided
to maintain the 2019 compensation structure for the 2020
financial year.
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Annual compensation (fixed and variable)
Description of the annual fixed and variable elements
The Chief Executive Ocer will benefit from annual gross fixed
compensation of €900,000 and annual gross variable compensation
potentially reaching between 0% and 122% of the annual gross
fixed compensation on partial achievement of the targets
(calculated on a linear basis), potentially rising to 122% of the
annual gross fixed compensation on achievement of the targets,
and potentially reaching a maximum of 150% should the targets
be exceeded (calculated on a linear basis). Note that the structure
of the annual compensation is unchanged relative to 2019.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document110
Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers
It had been expected to define the performance criteria linked to
the annual variable compensation, consistent with the priorities
and targets defined in the Group’s strategic plan unveiled in
November2019. These performance criteria were relative to the
Group’s financial objectives and to a series of qualitative
objectives, defined as follows:
60% linked to the Group’s financial objectives, evaluating the
performance based on the three financial indicators forming
the pillars of AirFrance – KLM’s strategic plan:
(i) annual COI performance of the AirFrance – KLM Group,
(ii) reduction in the AirFrance – KLM Group’s Net Debt,
(iii)reduction in the AirFrance – KLM Group’s Unit Costs;
40% linked to qualitative objectives, evaluating as in previous
years the performance based on four criteria that remained to
be finalized.
Following consultation with the Remuneration Committee, the
Board of Directors will be able to derogate, on a temporary basis,
from the compensation policy for the Chief Executive Ocer in
the event of exceptional circumstances and insofar as the changes
are aligned with the company’s interests and required to guarantee
the Group’s sustainability or viability. The elements of compensation
to which the derogation may apply are the annual variable
compensation and the derogations may consist of a redefinition
of the performance criteria. The events potentially giving rise to
the use of this derogation from the compensation policy shall
include, but not be limited to, a major change in strategy or a
public health crisis.
During its meeting of March19, 2020, in view of the escalation of
the public health crisis linked to COVID-19, the Board of Directors
finally decided to revise the performance criteria for the 2020
annual variable portion to align them with the Group’s short - term
priorities and to take into account the management of the crisis,
the cash issues faced by the Group and the challenges linked
to the exit from crisis, and the definition and execution of a
recovery plan.
In view of the magnitude of this crisis it is currently dicult to
anticipate a recovery date. It can be stipulated here that the
return to the prior compensation policy or a new compensation
policy will be discussed next year within the framework of the
approval of the compensation policy for 2021.
As a result of the decisions taken by the Board of Directors at its
meetings of February 19, March 19 and April 3, 2020, the
compensation structure, comprising the elements of fixed,
variable and long - term compensation and benefits of any kind
for the Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM in respect of
the 2020 financial year, is set forth below.
Compensation in cash
(1) Amounting to €900,000.
(2) 122% of the fixed compensation on achievement of the targets, potentially rising to 150% should the targets be exceeded.
(3) Two long-term compensation plans conferring the right to the granting of performance units, each in the amount of €1 million.
(4) The specific long-term incentive plan will be paid in Air France - KLM shares.
compensation subject
to performance conditions
Compensation in shares
Annual variable
compensation subject
to performance conditions
Fixed compensation
Structure of the compensation for the Chief Executive Ocer of Air France - KLM in respect of the 2020 financial year
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Corporate governance report
Compensation of the company ocers
(1) For confidentiality reasons, the amount set in the 2020 budget is not disclosed.
(2) EPS = Internal indicator of employee satisfaction.
(3) NPS = Indicator of customer satisfaction.
(4) The targets for the EPS and NPS indicators are set internally each year by company, taking into account the histories and performance plans of these
Financial performance
AirFrance – KLM Group cash
70% The evaluation will consider the eective financial situation
at the end of the financial year and the ecacy of the
action plans deployed to preserve the AirFrance – KLM
Group’s cash (adjustment of operations, cost reduction,
control over and cancellation of capex, obtaining of support
and financing, recovery plan)
Individual performance
Leadership demonstrated in terms of
managing the crisis, the exit from crisis,
and the definition of a recovery plan
30% The evaluation will consider the actions and results at these
three key moments, in the light notably of the following
fundamental priorities:
1. Social climate and employee engagement (maintained
employee trust and engagement as demonstrated by an
Employee Promoter Score
(2) (4)
remaining in line with its
pre - crisis level; (level of communication; stability of the
social dialogue; management of employment)
2. Customer satisfaction (level of communication and
commercial and operational oers proposed to support
customers; maintained customer trust demonstrated by
the level of the Net Promoter Score
(3) (4)
maintained in line
with its pre - crisis level; trend in the number of passengers
during the recovery of the activities in terms of
performance versus the European competitors)
3. Group cohesion (reinforced cohesion and coordination
between AirFrance – KLM, Air France and KLM within the
framework of strategic decision - making, the preservation
of the interests of the Group and the airlines, and internal
and external communication).
Breakdown of the variable portion
Weight of the Elements
performance criteria of evaluation
In view of the exceptional nature of the COVID-19public
health crisis which is seriously impacting AirFrance – KLM,
in agreement with the AirFrance – KLM management, the
Board of Directors decided to undertake an in - depth
review of the performance criteria for the annual variable
compensation and of the evaluation conditions to be
retained for the 2020 financial year.
Having consulted with the Remuneration Committee, during
its meetings of March19 and April3, 2020 the Board of
Directors decided that the achievement of the annual variable
compensation criteria will be evaluated in accordance
with the evaluation of the Group’s financial performance
in the light of the management and sustainability of the
cash (cash for 70% of the evaluation), and the individual
performance demonstrated in terms of managing the
crisis, the exit from crisis and the definition of a strategic
recovery plan (cash for 30% of the evaluation).
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Corporate governance report
2 Compensation of the company ocers
Target grant
in 2020
Assessment of performance conditions over 3 years
Payment in 2023
Subject to the achievement of
performance criteria over
the 3 years and continuous attendance
Payment in cash
(Target grant x achievement
of performance conditions)
Grant of
performance units
in 2020
Grant of
performance units
in 2020
Evaluation of the
Financial and DJSI
criteria over the
financial year
Evaluation of the
Financial and CSR
criteria over the
financial year
Evaluation of the
Financial and DJSI
criteria over the
financial year
Evaluation of the
Financial and CSR
criteria over the
financial year
Evaluation of the
Financial and DJSI
criteria over the
financial year
Evaluation of the
Financial and CSR
criteria over the
financial year
Payment in Air France – KLM shares
(Target grant x achievement
of performance conditions)
incentive plan
“Phantom Shares”
Specific Long-term
incentive plan
Long-term compensation scheme for Air France - KLM
Upon recommendation of the Remuneration Committee,
the Board of Directors will be able to use its judgement
when determining the variable compensation, if any, of the
Chief Executive Ocer. This provision will enable the
Board to determine the amount composing the variable
compensation for the CEO in line with i) the performance
realized by the Group and the Group’s financial situation
at the end of the financial year, (ii) the compensation policy
applied to the Group’s employees, (iii) the preservation of
the Group’s interests and those of its shareholders, (iv) any
decisions taken by the governments.
Commitment of the Chief Executive Ocer
of AirFrance – KLM
The Chief Executive Ocer informed the Board of Directors
of his decision to subject his annual fixed and variable
remuneration, paid during the year 2020, to the same
salary terms and conditions as those which will be applied
to all Air France and AirFrance – KLM SA employees (in
particular to reduce the payment pro rata temporis for
periods of partial activity applied to all employees).
Long - term incentive plan
The compensation policy for the Chief Executive Ocer is primarily
composed of elements of long - term variable compensation so
as to align this compensation with the Group’s performance on
the basis of a long - term perspective, thereby contributing to the
Company’s strategy and sustainability.
These elements of long - term compensation correspond to two
long - term incentive plans whose performance is evaluated over
a three - year period subject to the realization of demanding
performance conditions and covering the interests of the Group,
its employees and its shareholders. Note that the vesting and
payment of these elements of compensation will only take place
at the end of this period.
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Compensation of the company ocers
In this year of exceptional crisis linked to COVID-19, AirFrance – KLM’s
long - term sustainability and performance together with the
long - term interests of employees and shareholders remain the
common goal.
Given that these elements of compensation are long - term
commitments and it being stipulated that payment is made only
at the end of the three - year vesting period, and to be able to
evaluate over the long term the ecacy of the exit from crisis
and the recovery plan, as recommended by the Remuneration
Committee, during its meetings of February19 and April3, 2020
the Board of Directors decided to maintain, for the 2020 financial
year, the long - term compensation policy as defined for the 2019
financial year.
The performance criteria and targets to be achieved thus remain
unchanged, in continuation of the goals and the mission stated
prior to the COVID-19 crisis, and the elements of long - term
compensation remain composed as follows:
a) Long - term incentive plan
On an annual basis, the Chief Executive Ocer is granted
performance units equivalent to an amount of €1million, payable
at the end of a three - year period following the grant, subject to
the achievement of performance conditions, evaluated over the
whole of this period. The vesting of the performance units will be
subject to a three - year presence condition, except in the event
of death or disability (without performance conditions), or in
some cases of forced termination (the performance conditions
remaining applicable).
The number of performance units granted in 2020 will be
calculated relative to the AirFrance – KLM opening share price on
April1, 2020. The payment of the performance units from 2023
(subject to performance and presence conditions) will be
calculated relative to the share price following the announcement
of the results for the last financial year.
b) Specific long - term incentive plan
The Group intends to launch targeted strategic actions aimed at
improving the medium and long - term operational performance,
into line with the best international airlines, while taking into
account the environmental and societal issues linked to its
growth. Accordingly, the specific long - term incentive plan
applicable to the Chief Executive Ocer and a number of the
Group’s other managers and employees has been established
pursuant to the resolutions of the Board of Directors of August16,
2018 and March12, 2019.
This plan provides for the Chief Executive Ocer to be granted,
annually in 2019, 2020 and 2021, performance units equivalent to
an amount of €1 million, payable in shares at the end of a
three - year vesting period following the grant, subject to the
achievement of specific performance conditions, evaluated over
the whole of this period. Note that one performance unit will
confer the right to one AirFrance – KLM share.
Demanding performance conditions evaluated over a three - year period were set by the Board of Directors during its meeting of
April3, 2020:
KPI Performance Vesting of % of the grant
1. Relative share performance for AirFrance – KLM >120 120%
versus the shares of companies in the sector (30%)
Between 80 and 100 Between 80% and 120%
<80 0%
2. AirFrance – KLM realized ROCE versus the budget (40%)
>120 120%
Between 80 and 100 Between 80% and 100%
<80 0%
3. Dow Jones Sustainability Index (30%)
Position 1 120%
Position 2 100%
Position 3 80%
Position 4 and lower 0%
(1) Defined as the performance of the AirFrance – KLM share in any financial year relative to the performance of the sector: Lufthansa (40%), IAG (35%), Ryanair (12.5%),
easyJet (12.5%).
(2) Calculation is based on absolute ROCE.
(3) The results of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) are published in September of each year.
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2 Compensation of the company ocers
The performance conditions that were set by the Board of Directors during its meetings of March19 and April3, 2020 are as follows:
Performance Vesting of a % of the grant
1. AF-KLM relative COI (80%) reduction in the performance
gap with IAG and Lufthansa Group over three years (2020,
2021, 2022)
Performance of AirFrance – KLM >
that of Lufthansa and IAG
Reduction in the gap with
Lufthansa and IAG
Reduction in the gap with
Lufthansa and IAG
Increase in the gap with
Lufthansa and IAG
Max (100%)
100% to 50%
50% to 0%
2. CSR performance targets (20%) See the evaluation rules below
The CSR performance criteria within the framework of the specific long - term incentive plan are as follows:
indicators Targets
Environment 1 ReduceCO
/passenger/km, including the
market - based measures)
Long - term target of -20% reduction
over the 2011 - 2020 period:
to be evaluated yearly and reported in the CSR
report/verify yearly if on track to reach this target
Environment 2 Improve the relationship and dialogue with
the hub environment (notably on noise)
Keep the noise footprint at the same level despite
an increase in the number of movements: Group
noise footprint reported annually
Social 3 Improve the Employee Promoter Score
Improvement in the EPS: monitored for
AirFrance – KLM, Air France and KLM.
Social 4 Increase diversity Increase the percentage of female managers
Societal 5 Increase sustainable management of the
supply chain
Track the risk management indicators for suppliers
in compliance with the due diligence law
(Human Rights and Fundamental Liberties,
Health, Environment)
Societal 6 Sustainable initiatives at destinations Develop environmental and societal initiatives
and sponsorship
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Corporate governance report
Compensation of the company ocers
The payment of the performance units will also be subject to a
three - year presence condition, except in the event of death or
disability (without performance conditions) or in certain cases of
forced termination (the performance conditions remaining
The number of performance units granted in 2020 will be calculated
relative to the AirFrance – KLM opening share price on April1, 2020.
Payment of these performance units (subject to performance and
presence conditions) will be made in AirFrance – KLM shares (one
performance unit conferring the right to one share).
Note that Mr. Smith does not use and has given an undertaking
that he will not use risk hedging transactions within the framework
of this plan until the payment of the performance units.
Severance payment and benefits in kind
The Chief Executive Ocer will continue to benefit from the
severance payment granted by the Board of Directors in its
meeting of August16, 2018, as approved by the Shareholders’
Meeting of May28, 2019.
During its meeting of August16, 2018, the Board of Directors
authorized the granting to the Chief Executive Ocer of a
severance payment in some instances of forced termination
(notably dismissal, non - renewal of his mandate as Chief Executive
Ocer or linked to a change of control). Note that the instance
of forced termination enabling the implementation of this
severance pay excludes any situation of serious misconduct on
the part of the Chief Executive Ocer.
In accordance with the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF
Code, the basis of the severance payment is equivalent to two
years of his annual fixed and variable compensation (based, as
applicable, on the target variable compensation in the event of a
termination during the first 24months).
A coecient (between 0 and 100% inclusive) will be applied to
the basis of the severance payment based on the performance
of the interested party with reference to the level of the
achievement of the performance criteria relating to the annual
variable component of his compensation over the two last financial
years of his mandate (or since his appointment, in the event of
termination during the first 24months). The Board will be responsible
for evaluating the achievement of these performance criteria.
The Chief Executive Ocer will also benefit from the usual benefits
in kind (company car with chaueur, supplementary pension
scheme benefiting all Group employees, supplementary health
insurance and disability coverage, provision of free airline tickets,
Group CEO civil liability insurance–D&O) and benefits consistent
with policies applied within the Group for senior manager
expatriation and mobility.
The Chief Executive Ocer will not benefit from an employment
contract, nor from a top - up pension scheme, non - compete
indemnity, stock options or bonus shares.
These criteria are evaluated in the following manner:
Criterion Performance Vesting as a % of grant
KPIs with the same weight Significantly above target Max (100%)
Target achieved 50%
Significantly below target 0%
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The CEO Committee is led by Mr. Benjamin Smith, Chief
Executive Ocer of Air France – KLM, and has three other
members reporting directly to Mr. Smith:
Ms.Anne Rigail, Chief Executive Ocer of Air France;
Mr. Pieter Elbers, President and Chief Executive Ocer of KLM;
Mr. Frédéric Gagey, Chief Financial Ocer of AirFrance – KLM.
At its meeting of February19, 2019, the AirFrance – KLM Board
of Directors appointed Ms.Anne Rigail and Mr. Pieter Elbers as
Deputy Chief Executive Ocers of the Group.
It is responsible for determining the strategic direction of all the
Group's airlines and business units.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document116
Corporate governance report
2 CEO Committee
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 117
Corporate governance report
Group Executive Committee
Chaired by the Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM, the Group Executive Committee is composed of twelve members and
secretary of the Executive Committee:
the Chief Executive Ocer of AirFrance – KLM, the President and Chief Executive Ocer of KLM and the Chief Executive Ocer
of Air France; and
the nine heads of the Group’s functions.
Relevant professional experience
Age at
Members at December31, 2019 December31, 2019 Sector Experience
Benjamin Smith
Chief Executive Ocer, AirFrance – KLM 48years Air Transport 29years
Pieter Elbers
President and Chief Executive Ocer, KLM 49years Air Transport 27years
Anne Rigail
Chief Executive Ocer, Air France 50years Air Transport 28years
Frédéric Gagey Public service 7years
Chief Financial Ocer, AirFrance – KLM 63years Air Transport 26years
Patrick Alexandre
Executive Vice-President Commercial–Sales & Alliances, AirFrance – KLM 64years Air Transport 38years
Pieter Bootsma
Executive Vice-President Commercial–Strategy, AirFrance – KLM 50years Air Transport 24years
Anne Brachet
Executive Vice-President, Engineering & Maintenance, AirFrance – KLM 56years Air Transport 24years
Angus Clarke
Executive Vice-President, Strategy, AirFrance – KLM 45years Air Transport 18years
Janet Dekker
Executive Vice-President Human Resources, AirFrance – KLM 60years Human Resources 30years
Marcel de Nooijer
Executive Vice-President Cargo, AirFrance – KLM 51years Air Transport 24years
Jean-Christophe Lalanne Industry. IT Services 22years
Executive Vice-President Information Technology, AirFrance – KLM 58years Air Transport 15years
Anne-Sophie Le Lay 48years Attorney 6years
Corporate Secretary of AirFrance – KLM and Air France Law/Governance, 18years
Automotive Industry
Air Transport 2years
(1) On January1, 2020, Adriaan Den Heijer replaced Marcel de Nooijer as Executive Vice-President Cargo, AirFrance – KLM.
Secretarial services to the Executive Committee are provided by the AirFrance – KLM Chief Executive Ocer’s Chief of Sta.
Information on the way in which the company seeks a balanced representation of men and women within the
AirFrance – KLM Executive Committee
This information is provided in Section4.2.4Fostering diversity and combating discrimination in this Universal Registration Document.
Information on the results for diversity within the top 10% of the positions with the highest level of
This information is provided in Section4.2Human resources in this Universal Registration Document.
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2.8.1 Share capital
At December31, 2019, the AirFrance – KLM share capital comprised 428,634,035fully paid - up shares with a nominal value of one
euro, held in registered or bearer form according to shareholder preference. Until April2, 2016, each share had one voting right
attached. In application of the Florange Act
as from April 3, 2016, in the absence of a provision to the contrary in the
AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation, all fully paid - up shares held in registered form in the name of the same shareholder for at
least two years automatically benefit from a double voting right. There are no other specific rights attached to the shares.
Changes in the share capital over the last three financial years
The change in the share capital over the last three financial years is as follows:
Financial year ended Total capital (in €) Number of shares
December31, 2017 428,634,035 428,634,035
December31, 2018 428,634,035 428,634,035
December31, 2019 428,634,035 428,634,035
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document118
Corporate governance report
2 Share capital and shareholder structure
(1) Furthermore, there are no securities not representing the share capital. Article 7of Act No.2014 - 384of March29, 2014 for the Reconquest of the Real Economy.
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Corporate governance report
Share capital and shareholder structure
€15million in nominal (i.e. around
3.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 21
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]No.28
€15million in nominal (i.e. around
3.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 21
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]
Capital increase (within the context of a public tender oer) without
preferential subscription rights for shareholders but with an
optional priority subscription period (authorization limited to the
Company or one of its subsidiaries’ issuances of securities giving
access to capital securities to be issued in the future and issuances
of shares within the framework of public exchange oers)
€22.5million in nominal (i.e. around
5.25% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 20
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]No.27
€22.5million in nominal (i.e. around
5.25% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 20
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]
Capital increase (within the context of a public tender oer)
without preferential subscription rights for shareholders
but with a mandatory priority subscription period
€75million in nominal (i.e. around
17.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
resolution, usable outside
the context of a public tender oer]
Capital increase (within the context of a public tender oer)
maintaining preferential subscription rights for shareholdersNo.26
€150million in nominal (i.e. around
35% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
resolution, usable outside
the context of a public tender oer]
Capital increase (outside the context of a public tender oer) by
capitalization of reserves, profits, issuance premiums, or other
amounts eligible for capitalization
Capital increase (outside the context of a public tender oer) to
compensate contributions in kind granted to the Company
€30million in nominal
(i.e. around 7%
of the current share capital)No.24
15% of the initial issue (not to
exceed the cap amounts set under
resolutions 19, 20, 21 and 22)
Increase in the number of securities to be issued in the event of a
capital increase (outside the context of a public tender oer) with
or without preferential subscription rights (“greenshoe”)No.23
€30million in nominal
(i.e. around 7%
of the current share capital)
Capital increase (outside the context of a public tender oer)
through private placement with qualified investors/restricted
group of investorsNo.22
€30million in nominal
(i.e. around 7%
of the current share capital)
Capital increase (outside the context of a public tender oer)
without preferential subscription rights for shareholders but with
an optional priority subscription period (authorization limited to the
Company or one of its subsidiaries’ issuances of securities giving
access to capital securities to be issued in the future and issuances
of shares within the framework of public exchange oers)No.21
€45million in nominal
(i.e. around 10.5%
of the current share capital)
Capital increase (outside the context of a public tender oer)
without preferential subscription rights for shareholders but with a
mandatory priority subscription periodNo.20
€214million in nominal
(i.e. around 50%
of the current share capital)
€75million in nominal (i.e. around
17.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
resolution, usable outside
the context of a public tender oer]
€150million in nominal (i.e. around
35% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
resolution, usable outside
the context of a public tender oer]
€30million in nominal
(i.e. around 7%
of the current share capital)
15% of the initial issue (not to
exceed the cap amounts set under
resolutions 19, 20, 21 and 22)
€30million in nominal
(i.e. around 7%
of the current share capital)
€30million in nominal
(i.e. around 7%
of the current share capital)
€45million in nominal
(i.e. around 10.5%
of the current share capital)
€214million in nominal
(i.e. around 50%
of the current share capital)
Capital increase (outside the context of a public tender oer)
maintaining preferential subscription rights for shareholdersNo.19
The authorizations currently in force are summarized in the following table.
Maximum amount Balance available at
Resolution Delegation of issues in nominal December31, 2019
Authorizations granted by the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of May28, 2019
Outside the context of a public tender oer
Within the context of a public tender oer
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Other authorizations in respect of the Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2019
€15million in nominal (i.e. around
3.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 24
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]
Capital increase (within the context of a public tender oer) to
compensate contributions in kind granted to the CompanyNo.31
15% of the initial issue (charged
against the cap amounts set under
the resolutions 26. 27. 28. 29)
Increase in the number of securities to be issued in the event of a
capital increase (within the context of a public tender oer) with
or without preferential subscription rights (“greenshoe”)No.30
€15million in nominal (i.e. around
3.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 22
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]
€15million in nominal (i.e. around
3.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 24
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]
€75million in nominal (i.e. around
17.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 25
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]
Capital increase (within the context of a public tender oer) by
capitalization of reserves, profits, issuance premiums, or other
amounts eligible for capitalizationNo.32
€75million in nominal (i.e. around
17.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 25
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]
15% of the initial issue (charged
against the cap amounts set under
the resolutions 26. 27. 28. 29)
€15million in nominal (i.e. around
3.5% of the current share capital)
[charged against the cap amount
of the 19
and 22
usable outside the context of a
public tender oer]
Capital increase (within the context of a public tender oer)
through private placement with qualified investors/restricted
group of investorsNo.29
10% of the share capital
(not to exceed the cap
amounts set under resolutions
20, 21, 22, 27, 28 and 29)
10% of the share capital
(not to exceed the cap
amounts set under resolutions
20, 21, 22, 27, 28 and 29)
Delegation of authority granted to the Board of Directors, for the
purpose of determining the issue price, within a limit not to exceed
10% of the share capital a year in the event of a capital increase
without shareholders’ preemptive subscription rightsNo.33
2% of the share capital at the
time of each issuance (not to
exceed 1% per year)
2% of the share capital
at the time of each issuance
(not to exceed 1% per year)
Allocation of free existing shares, subject to performance
conditions. to employees and company ocers of the Group
companies (excluding the Group’s company ocers)No.34
2% of the share capital at the time
of each issuance [not to exceed
the cap amount set under the
resolution] usable outside the
context of a public tender oer]
2% of the share capital at the time
of each issuance [not to exceed
the cap amount set under the
resolution] usable outside the
context of a public tender oer]
Capital increases reserved for members of a company or group
savings schemeNo.35
Maximum amount Balance available at
Resolution Delegation of issues in nominal December31, 2019
Share capital and shareholder structure
Corporate governance report
120 Air France -KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document
A common sub - cap of €15million applies to resolutions 28to 31 of
the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
of May28, 2019. A common sub - cap of €22.5million applies to
resolutions 27to 31of the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary
Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2019. A common sub - cap of
€30million applies across resolutions 21to 24of the Combined
Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2018.
A common sub - cap of €45million applies across resolutions 20 to
24of the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’
Meeting of May 28, 2019. A common sub - cap of €75 million
applies across resolutions 26to 32of the Combined Ordinary and
Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of May28. 2019. Lastly, a
common cap amount of €214million applies across resolutions
19to 25of the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’
Meeting of May28, 2019 and to resolution 35of the Combined
Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2019.
The maximum amount of all the aforementioned capital increases
is not autonomous and is charged against the cap amount set in
resolution 19 of the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary
Shareholders’ Meeting of May28, 2019.
Amendment to AirFrance – KLM’s
Articles of Incorporation
The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, deliberating with a
majority of two - thirds of the votes held by the shareholders
present or represented, is the only entity authorized to amend
the Articles of Incorporation in all their provisions pursuant to
Article L.225 - 96of the Code de Commerce.
The Air France – KLM Articles of Incorporation can be
found on the website at http://www.airfranceklm.com
(Finance/Publications/Articles of Incorporation).
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Share capital and shareholder structure
Corporate governance report
1212019 Universal Registration Document Air France -KLM
Modalities for shareholders wishing to participate
in the Shareholders’ Meeting
The modalities for shareholders wishing to participate in
Shareholders’ Meetings are those stipulated by the regulation in
force. They are set out in Article 30 of the Air France – KLM
Articles of Incorporation and the detailed conditions can be
found in the documentation made available to shareholders
ahead of the Shareholders’ Meeting.
2.8.2 Securities conferring
entitlement to shares
Bonds convertible and/or exchangeable
into new or existing shares 0.125% 2026
In March2019. AirFrance – KLM issued bonds convertible into new
shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares, maturing in 2026,
for an amount of €500 million, representing 27,901,785
underlying shares.
The nominal unit value of the bonds is €17.92. The bonds bear a
coupon of 0.125%, payable annually in arrears on March25of
each year.
2.8.3 Authorization to buy back
AirFrance – KLM’s
own shares
Every year, the Air France – KLM Board of Directors asks the
Shareholders’ Meeting for the authorization to buy back the
company’s own shares in the stock market, subject to a number
of conditions.
During the 2019 financial year, the Group neither purchased nor
sold Air France – KLM shares within the framework of these
Within the framework of the collective labor agreement reached in
August2015 between KLM and the VNV pilots’ union, AirFrance – KLM
and KLM signed an agreement on December8, 2016 with the
VNV and an independent foundation established by the VNV
for KLM pilots. Under this agreement, and in consideration for
the gains resulting from the August 2015 agreement, on
December 12, 2016 KLM financed the acquisition by the
foundation of three million AirFrance – KLM treasury shares at
the market price.
As of December31, 2019, AirFrance – KLM held 1,201,578of its
own shares, i.e. 0.28% of the share capital, of which
1,116,420shares held by KLM in respect of its various stock option
plans. The valuation of the portfolio stood at €11.9 million at
December31, 2019.
2.8.4 Reinforcement of the
AirFrance – KLM Group’s
strategic partnerships with
Delta Air Lines,Inc. and
China Eastern Airlines
During the 2019 financial year, Air France – KLM continued to
reinforce its strategic partnerships with Delta Air Lines,Inc. (Delta)
and China Eastern Airlines (CEA), launched in 2017.
On July27, 2017, AirFrance – KLM announced, firstly, the planned
creation of a joint - venture between AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air
Lines,Inc. and Virgin Atlantic and, secondly, the intensification of
its partnership with CEA. These two commercial alliances were
consolidated by equity links in 2017: Delta Air Lines, Inc. and
China Eastern each acquired equity interests in AirFrance – KLM
within the framework of reserved capital increases authorized by
the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
of September 4, 2017 for a total of €751 million. In addition,
AirFrance – KLM announced its intention to acquire a 31% equity
interest in Virgin Atlantic, in which Delta has a 49% stake, for
around £220million.
Within this framework, on July27, 2017, AirFrance – KLM and CEA
on one hand, and AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc. and Virgin
Atlantic on the other, signed partnership agreements aimed at
defining the principles of their closer cooperation:
on July27, 2017, AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc. and
Virgin Atlantic signed Memoranda of Understanding laying the
foundations for a future combination of the existing joint - ventures
between AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc. and Alitalia, and
between Delta Air Lines,Inc. and Virgin Atlantic, within a single
joint - venture. Within this framework, Air France – KLM was
expected to acquire a 31% equity interest in Virgin Atlantic,
Delta Air Lines,Inc. having held 49% of the latter since 2013,
with the historic shareholder Richard Branson retaining 20%.
These agreements foresaw specific conditions intended to
protect the interests of AirFrance – KLM in the event of any
deterioration in the joint - venture’s operating conditions linked
to the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union;
AirFrance – KLM and CEA also stepped up their commercial
cooperation and reinforced their partnership within the
framework of the existing joint - venture, through the signature
on July27, 2017, of a Marketing Agreement aimed at defining
the principles of their closer cooperation.
Furthermore, to proceed with the capital increases reserved to
CEA and Delta Air Lines,Inc., on July27, 2017 China Eastern Airlines
and Delta Air Lines,Inc. signed two Subscription Agreements
with AirFrance – KLM, wherein both investors agreed to subscribe
to the new shares in the reserved capital increases and containing
the following commitments:
lock - ups on the stakes wherein China Eastern Airlines and
Delta Air Lines,Inc. both undertake, during a five - year period
as of the settlement date (i.e. October3, 2017), not to oer,
sell, pledge or otherwise transfer or dispose of a number of
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37,527 shares in AirFrance – KLM (as this number shall be
adjusted for any share split or share consolidation of the
Company) without the prior written consent of AirFrance – KLM,
and subject to certain exceptions as set out in the Securities
Note for the transaction authorized under No.17 - 441dated
August17, 2017, section E.5;
a standstill commitment wherein China Eastern Airlines and
Delta Air Lines,Inc. both undertake, during a five - year period
as of the settlement date (i.e. October3, 2017), not to acquire
or subscribe to any additional shares of the Company or other
equity securities conferring access to the AirFrance – KLM
share capital, directly or indirectly, which would have the
eect of increasing the CEA and Delta stakes to above 10% of
the AirFrance – KLM share capital, without the prior written
consent of AirFrance – KLM, except in the case of (a) any
person announcing their intention to launch a public oer (in
cash. shares or a combination of both) for the Company’s
shares, (b) the announcement by Air France – KLM or any
competent authority of an upcoming change of control for
Air France – KLM, it being specified that “control” shall be
defined in accordance with Article L.233 - 3of the Code de
Commerce or (c) the replacement of at least the majority of
members of the Board of Directors, in the event this
replacement is not recommended by the Board of Directors;
an approval clause wherein, for the duration of this Subscription
Agreement, China Eastern Airlines and Delta Air Lines,Inc.
undertake to obtain the formal approval of the Company’s
Board of Directors if they wish to sell their AirFrance – KLM
shares to another airline company. In addition, following the
expiry of the above - mentioned five - year lock - up undertaking,
in the event of a trade sale of AirFrance – KLM shares to a third
party via an over - the - counter transaction, both CEA and Delta
Air Lines,Inc. have undertaken to first give AirFrance – KLM the
option of purchasing these shares, at the same pricing
On October 3, 2017, Eastern Airlines Industry Investment
(Luxembourg) Company Limited, a wholly - owned subsidiary of
CEA Global Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, and Delta Air
Lines,Inc. both subscribed in cash to capital increases without
shareholders’ preferential subscription rights, each for a total
(including issue premium) of €375,274,100, at a subscription price
of €10per share (including issue premium). The acquisition of
these shareholdings was accompanied by the appointment of
two directors to the Air France – KLM Board of Directors
designated, firstly, by China Eastern Airlines and, secondly, by
Delta Air Lines,Inc.
Lastly, on March14 and May15, 2018, within the framework of the
implementation of the future single joint - venture between
AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc., and Virgin Atlantic, and
following authorization by the Air France – KLM Board of
Directors (see section2.3.1Activities and functioning of the Board
of Directors – Agreements and commitments referred to in
Articles L.225 - 38 and L.225 - 42 - 1of the Code de Commerce, the
following agreements were signed:
a Share Purchase Agreement (the “SPA”) between
AirFrance – KLM Finance SAS and Virgin Investments Limited,
allowing AirFrance – KLM, through its 100%-owned subsidiary
Air France – KLM Finance SAS, to purchase a 31% equity
interest in Virgin Atlantic for £220,100,000. Within this
framework, a Disclosure Letter relating to the SPA and
compensation from Virgin Investments to AirFrance – KLM
linked to tax liabilities relating to the Virgin Atlantic Group (the
Tax Deed) were also agreed between the parties;
a Shareholders’ Agreement) between AirFrance – KLM Finance,
Delta Air Lines,Inc., Virgin Investments Limited, Virgin Atlantic
Limited and Sir Richard Branson organizing the shareholding
in Virgin Atlantic;
a Put and call Option Deed between AirFrance – KLM Finance,
Virgin Investments and Delta Air Lines,Inc., relating to 31% of
the Virgin Atlantic share capital;
a joint - venture Agreement aimed at the implementation of a
commercial joint - venture between AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air
Lines,Inc., Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited, Air France and KLM
together with the related bilateral Transition Agreement
signed with Delta Air Lines,Inc.; and
an Implementation Agreement between Air France – KLM,
AirFrance – KLM Finance SAS, Société Air France, KLM, Delta
Air Lines,Inc., Virgin Atlantic Limited, Virgin Atlantic Airways
Limited and Sir Richard Branson, concerning the realization of
the transaction.
On November21, 2019, the US Department of Transportation
granted anti - trust Immunity (ATI) within the framework of the
extension of the transatlantic joint - venture. This regulatory step
enabled the airlines to move forward with the transatlantic
In parallel, the partners finalized the expanded joint - venture’s
governance, agreeing on simplified decision - making processes
enabling the joint - venture to deliver its full synergy potential.
Air France – KLM and Virgin thus finally considered that
Air France – KLM’s acquisition of an equity interest in Virgin
Atlantic was no longer necessary and negotiated an agreement
wherein AirFrance – KLM would not acquire an equity interest in
Virgin Atlantic, with no impact on AirFrance – KLM’s position in
the commercial joint - venture between Delta Air Lines,Inc., Virgin
Atlantic and AirFrance – KLM. The Virgin Group will retain its 51%
majority shareholding in the capital of Virgin Atlantic while Delta
will retain the remaining 49%. This partnership is key to reinforcing
the Group’s leadership position between Europe and North
America and will oer customers a seamless travel experience
across the Atlantic.
As a result, on October30, 2019, the Board of Directors mandated
the AirFrance – KLM management to finalize the discussions and
negotiate amendments to the relevant agreements so as to no
longer proceed with the planned investment in a 31% equity
interest in Virgin Atlantic. This decision led to the following
amendments to the agreements listed below, whose signature
had been authorized by the Board meetings of March14 and
May15, 2018:
termination of the Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”) for the
acquisition of a 31% equity interest in Virgin Atlantic, and
termination of agreements ancillary to the SPA;
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2.8.5 AirFrance – KLM shareholder structure
Changes in the shareholder structure
On March1, 2019, the Dutch State gave notification that, on February26, 2019, it had crossed the thresholds of 5% and 10% in
AirFrance – KLM’s share capital and voting rights, and held 60,000,000shares representing the same amount of voting rights, i.e.
14.0% of the AirFrance – KLM share capital and 11.91% of the voting rights. The following table shows the changes in the Company’s
shareholder structure at December31, 2019 relative to December31, 2018.
% of the capital % of exercizable voting rights
% of theoretical voting rights
March 26, Dec 31, Dec 31, March 26, Dec 31, Dec 31, March 26, Dec 31, Dec 31,
2019 2018 2020
2019 2018 2020
2019 2018
Number of shares
or voting rights 428,634,035 428,634,035 428,634,035 543,058,020 550,280,634 501,591,608 586,813,856 586,975,522 503,909,602
French State 14.3% 14.3% 14.3% 22.6% 22.3% 22.7% 20.9% 20.9% 22.6%
Dutch State 14.0% 14.0% 0.0% 11.0% 10.9% 0.0% 10.2% 10.2% 0.0%
Delta Air Lines,Inc. 8.8% 8.8% 8.8% 10.7% 10.5% 7.5% 12.8% 12.8% 7.4%
China Eastern Airlines
8.8% 8.8% 8.8% 10.7% 10.5% 7.5% 12.8% 12.8% 7.4%
Causeway Capital
Management LLC. 6.9% 2.8% 0.0% 4.4% 2.2% 0.0% 5.1% 2.0% 0.0%
Donald Smith & Co.,Inc. 5.2% 5.2% 2.1% 3.9% 4.1% 1.8% 3.8% 3.8% 1.8%
Employees (FCPE) 3.7% 3.8% 3.9% 5.9% 5.9% 6.7% 5.4% 5.5% 6.7%
Treasury stock 0.3% 0.3% 0.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.4% 0.4% 0.5%
Others 38.0% 42.1% 61.9% 30.9% 33.7% 53.8 % 28.6% 31.6% 53.6%
(1) The exercizable voting rights do not include the voting rights on treasury shares or shares that have been stripped of their voting rights given late notification of the
crossing of a threshold.
(2) The theoretical voting rights calculation takes into account all of the voting rights including the double voting rights.
(3) Through Eastern Airlines Industry Investment (Luxembourg) Company Limited.
(4) Number of shares and voting rights: declaration on the Autorité des Marchés Financiers website of March 26, 2020 for Donald Smith & Co., Inc. and March 10, 2020
for Causeway Capital Management LLC.
Since April3, 2016, in application of French law, shareholders holding their shares in registered form for more than two years have
benefitted from a double voting right.
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amendment and updating of the Joint Venture Agreement to
reflect the termination of the SPA. This agreement was signed
on January30, 2020, eective as per January1, 2020;
amendment (reflecting the termination of the SPA) and
updating of the Implementation Agreement. This agreement
was signed on January9, 2020 eective as per January1, 2020;
signature of the agreement between AirFrance – KLM, Delta
and Virgin Group (signed and eective as per January30, 2020)
giving AirFrance – KLM, subject to certain conditions, the right
to acquire Virgin Atlantic Limited shares in the event of a sale
by Virgin Group of Virgin Atlantic Limited shares to a third party.
The overall joint - venture between Air France, KLM, Delta Air Lines
and Virgin Atlantic was launched in early February2020, giving
their customers a wider choice of routes and loyalty options for
travel between Europe, the United Kingdom and North America.
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Shareholder analysis
Pursuant to the obligation for air transport companies to monitor and control their shareholders, AirFrance – KLM has implemented
a procedure for their identification on a quarterly basis.
The TPI (identifiable bearer shares) analysis was carried out on December 31, 2019 on the basis of the following thresholds:
intermediaries holding a minimum of 100,000shares and shareholders holding a minimum of 500shares. Based on the TPI analysis
of December31, 2019, AirFrance – KLM is more than 50% held by citizens of the European Union Member States and States party to
the European Economic Area Agreement.
Number of shares % of the share capital
Dec. 31, 2019 Dec. 31, 2018 Dec 31, 2017 Dec. 31, 2019 Dec. 31, 2018 Dec 31, 2017
French State 61,241,325 61,241,325 61,241,325 14.3% 14.3% 14.3%
Dutch State 60,000,000 - - 14.0% - -
Delta Air Lines,Inc. 37,527,410 37,527,410 37,527,410 8.8% 8.8% 8.8%
China Eastern Airlines
37,527,410 37,527,410 37,527,410 8.8% 8.8% 8.8%
Causeway Capital Management L.L.C. 12,012,647 - - 2.8% 0.0% 0.0%
Donald Smith & Co.,Inc. 22,378,429 9,166,172 6,833,227 5.2% 2.1% 1.6%
Employees (FCPE) 16,103,590 16,758,690 16,781,090 3.8% 3.9% 3.9%
Treasury stock 1,201,571 1,201,571 1,201,571 0.3% 0.3% 0.3%
Other European shareholders
139,298,475 170,387,302 181,774,397 32.5% 39.8% 42.4%
Other non-European shareholders 41,343,178 94,824,155 85,747,605 9.6% 22.1% 20.0%
Total number of shares 428,634,035 428,634,035 428,634,035 100% 100% 100%
(1) Through Eastern Airlines Industry Investment (Luxembourg) Company Limited.
(2) The shares held by United Kingdom nationals have been included in Other European shareholders.
At December31, 2019, AirFrance – KLM was 64.8% owned by European residents, of whom 5.0% were UK nationals.
Shareholder pacts
AirFrance – KLM is not aware of the existence of any shareholder pacts or agreements whose implementation could lead to a change
of control.
Dividend policy
In the past three financial years. AirFrance – KLM distributed no dividends.
Earnings per share Dividend paid
Financial year (in €) (in €)
2017 Restated 0.37 -
2018 Restated 0.92 -
2019 0.64 -
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Share capital and shareholder structure
2.8.6 A regular dialogue with
individual shareholders
and investors
The AirFrance – KLM Group keeps the market informed on its
activity through monthly trac figures and quarterly updates on
the trend in its results and strategic orientations. All its regulated
information is available on the www.airfranceklm.com website in
French and English.
Relations with investors
The Investor Relations department maintains a dialogue with
financial analysts and institutional investors. In addition to
conference calls and information meetings scheduled to coincide
with results announcements, the Group’s management regularly
meets with financial analysts and institutional investors during
road - shows and conferences in Europe, the United States
and Asia.
Relations with individual shareholders
The Individual Shareholder Relations Department has a pro - active
policy on engaging with individual shareholders. The shareholders’
newsletter, with updates on the Group’s business activity and
objectives, is circulated by email and is available on the website
in French and English.
In partnership with the business press, the Group regularly takes
part in information meetings exclusively for individual shareholders
in the French regions. These are an opportunity for the Group to
review its strategy, results and issues in the airline industry, and
to address shareholder concerns. In 2019, the Group thus met with
shareholders in Lille and Rennes. Site visits are also organized.
The Individual Shareholder Relations Department can be reached
by email at mail.actionnaire@airfranceklm.com.
Lastly, since 2000, the Individual Shareholders’ Committee,
has constituted a forum for discussion and suggestions on
Air France–KLM’s communication aimed at individual shareholders.
Comprising twelve members, the Committee meets several times
a year including one meeting devoted to planning the Shareholders’
Meeting. It also participates in major company events.
In December 2019, for the second year running, Le Revenue
magazine awarded the Air France–KLM Group the Trophée d’Or
for the Best Digital Communication in the SBF120.
2.8.7 Legal and statutory
investment thresholds
Pursuant to the option provided in Article L.233 - 7of the French
Code de Commerce, Article 13of the AirFrance – KLM Articles of
Incorporation stipulates that any private individual or corporate
body, acting alone or in concert, acquiring directly or indirectly
at least 0.5% of AirFrance – KLM’s capital or voting rights or any
multiple thereof, must notify AirFrance – KLM by registered mail
with acknowledgement of receipt no later than four stock market
trading days as of the date on which this threshold is crossed.
The declaration must include all the information required to be
submitted to the French market regulator (Autorité des Marchés
Financiers) in the event of the crossing of a legal threshold, as
well as a certain amount of information referred to in Article 10of
the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation.
Notice must again be given under the same conditions each time
a further 0.5% of the capital or voting rights is acquired or
disposed up to 50%.
To determine the thresholds foreseen in Article 13of the Articles
of Incorporation, the shares and voting rights defined by the
provisions of Article L.233 - 9of the Code de Commerce and
those of the relevant AMF General Regulation are assimilated in
the share capital and voting rights.
In the event of failure to comply with this notification obligation
and at the request of one or more shareholders holding at least
0.5% of the AirFrance – KLM capital or voting rights, the shares
exceeding the reporting thresholds will be stripped of their voting
rights at all Shareholders’ Meetings for a period of two years
following compliance with notification procedures.
Furthermore, any shareholder (whether acting alone or in concert)
acquiring more than 5% of AirFrance – KLM’s share capital or
voting rights is required to transfer these securities to registered
form within the legal limit of no more than four stock market
trading days as of the date on which the threshold is crossed
(Article 9.2 of the Articles of Incorporation).
The aforementioned obligations under the Articles of Incorporation
do not replace the legal obligation to inform AirFrance – KLM and
the French market regulator (Autorité des Marchés Financiers –AMF)
no later than four stock market trading days after the capital and
voting right thresholds stipulated by law are exceeded.
Furthermore, if the 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% capital and voting
right thresholds are exceeded, the shareholder must notify
AirFrance – KLM and the AMF within five stock market trading
days of its intentions for the next six months. This notification is
subject to the conditions and sanctions set forth in Article
L.233 - 14of the Code de Commerce.
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2.8.8 Identification of
shareholders and statutory
provisions concerning
Identification of holders of bearer shares
Pursuant to Articles L.6411 - 2to L.6411 - 5 and L.6411 - 8of the Code
des Transports (French Transport Code), as amended by the
French Act No. 2004 - 734 of July 26, 2004, listed French air
transport companies are authorized to include a provision in their
Articles of Incorporation allowing them to monitor and control
their shareholders and to require certain shareholders to sell all
or part of their interests in the event of a risk relating to their
nationality. This is because, over time, changes in the shareholder
structure of an air transport company whose shares are listed for
trading on a regulated market could jeopardize its operating
license as an EU air transport carrier, the retention thereof being
conditional on EU interests holding a majority of the shares and
maintaining eective control, or the trac rights held by the
Company as a French air transport company, pursuant to bilateral
international agreements concluded between France and other
States outside the European Union.
Identification and monitoring of shareholders
Articles 9 and following of the Air France – KLM Articles of
Incorporation set the conditions whereby the Board of Directors
can or must decide either to reduce the 5% threshold above
which shares must be held in registered form to 10,000shares,
or to require all shares in AirFrance – KLM to be held in registered
form. Thus, when the 40% share capital or voting right threshold has
been passed by non-French shareholders, the Board of Directors
can decide to reduce this 5% threshold to 10,000shares.
AirFrance – KLM publishes a notice informing the shareholders
and the public that non-French shareholders as defined by Article
14of the Articles of Incorporation own, directly or indirectly, 45%
of AirFrance – KLM’s share capital or voting rights. If it appears
that non-French shareholders as defined by Article 14of the
Articles of Incorporation represent, directly or indirectly, more
than 45% of Air France – KLM’s capital or voting rights on a
long - term basis, the Board of Directors must decide to make it
mandatory for all AirFrance – KLM shares to be held in registered
form. Following an amendment to the Articles of Incorporation
in 2014, citizens of the European Union Member States and States
party to the European Economic Area Agreement are considered
to be French nationals.
Article 10of the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation specifies
the information that must be provided to AirFrance – KLM by
shareholders, whether they are private individuals or corporate
bodies, subject to the obligation to hold their shares in registered
form. This information includes the nationality of the shareholder.
Article 11of the Articles of Incorporation specifies the conditions
Declaration Number % of the share Increase
Shareholders date of shares
or reduction
The Capital Group Companies,Inc.
February28, 2019 24 R
Dutch State March1, 2019 60,000,000 14.00 I
China Eastern Airlines
November26, 2019 37,527,410 8.76 I
Delta Air Lines,Inc.
January29, 2020 37,527,410 8.76 I
Causeway Capital Management LLC.
March 3, 2020 21,506,317 5.02 I
Causeway Capital Management LLC.
March 10, 2020 29,706,816 6.93 I
Donald Smith & Co., Inc
March 26, 2020 24,493,406 5.71 I
(1) “Number of shares” represents the total number of shares held by the declaring shareholder following the declaration.
(2) “% of the share capital” represents the percentage of the share capital held by the declaring shareholder following the declaration.
(3) Acting as “investment advisor” on behalf of funds. The Capital Group Companies, Inc. aggregates the positions held by Capital Research and Management
Company (CRMC) and Capital Group International.Inc. (CGI).
(4) Through Eastern Airlines Industry Investment (Luxembourg) Company Limited.
(5) Acting in the capacity of general partner in the partnership under Dutch law DAL Foreign Holdings, C.V. The company Delta Air Lines,Inc. controls DAL Foreign
Holdings, C.V. and, in the capacity of general partner of DAL Foreign Holdings, C.V., is the legal owner of the AirFrance – KLM shares.
(6) Acting as “investment adviser” on behalf of funds and clients for which it has no discretionary power to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares held.
Furthermore, the company Causeway Capital Management L.L.C. also manages 12,793,110Air France - KLM shares but does not exercise the voting rights attached
to these shares (these voting rights remaining exercised by its clients). Elements post management report.
(7) Acting as “investment adviser” on behalf of funds and clients for which it has no discretionary power to exercise the voting rights attached to the shares held.
Furthermore, the company Causeway Capital Management L.L.C. also manages 16,939,192 AirFrance – KLM shares but does not exercise the voting rights attached
to these shares (these voting rights remaining exercised by its clients). Elements post management report.
(8) Elements post management report.
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2_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:08 Page126 Stock market performance
Over the 2019 financial year, the share price increased by 4.6% compared with a rise of 26.4% for the CAC40.
2019 2018 2017
Share price high (in €) 12.73 14.30 14.65
Share price low (in €) 7.46 6.78 4.78
Number of shares in circulation 428,634,035 428,634,035 428,634,035
Market capitalization at December31 (in €bn) 4.3 4.1 5.8
under which the Board of Directors may exercise its right to
approve new shareholders.
Formal notice to sell and mandatory sale of shares
Article 14of the AirFrance – KLM Articles of Incorporation stipulates
the information that AirFrance – KLM must publish and circulate
to inform the public that over 45% of the capital or voting rights
is held by shareholders who are not of French nationality. As of
this threshold, Air France – KLM will be entitled to launch
procedures requiring the sale of shares in order to safeguard its
nationality. Articles 15 and 16of the AirFrance – KLM Articles of
Incorporation, respectively, concern formal notices to sell and the
mandatory sale of shares held in breach of regulations pursuant
to the French Civil Aviation Code (Code de l’Aviation Civile) and
the French Transport code (Code des Transports). The terms for
setting the sale price (market price) are foreseen by the Code des
2.8.9 Information on trading in
the stock AirFrance – KLM in the stock market
AirFrance – KLM shares are listed for trading on the Paris and
Amsterdam Stock Markets (Euronext Paris and Amsterdam)
under the ISIN code FR0000031122. The stock is a component
of the SBF 120.
Since February 2008, Air France – KLM’s ADR program
(American Depositary Receipt) has been traded on the OTC Pink
Marketplace under the ticker AFLYY.
The Reuters code for the stock is AIRF.PA or AIRF.AS and the
Bloomberg code AF FP.
Pursuant to Article 222 - 1of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers
(AMF) General Regulation, since the registered oce for
AirFrance – KLM is located in France, its Home Member State,
within the meaning of Directive 2004/109/EC of December10,
2004, as amended (Transparency Directive), is France. The AMF
is consequently its competent market authority as regards
ensuring compliance with its regulated information obligations.
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2_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:08 Page127 Transactions in AirFrance – KLM shares in the last 18months
AirFrance – KLM shares
Trading range (in €)
Trading Average price Amount
Euronext volumes days (in €) High Low Volumes (in €m)
September 20 8.58 9.08 8.04 75,600,100 650.55
October 23 8.34 8.98 7.75 121,177,740 1,012.57
November 22 9.79 10.40 8.51 95,296,056 926.49
December 19 9.29 10.33 8.90 60,801,516 567.24
January 22 9.96 11.35 8.68 78,821,670 780.8
February 20 10.88 12.73 9.85 124,721,545 1,395.5
March 21 10.52 11.68 9.59 60,017,663 633.8
April 20 10.64 11.35 9.81 45,727,132 486.4
May 22 8.40 10.46 7.52 78,971,634 673.5
June 20 8.02 8.51 7.46 72,008,020 577.7
July 23 8.84 9.50 8.34 60,620,319 537.9
August 22 10.26 10.83 9.48 59,823,145 610.8
September 21 9.41 10.43 8.61 61,818,648 573.1
October 23 10.21 11.12 9.23 61,535,071 627.3
November 21 10.45 11.03 9.77 52,978,951 550.4
December 20 10.21 10.92 9.83 44,650,235 457.8
January 22 9.30 10.27 8.26 81,772,012 752.8
Source: NYSE Euronext.
Transactions in the Company’s shares realized by the company ocers
Summary of the transactions referred to in Article L.621 - 18 - 2of the French Monetary and Financial Code (Code Monétaire et Financier)
executed during the 2019 financial year:
Relevant individual Date of the transaction Nature of the transaction Number of shares Unit price
Benjamin Smith, May10, 2019 Acquisition 50,000 €8.6134
Chief Executive Ocer
of AirFrance – KLM
Declaration 2019DD606933
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3.1 Enterprise risk management 130
3.1.1 Risk management process: the players and overall organization 130
3.1.2 Identification and evaluation of the risks 131
3.2 Risk factors and their management 132
3.2.1 Geopolitical and macro - economic risks 132
3.2.2 Risks relating to the air transportation activity 135
3.2.3 Risks related to the Group’s processes 139
3.2.4 Legal risks 142
3.2.5 Financial market risks 142
3.3 Organization and functioning of internal control 147
3.3.1 Internal Control organization and tools 147
3.3.2 Fundamental components of internal control established within the Group 150
3.3.3 Internal control relating to the establishment and processing
of financial and accounting information 152
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Audit Committee
The risk management process aims to determine the events
that could potentially impact the Group and prevent it from
achieving its objectives, and to implement a risk management
and reporting system.
The risk management process enables, on one hand, the dierent
divisions and principal subsidiaries and, on the other hand, the
Group Executive Committee and the Audit Committee to monitor
the principal strategic and operational risks, their evolution over
time and the measures in place to manage these risks. It thus
aims to create and preserve value, and to safeguard the Group’s
assets and reputation.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document130
Risks and risk management
3 Enterprise risk management
The AirFrance – KLM Group is exposed to the general risks associated with the air transport industry and with airline operations, and
has consequently implemented a system to identify, analyze, monitor, manage and control its risks.
3.1.1 Risk management process: the players and overall organization
AirFrance – KLM: the players and governance bodies involved
in the risk management process
Risk Management Committee
Financial Risk Management Operational Risk Management Strategic Risk Management
Business and
Group Management
Business Management
& Support
& Maintenance
Group Executive Committee
Board of Directors
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Each Group entity is responsible for managing its risks and for
producing regular reports.
The overall risk management process also serves as a basis for
the Universal Registration Document and makes a major
contribution to establishing the annual audit program.
As a facilitator of risk management, Group Internal Audit regularly
evaluates the risk management process. Its conclusions are the
subject of presentations to the Group Executive Committee and
the Audit Committee.
The Risk Management Committee also monitors the management
of financial market risks that could have an impact on the financial
statements (fuel price, currency exposure, etc. ) on a quarterly
basis. The risk management process complies with international
regulatory standards including the European Union 8
In addition to the usual insurance policies covering the industrial
sites, the real estate assets and the ancillary activities, the Group’s
subsidiaries subscribe to specific airline insurance policies
covering accidental or incidental damage to aircraft and the
resulting costs, liability in relation to their passengers and general
liability to third parties in connection with their activities.
3.1.2 Identification and
evaluation of the risks
Risk mapping and risk universe procedures have been
established and are regularly updated by Internal Audit.
The principal risks are ranked by nature and characterized with
respect to their probability of occurrence and potential impact.
The risk management procedures are outlined for each risk,
together with the situation which is likely to result from their
Risk monitoring and reporting
Internal Audit produces a biannual report for the Group Executive
Committee and the Audit Committee on the Group’s operational
risks. The Audit Committee may decide to bring specific points
to the attention of the Board of Directors. Reporting on strategic
risks is part of the Strategic process.
The operational risk reporting process follows a bottom - up
process starting in the dierent Air France and KLM divisions and
the principal sub - subsidiaries. Every half year the Enterprise Risk
Coordinators, who have been designated by the dierent
businesses, entities and subsidiaries, establish the risk sheets and
send them to Internal Audit, the latter being responsible for their
consolidation at airline and Group level.
The risk sheets indicate and describe the inherent material risks
and the action plans implemented for their mitigation or
neutralization, together with an evaluation of their probability of
occurrence and the resulting impact. The risk owners and those
responsible for the procedures to control risks are specifically
named. To ensure the reliability of the process, the risk sheets for
each entity are systematically reviewed during regular meetings
between Internal Audit and the relevant Executive Vice-Presidents.
The Group’s operational risk sheets (summarizing the operational
risks of the entities), which detail any new risks or those which
have been withdrawn, and the main changes, are the subject of
a presentation to the Group Executive Committee which approves
them prior to their presentation and review by the Audit Committee.
To be able to complete the Extra - financial performance statement
(see Section4), the main environmental, social and societal risks,
linked to the Group’s activities across the entire value chain, are
reviewed and assessed annually. The most material extra - financial
risks are an integral part of the Group’s operational risk sheet.
Generally speaking, the management of operational risks is at the
heart of the steering procedure for the AirFrance – KLM Group’s
businesses. To this end, the additional contributions from Internal
Control and the Integrated Management System (IMS) enable the
consolidation of an increasingly - prevention - oriented approach.
By virtue of the IMS, a risk - scoring matrix (frequency, gravity), an
analysis methodology and the “Bowtie” tool are thus used, based
on a homogeneous, multi - risk rationale.
Management of risks by the Risks-Insurance
Within Air France and KLM, each of the Risks-Insurance
departments constitutes an integral part of the Internal Control
process. They identify the insurable risks at the level of each
company and their subsidiaries, draw up the insurance policies
and contribute to the prevention recommendations.
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Enterprise risk management
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The system for managing risks liable to aect the Group’s activity,
as set out in section3.1, aims to identify and analyze these risks,
and reduce the probability of their occurrence together with their
potential impact on the Group.
This section outlines the main risks to which AirFrance – KLM
considers itself exposed (macro - economic and geopolitical risks,
risks linked to the air transportation activity, risks linked to the
Group’s processes and legal risks), together with the management
procedures implemented to mitigate each of these risks. Other
risks of which the Group is currently not aware, or risks that as of
the date of this document it does not consider to be amongst
the most material, could also negatively aect its activities.
At the date of this document, this section outlines the main risks
potentially impacting the Group’s activity, financial situation,
reputation, results and outlook, as notably identified within the
framework of the establishment of the Group’s risk mapping,
which evaluates their criticality, i.e. their seriousness and the
likelihood of their occurrence, after having taken into account the
action plans in place. Within each of the risk categories set forth
below, the risk factors that the Group deems to be the most
material as of the date of this document are mentioned first.
3.2.1 Geopolitical and
macro - economic risks COVID-19 and other epidemics
or threats of epidemics
Description of the risk
The existence of an epidemic, in particular the current
worldwide COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, or the
perception that an epidemic could occur, have and could
have a material negative impact on both the Group’s
passenger trac, and thus its revenues, and on the level
of operating expenses and its financial situation.
Since February2020, the Group’s activities have thus
been strongly impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus
epidemic. Characterized as a “pandemic” by the WHO on
March11, 2020, the COVID-19coronavirus epidemic has
resulted in numerous restrictive measures to limit its spread.
The measures put in place by the public authorities in
numerous States have notably led to the temporary
suspension of airline operations and the reduction or
suspension of travel, in particular bound for or near the
many countries where the virus is circulating, thereby having
a material and negative impact on the Group’s activity
in the countries where it operates. Given these travel
restrictions and the collapse in passenger trac and
revenues, in March 2020 the Group was obliged
significantly to reduce its capacity and, notably,
drastically curtail its flight activity which, over the next
few months, should be less than 10% of last year’s level.
The Air France-KLM Group has also implemented
substantial cost - saving measures. Given the progressive
spread of the pandemic, the current and forthcoming
measures from the public authorities in many countries
could further disrupt, or even prevent, any activity by the
Group for an indefinite period and, in particular, there is
no certainty on the resumption date for commercial
flights. Based on the current level of visibility and analysis,
and depending on their persistence, these elements could
have a very significant negative impact on the Group’s
operating results, financial performance and liquidity, and
on those of some of its partners. The health and
availability of the Group’s sta could also be aected.
This situation leads the Group to forecast a sharply
deteriorated financial trajectory compared to the outlook
presented on publication of its 2019 annual results.
Lastly, in view of the uncertainties inherent in any health
crisis, the Group cannot guarantee that this situation will
stabilize in the short term.
Mitigating principles and actions
Each airline is supported by a coordination structure
responsible for prevention, crisis management, the
circulation of health advice and liaising with the national
and international authorities on outbreaks of epidemics
or threats of epidemics. As we finalize this document,
concerning the management of the public health crisis
associated with the COVID-19virus, the airlines are being
supported by a dedicated coordination structure.
Air France permanently refers to the ISO22000norm: to
ensure strict control over the quality of its catering services,
Air France notably carries out some hundred hygiene audits
and around 15,000 in - house microbiological checks
every year.
Beyond that, with the crisis continuing and the conditions
for a recovery remaining uncertain, the Group will continue
to monitor the unfolding situation on a daily basis, to make
adjustments as necessary and define/deploy protection
resources like the appropriate health measures.
Risks and risk management
3 Risk factors and their management
(1) Risk updated due to the COVID-19public health crisis.
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3_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:11 Page132 Terrorist attacks, threats of attack
or geopolitical instability
Description of the risk
Since 2016, the security situation resulting from terrorist attacks
perpetrated in France, elsewhere in Europe and in the Group’s
operational zones, together with worldwide politico - security
events (Middle Eastern and African countries) have all
represented a range of security risks negatively impacting the
Group. For example, the fourth quarter results of the financial
year ended December31, 2015 were aected by the Paris terrorist
attacks in November2015. The estimated impact in the fourth
quarter revenues of the Group for the financial year ended
December31, 2015 amounted to €120million.
The occurrence of geographical instability, terrorist attacks or
threats of attacks, closure of an airspace or military action could
have a negative eect on both the Group’s passenger trac, and
thus its revenues, and on the level of operating expenses.
Mitigating principles and actions
In terms of security, the Group’s airlines comply with European
and international regulations and submit regular reports to the
competent authorities of the measures and procedures in place.
The Group has no hedging in place for air transportation
operating losses but is insured for the consequences of an attack
on one of its aircraft, and has subscribed to war and assimilated
risks insurance.
The Group has implemented a series of safety and security
management processes in line with the sector’s best practices.
Protecting individuals and assets from assault, terrorist attacks
and threatened attacks, and potential threats to their integrity of
any nature, is also a major priority for the Group. The Security
departments in each Air France and KLM company establish the
security policies, analyse the threats and take all the appropriate
measures, particularly in relation to the factors involved in
geopolitical instability.
The Group has also developed emergency plans and temporary
adaptation procedures (e.g. the suspension of flight operations)
enabling an eective response to diverse situations should an
epidemic, geopolitical or other type of event to occur. This aim
of these plans is the eective protection of passengers and sta,
operational and service continuity, and the preservation of the
long - term viability of the Group’s businesses. These plans are
regularly adjusted to take into account the lessons learnt from
events experienced. Competition in the short, medium and
long - haul air passenger transportation
Description of the risk
As the leading group in terms of intercontinental trac on
departure from Europe, the Group is a major global air transport
player; in 2019, the Group carried just over 104million passengers
between Europe and the rest of the world as well as on intra-
European routes on departure from its local markets.
The air transport industry is extremely competitive. The liberalization
of the European market in 1997 and the ensuing increased
competition between carriers has led to a reduction in fares.
In short and medium - haul, the Group competes with other
airlines and, in particular, the low - cost carriers which have seen
very rapid growth over the last fifteen years. It also competes
with alternative means of transportation like the high - speed TGV
rail network. An extension to the high - speed rail networks in
Europe is liable to have a negative impact on the Group’s activity
and financial results.
In addition, self - connect platforms like Kiwi.com or easyJet
Worldwide enable dierent point - to - point airlines to oer
connecting journeys. Should these platforms be significantly
expanded and prove successful, the current hub and spoke
model of hub carriers like Air France or KLM could be aected.
The competition is also very intense in long - haul, particularly on
the routes between Europe and Asia, due to the development of
new, rapidly - growing players like the Gulf State airlines, or on the
transatlantic routes due to the growth of the low - cost, long - haul
Mitigating principles and actions
The Group’s dierent strategic plans seek to respond to these risks,
particularly via the restructuring of the point - to - point operations,
the accelerated development of Transavia, cost reduction, the
product move up - market and the development of partnerships
in large high - growth markets. In parallel, the Group is lobbying the
authorities for a legal framework ensuring fair competition between
carriers. (See also Section1.2Strategic outlook, page 133).
Furthermore, within the framework of the Open Skies agreement
between Europe and the United States, European airlines are
authorized to operate flights to the United States from any
European airport. While this agreement potentially opens the
way to increased competition for Paris-CDG and Amsterdam-
Schiphol, it has also enabled Air France and KLM to expand their
networks and strengthen cooperation within the SkyTeam alliance
within the framework, notably, of a transatlantic joint - venture and
their transatlantic partners.
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3_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:11 Page133 Cyclical nature of the air transportation
Description of the risk
Local, regional and international economic conditions can have
a significant negative impact on the Group’s activities and, hence,
its financial results. Periods of crisis or post - crisis with an unstable
economic environment are liable to aect demand for
transportation, both for tourism and business travel. Furthermore,
during such periods, the Group may have to accept delivery of
new aircraft or be unable to sell unused aircraft under acceptable
financial conditions. For instance, owing to the global financial
crisis, 2009 passenger demand decreased by 3.5% with an
average load factor of 75.6% while freight posted a full - year
decline of 10.1% with an average load factor of 49.1% (source:
IATA, January2010).
Mitigating principles and actions
AirFrance – KLM has a balanced international geographical network
enabling it to limit its exposure to risk within a steadily - growing
air transportation environment at global level. Trend in the oil price
Description of the risk
The fuel bill is one of the largest cost items for airlines making oil
price volatility a risk for the air transportation industry. For the
financial year ended December 31, 2019, aircraft fuel costs
amounted to €5,511million. A sharp increase in the oil price can
have a very material negative impact on the profitability of
airlines, particularly if the economic environment does not enable
them to adjust their pricing strategies (as an illustration, average
annual oil prices increased by more than 40% between 2016 and
2018). Similarly, a sharp decline in fuel prices is favorable for airline
profitability. However, the way in which airlines pass on a sharp
fall in the fuel price in their fares is a factor of significant
Mitigating principles and actions
In addition to permanent eorts to reduce fuel consumption, the
Group has implemented a policy of systematically hedging the
fuel price risk, as outlined in Section3.2.5–Financial market risks
on page 142. Competition and trends in the aeronautics
maintenance market
Description of the risk
Airframers, engine manufacturers and aircraft component
manufacturers are rapidly expanding their after - sales services to
oer customers increasingly - integrated aircraft maintenance
solutions. This positioning corresponds to a long - term strategy
based on leveraging intellectual property by selling licenses to
maintenance providers seeking to exercise their business activity
on certain products. This competition is putting pressure on the
revenue side of the maintenance business (which represented 8%
of the Group revenue for the financial year ended December31,
2019) due to increased competition in the sale of services and,
on the cost side, owing to an aggressive Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEMs) escalation policy. Ultimately, if it were to
result in reduced competition in the aeronautics maintenance
market, this trend could have a material adverse impact on airline
maintenance costs.
This trend is escalating, especially with the arrival of new aircraft
such as the E-jet, A350, Boeing 787, etc. The ability to maintain
balanced competitive conditions is a priority objective, both for
AirFrance – KLM’s commercial activity in maintenance and to
contain the Group’s maintenance costs.
The Maintenance, Repair, overhaul (MRO) Market is showing
healthy growth although most of this growth is outside the EU
and especially in Asia. To maintain customer proximity and
optimize the supply chain, further development of the AFI KLM
E&M supply chain is needed via the expansion of local service
centers and the regional industrial footprint.
Mitigating principles and actions
AirFrance – KLM is working on a number of initiatives to limit the
impacts inherent to this risk:
the involvement of the Maintenance teams in fleet renewal
campaigns: procurement of licenses and the securing of
industrial cooperation with OAMs/OEMs to be able to
continue to develop AirFrance – KLM’s commercial activity in
AirFrance – KLM’s current strong market position has the scale
and scope to serve as a basis for win - win partnerships with
OEMs and other airlines;
developing repair solutions and the use of Used Serviceable
Materials, thereby reducing the dependence on certain OEMs;
negotiation of the value added contributed by licenses.
Furthermore, at the request of the airlines, IATA is also
maintaining a watching brief on this issue. BREXIT
Description of the risk
Air France and KLM operated approximately 30,000international
flights on departure from the United Kingdom in 2019. The United
Kingdom’s exit from the European Union is taking place on the
basis of negotiated conditions and after a transition period
ending December31, 2020. There may be a number of adverse
consequences in terms of the economy, market access and
statutory authorizations. Air France – KLM has relatively less
exposure than the other European (LCCs) or British carriers.
Mitigating principles and actions
Air France and KLM have measures in place to ensure that a hard
landing by the UK has no serious consequences for the Group’s
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airlines and is maintaining close, regular contact with the EU and
national authorities. For the General Management of Operations,
Air France has set up a cross - cutting system for identifying risks
and monitoring mitigation actions with all of the businesses in
the event of a hard Brexit. Based on an internal, in - depth
evaluation of the risks, even in the event of a no - deal scenario,
AirFrance – KLM and the Group’s airlines will be able to maintain
their operations and maintenance activities without their being
impacted. In addition, given the number of international flights
outbound from the United Kingdom in 2019, Air France and KLM
have relatively less exposure than the other European (LCCs) or
British carriers. Customs and logistics issues will, however, require
close monitoring and contingency planning.
3.2.2 Risks relating to the air
transportation activity Risks related to airline safety
Description of the risk
Accident risk is inherent to air transportation which is why
airline activities–passenger and cargo transportation, aircraft
maintenance– are regulated by a series of European regulatory
provisions, transposed into French and Dutch law. Compliance
with these regulations governs whether an airline is awarded the
AOC (Air Operator Certificate) which is valid for three years.
The national Civil Aviation Authority carries out a series of checks
on the proper application of these rules covering notably the:
designation of a senior executive and managers responsible
for the principal operational functions;
appropriate organization of the flight, ground, cargo and
maintenance operations;
deployment of a Safety Management System (SMS);
implementation of a quality assurance system.
The materialization of this risk could have a significant negative
impact on the Group’s reputation and legal or financial
Mitigating principles and actions
For AirFrance – KLM, Flight Safety is the absolute priority. Safety
is fundamental to maintaining the confidence of customers and
sta and is a day - to - day imperative which determines the Group’s
activity and the long - term future of the air transportation industry.
All of the Group’s businesses are subject to numerous checks and
certifications, and meet extremely strict standards and the
highest level of regulations in the industry, both at European level
with the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and globally
with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), whose
IOSA Operational Safety Audit is a benchmark within the industry
and leads to certification which must be renewed every two years.
The IOSA audits for the renewal of Air France and KLM
certification were carried out at the end of 2018, resulting in the
renewal of the certificates in 2019. The next renewal audit is
planned for 2020, with issuance of the renewed certificates
scheduled for March2021.
To reach the highest possible level of Flight Safety, each airline
updates and reinforces its SMS which defines in concrete terms
the conditions for the implementation of its risk management
system. The SMS, which is an integral part of the organization,
procedures and corporate culture, is supported by a commitment
made at the highest level of management, and by training
and awareness - raising programs for all sta (See Section4.4.1
Flight Safety).
This risk is covered by the aviation insurance policy. Risks related to the environment
Acceptability of air transportation growth
Description of the risk
From the Flygskam or “flight - shaming” movement in the social
media to calls for a tax on kerosene in several countries, air
transportation is having to contend with ever - increasing public
pressure at both local and global level, and which condemns the
industry’s impacts on the environment.
The airline industry must pursue its eorts to reduce its impacts
and step up communication on its commitments and the mitigating
initiatives that are already in place. Airlines accommodate their
customers’ growing need for mobility, while improving their
energy eciency and focusing on containing noise hindrance at
an acceptable level for those living near airports.
In this respect, the actions implemented by AirFrance – KLM to
limit and reduce its environmental impacts directly influence its
ability to manage and develop its activities (“license to grow”) in
all regions of the world and over the long - term.
The air transport industry is subject to a significant level of
environmental legislation governing areas such as the exposure
of people to aircraft noise and local emissions, air quality, the
treatment of waste products, and the introduction of taxes on
airlines and obligations to ensure the compliance of their operations.
For example, from 2020, airline tickets issued by all airlines now
attract a tax on all flights departing from France (but not on flights
arriving), except connecting flights. This tax will raise funds for
investment in greener transportation infrastructure, including rail.
Such legislation may have a significant negative impact on the
Group’s operations and growth which could be reflected in more
substantial costs, and could lead to competitive distortions between
airlines when applied solely to a specific geographical area.
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Mitigating principles and actions
The airline industry is amongst the sectors that are mobilizing the
most to reduce their carbon footprints and was the first sector
to commit to collectively reducing itsCO
emissions. As early as
2009, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) set an
ambitious global commitment to stabilizing theCO
from international aviation at the 2020 level (Carbon Neutral
Growth as of 2020), and to reducingCO
emissions by 50% in
2050 relative to their 2005 level.
AirFrance – KLM is a member of the representative associations
for the airline industry (IATA, ATAG, A4E, FNAM) which engage
in lobbying activities directed at the relevant national, European
and international authorities and bodies (ICAO, European Union,
supervisory Ministries in France and the Netherlands) to promote
eective solutions for the environment, but also to ensure that
the measures which are put in place do not lead to any distortion
in competition between the air transportation players. For example,
AirFrance – KLM has always supported the implementation of a
market - based mechanism for carbon emissions considering that,
provided it is equitable, such a system is more eective from an
environmental standpoint than a simple tax.
Within the context of the imposition of an “eco - contribution” tax
on the air transportation industry in France and the possible
imposition of an environmental tax on airline passengers in the
Netherlands as of 2021, it is worth remembering that such
measures lead to additional costs for the Group and reduce its
ability to invest in energy - ecient aircraft. Furthermore, the
AirFrance – KLM Group considers it regrettable that none of the
proceeds of the Eco Tax applicable in France have been allocated
to the airline industry’s energy transition, and notably to research
into sustainable solutions like cleaner aircraft or the development
of biofuels.
In 2019, the Group’s airlines communicated widely, in conjunction
with the industry players, on their commitments, the measures
already in place and the medium and long - term emission
reduction targets. In the 2019 second half, within the framework
of the Group’s environmental strategy, a number of initiatives
were announced to customers and the public at large (introduction
of high - energy - performance fleet, KLM’s investment in the first
European plant dedicated to the production of Sustainable
Aviation Fuel, the “Fly Responsibly” commitment, 100% osetting
of emissions on Air France’s domestic flights, partnership with
the Solar Impulse Foundation, etc. ).
In addition, to address all the matters relating to the eects of
air transportation activity around airports, regular discussion
meetings take place with residents’ associations, local elected
representatives and the public authorities.
Climate change
Description of the risk
To meet the requirements relating to the carbon budget and
low - carbon strategy stipulated in Article 173III of Act No. 2015 - 992
of August17, 2015 relating to the Energy Transition for Green
Growth, the Group takes into account the financial risks related
to the eects of climate change These risks are both operational
(linked to the physical impacts of climate change) and financial
in nature, the latter being linked to the political and regulatory
impacts of the energy transition (e.g. environmental tax).
Climate change will lead to more frequent extreme weather
events that will have a greater or lesser impact on all world regions.
Air operations depend on meteorological conditions and may be
impacted by other natural phenomena (earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, floods, etc. ) which may lead to operational disruption
such as flight cancellations or delays and diversions. As a general
rule, the duration of such adverse natural events tends to be short
and their geographical range limited but they may require the
temporary closure of an airport or airspace, such as in
September2017 when Hurricane Irma caused considerable damage
in the Caribbean, mainly on St. Martin. Another emblematic
illustration is the eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland
in 2010, during which nearly 100,000flights were cancelled in
eleven European countries, leaving ten million passengers stranded.
Such events may have significant operational and financial
repercussions for the Group’s activity given the regulations
requiring the Company to assist passengers in the European
Union territory (e.g. passenger repatriation and accommodation).
Mitigating principles and actions
To adapt to the already - visible consequences of climate change
such as more frequent extreme weather events, AirFrance – KLM
has a policy in place to ensure safe operational and passenger
handling conditions, and regularly conducts comprehensive risk
analyses to optimize these arrangements.
Through its international operations, AirFrance – KLM is present
in all continents and operates in dierent weather conditions,
including the most extreme. It regularly reviews the operational
risks to improve the existing procedures. The operation of a
network balanced between the dierent continents and the
flexibility related to the composition of the fleet enable the
financial consequences of these impacts to be minimized.
With its partners, the Group has deployed procedures aimed at
guaranteeing its services as far as possible and also minimizing
the consequences of these situations for its customers. In such
circumstances, the Group deploys commercial measures to
enable passengers to defer their travel if they so wish, or change
their destination. The Group has no hedging in place for
operating losses incurred due to such events.
In addition, during a major climate event, its aim is to reestablish
flight operations as soon as possible to fulfil its mission of service
continuity and ensure operations and the transportation of
humanitarian assistance to the aected regions.
The Group deploys measures to limit the impact on climate
change via a low - carbon strategy. Air France – KLM’s Climate
Action Plan stipulates the Group’s priorities in terms of reducing
its environmental impacts, like fleet modernization, improved fuel
management, reducing the mass embarked on board aircraft and
optimizing operational procedures.
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The use of sustainable aviation fuel is a proven avenue towards
reducing CO
emissions from aviation and a key element in
achieving AirFrance – KLM’sCO
emission reduction targets as
well as those of the aviation industry as a whole. On the ground,
the Group is investing in a fleet of electric ground support
equipment and in sources of renewable energy to supply power
to its buildings. In 2019, the Group set itsCO
emission reduction
targets for 2030.
AirFrance – KLM engages in lobbying directed at the French and
international authorities – both directly and through
representative bodies–to ensure that they take into account the
eorts already made by the industry to reduce its emissions and
to deliver on its commitments for 2050.
In 2019, the Group adopted the format recommended by the Task
Force on Climate - related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for the
management of the financial risks linked to climate change (see
TCFD concordance table, section4.3.2).
Carbon credit risk
Description of the risk
As an air operator, the Group is an emitter of carbon dioxide
meaning that it has, since 2012, been subject to the European
Union emission quota system (EU-ETS or European Union
Emission Trading Scheme). It is thus required to oset its
emissions by purchasing carbon quotas in the financial markets.
For the 2019 financial year, the Group’sCO
emissions amounted
to 28million tons, of which 6million tons are expected to fall
under the EU-ETS requirement. In addition, for the 2019 financial
year, Air France, KLM, Transavia, Air France HOP! and KLM
Cityhopper expect this to have an impact on emission allowances
to be purchased amounting to 3.3million tons ofCO
As of 2021, the Group will be subject to the global carbon
osetting mechanism, known as CORSIA, adopted by the ICAO
in October2016.
