ultimo theme
Extremely customizable Magento theme by Infortis
User Guide
Copyright © 2012-2015 Infortis
All rights reserved
How to use this document
Please read this user guide carefully, it will help you eliminate most of potential problems
with incorrect configuration of the theme and Magento.
Use the search tool in your PDF reader (click CTRL+F in most readers) to quickly find
all the keywords which you are looking for:
This document is organized as follows:
Chapters 1. FAQ + Quick Start and 2. Help & Support provide an overview of this
theme, some basic information about support and links to many useful websites
about Magento.
Chapter 3. Installation describes theme installation process.
Chapter 4. Magento configuration describe selected Magento features.
Chapter 5. Customization shows how to customize the theme. Subchapter 5.2
describes Magento themes structure and some basic concepts which you need to
know when starting to work with Magento.
Chapter 6. Theme features and elements provides a description of selected
elements of this theme, such as product sliders, home page, built-in static blocks,
useful CSS classes etc.
Chapters from 7. to 13. – specify a list of all theme settings available in the theme
admin panel. Each chapter refers to specific section of theme admin panel.
Chapter 14. Troubleshooting describes the most common problems which you
may encounter after installation or during theme and Magento configuration.
All chapters are listed in the Table of Contents below.
Table of Contents
1. FAQ + Quick Start.........................................................10
1.1 Help & support.............................................................................................10
1.2 License..........................................................................................................11
1.3 Important things you need to know before you start using Magento.....12
1.4 Installation....................................................................................................12
1.5 After installation...........................................................................................12
1.6 Fresh Magento installation..........................................................................14
1.7 Theme customization..................................................................................14
2. Help & Support..............................................................15
2.1 References....................................................................................................15
2.1.1 Magento installation..................................................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Magento help............................................................................................................................... 16
2.2 Support policy..............................................................................................18
2.3 Third-party extensions................................................................................20
3. Installation.....................................................................22
3.1 Installation of demo store...........................................................................22
3.2 Installation for live Magento store..............................................................23
3.2.1 Prepare your Magento.................................................................................................................23
3.2.2 Install........................................................................................................................................... 25
3.2.3 Import sample blocks and pages.................................................................................................28
3.3 Problems after installation..........................................................................29
4. Magento configuration.................................................31
4.1 Caching system............................................................................................32
4.1.1 Flush cache................................................................................................................................. 32
4.1.2 Disable cache..............................................................................................................................33
4.1.3 Enable cache............................................................................................................................... 33
4.1.4 Refresh cache.............................................................................................................................. 34
4.2 Index management.......................................................................................35
4.3 How to enable the theme.............................................................................36
4.4 Logo...............................................................................................................38
4.5 Categories.....................................................................................................39
4.5.1 Category info............................................................................................................................... 42
4.5.2 Landing pages.............................................................................................................................42
4.5.3 Depth of the menu.......................................................................................................................43
4.5.4 Layered Navigation ("Shop By" filters).........................................................................................43
4.5.5 Categories inside Layered Navigation.........................................................................................43
4.6 Products........................................................................................................45
4.6.1 Position of: Add to Cart button and product options.....................................................................45
4.6.2 "Only X left" stock indicator..........................................................................................................46
4.7 Attributes......................................................................................................47
4.7.1 Attribute Management ................................................................................................................. 47
4.7.2 Attribute Sets............................................................................................................................... 50
4.8 Content Management System (CMS).........................................................52
4.8.1 Add blocks to selected pages......................................................................................................52
4.8.2 Static blocks................................................................................................................................. 55
4.8.3 CMS markup tags........................................................................................................................56
4.8.4 WYSIWYG editor.........................................................................................................................57
4.9 Translation / Localization............................................................................59
4.9.1 Interface translation.....................................................................................................................59
4.9.2 Language flag.............................................................................................................................. 60
5. Customization...............................................................61
5.1 How to modify the theme............................................................................62
5.1.1 Customize images.......................................................................................................................62
5.1.2 Override default CSS styles......................................................................................................... 63
5.1.3 Modify template files....................................................................................................................65
5.1.4 Create custom sub-theme............................................................................................................ 66
5.2 Magento theme customization....................................................................67
5.2.1 Design packages.........................................................................................................................67
5.2.2 Theme structure........................................................................................................................... 68
5.2.3 Fallback mechanism....................................................................................................................69
5.2.4 Examples of custom sub-theme................................................................................................... 71
5.2.5 Summary..................................................................................................................................... 74
6. Theme features and elements.....................................75
6.1 Home page and CMS pages........................................................................76
6.1.1 Default pages............................................................................................................................... 76
6.1.1.A Selecting a home page........................................................................................................76
6.1.2 Creating a page...........................................................................................................................76
6.1.2.A Page layout......................................................................................................................... 77
6.1.2.B Page content....................................................................................................................... 77
6.1.2.C Full width page.................................................................................................................... 78
6.1.2.C.1 Maximum width of the content....................................................................................78
6.1.2.C.2 Content with full width background.............................................................................79
6.1.3 Home page blocks....................................................................................................................... 80
6.1.3.A Image slideshow.................................................................................................................. 80
6.1.3.B Banners............................................................................................................................... 80
6.1.3.C Products grid....................................................................................................................... 82
6.1.4 Featured Products Slider.............................................................................................................83
6.1.5 New Products Slider....................................................................................................................88
6.2 Built-in CMS blocks.....................................................................................92
6.2.1 Page............................................................................................................................................ 94
6.2.2 Header......................................................................................................................................... 96
6.2.3 Footer.......................................................................................................................................... 98
6.2.4 Category view............................................................................................................................ 101
6.2.5 Product page............................................................................................................................. 102
6.2.6 Shopping cart............................................................................................................................. 104
6.2.7 Cart drop-down.......................................................................................................................... 104
6.3 Pages and elements...................................................................................105
6.3.1 Product page............................................................................................................................. 105
6.3.1.A Social bookmarks (AddThis).............................................................................................. 105
6.3.2 Drop-down cart..........................................................................................................................105
6.4 Grid system................................................................................................106
6.4.1 Simple grid examples................................................................................................................106
6.4.2 Multiple rows.............................................................................................................................. 108
6.4.3 Grid on mobile devices..............................................................................................................108
6.5 CMS components.......................................................................................110
6.5.1 CSS utility classes..................................................................................................................... 110
6.5.1.A Hide elements for specific screen resolution......................................................................110
6.5.2 Collapsible blocks....................................................................................................................... 111
6.5.3 Icons.......................................................................................................................................... 112
6.5.3.A Font icons.......................................................................................................................... 112
6.5.3.B Icons with background color (iconbox)..............................................................................114
6.5.3.C Social icons.......................................................................................................................116
6.5.3.D Custom image icons.......................................................................................................... 117
6.5.3.E Letters, numbers and other characters as icons................................................................118
6.5.4 Text with icon............................................................................................................................. 119
6.5.5 Captions for Slideshow.............................................................................................................. 122
6.6 Theme customization................................................................................124
7. Theme settings...........................................................125
7.1 Header.........................................................................................................126
7.1.1 Header structure........................................................................................................................ 126
7.1.2 Header block positions..............................................................................................................128
7.1.3 Header configuration options..................................................................................................... 129
7.2 Category View.............................................................................................132
7.3 Category View (Grid Mode).......................................................................134
7.4 Category View (List Mode)........................................................................137
7.5 Product Page..............................................................................................138
7.5.1 Product page structure..............................................................................................................138
7.5.2 Product page block positions..................................................................................................... 145
7.5.3 Product page configuration options...........................................................................................146
7.6 Product Labels...........................................................................................155
7.7 Footer..........................................................................................................157
7.8 Product sliders...........................................................................................158
7.9 Default Magento blocks.............................................................................159
7.10 Disable Sidebar Blocks (On Home Page)..............................................160
7.11 Customization Settings...........................................................................161
7.12 Data Import...............................................................................................162
8. Theme Design.............................................................168
8.1 Colors..........................................................................................................169
8.2 Font..............................................................................................................170
8.3 Effects.........................................................................................................170
8.4 Page.............................................................................................................170
8.5 Header.........................................................................................................171
8.6 Header – Top...............................................................................................172
8.7 Header – Primary........................................................................................172
8.8 Main Menu...................................................................................................172
8.9 Main.............................................................................................................172
8.10 Category View...........................................................................................172
8.11 Product Page............................................................................................172
8.12 Slideshow.................................................................................................173
8.13 Footer........................................................................................................173
8.14 Footer – Top..............................................................................................173
8.15 Footer – Primary.......................................................................................173
8.16 Footer – Secondary..................................................................................173
8.17 Footer – Bottom.......................................................................................174
9. Theme Layout.............................................................175
9.1 Responsive Layout....................................................................................176
9.2 Disable responsive layout.........................................................................176
10. Zoom..........................................................................178
10.1 Zoom configuration.................................................................................178
10.1.1 General.................................................................................................................................... 178
10.1.2 Image Size............................................................................................................................... 180
10.1.3 Thumbnails.............................................................................................................................. 181
10.1.4 Lightbox................................................................................................................................... 182
11. Slideshow..................................................................183
11.1 How to display a slideshow on any page...............................................183
11.1.1 List of all parameters................................................................................................................184
11.1.2 Full width slideshow on home page.........................................................................................184
11.2 Static blocks as slides.............................................................................186
11.2.1 Size of slides and banners.......................................................................................................186
11.2.2 Clickable images...................................................................................................................... 188
11.3 Slideshow configuration..........................................................................189
11.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................... 189
11.3.2 Banners.................................................................................................................................... 191
11.3.3 Navigation................................................................................................................................ 192
12. Brands.......................................................................193
12.1 Basic information.....................................................................................193
12.1.1 Brand attribute.........................................................................................................................193
12.1.2 Brand images........................................................................................................................... 194
12.1.3 Brand names and image file names........................................................................................194
12.2 Brands configuration...............................................................................196
12.2.1 General.................................................................................................................................... 196
12.2.2 Brand on Product Page...........................................................................................................201
12.2.3 Brand List................................................................................................................................. 202
12.2.4 Brand Slider............................................................................................................................. 203
13. Menu..........................................................................206
13.1 Menu configuration..................................................................................207
13.1.1 General.................................................................................................................................... 207
13.1.2 Menu Bar................................................................................................................................. 208
13.1.3 Mobile Menu............................................................................................................................ 209
13.1.4 Sidebar Menu..........................................................................................................................210
13.1.5 Category Labels....................................................................................................................... 214
13.2 Drop-down boxes.....................................................................................215
13.2.1 Drop-down box configuration options......................................................................................215
13.2.2 Submenu types........................................................................................................................ 219
13.2.3 Category blocks....................................................................................................................... 222
13.2.3.A Category blocks in mobile menu......................................................................................224
13.2.4 Sample content for category blocks.........................................................................................226
13.3 Custom links in the menu.......................................................................228
13.3.1 Custom links inside a static block............................................................................................229
13.4 Custom drop-down boxes in the menu..................................................231
14. Troubleshooting........................................................233
14.1 General issues after installation.............................................................233
14.1.1 Some features don't work or give errors..................................................................................233
14.1.2 Blank page or 404 not found – when trying to open theme admin pages................................234
14.1.3 There is no theme admin tab in the admin panel, or I get a blank page, or Access Denied error
............................................................................................................................................................ 234
14.1.4 File permissions....................................................................................................................... 234
14.1.5 Theme features don't work after installation or upgrade..........................................................234
14.1.6 Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Default_Helper_Data' not found.......................................................235
14.1.7 "Package with this name does not exist" message is displayed when trying to enable the theme
............................................................................................................................................................ 235
14.1.8 After theme installation the store gives blank page or an error................................................236
14.1.9 Tabs, sliders or other interactive elements don't work..............................................................236
14.1.10 Images are not displayed....................................................................................................... 236
14.1.11 Sliders: previous/next buttons don't work in some browsers..................................................236
14.1.12 Slideshow is not displayed on the home page.......................................................................237
14.2 Configuration............................................................................................238
14.2.1 Theme configuration changes do not appear on the frontend..................................................238
14.2.2 "Failed generating CSS file" message after saving theme configuration.................................238
14.3 Third-party extensions............................................................................239
14.3.1 One of my extensions doesn't work with this theme................................................................239
14.3.2 One of the features stopped working after third-party extension was installed........................239
Ultimo is a Magento theme with advanced admin module, it's extremely customizable and
fully responsive. It is suitable for every type of store. It is a separate design package (not a
sub-theme of Magento “default” theme) so you can easily create your own sub-themes.
Rate this theme
Don't forget to rate this theme on ThemeForest – it's good to know what others think about
our work. You can rate it in the download area of your account on ThemeForest:
More info
To find out more about theme updates, new features and about our upcoming themes, you
can follow us on Twitter and on ThemeForest:
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1. FAQ + Quick Start
See also our Fortis theme for Magento (click the image):
1.1 Help & support
1. Theme support
Please read this user guide carefully, it will help you eliminate most of potential
problems with incorrect configuration of the theme and Magento. If you don't find
the answer to your questions, please refer to this chapter for more information
about support policy: 2.2 Support policy.
2. Magento support
Magento configuration, installation, maintenance, customization etc. is beyond the
scope of our support. But since Magento is very popular platform you can find tons
of useful tutorials and articles on the web. Here are some resources for start:
2. Help & Support.
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1.2 License
With ThemeForest regular license you are licensed to use this theme to create one
single End Product (the final website customized with your content) for yourself or for one
client. In short:
What is allowed with single regular license:
1. You can create one website for yourself or for your client and you can transfer that
single website to your client for any fee. This license is then transferred to your
2. To sell the same website to another client, you will need to purchase another
regular license.
3. You can install the theme on your test server for testing/development purposes
(that installation shouldn't be available to the public).
4. You can modify or manipulate the theme, you can combine it with other works to
create the End Product.
5. Theme updates for that single End Product (website) are free.
What is not allowed:
1. With single regular license it is not allowed to create multiple websites. For
multiple websites you will need multiple regular licenses.
2. Multi-store Magento installations are not allowed with single regular license.
Each regular license entitles you to use the theme in only one store
(store/domain/subdomain). For multiple stores/domains/subdomains you will need
multiple regular licenses.
For more information about licenses please refer to ThemeForest:
License FAQ: http://themeforest.net/licenses/faq
License comparison table: http://themeforest.net/licenses
Regular license details: http://themeforest.net/licenses/regular
Extended license details: http://themeforest.net/licenses/extended
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1.3 Important things you need to know
before you start using Magento
1. Disable Magento cache
When developing your store you should completely disable Magento cache.
Enable it after you finish configuring your store: 4.1 Caching system.
2. Reindex Magento
After making changes to your store such as editing products, adding categories etc.
you need to reindex the data: 4.2 Index management.
1.4 Installation
To install the theme you have two options:
If you already have a Magento store and want to apply the theme to your store,
follow the instructions in 3.2 Installation for live Magento store.
If you want to test the theme and check how the live demo was configured, you can
install demo containing the sample data and settings from the live demo. Follow the
instructions in 3.1 Installation of demo store.
If you encounter any problems after installation, refer to chapter 14. Troubleshooting.
1.5 After installation
To start using the theme after installation you need to take a few quick steps to make sure
all is configured properly. Also, not all of the features are enabled by default.
1. Enable the theme in a correct way
Enable the theme in a correct way which is described in the installation instructions:
3.2.2 Install.
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do not enable the theme in System > Design. It should only be enabled in
System > Configuration > Design.
In Magento theme can be enabled for the entire store, but you can also set different
themes for different parts of the store (even for selected categories, products or
CMS pages). If you have already used some other theme in your store, you will
need to remove all theme overrides from categories, products and CMS pages. See
for more details: 4.3 How to enable the theme.
2. Disable cache
In order to be able to see theme configuration changes immediately, you should
completely disable the cache. You can enable it after you finish configuring your
store. See for more details: 4.1 Caching system.
3. Import configuration settings (optional)
After the theme was installed and enabled, you can import theme configuration
settings (colors, font, page width etc.) from one of the demo stores. For more details
refer to 7.12 Data Import. Of course, configuration import is optional and you
can as well leave the default configuration (by default theme looks the same as
demo 1).
if you decide to import configuration from one of the demo stores, it is
recommended to import to the “Default Config” scope.
4. Logo
Upload your store logo: 4.4 Logo.
5. Home page
Configure your home page: 6.1 Home page and CMS pages.
6. Home page slideshow
Configure the home page slideshow: 11. Slideshow. Each slide is a static block
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which can contain any custom images or HTML. After blocks import, your slideshow
will have a few sample slides filled with some dummy images and captions. To edit
captions, see this chapter for details: 6.5.5 Captions for Slideshow.
7. Position of “Add to cart” button and product options
Configure position of the Add to cart button and product options box on product
page: 4.6.1 Position of: Add to Cart button and product options.
you may find these Magento tutorials and documentation useful while
configuring your store: 2.1 References
1.6 Fresh Magento installation
If you have just installed a fresh copy of Magento without any sample data, here's where
you should start:
1. Disable Magento cache. In order to be able to see configuration changes
immediately, you should completely disable the cache. You can enable it after you
finish configuring your store. See for more details: 4.1 Caching system.
2. Create some categories in Catalog > Manage Categories – by default the
category tree is completely empty. See for more details: 4.5 Categories.
3. Create some products in Catalog > Manage Products.
4. Reindex Magento after creating categories and products: 4.2 Index management.
You will also need to reindex from time to time after making changes in Magento
catalog (categories, products, product attributes, attribute sets etc.).
1.7 Theme customization
There are many ways to customize the theme, for more information refer to chapter
5. Customization. Customization/modification is beyond the scope of our support.
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2. Help & Support
2.1 References
You may find these sites useful while installing and configuring your Magento store:
2.1.1 Magento installation
Magento FAQ:
System Requirements:
Server Compatibility Check:
Installation Guide:
↑ Go to: Table of Contents 15
2.1.2 Magento help
Online Magento guide
Table of contents: click to see the list of all topics
Selected topics:
1. Categories, products and attributes
2. Customers
3. Payment, shipping and taxes
4. Promotions and marketing
Magento Go Knowledge Base
Magento Go differs from Magento Community Edition but most of the
functionality is the same so this knowledge base might be very useful.
Magento Go Video Tutorials
↑ Go to: Table of Contents 16
Magento Wiki
Magento Forum
stackoverflow.com (Q&A)
Magento Stack Exchange (Q&A)
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2.2 Support policy
This user guide was created to help you quickly configure the theme – please read it
carefully, it will help you eliminate most of potential problems with incorrect configuration.
please note that as authors of this theme we are able to provide support only
for the features which we created and for the issues related strictly to this
theme. We do not provide support for Magento configuration, installation,
maintenance, customization etc.
Theme support
If you have found any bugs or have some other problems with this theme, please refer to
chapter 14. Troubleshooting. If the problem is not covered there, you can contact us in
the comment section on ThemeForest or through the contact form on our profile page on
ThemeForest. The most up-to-date information about support can always be found at:
We will respond as soon as possible (within 24 – 48 hours, usually faster). Please make
sure you take a look at the available resources before submitting a support request.
Questions about Magento
Elements such as category management, product management, checkout process,
payment methods and many others are standard Magento functionalities (not related to
the theme) and are beyond the scope of our support. How to get Magento support:
1. If you have some questions about Magento itself, please refer to the following
websites, almost every detail of Magento configuration was discussed there so you
will find answers for most of your questions:
Magento forum – http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/
Magento Stack Exchange – http://magento.stackexchange.com/
↑ Go to: Table of Contents 18
Stackoverflow.com -
2. The best place to start searching is chapter 4. Magento configuration in this user
guide. It covers some of the basic Magento elements.
3. In the Online Magento Guide you can find description of all the basic Magento
settings and many other useful information.
4. You might also want to check the other sites referenced in 2.1.2 Magento help
such as Magento Go Knowledge Base or Magento Go Video Tutorials.
Theme customization/modification support
Customization/modification of Magento themes is a very large subject and can be very
complex. Due to that we're unable to provide support related to theme customization. For
more information about how you can customize this theme, refer to 5. Customization.
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2.3 Third-party extensions
This theme may not be compatible with some third-party extensions. It’s impossible for
theme authors to make the theme compatible by default with all existing extensions
because there are thousands of available Magento extensions. Only the “default” Magento
theme is compatible with all third-party extensions, because all extensions are designed to
work with it. But authors of the extension should provide detailed instruction about how to
integrate the extension with custom themes, since nobody really uses “default” theme,
everybody uses custom themes.
Generally all extensions can work with all themes but they sometimes have to be
integrated manually. That’s because sometimes the extension and the theme override the
same Magento template file so there can be a conflict. In such cases you need to
customize the theme and merge two conflicting template files into one template file.
This isn't something specific to our themes, this is general rule for all Magento themes and
Unfortunately third-party extensions are beyond the scope of our support, please contact
the author of the extension if needed. Author of the extension should provide detailed
instructions about how to integrate the extension with any custom theme.
How to install
To work with this theme, an extension should be installed in theme's directories, not in the
“default” Magento theme directories. To be more specific: extension should be installed in
the main directories of the default theme in the Ultimo design package. Here are the main
directories of Ultimo:
Template files:
Skin files:
where ultimo is the name of the design package, and default is the name of the
default theme in the package.
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In many cases you only need to upload the extension to the theme's directories.
Sometimes you need to edit layout files to "tell" the theme where it should display
extension's output. If you are not familiar with Magento, you should ask the author of the
extension for more information. If you feel that you might have troubles with installing
extensions, we advise that you order professional installation services (unfortunately we
don't offer this type of services). You can find professional help on sites like, for example,
freelancer.com or freelanceswitch.com .
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3. Installation
To install the theme you have two options:
If you already have a Magento store and want to apply the theme to that store,
follow the instructions in 3.2 Installation for live Magento store.
Or if you want to test the theme and check how the live demo was configured, you
can install demo containing all the sample data and settings from our live demo.
Follow the instructions in 3.1 Installation of demo store.
3.1 Installation of demo store
To install demo store with all the sample data (similar to live demo of Ultimo), follow the
instruction below. These instructions assume you are in the installation phase with your
Magento store. If you already have a working Magento store and database – go to 3.2
Installation for live Magento store.
Navigate inside Quick Start Demo Package, extract the package on your
computer and navigate inside.
Create a new empty database, find demo_database.sql.gz inside the package
and import it into your newly created database (using your database management
tool such as phpMyAdmin or whatever you use), right before Magento installation.
The demo data must be imported before running the Magento Setup Wizard.
Now you can install Magento: using your FTP client, upload Magento.zip file to
your server (to the folder where Magento can be installed) and extract it there.
Open a web browser and navigate to your website (to the folder where you
extracted Magento.zip) to load the Magento Setup Wizard.
Follow the installation instructions step by step just like in case of a standard
Magento installation process. During the installation process, enable Web Server
Rewrites functionality for your Magento (it controls whether Magento will
automatically generate search engine friendly URLs for products and categories). It
may look like on the following screenshot – option Use Web Server (Apache)
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When you're ready to set up your own store, you should install Magento again
without the sample data in order to start clean. Using sample data as a base for real
store is not recommended.
3.2 Installation for live Magento store
If you already have a Magento store and want to apply the theme, follow the instruction
below. To install the theme you only need to upload all the theme files to your server and
then enable the theme in the admin panel. But to avoid unexpected problems after
installation, you should first prepare your Magento. Please strictly follow the steps
described in this guide:
3.2.1 Prepare your Magento
1. It is recommended to install the theme on a test server before you install it on a live
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2. Backup Magento files and the store database.
creating backup before installation of any themes or extensions in Magento
is extremely important, especially if you are working on a live store.
