FALL 2023
“I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to
interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in
our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must
know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as
you have never seen in your entire history.”
- Vladimir Putin’s speech when Russian forces invaded Ukraine February 24, 2022.
utin’s threat to escalate the war in Ukraine in response to external interference
presents a timely reason to reconsider who has the military means to trigger
escalation and perhaps draw allies into the conflict. In 1984, Glenn H. Snyder
wrote an analysis of states’ dilemmas in alliances with this issue at its core that
has demonstrably had excellent explanatory and predictive power.
In the Cold War’s
technological strategic context of nuclear and conventional military means, he found
that: “In general, entrapment is a more serious concern for the lesser allies than for the
superpowers […] because the superpowers have a much greater capacity for taking ini-
tiatives (notably nuclear initiatives).
In NATO, the US controls much of the alliance’s conventional military capabilities
and most of its nuclear weapons. Applying Snyder’s analysis, this vests the US with a
sufficient level of control over NATO’s crisis management, to minimize the US’ risk of en-
trapment in conflicts. Emergence of cyberspace
as a new venue for military operations
© 2023 Dr. Mikkel Storm Jensen
US Allies Offensive Cyber:
Entrapment Risk or
Entanglement Nuisance
Major Mikkel Storm Jensen, Ph.D.
changes the US strategic environment.
The US was
initially NATO’s only declared actor in cyberspace, but
over the last decade more than half of NATO’s members
have begun developing offensive cyberspace operations
(OCO) capabilities.
Based on Snyder’s analysis, should
the US add proliferation amongst friends and allies to
its concerns over OCO proliferation amongst foes?
The theoretical answer is “yes.” Any increase in al-
lies’ potential for independent initiatives decreases
US ability to control escalation, increasing the risk
of entrapment. The real-world answer depends on the
degree to which OCO has the potential for strategic
impact. The counterargument is that OCO’s potential
military impact even in a crisis would be insignificant,
thereby rendering allies’ independent deployment of
OCO a manageable risk insofar as entangling an oth-
erwise involuntary US.
Hence, the question is the relative magnitude of
the entrapment threat from US allies’ OCO: Do US
allies’ growing OCO capabilities constitute a credible
risk for entrapment, or are they a mere entanglement
nuisance? US’ strategies do not provide an answer.
Since 2018, they have signaled a more active role
for US OCO capabilities to serve as a deterrent, both
above and below the threshold of armed conflict. As
yet, however, no guidance has been forthcoming as to
how allies’ OCO capabilities fit this intent.
Nor does
the academic literature inform this subject, a void this
article seeks to begin filling.
Following a brief review of pertinent academic lit-
erature, this article presents the theoretical tools de-
ployed. Aer introducing mainly Snyder’s analysis of
alliance dilemmas, the theories are applied to the case
of the US dominant position in NATO. The analysis
then investigates OCO’s influence on the outcomes of
Snyder’s analysis on entrapment by analyzing how
the technical and operational attributes of military
cyber capabilities effects differ from conventional and
Mikkel Storm Jensen (Ph.D.) is a major in the
Danish army with an operational background
in intelligence analysis. Since 2016, he has re-
searched national cyber strategies. Initially on
the state’s role in societal resilience, but now
mostly focuses on their use of cyber means for
offensive purposes. This article forms part of his
on the influences of offensive cy-
ber capabilities on military alliances, which he
defended in May 2023.
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nuclear means. It demonstrates how OCO are, in some respects, reasonable to analyze on par
with nuclear weapons. The article then reviews the US-published statements and policies on
her own and allies’ OCO capabilities and compares with US policies during the late 1950s
potential proliferation of nuclear weapons amongst NATO members.
The analysis establishes that OCO’s potential for destruction is not comparable to nuclear
weapons but still convincingly capable of creating strategic effects, e.g., escalation, partic-
ularly during a crisis. Thus, in Snyder’s terms, OCO convincingly provides allies with new
means for “independent strategic initiatives” and constitutes an entrapment risk to the US,
particularly during a crisis, albeit less so than nuclear weapons. Furthermore, OCO-prolif-
eration among US allies will be harder to detect and assess than nuclear capabilities. Also,
influencing allies’ decisions on OCO development will require different efforts than counter-
ing allies’ nuclear proliferation. Without aspiring to recommend whether the counter prolif-
eration of NATO allies’ OCO capabilities should be a US strategy, these findings suggest that
the US could consider incentivizing allies by issuing statements on how to best develop OCO
capabilities to support US policy objectives.
Two final caveats should be stated before proceeding to the analysis: Firstly, the analysis is
based solely on information available to the public. Hence, classified arrangements between
the US and allies may exist, rendering the points on the US’ lack of shared strategic intents
regarding allies’ OCO moot. However, the findings on allies’ potential as entrapment risk and
the challenges with handling that risk still hold. Secondly, this analysis fully recognizes that
for most NATO allies, going against the interests of the US, particularly in crisis or war, is
something they would likely be highly reluctant to do. Again, this does not change the fact
that states may act irrationally or out of desperation. Hence the analysis remains relevant.
Some Literature on Military Use of Cyber and Alliances
The academic literature on OCO as military means has grown significantly over the last
decade, particularly from the either explicitly or implicitly assumed great power perspec-
tive. Both theoretically, e.g., Libicki, and empirically, e.g., Brandon et al.
From the technical
perspective, e.g., Schneider has argued why information technology represents a military
revolution rather than an evolution.
Harknett and Smeets have reviewed the literature ex-
tensively and convincingly to discuss in what ways and how significantly offensive cyber
operations can affect interstate conflict, but contribute mainly with focal points for further
Cimbala specifically investigates OCO’s potential effects as a means for escalation
management in general and the risks of nuclear weapons becoming involved.
However, this literature is from the perspective of individual states. The literature is very
limited regarding the use of OCO in or by military alliances: Taillat takes a close look at how
some of the special technical and operational characteristics of OCO influence collective
security in general, but do not investigate their impact on military alliances.
Smeets and
Fasana both discuss the values and risks of integration of offensive cyber in military opera-
tions, but neither look into its use in coalitions.
Relevant is also Ang’s analysis of why and
how small states, even if they are part of military alliances find it more difficult than large
states to react to hostile activities in the cyber domain below the threshold of armed con-
Hughes and Colarik touch very briefly upon the theoretical utility of OCO within New
Zealand’s military cooperation with Australia.
