Every time we tell our story (our testimony) we give
honor and glory to God, and He is pleased with that.
Why? Well, our story is actually the story of how
God rescued us . . . saved us. It’s our eye-witness (or
“I-witness”) account of how our lives have changed.
It’s the story of His pursuit of a lost soul (you!) and the
dramatic rescue to tear you from the clutches of your
mortal enemy and bring you safely into His eternal
kingdom. It’s the stu movies are made of. And that
retelling of your redemption highlights His character.
That’s what we call “glorifying God:” it’s giving Him
the credit and acknowledging His work.
We like to think that because it’s our story, we don’t
have to put any eort into telling it. We were there
when it happened, and we’re living it now. But it’s easy
to get jumbled up, flustered, o the point, and onto
a tangent that can distract, bore, annoy, or confuse
your listener. We want to glorify God and be listener-
friendly. That’s why a little planning and practice are
so valuable.
There are five basic parts to “Your Story:” the opening,
your life before Christ, how you came to Christ, your
life after Christ, and the closing. You should be able to
talk through all five parts clearly and succinctly within
3-5 minutes. Let's take a look at how to put it together.
The Opening. Identify a theme. What did your
life revolve around that God used to help bring you to
Him? Try to illustrate your theme with a word picture
that your audience can identify with.
Your Life Before Christ. You want to paint a picture
of what your life was like before you came to Christ,
but don’t dwell on how bad you used to be or glory
in past sin. Share only the details that relate to your
theme, and give enough detail to show your need for
Christ. This is not the time to give your resume.
How You Came to Christ. Ah, this is it. Make sure
you speak in such a way that the person you are
talking with, and anyone who overhears you, can
understand how you became a Christian, and how
they can become a Christian, too. Give only the details
that are important to communicate why and how
you became a Christian. As you begin to work on it,
consider what your life was like before you trusted
Christ or you really began to see change. This is an
educational aspect to your story, so that even if your
listener is not interested right now, s/he’ll be able
to make that decision down the road because you’ve
equipped them with the right information.
Your Life After Christ. Share some of the changes
that Christ has made in your life as they relate to your
theme. Emphasize the changes in your character,
attitude, and perspective, not just the mere changes
in behavior. And be realistic. We will struggle as
Christians. Life is far from perfect, isn’t it? But what
makes it dierent for you now? Be honest, and God
will use your personal experience regardless of how
“unspectacular” you may think it is.
The Closing. Close it out with a summary statement
that ties your story together according to your theme.
You could close with a verse, but only if it’s meaningful
and relates to the story youve just told.
1. The Opening
A. Identify a theme.
2. Your Life Before Christ (or gave Him complete control)
A. What was your life like that will relate most to the non-Christian?
B. How did those things let you down? Why were you open to change?
3. How you came to Christ (or gave Him complete control)
A. When was the first time you heard the gospel? (Or were exposed to dynamic Christianity?)
B. What were your initial reactions?
C. When did your attitude begin to change? Why?
D. What were the doubts or struggles that went through your mind just before you accepted Christ?
E. Why did you accept Christ?
4. Your Life After Christ (or gave Him complete control)
A. What are the specific changes Christ has made in my life? Are there any illustrations that would be helpful?
Why am I motivated dierently?
5. Closing
Helpful Hints
• Write the way you speak—make the testimony yours.
• Choose a theme and carry it throughout the testimony.
• Don’t be overly negative or positive. Be truthful.
• Don’t criticize or name any church, denomination, organization, etc.
• Time limit should be 3 minutes.
• Practice it over and over until it becomes natural.