Stock Returns and Inflation Redux: An Explanation from
Monetary Policy in Advanced and Emerging Markets
by Zhongxia Zhang
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to
elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive
Board, or IMF management.
© 2021 International Monetary Fund WP/21/219
IMF Working Paper
European Department
Stock Returns and Inflation Redux: An Explanation from Monetary Policy in
Advanced and Emerging Markets
Prepared by Zhongxia Zhang
Authorized for distribution by Rachel van Elkan
August 2021
Classical theories of monetary economics predict that real stock returns are negatively
correlated with inflation when monetary policy is countercyclical. Previous empirical
studies mostly focus on a small group of developed countries or a few countries with
hyperinflation. In this paper, I examine the stock return-inflation relation under different
monetary policy regimes and conditions using an expanded dataset of 71 economies.
Empirical evidence suggests that the stock return-inflation relation is partially driven by
monetary policy. If a country’s monetary authority conducts a more countercyclical
monetary policy, the stock return-inflation relation becomes more negative. In addition,
the results differ by monetary policy framework. In exchange rate anchor countries, stock
markets do not respond to monetary policy cyclicality. In inflation targeting countries,
stock markets react more strongly to inflation. A key contribution of this paper is to
classify inflation targeters by their behaviors, and illustrate that behavior matters in
shaping market perceptions: markets react to inflation and monetary policy cyclicality
when central banks are able to control inflation within their target bands. In this case
markets are sensitive to inflation dynamics when inflation is above the announced target
bands. Finally, when monetary policy is constrained by the Zero Lower Bound (ZLB), a
structural break is introduced and real stock returns no longer respond to inflation and
monetary policy cyclicality.
JEL Classification Numbers: G12, E31, E52.
Keywords: Stock Return, Inflation, Monetary Policy.
Author’s E-Mail Address: zzhang2@imf.org
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to
elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive
Board, or IMF management.
Stock Returns and Inflation Redux: An
Explanation from Monetary Policy in Advanced
and Emerging Markets
Zhongxia Zhang
International Monetary Fund
August 4, 2021
Classical theories of monetary economics predict that real stock returns are neg-
atively correlated with inflation when monetary policy is countercyclical. Previous
empirical studies mostly focus on a small group of developed countries or a few coun-
tries with hyperinflation. In this paper, I examine the stock return-inflation relation
under different monetary policy regimes and conditions using an expanded dataset
of 71 economies. Empirical evidence suggests that the stock return-inflation relation
is partially driven by monetary policy. If a country’s monetary authority conducts
a more countercyclical monetary policy, the stock return-inflation relation becomes
more negative. In addition, the results differ by monetary policy framework. In
exchange rate anchor countries, stock markets do not respond to monetary policy
Zhang: European Department, International Monetary Fund, 700 19th Street, N.W., Washing-
ton, D.C. 20431 (email: [email protected]). I am grateful to Jay Shambaugh, Graciela Kaminsky,
Tara Sinclair, Chao Wei, Michael Bradley, Pamela Labadie, Frederick Joutz, Robert Phillips, Va-
lerie Ramey, Carl Walsh, Aart Kraay, Tamim Bayoumi, Rachel van Elkan, Xingwei Hu, Evridiki
Tsounta, Dong Wu, Xin Xu, Peichu Xie, Dun Jia, and participants at the 2018 Asian Meeting of
the Econometric Society, IMF EUR seminar, GWU Macro-International seminar, 3rd international
Workshop on Financial Markets and Nonlinear Dynamics, 22nd EBES Conference, Workshop on Fi-
nancial Econometrics and Empirical Modeling of Financial Markets, 43rd EEA Annual Conference
for their valuable comments. The views expressed in this paper are those of the author. All errors
are my own.
cyclicality. In inflation targeting countries, stock markets react more strongly to in-
flation. A key contribution of this paper is to classify inflation targeters by their
behaviors, and illustrate that behavior matters in shaping market perceptions: mar-
kets react to inflation and monetary policy cyclicality when central banks are able
to control inflation within their target bands. In this case, markets are sensitive to
inflation dynamics when inflation is above the announced target bands. Finally, when
monetary policy is constrained by the Zero Lower Bound (ZLB), a structural break is
introduced and real stock returns no longer respond to inflation and monetary policy
JEL Classification: G12, E31, E52.
Keywords: Stock Return, Inflation, Monetary Policy.
1 Introduction
The subject of stock returns and inflation enjoys a decades-long research history.
Academic interests in this topic have waxed and waned with the importance of in-
flation on the macroeconomy. The high inflation episodes in the 1970s have imposed
heavy costs on living standards and economic stability. Stock returns were dismal
during this period, which in turn sparked extensive studies in stock returns and in-
flation. The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered renewed interest in the relationship
between stock returns and inflation. To mitigate the impact of the pandemic, central
banks and finance ministries around the world have taken unprecedented policy ac-
tions. While such actions were pivotal in preventing a free fall of the world economy
and supporting a robust recovery, there could be side effects such as asset bubbles
and widening inequality. As Consumer Price Indices rebound strongly in many parts
of the world, concerns arise on whether the pick-up in inflation is temporary or per-
manent and the associated implications for the financial markets.
The topic of stock returns and inflation covers a joint research area of finance and
macroeconomics. For financial economists, the relationship between stock returns and
inflation quantifies the extent to which stocks can hedge against inflation risk. It is
important for trading and risk management purposes. Monetary economists are keen
to understand whether inflation and monetary policy have any effect on stock returns.
The stock market is a primary source of direct financing for firms, and stock price
fluctuations affect real economic activity and financial stability, including corporate
borrowing and investment decisions (Baker et al., 2003; Pastor and Veronesi, 2003),
and household consumption and saving decisions induced by changes in net worth.
Therefore, central banks that aim at stabilizing prices have to take into account the
effects of inflation on asset returns.
Historically, real stock prices decline when inflation rises in developed countries.
Equity shares, which are claims on future output of firms, do not prove to be a good
hedge against inflation risk as researchers find a negative correlation between real
stock return and inflation in the short run in developed countries. This phenomenon
has intrigued the economics profession to investigate why inflation as a nominal vari-
able has an impact on real stock prices or the real value of claims on physical assets.
Among various theories to explain the negative stock return-inflation correlation,
existing hypotheses in monetary economics assert that the negative relationship is a
result of central bank’s countercyclical policy reaction: when inflation rises, a central
bank that aims to maintain price stability and conducts countercyclical monetary
policy will lift its policy rate. Therefore, changes in inflation affect real interest rates.
As the stock price is equal to the current value of all future cash flows, an increase in
interest rate (discount rate) lowers the net present value of stocks. In addition, higher
interest rates lead to larger borrowing costs for firms, increase the attractiveness of
competing assets such as bonds and deposits, dry up liquidity in the stock market,
and put downward pressures on stock returns.
Previous work on this issue mostly focuses on either one country (Fama, 1981), a
small group of industrialized countries, with just a few studies focusing on emerging
markets (Spyrou, 2004; Gultekin, 1983 and Erb et al., 1995 are exceptions), despite
the rising importance of emerging markets (Cubeddu et al., 2014). Gultekin (1983)
investigates stock returns and inflation in 26 countries for the postwar period, and
Erb et al. (1995) study stock returns and inflation in 41 developed and emerging eq-
uity markets over 22 years. These studies appear less representative given the rapidly
changing developments in the international monetary and financial system, especially
the rise of emerging market economies, as well as inflation developments from previ-
ous hyperinflation concerns have been superseded by the subsequent deflation risk.
Indeed, in recent years, policymakers and investors are increasingly wary of stock
market spillover effects from emerging markets to the rest of the world, while more
emerging markets’ central banks are moving towards inflation targeting regimes.
This paper aims to revisit the important policy question of how monetary policy
affects the way stock returns react to inflation. In this paper, I expand the research
to a quarterly panel dataset of 71 advanced and emerging economies over a period of
35 years. This dataset contains not only rich information on stock returns and infla-
tion, but also substantial variations of other macroeconomic variables and financial
indicators. It makes comparisons among countries and across several monetary policy
dimensions possible. This paper dissects monetary policy into different regimes and
conditions to understand its role on stock returns and inflation (Figure 1). It focuses
on three key elements of monetary policy: monetary policy cyclicality, monetary pol-
icy framework and monetary policy flexibility. Doing so can show a comprehensive
picture of the effectiveness of monetary policy in driving the stock return-inflation
Figure 1: Key Monetary Policy Elements that Affect Stock Returns and Inflation
relations. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first paper that studies stock re-
turns and inflation, tests hypotheses of monetary policy cyclicality in the literature,
and documents differences between the advanced and emerging markets from such a
broad set of countries. It examines the outcomes of monetary policy frameworks with
an emphasis on inflation targeters’ behaviors, as well as the Zero Lower Bound.
I first examine the stock return-inflation relationship based on monetary policy
cyclicality. I augment the panel regressions by including monetary policy cyclicality
measures and a monetary aggregate factor. To address the econometric issues of serial
correlation, heteroskedasticity, and cross-sectional dependence, I apply the Driscoll-
Kraay standard error estimators. By testing an existing hypothesis in the literature,
results confirm that monetary policy cyclicality can partly explain why stock markets
respond differently to inflation. Results indicate that real stock returns decline when
inflation increases, with larger reactions to inflation in advanced markets than emerg-
ing markets. The differences between advanced and emerging markets are interesting
but they have not been highlighted enough in the literature before. They imply that
practitioners and policymakers in emerging markets should use caution when borrow-
ing the experience from advanced markets. Moreover, if a country pursues a more
countercyclical monetary policy, stock markets will react more negatively to inflation.
I then study the stock return-inflation relationship across monetary policy frame-
works. Under an exchange rate anchor regime, real stock returns do not pay attention
to the monetary policy cyclicality. In contrast, under an inflation targeting regime,
real stock returns react extremely negatively to inflation, compared to the baseline
findings. When central banks have the capacity to control inflation within their an-
nounced target bands, markets are sensitive to inflation dynamics when inflation is
above the target band. I show that inflation targeting countries exhibit a large degree
of heterogeneity regarding the amount of time inflation stays within the central bank’s
target bands. And stock markets do differentiate behavior by reacting differently to
inflation and monetary policy cyclicality.
Finally, I analyze the role of monetary policy flexibility on stock return and in-
flation. When the policy rate is constrained by the Zero Lower Bound, a structural
break is revealed and markets disregard inflation and monetary policy cyclicality. The
results illustrate how limited monetary policy flexibility alters the way stock returns
react to inflation.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a brief
and selective literature review on previous studies. Section 3 documents the under-
lying data and presents some key stylized facts. Section 4 describes the analytical
framework and displays the main results from panel regressions. It examines the
role of monetary policy by testing an existing hypothesis in the literature. It also
runs augmented regressions and shows how monetary policy cyclicality shapes the
stock return-inflation relation. Different monetary policy frameworks and the out-
come of Zero Lower Bound are also studied. Section 5 performs several robustness
checks. Section 6 discusses policy implications, possible avenues for future research,
and concludes.
2 Literature Review
It is empirically well documented in the literature that nominal stock returns re-
act negatively to inflation in the United States and several industrialized countries
(Lintner, 1975; Fama and Schwert, 1977; Fama, 1981). This is a long-standing phe-
nomenon that has attracted economists’ attention, because people do not expect real
stock return is affected by a nominal variable such as inflation. According to the clas-
sical view of Irving Fisher (1930), expected nominal return on an asset should equal
the expected real return plus expected inflation. Therefore, stocks, which represent
claims on real output of firms, should be a good hedge against both expected and
unexpected inflation. In the “best of all possible worlds”, one should observe that
the nominal interest rate co- move in a one-to-one relationship with inflation if the
real interest rate is constant in the short term.
Research on the stock return-inflation relation from an international perspective
produce similar findings. Gultekin (1983) investigates the relation between common
stock returns and inflation in 26 countries for the postwar period, and shows that
the results do not support the Fisher Hypothesis. Erb et al. (1995) study inflation
and stock returns in 41 developed and emerging equity markets over 22 years and
document a significant negative relation for most countries.
