Southwest Business and Economics Journal 2018
Managing C2C to Increase Company Profitability
Paul D. Hutchison
University of North Texas
M. Theodore Farris II
University of North Texas
Subash Adhikari
University of North Texas
The utilization and control of cash is essential to the survival and success of business
operations. This article presents a definition and discussion of the Cash-to-Cash (C2C) metric,
provides a brief literature review, examines how C2C can be manipulated, discusses C2C
benchmarking, provides C2C benchmarks over time and by industry, and reviews current C2C
tools. Companies that fully understand the calculation and manipulations of C2C can be more
efficient and thus, more profitable than other companies in their industry. Due to technological
advances and as Supply Chain Finance (SCF) continues to gain in popularity, C2C will continue
to play a dominant role in business operations as a tool that helps companies improve their cash
management and provides them with increased liquidity/solvency.
1. Introduction
The purpose of this article is to present and examine the cash-to-cash (C2C)
metric, seek to understand how a company can manipulate it, and provide benchmarks for
companies to use for evaluation purposes. Companies that fully understand C2C can use
it to assist them in making their business more efficient and profitable. This study will
also provide a brief literature review, current C2C benchmarks over time and by industry
and explore the ever-changing importance of C2C to business operations as Supply
Chain Finance grows in popularity as the next “low hanging fruit” in the on-going
development of supply chain management.
2. Understanding C2C
2.1. C2C Definition and Calculations
According to Kieso, Weygandt, and Warfield (2013), the operating cycle of a business
“is the period of time elapsing between the acquisition of goods and services…and the final cash
realization resulting from sales and subsequent collection.” Others use terms such as cash cycle,
cash conversion cycle, or net trade cycle to reference this same process. Essentially, these terms
are synonymous, and thus, the authors prefer to call it C2C. It has been considered to be among
the most fundamental ingredients of working capital management (Gitman 1974; Richards and
Laughlin 1980; Bodie and Merton 2000; Keown, Martin, Petty, and Scott 2003; Appuhami
Paul D. Hutchison, M. Theodore Farris II and Subash Adhikari
2008). Once a company has a full understanding of how the elements involved in C2C work,
they can work to reduce the cycle time. This reduction in time may lead to increased financial
and operational efficiency and ultimately, increased profitability.
There are three key financial variables from a company’s Balance Sheet: Inventory, Accounts
Receivable, and Accounts Payable involved in the C2C calculation. Next, these variables are
converted into ratios using their complimentary elements from a company’s Income Statement:
Revenues and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS). Finally, as shown below, the data is standardized by
converting the financial variables from dollars to days to produce a common measure for
(1) Days of Inventory
= Inventory ($) x 365
Cost of Goods Sold ($)
(2) Days of Receivables
= Accounts Receivable ($) x 365
Net Sales ($)
(3) Days of Payables
= Accounts Payable ($) x 365
Cost of Goods Sold ($)
These three ratios represent the Inventory Conversion Period, Receivables Conversion
Period, and Payables Deferral Period, respectively (Moss and Stine 1993). Inventory
Conversion Period represents the average number of days a firm holds its inventory before
selling it. Basically, it provides information about how fast/slow a firm is selling its inventory.
Receivables Conversion Period is the average number of days it takes for a firm to collect a
receivable from a customer once the inventory has been sold on credit. It provides information
about a firm’s credit sales policy and its efficiency in collecting the credit sales. Payables
Deferral Period is the average number of days that a firm takes to pay its accounts payable to a
supplier. This measure provides information about the firm’s policy in paying back its accounts
payable. Finally, these three ratios are used to calculate C2C:
(4) Cash-to-Cash Cycle = Inventory
+ Receivables
- Payables
The calculated C2C may be either a positive or a negative number of days and indicates
the flow of capital with trading partners. A positive number indicates, on average, how many
days your capital is unavailable while you are awaiting payment from a customer. From a
company perspective, a high number for C2C days is unfavorable as it ties up capital assets and
increases opportunity costs or interest charges. In contrast, a negative number indicates how
many days you received cash from sales before payment is required to suppliers. Optimally, a
company would like to be close to 0 days (or negative days) (see Figure 1).
Southwest Business and Economics Journal 2018
Figure 1 Cash-to-Cash Positive or Negative Examples
2.2. Brief Literature Review
In addition to the current and quick ratios, C2C provides a good measure of liquidity and
solvency for companies. Further, some of the C2C elements are utilized in both of these ratios.