During its 40
General Assembly in October 2019, the ICAO
resolved that “CORSIA is the only global market - based measure
applying toCO
emissions from international aviation so as to
avoid a possible patchwork of duplicative State or regional MBMs,
thus ensuring that international aviationCO
emissions should be
accounted for only once.” In this context, AirFrance – KLM considers
that itsCO
emissions are not subject to both the European ETS
and CORSIA at the same time. Furthermore– assuming a change
to the provisions of the European ETS–AirFrance – KLM is calling
for a detailed impact study to be conducted on the envisaged
amendments. In addition, the Group is drawing attention to the
need for the prior design of a carbon adjustment mechanism at
the frontiers of the European Union, to protect the European
airlines from “carbon leakage” which neutralizes or even
aggravates the environmental impacts and benefits their
international competitors.
Mitigating principles and actions
At financial level, the Group has implemented a carbon credit risk
hedging strategy in the form of forward purchases, a strategy
whose components are approved by the Risk Management
At operational level, the Group is also committed to exploring all
avenues potentially reducing its fuel consumption and carbon
emissions: at its own initiative within the framework of its Climate
Action Plan and in cooperation with the authorities (SESAR
project for the Single European Sky and optimization of air trac
The Group also uses an internal carbon price (price range) when
taking a decision on whether to proceed with investments and
projects, to factor the carbon risk into its decision - making
(For more details on risks linked to the environment see
Section4.3- Environmental impact). Loss of flight slots or lack of access
to flight slots
Description of the risk
Due to the saturation of major European airports, air carriers must
obtain flight slots which are allocated in accordance with the
terms and conditions defined in Regulation 95/93issued by the
EC Council of Ministers. Pursuant to this Regulation, at least 80%
of the flight slots held by air carriers must be used during the
period for which they have been allocated. Unused slots will be
lost by this carrier and transferred into a pool. The Regulation
does not provide for any exemptions to this rule for situations in
which, due to a dramatic drop in trac caused by exceptional
events, air transport companies are required to reduce activity
levels substantially and no longer use their flight slots at the
required 80% level during the period in question. The European
Commission can, however, decide to temporarily suspend
Regulation 95/93governing the loss of unused flight slots, as it
has done on several occasions.
Any loss of flight slots or lack of access to flight slots due to
airport saturation, which is particularly the case at Schiphol
airport where growth capacity is currently limited, could have an
impact in terms of market share, results and even growth.
Mitigating principles and actions
Air France – KLM applies the provisions of the European
Regulation on the allocation of flight slots, guaranteeing an air
carrier the ongoing use of these slots from one season to another
provided they have been used for 80% of the time excluding
exceptional circumstances. Air France and KLM also liaise with
their national authorities to ensure the regular availability at their
principal hubs of the capacity necessary to the Group’s growth.
They also liaise with the national and European Authorities to try
to ensure that no revision of the current European Regulation
takes place that would limit their accessibility to slots.
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compensation rights
Description of the risk
a. European regulations
Within the European Union, the rights of passengers in the event
of flight delays, cancellation or denied boarding are defined by
Regulation (EC) No.261/2004 of February11, 2004 which came
into force in 2005. It applies to all flights, whether scheduled or
unscheduled, departing from an airport located in a European
Union Member State (including Paris-Charles de Gaulle and
Amsterdam Schiphol, the Group’s two hubs) and establishes the
European rules for compensation and assistance on denied
boarding, substantial delay, flight cancellation and class
Numerous rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) have
contributed to reinforcing passenger rights by reducing the
possibilities for airlines to invoke “extraordinary circumstances”
to exempt them from the compensation foreseen in Regulation
The ever - stricter regulations applying to the European airlines,
but only partially applicable to airlines of third - party countries,
only increase the existing distortions to competition. The
emergence of companies specialized in passenger compensation
is increasing the financial cost resulting from this risk. The amount
of compensation is, however, the same for Air France – KLM,
whether the customer contacts the company directly or via an
b. US regulations
In the United States, the regulation increasing US airline passenger
protections came into eect on August23, 2011, and its provisions
are now in force.
The US regulations in terms of passenger rights apply to all airlines
operating in the US territory and/or marketing flights to/from the
United States which means that AirFrance – KLM is concerned by
these US protections.
c. National regulations
IATA has collated some fifty national regulations in a database to
be able to monitor changes more eectively.
Mitigating principles and actions
To keep the eects of these regulations as much as possible
within financially - acceptable limits, the Group lobbies the
national and European institutions, both directly and indirectly
through the air transportation industry’s professional associations
(IATA, A4E), to obtain reasonable obligations which create no
competitive distortions or major additional costs which could
lead it either to increase its fares or costs. In this respect,
AirFrance – KLM continues to lobby for the revision of Regulation
(EC) No.261/2004 of February11, 2004. Changes in international, national or regional
regulations and legislation
Description of the risk
Air transportation activities remain highly regulated particularly
with regard to the allocation of trac rights for extra - community
services and the conditions relating to operations (standards on
safety, aircraft noise, CO
emissions, airport access and the
allocation of slots). Within this context, the EU institutions may
adopt regulations which may prove restrictive for airlines and are
liable to have significant organizational and/or financial impacts.
Any changes to regulations and legislation may increase the
Group’s operating expenses or reduce its revenues.
Mitigating principles and actions
The AirFrance – KLM Group actively defends its positions with
the French and Dutch governments, and the European
institutions, both directly and through industry bodies such as
the Airlines for Europe association (A4E) regarding changes to
European and national regulations. The AirFrance – KLM Group
is engaged in direct lobbying of the European Commission and
the national authorities to ensure a reasonable and balanced
of trac rights to non-European airlines. Coordination with
like - minded carriers on this topic takes place within the
framework of the Airline Coordination platform (ACP). Regulatory authorities’ inquiry into the
commercial cooperation agreements
between carriers
Description of the risk
Alliance operations and commercial cooperation are required to
comply with the competition law in force. In certain jurisdictions,
these agreements are liable to be subject to prior investigation
by the competition authorities prior to any implementation. In
other jurisdictions, particularly in Europe, airlines are required to
ensure that their operations are compliant with the applicable
competition rules. At any time, the European Commission also
has the right to open inquiries into any cases of cooperation it
considers of interest to the European Community. For example,
the joint - venture between Air France, KLM, Delta and Alitalia was
the subject of such an inquiry (resulting in a positive decision in
2015). Such inquiries could have a negative eect on the Group’s
results, business, reputation, financial position and outlook.
Mitigating principles and actions
In May2015, the Directorate General for Competition (DG COMP)
adopted a favorable decision on the basis of Article 101of the
Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union on the
transatlantic joint - venture (AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines,Inc.,
In light of the final undertakings oered by the transatlantic
joint - venture, the Commission authorized this agreement for a
ten - year period as from the date of its adoption.
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The US and other worldwide authorities had already published
their conclusions, recognizing the benefits for consumers
of this joint - venture. In this regard, the joint - venture between
Air France – KLM, Delta and its transatlantic partners has
benefited from anti - trust immunity (ATI) on departure from the
United States since 2008. Commitments made by Air France and KLM
vis - à - vis the European Commission
Description of the risk
In 2003, for the European Commission to authorize the business
combination between Air France and KLM, the two companies
had to make a number of commitments, notably with regard to
the possibility of making landing and takeo slots available to
competitors at certain airports. These commitments (in
combination with those made within the framework of the
May2015 decision relating to the transatlantic joint - venture) were
recently invoked by Norwegian to access slots at the Amsterdam-
Schiphol hub to be able to operate four flights a week between
Amsterdam and New York as of the Summer 2018 season. Should
these commitments be challenged by the Group’s competitors,
there could be a negative impact on the Group’s results, business,
reputation, financial position and outlook.
Mitigating principles and actions
The AirFrance – KLM Group has ascertained that the eventual
consequences of any challenge concerning slot availability is
unlikely to lead to a material financial impact.
3.2.3 Risks related to the Group’s
processes Failure of a critical IT system,
IT risks and cyber criminality
The IT and telecommunications systems are of primordial
importance when it comes to the Group’s day - to - day functioning.
The IT applications, deployed in the operating centers or via
cloud computing systems, are accessed via a network comprising
thousands of work positions and a growing number of mobile
devices. The information contained in all these systems is
exposed to a growing number of threats. The information
exchanged with customers and third parties is proliferating while
aircraft are increasingly connected to the Information System.
The number of laws and regulations to be taken into account is
also growing.
Business continuity and regulatory compliance
Description of the risk
The IT systems, including revenue management systems and
booking systems (including Altea) used by the Group, and the
information they contain may be exposed to risks concerning
continuity of functioning, data security and regulatory
compliance. These risks have diverse origins both inside and
outside the Group. The materialization of one of these risks could
have an impact on the Group’s activity, reputation, revenues and
costs, and thus its results.
Mitigating principles and actions
The Group Executive Vice-President, Information Technology,
assisted by the Group IT Committee and the Group Chief
Information Security Ocer, is responsible for managing the risks
relating to their processes and defining, in particular, the IT and
Telecommunications Security policy.
The context requires a high level of security, which is guaranteed
by the mandate of the Head of IT and his sta who are
responsible for System security. Air France and KLM ensure the
allocation of the resources required to counter such threats,
secure the information and guarantee the regulatory compliance
of the information systems.
AirFrance – KLM monitors the secure functioning of the IT systems
on a permanent basis. Dedicated help centers and redundant
networks guarantee the availability and accessibility of data and
IT processing in the event of major incidents.
The infrastructures of the back - up operating centers and business
continuity plans are tested regularly. The access controls to the
IT systems and to the data exchanged within the company are
governed by rules which meet international laws and standards.
Companies specializing in IT security, external auditors, Internal
Audit and Internal Control all regularly evaluate the relevance and
eectiveness of the solutions in place.
The risk of damage to the IT facilities and any resulting business
interruption are covered by an insurance policy.
Data security
Description of the risk
As airline companies, Air France and KLM collect personal data
from their customers and employees. Management of the
Group’s assets is supported by rigorous management of the
required data, whose consistency and integrity presents a
permanent challenge for IT projects, and in the operation of
digital services. Frequent changes to both applications and
processes call for the ongoing adaptation of IT management
tools and methods, in coordination with the businesses and their
regulatory and operational requirements. If the Group fails to
implement such frequent changes or to protect data of a
personal nature pursuant to the relevant laws and regulation, this
could have a negative impact on the Group’s activity, reputation,
revenues and costs, and thus its results.
Mitigating principles and actions
The Group’s IT division implements security rules aimed at
reducing the risks related to new technologies, particularly
mobile data terminals. The access controls to IT applications and
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to the computer files at each work station together with control
over the data exchanged outside the Company all comply with
rules pursuant to national, European and international standards.
Campaigns to raise the awareness of all sta on the potential
threats and encourage best practices are regularly carried out.
Specialized companies, external auditors and Internal Audit all
regularly evaluate the eectiveness of the solutions in place.
Data security is a priority for the Group, and specifically the
protection of data of a personal nature pursuant to the relevant
laws and regulations. The new EU General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) is being applied via the GDPR and NIS
compliance programs. Within each company, specialist teams
ensure that the processing of personal information by the
company complies with the relevant legislation.
In each Air France and KLM company, the Data Privacy Ocers
define the applicable policies, promote the data protection culture
and ensure the eective fulfilment of the regulatory standards.
Description of the risk
As with any business making extensive use of modern
communication and IT data processing technologies, including
revenue management systems and booking systems (including
Altea), the Group is exposed to threats of cyber - criminality.
Cyber - criminality refers to a wide range of dierent activities
related to the improper use of data and the Information System
for personal, financial and psychological ends. Their heavy
dependence on IT and communication technologies makes airlines
vulnerable to cyber - criminality. Should AirFrance – KLM fail to
counter such incidents of cyber - criminality, this could have a
negative impact on the Group’s activity, reputation, revenues and
costs, and thus its results.
Mitigating principles and actions
To protect itself against this risk, the Group deploys substantial
resources aimed at ensuring business continuity, data protection,
the security of personal information pursuant to law and the
safeguarding of at - risk tangible and intangible assets.
The Cybercrime program, approved by the Group’s Audit
Committee, covers the prevention and detection procedures such
as Cyber - threat surveillance, evaluations of Information System
security and tests to pinpoint any Information System incursions
via the internet. There are regular awareness - raising campaigns
on IT security for sta across the Company. An audit of this
program was realized in 2017 which confirmed the best practices
in place and the orientations adopted. The recommended
improvements have been added to the program. The Group
complies with the Cyber standards of the Original Aircraft
In 2018, the Group subscribed to a cyber insurance policy to
transfer a part of this risk. Non - compliance with regulations, including
competition and anti - bribery laws
Description of the risk
Non - compliance with regulations, like competition laws, anti - bribery
laws, trade sanctions or export control regulations owing to the
unethical behavior of employees can result in a negative impact
on the Group’s reputation, and lead to substantial fines and
other legal proceedings. The Group is currently involved in
investigations in relation to anti - trust matters in the air - freight
industry and in the passenger sector.
Mitigating principles and actions
Various measures are in place to mitigate the risk of
non - compliance with laws and regulations. The preventive measures
include, for example, guidelines in the form of manuals, policies
and instructions to clarify expected and acceptable behavior,
training in the form of e - learning as well as personal training, and
the ability to report any compliance concerns.
With regard to competition law, AirFrance – KLM has developed
its policy to prevent anti - competitive practices by circulating a
Competition Law Compliance Manual which is available in three
Other prevention - based tools include dedicated training
modules. Having completed this training and taken an evaluation
test, employees sign an individual declaration promising to
respect the competition rules applying to their functions.
Regarding corruption, further to the anti - bribery campaign at the
end of 2017, ongoing eorts have been deployed to further
strengthen the awareness and knowledge of employees regarding
the prevention of bribery like, for example, presentations and
discussions, improved access to compliance documents and
communication by the Group’s management.
For more detail see Section4.5.3. Operational performance and customer risks
Description of the risk
For customers, operational performance is a cornerstone of the
product. In the day - to - day operations, where there is pressure on
airlines and growing congestion in airports and airlines, and
where regulations are increasingly complex (e.g. security), within
a context of social unrest within the airline industry but also
externally (air trac control and ground handler strikes),
increased trac volume brings with it a risk of sub - optimal
operational performance or a lower standard of customer service,
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leading to an increase in the costs of operational performance
and a reduction in levels of customer satisfaction, which can
result in a negative impact on the Group’s reputation.
Mitigating principles and actions
For both Air France and KLM, the Operations Control Center is
at the heart of operations and any disruption is managed in an
integrated manner. Numerous action plans are deployed on
operational excellence, service disruption management and
recovery, security, network agility, compensation procedure (EU 261),
and crew and other critical resources. The goal is to reduce the
number of distortions, reduce the impact on customers, improve
customer satisfaction and reduce the costs of sub - optimal
performance. In 2019, there was a significant fall in the number of
service disruptions while customer satisfaction saw a considerable
increase (regularity, punctuality, baggage handling, etc. ). Working conditions and human capital
Description of the risk
Employees are at the heart of AirFrance – KLM and maintaining
their trust is vital to enabling them to attain their highest
standards of performance to the benefit of customers. Employee
engagement and social stability is imperative for the long - term
viability and success of the company.
The sta in the dierent Group entities have dierent (local) HR
contracts and policies which comply with the employment
legislation in force in their respective countries. Strategic changes
and changes impacting the working conditions of sta are
applied pursuant to the legislation and protocols as defined for
each of the entities comprising the Group.
In the past and potentially in future, the Group’s operations may
be disrupted by labor disputes such as strikes, walkouts, industrial
action or other forms of social unrest, which could also have a
negative impact on the Group’s operations, profitability and image.
Mitigating principles and actions
The Group recognizes the constraints and risks to which it is
exposed and the need to adapt to a more rapid pace of change.
At the same time, the Group seeks to preserve cohesion by
fostering a constructive and transparent workplace dialogue and
by pursuing a policy based on respect and responsibility.
To ensure the eective coordination of the workplace dialogue,
responsibilities and accountabilities are defined for each entity
and category of sta. At Group level, coordination takes place
between the dierent entities, specifically for transverse topics
concerning categories of sta across several entities. Significant
changes to the HR policies and collective labor agreements are
approved at the highest level of management within the airlines
and the Group.
Various initiatives aimed at improving the workplace dialogue are
planned and implemented in the dierent Group entities.
In Air France and KLM, an Employee Promotor Score indicator has
been implemented to measure the engagement of employees.
The results feed into local action plans aimed at improving
employee engagement and opening up the dialogue between
managers and their teams. Decreasing the distance between
management and sta is key to understanding the needs and
concerns of sta, tackling any issues in a proactive manner and
avoiding any escalation.
The level of employee engagement is included in the targets for
the highest level of management within Air France – KLM.
Continuous monitoring takes place and the methodology will be
subject to ongoing improvement (See Section 4.2 – Human
Resources). Pension plans
Description of the risk
As of December31, 2019, the Group’s main commitment in terms
of defined benefit schemes was the pension plan for Ground
Sta based in the Netherlands.
Under IAS19, the AirFrance – KLM Group is exposed to changes
in external financial parameters (e.g. discount rates, future
inflation rate) which could lead to annual fluctuations in its income
statement and equity with no impact on cash. The changes in
pension obligations together with the level of plan assets related
to changes in actuarial assumptions are recognized in equity and
are not taken against profit and loss. The potential volatility is
explained in Note4on “Accounting principles–Employee benefits”
and in Note29 “Other provisions” to the consolidated financial
statements for the financial year ended December31, 2019.
In particular, the KLM Ground Sta pension plan may create
accounting volatility for the Group’s equity.
Note29 to the consolidated financial statements presents the
sensitivity of the defined benefit cost recognized in profit and
loss and the defined benefit obligation to changes in the discount
rate, and the level of increases to salaries and pensions.
Mitigating principles and actions
The cash risk on recovery premiums for the Ground Sta pension
plan is limited based on the funding agreement between the
pension fund and KLM. The regular premium level is fixed.
The current calculations led to the KLM Ground Sta pension
plan figuring as an asset in the balance sheet at December31,
2019, the assets in the funds being higher than the value of the
defined benefit obligations.
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Based on the forward curve at December31, 2019, an increase of
US$10 per barrel over 2020 would give an average price of
US$72.90per barrel and would lead to a US$593million increase
in the fuel bill after hedging, i.e. a total fuel bill of US$6,989million
for the AirFrance – KLM Group. Symmetrically, a fall of US$10per
barrel over 2020 would give an average price of US$52.90per
barrel and would lead to a US$566million reduction in the fuel
bill after hedging, i.e. a total expense of US$5,830million.
Mitigating principles and actions
Risks related to the jet fuel price are hedged within the framework
of a hedging strategy defined by the Risk Management Committee
(the “RMC”) and approved by the Board of Directors.
The hedging strategy sets the time span of the hedges at a rolling
24 - months and the target hedging ratios at 60% during the first
three quarters of the time span, decreasing by 10% in each of the
remaing quarters of the time span. The hedging uses simple
futures or option - based instruments, eligible for hedging pursuant
to the accounting standards in force.
In respect of the application of IFRS9, hedging by component has
applied since January1, 2018. Since the Group’s fuel procurement
is strongly correlated to the Jet Kerosene Cargoes CIF NWE
Index, components specific to this fuel risk are used (Brent ICE,
Gasoil ICE, Jet CIF NWE) to align the fuel hedging accounting
and the Group’s risk management policy more eectively.
Within the framework of a dynamic risk monitoring approach, the
Group tracks indicators capping the potential maximum loss and
the potential maximum gain (value of the portfolio prompting its
Lastly, an indicator enabling the measurement of the extreme risk
of the portfolio has been deployed. The level of this Value at Risk
indicator is calculated and analyzed every week and may also
trigger a restructuring of the portfolio. Currency risk
Most of Air France – KLM’s revenues are generated in euros.
However, because of its international activities, the Group incurs
currency exchange risks.
The Group’s main exposure relates to the US dollar. Since
expenditures on items such as fuel and maintenance exceed the
amount of overall revenues in US dollars, the Group is a net buyer
of US dollars, representing a residual structural risk.
As a result, any significant appreciation in the US dollar against the
euro could result in a negative impact on the Group’s financial results.
On the contrary, the Group is a net seller of other currencies, the
level of its revenues in currencies other than the US dollar
exceeding its expenditures in the same currencies. This exposure
is, however, much lower than with the US dollar. A significant
decline in these currencies against the euro could nevertheless
have a negative eect on the Group’s financial results.
3.2.5 Financial market risks Risks relating to the fuel price
Description of the risk
At December31, 2019, the Air France–KLM Group’s fuel exposure, based on futures prices at December31, 2019 ($62.90a barrel for 2020
and $58.90a barrel for 2021), was as follows:
(in US$ million) 2020 2021
Gross expenditure before hedging 6,380 6,179
Hedge percentage 59% 26%
Gain on hedging (16) 3
Net expenditure after hedging 6,396 6,176
3.2.4 Legal risks
During their ordinary course of business, the Group’s companies
could be involved in legal, administrative, criminal, or arbitration
proceedings, especially concerning civil liability, competition,
industrial, fiscal, or intellectual property claims, or claims relating
to the environment and discrimination. In some of these
proceedings, significant monetary claims have been made or
may be made against one or more Group companies. The
relevant provisions, if any, that the Group may have to record in
its financial statements may not be sucient, which could have
a material adverse eect on its business, financial position, results
and outlook. As of June30, 2019, the Group’s total provisions for
litigation amounted to €412 million (see Note17to the Group’s
unaudited interim condensed consolidated financial statements
for the six - month period ended June30, 2019).
New proceedings, stemming from existing proceedings or
otherwise, related to risks already identified by the Group or to
new risks, could be initiated against a Group entity. Should these
proceedings result in an unfavorable outcome, there could be a
significant adverse eect on the Group’s business, financial
position, results and outlook.
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Mitigating principles and actions
The hedging strategy provides for the implementation of a
gradual level of hedging between order and delivery dates of the
aircraft or flight equipment.
Exposure on indebtness
Since the application of IFRS16 as of January1, 2018, the Group’s
aircraft operating leases, which are mostly denominated in US
dollars, have been recognized in the Group’s debt. For airlines
generating US dollar revenues, the revaluation of this debt in US
dollars is neutralized at the accounting level through the
recognition of this debt as a natural hedge against a fraction of
the Group’s US dollar revenues. For airlines not generating US
dollar revenues, US dollar - denominated assets and currency
hedges are in place to mitigate the exchange rate risk.
The exchange rate risk on debt, other than coming from
operating leases, denominated in other currencies than the euro
mostly concerns the yen (10%), the US dollar (6%) and the Swiss
franc (5%).
Investment exposure (“Translation risk”)
Description of the risk
Aircraft are generally purchased in US dollars, meaning that the Group is exposed to an appreciation in the US dollar relative to the
euro in terms of its investment in aircraft and flight equipment.
The net investments in US dollars figuring in the table below reflect the contractual commitments as of December31, 2019.
(in US$ million) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Investments (1,880) (1,604) (1,530) (1,401) (952) (853)
Currency hedge 1,315 1,033 709 361 194 21
Hedge ratio 70% 64% 46% 26% 20% 2%
Mitigating principles and actions
The currency risk management for the Group’s airline subsidiaries
is centralized within each airline company while the currency risks
incurred in investments by the Group’s holding company are
managed at holding company level.
The risk management of the Group’s overall currency exposure
is carried out on the basis of a forecast net exposure for each
currency. Currencies highly correlated to the US dollar are usually
aggregated with the US dollar exposure.
For each currency hedged, the time span of the hedging is a
rolling 12 to 24 - month period, the first four quarters being
relatively more hedged than the following four. The RMC sets
hedging targets for the US dollar, sterling and the yen on a
quarterly basis.
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Operational exposure
2020 operational exposure (“Transaction risk”)
(in millions of currencies at December31, 2019) US Dollar Sterling Yen
Net position before hedging (2,862) 564 45,226
Currency hedge 1,673 (391) (14,750)
Net position after hedging (1,189) 173 30,516
For 2020, the maximum impact on income before tax of a 10% currency variation relative to the euro is shown in the following table.
These results cannot be extrapolated due to the use of option - based instruments.
(in € million) US Dollar Sterling Yen
10% increase relative to the euro (59) 1 2
10% fall relative to the euro 94 (22) (4)
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Mitigating principles and actions
The exchange rate risk on non - operating lease debt (non-IFRS16)
is limited. At December31, 2019, 74% of the Group’s gross debt,
after taking into account derivative instruments, was
euro - denominated, thereby significantly reducing the risk of
currency fluctuation on the debt. Counterparty risk exposure
Description of the risk
Except in the event of express dispensation from the RMC,
counterparties must benefit from a minimum rating of BBB+
(S&P) with the exception of mutual funds where the risk is
considered negligible. The maximum commitments by
counterparty are determined based on the quality and ranking
of their ratings. The RMC also monitors the trend in the respective
proportion each counterparty represents in the overall hedging
portfolio (fuel, currency and interest rate) and investments. The
positions of both Air France and KLM, together with those of the
AirFrance – KLM parent company, are taken into account in the
assessment of the overall exposure.
Mitigating principles and actions
The rules concerning counterparty risk management are
established by the RMC and applied within each company.
A monthly report is established and circulated to the members
of the General Management of the two airline companies. It is
supplemented by real time information in the event of any real
risk of a rating downgrading for counterparties. Financing risks
Financing strategy
Air France
To finance its investments, Air France prioritizes long - term
resources by raising conventional bank debt secured by its
assets (in the form of mortgage debt or finance leases) and,
when available, by using export credit.
To finance its aircraft, KLM uses a number of dierent
structures including traditional bank debt, finance leases and
export credit.
In view of the application of prudential standards, the banks could
reduce their balance sheets in future years and consequently
make a more limited volume of lending available to businesses.
AirFrance – KLM
AirFrance – KLM has realized several bond issues. While the issues
prior to 2014 benefited from Air France and KLM several
guarantees, the issues since 2014 have been unsecured:
an issue of plain vanilla bonds with a seven - year maturity
raising €600million in June2014;
an issue of subordinated perpetual notes raising €600million
in March and April2015. In accordance with IFRS, these securities
were booked as equity. In September2018, a tender oer was
launched for their repurchase and €196.7million of bonds
were presented and accepted. The outstanding subordinated
perpetual notes therefore amount to €403.3million, with a
call feature at par and a coupon step up in 2020;
an issue of plain vanilla bonds with a six - year maturity raising
€400million in October2016;
an issue of plain vanilla bonds with a ten - year maturity raising
US$145million via a private placement in December2016;
an issue of convertible bonds maturing in 2026, raising around
€500million in March2019.
Mitigating principles and actions
The financing strategy is decided by the Group in coordination
with the Air France Group and the KLM Group. The
AirFrance – KLM Group’s financing is mainly composed of bonds
and debt collateralized by assets. For the bonds, the issuer is
mainly AirFrance – KLM SA
Furthermore, in view of its investment program, particularly in
the fleet, the AirFrance – KLM Group also plans to be active in
the financing market. In the current market conditions, the Group
thus intends to finance its forthcoming aircraft deliveries using
collateralized debt. These financing or refinancing operations will,
as usual, be the subject of competitive requests for proposals.
The Group plans to mitigate this risk by adapting its financing
more systematic recourse to financing in the market via
AirFrance – KLM;
diversification of the financing structures;
diversification in the number of banking or financial investor
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Risks and risk management
Risk factors and their management
Interest rate exposure
(in € million at December31, 2019)
Financial assets at floating rates 1,352
Financial liabilities at floating rates 3,078
Net exposure before hedging 1,726
Hedging (1,417)
Net exposure after hedging 309
Mitigating principles and actions
The Air France-KLM Group, Air France and KLM are
engaged in in - depth discussions with their respective
governments and financial institutions to dispose of the
resources that will enable them to secure and sustain
adequate levels of liquidity by all means, notably within
the framework of the European Commission’s Temporary
Framework on State Aid published on March19, 2020.
That being said, given the various options currently being
considered and the quality of the discussions with the
two States and financial institutions, the Air France-KLM
Group is confident that it will be able to obtain additional
financing to meet all its future financial obligations and
enable it to ensure the recovery of its activity beyond the
current crisis. Interest rate risk
Description of the risk
A portion of the overall debt is linked to floating rates and therefore
incurs volatility.
After swaps, the AirFrance – KLM Group’s fixed - rate debt exposure
represents 72% of the overall total debt exposure. The interest
rate on the Group’s gross debt after swaps stood at 2.54% at
December31, 2019 (versus 2.96% at December31, 2018).
Description of the risk
As of December31, 2019, the Group disposed of undrawn credit lines amounting to €1,765million. The two main undrawn credit
lines amounted, respectively, to €1.1 billion for the AirFrance – KLM holding company and Air France, and €665million for KLM.
As of the beginning of the public health crisis linked to the COVID-19virus, the Air France-KLM Group implemented measures,
notably financial, to limit the impact of the virus on its profitability and preserve its financial viability. Within this framework,
the Air France-KLM Group drew down the totality of its revolving credit facility in the amount of €1.1billion and KLM drew
down the totality of its revolving credit facility amounting to €665million. At March12, the Group and its subsidiaries thus had
more than €6billion of cash and cash equivalents.
As the public health crisis continues, the conditions for a recovery remain uncertain, both in terms of the Group’s air operations,
but more generally in terms of the timetable for an economic and demand recovery. Furthermore, within a context of significant
market volatility and in view of the situation of the Air France-KLM Group, the external financing conditions for the Group
could be significantly more dicult than those it has experienced in the past.
At April17, 2020, as we finalize the 2019 Universal Registration Document, our best estimates incorporating all the measures
taken by the Group show that, in the absence of additional financing, a liquidity requirement is expected in the third quarter
of 2020. Liquidity risks
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The Group’s net exposure to interest rates after hedging stands
at €309million. A 100 - basis point increase in interest rates over
twelve months would therefore have an €3 million negative
impact on the results.
Mitigating principles and actions
The interest rate exposure is limited by the fact that floating rate
debt represents only a small proportion of the total debt. Air
France and KLM both use interest rate swap hedging strategies
through derivatives contracts to convert their floating - rate debt
exposure into fixed rate exposure. Equity risks
Description of the risk
At December31, 2019, AirFrance – KLM directly or indirectly held
a portfolio of shares in listed companies worth €433million,
principally comprising 1.1% of the Amadeus IT Group SA
(“Amadeus”) share capital. The value of the Amadeus shares was
protected by a collar maturing in November 2019. In
November 2019, the decision was taken to dispose of all the
Amadeus shares in early 2020; to maintain the protection of this
investment value until that date, the existing collar was
restructured into a forward maturing in January2020.
Mitigating principles and actions
Air France and KLM’s cash resources are not directly invested in
the equity market or in equity mutual funds. Investment risks
Description of the risk
The cash resources of AirFrance – KLM, Air France and KLM are
invested so as to maximize the return for a very low level of risk.
They are invested in money market mutual funds, and in debt
securities and term deposits with highly - rated banks.
Mitigating principles and actions
To reduce the currency risk on the debt, a portion of KLM’s liquid
assets is invested in foreign - currency AAA and AA+ rated bonds.
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3 Risk factors and their management
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Organization and functioning of internal control
3.3.1 Internal Control organization and tools
Internal Control network
An AirFrance – KLM Internal Control network has been established, supported by Internal Control Coordinators embedded in the
business units.
The organization within the Group, covering its principal
businesses, can be summarized as follows: Passenger (passenger
transportation), Cargo and Engineering & Maintenance. Due to
the interdependence of each of the businesses, this organization
involves numerous cross - functional processes (sale of passenger
aircraft belly space to the cargo business, Engineering and
Maintenance services relating to the both Passenger and Cargo
aircraft, IT services, etc. ).
The Board of Directors is the corporate body that determines
the direction of the Group’s activities. To this end, the Board acts
to ensure the successful performance of the AirFrance – KLM
Group, supported by advice from the advisory committees
mentioned in Section2above, Conditions for preparing and
organizing the work of the Board of Directors;
The CEO Committee is composed of the AirFrance – KLM,
Air France and KLM CEOs and the AirFrance – KLM CFO. It is
the primary executive management decision body for the
Group and has final management rights (except when the
approval of the Air France – KLM Board is required) and
accountability on all matters pertaining to both Airline and
Group functions and performance, while respecting the existing
agreements, commitments and bylaws of the relevant airlines.
In particular, it is responsible for setting the strategic direction of
the Group and for the Airlines, and reviewing the performance
of the Airlines and Group functions on an ongoing basis;
The Group Executive Committee (GEC) puts the Group’s go
forward plan into action, within the framework of the strategy
defined by the Board of Directors and the CEO Committee. In
Audit Committee
Board of Directors
Internal Audit
Internal Control Coordinators
Business Management
& Support
Engineering &
Internal Control Coordination
Control Activities
CEO Committee
Group Executive Committee
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3 Organization and functioning of internal control
December2019, the GEC was composed of twelve members
(the AirFrance – KLM CEO, the CEOs of Air France and KLM,
and the nine heads of Group functions), plus a secretary to
the GEC. The Committee meets every two weeks, alternating
between Amsterdam and Paris. Its purview covers the following
areas: Group Finance; Corporate Secretary, Sustainability, and
Communications; Engineering & Maintenance; Cargo; Information
Technology; Human Resources; Strategy; Commercial &
Finance functions
A Group Finance division has been constituted around the
Group’s Chief Financial Ocer, staed by some thirty people
(Financial Communication and Investor Relations, Consolidation
& Accounting, Central Management Control and Mergers-
Acquisitions & Financial Operations). This division submits to the
Group Executive Committee and the Board the Group’s overall
financial policy and orientations (the latter being applied at the
level of the Group’s two principal companies, which each have
their own financial functions) and tracks the Group’s financial
In addition, some operations relating to the Air France – KLM
holding company are entrusted to Air France, via a management
mandate (notably treasury management).
Insurance functions
The insurance functions are responsible for identifying at - risk
sectors of the Group that might impact the operations and
financial results, so as to reduce their potential impact or transfer
them either to insurers through insurance policies, particularly
aviation policies, or to third parties under contractual mechanisms.
They also manage the claims and advise the Group’s entities on
reducing and controlling their risks.
There is an aviation insurance policy in place for the entire
AirFrance – KLM Group to cover civil liability, damage to aircraft
and risks of war, which constitute the major financial and legal
risks of any airline.
Legal functions
The legal departments of AirFrance – KLM, Air France and KLM
perform a consulting mission for their management and
decentralized organizations, notably in the areas of corporate law,
transportation law, contract law and insurance law. They
cooperate to establish the Group’s legal policy.
Legal Aairs draws up a systematic inventory of the disputes
in process, to be able to assess the risks and constitute the
corresponding provisions booked as liabilities.
Compliance functions
The Compliance Ocers within AirFrance – KLM, Air France and
KLM pursue and monitor the implementation of the compliance
framework components within the Groups. Within Air France and
KLM, Data Privacy Ocers are tasked with strengthening privacy
compliance while Export Control Managers are responsible for
securing trade compliance on the export of goods or technology.
The Compliance Ocers report to the relevant governance
bodies, like the Audit Committee. In addition, the Air France
Compliance Committee and the KLM Compliance Committee
monitor the respective compliance programs. Various legal experts
also provide advice on compliance with laws and regulations.
At the end of 2018, the Board of Directors decided to create a
Sustainable Development & Compliance Committee, whose mission
is to assist in reviewing the Group’s policies.
Internal Audit
Air France – KLM’s Internal Audit is an independent function
intended to improve the Group’s various processes. It helps the
Group to achieve its stated objectives by providing a systematic
and formalized approach with which to evaluate and strengthen
the eectiveness of the decision - making, risk management, Internal
Control and governance processes. The Internal Audit function
objectively reviews the reliability of the overall Internal Control
procedures implemented by the Group, as well as the controls in
place for the processes specific to each business.
Given the Group’s governance rules, each company has retained
its own Internal Audit department; the coordination of Internal
Audit at Group level has, nevertheless, been eective since the
beginning of the 2005 - 06financial year. The Group’s Head of
Internal Audit function, which is fulfilled by a Vice-President from
within the airlines’ Internal Audit departments, is responsible for
overall coordination and has a functional reporting line into the
Group’s Chief Financial Ocer. The Internal Control departments
in the two sub - groups use identical methodologies (Group
Charter, Group Audit Manual, etc. ), while a common tool was
adopted in early 2017 (Nasdaq Bwise).
The Internal Audit function carries out audits at the level of the Group
and its subsidiaries (Air France and KLM). Audits are conducted
in collaboration with the internal auditors of the two airlines.
The number of auditors’ positions average 24 in FTE (excluding
The Internal Audit division reports on its work to the Group
Executive Committee and to AirFrance – KLM’s Audit Committee
in a summary report presented quarterly.
To execute its mission, Internal Audit, which operates within the
framework of the internal Audit Charter established by the Audit
Committee of the AirFrance – KLM Group, either acts on its own
initiative or intervenes at the request of the Group Executive
Committee, the Audit Committee or the Board of Directors.
An annual program of missions is established and submitted for
approval to the Group Executive Committee and to the Group’s
Audit Committee.
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Organization and functioning of internal control
The Internal Audit function performs the following actions:
1. assurance Audit:
a. operational Audit: to review the eectiveness, eciency
and general control over processes,
b. information and Communication Technologies or Electronic
Data Processing (EDP) Audit: to assess the eectiveness
and eciency of internal controls related to the information
and communication systems,
c. compliance Audit: to check compliance with laws and
regulations and/or standards, procedures and/or policies
issued by the Group,
d. post audit: to check follow - up on findings in previous
assurance audits;
2. consulting assignments: advisory services that are performed
at the specific request of business management. When
performing consulting services, the Internal Auditor must
remain objective and not assume management responsibility;
3. fraud investigations: to prevent, detect and investigate
significant suspected internal or external fraudulent activities;
4. enterprise Risk Management: to facilitate and improve the risk
management process.
Once completed, the conclusions of the audits are summarized
in a report highlighting the findings, the risks and the corresponding
The audited entities then establish corrective action plans and a
follow - up is conducted in the next few months.
The AirFrance – KLM Group’s Internal Audit division has been
awarded professional certification by the IFACI (Institut Français
de l’Audit et du Contrôle Interne). This body has certified that, for
the Group Internal Audit activities, all the procedures required to
comply with the 2012 version of the Internal Audit Professional
Practices Framework (PPF) and thus respect the international
standards for Internal Audit have been implemented. This
certification, which was renewed in 2018, is valid until July2021.
Organization of responsibilities
The organization of the individual companies has been defined
to ensure compliance with the principles of secure and eective
operations. It specifically takes into account the regulatory
requirements governing air transportation, notably with regard
to air operations (See Section3.2.2Risks linked to airline safety),
ground operations and engineering and maintenance, as well as
airline catering and security.
The managers of the relevant entities and subsidiaries are
required to apply these principles and organization at their level,
and ensure that the organizational charts, job descriptions and
procedures defined by business process are up to date. They
must ensure their consistency and adequacy, verify that they are
taken into account in the main information systems and
appropriately integrated within the organization.
Internal Control tools
Charters and manuals
Air France, KLM and their respective subsidiaries have a Social
Rights and Ethics Charter that enshrines their individual
commitments to Corporate Social Responsibility by orienting
their corporate and ethical policy towards respect for individuals
at the professional, social and citizenship levels.
The Air France Group deploys a Charter for the prevention of
harassment in the workplace, which complies with French legislation
and is part of a contractual approach through agreements signed
for the benefit of employees. The legal purpose of this Charter is
to set forth the principles of prevention, define the actions, stress
everyone’s individual legal and human responsibilities, and
establish internal prevention procedures.
For its part, the KLM Group has published a Code of Conduct
addressing the following principal matters: compliance with
laws and regulations, conflicts of interest, confidentiality, the
safeguarding of assets, environmental protection, Corporate
Social Responsibility and intellectual property.
KLM has also implemented a Code of Ethics intended principally
for employees in the finance function (See also Section4.5.3).
Manuals to prevent non - compliance
Sta have access to a series of manuals and policies on the intranet
sites. With regard to the prevention of bribery, the Anti-Bribery
Manual arms the Air France – KLM Group’s commitment to
conducting business with loyalty, fairness, transparency, honesty
and integrity, and in the strict respect of anti - corruption laws
wherever its companies or subsidiaries exercise their activities.
The Manual establishes the guidelines for preventing corruption,
and for identifying and handling at - risk situations in the light of
the anti - corruption legislation. The related Gift and Hospitality
Policy (“Policy”) sets out the rules and guidelines with regard to
Gifts and Hospitality in more detail.
The Competition Law Compliance Manual emphasizes the
objectives of integrity and transparency, and contains instructions
on the prevention of anti - competitive agreements and the abuse
of market power. For more detail, see section4.5.1.
Internal Audit Charter
The AirFrance – KLM Group’s internal Audit Charter was signed
by the Chairman and Chief Executive Ocer, the Chair of the
Audit Committee and the Head of the Group Internal Audit
Division in 2019. The internal Audit Charter defines the mission
of the Audit division and guarantees its independence as well as
the conditions by which the division functions.
In accordance with the International Institute of Internal Auditors
(The IIA) rules, the Charter formalizes the position of audit within
the business and defines its sphere of operation.
Internal Control Charter
The Internal Control Charter defines the commitments of the
three top executives of AirFrance – KLM, Air France and KLM, and
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3 Organization and functioning of internal control
stipulates the main components of internal control within the
Group: governance and the most important tools enabling its
exercise, an outline of the overall Internal Control process and the
dierent Internal Control activities (verification of the entity’s
environment, transactional controls (process) and overall IT
Procurement Manual
The organization of the Procurement function common to Air
France and KLM is outlined in the Procurement Manual.
The Procurement function regularly updates the Quality
reference system. This reference system comprises, notably, the
purchasing Code of Ethics for Employees, which stipulates the
rules of conduct for AirFrance – KLM buyers when dealing with
suppliers or service providers, and informs all those involved in
the process of the limits that must not be exceeded.
Quality reference system
The Air France and KLM quality assurance systems are based on
the following principal external and internal standards:
External standards
Operations: national regulations (based on European regulations)
and applicable general laws, international standards (ICAO, IATA,
etc. ) or those that are specific to aeronautics maintenance (Part
145, etc. ).
Passenger service: European and US regulations (Special Care
Passengers), European commitments of the Association of
European Airlines (AEA), service commitments of those involved
in air transportation (airports).
Management, the environment, documentation, food security,
health and safety in the workplace: ISO series 9001, 14001, 15489,
22000 and OHSAS 18001 / ISO45001.
Internal standards
These represent the application of the external standards, adapted
to the processes of each company.
Regulatory level: operating, maintenance and safety manuals,
etc., and the related general procedures, which are mostly subject
to formal approval by the administrative authorities issuing the
authorizations (DGAC, IVW-DL, FAA, etc. ).
Management systems: the Air France Integrated Management
System/IMS Manual and the KLM Integrated Safety Management
System/Manual, together with the related general procedures like
the Quality-Safety-Environment manuals of the entities, the
manual on health and safety in the workplace, Flight Safety
management, environmental management, management of the
Company’s food hygiene, together with the related general
Passenger service: standards, services signatures, the five attitudes,
the PAMs (Passenger Airport Manuals), the general sale and after - sales
conditions, together with the other procedures associated with
customer service common to Air France and KLM.
3.3.2 Fundamental components
of internal control
established within
the Group
Based on analysis of the potential major risks, taking into account
the changes inside and outside its operations, the Group has
established and implemented the fundamental components of
Internal Control, aimed at preventing and controlling, insofar as
possible, risks that are both financial and non - financial in nature,
and evaluating its ability to implement the appropriate remedial
Operational procedures and processes
Management of the quality system
Both the Air France (Integrated Management System/IMS Manual)
and KLM Integrated Safety Management System/Manual outline
all the general provisions of the quality assurance system applied
in the two companies, i.e. the overall organization, management
processes, and the procedures and resources required to
implement quality management and meet the expectations of
customers and other stakeholders.
In each division of the two companies, an ISM/ISMS review takes
stock of the operation of the ISM/ISMS management systems and
measures the performance of the main steering processes.
In addition to the regulatory approvals enabling each company
to carry out its activities, progress is recognized in the achievement
of certification from independent bodies, notably, for example,
for Air France:
IOSA certification (IATA Operational Safety Audit) since
September2005, renewed for a seventh time in the autumn
of 2018;
Air France global IMS certification based on the ISO14001/
Environment, ISO 22000 certification for food health and
OHSAS 18001/Vocational Health & Safety (renewed in
autumn 2017);
ISO9001/Quality certification for a growing number of entities.
For KLM:
the ISO14001/Environment certification was renewed in 2018;
IOSA certification (IATA Operational Safety Audit): The audit
was performed in the autumn of 2018 and the renewal of the
certificate took place in March2019.
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Risks and risk management
Organization and functioning of internal control
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
Quality assurance
Control over the operational processes is based primarily on three
monitoring methods:
Internal monitoring is carried out by the quality assurance
departments articulated around:
an audit and inspection program (covering, in particular,
organization and management, flight operations, in - flight
service, flight planning, ground handling and freight, hazardous
merchandise, engineering and maintenance);
regular monitoring of operations with incident analysis and
routine use of debriefing;
proactive prevention processes.
External monitoring is carried out by the Civil Aviation Authorities
(IVW-DL, DGAC, FAA, etc. ) and specialized certification bodies,
and takes the form of audits of the operating principles and of the
Group’s proprietary internal monitoring system. Air France and
KLM are also regularly audited by their customers and partners.
Monitoring of partners
Control over sub - contractors and suppliers is undertaken within
the framework of the regulatory monitoring program approved
by the Civil Aviation Authorities.
Code share partnerships are subject to an additional requirement
to comply with IOSA standards that are recognized by the
profession as the ultimate reference in Flight Safety and Security.
The general rule is that partners are IOSA certified except in the
specific case when, for example, the size of aircraft excludes the
airline from the IOSA scope. In this case, the partner airline is not
IOSA certified, Air France and KLM implement a special technical
monitoring process aimed at providing a reasonable assurance
of an equivalent level.
In terms of control over the monitoring process, the supervision
of the eective implementation of preventive/remedial actions
resulting from this overall monitoring is ensured by the quality
assurance departments, coordinated within each airline.
More generally, the sub - contractor control procedure addresses
all the areas of risk. It is reflected in the realization of monitoring
activities like audits, inspections and checks, sometimes carried
out by the sub - contractors themselves. Monitoring is ensured on
a quarterly basis. An expanded transverse action plan is in place,
taking into consideration the new legislation on the duty of
vigilance. More globally an action plan covering the monitoring
of sub - contractor activity is deployed in the dierent Air France
entities and coordinated on at the corporate transverse level in
dedicated steering committees.
Information systems
The control procedures cover the information and
telecommunication systems.
These procedures aim to ensure the:
reliability of the IT and telecommunications systems;
integrity of the data through the appropriate resources,
infrastructure and checks;
continuity of IT services and the availability of data at the
production sites through a local contingency strategy, secure
architecture and a security system covering external access
confidentiality of information within the framework of national
laws and the security of IT infrastructures through the
establishment of secure, monitored and eective accesses.
The managements of the two companies ensure that the
resources and expertise required by the Information systems are
developed within the framework of defined strategic objectives.
Project management and software application development
tools are also deployed: the so - called Symphony method for
common AirFrance – KLM projects was based on the Tempo (Air
France) and Prince2/Steelband (KLM) methods. AirFrance – KLM
has adopted an “Agile” development process based on the
SCRUM and DEVOPS methodologies. The main aims are to
generate business line added value more rapidly, accelerate “Time
to Market”, align IT and business line objectives by prioritizing
value, avoiding the development of rarely - used functionalities,
reducing the risks at the earliest - possible opportunity,
streamlining the development and maintenance processes and
increasing the eectiveness of the teams.
The work carried out in connection with Internal Control projects
and the ongoing project to gradually establish a coordinated and
optimized organization is leading to the launch of action plans
designed to strengthen Internal Control, particularly with regard
to risks like business continuity and personal data protection.
The Group’s Information Technology division defines the policies
establishing the framework for the functioning, security and
consistency of the information systems deployed and has
published a Security Information Manual (ISM–ISO27001 standard),
establishing a common security policy for information systems.
The common AirFrance – KLM Procurement organization has
been operational since September1, 2008, and has been headed
since its inception by a Group Chief Procurement Ocer from KLM,
seconded by an Air France Senior Vice-President, Procurement.
It is structured around seven procurement teams. These
procurement teams act in a transverse and coordinated manner
for each of the AirFrance – KLM Group, Air France and KLM as
well as for, when required, a number of the Group’s airline
The activity of the Procurement function aims to supply the
entities with suitable products and services at the required time, at
the best possible cost of ownership and at the lowest possible risks.
This is achieved by applying a procurement policy focused on
the expertise of the buyers, with separate responsibilities (buyer,
prescriber and supplier), the establishment of contracts and the
use of various (electronic) tools.
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Risks and risk management
3 Organization and functioning of internal control
The CPO Board, comprising the Group Chief Procurement Ocer
and Air France’s Senior Vice-President, Procurement, coordinates
the Procurement teams through regular meetings and presents
the procurement performance and developments to the CFOs
on a quarterly basis.
The Heads of Procurement meet on a regular basis in the dierent
structures (e.g. the Quarterly AirFrance – KLM DPO Meeting, a
Quarterly Performance Meeting, direct meeting between Heads
etc. ) to develop joint programs and share best practices.
To assess the risks related to sustainability (environmental, ethics,
procurement, social) vendors are analyzed and evaluated by
EcoVadis, a company mandated by AirFrance – KLM, with the
emphasis on high - risk segments such as production in low - cost
countries, and with a minimum score requirement. In addition, all
procurement - managed vendors are required to commit to a
Code of Conduct, reflecting Air France – KLM’s sustainability
All new vendors are assessed on their level of financial risk on the
basis of the Dun & Bradstreet evaluation. Risk reduction strategies
are required for vendors with a high level financial risk.
Lastly, to reduce the risks at AirFrance – KLM level, all contracts
with vendors include clauses on anti - bribery, personal data
handling and other relevant risk areas.
Prevention of ticketing fraud
A fraud prevention unit is responsible for preventing, insofar as
possible, the risks relating to the:
fraudulent use of illegally - purchased tickets (credit cards and
other means of payment);
protection of loyalty programs (individual and corporate
clients) in terms of both earn and burn;
internal fraud.
A fraud prevention activity report was submitted to the Audit
Committee in October2019.
Both Air France and KLM have put in place whistle - blower
procedures and an e - learning anti - fraud training module aimed
mainly at the sales teams.
Prevention of financial fraud
Due to the proliferation of cases of attempted fraud, the Group
has strengthened its internal control processes with detailed
instruction notes, e - learning modules and training/information
Evaluation and monitoring of Internal Control
When establishing its internal control framework and risk
management process, AirFrance – KLM chose the COSO 2013
(Committee Of Sponsoring Organisation of the Treadway
Commission) standard and the COBIT 5 (Control Objectives for
Information and related Technology) as its starting point. This
COSO reference framework positions Internal Control in the light
of the following three categories of objectives (operations/financial
information/compliance) and defines the latter relative to five
control environment;
risk assessment;
control activities;
information and communication;
monitoring activities.
The COBIT identifies five processes:
evaluate, direct and monitor;
align, plan, and organize;
build, acquire and implement;
deliver, service and support;
monitor, evaluate and assess.
Transactional level ontrols (process) are realized via design
eectiveness testing, followed by operational eectiveness testing.
Similarly, the IT general controls are the subject of a formalized
annual evaluation, followed by monitoring of the ensuing action
and remedial plans.
3.3.3 Internal control relating
to the establishment and
processing of financial and
accounting information
Based on an analysis of the significant entries in the consolidated
financial statements and an assessment of the risks, the Group
has identified the most important companies and, within these
entities, the processes that make a predominant contribution to
the establishment of the financial statements.
For each of these significant processes, process documentation
detailing the controls and separation of tasks has been
established, followed by the implementation of existence and
eectiveness testing.
The Group’s major divisions and subsidiaries had thus evaluated
the eectiveness of their Internal Control relating to financial
information as at December31, 2019.
Pursuant to Article L.823 - 19of the Code de Commerce, the Audit
Committee oversees the process to establish the financial
information and, when necessary, formulates recommendations
to guarantee the integrity of the process to establish the financial
information, the eectiveness of the Internal Control and risk
management procedures and, as necessary, of Internal Audit, as
regards the procedures required to establish and process the
accounting and financial information, with no compromise to its
independence. It also ensures the realization by the Statutory
Auditors of their mission and respect by the Statutory Auditors
of the conditions for their independence.
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Risks and risk management
Organization and functioning of internal control
Financial procedures and processes
and the accounting year end
Finance process
Investments are managed at the level of each company and the
decision - making process is coordinated by the Group Investment
Committee (GIC) through decision - making platforms (above
€0.5million) bringing together all the stakeholders (business line
and management controllers at company and Group level). This
Group Investment Committee is composed of AirFrance – KLM’s
Chief Financial Ocer and the Chief Financial Ocers of Air
France and KLM.
All investments of more than €5million, together with operations
relating to the fleet, and shareholding and divestment transactions,
are submitted for approval to the Group Executive Committee
by the Group’s Management Controller and the Group’s Chief
Financial Ocer.
The management of AirFrance – KLM’s market risks is overseen
by the Risk Management Committee (RMC), which meets each
quarter and, after examining the Group reporting, determines the
hedges to be set up during the coming quarters: the hedging
ratios to be achieved, the time period for respecting these targets
and, potentially, the preferred type of hedging instrument.
These decisions are then implemented in each company by the
Treasury Management departments, pursuant to the procedures
for the delegation of powers.
Regular meetings are organized between the Treasury Management
departments of the two companies, to optimize the coordination
of decision implementation (hedging instruments, the strategies
planned and counterparties).
The fuel hedges are covered in a weekly report forwarded to the
General Managements of the AirFrance – KLM Group, Air France
and KLM. A summary of the cash positions of Air France, KLM
and Air France – KLM is communicated weekly to the
AirFrance – KLM Group’s General Management.
The AirFrance – KLM, Air France and KLM cash positions are the
subject of monthly reports to the Finance departments. These
reports include the interest rate and currency positions, the
portfolio of hedging operations, a summary of investments and
financing by currency and a tracking statement of the risk
exposure by counterparty. The Risk Management Committee sets
the minimum thresholds in terms of the financial quality of
counterparties, determines the maximum amount to be allocated
to a single counterparty and is responsible for monitoring the
quarterly positions.
The hedge strategies aim to reduce the exposure of
AirFrance – KLM and therefore to preserve budgeted margins.
The instruments used are futures, swaps and options. The internal
risk management procedures prohibit instruments characterized
as trading instruments unless expressly authorized by the Chief
Financial Ocer of AirFrance – KLM. All the instruments used
must qualify as hedging instruments pursuant to the IAS/IFRS
accounting rules. Generally speaking, no trading or speculation
is authorized.
Any substantive change in the hedging strategy is the subject of
a systematic presentation to the Audit Committee.
Accounting and financial statements process
The consolidated financial statements of the AirFrance – KLM
Group are prepared on the basis of the data provided by the
finance departments of the AirFrance – KLM holding company
and its subsidiaries.
The Group is principally composed of the two operational sub-
Groups, Air France and KLM, which prepare their own consolidated
financial statements prior to their consolidation within the
AirFrance – KLM financial statements.
It is imperative that the accounting information reported by the
dierent companies complies with the Group’s accounting rules,
methods and standards as defined by the Group, and the
presentation of the financial statements must comply with the
format circulated by the Group.
All the companies within the Group refer to the Accounting
Procedures Manual which is based on the International Financial
Reporting Standards governing the establishment of the financial
statements of European listed companies.
The consolidated financial statements are submitted to the
General Management then presented to the Audit Committee
every quarter. Furthermore, the half - year and annual financial
statements are also reviewed by the Statutory Auditors prior to
their formal closure.
The parent company’s financial statements are closed annually,
reviewed by the Statutory Auditors and presented to the
Management and the Audit Committee.
Process for reporting passenger and cargo revenues
This process is performed in each of the companies and enables
monthly revenue figures to be communicated to management.
Furthermore, Air France and KLM have established a procedure
known as the “progressive daily revenue” process making it
possible to know the estimated amount of passenger revenues
for the previous day.
In addition, departments of the Group, Air France and KLM
analyze the results by market and by route (unit revenues per
revenue passenger - kilometer, per available seat - kilometer, per
revenue ton - kilometer etc. ) at the level of the passenger and
cargo businesses.
A monthly presentation on the level of transportation revenues
(passenger and cargo) is also made to the Group Executive
Committee by the senior managers of these entities.
The Shared Services Center (SSC) in Toulouse is in charge of
commercial Passenger revenues for the companies Air France
and KLM, while the Shared Services Center at Amsterdam-
Schiphol is responsible for commercial Cargo revenues for the
Group (Air France, KLM and Martinair).
For these two activities, service level agreements have been
signed between Air France, KLM and AirFrance – KLM.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document154
Risks and risk management
3 Organization and functioning of internal control
Management Control reporting process
The Group Corporate Control department coordinates the reporting
process with the Corporate Controllers in the two sub - groups.
In liaison with the Group’s principal divisions and subsidiaries,
these three teams of controllers then analyze the past month’s
financial results and estimate the results for the coming months
(forecast adjustment process) through to the end of the current
financial year.
Once the accounting result for the month is known, Group
Corporate Control produces a monthly document (known as the
Group management report) that summarizes the monthly key
business, employee - related and financial data, both actual and
for the coming months, in order to determine the outcome for
the current financial year for the Group, the two sub - groups and
each business line. The same applies to the figures on cash - flow,
and the cash and debt positions.
This monthly Group management report is presented to the
Group Executive Committee by the Group’s Chief Financial
Ocer or the Group Corporate Controller.
In addition, a monthly report on the main financial KPIs is circulated
to the members of the AirFrance – KLM Board of Directors.
In addition, management review meetings take place on at least
a quarterly basis between the CEOs, CFOs and Executive Vice-
Presidents of the Passenger, Cargo, Engineering & Maintenance
and Transavia businesses.
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4.1 Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders 156
4.1.1 The Group’s business model 156
4.1.2 Identification of the key priorities for building long - term relationships 156
4.1.3 Business responsibility at the heart of the strategy 162
4.2 Human resources 164
4.2.1 Working conditions and social dialogue 164
4.2.2 Human capital development 167
4.2.3 Health and safety in the workplace 168
4.2.4 Fostering diversity and equality 170
4.2.5 Social indicators for the Group 174
4.3 Environmental impact 181
4.3.1 Carbon emissions 182
4.3.2 Adaptation to climate change 185
4.3.3 Noise and local pollution 187
4.3.4 Waste and the circular economy 188
4.3.5 Biodiversity 190
4.3.6 Environmental indicators 192
4.4 Customer trust 201
4.4.1 Operational safety for stakeholders 202
4.4.2 Data and IT systems protection 203
4.4.3 Accessibility of products and services 205
4.5 Ethics and compliance 206
4.5.1 Group reference texts 206
4.5.2 Respect of Human Rights 206
4.5.3 Business ethics 207
4.6 Societal value 209
4.6.1 Local development 209
4.6.2 Sustainable procurement 211
4.6.3 Monitoring of Act No. 2017 - 399known as the Duty of Vigilance Law 214
4.7  Report by one of the Statutory Auditors,
appointed as Independent Third Party,
on the consolidated non - financial statement 216
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 155
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4.1.1 The Group’s business model
The Group's business brings people, economies and cultures together,
and drives economic growth and social progress. The overarching
ambition of the AirFrance–KLM Group is to become the leading
airline group in Europe and one of the most powerful in the world
for its employees, customers and shareholders, while assuming its
role as a pioneer in sustainable aviation. As such, flight safety is both
an absolute imperative that the Group owes to its customers and
sta, and a daily commitment.
The AirFrance–KLM value creation model addresses all of the Group's
stakeholders, namely employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers,
authorities, institutional and non-governmental organizations, and
other local partners. As part of its day-to-day activities, the Group
interacts with diverse stakeholders, while its activities and operations
have multiple impacts on wider society (qualitative and quantitative).
The value creation model shows the impact areas where the
Air France – KLM Group adds value and which, thanks to its
fundamental strengths and unique competitive advantages, enables
a response to the societal and sustainability challenges.
4.1.2 Identification of the key
priorities for building
long - term relationships
Ongoing dialogue and a mutual understanding of the challenges
facing Air France–KLM and its environment are key to building
long - term relationships with stakeholders.
Dialogue with stakeholders
The Group pays a great deal of attention to the expectations of
its stakeholders, in particular its customers, shareholders, employees
and suppliers, and to local communities and players in civil
society like NGOs. A number of initiatives enable their perception
to be evaluated on a regular basis, through notably:
internal barometers and meetings to gather employee
customer perception and satisfaction surveys;
regular dialogue with individual shareholders and investors;
dialogue and evaluation of supplier CSR performance;
exchange of best practices and working groups within the
industry and with other large companies;
discussions with shareholders and Socially Responsible
Investment (SRI) investors together with recommendations
from extra - financial ratings agencies;
opinions and remarks gleaned from the dedicated email
addresses, websites and the social media;
feedback channels deployed to enable stakeholders (particularly
employees, customers and local residents around airports) to
communicate any comments and potential complaints.
In 2019, the Group carried out a new materiality analysis, enabling
the priorities key to the Group’s activity to be re - evaluated and
the results to be compared with those of the materiality analysis
carried out in 2017. Nearly 130,000stakeholders were invited to
participate in this survey with a response rate of approaching 7%:
national and international corporate and individual customers,
the Group’s employees and managers, shareholders, investors,
suppliers, NGOs, governmental organizations, politicians, local
representatives from the Paris and Schiphol regions, CSR experts
(extra - financial rating agencies, certification bodies, etc. ), CSR
managers from leading companies and representatives of the airline
sector and the Group’s peers. For each topic, the respondents
ranked the level of priority to be accorded by Air France–KLM
and their perception of the Group’s current level of performance.
Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders4
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
156 Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document
Pursuant to Article L.225-102-1 of the French Code de Commerce,
the AirFrance–KLM group sets forth the main social, societal and
environmental issues relating to its activities, Human Rights and
business ethics across the entire value chain, and stipulates the
policies in force to prevent, identify and mitigate the occurrence
of these risks.
All of this information is reviewed by one of the Group’s Statutory
Auditors, as a designated Independent Third Party. The reporting
scope covers the AirFrance–KLM Group. When the information
relates to a dierent scope, the scope of application is specified
in the text.
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Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders
4.2.1 Working conditions
and social dialogue
Conflictual negotiations on workplace
agreements, social conflicts, strikes.
Potential impact on employee
engagement, on customer service
quality, on operations quality of
customer service, on operations, on the
Group’s reputation and its attractiveness
as an employer.
See 3.2.3Working conditions
and human capital development
Foster a constructive and
transparent dialogue to build
mututal trust, pursue a policy
based on respect of individuals
and responsibility towards
customers, in a confidential
Employee motivation
and commitment.
Employee Promoter
Score (EPS)
Reporting of the Group’s extra - financial risks
In its Extra-financial Performance Statement, the Group has opted to report on a number of priorities that it considers important in the
light of its analysis of the extra-financial risks, its business activity and the expectations of its stakeholders, and of the regulatory requirements.
The following table summarizes these priorities, the related risks and the opportunities deemed to be the most material, the policies
in force to reduce their impacts, the performance indicators and the Group’s contribution to the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs).
Priority and related SDGs Description of the risks Policy and opportunities Performance indicator
Human resources
(1) Priority linked to a major extra - financial performance risk.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
This new materiality analysis showed that the priorities deemed to
be the most important for the Group in 2017 remained so in 2019
including, notably, Customer Satisfaction, Operational Safety and
Security, and Financial Performance. Other topics such as Fleet
Development and CO
Emissions moved up sharply in the ranking,
into the top three. The detailed results highlight that the Group
and its stakeholders agree on the perception of the priority
nature of these issues.
Within the framework of this analysis, stakeholders also ranked a
list of strategic priorities potentially impacting the sector’s
long - term growth, with the acceptability of the environmental
impacts of aviation, the use of sustainable alternative fuels and
transparency onCO
emissions all heading the list.
Analysis of the extra - financial risks
The Group reviews its main extra - financial risks and opportunities
on an annual basis. The main environmental, social and societal
risks resulting from its activities across the entire value chain have
been evaluated to create a matrix of the extra - financial risks, with
the following risks emerging as the most material in 2019:
carbon emissions;
sustainable aviation (carbon footprint, responsible catering,
cabin waste, low - carbon solutions);
local pollution (noise pollution);
impact of climate change on flight operations;
working conditions and social dialogue;
resource consumption (energy consumption and waste
data privacy;
talent attraction and retention;
local and global acceptability.
The risks considered to be the most significant mainly relate to
the environmental impacts of Air France–KLM’s operations. The
analysis also illustrates the need for the Group to find innovative
solutions to reduce its impacts and respond to the challenge of
the acceptability of its growth. Regarding the main social risks,
working conditions and social dialogue appear the most material.
Lastly, data privacy remains a strategic issue for the Group.
These results are consistent with the results of the materiality
matrix which illustrates the relative perceptions of the internal
and external stakeholders, and as compared with the Sustainable
Development strategy developed by the Group.
These extra - financial risks are monitored on a permanent basis
and are an integral part of the Group’s operational risk sheets.
They are outlined in Section3 Risks and risk management. They
are also an integral part of the Group’s Sustainable Development
strategy and are the subject of procedures, monitoring procedures
and action plans.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document158
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
4 Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders
4.2.2 Human capital
Mismatch between employee skills
and the company’s needs, shortage
of people with specific qualifications,
diculty in recruiting and/or
retaining talent.
Potential impact on the ability to grow,
capture new market shares and fight
the competition, and on the employer
brand image.
See 3.2.3Working conditions
and human capital development
Oer a training and career
development program to every
employee, giving them the
opportunity to learn and develop
their skills.
Attract talent, steer skills and
qualifications in line with the
long - term strategy.
Number of hours
of training per employee.
4.2.3 Health and safety
in the workplace
Unsafe working situations (safety and
security), accidents in the workplace
(physical and psychosocial), employee
health measures in keeping with the
working conditions.
Potential financial impacts with an
increase in social costs (absenteeism,
loss of working time, insurance and
replacement costs), deterioration in
levels of customer service and in the
company’s reputation as an employer.
Implement a voluntary and
proactive approach towards risk
prevention and protecting
employee health and safety
i.e. the airline safety standards
in force.
Promotion of a safety - first
culture and individual vigilance
supported by all the employees.
Frequency and gravity
rates for accidents
in the workplace.
4.2.4 Promote diversity
and equality
Inequitable treatment of employees,
discrimination in recruitment,
compensation and career development
for inappropriate reasons (sex, age,
nationality, sexual orientation,
disability, religion, ethnicity, etc. ).
Potential financial impacts with
the increase in social costs (disputes,
absenteeism, resignations), reduced
innovative ability due to a lack of
diversity, deterioration in the company’s
reputation as an employer.
Promote diversity, implement
processes ensuring equal
opportunity and combatting
all forms of discrimination.
Employee motivation and
commitment, diversity and
inclusion for a more innovative
company and better to reflect
society and customers.
% of women in
managerial functions
(1) Priority linked to a major extra - financial performance risk.
Priority and related SDGs Description of the risks Policy and opportunities Performance indicator
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Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders
4.3.2 Adaptation
to climate change
SDG 13
Operational disruption due to more
frequent extreme climate events
(storms, high winds, flooding, snow,
droughts, etc. ). Deterioration
in customer service.
Potential operational and financial
impacts linked to flight cancellations,
delays and re - routing. Additional costs
linked to maintenance and preservation
of assets, passenger compensation.
See 3.2.2Climate change
Implement a policy to secure
operations and operational and
commercial procedures to
guarantee customers service
continuity, in the best conditions.
Opportunities: Development of a
balanced network. Deployment
of a dierentiated Recovery
policy for customers.
4.3.1 CO
SDG 13, 7, 9
Questioning of the acceptability
of air transportation growth potentially
leading to a reduction in operations
and more restrictive regulations.
Customer expectations and growing
pressure from civil society to reduce
environmental impacts.
Potential financial impacts
with an increase in operational costs
(new procedures, etc. ) and
compensation potentially leading
to a distortion in competition between
carriers. Decline in customer demand.
Deterioration in the company’s
reputation and that of the industry
as a whole.
See 3.2.2Acceptability
of air transportation growth
reduction policies for the air and
ground operations and identify
ambitious reduction targets
through to 2030. Propose
osetting solutions.
Opportunities: Modernization
of the fleet with the arrival of
more ecient aircraft (reduction
in fuel consumption), energy
transition to electric runway
equipment. Contribution to
the development of low - carbon
energies by supporting the
development of industrial
production for sustainable
alternative fuels. Gain market
share by responding to the
expectations of individual
and corporate customers.
Partnerships to develop
innovative solutions on
the ground and in the air.
per passenger kilometer
from the ground
Priority and related SDGs Description of the risks Policy and opportunities Performance indicator
4.3.3 Noise disturbance
and air quality
Questioning of the acceptability
of air transportation growth potentially
leading to more restrictive regulations
and the limitation of operations.
Potential operational and financial
impacts with the implementation
of new regulations and procedures.
See 3.2.2Acceptability of air
transportation growth
Pursue a permanent dialogue
with the representatives of
local - resident associations
around airports and implement
less noise procedures.
Opportunities: Modernization
of the fleet with the arrival of
more ecient, quieter aircraft.
Noise footprint
(1) Priority linked to a major extra - financial performance risk.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document160
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
4 Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders
4.3.4 Waste and the
circular economy
SDG 12
Questioning of the acceptability of
air transportation growth potentially
leading to more restrictive regulations
on resource management and waste.
Potential operational and financial
impacts with the implementation
of new procedures, impacts on the
Group’s reputation as a responsible
airline operator.
See 3.2.2Acceptability
of air transportation growth
Develop a policy to reduce,
recycle and upcycle waste.
Opportunities: Respond
to the expectations of customers
by reducing wastefulness and
recycling waste.
Non - recycled waste
4.3.5 Biodiversity Risks:
Impact of air transportation on
biodiversity linked to the eects
of climate change induced
by theCO
emissions it generates.
Potential financial impacts with
the increase in operating costs
(new procedures, etc. ) and osetting
potentially leading to a distortion in
competition between carriers. Decline
in customer demand. Deterioration
in the company’s reputation and that
of the industry as a whole.
Oer customers osetting
solutions and support
environmental projects.
Partnerships to develop
innovative solutions on
the ground and in the air.
Priority and related SDGs Description of the risks Policy and opportunities Performance indicator
(1) Priority linked to a major extra - financial performance risk.
4.4.2 Confidentiality
and data protection
SDG 12
Loss of customer trust in the Group’s
ability to protect and ensure the
confidentiality of their personal data.
Potential financial impacts linked
to the loss of market share and to
See 3.2.3Failure of a critical IT system,
IT risks and cyber criminality.
Implement data privacy policies
and IT systems, and ensure the
confidentiality of personal data.
Secure customer loyalty
based on their trust in the
Group’s activities.
4.4.1 Operational safety
for stakeholders
SDG 12
Loss of customer trust in the Group’s
ability to ensure their safety throughout
their journeys (flight safety, food
security, health, etc. ).
Potential financial impacts linked
to the loss of market share and to
See 3.2.2Risks related to airline safety
Ensure the safety and health
of all stakeholders (customers,
employees and partners)
while improving the customer
experience throughout
their journey.
Customer loyalty based on trust
in the Group’s activities.
Net Promoter Scores
Customer trust
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 161
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders
4.4.3 Accessiblity
of the products
and services
SDG 12
Loss of customer trust in the Group’s
ability to ensure access to its products
and services, to all of its customers,
throughout their journeys.
Potential financial impacts linked
to the loss of market share and to
competition. Reputational impact
on the Group’s image as a responsible
air operator.
Propose assistance services
to passengers with disabilities
or with reduced mobility.
Gain of market share and
customer loyalty based on their
trust in the Group’s activities.
Contribution to a more
inclusive society.
Priority and related SDGs Description of the risks Policy and opportunities Performance indicator
4.5.2 Respect of Human
Non - respect of the fundamental
liberties and social regulations
in the capacity as an employer and
through the supply chain.
Potential financial impacts
(substantial fines, legal proceedings)
on the Group’s reputation.
Implement policies aimed
at ensuring respect of the
fundamental liberties and the
compliance of all the Group’s
activities. Deploy a responsible
procurement policy.
Image and reputation
as a responsible business.
4.5.3 Business ethics Risks:
Non - respect of regulations
(laws on competition and
anticorruption, taxation), commercial
sanctions and regulations relating
to export control, due to unethical
behavior on the part of employees.
Potential financial impacts
(substantial fines, legal proceedings),
on the Group’s reputation.
See 3.2.3Non - compliance with
regulations, including competition
and anti - bribery laws
Implement a process to ensure
the compliance of all the
businesses, and measures
to prevent anti - competitive
practices by employees,
via training and
wareness - raising initiatives.
Image and reputation
as a responsible business.
Realization rate
of e - learning program
on the prevention
of corruption.
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4.1.3 Business responsibility
at the heart of the strategy
Air France – KLM’s ambition is to achieve high standards of
performance over the long term by reconciling profitable growth,
environmental protection, social progress and the development
of the regions in which it operates.
Sustainable Development governance is ensured by the
management bodies at the highest level of the Group:
the Board of Directors approves the strategic orientations and
monitors their implementation;
within the Board of Directors, the Sustainable Development and
Compliance Committee, established in 2018, assists in reviewing
the policies, by issuing recommendations and ensuring that
issues linked to sustainable development are taken into
account when defining the Group’s strategy;
the Group Executive Committee determines the sustainable
development policy and ensures that it is an integral part of
the Group’s strategic planning. It reviews the sustainable
development strategy and performance on an annual basis.
The Group’s Corporate Secretary is responsible for sustainable
development and compliance;
at Air France, the Sustainable Development policy is steered
by the Executive Vice-President, Corporate Secretary, who is
a member of the Air France Executive Committee, supported
by Air France’s Sustainable Development Committee composed
of members of the of the Air France Executive Committee,
which guides and ensures the advancement of Air France’s
sustainability strategy and eorts. At KLM, this role is fulfilled by
the Executive Vice-President General Counsel & Corporate
Center and member of the KLM Executive Committee,
supported by KLM’s Sustainable Development Council, which
guides and ensures the advancement of KLM’s sustainability
strategy and eorts;
Air France’s Environment and Sustainable Development
Department and KLM’s Sustainability Oce are tasked with
proposing and implementing the sustainable development
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document162
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
4 Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders
Priority and related SDGs Description of the risks Policy and opportunities Performance indicator
4.6.1 Local development
Questioning of the Group’s regional
growth due to more restrictive local
and national regulations.
Potential financial impacts with the
increase in operating costs potentially
leading to a distortion in competition
between carriers.
See 3.2.2Acceptability
of air transportation growth.
Contribute to local development
by creating direct and indirect
jobs and activity around the
hubs, and in the territories
served by the Group.
Promote the acceptability
of activity growth.
4.6.2 Responsible
SDG 12
Major break - down in the supply chain
due to non - respect or serious breach
in terms of working conditions
(health and safety), Human Rights
(forced working, child labor), the
environment (pollution) or corruption.
Potential financial impacts (substantial
fines, legal proceedings), on the
Group’s reputation.
See 3.3.2Fundamental components
of internal control established within
the Group
Implement a responsible
procurement policy enshrining
the principles of societal
reponsibility in relations
with suppliers, by reinforcing
the management of ethical,
social, environmental and supply
chain risks.
Dialogue with suppliers
on the sustainable development
priorities, implementation
of innovative solutions.
% of suppliers having
signed the Sustainable
Development Charter.
Number of suppliers
evaluated by Ecovadis.
Societal value
(1) Priority linked to a major extra - financial performance risk.
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Extra - financial performance statement
In its Extra-financial Performance Statement, the Group has opted to report on a number of priorities that it considers important in
the light of its analysis of the extra-financial risks, its business activity and the expectations of its stakeholders, and on the regulatory
The following concordance table shows where all the elements presented within the framework of the Extra - financial performance
statement (EFPS) can be found:
Elements of the EFPS Chapter/Section
Strategy and business model 1.1 Market and environment
1.2 Strategic outlook
1.2.3 AirFrance–KLM’s value creation model
Identification and description of the main extra - financial risks 3.1.2 Identification and evaluation of the risks
linked to the business 3.2.2 Risks linked to the air transportation activity
3.2.3 Risks linked to the Group’s processes
4.1.2 Identification of the key priorities in building
long - term relationships
Description of the policies, results and 4.2 Human resources, Environmental impacts, Customer trust,
performance indicators to 4.6 Ethics and compliance, Societal value
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 163
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Creating long - term value for all our stakeholders
The compensation of Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer of
the AirFrance–KLM Group, includes criteria related to non - financial
issues and sustainable development both in the annual variable
compensation and in the long - term variable remuneration (see
section [2.5.2]). The same sustainable development criteria are
also included in the variable part of the compensation of
Anne Rigail, CEO of Air France and Pieter Elbers, President and
The Group recognizes its responsibilities as an employer and
places its commitment to responsible and innovative corporate
citizenship at the heart of its strategy. Its commitments are set
forth in its Corporate Social Responsibility Statement, Social
Rights and Ethics Charter and Climate Plan.
Air France–KLM’s Sustainable Development policy enshrines the
respect of fundamental rights as defined in the leading international
principles: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International
Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles
and Rights at Work, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development’s (OECD) guiding principles.
Air France–KLM has been a signatory of the United Nations Global
Compact since 2003 and is committed to respecting its ten
principles in the areas of Human Rights, labor, the environment
and anti - corruption, and to promoting this commitment to its
partners. By integrating sustainability into its business and
operations, the Group strives to contribute significantly to the UN
Sustainable Development Goals within its scope of influence.
Extra - financial ratings
Air France – KLM’s extra - financial performance is assessed
annually, in particular by the RobecoSAM, CDP, Vigeo Eiris,
Sustainalytics and ISS-ESG rating agencies.
In 2019, for the fifteenth year running, the Group figured in the
Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI World and DJSI Europe).
Furthermore, last year the Group retained its position as leader
of the “Airlines” sector, a ranking it has held for thirteen of the
past fifteen years.
The CDP awarded the Group a score of B- (Management level) for
the Climate Change Supplier Engagement Rating questionnaire.
The rating agency ISS-ESG granted Air France–KLM “Prime”
status: the Group is the only airline company to figure in the
annual ISS ESG ranking of the large global companies deemed
to be achieving the highest standards of ESG performance.
Thanks to its performance, the Group maintains its ranking in the
FTSE4Good Index Series, the Euronext Vigeo Eiris indexes
(Europe 120 and Eurozone 120) and the Ethibel Sustainability
Index (ESI Excellence Europe). The Group is also a component of
the Ethibel Excellence and Ethibel Pioneer Investment Registers.
The Group has been awarded the Gold Medal by the Ecovadis
CSR rating agency.
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4.2.1 Working conditions
and social dialogue
Context and strategy
As an airline company, AirFrance–KLM’s success and growth
relies on the professionalism of its employees, and on their levels
of motivation and commitment. The working conditions and
social dialogue within each entity constitute a key performance
lever for the Group.
