The following instructions are for the preparation and use of the rm mailing book
for Adult Signature Required, Adult Signature Restricted Delivery, Certied Mail
Certied Mail Restricted Delivery, Collect on Delivery (COD), Insured Mail, Priority
Mail Express
, Priority Mail
(bearing an IMpb), Registered Mail™, Signature
Conrmation™, and Signature Conrmation Restricted Delivery:
1. Complete or print all forms in ink.
2. The name and address of the sender must appear at the top of each form.
3. A complete return address must appear on each article.
4. Make sure the articles are properly packaged.
5. Enter the postage, fees, and all other services in the appropriate columns on the
6. These additional extra services may also be added when available by standards
[see Mailing Standards of the U.S. Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM
503.0] and under the following conditions:
a. Return Receipt service — The “Return Receipt Requested” endorsement
must be placed above the delivery address and to the right of the return
address on the article. For a hardcopy signature, you must ll in the return
address and article number on the PS Form 3811 (green return receipt card)
before attaching it to the article.
b. Restricted Delivery or Special Handling-Fragile service — The applicable
endorsement must be placed above the delivery address and to the right of
the return address on the article.
7. When the mailer describes and lists three or more individual pieces on
PS Form 3877, but does not present the pieces in the order shown on the sheets,
the mailer must consecutively number each entry line on the sheet and lightly
number each piece to show both the corresponding sheet and line number.
8. The total number of articles listed must be entered in the proper space at the
bottom of the form.
9. Complete a duplicate form for COD, Priority Mail Express, and Registered Mail
articles. One copy serves as the mailer’s receipt, the other as the acceptance
Post Ofce™ copy. See DMM 215.3.0.c.
10. All unused portions of the “Addressee” column must be obliterated by drawing a
diagonal line through the unused portion on each form.
11. Insured Articles:
a. Coverage ─ Postal insurance covers (1) the value to the contents at the time
of mailing, if lost or damaged, or (2) the cost of repairs. It does not cover
spoilage of perishable items. Coverage may not exceed the limit xed for
the insurance fee paid or the indemnity coverage if insurance is included in
the product at no additional charge. The maximum indemnity payable for
the reconstruction of nonnegotiable documents under Priority Mail Express
document reconstruction insurance is $100 per piece subject to additional
limitations for multiple pieces lost or damaged in a single catastrophic
occurrence. The maximum indemnity payable on Priority Mail Express
merchandise is $100 for domestic mail and $200 for international mail, but
optional insurance is available for up to $5,000 domestically and to some,
but not all countries. Consult either the DMM or the International Mail
Manual (IMM) for details of insurance limits and coverage online at
1. Domestic ─ Domestic insurance covers the actual (depreciated) value
of the contents or the cost of repairs. The limitations on coverage
include, but are not limited to the following: No coverage is provided for
consequential losses, delay, concealed damage, spoilage of perishable
items, articles improperly packaged, or articles too fragile to withstand
normal handling in the mail. (See DMM 609.4.3 for a complete list of non-
payable claims.)
2. International ─ International insurance coverage is subject to both
U.S. Postal Service
regulations and the domestic regulations of the
destination country. Insurance coverage varies by country and is not
available to some countries. The addressee must report damage of an
insured article’s contents to the delivering Post Ofce immediately. No
coverage is provided for delay, prohibited articles, concealed damage, or
consequential losses.
b. Filing Claims ─ Domestic indemnity claims must be led within 60 days
from the date the article was mailed. Visit
International indemnity claims for Registered Mail and Insured Mail may be
led after an inquiry has been completed. Visit
claims. (Inquiry must be made within six (6) months from the date the
article was mailed). APO/FPO: Indemnity claims for Priority Mail Express
Military Service must be led within 180 days from the date of mailing.
Indemnity claims for all other classes of APO/FPO/DPO mail must be led
within one (1) year from the date of mailing. Retain the original mailing
receipt as proof of insurance until the claim is resolved. File a claim for
damage or for complete or partial loss of contents immediately but no later
than 60 days from the mailing date. Retain the mailing container, including
wrapping, packaging, and any contents received, and you must make them
available to the Post Ofce for inspection, retention, and disposition until the
claim is resolved. Submit sales slips, receipts, bills, or repair estimates to
substantiate your claim.
Appeals ─ Appeals of Postal Service™ decisions on claims must be
made within 30 days of the date of the original decision to Domestic
Claims Appeals. Submit appeals to the Accounting Service Center (see
DMM 608.8.0).
c. Only customers ling online may appeal a decision online through
Firm Mailing Book For Accountable Mail
Guide To Firm Mailers
PS Form 3877, January 2017 (Instructions page 1 of 2) PSN 7530-02-000-9098
Senders of all domestic and international Registered Mail are required to declare
the full value of articles presented for registration. Neither the Postal Service nor its
postal employees are authorized to waive this requirement or to permit or condone
any violation or evasion of it.
Registered Mail Articles:
a. Avoid listing Registered Mail articles on the same form with any other
non-registered articles.
b. Afx red Label 200, Registered Mail, above the address and to the right of
the return address. Commercial mailers generating IMpb shipping labels
must use Label 200-N or USPS-approved facsimile in lieu of Label 200.
c. Avoid using tapes that will not absorb postmarking ink to seal Registered
Mail articles. See DMM 503.2.3.3.