However, the current and quick ratios are static measures since they utilize balance sheet data
that represent a point in time. They also fail to adequately incorporate a measure of the nearness
to cash for a company. When these ratios are High, they usually suggest a greater commitment of
firm resources to less liquid forms of working capital (Gallinger 1997). They also do not account
for the time involved to convert current assets to cash, nor the time required to pay current
liabilities. Thus, C2C addresses these deficiencies since it is a dynamic metric that looks at cash
flows occurring over time and could serve as a useful alternative for liquidity analysis.
In the past, several research studies have examined the relationship between C2C and
various firm performance measures. A study by Shin and Soenen (1998) examined the
association between a company’s C2C and profitability between 1975 and 1994. Their results
suggest a negative association between C2C and profitability and risk-adjusted stock returns (i.e.,
better C2C performance results in higher profitability and stock returns). In another research
study, Wang (2002) used a sample of Japanese and Taiwanese firms from 1985 to 1996 to focus
upon the relationship between C2C and return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE).
Results from this study indicate a negative association between C2C and ROA, and C2C and
Teruel and Martinez-Solano (2007) used small-to-medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Spain
from 1996 to 2002 in their research and determined a similar relationship (i.e., shorter C2C was
again associated with increased profitability as measured by ROA).
Paul D. Hutchison, M. Theodore Farris II and Subash Adhikari
Additional research studies with samples from other countries provide some evidence
consistent with the empirical results of prior literature. For example, Lazaridis and Tryfonidis
(2006) used a sample of companies from Greece; Raheman and Nasr (2007) examined
companies from Pakistan; and Charitou, Elfani, and Lois (2010) used firms on the Cyprus Stock
Exchange. All three studies found shorter C2C was associated with improved measures of
profitability. Additionally, Bhutto, Abbas, Rehman, and Shah (2011) used Pakistani industries to
confirm the relationship between C2C and profitability. Their results suggest a negative
relationship between the length of C2C and sales revenue, ROE, and firm financing policies, yet
a positive relationship for total assets, ROA, and investing policies.
The relationship of C2C and firm profitability is also supported by a theoretical
framework developed by Gomm (2010) which showed C2C, as a component of supply chain
finance, may possibly improve bottom line results for a company. Given the link between a
company's profitability and stock returns, C2C is a useful tool to examine aspects of a firm’s
cash management over time and to compare a firm’s performance within the same industry.
Longitudinal analysis of C2C information may also offer insights as to whether there is an
increased focus by an industry and how the focus changes over time. Also, strong supply chain
collaborations may lead to increased profit and improved competitive advantage (Randall and
Farris 2009a).
Finally, Farris and Hutchison (2003) provided benchmark C2C medians in 2001 for
various (non-service) industries, while Farris, Hutchison, and Hasty (2005) extended their
research by providing C2C benchmark medians for various service industries. Both studies
helped to identify key drivers for C2C changes, and suggest that firms have made concerted
efforts to manage their C2C variables.
2.3. Manipulating C2C
To minimize C2C days, a company seek to reduce days of Inventory, reduce days of
Accounts Receivable, or increase days of Accounts Payable. While all three C2C variables may
be examined individually at different times, the optimum approach for a company is to manage a
combination of all three variables and seek to reduce overall C2C days.
Historically, firms have focused on inventory reduction by applying improved computer
and equipment technology. They have also embraced concepts such as just-in-time and produce-
to-order, instead of produce-to-forecast; liquidated excess and obsolete inventory to allow more
capacity and free up capital; implemented real-time inventory tracking; synchronized
supply/demand planning; and developed trading partner agreements to strategically shift
inventory within the supply chain.
To reduce days of Accounts Receivable, a company should regularly review its credit
terms with customers. To speed up cash collections, companies may consider requiring full or
partial payments up front for purchases or using cash discounting—a percent discount for early
cash payment on invoices. A company may identify which customers who are habitually late in
their payments, review the frequency of when the firm sends delinquency notices, and
periodically assess whether to keep or terminate delinquent customers. (Easton, McAnally,
Southwest Business and Economics Journal 2018
Sommers, and Zhang 2015). Internally, a firm may delay sales commissions until receivables are
paid to incentivize its sales personnel to assist in credit collections. The company may also
consider factoring selected accounts receivable to third parties. The purchaser assumes the risk of
collectability and absorbs any credit losses.