The empirical anomaly has sparked a number of hypotheses attempting to explain
the phenomenon, most notably the inflation illusion hypothesis (Modigliani and Cohn,
1979; Campbell and Vuolteenaho, 2004), the proxy hypothesis (Fama, 1981), the tax
hypothesis (Feldstein, 1980), the time-varying risk aversion hypothesis (Brandt and
Wang, 2003), and the sticky discount rate hypothesis (Katz et al., 2017). The inflation
illusion hypothesis proposed by Modigliani and Cohn (1979) states that stock market
investors fail to understand the effect of inflation on nominal dividend growth rates
and extrapolate historical growth rates even in periods of changing inflation. From
a rational investor’s perspective, this implies that stock prices are undervalued when
inflation is high and overvalued when inflation is low. Campbell and Vuolteenaho
(2004) find that the regression coefficient of the mispricing component on inflation
is positively and statistically significant, and their results provide strong support to
the inflation illusion hypothesis. Fama (1981) considers the negative correlation be-
tween stock returns and inflation as the consequence of proxy effects. He explains in
his proxy hypothesis that there is no causal relationship between the two variables.
Instead, both variables are driven by real economic activity. Stock returns are de-
termined by forecasts of relevant real variables, and negative stock return-inflation
relations are induced by negative relations between real activity and inflation. The
negative stock return-inflation relations are induced by negative relations between
inflation and real activity which in turn are explained by a combination of money
demand theory and the quantity theory of money.
Feldstein (1980) argues that an important adverse effect of increased inflation on
share prices results from basic features of the current U.S. tax laws, particularly his-
toric cost depreciation and the taxation on nominal capital gains. When prices rise,
the historic cost method of depreciation causes the real value of depreciation to fall
and real taxable profits to be increased. As a result, real profits net of the corporate
income tax vary inversely with inflation. Inflation further reduces net earnings by
imposing an additional tax on nominal capital gains. Therefore, inflation raises the
effective tax rate on corporate income and lowers the share price. In a recent attempt,
Brandt and Wang (2003) put forward a time-varying risk aversion hypothesis. They
formulate a consumption-based asset pricing model in which aggregate risk aversion
is time-varying in response to news about consumption growth and inflation. They
document a robust correlation between aggregate risk aversion and unexpected infla-
tion. Katz et al. (2017) investigate why local stock markets adjust slowly to changes
in local inflation. They find that when the local rate of inflation increases, local in-
vestors subsequently earn lower real returns on local stocks, suggesting that the local
stock market investors use sticky long-run nominal discount rates that are too low
when inflation increases because they are slow to update the inflation expectations in
discount rates. They show that small amounts of stickiness in inflation expectations
are sufficient to match the real stock return predictability induced by inflation in the
There is another strand of the literature that emphasizes the role of monetary
policy in determining stock returns and inflation. The rationale is that central banks
that are targeting inflation will respond to inflation shocks. As a result, the changing
stance of monetary policy prompts stock market revaluations. Sellin (2001) gives a
comprehensive review of the literature on the interaction between stock returns, infla-
tion, and money growth, with a special emphasis on the role of monetary policy. Kaul
(1987) hypothesizes that the relation between stock returns and inflation is caused
by equilibrium processes in the monetary sector. He shows that the negative stock
return-inflation relations are caused by money demand and countercyclical money
supply effects. Geske and Roll (1983) argue that this puzzling empirical phenomenon
is due to the fiscal and monetary linkage. Exogenous shocks in real output, signaled
by the stock market, induce changes in tax revenue, then the Treasury borrows more
and the central bank monetizes the increased debt. Rational investors adjust prices
accordingly without a delay. Using Markov regime-switching models, Chen (2007)
points out that monetary policy has asymmetric effects on stock returns.
In a thought-provoking paper, Bakshi and Chen (1996) show that there exists a
negative correlation between real equity return and inflation within a general equi-
librium, unless both money growth is procyclical and its covariance with output
growth dominates the variance of output growth. In a Cash-in-Advance model, Boyle
and Peterson (1995) show that equity returns are negatively correlated with inflation
when monetary policy is countercyclical or weakly procyclical. In another equilibrium
monetary asset pricing model, Marshall (1992) predicts that the inflation-asset return
correlation will be more strongly negative when inflation is generated by fluctuations
in real economic activity than when it is generated by monetary fluctuations. In an
influential paper, Christiano et al. (2010) show that historically, inflation is low dur-
ing stock market booms in the United States and Japan. The authors use the concept
of a news shock, i.e., a disturbance to information about next period’s innovation in
technology, to interpret the evidence. They argue that an interest rate rule that is too
narrowly focused on inflation destabilizes asset markets and the broader economy.
The paper revisits the existing monetary economics hypotheses in the stock return-
inflation literature and contribute to the literature by highlighting the role of mon-
etary policy. It intends to confirm monetary policy as a determining factor in the
stock return-inflation relationship based on empirical findings under different mon-
etary policy regimes and conditions. It empirically confirms that central banks can
shape the way stock markets react to inflation from three different angles: mone-
tary policy cyclicality, monetary policy framework, and whether monetary policy is
constrained by the Zero Lower Bound. In addition, this paper contributes to the in-
flation targeting literature by revealing that inflation targeting countries are different.
Based on a stark comparison of central banks’ track record of controlling inflation,
results show that inflation targeting countries are heterogeneous and stock markets
differentiate inflation targeting countries by their behaviors.
3 Data Description and Stylized Facts
I compile a quarterly dataset using readily available data from the first quarter of
1980 to the second quarter of 2015. The sample includes 71 economies, including 33
advanced markets and 38 emerging markets. It integrates data from the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), Bloomberg, Haver Analytics, Thomson Reuters Datastream,
Consensus Forecasts, and other sources. The dataset is an unbalanced panel, that is,
countries do not have the same number of observations in the study. For example, the
stock market has a long history in advanced markets, while for emerging markets it
is a recent phenomenon. The issue of data availability is also true for other variables.
The variable construction and data source of key variables are as follows (see
details in appendix). Equity index data is from Bloomberg, and nominal stock return
is the change in equity index logarithm from one year ago. Consumer price index
data is from the IMF’s INS database, and inflation is defined as the change in the
Consumer Price Index (CPI) logarithm from one year ago. Real equity index is
derived by deflating nominal equity index by consumer price index accordingly, and
real stock return is the change in real equity price logarithm from one year ago.
Inflation forecasts are current-year and next-year market forecasts from Consensus
Forecasts. Industrial production data is obtained from combining Thomson Reuters
Datastream and the IMF’s data. M2, a measure of aggregate money supply, comes
from Haver Analytics and the IMF. Financial sector risk ratings are provided by the
International Country Risk Guide (ICRG). The United States three-month Treasury
bill yield rate in secondary markets is downloaded from the Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System. Finally, the VIX index is retrieved from Bloomberg.
Table 1 summarizes the basic statistics for key indicators used in this paper.
Nominal stock returns on average are 0.11, and the standard deviation is 0.40 with
a minimum of -2.47 and a maximum of 5.23. Since the nominal stock return is the
change in logarithm, the mean value represents an 11% increase on an annual basis,
the minimum value represents a 92% drop on an annual basis (Iceland in 2009) and
the maximum value represents an 18,535% increase on an annual basis (Argentina
in 1989)! The shocking numbers represent several formidable stock market crashes
and hyperinflation episodes in emerging market economies. Real stock returns on
average are 0.04, with minimum -2.63 and maximum 2.23. This means real stock
return on average is about 4% annually. When adjusted for inflation, the large stock
market gains at the positive tail of the distribution are smaller in real terms but
still very sizable. Inflation is as volatile as stock returns, and its mean is 0.11. The
minimum value -0.41 and the maximum value 4.95 suggest there are serious deflation
and hyperinflation episodes. Industrial production is an index that measures the real
Several key variables are transformed into log forms to avoid extreme values. Hyperinflation
periods are dropped for robustness check on the regression, and the result is included in the appendix.
Table 1: Summary Statistics
Variable Observation Mean Std. dev. Min Max
Nominal stock return (log) 6,304 0.105 0.399 -2.469 5.227
Real stock return (log) 6,304 0.038 0.347 -2.627 2.231
Inflation (log) 8,855 0.114 0.333 -0.414 4.950
Industrial production growth (log) 6,443 0.028 0.079 -0.675 0.730
Monetary aggregate growth (log) 6,399 0.147 0.237 -0.378 4.138
Improvement in financial risk rating 7,960 0.022 1.536 -17 17
U.S. Treasury bill rate 10,082 4.594 3.589 0.01 15.49
VIX 7,242 19.89 7.45 11.26 44.14
output of certain industrials, and it has smaller fluctuations compared to the above-
mentioned financial and nominal variables. Industrial production on average grows
2.9% per annum for the selected sample countries. On the other hand, M2 growth
rate exhibits a rather heterogeneous distribution. It has a mean of 0.15 with its lowest
value being -0.38 and the highest value being 4.14. The ICRG’s financial sector risk
ratings are ranging from 0 to 50, where 50 indicates the least risk and 0 indicates
the highest risk. The change in financial risk is the quarter-over-quarter difference in
financial sector risk ratings, and a positive change indicates a reduction in financial
sector risk. On average the variable is quite stable, but the top and bottom values
certainly show that there are periods associated with large upgrades or downgrades
of financial risk. Lastly, the VIX index, which is a volatility index calculated by the
Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) is a key measure of market expectations of
near-term volatility conveyed by the S&P 500 stock index option prices. It has been
considered by many to be the world’s premier barometer of investor sentiment and
market volatility. Its average is 19.9 and volatility is low during most of the times.
However, during times of market stress such as the Global Financial Crisis and the
European sovereign debt crisis, the index rises above a high level of 40.
Figure 2 plots the key series together. Over the long run, nominal equity indices
and consumer price indices mimic each other. In advanced markets such as the United
States, the stock index tracks the consumer price index quite closely in the long term.
Typically for an advanced market, the consumer price index is very stable and the
equity index is volatile. This is because inflation is well-anchored in advanced mar-
kets, as a result, real stock returns track closely with the nominal stock returns. In
Figure 2: Country Examples
emerging markets, there exists a larger degree of heterogeneity. Usually stock markets
have experienced large swings of price movements, as well as boom and bust episodes.
The heterogeneity is partly due to differentiated inflation dynamics across emerging
markets. Central banks face big challenges to tame inflation and maintain macroeco-
nomic stability. Several countries, including Argentina and Brazil, have experienced
hyperinflation in the past decades. Nominal equity indices rise passively in response
to high inflation. Real stock returns, on the other hand, have diverged from nominal
stock returns under such circumstances. The divergence between nominal and real
stock returns is only observed during high inflation periods.
To prepare for regression analysis, the literature typically breaks down inflation
into two terms: expected and unexpected inflation. Two classes of expected inflation
are considered in this study: survey measures of expected inflation from Consensus
Forecasts, and derived expected inflation from time series models. I use predicted
values of inflation based on the AR(4) model as the default measure of expected
inflation. The unexpected inflation is actual inflation minus expected inflation. In
the robustness check, survey measures of expected inflation from Consensus Forecasts
are used to examine whether the main results are sensitive to the measure of expected
4 Empirical Results
Figure 3 shows that over time, the evolution of inflation was very different in
emerging markets compared to advanced markets. The early 1970s have witnessed
the collapse of the Bretton Woods System. It was followed by a time of turmoil,
amid large exchange rate fluctuations and high inflation pressures. For advanced
countries, the 1980s was a decade of high inflation. Starting in the mid-1980s, inflation
was tamed in advanced countries: the Great Moderation period started and since
then inflation was low and macroeconomic volatility was small. Emerging markets’
inflation development was more volatile. The 1985-1995 period marked a decade of
high inflation, with crises in Latin America and difficulties faced by the transition
It is useful to consider alternative measures of inflation such as core inflation. However, not all
countries publish core inflation data and it is more difficult to quantify expected core inflation as
survey forecasts of core inflation are less prevalent.
economies. Since 2000, emerging markets embraced a golden period for growth, their
inflation was largely controlled ever since. However, emerging markets in general
have always experienced higher inflation levels than advanced markets. Stopping high
inflation was particularly challenging for them during the 1980s and 1990s. Reining
in inflation becomes a key objective for the central banks, and central banks are
searching for a new nominal anchor. A number of countries have adopted inflation
targeting as their new monetary policy regime.