3. Disable compilation mode in System > Tools > Compilation.
4. Disable all cache systems which you have in your Magento:
4.a. Magento's cache (refer to 4.1.2 Disable cache for details)
4.b. full page cache and caching modules for Magento (such as Speedster)
4.c. any additional cache on your server, PHP cache engines, APC, etc.
when developing your Magento store, in order to be able to see changes
immediately, you should completely disable the cache. You can enable it
after you finish configuring your store.
5. Disable Merge JavaScript Files and Merge CSS Files in System >
Configuration > Developer. You can enable this feature after installation.
6. Remove all possible custom modifications of the Magento's “base” theme. Ultimo
(the same as any other Magento theme) relies on “base” theme, so any odifications
of the “base” theme can change the default behavior of Ultimo and break some
functionality. You should never edit “base” theme's files. Custom modifications
should be always made via custom sub-themes.
7. Log out from Magento admin panel.
do not just close the browser window: you need to click the Log Out link to
refresh the access control system.
8. Before you install, make sure your store is disabled during the installation process.
Put Magento in the maintenance mode. To do this you can create a simple empty
file named maintenance.flag in your Magento's root directory. Magento will be
offline after that (and you will not be able to log in to the admin panel). You can
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remove the file after you finish.
3.2.2 Install
Before you can install the theme you need to prepare your Magento, so please do not
omit the previous step: 3.2.1 Prepare your Magento.
9. Extract the theme package on your computer and navigate inside Theme Files
10. Using your FTP client upload Theme.zip file into the root directory of your
Magento installation (the root directory of Magento is the folder that contains files,
such as index.php and get.php and the directories app, js, lib, skin and
11. Unzip Theme.zip file – it contains four directories: app, js, media, skin.
Magento already contains the same directories - do not remove those existing
directories. Directories extracted from Theme.zip have to be merged with existing
directories of Magento. Approve, if your system asks you whether you want to
merge directories.
this will not overwrite any core files of Magento, this will only add the theme
to your Magento. So if you see a message that those four directories already
exist on the server, you can confirm that you want to merge directories.
In case you can't unzip files on your server:
Alternatively, you can unzip Theme.zip archive on your computer, and upload its
content (four directories: app, js, media, skin) to your Magento's root directory.
But note that files can get broken if you send them via FTP without zipping. So it is
highly recommended to upload zipped files.
12. Install theme patches for specific versions of Magento. In this case patch
doesn't fix anything, it only adds theme files which are required in specific versions
of Magento. Please note that no patch is needed for Magento 1.7.x.
12.a. NEW: Omit this step if you are not using Magento or newer
This step is required only if you are using Magento (or newer). In this
step you will install files which are required only in Magento (or newer).
Navigate inside
Theme (patch for Magento 1.9.2.x) directory. Using your FTP client
upload content of Theme (patch for Magento 1.9.2.x) directory to
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Magento's root directory. Overwrite existing files.
12.b. Omit this step if you are not using Magento or
This step is required only if you are using Magento or In this step
you will install files which are required only in Magento Navigate inside
Theme (patch for Magento, directory. Using your
FTP client upload content of Theme (patch for Magento, directory to Magento's root directory. Overwrite existing files.
12.c. Omit this step if you are not using Magento, or
This step is required only if you are using Magento, or In
this step you will install files which are required only in those versions of
Magento. Navigate inside
Theme (patch for Magento,, directory.
Using your FTP client upload content of Theme (patch for Magento,, directory to Magento's root directory.
Overwrite existing files.
12.d. Omit this step if you are not using Magento
This step is required only if you are using Magento In this step you will
install files which are required only in Magento Navigate inside
Theme (patch for Magento directory. Using your FTP client
upload content of Theme (patch for Magento directory to
Magento's root directory. Overwrite existing files.
12.e. Omit this step if you are not using Magento 1.6.x
This step is required only if you are using Magento 1.6.x. In this step you will
install files which are required only in Magento 1.6.x. Navigate inside
Theme (patch for Magento 1.6.x) directory. Using your FTP client
upload content of Theme (patch for Magento 1.6.x) directory to
Magento's root directory. Overwrite existing files.
12.f. Omit this step if you are not using Magento 1.5.x
This step is required only if you are using Magento 1.5.x. In this step you will
install files which are required only in Magento 1.5.x. Navigate inside
Theme (patch for Magento 1.5.x) directory. Using your FTP client
upload content of Theme (patch for Magento 1.5.x) directory to your
Magento root directory. Overwrite existing files.
13. Set correct file permissions for all the theme files which you uploaded to your
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theme files should have the same permissions as other Magento files.
Otherwise Magento will not have access to the theme files, images etc. File
permissions may differ depending on server. In case of any doubts about the
permissions, please contact your hosting provider. Refer to this article for
more details: Magento Filesystem Permissions
14. At this point, you need to disable maintenance mode in your Magento (if you
enabled it earlier). To do this you need to remove file maintenance.flag which
you created inside the root directory of Magento. After that, you will be able to log in
to the admin panel again.
if you get 404 not found message when trying to open theme configuration
pages in the admin panel after installation, you need to log out and log in
again to refresh the access control system.
15. Enable the theme. Log in to the admin panel again. Please note that if you didn't
log out before uploading the theme files (like it was described earlier in this
chapter), you need to click the Log Out link now in order to refresh the access
control system. After that you can log in again.
Go to System > Configuration > Design section.
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In the Package tab in the Current Package Name field enter the name of the
design package: ultimo. Next, go to the Themes tab and in the Default field enter
the name of the main theme in the package: default. Click Save Config button.
do not enable the theme in System > Design. It should only be enabled in
System > Configuration > Design.
If you have more than one store view in your Magento (by default there's only one)
and you want to enable the theme for the entire site, make sure that you select
Default Config under Current Configuration Scope in the top left corner of this
section. Otherwise, set the scope according to your needs.
16. Flush Magento cache (refer to 4.1.1 Flush cache) and any other cache that you
have in your Magento installation.
17. Go to the next chapter to import sample blocks and pages.
3.2.3 Import sample blocks and pages
18. You can import sample static blocks and pages provided with the theme. Go to
System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings > Theme
Installation to import static blocks and pages. Refer to 7.12 Data Import for
more details about the import.
Now you can open up your web browser to see the new look of the store. Clear your web
browser's cache and cookies for your store domain (this will eliminate potential problems
with unrefreshed cache).
if you get 404 not found message when trying to open theme configuration
pages in the admin panel after installation, you need to log out and log in
again to refresh the access control system.
All the theme settings in the admin panel can be found under these two tabs:
System > Configuration > Ultimo
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System > Configuration > Infortis Extensions
In case of any problems after installation, please refer to the next chapter.
3.3 Problems after installation
disable Magento cache before you start configuring your store. Otherwise
you will need to flush the cache in order to see any changes you have made
in the configuration.
If you encounter any problems after installation: flush Magento cache, log out from the
admin panel, and log in again. Check again the installation steps and make sure you didn't
omit any steps.
What can cause problems:
a) Magento cache (or external cache) was not flushed after installation of the theme.
b) CSS files which are responsible for the visual appearance of the theme were not
generated automatically. Go to System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme
Design and click Save Config button. Then go to System > Configuration >
Ultimo > Theme Layout and click Save Config button again. Then, flush
Magento cache and refresh your browser's cache.
c) You can see all sorts of error messages if the Compilation mode was not disabled
before installation.
d) Some of the theme files were not uploaded or are broken. Re-upload original theme
files to your server (overwrite existing files) and flush the cache. Note that files can
get broken if you send them in large numbers via FTP without zipping. So it is highly
recommended to upload zipped files.
e) File permissions issue – refer to 14.1.4 File permissions for more details.
f) Theme wasn't enabled properly. Theme should only be enabled in System >
Configuration > Design (the same as it was described in the installation steps).
Refer to 4.3 How to enable the theme for more details.
g) You have some third-party extensions which change/break theme's default behavior
or cause some conflicts. Disable all extensions and flush the cache, then enable
extensions one by one to check which one is causing problems. Refer to 2.3 Third-
party extensions for more details about third-party extensions.
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h) You edited theme files and accidentally removed or changed something in the files.
Re-upload original theme files to your server (overwrite existing files) and flush the
i) You have customized the theme by creating custom sub-theme and your
modifications override or break the default behavior of the theme.
j) You have some elements that left from your previous theme (e.g. in Magento's
"base" theme in app/design/frontend/base/) and that breaks the new theme.
Also check your log files in var/log/ (log settings should be enabled in System >
Config > Developer) for more information about possible errors.
Please refer to the following chapter: 14. Troubleshooting for more information about the
most common problems.
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4. Magento configuration
The following chapter describes some of the basic Magento settings and features.
Please note that as authors of this theme we provide support only for the issues related
strictly to the theme. Support for Magento configuration/installation/maintenance etc. is
beyond the scope of our support. This chapter should be only treated as a starting point,
more information about Magento can be found in Magento documentation: 2.1.2 Magento
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4.1 Caching system
When developing your Magento store, you want to see the changes you have
implemented. In order to be able to see changes immediately, you should completely
disable the cache. You can enable it after you finish configuring your store.
If the cache is enabled, always refresh the cache after making any changes in
Magento/theme/extension configuration.
To access the cache management screen, go to System > Cache Management.
4.1.1 Flush cache
Go to System > Cache Management. Click the following buttons to completely clear the
store cache:
1. Flush Magento Cache
2. Flush Cache Storage
3. Flush Catalog Images Cache
4. Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache
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4.1.2 Disable cache
Go to System > Cache Management. Click Select All link, select Disable in Actions field
and click Submit button:
After cache is disabled cache management screen might look like this:
4.1.3 Enable cache
When the store is configured, you can enable caching system again. Go to System >
Cache Management. Click Select All link, select Enable in Actions field and click Submit
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4.1.4 Refresh cache
If the cache is enabled, after each configuration change, extension installation, upgrade or
uninstallation always refresh the cache. To do this, go to System > Cache Management.
Click Select All link, select Refresh in Actions field and click Submit button:
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4.2 Index management
Magento indexes most of its data in order to access it faster. If you make changes to your
store such as editing products, adding categories, changing urls, etc. you will need to
reindex the data so that the changes can show up on your frontend.
To access the index management screen, go to System > Index Management. To rebuild
your indexes, select all, select Reindex Data and click Submit button.
you need to reindex after making any changes in Magento catalog:
categories, products, attributes etc.
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4.3 How to enable the theme
In Magento you can enable the theme on many levels. You can set one theme for the
entire store, but you can also set different themes for different parts of the store (even for
selected categories, products or CMS pages).
If you want all your store pages to look the same (to use the same theme), your theme
should only be enabled in System > Configuration > Design (the same as it was
described in the installation steps 3. Installation). You need to remove all theme overrides
from categories, products and CMS pages.
There are many places where a theme can be enabled. If you have just installed a fresh
copy of Magento, those places will be empty. Otherwise, please take a look at these
sections of the admin panel:
System > Design
Ultimo should not be enabled through this section, delete all existing entries related
to Ultimo. By default this section looks like this:
These fields should be left empty, do not select any theme here:
Catalog > Manage Categories > [category] > Custom Design >
Custom Design
Catalog > Manage Products > [product] > Design > Custom Design
CMS > Pages > [page] > Design > Custom Theme
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Leave --Please Select-- in these fields, like on the following screenshot:
Remember to flush the cache after you change design settings.
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4.4 Logo
Upload your logo to skin/frontend/ultimo/default/images/ directory. By default
Magento displays logo from the file named logo.gif. If you uploaded file with different
name or different file format (e.g. .jpg or .png), go to System > Configuration >
Design > Header section and in the Logo Image Src field specify a path to your logo
image. The path is relative to skin/frontend/ultimo/default/ directory.
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4.5 Categories
More info about categories in Magento can be found in:
To create and edit categories in Magento, navigate to Catalog > Manage Categories
section of the admin panel. After installation of Magento your category tree is almost
empty, there is only the root category (named Default Category):
The root category is not displayed in the frontend of the store – that's why your main
menu is empty just after installing Magento. You need to add some new top-level
categories (also called subcategories because they are descendants of the root category).
all categories have to be descendants of the root category. Do not add
categories outside of the root category tree.
To add a new category, select the root category by clicking on it and click Add
Subcategory button:
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Fill in all the required fields. Especially set Is Active and Include in Navigation Menu
fields to Yes, and click Save Category:
This will create a new category (which will be displayed as a top-level category in the main
menu on frontend):
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Note that this new category has to be a descendant of the root category – it has to be
one level lower than the root category:
If the category is not displayed in the frontend: reindex the data in System > Index
Management and flush Magento cache.
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4.5.1 Category info
For each category you can add some basic information which will be displayed on
category page (above the products). Navigate to Catalog > Manage Categories and
select a category:
Description – category description. You can enter text or HTML.
Image – main category image. After image is uploaded and saved, an icon of the
existing image will appear to the left of the button, and a Delete Image checkbox
will appear to the right.
4.5.2 Landing pages
You can show your customers a landing page instead of the standard product listing page
when they select the category. You can do so by enabling static block on your category
page (block will be displayed above category products). Navigate to Catalog > Manage
Categories, select a category, open Display Settings tab and select appropriate value in
the Display Mode field. In the CMS Block drop-down, select which block you would like to
display for selected category. The list will include all existing static blocks.
There's also another (more flexible) method to add custom static blocks to categories. Go
to CMS > Widgets and add a new widget instance. Through widgets you can add your
static blocks not only to selected categories but also to selected areas (containers) of
the page. For details refer to chapter 4.8.1 Add blocks to selected pages.
For example, you can display a full width block (it can contain image banner or any other
content) just below the main menu on the category page:
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List of all containers available on all pages can be found in 6.2.1 Page.
4.5.3 Depth of the menu
In the main menu you can limit number of displayed category levels. To do that, go to
System > Configuration > Catalog and specify the depth in Maximal Depth field.
For example, if you want to display only three levels of categories, enter 3 in Maximal
Depth field and save the configuration. From now on, only three levels of categories will
be displayed in the main menu.
4.5.4 Layered Navigation ("Shop By" filters)
Magento's Layered Navigation allows your customers to filter down products using any
attribute that is set as filterable for Layered Navigation. The Layered Navigation menu will
display in the left column of your category pages, and will contain all of the attributes which
are filterable.
You can configure each attribute to be displayed in Layered Navigation: Use in Layered
Navigation field in Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes > [select
attribute]. Please refer to Magento documentation for more details:
4.5.5 Categories inside Layered Navigation
This theme adds ability to display a list of categories in the category view
(independent from Magento's Layered Navigation). For more details refer to
13.1.4 Sidebar Menu.
You can display categories inside Magento's Layered Navigation block ("Shop by" block)
at the top of the left sidebar in category view. To display selected category in the Layered
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Navigation, go to Catalog > Manage Categories, click selected category and set Is
Anchor field (in Display Settings tab) to Yes:
From now on this category will be displayed in the Layered Navigation. If the category is
not displayed in the frontend: reindex the data in System > Index Management and
refresh Magento cache.
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4.6 Products
4.6.1 Position of: Add to Cart button and product options
For products which have options (like configurable products or bundle products) you can
change the position of options box and "Add to cart" button on product page. These
elements can be displayed in the main central column (the column where product name is
displayed), or just below the product images (and above tabs). To set the position, select
product in Catalog > Manage Products, open Design tab and select position in Display
Product Options In field:
The default value of this field ("Block after Info Column") can't be changed anywhere in
Magento admin, but instead changing the default value you can simply update that filed in
all products at once: use Update Attributes action in the Actions drop-down list in
Catalog > Manage Products section.
to update position of product options and "Add to cart" button on product
page in many products at a time, you can use Update Attributes action in
the Actions drop-down list in Catalog > Manage Products section.
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4.6.2 "Only X left" stock indicator
There is a quantity indicator displayed on the product page. It shows the quantity of items
left in stock if the stock level is equal or below the threshold specified in the admin panel.
The threshold can be set in Only X left Threshold field in System > Configuration >
For example, if you set the option to 20, all products with quantity equal or less than 20 will
have the text Only X left on the product page.
For configurable products this text is clickable and shows drop-down box with quantities
of all products associated with that product.
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4.7 Attributes
An attribute in Magento is defined as any property of a product, such as color, price, SKU,
manufacturer etc. There are two types of attributes: System Attributes (cannot be deleted
and every product must contain them) and Simple Attributes (which can be created by the
store admin). Attributes are grouped in Attribute Sets.
Here you can find more info about Magento attributes:
4.7.1 Attribute Management
To edit existing attributes, go to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes and
select an attribute from the list. To create a new attribute, click Add New Attribute button.
There are many types of attributes which you can create, one of the most useful is a drop-
down attribute which lets you define a list of values that will be available when creating
new products.
after making any changes in the attributes and Attribute Sets, you may need
to reindex the data in your Magento (4.2 Index management) and flush the
cache (4.1 Caching system).
Let's see an example of a drop-down attribute manufacturer which stores a list of
product brands. Fill in the form as follows:
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After you create the attribute, you need to add it to the Attribute Set which you use for your
products. Attribute Sets are described in the next chapter.
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4.7.2 Attribute Sets
An Attribute Set is a collection of attributes, created to fit certain types of products. To add
a new product in Magento you need to select an Attribute Set which will describe that
product. You can create many custom Attribute Sets for different types of products. For
example, if you sell t-shirts and books, you could create 2 Attribute Sets: one specific to t-
shirts, one specific to books. The Attribute Set for t-shirts can include attributes such as
color and size (which are not needed in the Attribute Set for books).
after making any changes in the attributes and Attribute Sets, you may need
to reindex the data in your Magento (4.2 Index management) and flush the
cache (4.1 Caching system).
Let's continue an example with manufacturer attribute. To add your attribute to an
Attribute Set, go to Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attribute Sets, select an
Attribute Set (default one is named Default). You will see Unassigned Attributes
section with a list of available attributes. You can associate attributes to your Attribute Set
by clicking and dragging an attribute into the Groups section. To disassociate an attribute,
simply drag it back to the Unassigned Attributes list.
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Click Save Attribute Set button after you finish. You can add your custom attributes to
many Attribute Sets.
Then, go to Catalog > Manage Products and open a product. If the product is based on
the Attribute Set which contain your manufacturer attribute, you will see a list of
manufacturers which may look like this:
If you added manufacturer attribute to that Attribute Set, but you don't see the field with
the list of manufacturers, you may need to reindex the data in your Magento and flush the
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4.8 Content Management System (CMS)
4.8.1 Add blocks to selected pages
Magento Widgets (located under CMS > Widgets) allow users to easily add dynamic
content to selected pages. This allows for greater control and flexibility in creating
informational and marketing content through administrator tools.
Example 1:
Below you can see an example in which we will add a simple block of content to a product
To add custom content to selected place, first create a static block. Static blocks in
Magento are simple portions of content that can be displayed throughout the site. For
more info about creating a static block, refer to next chapter: 4.8.2 Static blocks.
When your static block with custom content is ready, go to CMS > Widgets and add a new
widget instance. Widget will add your static block to a selected place on the frontend of
your store. Click the Add New Widget Instance button. On the next page, you will see the
following options:
1. Choose the widget type: CMS Static Block.
2. Then you need to select the design in which the widget will be displayed. Select:
3. Then, click Continue button.
4. On the next page, goto the Widget Options tab and click the Select Block... button
to choose the static block. You will see the list of all your static block. Find and click
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the one which you want to display on the frontend:
5. Next, go to the Frontend Properties tab.
6. In the Widget Instance Title field give the widget a title – you can choose any
name you like (try to make it informative).
7. If you have a multiple store views, in the Assign to Store Views field select in
which store views you want to display the widget.
8. The sort order is optional, it will be used to sort widgets if more than one widget was
assigned to the same container on the frontend.
9. Click on the Add Layout Update button – new options will be displayed inside the
Layout Updates section:
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10.In the Display On drop-down select a general type of pages on which the widget
will be displayed. Select All product Types.
11. Again, new options will be displayed. You will see the contextual options for your
selection. In this case, you can select for which products you want to add your
widget: All or Specific Products. Select All.
12.In the Block Reference field select where exactly on the page you want to display
your custom static block. Select one of the product page containers, for example:
Product View, Primary Column, Container 1.
List of available containers on product page can be found in this chapter 6.2.5
Product page.
You will notice some additional containers, the list may differ in your specific case –
additional containers may have been added by any additional extensions you have
installed in your Magento.
13.Finally, save the widget and then flush Magento cache to see the effect on the
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Example 2:
Here's another example in which we will add a block to selected categories (see the
Display On list). Block will be displayed (see the Block Reference field) in the Preface,
Full Width container, which is a full width container just below the main menu and
above the page content area:
List of all containers available on each page can be found in 6.2.1 Page.
4.8.2 Static blocks
Static blocks in Magento are simple portions of content that can be displayed throughout
the site. To manage static blocks, go to CMS > Static Blocks section in the admin panel.
To create a static block, go to CMS > Static Blocks, click Add New Block button and
follow these steps:
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1. In Identifier field enter an identifier of one of the static blocks. Make sure the
identifier is lower-case and separated by underscores to follow Magento’s
2. Enter the title in Block Title.
3. Select the Store View to which this block will apply.
4. Select Enabled in the Status field. Disabled means that the block is not
displayed in the frontend.
5. Insert your Content (it can be text or HTML) and click Save Block.
Here's an example:
For more details on creating static blocks please refer to Magento user guide: static blocks
4.8.3 CMS markup tags
There are some special markup tags – a bits of text surrounded by double curly braces –
which have a special meaning in Magento. You can use those tags either in static blocks
or CMS pages.
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For example, this tag:
{{store url=''}}
will be replaced with the store’s base URL.
It might be useful when you want to display a link on one of your pages. You can use this
tag to dynamically build all of your links (you don't need to hard-code any links). Thanks to
that you will not need to rebuild your links after you move your store to a new domain.
For example, if your store domain is www.example.com, the following tag placed in the
page content:
{{store url='path/to/page/about-us'}}
will be replaced with this URL:
For more information, please refer to this article, where you can find a comprehensive list
of available tags:
4.8.4 WYSIWYG editor
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor is a convenient way to add content to
pages and static blocks in Magento.
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WYSIWYG should only be used to edit text, never use it to edit HTML.
Always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or Magento's
CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor can break
your content.
But the best way to use WYSIWYG is to turn it on only when it is needed. Go to System
> Configuration > Content Management and set it as Disabled by Default.
After that, if needed, WYSIWYG can always be turned on with Show/Hide Editor button
above the page/block content field:
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4.9 Translation / Localization
4.9.1 Interface translation
This theme introduces a few additional interface character strings. For example “Special
Price” label is replaced with shorter “Now only” label. Strings are located in
app/design/frontend/ultimo/default/locale/en_US/translate.csv. This
file can be used to translate the interface into other languages.
To translate the interface into Spanish follow these instructions:
Create a new folder for your translation. For Spanish language it will be
Copy translate.csv from
app/design/frontend/ultimo/default/locale/en_US and paste it into
created folder app/design/frontend/ultimo/default/locale/es_ES.
in Open-office Calc (or other text editor like Notepad++, PSPad).
The editor should be capable to save file in UTF-8 encoding. Do not use
Excel, it can break file structure. Read more about useful tools:
If you open translate.csv in Open-office Calc it might look like this:
Special Price: Now only:
My Wishlist Wishlist
My Wishlist (%d item) Wishlist (%d)
My Wishlist (%d items) Wishlist (%d)
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My Account Account
The first column contains the original character strings. It should be left intact. In
the second column you can place your translation of each string.
Some strings contains %d or %s entries. These entries should be left intact in the
translated strings.
4.9.2 Language flag
If you have more than one store view in your store, the store view switcher will be
displayed at the top of the page. You can enable different language for each store view.
