Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Buprenorphine for the Management of Chronic Pain
National Guidance Document
March 2024
VA Pharmacy Benefits Management Services and the National Formulary Committee in Collaboration with
the VHA National Office of Pain Management, Opioid Safety and PDMP (PMOP)
The following recommendations are based on medical evidence, clinician input, and expert opinion. The content of the
document is dynamic and will be revised as new information becomes available. Local adjudication should be used until
updated guidance and/or CFU are developed by the National PBM. The purpose of this document is to assist practitioners in
clinical decision-making, to standardize and improve the quality of patient care, and to promote cost-effective drug
prescribing. The drug Product Information should be consulted for detailed prescribing information.
1. Background
Pain Management, Opioid Saf ety, and Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PMOP) and PBM
Formulary service are providing guidance on use of buprenorphine for outpatient pain management. This
field-based guidance was created to provide clarity on the use of buprenorphine f or outpatient pain
management with input from the PMOP Buprenorphine Subject Matter Expert (SME) Workgroup. It is
recommended that the principles of LTOT prescribing for full mu agonist opioid medications are applied to
prescribing buprenorphine f or pain, particularly in the absence of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD).
2. Care Considerations in Use of Buprenorphine for Chronic Pain
a. LTOT principles outlined in VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline f or the Use of Opioids in the
Management of Chronic Pain (VADoDOpioidsCPG.pdf) s
hould be followed when prescribing
buprenorphine f or pain, including:
LTOP should primarily focus on functional improvement in physical, social, and psychological
domains consistent with the biopsychosocial model of care.
o Opioid analgesic medications have less evidence of benef it and higher risk of potentially
serious adverse outcomes with LTOT compared ot short term prescribing f or pain.
o Buprenorphine retains many of the same risks associated with use of full agonist opioids f or
chronic pain management, yet demonstrates less risk of respiratory depression.
o Risks versus benefits should be assessed periodically throughout treatment.
o Tapering or discontinuing buprenorphine should be considered when risks outweigh benef its
or based on patient pref erence.
o Buprenorphine f or chronic pain should be used at the lowest dose and f or the shortest
duration necessary While evidence supports using buprenorphine for OUD as a
lif elong/lif esaving treatment, the use of buprenorphine f or chronic pain treatment is not
b. Pain Management Teams (PMT) should be available to provide specialty care support upon request
f or the initiation and stabilization of buprenorphine f or pain.
o Opioid transitions are high-risk, and buprenorphine is no exception.
o Collaboration and co-management can assist with the f requent monitoring indicated, in
particular during transitions to buprenorphine.
c. Screening for and assessment of risk for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) prior to initiation of treatment is
recommended, and assessment for OUD when patterns of unhealthy medication use (misuse, higher
risk behaviors concerning for OUD) emerge during LTOT. Veterans should be of f ered treatment f or
OUD if appropriate consistent with the VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline f or the Management of
Substance Use Disorders (VADoDSUDCPG.pdf)
o Providers should discuss any concerns about increased risk f or OUD, with the Veteran and
caref ully determine if a higher level of care is indicated
o When appropriate, seek consultation with an Addiction Medicine Provider and seek referral to
treatments consistent with VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline f or the Management of
Substance Use Disorders
3. B
uprenorphine may be appropriate.
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
a. Lack of progress towards f unctional goals and/or inadequate analgesic benef it with f ull mu
agonist opioid
b. High potential f or adverse ef f ects due to medical conditions, mental health or behavioral
considerations with f ull mu agonist LTOT
c. Any transition to buprenorphine, regardless of formulation or f requency, should be considered
only if an around-the-clock opioid therapy is appropriate.
4. Buprenorphine may NOT be appropriate. Clinical situations include:
a. Inf requent use of immediate-release opioid medication for episodic pain (e.g., PRN).
b. Veteran on opioid therapy agreeing to taper or requesting taper (i.e., traditional taper).Utilizing the
existing opioid to taper is preferred and avoids complications of transitions including adverse
ef f ects or concerns f or lack of ef f ectiveness
o Note: transitions to buprenorphine may be reconsidered if
medical/behavioral/psychological concerns emerge during taper
c. Demonstrating f unctional improvement and expressing pref erence to remain on f ull agonist
LTOT, in the absence of medical, mental health, or behavioral risk f or adverse ef f ects
5. D
osage Considerations
Priorities in chronic pain management, even when using buprenorphine, are managing pain to
improve function and quality of life, whereas priorities in managing OUD are more f ocused on harm
reduction. Therefore, the dosages used for treating chronic pain with buprenorphine versus treating
OUD are f undamentally dif f erent. Clinicians selecting buprenorphine primarily f or chronic pain
management should consider the f ollowing:
a) Veterans may stabilize on lower doses of buprenorphine f or pain compared to OUD.
History of opioid exposure and dosages must be considered when starting buprenorphine
f or pain.