Figure 4 plots the correlations between real stock returns and inflation across
countries. Given the x-axis is in logarithm, inflation is strikingly high in a number
of emerging countries. When inflation is low, advanced markets and a few emerging
markets tend to have negative or close-to-zero correlations between real stock returns
and inflation. As inflation increases, the correlation becomes more dispersed among a
group of emerging markets. In extreme cases of hyperinflation, Argentina and Brazil’s
correlations are close to zero. This is because under this case, real stock returns
are trivial compared to inflation. Therefore, nominal stock returns are dominated
by inflation and the Fisher equation holds almost perfectly. More notably, there
seems to exist an upper bound for the correlation, where countries are capped at
0.2. Without any frictions, the correlation between real stock returns and inflation
should be zero. Previously, the literature has focused mostly on the low inflation
cases or a few hyperinflation countries. This figure gives a more comprehensive view.
It also highlights the differences between advanced and emerging markets, and the
heterogeneity within emerging markets.
4.1 Initial Empirical Results on Real Stock Returns
Since real stock returns truly matter to investors, I examine the relationship be-
tween real stock returns and inflation. The real stock index is derived from deflating
the nominal stock index by the consumer price index, and the real stock return is the
year-on-year difference of real stock index in natural logarithm.
The baseline regres-
sion applies panel regressions with fixed effects to evaluate the effect of inflation on
real stock returns:
Country-level stock market indices may not capture the sectoral idiosyncrasies in the stock
market. Using granular firm-level data could overcome this limitation. I leave this issue to future
Figure 3: Evolution of Average Inflation in Logarithm by Income Group
Figure 4: Scatter Plots of Average Inflation in Logarithm (x-axis) and the Uncondi-
tional Correlation between Real Stock Return and Inflation (y-axis)
= β
+ β
+ β
+ XB + u
, (1)
where Y
is real return on equity index for country i at time t, π
and π
expected and unexpected inflation
, and X is a vector of standard control variables in
the literature (Fama, 1981; Chen, Roll, and Ross 1986; Schmeling, 2009; Schmeling
and Schrimpf, 2011), including industrial production growth rate, change in financial
risk, the U.S. three-month Treasury bill yield and the VIX. The first two control
variables are country-specific factors: the industrial production growth rate accounts
for the changes in the real economic activity; and change in financial risk considers
the movements of the financial sector factors. The last two control variables capture
the external conditions, where the U.S. three-month Treasury bill yield represents
the level of the global liquidity condition, and the VIX is a measure of global finan-
cial market volatility. By examining the estimated coefficients β
and β
from the
regression, one can investigate whether there exists a positive or negative correlation
between stock market return and inflation across countries.
Table 2 shows the results from baseline regression without monetary policy fac-
Results from a panel regression model with fixed effects suggest that real stock
returns are positively correlated to expected inflation, industrial production growth,
improvement in financial risk ratings, and negatively correlated to the VIX index.
When the sample is split by income group, the asymmetric responses of real stock
returns to inflation are highlighted: in advanced markets the relation is negative
whereas in emerging markets it is positive. In advanced markets, real stock returns
respond very negatively to expected inflation. Changes in financial risk ratings are
no longer determining real stock returns, but in emerging markets they are still the
determinants. The U.S. three-month Treasury bill yield appears to be positively
correlated with real stock returns in advanced markets, however, the correlation is
The literature hypothesizes that stock returns react differently to expected and unexpected
inflation. For example, Brandt and Wang (2003) concentrate on unexpected inflation and aggregate
risk aversion to explain stock returns. I just follow the literature to break down inflation into two
components. However, the readers do not need to focus too much on the decomposition of inflation.
In the first robustness check, I report the core regression results using the actual inflation.
Before the regressions, unit root tests are performed using Augmented Dickey–Fuller, DF-GLS
and Phillips–Perron tests on each variable by country, as well as Im-Pesaran-Shin and Fisher-type
tests. Given the panel data is unbalanced in nature, several panel unit root tests are not applicable.
Detailed results are available upon request.
insignificant in emerging markets.
Results from the above panel regressions with fixed effects provide a general idea
of how real stock returns react to inflation and other control variables. However,
given the nature of the panel data, the results may be biased due to several econo-
metric issues. The first issue with the panel regressions is serial correlation, because
the dependent variable stock return is a financial variable that is typically exposed to
such a problem. The Wooldridge Test for autocorrelation in panel data suggests that
the null hypothesis that there is no first-order autocorrelation is rejected at the 1%
significance level. The second weakness that the panel regressions may suffer from is
heteroscedasticity. This is because countries at different stages of stock market devel-
opment can have distinct variability of the error terms. The modified Wald Test for
groupwise heteroscedasticity has confirmed the conjecture, and the null hypothesis
that all the variances are identical across the units is rejected at the 1% significance
level. A third potential source of estimation bias is from cross-sectional dependence.
Intuitively, stock returns in major financial markets can cause significant spillover
effects upon other markets. Unfortunately, the popular tests for cross-sectional de-
pendence including the Breusch-Pagan LM Test are not applicable given the panel
data employed here are highly unbalanced. Standard panel data techniques that fail
to account for cross-sectional or spatial dependence will result in inconsistently es-
timated standard errors. To address serial correlation, heteroskedasticity, and the
potential bias from cross-sectional dependence, I apply the Driscoll-Kraay standard
error estimators to the same panel regression. Driscoll and Kraay (1998) estimate
standard errors by employing a nonparametric estimation procedure to obtain consis-
tent covariance matrix estimation with spatially dependent panel data when the time
dimension is large.
Given the quarterly panel dataset is long in the time dimension,
the Driscoll-Kraay estimator is appropriately here.
The last three columns of Table 2 present the results of panel regressions using
the Driscoll-Kraay standard error estimator. The findings are largely consistent with
previous ones and the standard errors do not change dramatically. For the full sam-
For a recent implementation and discussion, see Hoechle (2007).
Cluster standard error estimator assumes independence across clusters but correlation within
clusters. It does not account for cross-sectional dependence. Since stock market returns are of-
ten spatially dependent, e.g., U.S. stock market returns affect stock market performance in other
countries, the Driscoll-Kraay standard error estimator is the best approach given the nature of the
dataset. Running regressions using clustered standard errors yield similar results.
Table 2: Regressions without Monetary Policy Factors
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Expected inflation -0.141 -6.236*** -0.111 -0.141 -6.236*** -0.111
(0.111) (1.180) (0.103) (0.0984) (1.155) (0.0957)
Unexpected inflation 0.450** -1.323 0.522*** 0.450* -1.323 0.522**
(0.193) (1.249) (0.161) (0.263) (1.249) (0.257)
Industrial production growth rate 1.288*** 0.993*** 1.533*** 1.288*** 0.993*** 1.533***
(0.162) (0.197) (0.196) (0.158) (0.183) (0.180)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.00973*** 0.00135 0.0198*** 0.00973 0.00135 0.0198***
(0.00327) (0.00371) (0.00443) (0.00597) (0.00624) (0.00596)
U.S. 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.00209 0.0219*** -0.00551 0.00209 0.0219** -0.00551
(0.00413) (0.00616) (0.00649) (0.0107) (0.00925) (0.0138)
vix -0.0168*** -0.0149*** -0.0164*** -0.0168*** -0.0149*** -0.0164***
(0.00100) (0.000835) (0.00146) (0.00340) (0.00245) (0.00392)
Constant 0.340*** 0.395*** 0.346*** 0.340*** 0.395*** 0.346***
(0.0214) (0.0323) (0.0344) (0.0750) (0.0637) (0.0856)
Estimation method FE FE FE DK DK DK
Sample full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 4,573 2,557 2,016 4,573 2,557 2,016
R-squared 0.288 0.405 0.288 0.288 0.405 0.289
Number of countries 63 31 32 63 31 32
Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1. FE = Panel Regressions with Fixed
Effects; DK = Panel Regressions with Fixed Effects and Driscoll-Kraay standard errors; AM = Advanced Markets; EM
= Emerging Markets. Hausman test suggests using fixed effects model, instead of random effects model.
ple, on average one percentage point increase in the growth rate of expected inflation
is correlated with a 0.14 percentage point decrease in the growth rate of real stock
returns, and one percentage point increase in the growth rate of unexpected inflation
is correlated with a 0.45 percentage point increase in the growth rate of real stock
returns. One percentage point increase in the growth rate of industrial production
is associated with a 1.29 percentage point increase in the growth rate of real stock
returns. Neither improvement in financial risk rating nor the U.S. three-month Trea-
sury bill yield rate matters given the estimated coefficients are not significant. Lastly,
one unit increase in the market volatility, as indicated by the VIX index, lowers the
growth rate of real stock returns by 1.7 percentage points.
Markets react more acutely to inflation in advanced countries. In advanced mar-
kets, real stock returns react negatively to expected inflation. A one percentage point
increase in the growth rate of expected inflation lowers the growth rate of real stock
returns by 6.24 percentage points. In emerging markets, unexpected inflation is posi-
tively associated with real stock returns. One percentage point increase in the growth
rate of unexpected inflation boosts the growth rate of real stock returns by 0.52 per-
centage points. One reason to explain how markets respond to inflation is because
inflation is controlled within a much smaller range in advanced markets than that of
the emerging markets. Therefore, markets are less sensitive to one unit of inflation
shock in emerging markets. Comparing the two classes of countries, improvements in
financial risk ratings positively drive real stock returns in emerging markets, but not
significant in advanced markets; the U.S. Treasury bill yield positively raise real stock
returns in advanced markets, but not significant in emerging markets. The differences
may be linked to the extent of vulnerabilities in the financial sectors, since emerging
markets are perceived to be exposed to greater financial risk. The differences may
also come from the level of financial development, since stock markets in advanced
countries are more mature. Investors are more rational and have better access to
Since the functional form is log-level, i.e., the dependent variable is in logs and the independent
variable is in levels, we need to multiply the estimated coefficient on the VIX index by 100% to
interpret the economic meaning. The same logic holds for the change in financial risk rating and
the Treasury bill yield rate.
4.2 Augmented Regressions on Stock Returns with Mone-
tary Policy Considerations
While many economists argue for nonmonetary factors contributing to the nega-
tive stock return-inflation correlation, there is another strand of the literature which
attributes to monetary policy the role of shaping the stock return-inflation relations.
Monetary economists argue that the observed relationship between stock returns and
inflation is largely spurious. Instead, the relationship is driven by monetary policy,
since central banks around the world aim at controlling inflation and their actions
towards fighting inflation often have unintended consequences on stock prices. When
inflation rises, a central bank who is “leaning against the wind” hikes its policy rate
to combat inflation. This is bad news for stock markets since increases in policy rates
will tighten market liquidity and put downward pressure on stock returns. However,
if monetary policy is acyclical, the monetary authority does nothing against inflation
movements thus stock markets are not affected. If monetary policy is procyclical,
then the monetary authority instead lowers the policy rate when inflation increases,
which boosts stock market performance.
As noted by researchers such as Kaminsky, Reinhart and Vegh (2005), monetary
policy is usually countercyclical in advanced markets and procyclical in emerging
markets. Therefore, an interesting question is whether the relations between real
stock returns and inflation in developed and developing countries can be explained
by how their central banks pursue monetary policies. Previously, due to data limita-
tions, researchers are constrained by testing the existing hypotheses in the literature
in a cross-country setting. This newly compiled dataset made testing the existing
hypotheses from an international perspective possible. Specifically, I test the role
of monetary policy from three aspects. First, I allow various degrees of policy rate
cyclicality across countries to investigate whether monetary policy cyclicality mat-
ters. Second, I examine different monetary policy frameworks, i.e., inflation targeting
versus exchange rate anchor. Third, I study the Zero Lower Bound episodes when
monetary policy is constrained.
