Inflation Scares and Forecast-Based Monetary Policy
Athanasios Orphanides
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
John C. Williams
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
July 2003
Central banks pay close attention to inflation expectations. In standard models, however,
inflation expectations are tied down by the assumption of rational expectations and should
be of little independent interest to policy makers. In this paper, we relax the assumption
of rational expectations with perfect knowledge and reexamine the role of inflation expec-
tations in the economy and in the conduct of monetary policy. Agents are assumed to
have imperfect knowledge of the precise structure of the economy and the policymakers
preferences. Expectations are governed by a perpetual learning technology. With learning,
disturbances can give rise to endogenous inflation scares, that is, significant and persistent
deviations of inflation expectations from those implied by rational expectations. The pres-
ence of learning increases the sensitivity of inflation expectations and the term structure of
interest rates to economic shocks, in line with the empirical evidence. We also explore the
role of private inflation expectations for the conduct of efficient monetary policy. Under
rational expectations, inflation expectations equal a linear combination of macroeconomic
variables and as such provide no additional information to the policy maker. In contrast,
under learning, private inflation expectations follow a time-varying process and provide
useful information for the conduct of monetary policy.
Keywords: Inflation forecasts, policy rules, rational expectations, learning
JEL Classification System: E52
Correspondence: Orphanides: Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D.C. 20551, Tel.: (202) 452-2654,
e-mail: Athanasios.Orpha[email protected]. Williams: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 101
Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, Tel.: (415) 974-2240, e-mail:
We would like to thank George Evans, Ben Friedman, Peter Ireland, Lars Svensson, and partici-
pants at presentations at the University of California, Berkeley, the Norges Bank, meetings of the
Econometric Society, the American Economic Association, and the Society for Computational Eco-
nomics, and at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Conference on Learning, March 21–22, 2003, for
useful comments and discussions on earlier drafts. The opinions expressed are those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or
of management of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.
1 Introduction
Inflation expectations play a central role in the monetary policy process. Central banks
regularly monitor and analyze information regarding inflation expectations, as reflected in
surveys or financial markets.
Moreover, forecasts of inflation are at the center of policy
deliberations at inflation-targeting central banks and have arguably been equally important
for policy decisions in non-inflation-targeting central banks such as the Federal Reserve and
the European Central Bank.
Why do inflation expectations receive so much attention at central banks? One reason
is that policymakers at the Federal Reserve and at central banks in many other nations
have long recognized that monetary policy can be more successful when inflation expecta-
tions are well-anchored.
When inflation expectations become unmoored from the central
bank’s objectives—episodes that Goodfriend (1993) characterized as “inflation scares”—
macroeconomic stabilization can suffer. A second reason often cited is the lagged effect
of monetary policy actions on output and inflation, rst noted by Jevons (1863) and later
made famous by Friedman (1961). Given the existence of a substantial monetary policy
lag, it makes sense for policy decisions to be preemptive, that is, to be based on expected
future conditions when the effects of the policy action will first take hold. And, in fact,
policymakers frequently stress the importance of preemptive policy action for this reason.
In addition, inflation forecasts may be useful in policy deliberations and decisions, because
they summarize a wide variety of information related to past and anticipated economic
In the United States, regular surveys of inflation expectations of households and private economists are
conducted. In addition, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia publishes a quarterly report of expectations
from the Survey of Professional Forecasters. The European Central Bank, Bank of England, Reserve Bank
of New Zealand, Reserve Bank of Australia, and Sveriges Riksbank regularly report on similar surveys
of forecasts. Information regarding inflation expectations derived from comparisons of prices on inflation-
indexed and nominal government securities is also regularly presented by several central banks, including
the European Central Bank, Reserve Bank of Australia, and Sveriges Riksbank. Such information is also
available at the Federal Reserve (Greenspan, 2000).
For example, Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan said in May 2001: “We have often pointed before to
the essential role that low inflation expectations play in containing price pressures and promoting growth.
Any evident tendency in financial markets or in household and business attitudes for such expectations to
trend higher would need to factor importantly into our policy decisions.”
Recent examples of such policymaker views at the Federal Reserve can be found in Greenspan (2001),
Meyer (2002), and Bernanke (2003); indeed, recognition of the value of preemptive policies can be traced
virtually to the founding of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 (Orphanides, 2003b). Views of policymakers
from other central banks are reflected in King (2000), Issing (2000), Gjedrem (2001), and Bollard (2002).
developments (Batini and Haldane 1999).
Model-based monetary policy evaluations, however, provide little support for these ar-
guments for the value of inflation expectations in the design and conduct of monetary policy.
Under rational or “adaptive” expectations, inflation expectations are well-anchored as long
as policy satisfies basic stability principles, for example that the central bank raises real
interest rates when inflation rises above target and vice versa. And, Levin, Wieland, and
Williams (2003) find that forecast-based policy rules provide only trivial gains in terms of
macroeconomic stability over simple policy rules that respond to current output and infla-
tion and the lagged interest rate; importantly, their study includes medium- and large-scale
macro models that incorporate a central role for expectations formation and substantial
policy lags.
More generally, the literature has documented that simple rules, whereby the
policy instrument responds to a few observed variables, perform remarkably well in a wide
variety of macro models.
Taken together, these findings call into question some of the
standard reasons why policymakers should be concerned with inflation expectations.
One potential source of this apparent disconnect between policy practice and policy mod-
eling may be identified in the rigid imposition of rational expectations in macroeconometric
models with an assumed fixed and known structure. The policy evaluations described above
generally assume a fixed and perfectly known structure of the economy and specify that
expectations are model-consistent. In linear fixed-parameter models of this nature, for ex-
ample, once the monetary policy rule is specified, inflation expectations can be represented
as a fixed linear function of economic outcomes.
Economic agents are then assumed to
form expectations mechanically based on these simple linear functions of economic outcomes
Svensson (1997), Giannoni and Woodford (2002), and Svensson and Woodford (2003) also argue that
monetary policy is best thought of in terms of an optimal targeting rule in which policy reacts to past,
present, and forecasted values of target variables, including inflation. Accordingly, inflation expectations are
a key determinant of the setting of policy.