However, they do not address challenges
arising from the particular attribute that OCO are likely kept secret from allies. Instead, they
assume that allies will share information on OCO within the Five Eyes intelligence collabora-
tion network. Thus, Hughes et al neither question the interoperability of OCO in the coalition
nor whether Australia or other allies will appreciate New Zealand’s acquisition of offensive
cyber or may have concerns, entrapment, or otherwise. Their assumption of information
sharing is not likely to hold. Allies have strong incentives to keep OCO secret, as demonstrat-
ed by NATO’s SCEPVA-framework (more on that later) for conducting OCO without sharing
White has analyzed some aspects of how cooperation in alliances on OCO and
capabilities should be organized, but like Hughes et al, White does not address the challeng-
es from classification of offensive cyber means.
Another aspect of potential concern over
allies’ OCO is provided by Jacobsen who highlights the secrecy induced technical risks to US
cyber enabled intelligence collection.
Smeets has touched upon the threat from entrapment
(as defined later in the article) to US allies from US operations conducted in or through the
allies’ cyberspace and also described NATO’s emerging policies in the field.
This article
aspires to enhance the academic understanding by looking at the entrapment threat from
the US perspective.
The question posed in this article concerns the effect of emerging military technologies on
alliances seen from the perspective of the alliance’s senior partner. It is a question primarily
directed toward the state’s considerations and resulting actions regarding risks from being
in alliances. It deals in matters of complex security and actions, perhaps clandestine, for
raison d’état rather than based on emerging interstate norms, the composition or interpreta-
tion of alliance treaties, or strategic culture. These are core analytical parameters of Realism,
making that analytical prism a reasonable choice.
Glenn H. Snyder’s pioneering The Security Dilemma In Alliance Politics provides a stan-
dard reference Realist framework for exactly such analysis.
In this, Snyder investigates the
risk and trade-offs for states seeking security in an anarchic international system through
alliances, deploying Mandelbaum’s concepts of abandonment and entrapment to depict the
negative counterpoints to the states’ positive objective of increased security.
For more de-
tailed analysis of how the dominant ally and its security dependent allies interact, Lake’s
Entangling Relations provides valuable perspectives.
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From the US perspective, Snyder’s key concept in the present analyses is entrapment: “En-
trapment means being dragged into a conflict over an ally's interests that one does not share,
or shares only partially. The interests of allies are generally not identical; to the extent they are
shared, they may be valued in different degree.”
Snyder credits Mandelbaum for the term as
he identified entrapment as a strategic risk in Thycodides’ account of the Peloponnesian Wars:
When Corcyra seeks an alliance with Athens, the Corinthians, the enemies of Corcyra
warn the Athenians that accepting the Corcyrians as allies will lead to entrapment: “You
will force us to hold you equally responsible with them, although you took no part in their
Mandelbaum, Snyder and Thucydides are all concerned with entrapment’s worst-case sce-
nario, namely involuntary involvement in a war because of an alliance. To investigate aspects
of entrapment risks with less severe consequences, the analysis draws upon Kim’s use of the
term entanglement.
Kim renames Snyder’s entrapment entanglement and defines it as a
process whereby a state is compelled to aid an ally in an unprofitable enterprise because of
an alliance. Kim then redefines and reintroduces entrapment as a separate subset of entan-
glement: “… a form of undesirable entanglement in which the entangling state adopts a risky
or offensive policy not specified in the alliance agreement.”
In other words, Kim defines entanglement as a less serious, negative risk than entrapment.
It should be noted that Kim’s use deviates from another use of the term “entanglement” to
describe the degree to which states are formally and politically bound in an alliance. In this
neutral interpretation, entangling is not necessarily harmful and may even be the defining
objective of the alliance.
The present analysis uses Snyder’s and Mandelbaum’s term en-
trapment for the most serious risks, e.g., those that may lead to war, and Kim’s term entan-
glement for risks that have less serious, although still negative consequences.
Snyder’s other key concept is abandonment. Abandonment is, mainly when there are lit-
tle or no alternatives to the dominating ally as a security guarantor, primarily a concern
for the smaller, dependent allies: “alliances are never absolutely firm, whatever the text of
the written agreement; therefore, the fear of being abandoned by one's ally is ever-present.
Abandonment, in general, is "defection," but it may take a variety of specific forms: the ally
may realign with the opponent; he may merely de-align, abrogating the alliance contract;
he may fail to make good on his explicit commitments; or he may fail to provide support in
contingencies where support is expected.
Small allies’ fear of abandonment may lead to
independent and, from the perspective of the dominating ally, entrapping actions: “Asymme-
tries in indirect dependence chiefly affect the partners' relative fears of abandonment. Thus,
when one state has a stronger strategic interest in its partner than vice versa, the first will
worry more about abandonment than the second.” Security dependent allies’ concerns and
the resulting reactions are well demonstrated by De Gaulle’s question to Kennedy In 1961:
“… whether we [the US] would be ready to trade New York for Paris.”
Thus France acquired
an independent nuclear arsenal against the US wishes to ensure escalation in case of a So-
viet invasion.
NATO is a relevant empirical case study of alliances: It is the US’ oldest and largest col-
lective defense arrangement. Furthermore, most NATO members have technologically ad-
vanced economies that bring OCO capabilities within their reach without significant addi-
tional investments. At least sixteen members already claim to pursue such means.
efforts to integrate OCO since at least 2018 provide empirical evidence to the analysis and
have produced academic debate and concrete outcomes, e.g., doctrines and organizational
adaptations like the Cyberspace Operations Centre (CyOC).
Furthermore, NATO’s well-doc-
umented history allows investigation of historical analogies of emerging technologies.
Snyder argues that the threat from entrapment to alliance members, in general, is lesser
the more they are in control of the alliance’s capabilities for initiatives with the potential to
have strategic impact.
Military capabilities are in this analysis considered to be of strategic
value if they have the potential to significantly influence outcomes in military conflict man-
According to Snyder, the large US military capabilities relative to her allies, have
been a key reducing factor in the risk from entrapment in NATO.
The threat from escalation
of the war in Ukraine right on the border of NATO accentuates the relevance of assessing al-
lies’ emerging OCO-capabilities potential influence on crisis management: if allies’ OCO are
strategically significant, Snyder suggests they increase US risk from entrapment.
US concerns over entanglement and entrapment were present during the formation of
This may explain why the key Article 5 in the treaty leaves some leeway – “such
action as it deems necessary” – for the allies to react in case of an attack.
Also, the US has
mitigated NATO’s nominal anarchic nature, where, in principle, a consensus is needed on ev-
ery decision, by occupying key nodes and positions, e.g., SACEUR, and thus dominating not
only through the US forces in Europe but also by having extensive control over the internal
procedures and debates.
