Covered California
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Understanding Reasonable
Opportunity Period (ROP) & Auto-
Guide Contents
1. Overview and Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Timeline: ROP & Auto-Discontinuance Process ................................................................................... 2
3. Prevention: Assist Your Consumer Before ROP Auto-Discontinuance Begins .................................... 3
4. Mitigation: Assist Your Consumer During ROP Auto-Discontinuance Process .................................... 4
5. Restoring Eligibility and Reinstating Enrollment: Assist Your Consumer After ROP Termination ........ 5
1. Overview and Purpose
The Reasonable Opportunity Period (ROP) is a 95-day period during which conditionally
eligible consumers can submit verification documents and clear data inconsistencies in their
application. The ROP auto-discontinuance process identifies these conditionally eligible
consumers in an “enrolled” or “pending” status, who are past the due date for providing
documentation or other information to clear the data inconsistency. The process attempts to
re-verify consumer information with electronic data sources to clear their conditional eligibility
and discontinues their eligibility if the verification continues to remain outstanding after the
expiration of the 95-day ROP timeframe.
As a result of impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, in mid-2020 Covered California temporarily
provided extended time for consumers to resolve inconsistencies and paused any actions that
would have otherwise been taken. Effective April 2022, however, Covered California resumed
ROP processes, meaning that enrolled consumers must start providing the requested
documentation to resolve inconsistencies within the 95-day ROP, otherwise they will be at risk
of losing coverage or financial assistanceAdvanced Premium Tax Credit (APTC) and Cost
Sharing Reductions (CSR).
Current ROP verification and auto-discontinuance categories are listed below,
but this may
increase to include other categories in the future:
Inconsistency Impact to Consumer
Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Social Security Number (SSN)
APTC and/or CSR is redetermined or discontinued.
The consumer stays enrolled in their health plan.
The consumer can request to have their
APTC/CSR restored.
Lawful presence
Incarceration status
Coverage terminated.
The consumer can request to have their coverage
Covered California
Outreach and Sales Division Page 2 of 6 June 20, 2024
Understanding Reasonable
Opportunity Period (ROP) & Auto-
Certified Enrollers play a critical role in ensuring their consumers’ applications are properly and
accurately completed, with appropriate documentation submitted within required deadlines.
Please reference this guide for information, best practices, and additional linked resources to
prevent ROP Discontinuance and assist your consumer throughout the ROP Discontinuance
2. Timeline: ROP & Auto-Discontinuance Process
Days 1-5
Consumer/enroller submits
application found to have a
data inconsistency
completes enrollment
Eligibility Notice (NOD01)
sent to consumer to advise
them of eligibility and data
Day 45
Needed Notice (NOD03)
reminder to clear
inconsistency sent to
Daily Summary Email
Alert - NOD03
Day 95 +
Consumer is selected for
ROP Auto-Discontinuance
Electronic sources are
checked again
If still inconsistent, consumer
loses eligibility to Covered CA
Enrollment is terminated
Eligibility Notice (NOD01) sent
to consumer to inform them of
Daily Summary Email Alert -
Note: Covered California certified enrollers must ensure that each application is fully and
truthfully completed by the consumer and that the completed application completely
discloses the circumstances of all persons included in the application. Bypassing
identification or verification requirements by uploading a “placeholder” image or entering
false ID or immigration numbers instead of approved documentation is unlawful and may
result in suspension, termination, or other legal action as needed. Covered California audits
enrollments and will take remedial action against any certified enroller that bypasses ROP.
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Understanding Reasonable
Opportunity Period (ROP) & Auto-
3. Prevention: Assist Your Consumer Before ROP Auto-
Discontinuance Begins
Skipping answers, inputting incorrect document types or numbers, uploading “placeholder”
images, or answering questions incorrectly could cause electronic verifications to fail. These
actions may also violate the certified enroller agreement as well as state and federal laws.
avoid these possible outcomes, please check the following items.
1. To prevent a conditionally eligible enrollment, enter all consumer information into
the CalHEERS application accurately and completely
If the consumer’s eligibility results show they are conditionally eligible, immediately
review key application sections to confirm accurate information. Key sections include:
Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
Confirm that either an SSN or ITIN has been provided.
o If SSN or ITIN is not entered, additional steps and verification will be
Consumer’s legal name Ensure that the consumer’s name entered in the
application matches their verification document.
Date of Birth Confirm that the consumer’s date of birth is accurate.
Citizenship questions Select the responses to the citizenship questions that
accurately reflect the consumer’s citizenship or immigration status.
If the consumer has Citizenship or Lawful Presence documents, select the
appropriate responses and document type. Fill in all document numbers,
expiration dates, and status accurately and completely.
2. Eligibility Notice (NOD01)
Consumers with a data inconsistency will receive an Eligibility Notice (NOD01) informing
them they have been found to be conditionally eligible for Covered California and/or
financial assistance. The notice will let them know what document(s) they need to submit
to clear the inconsistency, with a due date and options for submitting the document(s)
(e.g., upload, mail, fax). Check the consumer’s Documents and Correspondence page.