Not surprisingly, this finding also obtains in small-scale models studied by Svensson (1997), Ball (1999),
Rudebusch and Svensson (1999), Orphanides and Wieland (2000), and Orphanides (2003a). However, these
models contain only a small number of state variables, thereby restricting the potential usefulness of forecasts
for policy.
See Bryant, Hooper, Mann (1993) and Taylor (1999a) for collections of policy evaluations studies, and
Taylor (1999b), Orphanides and Williams (2002), Levin and Williams (2003), and references therein.
For the purposes of this discussion we assume existence of a well behaved unique rational expectations
solution. See, however, Bernanke and Woodford (1997), Evans and Honkapojha (2001b) and Bullard and
Mitra (2002) for comparisons of outcome- and forecast-based policies in terms of equilibrium stability and
that are assumed to be perfectly known. From a modeling perspective these assumptions
greatly simplify the analysis. But what if agents are, in fact, less than perfectly certain of
the structure of the model, its time invariance, or simply the values of the model parame-
ters? Once imperfect knowledge is acknowledged, the tight mechanical link from economic
outcomes to the expectations formation process breaks down. As stressed by Friedman
(1979) and Sargent (1993), the explicit learning process that economic agents are assumed
to employ to form expectations should then be examined instead.
Concern for misspecification of the expectations formation process is not merely a the-
oretical curiosity. Episodes when expectations appeared to have become unmoored from
the policymakers’ objectives can be easily identified in the monetary history of the United
States and other nations. For example, such an episode occurred in the United States at the
very end of the 1970s inflationary experience. Reflecting on the evolution of inflation expec-
tations in December, 1980, Chairman Volcker noted: “With all its built-in momentum and
self-sustaining expectations, [the inflationary process] has come to have a life of its own.”
Fears of inflation or deflation, whether entirely justified from the policymakers’ perspective
or not, seemed to have influenced actual decision-making and economic behavior at times,
presenting real complications for policy decisions. This is the essence of how the inflation
scare problem described by Goodfriend (1993) complicates monetary policy decisions in
In this paper we break the tight link between inflation expectations and observable macro
variables by positing that agents do not know with certainty the parameters of the model
but instead constantly update their estimates based on the information available to them.
We explore two related issues. First, we examine the occurrence and properties of inflation
scares, defined to be deviations of inflation expectations from those implied by rational
expectations, under learning. Under rational expectations, long-run inflation expectations
are well anchored and are therefore insensitive to shocks. In contrast, under perpetual
learning, we find that long-run inflation expectations drift endogenously in response to
macroeconomic disturbances in a pattern supported by the evidence on the excess sensitivity
of yields on long-term bonds to aggregate shocks. The prevalence and severity of endogenous
inflation scares is affected by the monetary policy in place, with policies that emphasize
output stabilization more prone to inflation scares. Second, we compare the performance
of policies based on observed outcomes to those based on inflation expectations.
In our model, forecast-based and outcome-based policies are isomorphic under the as-
sumption of rational expectations. We show, however, that forecast-based and outcome-
based policies are no longer identical when knowledge is imperfect and inflation expec-
tations cannot be summarized as a simple function of inflation outcomes. Under these
circumstances, monitoring and responding to the public’s inflation expectations, in addi-
tion to monitoring the evolution of actual inflation, leads to improved policy outcomes. In
our analysis we also differentiate between the public’s expectations and the policymaker’s
inflation forecasts under the assumption that the policymaker knows the structure of the
economy and explore the marginal value of reliance on additional information about the
economy for policy design.
2 The Model Economy
We adopt a simple two-equation macroeconomic model that gives rise to a nontrivial
inflation-output variability tradeoff. The properties of this model are described in greater
detail in Orphanides and Williams (2003).
The central bank’s objective is to design a policy rule that minimizes the loss, denoted
by L, equal to the weighted average of the asymptotic variances of the output gap, y,and
of deviations of inflation, π, from the target rate, π
L =(1 ω)Var(y)+ωV ar(π π
), (1)
where Var(z) denotes the unconditional variance of variable z,andω (0, 1] is the relative
weight placed on inflation stabilization.
We assume that the policymaker can set policy during period t so as to determine the
intended level of the output gap for period t +1,x
, subject to a control error, u
= x
+ u
u iid(0
). (2)
See also Clark, Goodhart, and Huang (1999) and Lengwiler and Orphanides (2002).
Inflation is determined by a modified Lucas supply function that allows for some intrinsic
inflation persistence,
= φπ
+(1 φ)π
+ αy
+ e
,e iid(0
), (3)
where π
is the private agents’ expected inflation rate based on time t information, y is the
output gap, φ (0, 1), α>0, and e is a serially uncorrelated innovation. In this setting,
an interpretation of 1 φ is the fraction of agents who raise prices based on the latest
observed inflation rate.
For these agents, price-setting is invariant to the expectations
formation mechanism. The fraction φ, then, serves as an index of the sensitivity of inflation
movements to the expectations formation mechanism in this economy and becomes a crucial
parameter in the model. If φ is small, expectations and their evolution are unimportant in
this economy.
3 Optimal Policy under Perfect Knowledge
We begin by considering the benchmark case of “perfect knowledge,” where private agents
know the structure of the economy and the central bank’s policy. In this case, expectations
are rational in that they are consistent with the true data-generating process of the model
economy. Later we turn to the case of imperfect knowledge, where agents do not know the
structural parameters of the model, but instead must form expectations based on estimated
forecasting models.
Under the assumption of perfect knowledge, the optimal policy is given by the Euler
equation that relates the intended output gap to the inflation rate and one lead of the
intended output gap:
= E
1 ω
1 φ
. (4)
This expression can can be equivalently restated in a number of ways, two of which we
consider here. In the first, the optimal policy relates the intended output gap to the inflation
gap, the difference between the observed inflation rate and its target. We refer to such rules
as “outcome-based” in that they respond to observed outcomes of inflation. In the second,
This specification, where a portion of inflation expectations is indexed to past inflation, is similar to
those of Gali and Gertler (1999) and Christiano, Eichenbaum, and Evans (2001).
the intended output gap is related to the difference between the expected rate of inflation
and the target. We refer to these rules as “forecast-based rules.
