2270 B Veterinary Medicine cvmip@iastate.edu
1800 Christensen Drive Tel. 515-294-1501
Ames, IA 50011 vetmed/iastate.edu/international-programs
Iowa State University
College of Veterinary Medicine International Programs
Pre-departure Checklist for Students
If you are receiving credits from the international experience, make sure you are enrolled in the appropriate study
abroad course (VDPAM/VCS 496 or another approved course). Please contact [email protected] for assistance if you
are not registered before the start of your program.
Travel Documents
Obtain/renew your passport. Make sure it is signed and valid for at least 6 months after your return. Apply for your visa
(if necessary). Find out visa requirements for the country you plan to visit on
https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel.html by typing in the country name under “learn about
your destination”.
Check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to learn about recommended or required vaccinations for
your host country. Thielen Student Health Center offers travel immunizations and travel consultations. McFarland
Clinic's Travel Clinic also provides immunizations and specialized medical services. Talk to your doctor about
prescription medications. Bring sufficient quantities of prescriptions to last through your time abroad.
Review the On Call International Health Insurance information. When you register your travel with ISU, you will be
automatically enrolled in the insurance, which provides 24/7 phone and live chat assistance to help you find a place for
medical treatment.
On Call Security, medical or emergency claims assistance:
Phone: +1 603-952-2056 (collect worldwide)
1-888-226-9576 (toll free US or Canada)
Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program with the U.S. Department of State https://step.state.gov/step/
Gather phone numbers and email addresses for all necessary onsite staff. Emergency services in other countries are not
always reached by dialing 911 as they are in the United States. In addition, many countries have different emergency
numbers for police, fire, and ambulance.
Download and register with the AlertTraveler app from your ISUAbroad application.
2270 B Veterinary Medicine cvmip@iastate.edu
1800 Christensen Drive Tel. 515-294-1501
Ames, IA 50011 vetmed/iastate.edu/international-programs
Contact your bank and credit card issuer to make sure your cards and PIN will work abroad. If you don’t have a 4-digit
PIN, ask how to use your cards abroad. Be sure to learn about their international transaction and ATM fees. Inform them
that you will be out of the country and make transactions from abroad. Plan how much money/cash to take and know
how to access emergency funds if necessary.
Book your flights. Make sure you are arriving at the designated airport on the correct date and time. Follow your airline’s
recommendations on Covid 19-related requirements to enter the host country and to come back to the U.S.
It’s important to keep in mind that airports are potential crime areas. Please be careful, and
never leave your baggage unattended
stay away from any unattended bags or packages in public places
do not check luggage for anyone else onto airplanes, railroads, or buses
do not borrow suitcases and do not allow anybody, not even a newfound friend, to put anything in your luggage
to avoid the risk of becoming a carrier of drugs or other illegal or dangerous materials.
Start a packing list. Be sure to bring season-appropriate clothes. For short trips (2 weeks) it is generally recommended
that you pack light. Check your airline for any baggage restrictions. Make photocopies of important items to save at
home and to bring in your personal item on the plane (passport, visa, credit cards, insurance and itineraries).
Bring a change of clothes and any essentials with you on the airplane in your carry-on in case your checked luggage does
not arrive with you, for example, prescription medication; a copy of your travel itinerary and admission letter/invitation
letter; addresses of your destination in-country; contact information at your destination. If your passport is lost or stolen
abroad, contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate for assistance with obtaining an emergency passport. Also, check
out these packing tips.
Develop a communication plan with your family and friends. Consider getting an international phone plan, or data plan.
Determine whether your cell phone will work or if you will rely on Wi-Fi. If you won’t have international roaming serving,
check with the local facility and see if Wi-Fi is available on the program.
Local Knowledge
Research the country and city in which you will be living. Read books on the culture/general area. Purchase voltage
converters or adapters, if needed. Learn common phrases in the local language. Read about tips on adjusting to cultural