The 2019 financial year was marked by regained trust between
the social partners and the management. The principles of
respect, transparency, confidentiality and trust were advocated
in all the negotiations. The Group’s ambitions, as reflected in a
new strategy and a clarified brand portfolio with three master
brands (Air France, KLM Transavia), were discussed and shared
within the Air France Group. In the interest of simplification, the
Joon and Hop! brands were discontinued, by integrating Joon
within Air France and rebranding HOP! as Air France HOP!.
The Group seeks to preserve cohesion by fostering a constructive
and transparent social dialogue and by pursuing a People Strategy
based on mutual respect and responsibility towards employees.
The objective shared by all companies within the AirFrance–KLM
Group is the provision of working conditions enabling employees
eectively to fulfil their functions. Due to dierences between
the entities or country legislation, the HR policies are managed
Measures and performance
Social dialogue and functioning of the representative bodies
AirFrance – KLM
For AirFrance–KLM, the coordination of the workplace dialogue
takes place in each of the airlines comprising the Group and
within the Group’s European Works Council, bringing together
the representatives of sta whose head oces or entities are
based in the European Community.
The Group’s European Works Council was convened three times
during 2019, for two plenary ordinary meetings and one
extraordinary meeting, chaired by AirFrance–KLM’s Executive
Vice-President, Human Resources.
In April 2019, the meeting was attended by Benjamin Smith,
President & CEO of AirFrance–KLM while, within the framework
of the European Works Council, the Group’s Strategic Committee
met four times with AirFrance–KLM’s CEO to discuss the Group’s
strategic orientations.
During 2019, the AirFrance–KLM CEO Benjamin Smith, KLM
President & CEO Pieter Elbers and Air France CEO Anne Rigail
held regular meetings with employees at various locations to
engage in dialogue on current topics.
At Air France, KLM and Transavia, the Employee Experience was
a key element of the People Strategy in 2019 and will remain so
for the foreseeable future. “Our people deliver our customer
experience” and it is through this policy that the company can
For the definition see Note on the methodology for the reporting of the social performance indicators, section
(1) NA: Not Available.
Performance Indicator Definition Results
AirFrance–KLM employees, present all over the world, are the
Group’s main asset; they bring to life the Group’s brands and are
the face with customers. Thanks to their collective commitment
and their professionalism, the Group is able to oer its customers
high - end services and a caring journey, promoting lasting
relationships while operating its activities eciently and safely.
AirFrance–KLM aims to become one of the best places to work,
by creating a safe and motivating environment for its employees,
and by targeting a high result in the Employee Promoter Score
(EPS). The Group continues to invest in human capital development
and training, to develop the skills of employees and empower
them, to enable them to exceed customer expectations.
The relationship that links the Air France–KLM Group to its
employees is based on four values: trust, respect, transparency
and confidentiality.
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Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
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Employee Promoter Score
Percentage change in the EPS measured among Air France
and KLM employees (between July and December2019)
Percentage of women
in managerial functions Top 10% management level for ground sta
Flight deck crew managerial functions
Cabin crew managerial functions
Number of hours of training
per employee
Number of hours of training per employee consolidated
at Group level
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outperform its competitors. Using the Employee Promoter Score
(EPS) as a common engagement and performance indicator,
managers conduct dialogues with their employees, to know what
drives them and to fulfil their needs. This in turn helps to build
employee commitment.
The roadmap is defined in a Flight Plan for the company, focusing
notably on an ongoing commitment to sta development, support
for initiatives, the promotion of team spirit and reinforcing levels
of motivation.
To measure employee engagement, both Air France and KLM use
the EPS, the in - house equivalent of the Net Promoter Score
which is used to measure customer satisfaction. In the two
companies, a rotating random group of employees are asked
whether they would recommend Air France or KLM as an
employer. The results are shared with all sta.
In July 2019, KLM and Air France aligned their Employee
Promoter Score distribution and calculation methods.
In 2019, the KLM Employee Promoter Score increased by nine
points (to +70compared with +61 in 2018). Following the roll - out
of the Employee Promoter Score tool in July 2019,
Air France’s EPS increased by 28 points in the second half.
Transavia Netherlands also monitors the EPS, and realized an EPS
score of +44 in 2019.
At Group level, the consolidated EPS increased by 15% between
July and December2019.
The EPS can also be used to facilitate dialogue; in 2019, 534EPS
polls were submitted to KLM teams with a response rate of 67.1%.
EPS polls for AirFrance–KLM’s worldwide commercial teams
have also been introduced.
Air France
Following the new governance structure and the appointment of
Benjamin Smith and Anne Rigail, the negotiations had led to the
signature of an agreement on salary increases at the end of 2018
and a calming in social relations. In 2019 the workplace dialogue
was more serene and saw the signature of more than
25collective agreements across all categories of sta.
2019 was marked by the professional elections in March, conducted
for the first time by electronic voting, and by the establishment
of the new representative bodies pursuant to the Macron Act.
The Social and Economic Committee (Comité Social et
Économique) and the Health and Safety at Work Commission
(Commission Santé Securité au Travail) replaced the former bodies,
the employee delegate (Délégué du Personnel –DP), the Works
Council (Comité d’Établissement –CE) and the Health, Safety and
Working Conditions Committee (Comité d’Hygiène Securité et
Conditions de Travail –CHSCT). A specific agreement setting
forth the functioning modes and resources, notably with the
establishment of local representatives, was signed in the spring.
This major change in the HR landscape involving the organization
of the representative bodies did not prevent the negotiations
proceeding as planned. The HR agenda was duly pursued and
enabled the presentation of corporate projects to the Group
Social and Economic Committee and the Social and Economic
Committees in the companies.
At Air France, the Employee Experience is a strategic priority in
support of the required transformation of the company.
In 2019, a number of dierent initiatives improved the Employee
Experience. For example:
two thousand Air France employees were invited to take part
in the second round of Citizenship Days (1,000employees in
the first round in 2018), during which they dedicated a day of
work to various humanitarian and ecological associations;
the intrapreneurship program continued for the second year
with the selection of four projects;
specially - themed weeks, dedicated to various topics–new
technologies, the Digital Factory, Health and Safety, Learning
Week and Sustainable Development–were organized at the
dierent Air France sites.
KLM renewed the collective labor agreements for Flight Deck
Crews, Cabin Crews and Ground Sta that were set to expire in
June2019 through to February28, 2022. KLM had a signature of
agreements for two CLAs; Ground Sta and Flight Deck Crews
and a negotiation result has been achieved for the CLA Cabin
Crews. In January2020, KLM also had a signature of agreement
for Cabin Crews. These agreements include a salary increase and
various agreements on sustainable employability, learning and
In 2019 the KLM Works Council held its three - yearly elections
followed by an installation meeting for the new Works Council
on June1.
An agreement was also signed by the KLM Works Council and
the KLM Board of Directors on how to modernize employee
participation within KLM.
KLM NV has three pension schemes and three pension funds in
the Netherlands for Pilots, Cabin Crews and Ground Sta. The
pension funds for Pilots and Cabin Crews were de - risked in 2017
(Defined Contribution scheme) while the pension fund for
Ground Sta remains a Defined Benefit scheme. Furthermore, in
2019, a study was conducted into de - risking the Ground Sta
scheme and, in 2020, negotiations will start with the unions to
seek an agreement on a Defined Contribution scheme.
In the meantime, the Dutch government announced a new
pension system for 2022 based on age - independent and
degressive pension accrual. This will be a major reform with a
significant impact on all three pension schemes.
KLM’s renewed organization - wide focus on sustainability also
encourage the submission of ideas on how to make KLM a more
welcoming and inspiring employer for every single employee,
with the oer of various opportunities for professional development.
In general, the aim is to motivate sta and facilitate activities that
help them to discover and develop their talents so they can make
better choices in an ever - changing environment.
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Some examples:
WhatsUpp–a tool that facilitates dialogue within teams and
helps to determine actions to improve the Employee Experience
employee events both across the company and in various
divisions to create memorable experiences for individual
employees. The teams were also recognized for their
contributions through various awards in categories like
innovation, customer experience and diversity & inclusion;
simplified “people” processes to make day - to - day life easier
for employees.
Employability and mobility
AirFrance – KLM
In terms of Human Resources, employability and professional
mobility are priorities.
AirFrance–KLM’s workforce needs to be fit for today’s jobs but
also those of tomorrow. Demographic changes, digitalization,
changing labor markets and new technologies in the airline
industry mean that the company needs to prepare its employees
to adjust to these changes. Strategic workforce planning with a
combined HR and business approach focuses on insights in the
workforce and scenario planning for the future, while delivering
solutions on mobility, employability, finding and binding sta and
managing the eects of the digital transformation.
Air France
At Air France, recruitment on permanent contracts continued
in 2019, particularly for ground sta and operational profiles for
cabin crews and pilots. A high number of cabin attendants were
recruited, along with mechanics and some expert profiles. Internal
mobility is prioritized for recruitment in the support functions.
The company’s proactive approach to internship was pursued
with an increase in the recruitment rate of interns.
Career progression initiatives including the recognition of
employee skills through the Validation of Previous Experience
scheme, recruitment via internal selection, external recruitment
in liaison with actions in favor of local young people, initiatives to
promote vocational integration and the policy to foster
maintained employment of employees with disabilities also
illustrate Air France’s commitment as a responsible company.
Lastly, the financial year was marked by the implementation of a
Voluntary Departure Plan which was oered to employees in the
French provincial stations and part of the Commercial France
division: 297departure requests were approved. The employee
departures are staggered between November 2019 and
In 2019, Air France was ranked the transportation company leader
in the Epoka-Harris Interactive barometer which recognizes the
most credible companies in terms of communication on a sector
basis. Air France was also amongst the top 10 in the Universum
2019 ranking, which measures the attractiveness of companies
for students and young graduates from engineering and business
In 2019, KLM had to contend with numerous internal and external
labor market changes. While an enormous increase in external
vacancies needed to be filled in the face of a very tight labor
market, KLM nonetheless managing to hire almost 2,000new
people. KLM’s Sourcing Strategy was reviewed to be able to deal
with these changes: for example, implementing special techniques
in the recruitment campaigns and procedures to foster a more
diverse workforce and inclusive corporate culture.
KLM’s ambition to be an attractive employer in a competitive
labor market means that it seeks to facilitate a memorable
experience for candidates, something which is key to attracting
the best talent required to realize KLM’s goal of delivering an
excellent customer experience. 2019 achievements included the
introduction of Employer Branding and recruitment marketing
campaigns (especially in IT, digital, data, technology), the
introduction of a new career website for top talent, recruitment
in specific target groups fitting the agile transformation of the
Ground Sta team, the implementation of Diversity and Inclusive
methods and the implementation of the Flex Talent program to
attract and retain the right temporary (flex) talent.
For cabin crews, an online platform, MyJourney, was launched to
create insights into talents and possibilities for cabin crew, to
enable them to make informed career choices (c.1,400talent and
career scans completed).
In 2019, KLM won the Intermediair magazine award for the most
attractive employer for highly - educated people in the Netherlands
and was named number one in the for - profit sector by Randstad
Employer Brand Research. In September2019, the Monsterboard
site awarded KLM the Monster Studios Movie award in the “Best
Storytelling” category.
The KLM Transition Center aims to help employees whose jobs
have been made redundant to find new careers within KLM or
externally. Since the establishment of the KLM Transition Center
in June2016, KLM has supported 683employees in search of new
jobs either inside or outside KLM, of whom 552succeeded in
finding a new job either internally or externally (52%/48%).
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4.2.2 Human capital
Context and strategy
The eective management of skills within an organization makes
a positive contribution to employee engagement, which in turn
helps to achieve the company’s objectives. Training programs are
developed to give employees the opportunity to learn and
develop their skills. Whenever possible, relevant joint training
programs are organized in a cross - cutting manner across
domains or entities for dierent target groups, so as to share
experience and learn from each other. In 2019, the groundwork
was laid for a new training management system to be used by
the dierent entities to manage the development of new skills
within the Group in a standardized manner.
In 2019, a renewed digital landscape supported by a new
Learning Management System (LMS) for Air France and KLM was
developed for launch in early 2020. Air France and KLM
conducted this project together to create one joint system for
both companies but with the ability to maintain their singularity.
The new LMS will improve the User Experience and facilitates
employee development through a personalized learning experience,
alongside the more formal (compliance) training program. The
new LMS is thus a very important prerequisite for continuous
learning: support and encourage employees in their continuous
development by oering them relevant, personalized and
easy - to - find development opportunities.
Measures and performance
Continuous Learning
AirFrance – KLM
The Group pursued its training policy: the number of training hours
per employee increased from 39.7hours in 2018 to 40.4hours in
2019. This increase was mainly due to the development of the My
Learning self - service training platform at Air France and KLM.
An example of Continuous Learning is the Sales Excellence
Development Program for Air France and KLM. After oering
classroom training programs to Account Managers worldwide, a
toolkit was developed to continue learning and development in
their daily working lives, to take the next step in their Sales
Excellence journey.
This toolkit was developed in close co - operation with the Sales
Excellence team, and the Air France and KLM HR departments,
and is packed with interesting, inspiring and diverse exercises on
twelve topics to help put into practice what sta have learned in
the previous classroom training sessions. Individual, peer - to - peer
and group exercises were also developed to learn on the job and
together with colleagues.
Air France
At Air France, 95% of employees benefited from training in 2019.
Conditions for access to training were facilitated like access to
My Learning self - service training modules for all employees,
webinars, Massive Open Online Courses, Manager Cafes and days
dedicated to the HR networks and manager labs.
During 2019, the training plan supported all recruitment and
particularly that of flight crews (hostesses, stewards and pilots),
but also executives and technicians.
An ambitious training policy is key to supporting the Employment
policy and the company’s strategy, and is based on a series of
general principles that are rearmed on an annual basis and form
an integral part of the Employee Experience:
guarantee access to training for everyone;
ensure the visibility of everyone’s skills, notably by developing
graduate training and certifying diplomas;
manage the economic balances.
In 2019, the recognition of employee skills via the Validation of
Previous Experience scheme continued through partnership with
a network of prestigious universities and programs at all levels of
the company and its professions.
Support for mobility, vocational retraining and training to meet
the need for advanced professional capabilities are also a priority.
At KLM, starting in 2018, all ground sta were given the opportunity
to spend the equivalent of 1.93% of their annual salary on
professional development to support Continuous Learning. The
budget has been increased to 3% for the years 2020 and 2021
and, as of 2022, this percentage will be 2%.
In the KLM Ground Services division, traditional classroom training
was replaced by the ultra - modern KLM Ground Services Training
Center at the Regional Training Center (ROCvA) in Hoofddorp,
where technologies, like virtual reality and immersive video, are
deployed to train sta preparing for jobs in Apron Services,
Baggage Services and Passenger Services. The special simulation
areas in the training center enable 1,000recruits on temporary
contracts to be trained every year, in a calmer environment and
within a shorter time period.
In collaboration with MBO Airport College, KLM also provides
vocational education programs for employees with extensive
professional experience but who have never had the opportunity
to gain a degree. In the last five years more than five hundred KLM
operational employees graduated with a nationally - recognized
vocational degree as part of this “life - long learning” program. In
2019, the program was also made available to new recruits on
temporary KLM contracts, to strengthen their position in the
labor market after their assignments at KLM.
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Leadership, talent and performance development
AirFrance – KLM
In 2019, Air France and KLM made the transition from exclusive
(targeting a selection of employees) towards inclusive Talent
Management (every employee is a talented individual who must
be given the opportunity to develop his or her skills) by
implementing a Talent development grid jointly created by the
two companies, and by implementing joint development
strategies and actions.
Air France
Air France oers Talent and Leadership programs like the training
and coaching program known as Femmes de Talent aimed at
enabling high - potential women to develop their skills within the
company and occupy senior management positions, joint
financial programs with the HEC business school for future
managers and Focus on the Future programs to project talents
into the company’s future.
For some years, Air France has been developing coaching and
mentoring at dierent levels of the company and supporting
employees with training leading to professional diplomas.
In 2019, Air France initiated an individual assessment program for
senior management, which will continue in 2020, as a starting
point for individual development plans to support Air France’s
In a shift from performance management towards performance
development, 2019 saw KLM create a new vision of Performance
Management and adopt a forward - looking approach around
the following points: purpose, connection and the appreciation
of talents.
Regular discussions are held within a team context on the company
and team goals and direction, and on contributions. In individual
performance conversations, KLM puts the emphasis on talent and
development of the expertise and skills needed for high
performance in both current and future roles and activities. The
aim is to help discover employees’ talents and their individual
potential for growth, and thus maximize everyone’s contribution
to the company’s results.
As part of KLM’s People Strategy, which focuses on Diversity &
Inclusion, People Development and Leadership, in 2019 KLM
launched a leadership development program for Senior
Management (Executive level).
This program includes an individual development assessment for
all KLM executives and a diagnosis of the current KLM culture,
followed by feedback sessions and development plans to improve
on KLM’s connecting leadership. KLM has decided to continue
this development assessment for future executives.
In addition to leadership development at executive level, as part
of the KLM Compass, KLM started building a leadership curriculum
for managers at all levels, aimed at supporting managers in creating
a culture of learning and collaboration.
4.2.3 Health and safety
in the workplace
Context and strategy
For the AirFrance–KLM Group, health, safety and the quality of
life in the workplace is a major priority on which there may be no
compromise. Everyone working for or with the AirFrance–KLM
Group has the right to a working environment that guarantees
their health and safety, and takes into account their physical and
mental well - being. To this end, a proactive policy aimed at
preventing risks and potential vocationally - related conditions is
Measures and performance
The AirFrance–KLM Group monitors and reports the indicators
related to health and safety at work on an annual basis:
absenteeism, number of workplace accidents, frequency rate and
severity rate of workplace accidents (see sections and
Air France
Management of health, safety and quality of life in the
Air France’s policy on Health and Safety and Quality of Life in the
Workplace (formalized in 2012) was revised in 2018. It focuses on
five priority themes which guide the Air France approach:
prevent serious accidents;
reinforce compliance with/respect of regulations;
develop ergonomic approaches;
improve the quality of life in the workplace and the prevention
of psychosocial risks;
structure and organize prevention measures around a steering
system deployed in a cross - cutting manner across the
The steering and coordination of the health, safety and quality of
life in the workplace networks by the Health, Safety and Quality
of Life in the Workplace division, which numbers representatives
in all the entities, ensures the coordinated deployment of the
policy and its actions and targets, and promotes the exchange
of best practices, priority actions and investment. Accidentology
analysis enables the adjustment of the policy and actions
designed to safeguard human health and safety. The monitoring
of indicators ensures the ongoing adaptation of the initiatives.
Since 2013, the company’s business segments have developed
their approach on the Health and Safety Environment
management reference systems so as to gain overall consistency
while respecting the specificities of the dierent activities. In
2020, a reference framework common to all the business
segments will be progressively deployed to gain readability and
reinforce the safety - first culture, consistent with the company’s
operational requirements.
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Health Safety and the Quality of Life in the Workplace is an
enduring concern for managers and a regular topic accompanied
by mandatory KPIs on the agendas for meetings of the Executive
Committee and Management Committees. To mobilize employees
and raise their awareness, in - field checks on safety issues are
regularly carried out by the entity heads. Health Safety and the
Quality of Life in the Workplace is also included in sta appraisals.
All of these measures had enabled Air France to record significant
progress in 2018, with a substantial decline in the frequency and
gravity rates for vocational accidents. The indicators did not,
however, show the improvements expected for 2019, meaning
that accidents in the workplace remain a major point of vigilance
for the company.
Prevention of the risks linked to health and safety
and the quality of life in the workplace
To improve the conditions of life in the workplace and the
well - being of sta, action programs are deployed across all the
Air France business divisions. The aim of this approach is to
increase sta motivation by reducing work - induced stress.
To promote a balance between professional and private lives a
number of dierent actions and schemes have been deployed,
in particular remote working, access to special part - time
arrangements and help with parenting (parenthood booklet).
In addition, to support employees who may be contending with
personal or professional diculties more eectively, Air France puts
a network of social assistants at their disposal. The latter also
manage a vacation day donation scheme. In 2019, their expertise
was reinforced with three days of training to supplement their
knowledge on the theme of caregivers and design the basis
of eective communication to all employees and, specifically,
those facing this issue (information booklets, collective action,
forum, etc. ).
The Human Resources division also launched an
awareness - raising and training program for managers to:
raise their awareness and knowledge of addictive behaviors;
prevent the risks linked to incivility for sta in contact with
customers and support sta who are victims of such incivility;
communicate on internal cases of incivility and prevent the
risks of moral or sexual harassment;
promote dialogue on workloads and connection - deconnection
In terms of preventive measures to promote vocational health
and safety, in liaison with the vocational healthcare teams and
the company’s mutual insurance company, information days are
regularly organized, during which sta are able to meet with
health professionals (posturologist, smoking cessation specialist,
dermatologist, etc. ), take part in workshops and benefit from
personalized support based on test results. Awareness - raising
days are also held to prevent more specific vocational risks like,
malaria, otalgia, night and shift working, etc.
Lastly, to improve risk monitoring, vocational risk evaluation now
takes place via a common tool, ensuring the consistency and
visibility of the risks identified in every operational unit, followed
by the deployment of prevention measures.
Air France is also pursuing its prevention eorts by reinforcing
its risk management process via the definition of an appropriate
methodology, the consolidation of its lessons leant process and
higher professional standards with regard to the areas at risk in
accident analysis.
Occupational health and safety management
Within KLM, safety and compliance are managed via a system of
processes and procedures known as the Integrated Safety
Management System (ISMS). The ISMS ensures that KLM is and
remains compliant, and continuously improves in the areas of
operational, occupational and environmental safety and operational
security. The ISMS identifies hazards, threats and safety issues,
collects and analyses data, assesses safety risks, implements
mitigations and monitors the results. The ISMS supports the
mitigation of risks in order to keep accident and incident rates
below an acceptable level.
In 2019, several initiatives were organized by the divisions and
ISSO, a central independent organization reporting directly to the
Chief Operating Ocer, to promote a healthy way of life and
working environment. The ISSO organized several informative
meetings elaborating on occupation - related subjects such as
Fatigue and Psychosocial Occupational Health. An e - learning
module focusing on Fatigue was also published and implemented
for Flight Deck and Cabin Crews.
The Safety Promotion activities continued on the four major
KLM-wide Safety & Security Themes, i.e. Challenge, Be Fit,
reporting and Just Culture. With the guidance of the ISSO, the
communication, promotion and training on all four themes was
developed and implemented. Several tool boxes and video script
animations were developed to facilitate and support the line
management and their teams on subjects like reporting, SIRA-
requests (Safety Issue Risk Analyses) and Just Culture.
A Safety reporting App was rolled out for Ground Sta, making
it easier to report unsafe situations. This resulted in a 40% increase
in reports compared to the number of reports received in 2018
(previous year). As a result, KLM’s already - excellent reporting
culture was significantly improved, enabling the company to be
more proactive and predictive in mitigating safety risks.
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Also in 2019, KLM implemented a Just Culture Toolbox with
videos, assessments and cases for training and inspiration
purposes. The ISMS Training plan was further implemented,
including the launch of a new line facilitator course and the roll
out of Just Culture training in all layers of KLM, using the Just
Culture Toolbox.
In 2018, a structured process was introduced to update and
implement KLM’s Occupational Safety and Health (ARBO) policy.
In accordance with the KLM goals and objectives for 2019, some
ten Occupational Safety (ARBO) policies were drafted including
the recommended implementation provisions and plans. Eight
ARBO policies have already been approved by the Safety Review
Board, agreed by the KLM Works Council and adopted by the
KLM Board.
To further implement these policies and reduce Occupational
Safety and Health risks a mitigation team of occupational experts
was created over the summer to support line management and
their departments as of the fall of 2019, to ensure the correct
implementation of the mitigation measures concerning
Occupational risks and to support business unit eorts to ensure
a safe and healthy work environment. This support will continue
in 2020.
In 2019, KLM introduced the running program, which encourages
employees to exercize in and around the workplace, by
participating in running and walking training, yoga and boot
camp. Various master classes on nutrition, breathing and focus
are also oered. The highlight of the year was the Centennial Run,
a race held in honor of KLM’s 100
anniversary with 1,500sta
taking part. Corporate sponsorship of the KLM Urban Trails Series
in the Netherlands also ensured the participation of numerous
KLM employees.
In order to perform optimally, good health is essential in that
it contributes to a vital and happy life both inside and outside
work. To this end, KLM introduced the MyHealth portal in
February 2019, a space where employees can find a
comprehensive range of information on vitality and health. This
resulted in more than 1,100employees booking a trial vitality
program through the new portal. In addition, a pilot took place
to oer workshops and coaching on a dedicated e - health platform.
The first steps towards a smoke - free KLM were put in place with
the removal of the smoking areas at KLM’s head oce. The rest
of the smoking areas within KLM buildings will be removed in the
coming years.
KLM also continued the “weight loss” program to help employees
adopt a healthier lifestyle and attain a healthier weight. In 2019,
more than 200 employees took advantage of this initiative,
helping them to lose weight and gain fitness.
One of the main goals of the Reintegration center of expertise is
redesigning and simplifying the sick leave process. By implementing
digital tooling (Verea) in this area, KLM oers employees and
managers optimal support. Selected pilot groups were launched
for Verea deployment in 2019 and a more widespread roll out is
planned for 2020.
4.2.4 Fostering diversity
and equality
Context and strategy
As a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact,
Air France–KLM is committed to respecting the universal
principles relating to the respect of human rights.
In the Corporate Social Responsibility Statement and Social
Rights and Ethics Charter, the Group arms its commitment to
fostering a climate of trust and mutual respect in a working
environment where no form of discrimination or harassment is
tolerated. Various initiatives have been implemented at Air France
and KLM to support this commitment.
AirFrance–KLM strongly believes that a diverse and inclusive
workforce has a positive impact on the performance of the
organization and therefore continues to support all forms of
action to encourage equal opportunity, equality between men
and women, LGBTI networks, the vocational integration of young
people, the employment of seniors and transmission of knowledge
and skills, and the maintained employment and recruitment of
persons with disabilities.
Measures and performance
Equal opportunities
AirFrance – KLM
At Air France–KLM Group level the company strives for a
balanced representation of men and women in the Group
Executive Committee. Concretely, in the event of the recruitment
and/or appointment of new members, and in candidates of an
equal level, there is a preference for female candidates. In 2019,
33% of the members of the Group Executive Committee were
women, compared to 27% in 2018.
In 2019, the proportion of women in managerial positions
increased for all categories of sta: ground sta (33% of the 10%
highest levels of management were women compared to 32% in
2018), pilots (5.2% of flight captains were women compared to
5.1% in 2018), cabin crew (65.5% of pursers were women
compared to 65.4% in 2018).
AirFrance–KLM pursued its policy of promoting diversity and
reiterated the need to combat all forms of prejudice and
discrimination by putting the emphasis on the power of diversity
and inclusion via coordinated interventions and an increased
commitment. More diverse and inclusive organizations are known
to attract more talent and to be more customer driven, have
higher levels of employee engagement, take better decisions and
are more innovative and creative. All of these factors are key to
the shared ambition set by the two airlines in terms of equal
opportunity and combating all kinds of prejudice and
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Air France
The commitment to fostering equal opportunity applies to all the
collective recruitment and internal selection processes, and to
professional development.
For Air France, professional gender and wage equality between
women and men is a major business priority and an area in which
the company would like to make progress in terms of human
resources management. This undertaking was reflected in the
signature with the unions of a fifth agreement on Professional
Equality between Women and Men.
To ensure equal treatment between women and men, a series of
male - female comparative indicators are tracked annually within
the framework of an audit carried out within each division of the
company (training, careers, vocational safety, remuneration, etc. ).
Special wage equalization and equitable salary management
measures are in place, together with an annual audit of male and
female comparative remuneration.
The internal Women For Tomorrow (WoTo) network, whose goal
is to reinforce the recognition of women within the Group, currently
numbers some 600 members. The 2019 financial year was
marked by working groups, meetings with external contributors,
workshops and the launch of the woto-airfrance.com website. Air
France is also a member of the Elles Bougent external network,
composed of female business mentors, to encourage young girls
to join the engineering and technical professions. These mentors
notably participated in a major event at the 2019 Paris Air Show
involving more than 200girls.
Lastly, in the spring of 2019, Air France organized a Rainbow
Morning event with more than 200people from the airline and
seven LGBT associations during the International Day Against
Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. On this occasion the Air
France CEO, Anne Rigail, signed the association LAutre Cercle’s
LGBT+ commitment Charter. Furthermore, Air France renewed
its support for the Personn’ailes LGBT and Gay Friendly employee
association, which participated in the 2019 Paris Gay Pride. The
company also supported World Aids Day.
A number of initiatives are also supported by Air France in favor
of young people in the airport catchment area to promote their
access to training and employment like Tous En Stage, an
innovative scheme oering children business experience, and
Article 1 and Nos Quartiers Ont Des Talents, mobilizing more than
100mentors from within the company.
To facilitate the long - term vocational integration of young interns
within the company who are unlikely to be recruited on
permanent contracts, various support measures directed at
external employment are organized at the end of their internship
contracts (organization of job - seeking forums, workshops on
how to set up a company and job - seeking techniques, availability
of dedicated job oer websites, etc. ).
With respect to governance, Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) has
become an integral part of the transformation agenda and thus
a strategic topic for the KLM Board. As of 2018, a Diversity Circle
composed of KLM Executive Committee members, representatives
of the Women on Board network and internal ambassadors
became responsible for defining and executing a clear D&I
strategy for 2019. The D&I circle is a governance structure which
will continue to exist in 2020.
In March2019, the KLM President & CEO signed the Talent to the
Top Charter, a manifesto aimed at increasing the number of
women in management positions. This Charter helps to bring the
right focus to the company’s diversity policy and activate the
right dialogue. The Charter contains guidelines and clear
agreements that help KLM purposefully work towards durable
and eective results. Every year KLM’s progress is monitored
based on six criteria: Leadership, Strategy and Interventions, HR
Management, Communication, Knowledge and Skills and Work
Climate. These criteria are used to frame KLM’s strategy and
D&I targets with respect to the percentage of women in
management positions have been integrated in the overall Flight
Plan for KLM, thereby becoming the responsibility of all divisions.
At the end of 2019, KLM had attained all the targets with women
occupying 27% of management positions. KLM also launched a
female leadership program involving fourteen highly - qualified
women to support their personal and career development. In 2020
another group of twelve women will commence this program.
Dashboards based on HR data have been designed to monitor
the number of promotions, and the inflow and outflow of men
and women. Overall, the KLM Compass links the company’s
purpose to a set of values and shows the balanced need for both
masculine and feminine - labelled behaviour in leadership and
team composition.
The female network Women on Board and the LGBTI Over the
Rainbow network work closely together with the D&I Circle. The
focus of Over the Rainbow has been on increasing awareness and
enhancing discussion. The Women on Board network organizes
inspiring events giving women opportunities to connect and
learn from each other. In 2019, Women on Board numbered more
than 1,000women from all divisions and levels of KLM. Men can
also attend the events. These internal networks, supporting the
importance of Diversity and Inclusion for Women and LGBTI
employees, organized a number of events during 2019:
KLM hosted the annual Workplace Pride International
Conference around the theme Inclusive Sustainability for more
than 300visitors from all over the world. Workplace Pride is a
non - profit organization dedicated to improving the working
conditions of LGBTI employees worldwide;
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Fifty years after Stonewall, KLM organized a special Pride
Flight with an all - gay crew. KLM participated in the Workplace
Pride Global Benchmark and emerged as one of the Top
Improvers with an increase of 18points. KLM also reached the
top 3 for network, showing best practice for organization
linked to the company strategy and Executive Committee
Policy on disability
Air France
Dating back 30years, Air France has deployed a proactive policy
on the employment and vocational integration of employees with
disabilities. This policy is based on three - year inter - category
agreements. On November13, 2019, the Air France CEO Anne
Rigail signed the mandate for the inclusion of people with
disabilities in economic life, which was also signed by a hundred
or so large French companies, thereby rearming Air France’s
commitment to supporting a bona fide societal project.
In 2018, Air France’s employment rate for workers with disabilities
(including both direct employment and indirect employment
through procurement from the sheltered sector) exceeded the
legal threshold of 6% to stand at 6.68%, with 1,950employees
with disabilities present in the company.
In 2019, Air France continued to recruit sta with disabilities
across all divisions. It also ensured the maintained employment
of sta with disabilities through more than 250support programs,
and the adaptation of posts and working conditions.
Within the framework of its societal responsibility policy, the
company supports a number of initiatives in favor of young
people with disabilities to facilitate their access to training and
employment. Thus, within the framework of Tous En Stage, Air France
welcomed 25 teenagers with disabilities on work experience
internships. Air France also partners associations like Tremplin
and Arpejeh.
Air France continues to call on the services of businesses and
organizations in the adapted and sheltered employment sector,
with procurement spending entrusted to this sector amounting
to a little over €20million in 2019.
Awareness - raising actions are conducted throughout the year. In
May 2019, the DuoDay initiatives oered employees the
opportunity to welcome a disabled person for a day to learn
about their profession but also to change their perception of
disability. Awareness - raising events on deafness were organized
and Air France also participated in the European Disability
Employment Week with, notably, events and activities in the
various divisions in cooperation with the Diversity Handicap
representatives, the vocational physicians, social assistants and
associations, and the signature of a partnership with tennis
handisport champion Emmanuelle Morch.
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To redesign and simplify the sick leave process, KLM rolled out a
digital tool (Verea), to oer employees and managers optimal
support. In 2019, in a pilot scheme, Verea was made available to
selected groups while the longer - term goal is for all KLM
managers, employees and sta to use this tool.
In 2019 a significantly higher success rate was achieved in finding
alternative employment for people who were unable to return to
their original jobs due to disability. This means not only suitable
positions within KLM but also the redeployment of incapacitated
employees outside KLM. This success was due to the dedicated
support of the Reintegration Ocers and a better program with
various providers for a better match on the external labor market.
At KLM, according to Dutch Law, every employee has equal rights
in the workplace. Dierentiating between employees on the basis
of disability or chronic disease is not allowed. Only when people
with a certain handicap or disease are not able to do the essential
tasks necessary to do a job eectively can the employer refuse
to hire them, especially if health or safety is a major issue. It is
also mandatory for an employer to investigate whether a disabled
person can execute the work to be done by adjusting the tasks
or the working environment.
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4.2.5 Social indicators for the Group Consolidated social data for the Air France–KLM Group
AirFrance – KLM Group
2017 2018 2019 19/18
in %
Total sta (Full Time Equivalent) at 12/31 80,595 81,527 83,097 1.9%
Scope of Social reporting 96% 98% 97% -1%
Total sta (headcount, permanent and fixed - term contracts)
87,312 88,888 90,386 +1.7%
Ground sta 53,185 53,985 54,342 +0.7%
Cabin crew 25,859 26,153 26,684 +2.0%
Flight deck crew 8,268 8,750 9,360 +7.0%
Sta under permanent contract 82,283 83,994 85,442 +1,7%
Recruitment under permanent contract at 12/31
2,815 4,153 4,384 +5.6%
Recruitment under fixed - term contract at 12/31
6,289 5,920 5,858 -1.0
Departures at 12/31
10,156 10,535 8,842 -16.1%
of which redundancies (incl. economic) 247 337 476 +41.2%
Percentage of women at 12/31
45.3% 45.3% 45.1% -0.4%
Percentage of part - time employees at 12/31 29.7% 29.7% 29.9% +0.7%
Breakdown of sta by age at 12/31
29years 7,501 9,091 10,275 +13.0%
Between 30 and 39years inclusive 17,145 16,246 15,585 -4.1%
Between 40 and 49years inclusive 32,348 31,758 31,003 -2.4%
50Years and above 30,318 31,793 33,523 +5.4%
Breakdown of sta by geographical area at 12/31
Europe (except France and the Netherlands) 3,041 3,373 3,116 -7.6%
North & South America 1,560 1,634 1,848 +13.1%
Caribbean/Indian Ocean (including French overseas territories)
718 711 695 -2.3%
Asia/Pacific 1,645 1,625 1,654 +1.8%
Africa/Middle East 1,170 1,167 1,061 -9.1%
The Netherlands 30,217 30,600 31,609 +3.3%
Continental France 48,961 49,778 50,403 +1.3%
Number of training hours by employee
NA* 39,7 40,4 +1.8%
(a) Air France Group: Air France and Air France subsidiaries.
Air France subsidiaries: Barfield, Blue Connect, Bluelink, Bluelink International CZ, CRMA, Hop!, Sodexi and Transavia France.
(b) KLM Group: KLM and KLM subsidiaries.
KLM subsidiaries: Cygnific, KLM UK Engineering, KLM Cityhopper BV, Transavia Pays-Bas, KLM Catering Services Schiphol BV and Int. Airline Services.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7): See Note on the Methodology.
NA*: Not Available.
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Air France Group
KLM Group
Air France Group of which Air France KLM Group of which KLM
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
51,707 52,512 44,728 45,850 29,818 30,568 23,147 23,597
99% 99% 100% 97% 97% 100%
54,959 55,292 48,124 48,791 33,929 35,094 28,344 29,157
34,693 34,413 30,903 30,427 19,292 19,929 15,868 16,309
15,147 15,461 13,311 14,147 11,006 11,223 9,517 9,583
5,119 5,418 3,910 4,217 3,631 3,942 2,959 3,265
52,280 52,951 45,819 46,734 31,714 32,491 27,265 27,741
3,241 3,077 1,687 2,410 912 1,307 629 940
4,085 4,341 3,021 3,460 1,835 1,517 798 1,075
8,223 6,971 5,899 5,131 2,312 1,871 1,239 1,186
246 393 92 179 91 83 32 44
45.5% 45.2% 45.9% 45.9% 45.2% 45.0% 44.4% 43.9%
21.6% 21.2% 23.1% 22.6% 42.9% 43.5% 44.0% 44.2%
5,366 5,990 3,911 4,833 3,725 4,285 2,203 2,598
9,714 8,723 7,694 6,986 6,532 6,862 5,125 5,477
22,028 21,726 19,881 19,637 9,730 9,277 8,517 8,097
17,851 18,853 16,638 17,335 13,942 14,670 12,499 12,985
2,071 1,802 1,120 991 1,302 1,314 891 883
1,194 1,416 1,194 975 440 432 436 431
662 649 661 648 49 46 49 46
542 411 541 411 1,083 1,243 733 700
724 618 724 618 443 443 443 443
52 46 52 46 30,548 31,563 25,728 26,601
49,714 50,350 43,832 45,102 64 53 64 53
38,9 42,4 37,1 41,5 41,0 37,2 36,2 39,3
4_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page175 Other social data for the Air France Group (according to local legislation)
Air France (100% of the sta headcount, registered and paid at the end of the calendar year)
2018 2019 19/18
Due to illness 3.80 3.56 -6.3%
Due to work accidents 0.71 0.67 -5.6%
Maternity leave 0.44 0.34 -22.7%
Health and safety
Total workplace accidents
2,148 2,214 +3.1%
Number of fatal workplace accidents 0 5
Frequency rate of workplace accidents
29.94% 30.34% +1.3%
Severity rate of workplace accidents
0.92% 0.89% -3.3%
Disabled sta
Total sta with disabilities 1,971 1,950 -1.1%
Total sta with disabilities recruited during year 42 40 -4.8%
Yearly spending in the sheltered sector in €m
19 20 +5.3%
Signed collective agreements 40 48 +20.0%
(a) Data in italics concerns only Air France in Continental France and the French overseas territories.
Air France subsidiaries
2018 2019 19/18
Scope of reporting for Air France subsidiaries 89% 90% +1.1%
Health and safety
Total workplace accidents
627 391 -37.6%
Number of fatal workplace accidents
0 0 +0%
Frequency rate of workplace accidents
58.1% 39.5% -31.9%
Severity rate of workplace accidents
1.38% 1.2% -35.5%
Disabled sta
Total sta with disabilities 141 128 -9.2%
Total sta with disabilities recruited during the year 6 1 -83.3%
Signed collective agreements 38 24 -36.8%
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5): See Note on the Methodology.
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4_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page176 Other data for the KLM Group (according to local legislation)
KLM (100% of the sta headcount, registered and paid at the end of the calendar year)
2018 2019 19/18
Due to illness 6.86% 6.23% -9.2%
Due to workplace accidents 0.11% 0.11% 0%
Maternity leave 0.37% 0.35% -5.4%
Health and safety
Total workplace accidents
169 155 -8.3%
Number of fatal workplace accidents 0 0
Frequency rate for workplace accidents
3.75% 3.36% -10.4%
Severity rate of workplace accidents
0.20% 0.19% -5.0%
Disabled sta
Total sta with disabilities 791 799 1.0%
Signed collective agreements 3 2 -33.3%
(a) KLM: data concerns KLM without international sta.
KLM Subsidiaries
2018 2019 19/18
Scope of reporting for KLM subsidiaries 87% 87% +0%
Health and safety
Total workplace accidents
75 50 -33.3%
Number of fatal workplace accidents 0 0 +0%
Frequency rate for workplace accidents
6.56% 4.4% -32.9%
Severity rate of workplace accidents
0.35% 0.22% -37.1%
Disabled sta
Total sta with disabilities
89 62 -30.34%
Signed collective agreements 7 5 -28.6%
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6): See Note on the Methodology.
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4_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page177 Note on the methodology for the reporting
of the social performance indicators
In 2005 - 06, under the aegis of the Disclosure Committee, and
validated by the college of Statutory Auditors, the Air France–KLM
Group’s social performance indicators were defined to comply
with the requirements of the French New Economic Regulations
law (Les Nouvelles Régulations Économiques, NRE, May15, 2001)
and the European Regulation (EC 809/2004).
Work on optimizing these indicators was undertaken in 2018 to
align the Grenelle II reporting with the new requirements linked
to the transposition of the Directive on the Extra - financial
performance statement.
Since the 2007 - 08 financial year, the Group has chosen to
appoint one of its Statutory Auditors, KPMG Audit, a department
of KPMG SA, to be responsible for verifying a selection of its
reported social indicators.
As of 2018 and in application of the provisions of Article
L.225 - 102 - 1of the Code de Commerce, it is the responsibility of
our Independent Third Party to determine the compliance of the
Extra - financial performance statement and the accuracy of the
published CSR information.
Reporting scope
The AirFrance–KLM Group’s social reporting consolidation scope
is based on the number of employees (expressed as headcount)
on the payroll at the end of the calendar year.
The reporting scope covers 97% of the average employees in the
AirFrance–KLM Group at the end of the 2019 calendar year,
expressed in full - time equivalent.
The subsidiaries of Air France and KLM over which the Group
exercises control at the 50% minimum, whose acquisition dates
back at least one full year and which have at least 250employees,
are included in this social reporting scope.
Note that the number of employees for Air France and KLM and
its subsidiaries comprises their entire workforces including sta
employed internationally:
for the 2019 financial year, the Air France consolidated
subsidiaries are: BarfieldInc., Blue Connect, BlueLink, BlueLink
International CZ, CRMA, HOP, Sodexi and Transavia France,
representing 90% of the employees of the subsidiaries in the
Air France Group;
for the 2019 financial year, the KLM consolidated subsidiaries
are: Cygnific, KLM UK Engineering, KLM Cityhopper, Transavia
C.V., KLM Catering Services and Int. Airline Services,
representing 87% of the employees in the subsidiaries of the
KLM Group.
In 2019, BarfieldInc. was included in the reporting scope for the
Air France subsidiaries.
The subsidiary Joon was discontinued but all its sta were
transferred to Air France: employees formerly under Joon contract
and having rejoined Air France have been included in Air France
hires. Those not joining Air France have not been counted in the
The KLM reporting scope did not change compared to 2019 with
no subsidiaries being either included or withdrawn.
The reference number of employees for calculating the coverage
rate of the social reporting is the average number of employees
in Full Time Equivalent during 2019 derived from the Management
Control division’s BFC tool.
The reporting period for the Group’s social information is based
on the calendar year to ensure consistency with the social
performance indicators of other French companies.
Reporting tools
The indicators are compiled and consolidated using the Osyris
(Operating SYstem for reporting on Sustainability) reporting
software at the disposal of contributors from Air France, KLM and
their subsidiaries across the entire reporting scope. Precise
definitions of each indicator and user guides for contributors
have been produced and are available in the Osyris tool.
Consistency tests have been incorporated within the tool. The data
are verified and approved locally at the level of each subsidiary
by a manager who is responsible for the HR statistical data.
This system is supplemented by a general coordination to launch
the process and by a general reporting procedure which defines
the process for compiling, calculating and consolidating the
indicators, based on an instruction memorandum circulated by
the AirFrance–KLM Group’s Finance division.
The consolidation of the AirFrance–KLM Group’s social information
is carried out by Air France’s CSR department.
Details and methodology–Definition of the key
performance indicators and comments on changes
in the indicators
Definition of the key performance indicators
Employee Promoter Score (EPS)
Scope: Air France and KLM (employees on French or Dutch
The Employee Promoter Score (or EPS) is the score given to
Air France and KLM in their capacity as employers by their
employees. Since July2019, this indicator has been measured at
Air France and KLM on a weekly basis, based on a random group
of 1,500 employees representing all the Air France and KLM
businesses, in the form of a question sent by mail: “How likely are
you to recommend AirFrance–KLM as an employer to friends
and family?”, on a scale of 0to 10. The EPS corresponds to the
dierence between the percentage of employee promoters
(score of 8to 10) of the employer brand and the percentage of
detractors (scores 0to 5).
The indicator measured is the annual change in the consolidated
EPS for AirFrance–KLM. For 2019, the result is the percentage
change between July2019 and December2019.
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Percentage of women in management functions (ground
sta, pilots, cabin crews)
Scope: Air France and KLM employees (expressed as “headcount”)
on both permanent (CDI) and fixed - term (CDD) contracts, on the
payroll as of December31of the reference year.
The indicator measured is the percentage of women in the three
sta categories:
Ground sta: percentage of women in the top 10% management
level. The percentage of women is calculated by combining all
the levels of management, classified in descending hierarchical
order, until the threshold of 10% of the total salaried workforce of
Air France and KLM is reached. For this last level of management,
the entire workforce is taken into account.
Pilots: percentage of women amongst the pilots exercizing
management functions (captain)
Cabin crews: percentage of women amongst the cabin crews
exercizing management functions (pursuers)
Number of training hours
See Training below (Note7).
Comments on changes in the indicators
“Consolidated social data for the Air France–KLM Group” table
This table presents the indicators relating to the number of
employees, recruitment and departures, the proportion of female
employees and the percentage of sta working part time. These
indicators are consolidated at the level of the AirFrance–KLM
The notes below refer to the references in the social indicator
tables (Section4.2.1).
Note1: The number of people employed by the Group (expressed
as headcount) on both permanent (CDI) and fixed - term contracts
(CDD) on December31of the reference year.
Recruitment under permanent contracts
Note2: The indicator concerns employees hired on permanent
contracts (CDI).
For Air France, the calculation of the number of employees recruited
on permanent contracts includes those initially recruited on
fixed - term contracts (CDD) transferring to permanent contracts
(CDI) during the year.
For KLM, only employees recruited directly on permanent contracts
are taken into account.
This year, it was not possible to include the Transavia Netherlands
data on this topic in the Group’s social indicators.
Recruitment under fixed - term contracts
Air France and Air France subsidiaries
Note3: In 2018, HOP! harmonized its accounting method with
that of Air France: at Hop! and Air France, each new fixed - term
contract now generates a hire.
KLM subsidiaries
Note3: This year, it was not possible to include the Transavia
Netherlands data on this topic in the Group’s social indicators.
Departures including redundancies
KLM subsidiaries
Note4: This year, it was not possible to include the Transavia
Netherlands data on this topic in the Group’s social indicators.
Percentage of women–Organization of working time
Note5: These indicators enable the percentage of women to be
evaluated relative to the workforce and the proportion of part - time
employees on both permanent and fixed - term contracts at
December31of the reference year.
Employees by geographical zone at December31
Note6: For 2019, the Air France Group employees in the French
Overseas Departments and Territories, i.e. 596employees, are
included in the Caribbean-Indian Ocean geographical zone.
Note7: The “Number of training hours by employee” indicator is
calculated based on all the training sessions, divided by the
average monthly headcount. For the first time in the social
indicators, this indicator is presented at AirFrance–KLM Group
consolidated level.
Air France and Air France subsidiaries
Note7: For the first time this year, the “Number of training hours
by employee” indicator includes the number of hours of training
at Bluelink International CZ (this data was not available the
previous years).
KLM and KLM subsidiaries
Note7: The hours of external training dispensed to KLM Group
administrative employees and the hours of training given to
employees of the Transavia Netherlands subsidiary (less than 10%
of the AirFrance–KLM Group headcount) are not booked in the
“Training Hours” indicator due to there being no information
population process in place. Measures will be taken to
progressively expand the reporting scope of these indicators in
the coming financial years.
“Other social data” tables
The indicators reported in the “Other social data” tables are
subject to dierent qualification and legal reporting obligations
in France and the Netherlands, meaning that they are not
comparable and need to be presented separately for Air France
and KLM. The subsidiaries concerned in these tables are listed in
the reporting scope section above.
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Absenteeism–Health and safety in the workplace
A significant portion of the work - related accidents reported by
Air France is due to cases of barometric otitis and musculoskeletal
disorders which are recognized as work - related accidents in
France whereas they are recorded as sick leave by KLM in
accordance with Dutch law.
The absenteeism rate is not communicated for the Air France and
KLM subsidiaries (around 15% of the Air France–KLM Group
headcount), the monitoring measures being in the verification
process at the level of these entities. Measures will be taken to
progressively expand the reporting scope of this indicator in the
coming years.
Air France
Note1: The absenteeism rates are calculated based on the hours
of absence expressed as a ratio of the hours theoretically worked
(excluding leave). For Air France flight crew, absenteeism is broken
down into days then converted into hours by multiplying
by five hours.
The absenteeism rate for accidents in the workplace also takes
into account travel - related accidents.
KLM and KLM subsidiaries
Note1: Since the 2014 financial year, the absenteeism rates due to
work - related accidents or illness have been reported separately.
The absenteeism rates are calculated by expressing the number
of calendar days of absence as a percentage of the calendar days
theoretically worked. Absenteeism is tracked on the basis of
figures declared by the KLM entities in the Netherlands.
Health and safety–work - related accidents
There are significant dierences in the definition criteria for
work - related accidents between France and the Netherlands (see
also paragraph on absenteeism).
Air France and Air France subsidiaries together with
KLM and KLM subsidiaries
Note 2: Work - related accidents taken into account are
work - related accidents involving time o work (at least one day
of absence from work). Travel - related accidents are not included
in the indicator but are the subject of specific monitoring and
action plans.
Frequency and severity rates
Air France and Air France subsidiaries
Note 3: The frequency and severity rates are calculated in
calendar days:
for ground sta, based on the actual paid hours worked;
for flight crews, based on the hours of “commitment”.
For Air France, the number of days of sick leave recorded for the
year corresponds only to the accidents having taken place during
the financial year. Part - time working for health reasons is booked
as sick leave. The total period of sick leave is booked in the month
of the accident.
The frequency and severity rates for work - related accidents in
Air France subsidiaries (around 7% of the Air France–KLM
Group’s headcount) have been reported since 2019. The relatively
higher frequency rate for accidents in the workplace at Air France
subsidiaries compared to Air France is explained by:
the substantial number of cases of barometric otitis within
accidents in the workplace;
the proportion of flight crew represented across the Air
France subsidiaries. Flight crew on permanent and fixed - term
contracts eectively amount to 39% of the total headcount in
the subsidiaries even though these sta are subject to
barometric otitis which is recognized as an accident in the
workplace in France;
since the network of airline subsidiaries is focused in particular
on short and medium - haul flights, the flight crews as a whole
have to contend with more pressure changes leading to otitis.
KLM and KLM subsidiaries
Note3: The frequency and severity rates are calculated for all
sta based on the hours theoretically worked.
The days lost for work - related accidents are tracked based on
figures declared by the KLM entities in the Netherlands.
Number of disabled employees
Air France and Air France subsidiaries
Note5: For Air France, the number of disabled employees are
those who, based in Continental France and the French Overseas
Departments and Territories, were present for at least one day
during the year and for whom a valid certificate, pursuant to French
law (Article L.5212 - 2of the French Labor Code), is available.
Note that the data for international employees is reported based
on local legislation.
The number of disabled employees recruited corresponds to the
number of permanent and fixed - term employment contracts
signed during the year; an employee recruited on a fixed - term
contract who then transfers to a permanent contract during the
year will be reported twice.
Note that the rate of employment of disabled employees for 2019
was not yet known on the date the figures for the reporting of
the social indicators were produced for the management report
and the Registration Document.
KLM and KLM subsidiaries
Note5: The definition of a disabled person varies according to
the local legislation governing the entities in the Netherlands and
the United Kingdom.
For KLM and KLM’s Dutch subsidiaries, an individual is deemed
to be disabled if unable to carry out his or her work or any other
work at an equivalent salary level. This requires the employer and
the employee to look for another position with a salary as near
as possible to the previous level and gives the employee the right
to government benefits to compensate for any dierence.
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Key Performance
Indicator Definition Results
There is growing international concern about climate change.
Attitudes towards the acceptability of air transportation growth
are changing both at political level and in terms of wider society,
while we are witnessing the occurrence of increasingly - extreme
climate events. Both France and the Netherlands have
implemented policies to ensure the transition to a zero - carbon
society by 2050. AirFrance–KLM’s growth increasingly depends
on its ability to reduce its environmental footprint.
Within a context in which, unlike other modes of transportation,
commercial aviation currently has no viable alternative to fossil
fuels and no disruptive technologies are expected to emerge in
the short term, AirFrance–KLM needs to maintain its eorts in
this area and respond to the expectations of its stakeholders.
See also paragraph 3.2.2 in Section3Risks and risk management.
See Note on the methodology for the reporting of the environmental indicators, section
Figures verified by KPMG for 2019 (reasonable level of assurance).
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Environmental impact
For KLM’s UK subsidiaries, the reported number of employees
with disabilities refers to the employees on the payroll at
December 31, 2019, for whom a valid certificate, pursuant to
national legislation, is available.
This year, it was not possible to include Transavia Netherlands
data on this topic in the Group’s social indicators.
Air France
Note6: “Yearly spending in the sheltered sector” indicator. This
concerns revenues expressed in millions of euros generated with
companies in the protected sector. This is an estimated figure as
of the date of publication, ahead of the final submission of the
declarations within the framework of the DOETH (mandatory
declaration of employees with disabilities).
per passenger kilometer
for passenger transportation
emissions from the
ground operations
Percentage change in absoluteCO
from the ground operations between 2018 and 2019
2030 target
Carbon neutrality
Non - recycled waste Percentage change in non - recycled waste
between 2011 and 2019.
2030 target
50% reduction
compared to 2011
Noise footprint Percentage of variation of global noise energy per movement
(Global Noise Energy calculated in kJ divided by the total
number of movements between 2000 and 2019.
Percentage change inCO
/passenger/km) between 2005 and 2019
(operational measures only)
Percentage change inCO
/passenger/km) between 2005 and 2019
(operational measures and market - based measures)
2030 target
50% reduction
compared to 2005
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4.3.1 Carbon emissions
Context and strategy
Aviation is responsible for 2% to 3% of man - made greenhouse
gas emissions. However, given the growth for global air trac
over the coming decades and if no action is taken, this proportion
could increase.
In 2009, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) set
ambitious worldwide targets for reducing theCO
emissions from
air transportation:
1.5% average annual fuel eciency improvement until 2020;
carbon neutral growth from 2020 onwards;
a 50% reduction in net aviationCO
emissions by 2050 relative
to 2005 levels.
AirFrance–KLM endorses the IATA targets and the Group has
set itself some proprietary intermediate targets.
The Group’s 2020 target had been to reduce itsCO
by 20% per passenger km compared to 2011 but this objective
was achieved in 2018 with a reduction of 21.6%.
In 2019, Air France–KLM thus set itself a 2030 target of
reducing its CO
emissions by 50% compared to 2005
(in g. ofCO
/passenger/km including the market - based measures):
in 2019, the Group achieved a 30% reduction in itsCO
compared to 2005 (operational measures and market - based
measures) and a 20% reduction taking into account only the
operational measures.
The Group has established a Climate Action Plan to reduce its
carbon footprint. This Plan is composed of six main mitigating
priorities, on the basis of which targets have been identified and
action plans implemented:
fleet modernization and contributing to aeronautical research;
sustainable Aviation Fuel and participating in research into
renewable energies;
operational measures;
supporting the implementation of the global climate
agreement (CORSIA) with a fair contribution for aviation;
regulatory and proactive osetting;
supporting environmental programs;
carbon osetting programs for customers.
Measures and performance
Greenhouse gas emissions: Scopes 1, 2 and 3
Most of the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are generated by
AirFrance–KLM’s direct activities (scope 1), and mainly by the
flight operations which represent 99.7% of the Group’s total
direct emissions. The ground operations (testing bench, runway
vehicles, etc. ) represent 0.3%.
The ground operations, like the aircraft maintenance and tertiary
activities, also generate indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2),
through electricity consumption in buildings (electricity and air
conditioning). The Group implements actions to reduce ground
energy consumption.
The indirect Scope 3greenhouse gas emissions mostly come
from the upstream phase (extraction, production, distribution,
etc. ) in aviation kerosene production and carbon emissions from
vehicles and runway equipment. The other scope 3components
are the purchasing of goods and services, passenger road travel
to and from airports, and employee commuting. Air France and
KLM implement measures to reduce scope 3emissions. For the
air operations, scope 3emissions account for around 16% of total
emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3).
Every year, the Group reports 100% of its scope 1 and 2 CO
emissions, and the scope 3emissions resulting from the upstream
phase in aviation kerosene production (according to internal
estimates, these emissions represent approximately half of the
total scope 3emissions). These emissions are reported in the
form of indicators presented in the environmental indicator
tables, accompanied by a definition of the respective scopes (see
Fuel - saving measures
All possible avenues of fuel - savings are identified and, when
feasible, implemented, subject to strict respect of the rules on
Flight Safety. All the airlines within AirFrance–KLM are involved
in the Fuel Plan so that the Group can improve its energy
eciency and reduce its carbon footprint.
Fleet modernization
Currently the most impactful way to reduce the carbon footprint
is to invest in a more fuel - ecient fleet. The Group focuses on
simplification and rationalization to make the fleet more competitive
while its transformation is being pursued with the arrival of more
modern, high - performance aircraft with a significantly - lower
environmental impact. For the long - haul fleet, Air France’s A340s
and A380s and KLM’s Boeing 747 - 400s are gradually being
replaced by Boeing 787 - 9s and 10s and by A350 - 900s. In 2019,
the average age of the fleet was 11.6years. For more information
on the Group’s fleet see Section1.4.
Sustainable aviation fuel
The use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a promising avenue
for reducing theCO
emissions from aviation. Such fuels are key
to achieving AirFrance–KLM’sCO
emission reduction targets
as well as those of the aviation industry as a whole.
AirFrance–KLM’s goal is to contribute to the establishment of a
sustainable fuel industry for aviation. Both Air France and KLM
have established innovative partnerships with corporate customers,
suppliers, airports and logistics partners. This is exemplified by
last year’s announcement from KLM and SkyNRG, aimed at
developing Europe’s first dedicated plant for the production of
SAF in Delfzijl (the Netherlands). However, strong governmental
support accompanied by incentives are required for both their more
widescale deployment and the creation of economically - viable
production facilities for producers and operators alike.
AirFrance–KLM is very exacting as regards the sustainability
standards of the Sustainable Aviation Fuel it uses, requiring for
example a significant reduction inCO
emissions, a minimal impact
on biodiversity, no competition with food production or access
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to food resources, and a positive impact on local development.
Air France and KLM have been members of the sustainable
certification body Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB)
since 2008, in their capacity as founder members of the Sustainable
Aviation Fuel Users Group (SAFUG).
Stimulating the industry
Air France and KLM are members of working groups and support
research projects aimed at the creation of a Sustainable Aviation
Fuel market. For example:
Air France has joined forces with the ATAG (Air Transport
Aviation Group) to promote, with the French Civil Aviation
Research Council, greater knowledge of biofuels for aviation
and thus raise public authority awareness of the need to
support a French biofuels industry. Air France is also actively
participating in the establishment of the French national road
map on aviation biofuels managed by the National Alliance
for Coordination of Research on Energy (ANCRE);
KLM continues to purchase an annual 120,000liters of SAF
for its Växjö (Sweden) flights, equalling 5% of the total fuel
use on all flights to/from that destination. Together with Södra
and the City of Växjö, KLM and SkyNRG are investigating the
feasibility of producing SAF locally;
in 2017, Air France signed an Engagement for Green Growth
(Engagement pour la Croissance Verte –ECV) with the French
Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, the French
Ministry of Transport and the French Ministry of the Economy
and Finance, along with four other major French industrial
companies (Airbus, Safran, Suez and Total). This Engagement
for Green Growth aims to promote the emergence of
sustainable aviation biofuel industries, in economically viable
conditions that fully integrate circular economy principles. Its
conclusions were published in January2020, together with a
French governmental roadmap to set, on the basis of the ECV
recommendations, the principles and ambition for Sustainable
Aviation Fuel incorporation and the launch of a call for
expressions of interest to build production facilities in France.
Supporting regulatory incentives in France
and the Netherlands, and at international level
Air France and KLM are actively involved in the European
Advanced Biofuels Flightpath initiative. They are also members
of the ART Fuels Forum.
Furthermore, Air France is participating in the Ini-FCA French
Future Alternative Fuels Initiative, spearheaded by the French
Civil Aviation Authority (DGAC). Within the CORAC (Council for
Civil Aeronautical Research), the company actively participates in
formulating a sustainable biofuels strategy involving coordinated
actions to further technological research and innovation towards
the attainment of ecological transition objectives within a global
KLM is actively involved in the BioPort Holland, a collaboration
between the Dutch Government and several private parties with
a collective ambition of launching sustainable aviation fuel
production in the Netherlands.
Innovating in the supply chain
KLM is one of the founders of SkyNRG, the current worldwide
market leader for Sustainable Aviation Fuel. Since 2016, all KLM
flights from Los Angeles airport have been operated with SAF
produced by the local World Energy (former AltAir Fuels)
refinery and supplied by SkyNRG. Additionally, KLM has purchased
SAF for flights out of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. This sustainable
fuel produced by Neste from used cooking oil will bridge the gap
until the coming on stream of the SAF production plant.
In 2019, KLM made a decade - long commitment to developing
and purchasing an annual 75,000tons of Sustainable Aviation
Fuel. KLM is the first airline in the world to invest in SAF on this
scale. SkyNRG will develop Europe’s first dedicated plant for the
production of SAF. The construction of this facility, which is
scheduled to open in 2022, is a concrete step towards fulfilling
KLM’s sustainability ambitions.
In November2019, Air France and Shell signed a memorandum
of undertaking confirming their commitment to fueling the
airline’s flights on departure from San Francisco with a blend of
conventional and sustainable fuel for aviation as of June1, 2020.
This alternative fuel, produced mostly from inedible waste fats
and oils, has obtained RSB certification and respects strict
sustainability criteria. Distribution will take place via the airport’s
centralized infrastructure. This initiative will avoid the emission of
around 6,000 tons ofCO
over 16months and illustrate’s the
airline’s proactive commitment to reducing its environmental
footprint at every stage of the value chain.
Involving customers and partners
As part of its WWF-Netherlands partnership and the Green Deal
commitment, in 2012 KLM launched the KLM Corporate BioFuel
program, a first for aviation. In 2019, the KLM Corporate BioFuel
Programme was partnered by ABN Amro, Accenture, Arcadis BV,
Arcadis NV, Amsterdam Municipality, Loyens & Loe, Air Trac
Control the Netherlands (LVNL), Microsoft, the Ministry of
Infrastructure and the Environment, Neste, the Royal Netherlands
Aerospace Centre (NLR), PGGM, Schiphol Group, SHV Energy,
Södra and the University of Delft.
Air France has long supported the development of a viable industry
for the production of sustainable fuel for aviation. It has been
trialing the use of such fuel on its commercial flights since 2014
and invests substantial sums in innovation alongside research
institutes. In France, Air France mobilizes the partners in the
biofuel value chain around the Engagement for Green Growth.
Operational measures
Weight reduction: the lighter the aircraft, the less fuel it
consumes. All the divisions of AirFrance–KLM are working to
reduce weight on board. This includes, for example, reducing the
weight of seats, galley and service equipment, products such as
paper documentation for cargo and flight decks, magazines and
the loading of drinking water.
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Route and flight path optimization: Improvements in fuel eciency
are made through the optimization of routes, flight paths and
altitudes, and a reduction in aircraft waiting times. AirFrance–KLM
is proactively involved in the SESAR program, which contributes
to the targets of the Single European Sky (SES) directed at better
management of air trac. SESAR aims to contribute to the SES
reduction target by reducing fuel burn.
Flight operations optimization: For example, pilots are trained to
apply the most - fuel - ecient procedures: Flight Plan precision,
speed adjustments and optimized trajectories, and, on the
ground, taxiing with one engine shut down. New ecient tools
based on artificial intelligence are being implemented, in
partnership with innovative startups.
Since 2012, the Group has been subject to the application of the
European Union Emission Trading Scheme for greenhouse gas
emission quotas (EU-ETS) (for the 2019 figures, see
Section4.3.6Environmental indicators table). Until the end of
2023, the EU-ETS scope is limited to intra-European flights.
The global market - based mechanism established by ICAO,
known as CORSIA (Carbon Osetting and Reduction Scheme for
International Aviation), aims to limit the CO
emissions from
international aviation by targeting carbon neutral growth relative
to the 2020 baseline. Air France, KLM and the other IATA airline
members continue to work actively on the implementation
conditions of this agreement.
For the implementation of CORSIA, the AirFrance–KLM Group
contributed to the calculation of theCO
emission reference data
as of January1, 2019 t (average of the 2019 and 2020 emissions).
The implementation of CORSIA osetting will begin with a first
phase from 2021 to 2026, based on the States volunteering to
contribute, i.e. currently 81countries, representing around 76% of
international aviation activity.
The EU will implement the ICAO’s CORSIA scheme in the current
EU-ETS regulations for aviation for the scope of international
flights. In this context, AirFrance–KLM considers that itsCO
emissions are not simultaneously subject to both the EU-ETS and
CORSIA. Assuming a change to the provisions of the EU-ETS, the
Group is calling for a detailed impact study to be conducted on
the envisaged amendments, and is drawing attention to the need
for the prior design of a carbon adjustment mechanism at the
frontiers of the European Union, to protect the European airlines
from “carbon leakage”
Voluntary carbon osetting and support for environmental
Air France and KLM oer their individual and corporate customers
the opportunity to oset theirCO
emissions on a voluntary basis,
by makingCO
emission calculators available to customers on
their websites. These calculators are directly linked to an emission
evaluation system, enabling passengers to oset the carbon
emissions associated with their travel, should they so wish.
With the Trip and Tree program, Air France is partnering the A
Tree for You association which brings together, in complete
transparency, contributors and tree - planting projects from all
over the world. When purchasing a flight ticket, customers can
volunteer to help the planet by making a donation in the amount
of their choice to finance one of the tree - planting projects
supported by the Trip and Tree program.
KLM’s compensation service CO2ZERO also enables passengers
to oset their carbon emissions. Customer contributions are
invested directly in a carbon - osetting project in Panama certified
by the Gold Standard for the Global Goals label that focuses on
planting new trees, preserving existing forests and supporting
the local community. In 2019, the number of journeys booked
including aCO
compensation request doubled on the previous
year, with more than 175,000customers opting to oset their
flight - related emissions. For the first time last year, KLM included
the price ofCO
compensation prominently in its sales campaigns.
Transavia also oers its customers the opportunity to oset
emissions on a voluntary basis when booking thanks to
the CO2ZERO program.
Since January1, 2020, Air France has been proactively osetting
100% of theCO
emissions generated by its domestic flights. This
represents a daily average of more than 450flights. In cooperation
with its partner EcoAct, this compensation takes the form of
participation in projects certified by the highest international
standards, and selected for their eective contribution to the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their
significant benefits for the local population, to support
reforestation, preserve forests and biodiversity, and develop
renewable energies. Air France is one of the first airlines in the
world to oset the emissions generated by its domestic flights.
Lastly, corporate customers can also opt for voluntary compensation
of up to 100% of the emissions generated on their short, medium
and long - haul flights via a dedicated oer.
For more information on these programs see Section 4.3.5
Ground energy consumption
Energy consumption in the ground operations, such as fuel use
for ground support equipment, gas for heating purposes and
electricity for aircraft maintenance and tertiary activities, generates
direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1 and scope 2).
Air France and KLM had been targeting a 20% improvement in
ground operation energy eciency by 2020 (relative to the 2011
level), by optimizing energy consumption and increasing the use
of renewable energies. Air France reached this target in 2017, and
is pursuing its initiatives to maintain and improve this achievement,
despite the fluctuations in consumption linked to climate events
(e.g. particularly hot summer in 2018).
In 2019, Air France and KLM set a target of carbon - neutral ground
operations in 2030. The reporting corresponding to this target
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will be put in place in 2020. In 2019, the Group reduced itsCO
emissions by 32% compared to 2018.
In 2019, the Group pursued actions to reduce its energy
consumption, in particular by upgrading its equipment and
including this objective in supplier contracts. For example, at Air
France, a new energy - ecient lighting system has replaced the
traditional system in the cargo warehouses and is being deployed
at the maintenance sites, enabling a near - 80% saving (reduction
in energy and maintenance costs) and a saving of 550 tons
a year.
Other initiatives are based on the increased use of renewable
energies. For example, at Toulouse and Valbonne, in the south of
France where the bulk of the IT servers are located, 100% of the
heating needs of the tertiary buildings are met by recycling the
heat generated by the air conditioning system. Photovoltaic
energy projects will be deployed at the company’s facilities in
Toulouse and the Roissy-CDG head oce: in total, this equipment
will generate power of 1,300KWc.
In 2019, KLM achieved a 59% reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions from its ground operations compared to their 2011
level.This was achieved in part by increasing electricity eciency
by at least 2% per annum as part of a fifth multi - year energy
eciency agreement with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Aairs
running through to 2020. In 2019, KLM took a major step towards
this ambition by switching to green electricity. A further reduction
in greenhouse gas emissions has resulted from increasing the
share of electric ground support equipment to 60%, replacing
diesel with Gas - to-Liquid and reducing gas consumption.
Environmental management/ISO14001certification
Air France and KLM’s Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
have been ISO14001certified, respectively, since 2008 and 1999,
for all air and ground operations in France (metropolitan and
Saint-Denis de La Réunion and Papeete outstations) and the
Netherlands. This certification was renewed for a three - year period
in 2017 for Air France and in 2018 for KLM. Internal and external
audits verify the eective implementation of the Environmental
Management System.
In addition to compliance with the regulations in force, the
Environmental Management System is used to drive an improvement
in environmental performance and innovation, both within the
Group and at its suppliers.
4.3.2 Adaptation
to climate change
Context and strategy
For air transportation, the impacts of climate change could have
consequences for the routes and destinations served. The size of
the AirFrance–KLM network, with services balanced between
the dierent continents, and the flexibility obtained through fleet
composition are all valuable assets when it comes to minimizing
the economic consequences of these impacts and adapting flight
schedules to market requirements.
Measures and performance
Contributing to the reduction inCO
To avoid air trac growth contributing to an increase inCO
emissions, the aviation industry is the first economic sector to
have defined ambitious long - term reduction targets and to have
set up a carbon osetting scheme at global level within the
framework of the International Civil Aviation Organization, to
guarantee carbon - neutral growth in global air transportation
from 2020.
While international aviation is not included in the Paris Climate
Agreement, the industry’s eorts respond to the latter’s target
of limiting the global temperature increase to below 2°C. In its
Energy Technology Perspectives 2017, the International Energy
Agency considers that the airline industry’s target for 2050 is
more ambitious than what would be required for a 2°C scenario
(2°C Scenario– 2DS) and close to a scenario of beyond 2°C
(Beyond 2°C Scenario–B2DS).
In 2019, the Group set itsCO
emission reduction targets for 2030
and 2050. In terms of carbon - free energy, the use of Sustainable
Alternative Fuels is a promising avenue towards reducingCO
emissions from aviation and a key element in achieving
emission reduction targets as well as those
of the aviation industry as a whole.
During the Paris Air Show in June2019, Air France rearmed its
commitment, alongside all the French air transportation players
Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales
(GIFAS), ADP Group, Fédération Nationale de l’Aviation Marchande,
Union des Aéroports Français –to combatting climate change.
Air France was behind this collective approach shared by all the
stakeholders in the sector.
For the initiatives under way within Air France–KLM, see
Implementing operational solutions
Since they are present across all continents, the Group’s airlines
already operate in all weather conditions. They have thus already
deployed the procedures and resources to ensure operations in
extreme climate conditions.
The more frequent occurrence of extreme climate events could,
however, aect flight operations (re - routing, flight cancellations
and delays, etc. ). In response, Air France, KLM and Transavia have
developed special training programs for employees on the
management of emergency situations. The companies also work
together with airports to ensure safe operational and passenger
handling conditions and, in such circumstances, deploy commercial
measures to enable passengers to defer their travel should they
so wish, or change their destinations.
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Table of concordance
Sections in the
TCFD principles Universal Registration Document 2019
1. Governance
1.1 Describe the board’s oversight of climate - related risks and opportunities Sections 2.3.2, 3.1.2
1.2 Describe management’s role in assessing and managing climate - related risks and opportunities Section2.3.2
2. Strategy
2.1 Describe the climate - related risks and opportunities the organization has identified
over the short, medium, and long term Sections 3.2.2, 4.1.2, 4.3.2
2.2 Describe the impact of climate - related risks and opportunities on
the organization’s businesses, strategy and financial planning Sections 3.2.2, 4.1.2, 4.3.2
2.3 Describe the resilience of the organization’s strategy, taking into
consideration dierent climate - related scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario Section4.3.2
3. Risk management
3.1 Describe the organization’s processes for identifying and assessing climate - related risks Sections 3.2.2, 4.3.2
3.2 Describe the organization’s processes for managing climate - related risks Sections 2.3.2, 3.2.2, 4.3.2
3.3 Describe how processes for identifying, assessing, and managing
climate - related risks are integrated into the organization’s overall risk management Section3.1.2
4. Metrics and targets
4.1 Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate - related
risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process Sections 4.31, 4.3.2
4.2 Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2 and, if appropriate, Scope 3greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, and the related risks Sections 4.31, 4.3.6
4.3 Describe the targets used by the organization to manage climate - related risks
and opportunities, and performance against targets Sections 4.3.1, 4.3.2
Mobilizing partners and supporting research
and development
The Group is mobilizing the industry and is committed to research
and development into innovative solutions, in both design,
aeronautical and engines maintenance and navigation tools, and
in Sustainable Alternative Fuels.
In December 2019, Air France announced the signature of a
partnership with the Solar Impulse Foundation, to promote the
identification and rapid implementation of economically and
ecologically - viable solutions for aviation. Air France and the Solar
Impulse Foundation are calling for clean, ecient and profitable
solutions to accelerate the ecological transition of the aviation
sector. The PROGNOS solution, deployed by Air France Industries
KLM Engineering & Maintenance, has already obtained the Solar
Impulse Label. This predictive analysis program is based on
harnessing big data technologies to oer an eective and
innovative aeronautics maintenance service. The environmental
benefits of PROGNOS stem from reducing flight cancellations
leading to extra flights to recover grounded passengers, as well
as reducing the number of Quick Return Flights (return of the
aircraft to its departure airport) on technical alerts, which require
fuel tanks to be emptied prior to landing. It also optimizes overall
aircraft fuel consumption by monitoring the status of equipment
more precisely.
At the end of 2019, Air France invited partners, experts,
high - profile individuals, innovation players and business leaders
to participate in a round table on the theme Acting Together For
Responsible Travel (Agir ensemble pour un voyage responsable).
In a series of figures and using concrete examples, this meeting
was aimed at outlining the airline’s commitments to reducing the
impact of its activity on the environment and to mobilizing the
players around responsible travel.
Principles of the Task Force on Climate - related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD)
The Task Force on Climate - related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) was
set up by the G20 in December2015 during the United Nations
COP21 conference to draft recommendations for financial and
non - financial companies to use in the public disclosure of the
impacts of climate - related risks and opportunities. These
recommendations, which are applicable across all sectors and
can be included in existing financial reports, aim to increase the
transparency between companies and investors, thereby reducing
investment risks and reconciling short - term financial decisions
with the longer - term consequences of climate change.
In 2019, the Group realized the TCDF Climate Maturity Assessment
developed by KPMG, to evaluate the concordance of its
environmental reporting with the principles of the TCDF. The actions
implemented by the Group are presented in the following table.
As a result, AirFrance–KLM has decided to become an ocial
supporter of the TCFD principles with a commitment to continuing
to improve its knowledge and reporting.
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4.3.3 Noise and local pollution
Context and strategy
Airlines accommodate their customers’ increased demand for
mobility, while maintaining noise hindrance at an acceptable level
for those living near airports. AirFrance–KLM has formalized its
commitment to noise mitigation by making it a requirement
enshrined in its Corporate Social Responsibility Statement.
Fleet modernization and improved operational procedures are
the two pillars of the Group’s noise reduction strategy. All of the
aircraft in the AirFrance–KLM fleet meet the criteria established
by the ICAO Chapter4Noise Standard, the most exacting standard
covering the acoustic quality of civil aircraft. Fleet renewal enabled
a 33% reduction in the AirFrance–KLM Group’s noise footprint
between 2000 and 2019, whereas the number of aircraft
movements increased by 18% over the same period.
Specific solutions are also sought to reduce the noise emissions
from aircraft. Whenever possible, AirFrance–KLM thus implements
continuous descent or NADP (Noise Abatement Departure
Procedure) procedures which significantly reduce noise pollution.
The SESAR program also aims to improve the management of
noise and its impact through precision landing procedures using
satellite navigation and optimized flight paths, including
optimized climb and descent operations.
Measures and performance
Thanks to the actions implemented for several years, the
AirFrance–KLM Group reduced overall noise energy per movement
(takeo and landing) by 43% between 2000 and 2019.
Air France and KLM are committed to ensuring a permanent
dialogue with stakeholders in all territories. They meet with the
representatives of local communities, the airport authorities and
air trac control to identify measures enabling a reduction in
noise hindrance potentially aecting the inhabitants of areas
located near airports.
In the Netherlands, KLM participates in het Regioforum which
addresses issues surrounding noise with the local community. In
France, this dialogue is mainly conducted within the context of
the CCEs (Environmental Consultative Commissions) and CCARs
(Advisory Residents’ Assistance Commissions) in which Air France
participates at all the French airports where it has operations.
Air France has been actively involved in a Night Flights working
Group, overseen by the Prefect of the Paris-Charles de Gaulle
airport region. This working Group notably proposed new “dead
of night” continuous descent procedures and welcomed the
voluntary retirement of noisy aircraft including Air France’s
Boeing 747s. Air France rearmed this commitment with the
announcement of the phase - out from the fleet of the Airbus
A340s. In 2019, during the French National Air Transportation
Debate (Assises du Transport Aérien), the government announced
a commitment to the widespread application of continuous descent
procedures in the medium - term (2023). Lastly, the punctuality of
flights scheduled for late at night or early in the morning is the
subject of a specific expert monitoring group.