Specifying monetary policy in terms of an outcome-based rule, the intended output gap
is given by:
= θ
), (5)
where θ
> 0 measures the responsiveness of the intended output gap to the inflation gap.
The optimal value of θ
, denoted by θ
is given by
2(1 ω)
1 φ
1 φ
4(1 ω)
for 0 <1. (6)
In the limit, when ω equals unity (that is, when the policymaker is not at all concerned with
output stability), the policymaker sets the real interest rate so that inflation is expected to
return to its target in the next period. The optimal policy in the case ω =1isgivenby:
. It is straightforward to show that the optimal value of θ
is increasing with ω
and the ratio
Given a monetary policy rule of this form, inflation expectations are given by:
1 φ
1 φ αθ
1 φ
. (7)
Substituting this expression for expected inflation into equation (3) yields the rational
expectations solution for inflation for a given monetary policy,
1 φ
1 φ
+ e
+ αu
. (8)
The autocorrelation of inflation is decreasing in ω, with a limiting value approaching unity
when ω approaches zero and zero when ω equals one. That is, if the central bank cares only
about output stabilization, the inflation rate becomes a random walk, while if the central
bank cares only about inflation stabilization, the inflation rate displays no serial correlation.
As noted above, the optimal policy rule can be rewritten in terms of the expected
inflation gap:
= θ
), (9)
where θ
> 0 measures the responsiveness of the intended output gap to the expected
inflation gap. The optimal value of θ
is proportional to the optimal value of θ
responsiveness to the actual output gap), with the factor of proportionality equal to the
inverse of the autocorrelation of the inflation rate. Specifically,
1 φ
1 φ αθ
, (10)
for ω (0, 1). In the limiting case of ω 1, the optimal value of θ
becomes infinite and
the equivalence between the optimal policies breaks down. We limit our analysis to values
of ω (0, 1).
In the following, we consider two values of φ, a baseline value, 0.90, and a smaller value,
0.75. For smaller values of φ, the effect of learning on inflation dynamics is muted owing to
the smaller role of expectations. To ease comparisons of policy and model properties for the
two values of φ,wesetα so that the optimal policy under perfect knowledge is identical in
the two cases. Specifically, for φ =0.75 we set α =0.25 and for φ =0.90, we set α =0.10.
In all cases, we assume σ
= σ
Figure 1 shows the optimal values of θ
and θ
for values of ω between zero and one.
Note that the optimal value of each parameter depends only on ω and the ratio α/(1 φ)
thus is invariant to the two model parameterizations considered here. As seen in the gure,
is much more sensitive to ω than is θ
. This increased sensitivity to ω reflects the
reduction in the autocorrelation of inflation as ω increases.
4 The Economy with Perpetual Learning
We now relax the assumption that private agents have perfect knowledge of all structural
parameters and the policymaker’s preferences. Instead, we posit that agents must infer
the information necessary for forming expectations by observing historical data, in essence
acting like econometricians who know the correct specification of the economy but are
uncertain about the parameters of the model. In particular, we assume that private agents
update the coefficients of their model for forecasting inflation using least squares learning
with finite memory. Least squares learning possesses a number of desirable properties: it is
straightforward to implement and it appears to correspond closely to the practice of real-
world forecasters. Estimation with nite memory reflects agents’ concern for changes in the
structural parameters of the economy. To focus our attention on the role of imperfections
in the expectations formation process itself, we do not explicitly model the properties of
structural change that would justify such concerns. That is, we do not include shocks to the
structural parameters of the model in our simulations. Nor do we model the policymaker’s
knowledge or learning, but instead focus on the implications of policy based on simple
time-invariant rules that do not require explicit treatment of the policymaker’s learning
As in Orphanides and Williams (2003), we model “perpetual learning” by assuming
that agents employ a constant gain in their recursive least squares estimation problem. In
essence, this assumes that agents place greater weight on more recent observations in esti-
This algorithm is equivalent to applying weighted least squares where the weights
decline geometrically with the distance in time between the observation being weighted and
the most recent observation. This approach is closely related to the use of fixed sample
lengths or rolling-window regressions to estimate a forecasting model (Friedman 1979). In
our model, this learning mechanism implies that a simple AR process with finite memory
is used for forecasting. This approach can be conveniently generalized in more compli-
cated models to an economy where agents use VARs for forecasting based on finite memory
As already noted, the reduced form of inflation under perfect knowledge in our model
is given by an AR(1). Correspondingly, we assume that agents attempt to estimate the
coefficients of the following equation:
= c
+ c
+ v
. (11)
To fix notation, let X
and c
be the 2 × 1 vectors, X
Using data through period t, the least squares regression parameters for equation (11) can
be written in recursive form:
= c
+ κ
), (12)
= R
+ κ
) (13)
Inflation expectations with learning based on such constant gain algorithms have been investigated in
detail by Sargent (1999), Evans and Honkapohja (2001a), and Evans and Ramey (2001).
where κ
is the gain. With least squares learning and infinite memory, κ
t increases, κ
converges to zero. As a result, as the data accumulate, this mechanism
converges to the correct expectations function and the economy converges to the perfect
knowledge benchmark solution. As noted above, to formalize perpetual learning we replace
the decreasing gain in the infinite memory recursion with a small constant gain, κ>0.
With imperfect knowledge, expectations are based on the perceived law of motion of
the inflation process governed by the perpetual learning algorithm described above. The
model under imperfect knowledge consists of the structural equation for inflation (3), the
output gap equation (2), the monetary policy rule (5), and the one-step-ahead forecast for
inflation, given by
= c
+ c
, (14)
where c
and c
are updated according to equations (12) and (13).