For each available language a flag is displayed in the store view switcher (we can also call
it “language switcher”). Flag images (16x12 pixels, PNG format) should be uploaded to
skin/frontend/ultimo/default/images/flags folder. Image names should be
the same as the store view codes. E.g. if you have a store view with the code de, you will
need to upload a flag image de.png to
skin/frontend/ultimo/default/images/flags folder.
To check what is the store view code, go to System > Manage Stores and click on the
store view name. You can find the code in the Code field:
Remember that if you change the store view code, you will also need to change the name
of the corresponding flag image.
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5. Customization
please note that Magento theme customization is far beyond the scope of
this user guide. This chapter is only for informational purposes, you should
treat it as a starting point. Before you start to customize the theme you need
to be sure that you know what you're doing.
Magento is based on a theming concept referred to as parent/child theming – changes in
the theme can be implemented without modifying the original. Magento's “base” theme
serves as a parent theme for any custom theme.
The correct way to customize the theme in Magento is to create your own sub-theme of
the default theme in the design package. You should never edit original files of the
design package. Files that need to be modified can be copied from the default theme to
your custom sub-theme inside the design package. But don't copy all files, only the files
which you're going to modify.
This way you can override any file of the theme. And you can be sure that when something
goes wrong you can simply delete your custom sub-theme without breaking the original
theme files.
In this chapter you can find the information that will help you to modify the theme.
5.1 How to modify the theme.........................................................................................53
5.1.1 Customize images...............................................................................................53
5.1.2 Override default CSS styles.................................................................................54
5.1.3 Modify template files............................................................................................55
5.1.4 Create custom sub-theme...................................................................................56
5.2 Magento theme customization...............................................................................57
5.2.1 Design packages.................................................................................................57
5.2.2 Theme structure...................................................................................................58
5.2.3 Fallback mechanism............................................................................................59
5.2.4 Examples of custom sub-theme..........................................................................61
5.2.5 Summary..............................................................................................................64
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5.1 How to modify the theme
5.1.1 Customize images
Custom content images
All images which are used in this theme (such as page backgrounds, patterns, icons,
banners inside blocks etc.) are stored in media/wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/
_patterns – patterns which can be applied for the main sections of the page in
System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Design.
To add custom pattern, rename one of the files which name starts with default.,
for example:
(by removing the first part of the name: default. – the dot also has to be
removed). Then, replace that file with your custom image. Custom image will be
available in the admin panel as custom pattern.
custom – images which can be used as page background and other images for
static blocks. You can create subdirectories here for custom images.
icons – icons which can be used in static blocks and pages.
slideshow – images for the home page slideshow.
social – social icons in the footer.
Interface images
All interface images and icons are stored in
skin/frontend/ultimo/default/images/ directory. You can replace those files with
custom files. You can also use PSD files included with this theme to create your own
versions of images.
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5.1.2 Override default CSS styles
When you want to make some non-standard design changes (for which you can't find any
settings in the theme admin panel) you can do it by adding custom CSS styles.
for simple CSS changes there's no need to create custom sub-theme.
In this theme you can enable additional CSS file custom.css, in which you can override
and extend the default styles of the theme. All the CSS styles added to this file will not be
lost after upgrading the theme in the future. Refer to 7.11 Customization Settings to
check how to enable that file.
How to find out which part of CSS to override?
How to find out which part of the theme's or Magento's CSS you need to override or
extend? The best way is to use Firebug (an add-on for Firefox: www.getfirebug.com),
Chrome Developer Tools (available in Google Chrome) or other similar tools.
See the short video tutorial about Firebug: http://getfirebug.com/video/Intro2FB.mp4
How to use CSS?
Here you can find more information about CSS:
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5.1.3 Modify template files
Magento consists of dozens of template files, each one is used to render a block of
content in the frontend of the store. When you want to customize a theme, you can display
the name of template file of every block in the frontend by enabling Magento's Template
Path Hints.
to enable Magento's Template Path Hints go to
System > Configuration > Developer. Select your current website
under Current Configuration Scope in the top left corner of the admin
panel, otherwise Template Path Hints settings will not be visible.
See this short video tutorial for more details: http://vimeo.com/1067069
This way you can easily check which template files you need to edit to customize specific
sections of Magento. Files that need to be modified can be copied to your custom
sub-theme. Refer to 5.1.4 Create custom sub-theme for more details about custom sub-
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5.1.4 Create custom sub-theme
The correct way to customize the theme in Magento is to create custom sub-theme. You
should never edit the original files. Files that need to be modified can be copied to your
custom sub-theme. Refer to 5.2 Magento theme customization for more details.
when you're creating a sub-theme in Magneto you should only copy the files
which you want to modify. Do not copy all files. Otherwise you will have
tons of additional work in the future with any theme upgrade.
when you're creating a sub-theme, don’t copy folder
skin/frontend/ultimo/default/css/_config/ to your sub-theme,
that folder should stay in the default theme. Otherwise it will override all your
theme configuration from the admin panel.
To check which template file you need to edit to customize specific section of Magento you
can enable Magento's Template Path Hints. Refer to chapter 5.1.3 Modify template files
for more details.
If the file which you selected with Template Path Hints doesn't exist in Ultimo package (a
theme doesn't need to override all template files from Magento's “base” theme), you can
copy that file from Magento's “base” theme to your custom sub-theme inside Ultimo
By creating custom sub-theme:
You can override any file.
You can create upgrade-proof modifications.
You can be sure that when something goes wrong you can simply delete your
sub-theme without breaking the original files.
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5.2 Magento theme customization
5.2.1 Design packages
Themes in Magento are grouped together into design packages (in earlier versions called
“interfaces”). By default Magento Community Edition has two packages named "base" and
do not edit files in the "base" package and do not create custom sub-themes
inside the "base" package.
Every design package in Magento comes with a default theme named "default" which is
the main theme in the design package. When administrator assigns a package to the
store, Magento automatically looks for the theme named "default" in that package.
Design package can also contain variations of the "default" theme. This variations are
often called sub-themes because they inherit all the files from the "default" theme (from the
same package) and from the "base" package. Inside the sub-theme you can override any
file of the "default" theme. Sub-theme can even consists of a single file – other files will be
inherited from the "default" theme from the package. This is called a fallback mechanism
because Magento always falls back to the next theme in the hierarchy to find the
requested file. Fallback is described later in this chapter.
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5.2.2 Theme structure
Magento themes consists of many files like HTML templates, CSS style sheets, images
etc. All files are split between two directories:
Templates directory – contains the layout files, HTML templates and translations
skin/frontend/package_name/ theme_name/
Skin directory – contains CSS style sheets, images and theme-specific JavaScript
where package_name indicates the package name and theme_name indicates the theme
Template files are organized as follows:
layout – directory contains XML files which define page structure
template – directory contains template files (.phtml), a mix of HTML and PHP
locale – directory contains CSV files with translation strings
Skin files are organized as follows:
css – directory contains CSS files
images – directory contains images
js – directory contains theme-specific JavaScript files
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5.2.3 Fallback mechanism
Understanding fallback mechanism is very important when you want to customize the
theme, so let's see a simple example.
Let's say we have a design package named "helloworld" with custom sub-theme named
"new". Package files are organized as follows:
Default theme in the package:
Your custom sub-theme in the package:
Let's also assume that your custom sub-theme contains a CSS file called "menu.css"
located in skin/frontend/helloworld/new/css/menu.css
If your custom theme requests "menu.css" but Magento can't find it in your custom sub-
theme in skin/frontend/helloworld/new/css/menu.css, Magento will try to find
that file in the next theme in the hierarchy. Next theme in the hierarchy is the "default"
theme in "helloworld" package so Magento will search in
If the file is not there, Magento will continue until it locates the file. Next theme in the
hierarchy is the "default" theme in "base" package:
skin/frontend/base/default/css/menu.css. The "default" theme in the "base"
package is the final fallback point in the hierarchy.
Let's take a look again at the entire fallback hierarchy:
1. Look for the requested file in custom sub-theme:
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2. If not found, look for the file in the "default" theme in the design package:
3. If not found, look for the file in the "default" theme in "base" design package:
The first theme in hierarchy is the theme that you assign through the admin panel (in
System > Configuration > Design). The last theme in hierarchy is the theme "default"
in design package "base".
Thanks to the fallback mechanism there is no need to copy all the default theme files to
your custom sub-theme when you want to make some changes in your theme. You only
copy over the files that you want to edit. Other files will be inherited from the "default"
theme in the package and from the "base" package.
The most important advantages of the fallback mechanism:
selected functionality can be shared between many themes
less code to maintain
custom themes are update-proof: you don't edit original files, so your changes are
not overwritten after theme updated
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5.2.4 Examples of custom sub-theme
Let's see some examples.
Example 1
You have just installed a custom design package named "helloworld" with the default
theme (named "default") inside. Let's say that you want to change the font color of the
product name on product page.
Package files are organized as follows:
The correct way to customize the "default" theme is to create your own sub-theme in which
you will override selected files (not all files) of the "default" theme.
1. Let's call the new theme "my_world". Create the following folder inside the
"helloworld" package: skin/frontend/helloworld/my_world/. The name of
that folder is the name by which Magento will recognize your theme.
2. Create a copy of the CSS file
and paste it into your sub-theme directory:
Note that the directory structure inside the sub-theme must replicate the directory
structure of the default theme:
3. Open skin/frontend/helloworld/my_world/css/styles.css style
sheet and add these lines at the end of the file to override the default color of the
product name:
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.product-view .product-shop .product-name h1 { color:#f00; }
4. Enable the new sub-theme in the admin panel. Go to System > Configuration >
Design > Themes and enter my_world (the sub-theme name) in the default field:
Finally, refresh Magento cache. From now on your customization will override the
default styling of the "helloworld" package.
Example 2
In the previous example we created custom sub-theme named "my_world" in the
"helloworld" design package to override one of the skin files of the "default" theme. But you
can also override template files located in app/design/frontend, not only skin files.
Continuing with the previous example, let's override the contact form template to add
simple image banner above the form.
1. Create the following folder for the "my_world" template files in the "helloworld"
package: app/design/frontend/helloworld/my_world/
The name of the folder has to be the same as the name of the folder which you
created for the skin files (skin/frontend/helloworld/my_world/)
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2. The file which is responsible for the contact form is located here:
Create a copy of that file and paste it into your sub-theme directory (remember that
the directory structure inside the sub-theme must replicate the directory
structure of the default theme):
Note that if the form.phtml file doesn't exist in the "helloworld" package, you can
copy it from the "base" package (keeping the directory structure intact). "base"
package contains all the files that control Magento's default behavior. If the
requested file is not found in your custom sub-theme, Magento will try to find that
file in the "default" theme from the package. If the file is not found, Magento will call
the file from the "base" package.
Thanks to the fallback mechanism, in our example Magento will try to find the file in
the following order:
1. app/design/frontend/helloworld/my_world/
2. app/design/frontend/helloworld/default/
3. app/design/frontend/base/default/
3. Open
form.phtml file and insert image banner before the beginning of the contact form.
4. If you didn't enable the new sub-theme in the previous example, you need to do it
now. Go to System > Configuration > Design > Themes and enter my_world
(the sub-theme name) in the default field. Finally, refresh Magento cache to display
changes you have made.
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5.2.5 Summary
Themes in Magento are grouped together into design packages.
By default Magento comes with the package named "base" which contains all the
files that control Magento's default behavior.
Every design package in Magento comes with a default theme named "default"
which is the main theme of the design package.
Design package can contain variations (sub-themes) of the "default" theme. They
inherit all the files from the "default" theme (from the same package) and from the
"base" package.
The correct way to customize the theme in Magento is to create your own sub-
theme. You should never edit original design package files. Files that need to be
changed can be copied to your custom sub-theme.
This way you can override any file of any design package. And you can be sure that
when something goes wrong you can simply delete your custom sub-theme without
breaking the original files.
Magento use fallback mechanism to make custom themes easier to maintain and
The first theme in the fallback hierarchy is the theme that you assign through the
admin panel (in System > Configuration > Design). The last theme in hierarchy
is the "default" theme in "base" design package.
If the requested file is not found in your custom sub-theme, Magento will try to find
that file in the "default" theme from the package. If the file is not found, Magento will
call the file from the "base" package.
The directory structure inside the sub-theme must replicate the directory structure of
the default theme.
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You are reading: Theme features and elements
6. Theme features and
In this chapter you can find description and configuration details of selected elements of
this theme, such as home page, built-in static blocks, CSS classes etc.
The list of all settings available in the theme admin panel in System >
Configuration can be found in the next chapters.
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
6.1 Home page and CMS pages
To manage pages in Magento, go to CMS > Pages section.
6.1.1 Default pages
To configure the default pages for your store, go to System > Configuration >
General > Web > Default Pages tab.
The Default Pages configuration determines the landing page that is associated with the
base URL, and the corresponding CMS home page. It also determines which CMS page
appears when a "404 Page Not Found" error occurs. It also determines if a breadcrumb
trail appears at the top of CMS pages.
6.1.1.A Selecting a home page
To configure the default home page for your store, go to System > Configuration >
General > Web > Default Pages tab, select the desired page in the CMS Home Page
field and save configuration.
after the theme is installed, you can import sample versions of home pages
from the demo. For more details about import procedure refer to 7.12 Data
Import. Imported pages will be available in the CMS > Pages section.
6.1.2 Creating a page
The process of adding a new CMS page to your store is essentially the same for any type
of page you might want to create. You can include text, images, blocks of content,
variables, and widgets. Most content pages are designed to be read by search engines
first, and by people second. Keep the needs of each of these two very different audiences
in mind when choosing the page title and URL, composing the meta data, and writing the
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
To create a new page, go to CMS > Pages section.
6.1.2.A Page layout
For every CMS page in Magento you can select page layout - the number of columns:
one, two, or three columns. To change the layout of the page, go to CMS > Pages, select
the page, select one of the options in the Layout field and click Save Page button:
6.1.2.B Page content
Page content can include text, images, blocks of content, variables, and widgets.
To edit the content of the page, go to CMS > Pages and open the page. Content can be
found in the main text field of the Content tab:
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or Magento's
CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor will break
the content. Refer to 4.8.4 WYSIWYG editor for more details.
6.1.2.C Full width page
To create a full width page, go to CMS > Pages, select a page (or create a new one), open
the Design tab, select 1 column, full width in the Layout field and click Save Page
button. From now on, the content of the page will be stretched to full width of the browser
6.1.2.C.1 Maximum width of the content
If you want the content of that page to keep the same width as a standard page has, you
need to wrap the content in an additional div with class container, like on the example
below. The content inside this wrapper will be aligned with the other sections of the page
(e.g. with the header) and will not exceed the maximum width which is defined in the
Maximum Page Width field under System > Configuration > Theme Layout.
Here's the code example:
<div class="container">
<div class="inner-container">
This is a sample text
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Class container is responsible for the maximum width of the content area. And class
inner-container is responsible for additional side padding of the content area.
6.1.2.C.2 Content with full width background
To create full width blocks on the page, wrap your content in an additional div and apply a
background color using inline CSS (using a style attribute in HTML elements), for
<div style="background-color: pink;">
<div class="container">
<div class="inner-container">
This is a sample text 1
More details about the bacground-color property can be found here:
You can add multiple blocks to divide page content into sections, each section in different
<div style="background-color: pink;">
<div class="container">
<div class="inner-container">
This is a sample text 1
<div style="background-color: lightblue;">
<div class="container">
<div class="inner-container">
This is a sample text 2
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
6.1.3 Home page blocks
The following chapter describes blocks which can be displayed inside the content area of
the home page. You can enable each block by inserting the block code (CMS markup tag)
into the content field.
always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or Magento's
CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor can break
the content. Refer to 4.8.4 WYSIWYG editor for more details.
There are also special static blocks which can be displayed inside the sidebars of the
home page. For more details refer to Error: Reference source not found Error:
Reference source not found.
6.1.3.A Image slideshow
You can display the slideshow at the top of the home page. Refer to 11. Slideshow for
more details.
6.1.3.B Banners
Here you can see some examples of banners. Banners can be placed on any CMS page,
also on the home page. Each banner is a simple image inside a link.
By default images are uploaded to
media/wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/banners/ directory but you can put
them in any other place inside media directory. You can upload images via FTP or by
using Magento's WYSIWYG editor. WYSIWYG editor will create a HTML tag with correct
path to the image, for example:
<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/payment.gif"}}" alt="" />
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
Banners are placed inside <div> tags with grid classes. Here you can read more about
how to use grid classes on your custom pages and blocks: 6.4 Grid system.
Example of 3 equal banners:
<div class="nested-container">
<div class="page-banners grid-container-spaced">
<div class="grid12-4 banner">
<a href="{{store direct_url="about-magento-demo-store"}}" title="Click me">
<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/banners/01.png"}}"
alt="Sample banner" />
<div class="grid12-4 banner">
<a href="{{store direct_url="about-magento-demo-store"}}" title="Click me">
<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/banners/02.png"}}"
alt="Sample banner" />
<div class="grid12-4 banner">
<a href="{{store direct_url="about-magento-demo-store"}}" title="Click me">
<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/banners/03.png"}}"
alt="Sample banner" />
Example of 3 banners (not equal):
<div class="nested-container">
<div class="page-banners grid-container-spaced">
<div class="grid12-3 banner">
<a href="{{store direct_url="about-magento-demo-store"}}" title="Click me">
<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/banners/11.png"}}"
alt="Sample banner" />
<div class="grid12-3 banner">
<a href="{{store direct_url="about-magento-demo-store"}}" title="Click me">
<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/banners/11.png"}}"
alt="Sample banner" />
<div class="grid12-6 banner">
<a href="{{store direct_url="about-magento-demo-store"}}" title="Click me">
<img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/banners/03.png"}}"
alt="Sample banner" />
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
6.1.3.C Products grid
To display a grid of products similar to the grid which is displayed in category view, add
this block code to your home page content:
{{block type='catalog/product_list' category_id='4' grid_column_count='4' hide_toolbar='1'
Value of grid_column_count parameter determines the number of products displayed in
a single row. This parameter is an equivalent of the option Number of Columns which can
be found in System > Configuration > Theme Settings > Category View (Grid
Mode) section (refer to chapter 7.3 Category View (Grid Mode) for more details).
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6.1.4 Featured Products Slider
Featured Products Slider can display products from any category (only single category is
allowed). To display the slider, enter the following code in the content field of any page or
static block, Magento will automatically replace the code with a slider during page
{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured"
template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="3" product_count="12"
hide_button="1" block_name="My Products"}}
Make sure that in the category_id parameter you specified an identifier of
the category which actually exists in your store (and which is active) –
otherwise the block won't appear. Other parameters are described below.
in order to display the slider properly, you may need to reindex Magento (4.2
Index management) and flush the cache (4.1 Caching system) after
making changes to the catalog (adding or editing categories, products,
attributes etc.).
Global settings related to product sliders can be found in 7.8 Product sliders. Global
settings can be overridden per slider with the following parameters:
Required parameters:
category_id – identifier of the category which you want to present in the slider.
Make sure you enter identifier of the category which actually exists in your store
(and which is active) – otherwise the block won't appear.
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
product_count – the total number of products presented in the slider.
block_name – the name of the block displayed as a heading.
Optional parameters:
breakpoints – with this parameter you can specify the number of products in a row
visible with a particular browser viewport width. Use the following format (this is the
default value, it will be used if this parameter is not specified in the block code):
breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 4], [960, 5], [1280, 6]"
Value of this parameter consists of pairs of numbers in brackets separated by
comma. In each pair of numbers [A, B] number A indicates the web browser
viewport width, number B indicates the number of products visible if browser
viewport width is greater that the width specified in A.
In other words: display B products if viewport width is above A pixels. Below you
can find some examples:
Example 1:
breakpoints="[0, 2], [480, 3], [960, 5]"
which can be translated as: display 2 products if viewport width is between 0px
and 480px, display 3 products if viewport width is above 480px, display 5
products if viewport width is above 960px.
Example 2:
breakpoints="[0, 4]"
which can be translated as: always display 4 products.
Example 3:
breakpoints="[0, 3], [960, 6]"
which can be translated as: display 3 products on narrow screens (if viewport
width is below 960px), and display 6 products on wider screens (above 960px).
is_responsive – enter 0 if the slider should not be responsive. If this parameter
is not specified, it is always assumed that the slider is responsive.
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If the slider is not responsive, the number of visible products should be
specified with the additional show_items parameter (see below).
– the number of products in a row in the non-responsive slider.
Use this parameter only if responsive behavior was disabled with parameter
is_responsive (see above)
timeout – to animate the slider automatically, specify the time (in milliseconds)
between transitions. Note that 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
move – number of products that should move on animation. Allowed values:
enter 1 to move one product.
enter 0 to move all visible products. This is also the default value which is used
if the parameter is not specified.
loop – enter 1 if the slider should loop.
pagination – enter 1 to display pagination.
img_width – enter product image width.
img_height – enter product image height. Do not specify this parameter if you
want to keep the aspect ratio of the product images – if height is not specified, it will
be calculated automatically based on width.
centered – enter 1 to align elements of the slider to the center.
size – with this parameter you can decrease the size of the elements of the slider,
such as product name, button, product labels. Available values:
size-s – elements a little bit smaller than the standard size
size-xs – elements much smaller than the standard size
is_random – enter 1 to display random products from the selected category.
Otherwise enter 0 (in this case you can also omit this parameter, because 0 is the
default value).
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hide_button – enter 1 to hide “Add to cart” button (by default displayed below each
sort_by – with this parameter you can change the order of products. Available
position – default order of products in category
name – sort by name
price – sort by price
sort_direction – with this parameter you can change the direction of sorting.
Available values:
ASC – ascending
DESC – descending
Display any set of products using the slider
You can use Featured Products Slider to display any set of products in your store. Slider
can display products from any category so you can simply create categories which will
group any type of products you need, for example: bestsellers, products from specific
brand, new products, etc.
You can, for example, display “on sale” products on the home page:
1. Create a new category. Name it "Special Offer", for example. You can also select
No in Include in Navigation Menu field – thanks to that category will not be
displayed in the main menu.
2. Add all products with special price (or any other products) to "Special Offer"
3. You might need to reindex the data in System > Index Management after adding
products to the new category.
4. Display "Special Offer" category using Featured Product Slider:
a) Specify the ID of the "Special Offer" category in the block code. Make sure you
use category ID which really exists in your store – otherwise the block won't
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
b) Specify the number of products in the corresponding parameter.
c) Add the block code to the home page content.
5. Flush Magento cache.
Here you can see some examples of the slider block code:
{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured"
template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="3" product_count="12"
breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 4], [960, 5], [1280, 6]" pagination="1"
centered="1" hide_button="1" block_name="Our Featured Products"}}
{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured"
template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="4" product_count="8"
size="size-xs" is_random="1" block_name="Random Products"}}
{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured"
template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="3" product_count="16"
is_responsive="0" show_items="5" hide_button="1" block_name="Non-responsive Slider"}}
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You are reading: Home page and CMS pages
6.1.5 New Products Slider
New Products Slider can display products which are marked as new in your store. To mark
the product as “new”, go to Catalog > Manage Products, select the product and in Set
Product as New from Date and Set Product as New to Date fields, enter the date range
in which the product will be promoted as a new product.
To display the slider, enter the following code in the content field of any page or static
block, Magento will automatically replace the code with a slider during page rendering:
{{block type="catalog/product_new" template="catalog/product/new.phtml" products_count="10"
hide_button="1" block_name="My New Products"}}
In order to display this block properly, you may need to reindex Magento (4.2
Index management) and flush the cache (4.1 Caching system) after
marking products as new and after making changes to the catalog (adding
or editing categories, products, attributes etc.).
