I do not have a roommate in
mind and will use My College
Roomie (MCR) to find a match.
Complete housing application
Complete profile in
My College Roomie
Complete MCR roommate
Search for potential matches either
in the “My Matches” section
Send friend requests to potential
matches to open lines of
Once you have found a good match,
request as roommate by clicking
"Request Roommate" button
Roommate must accept roommate
request to officially be paired
Start to talk through different
housing options and preferences; be
ready with a Plan A, B, and C!
I already have a
roommate in mind.
Complete housing application
Complete profile in
My College Roomie
Complete MCR roommate
Search for intended roommate by
last name and make friend request
Talk through the differences in your
roommate questionnaire to make
sure this is still a good fit
Request as roommate by clicking
"Request Roommate" button under
their name in MCR
Roommate must accept roommate
request to officially be paired
Start to talk through different
housing options and preferences; be
ready with a Plan A, B, and C!
I was not able to find any good
matches through the My College
Roomie system or my original match
fell through.
You are not alone! Plenty of
students prefer to “go random” or
be paired with a roommate.
If you are a new student you will be
paired with a roommate based on
your questionnaire
Log into MCR when prompted to
see your new roommate!
Reach out to your new roommate to
start to get to know them.
Start talking through different
housing options and preferences; be
ready with a Plan A, B, and C!
Helpful Resources
Phone 513-745-3203 M-F 9-5pm EST
Email reslife@xavier.edu
Website xavier.edu/residence-life/housing-selection
Instagram XavierResLife
Twitter XavierResLife
Facebook XUResLife
Roommate Matching
Process Overview