It would be a gross mischaracterization to assert that the US has wielded unrestricted
hegemonic power over the alliance at any point in NATO’s history. NATO allies have oen
pursued policy objectives that differed from US interests, particularly when external threats
were perceived as low.
However, the US has always been the senior partner with a deci-
sive influence over the alliance.
The advantages provided by this dominant position have
played a significant role in keeping the US invested in NATO aer the demise of the USSR.
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The US position has been reinforced by European reluctance to transform economic growth
into military power to the same degree as the US and exacerbated by a significant decline
in conventional European capabilities aer the Cold War.
The crisis between Russia and
NATO over Ukraine highlights the European allies’ military dependency on the US. Applying
Snyder’s analysis, the US central role in the alliance’s crisis management reduces her risk
of entrapment.
Aspects of the management of the war in Ukraine demonstrate the importance of US con-
trol over military actions that could lead to escalation – and hence implicitly if allies under-
took them without US consent, to entrapment.
Military crisis management – including
with cyber means - is to a large degree dependent on the opponent’s perception.
Hence, it is
vital to notice that Russia has hitherto perceived US influence in NATO as close to hegemon-
ic, insisting on negotiating solely with the US.
Paraphrasing Thucydides’ entrapment case,
the Russian perception presents a risk that NATO allies’ independent actions could lure
Russia to hold the US responsible. The analysis will not discuss crisis management models,
but simply, recalling Mr. Putin’s barely veiled nuclear threats to deter external interference
in Ukraine, refer to the intuitive observation that the impact of actions initiated by allies
without US knowledge or consent carries a greater risk for entrapping consequences when
international tensions are high.
So how does proliferation of emerging military cyber capabilities influence these dynam-
ics? Defensive cyberspace operations (DCO) do not represent coercive means and are thus ir-
relevant to the question of alliances’ use of military force.
The analytical focus should there-
fore be on OCO. While current NATO doctrine only distinguishes between OCO and DCO,
US doctrines distinguish between two different subcategories of OCO, namely cyber-enabled
espionage, Cyberspace Exploitation (OCO-CE), and destructive attacks, Cyberspace Attack
OCO-CE are intrusive but non-destructive operations to collect intelligence,
while cyberspace attacks are operations to disrupt, deny, degrade, or destroy information
resident in computers and computer networks, or the computers and networks themselves.
The US Air Force’s doctrine’s adds further nuances: they rename OCO-CE “cyberspace ISR”
and then straddles the grey zone between exploitation and attack by dividing cyberspace
attacks into Cyber Operational Preparation of the Environment (C-OPE) which are non-in-
telligence enabling activities conducted to plan and prepare for potential follow-on military
operations, and Cyberspace Effects Operations that are actively destructive or disruptive.
Compared to analog means, OCO-CE constitutes a paradigm shi in small allies’ intelli-
gence collection opportunities by widening the scope and lowering the costs and associated
However, as espionage is not a new phenomenon, allies’ OCO-CE does not per se
present a new challenge to the dominant US position in NATO. Even so, OCO-CE cannot be
completely discarded as an entrapment risk, as OCO-CE for the purpose of situational aware-
ness, can be difficult to distinguish from OCO-CE conducted as preparations for cyberspace
attacks: C-OPE in USAF terms. Hence, any detected intrusion may be considered threatening
by the targeted entity.
Cyber enabled destructive attacks, however, arguably constitutes a paradigm shi. OCO-
CAs technical and tactical properties challenge the traditional realist understanding of what
is possible for large states but impossible for small states based on their available resources.
Hitherto, conventional military means with strategic reach or effect, e.g. an intercontinental
missile force, a blue water navy or nuclear weapons, have required states to undertake obvi-
ous and significant investments and develop large military-industrial bases. Such costs have
limited proliferation and the necessary infrastructure is visible from space which enables
external observers to assess states’ conventional and nuclear strategic capabilities’ size and
efficacy and may glean information regarding their owner’s intent.
The emergence of OCO-CA has changed this situation and hence the strategic context.
Small states can acquire the necessary means: the cost of entry into the OCO-CA capable
group of states is relatively low. In principle, OCO require commercially available IT equip-
ment and a team of qualified researchers, soware developers, and operators optimized by
coupling it with national intelligence services’ collection capabilities.
OCO has unlimited
geographical reach if targets are linked to the Internet. As demonstrated by STUXNET, OCO
can reach air-gapped targets with some extra effort.
Unlike conventional strategic means,
OCO do not require large military and industrial investments to develop and deploy, which
means that they can be clandestinely developed with little or no recognizable signature.
Why is this important? As demonstrated above, the US dominates the decision process in
NATO, reducing the risk of entrapment. Lake provides insights that supplement Snyder’s
on alliance dynamics based on access to information: In a hegemony, the hegemonic part-
ner dominates the decision process of other allies e.g., whether to attack or how to react to
external attacks. However, Lake argues it is difficult to eliminate local decisions, especially
in the light of asymmetric information.
Hence, the ability to develop OCO-CA clandestinely
reduces the hegemon’s ability to eliminate the initiatives of other allies.
The relative ease with which OCO-CA can be developed clandestinely reinforces alliance
members’ inclination to keep them secret even from allies.
Involved soware is produced
by organizations typically within or associated with national intelligence services, whose
highly classified and un-sharable intelligence is a prerequisite for the “tailored” part of OCO-
CA capabilities with tailored access.
Likely even generic OCO-CA means are oen kept
secret at the national level – perhaps because the cyber domain is still a new and hence im-
mature domain for conflict. Generic OCO-CA means have yet to be transferred from national
intelligence organizations to regular military forces to become an everyday part of military
operations on a par with other means.
The secrecy surrounding OCO, even in alliances,
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is underlined by the fact that NATO has had to develop the concept of “Sovereign Cyber Ef-
fects Provided Voluntarily by Allies,” or SCEPVAs to integrate OCO-CA in operations via the
Cyber Operational Command, or CyOC.
This allows members to offer NATO OCO-effects,
without disclosing anything about what means are used and what objectives are targeted.
NATO’s joint doctrine for cyberspace operations acknowledges that this is a suboptimal way
to manage operations.
Still, the procedure is a compromise that allows members to support
NATO operations with OCO capabilities without disclosing classified information. Historical
evidence on multilateral operations involving OCO-CA is currently limited to the 2016 cam-
paign against ISIS: the UK, Australia, and the US all deployed offensive cyber.
It suggests
that inter-organizational de-confliction just within the US was problematic, and decisions,
whether to inform let alone involve allies presented constant dilemmas.