Global settings related to product sliders can be found in 7.8 Product sliders. Global
settings can be overridden per slider with the following parameters:
Required parameters:
products_count – the total number of products presented in the slider. Note the
letter “s” at the end of “products”.
block_name – the name of the block displayed as a heading.
Optional parameters:
breakpoints – with this parameter you can specify the number of products in a row
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visible with a particular browser viewport width. Use the following format (this is the
default value, it will be used if this parameter is not specified in the block code):
breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 4], [960, 5], [1280, 6]"
Value of this parameter consists of pairs of numbers in brackets separated by
comma. In each pair of numbers [A, B] number A indicates the web browser
viewport width, number B indicates the number of products visible if browser
viewport width is greater that the width specified in A.
In other words: display B products if viewport width is above A pixels. Below you
can find some examples:
Example 1:
breakpoints="[0, 2], [480, 3], [960, 5]"
which can be translated as: display 2 products if viewport width is between 0px
and 480px, display 3 products if viewport width is above 480px, display 5
products if viewport width is above 960px.
Example 2:
breakpoints="[0, 4]"
which can be translated as: always display 4 products.
Example 3:
breakpoints="[0, 3], [960, 6]"
which can be translated as: display 3 products on narrow screens (if viewport
width is below 960px), and display 6 products on wider screens (above 960px).
is_responsive – enter 0 if the slider should not be responsive. If this parameter
is not specified, it is always assumed that the slider is responsive.
If the slider is not responsive, the number of visible products should be
specified with the additional show_items parameter (see below).
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– the number of products in a row in the non-responsive slider.
Use this parameter only if responsive behavior was disabled with parameter
is_responsive (see above)
timeout – to animate the slider automatically, specify the time (in milliseconds)
between transitions. Note that 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
move – number of products that should move on animation. Allowed values:
enter 1 to move one product.
enter 0 to move all visible products. This is also the default value which is used
if the parameter is not specified.
loop – enter 1 if the slider should loop.
pagination – enter 1 to display pagination.
img_width – enter product image width.
img_height – enter product image height. Do not specify this parameter if you
want to keep the aspect ratio of the product images – if height is not specified, it will
be calculated automatically based on width.
centered – enter 1 to align elements of the slider to the center.
size – with this parameter you can decrease the size of the elements of the slider,
such as product name, button, product labels. Available values:
size-s – elements a little bit smaller than the standard size
size-xs – elements much smaller than the standard size
hide_button – enter 1 to hide “Add to cart” button (by default displayed below each
init_delay – this parameter is no longer supported.
Here you can see some examples of the block code:
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{{block type="catalog/product_new" template="catalog/product/new.phtml" products_count="10"
centered="1" size="size-s" hide_button="1" block_name="New Products"}}
{{block type="catalog/product_new" template="catalog/product/new.phtml" products_count="20"
breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 4], [960, 5], [1280, 6]" hide_button="1"
block_name="New products in our store"}}
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6.2 Built-in CMS blocks
There are more than 40 predefined CMS blocks (static blocks) – content placeholders
displayed in almost every part of the store, ready to show any content you need: text or
HTML. You can import all of these blocks with one click – refer to 7.12 Data Import for
more details about the import.
content of all static blocks is also available in XML format in case you need
to restore the original content of selected blocks. XML can be found in the
following directory:
Refer to 7.12 Data Import for more details.
always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or Magento's
CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor will break
the content. Refer to 4.8.4 WYSIWYG editor for more details.
After importing, some of the blocks are disabled. You will need to enable them in order to
show their content in your store. You can replace the default content of each block with
your own content.
in order to see your changes, you need to refresh Magento cache after
making any changes in your static blocks.
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For more information about static block management in Magento refer to chapter
4.8.2 Static blocks.
Identifiers of all built-in blocks are described later in this chapter. For example,
block_footer_payment is an identifier of the block which displays payment information
in the footer section. So if you enable that static block, the content of that block will be
automatically displayed in the footer of your store.
Sample content
Most of the blocks already contain sample content. You can replace it with any custom
content, but using provided samples will help you to keep the design consistent. For
example, in all blocks containing links you can use the following HTML template:
<ul class="links">
<li class="first">
<a href="{{store url="path/to/page"}}">First Sample Link</a>
<a href="{{store url="path/to/page"}}">Second Sample Link</a>
<li class="last">
<a href="{{store url="path/to/page"}}">Last Sample Link</a>
Replace path/to/page with your own value. It will be appended to the store's base URL
with additional slash (/) at the end of the resulting URL.
Below you can find a list of identifiers of all built-in static blocks available in this
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6.2.1 Page
The screenshot below presents positions of block containers which are available on every
page of the store, including home page, product pages, category pages.
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You can assign any number of custom static blocks to each container. If block is
assigned to a container, you can choose to display it on all pages, but you can also
choose to display it only on selected pages. For details about assigning static blocks to
containers refer to chapter 4.8.1 Add blocks to selected pages.
Containers are suitable for any kind of additional information:
discounts and promotions, image banners, social services bookmarks etc.
List of containers:
1. Preface, Full Width – container above the content area and above sidebars. It is
stretched to full width.
2. Preface – container above the content area and above sidebars.
3. Main Content Area – container above the content area of the page. It is as wide
as the content area. It is displayed between the sidebars (if page has sidebars).
4. Left Column, Top – container at the top of the left sidebar. Blocks added to this
container will be visible only if page has the left sidebar.
5. Left Column – container at the bottom of the left sidebar. Blocks added to this
container will be visible only if page has the left sidebar.
6. Right Column, Top container at the top of the right sidebar. Blocks added to this
container will be visible only if page has the right sidebar.
7. Right Column – container at the bottom of the right sidebar. Blocks added to this
container will be visible only if page has the right sidebar.
8. Postscript – container below the content area and below sidebars.
9. Postscript, Full Width container below the content area and below sidebars. It
is stretched to full width.
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6.2.2 Header
The screenshot below presents positions of block containers which are available in the
page header:
You can assign any number of custom static blocks to each container. If block is
assigned to a container, you can choose to display it on all pages, but you can also
choose to display it only on selected pages. For details about assigning static blocks to
containers refer to chapter 4.8.1 Add blocks to selected pages.
List of containers which are available in the page header:
1. Page Header, Top, Left – container at the left side of the top header. Blocks
added to this container are floating from left to right.
for backward compatibility, static blocks with ID block_header_top_left
and block_header_top_left2 (if they exist in your Magento) are
displayed automatically just next to this container. But these blocks are
deprecated and will be removed in next versions.
2. Page Header, Top, Rightcontainer at the right side of the top header. Blocks
added to this container are floating from right to left.
for backward compatibility, static blocks with ID
block_header_top_right and block_header_top_right2 (if they
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exist in your Magento) are displayed automatically just next to this container.
But these blocks are deprecated and will be removed in next versions.
3. Page Header, Primary, Left Columncontainer displayed above the content of
the left column in the primary header.
4. Page Header, Primary, Central Columncontainer displayed above the
content of the central column in the primary header.
5. Page Header, Primary, Right Column – container displayed above the content
of the right column in the primary header.
6. Page Header – container displayed above the columns of the primary header.
7. Page Top – full-width container displayed above the header.
Additionally you can also display two predefined static blocks in the menu bar:
8. block_nav_links – to display custom links in the main menu bar, create a static
block with identifier block_nav_links. The content of this block will be displayed
directly in the menu bar so the content needs to have proper structure (it's
described in this chapter: 13.3.1 Custom links inside a static block).
There is another method to add custom links to the menu, for more details refer to
13.3 Custom links in the menu.
9. block_header_nav_dropdown – to display a custom drop-down box in the main
menu, create a static block with identifier block_header_nav_dropdown. The
content of this block will be displayed in a drop-down box and the title of this block
will be displayed as the name of the menu item.
This block is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. There is a better
method to add custom drop-down boxes to the menu, for more details refer to 13.4
Custom drop-down boxes in the menu.
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6.2.3 Footer
Static blocks with the following identifiers will be displayed in the footer section of the
1. block_footer_links – this block can substitute Magento's default Footer Links (set
of links: Site Map, Search Terms, Contact Us etc.). Default Footer Links can be
disabled in the admin panel, refer to 7.9 Default Magento blocks for more details.
2. block_footer_links2 – additional block for footer links, floating right.
3. block_footer_primary_bottom_left – icons with links to social services.
4. block_footer_primary_bottom_right – this block can substitute Magento's
default newsletter subscription form. Newsletter form can be disabled in the admin
panel, refer to 7.9 Default Magento blocks for more details.
5. block_footer_payment – information about available payment methods, credit
cards, SSL certificates etc.
6. block_footer_column1 – a column of links in the main area of the footer section,
suitable for any custom content: social services links, shipping information,
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promotions, company address etc. You can use up to six similar static blocks.
7. block_footer_column2 – see above
8. block_footer_column3 – see above
9. block_footer_column4 – see above
10. block_footer_column5 – see above
11. block_footer_column6 – see above
12. block_footer_row2_column1 – additional column of links in the secondary area
of the footer section, suitable for any custom content: social services links, shipping
information, promotions, company address etc. You can use up to six similar static
13. block_footer_row2_column2 – see above
14. block_footer_row2_column3 – see above
15. block_footer_row2_column4 – see above
16. block_footer_row2_column5 – see above
17. block_footer_row2_column6 – see above
Note that the columns inside the footer don't need to be equal. You can arrange your
content in many different ways, you have full control over those blocks.
Disable all static blocks with ID block_footer_column[x] (where [x] is a number
from 1 to 6) and leave only one block enabled, e.g. this one: block_footer_column1.
Thanks to that, your block block_footer_column1 will be stretched inside the footer
and it will take the entire available space.
Now, inside block_footer_column1 organize your content using built-in grid classes,
for example:
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid12-3">Column1...</div>
<div class="grid12-2">Column2...</div>
<div class="grid12-2">Column3...</div>
<div class="grid12-2">Column4...</div>
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<div class="grid12-3">Column5...</div>
More info about grid system can be found in 6.4 Grid system.
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6.2.4 Category view
Static blocks with the following identifiers will be displayed in the category view:
1. block_category_above_empty_collection – block above the products listing,
displayed if there are no products in the category.
To display there a block with custom content, create a static block with identifier
2. block_category_below_collection block below the products listing in the
category view.
To display there a block with custom content, create a static block with identifier 3.
in the category view you can also add custom static blocks to the containers
which are available on all pages of the store. For more information refer to
6.2.1 Page.
in the sidebar of the category view you can also display a block with the list
of categories. For more information refer to 13.1.4 Sidebar Menu.
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6.2.5 Product page
The screenshot below presents positions of block containers which are available on
product page:
You can assign any number of custom static blocks to each container. If block is
assigned to a container, you can choose to display it on all pages, but you can also
choose to display it only on selected pages. For details about assigning static blocks to
containers refer to chapter 4.8.1 Add blocks to selected pages.
Containers are suitable for any kind of additional information:
discounts and promotions, available shipping methods, available payment methods,
promotional image banners, social services bookmarks (such as AddThis bookmarks) etc.
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List of containers which are available on product page:
1. Product View, Primary Column, Container 1 – container displayed below
product's short description inside the primary column.
2. Product View, Primary Column, Container 2 – container at the bottom of the
primary column.
for backward compatibility, the static block with ID
block_product_primary_bottom (if it exists in your Magento) is displayed
automatically inside this container.
3. Product View, Secondary Column, Container 1 – container at the top of the
secondary column.
4. Product View, Secondary Column, Container 2 – container at the bottom of the
secondary column.
for backward compatibility, the static block with ID
block_product_secondary_bottom (if it exists in your Magento) is
displayed automatically inside this container.
5. Product View, Image Column, Below Images – container displayed just below
the image gallery.
for backward compatibility, the static block with ID
block_product_img_bottom (if it exists in your Magento) is displayed
automatically inside this container.
Additionally you can also display two static blocks as tabs on product page. Content of
these tabs will be displayed on the product page of every product in the store.
6. block_product_tab1 – to display custom tab on product page, create a static block
with identifier block_product_tab1. The content of that block will be displayed
inside the panel of the tab and the title of that block will be displayed as the name of
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the tab.
7. block_product_tab2 – to display second custom tab on product page, create a
static block with identifier block_product_tab2. The content of that block will be
displayed inside the panel of the tab and the title of that block will be displayed as
the name of the tab.
There are also two other tabs on product page for product-specific info:
Details – tab which displays product description. You can add there any custom
content, it can be a simple text as well as a complex HTML with images, lists etc.
You can also embed videos from services such as YouTube, Vimeo etc.
Additional Info – tab which displays product-specific attributes. You can
enable/disable each attribute's visibility on product page with Visible on Product
View Page on Front-end field in Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes
> [select attribute].
6.2.6 Shopping cart
Static blocks with the following identifiers will be displayed on the shopping cart page:
1. block_cart_below_table – block below the main table in the shopping cart.
2. block_cart_below_totals – block below the shopping cart totals.
6.2.7 Cart drop-down
Static blocks with the following identifiers will be displayed in the cart drop-down box:
1. block_mini_cart_above_products – block inside cart drop-down, suitable for a
short info about promotions, sales etc.
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6.3 Pages and elements
6.3.1 Product page
6.3.1.A Social bookmarks (AddThis)
To display social bookmarks this theme uses the AddThis widget. The code of the widget
can be found on this site: http://www.addthis.com/get
You can generate many different versions of the widget code to create customized
bookmarks. Then, add the code to your static block or page and flush Magento cache.
AddThis bookmarks can be, for example, placed in the static block with ID
block_product_secondary_bottom. This block is positioned at the bottom of the
secondary column on product page.
always turn off WYSIWYG editor when you want to edit HTML or Magento's
CMS tags in the page/block content. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor will break
the content. Refer to 4.8.4 WYSIWYG editor for more details.
6.3.2 Drop-down cart
This theme is using Magento's default sidebar cart to display drop-down cart at the top of
the page. In order to show drop-down cart, option Display Shopping Cart Sidebar in
System > Configuration > Checkout > Shopping Cart Sidebar has to be enabled.
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6.4 Grid system
Theme is based on 12-column grid system. This means that for every element you can
specify width in grid units (from 1 unit to 12 units) using grid classes. These are available
The number at the end of the class name indicates number of grid units. For example,
class grid12-3 will create a block which is 3-units wide.
As this is a 12-column grid, each grid class spans a number of those 12 columns, and
should always add up to 12 for each row.
6.4.1 Simple grid examples
2 columns
If you want to display content on your custom page in two equal columns, create two
blocks (div) and add appropriate class with number of grid units. In this case use
grid12-6 class to create two 6-units wide blocks. And 6 + 6 equals 12, so you will create
a row of two equal columns.
Then wrap the blocks inside another block with class grid-container – this class is
important to clear floats of the columns (all columns float to the left side) so that the
content of the grid doesn't overlap with other content below and above the grid. Here's an
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<div class="grid-container show-grid">
<div class="grid12-6">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-6">Sample text...</div>
When developing the grid, you can also temporarily add class show-grid to visualize the
grid (like in the above example).
3 columns
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
4 columns
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid12-3">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-3">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-3">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-3">Sample text...</div>
3 columns (not equal)
Of course columns doesn't have to be equal, you can use grid units in different
proportions. But the sum of all units in one row should be equal to 12, otherwise some
columns may drop to another row. Here is an example of three columns which are not
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid12-7">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-3">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-2">Sample text...</div>
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6.4.2 Multiple rows
To create multiple rows of columns simply add more units to the container:
<div class="grid-container">
<div class="grid12-6">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-6">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
Space between rows
To add even vertical spaces between rows, replace classgrid-container with class
<div class="grid-container-spaced">
<div class="grid12-6">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-6">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-4">Sample text...</div>
6.4.3 Grid on mobile devices
If the web browser's viewport width is below 768 px, all grid columns are stretched (they
are as wide as the container) and stack vertically. If you want to avoid this and want your
columns to stay narrow on narrow screens, you can add special class mobile-grid to
grid classes. It can be added to the following grid classes: grid12-1, grid12-2,
On narrow screens columns could be too narrow to display content properly, so thanks to
the mobile-grid class, each column will be 2 times wider than the actual number of
units in the class name, i.e. grid12-3 will behave like grid12-6.
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When the viewport width goes below 480 px, all grid columns with the mobile-grid
class will also be stretched and stacked vertically, just like all the other columns.
The following example will create 4 equal columns:
<div class="grid-container-spaced">
<div class="grid12-3 mobile-grid">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-3 mobile-grid">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-3 mobile-grid">Sample text...</div>
<div class="grid12-3 mobile-grid">Sample text...</div>
which will look like this:
When the viewport is below 768 px, the 4 columns will be automatically transformed to 2
rows of 2 columns:
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You are reading: CMS components
6.5 CMS components
In the following chapter you can find description of selected HTML components which can
be used in CMS pages and static blocks.
6.5.1 CSS utility classes
Here you can find description of some useful CSS classes which can be used in CMS
pages and static blocks.
6.5.1.A Hide elements for specific screen resolution
Use these classes to hide elements below specific screen resolution. Number at the end
of the class name indicates the resolution:
For example, add class hide-below-1280 to the HTML element which needs to be
hidden if the screen is less than 1280 pixels wide.
<div class="hide-below-1280">
This is just a sample text
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6.5.2 Collapsible blocks
With collapsible block, your content can be shown and hidden on button click, you can
build components similar to accordions. Blocks like this are used in the footer static blocks
in the demo:
<div class="collapsible">
<h6 class="block-title active">My block title</h6>
<div class="block-content">Sample content</div>
If you remove active class, the block will be collapsed by default.
If you want the block to be collapsed only on mobile devices (with viewport width below
768 pixels), use mobile-collapsible class instead of collapsible class in the main
<div class="mobile-collapsible">
<h6 class="block-title">My block title</h6>
<div class="block-content">Sample content</div>
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6.5.3 Icons
6.5.3.A Font icons
You can place icons just about anywhere using simple markup. We are going to use an
inline HTML element such as <span> and add appropriate classes to it. These are
required classes: ic and the icon's name prefixed with ic-, for example ic-star. Here's
the full example of the code which will add star icon:
<span class="ic ic-star"></span>
list of names of all available icons can be found in
Resources/Icons_Demo/demo.html inside the theme package.
Add CSS styles to icons
Now you can start having more fun with icons. For example, if you want to change color of
the icon, you could just add inline styles: add style attribute to the icon element and
specify a color. For example:
<span class="ic ic-star" style="color:red;"></span>
You can add inline styles to icons the same way as to any other HTML elements in a
HTML document. The style attribute can contain any CSS property, such as font-size,
text-shadow etc. List of available CSS properties can be found on
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If you change the font-size of the icon's container, the icon gets bigger. To increase icon
size relative to the font-size of the icon container, use the following classes:
ic-lg (increases the size of the icon by 33%), ic-2x, ic-3x, ic-4x, ic-5x, ic-6x,
ic-7x, ic-8x.
<span class="ic ic-star ic-lg"></span>
<span class="ic ic-gift ic-2x"></span>
<span class="ic ic-twitter ic-3x"></span>
To have more control over the size of the icon, you can also change the font size of the
icon container by adding an inline style:
<span class="ic ic-star" style="font-size:32px;"></span>
List icons
Use ic-ul and ic-li to build unordered lists with icons displayed as bullets.
<ul class="ic-ul">
<li><span class="ic ic-star ic-li"></span>Some text example</li>
<li><span class="ic ic-tag ic-li"></span>Some text example</li>
<li><span class="ic ic-arrow-right ic-li"></span>Some text example</li>
<li><span class="ic ic-letter ic-li"></span>Some text example</li>
<li><span class="ic ic-bell ic-li"></span>Some text example</li>
Pulled icons and borders
Use ic-border and pull-left or pull-right for easy pull article icons.
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<span class="ic ic-alarm ic-3x ic-border pull-left "></span> Some sample text. Lid est laborum
et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expeditasi distinctio.
Spinning icons
Use the ic-spin class to get any icon to rotate.
<span class="ic ic-reload ic-spin"></span>
Rotated and flipped
To rotate and flip icons, use the ic-rotate-* and ic-flip-* classes.
<span class="ic ic-twitter"></span> normal<br>
<span class="ic ic-twitter ic-rotate-90"></span> ic-rotate-90<br>
<span class="ic ic-twitter ic-rotate-180"></span> ic-rotate-180<br>
<span class="ic ic-twitter ic-rotate-270"></span> ic-rotate-270<br>
<span class="ic ic-twitter ic-flip-horizontal"></span> ic-flip-horizontal<br>
<span class="ic ic-twitter ic-flip-vertical"></span> ic-flip-vertical
Icons inside buttons
Font icons work great inside buttons and other elements.
<a class="button" href="#"><span class="ic ic-user"></span>&nbsp; My Account</a>
6.5.3.B Icons with background color (iconbox)
To display an icon inside a box with background color, add ib class to the icon container.
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For example:
<span class="ic ic-star ib"></span>
Background color will be automatically added to the icon container. Default background
color and color of the icon can be configured in the admin panel:
System > Configuration > Theme Design > Colors > Custom Icons With
Background (Iconbox)
Make sure to leave the <span> tag empty. Otherwise the contents of the tag will be
displayed together with icon and any additional space can dislocate the icon.
Change color on mouse hover
To change the color on mouse hover over the iconbox, add the ib-hover class to the
<span class="ic ic-star ib ib-hover"></span>
To increase iconbox size, use the following classes:
ib-size-l, ib-size-xl, ib-size-xxl, ib-size-xxxl. For example:
<span class="ic ic-star ib ib-size-xxl"></span>
The size of the icon is independent of the iconbox and can be increased with classes
which were described earlier in this chapter. For example, add class ic-2x to make the
icon a little bit bigger:
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<span class="ic ic-star ic-2x ib ib-size-xxl"></span>
To change the shape of the iconbox, use one of the following classes:
ib-circle, ib-rounded, ib-square. For example:
<span class="ic ic-star ib ib-square"></span>
By default the iconbox is circular. If you prefer square icons, you can wrap multiple icons
with an element (it can be <div>) with class ib-wrapper--square:
<div class="ib-wrapper—square">
<span class="ic ic-star ib"></span>
<span class="ic ic-heart ib"></span>
<span class="ic ic-letter ib"></span>
6.5.3.C Social icons
To add icons of social networking services you need to use exactly the same markup as
for other icons described earlier in this chapter – name of the service needs to be prefixed
with ic-. For example:
<span class="ic ic-twitter"></span>
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list of names of all available icons can be found in
Resources/Icons_Demo/demo.html inside the theme package.
Icons can be used in many different places. They can also be wrapped inside links. This is
very useful when you want to create links to your profiles on social networking services.
Here's an example:
<div class="social-links">
<a href="#">
<span class="ib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-twitter"></span>
<a href="#">
<span class="ib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-facebook"></span>
<a href="#">
<span class="ib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-googleplus"></span>
<a href="#">
<span class="ib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-youtube"></span>
<a href="#">
<span class="ib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-vk"></span>
<a href="#">
<span class="ib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-renren"></span>
<a href="#">
<span class="ib ib-hover ic ic-lg ic-instagram"></span>
Replace # with URLs of your profiles.
6.5.3.D Custom image icons
You can also use custom image files to create simple icons. With the following markup:
<span> tag with classes ib ic ic-img and <img> tag inside the <span> tag, you can
quickly create custom icon:
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<span class="ib ic ic-img">
<img src="{{media url='wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/icons/star.png'}}" alt="My icon" />
Image file for the icon can be indicated with Magento's CMS tag which will be replaced
with the URL of the image, for example: {{media url='path/to/image.png'}}. The
path is relative to Magento's media directory, so you need o store your images inside that
Recommended size of an image: 30 x 30 pixels. An image can be larger but it will be
scaled down to fit the size of the iconbox. So it is better to use images of correct size to
keep good quality.
