College of Fine Arts Presents
2015-16 Season
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Fisher Auditorium
IUP Performing Arts Center
Tonight’s program will be announced from
the stage and will be presented with one
fifteen-minute intermission.
The program copy has been provided, unedited, by the artists.
Genghis Barbie, the leading post post-fem-
inist feminist all-female horn experience, is
the most innovative and energizing cham-
ber ensemble of its generation and beyond.
With a combined 24 years of conservato-
ry training, Genghis Barbie delivers to you a
visceral and unadulterated musical adven-
ture. Performing arrangements of pop mu-
sic from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, 00’s and
today, contemporary commissions, and
classical works, they are the most versa-
tile and expansive group on NYCs classical/
tro-acoustic scene. Genghis Barbie was in-
cepted in a unique moment of ingenuity
when Freedom Barbie, Cosmic Barbie, Vel-
vet Barbie, and Attila the Horn converged
and vowed to create distinctive, interactive
and personal performances. In addition to
their busy New York City performing sched-
ule, the ladies of Genghis Barbie have per-
formed as Contributing Artists at the 2011
International Horn Society Symposium in
San Francisco, played Schumann’s Konzert-
stück with the Southern Methodist Uni-
versity Wind Ensemble, and appeared on
America’s Got Talent. In May 2012, Geng-
his Barbie made their Carnegie Hall de-
but in the premiere of a new concerto for
four horns, commissioned by the New York
Youth Symphony. As educators, they have
toured numerous universities presenting
workshops, masterclasses, and lectures on
musical entrepreneurship. They have re-
leased four studio albums: the self-titled
Lively Arts
debut album, the holiday album “Geng-
his Barbie: Home for the Holidays,” “Geng-
his Baby: Songs for Noa,” and the newly re-
leased “Amp it Up!” Genghis Barbie aspires
to appear on the Ellen DeGeneres show
within one calendar year.
Rachel Drehmann,
aka Attila the Horn
Rachel Drehmann, aka Attila the Horn, stud-
ied with Charles Kavalovski at the University
of Minnesota and with Jerome Ashby at the
Manhattan School of Music. Rachel has ap-
peared as a soloist with Berkshire Bach Soci-
ety, Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra, and Bur-
lington Chamber Orchestra. She performs
with the American Symphony Orchestra,
The Knights Chamber Orchestra, Interna-
tional Contemporary Ensemble, Metropolis
Ensemble, and Argento Chamber Ensemble.
She served as the horn player for the Love
This Giant tour with pop/rock icons Da-
vid Byrne and St. Vincent on a whirlwind
year-long tour—busing, biking, and playing
shows all around the world. Rachel has re-
corded and shared the stage with Shakira,
Kanye West, Danny Harrison, Frank Ocean,
and Bruce Springsteen. Her radio and televi-
sion appearances have included NPR, David
Letterman, Colbert Report and Jimmy Fal-
lon. As a freelancer in New York, Rachel en-
joys playing a wide range of styles, she can
be heard in numerous Broadway pits, at
Shakespeare in the Park and is a member of
Banda de Los Muertos. She is currently col-
laborating with Ann Ellsworth on perform-
ing and recording concerti from the Dresden
Court on soprano horns and has recently
played recitals in New York and Dallas with
David Cooper.
Rachel grew up among the farms, cheese-
lovers, and her fellow Packer fans outside of
Green Bay, Wisconsin. She currently lives in
Harlem and enjoys playing volleyball as well
as managing a talented gang of violin bow-
makers at Salchow & Sons when she’s not
out pillaging and conquering with Genghis
Danielle Kuhlmann,
aka Velvet Barbie
Praised by the New York Times for her “fear-
less” and “seductive” playing, Danielle Kuhl-
mann has traveled the world, performing
with symphony orchestras and in chamber
music concerts throughout North America,
Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia.