In the spirit of the monetary policy hypothesis in the literature, I augment the
panel regressions by introducing monetary factors and making two changes to the
previous regressions. Monetary aggregate (M2) growth rate is included as an extra
control variable and then interaction terms between monetary policy cyclicality and
inflation are added to the regressions. The augmented regression with country fixed
effects has the following setup:
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ ZΓ + u
, (2)
where C
is a measure of monetary policy cyclicality for country i, and Z is a vector
of control variables including monetary aggregate (M2) growth rate. The monetary
aggregate growth rate variable captures the direct effect of increases in monetary
aggregate on stock market returns.
Introducing the interaction terms between monetary policy cyclicality and infla-
tion is key to disentangle how monetary policy cyclicality affects the stock return-
inflation relation. Without the interaction terms, the effects of expected and unex-
pected inflation on stock returns are β
and β
. When interaction terms are added, the
effects of expected and unexpected inflation on stock returns are now β
+ β
+ β
. If β
and β
statistically significant, monetary policy cyclicality changes
the way stock return responds to inflation. Following Vegh and Vuletin (2012), the
measure of monetary policy cyclicality is computed as the correlation between the
cyclical components of real output and a central bank’s policy rate. The Hodrick-
Prescott (HP) filter is applied to derive the trend and the cyclical components, and
the smoothing parameter is set at 6.25 for the annual data.
A positive correlation
between the cyclical components of real output and policy rate suggests that mone-
tary policy is countercyclical. On the other hand, a negative correlation between the
cyclical components of real output and policy rate suggests that monetary policy is
In most countries, the correlation between the cyclical components of real output
and policy rate is mostly positive, with an average of 0.26. Among the 61 sample
countries, 45 of them have positive correlations and the rest have negative correla-
tions. Figure 5 plots the policy rate cyclicality measure for each country based on the
Annual data is used here because output gaps in annual frequency are more reliable. The
smoothing parameter 6.25 is based on the recommended value of the hprescott command in Stata.
Alternatively, the parameter is set at 100 and the results are very similar.
Alternatively, monetary cyclicality can be computed as the correlation between the cyclical
components of real output and monetary aggregates (M2). The issue with this measure is that
monetary aggregate is endogenous, and it is determined by both supply and demand factors.
Figure 5: Policy Rate Cyclicality Measure
full sample period. To complement the result in regressions, I define a countercyclical
policy dummy variable. This dummy variable equals one if the above correlation is
greater than 0.2 and dummy variable equals zero otherwise. According to this defini-
tion, almost all advance markets pursue countercyclical monetary policies (31 out of
33, except Norway and Israel), while for emerging markets only about a third of them
conduct countercyclical monetary policies (12 out of 31). Kaminsky, Reinhart and
Vegh (2005) coin the phenomenon that most developing countries conduct procyclical
monetary policies as “when it rains, it pours”.
When monetary aggregate growth rate is included as a control variable, panel
regressions show that real stock returns react negatively to inflation (Table 3). In
addition, real stock returns in all the sample countries are positively correlated to
industrial production growth, improvement in financial risk ratings, monetary aggre-
gate growth and negatively correlated to expected and unexpected inflation, and the
VIX index. On average a one percentage point increase in the growth rate of expected
(unexpected) inflation is correlated with a 0.69 (0.70) percentage point decrease in
the growth rate of real stock returns. A one percentage point increase in the growth
rate of industrial production is associated with a 1.19 percentage point increase in the
growth rate of real stock returns. One unit of improvement in financial risk rating
increases the growth rate of real stock return by 1.2 percentage points. One unit
increase in the VIX index, lowers the growth rate of real stock returns by 1.7 percent-
age points. Finally, a one percentage point increase in the growth rate of monetary
aggregate is associated with a 0.63 percentage point increase in the growth rate of real
stock returns. When monetary aggregate growth is introduced as a control variable,
the responsiveness of real stock returns to inflation is dampened.
When the countries are split by income levels, real stock returns respond nega-
tively in a substantial manner to expected inflation only in advanced markets. The
relationship is less negative in emerging markets.
The financial risk rating is a de-
terminant of real stock returns in emerging markets but not in advanced markets.
The U.S. Treasury bill yield only matters for stock returns in advanced markets. The
fact that monetary aggregate growth is significant in emerging markets but not in
advanced markets is interesting. One conjecture to explain this phenomenon is that
in recent decades advanced markets have witnessed a disconnect between monetary
aggregate growth and economic fundamentals, as well as the stock market. Observing
the structural break, a number of central banks have shifted their monetary policy
framework from intermediate variable targeting (e.g., monetary targeting) to final
variable targeting (e.g., inflation targeting). This is one of the reasons for central
banks to rely more on the policy rate tool rather than the monetary aggregate tool.
Results from augmented regressions reveal an important role of monetary policy:
monetary policy cyclicality alters how stock returns react to inflation. The monetary
policy cyclicality measure based on the policy rate is highly negative and statistically
significant, and confirms that indeed the monetary policy cyclicality changes the way
real stock returns react to inflation. The estimated coefficient on the interaction
term between expected inflation and monetary policy cyclicality is -5.47, suggesting
that as monetary policy becomes more countercyclical, stock returns respond more
negatively to inflation.
For instance, when monetary policy switches from acycli-
See the result of augmented regressions using actual inflation in the robustness check section.
A formal test on whether real stock returns react less negatively to inflation in emerging markets
is done by adding an additional interaction term between inflation and emerging market dummy
The sample includes Eurozone countries, since the focus of the paper is not on monetary policy
Table 3: Baseline Regressions on Real Stock Returns with Monetary Policy Factors
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Expected inflation -0.686*** -6.407*** -0.849*** -1.887*** -2.561** -1.335*** -0.802*** -2.498 -0.863***
(0.149) (1.090) (0.173) (0.338) (0.990) (0.302) (0.280) (1.558) (0.292)
Unexpected inflation -0.696* -1.765 -0.878*** -1.288** -2.399 -1.216** -0.960 -3.096 -0.863*
(0.377) (1.488) (0.325) (0.535) (1.657) (0.463) (0.611) (2.127) (0.517)
Expected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -5.468*** -8.284*** -2.349**
(0.916) (1.704) (1.054)
Unexpected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -0.595 2.390 -0.927
(1.316) (2.687) (1.410)
Expected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -4.445*** -4.387** -2.268***
(0.706) (1.768) (0.734)
Unexpected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -1.325 2.615 -2.179**
(0.844) (2.063) (0.948)
Industrial production growth rate 1.187*** 0.928*** 1.351*** 1.181*** 0.872*** 1.428*** 1.185*** 0.818*** 1.445***
(0.165) (0.193) (0.214) (0.165) (0.185) (0.229) (0.158) (0.192) (0.221)
M2 growth rate 0.634*** 0.0265 0.838*** 0.415** 0.0307 0.632*** 0.400** 0.0168 0.621***
(0.145) (0.278) (0.160) (0.191) (0.273) (0.174) (0.192) (0.285) (0.172)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0124** 0.00143 0.0232*** 0.0120** 0.00141 0.0210*** 0.0119** 0.00161 0.0209***
(0.00561) (0.00627) (0.00517) (0.00480) (0.00539) (0.00537) (0.00481) (0.00547) (0.00528)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate -0.00241 0.0204** -0.0113 0.00882 0.0190** -0.00186 0.00967 0.0198** -0.00149
(0.0108) (0.0102) (0.0134) (0.0101) (0.00953) (0.0131) (0.00993) (0.00994) (0.0128)
VIX -0.0168*** -0.0155*** -0.0151*** -0.0161*** -0.0163*** -0.0153*** -0.0159*** -0.0163*** -0.0151***
(0.00348) (0.00254) (0.00371) (0.00279) (0.00240) (0.00345) (0.00282) (0.00245) (0.00345)
Constant 0.316*** 0.418*** 0.264*** 0.383*** 0.442*** 0.310*** 0.382*** 0.438*** 0.310***
(0.0763) (0.0690) (0.0828) (0.0729) (0.0653) (0.0808) (0.0718) (0.0675) (0.0792)
Sample full AM EM full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 3,975 2,147 1,828 3,498 1,944 1,554 3,498 1,944 1,554
R-squared 0.3286 0.4278 0.3531 0.4038 0.4704 0.3932 0.4053 0.4633 0.3958
Number of countries 59 29 30 55 27 28 55 27 28
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
cal to perfectly countercyclical, stock market-inflation responsiveness becomes more
negative by 5.47 units. The estimated coefficient on expected inflation is -1.9, which
means if monetary policy is acyclical, one percentage point increase in the growth rate
of expected inflation is correlated with a 1.9 percentage point decrease in the growth
rate of real stock returns. This result echoes the theoretical findings of Bakshi and
Chen (1996), as well as Boyle and Peterson (1995). In both advanced and emerging
markets, real stock returns respond negatively to inflation and policy rate cyclicality,
however the estimated effects of expected inflation and expected inflation interacted
with policy rate cyclicality on real stock returns are larger in advanced markets than
those in emerging markets. This may be due to better monetary policy transmission
in advanced markets so that markets are more sensitive to policy cyclicality and rate
changes. In addition to that, advanced markets have lower inflation compared to
emerging markets, and therefore markets are more responsive to one unit of change
in inflation. Lastly, regressions using interaction terms between inflation and counter-
cyclical policy dummy yield similar results. In countries which pursue countercyclical
monetary policies, real stock returns react more negatively to inflation.
Results here explain the puzzling differences of stock return-inflation dynamics
in advanced and emerging markets. On the surface, the two income groups have
experienced very distinct stock return-inflation patterns. Beneath the surface, the
root of the problem partly lies in the cyclicality of monetary policy and the monetary
policy transmission channels. Most advanced markets pursue countercyclical mone-
tary policies. They have either adopted an inflation targeting framework or implicitly
targeted inflation. Monetary aggregate as an intermediate variable has delinked from
real economic activities, and central banks have considered M2 as a less important
To the contrary, emerging markets are hindered by pursuing counter-
cyclical monetary policies. In addition, emerging markets are undergoing changes in
action, but on market reaction. Including individual member countries in the Eurozone provides
additional information on how markets react to inflation and monetary policy cyclicality. In the
robustness check section, I re-run the regression by dropping the observations after countries joined
the Eurozone.
Adrian and Shin (2010) argue this has to do with the changing nature of financial intermediation
in advanced markets. Before 1980, the monetary policy literature primarily focused on the role of
monetary aggregates in the supply of credit. However, with the emergence of the market-based
financial system, the ratio of high-powered money to total credit (the money multiplier) became
highly unstable. As a consequence, monetary aggregates faded from both the policy debate and the
monetary policy literature.
the monetary policy frameworks, and a number of EMs are still under a monetary
aggregates target framework.
4.3 Results by Monetary Policy Framework
This section further refines the results by monetary policy framework. Each year,
the International Monetary Fund surveys central banks around the world and re-
ports their de facto monetary policy framework in its Annual Report on Exchange
Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions (AREAER). The AREAER database classi-
fies countries’ monetary policy framework into the following four categories: exchange
rate anchor, monetary aggregate target, inflation targeting, and other frameworks.
We expect the stock return-inflation relation differ when the central banks target
different nominal anchors. In particular, the exchange rate anchor and inflation tar-
geting are two regimes of interest. They are two extreme cases of whether monetary
policy responds directly to inflation or not. The conjecture is that if monetary policy
solely focuses on stabilizing the exchange rate, policy cyclicality will not change how
real stock returns react to inflation. On the other hand, if monetary policy targets
inflation only, policy cyclicality will have strong and unintended consequences on
market responses to inflation.
Results show that under exchange rate anchor regime, real stock returns do not
respond to monetary policy cyclicality in both advanced and emerging markets (Ta-
ble 4). Interaction terms between inflation and monetary policy cyclicality are not
statistically significant.
This may be due to the reason that markets clearly un-
derstand that stabilizing exchange rate is the sole objective of the central bank, so
that the central bank will not respond directly to inflation movements. At the same
time, the estimated coefficients of expected and unexpected inflation are negative and
statistically significant. This means when inflation rises, real stock return decreases,
suggesting that there are other frictions at work.
Among all monetary policy frameworks, inflation targeting is one interesting
group, since the assumption is that markets should react more sharply to inflation if
inflation is the sole explicitly stated nominal anchor in conducting monetary policy.