6.5.3.E Letters, numbers and other characters as icons
By adding class ic-char to the icon, you can display any characters (such as letters,
numbers and other special characters) as icons. The code is almost the same as for
standard font icons, but inside the <span> tag you need to add a single character. For
<span class="ic ic-char">1</span>
<span class="ic ic-char">2</span>
<span class="ic ic-char">a</span>
<span class="ic ic-char">B</span>
<span class="ic ic-char">$</span>
<span class="ic ic-char">%</span>
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6.5.4 Text with icon
With the following code using the feature class you can display blocks of text (text
paragraphs, links, headings etc.) with an additional icon:
<div class="feature">
<span class="left ic ic-star ib"></span>
<h6 class="above-heading">Secondary Heading</h6>
<h3>Block Heading Example</h3>
<p>This is a paragraph of sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Etiam neque velit, blandit sed scelerisque solare de equis.</p>
<p>Another paragraph. Etiam neque velit, blandit sed scelerisque solare de equis.</p>
<a href="#">Read more...</a>
If you add class left or right to the icon, the icon will be taken from the normal flow
and placed along the left or right side of its container, and text will wrap around it.
To add an icon to the block you can use all the classes described in chapter 6.5.3 Icons.
Here's an example with less text and bigger icon:
<div class="feature">
<span class="left ic ic-star ic-2x ib ib-size-xl"></span>
<h2>Block Heading Example</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph of sample text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Etiam neque velit, blandit sed scelerisque solare de equis. Sibit placem vobetur rios tolbaro
del rei como deus selvince daso rex.</p>
Change color on mouse hover
To change the background color of the iconbox on mouse hover over the entire block, add
class feature-icon-hover to the main element:
<div class="feature feature-icon-hover">
<span class="left ic ic-star ib"></span>
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<h2>Block Heading Example</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph of sample text.</p>
Default background color of the iconbox can be configured in the admin panel.
Refer to 6.5.3.B Icons with background color (iconbox) for details.
Indented block
To display a block with indentation on the left side, add class indent to the main element:
<div class="feature feature-icon-hover indent">
<span class="ic ic-star ib"></span>
<h2>Block Heading Example</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph of sample text.</p>
Note that inside indented block, the first level icon automatically floats left so class left
doesn't need to be added to the icon.
If you increase the iconbox size (by adding a class such as ib-size-xxl), you would
also need to add class indent-size-xxl to the main block. It will adjust the size of the
<div class="feature feature-icon-hover indent indent-size-xxl">
<span class="ic ic-star ib ib-size-xxl"></span>
<h2>Block Heading Example</h2>
<p>This is a paragraph of sample text.</p>
To change the size of the indentation, use the following classes:
indent-size-l, indent-size-xl, indent-size-xxl, indent-size-xxxl.
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Centered block
To align elements of the block to the center, use class centered. Like this:
<div class="feature centered">
<span class="icon">
<img src="{{media url='wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/icons/star.png'}}"
alt="My description" />
<p>This is sample text</p>
<p>Another paragraph</p>
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6.5.5 Captions for Slideshow
This chapter describes how to create captions inside the homepage Slideshow. Presented
code can be used inside the main slides and inside small banners at the side of the
To set background color, use one of the following classes: light1, light2, light3,
dark1, dark2, dark3.
For example:
<div class="caption light1">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
To position caption, use the following classes (by default captions is positioned in the
bottom left corner): top, top-right, bottom-right.
For example:
<div class="caption light1 top-right">
<h2 class="heading">Big Heading</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
Additionally, the paragraph of text inside the caption can be aligned right with class:
right, or centered with class: centered.
For example:
<div class="caption dark1 centered">
<h2 class="heading">Big Heading</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
To stretch the caption, use class: full-width. To make it narrower, use: narrow.
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For example:
<div class="caption dark3 full-width">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet dictum sit altum.</p>
On narrow screens elements of the caption will be hidden. To keep selected elements
visible, use class: permanent.
For example:
<div class="caption light1">
<h2 class="heading permanent">Heading always visible</h2>
<p>This paragraph will be hidden on mobile</p>
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6.6 Theme customization
This chapter was moved to: 5. Customization
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7. Theme settings
This chapter refers to the following section of the theme admin panel:
System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
beginning from this chapter, each chapter refers to a specific sections of
theme admin panel. Path of the admin panel section is visible at the top of
each page.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.1 Header
This chapter refers to the following section of the theme admin panel:
System > Configuration > Theme Settings > Header
List of all settings available in that section can be found later in this chapter: 7.1.3 Header
configuration options.
7.1.1 Header structure
Width of the header sections (Left Column, Central Column, Right Column) is specified in
grid units. As this is a 12-column grid, each section spans a number of those 12 columns,
and should always add up to 12.
Example 1:
If you want to display three equal sections (Left Column, Central Column, Right Column),
sum of these three sections has to be equal 12 grid units. For example:
Left Column = 4, Central Column = 4, Right Column = 4
4 + 4 + 4 = 12
All the three sections will have equal width.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Example 2:
If you want to get rid of one section, e.g. Central Column, leave the Central Column field
empty and make the Right Column wider. For example:
Left Column = 4, Central Column = leave empty, Right Column = 8
4 + ... + 8 = 12
Thanks to that the Central Column will disappear and the Right Column will be 2 times
wider than the Left Column:
Now you need to assign the search box to the Right Column instead of the default Central
Column. The Central Column is not displayed so any blocks assigned to the Central
Column will also not be displayed.
if given header section is not displayed, then any blocks assigned to that
section will also not be displayed.
To assign search box to the Right Column, in the Position field under System >
Configuration > Theme Settings > Header > Search select “Inside User Menu...”
and then in the Position Inside User Menu field select where the search box should be
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
displayed. The final effect can look like on the following screenshot:
7.1.2 Header block positions
In section System > Configuration > Theme Settings > Header of admin panel you
can select where to display some of the header blocks. Below you can see a list of all
available positions:
1. Top, Left
2. Top, Right
3. Primary, Left Column
4. Primary, Central Column
5. Primary, Right Column
6. Inside User Menu
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.1.3 Header configuration options
In this chapter you can find a list of options available in the following section of the theme
admin panel: System > Configuration > Theme Settings > Header.
Width of Primary Header Columns
Left Column – width of the left section. Specify value in grid units (between 2 and
12). Important: Leave empty to remove this column.
Central Column – width of the central section. Specify value in grid units (between
2 and 12). Important: Leave empty to remove this column.
Right Column – width of the right section. Specify value in grid units (between 2
and 12). Important: Leave empty to remove this column.
Position – select position of the site logo. Screenshot with all available positions
can be found in this chapter: 7.1.2 Header block positions.
Position – select position of the search box. Screenshot with all available positions
can be found in this chapter: 7.1.2 Header block positions. Select Inside User
Menu... to show another option (see below).
Position Inside User Menu – this field is visible only if Inside User Menu...
was selected in the field above. Select position of the search box inside the User
User Menu
This block is a container that groups a few elements. By default it contains the
following blocks: Mini Cart drop-down, Mini Compare drop-down, Top Links (set of
links: Account, Wishlist, Log In/Log Out).
You can also add custom links next to the Top Links. To do this, create a static block
with identifier block_header_top_links. The content of this block will be
displayed just next to the Top Links. Also, note that the Top Links can be disabled in
theme settings, refer to 7.9 Default Magento blocks for more details.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Position – select position of the User Menu. Screenshot with all available positions
can be found in this chapter: 7.1.2 Header block positions.
Position of Additional Line Break e.g. add a line break after the cart drop-down
to force other elements of the User Menu to be displayed in the new line (below the
cart). Note that elements of the User Menu are rendered in the following order: cart
drop-down, compare drop-down, Top Links.
"Sign Up" Link – if enabled, "Sign Up" link will be displayed next to the "Log In"
link in the header.
Main menu
Position – select position of the main menu. Screenshot with all available positions
can be found in this chapter: 7.1.2 Header block positions. If Full Width Menu
Container was selected, menu will be displayed at the bottom of the header.
Mini Cart Drop-down
Position – select position of the Mini Cart. Screenshot with all available positions
can be found in this chapter: 7.1.2 Header block positions.
Show Text Label "Cart" – if set to No, label "Cart" will be hidden in the Mini Cart
drop-down block.
that in order to display Mini Cart drop-down block, option Display Shopping
Cart Sidebar under System > Configuration > Checkout > Shopping
Cart Sidebar has to be enabled in your Magento.
Mini Compare Drop-down
Display Mini Compare in Header – enable/disable Mini Compare drop-down
block in the header. If disabled, the block will be displayed on its default position in
Magento (in the left sidebar).
Position – select position of the Mini Compare. Screenshot with all available
positions can be found in this chapter: 7.1.2 Header block positions.
Show Text Label "Compare" if set to No, label "Compare" will be hidden in the
Mini Compare drop-down block.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Sticky Header
Sticky Header – if enabled, the main menu will not disappear when the user
scrolls down the page.
Full Width Sticky Header – if set to Yes, content of the sticky header will be
stretched to full width.
Mobile Header
Mobile Header – transform the standard header into a mobile-friendly header on
small mobile devices (if browser viewport is narrower than 770 pixels).
if mobile header is enabled, option System > Configuration > Menu >
Main Menu Mode has to be set to Drop-down/Mobile or Mobile.
Move Switchers Next To Logo – if set to Yes, if mobile header is enabled,
language and currency switchers will be moved next to the logo (but only in mobile
header) to make the header smaller.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.2 Category View
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the category view. Category view
presents the list of products from the selected category.
Keep Image Aspect Ratio – set Yes, to keep the aspect ratio of the product
images intact. Height of the images will be calculated automatically based on width.
This option also affects product listings: Featured Products Slider block and New
Products block.
Alternative Image – show alternative image on mouse hover over the main
Select Alternative Image By Column which column (attribute) of the product
image gallery will mark the alternative image. Available columns:
Sort Order
(See examples on the next page.)
Alternative Image Column Value specify the value of the column (attribute)
which will mark alternative images of your products (see examples on screenshots
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Example 1:
if Select Alt. Image By Column is set to Sort Order, specify the number which
will mark alternative images, e.g. 2.
in this example 2 doesn't mean second image, but the image which has
value 2 in the Sort Order column in the image gallery.
Example 2:
if Select Alt. Image By Column is set to Label, specify label which will mark
alternative images of your products. The label should be a short single word, e.g.
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Example 2Example 1
Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.3 Category View (Grid Mode)
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the grid mode of the category view.
Number of Columns
Number of Columns – number of products displayed in a single row, if the
Maximum Page Width is set to 1024 pixels (which is the lowest predefined value of
the page width).
If the Maximum Page Width is larger, the number of columns will be automatically
increased to show more products in a row. For example: if the Number of
Columns = 3 and the Maximum Page Width = 1280 px, on wide screens the grid
will display 4 products in a row.
Number of Columns Below 768px – number of columns displayed if browser
viewport width is between 640 px and 768 px.
Number of Columns Below 640px number of columns displayed if browser
viewport width is between 480px and 640 px.
Number of Columns Below 480px number of columns displayed if browser
viewport width is between 320 px and 480 px. Below that width products are
displayed in a single column.
Equal Height of Grid Items (Products) if enabled, all grid items will have the
same height and "Add to cart" button will be displayed at the bottom of the item.
This option is limited to product grid in category view and will not be applied to
product sliders.
Product Hover Effect – enable/disable effect which is visible on mouse hover over
the product: block is emphasized with frame and shadow.
enable in order to use option "Display On Hover" in Display Selected
Elements. Otherwise displaying elements on mouse hover over the product
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
will not work properly.
Disable Hover Effect Below... – product Hover Effect will be disabled if width of
the browser viewport is below selected value.
Hide "Add to" Links Below... – "Add to wishlist" and "Add to compare" links will
be hidden if width of the browser viewport is below selected value.
Align Center – align to the center elements of the grid item: product name, price,
button etc.
Display Selected Elements
In this section, you can configure the display of selected elements of the grid items
(products). Each of the elements can be: a) disabled and not displayed in the grid,
b) displayed in a standard way, c) displayed only on mouse hover over the product.
Below is the list of the elements which can be configured:
Name – name of the product
Display Name in Single Line If set to "Yes": if product name is too long to be
displayed in a single line, it will be clipped and an ellipsis (, U+2026 HORIZONTAL
ELLIPSIS) will be appended at the end of the line to represent the clipped text. This
will only take effect if the field Name is set to "Display".
Price – price of the product
Ratings – product ratings (stars and number of reviews)
Add To Cart – "Add to cart" button
"Add to" Links – "Add to wishlist" and "Add to compare" links
Show "Add to" Links as Icons Above the Image – if set to No, "Add to wishlist"
and "Add to compare" links will be displayed as text links. Otherwise, links will be
displayed as simple icons above the product image.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
this option also affects "Add to wishlist" and "Add to compare" links in product
sliders: Featured Products Slider and New Products Slider.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.4 Category View (List Mode)
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the list mode of the category view.
Product Hover Effect – enable/disable effect which is visible on mouse hover over
the product: block is emphasized with frame and shadow.
Show "Add to" Links as Text Links – If set to No, "Add to wishlist" and "Add to
compare" links will be displayed as text links with icons.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.5 Product Page
This chapter refers to the following section of the theme admin panel:
System > Configuration > Theme Settings > Product Page
List of all settings available in that section can be found later in this chapter: 7.5.3 Product
page configuration options.
7.5.1 Product page structure
Width of the product page sections is specified in grid units. As this is a 12-column grid,
each section spans a number of those 12 columns, and should always add up to 12 for
each row.
Below you can see all available sections:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Example 1:
If you want to display three main sections (Image Column, Primary Column, Secondary
Column) in a single row, sum of these three sections has to be equal 12 grid units. For
Image Column = 4, Primary Column = 5, Secondary Column = 3
4 + 5 + 3 = 12
All the main three sections will be displayed in one row.
Lower Primary Column = 9, Lower Secondary Column = 3
9 + 3 = 12
Lower sections will be displayed in another row, below the main sections.
Note that the Product Options Secondary Container is optional (see more info later in this
chapter) and will be displayed only if product options were assigned to "Block after Info
Column" in product's settings. Otherwise, options container will not be displayed:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
But if sum of these three sections is greater than 12, the last section will drop to the next
row. For example:
Image Column = 4, Primary Column = 8, Secondary Column = 3
4 + 8 + 3 = 15
Image Column and Primary Column will be displayed in one row, and Secondary Column will drop to
the next row.
Lower Primary Column = 9, Lower Secondary Column = 3
9 + 3 = 12
Note that the Secondary Column always floats to the right side so it will be placed above
the Lower Secondary Column and at the side of the Lower Primary Column:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
If the Lower Primary Column is wider, then it will be displayed in another row, below the
Secondary Column. For example:
Image Column = 4, Primary Column = 8, Secondary Column = 3
4 + 8 + 3 = 15
Secondary Column will drop to the next row.
Lower Primary Column = 12, Lower Secondary Column = 3
12 + 3 = 15
The Lower Primary Column takes entire available space so it will drop to the next row,
below the Secondary Column. And the Lower Secondary Column will drop to another row,
below the Lower Primary Column.
In this case it's recommended to make the Lower Primary Column narrower so that it fits
the empty space at the left side of the Secondary Column.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Example 2:
If you want to get rid of the Secondary Column, leave the Secondary Column Width field
empty and make the Primary Column wider. For example:
Image Column = 4, Primary Column = 8, Secondary Column = leave empty
4 + 8 + ... = 12
Lower Primary Column = 9, Lower Secondary Column = 3
9 + 3 = 12
The Image Column and the Primary Column will take the entire row and the Secondary
Column will disappear:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Example 3:
If you want to get rid of both: the Secondary Column and the Lower Secondary Column,
leave the Secondary Column Width and the Lower Secondary Column Width fields
empty and make the Primary Column and the Lower Primary Column wider. For example:
Image Column = 4, Primary Column = 8, Secondary Column = leave empty
4 + 8 + ... = 12
Lower Primary Column = 12, Lower Secondary Column = leave empty
12 + ... = 12
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Example 4:
If sum of the Image Column and the Primary Column equals 12, and the Primary Column
and the Secondary Column both have the same width, sections will have the following
Image Column = 8, Primary Column = 4, Secondary Column = 4
8 + 4 + 4 = 16
Lower Primary Column = 9, Lower Secondary Column = 3
8 + 4 = 12
This allows you to present large product images. In this example, both the Primary Column
and the Secondary Column will be displayed as a simple sidebar:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.5.2 Product page block positions
In section System > Configuration > Theme Settings > Product Page of admin
panel you can select where to display some of the product page blocks. Below you can
see a list of all available positions:
1. Primary Column, Position 1
2. Primary Column, Position 2
3. Secondary Column, Position 1
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
4. Secondary Column, Position 2
5. Secondary Column, Position 3
6. Lower Primary Column, Position 1
7. Lower Primary Column, Position 2
8. Lower Secondary Column, Position 1
7.5.3 Product page configuration options
In this chapter you can find a list of options available in the following section of the theme
admin panel: System > Configuration > Theme Settings > Product Page.
Width of Columns
Image Column Width – width of the section with the product image. Specify value
in grid units. By default it is equal to 4.
If you change the value of the Image Column Width, you should also change the
width of the main product image. You can do it in System > Configuration >
Zoom > Image Size > Main Image Width. Optimal width of the image depends
on two values:
the width specified in the Image Column Width field
the maximum width of the page specified in Maximum Page Width field in
System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Layout section of the admin
For example, if your Maximum Page Width is equal to 1024 px, and the Image
Column Width is 4 units, there is no need to set the image width larger than 287
pixels, because the visible size of the image displayed inside the Image Column will
not exceed the size of the Image Column.
The following table specifies the optimal Main Image Width for different sizes of the
Image Column:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
Maximum Page Width
Image Column Width 1024 px 1280 px 1360 px 1440 px 1680 px
4 units 287 363 395 421 466
5 units 366 463 504 536 593
6 units 446 563 612 651 720
Primary Column Width – width of the section with the product name, price,
options etc. Specify value in grid units. By default it is equal to 5.
Secondary Column Width – width of the section with additional product data and
custom content. Specify value in grid units. By default it is equal to 3.
leave empty to remove this column.
Lower Primary Column Width width of the section with tabs, reviews etc.
Specify value in grid units. By default it is equal to 9.
Lower Secondary Column Width – width of the section with additional custom
content. Specify value in grid units. By default it is equal to 3.
leave empty to remove this column.
Product Options Secondary Container Widthwidth of the section with product
options container. Specify value in grid units. By default it is equal to 9. It's
recommended to specify the same width as in the Lower Primary Column Width
Note that product options will be displayed in this section only if:
product has any option
the "Display Product Options In" field in product's configuration (under Catalog
> Manage Products) was set to "Block after Info Column".
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
If the "Display Product Options In" field was set to "Product Info Column", product
options will be displayed inside the Primary Column.
Collateral Data
Container for product collateral data. It can be displayed as tabs, accordion or stacked
Display Collateral Data as Tabs – display Collateral Data as tabs or accordion. If
set to "No", Collateral Data will be displayed as stacked blocks.
Mode – available modes of the tabs:
Tabs – display Collateral Data in tabs.
Tabs/Accordion – display Collateral Data in tabs which turn into accordion if
browser viewport is narrower than the width specified in the "Accordion
Threshold" field.
Accordion – display Collateral Data in accordion.
Accordion Threshold – if option "Mode" was set to "Tabs/Accordion", tabs will turn
into accordion if browser viewport is narrower than the width specified in this field.
Enter value in pixels. This option is available only if "Mode" was set to
Accordion Initially Collapsed – if set to "Yes", if accordion is visible on page
load, all blocks of the accordion will be collapsed. This option is available only if
accordion was enabled.
Small Size – display small tabs/accordion. Useful when Collateral Data is displayed
in a narrow section of the product page.
Position – position of Collateral Data container. Screenshot with all available
positions can be found in this chapter: 7.5.2 Product page block positions.
Collateral Data - Selected Blocks
Select blocks which will be displayed in the Collateral Data container. Collateral Data can
be displayed in different modes: tabs, accordion or stacked blocks. For more info, see the
section above.
Reviews in Collateral Data – display product reviews in Collateral Data container.
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if position of the Collateral Data container is one of the following: Primary
Column, Position 1 or Primary Column, Position 2 or
Secondary Column, Position 1 or Secondary Column, Position
2 or Secondary Column, Position 3, reviews can't be included in the
Collateral Data container.
Tags in Collateral Data – display product tags in Collateral Data container.
if position of the Collateral Data container is one of the following: Primary
Column, Position 1 or Primary Column, Position 2 or
Secondary Column, Position 1 or Secondary Column, Position
2 or Secondary Column, Position 3, tags can't be included in the
Collateral Data container.
Related Products in Collateral Data – display related products in Collateral Data
Up-sell Products in Collateral Data – display up-sell products in Collateral Data
Related Products
Position – position of the Related Products block on product page. Screenshot with
all available positions can be found in this chapter: 7.5.2 Product page block
this option will be ignored if option "Related Products in Collateral Data"
was set to "Yes".
Related Products Layout – layout of the Related Products block on product page:
Simple Slider – standard horizontal slider.
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Thumbnails Slider – in this case you can specify (in the "Number of Visible
Products" field) the number of products displayed in a single slide.
Breakpoints – with this parameter you can specify the number of products in a row
visible with a particular browser viewport width.
this option is available only if the "Related Products Layout" field was set to
"Simple Slider".
Use the format presented in the examples below. Leave this field empty to use the
default value.
Value of this parameter consists of pairs of numbers in brackets separated by
comma. In each pair of numbers [A, B] number A indicates the web browser
viewport width, number B indicates the number of products visible if browser
viewport width is greater that the width specified in A.
In other words: display B products if viewport width is above A pixels.
Example 1 – the default value:
[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 1]
The default value is useful if the slider is displayed inside narrow sections, for
example, inside the Secondary Column or Lower Secondary Column.
The default value can be translated as: display 1 product if viewport width is
between 0px and 320px, display 2 products if viewport width is above 320px,
display 3 products if viewport width is above 480px, and display 1 product if
viewport width is above 768px.
This means that the wider is the screen, the more products will be visible in the
slider, but if the screen is wider than 768px – only 1 product will be visible.
Thanks to that, the slider can be displayed inside narrow columns.
Example 2:
[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [960, 4], [1280, 5]
This example is useful if the slider is displayed inside wide section, for example:
inside the Lower Primary Column.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
This example can be translated as: display 1 product if viewport width is
between 0px and 320px, display 2 products if viewport width is above 320px,
display 3 products if viewport width is above 480px, display 4 products if
viewport width is above 960px, and display 5 products if viewport width is above
Example 3:
[0, 3]
which can be translated as: always display 3 products.
Number of Visible Products – maximum number of related products displayed in
a single slide. This field is visible only if "Thumbnails Slider" was selected in the
"Related Products Layout" field.
Timeout – to enable automatic scrolling of the slider, specify time (in milliseconds)
between transitions. Leave empty to disable automatic scrolling. Note that 1000
miliseconds = 1 second.
Replace Related Products With Static Blockthis option is deprecated and it
will be removed. Related Products can be replaced with a static block. To replace
Related Products, first create a static block with ID
this option will be ignored if option "Related Products in Collateral Data"
was set to "Yes".
You can choose one of the following options:
Disable Completely – disable Related Products block and don't replace it with
any other content.
Don't Replace With Static Block – never replace Related Products block with
custom static block.