In the limit of perfect knowledge (that is, as κ 0), the expectations function above
converges to rational expectations, and the stochastic coefficients for the intercept and slope
collapse to:
1 φ
1 φ αθ
1 φ
As we deviate from this limiting case, for small positive κ, expectations are imperfectly
rational in that agents need to estimate the reduced form equations they use to form expec-
tations. Nonetheless, as shown in Orphanides and Williams (2003), expectations are nearly
rational in that the forecasts are close to being efficient, and the reduced form parameters
of the process governing expectations, c
and c
, remain close to what their values would
be under perfect knowledge, c
and c
5 Learning and Inflation Scares
As noted in the introduction, inflation scares, i.e., increases in long-run inflation expectations—
evidenced by shifts in the yield curve—that are unexplained by economic developments are
a recurring feature of the U.S. economy (Goodfriend, 1993, Ireland, 1996). Although some
instances of inflation scares may be associated with discrete events, others appear to develop
endogenously through a confluence of economic developments. In this section, we examine
the response of inflation, expected inflation, and output to shocks in our model economy. A
related issue that has long puzzled researchers is the high correlation between movements
in the entire yield curve and a wide variety of apparently transitory shocks . We take that
issue up in the following section.
In calibrating the model for our illustrative simulations, we set κ =0.05.(See Orphanides
and Williams (2003) for a discussion of the sensitivity of results to κ.) We concentrate on
the baseline parameterization φ =0.9andα =0.1. To illustrate the effects of learning
under different policies, we consider three pairs of alternative policies, corresponding to the
optimal policies under perfect knowledge for policymakers with preferences with a relative
weight on inflation, ω: 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75. For the forecast-based policy rule, we assume
that the policymaker observes and responds to the private forecast. Note that this does
not necessarily correspond to the policymaker’s own forecast, which may incorporate other
5.1 The Response of the Economy to an Inflation Shock
We first consider the dynamic response of the model economy to a one-period 2 percentage
point shock to inflation. In our model, the responses of inflation and inflation expectations
to an output shock (or policy control error) are observationally equivalent to a shock to
inflation (after appropriate scaling) so we do not report on it separately. Note that although
the model is linear in the limiting case of perfect knowledge, under least squares learning
the model responses depend nonlinearly on the initial values of the states c and R.Inthe
following, we report the average response from 1000 simulations, each of which starts from
initial conditions drawn from the relevant steady-state distribution.
Under perfect knowledge, the shock prompts a policy response starting in the following
period, leading to a temporary decline in the output gap and a gradual disinflation. The
solid lines in Figure 2 report the results under perfect knowledge for this experiment. As
expected, the speed at which inflation is brought back to target depends on the monetary
policy response, with the more aggressive policy yielding a sharper decline in output and a
more rapid return of inflation to target. But in all three cases, output and inflation return
to baseline within a few periods.
Imperfect knowledge with learning prolongs the dynamic response of inflation and output
to the inflation shock. Consider rst the case of the policymaker who responds to actual
inflation, shown by the dashed lines in Figure 2. Especially when the central bank places
significant weight on output stabilization (bottom panel), the economy stays away from the
baseline much longer and the effects of the original shock decay quite slowly.
These differences can be traced to the evolution of the inflation expectations mecha-
nism. As the economy evolves following a shock, agents’ estimates of the intercept and the
autocorrelation of inflation climb somewhat relative to their perfect knowledge benchmarks.
This leads to a slight but persistent rise in inflation expectations, relative to what would
be expected under rational expectations, slowing the return of the economy to the baseline.
When the central bank places greater weight on inflation stabilization (top panel) the evolu-
tion of the economy deviates less from the perfect knowledge benchmark. Because the serial
correlation of the inflation process is much smaller in this case, the inflation expectations
process is better anchored and less influenced by the learning dynamics.
Relative to the policy based on observed inflation, the inflation forecast-based policy
delivers a smaller and less persistent rise in inflation. The dash-dotted lines show the
simulated responses of output and inflation when the policymaker follows the rule that
responds to the public’s inflation forecast with the policy parameter chosen based on perfect
knowledge as before. Under this policy rule, the rise in inflation expectations beyond that
implied by perfect knowledge elicits a more aggressive response than in the case of the
policy that responds to observed inflation. The more substantial decrease in output helps
stabilize inflation and inflation expectations.
5.2 Simulation of Serially Correlated Shocks
Next we consider the dynamic responses of the model economy to a set of serially correlated
shocks. We examine the effect of such a serially correlated sequence of shocks for two reasons.
First, such a sequence of shocks amplifies the effects of learning in the model and thus
provides a useful test to explore the interaction of policy and learning. Importantly, since the
model is non-linear under learning, the economy’s response following a sequence of shocks
cannot be inferred simply by scaling and adding up the responses to an individual shock
discussed earlier. Second, such unanticipated and infrequent events (given our assumption
of i.i.d. innovations) are of the kind that have posed the greatest challenge to policy and
modeling historically, as evidenced, for instance, by the events of the 1970s. This experiment
is also of interest as an illustration of the importance of initial conditions regarding the
formation of inflation expectations for the economy’s response to a shock. Recall that the
response of inflation does not depend on the “source” of the shocks, that is, on whether we
assume the shocks are due to policy errors or to other disturbances. The shock we examine
is 2 percentage points in period one, and it declines in magnitude from periods two through
eight; in periods nine and beyond there is no shock.
With perfect knowledge, the series of inflationary shocks causes a gradual rise in the
inflation rate until the shocks dissipate and subsequently a decline, as shown by the solid
lines in Figure 3. The rise in inflation prompts a policy response leading to a temporary
decline in the output gap and subsequently a gradual rise towards the baseline. Since the
model is linear in this limiting case, these responses are simply the sum of scaled responses
to a single shock, as shown in Figure 2. Thus, as before, the speed at which inflation is
brought back to target depends somewhat on the monetary policy response. However, in
each case, output and inflation return to baseline well before the twentieth period.
Perpetual learning amplifies and prolongs the response of inflation and output to the
sequence of shocks. For example, consider the case of the policymaker who responds to
actual inflation, shown by the dashed lines in Figure 3 and compare that to the response
to a single shock, shown in Figure 2. In Figure 3, the shocks cause inflation to rise above
the target level and stay there, while, for the policy that emphasizes output stabilization,
inflation continues to rise even after the shocks to the system stop. As noted earlier, the
persistence imparted by learning is inversely related to the strength of the policy response to
observed inflation gaps. This is further amplified following a series of correlated shocks. As
seen in the upper middle panel, with θ
=0.8, the peak inflation response of a bit more than
2 percentage points is not appreciably larger than would occur under perfect knowledge.