The significance of the interaction term in Column (8) is driven by outliers, since only 2 out of
33 advanced markets do not pursue countercyclical monetary policies.
Table 4: Regressions on Real Stock Returns by Monetary Policy Framework: Exchange Rate Anchor, 1990-2014
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Expected inflation -1.017*** -5.892*** -1.086*** -2.866*** -3.989* -2.727*** -2.299*** 2.565 -2.564***
(0.256) (1.202) (0.277) (0.621) (2.265) (0.593) (0.724) (2.120) (0.727)
Unexpected inflation -1.220*** -4.543** -1.329*** -3.099*** -6.202*** -2.813** -3.273** -2.828* -3.228**
(0.389) (1.775) (0.398) (1.090) (1.734) (1.224) (1.322) (1.437) (1.466)
Expected inflation × policy rate cyclicality 0.321 -4.809 2.662
(2.419) (4.570) (2.380)
Unexpected inflation × policy rate cyclicality 2.208 6.317 3.345
(2.457) (4.079) (2.736)
Expected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -1.995 -9.920*** -0.568
(1.366) (2.385) (1.400)
Unexpected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy 0.636 -0.363 1.314
(1.935) (2.862) (2.180)
Industrial production growth rate 1.408*** 1.391*** 1.392*** 1.213*** 1.130*** 1.279*** 1.228*** 1.117*** 1.284***
(0.197) (0.264) (0.224) (0.139) (0.188) (0.180) (0.138) (0.182) (0.181)
M2 growth rate 0.983*** 0.0724 1.061*** 0.777*** 0.317 0.875*** 0.750*** 0.344 0.838***
(0.225) (0.377) (0.245) (0.211) (0.394) (0.223) (0.208) (0.370) (0.227)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0101 -0.00795 0.0195** 0.0128* -0.00613 0.0186** 0.0122* -0.00700 0.0183**
(0.00941) (0.0115) (0.00780) (0.00714) (0.0111) (0.00745) (0.00703) (0.0115) (0.00726)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate -0.0357*** -0.0164 -0.0336** -0.0171 -0.0302* -0.0103 -0.0164 -0.0273* -0.00937
(0.0128) (0.0157) (0.0141) (0.0115) (0.0175) (0.0138) (0.0115) (0.0163) (0.0141)
VIX -0.0138*** -0.0121*** -0.0139*** -0.0154*** -0.0156*** -0.0149*** -0.0146*** -0.0144*** -0.0145***
(0.00361) (0.00331) (0.00411) (0.00323) (0.00319) (0.00340) (0.00325) (0.00304) (0.00349)
Constant 0.334*** 0.523*** 0.259** 0.398*** 0.606*** 0.325*** 0.402*** 0.591*** 0.329***
(0.0892) (0.0895) (0.100) (0.0847) (0.0893) (0.0854) (0.0812) (0.0809) (0.0843)
Sample full AM EM full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 871 370 501 603 211 392 603 211 392
R-squared 0.3052 0.3648 0.3207 0.4311 0.4608 0.4506 0.4381 0.4999 0.4467
Number of countries 40 20 20 27 11 16 27 11 16
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
Table 5: Regressions on Real Stock Returns by Monetary Policy Framework: Inflation Targeting, 1990-2014
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Expected inflation -4.289*** -8.474*** -2.344*** -3.545*** -3.179** -2.386*** -3.020*** -5.543*** -2.452**
(1.000) (2.032) (0.800) (0.784) (1.534) (0.812) (0.942) (1.593) (1.071)
Unexpected inflation -3.680*** -4.975** -2.592*** -3.022*** 0.781 -2.686*** -2.663** -3.518 -2.452**
(0.694) (1.898) (0.615) (0.574) (3.093) (0.646) (1.048) (3.284) (1.089)
Expected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -4.510** -15.28** 0.631
(2.219) (5.891) (1.249)
Unexpected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -3.833 -18.32** -1.309
(2.337) (8.075) (1.491)
Expected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -2.422* -3.919 0.281
(1.375) (2.533) (1.288)
Unexpected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -1.521 -1.457 -0.555
(2.049) (4.225) (2.011)
Industrial production growth rate 0.967*** 0.936*** 1.139*** 1.042*** 1.240*** 1.142*** 1.001*** 0.977*** 1.140***
(0.212) (0.216) (0.252) (0.219) (0.222) (0.254) (0.219) (0.229) (0.257)
M2 growth rate -0.466 -0.534 -0.422* -0.408 -0.348 -0.426* -0.428 -0.448 -0.423*
(0.305) (0.503) (0.232) (0.282) (0.415) (0.236) (0.293) (0.482) (0.230)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0125** 0.00316 0.0180*** 0.0126*** 0.00154 0.0182*** 0.0120** 0.00164 0.0182***
(0.00478) (0.00723) (0.00559) (0.00474) (0.00643) (0.00546) (0.00464) (0.00731) (0.00557)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.0151 0.0205 0.00806 0.0152 0.0191 0.00813 0.0159 0.0222 0.00809
(0.0124) (0.0141) (0.0143) (0.0122) (0.0128) (0.0144) (0.0123) (0.0140) (0.0144)
VIX -0.0137*** -0.0123*** -0.0137*** -0.0132*** -0.0125*** -0.0137*** -0.0134*** -0.0124*** -0.0137***
(0.00248) (0.00202) (0.00300) (0.00241) (0.00200) (0.00308) (0.00247) (0.00204) (0.00315)
Constant 0.477*** 0.476*** 0.442*** 0.463*** 0.488*** 0.443*** 0.466*** 0.480*** 0.443***
(0.0913) (0.0830) (0.0907) (0.0861) (0.0807) (0.0928) (0.0875) (0.0859) (0.0936)
Sample full AM EM full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 1,214 564 650 1,202 552 650 1,202 552 650
R-squared 0.409 0.4843 0.403 0.424 0.5388 0.4038 0.4191 0.5043 0.4033
Number of countries 30 14 16 29 13 16 29 13 16
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
Figure 6: Performance of Inflation Targeting Countries: Top Group
Figure 7: Performance of Inflation Targeting Countries: Bottom Group
Table 6: Performance of Inflation Targeting Countries: Percent of Time Inflation
within the Announced Range
Top inflation targeters Bottom inflation targeters
Canada 70% Peru 44%
Thailand 65% Australia 40%
Brazil 64% Czech Republic 40%
New Zealand 61% Indonesia 38%
Colombia 60% Philippines 38%
Chile 57% Israel 35%
South Africa 50% Turkey 28%
Mexico 48% Poland 27%
South Korea 46% Serbia 18%
Iceland 46% Romania 18%
Results from Table 5 indicate that the assumption is well-grounded. For inflation
targeting countries, the results are more pronounced, compared to the baseline re-
sult. When only inflation targeting countries are considered, the estimated effects
are larger and statistically more significant. On average, real stock returns respond
more negatively to expected and unexpected inflation, and this is true in both ad-
vanced and emerging markets. When the interaction terms between inflation and
policy rate cyclicality are included, the estimated coefficients are extremely negative
and statistically significant for advanced markets, but not for emerging markets. This
may reflect the fact that the credibility of the central banks differ in advanced and
emerging markets.
To understand why stock returns do not respond to monetary policy cyclicality in
emerging market inflation targeters, I further explore central banks’ track record of
controlling inflation by examining inflation performance with respect to central banks’
inflation target bands. While many central banks target medium-term inflation and
no central bank intends to keep inflation within the announced band at every point
in time, a persistent period of inflation falling outside the target band raises concerns
about a central bank’s capacity and credibility in controlling inflation. My approach
to classify inflation targeting countries is similar to the idea of coding countries by
their de facto exchange rate regime. To the extent of my knowledge, no academic
study has done such exercise before. Among the 30 inflation targeting countries in
the sample, 24 of them have more than 5 years of experience, and 20 of them have
Table 7: Regressions on Real Stock Returns by Monetary Policy Framework: Inflation Targeting, Continued.
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
Expected inflation -2.506*** -3.743*** -2.066** -3.675*** -1.746 -3.645*** -0.984 -0.888 -0.548
(0.866) (0.865) (0.977) (0.935) (1.287) (0.942) (2.402) (5.557) (1.362)
Unexpected inflation -2.912*** -3.390*** -1.704 -3.882*** -0.541 -3.812*** 0.0113 5.859 -3.897**
(0.856) (0.591) (1.362) (0.755) (1.685) (1.326) (2.995) (4.990) (1.843)
Expected inflation × policy rate cyclicality 0.628 -4.278* -11.51** 0.385 -3.543 3.347 -25.13***
(1.379) (2.450) (4.539) (1.621) (8.354) (13.07) (5.278)
Unexpected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -1.550 -4.016 -10.18** -1.520 -7.596 3.035 -17.15**
(1.937) (2.581) (4.952) (1.750) (8.925) (14.12) (7.337)
Exp. inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -5.088** -0.181
(2.478) (1.087)
Une. inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -5.644* 0.0974
(3.237) (2.010)
Industrial production growth rate 1.085*** 1.140*** 1.218*** 0.987** 1.143*** 0.980** 1.455*** 1.302*** 1.449***
(0.275) (0.240) (0.188) (0.400) (0.194) (0.399) (0.261) (0.415) (0.464)
M2 growth rate -0.254 -0.430 -0.570 -0.237 -0.606 -0.232 0.224 -1.506*** -0.924
(0.217) (0.296) (0.479) (0.187) (0.512) (0.184) (0.258) (0.475) (0.566)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0193*** 0.0172*** 0.0135** 0.0174* 0.0134* 0.0172* 0.0264*** 0.0436** -0.00714
(0.00572) (0.00504) (0.00656) (0.00968) (0.00719) (0.00969) (0.00652) (0.0207) (0.00666)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.0109 0.0164 0.0204 0.00786 0.0216 0.00818 0.0187 -0.00126 0.0167
(0.0147) (0.0129) (0.0127) (0.0173) (0.0132) (0.0172) (0.0137) (0.0170) (0.0218)
VIX -0.0118*** -0.0125*** -0.00882*** -0.0171*** -0.00916*** -0.0170*** -0.00845*** -0.00395 -0.00856***
(0.00272) (0.00262) (0.00196) (0.00414) (0.00200) (0.00414) (0.00269) (0.00556) (0.00271)
Constant 0.408*** 0.470*** 0.424*** 0.511*** 0.439*** 0.512*** 0.241** 0.297** 0.590***
(0.0819) (0.0910) (0.0857) (0.104) (0.0932) (0.105) (0.110) (0.113) (0.112)
Sample Long-term all IT top IT bottom IT top IT bottom IT top IT top IT top IT
EM IT w/ band in band in band in band in band π within range π below range π above range
Observations 558 918 530 388 530 388 292 57 153
R-squared 0.3966 0.4287 0.4599 0.4544 0.4287 0.4537 0.3585 0.3994 0.6359
Number of countries 11 18 9 9 9 9 9 7 9
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
announced explicit inflation bands to the public. I divide these 20 countries into two
groups based on the percent of time inflation remains in the range announced by the
central bank (Figures 6 and 7).
The results are reported in Table 6 and they reveal
staggering differences in central banks’ tendency in managing inflation.
as the top performer keeps inflation within the target band for 70% of the time.
On the other hand, the central bank in Romania has faced overwhelming difficulties
in steering inflation towards their target band and as a result inflation is within
the announced range for only 18% of the period. The threshold is 45% to separate
the sample into top and bottom groups. Results in Column 1 of Table 7 shows
that emerging market inflation targeters with more than 10 years of experience in
general are not successful in shaping market perceptions. It is the history of inflation
targeting record rather than the length of the record that matters. Announcing the
inflation band helps a little bit in shaping market perceptions, as shown in Column
2. Furthermore, markets are reacting to monetary policy cyclicality in the top group,
but not so in the bottom group. This means that central banks’ ability to maintain
inflation within their target bans is key to shape market perceptions.