The US is relatively clear regarding the roles of her OCO: in 2018, a new National Cyber
Strategy announced increased emphasis on the role of OCO as a means of deterrence by
punishment. The unclassified Strategy is kept very general but is a shi towards in-domain
It came alongside new, classified directions for U.S. Cyber Command (USCY-
BERCOM) that was allegedly given a broader scope for OCO and higher thresholds before
presidential authorization had to be given.
In public interviews and official hearings, Mr.
John Bolton, the then National Security Advisor, and General Paul Nakasone, commander
of USCYBERCOM and NSA since 2018, have stressed the importance of the US doctrine
of “persistent engagement”. The persistent engagement doctrine requires the ability to be
constantly present in other nation’s networks to identify threats as they develop and punish
hostile actions.
The 2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy retains the former strategy’s stat-
ed intent to disrupt and dismantle threat actors.
But while US strategies are clear regarding unilateral use of OCO, available information is
sparse on the US intent regarding OCO’s role in alliances. Regardless of whether or not the
US consider allies’ OCO-capabilities desirable additions to e.g. NATO’s arsenal, the lack of
public statements on the subject may leave allies guessing how best to develop their military
cyber capabilities. To allies, e.g., Denmark, that depend fully on US security guarantees, it is
oen more important how military acquisitions, whether F-35 or OCO-capabilities, contrib-
ute to strengthening the alliance with the US than how they contribute to national defense.
NATO’s recent developments in the field do not provide conclusive answers: In line with
the rest of the article’s argument that the US has a dominant position in NATO, the introduc-
tion of the CyOC and the SCEPVA procedures could be interpreted as implicit US approval of
allies’ emerging OCO. However, an alternative explanation could be that the US mainly sees
the SCEPVA procedure to allow for US OCO in NATO operations without disclosing informa-
tion on ways and means to allies.
Declassified parts of the US 2006 Strategy and the 2012 Presidential Directive mention
international collaboration on defensive cyber issues.
DCO, including multinational collab-
oration, are uncontroversial regarding entrapment and occur in several arenas, including
None of the US strategies apparently place high value on allies’ OCO capabilities.
Neither does any of them mention NATO regarding OCO. The 2023-strategy mentions NATO
(in sect. 5.3), but only with regards to defensive and resilience initiatives.
The 2006 Strate-
gy mentions international cooperation as the very last area under the section on partnering,
aer industry and interagency.
The 2017 National Security Strategy mentions allies in just
one sentence on threat information sharing and mutual assistance in attribution, defen-
sive and hence uncontroversial tasks.
The 2018 National Cyber Strategy hints vaguely at
multinational collaborative efforts to punish misbehavior in the cyber domain but does not
mention OCO directly:
The imposition of consequences will be more impactful and send a stronger message
if it is carried out in concert with a broader coalition of like-minded states. The United
States will launch an international Cyber Deterrence Initiative to build such a coalition
and develop tailored strategies to ensure adversaries understand the consequences of
their malicious cyber behavior. The United States will work with like-minded states to co-
ordinate and support each other’s responses to significant malicious cyber incidents, in-
cluding through intelligence sharing, buttressing of attribution claims, public statements
of support for responsive actions taken, and joint imposition of consequences against
malign actors.
This intent is reflected in a paragraph in very broad terms on collaboration in the Defense
Department’s cyber strategy.
The 2023-strategy states a similar objective in sect. 5.4. The
new is not more specific than the former, but the wording “collaborative use of all tools of
statecra” could include OCO. As of November 2023, nothing concrete regarding this initia-
tive has been disclosed.
What justifies seeking an understanding of the emergence of OCO-CA’s influence on US
alliance policies in the historical case of the emergence of nuclear weapons?
Firstly, high-ranking US politicians and military officers have compared their concern over
the emerging threats posed by OCO-CA to the threat from nuclear weapons, and their Rus-
sian and Chinese counterparts have expressed similar statements.
To the degree these
perspectives influence national policy, they are relevant regardless of which degree they
are reasonable from a technical perspective. Hence, the fact that some US decision makers’
concerns over the emergence and proliferation of OCO-CA are comparable to their concern
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over nuclear weapons justifies comparison with their predecessors’ concerns and policy de-
cisions when these weapons entered the world stage.
Secondly, historical evidence suggests that technological changes in a strategic context
have the potential to destabilize international relations and raise the risk of escalation, espe-
cially if they, like OCO-CA, are perceived as giving the aggressor an advantage.
Nye argues
that even though OCO differs in many ways from nuclear weapons, lessons can be drawn
from comparisons, e.g., the need to develop strategies without empirical evidence or histor-
ical experience.
Elaborate constructs and prevailing political fashion led to expensive conclusions based
on abstract formulas and relatively little evidence. […] Cyber has the advantage that with
widespread attacks by hackers, criminals, and spies, there is more cumulative evidence
of a variety of attack mechanisms and of the strengths and weaknesses of various re-
sponses to such attacks. [However] no one has yet seen a cyber war, in the strict sense
of the word, as defined above. [Historical disclosed attack examples] give some inklings
of the auxiliary use of cyber attacks, but they do not test the full set of actions and reac-
tions in a cyber war between states. […] the problems of unintended consequences and
cascading effects have not been experienced.
The Russian full-scale invasion in 2022 of Ukraine has provided some observations re-
garding the efficacy of OCO in interstate war amongst near-peer opponents. As of Novem-
ber 2023, Russian OCO-CA appears not to have achieved significant results at neither the
tactical, operational or strategic level.
This is not for lack of trying, though, as Russia has
deployed destructive malware against Ukraine throughout the conflict along with less dis-
ruptive, but highly profiled attacks against private and government entities in states sup-
porting Ukraine.
The reasons for the lack of impact of OCO-CA in the conflict are debated.
Likely they are a combination of offensive and defensive factors, e.g., less competent and
resourceful Russian cyber forces and better Ukrainian cyber resilience (with external sup-
port from both states and private entities) than assessed prior to the conflict.
However, the
information available for academic analysis is still sparse at this point, and the events of this
war still leaves analysts room to theorize over OCO-CAs potential.
Obviously, possession of OCO-CA capabilities does not give a small state the same ability
to conduct strategic power projection as a large state’s conventional means, let alone nuclear
weapons. Also, OCO-CA’s usually (although, as demonstrated by, e.g., NotPetya, far from al-
ways) limited, temporary, and reversible effects are completely different from nuclear weap-
ons’ spectacularly enormous, permanent, and irreversible destructivity.