The return of inflation to target, however, is much more gradual. Inflation peaks about 3
percentage points above target when θ
=0.6, and remains more than 2 percentage points
above targets after 20 periods. The results are even more dramatic when θ
=0.4. In
that case, inflation plateaus at 4-1/2 percentage points above target. At the same time, the
output gap is consistently minus one percent. The steady downward pressure of maintaining
a small output gap in the first few periods is insufficient to overcome the effects of a stubborn
buildup of high and persistent inflation expectations. The gradual disinflation prescription
that would be optimal with perfect knowledge destabilizes the inflation expectations process
in this case and yields stagflation—the simultaneous occurrence of persistently high inflation
and low output.
The deterioration of the response of inflation under learning, relative to our perfect
knowledge benchmark, is considerably smaller with a forecast-based policy (the dash-dotted
lines in the figure). As noted earlier, under this policy rule, the rise in inflation expectations
beyond that implied by perfect knowledge elicits a more aggressive response than in the
case of the policy that responds to observed inflation. This is especially important when
a sequence of shocks, as used in this illustration, threatens to temporarily destabilize the
inflation expectations process. For the first two cases, corresponding to values of θ
3.8 and 1.6, respectively, the peak response of inflation is only modestly above that that
obtains under perfect knowledge, and the inflation gap closes reasonably quickly. Even with
=0.8, the peak inflation response is only 3-1/2 percentage points and the inflation rate
is 1-1/2 percentage points above target after 20 periods, 3 percentage points lower than in
the case of the policy rule that responds to observed inflation.
As can be seen from these examples, although outcome- and forecast-based policies are
isomorphic in the limit of perfect knowledge, with perpetual learning they differ importantly.
Policies responding to private agent’s forecasts of inflation, in particular appear better suited
to control apparent instabilities in inflation, following unfavorable shocks.
6 The Term Structure of Inflation Expectations and Bond
Economists have long been puzzled by the apparent excess sensitivity of yields on long-run
government bonds to shocks. Shiller (1979) and Mankiw and Summers (1984) point out that
long-term interest rates appear to move in the same direction following changes in short-
term interest rates and “overreact” relative to what would be expected if the expectations
hypothesis held and expectations were assumed to be rational. Changes in the federal
funds rate appear to cause long-term interest rates to generally move considerably and in
the same direction (Cook and Hahn, 1989, Roley and Sellon, 1995, Kuttner (2001). Kozicki
and Tinsley (2001a,b), Cogley (2002), and Gurkaynak, Sack and Swanson (2003), suggest
that this sensitivity could be attributed to movements in long-run inflation expectations that
differ from those implied by standard linear rational expectations macro models with fixed
and known parameters. Our results point to an important role for learning-induced inflation
expectations dynamics in explaining this phenomenon and in this section we examine this
mechanism in some additional detail.
6.1 The Response of Inflation Expectations to Shocks
We start by examining the responses of short- and long-run inflation expectations to tran-
sitory and persistent shocks. We are interested in examining the evolution of inflation
expectations at the one-period ahead horizon, which determines the inflation and output
dynamics in our model, as well as at longer horizons, which relate more closely to the
historical narrative descriptions of inflation scares and the evolution of bond yields. The
one-period inflation dynamics in our model are governed by the autoregressive process (14).
Under rational expectations, this is a fixed parameter process that can be used to compute
the rational k-step ahead forecast of inflation. The parameters of the process depend on
policy and model structure, but given policy, they are fixed. Consider for example the case
of a policy responding to inflation, θ
. Then, given the reduced form parameters of the
inflation process, c
and c
, the law of iterated expectations can be easily applied to obtain
forecasts at all horizons from the model.
With imperfect knowledge the translation of the forecasting model agents use to derive
one-step ahead inflation expectations into longer-term expectations is not immediate. As
a baseline case, we assume that agents use their reduced form estimates of the process
governing the one-period ahead forecast, (11), as if it represents the correct model of the
economy and use the law of iterated expectations with their latest estimates of that process,
and c
, as if these parameters were fixed. This is closer to the practice of employing a
fixed parameter VAR estimated with the latest data and finite memory to obtain long-term
horizon forecasts. (See e.g. Campbell and Shiller (1991) for an application to long-term
bond yields and the term structure of interest rates and Orphanides and Williams (2002)
for an application to inflation forecasting.)
Another alternative is to estimate a separate model for each desired long-term forecast
horizon (with finite memory). Thus, instead of relying on equation (11), to forecast inflation
at all horizons, agents may recursively estimate the reduced form process:
= c
+ c
+ v
. (15)
for each horizon, k, and use this horizon-specific forecasting model to form their expecta-
tions. This procedure is closer to a practice commonly employed for recursive estimation
and out-of-sample forecasting in the presence of concerns about parameter instability of the
forecasting model. (See e.g. Stock and Watson (1999) and Orphanides and van Norden
(2003) for applications to simulated real-time inflation forecasting experiments.) We will
refer to this as the “horizon-specific” forecasting model.
Note that in the limiting case of perfect knowledge (that is as κ 0), both the horizon-
specific and baseline forecasting models produce identical forecasts. The slope coefficient
in the horizon-specific model, in that case, simply equals the k-step ahead coefficient of the
perfect knowledge benchmark economy. As with our one-period forecasting model, either
of these two multi-period ahead forecasting technologies collapses to the standard rational
expectations case in the perfect knowledge limit.
Figures 4 and 5 show the evolution of inflation expectations when the economy is sub-
jected to the shocks described in our previous experiments (shown in Figures 2 and 3, respec-
tively). In each case, we present the evolution of inflation expectations at the one-period-
and five-period-ahead horizons. For the longer horizon, these gures show expectations
corresponding to our baseline forecasting model. (Expectations using the horizon-specific
forecasting model for the five-period-ahead horizon are qualitatively similar.)
The solid lines in Figure 4 show the evolution of expectations under perfect knowledge
following a one-period shock to inflation. As can be seen, for all three policies considered,
the five-year ahead inflation expectations (right panels) are little affected by the shock,
which mostly affects the evolution of the one-period ahead expectation (left panels). The
initial response and speed of adjustment are influenced by the responsiveness of policy, as
expected. but the one-period ahead expectation quickly reverts to baseline, after a few
periods in each case.