In 2019, the Air France Group’s contribution (Air France, Air
France HOP! and Transavia France) to the Airport Noise Tax
(TNSA) paid to the French State amounted to €18.3million. Its
proceeds are allocated to the financing of sound - proofing for
homes located around the main airports. Since the TSNA was put
in place, around €720 million has been allocated to the
sound - proofing of housing, to which the Air France Group has
made a substantial contribution.
Around Schiphol airport, all the noise disturbance measures have
been implemented. Over the past two decades, KLM has
contributed most of the total €754million in noise taxes, devoted
to the sound - proofing and compensation for loss of value in
property around Schiphol airport.
Air quality
Context and strategy
The AirFrance–KLM Group monitors its atmospheric emissions
for both the flight and ground operations, including low altitude
emissions which impact the quality of the air around airports. The
indicators cover emissions ofCO
Most of these gas and particle emissions come from aircraft
movements. The remainder is produced by the ground operations
and maintenance activities, airport logistics and road travel by
passengers, employees and suppliers.
Measures and performance
AirFrance–KLM reduces its local emissions via a number of levers:
a modern fleet with more energy - ecient aircraft;
electric or more ecient ground vehicles and runway
equipment, powered by cleaner fuels;
optimized operational procedures for the ground operations:
taxiing time, taxiing using just one engine, the use of ground
power units (GPUs) to ensure the functioning of on - board
systems, replacing the Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) on
kerosene - powered aircraft.
At Air France, an increased budget for 2019 enabled investment
in runway equipment meeting the new environmental standards
in force and the development of electrical power. For ground
vehicles, hybrid petrol and electric engines are prioritized when
renewing the fleet.
The replacement of the diesel engines on twelve conveyor belt
vehicles with electric motors powered by a new type of lithium - ion
batteries from recycled car batteries will allowCO
emissions to
be reduced by 3 tons per year and per conveyor belt. The
company has set itself a target of 90% of its ramp vehicles and
equipment to be electrically - powered by 2025.
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Similarly, Air France is accelerating the use of electric power
converters (ACUs) for the air conditioning of aircraft on the
ground. This enables a reduction in emissions due to the use of
thermal ACUs, APUs and GPUs.
KLM increased the proportion of full - electric ground support
equipment to 58% in 2019, thereby reducing CO
and local
emissions. In summer 2019, diesel was replaced with Gas - to-
Liquid (GTL) in the fuel supply system at Schiphol Airport. This
was initiated by KLM to ensure a substantial reduction in the
related local emissions.
Air France has participated in the Paris Region “Atmosphere
Protection Plan” since 2008 through its Mobility Plan and, at the
outstations in the French provinces, has launched the roll - out of
their own Mobility Plans. In December2019, the Toulouse outstation
received an award at the Eco Mobility Trophies organized by the
region’s public transport organization for its Mobility Plan, drawn
up in collaboration with the airport authorities.
With more than 80% of sta commuting to work by car, the aim
of the Mobility Plan is to reduce the pollutant emissions linked to
their travel. This is thus a major challenge for the company, in terms
of both the environment and health and safety in the workplace.
In 2019, the Mobility Plan was based on the following initiatives:
promoting public transport;
encouraging remote working for positions allowing this:
5,692employee teleworkers in France in 2019, i.e. an increase
of more than 100% relative to 2018. These unrealized commutes
to/from work represent approaching 8million kilometers and
a saving of 1,932tons ofCO
installing charging terminals for electric vehicles in its car
participating in the development of the car share platform
available free of charge to employees of Air France and those
of ten other companies. In the French provinces, car sharing
is also encouraged and supported;
raising employee awareness of the link between air quality and
methods of commuting to/from work;
making nomad workspaces available;
implementing collective initiatives with the other companies
located at each work site to maximize the eectiveness of the
Other areas are also being studied like carpooling and the
development of environmentally - friendly transportation methods
like cycling.
4.3.4 Waste and the circular
Context and strategy
AirFrance–KLM handles many forms of waste, mostly arising
from flight operations and maintenance, within a context of strict
regulatory obligations. Across the entire supply chain, the Group
strives to minimize waste and increase the proportion that is
recycled or reprocessed. Air France and KLM base their actions
on the four principles of the circular economy: rethink, reduce,
reuse and recycle.
Air France has set itself a target of recycling or processing for
energy recovery 100% of non - hazardous waste and 60% of
hazardous waste by 2020. KLM has already achieved its 2020
objective of reprocessing or recycling 100% of non - hazardous
In 2019, both Air France and KLM set themselves a target of a
50% reduction in residual waste (non - recycled waste from the
cabin and ground activities) by 2030 compared to 2011. In 2019,
the Group reduced non - recycled waste by 31% compared to the
2011 level.
Measures and performance
Inflight waste
Air France and KLM run programs aimed at a constant improvement
in the overall management of flight waste: waste prevention,
increasing the recycled portion, eco - design of products and the
identification of appropriate reprocessing facilities, with reducing
residual waste as the main goal. For example, a significant
proportion of reusable obsolete equipment, like trays, drawers,
blankets and trolleys, is recycled.
Since October1, 2019, Air France has been selectively sorting its
on - board waste. This sorting, realized on all the short, medium
and long - haul flights bound for Paris, concerns plastic bottles,
cardboard juice cartons and aluminium cans. The articles are
sorted on board by the cabin crews then handled by Servair at
Paris-CDG and Paris-Orly, before being recycled in France or
elsewhere in Europe. Every year, nearly 7million bottles, 3million
juice cartons and 6million cans are consumed on the company’s
flights. The capability to extend the initiative on flights from Paris
is being studied based on a regulatory and operational analysis
at each destination.
At KLM, the use of less product packaging has been a focus of
eorts. On all the European flights, on - board waste is sorted and
trolleys have been adapted to collect plastic and cardboard cups.
Glass, cans, aluminum lids, paper, EPS boxes, PET plastic bottles
and other forms of plastic are also sorted and recycled by the
catering teams. In 2019, KLM introduced the From Drink To Ink
program that collects PET bottles to turn them into filament for
3D printing in its engine maintenance shop.
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Whether for reasons of hygiene and food safety, or to reduce the
weight embarked, the inflight service uses a substantial quantity
of single - use plastic products (SUPs). The AirFrance–KLM Group
is committed to reducing the environmental impact of SUP in its
operations. The Group achieves this by: removing SUPs wherever
possible; replacing these plastics with other materials if more
sustainable alternatives are available (based on Life Cycle
Assessments or other environmental proofs); redesigning SUPs
to decrease material use; using recycled plastic or ensuring SUPs
are recycled where possible.
In 2019, to reduce its environmental footprint, Air France committed
to replacing 80% of single - use plastic items with sustainable
alternatives between now and 2025, while respecting the airline
rules and health requirements. At the end of 2019, Air France
gradually eliminated 210million single - use plastic items, i.e. 1,300tons
(100million plastic cups replaced by cardboard versions, 85million
plastic cutlery items replaced by versions manufactured and
packaged using bio - based materials, 25million plastic stirrers
replaced by wood versions).
In 2019, Transavia also committed to the progressive and significant
reduction of single - use plastic items on board its aircraft by
proposing, on its scheduled flights, certified alternatives to
single - use plastic (Duty Free bags in Kraft paper and cups,
stirrers and cutlery kits of plant origin, etc. ). In total, more than
seven million single - use plastic items are no longer distributed
each year on the scheduled flights, or 41tons of plastic.
Action to combat food waste and food insecurity
Air France–KLM handles the food waste coming from flight
operations in the respect of a permanent commitment to
guaranteeing food safety and security, within a context of strict
regulation. The regulations vary depending on the context of
each station and are often very exacting, like the European
Regulation requiring the incineration of any elements having
been in contact with food on flights arriving from outside the EU.
Two main levers enable a reduction in food waste: the adjustment
of the catering embarked on flights and a strict policy of
merchandise inventory management.
Based on statistics and historic flight load factors, and on
passenger habits, the number of meals actually embarked is
regularly re - evaluated. This re - evaluation prevents waste arising
and reduces both production and transportation costs and
overall waste. This also reduces the onboard weight, resulting in
Digital innovation enables customer demand to be more
accurately predicted, like for example the pre - selection of hot
dishes in the Air France Business cabin.
Rethinking some oers also contributes to a reduction in food
waste. In 2019, Air France revisited the kit containing a stirrer and
sachets of sugar and creamer. It decided to leave out the creamer
and oer this to passengers on request, thereby avoiding the
embarkation and wastage of around 30 tons of products
per year.
Furthermore, when some foodstus or articles can no longer be
loaded on board, they are donated to charities. The company also
works with the Restos du Cœur soup kitchens and the Food Bank.
AirFrance–KLM Martinair Cargo is active in the perishable goods
transportation segment. The teams maintain a permanent
relationship with all the players in the value chain (producers,
exporters, importers, supermarkets, airport authorities, etc. ) to
promote sustainable development in the agricultural and air
transportation sectors. Numerous initiatives are under way: joint
communication actions with the Paris-CDG plant protection
department and exporter customers, improvement in perishable
goods handling capacity and management of the cold chain, etc.
The Group is also a member of the Cold Chain association and
contributes to its work on reducing food waste. Within this
framework, 2019 saw the definition of the priority measures to
be implemented for the sustainable development of air - shipped
exports of West African mangoes, at both technical (combatting
fruit flies which degrade the quality of the fruit) and logistical
level (improvement in airport infrastructures at Burkina Faso and
in Senegal notably, and verification procedures at Paris-CDG).
Aeronautical waste
Air France and KLM have a procedure in place for recycling metal
aeronautical waste. Wherever possible, the cradle - to - cradle
principle is applied to reintegrate waste in a new production cycle.
The process foresees procedures to reuse and recycle spare
parts. This program has been extended to other types of waste:
furniture, equipment, pallets and blankets.
At Air France, the move up - market for the medium and long - haul
cabins with the installation of new seats has been accompanied
by the implementation of a recycling and dismantling process for
the old seats ranging from the reuse and recycling of
components to the recovery of foams and metals.
Hazardous waste from the maintenance activities is the subject
of a comprehensive tracing system and its management is
harmonized in the dierent maintenance sites. This approach is
also reflected in the optimized management of suppliers and
costs, and the search for more relevant solutions in the light of
regulatory changes.
Promoting the principles of the circular economy
The two companies are working on initiatives to up - cycle waste
for new uses like, for example, the recycling of used uniforms.
A permanent recycling system is in place for Air France uniforms
and work clothing. Sta are invited to adopt good recycling
practice by depositing uniforms and work clothing in secure
containers in the Air France premises. Uniforms are collected
(30.2tons of textiles since September2018 at the Roissy site)
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from the various sites and are recovered by dierent partners
including a French Support and Work Assistance Establishment
(ESAT for the employment of disabled workers), before
subsequently being up - cycled. Uniforms are thus up - cycled via
the help of energy recovery in the form of textile pellets. Finally,
these ashes will be used as fuel in the manufacturing of cement.
In addition, employees have launched the 100% Uniforms
initiative to recycle these uniforms into other products such as
the new collection of accessories (pouches etc. ).
To avoid the destruction of products and promote their reuse, in
January2017 Air France signed a framework agreement with the
Agence du Don en Nature (ADN). By donating new, re - modeled
and recycled products like crockery and blankets respectively, Air
France supports the work of the ADN association which collects
and redistributes new non - food everyday products to combat
exclusion in France. In 2019, during the upgrade to Air France’s
cabin decor, more than 25,000 blankets in Business were
donated to AND. In addition, at the end of the Joon operations,
more than 6,500items of Joon uniforms were recycled via a
donation to the SAMU Social organization.
KLM sorts over 14types of waste, with paper, wood, plastic and
metal being its main residual forms. In cooperation with its
partners, KLM for example up - cycles old cargo straps into bags,
pillows and laptop cases, recycles uniform fibers into cabin
carpets, furniture and KLM goodies, and up - cycles old furniture.
4.3.5 Biodiversity
Context and strategy
The impact of air transportation on biodiversity is linked to the
eects of climate change induced by the CO
emissions it
generates. The Group supports a number of projects and
initiatives aimed at protecting biodiversity around its hubs and
The investment in other projects, aimed at advancing knowledge
and preserving biodiversity, also contributes to a better
understanding of the issues associated with ecosystem services
like sustainable biofuel production. Although certain types of
biofuel for road transportation can have a negative impact on
biodiversity, AirFrance–KLM is committed to guaranteeing the
use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels with the lowest impact on the
food chain and biodiversity, and a positive impact on local
Measures and performance
Supporting projects through customer osetting
Alongside the French Civil Aviation Authority (Direction Générale
de l’Aviation Civile –DGAC), Air France is a founder member of
the A Tree For You association which brings together, in complete
transparency, donors and tree - planting projects everywhere in
the world.
The Trip And Tree by Air France program became an integral part
of the online ticket sales process in 2019. On purchase of a flight
ticket, customers have the opportunity to make a donation in the
amount of their choice to reduce their environmental footprint
and contribute to a reforestation project in France and across the
world. Having been selected by a committee of recognized and
independent experts, these projects also comprise a citizenship
dimension with the creation of jobs in these countries.
At the end of 2019, six months after its launch, more than
20,500donors had contributed to the comprehensive financing
of ten projects across four continents, i.e. more than
160,000trees planted.
Supporting projects via the osetting of domestic flights
Since January1, 2020, Air France customers have been able to
undertake carbon - neutral travel in mainland France thanks to a
proactive scheme to compensate 100% of theCO
emissions on
the airline’s domestic flights. In liaison with the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals, this osetting scheme takes the
form of a contribution to reforestation, forest preservation and
biodiversity projects, and those dedicated to the development
of renewable energies, while guaranteeing the protection of the
most vulnerable populations.
Eight first projects across four continents (France, Brazil, Peru,
Cambodia, India and Kenya) were selected and launched with
EcoAct, a pioneer in carbon osetting in France.
For the ninth project, Air France oered its customers the
opportunity to become players in this scheme by voting on line
for their preferred project. Three projects were proposed (a
forestry preservation project in Brazil, a photovoltaic program in
Senegal and a bio - gas from waste production program in
Vietnam). The forestry preservation program received the largest
number of the 27,000votes cast and is now amongst Air France’s
carbon osetting project portfolio.
All the projects selected have received the highest certification
standards on the voluntary carbon oset market, the World
Wildlife Fund (WWF) Gold Standard, VERRA’s VCS and CCBA’s
additional CCB standard.
CO2ZERO service
Since 2008, KLM has contributed to preserving and restoring
forests via its CO2ZERO-projects in Panama and a number of
African countries. The Gold Standard for the Global
Goals - certified project in Panama, CO2OL Tropical Mix, turns
formerly degraded pasture land into mixed forestry by planting
a blend of mainly native tree and some exotic species. In addition
to the numerous environmental benefits such as biodiversity
protection and ecosystem restoration, the project’s activities
enable skills development and the creation of long - term
employment with a sustainable source of income for the local
population which improves their living conditions.
At the end of 2019, Transavia joined the program.
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An association to promote the preservation of biodiversity
in the areas around airports
In June2019, to extend the scope of its initiative launched in 2013
to promote biodiversity around airports, the Hop! Biodiversité
association was renamed Aéro Biodiversité. With preserved
green areas averaging 73% (representing 350km at national
level), aviation can play a role in the preservation of grasslands,
Western Europe’s natural habitat that is now most under threat.
Protected from urban development and from multiple human
activities, these airport grasslands which are generally unsprayed
and untilled favor the reproduction of a flora and fauna often little
known to the wider public. These semi - natural spaces are present
in every French region and it is important to optimize their
managment to be able to protect the species living there.
The association’s eorts take place within a methodological
framework scientifically approved by the French Natural History
Museum, a founder member of the association. They involve a
diverse local HR resource calling on the participatory sciences. Two
hundred and fifty - two bird species have been numbered on the
land of partners and more than 2,800plant and animal species
recorded. The data amassed supplements the national databases
of knowledge on biodiversity.
While arming its priority of ensuring aeronautical safety, the
French Civil Aviation Authority (Direction Générale de l’Aviation
Civile) is also a very active founder member of the association. It
is possible to enrich the biodiversity of the relevant spaces by, for
example, practicing the appropriate strategies in terms of
mowing and by eliminating crop protection products.
At the end of 2019, the association brought together four airline
members (Air France, HOP!, Air Corsica, Air Saint-Pierre) and
18 French airports. All have included this project in their
sustainable development policies and, since 2016, the in - field
engagement has been recognized by the French Minister for
Sustainable Development in respect of the National Biodiversity
Strategy (Stratégie Nationale pour la Biodiversité –SNB).
As an active and founding partner, Air France contributes to
raising awareness of the association’s initiatives amongst its sta
awareness - raising forums: 720participants in the Environment
forum in September2019;
citizenship Days proposed to all employees and biodiversity
observations aimed at sta whose area of professional activity
involves the environment and biodiversity: in 2019, more than
50employees participated, most often on a full - day basis, at
Contributing to combating the trac in protected species
Air France and KLM are signatories of the Buckingham Palace
Declaration which formalizes their resolute commitment to
combatting illegal trading in protected species.
For many years, the Group has been committed to combating
this illegal trade. For example, its Cargo division has already
carried out a number of initiatives, notably employee training and
awareness raising for customers, and participates in working
groups with international bodies and associations (World
Organization for Animal Health–OIE, IATA, United for Wildlife).
In 2019, Air France pursued its awareness - raising program for
frontline ground sta to help them spot and report suspicious
behavior or baggage to the relevant authorities. Air France
provides information for its customers, particularly on its
commercial website under Prohibited and Regulated Goods and
also on board its long - haul flights through an awareness - raising
video on illegal tracking.
Air France is behind a working Group set up at the end of 2017,
bringing together Paris Aéroport, the Customs authorities,
Chronopost and WWF, to plan joint, coordinated initiatives at the
Paris-CDG hub. In 2019, the Europe Handling Group joined this
working group.
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4.3.6 Environmental indicators Carbon Emissions
Air France–KLM Group
Unit 2018 2019 19/18
Greenhouse gas emissions
(Scope 1GHG protocol)
Aviation Fuel ktonsCO
27,571 28,228 +2.4%
Ground Operations ktonsCO
62.3 60.7 -2.6%
Greenhouse gas emissions
(Scope 2GHG protocol) Electricity ktonsCO
46.2 7.6 -83.5%
Greenhouse gas emissions Upstream emissions
(Scope 3GHG protocol) from fuel production ktonsCO
5,685 5,907 +3.9%
Total carbon Emissions ktonsCO
33,365 34,203 +2.5%
Osetting Mandatory ktons
carbon osets CO
credits 3,106 3,253 +4.7%
Voluntary carbon osets ktons
credits 0 24 n.a.
Customers’ carbon osets ktons
credits 0 98 n.a.
Figures verified by KPMG for 2019 (reasonable level of assurance).
(1) Air France Group scope: all flights under AF and A5 code operated by Air France, Joon and HOP!, all flights under TO code operated by Transavia France.
(2) KLM Group scope: all flights operated by KLM, KLM Cityhopper, Martinair and Transavia.
(3) CO
emissions represent 98% for air transport (Carbon base at January31, 2020: www.bilans-ges.ademe.fr/).
n.a.: not available.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 193
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Environmental impact
Air France Group
KLM Group
2018 2019 19/18 2018 2019 19/18
15,628 16,195 +3.6% 11,943 12,033 +0.8%
20.7 21.3 +2.9% 41.6 39.4 -5.3%
9.2 7,6 -17.4% 37,0 0 -100%
3,222 3,389 +5.2% 2,463 2,518 +2.2%
18,879 19,613 +3.9% 14,485 14,590 +0.7%
1,632 1,643 +0.7% 1,474 1,610 +9.2%
0 0 n.a. 0 24 n.a.
0 0 n.a. 0 98 n.a.
4_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page193 Flight Operations
Air France–KLM Group
Unit 2018 2019 19/18
Consumption of raw materials
Conventional Aviation Fuel ktons 8,753 8,961 +2.4%
Sustainable Aviation Fuel ktons n.a. 6.9 n.a.
Fuel eciency
footprint gramCO
/ 80 79 -1.3%
for passenger transport pax km
footprint gram CO
/100kg 45.6 44.5 -2.4%
for cargo transport cargo km
Non - carbon emissions
low altitude ktons 9.3 9.5 +2.2%
low altitude ktons 0.9 0.8 -3.2%
In - flight fuel jettison
Occurence of fuel jettison nbr 42 47 +11.9%
Fuel jettison tons 1,179 1,511 +28.2%
Noise impact
Global noise energy indicator 10
kJ 1.68 1.69 0.6%
(1) Air France and its subsidiaries (Joon, HOP!, Sodexi, CRMA, BlueLink and Transavia France).
(2) KLM and its subsidiaries: KLM Cityhopper BV (KLC), KLM Equipment Services (KES), KLM Catering Services (KCS), KLM Health Services (KHS), Cygnific BV, Transavia NL and Martinair.
n.a.: not available.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 195
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Environmental impact
Air France Group
KLM Group
2018 2019 19/18 2018 2019 19/18
4,961 5,141 +3.6% 3,792 3,820 0.8%
0 0 n.a. 0 6.9 n.a.
83 82 +0.8% 76 75 -1.3%
47.4 46.6 -1.7% 44.3 42.8 -3.4%
6.1 6.3 +3.3% 3.2 3.2 0.0%
0.5 0.5 0.0% 0.4 0.3 -25.0%
28 28 0.0% 14 19 +35.7%
778 851 +9.4% 401 660 +64.7%
0.99 1.00 1.0% 0.69 0.69 0.0%
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document196
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
4 Environmental impact Ground Operations
Air France–KLM Group
Unit 2018 2019 19/18
Electricity Total consumption MWh 278,724 267,564 -4.0%
of which renewable MWh n.a. 102,359 n.a.
Other energies
Fuels MWh 163,005 159,671 -2.0%
Natural Gas MWh 113,834 111,088 -2.4%
Steam/other heating/cooling MWh 82,603 80,146 -3.0%
of which renewable MWh n.a. 24,848 n.a.
Water Water consumption m 542,570 481,609 -11.2%
Non - carbon emissions
ktons 0.495 0.445 -10.1%
ktons 0.006 0.006 0.0%
Non - hazardous industrial waste Total quantity tons 23,221 20,456 -11.9%
Percentage recycled % 37% 38% +1pt
Hazardous industrial waste Total quantity tons 5,427 4,305 -20.7%
Percentage recovered % 71% 54% -17pts
(1) Air France and its subsidiaries (HOP!, Sodexi, CRMA, BlueLink and Transavia France).
(2) KLM and its subsidiaries: KLM Cityhopper BV (KLC), KLM Equipment Services (KES), KLM Catering Services (KCS), KLM Health Services (KHS), Cygnific BV, Transavia NL and Martinair.
(3) Renewable electricity certificates are bought based on an annual estimation of electricity consumptiom and therefore may vary from actual consumption.
n.a.: not available.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 197
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Environmental impact
Air France Group
KLM Group
2018 2019 19/18 2018 2019 19/18
198,916 192,193 -3.4% 79,808 75,371 -5.6%
n.a. 26,249 n.a. n.a. 76,110
58,938 61,463 +4.3% 104,067 98,208 -5.6%
31,131 31,989 +2.8% 82,703 79,098 -4.4%
82,603 80,146 -3.0% n.a. n.a. n.a.
n.a. 24,848 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
380,342 321,622 -15.4% 162,228 159,986 -1.4%
0.306 0.276 -9.8% 0.189 0.169 -10.6%
0.002 0.003 +50.0% 0.004 0.003 -25.0%
6,146 5,073 -17.5% 17,075 15,382 -9.9%
71% 65% -6pts 28% 29% +1pt
3,359 2,592 -22.8% 2,068 1,713 -17.2%
57% 45% -12pts 93% 68% -25pts
4_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page197 Note on the methodology for the reporting
of the environmental indicators
In 2005 - 06, under the aegis of the Air France–KLM Group’s
Disclosure Committee, and validated by the college of Statutory
Auditors, the Group’s environmental performance indicators were
defined to comply with the requirements of the French New
Economic Regulations law (Les Nouvelles Régulations Économiques,
NRE, May15, 2001) and the European Regulation (EC 809/2004).
Work on optimizing these indicators was undertaken in 2018 to
align the Grenelle II reporting with the new requirements linked
to the transposition of the Directive on the Extra - financial
performance statement.
As of 2018 and in application of the provisions of Article
L.225 - 102 - 1of the Code de Commerce, it is the responsibility of
our Independent Third Party to determine the compliance of the
Extra - financial performance statement and the accuracy of the
published CSR information.
Furthermore, the data relating to the “greenhouse gas emissions
(Scope 1GHG protocol) from aviation fuel”, “Consumption of
Conventional aviation fuel”, “SpecificCO
footprint for passenger
transport” indicators linked to the Flight Operations have, since
2007 - 08, been verified with the highest level of assurance,
reasonable assurance (indicated by the symbols ).
Scope covered and scope N-1
For the flight operations, the environmental consolidation scope
all the commercial flights under the AF and A5 codes
operated by Air France, Joon and Air France HOP!, and the
TO codes operated by Transavia France;
all the commercial flights under the KLM code operated by
KLM and its subsidiaries KLM Cityhopper BV (KLC), Martinair
and Transavia Netherlands.
For the ground operations, the consolidation scope for the
environmental reporting covers nearly 100% of the sites in France
and the Netherlands (some very small subsidiaries being
excluded). The international outstations are not taken into account
(partially for the French Overseas Departments and Territories).
The Air France consolidated subsidiaries: Air France HOP!,
CRMA, Sodexi, Blue Link and Transavia France.
Furthermore, for Air France, the indicators in the French stations
are not reported when there is no detail available on the charges
invoiced by airports. The contribution from the relevant stations
is, however, marginal compared with the reported data.
The KLM consolidated subsidiaries: KLC (KLM Cityhopper),
KES (KLM Equipment Services), KCS (KLM Catering Services),
KHS (KLM Health Services), Transavia Netherlands, Martinair
and EPCOR (for a portion of the indicators).
Reporting tools
The environmental indicators are assembled at local level via
dierent reporting tools: Osyris (Enablon software), Tennaxia for
waste, SAP Finance (invoicing) for Air France and CaeSaR for KLM.
The reliability of the reporting process is supported by definitions
of each indicator and tool user guides made available to the
contributors. Consistency tests have also been implemented.
The consolidation of the AirFrance–KLM Group’s environmental
data is carried out by the Air France CSR department.
Details and methodology–Definition of the key
performance indicators and comments on changes
in the indicators
At AirFrance–KLM Group level, the regulatory requirements and
the reporting and consolidation principles are outlined in a
common document which is updated annually.
Within the framework of an improvement - based approach,
methodological details are provided on some indicators, and
particularly on their definitions. When these changes have a
significant impact on the data, comparison with the figures for
previous years is not meaningful.
When the data is not available, the figure reported for the year (N)
is estimated based on the value reported for the previous year
The reporting period for the Group’s environmental data is based
on a rolling twelve - month period from October 1 N-1 until
Definition of the key performance indicators
eciency per passenger kilometer
footprint for passenger transportation. Definition:
refer to the paragraph “Flight operations” “Carbon eciency–
footprint for passenger transportation”.
Percentage change inCO
eciency (g.CO
between 2005 and 2019 (operational measures only):
percentage change of specificCO
footprint for passenger
transportation between 2005 and 2019, only considering
operational measures (fleet modernization, optimized
procedures, weight on - board reduction, etc. ).
Percentage change inCO
eciency (g.CO
between 2005 and 2019 (operational measures and
market - based measures): percentage change of specificCO
footprint for passenger transportation between 2005 and
2019, considering operational measures (fleet modernization,
optimized procedures, weight on - board reduction, etc. ) and
market - based measures (mandatory osetting and voluntary
osetting). The mandatory osetting per calendar year is
based on an estimate since the final data are reported after
the publication of this document. To determine the CO
osetting, AirFrance–KLM deducts the free allowances from
the totalCO
emissions reported under EU ETS.
emissions from the ground operations
Percentage change in absoluteCO
emissions from the ground
operations between 2018 and 2019. These emissions include all
the scope 1 and 2emissions. Definition: refer to the paragraph
“Carbon emissions” “Scope 1–Ground operations” and “Scope 2–
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4 Environmental impact
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Non - recycled waste
Percentage change in non - recycled waste between 2011 and
2019. Definition: refer to the paragraph “Ground operations”
“Waste–Non - hazardous industrial waste, and percentage recycled”.
Noise footprint
Percentage of variation of Global Noise Energy per movement
between 2000 and 2019. Definition: refer to the paragraph “Flight
operations” “Noise impact–Global noise energy indicator”. The
Global Noise Energy calculated in kJ is divided by the total
number of movements (legs).
Comments on changes in the environmental indicators
Carbon Emissions
The direct and indirectCO
emissions are reported in line with
the greenhouse gas Protocol. Since 2017, scope 3emissions have
been reported. These are solely based on the reported scope
3emissions from the flight operations (upstream emissions from
Jet fuel). According to Ademe, theCO
emissions correspond to
98% of all the greenhouse gases.
Scope 1–Aviation fuel
The scope 1emissions generated by the combustion of aviation
fuel are reported for all the kerosene used in AirFrance–KLM’s
flight operations. The emission factor used of 3.15kgCO
per kg
kerosene is in line with the emission factor from the EU ETS. Note
that there are dierences between the scope of the reportedCO
emissions and those in the EU ETS for greenhouse gas emission
quotas, such that comparison is not meaningful.
The increase inCO
emissions is due to the growth in activity, in
particular for Transavia and Air France long - haul flights.
Scope 1–Ground operations
The direct emissions from the ground operations are based on
the consumption of energy coming from dierent sources and
their corresponding emission factors. The factors are based on
national standards or are delivered by the energy supplier. In
summer 2019, KLM changed from diesel to Gas - to-Liquid (GTL),
explaining the dierence in consumption and the reduction in
Scope 2–Electricity
The emissions resulting from electricity use are based on the
volume of consumption and the corresponding emission factors.
The CO
saving from purchasing Certificates of Origin for
renewable electricity are subtracted from the total.
The decrease in scope 2CO
emissions is mainly explained by the
supply of 100% renewable electricity for KLM.
Scope 3–Upstream emissions from kerosene production
These emissions are generated during the production,
transportation and distribution of kerosene. The emission factor
for the scope 3 calculation is the ICAO full life cycle GHG
emissions factor (89gCO2e/MJ for jet fuel A1).
Mandatory carbon osetting (EU-ETS)
The volume of reported mandatory carbon osets is based on
the annual EU ETS reporting and, in future, CORSIA. Free
allowances are excluded.
Voluntary carbon osetting
The volume of voluntary carbon osets is based on the calendar
year. VoluntaryCO
compensation paid by our customers is not
included. The reported osets are purchased by Air France and
KLM (e.g. for employee business - related trips or for 100% of
the CO
emissions from Air France domestic flights as of
January2020) and are Gold Standard Certified.
Carbon osetting by customers
The volume of voluntary carbon osets is based on the calendar
year. This regards the voluntary CO
compensation paid for
by our customers via the Air France and KLM compensation
Flight operations
Consumption of raw materials–Conventional Aviation Fuel
This is the actual consumption of conventional fuel for each flight.
It includes the fuel consumed by APU usage.
The increase in fuel consumption is due to the growth in activity,
in particular for Transavia and Air France long - haul flights.
Consumption of raw materials–Sustainable Aviation Fuel
This is the quantity of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) purchased
for the reporting period.
Carbon eciency–SpecificCO
footprint for passenger
Carbon eciency is expressed in grams ofCO
per passenger
kilometer. The calculation is based on an allocation of fuel between
passengers and cargo. The fuel consumption for passengers is
divided by RPK (revenue passenger kilometer) and adjusted by
the ratio between the Flight Plan and ground circle distance.
Although activity increased in 2019 relative to its 2018 level, the
carbon footprint for passengers saw a more - than 1% reduction
thanks to the arrival of more - ecient aircraft (Boeing 787), and
an improvement in passenger load factor.
Carbon eciency–SpecificCO
footprint for cargo transport
Energy eciency is expressed in grams of CO
per 100kg of
cargo. The calculation is based on an allocation of fuel between
passengers and cargo. The fuel consumption for cargo is divided
by 0.1TK and adjusted by the ratio between the Flight Plan and
ground circle distance.
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Environmental impact
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Other emissions–low altitudeNO
The methodology used for the calculation of low altitude emissions
(i.e. below 3,000feet) is common to Air France and KLM. It is
based on the LTO (Landing-Take O) cycle and on engine data
communicated by the ICAO (International Civil Aviation
Organization). The taxiing time taken into account is the actual
taxiing time, which is more precise than standard values
recommended by the ICAO methodology. Note that, since the
actual taxiing time is not available for Transavia France, the
standard ICAO values have been used for this subsidiary.
Other emissions–low altitudeSO
Note: the “low altitude” and “LTO” for Landing-Take O cycle
denominations are equivalent.
The calculation of the SO
emissions from flight operations
is based on the average sulfur content of the fuel loaded,
respectively, on the Amsterdam and Paris platforms which is
applied, respectively, to all fuel used during the year by KLM and
its subsidiaries, and by Air France and its subsidiaries.
In - flight fuel jettisons
These are exceptional operations (fewer than one flight in
10,000per year) involving the jettisoning of a quantity of fuel in
flight to avoid an overloaded aircraft on landing whenever a flight
is aborted. Each operation is carried out in close coordination
with air trac control under strict conditions governing geographical
location (avoiding urban zones) and altitude (generally at or
above 1,000m).
Noise impact–Global noise energy indicator
The total noise energy indicator is calculated according to the
methodology defined by the French Civil Aviation Authority
(Direction Générale d’Aviation Civile –DGAC). The flights concerned
are those which are operated, franchised and chartered under
the AF or KLM codes, with the exception of code shares.
Ground operations
Consumption–Electricity, of which renewable
This is the total volume of electricity consumed inMWh. For KLM
the volume of renewable electricity is based on the purchase of
Certificates of Origin of EU wind energy. Renewable electricity
certificates are bought based on an annual estimation of electricity
consumptiom and therefore may vary from actual consumption.
The decrease in electricity consumption for both Air France and
KLM is explained by energy - saving measures and best practices.
Consumption–Other energies: Fuel
The total volume of fuel used by the ground operations includes:
kerosene (Jet fuel A1) for testing engines;
non - road diesel fuel for the Air France runway equipment;
gasoline, diesel and GTL for ground support equipment.
Consumption–Other energies: Natural gas
The total volume of natural gas is mainly used for heating
buildings, maintenance hangars and cargo warehouses. The
conversion factor of the quantity of gas consumed in energy
takes into account the characteristics of the gas specific to
France and the Netherlands.
Consumption–Other energies: Steam/other
heating/cooling, of which renewable
This includes superheated and iced water for climate comfort.
For Air France, superheated and iced water is supplied by ADP
(Aéroports de Paris) for the Orly and Roissy sites. The KLM
facilities do not consume this type of energy;
Water consumption
The consumption of water is taken into account for all the ground
activities. Water used on board flights is not included.
Between 2018 and 2019, the decline in water consumption is
explained by the implementation of water - saving measures.
Non - carbon emissions -NO
emissions related to engine testing are calculated based
on a methodology similar to the one used for the Flight
Operations, which reflects the actual testing conditions. Other
sources of NO
include fuel combustion by ground support
equipment. For Air France, the calculation is based on the
European standards EURO 1to 6 for light vehicles, and Stage I to
IV for diesel engines (European Directive 97/68/EC for non - road
mobile machinery), setting the emission limits based on engine
power. For KLM, theNO
emissions from ramp equipment and
gas - fired installations are determined by direct measurements,
from manufacturer data or external databases.
Non - carbon emissions -SO
emissions are measured based on the sulfur content in
the Jet fuel used for engine testing and in the fuel used to power
the ground support equipment. The variations inSO
are mostly explained by the fluctuation of levels of sulfur content
in fuels from one year to another.
Waste–Non - hazardous industrial waste, and percentage
Non - hazardous waste is monitored and reported based on data
provided by contracted waste management suppliers. The KLM
scope includes KLM Catering Services and thus includes catering
waste, unlike the Air France scope. The reported percentage of
recycled non - hazardous waste covers all waste that is sorted for
recycling purposes. The recycling percentage does not cover the
waste that is incinerated with energy recovery (EURAL R1 code).
In 2019, the substantial decline in the quantity of waste relative
to its 2018 level is explained by the deployment of measures to
improve waste management by the Air France facility manager,
and a more - than 15% reduction in the waste from KLM flights.
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For AirFrance – KLM, customer satisfaction is a key priority and
the Group is developing numerous initiatives to improve the
customer’s end - to - end travel experience. Customer satisfaction
is notably measured through the Net Promoter Score (NPS), the
reference indicator driving customer recommendations.
Performance indicators and tools have been developed to track
the results on a daily basis.
Customer satisfaction is above all based on their trust in the
Group’s activities. As a responsible airline Group, AirFrance – KLM
must ensure the safety and health of its customers, employees
and partners. This commitment covers flight safety, the safety of
the food services oered on board and in the lounges, the
protection of personal data and also occupational health and
safety (see Section 4.2.3). The Group is also committed to
facilitating access to its products and services, particularly for
passengers with disabilities or those with reduced mobility.
Performance Indicator Definition Results
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 201
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Customer trust
The AirFrance – KLM Group is targeting an increased level of
non - hazardous waste recycling to teach a recycling rate of 50%
of the total waste by 2030.
Waste–Hazardous industrial waste, and percentage recovered
Hazardous industrial waste (HIW) is monitored and reported
based on data provided by contracted waste management
suppliers. If the quantity of hazardous waste has not been
communicated at the end of the reporting period, the quantity
mentioned in the specification slip is taken into account. This
quantity is, however, estimated to be marginal. The reprocessing
of hazardous waste complies with the EU Regulation. The
recovery percentage is the ratio between the HIW waste
recycled/recovered (R code) and the total HIW.
Net Promoter Scores (NPS)
Change in the NPS
(expressed as an annual average)
of Air France, KLM, Transavia
(France and the Netherlands)
between 2018 and 2019
Achievement of the 2019 target
Air France
Transavia France
2019 Target
Scope: Air France, KLM, Transavia France and Transavia Netherlands.
The Net Promoter Score (or NPS) is a recommendation indicator given by customers to the products and services of Air France, KLM and Transavia (France and the
Netherlands) in their capacity as airlines, ranging from 0to 10 (0corresponding to “I will definitively not recommend” and 10to “I will definitively recommend”. It
corresponds to the dierence between the percentage of promoter customers (scores 9 and 10) and the percentage of customers critical of the brand (scores 0to 6).
This concerns the response to the first question asked in AirFrance – KLM’s e-Score online customer satisfaction questionnaire: “Based on your opinion and experience,
how likely are you to recommend Air France/KLM/Transavia to your friends/colleagues?”.
For each brand, the indicator measured is the annual change in the NPS (calculated as an annual average). Note that, since they are reported via two dierent
measurement tools, the Net Promoter Scores for Transavia France and Transavia Netherlands cannot be consolidated.
For each brand, whether or not the annual target has been achieved is also indicated.
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4.4.1 Operational safety
for stakeholders
Flight safety
Context and strategy
Flight Safety is paramount for Air France–KLM. It is key to
retaining the trust of both customers and sta, and imperative
for the long - term viability of its operations and of air
transportation as a whole.
All of the Group’s activities are subject to numerous checks and
certifications, in particular via the supervisory actions carried out
by the Civil Aviation authorities in each country and via the
International Air Transport Association (IATA), whose IOSA
Operational Safety Audit is a benchmark within the industry. Air
France and KLM’s IOSA certifications were renewed in 2019; the
next renewal audit is foreseen for 2020, their certification being
scheduled for renewal in 2021.
See also Section3.2.2 in Section3Risks and risk management.
Measures and performance
To achieve the highest attainable standard of Flight Safety, each
company updates and reinforces its Safety Management System
(SMS) which concretely defines the modalities in place to
manage aviation risks.
Management of flight safety risks
Air France and KLM both use the evaluation method for
operational risks recommended by the European Aviation Safety
Agency. They have deployed this method in all the operational
entities and at all levels of the company. The management of flight
safety risks enables, notably though systems compiling flight
parameters and situation reports, threats to be identified, risks to
be evaluated, the implementation of remedial measures and the
monitoring of the results obtained. It enables proactive management
of the risks to maintain them below the level that is deemed
acceptable. An internal quality assurance procedure continuously
evaluates the proper functioning of flight safety management.
More broadly, Air France develops synergies between an array of
progress - oriented and risk management approaches – Flight
Safety, Health & Safety in the Workplace, Customer Service
Quality, Operational Performance, Environmental and Sustainable
Development, Food Safety & Hygiene. This quality - based
approach is the vector for the steering and management of the
businesses, aimed at a continuous improvement in results.
KLM deploys a similar approach to that of Air France. To reach its
objective of achieving a leadership position on safety, KLM has an
Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS), covering occupational
safety, operational safety and security, and environmental safety.
This ISMS is outlined in KLM’s Integrated Safety Management
Manual (ISMM) and has been approved by the Dutch Civil
Aviation authorities as part of the Air Operator Certificate.
KLM continuously improves its integrated, performance - based
Safety Management System based on the evaluation of risks and
results, guaranteeing that decisions integrating risks are taken at
all levels of KLM. Its Safety Culture program, which includes
promotional and communication initiatives, theoretical and
practical training and learning interventions, is continuously updated
and deployed throughout the company to enhance safety
awareness and the relevant safe attitude and behavior at all levels.
The Integrated Safety Services Organization (ISSO) further
professionalizes this integrated approach to safety and compliance
throughout the company, increases the level of expertise in all
domains across all the safety and compliance processes, and
advances KLM’s ISMS to the next level.
Corporate Flight Safety Committees, chaired by the Executive
Vice-Presidents responsible for the operational entities, meet
every quarter in Air France. Their task is to approve the action
plans established to apply the orientations set by the companies,
the results of inquiries and the results of supervisory acts.
These committees are also tasked with sharing information on
the emergence of new Flight Safety issues originating from
feedback or risk analysis, by ensuring that the resources and
action plans in place are adapted to the issues.
Flight Safety Committee meetings are also held four times a year
at the level of each company, to evaluate the eectiveness of the
existing action plans.
At KLM, the Corporate Safety Committee within the KLM Board
of Directors meets every quarter to analyze the Safety Indicators.
In 2019, KLM continued its focus on Occupational Safety Hazards
by renewing the main Occupational Safety Policy to provide
structure for the required mitigating action. After four occupational
policies implemented in 2018, 2019 saw the establishment of ten
Occupational Policies, including the recommended implementation
provisions and plans. In 2019, KLM also initiated fulfilment of the
ISO High Level Structure Management System requirements.
Together with the aviation industry stakeholders at Schiphol
Airport (e.g. airport authorities and Dutch Air Trac Control),
KLM carried out a number of joint safety risk assessments during
2019 and conducted mitigating actions to improve safety around
the airport. These activities are performed within the joint sector
Integrated Safety Management System, a unique collaboration
between the aviation players at the airport which had been
established in 2018.
Developing a Safety - first culture
Building a company - wide awareness of the prerequisite for a
safety culture across all the operations is a gradual yet ongoing
approach aimed at raising the ambition of the airlines in the
AirFrance–KLM Group. Vocational training is a cornerstone of
this culture and thus primarily takes into account the skills and
expertise to be acquired in matters of safety: safety training for
pilots and cabin crews, training relating to the maintenance
professions and ground operations.
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Air France is targeting the development of an ever - stronger
safety - first culture since this is an area in which it must make
continuous progress by accepting no compromise.
Hence the launch of the Safety Attitude program at the end of
2018, aimed at further reinforcing this culture and promoting
industry best practices. The Safety Attitude program began with a
comparative study of five benchmark companies, supplemented
by a diagnostic phase carried out by an independent body.
22,500employees from all the Air France business lines replied
to a questionnaire and more than 600people were interviewed.
This in-depth diagnostic enabled the identification of areas for
work that will federate all employees around a shared Safety - first
Culture embedded in operations, based on transparency and
trust. To this end, a three - year program of concrete actions adapted
to each business line has been structured: mobilization of the line
management, a culture of transparency, respect of the procedures,
evaluation of non - technical skills, inter - business - line exchanges.
Food safety
Context and strategy
Every year, the AirFrance–KLM Group serves some 85million
meals and snacks to its customers and flight crews. The company
aims to guarantee food services that are healthy and hazard - free
for the consumer. The related regulations are, moreover, increasingly
exacting. This is why food safety is a key priority for the Group.
Air France and KLM both deploy quality - control procedures to
comply with these requirements.
Measures and action plans
The management system is based on four processes, steered
by a centralized unit within Air France. The first process is
cross - cutting and applies to the whole risk area: regulatory
intelligence, risk analysis and definition of the measures to control
these risks, employee training, establishment and updating of the
reference standards, monitoring of the action plans, etc. The three
other processes are operational and are detailed based on
the activity: on board services, water on board and services
in the lounges.
The management measures are deployed by a Food Safety
contact appointed in each relevant entity: procurement, air
operations, ground services, maintenance, operations, international
stations, logistics and flight product, etc. They are the guarantors
that the measures have been applied within their business lines
and report back on functioning together with the associated
action plans. The management measures are regularly monitored
through indicators and decision - making committees ensuring the
eectiveness of the provisions in place relating to Food Safety.
In addition, within the framework of external resource management,
all food suppliers are referenced based on very strict specifications
and are the subject of close monitoring. Some hundred hygiene
audits of world - wide caterers and around 15,000 in - house
microbiological checks are carried out every year to monitor food
supplies, together with between 400 and 500annual analyses
of water for a total volume of 19,000tons of water embarked on
departure from Paris.
At KLM, risk control at relating to food safety is managed in several
dierent ways. Firstly, all KLM caterers are audited at least once
a year by an external company, specialized in food safety for
inflight catering. These audits are executed by specifically - trained
auditors, and are unannounced and on - site. The audit verifies
compliance with the QSAI Food Processing Safety and Food
Processing Quality standards, based on the HACCP (Hazard
Analysis and Critical Control Point) principles. E-audits are
conducted to check traceability, completeness and eectiveness
at all KLM caterers.
In addition, all food suppliers are referenced based on very strict
specifications and are the subject of close microbiological
monitoring, carried out by KLM’s in - house ISO 17025 - accredited
Results and performance
Back in 2006, Air France became the first airline in the world to
attain ISO22000certification. An annual audit carried out by an
external body verifies that the management system complies
with the standard and with regulatory requirements. Internal
audits are also realized based on a three - year plan across all the
relevant business lines.
A series of key indicators, one per operational process, form part
of a monthly dashboard presented to the Executive Committee.
Any malfunctioning flagged, notably, by flight crews or
customers, is also studied to be able to implement remedial
and/or preventive measures. Throughout the year, numerous
meetings of in - house steering bodies are held, enabling the
monitoring of current events in this area. These bodies also track
performance via indicators and action plans, with a view to
ensuring a continuous improvement.
4.4.2 Data and IT systems
Data and IT systems protection
Context and strategy
Passenger bookings, flight schedule management, baggage
checking, the calculation of ticket prices, aircraft maintenance
and crew information: IT is at the heart of all of AirFrance–KLM’s
activities. Privacy and data protection constitutes a major
operational and financial challenge for the business, and for
customer trust.
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Measures and action plans
AirFrance–KLM manages its cybersecurity risks with the national
authorities and cooperates with the relevant European Agencies
(EASA, ENISA). The Group also takes part in the cybersecurity
workshops of the main air transportation professional associations
(IATA, A4E, GIFAS) and contributes to research with associations
specialized in cybersecurity (CLUSIF, CESIN, CIGREF, R2GS,
European Aviation ISAC).
Permanent benchmarking and the work of an independent cyber
rating agency enable AirFrance–KLM to be compared with other
companies in the air transportation industry and, in
December2019, the Group was ranked amongst the leading large
companies. AirFrance–KLM also uses the expertise of leading
consultants in the cybersecurity market and actively cooperates
with companies with which its Information System is connected.
To oer the best level of protection on the ground and in the air,
the AirFrance–KLM Group has developed four major cybersecurity
programs in recent years:
a program directed at more eective cybersecurity techniques,
to adapt to the unfolding cyber threats;
an awareness - raising program for all sta;
a program to ensure regulatory compliance;
a program to support the digital transformation to oer a
simplified user experience.
Results and performance
An annual presentation on these programs is made to the
Executive Committee and the Audit Committee, guaranteeing
sponsorship at the highest level of the company. These programs
are supported by Cybersecurity Governance composed of:
a cybersecurity regulatory framework for ground IT and onboard
systems (safety policy based on a series of international
ISO27000regulations and other standards or regulations
concerning AirFrance–KLM’s activities);
an annual monitoring plan for risks linked to the digital
technologies (audits) and testing of the Cyber Crisis mechanism
overseen by the Operations Control Center and the authorities;
three management committees with complementary
perspectives. The Group’s IT Executive Committee evaluates
the coherence between the cyber risks and investment in IT.
The Cyber Plane Committee, chaired by the accountable
manager, decides on the orientations to be adopted to reduce
the potential cyber risks for flights. Lastly, the Safety
Performance Committee, chaired by the Head of Safety,
evaluates the eective mitigation of generic safety risks,
including cybersecurity;
a report on the residual cybersecurity risk in the major
operational risk sheets managed by Internal Control.
See also section3.2.3 in section3Risks and risk management.
Data privacy
Context and strategy
In force since May25, 2018, the European General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) to protect personal data firstly extended
the rights of data subjects and, secondly, strengthened the
accountability and obligations for data controllers, requiring
proof of compliance on personal data protection. To respond to the
GDPR requirements, in 2018 Air France and KLM chose to deploy
a broad - ranging program to reinforce their already - rigorous
cybersecurity policies and define a strengthened personal data
management framework to ensure compliance with privacy by
design and by default principles.
While the design and implementation of the governance, policies
and register had been broadly completed in 2018, this program
was pursued throughout 2019 with the focus more on operational
Measures and action plans
In January 2019, responsibility for privacy compliance was
formally transferred to the Business, represented by the members
of the Air France Executive Committee and the KLM Executive
Committee as Internal Data Controllers. The other roles of Internal
Data Processing Owner and Privacy Coordinator have been
further developed.
In 2019, regular meetings between the Data Privacy Ocer team
and the heads of internal data processing were established, in
further support of eective governance. The second wave of
e - learning was also extended to Air France and KLM employees
who are involved in developments/initiatives relating to the use
of personal data.
Results and performance
The eectiveness of the overall privacy compliance framework is
assessed on a regular basis through a dedicated Internal Audit
program. This framework was improved in 2019, but still needs to
be strengthened hence further enhancements will be implemented
in 2020.
See also paragraph 3.2.3 in Section3Risks and their management.
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4.4.3 Accessibility of products
and services
Context and strategy
The Group oers all its customers the best - possible travel
experience and undertakes to provide comfortable, convenient
and reliable air travel. Passengers with disabilities or reduced
mobility (PDRM) are welcome, providing that air travel is not
counter to medical advice.
This calls for the appropriate assistance involving a degree of
complexity owing to the dierences between EU and US
regulations. In the US, the responsibility falls solely to the airline
and there are no reporting requirements for US citizens and
passengers on flights to/from the US. In the EU, however, it is the
airport authority that is responsible for the end - to - end assistance
of PDRMs during their journeys through airports and passengers
are invited to report to the airline 48hours before departure, the
airline then being responsible for forwarding this information to
the airport authority 36hours prior to departure. At Paris-CDG,
for example, where more than 80% of PDRM passengers are
traveling with Air France, Paris Aéroport (ADP Group) oversees
special assistance for passengers via its Passerelle CDG and
Samsic services. At Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport, Axxicom
Airport Caddy is the supplier.
Measures and action plans
The Air France dedicated assistance service for passengers with
reduced mobility, known as Saphir (Service d’Assistance aux
Personnes Handicapées pour les Informations et la Réservation),
oers an array of adapted services, such as easy - booking
procedures, airport assistance, baggage assistance and special
equipment on board. Based in Nice and Marseilles, with some
twenty dedicated advisors, Saphir fielded around 83,000calls in
2019: phone and online services enable ticket bookings and the
provision of the appropriate assistance. A special phone
assistance service for the hard of hearing or deaf customers is
also oered. Around nineteen other Customer Relations Centers
around the world are able to process requests from our PDRM
Air France has also long been a partner to multiple associations
dedicated to disability and has forged strong links with the
national and European authorities in this field, to design and
develop service improvements.
KLM Cares is a dedicated service assisting customers with the
planning and booking of flights. At the airport and on board, KLM
oers specially - adapted facilities to ensure a seamless travel
Both Air France and KLM cabin crews are specially trained in the
assistance needs of persons with disabilities.
Results and performance
The number of people with disabilities or reduced mobility flying
with the Group is growing year after year. Nearly 580,000PDRM
customers traveled with Air France in 2019: more than 80% were
looked after by Paris-CDG.
KLM saw a year - on - year increase of 2.3% in the number of
passengers with reduced mobility: to a total of 428,000 in 2019.
The share of PDRM passengers remained equal to 2018. 94% of
all requested PDRM services is wheelchair assistance, of which
the vast majority (70%) is the most basic wheelchair assistance
for customers not able to walk long distances.
For Air France and KLM, the Net Promoter Score, which measures
customer satisfaction, is higher for this category of passengers
than the NPS for other passengers. At Air France, a Key Customer
Club including PDRM passengers has been created to collate
feedback from the latter cohort and help improve certain
services, including a better flow of information, both up - stream
and during the journey, for both customers and frontline sta, in
connection with Air France’s Attentive Relationship.
Other new initiatives have also been deployed, such as the
upgraded pages on Air France’s and KLM’s website pages devoted
to PDRMs, providing a wealth of travel tips and pushing tailored
information to all passengers based on their type of disability.
For customer - facing sta, onboard and at the airport,
awareness - workshops focusing on the appropriate forms of
words and actions to adopt with PDRM customers have been
launched, together with online tools to facilitate their care.
At the IFTM Top Resa trade show, Air France won the 2019 Grand
Prix Marco Polo which for the first time recognized the airline with
the highest CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) commitment.
In particular, Air France was recognized for its action to improve
the travel experience of passengers with disabilities.
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4.5.1 Group reference texts
Social Rights and Ethics Charter
The Group’s Social Rights and Ethics Charter arms the Group’s
commitment to fostering a climate of trust and mutual respect in
the workplace, a safe working environment and social dialogue.
The Charter applies to all Air France and KLM employees, and to
those in their European subsidiaries.
Corporate Social Responsibility Statement
AirFrance–KLM’s commitment to environmental protection, social
equity and local development is set out in its Corporate Social
Responsibility Statement. The Group is committed to fostering
fair practices with all its stakeholders.
Further guidance on business conduct
The importance of respecting ethical principles in everyday
business conduct is underscored in a number of documents. For
issues applying to all employees, like combating corruption and
fair competition, manuals and other forms of information sources
are brought to their attention while there are specific codes for
certain functions like procurement. The AirFrance–KLM Anti-
Bribery Manual and AirFrance–KLM Gift & Hospitality policy are
publicly available on the airfranceklm.com website.
The Procurement divisions have contributed to the establishment
of a Sustainable Development Charter for suppliers. As the
application of ethical, social and environmental principles
constitutes an important criterion when selecting suppliers, the
latter must confirm their respect of these principles. This Charter
has been supplemented by a Supplier Code of Conduct which
specifies the commitments on Human Rights, health and safety,
the environment and ethics.
4.5.2 Respect of Human Rights
AirFrance–KLM respects and supports the protection of Human
Rights, combats corruption and opposes all forms of child and
forced labor.
These fundamental principles are based on international norms,
including the UN Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for
Multinational Enterprises, the Core Conventions of the
International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Children’s Rights
and Business Principles.
In its CSR Statement and Social Rights and Ethics Charter,
AirFrance–KLM arms its commitment to fostering a climate of
trust and mutual respect amongst employees.
These values and rights are the foundation for social, economic and
cultural cohesion within each company and across the Group. Every
employee of the AirFrance–KLM Group has the right to working
conditions that respect their health, safety and dignity, and guarantee
a social dialogue. The Charter applies to all the employees of
Air France and KLM, and of their European subsidiaries.
Currently, AirFrance–KLM is working on amending its Social Rights
and Ethics Charter by integrating its Human Rights policy. The aim
is to arrive at a policy document that formulates not only the
rights of Group employees and those of its suppliers, but also
gives instructions for execution and implementation, including
risk assessment. This document is being reviewed in liaison with
the European Works Council, with a view to publishing the
updated version in 2020.
Within the framework of its activities, the Group has identified
the risk factors relating to Human Rights. The measures put in
place to mitigate these risks fall into a number of dierent areas:
health and safety of individuals, equal opportunity, achieving a
better work/life balance and data protection procedures to
Performance Indicator Definition Results
As an international Group with operations all over the world and
employing a large number of sta, AirFrance–KLM is committed
to respecting both ethical values and legislation. This includes
respect for Human Rights and the fight against corruption, tax
fraud and tax evasion.
As a signatory of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, the
Group supports its ten principles and encourages partners and
suppliers to make the same commitment.
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Realization rate of the
e - learning program on the
prevention of corruption
Number of employees having completed the entire
training program as of December31, 2019 divided
by the total number of employees invited to undertake
this training
Scope: Target group of AirFrance–KLM Group employees.
For the target group of sta the training is mandatory. The target group is selected based on level of function or exposure to bribery risk.
The measured indicator is the number of employees having completed the entire training program as of December31, 2019 divided by the total number of employees
invited to undertake this training. The training is considered to have been completed if the individual passes the test with a score of at least 70%.
(1) NA: Not Available.
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protect the personal data of customers and employees (see
Sections 4.2, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3, 4.6.3).
In its relationships with suppliers, the Group is committed to
ensuring that the fundamental principles and social rights are
properly respected, everywhere in the world. Suppliers are invited
to sign a Sustainable Development Charter based on the
principles of the United Nations Global Compact (see Sections
4.6.2 and 4.6.3).
In 2019, Air France carried out awareness - raising actions for its
employees on human tracking, to help them to identify at - risk
situations and take action against this form of international
organized crime, comparable with modern - day slavery. Whether
it is tracking for the purpose of forced labor or crime, sexual
exploitation, illegal adoption or forced marriage, child soldiers,
organ tracking or other forms of human exploitation, ground
sta and flight crews must be able to recognize behavior that
may be considered abnormal or worrying and, in the event of
suspected human tracking, report the event as soon as possible
and in accordance with the instructions.
4.5.3 Business ethics
Fair business practice
Context and strategy
The prevention of bribery and anti - competitive behavior is an
important factor in honest and fair business practice. As unethical
or inappropriate behavior can have considerable negative
consequences, both financial and in terms of the Group’s
reputation, preventing unfair practices is key.
The AirFrance–KLM Group’s commitment to conducting business
in good faith, founded on equity, transparency, honesty and integrity,
and in the strict respect of the anti - corruption laws in all the
countries where its companies or subsidiaries exercise their
activities, is armed in the Anti-Bribery Manual. This Manual acts as
a Code of Conduct for all employees and establishes the guidelines
for preventing corruption, and for identifying and handling at - risk
situations with regard to the anti - corruption legislation.
Since 2017, the Anti-Bribery Manual has been supplemented by
a Gift & Hospitality Policy. This Policy aims to provide clear
guidelines for sta, including financial limits, on giving and
receiving gifts and hospitality. Both the Anti-Bribery Manual and
the Gift & Hospitality Policy documents are available in three
languages and can be consulted by sta via the intranet sites.
In terms of anti - competitive practices, Air France–KLM is
developing its policy aimed at the prevention of anti - competitive
acts by circulating a Competition Law Compliance Manual.
The KLM Group has implemented a Code of Conduct which
contains an overview of the rules governing the KLM Group’s
business conduct and its suppliers. The KLM Code of Conduct
covers the following areas: Safety, Business Integrity, Social
Responsibility and reporting Violations. The KLM Group has also
deployed a Code of Ethics for the Finance Function.
Measures and action plans
Compliance program and governance bodies: the Compliance
activities are based on compliance programs, executed within the
context of a formalized framework. New legislation or requirements
relating, for example, to anti - bribery or data privacy are taken
into account when establishing the compliance programs and
their increased appropriation is ensured via awareness - raising
campaigns. Dedicated processes or projects may also be set up
to secure compliance.
Compliance functions: the Group has deployed an organization
dedicated to compliance. The Compliance Ocers within
AirFrance–KLM, Air France and KLM are tasked with overseeing
the implementation of the Compliance programs within the Group.
They are supported by a network of compliance representatives
in the subsidiaries. Depending on the type of business transactions
and the complexity within the departments or entities, subject
matter experts and compliance representatives facilitate compliance
with specific legislation and the roll - out of the relevant compliance
program elements.
Training and awareness: one important element of the compliance
program is training and awareness. Matters that require greater
awareness and transcend businesses, like the prevention of bribery
and anti - competitive behavior, are the subject of awareness - raising
campaigns. These campaigns are supplemented by dedicated
training which is available to individual employees. Employees
can also raise questions or concerns with the Compliance Ocers
and legal experts.
Whistle - blower procedure: since all employees are required to
respect these rules, employees in all the Group’s entities are
encouraged to discuss any compliance concerns with their line
managers. They can also contact a Compliance Ocer directly.
Employees also have the option of flagging any issues via the
Whistle Blower procedures. These procedures also include the
possibility of reporting any serious situations relating to the duty
of vigilance (Human Rights, fundamental freedoms, health and
safety, environment), pursuant to the regulation in force.
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Results and performance
An anti - bribery e - learning training campaign was deployed at the
end of 2019 to maintain and further strengthen the anti - bribery
awareness and knowledge of sta (the realization rate of the
e - learning program on the prevention of corruption reached 86%).
Awareness is also reinforced through, for example, information
meetings and discussions, improved access to compliance documents
and communication by the Group’s General Management.
Reports under the Whistleblowing procedures are investigated
and the appropriate corrective actions are taken and implemented.
See also Section 3.2.2 Risks relating to the air transportation
Tax strategy
Group tax policy
AirFrance–KLM recognises the important role fiscal compliance
plays in its strategy and undertakes to act with integrity and
transparency in all tax matters.
AirFrance–KLM’s tax policy aims to act at all times in accordance
with the applicable local and international laws (bilateral tax
treaties, OECD and UN guidelines), and to prevent fiscal evasion.
AirFrance–KLM complies with the OECD’s Base Erosion and
Profit Shifting Action Plan and files all the required transfer
pricing documents, including a Country - by-Country Report.
AirFrance–KLM complies with the letter and spirit of the tax law
and regulations wherever the Group has a taxable presence.
Following the specific guidelines for the taxation of international
air transportation services, wherein operational income is taxed
in the country of domicile, AirFrance–KLM appropriately reports
most of its airline income in France and the Netherlands. Specific
local taxation rules require the Group to also report a relatively
small component in foreign jurisdictions where the Group operates.
The filing of tax returns is made in a timely and accurate manner
that meets the fiscal obligations of AirFrance–KLM to the tax
authorities and taxes due are paid on time.
Tax is an integral part of the Finance function of Air France and
KLM and supports Air France–KLM in delivering its strategic
ambitions. Tax aairs are managed in a way which takes into account
the Group’s corporate values. AirFrance–KLM seeks to establish
and maintain an open and constructive dialogue with the tax
authorities and other government bodies. The Group participates
in the development of tax policies by contributing constructive
inputs to public consultations. On March 14, 2019, a fiscal
partnership was signed between the French tax authorities and
Air France–KLM, the consolidating entity of the French tax group.
Fiscal risk management and the Anti-Tax-Avoidance rules
The Group’s aim is to take sustainable tax positions which are
long - term in nature, in support of the business operations.
Air France–KLM operates with a minimum level of risk with
respect to tax matters and complies with the anti - tax - avoidance
rules in line with the requirements of the European Directive (EU)
2016 - 1164 transposed into French Law on October23, 2018 (Act
No. 2018 - 898).
The Tax Aairs department seeks to anticipate and reduce the
tax risks to a low level. It ensures that reasonable care applies in
relation to all processes that could materially aect its
compliance with its tax obligations and is particularly vigilant in
the application of the rules combating fraud and tax - avoidance.
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4.6.1 Local development
Context and strategy
The Group’s direct and indirect activities contribute to economic
development at national level in France and the Netherlands, and
specifically around its Paris and Amsterdam hubs. These hubs
oer multiple connections and form an extensive, high - quality
network that generates an attractive business environment.
According to an Opinionway survey of international investors
carried out in 2019, the presence of a hub oering direct and
frequent international connections is the second most important
criterion in choosing a location.
With more than 90% of the Group’s employees based in France
and the Netherlands, AirFrance–KLM is a significant contributor
to job creation in the regions where the two hubs are located.
With more than three - quarters of the jobs liked to
sub - contracting located in Europe, the Group’s activities also
generate numerous indirect and induced jobs: assistance and
catering in the outstations, cleaning and sub - contracted services
required for the operation of aircraft.
The hubs create highly - attractive business environments while
airport proximity leads to the development of other activities like
hotels and congresses, company show - rooms, commercial and
marketing functions, business services and activities linked to
As the number one air operator carrying international tourists
visiting France, AirFrance–KLM makes a significant contribution
towards promoting France and the Netherlands as destinations,
and to the development of tourism.
KLM’s extensive network has contributed to making the
Netherlands an attractive location for both Dutch and
international companies. The Air France Group, with operations
at 44French airports (mainland France and overseas), reinforces
the appeal of the regions and contributes to the growth in local
activity (more than €710million of contractual procurement).
Historically, the Group has also played an active role in promoting
international development worldwide, particularly through its
support of NGOs and projects sponsored by its employees.
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Societal value
Performance Indicator Definition Results
AirFrance–KLM strives to add economic and social value in the
areas where it operates, around its hubs and destinations. By
working together with local partners, the Group creates new
business opportunities and supports projects that contribute to
the future generations and local communities.
As a major purchaser of diverse products and services, the Group
integrates ethical and sustainability criteria in its supply chain by
sourcing products and services that minimize the environmental
footprint and have a positive social impact.
Suppliers having signed
the Sustainable
Development Charter
Number of Air France and KLM
suppliers under contract who
have signed AirFrance–KLM’s
Sustainable Development Charter
divided by the total number of Air
France and KLM suppliers under
contract at December29, 2019
Target 2020
Number of suppliers
evaluated by Ecovadis
Number of Air France and KLM
suppliers under contract evaluated
by the CSR rating agency EcoVadis
or an equivalent body, at
December29, 2019
Target 2020
Suppliers having signed the Sustainable Development Charter.
Scope: Suppliers under contract with Air France and KLM, monitored under ARIBA.
As of the initiation of the purchasing process, suppliers are invited to sign the AirFrance–KLM Sustainable Development Charter.
The indicator measured is the number of Air France and KLM suppliers under contract (monitored via ARIBA) who have signed the Charter divided by the number of
suppliers concerned (under contract followed under ARIBA) (beginning of January of the reference year).
Number of suppliers evaluated by Ecovadis
Scope: Suppliers under contract with Air France and KLM, monitored under ARIBA, and scoring under Ecovadis.
As part of its supplier risk policy, AirFrance–KLM has its suppliers evaluated and takes into account their sustainable development performance. In the event of an
elevated or severe risk, suppliers must be assessed by the CSR rating agency EcoVadis or an equivalent body on the following four themes: environmental, social,
ethical and responsible purchasing. All other suppliers are invited to carry out this evaluation on a voluntary basis.
The indicator measured is the number of suppliers evaluated by EcoVadis or an equivalent body (end December of the reference year).
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Measures and action plans
Contributing to national and local development
For many years, AirFrance–KLM has supported the development
of small and medium - sized companies to which the Group
entrusts a significant part of its procurement. The Group is
constantly working to support innovation and start - ups via
initiatives such as the creation of an innovation counter, and
participation in special business incubators.
Air France–KLM works alongside its national and local
stakeholders to shape sustainable areas. In 2019, at the Paris Air
Show in particular, Air France coordinated discussions to shape
the future for air transportation, strengthen competitiveness and
define the strategy for the French flag and ensure its improved
At local level, Air France and KLM are involved in various initiatives
to promote sustainable development, and build human capital
and the attractiveness of the territories around their hubs.
Air France is working in cooperation with local ocials and
companies as a member of the Board of the Club des Acteurs du
Grand Roissy. This association aims to promote harmonious and
balanced development of the Grand Roissy area, in synergy with
the airport platform, and to promote public transport, housing
and infrastructure projects essential for the development of
this area.
Creating social impact
Air France and KLM support initiatives enabling the development
of skills, the vocational integration of young people and the social
integration of vulnerable individuals. This also includes promoting
access to training leading to professions in the airline industry
through a number of dierent associations and educational
programs for young people.
Air France is a founder member and partner of four organizations
involved in information and training programs on aviation careers
(AirEmploi, Jeremy, AFMAé, and Engineers for Schools). Every
year, to reduce the gap between education and business, Air
France welcomes several hundred students and school children
for their end - of - study training courses and internships to gain
business experience. The company also organizes skills
sponsorship initiatives, by mobilizing its in - house teams and
leveraging the expertise of associations like Mozail RH, the Nos
Quartiers ont du Talent association, Article 1 and Tous En Stage,
an association for which Air France was a founder member. Tous
En Stage organizes multi - company internships for young people
in the regions (mainland France, French Overseas Departments
and Territories) and those with disabilities.
KLM supports a number of education programs to attract and
motivate future talent through collaboration with ROCs, Schiphol
Aviation College, the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
and the JINC foundation. The KLM Maintenance division oers
internships to students training in aeronautical mechanics: more
than 100ROC students benefited from internships at KLM in 2019.
KLM also pursued its partnership with Schiphol Aviation College.
Air France and KLM continue to support workers with disabilities
by working with sheltered sector companies on multiple projects
(e.g. within Air France, upkeep of green spaces at some sites,
shipment of packages of uniforms, packaging of headphones
used on board, etc. ), and by entrusting them with highly - critical
services (four sheltered sector suppliers work with the IT
Both Air France and KLM encourage employee solidarity initiatives.
In 2019, a second edition of the Air France Citizenship Day took
place involving 2,000 employees who volunteered to assist
60aid associations in ten French regions around six areas for
action: supporting children in need, education - training - employment,
disability and health, the fight against insecurity, the environment
and intergenerational solidarity. The numerous Air France and
KLM outstations based internationally oered employees the
opportunity to volunteer and donate a working day to sharing
their skills and energy with a non - profit organization in the social
and environmental fields: in 2019, more than 60Citizenship Days
were organized everywhere in the world. This initiative will be
repeated in 2020.
Social partnerships
Air France provides practical support to development projects
through five long - standing partnerships: the Air France Corporate
Foundation, the Air France Humanitarian Aid Department, Acting
for Life, Aviation Sans Frontières and Gawad Kalinga.
In 2019, the Air France Foundation supported 63projects across
32countries to the benefit of 155,000children. Since its inception
in 1992, the Foundation has facilitated the realization of
1,480projects in favor of childhood, mostly sponsored by Air
France employees. Furthermore, over 4,000 employees are
involved in volunteer work, skill - sharing and donation projects
within the Friends of the Air France Foundation network.
The Air France Humanitarian Aid Department supported
25NGOs helping children in need of medical care and issued
393 tickets for the transportation of medical teams and the
repatriation of sick children. Free carriage of excess baggage was
also oered to 76NGOs for the transportation of medical and
emergency equipment.
In 2019, Acting for Life, which has been supported by the
company for more than forty years, ran 33development projects
in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Oceania.
Thanks to the financial support and transportation facilities
donated by Air France, the emergency aid organization Aviation
Sans Frontières accompanied more than 1,200sick children on
the company’s flights and shipped nearly 8,400 packages of
drugs and minor medical supplies to 26destinations.
Twenth - three years ago, Transavia Netherlands launched the
Peter Pan Holiday Club. This initiative, supported by Transavia
employees, organizes holidays for young people between the
ages of 13 and 20years who are unable to on a “regular” holiday
due to illness or dicult circumstances. Transavia Netherlands also
works closely with JINC, an organization that arranges activities
for children from economically - disadvantaged backgrounds.
Transavia employees are invited and encouraged to actively
participate in initiatives during which children visit companies to
gain valuable insight into the working world and its functioning,
and become familiar with the concept of networking. These
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initiatives illustrate the Transavia Netherlands conviction that
“everybody deserves to be seen” and contribute to a more
inclusive society.
Transavia France supports associations, like Louis Carlesimo,
thereby enabling sick children to enjoy magical moments during
a trip. The airline’s sta are committed to combating diseases like
cancer via the Les Hôtesses de l’Air Contre le Cancer association
and the Movember Foundation, or to promoting diversity with
Personn’ailes, Air France’s LGBT and gay - friendly association.
For many years, Air France has been involved in promoting
sustainable and responsible tourism within the travel profession
ecosystem, especially those involved with Agir Pour Un Tourisme
Responsible (ATR). Air France also acts as an information conduit
notably on the devastation caused by child sex tourism, by
financing ECPAT International’s prevention campaign and
handing out literature during long - haul flights.
In the event of environmental disasters, Air France and KLM
Cargo participate in the shipment of emergency equipment.
KLM works in partnership with Wings of Support and six other
organizations: WWF, the Ocean Cleanup, Close the Gap, the Red
Cross, UNICEF and Giro555. In 2019, the Wings of Support
Foundation was the main charity to be backed by KLM. Both KLM
flight crews and ground sta are actively involved in the work of
the Foundation. In 2019, Wings of Support assisted 75projects
in 16countries worldwide.
Lastly, Air France–KLM customers who are members of the
“Flying Blue” loyalty program are oered the opportunity to
donate their Miles to 18NGOs selected by Air France and KLM.
In 2019, 70million Miles were donated to NGOs, i.e. 1,653tickets.
In March2019, exceptional support amounting to three million
Miles was allocated to the French Red Cross in response to the
devastation caused by the cyclone in Mozambique.
Results and performance
National and regional economic impact
In France:
€40 billion positive economic impact attributable to the
AirFrance–KLM’s activity, representing 1.6% of French GDP;
475,000FTE jobs depend on the Group’s activity;
for every job created by the Group, 8.7jobs are created in the
French economy;
for every euro invested, the Group generates two euros in the
national economy;
the Air France–KLM Group’s activity directly generates
€3.6billion (including the taxes and social contributions paid
by the Group and its employees);
Air France is a leading private sector employer in the Paris region.
In the Netherlands:
as the third largest private sector employer in the
Netherlands, the KLM Group accounted for 33,000 of the
65,000directly - generated jobs in the Schiphol catchment
area in 2019.
Contribution to the sheltered and adapted sector
In 2019, Air France signed a Manifesto for the vocational integration
of persons with disabilities, consisting of ten concrete measures.
This agreement ring - fences €3.4million to be used in promoting
the employment of persons with disabilities.
The company has invested €20 million in procurement,
subcontracting and service contracts from the sheltered and
adapted sector.
Contribution to community projects
In 2019, AirFrance–KLM supported NGOs and other social and
environmental initiatives by donating €13 million. A key
performance indicator to measure the impact of the sums
allocated is in the development phase.
4.6.2 Sustainable procurement
Context and strategy
As a service company, AirFrance–KLM’s business activity is heavily
dependent on procurement which represented €13.3billion in 2019.
Fuel purchasing amounted to some 38% of this expenditure,
followed by aircraft maintenance and components, airport and
navigation fees and airport handling.
Given the significant proportion of external expenses relative to
total revenues, optimizing, innovating and making the supply
chain more sustainable are priorities for the Group and contribute
to improving profitability. The Procurement department deploys
an ambitious policy and encourages the adoption of responsible
practices within its processes. For a number of years, this responsible
procurement policy has aimed to incorporate societal responsibility
principles into relationships with suppliers by reinforcing control
over ethical, social, environmental and supply chain risks.
Measures and action plan
Pursuing a responsible procurement policy throughout
the whole process
Air France–KLM pursues a responsible procurement policy
throughout the process:
the buyers send suppliers a supplier questionnaire, addressing
a number of themes such as safety, environmental management,
HR policy, etc.;
suppliers are invited to sign the Sustainable Development
Charter for suppliers based on the principles of the UN Global
Compact or provide their own equivalent document which
may be approved following analysis. Since 2015, this Charter
has been supplemented by a Supplier Code of Conduct;
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the tender documents frequently list the criteria enabling the
evaluation of the environmental impact of the product or
service, which are then taken into account during the
evaluation of the dierent supplier proposals. This is an
integral part of the assessment of the total cost of ownership
and the life cycle analysis;
supplier contracts include an ethical and environmental clause
based on the relevant products and services.
To supplement the existing process, the Procurement function uses
the services of EcoVadis, a company specialized in the evaluation
of suppliers based on Corporate Social Responsibility criteria.
The risk mapping process, which takes place at the beginning of
the procurement process, takes into account the dierent sectors of
procurement and the countries in which the suppliers are based:
buyers must systematically verify the positioning of each
supplier in the risk map. There are six levels of risk;
in the event of an elevated or severe level of risk, suppliers are
contacted so that they can be evaluated by EcoVadis or an
equivalent organization on the following four themes:
environment, social, ethics and sustainable procurement (as
defined in the EcoVadis system);
if the risk category of the supplier is lower than “high risk”,
buyers are advised to encourage their supplier to be
evaluated. The latter can then share their scores with other
companies, which may prove a competitive advantage in
terms of winning bids and contracts.
Following their evaluation, suppliers having failed to reach an
acceptable level will need to put in place corrective measures to
meet the Procurement requirements.
At Air France, these cases are discussed during quarterly Steering
Committee meetings, overseen by the Procurement and CSR
Air France is pursuing its ambitious Purchase Plan launched in 2018,
aimed at capturing more innovation with its suppliers and, in
particular, with small and medium - sized companies and start - ups.
Purchasing from the sheltered and adapted sector rearms Air
France’s values and thus underscores its commitment to Social
and Environmental Responsibility. In 2019, Air France organized
four Purchasing meetings aimed at increasing procurement with
SMEs, the sheltered sector and innovative companies.
The KLM Fuel Procurement Department has made a decade - long
commitment to developing and purchasing 75,000 tons of
sustainable aviation fuel per year. To this end, KLM is contributing,
alongside SkyNRG, the world leader in sustainable aviation fuels
(SAF), to the development of the first European plant dedicated
to the production of SAF in Delfzijl. The construction of this
facility, scheduled to open in 2022, is a concrete step towards
achieving KLM’s ambitions for sustainable development and
contributes to the broader “Smart and Sustainable” industrial
plan. As of 2022, the plant will produce 100,000tons of SAF
annually, as well as 15,000tons of bioLPG, as a by - product. This
will mean an annual CO
reduction of 270,000 tons for the
aviation sector. This is an important milestone for the industry in
its quest to reduce carbon emissions and meet the growing
demand for sustainable fuel for aviation.
Empowering the buyers
AirFrance–KLM buyers are committed to respecting the Group’s
societalresponsibility commitments. On their first day in the oce,
they sign a Code of Ethics outlining the ethical rules to be followed
when dealing with suppliers. In the light of the Anti-Bribery
legislation, a reminder of the Code of Ethics has been sent to the
prescribers. The Procurement Sustainable Development Charter
and the Code of Ethics are available on the Procurement website.
An internal process has also been established to develop the
buyers’ skills, with training modules, seminars and web links
providing more information on best environmental practices. All
Procurement sta have completed an anti - corruption e - learning
module. All new buyers receive training on the department’s CSR
commitments, the duty of vigilance and the anti - bribery
processes, and on how to use a scoring tool (EcoVadis).