If Empty, Replace With Static Block – replace Related Products block with
custom static block only if the product does not have any related products.
Replace With Static Block – always replace Related Products block with
custom static block. It's useful when you want to disable Related Products block
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but still want to display some content in the same area.
Up-sell Products
Position – position of Up-sell Products block on product page. Screenshot with all
available positions can be found in this chapter: 7.5.2 Product page block
this option will be ignored if option "Up-sell Products in Collateral Data" was
set to "Yes".
Breakpoints – with this parameter you can specify the number of products in a row
visible with a particular browser viewport width.
Use the format presented in the examples below. Leave this field empty to use the
default value.
Value of this parameter consists of pairs of numbers in brackets separated by
comma. In each pair of numbers [A, B] number A indicates the web browser
viewport width, number B indicates the number of products visible if browser
viewport width is greater that the width specified in A.
In other words: display B products if viewport width is above A pixels.
Example 1 – the default value:
[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [960, 4], [1280, 5]
The default value is useful if the slider is displayed inside wide section, for
example: inside the Lower Primary Column.
The default value can be translated as: display 1 product if viewport width is
between 0px and 320px, display 2 products if viewport width is above 320px,
display 3 products if viewport width is above 480px, display 4 products if
viewport width is above 960px, and display 5 products if viewport width is above
Example 2:
[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 3], [768, 1]
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This example is useful if the slider is displayed inside narrow sections, for
example, inside the Secondary Column or Lower Secondary Column.
This example can be translated as: display 1 product if viewport width is
between 0px and 320px, display 2 products if viewport width is above 320px,
display 3 products if viewport width is above 480px, and display 1 product if
viewport width is above 768px.
This means that the wider is the screen, the more products will be visible in the
slider, but if the screen is wider than 768px – only 1 product will be visible.
Thanks to that, the slider can be displayed inside narrow columns.
Example 3:
[0, 3]
which can be translated as: always display 3 products.
Timeout – to enable automatic scrolling of the slider, specify time (in milliseconds)
between transitions. Leave empty to disable automatic scrolling. Note that 1000
miliseconds = 1 second.
Replace Up-sell Products With Static Blockthis option is deprecated and it
will be removed. Up-sell Products can be replaced with a static block. To replace
Up-sell Products, first create a static block with ID
this option will be ignored if option "Up-sell Products in Collateral Data" was
set to "Yes".
You can choose one of the following options:
Disable Completely – disable Up-sell Products block and don't replace it with
any other content.
Don't Replace With Static Block – never replace Up-sell Products block with
custom static block.
If Empty, Replace With Static Block – replace Up-sell Products block with
custom static block only if the product does not have any up-sell products.
Replace With Static Block – always replace Up-sell Products block with
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custom static block. It's useful when you want to disable Up-sell Products block
but still want to display some content in the same area.
Other Elements
Show SKU – display SKU on product page. SKU is an unique identifier of a product.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.6 Product Labels
In this tab, you can configure the options related to product labels.
in order to display product labels, you may need to reindex the data (4.2
Index management) and flush the cache (4.1 Caching system) after
marking products as new and after setting a special price.
Show "New" Label – if set to Yes, will show a "New" label on the main image of all
new products. The label will be displayed in both product and catalog views.
To promote any product as new, go to Catalog > Manage Products and
select the product. In Set Product as New from Date and Set Product as
New from Date fields, enter the date range in which the product will be
promoted as a new product.
Show "Sale" Label – if set to Yes, will show a "Sale" label on the main image of all
products with special price. The label will be displayed in both product and catalog
To set a special price go to Catalog > Manage Products, select the
product and enter a special price in Special Price field.
In Special Price From/To Date field you can enter a date range within which
the special price will be active. This price will apply automatically when the
From Date arrives and deactivate automatically when the To Date arrives. If
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
you leave this range blank, the Special Price will apply until you remove it.
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7.7 Footer
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the footer section.
Automatic Column Width Calculation if enabled, width of the columns in the
footer (two rows of static blocks) will be calculated automatically and columns will
always have maximum available width – grid units will be applied to columns. Refer
to 6.4 Grid system for more details about grid units and grid system.
It will take effect on 2 rows of static blocks with the following identifiers:
first row:
second row:
For example, if only 3 static blocks are enabled in the first row, those 3 blocks will
be displayed as 3 equal columns.
If this option is disabled, then the width of each column will be equal to 2 grid units.
Note: this option will not be applied if exactly 5 blocks are enabled. This is
due to limitations of the 12-column grid system – it isn’t possible to display 5
equal columns, because 12 can't be divided by 5.
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7.8 Product sliders
In this tab, you can configure the options related to product sliders.
Settings from this tab will be applied to all existing product sliders, also to Related
Products and Ups-Sell Products on product page.
Timeout for Related Products and Ups-Sell Products can be specified
individually, refer to 7.5 Product Page for more details.
More info about product sliders can be found in 6.1.4 Featured Products Slider and 6.1.5
New Products Slider.
Timeout – to enable automatic scrolling of the product sliders, you need to specify
the time (in milliseconds) between slide transitions. Leave it empty to disable
automatic scrolling. Note that 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
Speed – duration (in milliseconds) of scrolling animation. Applied to scrolling with
arrows (and touch swipe).
Automatic Scrolling Speed – duration (in milliseconds) of scrolling animation.
Applied to automatic scrolling (if Timeout was specified) and to scrolling with
Pause on Hover – if enabled, when the slider is mouseovered then the automatic
scrolling will pause.
Loop – if enabled, scrolling will loop.
Lazy Loading – delays loading of images. If enabled, images outside of viewport
will not be loaded before user scrolls to them.
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7.9 Default Magento blocks
In this tab, you can disable some of the default Magento blocks. If needed, some of these
blocks can be then substituted by a corresponding static blocks. Refer to 6.2 Built-in
CMS blocks for more details about the static blocks provided with this theme.
Top Links – links in the header section: Account, Wishlist, Log In/Log/Out.
Footer Links – links in the footer section: Site Map, Search Terms, Contact Us etc.
This block can be substituted by the static block block_footer_links.
Newsletter Subscribe Form – block with the newsletter subscription form located
in the footer section. All visitors have the option to sign up by entering their email
address. This block can be substituted by the static block
Enter the following code in the block content to display newsletter subscription form
inside that block:
{{block type="newsletter/subscribe" template="newsletter/subscribe.phtml"}}
By using this code, you can display newsletter subscription form in any other static
block or on custom CMS page in the footer.
Store Switcher in the Footer – store switcher displayed at the bottom of the page.
It is only displayed if there is more than one active store in Magento. Note that this
is something different than store view switcher. “Store” in this case is a group of
store views. Refer to this article for more details:
How Multiple Websites & Stores Work
Product Page: Related Products Checkbox – checkboxes displayed in the
Related Products block (for products without additional options) on product page.
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7.10 Disable Sidebar Blocks (On Home
In this tab, you can remove some of Magento's default blocks from the home page
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.11 Customization Settings
Settings in this tab are related to theme customization. For more information about theme
customization refer to chapter 5.1 How to modify the theme.
Load Custom CSS – if enabled, custom.css file (in which you can override the
default styling of the theme) will be loaded in the frontend.
This might be useful when you want to make some changes in the theme design. All
the CSS placed in this file will not be lost after upgrading the theme.
this option may be enabled/disabled individually for each store view.
To create custom.css you can use the file SAMPLE.custom.css which is located
in skin/frontend/ultimo/default/css/ directory. Simply create a copy of
SAMPLE.custom.css and rename it to custom.css. Uncomment selected code
or add your own to override the default styles of the theme.
In some situations custom CSS is not enough. When you need to modify theme's
default template files, you should create a custom sub-theme. Refer to 5.
Customization for more details about custom sub-themes in Magento.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
7.12 Data Import
This tab is responsible for the data import procedures after installation.
Theme Configuration Import/Export
To import/export theme configuration, go to the Data Import tab under System >
Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings and click the appropriate button to
display a form with additional settings:
Both options are described below.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Settings
– click this button to display data import form. Using this form you can quickly import
theme configuration settings from any of the demo sites. It will import all the theme
settings which can be found in sections:
System > Configuration > Ultimo and
System > Configuration > Infortis Extensions.
After importing you can go to those sections and adjust the configuration to your
needs. You can import as many times as you want, so import function can be used
to reset the configuration to default values. To import, follow the instructions
1. On the form, choose one of the available demos from the Select Configuration
to Import list.
2. From the Configuration Scope list select configuration scope – imported
configuration settings will be saved in the selected scope.
it is recommended to import to the “Default Config” scope. Especially if you
have only one store view in your Magento or if want all your store views to
look similar. Settings from the “Default Config” scope can be later overridden
on store view level, if needed.
note that the scope of Magento configuration has three levels:
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1. "Default Config", 2. Website, 3. Store view
Settings of a store view override settings of a website. And settings of a
website override settings of the "Default Config".
3. If you import to the Default Config scope, imported settings will be applied
to all existing store views in your Magento. If you're not sure what is “scope” in
Magento system configuration, please refer to the following page:
4. Finally, click the Import Configuration button. After that, you may also need to
flush Magento cache (4.1 Caching system) in order to see changes.
5. If you want to change the imported configuration settings, all the settings can be
found in section System > Configuration. To make changes in the
configuration, you need to select that scope using the Current Configuration
Scope switcher which can be found in the top left corner of System >
Configuration section – see the screenshot below:
For example, if you imported to the “French” store view, you need to select that
scope using the Current Configuration Scope switcher. Otherwise your
changes will not take any effect.
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– click this button to display data export form. You can export theme settings from
selected sections. Specify the name of the file in which configuration will be saved.
This name will appear on the configuration import form which was described earlier
in this chapter so you will be able to import your configuration any time you want.
Exported configuration will be saved in a file in the following directory:
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Import Static Blocks
Import Static Blocks – click this button to import all predefined static blocks
provided with this theme. Refer to 6.2 Built-in CMS blocks for more details about
the static blocks. You can find there the list of identifiers of all blocks.
To reset (re-import) selected static blocks, delete blocks which you want to reset,
and then import blocks again. This way you will only import blocks which are
in case you need the original content of some static blocks, XML file with all
static blocks can be found in the following directory:
Overwrite Existing Blocks – if set to Yes, imported blocks will overwrite existing
blocks with the same identifiers (if any blocks with the same identifiers already
exist). You can use this option when you want to restore the original content of all
to change this option select Yes or No and then save the configuration.
Without saving, the option will remain unchanged after you refresh the page.
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Import Pages
Import Pages – click this button to import sample CMS pages provided with this
Pages can be edited in CMS > Pages. Names of all provided pages are prefixed
with the name of the theme. Home page configuration is described in this chapter:
6.1 Home page and CMS pages
To reset (re-import) selected pages, delete pages which you want to reset, and then
import pages again. This way you will only import pages which are missing.
in case you need the original content of CMS pages, XML file with all pages
can be found in the following directory:
Overwrite Existing Pages – If set to Yes, created pages will overwrite existing
pages with the same identifiers (if you have any). You can use this option when you
want to restore the original content of all pages.
to change this option select Yes or No and then save the configuration.
Without saving, the option will remain unchanged after you refresh the page.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Design
8. Theme Design
This chapter refers to the following section of the theme admin panel:
System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Design
Ultimo is equipped with administrative module which gives you the ability to configure the
visual appearance of your store. You can change the colors of many elements by using
color pickers or by specifying the color code manually. You can also apply textures
(patterns) for the main sections of the page.
Names of the most of the options are pretty self-explanatory. Some of them are described
in this chapter.
disable Magento cache before you start configuring your store. Otherwise
you will need to flush the cache in order to see any changes you have made
in the config.
after creating new store view (or after changing the store view code), re-save
theme settings (clicking Save Config button) in System > Configuration
> Ultimo > Theme Design and in System > Configuration > Ultimo
> Theme Layout. Otherwise design/layout settings will not be applied to that
new store view.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Design
8.1 Colors
In this tab, you can configure basic colors for the entire page. These colors will be
inherited by all sections of the page.
Basic Colors
Text and links.
Buttons such as “Add to cart”, “Log In” etc.
Interface Icons
Small buttons with icons, e.g.: arrows in product sliders, “sort order” in category view etc.
Custom Icons
Customizable icons (e.g. social icons) which can be used to build custom content.
Horizontal Links
Inline links, e.g. Magento's default Top Links in the header (set of links: Account, Wishlist,
Log In), Footer Links etc.
Product Labels
Product labels “New” and “Sale”.
Other elements not classified elsewhere.
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8.2 Font
In this tab, you can configure the options related to fonts.
8.3 Effects
In this tab, you can set additional effects for some of the page elements.
Content Area Shadow – If set to Yes, all sections with nontransparent Inner
Background Color, will drop soft shadow.
For example, if you set any color in Inner Background Color filed in Footer –
Primary tab, shadow will be displayed in the main area of the footer section.
Main Menu Shadow – select which container of the menu will drop shadow. This
field will be visible if Content Area Shadow was enabled.
unlike other sections, menu doesn't need to have Inner Background Color
to drop shadow.
Structural Elements Transition – if enabled, main structural elements of the page
layout will be animated during web browser window resizing. It is recommended to
leave this option disabled for browser compatibility.
8.4 Page
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the background of the entire page.
Background Color – background color of the entire page.
Background Image – here you can upload an image which will be displayed as a
background of the entire page. Click the Browse... button and locate the image on
your computer.
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sample backgrounds can be found in
media/wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/custom/background directory.
Once configuration has been saved, a small icon of the existing image will appear
to the left of the button. You can then configure the way the image is displayed with
the following options:
Background Repeat – defines how the background image is repeated. It can
be repeated along the vertical axis, the horizontal axis, both, or not repeated at
all. By default it is repeated both vertically and horizontally.
Background Attachment – determines whether the background image is fixed
or scrolls with the rest of the page. By default it scrolls.
Background Position (x-axis) – defines the initial position of the background
image along the horizontal axis. By default it is aligned to the center of the page.
Background Position (y-axis) – defines the initial position of the background
image along the vertical axis. By default it is aligned to the top of the page.
Pattern – background pattern of the entire page. Pattern covers the background
8.5 Header
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the header section of the page.
Background image can be set in exactly the same way as for entire page (which is
described in previous chapter).
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8.6 Header – Top
In this tab, you can configure the area at the top of the header. Settings from this tab will
override settings from the Header tab.
8.7 Header – Primary
In this tab, you can configure elements of the primary area of the header.
8.8 Main Menu
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the main menu bar.
8.9 Main
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the main section of the page (the
section located between the header and the footer).
8.10 Category View
In this tab, you can configure selected elements of the category view.
8.11 Product Page
In this tab, you can configure the product page (in Magento also called "product view").
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8.12 Slideshow
In this tab, you can configure elements related to slideshows.
8.13 Footer
In this tab, you can configure the entire footer section of the page. Settings from this tab
are inherited by all the other sub-sections of the footer (Footer–Top, Footer–Primary
and Footer–Bottom). Selected settings can be overridden in sub-sections.
8.14 Footer – Top
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the area at the top of the footer.
Settings from this tab will override settings from the Footer tab.
8.15 Footer – Primary
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the primary area of the footer. Settings
from this tab will override settings from the Footer tab.
8.16 Footer – Secondary
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the secondary area of the footer (just
below the primary area). Settings from this tab will override settings from the Footer tab.
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8.17 Footer – Bottom
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the bottom area of the footer. Settings
from this tab will override settings from the Footer tab.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Layout
9. Theme Layout
This chapter refers to the following section of the theme admin panel:
System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Layout
disable Magento cache before you start to configure your store. Otherwise
you will need to flush the cache in order to see any changes you have made
in the config.
after creating new store view (or after changing the store view code), re-save
theme settings (clicking Save Config button) in System > Configuration
> Ultimo > Theme Design and in System > Configuration > Ultimo
> Theme Layout. Otherwise design/layout settings will not be applied to that
new store view.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme Layout
9.1 Responsive Layout
In this tab, you can configure the options related to the responsive layout.
Responsive Layout – Enable or disable responsive layout.
Maximum Page Width – maximum width of the content area of the page.
To specify custom width select Custom width... from the drop-down list. New
field will appear.
Custom Maximum Page Width – you can specify custom maximum width of the
page. To display this field you need to select Custom width... from the
Maximum Page Width drop-down list. Enter value in pixels, do not add “px” suffix.
Fluid Width – if enabled, the theme always uses maximum available space in the
web browser window to display the content. If disabled, the width of the page is
static and changes only on layout breakpoints when the web browser window is
9.2 Disable responsive layout
In order to disable responsive layout, go to System > Configuration > Ultimo >
Theme Layout section and set Responsive Layout field to Disable.
Some additional steps are also required:
disable mobile version of the main menu: Main Menu Mode in System >
Configuration > Menu.
do not use is_responsive parameter in sliders: 6.1.4 Featured Products Slider,
6.1.5 New Products Slider, 12.2.4 Brand Slider. With this parameter sliders are
responsive and change the number of visible items depending on the width of the
web browser's viewport
remove collapsible elements from the footer static blocks (e.g.
block_footer_column1), they are not needed if the layout is not responsive. List of
footer static blocks can be found in 6.2 Built-in CMS blocks.
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CSS classes responsible for collapsible elements are described in 6.5.2
Collapsible blocks. Basically you need to remove classes collapsible and
mobile-collapsible from the content of the static blocks or add active class
to the element's wrapper so that the element is not collapsed and hidden by default
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Zoom
10. Zoom
This chapter refers to the following section of the theme admin panel:
System > Configuration > Zoom
It describes the Cloud Zoom (which is an implementation of a free jQuery plugin Cloud
Zoom http://www.professorcloud.com/) and Lightbox on product page (which is an
implementation of a free jQuery plugin Colorbox http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox/).
10.1 Zoom configuration
Below you can find a list of the Zoom settings available in the admin panel.
10.1.1 General
Enable Module – this option should be enabled in order to use zoom features on
product pages. If disabled, images will be displayed in the same way as in
Magento's "default" theme.
Use Cloud Zoom – If set to Yes, Cloud Zoom will be used to zoom product images
on product pages.
Position – specify the position of the zoom area relative to the main image. If
Inside is selected, zoom area will be placed inside the main image – useful if you
would rather not obscure any other content.
Lens Opacity (%) – specify opacity of the lens pointer.
Zoom Area Width – width of the zoom area. Leave empty to use default (the width
will be the same as the main image).
Field Zoom Area Width and Zoom Area Height will be ignored if Position
is set to "Inside".
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Zoom
Zoom Area Height – height of the zoom area. Leave empty to use default (the
height will be the same as the main image).
Image Width After Zooming – width of the enlarged image. This field refers to
the actual resolution of the image after zooming.
Image Height After Zooming – height of the enlarged image. This field refers to
the actual resolution of the image after zooming.
Tint Color – color which will cover the main image. Specify color in hexadecimal
format, e.g. #12bbcc (not more than 7 characters). Leave empty to disable this
effect. Does not work if Soft Focus is enabled.
Tint Opacity (%) – specify opacity of the tint, where 0 is fully transparent, and 1 is
fully opaque.
Soft Focus – applies a subtle blur effect to the small image. Does not work if Tint
Color effect is enabled.
Smooth MoveAmount of smoothness/drift of the zoom image as it moves. The
higher the number, the smoother/more drifty the movement will be. 1 = no
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10.1.2 Image Size
In this tab, you can override the default size of the product images.
Keep Image Aspect Ratio – set Yes, to keep the aspect ratio of the product
images on product page.
If set to Yes, height specified in Main Image Height and Image Height After
Zooming will be ignored and the actual height of the images will be
calculated automatically based on width.
Main Image Width – specify width of the main image on product page.
Remember that uploading images smaller than the size specified in Main
Image Width and Main Image Height fields may impact the quality of the
images displayed on product page.
Main Image Height – specify the height of the main image on product page.
Leave empty to keep the aspect ratio of the image intact (height will be calculated
automatically based on width). If the width is not specified, default width and
height will be used.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Zoom
10.1.3 Thumbnails
In this tab, you can enable a slider for product image thumbnails.
Use Slider – enable/disable slider functionality for product image thumbnails.
Timeout – to enable automatic scrolling of the slider, you need to specify the time
(in milliseconds) between slide transitions. Leave it empty to disable automatic
scrolling. Note that 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
Speed – duration (in milliseconds) of scrolling animation. Applied to scrolling with
arrows (and touch swipe).
Automatic Scrolling Speed – duration (in milliseconds) of scrolling animation.
Applied to automatic scrolling (if Timeout was specified).
Loop – if enabled, scrolling will loop.
Move Items – number of thumbnails that should move on animation. Allowed
1 – will move one thumbnail.
0 – will move all visible thumbnails.
Lazy Loading – delays loading of images. If enabled, images outside of viewport
will not be loaded before user scrolls to them.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Zoom
10.1.4 Lightbox
Enable Lightbox – if enabled, lightbox functionality will be available for the main
product image.
If the Use Cloud Zoom field is set to Yes, zoom button will be displayed above
the main product image. After clicking the zoom button, the image will be
displayed in the lightbox
If the Use Cloud Zoom field is set to No, the entire product image can be
clicked to display the image in the lightbox
Maximum Width – maximum width of the lightbox content. Leave empty to show
image in its maximum size (specified in Image Width After Zooming field). You
can enter values in the following formats:
Maximum Height – maximum height of the lightbox content. Leave empty to show
image in its maximum size (specified in Image Height After Zooming field).
Available formats: see the field above.
Lightbox As Gallery – if set to Yes, after image is displayed in the lightbox, "next"
and "previous" buttons will be displayed.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
11. Slideshow
This chapter refers to the following section of the theme admin panel:
System > Configuration > Slideshow
Description of all the settings of the Slideshow available in the admin panel can be found
later in this chapter: 11.3 Slideshow configuration.
11.1 How to display a slideshow on any page
Slideshow can be displayed on any CMS page and in any static block. To display a
slideshow in a selected place use the following block code:
{{block type="ultraslideshow/slideshow" template="infortis/ultraslideshow/slideshow.phtml"
slides="block_slide1, block_slide2"}}
Enter the code in the content field of your page, Magento will automatically replace the
code with a slideshow during page rendering.
Parameter slides must contain a comma separated list of slides which will be displayed
in your slideshow. Each slide is a simple static block, so with this parameter you just need
to provide a list of static block identifiers (you can add as many slides as you need) and
each of these static blocks will be displayed as a slide in the slideshow.
Slides can contain any text or HTML. For quick start there are some sample static blocks
which can be imported after theme installation, refer to 11.2 Static blocks as slides for
more details.
There are also special settings which will let you quickly add a slideshow to the home
page. You can read more about it later in this chapter: 11.1.2 Full width slideshow on
home page.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
11.1.1 List of all parameters
{{block type="ultraslideshow/slideshow" template="infortis/ultraslideshow/slideshow.phtml" slides="X" banner="X"}}
Replace X with proper values of the following parameters:
slides – comma separated list of static block identifiers, for example:
block_slide1, block_slide2, block_slide3. These static blocks will be
displayed as slides. This field is required.
banner – an identifier of a single static block which contains additional banners (or
any other content) displayed at the side of the slideshow. This field is optional.
11.1.2 Full width slideshow on home page
To display a slideshow on the home page, you don't need to use the block code. Just go to
System > Configuration > Slideshow and configure options which can be found in
sections named Main Slideshow on Home Page.
these sections are related only to the main slideshow on the home page
which is displayed just below the main menu. Settings from these sections
will not be applied to any other slideshows.
List of slides
In the Slides field (under System > Configuration > Slideshow > General > Main
Slideshow on Home Page) enter identifiers (separated by comma) of all static blocks
which should be displayed as slides in the slideshow.