Learning significantly prolongs the impact of the shock on the one-period-ahead infla-
tion expectation and, unlike the perfect knowledge benchmark, also implies a significant
response of longer-run expectations as well. This is most evident for the case of policy rules
responding to lagged inflation, dashed lines. As can be seen, long-term and short-term ex-
pectations under learning co-move more closely than under rational expectations. Further,
longer-term expectations under learning significantly “overreact” to the temporary shock
relative to what would be expected with perfect knowledge.
Figure 5 reports the parallel experiment examining the evolution of the economy to
a sequence of serially correlated shocks. This experiment illustrates how the long-term
inflation expectations may become unhinged from the policymakers objective for a prolonged
period, especially for a policy that places relatively little emphasis on price stability (bottom
panels). The problem is evident for forecast-based policies as well, but is less severe under
these policies.
6.2 Quantifying the Excess Sensitivity of Expectations to Shocks
One way to summarize the sensitivity of inflation expectations at various horizons is by
examining the regression-based slope coefficient of a regression of the k-step-ahead inflation
forecast implied by the private agent’s evolving forecasting model on the observed inflation
rate and a constant:
= a
+ a
+ u
This is determined by the policy pursued and the expectations formation process. For an
outcome-based policy, under perfect knowledge, the k-step ahead slope coefficient, a
given by (
. For policy rules corresponding to a policymaker who puts nontrivial
weight on inflation stabilization, then, the slope coefficient becomes very small even for
moderate values of k.
Under learning, inflation expectations are more persistent than under rational expecta-
tions with perfect knowledge. Table 1 reports the resulting slope coefficients from simulation
experiments for the three alternative outcome-based policies examined above. We report
the results for the one-, three-, five-, and ten-step-ahead forecasts. We compute results
using our baseline forecasting model and the horizon-specific forecasting model. Relative
to the case of rational expectations, under learning inflation expectations exhibit greater
sensitivity to actual inflation. With the policy that responds relatively timidly to inflation
(lower panel), and for the case when expectations are relatively more important determi-
nants of actual inflation (φ =0.9) the expectations at all three forecast horizons shown
exhibit behavior we would associate with a unit-root process in our baseline parameteriza-
tion (κ =0.05). Even with a policy that responds more aggressively to inflation (top panel)
inflation forecasts at the three- and ve-period-ahead horizons can be substantial whereas
it is nearly zero under rational expectations. The sensitivity of inflation expectations to
movements in actual inflation varies with the parameterization of the model and to illus-
trate this variation we report results for two alternative values for κ for each value of φ
The analysis in Table 1 implicitly assumes that agents do not incorporate any explicit
knowledge, say from pronouncements from policymakers, regarding the policymaker’s ulti-
mate inflation objective in forming expectations. If the central bank could communicate
its numerical inflation target to the public, it would simplify the private agents’ forecasting
problem. Because the adoption and clear communication of such a target is a key part
of the inflation targeting strategy that several central banks have adopted over the past
decade or so, it is of interest to examine the sensitivity of inflation expectations to shocks
in this case. To do so we perform a parallel set of simulations to those reported in Table 1
under the assumption that the public exactly knows the value of π
and explicitly incorpo-
rates this information in forming inflation expectations.
This also allows us to examine
the extent to which the excess sensitivity of the term structure of inflation expectations to
shocks should be seen as being determined by uncertainty regarding the dynamics of the
economy or uncertainty regarding just the long-run inflation target.
As shown in Table 2, even with the assumption of a known inflation target inflation
expectations can be substantially more sensitive to shocks than in the rational expectations
benchmark. Evidently, even under the assumption that the expectations in the very long-run
are tied-down with a fixed and known inflation target, learning regarding the dynamics of
the inflation process can induce substantial deviations in longer-term expectations from the
rational expectations benchmark. As with the case of an unknown target, these deviations
are larger with policy that responds relatively timidly to inflation and for the case when
expectations are relatively more important determinants of actual inflation.
Comparison of Table 2 with Table 1 confirms that inflation expectations under learning
are generally much less sensitive to inflation when the inflation target is assumed to be
known by the public. Indeed, the comparison indicates that the benefit of better anchored
inflation expectations that is associated with successful communication of the central bank’s
inflation target can be significant. As stressed by King (2002), this is consistent with the
experience of the U.K. following the adoption of inflation targeting and the independence
of the Bank of England. He notes that “inflation has been less persistent—in the sense
that shocks die away more quickly—under inflation targeting than for most of the past
century.” Supportive evidence is also presented by Gurkaynak, Sack and Swanson (2003)
who document a reduction in the sensitivity of U.K. forward rates to shocks over the past
several years.
To be sure, even in an explicit inflation targeting regime, the public may remain uncertain regarding
the policymaker’s inflation target, π
, so that this assumption of a perfectly known inflation target may be
seen as an illustrative limiting case. See Orphanides and Williams (2003) for further analysis and discussion
of the effects of greater transparency of monetary policy in this model.
7 Imperfect Knowledge and the Design of Monetary Policy
The examples reported above illustrate how the behavior of the economy can differ signifi-
cantly under outcome- and forecast-based policy rules that would be identical under perfect
knowledge. We now consider the relative performance of optimized outcome- and forecast-
based rules in terms of the unconditional variances of output and inflation assuming serially
uncorrelated shocks.
7.1 Efficient Outcome- and Forecast-based Simple Rules
We start by examining the characteristics and performance of efficient simple one-parameter
outcome- and forecast-based policy rules. The solid line in the upper panel of Figure 6 shows
the best obtainable pairs of the standard deviations of inflation and the output gap under
the assumption of perfect knowledge. Figure 7 shows the corresponding policy response
parameters. The solid line in the upper panel of Figure 7 reports the corresponding optimal
values of θ
for an outcome-based rule; the solid line in the lower panel report the optimal
values of θ
for a forecast-based rule.