The Procurement function encourages the maintenance of a
watching brief on information relating to CSR (news, legislation,
events, conferences, webinars, etc. ) and the sharing of experience.
The Procurement Action Plan sets out the CSR undertakings as
a strategic lever; this Plan has been distributed to the team and
forms part of the induction documentation for new recruits. More
than ever, CSR is a challenge for AirFrance–KLM, which places
sustainable development at the heart of its priorities and projects:
the buyers seek suppliers who can help the Group make progress
on this issue and contribute suggestions and innovative ideas.
Mobilizing and innovating with suppliers
The Supplier Relations Management Program (SRM) is based on
building long - term relationships between AirFrance–KLM and
its strategic suppliers. This program enables issues like Corporate
Social Responsibility to be central to discussions and to move
forward together on these issues.
The Procurement function sees its suppliers as bona fide partners
in mutually - beneficial growth. In this capacity, it supports their
quest for innovative solutions and analysis of the environmental
impact of products. During the drafting of a product specification,
the prescriber and buyer work together to identify the environmental
and societal characteristics, thereby encouraging the supplier to
not only develop the environmental performance of its products
but also make in a wider commitment to sustainability.
Air France entrusts a significant part of its procurement to SMEs.
Through a formalized action plan, the Procurement function
promotes the development of SMEs and start - ups through
initiatives such as the creation of an innovation counter and
participation in incubators and on specific themes.
Procurement is committed to building high - quality relationships
with SMEs. To promote and protect this eco system, Air France
is a member of the SME Pact and establishes an action plan on
an annual basis within the context of its relationships with SMEs
(midcaps, start - ups and VSBs). These actions include a reduction
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in payment terms thanks to the extension of Tradeshift
(cloud - based business network and platform for supply chain
payments) and also the strengthening and deployment of
innovation via a “start - up Kit”, enabling the company to work more
nimbly with start - ups and promote POC (“Proof of Concept”).
Air France cooperates with associations and companies in the
sheltered sector on multiple projects which represented
approximately €20 million of the Group’s purchasing in 2019
(e.g. upkeep of green spaces in some sites, shipment of packages
of uniforms, packaging of headphones, etc. ). In 2019, as part
of its laundry services, the ESAT du Centre de la Gabrielle
launched an ecological approach by using eco - responsible
detergents. This same approach will gradually be extended by
the other laundry companies operating in the sheltered and
adapted employment sector.
In 2019, KLM initiated the recycling of plastic waste with its
recycling suppliers, transforming this waste into a material for 3D
printing. KLM collects tons of plastic bottles on flights and then
sorts and recycles them to obtain recycled plastic pellets. This
recycled plastic is used, for example, to print tools for the
maintenance of aircraft.
Taking into account social and environmental priorities
The obligations of suppliers in terms of the environment and
vocational health and safety are stipulated in the product or
service specifications. To prevent the risks linked to joint - activity
during interventions, the establishment of prevention plans is
systematic. This approach is the subject of a General Occupational
Health and Safety Procedure. For Air France, the accident record
for sub - contractors is tracked in the Company’s annual social
Furthermore, an environmental clause figures in Air France’s
catering contracts which includes measures to reduce the
environmental footprint, such as the sorting and recycling of
waste and the use of seasonal products.
Measures in favor of responsible catering
Air France and KLM are developing the concept of responsible
catering. Indeed, since its airlines serve a total of 85million meals
and snacks every year and given the quantity of food products
required for their production, the Group’s choices can have an
impact on biodiversity.
For catering procurement, in partnership with its dierent
catering suppliers, Air France prioritizes local products which are
responsible and, whenever possible, seasonal. Certified protected
origin products (produits d’appellation d’origine contrôlée et
protégée –AOC/AOP), particularly cheese, form part of a broad
range of products. Organic food products are also oered,
particularly in the meal trays intended for children.
As of the design of on - board equipment, multiple criteria are
taken into consideration: weight of the articles, materials used,
place of manufacturing, mode of transportation, management of
the material’s end of life. Particular attention is paid to reducing
the amount of packaging and the use of single - use plastics. At
the end of 2019, on board Air France’s aircraft, plastic cups, cutlery
and stirrers, i.e. the equivalent of 1,300 tons of plastic, were
progressively replaced by cardboard cups while cutlery and
stirrers were designed in wood sourced from FSC label forests
and covered in paper wrappers.
Rethinking some food services also contributes to this goal of
reducing single - use plastics. For example, the development of the
Bon Appetit bag distributed on medium and long - haul flights avoids
the use of around 200tons of cutlery and other plastic items.
Whenever feasible, to contribute to the overall objective of
attaining the Sustainable Development Goals, KLM chooses
products and partners that share its values. The company’s
responsible catering policy mainly focuses on environmental
preservation in production areas, Human Rights, working conditions
and animal welfare. It is applied to all flights departing from
Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and elsewhere in Europe and, where
possible, responsible products are included in the catering
products on board flights on departure from other countries. For
KLM, it is important that the ingredients in meals, such as fish,
chocolate, palm oil and soy, are sourced responsibly. To this end,
KLM is a member of the Responsible Soy (RTRS) and Sustainable
Palm Oil (RSPO) Round Table and oers certified products on
board its aircraft such as MSC and ASC-certified fish, “better life”
egg, chicken and veal and UTZ-certified coee, tea and chocolate.
The Group donates a number of products from in - flight catering
not distributed to passengers to charitable associations (see
Section4.3.4Action to combat food waste).
Results and performance
Through its website (www.af-klm.com /procurement), the
Procurement department maintains an ongoing dialogue with
suppliers, informing them, amongst other things, on the
function’s commitment to sustainable development.
Right from the inception of the procurement process, suppliers
thus become aware of these issues and are invited to sign the
AirFrance–KLM Sustainable Development Charter. In 2019, 68%
of suppliers signed the Sustainable Development Charter and, in
2020, the goal is to increase this number to 75%.
In 2019, the number of companies evaluated on EcoVadis
or an equivalent body increased by 17% (414suppliers evaluated
in 2019 versus 355 in 2018). Furthermore, as part of a
continuous - improvement process, the company aims to evaluate
100additional suppliers in 2020.
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4.6.3 Monitoring of Act
No. 2017 - 399known as
the Duty of Vigilance Law
The Air France–KLM Group is subject to the obligations
introduced by the Act of March27, 2017 relating to the duty of
vigilance for parent companies and ordering companies.
Since 2018, in response to the regulatory requirements, the Group
has implemented a vigilance plan in compliance with the legal
provisions, it being understood that the Group already had
processes in place enabling it to comply directly or indirectly with
the requirements of the new Act. In particular, having established
verification processes in the areas required to be covered by the
vigilance plan, the Group has ensured that it is in a position to
benefit, as eectively as possible, from the contributions of its
various entities. In 2019, AirFrance–KLM pursued these actions
and focused on measuring their eectiveness within the Group
and its subsidiaries.
Identification and regular risk evaluation procedures
The identification and evaluation of the various risks relating to
the duty of vigilance are part of the overall risk management
process established within the Air France–KLM Group. As a
facilitator of risk management, Group Internal Audit regularly
evaluates the risk management process and its conclusions are
the subject of presentations to the Group Executive Committee
and the Audit Committee.
The AirFrance–KLM Group’s overall sub - contracting management
system applies to all risk areas. It is based on contract reviews,
compliance monitoring and supervision acts such as audits,
inspections and checks, carried out by the sub - contractors
themselves where appropriate.
Every year, the Group conducts a review of the non - financial risks
generated by its activities. This analysis verifies the relevance and
comprehensiveness of the measures and action plans aimed at
the eective prevention, control and mitigation of the
non - financial risks deemed to be the most material.
See Section 3 Risks and risk management and Section 4.1.2
Identification of the key priorities in building long - term
Measures deployed to prevent and mitigate the risks
and monitoring mechanisms
AirFrance–KLM’s policy enshrines the respect of fundamental
rights as established in the leading international principles:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Labor
Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development’s (OECD) guiding principles.
Air France–KLM has been a signatory of the United Nations
Global Compact since 2003 and is committed to respecting and
promoting its ten principles in the areas of Human Rights, labor,
the environment and anti - corruption. This undertaking is
rearmed each year by the Group’s top management.
The duty of vigilance is a multi - risk approach. The management
of risks is at the heart of the steering of the AirFrance–KLM
Group’s business activities, based on a rational of prevention and
homogeneous management via common methods and tools.
Human Rights and fundamental liberties
In its Corporate Social Responsibility Statement, the Group
undertakes to scrupulously respect Human Rights, oppose child
and forced labor, apply laws and ask its service providers and
suppliers to uphold these principles.
The Social Rights and Ethics Charter arms the Group’s
commitment to fostering a climate of mutual trust and respect
amongst sta, and ensuring a safe working environment. The
Group undertakes to apply the labor legislation of the European
Union and its Member States and all national collective
agreements, and to respect the exercise of trade union rights in
all the relevant countries.
In 2019, the Social Rights and Ethics Charter was reviewed by a
working group bringing together the relevant Group entities and
the European Works Council, to develop its content towards the
formalization of principles fostering the respect of Human Rights.
This new document, for both internal and external use, will be
published during 2020.
In view of its organization, the Group delegates to its subsidiaries
the responsibility of respecting and promoting the content of
these commitments locally, in the respect of the national
provisions and legislation specific to each country.
See Section4.2Human resources and 4.5.2Respect of Human
Health and safety
For AirFrance–KLM, the health and safety of both customers
and sta is an absolute priority.
Flight safety is paramount for the Group. It is key to retaining the
trust of customers and imperative for the long - term viability of
its operations. All the Group’s activities are the subject of multiple
checks and certifications, comply with extremely strict norms and
achieve the highest standards in the industry.
Both companies deploy Safety Management Systems, which are
integral to their business organizations, processes and corporate
See Section 3 Risks and risk management and Section 4.4
Customer trust.
Safeguarding health and safety in the work place is a human
priority to which the Group responds by preventing vocational
risks and improving the quality of life in the workplace.
See Section4.2Human resources.
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Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
4 Societal value
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The Group must guarantee its customers and flight crew safe
catering services and, to this end, has put in place a Food Hygiene
and Safety process to respond to the regulatory requirements
linked to the preparation and supply of meals.
See Section4.4Customer trust.
Air France–KLM’s Climate Action Plan embodies the Group’s
strategy and main priorities for reducing its impact on climate
change. In November2019, the Group unveiled its global strategy
through to 2025, based on global environmental sustainability.
The Air France and KLM Environmental Management Systems
(EMS) aim to prevent and mitigate the environmental impacts of
their operations. They have ISO14001certification and internal
and external audits enable the verification of their eective
In 2019, the Group adopted the format recommended by the Task
Force on Climate - related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for the
management of financial risks linked to climate change (TCFD
concordance table, section4.3.2).
See Section4.3Environment.
Supply chain
In its relations with sub - contractors and suppliers, AirFrance–KLM
ensures that the fundamental social rights and principles, and
environmental protection provisions, are properly respected
everywhere in the world.
A supplier selection process has been implemented to respond
to the duty of vigilance requirements. To this end, AirFrance–KLM’s
Procurement function provides awareness training on these risks
for its buyers.
A risk - mapping process is in place with, for each segment and
procurement domain, an evaluation of the environmental, social
and ethical risks. Risk is also evaluated by country.
For all new contracts or contract renewals, the signature of the
Sustainable Development Charter or an equivalent commitment
covering the four areas (environment, social, ethical and supply
chain) is mandatory and is included in the contract’s appendix.
In the segments most exposed to risks, suppliers are asked to
submit an evaluation of their sustainability performance, carried
out by a specialized organization or the equivalent. This evaluation
must address four areas: environment, social, ethics, supply chain.
The “Supplier supply chain” section provides visibility for tier
Suppliers failing to reach an acceptable level are required to put
in place a remedial action plan. Independent in - situ audits may
also be triggered.
Independently of the level of risk, all suppliers are encouraged to
carry out evaluations of their CSR performance.
In 2019, at the Group’s request, 414suppliers had their sustainability
performance evaluated.
See Section4.6Societal value.
Listening to stakeholders and whistle blower
In 2019, AirFrance–KLM realized a new materiality analysis by
questioning a representative panel of internal and external
stakeholders. The comparison of these results with those of the
analysis carried out in 2017 enabled confirmation of the relevance
of AirFrance–KLM’s strategic choices in the light of the issues
deemed to be priorities for its activities and the expectations of
its stakeholders.
Several processes enable the Group to regularly evaluate the
perception of its stakeholders and to understand the related risks.
The Group also has a number of feedback channels in place
enabling stakeholders (particularly employees, customers and
local residents around airports) to communicate any complaints.
See Section4.1.2Identification of the key priorities in building
long - term relationships.
The AirFrance–KLM Group has updated the scope of its internal
whistle - blower procedures to enable employees to report any
situations arising within the scope of the Act of March27, 2017
relating to the duty of vigilance of parent companies and ordering
companies. For reports under the Whistleblowing procedure
please see paragraph 4.5.3Business ethics.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 215
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Societal value
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To the Annual General Meeting,
In our capacity as Statutory Auditor of your company (hereinafter
the “entity”) appointed as Independent Third Party, and accredited
by the French Accreditation Committee (Comité Français
d’Accréditation or COFRAC) under number 3 - 1049
, we hereby
report to you on the consolidated non - financial statement for the
year ended 31
December2019 (hereinafter the “Statement”),
included in the Group management report pursuant to the
requirements of articles L.225 - 102 - 1, R.225 - 105 and R.225 - 105 - 1of
the French Commercial Code (Code de Commerce).
Responsibility of the entity
The Management Board is responsible for preparing the Statement,
including a presentation of the business model, a description of
the principal non - financial risks, a presentation of the policies
implemented considering those risks and the outcomes of said
policies, including key performance indicators.
The Statement has been prepared in accordance with the entity’s
procedures (hereinafter the “Guidelines”), the main elements of
which are presented in the Statement and are available upon
request at the entity’s head oce.
Independence and quality control
Our independence is defined by the requirements of article
L.822 - 11 - 3of the French Commercial Code and the French Code
of Ethics (Code de Déontologie) of our profession. In addition, we
have implemented a system of quality control including documented
policies and procedures regarding compliance with applicable
legal and regulatory requirements, the ethical requirements and
French professional guidance.
Responsibility of the Statutory Auditor appointed
as Independent Third Party
On the basis of our work, our responsibility is to provide a report
expressing a limited assurance conclusion on:
the compliance of the Statement with the requirements of
article R.225 - 105of the French Commercial Code;
the fairness of the information provided in accordance with
article R.225 - 105I, 3° and II of the French Commercial Code,
i.e., the outcomes, including key performance indicators, and
the measures implemented considering the principal risks
(hereinafter the “Information”).
Our responsibility is also to provide a report expressing, at the
request of the entity and outside of the scope of accreditation, a
reasonable assurance conclusion that information selected by the
entity, presented in Appendix and identified with the symbol A in
chapter has been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance
with the Guidelines.
However, it is not our responsibility to comment on the entity’s
compliance with other applicable legal and regulatory requirements,
in particular the French duty of care law and anti - corruption and
tax avoidance legislation nor on the compliance of products and
services with the applicable regulations.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document216
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
4 Report by one of the Statutory Auditors
(1) Accreditation scope available at www.cofrac.fr.
4_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page216
Nature and scope of our work
The work described below was performed in accordance with
the provisions of Article A.225 - 1 et seq. of the French Commercial
Code, as well as with the professional guidance of the French
Institute of Statutory Auditors (Compagnie Nationale des
Commissaires aux Comptes or CNCC) applicable to such
engagements and with ISAE 3000 (international standard on
assurance engagements other than audits or reviews of historical
financial information):
we obtained an understanding of all the consolidated entities’
activities and the description of the principal risks associated;
we assessed the suitability of the criteria of the Guidelines with
respect to their relevance, completeness, reliability, neutrality
and understandability, with due consideration of industry best
practices, where appropriate;
we verified that the Statement includes each category of
social and environmental information set out in article
L.225 - 102 - 1III, as well as information regarding compliance
with Human Rights and anti - corruption and tax avoidance
we verified that the Statement provides the information
required under article R.225 - 105II of the French Commercial
Code, where relevant with respect to the principal risks and
includes, where applicable, an explanation for the absence of
the information required under article L. 225 - 102 - 1 III,
paragraph 2of the French Commercial Code;
we verified that the Statement presents the business model
and a description of principal risks associated with all the
consolidated entities’ activities, including where relevant and
proportionate, the risks associated with their business
relationships, their products or services, as well as their
policies, measures and the outcomes thereof, including key
performance indicators associated to the principal risks;
we referred to documentary sources and conducted
interviews to:
assess the process used to identify and confirm the
principal risks as well as the consistency of the outcomes,
including the key performance indicators used, with
respect to the principal risks and the policies presented,
corroborate the qualitative information (measures and
outcomes) that we considered to be the most important
presented in Appendix; concerning certain risks
, our
work was carried out on the consolidating entity, for the
other risks, our work was carried out on the consolidating
entity and on a selection of entities
we verified that the Statement covers the scope of
consolidation, i.e. all the consolidated entities in accordance
with article L.233 - 16of the French Commercial Code, within
the limitations set out in the Statement;
we obtained an understanding of internal control and risk
management procedures the entity has put in place and
assessed the data collection process to ensure the
completeness and fairness of the Information;
for the key performance indicators and other quantitative
outcomes that we considered to be the most important
presented in Appendix 1, we implemented:
analytical procedures to verify the proper consolidation of
the data collected and the consistency of any changes in
those data,
tests of details, using sampling techniques, in order to
verify the proper application of the definitions and
procedures and reconcile the data with the supporting
documents. This work was carried out on a selection of
contributing entities
and covers between 40% and 100%
of the consolidated data selected for these tests;
we assessed the overall consistency of the Statement based
on our knowledge of all the consolidated entities.
We believe that the work carried out, based on our professional
judgment, is sucient to provide a basis for our limited assurance
conclusion; a higher level of assurance would have required us to
carry out more extensive procedures.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 217
Corporate social responsibility: Extra-financial performance statement
Report by one of the Statutory Auditors
(1) Business ethics, Respect of human rights, Responsible procurement, Adaptation to climate change, Biodiversity, Operational safety for stakeholders, Accessibility
of the products and services, Local development, Confidentiality and data protection.
(2) Social: Air France, Bluelink, HOP!, KLM, Transavia Netherlands.
Environment: Air France in France and KLM Schiphol for ground operations; Air France, HOP!, KLM and KLC for air operations.
4_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page217
Paris-La Défense, on February19
Fanny Houlliot Eric Jacquet
Partner Partner
Sustainability Services
Means and resources
Our work was carried out by a team of seven people between
December2019 and February2020 and took a total of ten weeks.
We were assisted in our work by our specialists in sustainable
development and Corporate Social Responsibility. We conducted
interviews with the people responsible for preparing the
Based on the procedures performed, nothing has come to our
attention that causes us to believe that the non - financial
statement is not presented in accordance with the applicable
regulatory requirements and that the Information, taken as a
whole, is not presented fairly in accordance with the Guidelines,
in all material respects.
Reasonable assurance report on a selection
of non - financial information
Nature and scope of our work
With regard to the information selected by the entity presented
in Appendix 1 and identified with the symbol in chapter4, we
conducted the same procedures as those described in the
paragraph “Nature and scope of our work” (for the most
important non - financial information). However, these procedures
were more in - depth, particularly regarding the number of tests.
Consequently, the selected sample represents 94% of the
information identified with the symbol .
We believe that these procedures enable us to express
reasonable assurance regarding the information selected by the
entity and identified with the symbol .
In our opinion, the information selected by the entity and
identified with the symbol in chapter4has been prepared, in
all material respects, in accordance with the Guidelines.
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Report by one of the Statutory Auditors
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Annex 1
Qualitative information (actions and results) considered most important
Human resources Information
Support employees toward individual development and professional retraining
Actions in favor of diversity and equal opportunities
Social dialogue and collective agreements
Occupational Safety Policies
Environmental Information
Measures in favor of the circular economy
Projects of reduction of the carbon footprint
Commitments for the preservation of biodiversity
Societal Information
Measures to promote the safety and security of operations
Measures in favor of the accessibility of the products and services
Actions to raise employees’ awareness on Human Rights risks
Tax partnerships
Net Promoter Score
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 219
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Report by one of the Statutory Auditors
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Key performance indicators and other quantitative results considered most important
Human resources key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
Total sta and distribution by age and gender Limited
Number of recruitments and Number of departures Limited
Training hours by employee Limited
Percentage of women at 12/31 Limited
Percentage of women in managerial functions Limited
Total sta with disabilities Limited
Employees Promoter Score (EPS) Limited
Collective agreements signed Limited
Frequency rate of workplace accidents with lost time Limited
Severity rate of workplace accidents Limited
Environmental key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
Air operations
Fuel consumption Reasonable
emissions related to fuel consumption Reasonable
footprint for passenger transport Reasonable
Percentage change inCO
eciency between 2005 and 2019 (operational measures) Reasonable
footprint for cargo transport Limited
Emissions ofNO
low altitude Limited
Emissions ofSO
low altitude Limited
Global noise energy indicator Limited
Percentage of variation of global noise energy per movement between 2000 and 2019. Limited
Societal key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
Ground operations
emissions Limited
Percentage change inCO
emissions from the ground operations between 2018 and 2019 Limited
Emissions ofSO
Emissions ofNO
Quantity of hazardous and non - hazardous industrial waste Limited
Percentage change in non - recycled waste between 2011 and 2019. Limited
Percentage of hazardous industrial waste recovered Limited
Key performance indicators and other quantitative societal outcomes Level of assurance
Realization rate of the e - learning program on the prevention of corruption Limited
Number of suppliers evaluated by Ecovadis Limited
Suppliers having signed the Sustainable Development Charter Limited
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4 Report by one of the Statutory Auditors
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 221
5.1 Investments and financing 222
5.1.1 Investments 222
5.1.2 Financing 222
5.1.3 Structure of the financial debt and reimbursement profile 223
5.2 Comments on the financial statements 224
5.2.1 Consolidated results at December31, 2019 224
5.2.2 Investments and financing of the Group 227
5.2.3 Consolidated equity at December 31, 2019 227
5.2.4 AirFrance – KLM parent company results 228
5.3 Key financial indicators 228
5.4 Subsequent events and outlook for 2020 231
5.4.1 Subsequent events 231
5.4.2 Outlook for 2020 231
5.5 Consolidated financial statements 234
5.5.1 Consolidated income statement 234
5.5.2 Consolidated statement of recognized income and expenses 235
5.5.3 Consolidated balance sheet 236
5.5.4 Consolidated statement of changes in stockholders’ equity 238
5.5.5 Consolidated statement of cash flows 239
5.6 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 241
5.7 Statutory Auditors’ report
on the consolidated financial statements 321
5.8 Statutory financial statements 327
5.8.1 Income statement 327
5.8.2 Balance sheet 328
5.8.3 Notes 329
5.9 Five - year results summary 339
5.10 Statutory Auditors’ report on the financial statements 340
5.11 Statutory Auditors’ special report on regulated agreements 344
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5.1.2 Financing
(in € million) 2019 2018
Capital increase due to new convertible bonds 54 -
Repurchase of perpetual (including premium) - (211)
Issuance of debt 1617 539
Repayment of debt (1,156) (1,400)
Payments on lease debts (1,008) (972)
New loans (89) (195)
Repayment on loans 161 89
Dividends and coupons paid on perpetual (26) (38)
Net cash - flow from financing activities (447) (2,188)
Investment in flight equipment included advance payments and
balances on the delivery of aircraft purchases, capitalized aircraft
modifications, spare parts procurement and maintenance costs
eligible for capitalization. Investment in intangible assets related
to the purchase of software and capitalized IT development.
Other investments in tangible assets mostly included the
acquisition of industrial equipment for the flight operations,
maintenance and IT.
5.1.1 Investments
(in € million) 2019 restated
Acquisition of intangible assets (328) (253)
Investment in flight equipment (2,746) (2,325)
Other property, plant and equipment (298) (266)
Acquisitions of subsidiaries, of shares in non - controlled entities (1) (9)
Loss of control over subsidiaries, disposal of shares in non - controlled entities 13 6
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 100 133
Dividends received 14 6
Net decrease (increase) in investments of between 3months and 1year (72) 4
Net cash - flow used in investing activities (3,318) (2,704)
During the 2019 financial year, the Air France – KLM Group’s
capital expenditure on tangible and intangible assets amounted
to €3,372million and proceeds on disposals to €100million. With
net cash - flow from operating activities amounting to
€3,895 million, the Group generated positive operating free
cash - flow of €623million.
At December31, 2019, the Group’s cash position amounted to
€4.71billion, including €111million of investments with maturities
of above three months, €300 million of cash pledges and
€585million of bond deposits. In addition, the Group had credit
facilities of €1.765 billion subscribed by Air France, KLM and
AirFrance – KLM, fully available at December31, 2019 (see also
Section3–Liquidity risk, page 144).
Net debt stood at €6.15billion (€6.16 billion at December31,
2018). The detailed net debt calculation can be found in Note33
in the Notes to the financial statements, page 298).
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document222
Financial Report
5 Investments and financing
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Structure of the financial debt
The Group’s gross debt stood at €7.11billion at December31, 2019,
of which €4.43billion is guaranteed by pledged or mortgaged
assets amounting to €5.87billion, representing 36.4% of the net
book value of the relevant assets (see also Note38.1 in the notes
to the consolidated financial statements, page 313). After hedging,
71% of the gross debt (excluding lease debt) is at fixed rates and
74% (excluding lease debt) is denominated in euros. The average
cost of the debt is 2.54% (see also Section3.3–Financial market
risks, page 142).
The structure of the debt is as follows:
market financing (bonds and perpetual subordinated loan
stock): €2.09billion;
capital lease commitments: €3.48billion;
other borrowings including bank debt and accrued interest:
Reimbursement profile for debt
and subordinated securities, excluding lease debt
and KLM perpetuals
The debt reimbursement maturities are progressive over time.
Debt reimbursement profile
5.1.3 Structure of the financial debt and reimbursement profile
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 223
Financial Report
Investments and financing
Air France - KLM Hybrid Unsecured Bond:
AFKL 6.25% Perpetual 2020 (€403m)
(in € million)
Other long-term Debt: AF and KLM Secured Debt:
Mainly “Asset-backed” (Net Deposits)
Bond issued by Air France - KLM
June 2021: Air France-KLM 3.875% (€600m)
October 2022: Air France-KLM 3.75% (€400m)
March 2026: Air France-KLM 0.125% (€500m, Convertible “Océane”)
December 2026: Air France-KLM 4.35% ($145m)
(1) Excluding operating lease debt payments and KLM perpetual debt.
New 5 year bond issue for €750m with a 1.875% annual coupon and Tender Oer accepted for June 2021 and October 2022 bond issues amounting to €350m,
completed in January 2020.
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Consolidated revenues for the period amounted to €27.2billion,
an increase of 3.7% and 2.2% on a constant currency basis. The
2019 financial year was characterized by a 1.2% decrease in unit
revenues on a constant currency basis, due to the performance
of the passenger (-0.4%) and cargo (-10.7%) transportation
activities, both these activities being included in the Network
business, and despite the performance from Transavia (+3.0%).
In addition, AirFrance – KLM increased its overall capacity by 2.9%
(ASK). Air France and KLM increased their passenger capacity
by 2.5% (ASK), and their Cargo capacity by 1.7% (ATK).
Transavia’s capacity growth stood at 6.5% (ASK). Revenues from
the Network business rose by 2.6% while third - party maintenance
revenues increased by 11.3%. Transavia revenues grew by 9.3%.
Operating expenses
Operating expenses increased by 4.9% to €26billion.
External expenses increased by 6.3% to €15.9 billion versus
€14.9billion over the previous twelve months. Excluding fuel,
external expenses were up by 3.9% relative to the previous twelve
(In € million) 2019 restated Change
Revenues 27,189 26,227 962
EBITDA 4,128 4,293 (165)
Income from current operations 1,141 1,405 (264)
Income from operating activities 1,010 1,393 (383)
Net income from continuing operations 293 422 (129)
Net income, Group part 290 420 (130)
Basic earnings per share, Group (in €) 0.64 0.92 (0.28)
Restatement of the 2018 financial statements
Since January1, 2019, the Group has applied two new accounting
methods: the Component approach for Life Limited Parts and
the booking of Customer Compensation in contra - revenue
(previously under expenses).
These restatements are outlined in Note2 in the Notes to the
consolidated financial statements on page 241.
Scope at December31, 2019
At December31, 2019, the consolidation scope was composed of
75fully consolidated companies, 21companies consolidated using
the equity method and one joint - venture. The two main subsidiaries,
Air France and KLM, represented 91% of revenues and 75% of the
balance sheet. The other subsidiaries are principally involved in
air transportation (Hop!, KLM Cityhopper), maintenance and
low - cost transportation (Transavia).
As far as possible, the changes in the like - for - like figures have
been estimated on a constant currency basis.
5.2.1 Consolidated results at December31, 2019
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document224
Financial Report
5 Comments on the financial statements
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The main changes were as follows:
aircraft fuel: fuel expense for the year rose by 5.5% (constant
currency), mainly due to a currency eect (-€265million), a
higher fuel bill after hedging (-€189million) and the increase
in capacity (-€153 million), partially oset by improved
eciency (+€52million);
chartering costs: the costs incurred in leasing aircraft
capacity from other airlines. Their decrease in 2019 is mainly
explained by lower aircraft chartering and seat block costs at
Air France;
landing fees and en route charges: these costs are incurred
for air navigation services and the use of airports;
catering costs: these costs comprise the services supplied on
board the AirFrance – KLM Group’s own aircraft;
handling charges and other operating costs principally
cover aircraft handling on the ground and the cost of
passenger care for the Group and, to a lesser extent,
third - party customers. The increase in these costs is explained
by the increased costs of handling by third parties in the
aircraft maintenance costs: they include maintenance
procurement and consumption for the Group’s aircraft and for
the third - party activity; their progression is in line with the
growth in this activity;
commercial and distribution costs;
other external expenses principally comprise rental charges,
telecommunications costs, insurance and fees. Their increase
is mainly explained by the rise in sub - contracting, particularly
at IT level and for training.
Salaries and related costs increased by 4.9% to €8.14billion
versus €7.76billion in 2018 due to the new CLA agreements while
average headcount was up by 1.7% to 86,138employees.
Taxes other than income taxes stood at €154million in 2019
versus €166million in 2018, down by 7.2%.
Other income and expenses stood at net income of
€1,125million versus net income of €937million at December31,
2018. They included:
capitalized production amounting to €1,122 million in 2019
against €993million in 2018;
a result from joint - ventures of €(49) million in 2019 against
€(57) million in 2018;
€64million from currency hedges in 2019 versus €(16) million
at December31, 2018;
a €(54) million expense booked in respect ofCO
versus €(19) million in the previous financial year.
The breakdown of external expenses was as follows:
% ch.
2018 at constant
(in € million) 2019 restated % Ch. currency
Aircraft fuel 5,511 4,958 11.2 5.5
Chartering costs 525 577 (9.0) (11.2)
Landing fees and en route charges 1,933 1,893 2.1 1.0
Catering 822 783 4.4 3.2
Handling charges and other operating costs 1,715 1,673 2.5 1.6
Aircraft maintenance costs 2,628 2,410 9.1 4.1
Commercial and distribution costs 1,029 1,034 (0.5) (2.2)
Other external expenses 1,730 1,618 6.9 6.2
Total 15,893 14,946 6.3 3.1
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 225
Financial Report
Comments on the financial statements
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The nominal unit cost per ASK (available seat - kilometer) rose by
1.3%. In addition, there was a 1.4% increase on currency variation,
and a fuel price increase of 0.8%. Together this amounted to a
unit cost ex currency ex fuel price eect of -0.9%.
Income from operating activities
The income from operating activities amounted to €1,010million
(€1,393million in 2018).
Over the 2019 financial year, the result from operating activities
included, notably:
the impact of the A380 phase - out amounting to €(126) million;
restructuring charges of €(36) million.
In 2018, they had included. notably:
the result on the sale of other assets amounting to €32million;
restructuring charges amounting to €(19) million;
an adjustment to the provision for the cargo fine amounting
to €(8) million.
These operations are detailed in Note 11 in the Notes to the
financial statements, page 265.
Net cost of financial debt
The net cost of financial debt fell to €393million versus a net cost
of €426 million during the previous financial year. This is
explained by a:
€23million decline in interest on financial debt;
10million increase in interest on financial assets.
Other financial income and expenses
Other net financial income and expenses amounted to €(271)
million in 2019 versus €(336) million in 2018. The breakdown was
as follows:
a foreign exchange loss of €(80) million versus €(224) million
in 2018. At December31, 2019, the foreign exchange result
mainly included a €82million unrealized foreign exchange loss,
composed of a loss of €42million on return obligation liabilities
and provisions on aircraft leased in US dollars and a €36million
EBITDA amounted to €4,128million (versus €4,293million at December31, 2018).
The contributions to EBITDA by business segment were as follows:
(in € million) 2019 restated % Ch.
Network 3,130 3,352 (6.6)
Maintenance 606 534 13.6
Transavia 362 369 (1.8)
Others 30 38 (21.05)
Total 4,128 4,293 (3.8)
Amortization, depreciation and provisions
Amortization, depreciation and provisions totalled €2.99billion in 2019 versus €2.89billion in 2018.
Income from current operations
The result from current operations was positive to the tune of €1,141million (versus €1,405million at December31, 2018).
The contributions to revenues and income from current operations by business segment were as follows:
2019 2018 restated
Income Income
from current from current
(in € million) Revenues operations Revenues operations
Network 23,272 749 22,671 1,042
Maintenance 2,138 260 1,920 214
Transavia 1,744 131 1,595 145
Others 34 1 38 4
Total 27,188 1,141 26,224 1,405
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5 Comments on the financial statements
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foreign exchange loss on the debt in US dollars (€15million)
and Japanese yen (€26million). At December 31, 2018, the
foreign exchange result had mainly included an unrealized
foreign exchange loss of €224 million, composed of a loss of
€133 million on return obligation liabilities and provisions on
aircraft leased in US dollars, and a €101 million foreign
exchange loss mainly on debt in US dollars (€20 million) and
Japanese yen (€56 million);
a €33million change in fair value of financial instruments and
hedged shares revalued through profit and loss in 2019
(positive variation of €55million in 2018), mainly linked to the
Amadeus shares and their collar for €42 million;
an accretion eect on long - term return obligation liabilities on
aircraft: €(212) million in 2019 versus €(152) million in 2018, the
variation being linked to an increase in the discount rate from
4.6% in 2018 to 6.0% in 2019.
Net result–Group part
Income taxes stood at a charge €(76) million in 2019 versus
€(224) million in 2018. The eective tax rate as of December31, 2019
was 22.0%.
Share of profits/(losses) from associates contributed a profit of
€23million in 2019 versus €15million in the previous year. This
was principally the result from the Servair Group and from
partnerships in the maintenance business.
The net result, Group part stood at income of €290million in 2019
versus income of €420million in 2018.
The contributions to the net result by quarter were, respectively,
€(323) million at March31, 2019, €97million at June30, 2019,
€361 million at September 30, 2019 and €155 million at
December31, 2019.
Basic earnings per share, Group part amounted to €0.64 at
December31, 2019 versus €0.92at December31, 2018.
5.2.2 Investments and financing
of the Group
Operating cash - flow was positive to the tune of €3.90billion
(€3.8 billion at December31, 2018).
Capital expenditure on tangible and intangible assets amounted
to €3.37billion over the financial year (€2.84billion in 2018), of
which €1,350million of investment in the fleet, €725million in
maintenance, €418million in spare parts, €219million in cabin
refurbishment and €625million in the ground operations and
intangible assets. Proceeds on disposals of tangible and
intangible assets amounted to €100million versus €133million
at December31, 2018.
After taking into account net capital expenditure on tangible and
intangible assets, operating free cash - flow stood at €623million
(€1.09billion in 2018). After the reimbursement of lease debt,
adjusted operating free cash - flow was €(385) million in 2019
(€115million in 2018).
At December31, 2019, the Group had €4.71billion of net cash, of
which €3.71billion in cash and cash equivalents. Furthermore, the
Group has undrawn credit facilities amounting to a total of
Net financial debt amounted to €6.15billion at December31, 2019
(€6.16billion at December31, 2018).
5.2.3 Consolidated equity
at December 31, 2019
Equity attributable to equity holders of Air France – KLM
amounted to €2,284 million against €1,786 million as of
December31, 2018, after restatement for the change in accounting
treatment for Customer Compensation and the Component
approach for Life Limited Parts. The €498million variation is
mainly explainted by the following items contributing to the
Group part:
a positive net result of €290million;
a change in the fair value of the Group’s hedging instruments
amounting to €274million (net of tax); and
a €(70) million change (net of tax) in the fair value of the
Group’s pension liabilities.
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Restated net result, Group share
The restated net result corresponds to the net result adjusted for exceptional or non - recurring items.
(in € million) 2019 2018
Net income/(loss), Group share 290 420
Unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses, net 82 56
Change in fair value of financial assets and liabilities (derivatives) (29) (53)
Non-current income and expenses 131 12
Tax impact on gross adjustments net result (52) (4)
Restated net income/(loss), Group part 422 431
Coupons on perpetual (17) (25)
Restated net income/(loss), group share including coupons
on perpetual (used to calculate earnings per share) 405 406
Restated net income/(loss) per share (in €) 0.95 0.95
Financial cover ratios
Net debt/EBITDA ratio
2019 restated
Net debt (in €m) 6,147 6,164
EBITDA (in €m) 4,128 4,293
Net debt/EBITDA 1.49 1.44
5.2.4 AirFrance – KLM parent
company results
The AirFrance – KLM parent company results were closed on
December31, 2019.
As a holding company. AirFrance – KLM has no operating activity.
Its revenues comprise royalties paid by the two operating
subsidiaries for use of the Air France – KLM logo by the two
operational companies and the supply of services invoiced to Air
France and KLM. Its expenses mostly comprise financial
communication expenses, Statutory Auditors’ fees, the expenses
linked to the compensation of company ocers and the sta
made available by Air France and KLM. At December31, 2019,
the operating result was a loss of €7 million (compared with €(1)
million in 2018).
The net result was a €11 million loss, mainly due to the financial
costs on the bond issues together with the costs of undrawn
credit lines.
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 39 - 5 and Article 223 quinquies
of the French Tax Code relating to expenses in the statement of
general expenses excluded from non - tax - deductible expenses,
Note that no amount was recognized during the financial year.
Pursuant to the provisions of Article 39 - 4 and Article 223quater
of the French Tax Code no excess amortization was recognized.
Information on the maturity of accounts payable
for the company AirFrance – KLM
At December31, 2019, accounts payable stood at €15million of
which €11million outside the Group, mostly not yet due within
45days as of the end of the month.
At December31. 2018, accounts payable stood at €13million of
which €5million outside the Group, mostly not yet due within
45days as of the end of the month.
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Financial Report
5 Key financial indicators
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Dec 31, Dec 31, 2018 Dec 31, 2018 Dec 31, 2017
(in € million) 2019 restated restated restated
Goodwill and intangible assets 1,522 1,411 1,411 1,338
Flight equipment 11,334 10,308 10,308 9,728
Other property, plant and equipment 1,580 1,503 1,503 1,418
Right - of - use assets 5,173 5,664 5,664 6,216
Investments in equity associates 307 311 311 301
Other financial assets excluding shares available for sale,
marketable securities and financial deposits 146 133 133 113
Provisions excluding pension, cargo litigation and restructuring (4,058) (3,776) (3,776) (3,456)
WCR, excluding market value of derivatives (6,309) (6,133) (6,133) (5,896)
Capital employed 9,695 9,421 9,421 9,762
Average capital employed (A) 9,558 9,592
Income from current operations 1,141 1,405
Dividends received (2) (2)
Share of profits/(losses) of associates 23 15
Normative income tax (345) (421)
Income from current operations after tax (B) 817 997
ROCE (B/A) 8.5% 10.4%
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
Return on capital employed measures the return on invested
capital by expressing a result after tax as a percentage of capital
employed. The calculation methodology is as follows:
the calculation of the capital employed is based on an additive
method by identifying the relevant balance sheet items. The
capital employed for the year is obtained by taking the
average of the capital employed on the opening and closing
balance sheets;
the adjusted result after tax corresponds to the sum of the
operating result adjusted for dividends received and the share
of profits/(losses) of associates.
EBITDA/net cost of financial debt ratio
2019 restated
EBITDA (in €m) 4,128 4,293
Net cost of financial debt (in €m) 393 426
EBITDA/net cost of financial debt 10.50 10.08
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 229
Financial Report
Key financial indicators
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2019 restated
Revenues (in €m) 27,188 26,224
Income/(loss) from current operations (in €m) 1,141 1,405
Total operating expense (in €m) (26,047) (24,819)
Network business–other network revenues (in €m) 1,021 940
Third - party revenues in maintenance (in €m) 2,138 1,920
Transavia–other revenues (in €m) (10) (3)
Other businesses (in €m) 34 38
Net cost (in €m) 22,864 21,925
Capacity produced, reported in ASK 332,473 323,034
Net cost, per ASK (in € cents) 6.88 6.79
Gross change +1.3%
Currency eect on net costs (in €m) (304)
Change at constant currencies -0.1%
Fuel price eect (in €m) (188)
Change on a constant currency and fuel price basis -0.9%
Net cost per ASK on a constant currency and fuel price basis 6.88 6.94
Net cost per ASK
To analyze the cost performance of each transportation activity,
the Group divides the net cost of this activity by the capacity
produced, expressed in ASK for the passenger business and
Transavia, and in ATK for the cargo business. To analyze the
company’s overall cost performance, the Group uses the net cost
per ASK. This net cost is obtained by dividing the total net cost
by the capacity produced expressed in available seat - kilometers
(ASK). The net cost is calculated by subtracting the revenues
other than those generated by the three transportation activities
(passenger, cargo and Transavia) from total operating expenses.
The capacity produced by the two passenger transportation
activities is combined by adding the capacity of the passenger
business (in ASK) to that of Transavia (in ASK).
Cost of capital
2019 2018
Cost of stockholders’ equity 9.9% 12.0%
Marginal cost of debt. post tax 2.2% 2.9%
Percentage of stockholders’ equity/target debt
Stockholders’ equity 48% 37%
Debt 52% 63%
Weighted average cost of capital after taxation 5.9% 6.3%
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5 Key financial indicators
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Recent events
As of April 17, 2020, as we finalize this 2019 Universal
Registration Document, the COVID-19crisis has continued
to spread.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19public health crisis, the
Air France – KLM Group has implemented measures to
ensure the protection of its passengers and sta, and to
preserve the conditions of its financial viability.
Faced with the increasingly strict measures taken by many
countries, including restrictions on travel opportunities and
border closures, the AirFrance – KLM Group has drastically
reduced its flight activity which, over the coming months,
should be less than 10% of last year’s level.
The Group has implemented strong measures since the
beginning of the crisis which include, amongst others:
negotiation with governments of payment deferral for
taxes (civil aviation, solidarity, etc. ), social contributions
and various charges;
negotiation with lessors and airports of payment
cost reduction measures, estimated at this stage at
€500 million in 2020, an increase of €300 million
compared to previous announcements;
the possibility of early retirement of certain sub - fleets
of aircraft;
implementation by Air France of partial activity measures
and application by KLM of the Temporary Emergency
Bridging Measure for Sustained Employment (NOW),
with an impact estimated at this stage at around
€1.1billion for 2020;
review of the investment plan which will be reduced
by at least €700million in 2020, i.e. €350million more
than in previous announcements, to which will be
added the impact of the decline in own and third - party
activity on the amount of maintenance investments.
in solidarity with all the employees, the members of the
AirFrance – KLM Board Directors, its Chair and the Chief
Executive Ocer will also participate in the eort within
the framework of the measures applicable to the employees
of the Group, with a similar reduction in their remuneration.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 231
Financial Report
Subsequent events and outlook for 2020
(1) All flights to China were suspended as of January 30, 2020. AirFrance – KLM’s Mainland China network represents 16.5 billion ASKs, 5.5% of Passenger network activity.
Impact of COVID-19 post February 2020
5.4.1 Subsequent events
There were no significant events arising subsequent to the
accounting year end (see Note 3.2 in the Notes to the
consolidated financial statements).
5.4.2 Outlook for 2020
The demand outlook was initially stable or even improving based
on projected moderate capacity growth for the industry.
However, the recent developments linked to the Coronavirus have
impacted the demand outlook for the first quarter 2020,
especially in the Asian network.
Based on the current data from the passenger network business:
A good performance in January, with positive unit revenues
linked to demand.
The impact of the Coronavirus is negatively impacting forward-
booking load factors for February to May.
Passenger network unit revenues at constant currency are now
expected to be down for the first quarter of 2020.
For the cargo business, the Coronavirus impact is expected to
lead to maintained pressure on the load factor and yield in the
first part of 2020.
Coronavirus impact on the operating result: estimated at -€150
million to -€200 million for the period through to May 2020,
assuming a progressive resumption in operations to China as of
April 2020
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Financial Report
5 Subsequent events and outlook for 2020
Outlook for 2020
As the crisis continues, the conditions for a recovery
remain uncertain, both in terms of our air operations, but
more generally in terms of the timetable for an economic
and demand recovery.
Currently, our best estimates incorporating the aforementioned
measures show that, in the absence of additional financing,
a liquidity requirement is expected in the third quarter
of 2020.
As a result, the AirFrance – KLM Group, Air France and
KLM are engaged in in - depth discussions with their
respective governments and financial institutions to
dispose of the resources that will enable them to secure and
sustain adequate levels of liquidity by all means, notably
within the framework of the European Commission’s
Temporary Framework on State Aid published on
March19, 2020.
At this stage, given the various options currently being
envisaged and the quality of the discussions with the two
States and financial institutions, the Air France – KLM
Group is confident that it will be able to obtain additional
financing to meet all its future financial obligations and
enable it to ensure the recovery of its activity beyond the
current crisis.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 233
Financial Report
Note1 Business description 241
Note2 Restatement of
2018 financial statements 241
Note3 Significant events 245
Note4 Accounting policies 245
Note5 Change in the consolidation scope 257
Note6 Information by activity
and geographical area 258
Note7 External expenses 262
Note8 Salaries and number of employees 263
Note9 Amortization, depreciation
and provisions 264
Note10 Other income and expenses 264
Note11 Other non - current income and expenses 265
Note12 Net cost of financial debt and
other financial income and expenses 266
Note13 Income taxes 267
Note14 Earnings per share 270
Note15 Goodwill 271
Note16 Intangible assets 272
Note17 Impairment 273
Note18 Tangible assets 274
Note19 Capital expenditures 275
Note20 Right - of - use assets 275
Note21 Equity aliates 276
Note22 Pension assets 277
Note23 Other financial assets 278
Note24 Inventories 280
Note25 Trade accounts receivables 280
Note26 Other assets 281
Note27 Cash, cash equivalents
and bank overdrafts 281
Note28 Equity attributable to equity holders
of AirFrance – KLM SA 282
Note29 Retirement benefits 285
Note30 Return obligation liability and provision
for leased aircraft and other provisions 291
Note31 Financial debt 293
Note32 Lease debt 297
Note33 Net debt 298
Note34 Loyalty program 299
Note35 Other liabilities 300
Note36 Financial instruments 300
Note37 Flight equipment orders 312
Note38 Other commitments 313
Note39 Related parties 314
Note40 Consolidated statement of cash flow 316
Note41 Statutory Auditors’ fees 317
Note42 Consolidation scope 318
5.6 Notes to the consolidated financial statements
5.5.1 Consolidated income statement 234
5.5.2 Consolidated statement
of recognized income and expenses 235
5.5.3 Consolidated balance sheet 236
5.5.4 Consolidated statement of changes
in stockholders’ equity 238
5.5.5 Consolidated statement of cash flows 239
5.5 Consolidated financial statements
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5.5.1 Consolidated income statement
Period from January1to December31 2019 2018
(in € millions) Notes restated
Sales 6 27,188 26,224
Other revenues 1 3
Revenues 27,189 26,227
External expenses 7 (15,893) (14,946)
Salaries and related costs 8 (8,139) (7,759)
Taxes other than income taxes (154) (166)
Other income and expenses 10 1,125 937
EBITDA 4,128 4,293
Amortization, depreciation and provisions 9 (2,987) (2,888)
Income from current operations 1,141 1,405
Sales of aircraft equipment 22 4
Other non - current income and expenses 11 (153) (16)
Income from operating activities 1,010 1,393
Cost of financial debt (442) (465)
Income from cash and cash equivalents 49 39
Net cost of financial debt 12 (393) (426)
Other financial income and expenses 12 (271) (336)
Income before tax 346 631
Income taxes 13 (76) (224)
Net income of consolidated companies 270 407
Share of profits (losses) of associates 21 23 15
Net income for the period 293 422
Non - controlling interests 3 2
Net income–Group part 290 420
Earnings per share–Equity holders of AirFrance – KLM (in euros)
— basic 14 0.64 0.92
— diluted 0.61 0.92
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 235
Financial Report
Consolidated financial statements
5.5.2 Consolidated statement of recognized income and expenses
Period from January1to December31 2019 2018
(in € millions) Notes restated
Net income for the period 293 422
Cash flow hedges and cost of hedging
Eective portion of changes in fair value hedge
and cost of hedging recognized directly in other comprehensive income 435 (231)
Change in fair value and cost of hedging transferred to profit or loss (46) (621)
Deferred tax on items of comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss 13.2 (115) 270
Total of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss 274 (582)
Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans
1 (191)
Fair value of equity instruments revalued through OCI (14) (24)
Deferred tax on items of comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 13.2 (68) 49
Total of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (81) (166)
Total of other comprehensive income, after tax 193 (748)
Recognized income and expenses 486 (326)
Equity holders of AirFrance – KLM 483 (327)
Non - controlling interests 3 1
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
(2) Remeasurement of defined benefit pension plans is composed of €1,290million related to the dierence between the expected and actual return on assets (2018:
€(379) million) and € (1,289) million related to the change in actuarial assumptions (2018: €188million).
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5.5.3 Consolidated balance sheet
Assets December31, December31, January1,
2019 2018 2018
(in € millions) Notes restated
Goodwill 15 217 217 216
Intangible assets 16 1,305 1,194 1,122
Flight equipment 18 11,334 10,308 9,728
Other property, plant and equipment 18 1,580 1,503 1,418
Right - of - use assets 20 5,173 5,664 6,216
Investments in equity associates 21 307 311 301
Pension assets 22 420 331 590
Other financial assets 23 1,096 1,487 1,242
Deferred tax assets 13.4 523 559 417
Other non - current assets 26 241 264 239
Total non - current assets 22,196 21,838 21,489
Other short - term financial assets 23 800 325 421
Inventories 24 737 633 557
Trade receivables 25 2,164 2,191 2,164
Other current assets 26 1,123 1,065 1,243
Cash and cash equivalents 27 3,715 3,585 4,673
Total current assets 8,539 7,799 9,058
Total assets 30,735 29,637 30,547
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 237
Financial Report
Consolidated financial statements
Liabilities and equity December31, January1,
December31, 2018 2018
(in € millions) Notes 2019 restated
Issued capital 28.1 429 429 429
Additional paid - in capital 28.2 4,139 4,139 4,139
Treasury shares 28.3 (67) (67) (67)
Perpetual 28.4 403 403 600
Reserves and retained earnings 28.5 (2,620) (3,118) (2,771)
Equity attributable to equity holders of AirFrance – KLM 2,284 1,786 2,330
Non - controlling interests 15 12 12
Total equity 2,299 1,798 2,342
Pension provisions 29 2,253 2,098 2,202
Return obligation liability and other provisions 30 3,750 3,657 3,707
Financial debt 31 6,271 5,733 5,919
Lease debt 32 3,149 3,546 3,940
Deferred tax liabilities 13.4 142 4 -
Other non - current liabilities 35 222 459 361
Total non - current liabilities 15,787 15,497 16,129
Return obligation liability and other provisions 30 714 505 255
Current portion of financial debt 31 842 826 1,378
Lease debt 32 971 989 993
Trade payables 2,379 2,454 2,368
Deferred revenue on ticket sales 3,289 3,153 3,017
Frequent flyer programs 34 848 844 819
Other current liabilities 35 3,602 3,566 3,240
Bank overdrafts 27 4 5 6
Total current liabilities 12,649 12,342 12,076
Total liabilities 28,436 27,839 28,205
Total equity and liabilities 30,735 29,637 30,547
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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5.5.4 Consolidated statement of changes in stockholders’ equity
Addi- Reserves attributable
tional and to holders Non-
Number Issued paid- in Treasury Perpe- retained of Air controlling Total
(in € millions) of shares capital capital shares tual earnings France -  KLM interests equity
December31, 2017 428,634,035 429 4,139 (67) 600 (2,693) 2,408 12 2,420
Change in accounting policy
(78) (78) - (78)
January1, 2018–restated
428,634,035 429 4,139 (67) 600 (2,771) 2,330 12 2,342
Gain/(loss) on cash - flow hedges - - - - - (582) (582) - (582)
Fair value of equity instruments
through OCI - - - - - (24) (24) - (24)
Remeasurements of defined
benefit pension plans - - - - - (141) (141) (1) (142)
Other comprehensive income - - - - - (747) (747) (1) (748)
Net result for the period - - - - - 420 420 2 422
Total of income
and expenses recognized - - - - - (327) (327) 1 (326)
Perpetual - - - - (197) (14) (211) - (211)
Dividends paid and coupons
on perpetual - - - - - (25) (25) - (25)
Other - - - - - 19 19 (1) 18
December31, 2018–restated
428,634,035 429 4,139 (67) 403 (3,118) 1,786 12 1,798
December31, 2018 428,634,035 429 4,139 (67) 403 (3,118) 1,786 12 1,798
Gain/(loss) on cash - flow hedges - - - - - 274 274 - 274
Fair value of equity instruments
through OCI - - - - - (11) (11) - (11)
Remeasurements of defined
benefit pension plans - - - - - (70) (70) - (70)
Other comprehensive income - - - - - 193 193 - 193
Net result for the period - - - - - 290 290 3 293
Total of income
and expenses recognized - - - - - 483 483 3 486
OCEANE - - - - - 35 35 - 35
Coupons on perpetual - - - - - (17) (17) - (17)
Other - - - - - (3) (3) - (3)
December31, 2019 428,634,035 429 4,139 (67) 403 (2,620) 2,284 15 2,299
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
The amounts included in other comprehensive income are presented net of tax
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 239
Financial Report
Consolidated financial statements
5.5.5 Consolidated statement of cash flows
Period from January1to December31 2019 2018
(in € millions) Notes restated
Net income from continuing operations 293 422
Amortization, depreciation and operating provisions 9 2,987 2,888
Financial provisions 12 217 159
Loss (gain) on disposals of tangible and intangible assets (43) (33)
Derivatives–non monetary result 30 (49)
Unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses, net 82 223
Share of (profits) losses of associates 21 (23) (15)
Deferred taxes 13 (21) 201
Other non - monetary items 40.1 238 (254)
Financial capacity 3,760 3,542
(Increase)/decrease in inventories (93) (31)
(Increase)/decrease in trade receivables 61 (39)
Increase/(decrease) in trade payables (133) 57
Change in other receivables and payables 300 269
Change in working capital requirement 135 256
Net cash - flow from operating activities [A] 3,895 3,798
Acquisition of subsidiaries, of shares in non - controlled entities (1) (9)
Purchase of property plant and equipment and intangible assets [B] 19 (3,372) (2,844)
Proceeds on disposal of subsidiaries, of shares in non - controlled entities 13 6
Proceeds on disposal of property plant and equipment and intangible assets [C] 100 133
Dividends received 14 6
Decrease (increase) in net investments, more than 3months (72) 4
Net cash - flow used in investing activities (3,318) (2,704)
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Capital increase due to new convertible bonds 54 -
Perpetual 28.4 - (211)
Issuance of debt 31 1,617 539
Repayment on debt 31 (1,156) (1,400)
Payments on lease debts [D] 32 (1,008) (972)
New loans (89) (195)
Repayment on loans 161 89
Dividends and coupons on perpetual paid (26) (38)
Net cash - flow from financing activities (447) (2,188)
Eect of exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents
and bank overdrafts (net of cash acquired or sold) 1 7
Change in cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 131 (1,087)
Cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at beginning of period 27 3,580 4,667
Cash and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at end of period 27 3,711 3,580
Income tax (paid)/reimbursed (flow included in operating activities) (6) (35)
Interest paid (flow included in operating activities) (436) (465)
Interest received (flow included in operating activities) 25 12
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
Operating free cash - flow
Period from January1to December31 2019 2018
(in € millions) Notes restated
Net cash - flow from operating activities [A] 3,895 3,798
Purchase of property plant and equipment and intangible assets [B] (3,372) (2,844)
Proceeds on disposal of property plant and equipment and intangible assets [C] 100 133
Operating free cash - flow 33 623 1,087
Payments on lease debts [D] (1,008) (972)
Operating free cash - flow adjusted (385) 115
The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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Financial Report
5 Consolidated financial statements
Period from January1to December31 2019 2018
(in € millions) Notes restated
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Since January1, 2019, the AirFrance – KLM Group has made the
two following changes:
Customer compensations
On September 17, 2019 the IFRS Interpretations Committee
published a clarification of IFRS 15 concerning customer
compensation for delays or cancellations. Obligations to
compensate customers for delayed or cancelled flights are
required to be recognized as variable compensation components
within the meaning of IFRS 15, thus reducing the amount of
revenue. Previously the Group had recognized these payments
as costs in the income statement and, pursuant to the IFRIC
decision, retrospectively changed the accounting method in the
consolidated financial statements as of January1, 2019. It also
adjusted the comparable period.
Component approach for Life Limited Parts
A Life Limited Part (LLP) is defined as a major engine part whose
failure would jeopardize the engine’s operation. Consequently, as
a precaution, engine manufacturers define limited useful lives in
cycles beyond which the LLPs must be replaced.
The cost of a complete set of LLPs is significant and their useful
lives (depending on the parts) range from 3,000to 40,000cycles
(a cycle corresponds to one take - o and one landing).
Internal IT developments and data analytics have enabled the
Group to improve its ability to track LLP accounting management
more precisely. As a result, as of January1, 2019, the Group has
been able to implement the component approach for these spare
parts. This means that their maintenance costs must be
capitalized and amortized over the useful lives of the LLPs which
are expressed in cycles.
In accordance with IAS 8 “Accounting Policies, Changes in
Accounting Estimates and Errors”, these changes in accounting
policies have been applied retrospectively to each previous
period for which financial information is presented.
For comparison purposes, the consolidated financial statements
as of December31, 2018 have been restated. The adjusted balance
sheet as of January1 and December31, 2018 is also presented.
The impacts are summarized as follows:
As used herein, the term “AirFrance – KLM” refers to AirFrance – KLM
SA, a limited liability company organized under French law. The
term “Group” is represented by the economic definition of
AirFrance – KLM and its subsidiaries. The Group is headquartered
in France and is one of the largest airlines in the world.
The Group’s core business is network activities which includes
passenger transportation on scheduled flights and cargo activities.
The Group’s activities also include aeronautics maintenance,
“low - cost” passenger transportation (Transavia) and other
air - transport - related activities.
The limited company AirFrance – KLM, domiciled at 2, rue Robert
Esnault-Pelterie 75007Paris, France, is the parent company of
the AirFrance – KLM Group. AirFrance – KLM is listed for trading
in Paris (Euronext) and Amsterdam (Euronext).
The presentation currency used in the Group’s financial
statements is the euro, which is also AirFrance – KLM’s functional
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Impact on the consolidated income statement
Period from January1to December31, 2018 Published componen- Customer Restated
(in € million) accounts tization compensation accounts
Sales 26,515 - (288) 26,227
External expenses (15,224) 3 275 (14,946)
Salaries and related costs (7,759) - - (7,759)
Taxes other than income taxes (166) - - (166)
Other income and expenses 851 86 - 937
EBITDA 4,217 89 (13) 4,293
Amortization, depreciation and provisions (2,885) (16) 13 (2,888)
Income from current operations 1,332 73 - 1,405
Income from operating activities 1,320 73 - 1,393
Net cost of financial debt (426) - - (426)
Other financial income and expenses (271) (65) - (336)
Income before tax 623 8 - 631
Income taxes (227) 3 - (224)
Net income of consolidated companies 396 11 - 407
Net income in equity aliates 15 - - 15
Net income 411 11 - 422
Earnings per share (basic) 0.90 0.02 - 0.92
Earnings per share (diluted) 0.90 0.02 - 0.92
Impact on the consolidated statement of recognized income and expenses
Period from January1to December31, 2018 Published componen- Restated
(in € million) accounts tization accounts
Net income for the period 411 11 422
Eective portion of changes in fair value hedge
and cost of hedging recognized directly in other comprehensive income (231) - (231)
Change in fair value and cost of hedging transferred to profit or loss (621) - (621)
Deferred tax on items of comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss 270 - 270
Total of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss (582) - (582)
Remeasurements of defined benefit pension plans (191) (191)
Fair value of equity instruments revalued through OCI (24) - (24)
Deferred tax on items of comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 49 - 49
Total of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss (166) - (166)
Total of other comprehensive income, after tax (748) - (748)
Recognized income and expenses (337) 11 (326)
— Equity holders of AirFrance – KLM (338) 11 (327)
— Non - controlling interests 1 - 1
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Impact on the consolidated balance sheet
Only the balance sheet items impacted by the changes in accounting principles are presented hereafter.
Balance sheet as of December31, 2018 Published componen- Customer Restated
(in € million) accounts tization compensation accounts
Flight equipment 10,167 141 - 10,308
Right - of - use assets 5,243 421 - 5,664
Deferred tax assets 544 15 - 559
Other current asset 1,062 3 - 1,065
Equity and liabilities
Return obligation liability and other provisions
3,527 652 (17) 4,162
Trade payables 2,460 (6) 2,454
Other current liabilities 3,548 1 17 3,566
Equity 1,865 (67) - 1,798
— Holders of AirFrance – KLM 1,853 (67) - 1,786
— Non - controlling interests 12 - - 12
(1) Current and non - current.
Balance sheet as of January1, 2018 Published componen- Customer Restated
(in € million) accounts tization compensation accounts
Flight equipment 9,636 92 - 9,728
Right - of - use assets 5,724 492 - 6,216
Equity and liabilities
Return obligation liability and other provisions
3,285 682 (5) 3,962
Deferred tax liabilities 12 (12) - -
Trade payables 2,365 3 - 2,368
Other current liabilities 3,246 (11) 5 3,240
Equity 2,420 (78) - 2,342
— Holders of AirFrance – KLM 2,408 (78) - 2,330
— Non - controlling interests 12 - - 12
(1) Current and non - current.
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Impact on the consolidated statement of cash flows
Only the cash - flow statement items impacted by the changes in accounting principles are presented hereafter.
Period from January1to December31, 2018 Published componen- Customer Restated
(in € million) accounts tization compensation accounts
Net income 411 11 - 422
Other items of the financial capacity 3,055 78 (13) 3,120
Financial capacity 3,466 89 (13) 3,542
Change in working capital requirement 246 (3) 13 256
Net cash - flow from operating activities 3,712 86 - 3,798
Net cash - flow used in investing activities (2,618) (86) - (2,704)
Net cash - flow from financing activities (2,188) - - (2,188)
Eect of exchange rate on cash
and cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 7 - - 7
Change in cash and cash equivalents
and bank overdrafts (1,087) - - (1,087)
Cash and cash equivalents
and bank overdrafts at beginning of period 4,667 - - 4,667
Cash and cash equivalents
and bank overdrafts at end of period 3,580 - - 3,580
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
4.1 Accounting principles
Accounting principles used for the consolidated
financial statements
Pursuant to the European Regulation 1606/2002 of July19, 2002,
the consolidated financial statements of the Air France – KLM
Group as of December31, 2019 were established in accordance
with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as
adopted by the European Union on the date these consolidated
financial statements were established.
IFRS, as adopted by the European Union, dier in certain
respects from IFRS as published by the International Accounting
Standards Board (“IASB”). The Group has, however, determined
that the financial information for the periods presented would
not dier substantially if the Group had applied IFRS as published
by the IASB.
The consolidated financial statements were approved by the
Board of Directors on February19, 2020.
Change in accounting principles
IFRS standards which are applicable on a mandatory
basis to the 2019 financial statements
Amendment to IFRS9 “Financial Instruments”
This amendment deals with prepayment features with negative
The Group opted for the early adoption of this amendment,
concurrently with the implementation of IFRS9.
IFRIC23 “Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments”
This interpretation applies to any situation of uncertainty
concerning the acceptability of a tax treatment that relates to
income taxes, as regards tax law.
Fiscal treatments applied by the Group in terms of income taxes
during the period do not relate to significant amounts.
3.1 Events occurring
during the period
Phase - out of the A380 aircraft
On July30, 2019, the Group announced the progressive early
phase - out of the A380 aircraft from the Air France fleet through
to the end of 2022 (10aircraft operating at the end of 2019). At
this stage, the impact of this decision is estimated at around €
(370) million, mainly due to the acceleration in the depreciation
of the aircraft. The €126million impact is accounted for in “other
non - current incomes and expenses” for 2019 (see Note11).
The impact of the change in depreciation slopes will be spread
over the period through to 2022, consistent with the retirement
timetable for the aircraft.
Voluntary Departure Plan
As of December31, 2019, Air France recognized a restructuring
provision amounting to 31 M€, relating to the new Voluntary
Departure Plan initiated on ground sta short - haul (254FTEs).
Convertible bond (OCEANE) issued in 2019
On March20, 2019, AirFrance – KLM issued 27,901,785bonds
convertible and/or exchangeable for new or existing
AirFrance – KLM shares (OCEANE) maturing on March25, 2026
raising a total nominal amount of €500million. Each bond has a
nominal value of €17.92. The annual coupon amounts to 0.125per
cent. The conversion period of these bonds runs from May4, 2019
to the seventh working day preceding the normal or early
reimbursement date. The conversion ratio is one share for
one bond.
Repayment at par, plus accrued interest, will be possible
on March 25, 2024 at the request of the bond holders.
AirFrance – KLM can enforce the cash reimbursement of these
bonds by exercising a call option running from April15, 2022 if
the share price exceeds 130per cent of the nominal, i.e. €23.29,
encouraging OCEANE bond holders to convert their bonds into
AirFrance – KLM shares.
On the issuance date for this convertible debt, AirFrance – KLM
recorded a debt of €446million, corresponding to the present
value of future payments of interest and nominal discounted at
the rate of a similar bond without a conversion option. The option
value was evaluated by deducting this debt value from the total
nominal amount (i.e. €500million) and was recorded in equity.
3.2 Subsequent events
There have been no significant events since the closing of the
financial year.
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Amendment to IAS28 “Long - term Interests in an Associate
or joint - venture”
This amendment relates to “other interests” in associates or joint
ventures to which the equity method is not applied.
Amendment to IAS19 “Employee Benefits”
This amendment concerns the consequences of a plan
amendment, curtailment or settlement for the current service
cost and the net interest.
Amendment to IAS12 “Income Taxes”
This amendment clarifies that the tax eects resulting from
dividend payments on financial instruments classified as equity
are required to be recognized in net income, other comprehensive
income or equity, depending on the accounting item in which
these past events or transactions were recorded initially, at the date
of the recognition of the liability in respect of the dividends payable.
Amendment to IFRS11 “Joint Arrangements”
This amendment clarifies the accounting treatment for the
acquisition of an interest in a joint operation.
Amendment to IAS23 “Borrowing Costs”
This amendment clarifies the borrowing costs that are eligible for
These amendments and interpretation had no significant impact
on the Group’s financial statements as of December31, 2019.
IFRS standards which are applicable on a mandatory
basis to the 2020 financial statements
Amendments to IAS1 “Presentation of financial statements”
and IAS8 “Accounting policies, changes in accounting
estimates and errors”
The amendments define the concept of materiality.
Other texts potentially applicable to the Group,
published by the IASB but not yet adopted by the
European Union
Amendment to IFRS3 “Business Combinations”
(Eective for the accounting periods opening as of
January1, 2020)
This amendment clarifies the definition of a business.
Amendments to IFRS9 “Financial instruments”
and IFRS7 “Financial instruments: Disclosures”
(Eective for the accounting periods opening
as of January1, 2020)
These amendments are designed to support the provision of
useful financial information during the period of uncertainty
arising from the phasing out of interest - rate benchmarks (IBORs).
They modify certain hedge accounting requirements. In this
context, the Group pays increased attention to the modalities
defined within the framework of new financing.
IBORs continue to be used as reference rates for financial
markets and the valuation of financial instruments with maturities
that exceed the expected end date of these IBORs.
The Group believes the current market structure supports the
continuation of the hedge accounting as of December31, 2019.
The Group does not opt for the early adoption of these
amendments on the Group’s financial statements as of
December31, 2019.
4.2 Use of estimates
The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in
conformity with IFRS requires management to make estimates
and use assumptions that aect the reported amounts of assets
and liabilities, the disclosures of contingent assets and liabilities
at the date of the consolidated financial statements and the
reported amounts of revenues and expenses. The main areas of
estimates are disclosed in the following notes:
4.6. Revenue recognition related to deferred revenue on ticket
4.7. “Flying Blue” frequent flyer program;
4.11. Financial instruments;
4.13. Intangible assets;
4.14. Tangible assets;
4.15. Lease contracts;
4.19. Pension assets and provisions;
4.20. Return obligation liability and provision for leased aircraft;
4.21. Other provisions;
4.24. Current and deferred tax.
The Group’s management makes these estimates and assessments
continuously on the basis of its past experience and various other
factors considered to be reasonable.
The consolidated financial statements for the financial year have
thus been established on the basis of the financial parameters
available at the closing date. Concerning the non - current assets,
the assumptions are based on a limited level of growth.
These accounting estimates are based upon the most - recently
available, reliable information.
The actual results could dier from these estimates depending
on changes in the assumptions used or dierent conditions.
4.3 Consolidation principles
In conformity with IFRS10 “Consolidated Financial Statements”,
the Group’s consolidated financial statements comprise the
financial figures for all the entities that are controlled directly or
indirectly by the Group, irrespective of its level of participation in
the equity of these entities. The companies over which the Group
exercises control are fully consolidated. An entity is controlled
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when the Group has power over it, is exposed or has rights to
variable returns from its involvement in this entity, and has the
ability to use its power to influence the amounts of these returns.
The determination of control takes into account the existence of
potential voting rights if they are substantive, meaning they can
be exercised in time when decisions about the relevant activities
of the entity need to be taken.
The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the
consolidated financial statements from the date that control
begins until the date this control ceases.
Non - controlling interests are presented within equity and on the
income statement separately from Group stockholders’ equity
and the Group’s net income, under the line “non - controlling
The eects of a buyout of non - controlling interests in a subsidiary
already controlled by the Group and divestment of a percentage
interest without loss of control are recognized in equity. In a
partial disposal resulting in loss of control, the retained equity
interest is re - measured at fair value at the date of loss of control.
The gain or loss on the disposal will include the eect of this
re - measurement and the gain or loss on the sale of the equity
interest, including all the items initially recognized in equity and
reclassified to profit and loss.
Interest in associates and joint ventures
In accordance with IFRS 11 “Joint Arrangements”, the Group
applies the equity method to partnerships over which it exercises
control jointly with one or more partners (joint - venture). Control
is considered to be joint when decisions about the relevant
activities of the partnership require the unanimous consent of the
Group and the other parties with whom control is shared.
In cases of a joint activity (joint operation), the Group recognizes
assets and liabilities in proportion to its rights and obligations
regarding the entity.
In accordance with IAS28 “Investments in Associates and Joint
Ventures”, companies in which the Group has the ability to
exercise significant influence over financial and operating policy
decisions are also accounted for using the equity method. The
ability to exercise significant influence is presumed to exist when
the Group holds more than 20per cent of the voting rights.
The consolidated financial statements include the Group’s share
in the net result of associates and joint ventures from the date
the ability to exercise significant influence begins until the date it
ceases, adjusted for any impairment loss.
The Group’s share of losses of an associate exceeding the value
of the Group’s interest and net investment (long - term receivables
for which no reimbursement is scheduled or likely) in this entity
are not accounted for, unless the Group has:
incurred contractual obligations to recover losses; or
made payments on behalf of the associate.
Any surplus in investment cost over the Group’s share in the fair
value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities
of the associate company on the date of acquisition is accounted
for as goodwill and included in the book value of the investment
accounted for using the equity method.
Investments in which the Group has ceased to exercise significant
influence or joint control are no longer accounted for by the
equity method and are accounted at their fair value as other
financial assets on the date of loss of significant influence or joint
Intra-Group operations
All intra-Group balances and transactions, including income,
expenses and dividends, are fully eliminated. Profits and losses
resulting from intra-Group transactions are also eliminated.
Gains and losses realized on internal sales with associates and
jointly - controlled entities are eliminated, to the extent of the
Group’s interest in the entity, providing there is no impairment.
4.4 Translation of foreign
companies’ financial
statements and transactions
in foreign currencies
Translation of foreign companies’ financial
The financial statements of foreign subsidiaries are translated into
euros on the following basis:
except for the equity for which historical prices are applied,
balance sheet items are converted on the basis of the foreign
currency exchange rates in eect at the closing date;
the income statement and the statement of cash flows are
converted on the basis of the average foreign currency
exchange rates for the period;
the resulting foreign currency exchange adjustment is
recorded in the “Translation adjustments” item within equity;
Goodwill is expressed in the functional currency of the entity
acquired and is converted into euros using the foreign
exchange rate in eect at the closing date.
Translation of foreign currency transactions
Foreign currency transactions are translated using the exchange
rate prevailing on the date of the transaction.
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies
are translated at the rate in eect at the closing date.
Non - monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign
currencies assessed on an historical cost basis are translated
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using the rate in eect at the transaction date or the hedging
rate, when applicable.
The corresponding exchange rate dierences are recorded in the
income statement. Changes in fair value of the hedging
instruments are recorded using the accounting treatment
described in Note4.11. “Financial instruments”.
4.5 Business combinations
Business combinations completed
on or after April1, 2010
Business combinations completed on or after April1, 2010 are
accounted for using the purchase method in accordance with
IFRS3 “Business Combinations”. In accordance with this standard,
for a first consolidation, all assets and liabilities are measured at
fair value at the acquisition date. The time period for adjustments
to goodwill/negative goodwill is limited to 12months from the
date of acquisition (except for non - current assets classified as assets
held for sale which are measured at fair value less costs to sell).
Goodwill corresponding, at the acquisition date, to the aggregate
of the consideration transferred and the amount of any
non - controlling interest in the acquiree minus the net amounts
(usually at fair value) of the identifiable assets acquired and the
liabilities assumed at the acquisition date, is subject to annual
impairment tests or more frequently if events or changes in
circumstances indicate that goodwill might be impaired.
Costs other than those related to the issuance of debt or equity
securities are recognized immediately as an expense when
For individual acquisitions, the Group has the option of using the
“full” goodwill method, where goodwill is calculated by taking
into account the fair value of non - controlling interests at the
acquisition date rather than their proportionate interest in the fair
value of the assets and liabilities of the acquiree.
If the fair values of the identifiable assets acquired and liabilities
assumed exceed the consideration transferred, the resulting
negative goodwill is recognized immediately in the income
Contingent considerations or earn - outs are recorded in equity if
the contingent payment is settled by delivery of a fixed number
of the acquirer’s equity instruments (according to IAS 32
“Financial Instruments: Presentation”). In all other cases, they are
recognized in liabilities related to business combinations.
Contingent payments or earn - outs are measured at fair value at
the acquisition date. This initial measurement is subsequently
adjusted through goodwill only when additional information is
obtained after the acquisition date about facts and circumstances
existing on that date. Such adjustments are made only during the
12 - month measurement period that follows the acquisition date
and insofar as the initial measurement had still been presented
as provisional. Any other subsequent adjustments which do not
meet these criteria are recorded as receivables or payables
through the income statement.
In a step acquisition, the previously - held equity interest in
the acquiree is remeasured at its acquisition - date fair value.
The dierence between the fair value and the net book value
must be accounted in profit or loss as well as elements previously
recognized in other comprehensive income.
Business combinations carried out
before April1, 2010
Business combinations carried out before April 1, 2010 were
accounted for using the purchase method in accordance with
IFRS3 (2004) “Business Combinations”. In accordance with this
standard, all assets, liabilities assumed and contingent liabilities
were measured at fair value at the acquisition date. The time
period for adjustments to goodwill/negative goodwill did not
exceed 12months from the date of acquisition.
The goodwill that arose from the dierence between the
acquisition cost (including any equity instruments issued by the
Group to gain control over the acquired entity and other costs
potentially dedicated to the business combination) and the
Group’s interest in the fair value of the identifiable assets and
liabilities acquired, were subject to annual impairment tests or
more frequently if events or changes in circumstances indicated
that goodwill might be impaired.
When the fair value of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities
assumed exceeded the cost of acquisition, the resulting negative
goodwill was recognized immediately in the income statement.
4.6 Sales
Passenger and freight transportation
Sales related to air transportation operations, which consist of
passenger and freight transportation, are recognized as revenue
when the transportation service is provided, net of any discounts
granted (see Note6 “Information by activity and geographical
area”). The transportation service is also the trigger for the
recognition as external expenses of the commissions paid to
agents (e.g. credit card companies and travel agencies) and the
booking fees.
Both passenger tickets and freight airway bills are consequently
recorded as “Deferred revenue upon issuance date”. The
recognition of the revenue known as “ticket breakage” is deferred
until the transportation date initially foreseen. This revenue is
calculated by applying a statistical rate on tickets issued and
unused. This rate is regularly updated.
The Group applies the exemption provided by IFRS15“Revenue
From Contracts With Customers” which allows the balance of the
outstanding transactions to remain unspecified as well as their
planned recognition date for the performance obligations related
to contracts with an initial term set at one year or less. If the
tickets are not used, the performance obligations related
to passenger and freight transportation eectively expire within
one year.
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Pursuant to the European Union’s Regulation EC 261the Group
compensates passengers in the event of denied boarding and for
flight cancellations or long delays. This compensation is booked
as contra revenue. The Group recognizes a corresponding
amount in liabilities for future refunds to passengers.
Passenger ticket taxes calculated on ticket sales are collected by
the Group and paid to the airport authorities. Taxes are recorded
as a liability until such time as they are paid to the relevant airport
authority as a function of the chargeability conditions (on ticket
issuance or transportation).
The Group considers that the company that issues the airway bill
acts as principal since the latter has control over the achievement
of the performance obligation. When the Group issues freight
airway bills for its goods carried by another carrier (airline
company or road carrier), the Group acts as principal. Therefore,
at the time of transportation the Group recognizes as revenue
the amount invoiced to the customer in its entirety as well as the
chartering costs invoiced by the other carrier for the service
The main types of contracts with customers identified within the
Group are mainly:
Sales of maintenance and support contracts–
Power by the hour contracts
Some maintenance and support contracts cover the
airworthiness of engines, equipment or airframes, an airframe
being an aircraft without engines and equipment. The invoicing
of these contracts is based on the number of flight hours or
landings of the goods concerned by these contracts.