A native of Seattle, Washington, she com-
pleted her undergraduate degree with Je-
rome Ashby at the Juilliard School and pur-
sued graduate studies at Rice University
under William VerMeulen. Following sever-
al years as a freelance musician in New York
and Seattle, Kuhlmann is now the 2nd Horn
of the San Diego Symphony.
She has performed with the New York Phil-
harmonic, Seattle Symphony, Houston Sym-
phony, Cincinnati Symphony, Colorado Sym-
phony, and the Orchestra of St. Luke’s. An
avid interpreter of new music, she is Prin-
cipal Horn of the American Composers Or-
chestra, and performs with the International
Contemporary Ensemble (ICE). She has been
a featured soloist with the Seattle and Ma-
nila Symphony Orchestras, Novus NY at Trin-
ity Wall Street, and the River Oaks Chamber
Orchestra, where she is also Principal Horn.
In addition to classical performances, Dan-
ielle has been heard in various Broadway
shows in New York City and on many video
game and movie soundtracks. In 2013, she
performed several cycles of Wagners epic
Der Ring des Nibelungen with Seattle Opera.
Devoted to philanthropic work, Kuhlmann
has traveled to the Philippines four times,
volunteering for the group Cultures in Har-
mony, a New York-based NGO that pro-
motes cultural diplomacy through music.
The group works with both professional and
student-level musicians in Manila, as well as
with indigenous youth. In January of 2011,
she volunteered in Kabul, Afghanistan,
teaching and performing at the Afghanistan
National Institute of Music.
A multifaceted musician and risk-taker, Dan-
ielle has a diverse array of experiences un-
der her belt, both with and without her
horn. Since 2008 she has been a member of
the Brooklyn-based country rock band “Tat-
ters & Rags.” In 2009 she appeared on Am-
ateur Night at the Apollo, singing Toni Brax-
ton’s “Unbreak My Heart.” Her performance
was enthusiastically received, and she was
not “walked off” the stage by the “Execu-
tioner.” She considers it to be one of her
greatest achievements.
Pursuing other non-musical interests as
well, Danielle studied metalsmithing and
jewelry design at the Fashion Institute of
Technology in New York City. She uses her
skills to create each piece of Genghis Barbie
jewelry and merchandise, as well as person-
alized items for exclusive use by the Barbies.
Leelanee Sterrett,
aka Cosmic Barbie
Leelanee Sterrett, aka Cosmic Barbie, is
Third Horn with the New York Philharmon-
ic, having joined the Orchestra in June 2013.
As a soloist, she has appeared with the New
Haven Symphony Orchestra, and with the
NY Philharmonic horn section at the 2014
International Horn Symposium.
Raised in northwest Michigan and named
for Leelanau County, her birthplace, Leela-
nee began her musical education at Inter-
lochen Arts Academy as a student of Julie
Schleif. She earned her undergraduate de-
gree from the University of Wisconsin-Madi-
son, studying with Douglas Hill. For her mas-
ters degree she attended the Yale School of
Music, studying with William Purvis. Leela-
nee has also has spent past summers at the
Tanglewood Music Center, the Pacific and
Lively Arts
Sarasota Music festivals, and the Nation-
al Orchestral Institute. From an early point
in her training, Leelanee had aspirations
of a career in a professional orchestra, and
while still a student, she was a member of
the New Haven Symphony and the Fox Val-
ley and La Crosse symphony orchestras in
Wisconsin. After much hard work and ma-
ny auditions, she is thrilled to now be work-
ing her dream job in New York. On top of
that, Leelanee’s musical life is made all the
more fabulous and fulfilling as a member
of Genghis Barbie, with the close friendship
and near-magical musical chemistry en-
joyed by the Barbies.
From 2010 to 2012, Leelanee was a fellow
of Carnegie Hall’s Ensemble ACJW—The
Academy. During her fellowship, Leelanee
performed not only on the stages of Carn-
egie and other major NYC venues, but al-
so in numerous public school classrooms,
community centers, and health institutes
throughout the five boroughs, bringing in-
teractive concert experiences and mentor-
ship to non-traditional concert audiences.
