Delphi eInvoicing System iSupplier
Vendor User Reference Guide Creating an Invoice
To access the system, go to http://einvoice.esc.gov and click the eInvoicing Access link.
Enter through Login.Gov
Create account if you do not have existing.
Account should be your email associated with your Delphi User account
Follow instructions with Login.gov to sign into your Delphi account
After logging in, the home screen will be displayed. To create an invoice, click on the Invoices tab.
On the Invoices tab there is a button to create either a Standard Invoice or Credit Memo. This example will create a
Standard Invoice, starting by clicking the Create Standard Invoice button. {Credit Memo is similar with the exception
of having negative invoice amounts}
The next screen is Step 1 of invoice creation. To create an invoice, first search for the purchase order (PO) the
invoice will be matched against. The search can be run with any combination of the available parameters:
PO Number searches for the purchase order number as it is entered into the accounting system.
PO Line Description searches based on text that is entered on the purchase order in the accounting system on
the line item description. The percent character (%) can be used as a wildcard.
PO Line Amount From searches for purchase order line items that were created for an amount greater than or
equal to the amount entered.
PO Line Amount To searches for purchase order line items that were created for an amount greater than or
equal to the amount entered.
After entering search values, click Go. Matching results will be shown below.
Example searching by using the PO Number/Award Id:
Example when searching by the PO Line Description using the % wildcard:
To select a Purchase Order Line to invoice, select the box next to it then click the Next button. Multiple lines can be
selected, as appropriate for the invoice.
On the next screen, enter the amount to invoice. The total of all lines must be greater than or equal to $1 and
cannot exceed $99,999,999.99. Click Calculate button to see the invoice total for all lines and then click the Next
button to continue. The invoice amount for each line will be the quantity times the unit price. The unit price is fixed
and is set by procurement in the procurement system. If the Unit of Measure (UOM) is US DOLLAR, the unit price
will usually be 1.00 so the quantity to invoice should be the amount that needs to be invoiced for that line. If the
UOM is EACH, the price could be something other than $1.00.
On the next screen, enter Invoice Number (required), description (optional), and period of performance for the
invoice (optional).
Special characters are not allowed for invoice number.
If period of performance for the invoice is entered, both a begin and end date must be specified.
To add backup documentation as attachments (required in most cases), click the Add button.
Select the File option and click Choose File to find the file to be uploaded. Click Apply when finished, or Add
Another to upload more files.
There will be a confirmation stating that the Attachment has been added but not committed (saved); it will be saved
when the current transaction is completed by either submitting or saving the invoice. When ready to submit, click
the Next button.
The next screen is a reminder to make sure all required documentation has been attached to the invoice prior to
Click No: will return to the previous screen where the invoice can be modified.
Click Yes: will advance to the next screen for final review and submission.
The Review and Submit screen has options to:
Cancel the invoice, which will delete the invoice and any uploaded attachments. This cannot be undone.
Save the invoice without submitting this will close the invoice, which can be re-opened later for modification
and submission.
Go Back to previous steps to modify the invoice.
Finish the invoice, which will submit it to the agency for approval. It will automatically be immediately routed
to the invoice approver.
After the invoice and its attachments are successfully submitted, a confirmation message will be shown.
Vendor User Reference Guide Modifying a Saved or Rejected Invoice.
Saved and Rejected invoices can be modified and submitted (or resubmitted). These are the only statuses in which an
invoice can be modified. Invoices that have been submitted (but not rejected) cannot be modified.
To modify an eligible invoice, from the Home tab click on the Invoices tab.
To view the list of invoices that are currently eligible to be modified (having a status of either Saved or Rejected),
enter search criteria (optional) and click Go.
Select the invoice to be updated by clicking on the pencil icon for that record in the update field.
The invoice will be opened on the “Lines to Invoice” step. Changes can be made to any part of the invoice by clicking
Back or Next. Refer to the “Creating an Invoice” section for how to make changes to the invoice and then Save or
Submit it.
Vendor User Reference Guide View Invoices.
The status of all invoices can be viewed at any time.
To view an invoice, from the Home tab click on the Invoices tab.
On the next screen, click the View Invoices link.
To search for invoices submitted through the iSupplier system, enter search criteria (optional) and click Go.
The statuses an invoice may have are:
SAVED The invoice has not been submitted. It may be modified and submitted if necessary.
PENDING APPROVAL The invoice has been submitted and is being reviewed.
APPROVED, PENDING PAYMENT The invoice has been fully approved for payment and is in the process of
being paid.
PAID The invoice has been paid.
REJECTED The invoice was previously submitted but has been rejected by the approver. The invoice may be
modified and resubmitted if necessary.
CANCELED The invoice has been manually canceled in the system by Accounts Payable. This may be due to
technical issues and does not necessarily mean the invoice will not be paid. Accounts Payable and/or the agency
the invoice is for will contact the user in these scenarios to explain the situation.