The inflation targeting countries in the top group, which include both advanced
and emerging markets, maintain inflation within their target bands most of the time,
and markets pay attention to monetary policy cyclicality. Instead, the inflation tar-
geting countries in the bottom group are struggling to keep inflation in the announced
bands. As a result, markets do not pay much attention to monetary policy cyclical-
In reality, this calculation is complicated by the fact that central banks use different underlying
inflation measures (for example, headline CPI vs. core CPI), various target horizons (1 year or
mid-term), revisions in targets at certain points in time, and adjustments made by authorities to
account for structural breaks such as one-off tax changes. Nevertheless, given the nature of the
study, and the way countries are grouped into two categories, this approach illustrates the point of
central bank credibility and capability, and serves the purpose well.
It is worth noting idiosyncrasies in inflation targeting bands in different countries. Certain
countries have set themselves more difficult tasks due to tighter bands. For instance, Australia’s
inflation target band is 1 percentage point wide (2–3 percent), while Canada’s is 2 percentage points
wide (1–3 percent). If Australia’s target range had instead been a 2 percentage points, we would have
seen a higher share of the time within that range for Australia. Nevertheless, this paper adopts a
fact-based approach that only uses central banks’ official inflation bands to assess inflation targeting
Ilzetzki, Reinhart and Rogoff (2017) make a similar argument that inflation targeting countries
are heterogeneous and far less distinctive as one group than advertised. Using event studies and
estimating an augmented Taylor rule for the inflation targeting group, they show that inflation
targeting central banks differ in the degree of stabilzing inflation and managing exchange rates.
Finally, for the top inflation targeters, I split the results by looking at scenarios
when inflation is within, below or above the target band. In these countries, when
inflation is outside the target band, it is three times more likely to see inflation is
above the band (153 observations in regression) than inflation is below the band (57
observations in regression). Regression results indicate that the interaction terms are
extremely significant when inflation is above the range, but they are not significant
when inflation is within or below the range. This echoes the fact that historically,
central banks are more concerned with inflation above the band and react asym-
metrically to inflation dynamics with respect to the target. For the top inflation
targeting countries with relative successful experience, markets learn from history
and are most sensitive when inflation is above the range, but are unresponsive when
inflation is within or below the range.
4.4 Results with Respect to the Zero Lower Bound (ZLB)
Lastly, I explore whether the stock return-inflation relation changes when mone-
tary policy is constrained by the Zero Lower Bound. The onset of the Global Finan-
cial Crisis (GFC) has prompted central banks around the world to lower their policy
rates, and policy rates in a number of countries have hit the Zero Lower Bound.
These countries include the United States, the Euro Area economies, Switzerland,
Japan and several others. A natural question to ask is whether real stock returns
still respond negatively to inflation, if the Zero Lower Bound is binding. To formally
analyze this question, I run the following regression:
= β
here I use actual inflation in the regression and interact it with a ZLB dummy
variable. When ZLB=1, policy rate is hindered by the ZLB. A Zero Lower Bound
(ZLB) episode is identified if policy rate is below or equal to 25 basis points for a
given country. The conjecture for this regression is that real stock returns respond
asymmetrically to inflation and monetary policy cyclicality, depending on whether
policy rate hits the Zero Lower Bound or not, and real stock returns respond the
Table 8: Regressions on Real Stock Returns with Respect to the Zero Lower Bound (ZLB)
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Inflation × (1- ZLB) -1.459*** -5.808*** -1.792*** -2.522*** -0.808*** -2.588
(0.339) (0.905) (0.313) (0.835) (0.251) (1.602)
Inflation × ZLB -1.431 -0.365 -3.027 5.699 -4.476* 8.354
(1.511) (2.174) (1.945) (7.864) (2.287) (9.471)
Inflation × (1- ZLB) × policy rate cyclicality -4.871*** -7.215***
(0.879) (1.734)
Inflation × ZLB × policy rate cyclicality 2.034 -13.09
(3.423) (11.36)
Inflation × (1- ZLB) × countercyclical policy dummy -4.044*** -3.472*
(0.659) (1.807)
Inflation × ZLB × countercyclical policy dummy 3.601 -8.990
(3.099) (10.28)
Industrial production growth rate 1.178*** 0.905*** 1.215*** 0.961*** 1.220*** 0.914***
(0.166) (0.183) (0.170) (0.182) (0.164) (0.187)
M2 growth rate 0.383** -0.0220 0.406** 0.00554 0.386** -0.00864
(0.186) (0.289) (0.193) (0.275) (0.194) (0.288)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0132*** 0.000739 0.0122** 0.000924 0.0117** 0.000793
(0.00502) (0.00573) (0.00497) (0.00559) (0.00490) (0.00582)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.00453 0.0220** 0.00947 0.0211** 0.0105 0.0221**
(0.0108) (0.0109) (0.0106) (0.0104) (0.0103) (0.0108)
VIX -0.0169*** -0.0165*** -0.0163*** -0.0166*** -0.0161*** -0.0167***
(0.00316) (0.00273) (0.00293) (0.00269) (0.00293) (0.00272)
Constant 0.360*** 0.415*** 0.376*** 0.426*** 0.375*** 0.417***
(0.0809) (0.0723) (0.0756) (0.0703) (0.0741) (0.0721)
Sample full AM full AM full EM
Observations 3,663 1,945 3,498 1,944 3,498 1,944
R-squared 0.3708 0.4484 0.4002 0.4587 0.4036 0.4512
Number of countries 57 27 55 27 55 27
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
same to other control variables.
By comparing stock market reactions under normal times and the Zero Lower
Bound periods, we find an interesting phenomenon (Table 8). In normal times, when
the Zero Lower Bound does not bind, we observe the conventional relationship: real
stock returns respond negatively to inflation, and stock returns react more negatively
to inflation when monetary policy becomes more countercyclical. For the periods
when monetary policy is restricted by the ZLB, the estimated coefficients on inflation,
and the interaction terms between inflation and monetary policy cyclicality measures
are no longer significant. This means we cannot reject that real stock returns do not
respond to inflation and monetary policy cyclicality under ZLB episodes. When it
comes to inflation dynamics, stock markets seem to perceive the Zero Lower Bound as
a different regime. The fact that inflation is usually low under the Zero Lower Bound
indicates that a positive inflation surprise is good news, because the real interest
rate is lower and the central bank does not need to respond to the upside inflation
development. If there is a negative inflation surprise, there will be additional costs if
the central bank decreases the policy rate and policymakers may be more reluctant to
lower the rate. In addition, a possible Effective Lower Bound (ELB), where the central
bank can no longer decrease its policy rate to stimulate the economy, is potentially
noted by markets as well.
Nevertheless, since the Zero Lower Bound is a new phenomenon for most countries,
the limited number of observations and low statistical power suggests that the readers
need to interpret the results with caution. Indeed, the standard errors are much
larger under the Zero Lower Bound episodes. The analysis here primarily focuses on
advanced markets since there are very few Zero Lower Bound episodes for emerging
5 Robustness Check
I have done the following robustness checks: re-run the augmented regression using
actual inflation and test whether the stock return-inflation relation is less negative in
Only three emerging markets in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Latvia and Lithuania.) have hit the
Zero Lower Bound in recent years.
emerging markets. A dummy variable for emerging market is interacted with actual
inflation, and the interaction term is positive and statistically significant; drop the ob-
servations when countries adopted the Euro. When countries join the Eurozone, they
lose monetary autonomy. Excluding such observations in a currency union allows us
to investigate market reactions to domestic monetary policy; exclude hyperinflation
periods. Drop observations with inflation higher 50% or 100% in the regression; use
Consensus Forecasts data as measures of expected inflation; construct a global stock
return factor by aggregating stock returns in Systemic-5 countries (United States,
United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and China, weighted by nominal GDP) and in-
clude it as a control variable. The global factor is statistically significant, which
means that stock returns in systemic countries is highly correlated with domestic
market performance; replace the U.S. Treasury bill yield with Wu-Xia shadow federal
funds rate to account for the issue of unconventional monetary policy at the Zero
Lower Bound in the United States. The results remain mostly the same and they are
reported in the appendix.
There are several limitations in this paper. First, the monetary policy cyclicality
measure is computed as a constant throughout the sample period for a given coun-
try. Since monetary policy cyclicality could vary over time, this is a coarse measure.
Results may be affected, especially when dividing countries by monetary policy frame-
work, which is evolving as well. One potential improvement is to make policy rate
cyclicality time-varying by decade.
The second caveat is regarding the inflation expectation measure. This paper de-
fines inflation expectation based on forecasts from surveys or models. Conceptually,
inflation forecast is not exactly the same as inflation expectation. However, because
inflation expectations are not known in general, the inflation forecasts are the best
measures available for many countries for a long period of time. Market-based mea-
sures of inflation expectations, such as estimates of inflation compensation embedded
in the returns of financial instruments, are only available for a limited set of countries
in recent years.
Lastly, the issue of cross-border listings and multinational firms blurs the bound-
aries of national stock returns. For example, a Chinese company chooses its Initial
Public Offering (IPO) in Nasdaq runs most of its businesses outside the U.S., or a
multinational corporation listed in the New York Stock Exchange receives most of its
revenues from abroad. When such companies are included as component stocks,
the underlying indices no longer perfectly represent national economic activities.
Given these cases happen primarily in advanced countries and this paper studies
71 economies, the problem will not change the results substantially or qualitatively.
6 Discussion and Conclusion
As major central banks are conducting reviews on monetary policy frameworks
and tools, this paper finds that how a central bank reacts to inflation plays a critical
role in determining the stock return-inflation relation. In August 2020, the Federal
Reserve announced a revision to its monetary policy framework by setting an Average
Inflation Target (AIT) of 2 percent over the long-run, allowing for a period of above-
the-target inflation to offset low inflation in the past decade. The European Central
Bank has replaced its inflation target of below but close to 2 percent with a symmetric
target of 2 percent over the medium term. These changes will have implications on
the stock return-inflation relation in the future.
This paper contributes to the stock return-inflation literature by examining how
monetary policy shapes the stock return-inflation relation using a novel dataset of
71 advanced and emerging markets. The empirical results support the view that the
stock return–inflation relation is partially driven by monetary policy cyclicality. If
a country’s central bank pursues a more countercyclical monetary policy, the stock
return-inflation relation becomes more negative. The results highlight how the market
anticipates monetary policy under a variety of regimes with implications for policy
under exchange rate pegs, inflation targeting and the Zero Lower Bound (Figure 8).
Results suggest that central banks’ decisions on policy cyclicality and the instru-
ments employed in the toolkit not only affect real economic activities, but also result
in a shift in the response of stock prices to inflation developments. Although the
issue of whether monetary policy should respond to asset prices is still under debate,
stock price fluctuations, especially the ones caused by monetary policy, deserve atten-
tion. In advanced markets, the Global Financial Crisis has prompted major central
banks lowered their policy rates to the Zero Lower Bound and expanded asset pur-
chase programs. The fact that the policy rates are constrained by their lower bounds
Figure 8: Summary of Main Findings
has resulted in changing patterns of stock return-inflation relations in those coun-
tries. This is because central banks can no longer lower policy rates when inflation
decreases, but can still raise policy rates as usual when inflation increases. Gourio
and Ngo (2016) document a structural break in the response of stock prices to infla-
tion in the United States after 2008. In emerging markets, policymakers should pay
special attention to rapid expansions in monetary aggregate, since they can create
bubbles in the stock prices and pose a threat to financial stability. Results also imply
that central banks that are on market surveillance can do more to shape the mar-
ket perception of inflation shocks than simply monitor the stock market movements.
Central banks’ communication to the market is a key to success and the effectiveness
of such communications critically depends on central banks’ credibility. Specifically,
central banks can commit to more countercyclical monetary policy to change the way
stock market reacts to inflation. This is particularly relevant, given that a number of
emerging markets have evolved from procyclical to countercyclical monetary policy
over the last decade (Vegh and Vuletin, 2012).
Results also indicate that practitioners and policymakers in emerging markets
should use caution when borrowing the experience from advanced markets. The stock
return-inflation relations are distinct in advanced and emerging markets because of
differences in the monetary policy cyclicality, the underlying monetary policy frame-
work, central bank’s capacity and credibility, and whether policy rate is confined by
the Zero Lower Bound. Countries’ monetary policy frameworks vary significantly as
central banks target different nominal anchors: exchange rate, inflation, monetary
aggregate or others. Policy rate cyclicality is the main monetary policy factor that
affects the stock return-inflation relation in both advanced and emerging markets,
while monetary aggregate growth is also relevant in emerging markets.