Accounts Payable days may be increased by taking advantage of supplier terms. Thus, a
company may set up pre-established payments to a supplier electronically at the limit of their
credit days. This insures that timely payments are made within established credit terms, yet
reduces the time that cash is tied in the payment process. Additionally, a firm may consider
negotiating terms with suppliers to extend payment times. If a company is a significant customer
with a supplier, then they may be in a strong position in the supply chain to influence and extend
their payment terms.
2.4. C2C Benchmarking
The C2C metric is easily calculated and offers many managerial implications. To gain
insights and understanding of the efficiency of its working capital, Soenen (1993) suggested that
C2C might be of interest to any individual firm that wanted to compare itself with other firms in
the same industry. Within a company, it serves as a measure of change across time for variables
reaching internally across functional silos. It may be used to compare performance between
divisions or product lines. Externally, it may be used to benchmark performance by comparing
performance against competition within an industry or with non-competing industries with
similar performance of C2C variables (Farris and Hutchison 2003; Farris, Hutchison, and Hasty
2005; Hutchison, Farris, and Fleischman 2009; Randall and Farris 2009b).
3. C2C Database
The Compustat database (2017) was mined to retrieve historical data for annual
inventory, accounts receivable, accounts payable, COGS, and Sales for all companies from 1984
to 2016. (For a full discussion of how the C2C database was developed, please see the
Longitudinally for all industries, C2C has improved over time, trendlines evidence that
there has been a reduction in Accounts Receivable days and minor increases in Inventory and
Accounts Payable days (see Table 1 and Figure 2). Overall, this suggests that companies are
managing all three variables of C2C over time, and that this trend will likely continue into the
Paul D. Hutchison, M. Theodore Farris II and Subash Adhikari
Table 1: C2C Overall Median Performance
Year Inventory + A/R - A/P = C2C
81.9 47.7 36.8 92.8
68.3 50.5 37.2 81.7
68.4 51.1 37.8 81.7
70.9 52.5 39.8 83.6
68.1 51.5 39.8 79.8
66.6 50.7 39.5 77.8
65.1 50.0 39.0 76.2
63.2 49.8 38.3 74.8
64.1 50.3 38.8 75.5
61.9 50.0 39.7 72.3
61.0 52.0 41.3 71.8
61.1 52.0 41.7 71.4
60.9 52.0 41.2 71.6
60.6 52.9 41.3 72.1
61.1 53.1 42.1 72.1
60.5 53.7 44.0 70.2
60.0 52.8 43.9 68.9
55.0 47.1 39.5 62.6
55.9 47.4 41.2 62.1
54.7 47.9 41.7 60.9
55.1 48.3 42.8 60.7
53.7 49.0 43.7 59.0
55.3 48.3 43.2 60.4
54.9 48.5 44.1 59.3
52.9 42.9 39.0 56.8
54.2 46.5 41.8 58.8
54.4 46.2 44.2 56.4
54.6 44.8 42.3 57.1
54.7 44.7 42.4 57.0
53.0 44.9 42.9 55.0
52.9 44.6 42.8 54.7
52.0 43.7 41.7 54.0
55.0 46.7 44.4 57.3
Southwest Business and Economics Journal 2018
Figure 2: C2C Overall Machine Performance
Using C2C and classifying by industries helps identify where performance may be
benchmarked against non-competing industries. Since medians serve to generalize industry
characteristics, all industries were rank ordered based on median performance for the three
variables (Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable), and then split into two
groups: HIGH and LOW. A 2 x 2 x 2 matrix was created to classify industries by the
characteristics of the three variables. The matrix shown in Table 2 may be used by a company to
identify comparable industries for benchmarking their C2C.