The dierent services included within each of these contracts
consist of a unique performance obligation due to the existing
interdependence between the services within the execution of
these contracts.
The revenue is recognized: (i) if the level of completion can
reliably be measured; and (ii) if the costs incurred and costs to
achieve the contract can reliably be measured.
As there is a continuous transfer of the control of these services,
the revenue from these contracts is recognized as the costs are
incurred. As long as the margin on the contract cannot be
measured in a reliable manner, the revenue will only be
recognized at the level of the costs incurred.
Forecast margins on the contracts are assessed through the
forecast future cash flows that take into account the obligations
and factors inherent to the contracts as well as other internal
parameters to the contract selected using historical and/or
forecast data.
These forecast margins are regularly reviewed. If necessary,
provisions are recorded as soon as any losses on completion of
contracts are identified.
Amounts invoiced to customers, and therefore mostly collected,
which are not yet recognized as revenue, are recorded as liabilities
on contracts (deferred revenue) at the year end. Inversely, any
revenue that has been recognized but not yet invoiced is
recorded under assets on the balance sheet at the year end.
Sales of spare parts repair and labor–
Time & Material contracts
These services which relate to engines, equipment or airframes,
an airframe being an aircraft without engines and equipment, are
generally short term.
They consist of a unique performance obligation. The revenue is
recognized as costs are incurred.
Third - party procurement
The Group also purchases equipment on behalf of third - parties.
In this situation, the revenue recognition method is as follows:
when the Group serves as a broker between its suppliers and
end customers, the Group acts as an agent and hence,
recognizes the margin that results from this operation as
when the Group puts in place Sale & Lease back agreements,
the Group recognizes the proceeds on disposal as well as a
net book value.
4.7 Loyalty programs
The airlines of the Group have a common frequent flyer program
“Flying Blue”. This program enables members to acquire Miles as
they fly with Air France, KLM and airline partners and from
transactions with non - airline partners (credit card companies,
hotels, car rental agencies). These Miles entitle members to a
range of benefits such as free flights with Air France, KLM and
their airline partners or other free services with non - airline
Miles are considered as separate elements of a sale of a ticket
with multiple elements and one part of the price of the initial sale
of the ticket is allocated to these Miles and deferred until the
Group’s commitments relating to these Miles have been met.
The deferred amount due in relation to the acquisition of Miles
by members is estimated:
according to the fair value of the Miles, defined as the amount
for which the benefits could be sold separately;
after taking into account the redemption rate, corresponding
to the probability that the Miles will be used by members,
using a statistical method.
With regard to the re - invoicing of Miles between the partners in
the program, the margins realized on sales of these Miles are
recorded immediately in the income statement.
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4.8 Distinction between income
from current operations
and income from
operating activities
The Group considers it relevant to the understanding of its
financial performance to present in the income statement a
subtotal within the “income from operating activities”. This subtotal,
entitled “Income from current operations”, excludes unusual
elements that do not have predictive value due to their nature,
frequency and/or materiality, as defined in recommendation No.
2013 - 03from the France’s accounting standards authority.
Such elements are as follows:
sales of aircraft equipment and disposals of other assets;
accelerated aircraft phase - out;
income from the disposal of subsidiaries and aliates;
restructuring costs when they are significant;
significant and infrequent elements such as the recognition of
badwill in the income statement, the recording of an impairment
loss on goodwill and significant provisions for litigation.
4.9 Aggregates used within
the framework of financial
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and
Amortization): by excluding the main line of the income
statement which does not involve cash disbursement
(“Amortization, depreciation and provision”) from income from
current operations, EBITDA provides a simple indicator of the
cash generated by the Group’s current operational activities. It is
thus commonly used for the calculation of the financial coverage
and enterprise value ratios.
Operating free cash - flow: this corresponds to the net cash - flow
from operating activities net of purchases of property, plant and
equipment and intangible assets, plus the proceeds on the
disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets.
It does not include the other cash flows linked to investment
operations, particularly investments in subsidiaries and other
financial assets and net cash - flow from the operating activities
of discontinued operations.
Operating free cash - flow adjusted: this corresponds to operating
free cash - flow net of the payment of lease debts.
4.10 Earnings per share
Earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net income
attributable to the equity holders of Air France – KLM by
the average number of shares outstanding during the period.
The average number of shares outstanding does not include
treasury shares.
Diluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net
income attributable to the equity holders of AirFrance – KLM,
adjusted for the eects of dilutive instrument exercise, by the
average number of shares outstanding during the period, adjusted
for the eect of all potentially - dilutive ordinary shares.
4.11 Financial instruments
Valuation of trade receivables
and non - current financial assets
Trade receivables, loans and other non - current financial assets
are considered to be assets issued by the Group and are initially
recorded at fair value. They are subsequently valued using the
amortized cost method.
Regarding the impairment of trade receivables, the Group has
chosen the simplified method approach in that the automated
customer invoicing and settlement processes for the Passenger
and Cargo businesses significantly limit the credit risk. The Group
also uses credit insurance to reduce the risk of potential default
regarding trade receivables concerning the clients of the
Maintenance activity.
The Group considers that the change in credit risk on the
non - current financial assets since their initial recognition is limited
due to the current selection criteria (e.g. type of instrument,
counterparty rating, maturity). The impairment recorded by the
Group consists of the expect credit loss over the 12 months
following the closing date.
Purchases and sales of financial assets are booked as of the
transaction date.
Investments in equity instruments
Investments in equity securities qualifying as equity instruments
are recorded at fair value in the Group’s balance sheet. For
publicly - traded securities, the fair value is considered to be the
market price at the closing date. For non - quoted securities, the
valuation is made on the basis of the financial statements of the
The valuation of equity instruments is either in fair value through
the income statement or in fair value through other comprehensive
when the instrument is deemed to be a cash investment, i.e. it
is held for the purposes of monetary transactions, its revaluations
are recorded in “Other financial income and expenses”;
when the instrument is deemed to be a business investment,
i.e. it is held for strategic reasons (as it mainly consists of
investments in companies whose activity is very close to that
of the Group) its revaluations are recorded in “Other
comprehensive income” non - recyclable. Dividends are
recorded in the income statement.
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Derivative financial instruments
The Group uses various derivative financial instruments to hedge
its exposure to the risks incurred on shares, exchange rates,
changes in interest rates or fuel prices and the ETS (Emission
Trading Scheme).
Forward currency contracts and options are used to hedge
exposure to exchange rates.
The Group also uses interest rate swaps to manage its exposure
to interest rate risk. Most of the swaps traded convert floating - rate
debt to fixed - rate debt.
The exposure to fuel risk is hedged by swaps or options on jet
fuel, diesel or Brent.
Finally, the risk related to the ETS is hedged by forwards.
Most of these derivatives are classified as hedging instruments if
the derivative is eligible as a hedging instrument and if the
hedging relationship are documented as required by IFRS 9
“Financial Instruments”.
These derivative instruments are recorded on the Group’s
consolidated balance sheet at their fair value adjusted for the
market value of the Group’s credit risk (DVA) and the credit risk
of the counterparty (CVA). The calculation of the credit risk follows
a common model based on default probabilities from CDS
counterparties. The method of accounting for changes in fair
value depends on the classification of the derivative instruments.
There are three classifications:
Derivatives classified as fair value hedge
Changes in the fair value of the derivative are recorded through
the income statement and oset within the limit of its eective
portion against the changes in the fair value of the underlying
item (asset, liability or firm commitment), which are also recognized
through the income statement.
Derivatives classified as cash - flow hedge
The changes in fair value of the derivative are recorded in other
comprehensive income for the eective portion and are
reclassified as income when the hedged element aects earnings.
The ineective portion is recorded as financial income or losses
until the termination of the derivative. When the termination occurs,
the residual ineective portion is recycled on the hedged item.
Derivatives classified as trading
Changes in the fair value of the derivative are recorded as
financial income or losses.
For options, only the intrinsic risk can be hedged. The time value
is excluded as it is considered as a cost of hedging. The change
in fair value of the option time value is recognized in other
comprehensive income in so far as it relates to the hedged item.
When the latter occurs (if the hedged item is transaction related),
the change in fair value is then recycled and impacts the hedged
item or is amortized over the hedging period (if the hedged item
is time - related).
The dierence in time value between non - aligned structured
options and the related “vanilla” (“aligned”) options is recognized
in the profit and loss account.
Regarding forward contracts, only the spot component is
considered as a hedging instrument, since the forward element
is considered as a hedging cost and accounted for similarly to
the option time value.
The currency swap basis spread is also excluded from the
hedging instrument and considered to be a hedging cost.
Convertible bonds
Convertible bonds are deemed to be financial instruments
comprising two components: a bond component recorded as
debt and a stock component recorded in equity. The bond
component is equal to the discounted value of all the coupons
due on the bond at the rate of a simple bond that would have
been issued at the same time as the convertible bond. The value
of the stock component recorded in the Group’s equity is
calculated by the dierence between this value and the bond’s
nominal value at issuance.
The dierence between the financial expense recorded and the
amounts eectively paid out is added, at each closing date, to
the amount of the debt component so that, at maturity, the
amount to be repaid if there is no conversion equals the
redemption price.
Financial assets, cash and cash equivalents
Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss
Financial assets include financial assets at fair value through
profit and loss (French mutual funds such as SICAVs and FCPs,
certificates) that the Group intends to sell in the near term to
realize a capital gain, or that are part of a portfolio of identified
financial instruments managed collectively and for which there
is evidence of a practice of short - term profit taking. They are
classified in the balance sheet as current financial assets.
Furthermore, the Group has opted not to designate any assets
at fair value through the income statement.
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents are short - term, highly liquid investments
that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which
are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.
Financial debt
Financial debt is recognized initially at fair value. Subsequent to
the initial measurement, financial debt is recorded:
at its net book value for bonds;
based on amortized cost calculated using the eective
interest rate for the other financial debt.
Under this principle, any redemption and issue premiums, as well
as issue costs, are recorded as debt in the balance sheet and
amortized as financial income or expense over the life of the
loans using the eective interest method.
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Fair value hierarchy of the financial assets
and liabilities
The table presenting a breakdown of financial assets and liabilities
categorized by value (see Note 36.4 “Valuation methods for
financial assets and liabilities at their fair value”) meets the amended
requirements of IFRS7 “Financial Instruments: Disclosures”. The
fair values are classified using a scale which reflects the nature of
the market data used to make the valuations.
This scale has three levels of fair value:
Level 1: Fair value calculated from the exchange rate/price
quoted on an active market for identical instruments,
Level2: Fair value calculated from valuation methods based on
observable data such as the prices of similar assets and liabilities
or scopes quoted on an active market,
Level3: Fair value calculated from valuation methods which rely
completely or in part on non - observable data such as prices on
an inactive market or multiple - based valuation for non - quoted
4.12 Goodwill
Goodwill corresponds, at the acquisition date, to the aggregation
of the consideration transferred and the amount of any
non - controlling interest in the acquiree minus the net amounts
(usually at fair value) of the identifiable amounts acquired and
the liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.
For acquisitions prior to April1, 2004, goodwill is included on the
basis of its deemed cost, which represents the amount recorded
under French GAAP. The classification and accounting treatment
of business combinations taking place prior to April1, 2004 were
not modified at the time international standards were adopted,
on April1, 2004, in accordance with IFRS1 “First - time Adoption
of International Financial Reporting Standards”.
Goodwill is valued in the functional currency of the entity
acquired. It is recorded as an asset in the balance sheet.
It is not amortized and is tested for impairment annually and at
any point during the year when an indicator of impairment exists.
As discussed in Note4.16 “Impairment test”, once recorded the
impairment may not subsequently be reversed.
When the acquirer’s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable
assets and liabilities acquired exceeds the consideration
transferred, there is negative goodwill which is recognized and
immediately reversed in the Group’s income statement.
At the time of the sale of a subsidiary or an equity aliate, the
amount of the goodwill attributable to the entity sold is included
in the calculation of the income from the sale.
4.13 Intangible assets
Intangible assets are recorded at initial cost less accumulated
amortization and any accumulated impairment losses.
IT development costs are capitalized and amortized over their
useful lives. The Group has the tools required to enable the tracking
by project of all the stages of development, and, in particular, the
internal and external costs directly related to each project during
its development phase.
Identifiable intangible assets acquired with a finite useful life are
amortized over their useful lives from the date they are available
for use.
The KLM and Transavia brands and slots (takeo and landing)
acquired by the Group as part of the acquisition of KLM are
identifiable intangible assets with an indefinite useful life. They
are not amortized but tested annually for impairment or whenever
there is an indication that the intangible asset may be impaired.
If necessary, impairment as described in Note4.16is recorded.
Since January 1, 2012, airlines have been subject to the ETS
(Emission Trading Scheme) market regulations as described in
Note4.22 “Emission Trading Scheme” and the “Risks on carbon
credit” paragraph in Note36.1 “Risk management”. As such, the
Group is required to purchaseCO
quotas to oset its emissions.
The Group records theCO
quotas as intangible assets. These
assets are not depreciable.
Intangible assets with a definite useful life are amortized on a
straight - line basis over the following periods:
Software 1to 5years
Licenses Duration of contract
Information Technology developments Up to 20years
(1) IT developments are amortized over the same useful life as the underlying
software. In some cases, they can be amortized over a longer period. This
duration must be documented.
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4.14 Property, plant
and equipment
Principles applicable
Property, plant and equipment are recorded at their acquisition
or manufacturing cost, less accumulated depreciation and any
accumulated impairment losses.
Pursuant to IAS 23 “Borrowing Costs”, the financial interest
attributed to advance payments made on account of investments
in aircraft and other significant assets under construction is
capitalized and added to the cost of the asset concerned. As
prepayments on investments are not financed by specific loans,
the Group uses the average interest rate on the current
unallocated loans of the period.
Maintenance costs are recorded as expenses during the period
when incurred, with the exception of programs that extend the
useful life of the asset or increase its value, which are then
capitalized (e.g. maintenance on aircraft airframes and engines
including parts with limited useful lives).
Flight equipment
The purchase price of aircraft equipment is denominated in
foreign currencies. It is translated at the exchange rate at the date
of the transaction or, if applicable, at the hedging price assigned
to it. Manufacturers’ discounts, if any, are deducted from the value
of the related asset.
Aircraft are depreciated using the straight - line method over their
average estimated useful life which is between 20 and 25years.
During the operating cycle, and when establishing fleet
replacement plans, the Group reviews whether the amortizable
base or the useful life should be adjusted and, if necessary,
determines whether a residual value should be recognized.
Any major aircraft airframe and engine overhaul including parts
with limited useful lives are treated as a separate asset component
with the cost capitalized and depreciated over the period
between the date of acquisition and the next major overhaul.
Aircraft spare parts (maintenance business) which enable the use
of the fleet are recorded as fixed assets and are amortized on a
straight - line basis over the estimated residual lifetime of the
aircraft/engine type on the world market. The useful life is limited
to a maximum of 30years.
Other property, plant and equipment
Other property, plant and equipment are depreciated using the
straight - line method over their useful lives as follows:
Buildings 20to 50years
Fixtures and fittings 8to 20years
Flight simulators 10to 20years
Equipment and tooling 3to 15years
4.15 Lease contracts
Lease contracts, as defined by IFRS16 “Leases”, are recorded in
the balance sheet and lead to the recognition of:
an asset representing a right of use of the asset leased during
the lease term of the contract; and
a liability related to the payment obligation.
Aircraft which are not eligible for an accounting treatment
according to IFRS16“Property, Plant and Equipment” are those:
which were acquired by the airline or for which the airline took
a major share in the acquisition process from the OEMs
(Original Equipment Manufacturers);
and which, in view of the contractual conditions, will almost
certainly be purchased at the end of the lease term.
Since these financing arrangements are “in substance purchases”
and not leases, the related liability is considered as a financial
debt under IFRS9 “Financial Instruments” and the asset, as an
aeronautical asset, according to IAS 16 “Property, Plant and
Measurement of the right - of use asset
At the commencement date, the right - of - use asset is measured
at cost and comprises:
the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability, to
which is added, if applicable, any lease payments made at or
before the commencement date, less any lease incentives
where relevant, any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee
for the conclusion of the contract. These are incremental costs
which would not have been incurred if the contract had not
been concluded;
estimated costs for restoration and dismantling of the leased
asset according to the terms of the contract. At the date of
the initial recognition of the right - of - use asset, the lessee adds
to these costs, the discounted amount of the restoration and
dismantling costs through a return obligation liability or
provision as described in Note4.20 “Return obligation liability
and provision on leased aircraft”. These costs also include
maintenance obligations with regard to the engines and
Following the initial recognition, the right - of - use asset must be
depreciated over the useful life of the underlying assets (lease
term for the rental component, flight hours for the component
relating to engine maintenance or on a straight - line basis for the
component relating to the airframe until the date of the next
major overhaul).
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Measurement of the lease liability
At the commencement date, the lease liability is recognized for
an amount equal to the present value of the lease payments over
the lease term.
Amounts involved in the measurement of the lease liability are:
fixed payments (including in - substance fixed payments;
meaning that even if they are variable in form, they are
in - substance unavoidable);
variable lease payments that depend on an index or a rate,
initially measured using the index or the rate in force at the
lease commencement date;
amounts expected to be payable by the lessee under residual
value guarantees;
payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease
term reflects the lessee exercising an option to terminate
the lease.
The lease liability is subsequently measured based on a process
similar to the amortized cost method using the discount rate:
the liability is increased by the accrued interests resulting from
the discounting of the lease liability, at the beginning of the
lease period;
less payments made.
The interest cost for the period as well as variable payments, not
taken into account in the initial measurement of the lease liability
and incurred over the relevant period, are recognized as costs.
In addition, the lease liability may be remeasured in the following
change in the lease term;
modification related to the assessment of the reasonably
certain nature (or not) of the exercise of an option;
remeasurement linked to the residual value guarantees;
adjustment to the rates and indices according to which the
rents are calculated when rent adjustments occur.
Types of capitalized lease contracts
Aircraft lease contracts
For the aircraft lease contracts fulfilling the capitalization criteria
defined by IFRS 16, the lease term corresponds to the
non - terminable period of each contracts except in cases where
the Group is reasonably certain of exercising the renewal options
contractually foreseen. For example, this may be the case if
substantial cabin customization has taken place whereas the
residual lease term is significantly shorter than the useful life of
the cabins. The accounting treatment of the maintenance
obligations related to leased aircraft is outlined in Note 4.20
“Return obligation liability and provision on leased aircraft”.
Aircraft lease contracts concluded by the Group do not include
guaranteed value clauses for leased assets.
The discount rate used to calculate the lease debt corresponds,
for each aircraft, to the implicit interest rate induced by the
contractual elements and residual market values. This rate is easy
to calculate due to the availability of current and future data
concerning the value of aircraft. It is recalculated on each contract
renewal (prolongation). The implied rate of the contract is the
discount rate that gives the aggregated present value of the
minimum lease payments and the unguaranteed residual value.
This present value should be equal to the sum of the fair value of
the leased asset and any initial direct costs of the lessor.
Since most of the aircraft lease contracts are denominated in US
dollars, starting from January1, 2018 the Group put in place a
cash - flow hedge for its US dollar revenues via the lease debt in
US dollars. Consequently, the revaluation of the Group’s debt at
the closing rate is accounted for in “Other comprehensive income”.
Real - estate lease contracts
Based on its analysis, the Group has identified lease contracts
according to the standard concerning surface areas rented in its
hubs, lease contracts on building dedicated to the maintenance
business, customized lounges in airports other than hubs and
lease contracts on oce buildings.
The lease term corresponds to the non - terminable period, with
most of the contracts not including renewal options. The discount
rate used to calculate the lease debt is determined, for each asset,
according to the incremental borrowing rate at the signature
date. The incremental borrowing rate is the rate that the lessee
would pay to borrow the required funds to purchase the asset
over a similar term, with a similar security and in a similar
economic environment. This rate is achieved by the addition of
the interest rate on government bonds and the credit spread. The
coupon on government bonds is specific to the location,
currency, period and maturity. The definition of the spread curve
is based upon reference points, each point consisting of asset
financing on assets other than aircraft.
Other - assets lease contracts
The main lease contracts identified correspond to company cars,
pools of spare parts and engines. The lease term corresponds to
the non - terminable period. Most of the contracts do not provide
renewal options. The discount rate used to calculate the lease
debt is determined, for each asset, according to the incremental
borrowing rate at the signature debt. The incremental borrowing
rate is the rate that the lessee would pay to borrow the required
funds to purchase the asset over a similar term, with a similar
security and in a similar economic environment (for the method
used to determine the incremental borrowing rate, see the “Real
estate lease contracts” paragraph above).
Types of non - capitalized lease contracts
The Group uses the two exemptions foreseen by IFRS16allowing
for non - recognition in the balance sheet: short - term lease
contracts and lease contracts for which the underlying assets
have a low value.
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Short duration lease contracts
These are contracts whose duration is equal to or less than
12months. Within the Group, they mainly relate to leases of:
surface areas in our hubs with a reciprocal notice - period equal
to or less than 12months;
accommodations for expatriates with a notice period equal to
or less than 12months;
spare engines for a duration equal to or less than 12months.
Low value lease contracts
Low - value lease contracts concern assets with a value equal to
or less than US$5,000. Within the Group, these include, notably,
lease contracts on printers, tablets, laptops and mobile phones.
Sale and leaseback transactions
The Group qualifies as sale and leaseback transactions, operations
which lead to a sale according to IFRS15. More specifically, a sale
is considered as such if there is no repurchase option on the
goods at the end of the lease term.
Sale according to IFRS15
If the sale by the vendor - lessee is qualified as a sale according to
IFRS15, the vendor - lessee must: (i) de - recognize the underlying
asset, (ii) recognize a right - of - use asset equal to the retained
portion of the net carrying amount of the asset sold.
Transaction not deemed to be a sale according
to IFRS15
If the sale by the vendor - lessee is not qualified as a sale according
to IFRS15, the vendor - lessee maintains the goods transferred on
its balance sheet and recognizes a financial liability equal to the
disposal price (received from the buyer - lessor).
4.16 Impairment test
In accordance with IAS36 “Impairment of Assets”, tangible fixed
assets, intangible assets, right - of - use assets and goodwill are
tested for depreciation if there is an indication of impairment, and
those with an indefinite useful life are tested at least once a year
on September30.
For this test, the Group deems the recoverable value of the asset
to be the higher of the market value less cost of disposal and its
value in use. The latter is determined according to the discounted
future cash - flow method, estimated based on budgetary
assumptions approved by management, using an actuarial rate
which corresponds to the weighted average cost of the Group’s
capital and a growth rate which reflects the market hypotheses
for the appropriate activity.
The depreciation tests are carried out individually for each asset,
except for those assets to which it is not possible to attach
independent cash flows. In this case, these assets are regrouped
within the CGU to which they belong and it is this which is tested.
The CGUs correspond to the Group’s business segments: network,
maintenance, leisure and others which are homogeneous asset
groups whose use generates identifiable cash inflows.
When the recoverable value of an asset or CGU is inferior to its
net book value, an impairment is recognized. The impairment of
a CGU is charged in the first instance to goodwill, the remainder
being charged to the other assets which comprise the CGU,
prorated to their net book value.
4.17 Inventories
Inventories are measured at the lower of their cost and net
realizable value.
The cost of inventories comprises all costs of purchase, costs of
conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the inventories
to their present condition and location. These costs include the
direct and indirect production costs incurred under normal
operating conditions.
Inventories are valued on a weighted average basis.
The net realizable value of the inventories is the estimated selling
price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs
of completion and selling expenses.
4.18 Treasury shares
AirFrance – KLM shares held by the Group are recorded as a
deduction from the Group’s consolidated equity at the
acquisition cost. Subsequent sales are recorded directly in equity.
No gains or losses are recognized in the Group’s income
4.19 Employee benefits
The Group’s obligations in respect of defined benefit pension
plans, including termination indemnities, are calculated in
accordance with IAS19Revised “Employee Benefits”, using the
projected units of credit method based on actuarial assumptions
and considering the specific economic conditions in each country
concerned. The commitments are covered either by insurance or
pension funds or by provisions recorded on the balance sheet as
and when rights are acquired by employees.
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The Group recognizes in “other comprehensive income” all the
actuarial gains or losses relating to post - employment plans, the
dierential between the actual return and the expected return on
the pension assets, and the impact of any plan curtailment.
The actuarial gains or losses relating to termination benefits
(mainly jubilees) are recognized in the income statement.
The Group recognizes all the costs linked to pensions (defined
contribution pension plans and defined benefit pension plans) in
the income from current operations (salaries and related costs).
Specific information related to the recognition
of some pension plan assets
Pension plans in The Netherlands are generally subject to
minimum funding requirements (“MFR”) that can involve the
recognition of pension surpluses.
These pension surpluses constituted by the KLM sub group are
recognized in the balance sheet according to the IFRIC 14
interpretation (IAS19 “The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset,
Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction”).
4.20 Return obligation liability
and provision on leased
The Group recognizes return obligation liabilities and provisions
in respect of the required maintenance obligations within the
framework of the leasing of aircraft from lessors. The constitution
of these return obligation liabilities and provisions depends on
the type of maintenance obligations to fulfill before returning
these aircraft to the lessors: overhaul and restoration work,
airframe and engine potential reconstitution as well as the
replacement of limited life parts.
Overhaul and restoration works
(not depending on aircraft utilization)
Costs resulting from work required to be performed just before
returning aircraft to the lessors, such as painting of the shell or
aircraft overhaul (“C Check”) are recognized as provisions as of
the inception of the contract. The counterpart of these provisions
is booked as a complement through the initial book value of the
aircraft right - of - use assets. This complement to the right - of - use
asset is depreciated over the lease term.
Airframe and engine potentials reconstitution
(depending on the utilization of the aircraft
and its engines)
The airframe and the engine potentials as well as the limited life
parts are recognized as a complement to the right - of - use assets
since they are considered as fully - fledged components, as distinct
from the physical components which are the engine and the
airframe. These components are the counterparts of the return
obligation liability, recognized in its totality at the inception of the
contract. When maintenance events aimed at reconstituting
these potentials or replacing the limited life parts take place, the
costs incurred are capitalized. These potentials and the limited
life parts are depreciated over the period of use of the underlying
assets (flight hours for the engine potentials component,
straight - line for the airframe potentials component and cycles for
the limited life parts).
4.21 Other provisions
The Group recognizes a provision in the balance sheet when it
has an existing legal or implicit obligation to a third party as a
result of a past event, and it is probable that an outflow of
economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation. The
amounts recorded as provisions are discounted when the eect
of the passage of time is material. The eect of the time value of
money is presented as a component of “Other financial income
and expenses”.
Restructuring provisions are recognized once the Group has
established a detailed and formalized restructuring plan which
has been announced to the parties concerned.
4.22 Emission Trading Scheme
Since January1, 2012, European airlines have been included in the
scope of companies subject to the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS).
In the absence of IFRS standards or interpretations governing
ETS accounting, the Group has adopted the accounting treatment
known as the “netting approach”.
According to this approach, the quotas are recognized as
intangible assets in the following way:
free quotas allocated by the State are valued at nil; and
quotas purchased on the market are accounted at their
acquisition cost.
These intangible assets are not amortized.
If the allocated quotas are insucient to cover the actual
emissions then the Group recognizes a provision. This provision
is assessed at the acquisition cost for the acquired rights and, for
the non - hedged portion, with reference to the market price as of
each closing date.
At the date of the restitution to the State of the quotas
corresponding to actual emissions, the provision is written - o in
exchange for the intangible assets returned.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Year ended December31, 2019
No significant acquisitions or disposals took place during the
twelve - month period ended December31, 2019.
Year ended December31, 2018
No significant acquisitions or disposals took place during the
twelve - month period ended December31, 2018.
4.23 Capital increase costs
Capital increase costs are deducted from paid - in capital.
4.24 Current and deferred taxes
The Group records deferred taxes using the balance sheet liability
method, providing for any temporary dierences between the
carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting
purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes, except
for the exceptions described in IAS12 “Income Taxes”.
The tax rates used are those enacted or substantively enacted at
the balance sheet date.
Net deferred tax balances are determined on the basis of each
entity’s tax position.
Deferred tax assets relating to temporary dierences and tax
losses carried forward are recognized only to the extent it is
probable that a future taxable profit will be available against
which the asset can be utilized at the tax entity level.
Deferred tax assets corresponding to fiscal losses are recognized
as assets given the prospects of recoverability resulting from the
budgets and medium - term plans prepared by the Group. The
assumptions used are the same as those used for the impairment
tests on assets (see Note4.16 “Impairment test”).
A deferred tax liability is also recognized for the undistributed
reserves of the equity aliates.
Taxes payable and/or deferred are recognized in the income
statement for the period, unless they are generated by a
transaction or event recorded directly in other comprehensive
income. In such a case, they are recorded directly in other
comprehensive income.
Impact of the Contribution on Added Value of
The CAVE (Contribution on Added Value of Enterprises/Cotisation
sur la Valeur Ajoutée des Entreprises–CVAE) is calculated by the
application of a tax rate to the added value generated by the
company during the year. As the added value is a net amount of
income and expenses, the CAVE meets the definition of a tax on
profits as set out in IAS12.2. Consequently, the expense relating
to the CAVE is presented under the line “Income taxes”.
4.25 Non - current assets held
for sale and discontinued
Assets or groups of assets held for sale meet the criteria for this
classification if their carrying amount is recovered principally
through a sale rather than through their continuing use. This
condition is considered to be met when the sale is highly
probable and the asset (or group of assets intended for sale) is
available for immediate sale in its present condition. Management
must be committed to a plan to sell, with the expectation that
the sale will be realized within a period of twelve months from
the date on which the asset or group of assets were classified as
assets held for sale.
The Group determines on each closing date whether any assets
or groups of assets meet the above criteria and presents such
assets, if any, as “non - current assets held for sale”.
Any liabilities related to these assets are also presented on a
separate line in liabilities on the balance sheet.
Assets and groups of assets held for sale are valued at the lower
of their book value or their fair value minus exit costs. As of the
date of such a classification, the asset is no longer depreciated.
The results from discontinued operations are presented separately
from the results from continuing operations in the income
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Business segments
The segment information is prepared on the basis of internal
management data communicated to the Executive Committee,
the Group’s principal operational decision - making body.
The Group is organized around the following segments:
Network: The revenues from this segment, which are composed
of Passenger network and Cargo operating revenues primarily
come from passenger transportation services on scheduled
flights with the Group’s airline code (excluding Transavia),
including flights operated by other airlines under code - sharing
agreements. They also include commissions paid by SkyTeam
alliance partners, code - sharing revenues, revenues from excess
baggage and airport services supplied by the Group to
third - party airlines and services linked to IT systems.
The revenues also including income from freight transport on
flights under the companies’ codes, including flights operated by
other partner airlines under code - sharing agreements. Other
cargo revenues are derived principally from sales of cargo
capacity to third parties and transportation of shipments on
behalf of the Goup by other airlines.
Maintenance: Third - party maintenance revenues are generated
through maintenance services provided to other airlines and
customers worldwide.
Transavia: The revenues from this segment come from the
“low - cost” activity realized by Transavia.
Other: The revenues from this segment come from various
services provided by the Group and not covered by the four
segments mentioned above.
The results of the business segments are those that are either
directly attributable or that can be allocated on a reasonable
basis to these business segments. Amounts allocated to business
segments mainly correspond to the EBITDA, current operating
income and to the income from operating activities. Other
elements of the income statement are presented in the
“non - allocated” column.
Inter - segment transactions are evaluated based on normal
market conditions.
Geographical segments
Activity by origin of sales area
Group activities by origin of sale are broken down into eight
geographical areas:
Metropolitan France;
Europe (excluding France and Benelux);
Middle East, Gulf, India (MEGI);
North America;
Caribbean, West Indies, French Guyana, Indian Ocean, South
America (CILA).
Only segment revenue is allocated by geographical sales area.
Activity by destination
Group activities by destination are broken down into seven
geographical areas:
Metropolitan France;
Europe (excluding France) and North Africa;
Caribbean, West Indies, French Guyana and Indian Ocean;
Africa (excluding North Africa), Middle East;
North America, Mexico;
South America (excluding Mexico);
Asia and New Caledonia.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The non - allocated assets, amounting to €6.5billion, comprise
cash and cash equivalents of €3.7 billion, pension assets of
€0.4 billion, financial assets of €1.1 billion, deferred tax of
€0.5 billion, income taxes of €0.2 billion and derivatives of
The non - allocated segment liabilities, amounting to €4billion,
mainly comprise pension provisions for €2.3 billion, tax and
employee - related liabilities of €1.2 billion, deferred tax of
€0.1 billion, income taxes of €0.1 billion and derivatives of
Financial debts, lease debts, bank overdrafts and equity are not
6.1 Information by business segment
Year ended December31, 2019 Mainte- Non
(in € millions) Network nance Transavia Other allocated Total
Total sales 23,315 4,616 1,747 251 - 29,929
Intersegment sales (43) (2,478) (3) (217) - (2,741)
External sales 23,272 2,138 1,744 34 - 27,188
EBITDA 3,130 606 362 30 - 4,128
Income from current operations 749 260 131 1 - 1,141
Income from operating activities 655 220 130 5 - 1,010
Share of profits (losses) of associates - 3 - 20 - 23
Net cost of financial debt and other
financial income and expenses - - - - (664) (664)
Income taxes - - - - (76) (76)
Net income from continuing operations 655 223 130 25 (740) 293
Depreciation and amortization for the period (2,359) (326) (230) (26) - (2,941)
Other non - monetary items 179 43 10 18 (12) 238
Total assets 16,679 3,936 1,661 1,996 6,463 30,735
Segment liabilities 10,106 1,857 1,061 209 3,965 17,198
Financial debts, lease debts, bank overdrafts and equity - - - - 13,537 13,537
Total liabilities 10,106 1,857 1,061 209 17,502 30,735
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
and intangible assets 2,761 432 177 2 - 3,372
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The non - allocated assets, amounting to €6.3billion, comprise
cash and cash equivalents of €3.6 billion, pension assets of
€0.3 billion, financial assets of €1.1 billion, deferred tax of
€0.6 billion, income taxes of €0.2 billion and derivatives of
The non - allocated segment liabilities, amounting to €4.1billion,
mainly comprise pension provisions for €2.1billion, a portion of
other provisions for €0.1billion, tax and employee - related liabilities
of €1.2billion and derivatives of €0.7billion.
Financial debts, lease debts, bank overdrafts and equity are not
Year ended December31, 2018 (restated)
Mainte- Non
(in € millions) Network nance Transavia Other allocated Total
Total sales 22,711 4,349 1,601 247 - 28,908
Intersegment sales (40) (2,429) (6) (209) - (2,684)
External sales 22,671 1,920 1,595 38 - 26,224
EBITDA 3,352 534 369 38 - 4,293
Income from current operations 1,042 214 145 4 - 1,405
Income from operating activities 999 216 145 33 - 1,393
Share of profits (losses) of associates 1 2 - 12 - 15
Net cost of financial debt and other
financial income and expenses - - - - (762) (762)
Income taxes - - - - (224) (224)
Net income from continuing operations 1,000 218 145 45 (986) 422
Depreciation and amortization for the period (2,297) (316) (223) (34) - (2,870)
Other non - monetary items (190) (3) (84) (30) 53 (254)
Total assets 17,158 4,121 1,585 495 6,278 29,637
Segment liabilities 10,126 1,546 968 34 4,069 16,743
Financial debts, lease debts, bank overdrafts and equity - - - - 12,894 12,894
Total liabilities 10,126 1,546 968 34 16,963 29,637
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
and intangible assets (continuing operations) 2,199 455 190 - - 2,844
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
6.2 Information by geographical area
External sales by geographical area
Year ended December31, 2019
West Indies
Middle- Guyana
Europe Eastern Indian Ocean
(excl. Gulf South
Metropolitan France and India Asia North America
(in € millions) France Benelux Benelux) Africa (MEGI) Pacific America (CILA) Total
Transportation 6,407 2,516 4,751 1,111 567 2,134 3,417 1,348 22,251
Other sales 389 152 169 65 20 128 52 46 1,021
Total network 6,796 2,668 4,920 1,176 587 2,262 3,469 1,394 23,272
Transportation 511 1,020 187 13 5 5 9 4 1,754
Other sales (12) (10) (3) - - - 8 7 (10)
Total Transavia 499 1,010 184 13 5 5 17 11 1,744
Maintenance 1,214 796 24 - - 3 101 - 2,138
Others 8 26--- - - - 34
Total 8,517 4,500 5,128 1,189 592 2,270 3,587 1,405 27,188
Year ended December31, 2018 (restated)
West Indies
Middle- Guyana
Europe Eastern Indian Ocean
(excl. Gulf South
Metropolitan France and India Asia North America
(in € millions) France Benelux Benelux) Africa (MEGI) Pacific America (CILA) Total
Transportation 6,235 2,446 4,782 1,051 571 2,083 3,143 1,421 21,732
Other sales 308 174 168 55 15 138 45 36 939
Total network 6,543 2,620 4,950 1,106 586 2,221 3,188 1,457 22,671
Transportation 470 936 157 10 13 3 7 3 1,599
Other sales (2) (9) (2) - - - 9 - (4)
Total Transavia 468 927 155 10 13 3 16 3 1,595
Maintenance 1,044 764 26 - - 2 84 - 1,920
Others 10 28--- - - - 38
Total 8,065 4,339 5,131 1,116 599 2,226 3,288 1,460 26,224
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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Trac sales by geographical area of destination
Year ended December31, 2019
Europe Caribbean, (excl.
(excl. French North South
France) Guyana, Africa) North America, Asia,
Metropolitan North Indian Middle America, (excl. New
(in € millions) France Africa Ocean East Mexico Mexico) Caledonia Total
Network 1,700 4,963 1,668 2,900 4,859 2,182 3,979 22,251
Transavia 23 1,602 - 129 - - - 1,754
Total Transportation 1,723 6,565 1,668 3,029 4,859 2,182 3,979 24,005
Year ended December31, 2018
Europe Caribbean, (excl.
(excl. French North South
France) Guyana, Africa) North America, Asia,
Metropolitan North Indian Middle America, (excl. New
(in € millions) France Africa Ocean East Mexico Mexico) Caledonia Total
Network 1,734 4,804 1,617 2,860 4,616 2,231 3,870 21,732
Transavia 24 1,459 - 116 - - - 1,599
Total Transportation 1,758 6,263 1,617 2,976 4,616 2,231 3,870 23,331
Period from January1to December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Aircraft fuel 5,511 4,958
Chartering costs 525 577
Landing fees and air route charges 1,933 1,893
Catering 822 783
Handling charges and other operating costs 1,715 1,673
Aircraft maintenance costs 2,628 2,410
Commercial and distribution costs 1,029 1,034
Other external expenses 1,730 1,618
Total 15,893 14,946
Excluding aircraft fuel 10,382 9,988
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
A portion of external expenses, mainly aircraft fuel and maintenance, is sensitive to fluctuations in the US dollar exchange rate. The
hedges covering this currency exposure are presented in Note10.
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Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Average number of employees
Period from January1to December31 2019 2018
Flight deck crew 8,512 7,983
Cabin crew 22,465 21,973
Ground sta 52,119 51,570
Temporary employees 3,042 3,188
Total 86,138 84,714
The Group pays contributions to a multi - employer plan in France,
the CRPN (public pension fund for crew). Since this
multi - employer plan is assimilated with a French State plan, it is
accounted for as a defined contribution plan in “pension costs
linked to defined contribution plans”.
Salaries and related costs
Period from January1to December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Wages and salaries 5,585 5,328
Social contributions 1,118 1,097
Pension costs on defined contribution plans 707 670
Pension costs of defined benefit plans 281 219
Cost of temporary employees 253 241
Profit sharing 131 191
Other expenses 64 13
Total 8,139 7,759
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Period from January1to December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Intangible assets 151 160
Flight equipment 1,238 1,194
Other property, plant and equipment 199 195
Right - of - use assets 1,353 1,321
2,941 2,870
Depreciation and provisions
Inventories 18 2
Trade receivables 16 43
Risks and contingencies 12 (27)
46 18
Total 2,987 2,888
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
The amortization variations for intangible and tangible assets are presented in Notes16 and 18 and for right - of - use assets in Note20.
The variations relating to inventories and trade receivables are presented in Notes24, 25 and 26.
The movements in provisions for risks and charges are detailed in Note30.
Period from January1to December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Capitalized production 1,122 993
Joint operation of routes (49) (57)
Operations - related currency hedges 64 (16)
European carbon emission allowances (ETS) (54) (19)
Other 42 36
Other income and expenses 1,125 937
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Year ended December31, 2019
Restructuring costs
At December31, 2019, this mainly includes the new provision
relating to a Voluntary Departure Plan for Air France ground sta
(see Note3.1).
Modification of pension plans
On February22, 2019, an agreement was signed amending the
retirement indemnities for Air France pilots retiring at 60years
or above, if providing an advanced notice of at least 12months,
increasing the benefit obligation by €11million.
Phase - out of the A380 aircraft
This line corresponds to the impact of the early phase - out of the
A380 aircraft from the Air France fleet (see Note 3.1) for
€126million in 2019. This significant non - recurring operation is
considered by the Group to be a disposal of assets and a
restructuring of the business activities. It includes:
The dierence between the initial depreciation plan, i.e. an
expected 20 - year operational life for this type of aircraft and
the accelerated depreciation following the early phase - out,
amounting to €52 million. Depreciation slopes have been
revised so that the net book value as of the date of the
aircraft’s phase - out converges with the estimated realizable
Impairment of fleet related assets for €74million (including
notably cabin retrofit projects, penalties on contracts and
spare parts).
Year ended December31, 2018
Restructuring costs
These mainly include a new provision relating to the Voluntary
Departure Plan for KLM cabin crew.
Modification of pension schemes
In 2018, in the Lloyds Bank case, the UK High Court ruled that UK
pension schemes must equalize Guaranteed Minimum Pension
(GMP) between men and women. The Group has two UK-based
pension schemes for which a best estimate calculation has been
performed by external actuaries. A one - o expense of €5million
was accounted for in 2018 corresponding to an increase of the
Defined Benefit Obligation.
Disposals of other assets
This line mainly includes the sale of Vilgénis real estate in the Paris
area, France and the activities of Jet Center at Amsterdam
Airport Schiphol.
This line mainly includes the adjustment of the cargo claim
provision for a net amount of €(8) million.
Period from January1to December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Restructuring costs (36) (19)
Modification of pensions plans (11) (5)
Disposals of subsidiaries and aliates - (1)
Disposals of other assets 6 32
Phase - out of A380 aircraft (126) -
Other 14 (23)
Other non - current income and expenses (153) (16)
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Net cost of financial debt
Financial income mainly consists of interest income on financial
assets recognized at the eective interest rate and the gain on
the disposal of financial assets at fair value recorded through the
income statement.
Foreign exchange gains (losses)
As of December31, 2019, the foreign exchange losses mainly
include an unrealized currency loss of €82million of which a loss
of € 42million on return obligation liabilities and provisions on
aircraft in US dollars and an unrealized €36million currency loss
on debt in US Dollars (€15 million) and in Japanese Yen
As of December31, 2018, the foreign exchange losses mainly
include a currency loss of €224million of which € (133) million
on return obligation liabilities and provisions on aircraft in US
dollars and an unrealized €101million currency loss mainly on
debt in US Dollar (€20million) and in Japanese Yen (€56million).
Financial instruments and change in fair value of
hedged shares
As of December31, 2019, this line mainly includes a gain due to
the change in fair value of the hedged Amadeus shares
amounting to €42million and a loss on the non - aligned time
value of dissymmetrical options with barriers for an amount of
As of December31, 2018, this line mainly includes a gain on the
hedged Amadeus shares of €12 million and a gain on the
non - aligned time value of dissymmetrical options with barriers
for an amount of €41million.
Undiscounting of provision
The rate used to undiscount the long term return obligation
liability and provision for leased aircraft and other provisions is
6.0% in 2019 against 4.6% in 2018.
Period from January1to December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Income from marketable securities 2 3
Other financial income 47 36
Financial income 49 39
Interest on financial debt (132) (141)
Interest on lease debt (276) (293)
Capitalized interests 23 17
Other non - monetary items (43) (32)
Other financial expenses (14) (16)
Gross cost of financial debt (442) (465)
Net cost of financial debt (393) (426)
Foreign exchange gains (losses), net (80) (224)
Financial instruments and change in fair value of hedged shares 33 55
Net (charge)/release to provisions (5) (5)
Undiscounting of provision (212) (152)
Other (7) (10)
Other financial income and expenses (271) (336)
Total (664) (762)
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
13.2 Deferred tax recorded in equity
(equity holders of AirFrance – KLM)
Period from January1to December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Coupons on Perpetual 8 13
OCEANE (19) -
Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit and loss (115) 270
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit and loss (68) 49
Equity instruments 3 -
Pensions (71) 49
Total (194) 332
The current income tax charge relates to the amounts paid or
payable to the tax authorities in the short term for the period, in
accordance with the regulations prevailing in various countries
and any applicable treaties.
French fiscal group
In France, tax losses can be carried forward for an unlimited
period. However, there is a limitation on the amount of fiscal loss
recoverable each year to 50per cent of the profit for the period
beyond the first million euros. The recoverability of the deferred
tax losses corresponds to a period of seven years, consistent with
the Group’s operating visibility.
The Finance Act 2018, voted through in December2017, provides
for a gradual reduction in the French corporation tax rate to
25.83per cent in 2022. The impact of this change in tax rate was
reflected in a reduction in deferred tax assets and thus a deferred
tax charge in 2017.
Dutch fiscal group
In The Netherlands, tax losses can be carried forward over a
period of nine years without limitation in the amount of recovery
allowed each year.
In 2019, it was decided that the Dutch corporation tax rate will
be lowered to 21.7per cent in 2021. The impact of this upcoming
change in tax rate was reflected in a reduction in deferred tax
liabilities and thus a deferred tax gain of €6million in 2019.
As of December31, 2019, the Dutch fiscal group has no deferred
tax losses.
13.1 Income tax charge
Current income tax expenses and deferred income tax are detailed as follows:
Period from January1to December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Current tax (expense)/income (97) (24)
Change in temporary dierences (44) (41)
CAVE impact 3 3
(Use/de - recognition)/recognition of tax loss carry forwards 62 (162)
Deferred tax income/(expense) from continuing operations 21 (200)
Total (76) (224)
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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13.4 Variation in deferred tax recorded during the period
January1, recorded in Amounts Amounts Re-
2019 income recorded recorded classification December31,
(in € millions) restated
statement in OCI in equity and other 2019
Flight equipment (1,208) 119 - - (2) (1,091)
Right - of - use assets (1,028) 145 - - - (883)
Pension assets (41) (50) (61) - 60 (92)
Financial debt 727 (94) 3 (11) 2 627
Lease debt 855 (102) 4 - - 757
Deferred revenue on ticket sales 171 (11) - - - 160
Debtors and creditors 135 8 (123) - (34) (14)
Provisions 406 (105) (4) - 21 318
Others (226) 100 (2) - 25 (103)
Deferred tax corresponding to fiscal losses 764 11 - - (73) 702
Deferred tax asset/ (liability) net 555 21 (183) (11) (1) 381
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
In 2019, the applicable tax rate for the French fiscal group is
Deferred tax have been calculated with a tax rate gradually
decreasing to 25.83per cent in 2022 and in accordance with the
timeline of repayment and the tax rate applicable to each period.
The current tax rate applicable in The Netherlands is 25per cent.
The Dutch income tax will be lowered to 21.7per cent in 2021.
The impact of the change in tax rate is presented in the line
“Impact of change in income - tax rate.
13.3 Eective tax rate
The dierence between the standard and eective tax rate applied in France is detailed as follows:
Period from January1to December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Income before tax 346 631
Standard tax rate in France 34.43% 34.43%
Theoretical tax calculated based on the standard tax rate in France (119) (217)
Dierences in French/foreign tax rates 57 84
Non - deductible expenses or non - taxable income (10) 1
Variation in unrecognized deferred tax assets (3) (88)
Impact of change in income - tax rate 6 -
CAVE impact (9) (11)
Other 2 7
Income tax expenses (76) (224)
Eective tax rate 22.0% 35.5%
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
13.5 Unrecognized deferred tax assets
December31, 2019 December31, 2018 restated
(in € millions) Basis Tax Basis Tax
Temporary dierences 1,022 264 910 235
Tax losses 4,947 1,277 4,947 1,278
Total 5,969 1,541 5,857 1,513
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
French fiscal group
The deferred taxes recognized on fiscal losses for the French
fiscal group amounts to €693 million with a basis of
€5,039million as of December31, 2019 and December31, 2018.
The total deferred - tax position of the French fiscal group stands
at a net asset of €497million.
Dutch fiscal group
The Dutch fiscal group has no deferred taxes recognized on fiscal
losses as of December 31, 2019 versus €60 million as of
December31, 2018 with a base of €241million.
January1, recorded in Amounts Amounts Re- December31,
2018 income recorded recorded classification 2018
(in € millions) restated
statement in OCI in equity and other restated
Flight equipment (1,235) 27 - - - (1,208)
Right - of - use assets (1,650) 102 - - 520 (1,028)
Pension assets (76) (24) 59 - - (41)
Financial debt 740 (24) - 13 (2) 727
Lease debt 1,405 (163) 23 - (410) 855
Deferred revenue on ticket sales 202 18 - - (49) 171
Debtors and creditors (59) (57) 246 - 5 135
Provisions 400 69 (6) - (57) 406
Others (223) 14 (3) - (14) (226)
Deferred tax corresponding to fiscal losses 913 (162) - - 13 764
Deferred tax asset/ (liability) net 417 (200) 319 13 6 555
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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14.1Income for the period–Equity holders of AirFrance – KLM per share
Reconciliation of income used to calculate earnings per share
The results used to calculate earnings per share are as follows:
Results used for the calculation of basic earnings per share
As of December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Net income for the period–equity holders of AirFrance – KLM 290 420
Net income from continuing operations–equity holders of AirFrance – KLM 290 420
Coupons on perpetual (net of tax) (17) (25)
Basic net income for the period–equity holders of AirFrance – KLM 273 395
Basic net income from continuing operations–equity holders of AirFrance – KLM 273 395
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
The earnings per share before dilution (basic earnings per share) corresponds to the net result divided by the weighted average
number of shares in circulation during the financial year, excluding the weighted average number of treasury shares.
Results used for the calculation of diluted earnings per share
As of December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Basic net income for the period–equity holders of AirFrance – KLM 279 395
Basic net income for the period for continuing operations–equity holders of AirFrance – KLM 279 395
Consequence of potential ordinary shares on net income: interests paid on convertible bonds
and amortization of equity component (after tax) 6 -
Net income for the period–Equity holders of AirFrance – KLM
(taken for calculation of diluted earnings per share) 285 395
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
French fiscal group
As of December31, 2019, the cumulative eect of the limitation
of deferred tax assets results in the non - recognition of a deferred
tax asset amounting to €1,532million (corresponding to a basis
of €5,915million), of which €1,272million relating to tax losses
and €260million relating to temporary dierences (non - recognition
of deferred tax assets relating to restructuring provisions and
As of December31, 2018, the cumulative eect of the limitation
of deferred tax assets resulted in the non - recognition of a
deferred tax asset amounting to €1,503million (corresponding
to a basis of €5,803million), of which €1,272million relating to
tax losses and €231 million relating to temporary dierences
(non - recognition of deferred tax assets relating to restructuring
provisions and pensions).
Dutch fiscal group
As of December 31, 2019, the Dutch fiscal group has no
non - recognized deferred tax assets.
Other unrecognized deferred tax assets mainly correspond to a
portion of the tax loss carry forwards of the Air France and KLM
subsidiaries not belonging to the fiscal groups, in particular in the
United States of America and the United Kingdom.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
15.1 Detail of consolidated goodwill
As of December31
2019 2018
Gross Net Gross Net
(in € millions) value Impairment value value Impairment value
Network 197 - 197 196 - 196
Maintenance 24 (4) 20 25 (4) 21
Total 221 (4) 217 221 (4) 217
15.2 Movement in net book value of goodwill
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Opening balance 217 216
Currency translation adjustment - 1
Closing balance 217 217
14.2 Non - dilutive instruments
The AirFrance – KLM Group held no non - dilutive instruments as
of December31, 2019.
14.3 Instruments issued
after the closing date
No instruments were issued subsequent to the closing date.
Reconciliation of the number of shares used to calculate earnings per share
As of December31 2019 2018
Weighted average number of:
— ordinary shares issued 428,634,035 428,634,035
— treasury stock held regarding stock option plan (1,116,420) (1,116,420)
— other treasury stock (85,151) (85,151)
Number of shares used to calculate basic earnings per share 427,432,464 427,432,464
OCEANE conversion 27,901,785 -
Number of ordinary and potential ordinary shares used to calculate
diluted earnings per share 455,334,249 427,432,464
The change in the number of ordinary shares issued is disclosed in Note28.1.
For the calculation of the diluted earnings per share, the weighted
average number of shares in circulation is adjusted for the
potential dilutive eect of all equity instruments issued by the
Group, in particular stock option plans and performance shares.
The dilution resulting from the exercise of stock option plans and
performance shares is based on the IAS33methodology.
Since the perpetual subordinated loan is considered to be
preferred shares, the coupons are included in the basic earnings
per share.
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The intangible assets mainly comprise:
the KLM and Transavia brands and slots (takeo and landing)
acquired by the Group as part of the acquisition of KLM. These
intangible assets have an indefinite useful life as the nature of
the assets means that they have no time limit;
software and capitalized IT costs.
As of January1, 2019, AirFrance – KLM extended the useful life of
core Information Technology developments to up to 20years.
This decision has led to a €22 million reduction in the 2019
depreciation charge.
Trademarks intangible
(in € millions) and slots assets Total
Gross value
Amount as of December31, 2017 280 1,744 2,024
Additions - 253 253
Disposals - (66) (66)
Reclassification - (106) (106)
Amount as of December31, 2018 280 1,825 2,105
Additions - 328 328
Disposals - (319) (319)
Reclassification - (23) (23)
Amount as of December31, 2019 280 1,811 2,091
Amount as of December31, 2017 (6) (895) (901)
Charge to depreciation - (160) (160)
Releases on disposals - 44 44
Reclassification - 106 106
Amount as of December31, 2018 (6) (905) (911)
Charge to depreciation - (151) (151)
Releases on disposals - 253 253
Reclassification - 23 23
Amount as of December31, 2019 (6) (780) (786)
Net value
As of December31, 2018 274 920 1,194
As of December31, 2019 274 1,031 1,305
— Network 256
— Transavia 8
— Maintenance 5
— Other 5
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Year ended December31, 2019
Concerning the methodology followed for the impairment test,
the Group has allocated each item of goodwill and each
intangible fixed asset with an indefinite useful life to Cash
Generating Units (CGUs), corresponding to its business segments
(see “Accounting Policies”).
The recoverable value of the CGU assets has been determined
by reference to their value in use as of December31, 2019. The
tests were realized for all the CGUs on the basis of a three - year
Group plan, approved by the management.
Revenues (network, leisure and maintenance), costs and
investments forecasts are based on reasonable hypothesis and
are the management’s best estimates. They lie on passenger
trac and savings related to pursuance of performance plans set
up by the Group.
The discount rate used for the test corresponds to the Group’s
weighted average cost of capital (WACC). This stood at 5.9per
cent as at December 31, 2019 versus 6.3 per cent as at
December31, 2018.
After the aforementioned test, no impairments were recognized
on the Group’s other CGUs.
A 50 - basis point increase in the WACC would have no impact on
the tests results per Group CGU as of December 31, 2019. A
50 - basis point decrease in the long - term growth rate would also
have no impact on the value of the CGUs as of the same date.
The same holds true for a 50 - basis point decrease in the target
operating margin.
Year ended December31, 2018
As of December31, 2018, no impairment was recognized on the
Group’s CGUs.
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Aeronautical assets under construction mainly comprise advance
payments, engine maintenance work in progress and aircraft
As of January1, 2019 Air France extended the useful life of its
A330 fleet to 25years.
Previously the useful life had been 20years. This decision led to
a € 9million reduction in depreciation charge in 2019 versus 2018.
Note38details the amount of pledged tangible assets.
Commitments to property purchases are detailed in Notes37 and
38to these financial statements.
Flight equipment Other tangible assets
Owned Assets in Land and and Assets in
(in € millions) aircraft progress Other Total buildings machinery progress Other Total Total
Gross value
January1, 2018 restated
16,263 988 2,021 19,272 2,639 1,251 156 943 4,989 24,261
Acquisitions 389 1,889 35 2,313 24 46 157 47 274 2,587
Disposals (1,156) - (171) (1,327) (60) (25) - (36) (121) (1,448)
Fair value - (159) - (159) - - - - - (159)
Reclassification 722 (1,684) 311 (651) 71 35 (126) 24 4 (647)
Currency translation - - - - - 1 - - 1 1
Others (33) - 3 (30) 2 - - 2 4 (26)
December31, 2018 restated
16,185 1,034 2,199 19,418 2,676 1,308 187 980 5,151 24,569
Acquisitions 407 1,970 376 2,753 27 47 179 40 293 3,046
Disposals (825) (24) (238) (1,087) (88) (206) 1 (58) (351) (1,438)
Fair value - (39) - (39) - - - - - (39)
Reclassification 1,346 (1,704) 167 (191) 86 19 (162) 31 (26) (217)
Currency translation - - - - - - - - - -
Others 79 26 (79) 26 7 1 - - 8 34
December31, 2019 17,192 1,263 2,425 20,880 2,708 1,169 205 993 5,075 25,955
January1, 2018 restated
(8,578) - (750) (9,328) (1,811) (977) - (783) (3,571) (12,899)
Charge to depreciation (1,053) - (94) (1,147) (92) (61) - (42) (195) (1,342)
Releases on disposal 1,079 - 116 1,195 58 24 - 35 117 1,312
Reclassification 205 - (1) 204 (1) 3 - - 2 206
Currency translation - - - - - - - - -
Others 50 - (84) (34) - (1) - - (1) (35)
December31, 2018 restated
(8,297) - (813) (9,110) (1,846) (1,012) - (790) (3,648) (12,758)
Charge to depreciation (1,112) - (128) (1,240) (91) (62) - (46) (199) (1,439)
Releases on disposal 787 - 177 964 87 204 - 58 349 1,313
Reclassification (117) - (18) (135) (1) 9 - (4) 4 (131)
Currency translation - - - - - - - - - -
Others 55 - (80) (25) - (1) - - (1) (26)
December31, 2019 (8,684) - (862) (9,546) (1,851) (862) - (782) (3,495) (13,041)
Net value
December31, 2018 restated
7,888 1,034 1,386 10,308 830 296 187 190 1,503 11,811
December31, 2019 8,508 1,263 1,563 11,334 857 307 205 211 1,580 12,914
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 275
Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
The detail of capital expenditures on tangible and intangible assets presented in the consolidated cash - flow statements is as follows:
As of December31 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Acquisition of flight equipment 2,746 2,325
Acquisition of other tangible assets 293 274
Acquisition of intangible assets 328 253
Accounts payable on acquisitions 5 (8)
Total 3,372 2,844
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
The table below presents the right - of - use assets per category:
Land &
(in € millions) Aircraft Maintenance Real Estate Others Total
Net value
As of January1, 2018 restated
3,792 1,695 473 246 6,206
New contract 27 147 249 34 457
Change in contract 99 69 2 - 170
Disposals (1) (5) - - (6)
Reclassification (3) 132 6 45 180
Amortization (795) (343) (122) (62) (1,322)
Others 18 (13) (23) (3) (21)
As of December31, 2018 restated
3,137 1,682 585 260 5,664
New contract 165 120 53 34 372
Change in contract 287 (185) 48 9 159
Disposals - - (19) (5) (24)
Reclassification (8) 354 4 20 370
Amortization (779) (396) (113) (68) (1,356)
Others (4) - - (8) (12)
As of December31, 2019 2,798 1,575 558 242 5,173
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
Information related to lease debt is available in Note32.
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As of December31, 2019 and 2018, the equity aliates in the
maintenance business mainly comprise joint - venture partnerships
entered into by the Group to develop its maintenance activities
worldwide. These partnerships, whose country localizations and
percentages of interest are presented in Note42.2, have been
concluded either with airlines or with independent players in the
maintenance market.
Servair Group
The Servair Group is the French number one in aviation catering.
With about 45establishments in 26countries and approximately
10,000employees, Servair has a leading position in Paris and
Africa. Servair numbers approximately 120air carrier customers
worldwide and proposes a set of services grouped around three
core businesses: inflight and collective catering, airport services
and additional services like engineering and the integration of
Following the acquisition of gategroup by HNA on December22,
2016, Air France and gategroup finalized the agreement for the
sale to gategroup of 49.99% of the Servair share capital. On
conclusion of this transaction, the operational control of Servair
was transferred to gategroup in application of the governance
planned in the agreements between Air France and gategroup.
As a consequence, the Servair group has been consolidated
according to the equity method since December31, 2016.
According to IFRS10, the Servair shares were revalued at their
fair value, the latter having been determined on the basis of
the transaction value and amounted to €218 million as at
December31, 2016.
The table below indicates the rents resulting from lease and service contracts which are not capitalized:
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Variable rents 19 27
Short term rents 153 123
Low value rents 22 23
Movements over the period
The table below presents the movement in investments in associates and joint ventures:
(in € millions) Maintenance Catering Other Total
Carrying value of share in investment as of December31, 2017 56 224 21 301
Share in net income of equity aliates 2 7 6 15
Distributions - - (4) (4)
Other variations - - (2) (2)
Currency translation adjustment 1 - (1) -
Carrying value of share in investment as of December31, 2018 59 231 21 311
Share in net income of equity aliates 3 7 13 23
Distributions - (2) (10) (12)
Change in consolidation scope (2) - (1) (3)
Other variations (4) - 1 (3)
Capital increase - - 1 1
Capital decrease - - (10) (10)
Carrying value of share in investment as of December31, 2019 56 236 15 307
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Opening balance 331 590
Net periodic pension (cost)/income (138) (96)
Contributions paid to the funds 101 84
Fair value revaluation 126 (247)
Closing balance 420 331
The analysis of these pension assets is presented in Note29.
As of December31, 2019 and 2018, the equity aliates linked to
the Group’s other businesses are mainly joint - venture partnerships
entered into by the Group in the airport business. The localizations
of the activities and the percentages of interest in these partnerships
are presented in Note42.2.
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As of December31
2019 2018
(in € millions) Current Non - current Current Non - current
Equity instruments
Equity instruments at fair value through OCI - 73 - 89
Equity instruments at fair value in P&L 360 - - 301
Assets–Debt instruments at fair value in P&L
Marketable securities 73 38 41 32
Cash secured 300 - 265 -
Financial asset–at amortized cost
AAA Bonds 50 535 5 517
Deposit on lease contracts 1 90 - 85
Deposit on lease with bargain option 2 225 2 341
Other loans and deposits 14 159 12 147
Gross value 800 1,120 325 1,512
Impairment at opening date - (25) - (25)
New impairment charge - (11) - (5)
Reversal - 1 - 2
Other - 11 - 3
Impairment at closing date - (24) - (25)
Total 800 1,096 325 1,487
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Year ended December31, 2018
Following a debt and equity restructuring within Kenya Airways
Ltd., the Group’s capital interest decreased from 26.73per cent
as at December31, 2016 to 7.76per cent as at December31, 2017.
The Group lost its ability to exercise significant influence over
Kenya Airways in November2017. Consequently, Kenya Airways
has been accounted for as a financial asset at fair value through
the income statement.
The capital interest in Kenya Airways is considered as a business
investment and the change in the fair value has been recognized
through Other Comprehensive Income.
Transfer of financial assets that are not derecognized
in their entirety
Transfer of receivables agreement
The Group entered into a loan agreement secured by Air France’s
one per cent housing loans. For each of the CILs (Comités
Interprofessionnels du Logement), Air France and the bank
concluded, in July 2012, a tripartite receivables delegation
agreement with reference to the loan agreement. Through this
agreement, the CILs commit to repaying the bank directly on
each payment date. These are imperfect delegations: in the event
of non - repayment by the CILs, Air France remains liable to the
bank for repayments of the loan and interest.
As of December31, 2019, the amount of transferred receivables
stood at €98million (versus €101 million as of December31,
2018). The associated loan stood at €78 million as of
December31, 2019 (versus €79million as of December31, 2018).
Loan of shares agreement
In May and June2016, the Group entered into a loan of shares
agreement on Amadeus shares. This loan was linked to the
hedging transaction to protect the value of Amadeus shares. The
entire 1.11 per cent Amadeus shareholding is covered by this
hedge contract.
Equity instruments
Stockholder’s Net
equity income
Fair Value (in billions (in billions Classification Stock
(in € millions) % interest of currency) of currency) methodology price Closing date
As of December31, 2019
360 1.11% NA
Income statement 72.80€ December2019
GOL Linhas Aéreas
35 1.19% NA
OCI 36,8BRL December2019
Kenya Airways
8 7.76% NA
OCI 0.02€ December2019
Other 30 - - - - -
Total 433
As of December31, 2018
301 1.11% 3.2EUR 1EUR Income statement 60.84€ December2018
GOL Linhas Aéreas
24 1.21% (4.5) BRL (0.8) BRL OCI 25,1BRL December2018
Kenya Airways
33 7.76% (2.5) KES (7.6) KES OCI 0.07€ December2018
Other 32 - - - - -
Total 390
(1) Listed company.
(2) Not - available.
The Group sold Amadeus shares on January9, 2020 for € 356million.
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As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Aeronautical spare parts 772 654
Other supplies 143 127
Production work in progress 24 14
Gross value 939 795
Opening valuation allowance (162) (159)
Charge to allowance (48) (11)
Use of allowance 7 9
Reclassification 1 (1)
Closing valuation allowance (202) (162)
Net value of inventory 737 633
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Airlines 553 500
Other clients:
— Network 862 1,002
— Maintenance 804 716
— Other 118 128
Gross value 2,337 2,346
Opening valuation allowance (155) (114)
Charge to allowance (39) (49)
Use of allowance 18 6
Currency translation adjustment - (1)
Reclassification 3 3
Closing valuation allowance (173) (155)
Net value 2,164 2,191
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 281
Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
As of December31
2019 restated
(in € millions) Current Non - current Current Non - current
Suppliers with debit balances 99 - 97 -
State receivables (including income tax) 224 - 247 -
Derivative instruments 258 238 225 253
Prepaid expenses 221 - 242 -
Other debtors 322 3 255 11
Gross value 1,124 241 1,066 264
Opening valuation allowance (1) - (1) -
Closing valuation allowance (1) - (1) -
Other 1,123 241 1,065 264
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Liquidity funds (SICAV) (assets–debt instruments) 1,268 874
Bank deposits and term accounts (assets–debt instruments) 1,599 1,923
Cash in hand 848 788
Total cash and cash equivalents 3,715 3,585
Bank overdrafts (4) (5)
Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts 3,711 3,580
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Authorized stock
The Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
of May28, 2019 authorized the Board of Directors, for a period
of 26months from the date of the Meeting of May28, 2019 (i.e.
until July28, 2021), to issue shares and/or other securities conferring
immediate or future rights to AirFrance – KLM’s capital, limited
to a total maximum nominal amount of €214million.
Acquisition by Dutch State
In the first quarter of 2019, the Dutch State acquired 60million
AirFrance – KLM shares, representing 14per cent of the Group’s
share capital and, as of December31, 2019, 10.2per cent of the
voting rights in AirFrance – KLM.
28.1 Issued capital
As of December31, 2019, the issued capital of AirFrance – KLM comprised 428,634,035fully paid - up shares. Each share with a nominal
value of one euro is entitled to one vote. However, since April3, 2016, shareholders who have owned their shares for at least two years
have benefited from double voting rights.
The number of issued shares held is as follows:
As of December31
(in number of shares) 2019 2018
At the beginning of the period 428,634,035 428,634,035
French State 61,241,325 61,241,325
Dutch State 60,000,000 -
Delta Air Lines 37,527,410 37,527,410
China Eastern Airlines 37,527,410 37,527,410
Employees and former employees 16,103,590 16,758,690
Treasury shares 1,201,571 1,201,571
Others 215,032,729 274,377,629
At the end of the period 428,634,035 428,634,035
Of which:
— number of shares issued and paid up 428,634,035 428,634,035
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In early April2015, the Group issued a perpetual subordinated
bond for a total amount of €600million. These securities, which
have no maturity date and bear an annual coupon of 6.25per
cent, have a first repayment option in October 2020, at the
issuer’s discretion.
These securities are classified as equity, in accordance with the
IFRS rules. The bond is subordinated to all other existing and
future AirFrance – KLM debt.
On September3, 2018, AirFrance – KLM launched a tender oer
to repurchase any and all of this perpetual bond, the final results
being announced on September12, 2018. Notes for a nominal
Breakdown of the share capital and voting rights
The breakdown of the share capital and voting rights is as follows:
% of capital % of voting rights
As of December31 2019 2018 2019 2018
French State 14.3 14.3 20.9 22.6
Dutch State 14.0 10.2 -
Delta Air Lines 8.8 8.8 12.8 7.4
China Eastern Airlines 8.8 8.8 12.8 7.4
Employees and former employees 3.8 3.9 5.5 6.7
Treasury shares 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5
Other 50.0 63.9 37.4 55.4
Total 100 100 100 100
The line “Employees and former employees” includes the shares held by employees and former employees identified in the “Fonds
Communs de Placement d’Entreprise (FCPE)”.
Other securities giving access to common stock
For more information please refer to Note31.3.
28.2 Additional paid - in capital
Additional paid - in capital represents the dierence between the nominal value of the equity securities issued and the value of
contributions in cash or in kind received by AirFrance – KLM.
28.3 Treasury shares
Treasury shares
Number In € millions
December31, 2017 1,201,571 (67)
Change in the period - -
December31, 2018 1,201,571 (67)
Change in the period - -
December31, 2019 1,201,571 (67)
All of these treasury shares are classified as a reduction of equity.
28.4 Perpetual subordinated bond
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Hedging reserves are composed as follows (before the eect of deferred tax):
Recycling in Recycling
December31, Variation of income December31, allocated
(in € millions) 2018 fair value statement 2019 by rubric
Fuel (467) 469 (35) (33) External
Interest rate (18) (26) 11 (33) Cost of
Currency exchange 103 116 (64) 155 Other
Change on revenues (120) (56) 42 (134) Sales
European carbon emission allowances (ETS) 80 (68) 12
Total (422) 435 (46) (33)
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
As of December 31, 2019, the legal reserve of €70 million
represents 16per cent of AirFrance – KLM’s issued capital. French
company law requires a limited company (société anonyme) to
allocate five per cent of its unconsolidated statutory net income
each year to this legal reserve until it reaches ten per cent of the
Group’s issued capital. The amount allocated to this legal reserve
is deducted from the distributable income for the current year.
The legal reserve of any company subject to this requirement
may only be distributed to shareholders upon liquidation of the
28.5 Reserves and retained earnings
December31, 2018
(in € millions) 2019 restated
Legal reserve 70 70
Pension defined benefit reserves
(1,590) (1,527)
Derivatives reserves
(15) (285)
Equity instruments reserves
(37) (19)
Other reserves (1,338) (1,777)
Net income (loss)–Group share 290 420
Total (2,620) (3,118)
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
(2) Net of tax.
amount of €194.5 million were presented and accepted for
repurchase. In addition to this public operation, €2.2million of
perpetual bonds were purchased by “de gré à gré” or
over - the - counter agreement at the same price. As a result, the
nominal amount of the outstanding notes after completion of the
tender oer is €403.3million.
On October1, 2019 and October1, 2018, AirFrance – KLM disbursed
respectively coupons of €25million and €38million, before tax,
relating to this instrument.
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Pension costs are recorded in the line “salary costs”, except for
plan amendments and curtailments with a significant impact,
which are recorded under “other non - current income and
expense”. Curtailments of pension plans due to restructuring are
also recorded under “other non - current income and expense”.
The plan amendments, curtailments and settlements in 2019 and
2018 are presented in Note29.3.
29.1 Characteristics of the main
defined benefit plans
The Group has a large number of retirement and other long - term
benefit plans for its employees, several of which are defined
benefit plans. The specific characteristics (benefit formulas,
funding policies and types of assets held) of the plans vary
according to the regulations and laws in the particular countries
in which the employees are located.
Pension plan related to KLM Ground Sta–
The Netherlands
The pension plan for Ground Sta in the KLM entity is a defined
benefit plan based on average salary with reversion to the spouse
on the beneficiary’s death. The retirement age as foreseen by the
plan is 68years.
Since September1, 2018, the Board of the pension fund has been
composed of members appointed by the employer, employees
and an external expert. The Board is fully responsible for the
execution of the plan. KLM can only control the financing
agreement between KLM and the pension fund.
To satisfy the requirements of Dutch regulations and the rules set
between the employer and the Board of the pension fund, the
plan imposes a mandatory funding level of approximately 125per
cent of the projected long - term obligation. The projection of
these commitments is calculated according to local funding rules.
The mandatory funding ratio is based on the new Financial
Assessment Framework (nFTK) in force since January1, 2015.
One impact of the nFTK is a requirement for higher minimum
solvency levels. On the other hand, pension funds have more time
to recover from immediate and material shortfalls through a
rolling ten - year recovery plan that also includes the projected
future return on investment.
Based on the criteria under Dutch Pension Law, as set by the
Dutch Central Bank, the funding ratio of the Ground Sta pension
fund is 108.2per cent as of December31, 2019 versus 116.6per
cent as of December31, 2018.
If the coverage ratio is under the funding ratio detailed above,
the pension funds are required to implement a recovery plan that
aims for compliance with the 125per cent threshold within ten
years and includes projected future returns on investment. As a
(in € millions) Retirement benefits
Amount as of December31, 2017 2,202
Of which: non - current 2,202
New provision 137
Use of provision (190)
Fair value revaluation (55)
Currency translation adjustment 1
Amount as of December31, 2018 2,098
Of which: non - current 2,098
New provision 143
Use of provision (124)
Fair value revaluation 125
Currency translation adjustment 11
Amount as of December31, 2019 2,253
Of which: non - current 2,253
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consequence, the recovery plan for the Ground Sta plan was
updated as of April1, 2019. If the threshold is not reached within
ten years, additional contributions are payable by the company
and the employee (transitional period of 12years as of 2015).
The amount of regular and additional employer contributions is
not limited. Any additional employee contributions are limited to
two per cent of the pensionable contribution basis.
A reduction in contributions is possible if the pension indexation
is fully funded. Furthermore, according to Dutch Pension Law,
this reduction is not limited and can be realized either by a
reimbursement in contributions, or a reduction in future
contributions. Since 2015, the new Dutch fiscal rules have
foreseen a maximum pensionable salary of €107,593 as of
January1, 2019, and a lower future accrual rate for pensions.
The return on plan assets, the discount rate used to value the
obligations and the longevity and characteristics of the active
population are the main factors potentially impacting both the
coverage ratio and the level of the regular contribution for future
pension accrual. The regular contribution for the yearly pension
accrual is limited to 22per cent of the pension base.
The funds, fully dedicated to the KLM Group companies, are
mainly invested in bonds, equities and real estate. The management
of most of the assets is outsourced to a private institution, under
a service contract.
The required funding of this pension plan also includes a buer
against the following risks: interest rate risks, equity risks,
currency risks, credit risks, actuarial risks and real estate risks. For
example, to reduce the sensitivity to a decline in interest rates, a
substantial part of the sensitivity to an interest rate shock on all
maturities is covered by an interest hedge.
Pension plan related to KLM Flight Deck crew
and Cabin crew–The Netherlands
In 2017, the pension plans for KLM Cockpit crew and Cabin crew
in the Netherlands were modified to collective defined contribution
schemes. The modification of these two plans finalized the
“de - risking” of the pension plans thereby significantly reducing
the volatility of the Group’s annual pension contributions and
balance sheet.
Air France pension plan (CRAF)–France
The employees covered by this plan are the Air France ground
sta aliated to the CRAF until December31, 1992.
The participants receive, or will receive on retirement, an
additional pension paid monthly or a lump sum based on the
monthly annuity and definitively calculated based on the data
known as of December31, 1992 and expressed in the form of
points. The value of each point is adjusted every year based on
the weighted increases seen in the CNAV and ARRCO schemes
over the last twelve months.
Until 2009, the CRAF had the legal form of a supplementary
pension institution (pursuant to the “Code de Sécurité Sociale”).
With this status, the CRAF was responsible, on behalf of the Air
France ground sta employed in France, for managing the
pension plan resulting from the merging of the Air France ground
sta plan with the mandatory pension plan for the private sector.
Following the 2003 law on pension reform foreseeing the
disappearance of supplementary pension institutions as of
December31, 2009, the CRAF’s Board of Directors opted to
transform it into an institution managing supplementary pensions.
The CRAF is now responsible for the administrative functions
linked to the plan.
The pension rights were not amended by this reform. Air France
is directly responsible for the pension obligations.
As of December31, 2009, all the funds managed by the CRAF
had been transferred to two insurance companies.
On December 31, 2012, one of the insurance contracts was
terminated and its funds were transferred to the other, which thus
became the only insurer. This guarantees a capital of 17per cent
equal to the amount of capital invested in units of account in its
collective fund, this percentage being automatically set to increase
over time.
The annual payments made by Air France to the insurance
company are governed by the agreement signed with the
employee representative bodies on December 14, 2009. The
minimum annual payment defined by this agreement amounts
to €32.5million as long as the life annuity guaranteed by the
insurer does not reach 85per cent of the benefits payments for
this plan without future revaluations. If the value of the funds falls
below 50per cent of the total obligations calculated for funding
purposes, Air France is required to make an additional payment
to achieve a minimum 50per cent coverage rate.
The funds are invested in bonds, equities and general assets of
the insurance company. Studies of assets/liabilities allocation are
carried out regularly, to verify the relevance of the investment
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Air France end of service benefit plan (ICS)–France
Pursuant to French regulations and the company agreements,
every employee receives an end of service indemnity on retirement.
In France, this indemnity depends on the number of years of
service, the professional category of the employee (flight deck
crew, cabin crew, ground sta, agent, technician and executive)
and, in some cases, on the age of the employee at retirement.
On retirement, employees consequently receive an end of service
indemnity based on their final salaries over the last twelve - months
and on their seniority. The indemnity is only payable to employees
on their retirement date.
There is no mandatory minimum funding requirement for this
scheme. Air France has nevertheless signed contracts with three
insurance companies to partly pre - finance the plan. Air France
has sole responsibility for payment of the indemnities, but
remains free to make payments to these insurance companies.
The relevant outsourced funds are invested in bonds and equities.
As of December31, 2019, the KLM Ground Sta pension plan and
the two French plans presented above represented a respective
72 per cent and 18 per cent of the Group’s defined benefit
obligation and 88per cent and 5per cent of the Group’s pension
plan assets.
29.2 Description of the actuarial
assumptions and related
Actuarial valuations of the Group’s benefit obligation were made
as of December31, 2019 and 2018.
These calculations include:
assumptions on sta turnover and the life expectancy of the
plan beneficiaries;
assumptions on salary and pension increases;
assumptions on retirement ages varying from 55to 68years
depending on the localization and applicable laws;
inflation rates determined with reference to the inflation swaps
applied to the Group’s cash - flows and based on the duration
of the schemes:
As of December 31 2019 2018
Euro zone–Duration 10to 15years 1.30% 1.60%
Euro zone–Duration 15years
and beyond 1.40% 1.75%
Discount rates used to determine the actuarial present value
of the projected benefit obligations.