There are several possible areas for future research: First, one can further examine
the relationship with respect to business cycle conditions. Does the result change
during moderate or significant expansions and contractions? Do the amplitude and
duration of the business cycles affect the results? What is the interaction between the
real business cycles and the financial cycles? Fama and French (1989) argue that the
expected returns on stocks and bonds are lower when economic conditions are strong
and higher when conditions are weak. Wei (2009) finds that the U.S. nominal equity
returns respond more negatively to unexpected inflation during economic contractions
than expansions. Harding and Pagan (2002) propose an algorithm to locate turning
points in the natural logarithm of a series, and their methodology is extensively
adopted to define and measure business cycles. Several researchers (Claessens et al.,
2011; Drehmann et al., 2012) have identified economic and financial cycles based on
the approach.
Second, the study can be extended to several open economy and institutional
angles. Many emerging markets are typical small open economies and sensitive to ex-
ternal conditions. It will be interesting to study the role of exchange rate movements
and capital flows. Particularly, one can investigate problems that are largely associ-
ated with emerging markets. For example, do results differ by crisis types? Are the
differences of the stock return-inflation relation among countries due to institutional
quality, the stock market openings to foreign investors (Kim and Singal, 2000), or
financial liberalization (Kaminsky and Schmukler, 2008)?
Third, this paper confirms that there exists a negative relationship between real
stock returns and inflation at the quarterly horizon for many countries. However, it
is also useful to examine how stock prices react to inflation at long horizons. Previous
research (Boudoukh and Richardson, 1993; Harrison and Zhang, 1999; Schotman and
Schweitzer, 2000; Kim and In, 2005) has found a positive relationship between stock
returns and inflation over long horizons, and results support the Fisher hypothesis as
the horizon increases.
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Sellin, P. , 2001, “”Monetary policy and the stock market: theory and empirical
evidence””, Journal of Economic Surveys, Volume 15, Issue 4, Pages 491–541.
Spyrou, SI, 2004, “Are stocks a good hedge against inflation? Evidence from
emerging markets”, Applied Economics, 41-48.
Vegh, Carlos A. and Guillermo Vuletin, 2012, “Overcoming the Fear of Free
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No. 18175. Wei, Chao, 2009. “Does the stock market react to unexpected inflation
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Wu, Jing Cynthia, and Xia, Fan Dora, 2014, “Measuring the Macroeconomic
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20117, May 2014.
Data Description
Quarterly data from 1980Q1 to 2015Q2. The sample includes 71 economies, cov-
ering both advanced and emerging markets.
Country Classification by Income Group
Advanced Markets (33): Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR,
Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.
Emerging Markets (38): Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria,
Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Egypt, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ja-
maica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Mex-
ico, Morocco, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia,
South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Venezuela.
Note: the country classification is based on the International Monetary Fund
(IMF)’s World Economic Outlook (WEO).
Panel Data Tests
Unit root tests are based on Augmented Dickey–Fuller, DF-GLS and Phillips–Perron
tests on each variable by country, as well as Im-Pesaran-Shin and Fisher-type tests.
Given the panel data is unbalanced in nature, several panel unit root tests are not
applicable. Detailed results are available upon request.
Tests for cross-sectional dependence cannot be performed. Given the nature of
the dataset, assume cross-section dependence and spatial effects exist.
Wooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data: we reject the null hypothesis
and conclude that the data does have first-order autocorrelation.
Modified Wald test for groupwise heteroscedasticity in fixed effect regression model:
we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the data has heteroscedasticity.
Table 9: Variable Description
Symbol Definition Data source/ Transformation
Original series
stock index Stock market index Bloomberg
RGDP Real GDP Haver Analytics, IMF IFS and WEO databases.
CPI Consumer price index IMF INS database
inflation CF current Inflation forecasts, current year Consensus Forecasts
inflation CF next Inflation forecasts, next year Consensus Forecasts
IP Industrial Production Datastream and IMF IFS databases
M2 M2 (money supply) Haver Analytics and IMF IFS databases
financial risk ICRG financial risk ratings, International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) database
from a high of 50 (least risk) to a low of 0 (highest risk).
TB3MS U.S. three-month Treasury Bill: Secondary Market Rate Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
VIX VIX Bloomberg
PR Central bank’s policy rate Haver Analytics, IMF IFS and GDS databases.
WuXiaShadowRate Wu-Xia shadow federal funds rate Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
MPF Monetary policy framework AREAER database, IMF.
target Inflation targets Central banks’ websites
inflation target lower Inflation bands, lower bounds. Central banks’ websites
inflation target upper Inflation bands, lower bounds. Central banks’ websites
Derived series
stock returny Nominal stock return (log) ln[stock index(t)] ln[stock index(t-4)]
real stock index Real stock market index stock index/ CPI
real stock returny Real stock return (log) ln[real stock index(t)] ln[real stock index(t-4)]
inflationy Inflation (log) ln[CPI(t)] ln[CPI(t-4)]
inflationy e Expected inflation The measure based on the best forecasting accuracy:
predicted inflation from AR(4) model
inflationy u Unexpected inflation Actual inflation expected inflation
IP growthy Industrial production growth ln[IP(t)] ln[IP(t-4)]
M2 growthy Monetary aggregate growth ln[M2(t)] ln[M2(t-4)]
financial risk change Improvement in financial risk rating financial risk(t) - financial risk (t-1)
MP correlation PR Policy rate cyclicality Correlation between the cyclical
components of real output and policy rate.
G5 real stock returny Systemic-5 real stock return Weighted average of real stock returny
in the US, UK, Germany, Japan and China.
Additional Tests on the Role of Monetary Policy
In a seminal paper, Bakshi and Chen (1996) offer a tractable asset pricing model in
a monetary economy. In the representative-agent economy, the price level, inflation,
asset prices, the nominal and real interest rates are determined simultaneously and
in relation to each other. The infinitely lived agent chooses consumption, money
demand, and portfolio holdings at each point of time to maximize expected life utility.
Monetary policy in this economy is such that the resulting money supply follows a
stochastic process over time. Based on a Money in the Utility Function Model (MIUF)
and an economy with i.i.d. output and money growth processes, the authors show
) = cov
) var
) (4)
That is, the covariance between the real rate of return on equity and inflation
is equal to the covariance between real output growth and nominal money growth,
minus the variance of real output growth. In Fama’s (1981) proxy hypothesis, money
stock is considered as given. This implies a zero covariance between real output
and money, and therefore the covariance between real equity return and inflation is
negative. In Geske and Roll (1983), monetary policy (money) is countercyclical, thus
the covariance between real equity return and inflation is negative as well. Note that
the covariance can be positive if the first term on the right hand side of the equation
dominates the second term. This is the case in Kaul (1987), where the relationship
between stock return and inflation is positive if the monetary authority conducts a
procyclical monetary policy.
Boyle and Peterson (1995) extend the theoretical framework of monetary policy
and stock returns to address the question of whether monetary policy matters, as
different from the question whether money matters. They achieve this by assuming
that the monetary policy targets the growth rate of money.
In a Cash-in-Advance
(CIA) Model, the simplified reaction function of the monetary authority is given by:
= kλ
In the original version of the reaction function of Boyle and Peterson (1995), there is an additional
disturbance term θ which represents imperfect implementation of monetary policy.
where k > 0 is a constant and is the elasticity of the monetary response to
an output shock. Under the assumption that λ
is i.i.d. and constant risk aversion
preferences, a central finding in Boyle and Peterson (1995) is the following relation:
, lnΠ
) = cov(λ
, ( 1)l
) = ( 1)var(λ
) (6)
where q
= q
= y
, Π
= P
. Therefore, equity returns are neg-
atively correlated with inflation when monetary policy is countercyclical ( < 0) or
weakly procyclical (0 < < 1), and the correlation is positive when monetary policy
is strongly procyclical ( > 1).
Linear Regression Model:
(r, pi) = α + β
(y, m) + β
(y) +
Joint test: α = 0, β
= 1, β
= 1.
Table 10: Summary Statistics to Test the Bakshi-Chen Hypothesis
Variable Observation Mean Std. dev. Min Max
Cov(r, pi) 63 0.0179 0.1497 -0.0176 1.186
Cov(y, m) 63 0.0017 0.0030 -0.0023 0.015
Var(y) 63 0.0015 0.0016 0.00003 0.0075
To test whether the relationship between stock returns and inflation is partially
driven by monetary policy cyclicality, I test Equation (4), which is a simple rela-
tionship on two covariance terms and one variance term. There are 63 countries in-
cluded in the test, with different sample periods, depending on data availability. The
cross-sectional regression utilizes a single observation from each country. Summary
statistics show that the covariance between real stock return and inflation is much
larger in terms of magnitude compared to the covariance between real output and
monetary aggregate, and the variance of real output. Results from Ordinary Least
Squares indicate that the covariance between the real rate of return on equity and
inflation is significantly positively correlated with the covariance between real output
growth and nominal money growth and negatively correlated with the variance of real
output growth. The signs of the estimated coefficients are pointing to the correct di-
Table 11: Test the Bakshi-Chen Monetary Policy Hypothesis
Dependent variable: cov(r, pi) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
cov(y, m) 48.33** 48.27** -0.134 0.00199 50.65** 51.39**
(20.77) (21.34) (1.028) (0.904) (21.29) (21.51)
var(y) -58.47** -50.33** -0.659 -0.974** -62.55** -57.54**
(26.21) (23.12) (0.682) (0.446) (27.79) (25.85)
Constant 0.0254* -0.000381 0.0228
(0.0148) (0.000376) (0.0241)
Estimation method OLS OLS OLS OLS OLS OLS
Sample full full AM AM EM EM
Observations 63 63 32 32 31 31
R-squared 0.592 0.583 0.115 0.314 0.610 0.617
Note: Robust standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
rection, however, the relation suggested that the theory does not hold precisely, since
the estimated coefficients are much bigger than 1 and -1, implied by Equation (4).