That said, OCO-CA does provide small states new opportunities to reach out far beyond
their borders and inflict serious damage, e.g., on critical infrastructure. US strategies ac-
knowledge the theoretical potential for catastrophic damage from OCO-CA and include them
in the threats that the US nuclear arsenal is tasked to hedge against.
Furthermore, as argued by, e.g., Cimbala, OCO-CAs technical and operational attributes
make it a destabilizing means with significant potential for crisis escalation.
The ambigu-
ities that accompany OCO-CA may further exacerbate the risk of escalation: Commanders
have limited situational awareness.
Discovering that he is under cyberattack, the victim
may be le in doubt whether he has discovered the full extent of the intrusion. Also, the
process of intelligence-based attribution may be time-consuming and initially provide in-
sufficient, low-confidence answers.
Lack of information on what has happened, who did
it, and what will happen next, combined with a lack of international norms and historical
experience from empirical precedence to draw on can lead to several unfortunate decisions.
These include unintended escalation and counter strikes against third parties, especially if
the victim is already under pressure, e.g., as an effect of a triggered security dilemma.
As in the classical security dilemma, even non-destructive cyber operations with underly-
ing defensive intent, e.g., OCO-CE intended as routine espionage to maintain normal levels of
situational awareness, may be perceived as offensive – or to use the USAF’s term: cyberspace
operational preparation of the environment – by an opponent and trigger escalation.
is especially pronounced in the cyber domain where a perceived, if debated, dominance of
the offensive tends to push towards instability.
These properties combined with a likely
lack of insight into the situational awareness and threat perceptions of the opponent(s) make
OCO-CA or even OCO-CE a potentially de-stabilizing means in a crisis. Particularly if the OCO
are directed (or even just perceived as directed) against the most sensitive areas, e.g., nodes
in a belligerent’s nuclear weapons command and control.
The 2018 U.S. Nuclear Posture
Review specifically acknowledge the cyber threat to such nodes.
Finally, there is a significant difference between the threshold for using nuclear weapons
and OCO. The threshold for using nuclear weapons is arguably the highest for any military
means, as it has not been used since 1945, and the means is arguably considered taboo.
contrast, many states have demonstrated a very low threshold for using OCO, oen below the
threshold of armed conflict.
To round off the discussion in Clausewitzian terms, OCO’s potential for achieving positive
political ends, e.g., concluding a conflict to one’s advantage, is very open for debate.
OCO’s potential to achieve negative political ends, e.g., escalation of a crisis, appears con-
OCO as a means for controlling escalation in crisis and war, is largely a question of
assumptions and educated guesses. The use of OCO signals in a crisis even more uncertainty
than signaling with traditional military means, making escalation even more challenging to
So, if OCO-capabilities’ strategic risks with regards to military crisis management, particu-
larly during a crisis and heightened international tensions, are in some regards comparable
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to nuclear weapons, how did the US react in the late 1950s when some NATO allies and other
friendly nations wanted to acquire their own nuclear arsenals?
A declassified National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) – a high-level strategic assessment
collaboration between all the US intelligence services – on the topic from 1958 provides
insights on US concerns.
The NIE was downgraded from secret to confidential in 1999
and declassified in 2004. Because the NIE was originally intended for internal use in the
US government only, it was likely written without consideration for diplomatic signaling or
politeness to either friends or foes. Hence, the analyst can arguably have high confidence
in their insights into the US decision process. The NIE precedes Snyder’s 1984 article on
dilemmas in alliances by two decades, but the analysis precisely captures US concerns over
entrapment and allies’ concerns over abandonment, which is stated as a major driver for the
allies’ pursuit of nuclear weapons.
In 1958, the UK acquired nuclear weapons in the face of stiff US opposition.
France had
also overcome the US obstructions and was on the brink of deploying an arsenal. In Europe,
West Germany, Italy, and Sweden – the last friendly nation but not a NATO member, were
beginning to move towards this goal.
The NIE predicted no change in the basic international [bi-polar] system if the allies and
friendly Sweden achieved some nuclear capabilities. However, while the states still regard
the US alliance as essential, nuclear capabilities could render them less responsive to US
policy. The NIE assessed the reduced US influence as a negative, risk-enhancing outcome
and predicted that it would increase the risk for both conventional and nuclear war to an
undetermined degree. “Such a development is certain to produce strain and difficulties if
nothing worse” if the European allies used them “to achieve deeply felt” national aims or the
weapons become available to “almost totally irresponsible governments.”
In accordance with Lake’s theoretical expectations, the NIE indicates that while the US’s
dominant position in NATO helped control the political debate, it was insufficient to quell the
allies’ interest in acquiring nuclear weapons.
UK and France partially developed their ar-
senals out of fear of US abandonment. The French sought to keep their program clandestine
until September 1958 but were unsuccessful, as the NIE detailed in July of that year. The US
gained some control over the UK’s arsenal by supplying its main delivery systems, leaving
the UK capability somewhat reliant on US support. France, however, was able to keep its nu-
clear arsenal completely independent of the US.
West Germany was eventually dissuaded
by US assurances of commitment, made credible by a massive US military presence within
her borders that provided assurance but also ensured Germany’s deep security dependence
on the US.
Italy’s interest in nuclear capabilities was more motivated by the pursuit of
international prestige rather than immediate security concerns. Aer a half-hearted effort
in the early fiies, Italy latched on to the German initiatives to gain leverage with the US on
matters other than the nuclear issue. Hence, they were easy to dissuade.
Sweden aproached
the US in the late fiies with requests for support for their nuclear program. They were
turned down but offered to come under the US nuclear umbrella if Sweden abstained from
pursuing nuclear weapons. An independent Swedish program was technically possible but
so expensive that it likely undermined her conventional deterrence capabilities. Hence, Swe-
den gave up its efforts.
Instead, Sweden pursued neutrality and defensive autonomy based
on extensive investment in conventional forces. However, tacit collusion and US economic
and technical support were still necessary to achieve a sufficient quality of conventional
forces for defensive autonomy, placing Sweden in partial dependency.
Compared to the current emergence of OCO amongst NATO members, similarities and
differences appear. Firstly, in 1958, the US was concerned over the potential nuclear pro-
liferation among allies and friendly states for reasons Snyder would recognize as concerns
over entrapment. Nuclear proliferation would increase their scope for strategic initiatives,
undermining US control and increasing the risk of international “strain and difficulties if
nothing worse” if they used them “to achieve deeply-felt” national aims.