1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016
C2C Days
Inventory A/R A/P C2C
Paul D. Hutchison, M. Theodore Farris II and Subash Adhikari
Table 2: C2C Benchmarking Map by SIC Industry 2016
Paper and Allied Products
Chemicals and Allied Products
Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic
Fabricated Metal Products, Except
Machinery and Transportation
Industrial and Commercial Machinery and
Computer Equipment
Electronic and Other Electrical Equipment
and Components, Except Computer
Measuring, Analyzing, and Controlling
Instruments; Photographic, Medical
Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods
Oil and Gas Extraction
Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services
Business Services
Transportation Equipment
Heavy Construction, Except Building
Printing, Publishing, and Allied Industries
Health Services
Engineering, Accounting, Research,
Management, and Related Services
Metal Mining
Apparel and Other Finished Products
Made from Fabrics and Similar
Furniture and Fixtures
Gas Production and Distribution
Miscellaneous Retail
Building Construction-General
Contractors and Operative Builders
Food and Kindred Products
Lumber and Wood Products, Except
Primary Metal Industries
Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service
Petroleum Refining and Related Industries
Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products
Water Transportation
Transportation by Air
Wholesale Trade-Nondurable Goods
Eating and Drinking Places
Amusement and Recreation Services
For 2016, one of the top C2C industry performers was SIC 5800 Eating and Drinking
Places which passes the common sense test when one considers the dining experience. One
prefers eating fresh food (which results in low days of inventory), pays using cash or quick to
collect credit or debit cards (low days of receivables), and the restaurateur pays suppliers on a
traditional 30/60/90 days’ cycle (extending days of payables).
The poorest performer was SIC 1500 Building Construction-General Contractors and
Operative Builders. This too passes the common sense test, as construction time accounts for a
Southwest Business and Economics Journal 2018
high number of days of inventory, payment for the finished product occurs rather quickly as
financial institutions make a quick payment to convert the accounts payable into a long-term
loan with the buyer, and payment to suppliers and employees tends to be rather short.
Table 3: Best SIC Industry C2C Performance 2016
SIC Category Inventory + A/R - A/P = C2C
4500 Transportation by Air 9.3 14.5 34.7 -10.9
4800 Communications 13.2 47.8 66.7 -5.7
7900 Amusement and Recreation Services 5.3 14.6 17.3 2.6
5800 Eating and Drinking Places 3.9 6.6 13.2 2.7
5900 Miscellaneous Retail 36.9 17.9 45.6 9.2
4400 Water Transportation 19.3 16.2 21.2 14.3
4920 Gas Production and Distribution 25.2 38.6 46.7 17.1
4900 Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services 30.7 41.8 48.5 24.0
1300 Oil and Gas Extraction 19.7 60.8 53.4 27.1
5100 Wholesale Trade-Nondurable Goods 26.5 29.3 26.2 29.6
7300 Business Services 12.4 61.9 41.8 32.5
8000 Health Services 10.7 46.2 23.9 33.0
2900 Petroleum Refining and Related Industries 40.4 29.4 36.0 33.8
2700 Printing, Publishing, and Allied Industries 20.0 50.8 33.9 36.9
1000 Metal Mining 91.1 9.6 56.6 44.1
3200 Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products 45.4 39.0 39.8 44.6
2000 Food and Kindred Products 55.3 30.8 39.1 47.0
2400 Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture 49.0 25.5 21.3 53.2
2600 Paper and Allied Products 59.7 43.7 47.8 55.6
1600 Heavy Construction, Except Building Construction-Contractors 25.9 70.8 36.6 60.1
2500 Furniture and Fixtures 68.6 38.0 46.4 60.2
3700 Transportation Equipment 57.3 51.8 39.1 70.0
3000 Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products 76.0 40.5 43.7 72.8
3300 Primary Metal Industries 72.9 38.5 38.6 72.8
8700 Engineering, Accounting, Research, Management, and Related
34.9 73.9 34.7 74.1
5500 Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations 71.4 12.9 10.1 74.2
5000 Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods 76.0 46.6 40.8 81.8
3600 Electronic and Other Electrical Equipment and Components,
Except Computer Equipment
85.6 55.5 59.1 82.0
2800 Chemicals and Allied Products 87.1 53.5 52.4 88.2
3500 Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment 88.1 61.2 48.6 100.7
2300 Apparel and Other Finished Products Made from Fabrics and
Similar Materials
119.1 39.1 49.8 108.4
Fabricated Metal Products, Except Machinery and
104.7 51.2 46.0 109.9
Measuring, Analyzing, and Controlling Instruments; Photographic,
132.6 58.3 49.1 141.8
1500 Building Construction-General Contractors and Operative Builders 399.6 5.0 23.3 381.3
Paul D. Hutchison, M. Theodore Farris II and Subash Adhikari
4. Current C2C Tools
With constant improvements in computer technology, companies today are able to obtain
data easily to better manage their cash. The following are suggested opportunities that firms
could utilize to enhance and improve their C2C days and profitability:
Dynamic C2C Tracking and Management—Using computer generated data and a dashboard
approach, companies could constantly monitor in real-time their C2C variables (Inventory,
Accounts Receivable, and Accounts Payable) as data is updated and transactions occur. This
dashboard provides company management the ability to monitor C2C for problems so that they
can quickly determine solutions to meet budgeted C2C goals.