For domestic articles, postal insurance is included in the fee for articles with a value
of at least $0.01 up to a maximum insured value of $50,000. Postal insurance is
not available for articles with no value ($0.00). The fees for articles valued over
$50,000 include insurance up to $50,000, and increasingly higher fees for handling
costs. The full value of the article must be declared at the time of mailing, as shown
in DMM 503.2.2.1, and the corresponding fee must be paid.
Indemnity for international Registered Mail (except to Canada) is extremely limited,
and is set by the Universal Postal Union. See IMM 333.
The maximum indemnity is $50,000 for domestic Registered Mail.
Domestically the fees for articles valued over $50,000 include insurance up to
$50,000, and charges for handling costs. These charges do not increase the
liability of the Postal Service.
Additional fees will be collected on domestic Registered COD Mail under the same
conditions as outlined for regular Registered Mail, except that the additional fee
shall be based on the amount by which the declared value of the article exceeds
the limit of indemnity payable for the Registered COD Mail fee paid.
See Notice 123, Price List, for fee schedules.
The following standards are furnished as guides in declaring the value of
representative types of matter commonly sent as Registered Mail:
Kind of Mail Matter Value to Be Declared
Negotiable Instruments
Instruments payable to bearer,
including stock certicates
endorsed in blank.
Market value.
(All values are based
on the value at the
time of mailing.)
Nonnegotiable Instruments
All registered bonds,
warehouse receipts,
checks, drafts, deeds, wills,
abstracts, and similar
documents. Certicates of
stock are considered
nonnegotiable so far as
declaration of value is
concerned unless they are
endorsed in blank.
No value, or replacement
cost if postal insurance
coverage is desired.
(See Note below.)
Money Full value.
Jewelry, Gems, Precious
Market value or cost.
Merchandise Market value or cost.
Matter not having intrinsic
value such as letters, les,
records, etc.
No value, or replacement
cost if postal insurance
coverage is desired.
(See note below.)
Note: Mailers who do not know replacement costs should contact a person or rm
familiar with such documents and determine replacement costs before the articles
are mailed.
PS Form 3877, January 2017 (Instructions page 2 of 2) PSN 7530-02-000-9098
Additional Instructions and Declaration of Value of Registered Mail
Name and Address of Sender Check type of mail or service
Afx Stamp Here
(for additional copies of this receipt).
Postmark with Date of Receipt.
£ Adult Signature Required £ Priority Mail Express
£ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery £ Registered Mail
£ Certied Mail
£ Return Receipt for
£ Certied Mail Restricted Delivery
£ Collect on Delivery (COD) £ Signature Conrmation
£ Insured Mail
£ Priority Mail
£ Signature Conrmation
Restricted Delivery
USPS Tracking/Article Number Addressee (Name, Street, City, State, & ZIP Code™) Postage (Extra
Actual Value
if Registered
Sender if
Total Number of Pieces
Listed by Sender
Total Number of Pieces
Received at Post Ofce
Postmaster, Per (Name of receiving employee)
PS Form 3877, January 2017 (Page 1 of 2)
PSN 7530-02-000-9098
Complete in Ink Privacy Notice: For more information on USPS privacy policies, visit
Firm Mailing Book For Accountable Mail
Adult Signature Required
Adult Signature Restricted Delivery
Restricted Delivery
Return Receipt
Handling Charge - if Registered and over $50,000 in value
Signature Conrmation Restricted Delivery
Special Handling
Signature Conrmation
For three or more pieces with extra services presented for mailing at one time,
the mailer may use PS Form 3877 (rm sheet) or privately printed rm sheets in
lieu of the receipt portion of the individual form.
The Postal Service allows mailers to use privately printed or computer-generated
rm sheets that contain the same information and that are nearly identical to
the USPS-provided PS Form 3877, Firm Mailing Book For Accountable Mail.
For the locations where you are presenting your mailings, the local postmaster
or manager of Business Mail Entry provides approval of the form in writing. On
the mailer’s approved form, you may omit columns that are not applicable to the
extra service requested. For additional information, see DMM 503.1.10.
Mailers must retain their original written approvals by the postmaster or manager
of Business Mail Entry, as evidence that their privately prepared facsimile of
PS Form 3877 was approved by the Postal Service. The Postal Service does not
retain documentation of the facsimile approval. Mailers using privately printed
forms must periodically verify them against the USPS-provided versions, make
routine updates, and obtain approval of the updated facsimile form.
When using an approved, privately prepared form, a mailer who wants the
rm sheets postmarked by the Postal Service must present the books with
the articles to be mailed at a Post Ofce. The sheets of the books become the
mailer’s only receipt; the Postal Service does not retain a copy.
For Registered Mail and COD, the mailer submits the forms in duplicate and
receives one copy as the mailer’s receipt after the USPS employee accepting
the mailing has veried the entries.
For Certicates of Mailing with domestic or international mailings, the mailer
must use either PS Form 3665, Certicate of Mailing – Firm, or PS Form 3817,
Certicate of Mailing. For Certicates of Bulk Mailing, the mailer must use either
PS Form 3606-D, Certicate of Bulk Mailing — Domestic, or PS Form 3606,
Certicate of Bulk Mailing — International.
Mailers Approval for Privately Printed Facsimile PS Form 3877
PS Form 3877, January 2017 (Page 2 of 2) PSN 7530-02-000-9098