Within the class of one-parameter rules, policy should respond to expected inflation
when inflation stabilization is weighted heavily in the objective, but should respond to
observed inflation when output stabilization is relatively more important. The dashed line
in Figure 6 shows the frontier for the one-parameter outcome-based rule; the dash-dotted
line shows the frontier for the one-parameter forecast-based rule. (As before, the central
bank is assumed to respond to the private forecast of inflation in the case of the forecast-
based rule.) As seen in the figure, neither class of rules dominates the other, and both do
significantly worse than would result under perfect knowledge.
The forecast-based one-parameter rule is more effective at stabilizing inflation than the
outcome-based rule. The reason for this result is seen in the structural equation for inflation
given by equation (3). In our calibration, inflation depends importantly on expected infla-
tion; therefore, responding to expected inflation is an effective strategy to control inflation.
Although not shown in the figure, the difference between the behavior of the economy under outcome-
and forecast-based rules is greatest when expected inflation plays a dominant role in determining inflation:
For values of φ below 0.9, the differences in the frontiers become smaller, and for larger values, the differences
More intriguing is the finding that responding to expected inflation is dominated when the
policymaker is sufficiently concerned about output stabilization. Responding too strongly
to expected inflation generates excessive variability of the output gap and the preferred pol-
icy responds instead to the actual inflation rate. Evidently, for the policymaker concerned
primarily with output fluctuations and willing to downplay variability in inflation, expected
inflation proves an excessively noisy measure of underlying inflation.
The efficient outcome-based rules respond more aggressively to deviations of inflation
from target under learning than implied by perfect knowledge. As seen in the the top panel
of Figure 7, the efficient choice of θ
is higher under imperfect knowledge than under perfect
knowledge. This result holds across all values of ω. This finding is a manifestation of the
need for greater vigilance against inflation when knowledge is imperfect, as discussed in
detail in Orphanides and Williams (2003).
The efficient forecast-based rule is more aggressive under learning than under perfect
knowledge only when the relative weight on inflation stabilization is relatively low. The
reasoning for the more aggressive policy response is the same as in the case of outcome-
based rules. Greater vigilance against inflation mitigates against inflation expectations
from becoming uncoupled from the policy objective. As can be seen in the lower panel of
Figure 7, however, for high values of ω the efficient response is more aggressive under perfect
knowledge than learning. The optimal value of θ
implied by perfect knowledge is very high
when the policymaker is primarily concerned with inflation stabilization. Under imperfect
knowledge, inflation expectations become “noisy” in this economy. Responding aggressively
to this noise is counterproductive; instead, the efficient simple rule is characterized by a
muted response to inflation expectations.
7.2 Responding to both Actual and Forecasts of Inflation
We now examine the performance and characteristics of policy rules that respond to both
observed inflation and the private forecast of inflation. The thin solid line in Figure 8
shows the outcomes under this efficient two-parameter rule. Responding efficiently to both
expected and actual inflation outperforms rules responding to either only actual or only
expected inflation.
The two-parameter rule uses information regarding the two determinants of inflation in
this model: past actual inflation and the private forecast of inflation. To dissect the features
of these rules, we compare their properties to rules that respond to the one-step-ahead
forecast of inflation implied by the model, which we denote π
, as opposed to the private
forecast of inflation. Such a rule incorporates information about both observed inflation and
the public’s forecast of inflation but constrains how this information is used relative to the
two-parameter rule. In particular, the implied ratio of the response to expected inflation
to that to observed inflation is given by φ/(1 φ). We use such rules as a benchmark to
compare against the efficient two-parameter rules.
The thin dashed line in the figure shows the outcomes when policy responds to the
policymaker’s one-period-ahead forecast of inflation, denoted by π
, assuming that the
policymaker knows the structural equation for inflation. This rule performs slightly better
than the efficient simple forecast-based rule but does not dominate the simple outcome-
based rule. It performs noticeably worse than the two-parameter rule. Evidently, the
public’s forecast contains valuable information for the conduct of monetary policy beyond
its direct effect on inflation. Examination of the coefficients of the two-parameter efficient
rule, shown in Figure 9, indicates that the ratio of the response to expected inflation to
observed inflation is lower than implied by a rule that responds to the policymaker’s forecast
(theratioisthesameforω = 1). That is, the efficient response in the two-parameter rule
down-weighs the information contained in the public’s inflation forecast.
7.3 Optimal Policy with Imperfect Knowledge
Up to this point we have restricted ourselves to simple one- and two-parameter simple rules.
With imperfect knowledge, optimal policy is described by a nonlinear function of all five
states of the system, {π
}, plus a constant. We have evaluated more
complicated rules that respond linearly to all of these states and expected inflation and find
that the additional terms yield trivial improvements in economic performance.
8 Conclusion
Central banks around the world pay close attention to inflation expectations, including
surveys, market-based measures, and economic forecasts. One cause of concern is infla-
tion scares, i.e., unusual increases in inflation expectations, that appear to be a recurring
phenomenon. But model-based monetary policy evaluations suggest that outcome-based
monetary policy rules similar to the Taylor Rule, whereby policy responds to observed out-
put and inflation, do nearly as well at achieving policy goals as rules based on forecasts.
Evidently, existing research has provided little insight into why central banks pay so much
attention to inflation expectations.
In this paper, we explore the properties of endogenous fluctuations in the formation of
expectations resulting from a process of perpetual learning and examine its implications
for the design of forecast-based monetary policy. Under rational expectations and perfect
knowledge, long-run inflation expectations are well anchored and do not budge in response
to aggregate shocks. With learning, however, large shocks or a sequence of shocks can
dislodge that anchor and an inflation scare may ensue. Inflation expectations can then
move substantially away from the policymaker’s target. In this way, our model suggests
an important role for learning-induced inflation expectations dynamics for explaining the
“excess sensitivity” of long-term inflation expectations to aggregate shocks that is observed
in the data.
We also find that under learning private inflation expectations contain potentially valu-
able information for the setting of monetary policy. In particular, policies that respond to
both observed inflation and private inflation expectations yield significant improvements in
macroeconomic performance over simple rules that respond to observed inflation.