Some of the US
concern was founded in the recognition that allies’ fear of abandonment might lead them to
take independent (nuclear) actions counter to US interests. The capacity to do so was rec-
ognized as a strong motivating drive for the allies, particularly France and West Germany’s
pursuit of nuclear weapons. Today OCO, particularly OCO-CA, presents an entrapment risk
of a similar nature—both from a technical effects-based perspective and regarding allies’ pos-
sible motivations to acquire OCO. The counter-argument is that the physical impact of OCO is
less catastrophically violent than that of nuclear weapons, and hence only an entanglement
risk is valid and relevant. But, as demonstrated above, OCO has significant potential for in-
fluencing, e.g., escalation, especially during a crisis.
Secondly, in 1958, nuclear weapons were expensive, scientifically challenging, and re-
quired complex means for delivery, which made the allies’ nuclear capabilities relatively
easy for US intelligence to detect and assess.
Today, OCO can be developed by allies with
technologically advanced economies, as most NATO members, and it can be done without
leaving much in the way of an intelligence footprint. The counter-argument that OCO, un-
like nuclear weapons, only constitute a risk of entanglement due to their smaller impact is
again arguably less convincing because the much lower entry barrier for the acquisition of
OCO makes them much more accessible, as demonstrated by the speed with which they are
increasing in NATO.
Finally, in 1958, despite the costs and challenges required by allies to acquire nuclear
weapons and delivery means, the normal level of US political and organizational dominance
over their allies was insufficient to keep them attentive to US requests. US intelligence had
to discover and evaluate the allies’ progress. An extraordinary military and diplomatic effort
of sticks and carrots was necessary: A mixture of co-option (UK) and threats combined with
positive incentives and promises of unflinching commitment (Sweden, West Germany, Italy)
FALL 2023
eventually brought most of them fully or partially back in line. Only in France’s case, the
efforts failed.
Today, NATO allies can pursue OCO capabilities independent of US scientific
or material assistance and realistically with minimal insight from US intelligence in their
progress. Hence, involuntary oversight through intelligence collection on allies’ OCO capa-
bilities will likely provide a lower level of insight than the US had over the allies’ nuclear
capabilities in 1958. Also, this means that if the US should wish to incentivize her NATO al-
lies to develop (or refrain from developing) their OCO capabilities in particular ways, several
sticks were available in 1958, e.g., withholding scientific support and means of delivery, are
less efficient today. Positive and negative incentives for following agreements remain viable,
but as mentioned, the verify-part of “trust but verify” on OCO will be difficult compared to
nuclear weapons.
NATO Allies’ OCO Capabilities Constitute an Entrapment Risk to the US
This article poses the question whether US allies’ new OCO capabilities risks entrapping
the US or are they more likely to merely constitute an entanglement nuisance—a question to
which current literature provides little in the way of helpful answers.
The proposed argument was the following: If OCO brings into allies’ reach means that can
create an international crisis or seriously undermine US control of the management of a
crisis, then allies OCO capabilities constitute an entrapment risk. If allies’ OCO capabilities
only have limited potential for military impact, they only justify minor concern and thus
constitute a limited risk of nuisance due to unwanted entanglement.
The analysis explains how OCO’s destruction potential of non-U.S. NATO allies falls far
short of the threat of nuclear weapons. Yet this same analysis compellingly concludes that
these OCO capabilities can deliver strategic effects, to include palpable escalation during an
international crisis. They also are much easier to acquire and have an unlimited range, and
do not require complex and costly delivery systems. Thus, in Snyder’s terms, OCO convinc-
ingly provides allies with new means for “independent strategic initiatives.”
and other US allies with technologically advanced economies may pose more than a minor
risk of entanglement.
Recalling the caveat that NATO allies have grave incentives to adhere to US interests, the
analysis finds that in extraordinary circumstances, allies’ OCO constitutes an entrapment
risk to the US, albeit less so than nuclear weapons. Historical evidence that OCO has been
deployed by many states and on many occasions below the threshold of armed conflict sug-
gests that states’ threshold for using OCO is lower than for nuclear and even conventional
means. Again, recalling the caveat, this still suggests a lower threshold for allies’ indepen-
dent initiatives involving OCO.
Furthermore, the acquisition of OCO can realistically be achieved clandestinely and with-
out US scientific support or special raw materials, rendering proliferation harder to detect,
and capabilities harder to assess, thus influencing allies’ decisions on OCO development
requires different efforts than nuclear proliferation. Positive incentives remain viable, as do
negative ones if allies (with more difficulty compared to nuclear counter-proliferation) are
caught violating agreements. However, the direct 1958-options of disincentives, e.g., with-
holding scientific support and/or access to delivery means seem less effective in the context
of OCO.
The arguments above are not as such an argument for whether or not the US should dis-
courage, condone or encourage allies to acquire OCO-capabilities. They are arguments for
considering the potential influence of OCO, particularly OCO-CA, in alliances on the means’
own terms as their tactical and technical properties demonstrably differ sufficiently from
conventional means for it to be relevant to take these differences into account.
The findings lead to another observation: Whether or not counter-proliferation of NATO
allies’ OCO capabilities should be a US strategy, a clear statement from the US as to how
allies can best develop OCO capabilities to support US policy objectives would provide illumi-
nation that is missing in the public discussion today. This is particularly important to allies
for whom improving relations with the US is a (or even the) major factor when considering
acquiring military capabilities, including for OCO.
FALL 2023
1. Glenn H. Snyder, "e Securi Dilemma in Alliance Polics, World Polics 36, no. 4 (July 1984), 461–95, hps://doi.
2. Snyder, 484.
3. A global domain within the informaon environment consisng of the interdependent networks of informaon technology
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processors and conollers. DoD, :DOD Diconary of Military and Associated Terms" (Department of Defense, 2020), 55.
4. Mikkel Storm Jensen, "Oensive Cyber Capabilies and Alliances: Quesonable Assets for Presge, New Risks
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6. Max Smeets, "NATO Members’ Organizaonal Path Towards Conducng Oensive Cyber Operaons: A Framework
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8. Joe Biden, "Naonal Cybersecuri Sategy 2023" (e White House, 2023), hps://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-con-
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States of America.
9. Jensen, "Oensive Cyber Capabilies and Alliances," 115,119.
10. Brandon Valeriano, Benjamin M. Jensen, and Bryan C. Maness, Cyber Sagy: e Evolving Characr of Power and Coer-
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on Monograph Series (Santa Monica, CA: Rand Project Air Force, 2012).