The discount rates for the dierent geographical areas are
thus determined based on the duration of each plan, taking
into account the average trend in interest rates on investment
grade bonds, observed on the main available indices. In some
countries, where the market in this type of bond is not
suciently broad, the discount rate is determined with
reference to government bonds. Most of the Group’s benefit
obligations are located in the Euro zone, where the discount
rates used are as follows:
As of December31 2019 2018
Euro zone–Duration 10to 15years 0.70% 1.45%
to 0.75%
Euro zone–Duration 15years
and beyond 1.15% 1.85%
The duration of between 10 and 15years mainly concerns the
plans located in France while the duration of 15years and
beyond mainly concerns the KLM Ground Sta plan located
in The Netherlands;
Discount rates used to determine the actuarial present value
of the service cost.
Since January1, 2016, by using adequate flows, the Group has
refined its calculations on the discount rate used for the
service - cost calculation. In the Euro zone, this implies using a
discount rate for the service - cost calculation 15bps higher than
the one used to discount the obligation;
On average, the main assumptions used to value the liabilities
are summarized below:
The rate of salary increase (excluding inflation) is 1.63per cent
for the Group as of December31, 2019 against 1.18per cent as
of December31, 2018;
The rate of pension increase (excluding inflation) is 0.85per
cent for the Group as of December31, 2019 against 1.14per
cent as of December31, 2018;
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The sensitivity of the pension obligations to a change in assumptions, based on actuarial calculations, is as follows:
Sensitivity to changes in the inflation rate
Sensitivity of the Sensitivity of the
assumptions for assumptions for
the year ended the year ended
(in € millions) December31, 2019 December31, 2018
25bp increase in the inflation rate 277 240
25bp decrease in the inflation rate (266) (230)
Sensitivity to changes in the discount rate
Sensitivity of the Sensitivity of the
assumptions for assumptions for
the year ended the year ended
(in € millions) December31, 2019 December31, 2018
100bp increase in the discount rate (2,120) (1,754)
100bp decrease in the discount rate 2,803 2,284
Sensitivity to changes in salary increase (excluding inflation)
Sensitivity of the Sensitivity of the
assumptions for assumptions for
the year ended the year ended
(in € millions) December31, 2019 December31, 2018
25bp increase in the salary increase rate 80 67
25bp decrease in the salary increase rate (74) (63)
Sensitivity to changes in pension increase
Sensitivity of the Sensitivity of the
assumptions for assumptions for
the year ended the year ended
(in € millions) December31, 2019 December31, 2018
25bp increase in the pension increase rate 536 439
25bp decrease in the pension increase rate (534) (336)
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29.3 Evolution of commitments
The following table details the reconciliation between the benefits obligation and the plan assets of the Group and the amounts
recorded in the financial statements for the years ended December31, 2019 and December31, 2018.
As of December31, 2019 As of December31, 2018
(in € millions) Netherlands France Others Netherlands France Others
Benefit obligation at beginning of year 8,364 2,234 833 8,346 2,277 889
Service cost 154 71 14 120 70 13
Interest cost 152 31 24 155 28 22
Employees’ contribution 32 - 1 64 - 1
Plan amendments and curtailment 2 4 (3) - 5 6
Benefits paid (192) (115) (39) (256) (101) (38)
Transfers of assets/liability through balance sheet - - 18 17 - 3
Actuarial loss/(gain) demographic assumptions (1) (47) (12) (100) 3 (17)
Actuarial loss/(gain) financial assumptions 1,013 187 98 54 (41) (29)
Actuarial loss/(gain) experience gap 46 39 (19) (37) (7) (11)
Change in currency exchange rates - - 41 1 - (6)
Benefit obligation at end of year 9,570 2,404 956 8,364 2,234 833
Including benefit obligation resulting
from schemes totally or partly funded 9,339 2,301 896 8,152 2,148 763
Including unfunded benefit obligation 231 103 60 212 86 70
Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year 8,483 589 592 8,667 650 583
Actual return on plan assets 1,319 58 95 (161) (32) 2
Employers’ contributions 76 33 16 84 33 17
Employees’ contributions 32 - 1 64 - 1
Benefits paid (157) (57) (32) (171) (61) (29)
Transfers of assets/liability through balance sheet - - 18 - - 24
Change in currency exchange rates and others 2 (2) 31 - (1) (6)
Fair value of plan assets at end of year 9,755 621 721 8,483 589 592
Amounts recorded in the balance sheet
Pension asset 418 - 2 330 - 1
Provision for retirement benefits (233) (1,783) (237) (211) (1,645) (242)
Net amount recognized 185 (1,783) (235) 119 (1,645) (241)
Net periodic cost:
Service cost 154 71 14 120 70 13
Net interest cost/(income) (5) 23 6 (10) 20 7
Plan amendments, curtailment and settlement 2 4 (3) - 5 6
Actuarial losses/ (gain) recognized in income statement 14 2 (1) 3 - (1)
Net periodic cost 165 100 16 113 95 25
(1) All the obligations are recorded as non - current liabilities, except for the pension plans for which the balance is a net asset and therefore fully recorded as a
non - current asset.
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The equity portion is mainly invested in active markets in Europe,
the United States and emerging countries. The bonds primarily
comprise government bonds, rated at least BBB, and invested in
Europe, the United States and emerging countries. The real estate
assets are mainly located in Europe and the United States.
The Group’s pension assets do not include assets occupied or
used by the Group.
29.5 Expected cash - out flows
and risks linked to the
pension obligations
The employer contributions relating to the defined benefit
pension plans amount to € 134 million for the year ended
December 31, 2020. The weighted average duration of the
obligation is 18.4years.
The funding, capitalization and matching strategies implemented
by the Group are presented in Note29.1.
As indicated above, the fiscal rules for accruing pensions and the
new Financial Assessment Framework, as part of the Dutch
pension law, in The Netherlands changed as of January1, 2015.
Amongst other things, this resulted in a requirement for higher
minimum solvency levels. For the Group, the risk could be that,
in the event of a long term shortfall of KLM ground sta, based
on existing or future financing agreements, KLM could be
required to make additional cash payments (the actual funding
ratios are presented in Note29.1).
For 2020, this additional payment risk concerning the KLM
Ground Sta pension plan is mitigated by the solvency levels and
the rolling ten year recovery plan noted since December31, 2019.
29.4 Asset allocation
The weighted average allocation of the funds invested in the Group’s pension and other long - term benefit plans is as follows:
Funds invested as Funds invested as
of December31, 2019 of December31, 2018
The The
(in %) France Netherlands France Netherlands
Equities 26 40 31 38
Bonds 51 50 46 52
Real estate - 10 - 10
Others 23 - 23 -
Total 100 100 100 100
Amendments, curtailment and settlement
of pension plans
As of December31, 2019
ICS benefits have been increased for the Air France cockpit crew
as part of a retirement at the minimum age of 60, if providing an
advanced notice of at least 12months.
In this case, the cockpit crew member is entitled to the determined
ICS compensation. In this respect, an exceptional expense of 11M€
has been recorded.
A curtailment of the ICS pension plan at Air France is made,
amounting to a profit of 7 M€, within the framework of the
Voluntary Departure Plan for ground sta.
As of December31, 2018
In 2018, in the Lloyds Bank case, the UK High Court ruled that UK
pension schemes must equalize Guaranteed Minimum Pension
(GMP) between men and women. The Group has two UK-based
pension schemes for which the best estimate calculation has
been performed by external actuaries. The 2018 one - o expense
is a €5million increase of the Defined Benefit Obligation.
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The movements in provisions for litigation and other risks and
charges with an impact on the income statement are charged to
the lines of the income statement corresponding to the nature of
the expenses.
30.1 Provisions
30.1.1 Return obligation liability and
provision on leased aircraft
The movements in return obligation liabilities and provisions
(revaluation of future costs and change in discount rate) are
booked in the components corresponding to the potential and
restoration work performed on leased aircraft and recorded in
the right - of - use assets. The eects of accretion and foreign
exchange translation of return obligation liabilities and provisions
recorded in local currencies are recognized in “Other financial
income and expenses” (see Note12).
The discount rate used to calculate these restitution liabilities and
provisions relating to leased aircraft, determined on the basis of
a short - term risk - free rate increased by a spread on risky debt
(used for companies with high financial leverage), is 4.5per cent
as of December31, 2019 versus 6.0per cent as of December31, 2018.
30.1.2 Restructuring provisions
The movements in restructuring provisions with a significant
impact on the income statement are charged to “Other
non - current income and expenses” (see Note11).
As of December312019 and 2018, the restructuring provisions
mainly concern the Voluntary Departure Plans at Air France and
its regional subsidiaries, and at KLM and Martinair.
Return obligation Maintenance
liability on on leased
(in € millions) leased aircraft aircraft Restructuring Litigation Others Total
Amount as of December31, 2018 restated
2,902 389 159 406 106 3,962
Of which:
— non - current 2,851 391 - 383 82 3,707
— current 51 (2) 159 23 24 255
New provision - 29 34 26 24 113
Use of provision (44) (15) (140) (33) (30) (262)
Reversal of unnecessary provisions - - (5) (6) (1) (12)
New lease contract/Change in lease contract 85 1 - - - 86
Currency translation adjustment 112 17 - - - 129
Accretion impact 132 14 - - 6 152
Reclassification - - - - (6) (6)
Amount as of December31, 2018 restated
3,188 434 48 393 99 4,162
Of which:
— non - current 3,119 425 - 47 65 3,657
— current 69 8 48 346 34 505
New provision - 15 49 32 61 157
Use of provision (5) (10) (30) (9) (41) (95)
Reversal of unnecessary provisions - - (4) (5) - (9)
New lease contract/Change in lease contract (121) 19 - - - (102)
Currency translation adjustment 48 (6) - - - 42
Accretion impact 186 24 - - 2 212
Reclassification 80 10 - 1 6 97
Amount as of December31, 2019 3,376 486 63 412 127 4,464
Of which:
— non - current 3,209 410 - 59 72 3,750
— current 167 76 63 353 55 714
(1) See Note2. in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
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30.1.3 Litigation
An assessment of litigation risks with third parties has been
carried out with the Group’s attorneys and provisions have been
recorded whenever circumstances require.
Provisions for litigation with third parties also include provisions
for tax risks. Such provisions are set up when the Group considers
that the tax authorities, within the framework of tax audits, could
reasonably challenge a tax position adopted by the Group or one
of its subsidiaries.
In the normal course of its activities, the AirFrance – KLM Group,
its subsidiaries Air France and KLM and their subsidiaries are
involved in litigation cases, some of which may be significant.
30.1.4 Litigation concerning anti - trust
laws in the air - freight industry
Air France, KLM and Martinair, a wholly - owned subsidiary of KLM
since January1, 2009, have been involved, since February2006,
with up to twenty - five other airlines in investigations initiated by
the antitrust authorities in several countries, with respect to
allegations of anti - competitive agreements or concerted actions
in the air freight industry.
As of December31, 2019, most of these investigations had been
terminated following the entry into plea agreements between Air
France, KLM and Martinair and the appropriate competition
authorities providing for the payment of settlement amounts or
fines, with the exception of the proceedings initiated by the
European Commission, and by the Swiss antitrust authority,
which are still pending.
In Europe, the decision of the European Commission of 2010
against eleven air cargo carriers, including the companies of the
Group, Air France, KLM and Martinair, was annulled by the
General Court of the European Union on December 16, 2015
because it contained a contradiction regarding the exact scope
of the practices sanctioned. On March17, 2017, the European
Commission issued a new decision against the aforementioned
cargo carriers, including Air France, KLM and Martinair. The total
amount of fines imposed in respect of this decision at the
AirFrance – KLM Group level was €339million. This amount was
slightly reduced by €15.4 million as compared to the initial
decision owing to a lower fine for Martinair due to technical
reasons. On May29 and 30, 2017 the Group companies filed an
appeal against this decision before the General Court of the
European Union. The Group has maintained a provision covering
the total amount of these fines.
In Switzerland, Air France and KLM are challenging a decision
imposing a €4million fine before the relevant court. The Group
has provisioned the totality of this fine.
As of December 31, 2019, the total amount of provisions in
connection with proceedings which have yet to give rise to
definitive decisions amounts to €343million.
30.1.5 Other provisions
Other provisions relate principally to provisions for onerous
contracts, provisions for the portion ofCO
emissions not covered
by the free allocation of quotas and provisions for the dismantling
of buildings.
30.2 Contingent liabilities
The Group is involved in several governmental, judicial and
arbitration procedures for which in most cases provisions have
not been recorded in the financial statements in accordance with
the applicable accounting rules. Indeed, with respect to most
cases the Group is not in a position at this stage in these
procedures to give a reliable estimate of the potential loss that
would be incurred in connection with these disputes.
30.2.1 Litigations concerning anti - trust
laws in the air - freight industry
Following the initiation of various investigations by the
competition authorities in 2006 and the European Commission
decision in 2010, several collective and individual actions were
brought by forwarders and air - freight shippers in the civil courts
against Air France, KLM and Martinair, and other cargo operators,
in a number of jurisdictions.
Under these civil lawsuits, shippers and freight forwarders are
claiming for damages to compensate alleged higher prices due
to alleged competition law infringement.
Although significant amounts have been reported by the media,
plaintis are mostly claiming for unspecified and/or insuciently
substantiated damages against defendants taken as a whole (and
not individually) and the EU decision to which the plaintis refer
to is still not definitive.
The Group companies and the other airlines involved in these
lawsuits continue to vigorously oppose all such civil claims. For
Air France, KLM and Martinair the main civil claims still pending
are those in the Netherlands and in Norway.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
As of December31
2019 2018
Non Non
(in € millions) current Current Total current Current Total
Perpetual subordinated loan in Yen 164 - 164 239 - 239
Perpetual subordinated loan in Swiss francs 345 - 345 333 - 333
OCEANE (convertible bonds) 454 - 454 - - -
Bonds 1,128 - 1,128 1,131 - 1,131
Debt on financial lease with bargain option 2,938 547 3,485 2,907 640 3,547
Other debt 1,242 252 1,494 1,123 140 1,263
Accrued interest - 43 43 - 46 46
Total–Financial debt 6,271 842 7,113 5,733 826 6,559
30.2.2 Litigations concerning anti - trust
laws in the passenger sector
A civil class action was reinitiated in 2013 by claimants in Ontario
against seven airlines including Air France and KLM. The plaintis
allege that the defendants participated in a conspiracy in the
passenger air transport service from Canada on the cross-Atlantic
routes, for which they are claiming damages. Air France and KLM
strongly deny any participation in such a conspiracy.
30.2.3 Other litigations
Rio-Paris AF447 flight
Following to the crash in the South Atlantic ocean of the Rio-Paris
AF447 flight, a number of legal actions for damages have been
brought by heirs of the victims in the United States and Brazil
and, more recently, in France.
Damages to heirs of the victims are covered by third - party
liability insurance subscribed by Air France.
In 2011, Air France and Airbus were indicted as legal entities for
unintentional manslaughter and therefore are exposed to
applicable fines under the French criminal code. Air France is
challenging its implication in this criminal case.
US Department of Justice investigation related
to United States Postal Service
In March2016, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) informed Air
France and KLM of a civil inquiry regarding contracts with the
United States Postal Service for the international transportation
of mail by air. In September2016, a Civil Information Demand
from the DOJ has been received seeking certain information
relating to these contracts. The DOJ has indicated it is
investigating potential violations of the False Claims Act. Air
France and KLM are cooperating with the DOJ investigation.
Case brought against KLM by (former) Martinair Cargo pilots
In 2015, a case was brought against KLM by 152 (former) Martinair
airline pilots on the basis that the cargo department of Martinair
was transferred to KLM and that all former cockpit crew are
entitled to remuneration from KLM, taking into account the
Martinair seniority. The lower Court in 2016 and the Court of
appeal in 2018 rejected all claims made against KLM. The
Martinair airline pilots appealed the 2018 judgment. In
November2019, the Supreme Court ruled that the judgement of
the court of appeal lacked sucient motivation and referred the
case to another Court of appeal. This Court will have to
reconsider certain arguments that were brought forward by the
airline pilots.
Except for the matters specified under the paragraphs 30.1 and
30.2, the Group is not aware of any governmental, judicial or
arbitration dispute or proceedings (including any proceedings of
which the issuer is aware, or that are pending or threatened
against it) that could have a significant impact on the Group’s
financial position, earnings, assets, liabilities or profitability, for a
period covering at least the past twelve months.
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31.1 Perpetual subordinated debt
31.1.1 KLM Perpetual subordinated debt
in Japanese Yen
The perpetual subordinated loan in Japanese Yen was provided
to KLM in 1999 for a principal amount of JPY 30billion. The total
amount outstanding is JPY 20 billion, i.e. €164 million as of
December31, 2019.
As per August 28, 2019 KLM has partially redeemed JPY
10billion, leaving the residual outstanding principal amount to
JPY 20billion. As from this date, the fixed JPY interest was reset
to 4% per annum applicable on residual notional amount.
This perpetual loan can be redeemed at KLM’s discretion on each
fifth anniversary of the first interest payment date, August28,
1999. The next repayment option date at Par is therefore set on
August28, 2024. Note that an indemnity is due if the JPY loan is
redeemed in another currency than JPY.
This loan debt is subordinated to all other existing and future
debt at KLM.
31.1.2 KLM Perpetual subordinated
debt in Swiss francs
The perpetual subordinated bond debt in Swiss francs was issued by
KLM in two tranches, one in 1985 and one in 1986. The initial nominal
amount for these two perpetual bonds combined was CHF 500 million.
Over the years, KLM has proceed several partial buy back transactions
to partially redeem debt. The total amount now outstanding is
CHF 375million, i.e. €345million as of December31, 2019.
Concerning the perpetual bond debt issued in 1985, KLM is entitled
to early redeem at par the outstanding residual amount on each
tenth anniversary of the interest payment date. The next “call
date” is February12, 2025. The coupon reset date is fully aligned
with the above mentioned frequency. If not called, the next
coupon reset date is set on February 12, 2025. The current
outstanding coupon is 0.75% per annum.
Concerning the perpetual bond debt issued in 1986, KLM is entitled
to early redeem at Par the outstanding residual amount on each
fifth anniversary of the interest payment date. The next “call date”
is May15, 2021. The call price amount in 2001 was 101.75per cent of
the notional face value, and thereafter with a premium declining
by 0.25per cent on each fifth anniversary of the interest payment
date. Therefore from May15, 2036, the call price amount will be
set at Par. The fixed interest coupon is 5.75% per annum.
Change in financial debt
New Non Reimbur- Currency
December31, financial monetary sement of translation December
(in € millions) 2018 debt change financial debt adjustment Other 31, 2019
Perpetual subordinated loan 572 - - (83) 20 - 509
OCEANE - 446 8 - - - 454
Bonds 1,131 - (1) - (2) - 1,128
Debt on financial lease
with bargain option 3,547 566 6 (619) 25 (40) 3,485
Other long - term debt 1,263 629 3 (454) 2 89 1,494
Accrued interest 46 - 13 - - (16) 43
Total 6,559 1,641 29 (1,156) 45 33 7,113
New Non Reimbur- Currency
December31, financial monetary sement of translation December
(in € millions) 2017 debt change financial debt adjustment Other 31, 2018
Perpetual subordinated loan 544 - - - 27 1 572
Bonds 1,628 1 - (500) 16 (14) 1,131
Debt on financial lease
with bargain option 3,778 426 4 (735) 74 - 3,547
Other long - term debt 1,272 140 4 (165) 3 9 1,263
Accrued interest 75 - - - - (29) 46
Total 7,297 567 8 (1,400) 120 (33) 6,559
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Mortgage debt is a debt secured by a mortgage on an aircraft.
The mortgage is filed with the national Civil Aviation Authority
(the DGAC in France) in order to be publicly available to third
parties. A mortgage grants to the mortgage a right to enforce
the security (by order of a judge), the sale of the asset and a
priority claim on the sale proceeds in line with the amount of the
loan, the balance reverting to the other creditors.
Other debt mainly corresponds to bank borrowings. This also
includes €20million related to issuance expenses on financial
31.4 Other debt
Other debt breaks down as follows:
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Reservation of ownership clause and mortgage debt 1,072 646
Other debt 422 617
Total 1,494 1,263
On March20, 2019, AirFrance – KLM issued 27,901,785bonds
convertible and/or exchangeable for new or existing AirFrance –
KLM shares (OCEANE) with a maturity date fixed at March25,
2026 for a total nominal amount of €500million. Each bond has
a nominal value of €17.92. The annual coupon amounts to
0.125per cent. The conversion period of these bonds runs from
May4, 2019 to the seventh working day preceding the normal or
early reimbursement date. The conversion ratio is one share for
one bond.
Repayment at par, plus accrued interest, will be possible on
March25, 2024 at the request of the bond holders. AirFrance – KLM
can enforce the cash reimbursement of these bonds by exercising
a call option running from April15, 2022 if the share price exceeds
130per cent of the nominal, i.e. €23.29, encouraging OCEANE
bond holders to convert their bonds into AirFrance – KLM shares.
Upon issue of these convertible bonds, AirFrance – KLM recorded
a debt of €446million, corresponding to the present value of
future payments of interest and nominal discounted at the rate
of a similar bond without a conversion option. The option value,
calculated by deducting this debt value from the total nominal
amount of the issue (i.e. €500million), was recorded in equity.
As of December31, 2019, the debt value amount to €454million.
31.2 Bonds
Issuing issued Maturity Reimbursement
Bond date (inmillions) date date Coupon
Bond issued in 2014 4June2014 € 600 18June2021 - 3.875%
€ Bond issued in 2016 5Oct. 2016 € 400 5Oct. 2022 - 3.75%
$ Bond issued in 2016
12Dec. 2016 $ 145 15Dec. 2026 - 4.35%
(1) Bonds issued to Asian institutional investors via an unlisted private placement.
The bond debt is subordinated to all other existing and future
KLM debts.
The two CHF perpetual bond debts are ranked “pari passu” with
the JPY perpetual loan debt.
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As of December31, 2019, the Group holds undrawn credit lines
amounting to €1,765 million. The two undrawn revolving
credit lines facilities amount for respectively €1,100million for
Air France – KLM holding company and Air France, and
€665million for KLM standalone.
After having exercised a first extension option in November2018,
AirFrance – KLM and Air France exercised their second extension
option on their joint revolving credit facility in November2019.
Following this exercise, the two tranches of the revolving credit
facility, amounting respectively to €550million and €550million,
have now same duration and maturity date in November2022.
31.6 Currency analysis
The breakdown of financial debt by currency after impact of derivative instruments is as follows:
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Euro 5,247 4,820
US Dollar 691 541
Swiss franc 355 341
Yen 820 857
Total 7,113 6,559
31.7 Credit lines
As of December31, 2019, the expected financial costs amount to
€128million for the 2020 financial year, €369million for the 2021
to 2024 financial years, and €291million thereafter.
As of December 31, 2019, it has been considered that the
perpetual subordinated loan would be reimbursed according to
their most probable maturities (probable exercise date of the
issuer call).
The bonds issued in 2014 and 2016 will be reimbursed on their
contractual maturity date (see Note31.2).
31.5 Maturity analysis
The financial debt maturities break down as follows:
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Maturities in
Y+1 970 1,077
Y+2 1,456 897
Y+3 1,071 1,548
Y+4 570 683
Y+5 964 828
Over 5years 2,870 2,335
Total 7,901 7,368
—principal 7,113 6,559
— interest 788 809
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Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2019 2018
As of December31 Non Non
(in € millions) current Current Total current Current Total
Lease debt–aircraft 2,338 789 3,127 2,657 821 3,478
Lease debt–real estate 618 107 725 654 119 773
Lease debt–other 193 56 249 234 30 264
Accrued interest - 19 19 1 19 20
Total–Lease debt 3,149 971 4,120 3,546 989 4,535
Change in lease debt
New contracts Currency
December31, and renewals Reimbur- translation December31,
(in € millions) 2018 of contracts sement adjustment Others 2019
Lease debt–aircraft 3,478 435 (807) 24 (3) 3,127
Lease debt–real estate 773 88 (141) - 5 725
Lease debt–others 264 66 (60) 2 (23) 249
Interests 20 - - - (1) 19
Total 4,535 589 (1,008) 26 (22) 4,120
New contracts Currency
December31, and renewals Reimbur- translation December31,
(in € millions) 2017 of contracts sement adjustment Others 2018
Lease debt–aircraft 3,993 129 (781) 146 (9) 3,478
Lease debt–real estate 674 251 (136) - (16) 773
Lease debt–others 266 59 (55) 9 (15) 264
Interests - - - 1 19 20
Total 4,933 439 (972) 156 (21) 4,535
These revolving credit facility lines are subject to financial
covenants calculated based on the Air France – KLM Group’s
consolidated financial statements. These financial covenants
were respected as of December31, 2019.
On May 17, 2018, KLM signed a €665 million revolving credit
facility with twelve banks. This new credit facility holds a five - year
tenor, with two one - year extension options. In 2019, the first
one - year extension was granted extending the revolving credit
facility maturity date to May 17, 2024. The financial covenant
ratios are calculated based on the KLM Group’s consolidated
financial statements, and are respected as of December31, 2019.
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The lease debt maturity breaks down as follows:
As of As of
December31, December31,
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Y+1 1,231 1,236
Y+2 1,058 1,090
Y+3 868 921
Y+4 631 744
Y+5 391 490
Over 5years 1,025 1,124
Total 5,204 5,605
—principal 4,120 4,535
—interest 1,084 1,070
As of December31,
(in € millions) Note 2019 2018
Current and non - current financial debt 31 7,113 6,559
Current and non - current lease debt 32 4,120 4,535
Accrued interest 31 and 32 (62) (67)
Deposits related to financial debt 23 (227) (343)
Deposits related to lease debt 23 (91) (85)
Derivatives impact on debt 4 7
Gross financial debt (I) 10,857 10,606
Cash and cash equivalents 27 3,715 3,585
Marketable securities
23 111 74
Cash secured
23 300 265
Triple A bonds
23 585 522
Other 3 1
Bank overdrafts 27 (4) (5)
Net cash (II) 4,710 4,442
Net debt (I-II) 6,147 6,164
(1) Included in “other financial assets”.
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Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
As of December31,
(in € millions) Note 2019 restated
Opening net debt 6,164 6,359
Operating free cash, cash - flow excluding discontinued activities (623) (1,087)
Perpetual 28.4 - 197
Coupons paid on perpetual paid 28.4 26 38
Disposal of subsidiaries, of shares in non - controlled entities (13) (6)
Acquisition of subsidiaries, of shares in non - controlled entities 1 9
New lease debts (new and renewed contracts) 32 589 439
Unrealized exchange gains and losses on lease financial debts through OCI 13 121
Currency translation adjustment 48 66
Capital increase 31.3 (54) -
Amortization of OCEANE optional part 8 -
Reclassification (5) 3
Other (7) 25
Closing net debt 6,147 6,164
(1) See Note2 in notes to the consolidated financial statements.
Within Air-France-KLM, there are two loyalty programs: “Flying Blue” and BlueBiz.
As of December31, 2019 the deferred revenues relating to the outstanding miles of the “Flying Blue” customer loyalty program
amounts €774million. This will be recognized as revenue once the miles are redeemed. The Group expects that 53per cent of the
miles will be recognized as revenue over the next five years.
The breakdown of the “Flying Blue” program is as follows:
“Flying Blue”–Deferred revenues
(in € millions) 2019 2018
As of January1 763 747
Accumulation 319 302
Redemption (308) (286)
As of December31 774 763
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36.1 Risk management
Market risk management
The aim of the AirFrance – KLM Group’s risk management strategy
is to reduce its exposure to such risks. Market risk coordination
and management is the responsibility of the Risk Management
Committee (RMC) which is composed of the Chief Financial Ocer
and Senior Vice-President Financial Operations of AirFrance – KLM
and the Chief Financial Ocers of Air France and of KLM.
The RMC meets each quarter to review Group reporting of the
risks relating to the fuel price, the principal currency exchange
rates and counterparties. During these meetings, it decides on
the hedging to be implemented: targets for hedging ratios, the
time periods for the respect of these targets and the types of
hedging instrument to be prioritized. The decisions taken by the
RMC are formalized then implemented by the Treasury
Management departments within each company, in compliance
with the procedures governing the delegation of powers.
Each company centralizes the management of the market risks
of its subsidiaries.
Regular meetings are organized between the Treasury
Management departments of the two companies on the hedging
instruments used, strategies planned and counterparties.
In order to implement the strategy most appropriate to each
circumstance, any type of instrument may be used provided it
qualifies as hedging within IFRS. Any exception to this rule must
be approved by the Risk Management Committee. As a general
rule, no trading or speculation is allowed.
The treasury management departments of each company
circulate weekly information on the level of cash and cash
equivalents to their respective General Managements. The level
of the Group’s consolidated cash is communicated every week
and the end on the month to the Group’s General Management.
Every month, a detailed report including, amongst other information,
the interest rate and currency positions, the portfolio of hedging
instruments, a summary of investments and financing by
currency and the monitoring of risk by counterparty is send to
the General Managements.
The hedging strategy on fuel and emission permits is fully under
the responsibility of the Treasury Management departments. The
General Managements receive a weekly fuel report, mainly
covering the transactions carried out during the week, the
valuation of the positions, the percentages hedged as well as the
breakdown of the instruments and underlying used, the average
hedge levels and the resulting net prices. All this data covers
rolling 24months. Furthermore, a weekly AirFrance – KLM Group
report (known as the Fuel Hedge report) consolidates the figures
from the two companies relating to fuel hedging and carries out
a budget update.
As of December31,
2019 2018 restated
(in € millions) Current Non - current Current Non - current
Tax liabilities 892 - 825 -
Employee - related liabilities 1,033 - 1,059 -
Non - current asset payables 96 - 93 -
Derivative instruments 154 107 329 339
Deferred income 739 17 632 18
Prepayments received 469 1 434 -
Other 220 98 194 102
Total 3,602 222 3,566 459
Non - current deferred income mainly relates to long - term contracts in the maintenance business.
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Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Fuel price risk
The fuel bill is one of the largest cost items for airlines making oil
price volatility a risk for the air transport industry. A sharp increase
in the oil price can have a very material negative impact on the
profitability of airlines, particularly if the economic environment
does not enable them to adjust their pricing strategies. Similarly,
a sharp decline in fuel prices is favorable for airline profitability.
However, the way in which airlines pass on a sharp fall in the fuel
price in their fares is a factor of significant uncertainty.
Risks linked to the jet fuel price are hedged within the framework
of a hedging strategy defined by the RMC for the whole of the
AirFrance – KLM Group.
The hedging strategy, approved by the Board of Directors, sets
the time span of the hedges at two years (a rolling 24months)
and the target hedging ratio at 60per cent. Furthermore, the
hedging is based on the use of simple futures or option - based
instruments. These hedging instruments must also be compatible
with IFRS9.
With the application of IFRS9 as of January1, 2018, the hedging
strategy of the Group has evolved and involves now component
on non - financial item (crude oil and gasoil oil are specified as
components of jet fuel prices). These components are considered
as separately identifiable and reliably measurable as required by
Main characteristics of the hedge strategy
Hedge horizon: two years rolling
Minimum hedge percentage, to reach at the end
of the current quarter:
quarter underway: 60% of the volumes consumed;
quarter 1to quarter 3: 60% of the volumes consumed;
quarter 4: 50% of the volumes consumed;
quarter 5: 40% of the volumes consumed;
quarter 6: 30% of the volumes consumed;
quarter 7: 20% of the volumes consumed;
quarter 8: 10% of the volumes consumed.
Increment of coverage ratios: 10% by quarter
Underlyings: Brent, Gas Oil and Jet Fuel
Instruments: Swap, call, call spread, three ways, four ways and
Implementation of monitoring indicators on positions:
To ensure more eective monitoring of the marked - to - market
positions and a dynamic management of its exposure, the Group
uses the VAR (Value at Risk) metric to help measure the risk
incurred by its portfolio. This monitoring is also reinforced by
taking into account the maximum loss and maximum gain which
limit the scale of variation of this same portfolio and enable the
appropriate reaction.
Currency risk
Most of the AirFrance – KLM Group’s revenues are generated in
euros. However, because of its international activities, the Group
incurs a foreign exchange risk. The management of the currency
risk for the subsidiaries of the two companies is centralized by
each company. The principal exposure relates to the US dollar.
Since the expenditure on items such as fuel and components
exceeds the amount of revenues in dollars, the Group is a net
buyer of US dollars. As the result, any significant appreciation in
the dollar against the euro could result in a negative impact on
the Group’s activity and financial results.
Inversely AirFrance – KLM Group is a net seller of other currencies,
the level of revenues in these currencies exceeding its expenditure.
This exposure is far less significant than with the US dollar. As a
result, any significant decline in these currencies against the euro
would have a negative eect on the Group’s financial results.
The management of the Group’s exchange rate risk is carried out
on the basis of the forecast net exposure for each currency.
Currencies which are highly correlated to the US dollar are
aggregated with the US dollar exposure.
For each currency hedged, the time span of the hedging is a
rolling 24 - month period, the first four quarters having more
hedging than the following four. The RMC sets the hedging
targets for the dollar, sterling and the yen.
Air France uses some zero - cost structured options, as hedging
instruments. These generate volatility in the financial result
because on their non - aligned time value, unlike vanilla options
whose time value is aligned. Changes in aligned time values are
recorded in the consolidated statement of comprehensive
income in accordance with IFRS9.
Aircraft are purchased in US dollars, meaning that the Group is
exposed to an appreciation in the dollar relative to the euro in
terms of its investment in flight equipment.
The hedging strategy provides for the implementation of a
graduated level of hedging between the date aircraft are ordered
and their delivery.
The exchange rate risk on the Group’s financial debt is limited. At
December31, 2019, 74% of the Group’s debt, after taking into
account derivative instruments, was euro - denominated, thereby
significantly reducing the risk of currency fluctuation on the debt.
The exchange rate risk on debt denominated in other currencies
mostly concerns the Yen 11%, the US dollar 10% and the Swiss
franc 5%.
As of January1, 2018, the Group has applied IFRS16 meaning that
aircraft leases mostly denominated in US dollars, are accounted for
in the Group’s debt. These loans have been requalified as hedging
for the network’s future revenues in US dollars. Consequently, the
impact of foreign exchange dierences in US dollars is accounted
in other comprehensive income. For both Transavia and KLM
Cityhopper which have no US dollar revenues, hedging programs
specific to these commitments have been defined.
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Interest rate risk
A portion of the debt is contracted at floating rates. However, to
limit its volatility Air France and KLM have used option and swap
strategies involving the use of derivatives to convert a significant
proportion of their floating - rate debt into fixed rates; after swaps,
the Air France – KLM Group’s debt contracted at fixed rates
represents 71per cent of the overall total. The interest rate on the
Group’s gross debt after swaps stood at 2.54 per cent at
December31, 2019 versus 2.96per cent at December31, 2018.
Risks on carbon credit
To meet its regulatory obligations, the CO
emission quota
acquisition strategy has been monitored and reviewed during
every RMC meeting since October2011. Its implementation led
to the progressive hedging of the future requirement through the
use of forwards contracts meaning that the 2019 requirement and
a portion of the 2020 requirement are hedged.
Underlyings: EUA, EUAA and CER quotas.
Instruments: Forwards, delivery and payment during the quarter
preceding the compliance application date.
Investment risks
The cash resources of Air France, KLM and AirFrance – KLM are
currently invested over a short - term time horizon, primarily
deposits, money market mutual funds and certificates mainly
rated A1/P1, the other lines being rated A2/P2.
Lastly, in order to reduce the currency risk on the debt, a portion
of KLM’s liquid assets is invested in high - quality foreign - currency
denominated bonds.
Equity risks
The AirFrance – KLM Group holds a limited number of shares
which are listed for trading. The value of these investments may
vary during their period of ownership. These investments are
accounted for using either the equity method (associates) if the
Group has the ability to exercise significant influence, or at their
fair value. If the fair value cannot be determined from a practical
point of view, the value of the investment is measured at its
acquisition cost.
As of December31, 2019, the Group continues to own 4.95million
shares in Amadeus IT Holding SA, the totality of these shares
being covered by a hedging transaction. This hedge transaction
(collar) enables the Group to protect the value of these shares.
In November 2019, Air France – KLM rolled over a hedging
transaction in the form of a forward to protect the value of the
totality of these shares.
The treasury shares held by AirFrance – KLM are not deemed to
be investments. Furthermore, the treasury shares are not deemed
to be exposed to risk, since any variation in the value of these
shares is only recognized directly in equity when they are sold in
the market, with no impact on the net result.
Counterparty risk management
The rules concerning the management of counterparty risk are
established by the RMC and applied by the companies.
Except in the event of express dispensation from the RMC,
counterparties must benefit from a minimum rating of BBB+ (S&P)
with the exception of mutual funds where the risk is considered
negligible. The maximum commitments by counterparty are
determined based on the quality of their rating. The RMC also
monitors the trend in the respective proportion each counterparty
represents of the overall hedging portfolio (fuel, currency and
interest rate) and investments. The positions of both Air France
and KLM, together with those of the AirFrance – KLM parent
company, are taken into account in the assessment of the overall
exposure. A monthly report is established and circulated to the
members of the General Management in the two companies. It is
supplemented by real time information in the event of any real
risk of a rating downgrade for counterparties.
The transactions involving potential counterparty risk are as
financial investments;
derivative instruments;
trade receivables;
counterparty risk linked to financial investments and
derivative instruments is managed by the Risk Management
Committee which establishes limits by counterparty, for all
instruments except investments in money market funds
(OPCVM) for which the counterparty risk is deemed not
to be significant. The Group’s counterparty - risk reporting
is circulated each month to the executive managements,
the risk being measured at the fair market value of the
various instruments. Any exceeding of a limit immediately
results in the implementation of corrective measures,
the counterparty risk linked to derivative instruments is
taken into account in the valuation of their market value
as described in Note 4.11. Derivative instruments are
governed by the ISDA and FBF compensation master
agreements. Within the framework of these agreements,
compensation (in the event of default) must be made by
counterparty for all the derivatives governed by each type
of agreement,
counterparty risk relating to trade receivables is limited
due to the large number and geographical diversity of the
customers comprising the trade receivables portfolio.
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The Group has identified the following exposure to counterparty risk:
Total exposure (in € millions)
LT Rating (Standard & Poors) As of December31, 2019 As of December31, 2018
AAA 242 -
AA 393 135
A 2,280 2,429
BBB 16 17
Total 2,931 2,581
This presentation does not include money market funds (OPCVM) and current accounts.
Liquidity risk
The liquidity risk relates to the credit lines held by the Group, as described in Note31.7.
36.2 Derivative instruments
As of December31, 2019, the fair value of the Group’s derivative instruments and their expected maturities are as follows:
(in € millions) Total Y+1 Y+2 Y+3 Y+4 Y+5 > Y+5
Commodities derivative instruments Asset 75 55 20
Liability (100) (86) (14)
Interest rate derivative instruments Asset 16 - 9 5 2
Liability (49) (12) (8) (5) (4) (5) (15)
Currency exchange derivative instruments Asset 388 186 96 64 26 15
Liability (104) (51) (35) (3) (1) (3) (12)
Amadeus instrument Asset
Liability (4) (4)
Carbon credit derivative instruments Asset 17 17
Liability (4) (1) (3)
Total Asset 496 258 125 64 31 15 2
Liability (261) (154) (60) (8) (5) (8) (27)
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No ineciencies on fuel hedging have been recognized because
of the hedging by component.
The price after hedge of the total fuel expenses is equal to the
market price, to which unitary into - plane costs and hedge results
have been added. The hedge results reflects the payout of
the hedging strategy based on the forward curve as of
December 31, 2019. The hedge results include realized
over - eectiveness, option premiums, results of unwound
structures and exclude time value.
As of December31, 2018, the fair value of the Group’s derivative instruments and their expected maturities were as follows:
(in € millions) Total Y+1 Y+2 Y+3 Y+4 Y+5 > Y+5
Commodities derivative instruments Asset 78 52 26 - - - -
Liability (542) (297) (245) - - - -
Interest rate derivative instruments Asset 21 1 1 8 - 8 3
Liability (35) (5) (4) (9) (5) (2) (10)
Currency exchange derivative instruments Asset 285 95 82 41 42 14 11
Liability (89) (25) (16) (12) (6) - (30)
Amadeus shares derivative instrument Asset 13 13 - - - - -
Liability (1) (1) - - - - -
Carbon credit derivative instruments Asset 81 64 17 - - - -
Liability (1) (1) - - - - -
Total Asset 478 225 126 49 42 22 14
Liability (668) (329) (265) (21) (11) (2) (40)
36.2.1 Commodity risk linked to fuel prices
The Group’s commitments on Brent, Gas Oil and Jet CIF are presented below, at their nominal value:
As of December31, 2019
Maturities between 1 and 5 years
(in € millions) Nominal below 1year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years value
Commodity risk (cash - flow
hedging operating flows)
Swap 1,111 909 203 - - - - (10)
Options 3,405 2,239 1,166 - - - - (15)
Total 4,516 3,148 1,369 - - - - (25)
Price after hedge USD/ Metric Tons 697 667 - - - - -
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As of December31, 2018
Maturities between 1 and 5 years
(in € millions) Nominal below 1year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years value
Commodity risk (cash - flow
hedging operating flows)
Swap 869 632 237 - - - - (80)
Options 3,311 2,148 1,163 - - - - (384)
Total 4,180 2,780 1,400 - - - - (464)
Price after hedge USD/ Metric Tons 650 662 - - - - -
Fuel hedge sensitivity
The impact on “income before tax” and on “gains/(losses) taken to equity” of a variation in the fair value of the fuel hedges following
a +/- USD 10variation in the price of a barrel of Brent is as follows:
As of December31
2019 2018
Increase of Decrease of Increase of Decrease of
USD 10per USD 10per USD 10per USD 10per
(in € millions) barrel of Brent barrel of Brent barrel of Brent barrel of Brent
Gains/(losses) taken to equity 577 (584) 563 (564)
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36.2.2 Exposure to interest rate risk
To manage the interest rate risk on its short and long - term borrowings, the Group uses instruments with the following nominal values:
As of December31, 2019
sheet item of Maturity
underlying below
Maturities between 1 and 5years
(in € millions) Nominal items 1year 1 - 2years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years value
Operations qualified
as cash - flow hedging 1,742 8 254 52 189 144 1,095 (41)
Rate swaps 1,592 Financial 8 254 52 189 144 945 (41)
Options 150 Financial - - - - - 150 -
Operations qualified
as fair value hedging - - - - - - - -
Rate swaps - - - - -
Operations qualified
as fair value through
profit and loss 325 - 209 - 24 - 92 8
Rate swaps 125 Financial - 9 - 24 - 92 9
Options 200 Financial - 200 - - - - (1)
Total 2,067 8 463 52 213 144 1,187 (33)
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As of December31, 2019 and December31, 2018, without - rate
financial assets mainly include cash and the revaluation of
Amadeus shares at their fair value.
Interest rate sensitivity
The Group is exposed to the risk of interest rate variation. A
100 - basis point variation (increase or decrease) in interest rates
would have an impact of €22million on the financial income for
the year ended December31, 2019 versus €19million for the year
ended December31, 2018.
As of December31, 2018
sheet item of Maturity
underlying below
Maturities between 1 and 5years
(in € millions) Nominal items 1year 1 - 2years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years value
Operations qualified
as cash - flow hedging 1,768 136 75 67 39 226 1,225 (28)
Rate swaps 1,618 Financial 136 75 67 39 226 1,075 (29)
Options 150 Financial - - - - - 150 1
Operations qualified
as fair value hedging 200 - - 200 - - - 6
Rate swaps 200 Financial - - 200 - - - 6
Operations qualified
as fair value through
profit and loss 147 22 23 20 18 12 52 8
Rate swaps 147 22 23 20 18 12 52 8
Total 2,115 158 98 287 57 238 1,277 (14)
In 2019, given the perfect economic relationship between hedging instruments and hedged items, no ineectiveness has been
recognized on interest rate hedging strategies.
Taking into account the hedging operations, the Group’s exposure to interest rate risks breaks down as follows:
2019 2018
Before hedging After hedging Before hedging After hedging
Average Average Average Average
As of December31 interest interest interest interest
(in € millions) Base rate Base rate Base rate Base rate
Fixed - rate financial assets
and liabilities
Fixed - rate financial assets 2,393 1.2% 2,393 1.2% 2,662 1.4% 2,662 1.4%
Fixed - rate financial liabilities 8,203 4.5% 9,101 3.8% 7,702 5.0% 8,765 4.5%
Floating - rate financial assets
and liabilities
Floating - rate financial assets 1,352 0.4% 1,352 0.4% 1,247 0.1% 1,247 0.1%
Floating - rate financial liabilities 3,078 1.4% 2,195 1.5% 3,384 1.4% 2,321 1.7%
Without - rate financial assets 1,758 - 1,531 - 1,495 - 1,497 -
Without - rate financial liabilities - - - - 7 - 9 -
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36.2.3 Exposure to exchange rate risk
The nominal amounts of futures and options linked to exchange rates are detailed below given the nature of the hedging operations:
As of December31, 2019
Hedged item
Maturities between 1 and 5years
(in € millions) Nominal sheet item 1year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years value
Exchange risk
(cash - flow hedging
of operating flows) 3,871 2,233 1,501 7 - - 129 59
Exchange rate options 2,115 N/A 1,259 856 - - - - 22
Forward purchases 994 N/A 577 413 4 - - - 69
Forward sales 633 N/A 397 232 3 - - - (20)
Debt 129 Debt - - - - - 129 (12)
Exchange risk
(fair value hedging
of flight equipment
acquisition) 4,435 1,626 1,326 1,020 268 196 - 210
Exchange rate options 159 Other 14 107 38 - - 28
Forward purchases 3,198 Other 1,289 955 630 190 134 - 234
Forward sales 1,078 Other 337 357 283 40 62 - (52)
Exchange risk (trading) 153 109 44 - - - - 15
Forward purchases 153 109 44 - - - - 15
Forward sales - - - - - - - -
Total 8,459 3,968 2,871 1,027 268 196 129 284
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As of December31, 2018
Hedged item
Maturities between 1 and 5years
(in € millions) Nominal sheet item 1year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years value
Exchange risk
(cash - flow hedging
of operating flows) 3,927 2,418 1,382 - - - 127 47
Exchange rate options 1,948 N/A 1,208 740 - - - - 20
Forward purchases 1,419 N/A 897 522 - - - - 47
Forward sales 433 N/A 313 120 - - - - (2)
Debt 127 Debt - - - - - 127 (18)
Exchange risk
(fair value hedging
of flight equipment
acquisition) 4,646 1,373 1,268 1,025 587 256 137 133
Exchange rate options 159 Other 14 107 38 - 18
Forward purchases 3,523 Other 1,175 909 757 410 179 93 122
Forward sales 964 Other 198 359 254 70 39 44 (7)
Exchange risk (trading) 215 90 95 30 - - - 16
Forward purchases 215 90 95 30 - - - 16
Total 8,788 3,881 2,745 1,055 587 256 264 196
Unaligned time value of options with - barrier is booked under other financial income and expenses in the income statement for a loss
of €4million.
Currency hedge sensitivity
The value in euros of the monetary assets and liabilities is presented below:
As of December31
Monetary assets Monetary liabilities
(in € millions) 2019 2018 2019 20 18
US dollar 1,231 1,442 4,035 3,680
Pound sterling 67 38 34 30
Yen 17 25 805 841
Swiss francs 13 15 354 330
Others 239 272 104 131
The amounts of monetary assets and liabilities disclosed above do not include the eect of the revaluation of assets and liabilities
documented in fair value hedge.
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The impact on “income before tax” and on “gains/(losses) taken to equity” of a 10per cent appreciation in foreign currencies relative
to the euro is presented below:
As of December31
US dollar Pound sterling Yen
(in € millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Income before tax (134) (84) (37) 5 (91) (93)
Gains/(losses) taken to equity 240 251 (49) (62) (3) (6)
The impact of the change in fair value of currency derivatives on “income before tax” and on “gains/ (losses) taken to equity” of a
10per cent depreciation in foreign currencies relative to the euro is presented below:
As of December31
US dollar Pound sterling Yen
(in € millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018
Income before tax 91 43 1 (5) 78 81
Gains/(losses) taken to equity (100) (130) 50 48 11 12
36.2.4 Carbon credit risk
As of December31, 2019, the Group has hedged its future purchases ofCO
quotas as follow:
As of December31, 2019
Maturities between 1 and 5 years
(in € millions) Nominal below 1year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years value
Operating flows
as cash - flow hedging 151 88 63 - - - - 13
Forwards 151 88 63 - - - - 13
Total 151 88 63 - - - - 13
As of December31, 2018
Maturities between 1 and 5 years
(in € millions) Nominal below 1year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years +5 years value
Operating flows
as cash - flow hedging 170 109 61 - - - - 80
Forwards 170 109 61 - - - - 80
Total 170 109 61 - - - - 80
These contracts mostly expire within three years.
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2019 2018
Estimated Estimated
As of December31 Net book market Net book market
(in € millions) value value value value
Financial assets
Loans 694 694 612 594
Financial liabilities
Bonds 1,586 1,659 1,131 1,171
OCEANE 2019 454
464 - -
Bond 2014 604
631 604 626
Bond € 2016 400
430 400 412
Bond $ 2016 128
134 127 133
Perpetual subordinated loans 541 489 572 527
Other borrowings and financial debt 1,955 2,002 1,641 1,771
36.3 Market value of financial
Market values are estimated for most of the Group’s financial
instruments using a variety of valuation methods. However, the
methods and assumptions used to provide the information set
out below are theoretical in nature. They include the following
inherent limitations:
the estimated market values of financial instruments are
estimated on the basis of the market price as of December31,
2019 and December31, 2018;
the estimated amounts as of December 31, 2019 and
December31, 2018 are not indicative of gains and/or losses
potentially arising on maturity or in the event of cancellation
of a financial instrument.
The application of alternative methods and assumptions may,
therefore, have a significant impact on the estimated market values.
The methods used are as follows:
cash, trade receivables, other receivables, short - term bank
facilities, trade payables and other payables:
The Group considers that, due to their short - term nature, net
book value can be deemed a reasonable approximation of
their market value;
marketable securities, investments and other securities:
The market value of securities is determined based mainly on
the market price or the prices available on other similar
securities. Securities classified under equity instruments are
recorded at their stock market value.
Where no market comparable exists, the Group uses their
book value, which is deemed a reasonable approximation of
their market value in this instance;
borrowings, other financial debts and loans:
The market value of fixed and floating - rate loans and financial
debts is determined based on discounted future cash flows at
market interest rates for instruments with similar features;
derivative instruments:
The market value of derivative instruments corresponds to the
amounts that would be payable or receivable were the
positions to be closed out as of December 31, 2019 and
December31, 2018, calculated using the year - end market rate.
Only the financial assets and liabilities whose fair values diers
from their net book values are presented in the following table:
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These commitments mainly relate to amounts in US dollars,
converted into euros at the closing date exchange rate. All these
amounts are hedged.
The number of aircraft under firm order as of December31, 2019
increased by 59units compared with December31, 2018 and
stood at 108aircraft.
This change is explained by the delivery of 13 aircraft and
72aircraft on order.
Long - haul fleet (passenger)
The Group took delivery of six Boeing Boeing 787s and three
Airbus A350s.
Medium - haul fleet
The Group took delivery of four Boeing Boeing 737s.
Regional fleet
The Group did not take delivery of an aircraft.
36.4 Valuation methods for financial assets
and liabilities at their fair value
The breakdown of the Group’s financial assets and liabilities is as follows based on the three classification levels (see Note4.11):
As of December31
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
(in € millions) 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 20 18
Financial asset equity instruments 432 377 1 13 - - 433 390
Asset debt instruments
Marketable securities and cash secured 19 11 392 327 - - 411 338
Cash equivalents liquidity funds (JV/P&L) 1,260 479 1,607 2,318 - - 2,867 2,797
Derivative instruments assets
Interest rate derivatives - - 16 21 - - 16 21
Currency exchange derivatives - - 386 285 - - 386 285
Commodity derivatives - - 74 78 - - 74 78
ETS derivatives - - 17 81 - - 17 81
Others - - 3 13 - - 3 13
Financial liabilities at fair value comprise the fair value of interest rate and foreign exchange. These valuations are classified as level2.
Due dates for commitments to firm orders with a view to the purchase of flight equipment are as follows:
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Y+1 1,469 1,274
Y+2 1,203 914
Y+3 1,266 1,279
Y+4 1,153 831
Y+5 768 913
> Year Y+5 1,210 344
Total 7,069 5,555
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Aircraft type To be delivered in Y+1 Y+2 Y+3 Y+4 Y+5 Y+5 Total
Long - haul fleet–passenger
A350 As of December31, 2019 6 7 5 7 4 6 35
As of December31, 2018 3 3 7 5 7 3 28
Boeing 787 As of December31, 2019 5 3 3 - - 11
As of December31, 2018 6 4 4 2 1 - 17
Boeing 777 As of December31, 2019 2 - - - - - 2
As of December31, 2018 - - - - - - -
Medium - haul fleet
A220 As of December31, 2019 - 6 15 15 12 12 60
As of December31, 2018 - - - - - - -
Boeing 737 As of December31, 2019 - - - - - - -
As of December31, 2018 4 - - - - - 4
Regional fleet
Total As of December31, 2019 13 16 23 22 16 18 108
As of December31, 2018 13 7 11 7 8 3 49
38.1 Commitments made
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Order on leased aircraft, not yet in operation 490 -
Call on investment securities 142 143
Warranties, sureties and guarantees 364 381
Secured debts 4,431 4,213
Other purchase commitments 140 350
The restrictions and pledges as of December31, 2019 are as follows:
NBV of balance
Amount sheet entry Corresponding
(in € millions) pledged concerned %
Intangible assets - 1305 -
Tangible assets 4889 12915 37.9%
Other financial assets 984 1896 51.9%
Total 5873 16116
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The compensation of the non - executive Chariman of the Board
amounts to €0.20million.
Directors fees booked in expenses amount to €0.8million as of
December31, 2019, versus €0.9million as of December31, 2018.
39.1 Transactions with the principal executives
The total compensation recorded as costs for the members of the Group Executive Committee in respect of their functions within the
Group breaks down as follows:
Period from January1to December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Short - term employee benefits 8.5 6.4
Post - employment benefits 0.4 0.4
Termination benefits 1.2
Share - based payment 1.5 0.6
Total 10.4 8.6
The warranties, sureties and guarantees principally comprise
letters of credit from financial institutions.
The Group disposes of the following put options on Servair
as of each first quarter between 2020 and 2025 inclusive: put
options on a number of shares enabling gategroup to reach
80% of Servair’s share capital (initial option);
one year after the exercise of the initial put option, in each first
quarter between 2021 and 2025: put options on all the shares
still held by the Group.
If the Group does not exercise the initial option, in each first
quarter between 2020 and 2025: Gategroup disposes of call
options on a number of Servair shares enabling Gategroup to
reach 80% of the Servair share capital.
38.3 Order book
Long term contracts of maintenance business
The future revenues from long - term contracts in the maintenance
business amount to €8,706million. The Group expects 60% of
the order book will be recognized as revenue over the next five
Passenger and freight transportation
As indicated in Note 4.6, the Group applies the exemption
provided by IFRS15.
Loyalty program
The redemption of the liability on the loyalty program is
presented in Note34.
38.2 Commitments received
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Warranties, sureties and guarantees 274 235
Put option on shares
240 241
(1) Estimation based on the price for the disposal of 49.99% of Servair at the end of 2016.
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As a part of its normal business, the Group enters into transactions
with related parties including transactions with State - owned and
governmental entities such as the French Defense Ministry, the
Paris Airport Authority (“Aéroports de Paris”, or “ADP”), Schiphol
Airport, and the French civil aviation regulator (“DGAC”).
AirFrance – KLM considers that such transactions are concluded
on terms equivalent to those on transactions with third parties.
The most significant transactions are described below:
Aéroports de Paris (ADP)
land and property rental agreements;
airport and passenger - related fee arrangements.
In addition, ADP collects airport landing fees on behalf of the
French State.
Total expenses incurred by the Group in connection with the
afore - mentioned arrangements amounted to a respective
€325 million and €323 million for the periods ended
December31, 2019 and December31, 2018.
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AAS)
land and property rental agreements;
airport and passenger - related fee arrangements.
In addition, AAS collects airport fees on behalf of the Dutch State.
Total expenses incurred by the Group in connection with the
afore - mentioned arrangements amounted to €204million for the
periods ended December31, 2019.
French Defense Ministry
Air France – KLM has entered into contracts with the French
Defense Ministry concerning the maintenance of aircraft in the
French Air Force. The net revenue derived from this activity
amounts to €37million for the year ended December31, 2019
versus €61million as of December31, 2018.
39.2 Transactions with the other related parties
The total amounts of transactions with related parties are as follows:
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Net trade accounts receivable 181 189
Other current assets 18 20
Other non - current assets 9 9
Total 208 218
Trade accounts payable 196 165
Other current liabilities 164 188
Other long - term liabilities 1 2
Total 362 356
As of December31
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Net sales 192 243
Landing fees and other rents (339) (349)
Other selling expenses (22) (21)
Passenger service (414) (442)
Other (87) (79)
Total (670) (648)
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40.1 Other non - monetary items and impairment
Other non - monetary items and impairment can be analyzed as follows:
As of December31
(in € millions) Notes 2019 2018
Variation of provisions relating to restructuring plan 30 10 (111)
Variation of provisions relating to pension 22 & 29 85 (13)
Changes to the KLM pension plans 29 - (74)
Phase out of A380 aircraft 126 -
European carbon emission allowances (ETS) 53 19
Change in fair value of hedged shares (59) (4)
Other 23 (71)
Total 238 (254)
Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (DGAC)
This civil aviation regulator is under the authority of the French
Ministry of Transport, which manages security and safety in the
French air space and at airports. As a result, the DGAC charges
fees to AirFrance – KLM for the use of installations and services
which amounts to €92million as of December31, 2019 versus
€96million for the year ended December31, 2018.
China Eastern Airlines
The net revenue derived by the Group in connection with the
afore - mentioned arrangement amounted to a respective
€20million and €12million for the periods ended December31,
2019 and December31, 2018.
Delta Air Lines
The net revenue derived by the Group in connection with the
afore - mentioned arrangement amounted to a respective €58million
and €62million for the periods ended December31, 2019 and
December31, 2018.
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Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
2019 2018
As of December31
Statutory auditor Network Statutory auditor Network
(in € millions) Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
Statutory audit, certification,
review of stand - alone
and consolidated accounts 2.0 95% 0.9 90% 2.1 81% 0.9 69%
— AirFrance – KLM SA 0.5 - 0.6 -
— Consolidated subsidiaries 1.5 0.9 1.5 0.9
Other services 0.1 5% 0.1 10% 0.5 19% 0.4 31%
— AirFrance – KLM SA 0.1 - 0.1 -
— Consolidated subsidiaries - 0.1 0.4 0.4
Total AirFrance – KLM 2.1 1.0 2.6 1.3
Deloitte & Associés:
2019 2018
As of December31
Statutory auditor Network Statutory auditor Network
(in € millions) Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
Statutory audit, certification,
review of stand - alone
and consolidated accounts 1.9 100% 0.8 89% 2.0 83% 0.8 73%
— AirFrance – KLM SA 0.5 - 0.6 -
— Consolidated subsidiaries 1.4 0.8 1.4 0.8
Other services - 0% 0.1 11% 0.4 17% 0.3 27%
— AirFrance – KLM SA - - - -
— Consolidated subsidiaries - 0.1 0.4 0.3
Total AirFrance – KLM 1.9 0.9 2.4 1.1
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42.1 Consolidated entities
Entity Country Segment % interest % control
AIR FRANCE SA France Multisegment 100 100
BLUE CONNECT Mauritius Passenger 70 70
BLUELINK France Passenger 100 100
BLUELINK INTERNATIONAL France Passenger 100 100
BLUELINK INTERNATIONAL CZ S.R.O. Czech Rep. Passenger 100 100
CYGNIFIC BV Netherlands Passenger 100 49
HOP! France Passenger 100 100
HOP! TRAINING France Passenger 100 100
IASA INCORPORATED Philippines Passenger 100 49
KLM CITYHOPPER BV Netherlands Passenger 100 49
KLM CITYHOPPER UK LTD United Kingdom Passenger 100 49
KLM EQUIPMENT SERVICES BV Netherlands Passenger 100 49
KLM LUCHTVAARTSCHOOL BV Netherlands Passenger 100 49
BLUE CROWN BV Netherlands Cargo 100 49
MARTINAIR HOLLAND NV Netherlands Cargo 100 49
MEXICO CARGO HANDLING Mexico Cargo 100 100
SODEXI France Cargo 65 65
AFI KLM E&M TEARDOWN MANAGEMENT SAS France Maintenance 100 100
AIR FRANCE INDUSTRIE US United States Maintenance 100 100
As of December31, 2019, the scope includes 74fully - consolidated
entities, 21equity aliates and 1joint operation.
Based on the AirFrance – KLM ownership in terms of both voting
rights and equity interest and on the functioning mode of the
Group’s Executive Committee, AirFrance – KLM has the power to
manage the KLM Group’s financial and operational strategies and
controls KLM. As a result, KLM is fully consolidated in
AirFrance – KLM’s consolidated financial statements.
The interest percentage in KLM is calculated based on the
ordinary shares.
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Financial Report
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
Entity Country Segment % interest % control
AIR ORIENT SERVICES France Maintenance 100 100
BARFIELD INC United States Maintenance 100 100
CRMA France Maintenance 100 100
OVERHAUL AND REPAIR (EPCOR) BV Netherlands Maintenance 100 49
KLM E&M MALAYSIA SDN BHD Malaysia Maintenance 100 49
KLM UK ENGINEERING Limited United Kingdom Maintenance 100 49
REGIONAL JET CENTER BV Netherlands Maintenance 100 49
BLUE TEAM III SAS France Transavia 100 100
TRANSAVIA AIRLINES BV Netherlands Transavia 100 49
TRANSAVIA AIRLINES C.V. Netherlands Transavia 100 49
TRANSAVIA COMPANY SAS France Transavia 100 100
TRANSAVIA FRANCE SAS France Transavia 100 100
TRANSAVIA SERVICES GMBH i.L. Germany Transavia 100 49
TRANSAVIA VENTURES BV Netherlands Transavia 100 49
AIR FRANCE FINANCE SAS France Other 100 100
AIRPORT MEDICAL SERVICES C.V. Netherlands Other 80 39
ASP BEHEER BV Netherlands Other 60 49
BIGBLANK France Other 100 100
BLUE TEAM V SAS France Other 100 100
BLUE YONDER IX BV Netherlands Other 100 49
BLUE YONDER XIV BV Netherlands Other 100 49
CELL K16 INSURANCE COMPANY United Kingdom Other 100 0
KLM AIR CHARTER BV Netherlands Other 100 49
KLM HEALTH SERVICES BV Netherlands Other 100 49
KLM OLIEMAATSCHAPPIJ BV Netherlands Other 100 49
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Entity Country Segment % interest % control
ORION-STAETE BV Netherlands Other 100 49
PELICAN Luxembourg Other 100 100
PYRHELIO-STAETE BV Netherlands Other 100 49
RIGEL-STAETE BV Netherlands Other 100 49
TRAVEL INDUSTRY SYSTEMS BV Netherlands Other 100 49
TREASURY SERVICES KLM BV Netherlands Other 100 49
WEBLOK BV Netherlands Other 100 49
42.2 Equity aliates
Entity Country Segment % interest % control
ADM BLUE Madagascar Passenger 40 40
AAF SPARES Ireland Maintenance 50 50
AEROTECHNIC INDUSTRIES Morocco Maintenance 50 50
IGO SOLUTIONS SAS France Maintenance 40 40
MAX MRO SERVICES India Maintenance 26 26
SHS TECHNICS Senegal Maintenance 49 50
SPAIRLINERS Germany Maintenance 50 50
TRADEWINDS ENGINE SERVICES LLC United States Maintenance 50 50
AIR ANTWERP BV Belgium Other 25 25
AIRCRAFT CAPITAL LTD United Kingdom Other 40 40
SCHIPHOL LOGISTICS PARK C.V. Netherlands Other 53 45
SERVAIR France Other 50 50
SKYNRG BV Netherlands Other 20 20
42.3 Joint operations
Entity Country Segment % interest % control
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 321
Financial Report
Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements
To the Shareholders’ Meeting of AirFrance – KLM SA,
1. Opinion
In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your
Shareholders’ Meetings, we have audited the accompanying
consolidated financial statements of AirFrance – KLM for the year
ended December31, 2019.
In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true
and fair view of the assets and liabilities and of the financial
position of the Group as at December31, 2019, and of the results
of its operations for the year then ended in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the
European Union.
The audit opinion expressed above is consistent with our report
to the Audit Committee.
2. Basis for opinion
Audit framework
We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards
applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence we have
obtained is sucient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
Our responsibilities under those standards are further described
in the Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the
Consolidated Financial Statements section of our report.
We conducted our audit in compliance with independence rules
applicable to us, for the period from January1, 2019 to the issue
date of our report and in particular we did not provide any
prohibited non - audit services referred to in Article 5 (1)
paragraph 1of Regulation (EU) no. 537/2014 or in the French
Code of Ethics for Statutory Auditors.
3. Emphasis of matter
We draw your attention to the Note2of the consolidated financial
statements which describes the change in accounting method
related to the capitalization of limited life parts by component
and the change in accounting method related to compensations
paid to customers for delays or cancellations (“customer
4. Justification of Assessments–
Key Audit Matters
In accordance with the requirements of Articles L.823 - 9 and
R.823 - 7of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce)
relating to the justification of our assessments, we inform you of
the key audit matters relating to risks of material misstatement
that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in
our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current
period, as well as how we addressed those risks.
These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our
opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on
specific items of the consolidated financial statements.
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Financial Report
5 Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements
Network revenue amounts to €23 315 million and essentially
corresponds to passenger transport services, and to a lesser
extent to cargo. The revenue related to passenger transportation
is recognized when the transportation service is provided and,
consequently, passenger tickets recorded when issued as “Deferred
revenue on ticket sales” for a liability amounting to €3,289million
as at December31, 2019. However, a portion of these sales, relating
to tickets that have been issued but which will never be used, is
recognized as revenue at the theoretical date of the transport,
based on a statistical rate regularly updated. The rate is
determined by the AirFrance – KLM Group based on historical data
taken from the information systems and adjusted for non - recurring
and specific events of the periods considered.
We considered revenue recognition for issued but unused passenger
tickets to be a key audit matter due to the importance of the
Group judgment in determining the recognition assumptions.
We tested the key controls implemented by the Group that we
considered the most relevant in determining the statistical rates
for “Deferred revenue on ticket sales.
Our procedures primarily consisted in:
assessing the appropriateness of the methodology adopted
by the Group;
corroborating the historical database with the databases used;
corroborating the statistical rate calculations;
comparing actual revenue from unused passenger tickets with
prior year - end estimates;
analyzing the age of deferred revenue on ticket sales
presented on the consolidated balance sheet to assess the
appropriateness of the revenue recognized in the period.
Revenue recognition for issued but unused passenger tickets
(Note4.6to the consolidated financial statements)
Risk identified Our response
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 323
Financial Report
Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements
AirFrance – KLM is involved in several governmental, judicial or
arbitration procedures and litigations, particularly concerning anti - trust
laws. The outcome of these procedures and litigations depends
on future events, and the Company’s estimates are inherently
based on the use of Group assumptions and assessments.
We considered the measurement of the litigation provisions to be
a key audit matter due to the uncertainty surrounding the outcome
of current procedures, the high degree of Group estimates and
judgment and the potentially material nature of the impact of
provision amounts on consolidated net income and equity should
these estimates change.
We specifically assessed the estimates and assumptions adopted
by the Group in determining the need to recognize a provision
and, where applicable, its amount.
Based on discussions with the Group, we familiarized ourselves
with the latter’s analysis of the risks and status of each significant
litigation, whether reported or potential.
We assessed the items justifying the recognition or not of a
provision. We analyzed the lawyers’ replies to your enquiries,
familiarized ourselves with the exchanges between the Company,
its lawyers and other parties to the suits and considered any new
developments up to the issue date of our report.
Based on these items, we conducted a critical review of the
estimates and positions adopted by the Group.
We also assessed the appropriateness of the disclosures in the
Note30to the consolidated financial statements.
Provisions for litigations and contingent liabilities
(Notes4.21, 30.1 and 30.2to the consolidated financial statements)
Risk identified Our response
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Financial Report
5 Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements
Deferred tax assets for a net amount of €523 million are
recognized in the consolidated balance sheet. This balance comprises
€693million in deferred tax assets for French tax group tax loss
carry - forwards mainly compensated by 201million deferred tax
liabilities on temporary dierences. These deferred tax assets are
recognized based on their likelihood of recovery pursuant to
budgets and medium - term plans prepared by the Group. The
recovery horizons for these deferred tax assets are seven years for
the French tax Group.
We identified this issue as a key audit matter due to the importance
of the Group judgment in the recognition of these assets and the
particularly high level of tax loss carry - forwards of which only a
portion has been capitalized due to recoverability prospects.
Our audit approach consisted in assessing the probability of the
Company making future use of the tax loss carry - forwards
generated to date, particularly in regard to:
deferred tax liabilities in the same tax jurisdiction, where the
base could be oset against deferred tax assets with the same
maturity; and
the Group’s ability to generate future taxable profits in the
French tax jurisdiction in order to use prior - year tax losses
recognized as deferred tax assets.
We assessed the appropriateness of the methodology adopted
by the Group to identify existing tax losses carried forward that
will be utilized, either by oset against deferred tax liabilities or
future taxable profits.
To assess future taxable profits, we appraised the reliability of the
preparation process for the mid - term business plan underlying
the assessment of the probability that deferred tax assets will be
recovered. Our work consisted in assessing the future growth
assumptions used to prepare the mid - term business plan by:
comparing income forecasts for prior years with actual results
for the years concerned;
comparing these assumptions with the ones adopted for
non - current asset impairment tests.
We also assessed the consistency of Group assumptions used to
prepare income forecasts for the period beyond the mid - term
business plan particularly with the economic data for the Group’s
operating sector and the information gathered during discussions
with the Group.
Recognition of deferred tax assets
(Notes4.24 and 13to the consolidated financial statements)
Risk identified Our response
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Financial Report
Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 325
5. Specific Verifications
We have also verified in accordance with professional standards
applicable in France the information concerning the Group
presented in the Board of Directors’ management report.
We have no matters to report as to its fair presentation and its
consistency with the consolidated financial statements.
We attest that the consolidated non - financial statement required
by Article L.225 - 102 - 1of the French Commercial Code is included
in the Group management report, being specified that, in
accordance with the provisions of Article L.823 - 10of the code,
we have not verified the fair presentation and the consistency
with the consolidated financial statements of the information
contained therein and should be reported on by an independent
insurance services provider.
6. Report on Other Legal
and Regulatory Requirements
Appointment of the Statutory Auditors
We were appointed as Statutory Auditors of AirFrance – KLM by
the Shareholders’ Meeting of September25, 1998 for Deloitte &
Associés and September25, 2002 for KPMG Audit.
As of December31, 2019, Deloitte & Associés and KPMG were
respectively in the 22
year and 18
year of total uninterrupted
engagement, which are the 21
year and 18
year since securities
of the Company were admitted to trading on a regulated market.
7. Responsibilities of Management and
those charged with Governance for the
Consolidated Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation
of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the
European Union, and for such internal control as Management
determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated
financial statements that are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the consolidated financial statements, Management
is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as
a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to
going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting
unless it is expected to liquidate the Company or to cease its
The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial
reporting process and the eectiveness of internal control and risk
management systems and, where applicable, its Internal Audit,
regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures.
The consolidated financial statements have been approved by
the Board of Directors.
8. Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities
for the Audit of the Consolidated
Financial Statements
Objectives and audit approach
Our role is to issue a report on the consolidated financial
statements. Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free
from material misstatement. Reasonable assurance is a high level
of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in
accordance with professional standards will always detect a
material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise
from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or
in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence
the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these
financial statements.
As specified by Article L.823 - 10 - 1of the French Commercial Code,
the scope of our statutory audit does not include assurance on
the future viability of the Company or the quality with which the
Company’s Management has conducted or will conduct the
aairs of the entity.
As part of an audit in accordance with professional standards
applicable in France, the Statutory Auditors exercise professional
judgment throughout the audit and furthermore:
identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the
financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and
perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
obtain audit evidence that is sucient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a
material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for
one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery,
intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of
internal control;
obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the
audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate
in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an
opinion on the eectiveness of the internal control;
evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and
the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by Management in the consolidated financial
assess the appropriateness of Management’s use of the going
concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence
obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events
or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s
ability to continue as a going concern. Our conclusions are
based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our
audit report. However, future events or conditions may cause
the Company to cease to continue as a going concern. If the
Statutory Auditors conclude that a material uncertainty exists,
we draw attention in our audit report to the related disclosures
in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures
are not provided or inadequate, we modify our opinion;
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Paris-La Défense, February19, 2020
The Statutory Auditors
KPMG Audit Deloitte & Associés
Division of KPMG SA
Eric Jacquet Guillaume Troussicot Pascal Colin
Partner Partner Partner
This is a translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial statements of the Company issued in
French and it is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking users.
This Statutory Auditors’ report includes information required by European Regulation and French law, such as information about the
appointment of the Statutory Auditors or verification of the information concerning the Group presented in the management report.
This report should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards
applicable in France.
evaluate the overall presentation of the financial statements
and whether the financial statements represent the underlying
transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair
obtain sucient appropriate audit evidence regarding the
financial information of the entities included in the consolidation
scope to express an opinion on the consolidated financial
statements. The Statutory Auditors are responsible for the
direction, supervision and performance of the audit of the
consolidated financial statements and for the opinion expressed
on these consolidated financial statements.
Report to the Audit Committee
We submit a report to the Audit Committee which includes in
particular a description of the scope of the audit and the audit
program implemented, as well as significant audit findings. We
also bring to its attention any significant deficiencies in internal
control regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures
that we have identified.
Our report to the Audit Committee includes the risks of material
misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were of most
significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements
of the current period and which are therefore the key audit
matters, that we are required to describe in this report.
We also provide the Audit Committee with the declaration referred
to in Article 6of Regulation (EU) no. 537/2014, confirming our
independence pursuant to the rules applicable in France as
defined in particular by Articles L.822 - 10to L.822 - 14of the
French Commercial Code and in the French Code of Ethics for
Statutory Auditors. Where appropriate, we discuss with the Audit
Committee the risks that may reasonably be thought to bear on
our independence, and where applicable, the related safeguards.
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 327
Financial Report
Statutory financial statements
5.8.1 Income statement
Year ending December31,
(in € millions) Notes 2019 2018
Operating income 3 52 49
External expenses 4 (50) (46)
Salaries and related costs 5 (8) (3)
Other expenses (1) (1)
Total operating expenses (59) (50)
Income from current operations (7) (1)
Financial income 59 54
Financial expenses (80) (103)
Net financial income 6 (21) (49)
Earnings before tax and non - recurring items (28) (50)
Non - recurring income - -
Non - recurring expenses - -
Non - recurring income/-(loss) 7 - -
Income tax 8 17 12
Net income/(loss) (11) (38)
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5.8.2 Balance sheet
Assets December31 December31
(in € millions) Notes 2019 2018
Long - term investments 9.2 4678 4668
Loans & receivables related to long - term investment 9.3 468 563
Fixed assets 9.1 5146 5231
Trade receivables 13 14 37
Other receivables 13 206 141
Marketable securities 10 1820 1222
Cash and cash equivalent 307 247
Prepaid expenses 2 4
Current assets 2349 1651
Issue costs 9 9
Bond redemption premium 1 1
Total Assets 7505 6892
Liabilities & equity December31 December31
(in € millions) Notes 2019 2018
Capital 11.1 429 429
Additionnal paid - in capital 11.2 4139 4139
Legal reserve 70 70
Reserves (52) (14)
Income for the year 11.2 (11) (38)
Shareholder’s equity 11.2 4575 4586
Other equity 12 403 403
Provision for risks & liabilities 12–17 1 1
Financial debts 12 1652 1148
Trade payables and related accounts 13 15 13
Tax and social debts 13 4 2
Other liabilities 13 847 728
Liabilities 13 2518 1891
Unrealized foreign exchange gain 8 11
Total Liabilities & Equity 7505 6892
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 329
Financial Report
Statutory financial statements
5.8.3 Notes
The following information constitutes the notes to the financial
statements for the year ended December31, 2019.
It is an integral part of the financial statements.
AirFrance – KLM SA, a public limited company (société anonyme)
with registered oce at 2rue Robert Esnault Pelterie 75007Paris,
is the parent company of the AirFrance – KLM Group. It is listed
for trading in Paris (Euronext) and Amsterdam (Euronext).
1. Accounting policies and procedures
Generally accepted accounting policies have been applied,
consistent with the prudence principle and in accordance with
the legal and regulatory provisions applicable in France and to
the base assumptions whose aim is to provide a true and faithful
representation of the company:
going concern;
consistent accounting methods from year to year;
independence of financial periods.
and in accordance with the general rules for establishing and
presenting annual financial statements.
The basic method used to value items recorded in the financial
statements is the historical cost method.
The main accounting methods used
are the following:
Long - term investments
Investments in equity securities are presented on the balance
sheet at their acquisition cost net of impairment, if any. A
provision for impairment is recorded as soon as the fair value falls
below the acquisition value. The fair value of securities is
determined by taking into account the share of shareholders’
equity, the outlook for profitability and the stock market values
that can be used as a reference.
Transfer taxes, fees or commissions and legal fees related to the
acquisition of securities are expensed, according to the option
oered by the regulations.
Treasury shares not allocated to employees or to a capital
decrease are booked in long - term investments. They are shown
at the lower of their acquisition cost or fair value. The fair value is
determined based on the average market price for the last month
of the financial year.
Trade receivables
Trade receivables are valued at their nominal value. They are
valued on a case - by - case basis and a provision is set up as
required based on the assessed risks.
Marketable securities
Marketable securities are shown on the balance sheet at the lower
of their acquisition cost and their market value. In the case of
listed shares, this market value is determined based on the
market price at the end of the financial year.
Treasury shares invested as part of a liquidity agreement are
valued at the lower of their acquisition price and fair value. The
fair value is determined based on the last month average market
price at the end of the financial year.
Negotiable debt securities (certificates of deposits, and bills issued
by financial companies) are booked at their acquisition cost.
Interest is booked as financial income, on a - prorata temporis basis.
Foreign currency transactions
Operating expense and income transactions in foreign currencies
are recognized at the average exchange rate for each relevant
Trade payable and receivable in foreign currencies are valued at
the exchange rate in eect at December31, 2019.
Unrealized losses and gains are recognized as assets and
liabilities on the balance sheet. Provisions are established for
unrealized losses, except for the following cases:
transactions where the currency and the term contribute to
an overall positive currency position; and
currency hedging contracts concerning the payment of future
investment deliveries.