Resource: CalHEERS Online Application for Certified Enrollers
Resource: Documents to Confirm Eligibility includes information on acceptable
documents, including locating appropriate numbers.
Resource: Daily Summary Email Notices Guide for Certified Enrollers
Resource: Acceptable Documents to Verify Identity Guide
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Understanding Reasonable
Opportunity Period (ROP) & Auto-
4. Mitigation: Assist Your Consumer During ROP Auto-
Discontinuance Process
If a consumer has not provided required information or documents during the first 45 days of
the ROP to clear the inconsistency, a new notice and alert will be generated. Please check the
following items:
1. Warning Documents Needed Notice (NOD03)
The consumer will receive a Warning-Documents Needed Notice (NOD03) to remind
them to submit their required documents. This notice will generate 45 days after the
NOD01 was sent. Check the consumer’s Documents and Correspondence page.
2. Daily Summary EmailSecure Mailbox
An alert for the certified enroller will appear in the daily summary email the day after the
NOD03 notice has generated. This alert will advise the enroller that their consumer may
lose eligibility and/or enrollment. Please reach out to the consumer immediately to help
them clear the data inconsistency before they run out of time.
3. Additional Tool: Book of Business (BoB) Extract
Utilize the BoB extract to check if any of your consumers are at risk of having their
enrollment terminated due to an outstanding inconsistency. In the BoB Excel file, go to
the column for “CCP Eligibility Status” and filter for “Conditionally Eligible” (Column “Z”
on the formatted report; Column “V” on the Details-only report). A consumer that shows
in your BoB as “Conditionally Eligible” means they are still pending one or more
verification status and require additional assistance.
Resource: Daily Summary Email Notices Guide for Certified Enrollers
Resource: Book of Business Export guide includes directions on how to export the
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Understanding Reasonable
Opportunity Period (ROP) & Auto-
5. Restoring Eligibility and Reinstating Enrollment: Assist Your
Consumer After ROP Termination
If a consumer’s enrollment has been terminated due to failure to clear the data inconsistency
within the 95-day ROP, they still have 30 calendar days from the date of termination to provide
documentation to restore eligibility and request reinstatement with no gap in coverage. After 30
days, the consumer will need a new Qualifying Life Event and must choose a new plan with a
future effective start date. Retroactive effective start dates will not be granted to remove gaps
in coverage. To help your consumer, please check and do the following:
1. Review and confirm the application information has been entered accurately and
Use the Report a Change (RAC) functionality in CalHEERS to correct the consumer’s
information in the application. A RAC correction will usually allow the consumer’s data to
be E-Verified and restore their eligibility. Then, contact the Agent/CEC Service Center for
assistance with reinstating the original enrollment (see #3 below).
Note: If a RAC restores eligibility and the consumer‘s application no longer shows
“Conditional Eligibility”, DO NOT re-enroll them with a new effective date as this will
cause incorrect changes in premium and will negatively impact the consumer’s
deductible and out-of-pocket maximum for the remainder of the benefit year.
Example: A consumer may have been marked as a “Citizen” and not marked as
“Naturalized or Derived Citizenship Status” but then provided an Employment
Authorization Card. The application would need to be corrected to show the consumer is
a not a “Citizen” but they in fact have lawful presence, so the fields for immigration
documents are displayed to be edited. For additional information regarding the
Citizenship and Lawful Presence section of the application please see pages 32-34 of
the CalHEERS Online Application for Certified Enrollers.
2. Check the consumer’s Documents and Correspondence Page to confirm the
required documents have been uploaded.
If a consumer has not provided documents, notify them of their obligation to provide the
appropriate documents and the consequences for failing to do so. Reference our
Document Upload Guide to assist consumers with uploading verification documents.
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Understanding Reasonable
Opportunity Period (ROP) & Auto-
3. Contact the Agent/CEC Service Center for assistance with restoring eligibility and
Depending on the termination date, restoring coverage may require an escalation.
Escalations may take up to 10 business days for processing.
Note: Do not contact Qualified Health Plans (carriers), as they are unable to process
reinstatements for these cases; only Covered California can help with consumer
eligibility matters.
Resource: CalHEERS Online Application for Certified Enrollers
Resource: Document Upload Guide to assist consumers with uploading verification
Resource: Qualifying Life Events
Resource: Agent Service Center Operating Hours
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients are not considered lawfully present
for the purposes of Covered California eligibility and do not qualify to be reinstated into
Covered California health plans. As a result, they may be terminated for ROP since Citizenship
and Lawful Presence have been added to the terminations. DACA recipients, however, may
qualify for full-scope Medi-Cal depending on their income and can apply for Medi-Cal through
Covered California or their local county Medi-Cal office.
Agent Code of Conduct; Agency Agreement; Non-Monetary Agreement