Then, save the configuration and flush Magento cache. Since now your blocks will be
displayed in the slideshow on the home page. You can display as many slides as you want
– simply create more static blocks and add their identifiers in the Slides field.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
Additional banners
In the Banners field (under System > Configuration > Slideshow > Banners >
Main Slideshow on Home Page) you can also enter identifier of the static block which
contains additional small banners (or any other custom content). These banners will be
displayed at the side of the slideshow.
Note that you need to enter identifier of a single block, not a list of blocks.
Full width slideshow
In the same section you can also select position of the home page slideshow. Slideshow
can be configured to take full available width of the page. List and description of all the
settings available in the admin panel can be found in 11.3 Slideshow configuration.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
11.2 Static blocks as slides
Each slide in a slideshow is a simple static block which can contain any text or HTML
(including images, links etc.). To create a static block, go to CMS > Static Blocks. Refer
to 4.8.2 Static blocks for more information about static blocks in Magento.
There are many predefined static blocks provided with this theme (refer to Error:
Reference source not found Error: Reference source not found for more details about
the static blocks import). The following predefined blocks are dedicated for slideshow and
can be used as a starting point for your own slides: block_slide1, block_slide2,
block_slide3. But of course you can create and use any other blocks.
when you're creating a static block, make sure to set it as Enabled and
assign it to a proper store view. Otherwise the static block will not be
displayed in the slideshow even if it's on the list of slides for that slideshow.
Additional banners
There is also a predefined block with additional side banners for the slideshow:
block_slideshow_banners. Of course, you can create and use any other static block
with custom content.
11.2.1 Size of slides and banners
For the default value of the Maximum Page Width (which is 1024 pixels) the minimum
width of images (slides) in the slideshow is 941 pixels. More information about the
Maximum Page Width field can be found in chapter 9. Theme Layout. You can of course
use larger images, they will be scaled down automatically to fit the available space.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
If the height of images in all your slides is not the same, you may want to
enable option Smooth Height, it will allow height of the slideshow to
animate smoothly on each transition, which means that the height of the
slideshow will adapt automatically to the height of your images.
If the Maximum Page Width was changed, you will need to adjust your images to your
current width of the page. The following table shows the minimum width of slides for each
available value of the Maximum Page Width:
Maximum Page Width Minimum slide image width
1024 px 941 px
1280 px 1176 px
1360 px 1274 px
1440 px 1352 px
1680 px 1490 px
Slideshow with small banners at the side
The following table shows the size of slides and banners for each maximum page width:
Maximum Page Width Size of slides (px) Size of banners (px)
1024 px 696 x 310 226 x 103
1280 px 870 x 387 282 x 129
1360 px 943 x 420 306 x 140
1440 px 1001 x 446 325 x 148
1680 px 1102 x 491 358 x 163
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
11.2.2 Clickable images
To make the slide image clickable, you can use this HTML as a block content:
<a href="{{store url='about-us.html'}}">
<img src="{{media url='wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/slideshow/01.jpg'}}" alt="Sample slide" />
Replace about-us.html with a path of any page in your store. Path is relative to
the store URL. For example: if you need a link to www.example.com/cell-
phones, simply replace about-us.html with cell-phones.
Replace wysiwyg/infortis/ultimo/slideshow/01.jpg with a path to your
own images located in media directory of your Magento.
Always turn off WYSIWYG editor if you want to paste copied HTML or CMS
markup tags. Otherwise WYSIWYG editor can break the markup.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
11.3 Slideshow configuration
Below you can find a list of all slideshow settings available in the admin panel in System >
Configuration > Ultimo > Slideshow.
11.3.1 General
Transition Effect – the effect to be used for transition between two slides.
Leave empty to use simple horizontal slide animation.
Timeout – time (in milliseconds) between slide transitions. Enter 0 to disable
automatic transition. Note that 1000 milliseconds is equal to 1 second.
Transition Speed – duration (in milliseconds) of slide transition animation. Defines
how fast the current slide is replaced with the next slide.
Smooth Height – enable, if slides do not have the same height. It will allow height
of the slideshow to animate smoothly.
Pause on Hover – if enabled, when the mouse is over the slideshow the automatic
transition functionality will pause.
Loop – if enabled, animation will loop.
Hide Slides On Mobile Devices – if set to Yes, slideshow will be hidden on
mobile devices (if browser viewport width is less than 768 pixels). Important:
banners can be hidden separately, see options below.
Main Slideshow on Home Page
In this section you can quickly configure and enable the main slideshow on home page.
Settings from this section will be applied only to the main slideshow on home page. To
display slideshows in other places use slideshow block code described earlier in this
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
Slides – comma separated list of static block identifiers, for example:
block_slide1, block_slide2, block_slide3. These static blocks will be
displayed as slides. Any content can be put inside slides.
Leave this field empty to remove the main slideshow from the home page.
Position: Above Content Area, Full Width – if enabled, the main slideshow will
be displayed at the top of the main content area of the home page (just below the
main menu). Slideshow will take full available width.
Do not enable slideshow in both positions at the same time.
Position: Above Content Area, Boxed if enabled, the main slideshow will be
displayed at the top of the main content area of the home page (just below the main
Do not enable slideshow in both positions at the same time.
Top Margin – additional top margin for the slideshow. You can set margin to add
extra space above the slideshow. Enter negative value to pull the slideshow up.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
11.3.2 Banners
In this tab you can configure additional small banners displayed at the side of the
Position of Banners – select position of the banners.
Hide Banners On Mobile Devices – if set to Yes, banners will be hidden on
mobile devices (if browser viewport width is less than 768 pixels).
Main Slideshow on Home Page
In this section you can quickly add small banners to the main slideshow on home page.
Banners configured in this section will be applied only to the main slideshow on home
page. To add banners to other slideshow use proper parameter in the slideshow block
code described earlier in this chapter.
Banners – identifier of the static block which contains additional banners (or any
other content) displayed at the side of the slideshow.
Leave this field empty to remove additional banners from the main slideshow
on home page.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Slideshow
11.3.3 Navigation
In this tab you can configure slideshow navigation elements.
Pagination – enable/disable and select style of pagination.
Pagination Position – select position of the pagination.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
12. Brands
This chapter refers to the following section of the theme admin panel:
System > Configuration > Brands
List of all settings available in the admin panel can be found later in this chapter:
12.2 Brands configuration.
12.1 Basic information
Below you can find some basic information about brand configuration.
after you finish configuration of all settings, remember to reindex the data
(4.2 Index management) and flush the cache (4.1 Caching system).
12.1.1 Brand attribute
First of all, to show brands, you will need an attribute which will store the information about
brands. By default there is an attribute manufacturer in Magento which you can use for
this (but you can of course create your own attribute, if needed).
If you decide to create your own brand attribute, the most important thing is to select
proper type. There are many types of attributes in Magento, but for brands you need to
select drop-down in the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner field. This type of attribute
will let you define a list of values (list of brands) available for products. For more
information about attribute creation and management refer to 4.7 Attributes.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
12.1.2 Brand images
When your attribute is ready and was added to products, using your FTP client upload
your brand logo images to the following directory: media/wysiwyg/infortis/brands/
Optimal size of the image is 210 x 50 pixels. All images should have the same file
extension (the extension can be specified in brand settings described later in this chapter).
12.1.3 Brand names and image file names
All images should be named as per the entries in the brand attribute, but the names of the
files has to be simplified a little bit.
Below you can find the list of rules which you need to follow in order to convert a brand
name to a correct file name. The module will follow the same rules to generate the path of
the image file for each brand. If files are not named correctly, then the module will not be
able to find and display brand images in your store.
The same rules will be used to generate links to custom pages if you configure brand
logos to be links to custom pages.
in exactly the same way Magento simplifies category names and product
names to automatically create URL Key for category pages and product
pages. Full symbol conversion table can be found in Magento file:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
Brand name conversion rules:
1. Replace all uppercase letters with lowercase letters, e.g.:
for brand BlackBerry create an image named like this → blackberry.png
2. Define the word separator (for simplicity we will call it the separator) in the Image
URL Key Separator field in System > Configuration > Brands > General
section of admin panel. The separator will be used to replace all whitespace
characters and other non-letter and non-digit characters in file names.
It is recommended to use the default separator: a single hyphen (-). More info
about separator can be found later in this chapter: 12.2 Brands configuration.
3. Replace single space with the separator, e.g.:
Louis Vuittonlouis-vuitton.png
4. Replace single special characters (non-letter and non-digit characters such as
apostrophe, dot, ampersand, percent sign, exclamation mark etc.) with the
separator, e.g.:
5. Replace series of whitespace and special characters with a single separator, e.g.:
Marks & Spencermarks-spencer.png
J.P. Morganj-p-morgan.png
6. Replace language specific symbols and characters (e.g. letters with diacritical
marks) with letters from latin alphabet, e.g.:
Crédit Agricolecredit-agricole.png
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
12.2 Brands configuration
Below you can find a list of settings available in the admin panel System >
Configuration > Brands.
12.2.1 General
Brand Attribute Code – specify the Attribute Code of the attribute which stores
the information about brands in your Magento (you can use Magento's default
attribute manufacturer or create your own attribute).
If such attribute doesn't exist in your store, you will need to create it and add it to
the Attribute Sets which you use for your products.
To find the Attribute Code of existing attribute go to Catalog > Attributes >
Manage Attributes, click on the attribute and search the Attribute Code field:
Brand Image File Extension – specify the file extension (jpg, png or gif) of your
brand logo images.
Show Brand Image – if set to No, brand image will be replaced with brand name
(simple text). This option is useful when you don't want to show brand images, only
the brand names.
Show Text If No Brand Image
if set to Yes: if brand image doesn't exist, it will be replaced with brand name
(simple text).
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
if set to No: if brand image doesn't exist, it will be not displayed and there will be
no other information about brand.
Brand Logo is a Link to... – with this option, you can decide whether brand logo is
a link (e.g. to search results page).
No Link – select this option if you don't want brand logo to be a link.
Quick Search Results – brand logo is a link to quick search results page. For
example: logo of brand Apple on product page and in brand sliders will be a link
to the following page:
which displays a list of products returned by Magento quick search for term
Advanced Search Results – brand logo is a link to advanced search results
page which displays a list of products returned by Magento advanced search for
brand attribute value “Apple”.
Custom Page – brand logo can also be a link to custom pages (e.g. category
view pages, CMS pages, pages created by 3rd-party extensions etc.). In that
case, each brand logo on product page and in brand sliders will be a link to a
custom page.
this option doesn't create any custom pages for brands. It only makes it
possible to link your brand logos to pages such as: category view pages,
CMS pages or other pages created by 3rd-party extensions.
After selecting this option, more settings will appear below this field.
Base Path of Brand Pages – path specified in this field will be used to build a link
to a custom brand page (for each brand on product page and in brand sliders). For
example, brand logo can be a link to a category which contains products from that
brand. It can also be a link to any CMS page you want. To use this option select
Custom Page in Brand Logo is a Link to... field.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
Path will be appended to the store base URL before the brand name.
For example: www.example.com/custom/base/path/apple
www.example.com/ custom/base/path /apple
Store base URL Base Path of Brand Pages Brand name
Here you can see some examples.
Example 1:
You sell smartphones and you want Apple logo to be a link to a category with
other Apple products.
You created top-level categories for all your brands. If the category page
URL is www.example.com/apple, then you should leave the Base Path of
Brand Pages field empty.
You created sub-categories for all your brands. They are sub-categories of
the main category named “All Brands” and the URLs of category pages are
the following:
- www.example.com/all- brands/apple,
- www.example.com/all- brands/samsung etc.
In that case you should enter all-brands in the Base Path of Brand
Pages field. Thanks to that the module will be able to build correct links to
category pages for all your brands.
Example 2:
You sell smartphones and you want Apple logo to be a link to a custom CMS
page with some additional info about the brand. In Magento custom pages can
be easily created in CMS > Pages. For each page you need to specify value of
URL Key field which is a unique identifier of a page. E.g., custom page with URL
Key apple will have the following URL: www.example.com/apple
You created custom pages for all your brands. If the URLs of your custom
pages are the following:
- www.example.com/apple,
- www.example.com/samsung etc.,
then you should leave the Base Path of Brand Pages field empty.
URL Key of a custom page can be more complex than just a single word. All
your brand pages can have some common part, e.g., my-brands/apple,
my-brands/samsung etc. You created custom pages for all your brands.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
The URLs of your custom pages are the following:
- www.example.com/my- brands/apple,
- www.example.com/my- brands/samsung etc.
In that case you should enter my-brands in the Base Path of Brand Pages
field. Thanks to that the module will be able to build correct links to custom
pages for all your brands.
Append Category URL Suffix – if Category URL Suffix exists (in System >
Configuration > Catalog), it can be appended at the end of the brand link. For
example: if .html was set as the Category URL Suffix, logo of brand Apple on
product page and in brand sliders will be a link to the following page:
SEO Settings
URL Key Separator – specify character which will be used as word separator in
URLs of brand pages. Hyphen (-) is the recommended character. Other separators,
such as underscores (_) or plus-signs (+) should be avoided. More information:
Module will strip all whitespace characters and other non-letter and non-digit
characters and replace them with the separator. For example:
if brand name is Marks & Spencer and separator is hyphen (-), the brand name
in URL will be the following: marks-spencer
More information about how brand names are converted (to generate name of the
brand image file or brand page URL) can be found in 12.1.3 Brand names and
image file names.
Image URL Key Separator – specify character which will be used as word
separator in the names of brand image files. For example:
if brand name is Louis Vuitton, separator is hyphen (-) and file extension is
png, the name of the brand image file will be the following: louis-vuitton.png
the Image URL Key Separator field was added for backward compatibility. In
next versions this field will be removed and the character specified in the
URL Key Separator field will also be used in the names of brand image files.
To prepare your store for this, we recommend to use hyphen (-) as the
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
separator for images. In previous versions underscore (_) was the default
separator for images. So what you need to do is to enter hyphen in the Image
URL Key Separator field and edit names of all your brand images: replace
underscores with hyphens.
For example: change file name louis_vuitton.png to louis-
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
12.2.2 Brand on Product Page
Show Brand on Product Page if enabled, will show a brand logo on the product
page (if product has an attribute which specifies the brand).
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
12.2.3 Brand List
Select Brands
In this tab you can select list of brands which will be displayed in brand sliders. If you have
multiple sliders (e.g., on different pages of the store), then each slider will display the same
list of brands.
you can also override the list of selected brands by using brands parameter
in the slider block code – parameter is described later in this chapter. With
parameter it is possible to display different set of brands in each slider.
All Brands – if set to Yes, all existing brands will be displayed. If set to No, you will
be able to select brands in the field below.
Selected Brands – select brands which you want to display.
Filter Brands
Brands Assigned To Products – if set to Yes, display only those brands, which
are currently assigned to products.
Brands Assigned To Products In Stock if set to Yes, display only those brands,
which are currently assigned to products which are in stock.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
12.2.4 Brand Slider
Brand slider can be displayed on any CMS page and in any static block. For more datails
see the block code which is described later in this chapter.
Below you can find a list of global settings for all brand sliders, some of the settings can be
overridden per slider by using parameters which are described later in this chapter.
Show All Brands – if set to Yes, slider will display all existing brands. Otherwise
slider will display only those brands, which are currently assigned to products.
Timeout – Time (in milliseconds) between slide transitions. Enter 0 to disable
automatic transition. Note that 1000 milliseconds is equal to 1 second.
Speed – duration (in milliseconds) of scrolling animation. Applied to scrolling with
arrows (and touch swipe).
Automatic Scrolling Speed – duration (in milliseconds) of scrolling animation.
Applied to automatic scrolling (if Timeout was specified) and to scrolling with
Pause on Hover – if enabled, when the slider is mouseovered then the automatic
scrolling will pause.
Loop – if enabled, scrolling will loop.
Lazy Loading – delays loading of images. If enabled, images outside of viewport
will not be loaded before user scrolls to them.
Brand slider block code and parameters
To display brand slider, enter the following code in the content field of any page or static
block, Magento will automatically replace the code with a slider during page rendering:
{{block type="brands/brands" template="infortis/brands/brand_slider.phtml"
breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 2], [768, 3], [960, 4], [1280, 5]" block_name="Our
Here is the list of available parameters. Some of them can override global settings:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Brands
Required parameters:
block_name – the name of the block displayed as a heading.
Optional parameters:
brands – with this parameter you can specify the list of brands (separated by
comma) which will be displayed in the slider. You can have multiple sliders and
each can display completely different set of brands – just provide different list of
brands in each slider code using this parameter, for example:
brands="Apple, Samsung, Louis Vuitton, Coca-Cola"
This list will override the list of brands which was selected directly in the admin
panel in System > Configuration > Brands > Brand List section. But if this
parameter is not specified, slider will display brands selected in the admin panel.
breakpoints – with this parameter you can specify the number of items in a row
visible with a particular browser viewport width. Use the following format (this is the
default value, it will be used if this parameter is not specified in the block code):
breakpoints="[0, 1], [320, 2], [480, 2], [768, 3], [960, 4], [1280, 5]"
Value of this parameter consists of pairs of numbers in brackets separated by
comma. In each pair of numbers [A, B] number A indicates the web browser
viewport width, number B indicates the number of items visible if browser viewport
width is greater that the width specified in A.
In other words: display B items if viewport width is above A pixels. Below you can
find some examples:
Example 1:
breakpoints="[0, 2], [480, 3], [960, 5]"
which can be translated as: display 2 items if viewport width is between 0px and
480px, display 3 items if viewport width is above 480px, display 5 items if
viewport width is above 960px.
Example 2:
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breakpoints="[0, 4]"
which can be translated as: always display 4 items.
Example 3:
breakpoints="[0, 3], [960, 6]"
which can be translated as: display 3 items on narrow screens (if viewport width
is below 960px), and display 6 items on wider screens (above 960px).
is_responsive – enter 0 if the slider should not be responsive. If this parameter
is not specified, it is always assumed that the slider is responsive.
If the slider is not responsive, the number of visible items should be specified
with the additional show_items parameter (see below).
– the number of products in a row in the non-responsive slider.
Use this parameter only if responsive behavior was disabled with parameter
is_responsive (see above)
timeout – to animate the slider automatically, specify the time (in milliseconds)
between transitions. Note that 1000 milliseconds = 1 second.
move – number of items that should move on animation. Allowed values:
enter 1 to move one item.
enter 0 to move all visible items. This is also the default value which is used if
the parameter is not specified.
loop – enter 1 if the slider should loop.
pagination – enter 1 to display pagination.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13. Menu
This chapter refers to the following sections of the admin panel:
General menu settings:
System > Configuration > Menu
Description of general settings can be found in this chapter:
13.1 Menu configuration
Menu settings which can be applied individually for each category:
Catalog > Category Management, in the Menu tab.
Description of individual category settings can be found in this chapter:
13.2 Drop-down boxes
More information about category management in Magento can be found in
chapter 4.5 Categories.
in Magento you can limit number of category levels displayed in the menu.
Refer to 4.5.3 Depth of the menu for more details.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.1 Menu configuration
Below you can find a list of the menu settings available in the admin panel System >
Configuration > Menu.
13.1.1 General
Main Menu Bar – enable/disable main menu bar in the header section of the page.
Main Menu Mode – select menu mode.
Drop-down – standard drop-down menu.
Mobile – collapsible accordion dedicated for mobile devices.
Drop-down/Mobile – combination of both modes. You can specify the width of
the browser viewport, below which the drop-down menu turns into the mobile
menu (see the Threshold field).
Show Categories – enable to display categories in the main menu.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.1.2 Menu Bar
Home Link: Single Icon
Single Icon as Home Link – enable to show single icon as a link to the home
page. Icon will be displayed without any additional background color. It can be used
instead of the standard menu item with a link to the home page (see below).
Home Link: Inside Menu Item
Home Link: Text – if enabled, will display menu item with text "Home" as a link to
the home page. This link will be displayed with the same colors as other menu
Home Link: Icon – if enabled, will display menu item with icon as a link to the
home page. This link will be displayed with the same colors as other menu items.
Additional Settings
Align Drop-down With Menu Bar – if set to Yes, a drop-down box of the top-
level category will be aligned with the right edge of the menu bar if the right edge of
the drop-down box sticks out of the menu bar area (i.e. if it's further to the right than
the menu bar). If a drop-down box is wider than the menu bar, width of the drop-
down box will be automatically reduced to match with the width of the menu bar.
If set to No, a drop-down box can stick out of the menu bar area.
Custom Block - Align Right if set to Yes, static block
block_header_nav_dropdown in the main menu will be aligned with the right
side of the menu bar.
this block is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. There is a
better method to add custom drop-down boxes to the menu, for more details
refer to 13.4 Custom drop-down boxes in the menu.
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13.1.3 Mobile Menu
Threshold – width of the browser viewport (in pixels), below which the drop-down
menu turns into a mobile menu (collapsible accordion) dedicated for mobile
Threshold is needed only if the menu is in Drop-down/Mobile mode.
Values below 960 are not recommended if you have very wide drop-down
boxes with custom content in your menu – wide drop-downs will not look
good on narrow screens such as small tablets.
Collapsed – if set to Yes, mobile menu will be collapsed on page load.
If set to No, mobile menu will not be collapsed and all the top-level items will be
Show Category Blocks From X Levels of Categories – specify number of levels
of categories (counting from the top level) for which category blocks will be
displayed in mobile menu.
E.g. enter 1 to display blocks of 1st-level categories, enter 2 to display blocks of
1st-level and 2nd-level categories, enter 3 to display blocks of 1st-level, 2nd-level
and 3rd-level categories, and so on.
The allowed range is from 0 to 5.
enter 0 to hide blocks of all categories on all levels in the mobile menu.
Hide Category Blocks Below 320px category blocks will be hidden in the
mobile menu on small mobile devices (if width of the browser viewport is below
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.1.4 Sidebar Menu
In this section you can enable and configure the sidebar menu: vertical list of categories
which can be displayed at the top of the sidebars on selected pages.
you can also display the sidebar menu inside any static block and on any
CMS page by using the sidebar menu block code. The code is described
later in this chapter.
Enable Sidebar Menu
Here you can enable/disable sidebar menu in different locations of the store. Names of the
options are self-explanatory so we only show two of them as an example:
Category View (Left Sidebar) – enable/disable menu at the top of the left sidebar
in the category view above Magento's standard Layered Navigation. For more
details about Layered Navigation refer to 4.5.4 Layered Navigation ("Shop By"
Category View (Right Sidebar) – enable/disable menu at the top of the right
sidebar in the category view.
Basic Settings
Block Title – the name of the block displayed at the top of the block.
Additionally you can use variable [current_category] inside the title to create
dynamic name of the block. Variable will be replaced with the name of the current
category. On pages other than category view or product view this variable will be
Parent Category – the menu will only contain children (subcategories) of the
selected parent category. Available options:
Root – show all top-level categories in the store.
Parent of current category – show the current category and its siblings (other
categories from the same level as the current category).
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
Parent of current category (no siblings) – show the current category. Other
categories from the same level as the current category will be ignored.
Current category – show subcategories of the current category.
Maximum Depth – this parameter controls how many levels in the hierarchy of
categories (starting from the parent category) are to be included in the menu. Menu
with a Maximum Depth of 1 will just be an un-nested list of categories from a single
level (with none of the subcategories displayed). The default value is 0, it will
display all subcategories.
Fallback To Root Category – if current category doesn't exist, go back to root
category. This option is useful if sidebar menu should be displayed on pages with
no current category (on pages other than category view). If set to “Yes” and if
current category doesn't exist, the menu will behave like Parent Category field was
set to “Root” (it will display top-level categories). If set to "No", menu will not be
displayed at all if there's no current category.