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Table 1: Sensitivity of Inflation Forecasts
Correlation Between Inflation Forecasts and Actual Inflation
Rational Imperfect Knowledge
Expectations Baseline Expectations Model Horizon-Specific Expectations Model
κ =0.025 κ =0.050 κ =0.025 κ =0.050
φ =0.75 φ =0.90 φ =0.75 φ =0.90 φ =0.75 φ =0.90 φ =0.75 φ =0.90
Policy: θ
1-step-ahead forecast 0.21 0.29 0.40 0.36 0.58 0.29 0.40 0.36 0.58
3-step-ahead forecast 0.01 0.13 0.27 0.25 0.53 0.11 0.26 0.21 0.51
5-step-ahead forecast 0.00 0.10 0.24 0.22 0.52 0.09 0.22 0.18 0.48
10-step-ahead forecast 0.00 0.09 0.21 0.20 0.55 0.08 0.19 0.16 0.46
Policy: θ
1-step-ahead forecast 0.38 0.48 0.62 0.57 0.82 0.48 0.62 0.57 0.82
3-step-ahead forecast 0.06 0.24 0.45 0.40 0.78 0.21 0.43 0.35 0.76
5-step-ahead forecast 0.01 0.17 0.39 0.35 0.78 0.14 0.35 0.28 0.74
10-step-ahead forecast 0.00 0.14 0.33 0.31 0.83 0.12 0.29 0.23 0.73
Policy: θ
1-step-ahead forecast 0.57 0.69 0.84 0.78 0.97 0.69 0.83 0.78 0.97
3-step-ahead forecast 0.18 0.43 0.71 0.64 0.99 0.40 0.69 0.58 0.98
5-step-ahead forecast 0.06 0.33 0.65 0.58 1.02 0.28 0.62 0.49 1.01
10-step-ahead forecast 0.00 0.25 0.60 0.54 1.15 0.19 0.53 0.37 1.12
Notes: Table reports the slope coefficient from a regression of the k-step-ahead inflation forecast implied by the private estimated
forecasting model on observed inflation.
Table 2: Sensitivity of Inflation Forecasts with Known Inflation Target
Correlation Between Inflation Forecasts and Actual Inflation
Rational Imperfect Knowledge
Expectations Baseline Expectations Model Horizon-Specific Expectations Model
κ =0.025 κ =0.050 κ =0.025 κ =0.050
φ =0.75 φ =0.90 φ =0.75 φ =0.90 φ =0.75 φ =0.90 φ =0.75 φ =0.90
Policy: θ
1-step-ahead forecast 0.21 0.23 0.28 0.26 0.39 0.23 0.28 0.26 0.38
3-step-ahead forecast 0.01 0.04 0.11 0.09 0.28 0.04 0.10 0.07 0.26
5-step-ahead forecast 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.23 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.21
10-step-ahead forecast 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.23 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.17
Policy: θ
1-step-ahead forecast 0.38 0.42 0.50 0.47 0.68 0.41 0.50 0.47 0.68
3-step-ahead forecast 0.06 0.13 0.25 0.21 0.57 0.11 0.24 0.18 0.55
5-step-ahead forecast 0.01 0.05 0.16 0.13 0.52 0.04 0.14 0.09 0.49
10-step-ahead forecast 0.00 0.01 0.07 0.06 0.52 0.01 0.06 0.03 0.44
Policy: θ
1-step-ahead forecast 0.57 0.63 0.74 0.69 0.91 0.63 0.74 0.69 0.91
3-step-ahead forecast 0.18 0.30 0.52 0.44 0.87 0.28 0.51 0.40 0.86
5-step-ahead forecast 0.06 0.17 0.42 0.33 0.88 0.25 0.39 0.27 0.86
10-step-ahead forecast 0.00 0.06 0.29 0.22 0.98 0.04 0.25 0.12 0.94
Notes: Table reports the slope coefficient from a regression of the k-step-ahead inflation forecast implied by the private estimated
forecasting model on observed inflation.
Figure 1
Optimal Response to Observed Inflation Gap under Perfect Knowledge
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1
Optimal Response to Expected Inflation Gap under Perfect Knowledge
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1
Notes: The top panel shows the optimal response to the observed inflation gap corre-
sponding to the alternative weights ω; the bottom panel shows the optimal response to the
expected output gap inflation gap.
Figure 2
Evolution of Economy Following an Inflation Shock
(φ =0.9 =0.1)
Output Inflation
Biased towards inflation control: θ
=0.8 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Balanced Preferences: θ
=0.6 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Biased toward Output control: θ
=0.4 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 3
Evolution of Economy Following a Series of Inflation Shocks
(φ =0.90 =0.10)
Output Inflation
Biased towards inflation control: θ
=0.8 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Balanced Preferences: θ
=0.6 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Biased toward Output control: θ
=0.4 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 4
Evolution of Inflation Expectations Following an Inflation Shock
One-step-ahead expectations Five-step-ahead expectations
Biased towards inflation control: θ
=0.8 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Perfect knowledge
Policy responds to π
Policy responds to π
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Balanced Preferences: θ
=0.6 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Biased toward Output control: θ
=0.4 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 5
Evolution of Inflation Expectations Following a Series of Inflation Shocks
One-step-ahead expectations Five-step-ahead expectations
Biased towards inflation control: θ
=0.8 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Perfect knowledge
Policy responds to π
Policy responds to π
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Balanced Preferences: θ
=0.6 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Biased toward Output control: θ
=0.4 or θ
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 6
Performance of Optimized One-parameter Policy Rules
(φ =0.9 =0.1)
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Perfect knowledge benchmark
Policy responds to π
Policy responds to π
Figure 7
Optimized Response to Observed Inflation in One-parameter Rule
(φ =0.9 =0.1)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Perfect knowledge benchmark
Imperfect knowledge (κ = 0.05)
Optimized Response to Expected Inflation in One-parameter Rule
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1
Perfect knowledge benchmark
Imperfect knowledge (κ = 0.05)
Figure 8
Performance of Optimized One- and Two-parameter Policy Rules
(φ =0.9 =0.1)
1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2
Perfect knowledge benchmark
Policy responds only to π
Policy responds only to π
Policy responds to only π
Policy reponds to both π and π
Figure 9
Optimized Coefficients of Two-Parameter Policy Rule
(φ =0.9 =0.1)
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Perfect knowledge benchmark (θ
Response to observed inflation
Response to expected inflation