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15. Max Smeets, "e Sategic Promise of Oensive Cyber Operaons," Sagic Studies Quarrly, Fall (2018): 90-113; Kenton G
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22. Rosenberger, Making Cyberspace Safe for Democracy. Snyder, "e Securi Dilemma in Alliance Polics;" Michael Beckley, "e
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versi Press, 1981), chapter 6; Snyder, "e Securi Dilemma in Alliance Polics," 466.
24. David A. Lake, Enngling Relaons (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Universi Press, 1999).
25. Snyder, "e Securi Dilemma in Alliance Polics," 467.
26. Mandelbaum, e Nuclear Revoluon, 151.
27. Tong Kim, "Why Alliances Entangle But Seldom Enap States," Securi Studies 20, no. 3 (July 2011), 350-77, hps://
28. Kim, 355.
29. R. E. Osgood, NATO, e Enngling Alliance (Chicago, 1962).
30. Snyder, "e Securi Dilemma in Alliance Polics," 466.
31. Snyder, 473.
32. De Gaulle, "Foreign Relaons of the United States, 1961-1963, Volume XIV, Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962 - Oce of the
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34. Smeets, "NATO Members’ Organizaonal Path Towards Conducng Oensive Cyber Operaons: A Framework for
35. NATO, "AJP-3.20, Allied Joint Docine for Cyberspace Operaons (Edion A)" (NATO Standardizaon Oce, 2020),
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36. Snyder, "e Securi Dilemma in Alliance Polics," 484.
37. Smeets, "e Sategic Promise of Oensive Cyber Operaons," 92.
38. Snyder, "e Securi Dilemma in Alliance Polics," 484.
39. Lawrence A. Kaplan, "e United States and the Origins of NATO 1946-1949," e Review of Polics 31, no. 2 (1969):
40. Lake, Entangling Relaons, 170.
41. Lake, 171.
42. C. Layne, "US Hegemony and the Perpetuaon of NATO," e Journal of Sagic Studies 23, no. 3 (2000), 61.
43. Peter Viggo Jakobsen, "e Indispensable Enabler: NATO’s Sategic Value in High-Intensi Operaons Is Far Greater
an You ink," Sagy in NATO: Preparing for an Imperfect World, ed., L. Odgaard, 2014, 61.
44. Adrian Hyde-Price, "NATO and the European Securi System - A Neo-Realist Analysis," eorising NATO - New Per-
specves on the Atlanc Alliance (London: Routledge, 2015), 48,50, hps://doi.org/10.4324/9781315658001-3.
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47. Mar J Kari, "Russian Sategic Culture in Cyberspace eory of Sategic Culture – a Tool to Explain Russia's Cyber
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ternaonal-order-assessing-and-bolstering-the-western-response/; Michael Crowley and David E. Sanger, "U.S. and
NATO Respond to Pun’s Demands as Ukraine Tensions Mount," e New York Times, January 27, 2022, sec. U.S.,
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49. See e.g., C. Peoples, "Chapter 18: Sategic Studies and Its Crics," in Sagy in the Conmporary World: An Inoducon to
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50. Robert J. Art and Robert Jervis, eds., Inrnaonal Polics: Enduring Concepts and Conmporary Issues, 12. ed (Boston:
Pearson, 2015), 151-65.
51.NATO, "AJP-3.20, Allied Joint Docine for Cyberspace Operaons (Edion A)," 16.
52. Joint Chiefs of Sta, "JP 3-12 Cyberspace Operaons" (2018), U.S. Joint Chiefs of Sta, June 8, 2018), II-6, hps://
53. Department of the Army, Field Manual No. 3-13 Informaon Operaons: Docine, Taccs, Techniques, and Proce-
dures, 2003, 2-11, 2-9, hps://irp.fas.org/doddir/army/fm3-13-2003.pdf.
54. U.S. Air Force, Air Force Docine Publicaon 3-12, Cyberspace Operaons, U.S. Air Force, February 1,
2023, 7, hps://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GCEA_en&sxsrf=APwXEddlIDebLCjKu6M0E5rKYa0W-
55. Klaus Solberg Søilen, ‘Economic and Indusial Espionage at the Start of the 21st Century – Status Quaesonis’, Journal of
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56. Ben Buchanan, e Cybersecuri Dilemma: Hacking, Trust and Fear between Naons (New York: Oxford Universi Press,
2017), 76, hps://doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190665012.001.0001.
57. Micheal Handel, Weak Ss in the Inrnaonal Sysm, 2nd ed. (Frank Cass & Co. ltd., 1990), 83.
58. Adam P Li, ‘Cyberwar: A New “Absolute Weapon”? e Proliferaon of Cyberwarfare Capabilies and Interstate War’,
e Journal of Sagic Studies 35, no. 3 (2012), 418, hps://doi.org/10.1080/01402390.2012.663252; "An Interview
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59. James P. Farwell and Rafal Rohozinski, "Stuxnet and the Future of Cyber War," Survival 53, no. 1 (2011), 23-40, hps://
60. Lake, Enngling Relaons, 55.
61. Jensen, "Five Good Reasons for NATO’s Pragmac Approach to Oensive Cyberspace Operaons."
62. Fred M. Kaplan, Dark Territory: e Secret History of Cyber War (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2016), chap. 8.
63. Pablo Breuer, Interview via Skype October 23, 2020 with Dr. Pablo Breuer, interview by Mikkel Storm Jensen; Gen.
Michael V. Hayden, USAF, Ret, "e Future of ings 'Cyber,'" Sagic Studies Quarrly 5, no. 1, Spring 2011, 5.
64. Bernard E. Harcourt, Exposed: Desire and Disobedience in the Digil Age (Cambridge: Harvard Universi Press, 2015),
8-10. Wiesław Goździewicz, "Sovereign Cyber Eects Provided Voluntarily by Allies (SCEPVA)," Cyber Defense Magazine,
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65. NATO, "AJP-3.20, Allied Joint Docine for Cyberspace Operaons (Edion A)," 11, 21.
66. NATO, 26.
67. J. Flemming, Director’s Speech at Cyber UK 2018 - GCHQ.GOV.UK, GCHQ, April 12, 2018, hps://www.gchq.gov.
uk/speech/director-cyber-uk-speech-2018; Mike Burgess, Director-General ASD Speech to the Lowy Instute | ASD
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69. Trump, "Naonal Cyber Sategy of the United States of America;" Smeets, "Intelligence and Naonal Securi US Cyber
Sategy of Persistent Engagement & Defend Forward: Implicaons for the Alliance and Intelligence Collecon."