Leelanee’s experiences allowed her to see
first-hand the transformative effect of high
level music performance, offered in a per-
sonalized and familiar setting. In her work
with both Genghis Barbie and the NY Phil-
harmonic now, Leelanee strives for this
same effectiveness of communication with
all audiences.
Outside of performing, practicing, and trav-
eling, Leelanee enjoys running, and aspires
to one day complete the NYC Marathon.
In her spare time, she also loves going to
the ballet, learning German and being a to-
tal nerd for the BBC shows “Sherlock” and
“Doctor Who”. She maintains an active ac-
count of her musical life in New York and
beyond on her blog at leelanee.com.
Alana Vegter,
aka Freedom Barbie
Alana Vegter is a world-class horn player
and educator who concertizes worldwide
in both chamber and orchestral settings.
She is most currently playing the 2014-2015
season with the New York Philharmonic’s
Horn Section as Assistant Principal Horn.
She performs regularly with her woodwind
quintet, Sospiro Winds, and is a founding
member of Genghis Barbie, the “all-female
pop french horn experience”. The group
made its Carnegie Hall (Stern Auditorium)
debut in 2012 as soloists with the New York
Youth Symphony and has released four al-
bums to date. The members of Genghis Bar-
bie are in high demand not only as per-
formers and educators, but also as musical
entrepreneurs, and have given hundreds of
concerts and master classes nationwide.
Alana received her Bachelors of Music from
DePaul University in the studio of Jon Boen.
While in Chicago, Ms. Vegter spent two
years performing with the Civic Orchestra of
Chicago before moving to NYC to earn her
Master’s degree from the Juilliard School
under the tutelage of Julie Landsman. She
was a fellow of The Academy aka Ensem-
ble ACJW, Carnegie Hall’s collective of young
professionals and music advocates. She per-
forms with DeCoda, an alumni group of he
Academy, and with them has performed in
hundreds of hospitals, prisons, and schools
world-wide. Alana continues to regular-
ly perform chamber music at Carnegie Hall.
Her two-year fellowship was chronicled in
a full length New York Times article in June
of 2009. Highlights from her fellowship in-
clude the Carnegie Hall premiere of the Lige-
ti Horn Trio.
Alana has played with The Chamber Music
Society of Lincoln Center and The Orchestra
of St. Luke’s. She has also played with Spo-
leto Festival USA, Pacific Music Festival (Ja-
pan), Chamber Music Northwest (Portland,
Oregon), Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpom-
mern (Germany), The Verbier Festival Or-
chestra, The Juilliard Orchestra, and The As-
pen Music Festival.
Alana is the proud mother of two young
daughters, Noa (2), and Summer (1), who
coincidentally both display a deep love for
music. In the spare time that she doesn’t
have, she enjoys karaoke and cooking new
The Lively Arts and its programs re-
ceive state arts funding support
through a grant from the Pennsyl-
vania Council on the Arts, a state
agency funded by the Common-
wealth of Pennsylvania
and the National En-
dowment for the Arts,
a federal agency.
The Lively Arts at IUP
Performing Arts Center Room 202
403 South Eleventh Street
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705-1008
724-357-ARTS (2787)
724-357-7899 (Fax)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/livelyarts
Twitter: www.twitter.com/iuplivelyarts
Text Service: Text “Lively” to 313131
More than Ovations!
Laura Weiner
aka Alpine Barbie
Ms. Weiner will perform this evening in
the place of Freedom Barbie, Ms. Vegter.
A high-altitude native of Colorado, Lau-
ra Weiner is a passionate horn player
and advocate for classical music. An ex-
perienced chamber and orchestral mu-
sician, she is a recent alumnus of En-
semble ACJW, a fellowship program of
Carnegie Hall, and was a featured solo-
ist under the baton of Robert Spano.