The estimated coefficients for advanced markets are closer to theoretical predictions,
but the estimated coefficients for emerging markets are far beyond theoretical predic-
tions. The unrealistic assumption of i.i.d. output and money growth processes makes
it difficult to reconcile the discrepancy between theoretical predictions and empirical
Table 12: Robustness Check: Use Actual Inflation and Test the Stock Return-Inflation Relation is Less Negative in EMs
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Inflation -1.785*** -2.200** -1.312*** -4.553*** -0.807*** -2.391 -0.863*** -3.637***
(0.313) (0.963) (0.274) (0.994) (0.250) (1.540) (0.260) (1.268)
Inflation × EM dummy 3.202*** 2.846**
(0.945) (1.201)
Inflation × policy rate cyclicality -4.851*** -7.553*** -2.172** -2.869***
(0.878) (1.750) (0.970) (0.714)
Inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -3.978*** -3.503** -2.255*** -2.416***
(0.677) (1.737) (0.676) (0.649)
Industrial production growth rate 1.218*** 0.973*** 1.434*** 1.240*** 1.223*** 0.926*** 1.446*** 1.239***
(0.169) (0.182) (0.227) (0.174) (0.162) (0.186) (0.218) (0.169)
M2 growth rate 0.410** 0.0197 0.634*** 0.404** 0.392** 0.00262 0.621*** 0.394**
(0.195) (0.279) (0.172) (0.194) (0.196) (0.293) (0.169) (0.195)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0121** 0.00116 0.0212*** 0.0118** 0.0117** 0.000963 0.0209*** 0.0116**
(0.00498) (0.00569) (0.00520) (0.00494) (0.00492) (0.00587) (0.00509) (0.00492)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.00880 0.0194* -0.00203 0.0104 0.00968 0.0200* -0.00150 0.0106
(0.0104) (0.0100) (0.0131) (0.0103) (0.0101) (0.0104) (0.0128) (0.0102)
VIX -0.0164*** -0.0168*** -0.0154*** -0.0161*** -0.0162*** -0.0169*** -0.0151*** -0.0161***
(0.00291) (0.00267) (0.00344) (0.00285) (0.00291) (0.00272) (0.00343) (0.00286)
Constant 0.379*** 0.432*** 0.310*** 0.380*** 0.377*** 0.424*** 0.310*** 0.378***
(0.0745) (0.0691) (0.0812) (0.0732) (0.0733) (0.0707) (0.0794) (0.0730)
Sample full AM EM full full AM EM full
Observations 3,498 1,944 1,554 3,498 3,498 1,944 1,554 3,498
R-squared 0.3992 0.455 0.3928 0.4078 0.4019 0.4468 0.3958 0.4076
Number of countries 55 27 28 55 55 27 28 55
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
Table 13: Robustness Check: Drop the Observations when Countries Adopted the Euro
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Expected inflation -1.834*** -2.525** -1.341*** -0.791*** -3.120** -0.865***
(0.381) (1.012) (0.301) (0.289) (1.400) (0.292)
Unexpected inflation -1.627*** -1.017 -1.224*** -0.906 -3.264* -0.864*
(0.533) (1.985) (0.463) (0.596) (1.807) (0.517)
Expected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -5.205*** -10.69*** -2.362**
(1.093) (3.948) (1.052)
Unexpected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -2.746 -7.238* -0.951
(1.823) (4.196) (1.406)
Expected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -4.372*** -4.354** -2.311***
(0.718) (1.748) (0.735)
Unexpected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -2.885** 0.256 -2.241**
(1.142) (1.870) (0.949)
Industrial production growth rate 1.227*** 0.856*** 1.428*** 1.236*** 0.755*** 1.444***
(0.186) (0.229) (0.229) (0.178) (0.241) (0.221)
M2 growth rate 0.388* -0.334 0.638*** 0.371* -0.349 0.628***
(0.207) (0.335) (0.173) (0.206) (0.349) (0.170)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0160*** 0.00438 0.0210*** 0.0156*** 0.00472 0.0208***
(0.00526) (0.00560) (0.00538) (0.00517) (0.00593) (0.00528)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.00502 0.0150 -0.00203 0.00593 0.0157 -0.00168
(0.0106) (0.0101) (0.0131) (0.0103) (0.0106) (0.0128)
VIX -0.0152*** -0.0140*** -0.0153*** -0.0149*** -0.0141*** -0.0151***
(0.00294) (0.00227) (0.00345) (0.00293) (0.00233) (0.00345)
Constant 0.371*** 0.453*** 0.310*** 0.371*** 0.455*** 0.311***
(0.0802) (0.0672) (0.0810) (0.0775) (0.0701) (0.0793)
Sample full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 2,701 1,149 1,552 2,701 1,149 1,552
R-squared 0.3774 0.4564 0.3935 0.3825 0.443 0.3963
Number of countries 45 17 28 45 17 28
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
Table 14: Robustness Check: Drop Inflation Above 100%
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Expected inflation -1.871*** -2.561** -1.355*** -0.929*** -2.498 -1.008***
(0.344) (0.990) (0.305) (0.273) (1.558) (0.281)
Unexpected inflation -1.347** -2.399 -1.305*** -1.162* -3.096 -1.074*
(0.573) (1.657) (0.474) (0.674) (2.127) (0.554)
Expected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -5.541*** -8.284*** -1.869*
(0.927) (1.704) (1.114)
Unexpected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -0.379 2.390 -0.305
(1.445) (2.687) (1.425)
Expected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -4.327*** -4.387** -2.137***
(0.679) (1.768) (0.726)
Unexpected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -1.134 2.615 -1.983**
(0.871) (2.063) (0.950)
Industrial production growth rate 1.180*** 0.872*** 1.435*** 1.189*** 0.818*** 1.452***
(0.165) (0.185) (0.230) (0.159) (0.192) (0.222)
M2 growth rate 0.408** 0.0307 0.633*** 0.406** 0.0168 0.632***
(0.191) (0.273) (0.176) (0.192) (0.285) (0.173)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0118** 0.00141 0.0208*** 0.0118** 0.00161 0.0209***
(0.00476) (0.00539) (0.00534) (0.00477) (0.00547) (0.00522)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.00891 0.0190** -0.00194 0.00971 0.0198** -0.00139
(0.0102) (0.00953) (0.0132) (0.00994) (0.00994) (0.0128)
VIX -0.0161*** -0.0163*** -0.0153*** -0.0159*** -0.0163*** -0.0150***
(0.00279) (0.00240) (0.00345) (0.00280) (0.00245) (0.00340)
Constant 0.383*** 0.442*** 0.311*** 0.383*** 0.438*** 0.313***
(0.0728) (0.0653) (0.0814) (0.0717) (0.0675) (0.0793)
Sample full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 3,496 1,944 1,552 3,496 1,944 1,552
R-squared 0.4043 0.4704 0.3949 0.4072 0.4633 0.3994
Number of countries 55 27 28 55 27 28
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
Table 15: Robustness Check: Re-run Regressions using Consensus Forecasts Data
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Expected inflation (Consensus Forecasts, current year) -1.314** -1.000 -0.814
(0.573) (1.343) (0.544)
Unexpected inflation (Consensus Forecasts, current year) -1.937*** -3.877*** -1.802***
(0.344) (1.267) (0.434)
Expected inflation (Consensus Forecasts, current year) × policy rate cyclicality -2.460* -7.294** -0.479
(1.269) (2.981) (1.309)
Unexpected inflation (Consensus Forecasts, current year) × policy rate cyclicality -4.571*** -1.443 -3.628**
(1.149) (2.550) (1.547)
Expected inflation (Consensus Forecasts, next year) -1.759*** -1.894* -1.245***
(0.493) (0.957) (0.444)
Unexpected inflation (Consensus Forecasts, next year) -1.632*** -4.614** -1.793***
(0.389) (2.113) (0.452)
Expected inflation (Consensus Forecasts, next year) × policy rate cyclicality -4.173*** -7.033*** -1.960*
(1.187) (1.525) (1.140)
Unexpected inflation (Consensus Forecasts, next year) × policy rate cyclicality -3.000 4.423 -3.655*
(2.096) (3.278) (2.155)
Industrial production growth rate 1.275*** 1.100*** 1.406*** 1.271*** 1.086*** 1.419***
(0.165) (0.158) (0.242) (0.165) (0.151) (0.245)
M2 growth rate 0.533*** 0.443** 0.563*** 0.551*** 0.475*** 0.574***
(0.154) (0.174) (0.190) (0.149) (0.169) (0.185)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0117** -0.000701 0.0225*** 0.0119** -0.000533 0.0226***
(0.00482) (0.00501) (0.00556) (0.00492) (0.00516) (0.00553)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.00280 0.0103 -0.00575 0.00394 0.0106 -0.00502
(0.0101) (0.00920) (0.0140) (0.00998) (0.00867) (0.0137)
VIX -0.0160*** -0.0162*** -0.0158*** -0.0160*** -0.0162*** -0.0159***
(0.00281) (0.00252) (0.00355) (0.00278) (0.00251) (0.00351)
Constant 0.334*** 0.376*** 0.302*** 0.358*** 0.389*** 0.323***
(0.0666) (0.0555) (0.0871) (0.0723) (0.0607) (0.0922)
Sample full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 3,050 1,768 1,282 3,050 1,768 1,282
R-squared 0.4177 0.4545 0.4051 0.4171 0.4595 0.4041
Number of countries 51 25 26 51 25 26
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
Table 16: Robustness Check: Add the Measure of Global Stock Market Factor
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Expected inflation -1.554*** -2.336** -1.250*** -0.857*** -1.445 -0.927***
(0.302) (0.986) (0.289) (0.246) (0.975) (0.257)
Unexpected inflation -1.468** -2.577 -1.271** -1.015 -2.515 -0.936
(0.590) (1.718) (0.560) (0.662) (1.657) (0.593)
Expected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -3.585*** -4.820** -1.699
(0.777) (2.181) (1.128)
Unexpected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -1.389 0.665 -0.909
(1.625) (2.492) (1.663)
Expected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -2.831*** -3.446** -1.298
(0.684) (1.357) (0.928)
Unexpected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -1.794 0.770 -1.905*
(1.092) (1.754) (1.112)
Industrial production growth rate 0.943*** 0.604*** 1.172*** 0.950*** 0.562*** 1.189***
(0.135) (0.161) (0.165) (0.132) (0.174) (0.164)
M2 growth rate 0.507*** 0.00456 0.771*** 0.495*** -0.00453 0.762***
(0.142) (0.227) (0.126) (0.142) (0.235) (0.124)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0156*** 0.00903 0.0195*** 0.0155*** 0.00937 0.0195***
(0.00409) (0.00617) (0.00465) (0.00417) (0.00624) (0.00464)
U.S 3-month Treasury bill yield rate 0.00419 0.0180** -0.00754 0.00480 0.0186** -0.00746
(0.00794) (0.00782) (0.0106) (0.00775) (0.00806) (0.0105)
VIX -0.00455 -0.00605** -0.00337 -0.00454 -0.00595** -0.00343
(0.00303) (0.00269) (0.00372) (0.00304) (0.00264) (0.00374)
Systemic-5 real stock return 0.784*** 0.748*** 0.770*** 0.779*** 0.761*** 0.764***
(0.137) (0.108) (0.170) (0.138) (0.101) (0.173)
Constant 0.109 0.184*** 0.0427 0.109 0.178** 0.0435
(0.0693) (0.0694) (0.0806) (0.0691) (0.0679) (0.0815)
Sample full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 3,080 1,540 1,540 3,080 1,540 1,540
R-squared 0.5147 0.5941 0.4873 0.5147 0.5932 0.4874
Number of countries 50 23 27 50 23 27
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.
Table 17: Robustness Check: Use the Wu-Xia (2014) Shadow Federal Funds Rate to Address the Issue of Unconventional
Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound in the United States
Dependent variable: real stock return (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Expected inflation -1.889*** -2.529** -1.354*** -0.797*** -2.444 -0.874***
(0.336) (0.978) (0.297) (0.282) (1.550) (0.294)
Unexpected inflation -1.304** -2.459 -1.232** -0.965 -3.111 -0.877*
(0.538) (1.616) (0.469) (0.614) (2.081) (0.524)
Expected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -5.498*** -8.384*** -2.386**
(0.912) (1.731) (1.045)
Unexpected inflation × policy rate cyclicality -0.642 2.372 -0.926
(1.318) (2.729) (1.419)
Expected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -4.482*** -4.461** -2.306***
(0.700) (1.745) (0.754)
Unexpected inflation × countercyclical policy dummy -1.380 2.563 -2.207**
(0.834) (2.027) (0.956)
Industrial production growth rate 1.183*** 0.896*** 1.419*** 1.187*** 0.842*** 1.434***
(0.162) (0.183) (0.228) (0.156) (0.189) (0.220)
M2 growth rate 0.402** 0.0150 0.615*** 0.385** 0.000615 0.602***
(0.193) (0.280) (0.178) (0.194) (0.292) (0.176)
Improvement in financial risk rating 0.0119** 0.00109 0.0211*** 0.0117** 0.00128 0.0210***
(0.00468) (0.00535) (0.00535) (0.00470) (0.00542) (0.00526)
Wu-Xia shadow rate 0.00682 0.0133** 0.000813 0.00756 0.0138** 0.00123
(0.00624) (0.00647) (0.00819) (0.00612) (0.00673) (0.00805)
VIX -0.0164*** -0.0169*** -0.0152*** -0.0162*** -0.0170*** -0.0150***
(0.00284) (0.00250) (0.00336) (0.00286) (0.00257) (0.00336)
Constant 0.397*** 0.471*** 0.309*** 0.397*** 0.468*** 0.310***
(0.0703) (0.0670) (0.0705) (0.0682) (0.0695) (0.0677)
Sample full AM EM full AM EM
Observations 3,498 1,944 1,554 3,498 1,944 1,554
R-squared 0.4041 0.4691 0.3932 0.4058 0.4619 0.3958
Number of countries 55 27 28 55 27 28
Note: Driscoll-Kraay standard errors in parentheses. *** p < 0.01; ** p < 0.05; * p < 0.1.