70. Sanger, "Trump Loosens Secreve Resaints on Ordering Cyberaacks," e New York Times, 2018, hps://www.nymes.
71. Nakasone, "A Cyber Force for Persistent Operaons," Joint Force Quarrly, 2019, 10–14; Nakasone, Statement of General Paul
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72.Biden, "Naonal Cybersecuri Sategy 2023," 14.
73. Mikkel Storm Jensen, "Denmark’s Oensive Cyber Capabilies: Quesonable Assets for Presge, New Risks of Enap-
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74. D. Rumsfeld, "Naonal Military Sategy for Cyberspace Operaons 2006: (Washington, DC: US DOD, 2006), 17; B. Obama,
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75. NATO Cyber Defence Factsheet, NATO, 2021, hps://www.nato.int/nato_stac_2014/assets/pdf/2021/4/pd-
76. Biden, "Naonal Cybersecuri Sategy 2023," 31.
77. Rumsfeld, "Naonal Military Sategy for Cyberspace Operaons 2006," 17.
78. Trump, "Naonal Securi Sategy of the United States of America’ (e White House, 2017), 20, hps://www.white-
79. Trump, "Naonal Cyber Sategy of the United States of America," 21.
80. DoD, "2018 DoD Cyber Sategy and Cyber Posture Review Sharpening Our Compeve Edge in Cyberspace" (U.S.
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81. Biden, "Naonal Cybersecuri Sategy 2023," 32.
82. P. Cirenza, "e Flawed Analogy between Nuclear and Cyber Deterrence," Bullen of the Atomic Sciensts (blog), February
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83. Todd S. Sechser, Neil Narang, and Caitlin Talmadge, "Emerging Technologies and Sategic Stabili in Peaceme, Crisis, and
War," Journal of Sagic Studies 42, no. 6 (2019), 883, hps://doi.org/10.1080/01402390.2019.1626725; Rebecca Slayton,
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84. Joseph S Nye, "Nuclear Lessons for Cyber Securi?" Sagic Studies Quarrly, no. Winter 2011, 25.
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elt/minisies-hit-by-cyber-aacks/id2990098/; FMI, ‘DDoS-angreb på oentlige hjemmesider under Forsvarsministeriet
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86. Bateman, "Russia’s Warme Cyber Operaons in Ukraine: Military Impacts, Inuences, and Implicaons," 11.
87. Bateman, 33.
88. Li, "Cyberwar: A New “Absolute Weapon”? e Proliferaon of Cyberwarfare Capabilies and Interstate War," 416;
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.941720; Andy Greenberg, "e Untold Story of NotPea, the Most Devastang Cyberaack in History," Wired, 2018,
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89. Schneider, ‘e Capabili/Vulnerabili Paradox and Military Revoluons: Implicaons for Compung, Cyber, and the
Onset of War’, 856; Rumsfeld, ‘Naonal Military Sategy for Cyberspace Operaons 2006’, C–1; DOD, ‘2018 Nuclear
Posture Review’ (Department of Defense, 2018), 38, hps://media.defense.gov/2018/Feb/02/2001872886/-1/-
90. Cimbala, ‘Nuclear Crisis Management and Deterrence’.
91. Carl von Clausewitz, On War, Vol. 1., ans. J.J. Graham (Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co Ltd, 1918), 34, hps://
92. Jon R Lindsay, "Tipping the Scales: e Aibuon Problem and the Feasibili of Deterrence against Cyberaack,"
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93. Libicki, Crisis and Escalaon in Cyberspace, 93-97.
94. Libicki, 45-49.
95. Buchanan, e Cybersecuri Dilemma, chap. 4.
96. Slayton, "What Is the Cyber Oense-Defense Balance?: Concepons, Causes, and Assessment."
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98. 2018 Nuclear Posture Review, viii, 57.
99. Nina Tannenwald, "How Song Is the Nuclear Taboo Today?" e Washington Quarterly 41, no. 3 (July 3, 2018): 89-
109, hps://doi.org/10.1080/0163660X.2018.1520553.
100. Valeriano, Jensen, and Maness, Cyber Sagy.
101. For a conceptual discussion on how to assess states’ “cyber power,” see Jelle J. Van Haaster, "Assessing Cyber Power,"
8th Internaonal Conference on Cyber Conict, Tallinn, 2016).
102. Clausewitz, On War, Vol. 1., 42.
103. Lawrence J. Cavaiola, David C. Gompert, and Marn Libicki, "Cyber House Rules: On War, Retaliaon and Escalaon,"
Survival 57, no. 1, January 2, 2015, 81-104, hps://doi.org/10.1080/00396338.2015.1008300; David C. Gompert and
Marn Libicki, "Waging Cyber War the American Way," Survival 57, no. 4, July 4, 2015, 10,12, hps://doi.org/10.1080
/00396338.2015.1068551; Joseph S. Nye Jr., "Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace," Internaonal Securi 41, no.
3 (2016): 49.
104. CIA et al., "Development of Nuclear Capabilies by Fourth Counies: Likelihood and Consequences" (Naonal Intel-
ligence Esmate (NIE) No. 100-2-58 (Washington, DC: Director of Cenal Intelligence, 1958), hps://www.cia.gov/
105. CIA et al., 11.
106. Lanoszka, "Protecon States Trust?: Major Power Paonage, Nuclear Behavior, and Alliance Dynamics." 176.
107. CIA et al., "Development of Nuclear Capabilies by Fourth Counies: Likelihood and Consequences" (NIE No. 100-2-
58, 3, 14, 16, 18, 19.
108. CIA et al., 17; Lake, Enngling Relaons, 55.
109. Lanoszka, "Protecon States Trust?: Major Power Paonage, Nuclear Behavior, and Alliance Dynamics," 177-83, 187-
110. Lanoszka, 112–38.
111. L. Nu, "Italy’s Nuclear Choices," UNISCI Discussion Papers 25, no. January (2011), 171-73.
112. Wilhelm Agrell, Svenska Forinlsesvapen (Falun: Historiska Media, 2002), 298-348.
113. omas Jonter, e Key to Nuclear Resaint (London: Palgrave and Macmillan, 2016), 93-124, 255-69.
114. CIA et al., "Development of Nuclear Capabilies by Fourth Counies: Likelihood and Consequences" (NIE No. 100-2-
58, 18).
115. CIA et al., 11.
116. Smeets, "NATO Members’ Organizaonal Path Towards Conducng Oensive Cyber Operaons: A Framework for
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117. Lanoszka, "Protecon States Trust?: Major Power Paonage, Nuclear Behavior, and Alliance Dynamics."
118. Snyder, "e Securi Dilemma in Alliance Polics," 484.