Debts are valued at their nominal amount. The debt in foreign
currency is valued at the closing rate Euro/Dollar.
Financial instruments
Financial derivative instruments are used to reduce exposure to
interest rates risk and to foreign exchange. They are over the counter
instruments with first class counterpart. Group management
policy bans subscription of trading instruments.
Dividends received
Dividends are recognized as income–when they are approved
by the competent bodies in the companies (i.e.: the Board of
Directors or the General Shareholders’ Meeting depending on the
local regulations)–or according to the terms of the bylaws.
2. Significant events of the period
Since February2019, the Dutch government has purchased 14%
of the capital of Air France KLM. (See Note11.1)
For the general financing needs of the company, AirFrance – KLM
issued bonds convertible into and/or exchangeable for new or
existing shares (OCEANE) dated March25, 2019 for a nominal
amount of € 500million.(See Note12.2)
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5. Compensation of the company ocers
The gross remuneration of the company ocers, recognized as
an expense in 2019, amounts to €2.62 million compared to
€1.26million in 2018. For 2019, it corresponds to that of Benjamin
Smith over the entire period. For 2018, this remuneration includes
those of Jean-Marc Janaillac from January to mid-May, Frédéric
Gagey from mid-May to mid-September and Benjamin Smith
from mid-September to the end of December.
The remuneration of the non - executive Chair of the Board of
Directors amounts to €0.20million.
3. Other income
(in € million) 2019 2018
Management fees 32 28
of which Air France 18 17
of which KLM 14 11
Royalties 20 21
of which Air France 12 12
of which KLM 8 9
Total 52 49
4. External expenses
Period 2019 2018
Fees and surveys 19 19
Insurance 1 1
Sub-Contracting and rent re - invoiced by Air France and KLM 25 21
Financial communication 1 2
Other 4 3
Total 50 46
During the financial year 2019, the teams assigned to AirFrance – KLM holding company represent 74Full Time Equivalent seconded
from Air France and 25full - time equivalent seconded from KLM.
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9. Long-Term Investments
9.1 Net book value
Beginning Increase/ Decrease/ End
(in € millions) Notes of year allocation reversal of year
Equity investments 9.2 4668 - 10 4678
Loans & receivables related to long term investment 9.3 563 23 (117) 468
Net amount - 5231 23 (107) 5146
7. Non - recurring income
8. Income tax
Air France – KLM has benefited from the tax consolidation
scheme since April1, 2002.
The consolidation scope, for which AirFrance – KLM is the parent
company, mainly includes Air France, HOP! and Transavia France
The tax consolidation agreement is based on the so - called
neutrality method and puts each member company of the tax
group in the situation in which it would have been in without
AirFrance – KLM has a tax losses carried forward of € 824million.
The Group’s cumulative tax losses, which can be carried forward
indefinitely, amount to € 7037million.
The subsidiaries recording a net earning, generated a tax
consolidation gain of € 17million to AirFrance – KLM for this
financial year (€ 12million on the previous financial year).
6. Net financial Income
This section regroups interest paid or received, currency losses and gains, and allocations and reversal of financial provisions. The
break - down is as follows.
Period Notes 2019 2018
Interest on loans and other financial expenses (75) (103)
of which related companies commission on the guarantees granted by Air France and KLM
& interests on current account (1) (11)
of which interest on OCEANE 12.2 - -
of which interest on bonds 12.2 (38) (43)
of which interest on perpetual subordinated loan 12.1 (25) (34)
of which premium included in tender price of perpetual subordinated loan - (14)
of which others (12) (11)
Interest on loans 25 38
of which related companies 25 38
Other financial income 24 10
of which related companies 2 2
of which investment in mutual funds and certificates of deposit 4 4
Allocation to provisions 5 6
of which provision for risks & liabilities (4) -
of which AirFrance – KLM Finance shares 9 6
Total (21) (49)
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9.2 Equity investments
December, 31 December, 31
(in € millions) Notes 2019 2018
Gross value
Air France 3821 3821
KLM 824 824
AirFrance – KLM Finance 31 31
Transavia Company 4 4
AirFrance – KLM Mobility - -
Big Blank - -
Total gross 4680 4680
Air France - -
KLM - -
AirFrance – KLM Finance (2) (11)
Transavia Company - -
AirFrance – KLM Mobility - -
Big Blank - -
Total impairment (2) (11)
Air France 3821 3821
KLM 824 824
AirFrance – KLM Finance 29 20
Transavia Company 4 4
AirFrance – KLM Mobility - -
Big Blank - -
Total Net 9.1 4678 4668
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9.3 Loans & receivables related to long term investment
Gross value Beginning Increase/ Decrease/ End
(in € millions) Note of year allocation reversal of year
Air France 392 21 (16) 397
KLM 99 2 (101) -
AirFrance – KLM Finance 71 1 - 72
BigBlank 1 3 - 4
Total gross 563 27 (117) 473
Impairment Impairment
Impairment beginning of year Allocation Reversal end of year
Air France - - - -
KLM - - - -
AirFrance – KLM Finance - - - -
BigBlank - (4) - (4)
Total impairment - (4) - (4)
Net value at Increase/ Decrease/ Net value
Net beginning of year allocation reversal end of year
Air France 392 21 (16) 397
KLM 99 2 (101) -
AirFrance – KLM Finance 71 1 - 72
BigBlank 1 (1) - -
Total Net 9.1 563 23 (117) 469
10. Marketable securities
December31, December31,
(in € millions) 2019 2018
Gross Value
Mutual funds, certificates of deposit & marketable term notes 1820 1222
Securities Compagnia Aerea Italiana 355 355
Total Gross value 2175 1577
Securities Compagnia Aerea Italiana (355) (355)
Total Depreciation (355) (355)
Total 1820 1222
The net carrying amount for the marketable securities, mutual funds and certificates of deposit is the market value.
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11. Shareholders’equity
11.1 Distribution of share capital and voting rights
The issued capital comprises 428,634,035fully paid - up shares with a nominal value of one euro. Each share is entitled to one voting
right. However since April3, 2016, any shareholder who has been owning registered shares for more than two years is entitled to
double voting rights, raising the number of voting rights to 586,975,522 as at December31, 2019. Distribution is as follows:
% of capital % of voting rights
December31 December31 December31 December31
2019 2018 2019 20 18
French State 14% 14% 21% 23%
Dutch State 14% - 10% -
Delta Air Lines 9% 9% 13% 7%
China Eastern Airlines 9% 9% 13% 7%
Employees and former employees
4% 4% 6% 7%
Public 50% 64% 37% 56%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100%
(1) The line “Employees and former employees” includes the shares held by employees and former employees in the “Fonds Communs de Placement d’Entreprise (FCPE)”.
11.2 Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity
Additional Earnings for Shareholders’
(in € millions) Capital paid - in capital Reserves the year equity
At December31, 2017 429 4139 86 (30) 4624
Allocation of earnings - - (30) 30 -
Earnings for the period - - - (38) (38)
At December31, 2018 429 4139 56 (38) 4586
Allocation of earnings - - (38) 38 -
Earnings for the period - - - (11) (11)
At December31, 2019 429 4139 18 (11) 4575
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On June4, 2014, AirFrance – KLM issued € 600million of bonds
maturing on June18, 2021 with an annual coupon of 3.875%.
In August2015, an amount of € 200million has been hedged and
converted to a floating rate through a swap and is connected to
a floor. On December31, 2018, the fair value of the floor is €
0.7million leading to a provision for risks and liabilities of the
same amount (see Note17).
On October5, 2016, AirFrance – KLM issued € 400million of
bonds with a 6years maturity. The annual coupon arises 3.75%.
On December12, 2016, AirFrance – KLM issued -fully hedged-
USD 145million senior notes by way of unlisted private placement
to Asian institutional investors. Maturity is December15, 2026 and
annual coupon arises 4.35%. This loan is the object of a complete
cover. (See Note17).
On March25, 2019, AirFrance – KLM issued a bond in the form of
a bonds convertible into and/or exchangeable for new or existing
shares (OCEANE) of € 500million with a 6 - year maturity. The
coupon rate is 0,125%.
12.2 Bonds
Issuing issued Maturity
Bond date (in millions) date Coupon
Bond issued in 2014 4June 2014 €600 18June2021 3.875%
€ Bond issued in 2016 5Oct. 2016 €400 5Oct. 2022 3.75%
$ Bond issued in 2016
12Dec. 2016 $145 15Dec. 2026 4.35%
€ Bond in 2019 25mars 2019 €500 25mars 2026 0,125%
(1) Issuance bonds with Asian institutional investors by way of unlisted private placement.
12.1 Perpetual subordinated loan
Between April1 and April 17, 2015, Air France – KLM issued a
€600million perpetual subordinated loan, presented as other
equity. These securities, which have no maturity date, have a first
repayment option in October2020 at AirFrance – KLM discretion.
They carry an annual coupon of 6.25%.
On September14, 2018, a partiel repurchased reduced the debt
by € 196.7million.
12. Financial debt and other equity
December31 December31
(in € millions) Notes 2019 2018
Other equity
Perpetual subordinated loan 12.1 403 403
Total Other equity 403 403
Non - current financial debt
Bonds 12.2 1629 1126
Total non - current debt 1629 1126
Current Financial Debt
Accrued interest 22 22
Total current debt 22 22
Total financial debt 1652 1148
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13. Maturity of receivables and debt
As of December31, 2019
Receivables Gross Up to More than Related
(in € millions) amount one year one year companies
Non - current assets
Loans and receivables related to long - term investment (Note9.1) 473 83 390 461
Current assets
Trade receivables and related accounts 14 14 - 14
Other receivables (including tax receivables)
206 145 61 63
Total 693 242 451 538
Debt Gross Up to More than Related
(in € millions) amount one year one year companies
Financial debt (Note12) 1652 22 1629 -
Trade payables and related accounts 15 15 - 4
Tax and social debts 4 4 - -
Other liabilities
847 847 - 829
Total 2518 888 1629 833
(1) Other liabilities comprise, mainly, a financial current account with Air France including cash pooling for € 699million as of December31, 2019.
14. List of subsidiaries and equity investments
(in € millions) Loans & Amount of Revenues Dividends
Shareholders’ Share advances security (excl. tax) Net profit booked
Companies equity other of Carrying granted and gua- for or loss for during
or Groups of than capital capital amount of and not rantees financial financial financial
companies Capital after earnings held shares held reimbursed given year year year
Gross Net
Detailed information about individual investment whose gross value exceeds €15million
1. Subsidiaries
(held at more than 50%)
Air France (France)
- - 100% 3820 3820 390 19 15557 53 -
KLM (Netherlands)
- - 99,7% 824 824 0 44 9936 460 18
AirFrance – KLM
- - 100% 31 29 71 - - 3 -
(1) Statutory financial statements at December31, 2019.
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15. Items concerning related companies
As of December31, 2019
(in € millions) Amount
Trade receivables & related accounts of which:
— Air France 6
— KLM 7
— AirFrance – KLM Finance 1
Other receivables of which:
— Air France 62
— KLM 1
Trade payable and related accounts of which:
— Air France 2
— KLM 2
Other payables of which:
— Air France- Cash pooling 829
— Other members of the tax group 17
16. Commitments
KLM shares
During the business combination of the Air France and KLM
groups, the Dutch government undertook to reduce its stake in
KLM proportionally to any reduction by the French government
of its stake in AirFrance – KLM’s capital. To this end, the Dutch
government had to sell its cumulative preferred shares to
AirFrance – KLM or to a Dutch foundation in the name of and on
behalf of AirFrance – KLM, if the transfer had occurred during the
first three years following the business combination.
In the latter case, the foundation would have issue, to the benefit
of Air France – KLM, share certificates corresponding to the
cumulative A preferred shares transferred to the foundation.
These share certificates would have conferred to AirFrance – KLM
all of the economic rights attached to the said shares, the voting
rights attached to the said shares being exercised by the
foundation until Air France exchanges the share certificates
against the said shares.
At the end of the initial three - year period, AirFrance – KLM had
the option to exchange the share certificates against the
cumulative A preferred shares, which it could hold directly. As
AirFrance – KLM decided in 2007 to maintain SAK I and SAK II
foundations, AirFrance – KLM did not carry out this exchange.
Furthermore, Air France – KLM can decide to dissolute the
foundations at any time and at its sole discretion.
Moreover, the Dutch government has the right to sell to
AirFrance – KLM at any time as many cumulative A preferred
shares as it wants.
After the sale of 5,103,885 shares to Air France – KLM in
April 2005 for €11.6 million, the acquisition price of the
3,708,615cumulative A preferred shares still held by the Dutch
government amounts to €8.4million (i.e. a unit price of €2.27per
cumulative A preferred share, which has to be paid pro rata
during any sale or transfer under the conditions above).
The € 600million bond dated June18, 2014, is hedged for a
nominal value of € 200million converting fix rate to a floating
rate through a swap connected to a floor - isolated open position.
On December31, 2019, the fair value of the swap is € 6.3million
and the fair value of the floor amounts to € (0.8) million. (See
The $ 145million bond is fully hedged by a cross currency swap.
As of December 31, 2019 the fair value of this derivative
instrument is € (12) million. (See Note12.2).
Since January2009, AirFrance – KLM has acted as a guarantor
for Air France Company within the framework of its commitments
to Aéroport de Paris in respect of civil leases. This guarantee
has been renewed in July 2014 and more recently on
23September2019 for a period of 5years. The guarantee is now
expressly limited to €19,362,446million (and, cumulatively, at a
maximum of 3months’ rent per contract).
AirFrance – KLM guarantees a debt that KLM holds on the Airline
GOL for an amount of USD50million.
AirFrance – KLM guarantees the payment by Transavia Holland
to a lessor, of outstanding operational leases until 2024 for an
amount of USD50million at December31, 2019.
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17. Litigation
Litigation concerning anti - trust laws
in the air - freight industry
AirFrance – KLM, as parent company of Air France, KLM and
Martinair, is involved, since February 2006, in investigations
initiated by the antitrust authorities in several countries, with
respect to allegations of anti - competitive agreements or
concerted actions in the air freight industry with up to twenty - five
other airlines.
As of December31, 2017, most of these investigations have been
terminated following the entry into plea agreements between Air
France, KLM and Martinair and the appropriate competition
authorities providing for the payment of settlement amounts or
fines, with the exception of the proceedings initiated by the
European Commission, and by the Swiss antitrust authority,
which are still pending.
In Europe, the decision of the European Commission of 2010
against eleven air cargo carriers, including the companies of the
Group, Air France, KLM and Martinair, was annulled by the
General Court of the European Union on 16December2015. On
17March2017, the European Commission issued a new decision
against eleven air cargo carriers, including Air France, KLM
and Martinair. The total amount of fines imposed on the
AirFrance – KLM Group is €339million. This amount has been
reduced by €15million as compared to the initial decision owing
to a lower fine for Martinair due to technical reasons. On 29 and
30May2017 the Group companies filed an appeal against this
decision before the General Court of the European Union. The
Group has maintained a provision covering these fines.
In Switzerland, Air France and KLM are challenging a decision
imposing a €4 million fine before the relevant court. The
subsidiaries of the Group have provisioned the totality of this fine.
Those provisions are booked by each airlines and do not have
any impact in the financial statements of AirFrance – KLM.
18. Contingent liabilities
Following the initiation of various investigations by the
competition authorities in 2006 and the European Commission
decision in 2010, several collective and individual actions were
brought by forwarders and airfreight shippers in the civil courts
against Air France, KLM and Martinair, and other cargo operators,
in a number of jurisdictions.
Under these civil lawsuits, AirFrance – KLM is involved as the
parent company of the airlines. Shippers and freight forwarders
are claiming for damages to compensate alleged higher prices
due to alleged competition law infringement.
Air France, KLM and/or Martinair remain defendants, either as
main defendants (in particular in The Netherlands, Norway) or as
third party interveners brought in these cases by other main
defendants under “contribution proceedings”. Where Air France,
KLM and/or Martinair are the main defendants, they have also
initiated contribution proceedings against other airlines.
Although significant amounts have been reported by the media,
plaintis are mostly claiming for unspecified and/or insuciently
substantiated damages against defendants taken as a whole (and
not individually) and the EU decision to which the plaintis refer
to is still not definitive.
The Group companies and the other airlines involved in these
lawsuits continue to vigorously oppose all such civil claims
Except for the matters specified under the paragraphs 18 and 19,
the company is not aware of any governmental, judicial and
arbitration dispute or proceedings (including any proceedings of
which the issuer is aware, or that are pending or threatened
against it) that could have a significant impact on the company’s
financial position, earnings, assets, liabilities or profitability, for a
period covering at least the past twelve months.
19. Subsequent events
A new bond issue was issued on January 16, 2020 for
750million euros.
€ 311million was allocated to the redemption of the 2014 bond
issue and € 39million to the 2016 bond issue. The remaining
balance is intended to finance the operating requirements of the
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Financial Report
Five - year results summary
December December December December December
Year ended 31 2019 2018 2017 2016 20 15
12months 12months 12months 12months 12months
1. Share capital at year end
Share capital (in €) 428,634,035 428,634,035 428,634,035 300,219,278 300,219,278
Number of ordinary shares outstanding 428,634,035 428,634,035 428,634,035 300,219,278 300,219,278
Number of shares with a priority dividend - - - - -
Maximum number of shares that may be created:
— by bond conversion 27,901,785 - - - 53,386,532 74,449,544
— by exercise of subscription rights - - - - -
2. Transactions and results for the year
(in € thousand)
Net revenues - - - - -
Net income/(loss) before income tax,
employee profit- sharing, net depreciation,
amortization and provisions (32,516) (56,742) (73,163) (204,605) (134,768)
Income tax (17,173) (12,182) (35,980) (11,343) (10,484)
Employee profit - sharing for the year -
Net income/(loss) after income tax,
employee profit- sharing, net depreciation,
amortization and provisions (11,051) (38,406) (29,668) (160,569) (125,192)
Distributed net income - - -
3. Per share data (in €)
Net income/(loss) after income tax and employee
profit- sharing but before net depreciation,
amortization and provisions (0.04) (0.10) (0.09) (0.64) (0.41)
Net income/(loss) after income tax,
employee profit- sharing, net depreciation,
amortization and provisions (0.03) (0.09) (0.07) (0.53) (0.42)
Dividend per share - - - - -
4. Employees
Average number of employees during the year 1.9 - - - -
Total payroll costs 825 - - - -
Employee welfare contributions and similar charges
(Social Security, employee organizations, etc. ) 299 - - - -
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To the Shareholders,
1. Opinion
In compliance with the engagement entrusted to us by your
Shareholders’ Meetings, we have audited the accompanying
financial statements of Air France – KLM for the year ended
December31, 2019.
In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and fair view
of the assets and liabilities, and of the financial position of the
Company as at December 31, 2019 and of the results of its
operations for the year then ended in accordance with the
accounting rules and principles applicable in France.
The audit opinion expressed above is consistent with our report
to the Audit Committee.
2. Basis for opinion
Audit Framework
We conducted our audit in accordance with professional standards
applicable in France. We believe that the audit evidence we have
obtained is sucient and appropriate to provide a basis for our
Our responsibilities under those standards are further described
in the “Statutory Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the
Financial Statements” section of our report.
We conducted our audit in compliance with independence rules
applicable to us, for the period from January1, 2019 to the issue
date of our report and in particular we did not provide any
prohibited non - audit services referred to in Article 5 (1) of
Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 or in the French Code of ethics for
Statutory Auditors.
3. Justification of assessments–
Key Audit Matters
In accordance with the requirements of articles L. 823 - 9 and
R.823 - 7of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce)
relating to the justification of our assessments, we bring your
attention to the key audit matters relating to risks of material
misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were of most
significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current
period, as well as our responses to those risks.
These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion
thereon. We do not provide a separate opinion on specific
elements, accounts or items of the financial statements.
Equity interests
(Notes1 (long term investments),
9, 14to the statutory financial statements)
Risk identified
As of December31, 2019, equity interests represented a net value
of €4,678 million compared to a total balance sheet of
€7,505 million. They are recorded as of their entry date at
acquisition cost and impaired based on their fair value by taking
into account the share of equity, earnings outlooks and stock
market values that can be used as a reference.
The fair value estimate of these long - term investments requires
management to exercise judgment in its choice of items to
consider according to the nature of the investments concerned.
Such items may correspond, as the case may be, to historical
items (for certain entities, equity, and for others, average stock
market prices over the last month), or forecast items (earnings
outlooks and economic situation in the countries considered).
We considered the determination of the fair value of equity
interests to be a key audit matter because of i) the uncertainties
inherent to certain assumptions and specifically the probability
of forecasts, and ii) the potential importance of a reversal or
impairment of an equity interest provision in the Company’s
Our response
To assess the reasonableness of the fair value estimate of equity
interests, based on the information communicated to us, our
work mainly consisted in verifying that the estimate of these values,
as determined by management, is based on an appropriate
justification of the valuation method and the figures used, and
according to the securities concerned:
For the valuations based on historical items:
verifying that the equity retained is consistent with the
accounts of the entities that were the subject of an audit or
analytical procedures and that any equity adjustments are
based on probative documentation.
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Statutory Auditors’ report on the financial statements
For the valuations based on historical items:
obtaining the financial profitability outlooks for the entities
verifying the consistency of the assumptions adopted with the
economic environment on the dates the accounts were
prepared and closed;
comparing the forecasts adopted for preceding periods with
the corresponding realizations in order to assess the
achievement of past objectives;
verifying that the value resulting from cash - flow forecasts was
adjusted for the debt of the entity considered.
verifying the arithmetical accuracy of the computed fair values
In addition to assessing the fair values of equity interests, our
work also consisted in evaluating the recoverability of related
receivables with respect to the equity interest analysis.
Provisions and contingent liabilities
concerning anti - trust laws
(Notes17 and 18to the financial statements)
Risk identified
AirFrance – KLM is involved in a number of governmental, legal
or arbitration proceedings and litigation, specifically in terms of
anti - trust laws. The outcome of these procedures and litigations
depends on future events and the Company’s estimates are
inherently based on the use of management assumptions and
We considered the provisions for litigation to be a key audit
matter due to the uncertainty over the outcome of current
proceedings, the high level of management estimates and
judgments and, the potentially material nature of the impact of
provision amounts on net income and equity should these
estimates change.
Our response
We specifically assessed the estimates and assumptions adopted
by the Group in determining the need to recognize a provision
and where applicable its amount.
Based on discussions with the Group, we familiarized ourselves
with the latter’s analysis of the risks and status of each significant
litigation, whether reported or potential.
We assessed the items justifying the recognition or not of a
provision. We thus analyzed the lawyers’ replies to your enquiries,
familiarized ourselves with the exchanges between the Company,
its lawyers and other parties to the suits and considered any new
developments preceding the issue date of our report.
Based on these items, we conducted a critical review of the
estimates and positions adopted by management.
We also assessed the appropriateness of the disclosures in
Notes17 and 18to the financial statements.
4. Specific verifications
We have also performed, in accordance with professional
standards applicable in France, the specific verifications required
by French law.
Information given in the management report
and in the other documents provided to
shareholders with respect to the financial position
and the financial statements
We have no matters to report as to the fair presentation and the
consistency with the financial statements of the information
given in the management report of the Board of Directors and in
the other documents provided to shareholders with respect to
the financial position and the financial statements.
We attest the fair presentation and the consistency with the
financial statements of the information related to payment terms
mentioned in Article D. 441 - 4of the French Commercial Code
(Code de commerce).
We attest that extra - financial performance declaration required
under article L.255 - 102 - 1of the French Commercial Code (Code
de commerce) is included in the management report, it being
clarified that, in compliance with the terms of Article L.823 - 10of
this Code, we have not verified the fair presentation and the
consistency with the financial statements of the information
contained therein and should be reported on by an independent
insurance services provider.
Information related to the governance
We attest that the section related to the governance of the
management report of the Board of Directors contains the
information required by Articles L.225 - 37 - 3 and L.225 - 37 - 4of
the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce).
Concerning the information given in accordance with the
requirements of Article L.225 - 37 - 3of the French Commercial
Code (Code de commerce) relating to remunerations and
benefits received by the Directors and any other commitments
made in their favor, we have verified its consistency with the
financial statements, or with the underlying information used to
prepare these financial statements and, where applicable, with
the information obtained by your company from controlling and
controlled companies. Based on this work, we attest the accuracy
and fair presentation of this information.
Concerning the information relating to the items that your
Company considered likely to have an impact in the event of a
tender or exchange oer, provided pursuant to Article L.225 - 37 - 5of
the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), we have
verified their compliance with the underlying documents which
have been communicated to us. Based on our work, we have no
comment to make on this information.
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5. Report on other legal and regulatory
Appointment of the Statutory Auditors
We were appointed as Statutory Auditors of AirFrance – KLM by
the Shareholders’ Meeting of September25, 1998 for Deloitte &
Associés and September25, 2002 for KPMG Audit.
As of December31, 2019, Deloitte & Associés and KPMG were
respectively in the 22
year and 18
year of total uninterrupted
engagement, which are the 21
year and 18
year since securities
of the Company were admitted to trading on a regulated market.
6. Responsibilities of management
and those charged with governance
for the financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation
of the financial statements in accordance with French accounting
principles, and for such internal control as management determines
is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements
that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud
or error.
In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible
for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern,
disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and
using the going concern basis of accounting unless it is expected
to liquidate the Company or to cease its operations.
The Audit Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial
reporting process and the eectiveness of internal control and
risk management systems and, where applicable, its Internal
Audit, regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures.
The financial statements have been approved by the Board of
7. Statutory Auditors’ responsibilities for
the audit of the financial statements
Objective and audit approach
Our role is to issue a report on the financial statements. Our objective
is to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements as a whole are free from material misstatement.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a
guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with professional
standards will always detect a material misstatement when it
exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could
reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of
users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As specified in Article L.823 - 10 - 1of the French Commercial Code
(Code de commerce), our statutory audit does not include assurance
on the viability of the Company or the quality of management of
the aairs of the Company.
As part of an audit conducted in accordance with professional
standards applicable in France, the statutory auditor exercises
professional judgment throughout the audit and furthermore:
identifies and assesses the risks of material misstatement of
the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, designs
and performs audit procedures responsive to those risks, and
obtains audit evidence considered to be sucient and
appropriate to provide a basis for his opinion. The risk of not
detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is
higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve
collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations,
or the override of internal control;
obtains an understanding of internal control relevant to the
audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate
in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an
opinion on the eectiveness of the internal control;
evaluates the appropriateness of accounting policies used and
the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related
disclosures made by management in the financial statements;
assesses the appropriateness of management’s use of the
going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit
evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists
related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt
on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. This
assessment is based on the audit evidence obtained up to the
date of his audit report. However, future events or conditions
may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going
concern. If the statutory auditor concludes that a material
uncertainty exists, he draws attention in the audit report to the
related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such
disclosures are not provided or inadequate, he expresses a
qualified or an adverse opinion;
evaluates the overall presentation of the financial statements
and whether the financial statements represent the underlying
transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document342
Financial Report
5 Statutory Auditors’ report on the financial statements
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2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 343
Financial Report
Statutory Auditors’ report on the financial statements
Paris La Défense, February19, 2020
The Statutory Auditors
KPMG Audit Deloitte & Associés
A division of KPMG SA
Éric Jacquet Guillaume Troussicot Pascal Colin
Partner Partner Partner
Report to the Audit Committee
We submit a report to the Audit Committee which includes in
particular a description of the scope of the audit and the audit
program implemented, as well as significant audit findings. We
also report, if any, significant deficiencies in internal control
regarding the accounting and financial reporting procedures that
we have identified.
Our report to the Audit Committee includes the risks of material
misstatement that, in our professional judgment, were of most
significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current
period and which are therefore the key audit matters that we are
required to describe in this report.
We also provide the Audit Committee with the declaration provided
for in Article 6of Regulation (EU) N°537/2014, confirming our
independence within the meaning of the rules applicable in
France such as they are set in particular by Articles L.822 - 10to
L.822 - 14of the French Commercial Code (Code de commerce)
and in the French Code of Ethics (Code de déontologie) for
Statutory Auditors. Where appropriate, we discuss with the Audit
Committee the risks that may reasonably be thought to bear on
our independence, and the related safeguards.
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document344
Financial Report
5 Statutory Auditors’ special report on regulated agreements
To the Shareholders’ Meeting of the company AirFrance – KLM SA,
In our capacity as Statutory Auditors of your company, we hereby
present to you our report on regulated agreements.
The terms of our engagement require us to communicate to you,
based on the information provided to us, the principal terms,
conditions and justifications of interest for the company of
agreements brought to our attention, or that may have been
discovered during the course of our audit, without expressing an
opinion on their usefulness and appropriateness, and without
identifying the existence of other agreements if any. It is your
responsibility, pursuant to Article R. 225 - 31 of the French
Commercial Code (Code de commerce), to assess the interest
related to the conclusion of those agreements for approval
Our role is also to provide you with the information stipulated in
Article R.225 - 31of the French Commercial Code relating to the
implementation during the past year of agreements previously
approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting.
We conducted the procedures we deemed necessary in
accordance with the professional guidelines of the French
National Institute of Statutory Auditors (Compagnie Nationale
des Commissaires aux comptes) relating to this engagement.
These procedures consisted in verifying the consistency of the
information provided to us with their underlying documentation.
Agreements submitted to the approval
of the Shareholders’ Meeting
Agreements authorized and/or concluded during the year
In accordance with the provisions of article L. 225 - 40of the
French Commercial Code (Code de commerce), we have been
advised of the following agreements which have been subject to
the preliminary authorization by your Board of Directors.
Modification of the transatlantic partnership
between AirFrance – KLM, Delta Air Lines
and Virgin Atlantic
Common directors concerned:
Delta Airlines Inc.: member of the Board of Directors of
AirFrance – KLM, represented by M.George N.Mattson, and Virgin
Nature, purpose and terms:
AirFrance – KLM (AF-KLM), Delta Air LinesInc. (Delta) et Virgin
Atlantic (VAL) announced on February3, 2020, the implementation
of the an expanded transatlantic partnership (the “Partnership”),
as well as the confirmation that AF-KLM would no longer proceed
with the acquisition of a 31% equity interest in VAL. This decision
resulted in the amendment of the Partnership agreements concluded
in May15, 2018, and authorized by your Board of Directors during
meetings held in March14 and May15, 2018, without aecting the
AF-KLM position in the commercial joint - venture involving Delta,
VAL and AF-KLM. Those agreements had been approved by the
Shareholders’ Meeting held in May28, 2019, on the special report
of the Statutory Auditors dated Mach 29, 2019.
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Paris-La Défense, April7, 2020
The Statutory Auditors
KPMG Audit Deloitte et Associés
A division of KPMG SA
Éric Jacquet Guillaume Troussicot Pascal Colin
Associé Associé Associé
This is a free translation into English of the Statutory Auditors’ special report on regulated agreements with third parties that is issued
in the French language and is provided solely for the convenience of English speaking readers. This report on regulated agreements
should be read in conjunction with, and construed in accordance with, French law and professional auditing standards applicable in
France. It should be understood that the agreements reported on are only those provided by the French Commercial Code and that
the report does not apply to those related party transactions described in IAS24 or other equivalent accounting standards.
The following signed agreements, authorized by your Board of
Directors dated October30, 2019, lead to the implementation of
the Partnership:
1. termination of the Share Purchase Agreement (“SPA”)
between AirFrance – KLM Finance SAS (“AFKL Finance”)
and Virgin Investments Limited, related to the purchase of
31% stake in VAL, and termination of other agreements
ancillary to the SPA;
2. amendment and updating of the joint - venture Agreement
between Delta, Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited, AF-KLM,
KLM and Société Air France (signed on January30, 2020
and eective as per January1, 2020), in order to reflect
the termination of the SPA;
3. amendment and updating of the Implementation Agreement
between AFKL Finance, Société Air France, KLM, Delta, VAL,
Virgin Investments Limited, Virgin Atlantic Airways Limited
and Sir Richard Branson (signed on January9, 2020 and
eective as per January1, 2020), in order to reflect the
termination of the SPA;
4. signature of an agreement between AF-KLM, Delta et
Virgin Group (signed and eective as per January30, 2020)
granting AF-KLM, subject to specific conditions, a right to
acquire shares in VAL in the event of a sale by Virgin Group
of shares in VAL to a third party (the “Agreement”).
Justification of the interest of the agreement for the company
Your Board of Directors considered:
the amendment of the joint - venture agreement and of the
Implementation agreement has been concluded in order to
reflect, among other interests, the AF-KLM decision not to
proceed with the acquisition of a 31% equity interest in VAL,
without aecting AF-KLM commercial position within the
joint - venture, as approved on May15, 2018;
following the AF-KLM decision not to proceed with the
acquisition of a 31% equity interest in VAL, Virgin Group
maintains its majority interest by 51% in VAL, with Delta
owning 49%. AF-KLM benefits from a right to acquire shares
in VAL from Virgin Group subject to specific conditions
defined in the Agreement.
Agreements previously approved
by the Shareholders’ Meeting
Agreements approved in prior years which remained
current during the year
We hereby inform you that we have not been advised of any
agreement previously approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting
which remained in force during the year.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 345
Financial Report
Statutory Auditors’ special report on regulated agreements
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Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document346
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6.1 History 348
6.2 General information 350
6.3 Information on the agreements concluded in connection
with the business combination between Air France and KLM 351
6.3.1 Agreements relating to the KLM shareholding structure 351
6.3.2 Agreements with the Dutch State 352
6.3.3 Assurances given to KLM 353
6.4 Legislative and regulatory environment
for the air transport industry 353
6.4.1 Freedoms of the air and international conventions 353
6.4.2 European legislation 354
6.4.3 Other legal aspects of AirFrance – KLM’s activities 355
6.5 Information and control 356
6.5.1 Person responsible for the Universal Registration Document
and for the Annual Financial Report 356
6.5.2 Certification by the person responsible 356
6.5.3 Statutory Auditors 357
6.5.4 Head of Investor Relations 357
6.5.5 Documents available to the public 357
Glossaries 358
Air transport glossary 358
Financial glossary 360
Table of concordance for the Universal Registration Document 362
Information included by reference 364
Table of concordance for the Annual Financial Report 365
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM
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Two companies born on the same day
October7, 1919
KLM, Koninklijke Luchtvaartmaatschappij, is founded, Royal
Dutch Airline for the Netherlands and its colonies.
October7, 1933
Air France is born from the combination of five French airlines
(Air Union, Air Orient, Société Générale de Transport Aérien
(SGTA), CIDNA and Aéropostale).
Air France and KLM jointly operate the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-
Paris route within the framework of a commercial agreement.
First KLM transatlantic flight from Amsterdam to Curaçao in a
Fokker F-XVIII Snip.
Air transportation and
the two companies take o
1945 - 46
Air France is nationalized.
KLM flights, interrupted by the war, resume service.
Introduction of scheduled flights to New York in DC-4s, from
Paris with Air France and from Amsterdam with KLM. At this time,
the flight takes nearly 24hours.
Air France and KLM are equipped with Constellations and
engage in mutual assistance.
Air France and KLM inaugurate the polar route, flying from Paris
and Amsterdam to Tokyo via the North Pole.
1959 - 1960
Arrival of the jet era: Air France brings the first Caravelles and
Boeing 707s into service, reducing the duration of the Paris-New
York flight to eight hours. KLM brings its first DC-8aircraft into
Air France bases its operations and maintenance at Orly Sud.
First KLM flight takes o from the new Schiphol airport.
1970 - 71
The Boeing 747 is first used on long - haul routes by Air France in
1970 and by KLM in 1971.
1974 - 1982
Air France operations move, in 1974, to the new Terminal 1at
Paris-Charles de Gaulle, then to CDG 2 in 1982.
The supersonic airplane, Concorde, is brought into service, first
on the Paris-Rio, Paris-Caracas and Paris-Washington routes then,
in 1977, on Paris-New York, connecting the two cities in three
hours 45minutes.
Development of the two majors
Conclusion of an alliance, the first in the history of air
transportation, between KLM and the US company Northwest
Air France acquires UTA (Union des Transports Aériens), founded
in 1963.
KLM founds a regional company, KLM Cityhopper, by merging
NLM Cityhopper and NetherLines, and reinforces its shareholding
in Transavia from 40% to 80%.
Air France and UTA merge, giving Air France a 72% stake in Air
Inter after combining its own shareholding in that company with
that of UTA.
KLM establishes the first European medium - haul/long - haul
transfer platform at Schiphol airport.
First Open Skies agreement between the Netherlands and the
United States.
All KLM and Northwest Airlines flights between Europe and the
United States are operated within a joint - venture.
Air Inter becomes Air France Europe.
Establishment of Air France’s medium - haul/long - haul transfer
platform at Paris-CDG.
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document348
Other information
6 History
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Air France Europe is merged with Air France.
Air France is listed for trading on the Monthly Settlement Market of
the Paris Stock Exchange for the first time on February22, 1999.
Air France, Aeromexico, Delta Air Lines,Inc. and Korean Air found
the SkyTeam and SkyTeam Cargo alliances.
Creation of the Air France regional division following the acquisition
of Régional Airlines, Flandre Air, Proteus, Brit Air and CityJet.
Open Sky agreement signed between France and the United
Alitalia and CSA Czech Airlines join SkyTeam.
Creation of AirFrance – KLM, the leading
European air transport group
September30: Air France and KLM announce their intention to
merge through a public exchange oer.
May: Air France – KLM shares are listed for trading on the
Euronext Paris and Amsterdam markets as well as on the New
York Stock Exchange. Privatization of Air France with the transfer
of the majority of its shares to the private sector involving the
dilution of the French State’s shareholding.
September: Finalization of the Group’s organizational structure
with the creation of the Air France – KLM holding company,
regrouping the two airline subsidiaries, Air France and KLM. KLM
and its US partners Northwest Airlines and Continental join the
SkyTeam alliance.
December: The French State reduces its shareholding from 44%
to 23% by selling shares in the market.
2005 - 06
The French State reduces its shareholding in AirFrance – KLM
from 23% to 18.6% by selling shares within the framework of the
share oer (ORS) reserved to Air France employees.
2006 - 07
Signature of the Open Skies agreement between Europe and the
United States to come into force in March2008.
2008 - 09
The US Department of Transportation grants Air France, KLM,
Delta Air Lines,Inc. and Northwest anti - trust immunity with the
obligation to establish a single transatlantic joint - venture between
these four airlines before the end of 2009.
AirFrance – KLM acquires a 25% equity interest in Alitalia.
2009 - 10
In April, AirFrance – KLM and Delta Air Lines,Inc. implement the
joint - venture on the North Atlantic joined, in July2010, by Alitalia.
Launch of the “Transform 2015” plan targeting a €2billion reduction
in net debt, the restoration of the Group’s competitiveness and a
turnaround in the short and medium - haul network.
In early September, the Group unveils its new strategic plan,
“Perform 2020”, foreseeing an on going improvement in
competitiveness and an increase in the Group’s exposure to
growth markets.
The Boeing 787 enters the KLM fleet.
AirFrance – KLM returns to the oensive with the launch of the
new “Trust Together” strategic project.
AirFrance – KLM takes a further major step in the reinforcement
of its strategic partnerships when China Eastern Airlines and
Delta Air Lines,Inc. become shareholders.
Anne-Marie Couderc is appointed Chair of the AirFrance – KLM
Board of Directors. Benjamin Smith is appointed Chief Executive
The longest - standing commercial airline in the world still to be
flying under its original name, on October7, 2019 KLM celebrates
its centenary.
The Dutch State acquires 14% of the Air France – KLM share
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 349
Other information
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Corporate name
AirFrance – KLM
Trade name
AirFrance – KLM Group
Registered oce
2rue Robert Esnault-Pelterie, 75007Paris
Tel:+ 33 (0)1 43 17 21 96
Mailing address
BP 9011275326Paris Cedex 07
The Company information figuring on the website is not an integral
part of this document excepting incorporation by reference.
Legal status
French public company (société anonyme) with a Board of
French law.
AirFrance – KLM is governed by the French Code de Commerce
and the provisions of the Civil Aviation and Transport Codes
relating to air transport companies and notably to Air France. The
Transport Code contains a provision designed to safeguard the
nationality of air transport companies whose shares are listed for
trading on a regulated market.
Incorporation and expiry dates
Incorporated on: April23, 1947.
Due to expire on: July 3, 2045 barring early liquidation or
Corporate purpose (Article 2of the Articles of
The primary purpose of Air France–KLM is to hold direct or
indirect interests in the capital of air transport companies and,
more generally, in any companies in France or elsewhere whose
purpose is related to the air transport business.
Trade register
Paris Trade and Company Register: 552,043,002
APE code: 6420Z
Legal Entity Identifier
969500AQW31GYO8JZD66 (LEI Code)
Consultation of legal documents
The legal and corporate documents relating to AirFrance – KLM
may be consulted at 45 rue de Paris, Tremblay en France,
95737Paris-CDG Cedex.
Financial year
The financial year begins on January1 and ends on December31.
Appropriation of income
After approving the financial statements and taking due note of
the income available for distribution, the shareholders vote in the
Shareholders’ Meeting on the total or partial distribution of such
income (with, in the latter case, the appropriation of the
undistributed balance to one or more reserve accounts), or the
appropriation of all distributable income to one or more reserve
Relations between AirFrance – KLM and its
Air France–KLM and its subsidiaries Air France and KLM have
signed agreements whose aim is to define the conditions under
which Air France and KLM, at the request of Air France–KLM,
provide technical and administrative support services to Air
France – KLM (intra - group accounting, administrative, legal,
financial and IT services).
Air France- KLM 2019 Universal Registration Document350
Other information
6 General information
6_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page350
6.3.1 Agreements relating
to the KLM shareholding
Holding of shareholder voting rights
by two Dutch foundations
In order to continue to comply with specific regulatory
requirements relating to KLM air transport operations, a system
to separate the rights attached to KLM shares and the exercise
of the voting rights attached to these shares by two Dutch
foundations (SAK I and SAK II) was put in place in 2004.
Pursuant to this system which is still in force, Air France–KLM
held, as at December31, 2019, 93.84% of KLM’s economic rights,
99.70% of KLM’s dividend rights and 49% of KLM’s voting rights,
while the two Dutch foundations held, together, 44.84% of KLM’s
voting rights.
Furthermore, as at December31, 2019, the Dutch State held 5.92%
of KLM’s voting rights and the remaining minority shareholders
held 0.24% of KLM’s voting rights and 0.30% of its dividend rights.
In KLM Shareholders’ Meetings, the two Dutch foundations, SAK
I and SAK II, exercise the voting rights they hold in accordance
with decisions taken unanimously by the three Board directors
constituting their respective Boards of Directors, it being
specified that these Board directors must act in accordance with
the corporate governance principles defined in the agreements
relating to the business combination between KLM and Air
France, and in the best interests of KLM, Air France- KLM and its
shareholders. If a unanimous decision cannot be reached by the
three Board directors in the Board of Directors for each of the
Dutch Foundations, no resolution may be passed by the Board
of the relevant Foundation, which consequently cannot then vote
on the relevant resolutions in the KLM Shareholders’ Meeting.
Amongst the three Board directors for each of the foundations,
one member is appointed by Air France–KLM, one by KLM and
the third, acting in the capacity of Chair of the Foundation, is
appointed by the first two directors, it being specified that the
majority of the members of the Boards of Directors of each
Foundation, including the Chair, must be Dutch residents.
In connection with the business combination taking place in 2004 between Air France and KLM for the creation of the AirFrance 
KLM holding company, agreements were entered into with various stakeholders, some of whose provisions continue to apply as of
the date of this Universal Registration Document.
2019 Universal Registration Document Air France - KLM 351
Other information
Information on the agreements concluded in connection with the business combination between Air France and KLM
99.70% of the dividend rights
and 49% of the voting rights
100% of the share capital
and voting rights
AirFrance - KLM
Dutch Foundations
44.84% of
the voting rights
Dutch State
5.92% of the voting rights
Other shareholders
0.24% of the voting rights
0.30% of the dividend rights
6_VA_V10 22/04/2020 10:12 Page351
Unilateral termination option
for Air France–KLM at any time
Initially incorporated in 2004 for a three - year period, the two SAK
I and SAK II foundations were however extended for an unlimited
period by a 2007 agreement. Nevertheless, this agreement
provides that Air France–KLM may, at any time as of May6,
2007 and at its sole discretion, terminate this administered
shareholding structure for KLM shares through SAK I and SAK II
and proceed to regroup the economic and voting rights attached
to the KLM shares, thereby holding 93.84% of KLM’s voting rights.
6.3.2 Agreements
with the Dutch State
To enable the completion of the business combination and
safeguard KLM’s trac rights, airline status and the scale of its
network and operations at Schiphol, Air France and KLM entered
into the following agreements with the Dutch State.
Agreement for the acquisition of cumulative
preference A shares held by the Dutch State
On October16, 2003, Air France, KLM and the Dutch State signed
an agreement pursuant to which the Dutch State agreed to
decrease its interest in KLM proportionately to any reduction by
the French State of its stake in Air France–KLM. To this end, the
Dutch State will sell its cumulative preferential A shares to Air
France–KLM or to SAK I on behalf of Air France–KLM as long
as this foundation is maintained. In such case, SAK I will issue share
certificates to the benefit of Air France–KLM corresponding to
the cumulative preferential A shares transferred to SAK I. These
share certificates confer to Air France–KLM the economic right
attached to the transferred cumulative preferential A shares, i.e.
a right to a dividend, the corresponding voting rights being
exercised by SAK I until the share certificates have been
exchanged by Air France–KLM against the said shares.
In March2005, pursuant to the agreement, 5,103,885cumulative
preference A shares were transferred by the Dutch State to SAK
I on behalf of Air France–KLM, which received, in return, SAK I
share certificates.
At the end of the initial three - year period (2004 to 2007), Air
France–KLM had the option to exchange the share certificates
against cumulative preferential A shares, and to directly hold the
cumulative preferential A shares. Having decided, in 2007, to
maintain the SAK I and SAK II foundations, Air France–KLM did
not proceed with this exchange but could still do so at any time,
in whole or in part. In addition, Air France–KLM is free to decide
to dissolve the foundations at any time and at its sole discretion.
Furthermore, the Dutch State benefits from the right to transfer,
at any time, as many cumulative preferential A shares as it wishes
to Air France–KLM.
These agreements relating to the cumulative preferential A
shares remain in force.
Option for the Dutch State to subscribe for
preferential KLM B shares
This option granted to the Dutch State lapsed in May2010.
Assurances given to the Dutch State
Nature and duration of the assurances–
unilateral termination option
Within the framework of the 2004 business combination, Air France
and KLM granted the Dutch State, for an initial eight - year period
starting from the completion of the business combination (i.e.
expiring in 2012), various assurances as to KLM’s airline status, its
air services and the scale of its passenger and cargo operations
at Schiphol airport with a view to maintaining the quality of KLM’s
network at Schiphol which, according to the Dutch State, is of
public interest, while at the same time taking into account the
interests of the Air France–KLM Group and its shareholders (the
In return for these Assurances, the Dutch State undertook to take
the importance of KLM’s activities at Schiphol into consideration
when defining its civil aviation policy. Furthermore, the Dutch
State agreed to:
maintain the existing portfolio of trac rights granted to KLM,
other than those that have not been used by KLM over a
cumulative period of twelve months;
continue to review any future request submitted by KLM
for the allocation of new trac rights on a fair and
non - discriminatory basis.
Pursuant to an agreement entered into on May 25, 2010, the
Dutch State, Air France–KLM and KLM agreed to extend the
Assurances given to the Dutch State, with the exclusion, however,
of an assurance foreseeing that the combined growth should not
negatively impact KLM’s operations in the passenger and cargo
segment, beyond May5, 2012 for an indefinite period, subject to
Air France–KLM’s right to terminate these Assurances, at its sole
discretion, with prior notice of nine months. This agreement was
confirmed by a meeting between, inter alia, the Minister for
Transportation of the Netherlands, the Chairman and Chief
Executive Ocer of Air France–KLM and the President of the
Management Board of KLM which took place on March12, 2015.
Mechanism to ensure compliance with the Assurances
Air France and KLM set up a Dutch foundation, known as the KLM
Assurances Foundation (Stichting Assurances KLM –duration
extended in 2010) to facilitate the provision of binding advice
(bindend advise) on the interpretation of the Assurances granted
to the Dutch State (the “Advice”). These advices are issued by a
KLM Assurances Foundation Committee in the event that a
decision taken by the KLM Supervisory Board, KLM Management
Board or Air France–KLM Board of Directors is considered to be
in conflict with the Assurances given to the Dutch State.
When giving its Advice, the KLM Assurances Foundation must
act in the best interests of KLM, the Air France–KLM Group and
its shareholders.
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Commercial air transport is governed by eight freedoms, national
and supranational legislation, and various international conventions
that each State undertakes to apply in its air space after their
6.4.1 Freedoms of the air and
international conventions
In addition to the eight freedoms of the air established by the
Chicago Agreements relating to transit and transport (1944),
three main treaties establish the legal and regulatory framework
for commercial aviation: the Chicago Convention (1944), the
Montreal Convention (1999) and the Tokyo Convention (1963). A
fourth treaty, the Rome Convention (1952), covers damage
caused to third parties on the ground.
Freedoms of the air
Under a bilateral treaty, an air carrier has freedoms that allow it
to operate in the air space and the territory of a State other than
its State of origin. These eight freedoms are as follows:
freedom–A carrier that leaves from its State of origin has
the right to overfly the air space of a foreign State;
freedom–A carrier that leaves from its State of origin has
the right to make a technical layover without unloading or
loading passengers in a foreign State. This freedom is the
“transit right”;
freedom–A carrier that leaves from its State of origin has
the right to unload passengers from its State of origin in a
foreign State;
freedom–A carrier that leaves from a foreign State has the
right to load passengers in this foreign State and unload them
in its State of origin;
freedom–A carrier that leaves from its State of origin has
the right to unload and load passengers in two successive
foreign States;
freedom–A carrier that leaves from a foreign State has the
right to load passengers in that State and unload them in its
State of origin, then in another foreign State;
freedom–A carrier that leaves from a foreign State has the
right to load passengers in that State to unload them in
another foreign State, without going through its State of
freedom–A carrier that leaves from its State of origin has
the right to load passengers in a foreign State, to unload them
in another city in this same foreign State.
The Chicago Convention (1944)
The Convention relating to international civil aviation, known as
the Chicago Convention, sets out the legal, regulatory and
technical rules governing commercial aviation and its Member
State signatories are required to implement a common legal
framework governing their domestic air space and their relations
with one another.
Signed on December7, 1944, the Chicago Convention established
the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as the
instrument of cooperation between the 193signatory States in
all areas of civil aviation.
The Committee is composed of three members:
one member appointed by Air France–KLM;
one member appointed by the Dutch State; and
one member jointly appointed by the first two members as
well as by a Board member of the KLM Assurances Foundation
appointed by KLM who is not a Committee member; it being
specified that the member appointed by Air France–KLM has
a double voting right for the appointment of the third
Committee member.
The filing of a case with the Foundation’s Committee relating to a
decision taken by the KLM Supervisory Board, the KLM
Management Board or the Air France–KLM Board of Directors
can be made by the Dutch State only in relation to the
Assurances given to it.
If the KLM Assurances Foundation Committee issues an Advice
indicating that the decision submitted to it contravenes the
Assurances given to the Dutch State, the KLM Supervisory Board,
the KLM Management Board or the Air France–KLM Board of
Directors will be required to cancel or amend its decision as soon
as possible and nullify the eects of any measure taken in
connection with the said decision, in accordance with the issued
Advice. The Committee’s decisions are adopted by majority vote
of its members.
As at December31, 2019, no Advice had been rendered by the
KLM Assurances Foundation Committee.
6.3.3 Assurances given to KLM
The assurances granted to KLM have been null and void since
May6, 2009.
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The Montreal Convention (1999)
The Montreal Convention of May 1999, ratified to date by
136 States, aims to provide better protection for passengers
suering damages. This convention entered into force on
June28, 2004. It is based on several fundamental provisions,
notably the principle of the unlimited liability of air transport
companies in the event of physical injury with the implementation
of a two - tier system:
a first tier that sets an objective liability for the air transport
company of up to 128,821Special Drawing Rights (SDR);
a second tier, based on a presumption of fault for the air
transport company, for which the airline may be exempt if it
proves that it or its agents or ocials have not been negligent
in any way or that the damages result exclusively from the acts
of a third party.
The Rome Convention (1952)
The Rome Convention, signed in 1952, covers damages caused
to third parties on the ground by foreign aircraft. This convention
has not been ratified by France, the Netherlands or the United
States. The ICAO’s legal commission is currently involved in a
major initiative to redraft the wording which would facilitate its
ratification by making a distinction between everyday risk and
terrorist risk.
The Convention relating to compensation for damage caused to
third parties following acts of unlawful interference with aircraft,
signed in Montreal on May2, 2009 by thirteen States, for the
most part African, is still not applicable. It has only been ratified
by three of the 35States required for its entry into force.
The Tokyo Convention (1963)
The Tokyo Convention, in force since December4, 1969, sets out
the principles and establishes the procedures for handling oences
against penal law (except those of a political nature and based
on racial or religious discrimination) and acts endangering the
safety of the aircraft or that of the persons and property on board.
One of the specific characteristics of this Tokyo Convention is
that it recognizes certain powers and immunities of aircraft
commanders, exonerating them, under certain conditions, from
responsibility for any harm potentially caused to individuals
committing such unlawful acts.
This Tokyo Convention (ratified by France in 1970) is currently
the subject of a revision process within the ICAO.
A Protocol to amend the Tokyo Convention was adopted
in Montreal on April 4, 2014. It gathered the minimum of
22 ratifications required for its entry into force and is thus
applicable in the States having ratified it. The ratification process
is currently under way in France.
This Montreal Protocol expands the jurisdiction by recognizing,
under certain conditions, the jurisdiction of the State of Landing
and the State of the Operator over oences and acts committed
on board aircraft. The establishment of such jurisdiction over
oences is mandatory if the criteria stipulated in the Protocol are
respected. Furthermore, the Protocol grants legal recognition
and some protections to in - flight security ocers. It also contains
provisions covering matters such as intra-State coordination, due
process of law and fair treatment.
6.4.2 European legislation
Single European air space
Within the European Union, these eight freedoms have been
supplemented, since April1, 1997, by common legislation that
creates a homogeneous regulatory situation for all European
carriers. All European airlines may freely operate and, in particular,
perform cabotage operations within a single European air space.
Furthermore, any resident of an EU Member State may hold a
stake in the shares of any EU-registered airline, without limit,
provided that the shareholder is not acting as a front for a
beneficial owner who is not a citizen of an EU Member State. The
existence of this legislation eliminates the need for bilateral
agreements between EU Member States and does not prevent
them from participating in the ICAO, nor does it conflict with the
principles and regulations of the Chicago Convention.
Open Skies agreement between Europe
and third - party countries
Based on mandates issued by the Council of Ministers, the
European Union and its Member States have signed air transport
agreements with the following third - party countries:
United States: the agreement signed in April 2007 was
amended by a protocol of June 2010 enabling, notably,
European airlines to operate an unlimited number of flights,
aircraft and routes to the United States from any European
airport with the freedom to set prices, and to operate their
services within the framework of cooperation agreements
with partners of their choice. This agreement does not change
the US rules on ownership and control and, similarly, cabotage
remains forbidden;
Canada: the agreement signed in December2009 oers EC
carriers similar opportunities to those figuring in the agreement
with the United States and also includes the same restrictions;
European Union neighboring countries: the agreement
signed with Morocco in December2006 was the first in a
series of agreements signed with European Union neighboring
countries: Georgia and Jordan in December2010, Moldavia in
June2012 and Israel in June2013. These agreements foresee
the liberalization of bilateral air relations subject to the relevant
countries adopting the EU aviation - related acquis;
Balkan States (Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, UNMIK, Montenegro,
Serbia): the agreement signed in June2006 aims to create a
common air space. At the end of transition periods that vary
by country, the Balkan airlines will benefit in Europe from the
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same trac rights as EC airlines. At this stage, only the 3
freedom rights have been liberalized.
In April2002, the European Union also signed an air transport
agreement with Switzerland giving Swiss carriers, which are
assimilated with EU carriers, access to all the intra-Community
rights with the exception of cabotage.
Access to the market between France and States other than
those mentioned above for which there are existing agreements
at European Community level remains governed by bilateral aviation
agreements signed between France and these third - party States.
Community air transport policy
The regulation applicable to air transport within the European
Union is primarily of European Community origin. The aims as
outlined in the work programs of the European Commission are
to reinforce the competitiveness of European Community airlines
while insisting on the need to reduce the air transport industry’s
environmental impact and oer a high degree of passenger
. The principal positive measures consist of establishing
a legal framework favoring fairer competition between EU and
third - party carriers, the eective implementation of the Single
European Sky and a commitment to developing biofuels. The
European Commission also proposed a series of measures known
as the “Better Airports” package, aimed at reducing the cost of
infrastructure use within the European Union. The latter initiatives
have only come to very partial fruition due to persistent
disagreements within the European institutions. A new European
Commission Aviation Strategy was published on December7, 2015
but the concrete consequences of the proposed measures
remain to be evaluated. This strategy should notably be reflected
in the adoption of a new EC commercial defense instrument
aimed at protecting European airlines against competition from
subsidised air carriers from third - party countries.
6.4.3 Other legal aspects
of AirFrance – KLM’s
Allocation of slots
Access to the main international airports is subject to the prior
allocation of time slots. A European Regulation covers access to
most so - called coordinated European airports (London, Paris,
Frankfurt, Milan, Madrid, Amsterdam, etc. ). Elsewhere in the
world, the allocation of slots is generally done on the basis of
recommendations issued by IATA in a Worldwide Slot Guidelines
reference document. Countries nonetheless retain sovereignty
for defining the modalities of slot allocation and may apply rules
that dier slightly from the IATA recommendations (e.g. China,
Japan, United States, Dubai, etc. ).
For airports within the European Union, each Member State with
coordinated airports under its responsibility, after consulting
the airlines that regularly use the airports concerned, their
representative organizations and the airport authorities, must
designate a coordinator or an entity to be responsible for the
allocation of slots and the monitoring of their use. Such individuals
or entities must have specialized knowledge of coordinating
aircraft routes for air transport companies.
Slots are allotted twice a year by the designated airport
coordinator, at the same time as the airline flight schedules for
the relevant IATA season.
The allocation procedure is as follows:
airlines file their slot applications with the coordinator five
months prior to the beginning of each season;
the coordinator first allocates slots to airlines that already had
slots the previous season (known as grandfather rights) for
past operations;
a pool is then created that regroups, for each coordination
period, all the available slots, whether they are newly created,
unused, abandoned by a carrier or have become available for
any other reason;
finally, the coordinator allocates half of the pooled slots to
newcomers and the other half to the other operators.
Since slots are first allocated to existing long - standing operators,
and given the expansion plans of all the airlines, requests for new
slots are rarely satisfied at saturated airports.
At the end of this preliminary allocation (pre - coordination)
process, a conference attended by virtually all airport coordinators
and airlines is organized in order to enable the airlines to:
simultaneously coordinate the slots they are allocated on
dierent airports so that when they operate flights between
two coordinated airports they are granted compatible slots
by each of them; and
exchange slots among themselves in the event that the
slots originally allocated by the airport coordinators are
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Legislative and regulatory environment for the air transport industry
(1) The passenger compensation rules are detailed in section3.2.2Risks relating to the air transportation activity, page 135.
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Benjamin Smith
Chief Executive Ocer of Air France–KLM
6.5.1 Person responsible for the
Universal Registration
Document and for the
Annual Financial Report
Benjamin Smith, Chief Executive Ocer of Air France–KLM.
6.5.2 Certification by the person
I hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge and having
taken all reasonable precautions to this eect, the information
contained in this Universal Registration Document reflects reality
and that nothing has been omitted that would be likely to change
the significance thereof.
I further declare that, to the best of my knowledge, the financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with the applicable
accounting standards and give a true and fair view of the assets,
financial position and results of the Company and all the companies
within the consolidation scope, and that the information contained
in the management report figuring on pages 6 to 108,
33 to 413, 118 to 128, 129 to 154, 155 to 220 and 339 of this
Universal Registration Document provides a true and fair view of
the changes in the business, results and financial position of the
Company and all the companies within the consolidation scope,
and that it outlines the main risks and uncertainties that they face.
I have obtained a completion letter from the Statutory Auditors
confirming that they have verified the information regarding the
financial position and the financial statements contained in this
Universal Registration Document and reviewed the entire
Universal Registration Document.
The consolidated financial statements for the financial year
ended December31, 2019 included in this Universal Registration
Document are the subject of a Statutory Auditors’ report figuring
on pages 321 to 345.
The consolidated financial statements for the financial year
ended December31, 2018 included in the Registration Document
filed with the AMF on April8, 2019 under the registration number
D.19 - 0285 were the subject of a Statutory Auditors’ report
figuring on pages 302 to 326.
The consolidated financial statements for the financial year
ended December31, 2017 included in the Registration Document
filed with the AMF on March29, 2018 under registration number
D.18 - 0232 were the subject of a Statutory Auditors’ report
figuring on pages 257 and 258.
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6.5.3 Statutory Auditors
Incumbent Statutory Auditors
Deloitte et Associés
6place de la Pyramide, 92908Paris-La Défense Cedex, France
Represented by Guillaume Troussicot and Pascal Colin
Starting date of first mandate: September25, 1998
Renewed for a six - year period by the Shareholders’ Meeting
of May19, 2016.
KPMG Audit
A division of KPMG SA
Tour EQHO, 2avenue Gambetta,
CS 60006, Paris-La Défense Cedex
Represented by Eric Jacquet
Starting date of first mandate: September25, 2002
Renewed for a six - year period by the Shareholders’ Meeting
of May20, 2014.
Deputy Statutory Auditors
7/9Villa Houssaye, 92200Neuilly - sur-Seine
Starting date of first mandate: September25, 1998
Renewed for a six - year period by the Shareholders’ Meeting of
May19, 2016.
A division of KPMG SA
Tour EQHO, 2avenue Gambetta,
CS 60006, Paris-La Défense Cedex
Starting date of first mandate: May20, 2014
First appointed for a six - year period by the Shareholders’
Meeting of May20, 2014.
6.5.4 Head of Investor Relations
Olivier Gall
Mailing address: Air France–KLM/AFKL.FI
95737Paris-CDG Cedex
6.5.5 Documents available
to the public
Amongst the documents available on the Company’s website
(www.airfranceklm.com) figure, notably:
the 2019 Universal Registration Document;
2019 first-half financial report;
the 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011
Registration Documents filed with the Autorité des Marchés
the financial press releases (trac, quarterly, half - year and
annual results);
the oering memoranda;
the financial presentations;
the Company’s Articles of Incorporation.
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Air transport glossary
Airlines for Europe. On January20, 2016, at the European Aviation
Summit, the five largest European airline groups–Air France–KLM,
easyJet, International Airlines Group, Lufthansa Group and
Ryanair–announced the creation of the new association.
The five groups, which carry more than 50% of passengers in
Europe, chose to join forces with the aim of influencing European
aviation policy.
A4E aims to replace the AEA in lobbying the European
Commission eectively on at least three major measures:
reducing European airport charges;
ensuring a safe and ecient air space by reducing the cost of
air trac control (ATC);
stimulating increased economic activity and employment by
creating an appropriate regulatory framework.
Association of European Airlines. Created in 1952, notably by Air
France and KLM, the AEA represents the interests of its members
within the European Union institutions, the European Civil
Aviation Conference and other organizations and associations.
Available seat - kilometers (ASK)
Total number of seats available for the transportation of
passengers multiplied by the number of kilometers traveled.
Available ton - kilometers (ATK)
Total number of tons available for the transportation of cargo,
multiplied by the number of kilometers traveled.
Technique enabling the identity of an individual to be verified,
while crossing a national border for example, through the
automatic recognition of certain pre - recorded physical
Coordinated airport
Airport where a coordinator has been appointed to allocate
landing and take - o slots according to rules established in
advance. All large European Union airports are coordinated.
Airline cabotage is the carriage of air trac that originates and
terminates within the boundaries of a given country by an air
carrier of another country.
Capacity is measured in available seat - kilometers.
In - flight catering involves the planning and preparation of meals
and the assembly of meal trays destined to be served on board
an aircraft.
In accordance with a codeshare agreement, two partner airlines
oer services on the same aircraft, each under their own brand,
their own IATA code and their own flight number. Codesharing
may take two forms. In the first case, the two airlines purchase
and sell seats to and from each other at an agreed price. The
airline which has purchased the seats then markets them under
its brand and at its fares. In the second case, under the system
known as free flow, the two airlines are allowed to sell all the seats
on the flights involved. Each airline retains the revenues
generated on the flight it operates and remunerates the other
airline for the number of seats the latter has sold on its aircraft.
Aircraft whose main deck is equipped for the transportation of
both passengers and cargo. The freight is stored at the back of
the aircraft and is accessed by a specially - fitted cargo door.
Connecting trac
Trac between two destinations which are not linked by a direct
Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile. Under the authority of the
French Ministry of Transport, the DGAC is in charge of the
security of air transport and of air space in France.
Directoraat-Generaal Transport en Luchtvaart.
Under the authority of the Dutch Ministry of Trac and Public
Works, the DGTL is in charge of the security of air transport and
of air space in the Netherlands.
Range of ground services oered by Air France and KLM to their
passengers, based on the new information technologies. E-
services notably enable passengers to check in using self - service
kiosks or via the airlines’ websites as well as the use of electronic
European Aviation Safety Agency. EASA develops safety and
environmental protection expertise in civil aviation in order to
assist the European institutions to establish legislation and
implement measures regarding aircraft security, organizations
and associated sta.
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Electronic ticket
All the journey information for one or several passengers which,
instead of being printed, is recorded in an airline’s IT database,
once the reservation has been made and paid for. An electronic
or e - ticket replaces a traditional paper ticket.
Federal Aviation Administration. Body responsible for civil
aviation security in the United States.
Preparation of the aircraft, involving loading and unloading, as
well as the associated logistics such as management and storage
of hotel products.
Term used for a transfer platform where departures and arrivals
are scheduled to minimize transit times. Air France – KLM
disposes of two of the four major European hubs: Paris-CDG and
Amsterdam-Schiphol. The Air France and KLM hubs are
organized into successive waves for arrivals and departures each
day in order to increase the transfer opportunities for customers.
International Air Transport Association. Created in 1945, IATA
establishes regulations for the air transport industry and provides
its members with a framework for the coordination and proper
implementation of taris, together with various commercial and
financial support services.
The International Civil Aviation Organisation, a UN Specialized
Agency, promotes the safe, secure and sustainable development
of civil aviation worldwide. It establishes the standards and
regulations required to ensure the safety, security, eciency and
continuity of aviation operations as well as the protection of the
Joint - venture
Joint company with two partners, often held equally with 50%
each. This type of shareholder structure notably allows the
implementation of technological or industrial alliances in order to
undertake specific projects common to both partner companies.
Load factor
Revenue passenger - kilometers (RPK) divided by available
seat - kilometers (ASK). In the cargo activity this is revenue
ton - kilometers (RTK) divided by available ton - kilometers (ATK).
Multi - hub
System linking several hubs, allowing customers to access the
networks developed from each hub, thus multiplying the
round - trip oer to and from worldwide destinations.
Fare classes corresponding to business or first class.
Over - reservation or over - booking
Over - reservation or over - booking consists of accepting more
bookings than seats available. Practiced by all airline companies
and permitted by European legislation, over - booking enables
management of the fact that some passengers cancel their trips
but not their reservations. It thus allows many passengers to find
a seat on board flights that could have departed with available
seats. Airlines usually have a passenger compensation policy.
Point - to - point trac
Trac between two airports, excluding passengers prolonging
their trip with a connecting flight.
Revenue management
Technique designed to optimize revenue on flights, by constantly
seeking a better balance between the load factor and the fares
Revenue passenger - kilometer (RPK)
Total number of paying passengers carried multiplied by the
number of kilometers traveled.
Revenue ton - kilometer (RTK)
Total number of tons of paid cargo multiplied by the number of
kilometers that this cargo is carried.
Safety and security
Airline safety includes all the measures implemented by air
transport professionals aimed at ensuring the reliable operation
and maintenance of aircraft.
Airline security involves all the measures taken by air transport
professionals to prevent any illicit or malicious act. Air transport
is particularly exposed to terrorist acts due to the considerable
media impact oered by such activity. Airline security notably
includes baggage screening, and the screening and questioning
of passengers.
Self - service check - in kiosk
Self - service check - in kiosks, available in airport departure halls,
allow passengers to check in and print their own boarding cards,
without having to go to a check - in counter.
Section of a flight between two destinations. The number of
passengers is calculated by segment carried.
A slot represents clearance given for a carrier to land at or take
o from an airport at a specified time and date.
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Sub - fleet
All the aircraft of the same type, with identical technical and
commercial characteristics (engines, cabin configuration, etc. ).
Summer season
Defined by IATA as the period running from the last Saturday in
March to the last Saturday in October. The summer season
corresponds to a schedule of summer flights over a period of
seven months.
Trac is measured in revenue passenger - kilometers (RPK).
Unit revenue
In the passenger business, corresponds to the revenue for one
available seat or for one paying passenger transported over one
kilometer. In the cargo business, corresponds to the revenue for
one available ton or one ton transported over one kilometer.
Winter season
Defined by IATA as the period running from the first Sunday
following the last Saturday in October to the Friday before the
last Saturday in March. The winter season corresponds to a
schedule of winter flights over five months.
Financial glossary
Adjusted net interest charges
The net financial charges are adjusted for the portion of
operating leases (34%) deemed to be interest charges.
Adjusted net debt
Adjusted net debt comprises net debt and the amount resulting
from the capitalization of operating leases (7x the annual charge).
American Depositary Receipt. ADRs are negotiable certificates
representing a specific number of shares with a nominal value in
dollars. The Air France–KLM level1ADR program is traded on
the OTC Pink Open Marketplace.
Earnings per share
Net income divided by the average number of shares for the
Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortization.
Fuel hedging
Financial mechanism aimed at protecting Air France–KLM from
the risk of a rise in the fuel price. Involves purchasing financial
instruments, mostly in the form of options, whose value fluctuates
as a function of the jet fuel price and the related oil products (oil,
diesel). The hedging strategy is detailed in Note36.1, page 300.
International Financial Reporting Standards. International
accounting standards used by European Union listed companies
to establish their consolidated financial statements. Adopted on
January 1, 2005, they allow investors to compare European
companies more easily.
International Securities Identification Number. Attributed to
securities listed for trading on the Euronext market.
Market capitalization
The market capitalization corresponds to the share price multiplied
by the number of shares comprising the Company’s capital.
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Net result, Group part
Corresponds to the net result, minus the share reverting to the
minority shareholders in fully consolidated subsidiaries.
Result from current operations
The result from current operations corresponds to the dierence
between revenues and the operating expenses incurred (external
expenses, salaries and related costs, and amortization,
depreciation and provisions). It represents what the Company
earns from its main activity before the impact of financial and
exceptional items.
Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
A measure of the returns that a company is making on the capital
employed to ensure its business activity. The calculation method
is detailed in Section5.3, page 228.
Revenues correspond to the total sales generated by the Air
France – KLM Group in its three core businesses (passenger,
cargo, maintenance) and in its ancillary activities. The revenues
from airline operations are recognized on realization of the
transportation, net of any potential discounts granted.
Consequently, when passenger and cargo tickets are issued, they
are recorded in balance sheet liabilities under deferred revenue
on ticket sales (see Note4.6, page 248).
Share capital
Corresponds to the total contributions either financial or in kind
made by the shareholders either at the time the company is
created or during capital increases. It is equal to the number of
shares multiplied by the nominal value of the share.
Stockholders’ equity
Stockholders’ equity represents accounting value of the capital
contributed by the shareholders to establish the company or
subsequently, or left at the disposal of the company as income
not distributed in the form of dividends. Corresponds to total
balance sheet assets, net of total debt.
Titre au Porteur Identifiable or identifiable bearer shares. TPI
analysis enables a company to identify its shareholders holding
stock in bearer form.
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This concordance table is based on the main headings required by the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/980of March14, 2019 (“the
Regulation”), supplementing the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2017 - 1129 of June14, 2017, and provides the page numbers in this
Universal Registration Document on which the relevant information can be found.
No. Information based on Annex 1of the regulation Pages
1 Persons responsible, information from a third party, from experts’
reports and approval by the competent authority
1.1 Persons responsible p.356
1.2 Information from a third party, from experts’ reports and declarations of interest Not applicable
2 Statutory Auditors p.357
3 Risk factors p.129to 154
4. Information about the issuer p.350
5. Business overview
5.1 Principal activities p.24to 41
5.2 Principal markets p.24to 41
5.3 Important events in the development of the issuer’s business p.7to 10
5.4 Strategy and objectives p.18to 23
5.5 Dependence on patents, licenses, contracts or manufacturing processes Not applicable
5.5 Competitive position p.13to 17
5.6 Principal investments p.42to 45, p.222to 223, p.274to 277, p.181to 201
6 Organizational structure
6.1 Brief description of the Group p.20 and 21, p.147to p.154, p. 224, p.351to 353
6.2 List of significant subsidiaries p.224, p.318to 320, p.336
7 Review of the financial situation and results
7.1 Financial situation p.4, p.222to 223, p.224to p.227, p.228to 230
7.2 Operating result p.4, p.224to 227, p.228to 230
8 Capital resources
8.1 Information on the Group’s capital resources p.118to 128 and p.282to 285 and p.334
8.2 Sources and amounts of cash flows p.142to 146, p.222to 223, p.239to 240 and p.316
8.3 Information on borrowing requirements and funding structure p.143to 146, p.223, p.226 and p.227, p.228to 231,
p.294to 297, p.299, p.306to p.311 and p.334to 336
8.4 Restrictions on the use of capital resources having materially aected
or potentially materially aecting the Group’s activities p.142to 146, p.294to 297 and p.283
8.5 Anticipated sources of funding p.8, p. 142to 146 and p.223
9 Regulatory environment p.353to 356
10 Information on trends p.10
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6 Table of concordance for the Universal Registration Document
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Update on recent events linked to COVID-19 p.10and p.231
11 Profit forecasts or estimates Not applicable
12 Administrative, management and supervisory bodies, and the Senior Management p.50to 74
12.1 Information relating to members of the Board and the Senior Management p.48to 74
12.2 Conflicts of interest aecting members of the Board of Directors and the Senior Management p.81
13 Compensation and benefits
13.1 Compensation and benefits in kind p.94to 115
13.2 Amounts set aside or accrued to provide pension, retirement or similar benefits p.115 and p.314
14 Functioning of the administrative and management bodies p.75to 76
14.1 Mandates of the members of the Board of Directors p.48to 74
14.2 Service contracts binding the members of the management bodies p.81
14.3 Information on the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee p.87to 90
14.4 Statement of compliance with a Corporate Governance regime p.75 and p.93
14.5 Potential material impacts on Corporate Governance p.93
15 Employees p.164to 180
15.1 Number of employees and breakdown of persons employed p.174to 175, p.263
15.2 Shareholdings and stock options held by members
of the Board of Directors and the Senior Management p.50to 74, p.106, p.121to 124, p. 282to 284
15.3 Employee shareholding in the issuer’s share capital Not applicable
16 Major shareholders
16.1 Identification of the main shareholders p.121to 124
16.2 Existence of specific voting rights p.118
16.3 Control of the issuer Not applicable
16.4 Agreements known to Air France–KLM which could lead to a change in control p.124
17 Related party transactions p.314to 316
18 Financial information concerning the issuer’s assets and liabilities, financial position and results
18.1 Historical financial information p.4 and 5, p.234to 320, p.327to 338 and p.364,
p.321to 326, p.340to 343
18.2 Interim and other financial information Not applicable
18.3 Auditing of historical annual financial information p.321to 326, p.340to 343
18.4 Pro forma financial information Not applicable
18.5 Dividend policy p. 124
18.6 Legal and arbitration proceedings p. 142, p. 291to 293
18.7 Significant change in the issuer’s financial position p. 6to 10 and p.241to 320
19 Additional information
19.1 Share capital p.118to 120, p.282to 283, p.334, p.339
19.2 Memorandum and Articles of Incorporation p.125to 127, p.350, p.118to 120
20 Material contracts Not applicable
21 Documents available to the public p.75, p.357
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Table of concordance for the Universal Registration Document
No. Information based on Annex 1of the regulation Pages
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Pursuant to Article 19 of Regulation (EU) 2017 - 1129 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of June14, 2017, the
following information is included by reference in this Universal
Registration Document:
2018 Financial Year
The Registration Document for the 2018 financial year was filed
with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers on April8, 2019 under
the registration number D. 19 - 0285. The consolidated financial
statements are presented on pages 200 to 301 and the related
Statutory Auditors’ report on pages 302 to 307. The full statutory
financial statements can be found on pages 308 to 320 and the
related Statutory Auditors’ certification on page 321 to 324. The
selected financial information is presented on pages 4 and 5 of
the Registration Document. The management report figures on
pages 6 to 8, pages 10 to 42, 43 to 111, pages 30 to 32, pages
39 to 42, pages 125 to 146, pages 126 to 148, pages 148 to 166,
pages 167 to 176, pages 204 to 219 and pages 118 to 121.
2017 Financial Year
The Registration Document for the 2017 financial year was filed
with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers on March29, 2018 under
the registration number D. 18 - 0232. The consolidated financial
statements are presented on pages 200 to 286 and the related
Statutory Auditors’ report on pages 287 to 292. The full statutory
financial statements can be found on pages 293 to 305 and the
related Statutory Auditors’ certification on page 307 to 310. The
selected financial information is presented on pages 4 and 5 of
the Registration Document. The management report figures on
pages 6 to 8, pages 10 to 54, 66 to 73, 87 to 89, pages 83 to 89,
pages 96 to 99, pages 102 to 125, pages 128 to 148, pages 149 to
157, pages 157 to 179, pages 190 to 198, page 306 and pages
55 to 62.
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6 Information included by reference
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Table of concordance for the Annual Financial Report
This Universal Registration Document contains all the elements of the financial report as referred to in Article L.451 - 1-2of the French
Monetary and Financial Code (Code Monétaire et Financier) and required by Article 222 - 3of the AMF’s General Regulation. The table
below resumes the elements of the financial report.
Elements required Pages of the Universal Registration Document
The annual statutory financial statements p.327 to p.338
The Group’s consolidated financial statements p.234 to 320
Corporate governance report p.47 to 128
update on the shareholder structure at March26, 2020, p.123
update on the declarations on the crossing of thresholds since
December31, 2019, p.126;
update relating to the 2020 compensation policy decided
by the Board of Directors on April3, 2020 linked
to the COVID-19crisis, p.111 to 113.
Management report p.6 to 108, p.33 to 413, p.118 to 128, p.129 to 154, p.155 to 220, p.339
Following the COVID-19public health crisis, the elements in the
blue boxes relate to a comprehensive update of the paragraphs in
the management report relating to the health and liquidity risks on,
respectively, p.132 - 133 and p.145
Certification by the person responsible
for the Annual Financial Report
Statutory Auditors’ report
on the statutory financial statements
p.340 to p.343
Statutory Auditors’ report on the consolidated financial
p.321 to 326
Statutory Auditors’ fees p.317
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