BroadFutures Intern Obligations & Policies
These policies are guidelines for our interns and common to many internship and gap
year programs. If you have questions regarding these policies, please contact us.
Attendance Policy: If there are any concerns about attendance during the
program, BroadFutures staff must be made aware of the concern as soon as it arises.
Interns are required to attend all training days including the two weeks of training
prior to the start of their internship and every Friday through the end of the
Interns are required to work a minimum of 5 hours a day Monday through
Thursday. Fridays are reserved for our ongoing training.
If an intern is late for work, they are expected to stay the equivalent amount of
extra time after their work day typically ends.
Absences should be limited to emergencies. It is the intern’s responsibility to
notify their supervisor and mentor if they will be absent or late. Notification must
be timely. Interns are not paid for days they are absent.
Professional Behavior Expectations:
Be an active, engaged, and responsible participant throughout the entirety of the
BroadFutures program.
Be a positive ambassador for BroadFutures.
Be flexible and willing to step out of your comfort zone.
Dress appropriately and maintain proper hygiene at all times during the program.
Cooperate and communicate with BroadFutures staff and your internship
supervisor regularly and in a timely and professional manner.
Maintain a professional demeanor throughout the BroadFutures program.
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20006
202-521-4304 | |
Perform all duties as directed by the employer & respond respectfully and
effectively to feedback from employers and co-workers.
Be on time and attend all program requirements, including internship,
BroadFutures’ training, and mentor and program check-ins.
Be honest. Mentors are there to support you and be non-judgmental, however,
assistance can only be provided if you are forthcoming and honest about the
Mentors are a part of your professional support system, not part of your social
group. When communicating with your mentor, discussions should be kept
professional in nature.
Interns should be mindful of the hours and days when they are contacting their
mentors and/or other BroadFutures staff. Business hours are Monday-Friday,
9am-6pm EDT.
Refrain from accepting or requesting connections, friend requests, or follow
requests on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram from
BroadFutures staff during the program. This applies to current and past staff. The
only exception is the professional platform of LinkedIn.
Following the program, refrain from connecting with BroadFutures staff members
and mentors on any non-professional social media. You are free to email them
with any professional requests or updates if needed.
Know who to contact. If you need assistance beyond that which your mentor can
provide, contact your coach. If you are unsure, ask your mentor to guide you to
the right person.
All interns are expected to abide by the local laws of The DC Metropolitan area,
including the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia as well as national laws.
Refrain from additional activities or second jobs that compromise your ability to
function in the internship and BroadFutures training.
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20006
202-521-4304 | |
Refrain from engaging in romantic and/or sexual relationships of any kind with
other interns and staff in the program.
Report sexual misconduct by other students in the program, or staff members.
o This includes, but is not limited to, reporting sexual assault, sexual
harassment, stalking, and unwanted sexual advances by other students in
the program or by staff members, towards you, towards other students in
the program, or towards staff.
Do not utilize the following modes of transportation, or related modes, while in
the program: motorcycles; ATVs; and quads.
Be responsible for your own medication, if applicable. BroadFutures staff is not
permitted to administer medication, so you must be able to take ownership of
acquiring and administering medication.
o Figure out when you will run out of your medication and make a note of
when you will need to refill the prescription.
o As a program, we strongly advise that students do not remove or titrate
themselves off of prescription medication that they are taking when they
enter the program without consulting a licensed physician.
Have an active role in the self-governance of your own program—take charge of
your own experience through self-advocating and utilizing available
BroadFutures resources.
What is required as an Intern for the BroadFutures program?
A cell phone to receive text messages and communication with
BroadFutures staff
An active email account
A laptop or tablet with keyboard and a camera with ability to access
Zoom/Google Meet and regularly access email, at least twice a day
Means of reliable transportation (public or private)
Professional attire
A positive attitude and willingness to learn!
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20006
202-521-4304 | |
Program Participant Probation & Termination Policy:
BroadFutures will place a program participant on probation if the program
participant fails to fulfill BroadFutures Program requirements that include the
circumstances below. If the behavior or activities persist, the participant may be
terminated from the program. Such circumstances include:
Unexcused absences from BroadFutures training and internships.
Failure to attend mentor check-in meetings or to reschedule such meetings.
Repeated late arrival to training, mentor meetings, or internships.
The following behaviors could result in immediate termination from the
BroadFutures program:
Sexual assault, bullying or harassment (verbal or physical) of a fellow program
participant, BroadFutures staff member, or employees at their internship site.
Intentional physical injury, harm, or intimidation of a fellow program participant,
BroadFutures staff member or employees at their internship site.
Violation of the BroadFutures alcohol and drug policy while attending
BroadFutures programming.
Making other program participants during BroadFutures programming or
employees at their internship site feel unsafe by using:
Evocative language that is harassing, abusive or intended to incite
violence towards any persons’ identity.
If any of these instances occur, they must be brought to the attention of a BroadFutures
staff member within the same day that they occurred. Such instances must be
documented privately and brought to the attention of management immediately. The
documentation will indicate the program participant’s name, concerning behavior(s) and
approximate frequency. If a program participant is put on probation, the participant along
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20006
202-521-4304 | |
with their parent(s) will be contacted directly by management and made aware of the
situation as well as any possible consequences.
BroadFutures serves some young people who are legal adults, come to us independently, and whose parents are
not involved in our programming. In such instances, parents will not be involved in the notification or consultative
protocols outlined in this guide.
2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 7000 Washington, DC 20006
202-521-4304 | |