For example, if menu is displayed on the home page (Parent Category field is set
to “Current category”) and Fallback To Root Category field is set to “Yes”, then the
menu will display top-level categories.
If in the same example Fallback To Root Category field is set to “No”, then the
menu will not show any categories and will not be displayed at all.
Fallback Block Title – this block title will be used instead of the standard block
title, if Fallback To Root Category field is set to “Yes” and if current category
doesn't exist.
Show Number of Products – show number of products next to each category.
Additional Settings
Hide Sidebar Menu on Mobile Devices – list of categories in the sidebar can be
hidden on mobile devices (if browser viewport is narrower than 768 pixels). All
categories are displayed in the top main menu by default so with this option you can
save some space on mobile devices.
Hide Magento's Category Filter – if you enabled sidebar menu, you may want to
disable category filter in Magento's Layered Navigation block ("Shop By") in
category view.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
Sidebar menu block code
You can also display the sidebar menu inside any custom static block (for example, in the
right sidebar: block_right_top). To display the menu, type in the menu code inside the
static block content (Magento will automatically replace the code with the menu in the
frontend), save the static block and flush Magento cache. Here's an example of the
sidebar menu block code:
This block code has changed in version 1.4.0. If you used the code in
previous versions, you need to replace the old code with the new one.
{{block type="ultramegamenu/navigation" parent="X" depth="X" block_name="X"
There are several parameters that can help you configure the menu to suit your needs.
Replace X with proper values of the parameters:
parent – the menu will only contain children (subcategories) of the selected parent
category. This parameter is similar to field Parent Category which is described
earlier in this chapter. Available options:
root – show all top-level categories in the store.
parent – show the current category and its siblings (other categories from the
same level as the current category).
parent_no_siblings – show the current category. Other categories from the
same level as the current category will be ignored.
current – show subcategories of the current category.
Or specify the ID (an integer number) of any existing category.
depth – specify how many levels in the hierarchy of categories (starting from the
parent category) are to be included in the menu. This parameter is similar to
Maximum Depth in the admin panel.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
block_name – the name of the block displayed as a heading.
Here you can see some examples of the block code:
{{block type="ultramegamenu/navigation" parent="root" depth="2" block_name="All Categories in
our store" template="infortis/ultramegamenu/categories.phtml"}}
{{block type="ultramegamenu/navigation" parent="parent" depth="1" block_name="Current level of
categories" template="infortis/ultramegamenu/categories.phtml"}}
{{block type="ultramegamenu/navigation" parent="parent_no_siblings" depth="3"
block_name="Current category with subcategories"
{{block type="ultramegamenu/navigation" parent="current" depth="4" block_name="Subcategories of
current category" template="infortis/ultramegamenu/categories.phtml"}}
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.1.5 Category Labels
Label 1 – define the text of the category label 1. Labels can be assigned to every
category in Catalog > Manage Categories.
Label 2 – define the text of the category label 2. Labels can be assigned to every
category in Catalog > Manage Categories.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.2 Drop-down boxes
13.2.1 Drop-down box configuration options
Each category in the menu can have a drop-down box containing subcategories or any
other custom content. Below you can find a list of the drop-down box settings available in
the admin panel. To configure the drop-down, go to Catalog > Category Management,
select a category and open the Menu tab:
Submenu Type – if category has subcategories, choose how subcategories should
be displayed. You can choose the type individually for each category. For more
details refer to 13.2.2 Submenu types.
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Drop-down Width – in this field you can override the default width of the
drop-down box. Width can be specified:
in pixels, for example: 150px,
or as a percentage, for example: 200% (percentage of the containing block's
In top-level categories (and only in top-level categories) if Submenu Type is
“Mega drop-down” width of the drop-down box can also be specified in grid units
(number between 1 and 12), for example: enter 4 and the drop-down box will have
a width of 4/12 of the entire menu bar.
Default width of drop-downs:
The mega drop-down of a top-level category is by default as wide as the menu
The mega drop-down of a category on lower levels is by default as wide as the
menu item of that category. So it is necessary to override the default width. For
example, if you enter 300%, the drop-down will be three times as wide as the
category item.
The classic drop-down is by default around 230 pixels wide.
Drop-down Content Proportions – proportions between three sections of the
mega drop-down box: Left Block, block of subcategories, Right Block.
Proportions are specified in grid units. For each section enter a number between
1 and 12. Sum of the grid units entered for all three sections has to be equal 12.
category blocks are displayed only in mega drop-down boxes so this option
is applicable only for categories with “Mega drop-down” selected in the
Submenu Type field.
Number of Columns With Subcategories in this field you can select the
number of columns in which the subcategories are displayed in the mega
drop-down box. For example, select 3 to display subcategories in three columns.
Default value is 4.
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subcategories are displayed in columns only in mega drop-down boxes so
this option is applicable only for categories with “Mega drop-down” selected
in the Submenu Type field (in the classic drop-downs subcategories are
displayed one below the other).
Category Blocks – if “Mega drop-down” was selected in the Submenu Type field,
you can display additional content in the drop-down box.
Content can be inserted into four blocks which are described below. To distinguish
these blocks from other blocks in Magento, we will call them category blocks. For
more details refer to 13.2.3 Category blocks.
If you don't want to display any additional content in the drop-down box, simply
leave these four fields empty:
Top Block – category block displayed above the subcategories.
Left Block – category block displayed at the left side of the subcategories.
Right Block – category block displayed at the right side of the subcategories.
Bottom Block – category block displayed below the subcategories.
if you need to split your content inside category blocks into columns, you can
use the built-in grid system – refer to 6.4 Grid system for more details about
the grid.
Category Label – eye-catching labels for categories. Labels needs to be defined in
System > Configuration > Menu > Category Labels. Refer to 13.1.5
Category Labels for more details.
Custom URL – enter a single hash character (#) to make the category
not clickable in the main menu. It is especially useful when you want to create a
drop-down box in the menu (to display some custom content) but don't want to
redirect customers to any specific category.
Leave this field empty if no changes are needed and the category in the menu has
to be a link to the category page.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
You can also use this field to replace the default link of the category with any
custom link. To do this, enter custom URL path into this field. The path will be
appended to the base URL of the store to create a new link. For example, enter
contacts/ to create a link to Magento's default “Contact Us” page, or
customer/account/create/ to create a link to “Create an Account” page.
More info about adding custom links to the menu can be found in 13.3 Custom
links in the menu.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.2.2 Submenu types
Available types
If the category has subcategories (i.e. it has a submenu), you can choose how the
subcategories will be displayed. Go to Catalog > Category Management, select a
category and open the Menu tab. There are three available options in Submenu Type field:
1. Mega drop-down
Wide drop-down box which can display subcategories in multiple columns. It can
also display additional content from the category blocks (which are described later
in this chapter).
2. Classic drop-down
Simple drop-down box which displays subcategories one below the other. It can
display any number of levels of categories. Classic drop-down is the default type
and it will be used if no type was specified for the category.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
3. Simple submenu (no drop-down)
Additional type which can be used to display subcategories not in a drop-down box,
but just below the category as a simple bulleted list.
this option can't be applied to top-level categories.
If in the previous example we will change the type of the “Dresses” category to
“Simple submenu (no drop-down)”, the drop-down box will look like this:
So the subcategories of the “Dresses” category will be displayed as a simple
bulleted list.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
Multilevel menus
Multilevel menus are fully supported, categories inside a drop-down box can have their
own subcategories which will also be displayed in drop-down boxes.
Additionally, all of the submenu types can be mixed together. For example, a classic drop-
down can be nested inside a mega drop-down, and a mega drop-down can have classic
drop-downs inside. See examples below:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.2.3 Category blocks
If “Mega drop-down” was selected as the submenu type, you can display additional
content inside the drop-down box. Custom content can be inserted into four category
blocks. On the example below, blocks of the “Fashion” category are marked with light red:
Mega drop-downs can also display category blocks of lower categories. For example, if the
subcategories of the “Fashion” category (“Women”, “Dresses”, “Lingerie” and “Jackets”)
have any content inside Top Block and Bottom Block, these blocks will be displayed in the
drop-down. On the example below, these blocks are marked with light blue color:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
Moreover, subcategories of the “Fashion” category can have their own drop-down boxes.
For example, if the “Accessories” category is configured as a mega drop-down (i.e. “Mega
drop-down” was selected in the Submenu Type field), then a drop-down box will be
displayed on mouse hover over the “Accessories” category. That drop-down can also
contain its own category blocks with custom content (on the example below, these blocks
are marked with light purple color):
Note that in this example, categories “Women”, “Dresses”, “Lingerie” and “Jackets” can't
have “Mega drop-down” selected in the Submenu Type field (if it was selected, it will be
ignored) because their subcategories are already displayed in the mega drop-down.
But categories “Women”, “Dresses”, “Lingerie” and “Jackets” can have “Classic drop-
down” selected in the Submenu Type field. If they are configured this way, menu will look
like this:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.2.3.A Category blocks in mobile menu
If the mobile menu is enabled, category blocks will also be displayed in the mobile menu
(picture 1.). Mobile mode is activated when browser viewport is narrower than the
threshold specified in the menu settings.
If screen is narrower than 768 pixels, category blocks will be displayed one below another
(picture 2.), even the Left Block and the Right Block.
Picture 1. Picture 2.
To hide category blocks in the mobile menu, you can use the Show Category Blocks
From X Levels of Categories option which can be found in System > Configuration >
Menu > Mobile menu. Refer to 13.1.3 Mobile Menu for details.
You can also hide selected portions of the content inside the category blocks. There are
two special classes:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
hide-in-mobile-menu – this class will hide the element when the menu is in the
mobile mode
hide-in-desktop-menu – this class will hide the element when the menu is in
the standard mode.
Example below shows how to use these classes. Add this code inside one of the category
blocks, e.g. Top Block:
<div class="hide-in-mobile-menu">
This text will not be visible in mobile menu
<div class="hide-in-desktop-menu">
This text will not be visible in desktop menu
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.2.4 Sample content for category blocks
Here you can find some samples of the content from category blocks:
Left Block
{{block type="ultimo/product_list_featured"
template="catalog/product/list_featured_slider.phtml" category_id="85" product_count="4"
breakpoints="[0, 1], [480, 2], [768, 1], [960, 2]" timeout="4000" move="1" centered="1"
size="size-s" hide_button="1" img_width="110" block_name="Recommended Bags"}}
Right Block
<a href="{{store direct_url='dress7.html'}}"><img class="fade-on-hover" src="{{media
url='wysiwyg/demo/infortis/ultimo/menu/01.jpg'}}" alt="Sample custom content of the category
block" /></a>
<h3>Featured Product</h3>
<p>This is a custom block ready to display any content. You can add blocks to any category in
the catalog...</p>
<a href="{{store direct_url='dress7.html'}}" class="go">View Product</a>
Top Block
<div class="show-separators">
<ul class="links">
<li class="label">Recommended:</li>
<li class="first">
<a href="{{store
direct_url='electronics/smartphones/phone3.html'}}">Configurable Phone</a>
<a href="#">Galaxy S3</a>
<a href="#">Galaxy S4</a>
<a href="#">iPad Retina</a>
<li class="last">
<a href="#">iPhone 5</a>
<div class="show-separators f-right">
<ul class="links">
<li class="first">
<a href="#">Add</a>
<a href="#">More</a>
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
<a href="#">Custom</a>
<li class="last">
<a href="#">Links</a>
<span class="section-line"></span>
Bottom Block
<div class="show-separators clearer" style="background-color: #eee; padding: 10px 15px;">
<ul class="links">
<li class="label">Featured Categories:</li>
<li class="first">
<a href="{{store direct_url='fashion/tops.html'}}">Evening Tops</a>
<a href="#">Dresses</a>
<li class="last">
<a href="#">Shirts & Blouses</a>
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.3 Custom links in the menu
The main menu typically includes the selection of categories from the catalog. But you can
also add links to content pages and external websites. In order to add a link, follow the
steps described in the example below.
Let's say you want to create a link to Magento's “Create an Account” page.
1. Go to Catalog > Category Management and create a new category in your
catalog by clicking the Add Subcategory button.
2. Set Is Active to “Yes”.
3. The name of the category will be the name of the link so you can use any name you
4. Open the Menu tab. In the Custom URL field, enter URL path of the “Create an
Account” page which is customer/account/create/. This path will be
appended to the base URL of the store to create a link to that page:
To create a link to some other page you just need to enter proper URL path. For
example, to create a link to a CMS page, in the Custom URL field, enter the
URL Key of that page. To check what is the URL Key of a page, go to CMS >
Pages, select a page and find the field:
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
5. Finally, go to your store and make sure the new link appears in the main menu. If
it's not, you may need to reindex Magento (4.2 Index management) and flush the
cache (4.1 Caching system).
Alternatively, to add custom link to the menu, you can use the method (which uses URL
rewrites) described in this article: http://www.magentocommerce.com/knowledge-
13.3.1 Custom links inside a static block
Another method to add custom links to the main menu, is to create a static block (in CMS >
Static Blocks) with identifier block_nav_links. Content of this block will be displayed in
the menu bar so you can quickly add multiple links to the menu.
To display links properly, content of the block should have the following structure:
<li class="nav-item level0 level-top right">
<a class="level-top" href="{{store direct_url='about-magento-demo-store'}}">
<span>Sample Internal Link</span>
<li class="nav-item level0 level-top right">
<a class="level-top" href="http://infortis-themes.com/">
<span>Sample External Link</span>
in version 1.9.0 a new class nav-item was added to the menu items <li>.
You will need to update the content of your block and add that class in order
to display links correctly.
You can remove class right if you don't want the links to float to the right side of the
menu bar.
Note that there are no <ul> tags at the beginning and at the end of this code snippet.
This code will be inserted inside the menu bar HTML which already contains <ul> tags and
additional tags would break the structure of the menu.
Also, you may need to disable Magento's WYSIWYG editor, otherwise it will add <ul> tags
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
automatically. It is recommended to disable the WYSIWYG completely so that it doesn't
process the code when you don't need it. Turn WYSIWYG on only when it is needed. Go
to System > Configuration > Content Management and set it as Disabled by
For more information about CMS markup tags, such as
{{store direct_url='about-magento-demo-store'}}, refer to 4.8.3 CMS markup tags.
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
13.4 Custom drop-down boxes in the menu
Drop-down boxes with custom content can be easily added to any top-level category in the
main menu. In order to add a drop-down, follow the steps described in the example below.
1. Go to Catalog > Category Management and create a new category in your
catalog by clicking the Add Subcategory button.
2. Set Is Active to Yes.
3. The name of the category will be the name of the category item in the menu so you
can use any name you like. Drop-down box will be displayed on mouse hover over
that item.
4. Open the Menu tab. In the Submenu Type field, select “Mega drop-down”.
5. In the Top Block field, enter the content which you want to display in the drop-down
box. It can be any HTML or just a simple text – whatever you need:
6. In the Custom URL field, enter a single hash character (#) to make this category
not clickable (or leave this field empty if no changes are needed and the category in
the menu has to be a link to the category page).
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Admin panel: System > Configuration > Menu
7. Finally, go to your store and make sure the new item appears in the menu. If it's not,
you may need to reindex Magento (4.2 Index management) and flush the cache
(4.1 Caching system).
Static block as a drop-down box
Another method to add custom drop-down box to the main menu, is to create a static block
(in CMS > Static Blocks) with identifier block_header_nav_dropdown. Content of this
block will be displayed in the menu as a drop-down box. Title of that block will be used as
the name of the menu item.
To align this menu item to the right side of the menu bar, use option Custom Static Block
- Align Right which can be found in System > Configuration > Menu > Menu bar.
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14. Troubleshooting
14.1 General issues after installation
14.1.1 Some features don't work or give errors
Here's the list of possible sources of problems:
a) Magento cache (or external cache) was not flushed after installation of the theme.
b) CSS files which are responsible for the visual appearance of the theme were not
generated automatically. Go to System > Configuration > Ultimo > Theme
Design and click Save Config button. Then go to System > Configuration >
Ultimo > Theme Layout and click Save Config button again. Then, flush
Magento cache and refresh your browser's cache.
c) You can see all sorts of error messages if the Compilation mode was not disabled
before installation.
d) Some of the theme files were not uploaded or are broken. Re-upload original theme
files to your server (overwrite existing files) and flush the cache. Note that files can
get broken if you send them in large numbers via FTP without zipping. So it is highly
recommended to upload zipped files.
e) File permissions issue – refer to 14.1.4 File permissions for more details.
f) Theme wasn't enabled properly. Theme should only be enabled in System >
Configuration > Design (the same as it was described in the installation steps).
Refer to 4.3 How to enable the theme for more details.
g) You have some third-party extensions which change/break theme's default behavior
or cause some conflicts. Disable all extensions and flush the cache, then enable
extensions one by one to check which one is causing problems. Refer to 2.3 Third-
party extensions for more details about third-party extensions.
h) You edited theme files and accidentally removed or changed something in the files.
Re-upload original theme files to your server (overwrite existing files) and flush the
i) You have customized the theme by creating custom sub-theme and your
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modifications override or break the default behavior of the theme.
j) You have some elements that left from your previous theme (e.g. in Magento's
"base" theme in app/design/frontend/base/) and that breaks the new theme.
Also check your log files in var/log/ (log settings should be enabled in System >
Config > Developer) for more information about possible errors.
14.1.2 Blank page or 404 not found – when trying to open theme admin
Log out from Magento admin panel, delete all files in var/cache/ directory (to clear
Magento cache), and log in again.
14.1.3 There is no theme admin tab in the admin panel, or I get a blank
page, or Access Denied error
Log out from Magento admin panel, delete all files in var/cache/ directory, clear web
browser cache/cookies for your store domain and log in again.
14.1.4 File permissions
Incorrect file permissions on your server may cause many issues. After uploading any files
to your server in order to install themes or extensions you need to set correct file
permissions for all the uploaded files – the same permissions as for the default Magento
File permissions may differ depending on server – usually 755 for folders and 644 for
files. In case of any doubts about permissions, please contact your hosting provider. Refer
to this article for more details:
In case of problems related to images refer to: 14.1.10 Images are not displayed
14.1.5 Theme features don't work after installation or upgrade
If some theme features don't work after installation or some resources (e.g. images) are
not displayed in the frontend, it often indicates problems with file permissions – your
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Magento doesn’t have access to the theme files because of incorrect file permissions on
your server. For more details refer to 14.1.4 File permissions
After theme upgrade
If you upgraded the theme in your store and you're using custom sub-theme, you will also
need to upgrade your sub-theme. This is extremely important step: review all the files in
your sub-theme to make sure they don’t override new features added to the theme.
For example: if the product page template file was changed in the update (e.g. a new
option was added: ability to display product SKU), you will need to apply that change in
your sub-theme (in the product page template file). Otherwise SKU will not be displayed in
your store because Magento will use the template file in your sub-theme to render the
product page and your template file doesn't have the new feature. So you will need to add
the new feature manually (copy the new code from the original template file to the file in
your sub-theme).
14.1.6 Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Default_Helper_Data' not found
If you see the following error message:
Fatal error: Class 'Mage_Default_Helper_Data' not found in ***/app/Mage.php on line 546
(where *** stands for the directory of Magento on your server) it indicates incorrect
Magento's Compilation mode was not disabled in System > Tools >
Compilation before theme installation,
or the theme wasn't enabled properly. Theme should only be enabled in System >
Configuration > Design (the same as it was described in the installation steps).
Refer to 4.3 How to enable the theme for more details.
14.1.7 "Package with this name does not exist" message is displayed
when trying to enable the theme
This message means that:
a) theme files were not uploaded,
b) or they are not in the correct place,
c) or there is a problem with file permissions on your server – refer to chapter 14.1.4
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File permissions for more details.
14.1.8 After theme installation the store gives blank page or an error
Log out from Magento admin panel. Change the owner of the uploaded files to the web
server user and set correct file permissions for them. Delete all files in var/cache/
directory (do not delete the directory) and log in again.
14.1.9 Tabs, sliders or other interactive elements don't work
This may be caused by jQuery conflict: one of your custom extensions is loading another
version of jQuery. You need to remove that version of jQuery or remove that extension.
14.1.10 Images are not displayed
Sometimes after installation some images on custom CMS pages or inside static blocks
(e.g. images in the slideshow) are not displayed. First, check if images were uploaded and
if correct paths to those files can be found in the source code of your page (click CTRL+U
in most browsers).
in fresh Magento installation, the default sample home page tries to load
sample images which doesn't exist in this theme (so you will see blank
rectangles instead of images). Go to CMS > Pages > Home page, remove
the default content or replace it with your own content.
If all files were uploaded and paths are correct, it means that your Magento doesn’t have
access to those images because of incorrect file permissions on your server. You need to
set correct file permissions for all images and folders containing images (in most cases
images are stored in Magento's media directory). Refer to chapter 14.1.4 File
permissions for more details.
14.1.11 Sliders: previous/next buttons don't work in some browsers
Please see this thread on Flexslider forum (Flexslider is a jQuery plugin used for sliders),
some users reported that the issue can be caused by a Wacom Driver, they were able to
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resolve the issue by unplugging their tablets:
You may also want to reinstall your web browser and remove all plugins to check if some
of them can cause conflicts.
14.1.12 Slideshow is not displayed on the home page
Make sure the configuration of the slideshow is correct. Enable all the static blocks which
are used as slides in the slideshow. Finally, flush the cache.
If this doesn't help:
Non-standard value in System > Configuration > Web > Default Pages >
Default Web URL. Set the default value: cms
Some custom extensions change the default behavior of Magento's home page, so
the slideshow module is not able to load on the home page anymore. How to
recognize that case: open the source code of the home page in your web browser
(CTRL+U in most browsers). The <body> tag on the home page should have CSS
class cms-index-index (this is Magento's default class). If you don't see this
class, then it is probably that case, and you will need to disable the extension which
is changing the default behavior of Magento's home page.
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14.2 Configuration
14.2.1 Theme configuration changes do not appear on the frontend
Flush Magento cache in System > Cache Management, clear web browser cache/cookies
for your store domain and refresh the page in your web browser.
if you created a sub-theme to customize the theme, do not copy folder
skin/frontend/<ThemeName>/default/css/_config/ (and files
stored inside) to your sub-theme. If you do this, files inside this folder will
override your theme settings.
14.2.2 "Failed generating CSS file" message after saving theme
What can cause the problem:
a) You didn’t upload all theme files to the following directory:
(you should see there three files: design.phtml, grid.phtml, layout.phtml)
Or your Magento doesn’t have access to those files because of incorrect file
permissions on your server. Refer to chapter 14.1.4 File permissions for more
b) Your Magento doesn’t have permissions to write in the following directory:
Set correct file permissions for that directory. Refer to chapter 14.1.4 File
permissions for more details.
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14.3 Third-party extensions
14.3.1 One of my extensions doesn't work with this theme
This theme may not be compatible with some third-party extensions. It’s impossible for
theme author to make the theme compatible out of the box with all existing extensions
because there are thousands of available Magento extensions.
Generally all extensions can work with all themes but sometimes they have to be
integrated manually. That’s because sometimes the extension and the theme override the
same Magento template file so there can be a conflict. In such cases you need to
customize the theme and merge two conflicting template files into one template file.
This isn't something specific to our themes, this is general rule for all Magento themes and
Refer to chapter 2.3 Third-party extensions for more details.
14.3.2 One of the features stopped working after third-party extension
was installed
There can be a conflict, if the extension and the theme override the same Magento
template file. You should contact author of the extension for more information. Also, check
your log files in var/log/ (log settings should be enabled in System > Config >
Developer) for more information about the error. Refer to chapter 2.3 Third-party
extensions for more details about third-party extensions.
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