Laura has performed with diverse mu-
sical groups from the New World Sym-
phony to Genghis Barbie. She received
her Bachelor of Music degree sum-
ma cum laude from Northwestern Uni-
versity and her Masters degree from
the University of Wisconsin-Madison
on a University Fellowship. In addition
to performing, Laura is a teaching art-
ist for the New York Philharmonic and
enjoys reading and being generally
Lively Arts
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Upcoming Events
January 25, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2
Sutton Hall; Faculty Recital: Rosemary Brum-
below, Clarinet*
January 31, 2:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2
Sutton Hall; Faculty Recital: Keith Young,
February 4, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; Guest Artist Recital: Jarrod
Williams, Tuba*
February 6, 6:00 p.m.; Kipp, Annex, Universi-
ty Museum, Sprowls and Sutton Halls;
2016 MFA Thesis Exhibitions - Opening
February 6-March 4, Daily Hours; Kipp, Annex,
University Museum, Sprowls and Sutton
Halls; 2016 MFA Thesis Exhibitions*
February 8, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; Guest Artist Recital: Miha
Haas, Piano*
February 9, 8:00 p.m.; Fisher Auditorium, IUP Per-
forming Arts Center; Drum TAO: Seventeen
Samurai, Ovations! Series
February 11, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; IUP Percussion Ensemble:
February 13, 7:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; Faculty Recital: Joseph
Baunoch, Voice*
February 14, 7:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; Chamber Music Competi-
tion Concert*
February 16, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2
Floor Sutton Hall; Faculty Recital: Christian
Dickinson, Trombone*
February 18-27, 8:00 p.m.; Waller Hall Mainstage,
IUP Performing Arts Center; The Hairy Ape
February 19, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; Trumpet Fest: Faculty
February 20, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; Guest Artist Recital: Joe
Nibley, Trumpet*
February 22, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; Guest Artist: Pablo Ma-
have Veglia, Cello*
February 23, 8:00 p.m.; Fisher Auditorium, IUP
Performing Arts Center; RIOULT Dance NY,
Ovations! Series
February 25, 8:00 p.m.; DiCicco Hall, Cogswell
Hall, Room 121; IUP Symphony Orchestra
Concert, Winter 2016
February 26, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; IUP Choral Concert, Win-
ter 2016
February 27, 2:30 p.m.; DiCicco Hall, Cogswell
Hall, Rm 121; IMTA: 3
Annual Piano Mon-
ster Concert
February 27, 8:00 p.m.; Fisher Auditorium, IUP
Performing Arts Center; IUP Symphony Band
& Wind Ensemble Concert
February 28, 3:00 p.m.; Fisher Auditorium, IUP
Performing Arts Center; IUP Concert Band &
Brass Ensemble Concert
February 29, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2
Floor Sutton Hall; Faculty Recital: Henry
Wong Doe, Piano*
March 2, 8:00 p.m.; Fisher Auditorium, IUP Per-
forming Arts Center; Mamma Mia!, Ova-
tions! Series
March 3, 7:30 p.m.; DiCicco Hall, Cogswell Hall,
Rm 121; Faculty Recital: Heidi Lucas, Horn*
March 17, 5:00 p.m.; Kipp Gallery, Sprowls Hall;
Words and Objectivity - Artist Talk*
March 17-April 14, Daily Hours; Kipp Gallery,
Sprowls Hall; Words and Objectivity*
March 18, 6:00 p.m.; DiCicco Hall, Cogswell Hall,
Rm 121; Tuba and Euphonium Student
March 18, 8:00 p.m.; DiCicco Hall, Cogswell Hall,
Rm 121; Tubaphonium Ensemble*
March 20, 2:00 p.m.; DiCicco Hall, Cogswell Hall,
Rm 121; Recital: IUP Sax Ensemble Alum-
ni Concert*
March 20, 4:00 p.m.; DiCicco Hall, Cogswell Hall,
Rm 121; Faculty Recital: Zach Collins, Tuba*
March 22, 8:00 p.m.; Gorell Recital Hall, 2nd
Floor Sutton Hall; Litton Quartet: Heiliger
Subject to change.
*Free admission