Web Browser Favorites for EDIAM-Secured Applications
It is common to create web browser favorites (called bookmarks in some browsers) for quick access to your
favorite MDE web applications. Favorites can be a time-saver for accessing web applications that you use every
It is important to create web browser favorites correctly so that they point directly to the MDE web application.
For MDE web applications secured with the Education Identity & Access Management system (EDIAM), if the
web browser favorite points to the EDIAM Security login page instead of the MDE web application, it is possible
for the link to become broken due to future internal EDIAM changes.
There are two good options for creating web browser favorites for EDIAM-Secured web applications: either
the application launch page on the MDE web site, or the Home page inside the application. This tutorial
illustrates both ways to create web browser favorites for EDIAM-Secured web applications. This tutorial uses
Microsoft Edge Chromium, but the steps are similar for other web browsers.
Creating a Web Browser Favorite in Microsoft Edge
1. After navigating to the desired web page, select the Add page to favorites toolbar option (or
2. In the Favorite added popup window, enter the menu item name of the web browser favorite
and select the desired folder in your favorites to store this menu item. Select Done to finish.
Add page to
3. Your new web browser favorite will now show up in the specified folder in your favorites. To
remove this favorite, select the Add page to favorites toolbar option (or Ctrl+D) again.
Example #1: Creating a Web Browser Favorite to the EDIAM User Profile
The EDIAM User Profile is your page for the EDIAM-secured MDE web applications and secure reports to which
you have access.
1. Go to the Data Submissions page on the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) web site:
New web browser
2. The MDE Data Submissions page is the launch page for the EDIAM Security System, including
documentation and step-by-step tutorials. This is page is a good choice for creating a web
browser favorite, providing you quick access to that documentation as well as the link to launch
the EDIAM User Profile. Otherwise, select Enter Education Identity & Access Management
(EDIAM) to continue.
3. The EDIAM user account login page will display. Do not create a web browser favorite on this
page. The web URL address for this page is based on the EDIAM implementation, so a web
browser favorite pointing to this page may break after a future upgrade to EDIAM. Enter your
User ID, Password, and select LOGIN to continue.
Do not create a web
browser favorite on the
EDIAM user account
login page.
4. The EDIAM User Profile home page is displayed for your EDIAM user account. This is page is
another good choice for creating a web browser favorite, providing you quick access to launch
the EDIAM User Profile.
Example #2: Creating a Web Browser Favorite to Another Web Application
The EDIAM User Profile is your page for the EDIAM-secured MDE web applications and secure reports to which
you have access.
1. Go to the Data Submissions page on the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) web site:
2. The left-hand navigation bar on the MDE Data Submissions page displays a list of secure MDE
web applications. Select the application name to display the desired application launch page on
the MDE website.
3. This example shows the launch page for the District and School Site Verification application,
which also displays detailed information and associated documentation for this application.
This is page is a good choice for creating a web browser favorite, providing you quick access to
that documentation as well as the link to launch the application. Otherwise, select Enter the
District and School Site Verification system to continue.
4. The EDIAM user account login page will display. Do not create a web browser favorite on this
page. The web URL address for this page is based on the EDIAM implementation, so a web
browser favorite pointing to this page may break after a future upgrade to EDIAM. Enter your
User ID, Password, and select LOGIN to continue.
Do not create a web
browser favorite on the
EDIAM user account
login page.
5. The District and School Site Verification application home page is displayed for your EDIAM user
account. This is page is another good choice for creating a web browser favorite, providing you
quick access to launch this application.