Supply Chain Mapping—Understanding a company’s strength and weakness in the supply
chain relative to its trading partners and customers allows a company to develop a graphic map
for visualization of all trading partners. This lets a company visualize the strong and weak
performers in relation to a company and their associations with other companies. It helps a
company visualize its strengths when negotiating receivable and payable terms (Farris 2010).
Dynamic Discounting—Most companies are aware of conventional/traditional cash discount
terms such as 2/10, net 30 days which are static and all (2% off if payment is received by the 10
day) or none (net payment due at day 30). An improvement to these terms is dynamic
discounting that provides cash discount for payment to customers on a sliding scale basis from
the date and time of a sale. The cash discount is reduced on a periodic time basis until the end of
the credit term. This approach to discounting gives the customer a graduated incentive to make
earlier payment and improve their payables process for the benefit of both trading partners.
Reverse Factoring—As a financing solution for suppliers, reverse factoring occurs when a
company, the ordering party, assists their suppliers in financing their receivables at a lower
interest rate than what may be obtained in the market (Aberdeen 2011). The goal for a company
is to help suppliers manage their cash flows, reduce costs, and decrease default risks in the
supply chain by improving their liquidity (Tsai 2008; Tsai 2012).
Supply Chain Balancing—Entails a company working in concert with its trading partners to
manage inventories, accounts receivable, and accounts payable across the supply chain. The goal
with this approach is to lower inventory carrying costs and lower costs of capital. The savings
earned could be shared equally among the trading partners and would benefit them with
profitability increases (Hutchison, Farris, and Fleischman 2009; Randall and Farris 2009a).
5. Conclusions
This article sought to present and discuss the C2C metric and provide benchmarks to
allow companies to draw comparisons. This was accomplished by reviewing the basics of C2C
and its manipulations, presenting a brief literature review, plus providing companies with current
C2C benchmarking data that shows C2C performance from 1984 to 2016. Also, industry
Southwest Business and Economics Journal 2018
performance by the three C2C variables (Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts
Payable) and overall best performance by industry were presented for the same time period.
Current C2C tools were presented to allow companies to improve their C2C performance and
In the future, as technology continues to advance rapidly, companies will use the C2C
metric as a Supply Chain Finance tool to gain competitive advantage, become more efficient in
their operations, and increase their profitability. Overall, C2C will be an important metric for
companies in a dynamic and changing environment, and understanding its calculations and
manipulations will allow companies to improve their overall liquidity.
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Paul D. Hutchison, M. Theodore Farris II and Subash Adhikari
C2C Data Development
C2C data was extracted from the Compustat database (i.e., Capital IQ, North America,
Fundamentals Annual) on April 13, 2017 for all firms in the database from January 1, 1984 to
December 31, 2016. The key variables obtained were Company Name, Year, Standard Industry
Code (SIC), Net Income (Net Loss), Sales (Revenues), Cost of Goods Sold, Inventory, Accounts
Receivable, and Accounts Payable. Initially, the dataset had 385,638 company years (or lines)
for the 33 years to be examined in this study. While the completeness of Compustat data has
improved over the years since 1984, the authors sought to groom the data. To allow C2C
calculations and comparability, lines with values reported with blanks, negative values, or zero
values for Sales (Revenues), Cost of Goods Sold, Inventory, Accounts Receivable, and Accounts
Payable were deleted. This reduced the dataset to 172,485 lines (-213,153 lines or 55%). Next,
the data was sorted by 4-digit SIC, and the authors standardized it by calculating Inventory Days,
Accounts Receivable Days, Accounts Payable Days, and C2C days.
To remove the undue influence of outliers, the authors elected to use 3 times the Median
Absolute Deviation (MAD) by 4-digit SIC for Inventory Days, Accounts Receivable Days, and
Accounts Payable Days (Leys, Klein, Bernard, and Licata 2013). Miller (1991) suggested that
MAD times 3 should be considered “very conservative” for setting negative and positive data
limits. This resulted in the removal of 36,657 lines and a final dataset of 135,828 company lines
for this study. This is an average of 4,116 companies per year.
Company Years
(or lines) of data
Initial data extraction 385,638
Removal of values with blanks,
negative values, and zero values (213,153)
Subtotal 172,485
Removal of 3 times MAD ( 36,657)
TOTAL 135,828