Clinicians should be responsive and Veteran-centric when making dose titrations since
recommended conversions f or chronic pain are conservative.
Due to buprenorphine’s long half-lif e, it takes about five days to achieve steady state.
Clinicians should assess the full effect of each dose adjustment when making changes
b) Using the lowest effective dose of buprenorphine for pain that improves function and quality of life
while reduces the risk of dose-dependent adverse outcomes and limits physiologic dependence
c) Veterans displaying higher risk behaviors in the absence of diagnosed OUD, require additional
considerations with transitions to buprenorphine including:
Prioritizing stabilization or resolution of withdrawal symptoms and discomfort
Titrating dose slowly toward pain control and f unctional improvement
Focusing on early recognition of pain reduction and benef its
Note: Low dose buprenorphine is generally not sufficient or appropriate for
treatment of OUD.
6. B
uprenorphine Initiation/Transition Strategies:
a. FDA-approved labeling guidance should be followed in most cases for new starts and standard
opioid transitions to buprenorphine formulations approved for pain, for example patch and buccal
f ilm (e.g., microgram/mcg). Alternatively, low dose initiation (microdosing, overlapping dosing)
may be usef ul f or some Veterans (see below).
o Providers should be aware that published conversion recommendations are highly
conservative (i.e., reduced 50-75%) and already include a reduction f or lack of
tolerance or cross-tolerance
o Providers should avoid rapid titrations without assessing effectiveness and tolerability
at steady state
b. STOP-START method (traditional buprenorphine induction/initiation) is defined as stopping f ull
agonist opioids for 12-24 hours and starting buprenorphine in the early stages of withdrawal. This
decreases risk of precipitated withdrawal and promotes acceptance and quick adjustment to
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
o This method is quick and generally well tolerated by most Veterans
o It allows f or quick recognition of buprenorphine ef f ectiveness to treat the Veteran’s
pain condition.
c. Low dose buprenorphine initiation (microdosing, overlapping dosing) allows short-term overlap
of buprenorphine titration while on f ull agonist opioid therapy to mitigate withdrawal and
discomfort with transition from full agonist opioid therapy. This strategy may be particularly helpful
for Veterans concerned about experiencing withdrawal and discomf ort.
NOTE: Shared Decision-making and Veteran Preference Should Guide Treatment
7. For
mulation Guidance by Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose (MEDD):
Care should be individualized for each clinical situation, but if the Veteran is
< 50 MEDD Buprenorphine formulations FDA-approved f or pain should be considered (mcg
dosing) and either the transdermal patch or buccal f ilms can be utilized
<30 MEDD Treat as if opioid naïve and buprenorphine patch is pref erred
31-50 MEDD Buprenorphine onset may be delayed up to 24 hours and not peak for 5 days.
Overlapping with short-acting f ull agonist f or the f irst 24 hours is acceptable
b. 50-90 MEDD Any available buprenorphine formulation, including the transdermal patch, buccal
f ilms, or buprenorphine SL can be utilized (mcg, mg). Formulation selection will depend on
multiple f actors, please consider the f ollowing:
1) Veterans receiving moderate doses of traditional opioids (50-90 MEDD) who are transitioning to
buprenorphine but are otherwise stable are appropriate f or standard outpatient transitions to
buprenorphine using formulations FDA-approved f or pain specif ically the patch or buccal f ilm
(mcg dosing).
The buprenorphine buccal f ilm is more appropriate f or moderate MEDD dosing
conversions and allows additional options compared to the patch where utilization is
more challenging at a higher MEDD
Overlapping buprenorphine strategies or initiation protocols may be usef ul f or moderate
dose conversions to avoid discomfort and aid in pain control during transition to
buprenorphine with both mcg and mg f ormulations.
2) Veterans receiving moderate doses of traditional opioids (50-90 MEDD) who are not stable,
and/or there is concern for potential adverse effects related to behavioral risks in the absence of
diagnosed OUD are appropriate f or conversion to buprenorphine SL (mg). Providers should
f ocus on stabilization and mitigation of withdrawal symptoms and discomf ort in early treatment.
Upon resolution, gradually titrate to therapeutic response and re-evaluate progress toward
f unctional goals in the Veteran’s pain care plan
c. >90 MEDD Buprenorphine SL (mg) should be considered for Veterans transitioning f rom high
dose opioid therapy. However, Veterans on high dose LTOT of ten stabilize on much lower doses
of buprenorphine compared to those actively using illicit fentanyl or heroin. The use of transition
strategies such as STOP-START or low dose buprenorphine initiation and are likely
recommended. Pain providers should focus on resolving discomfort from acute withdrawals and
then transition to gradually titrating toward improved f unction.
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
TABLE 1 Approximate dose conversion strategies from existing Long-Term Opioid Therapy
<50 MEDD
formulations for pain (e.g. mcg dose
transdermal or buccal products)
50 90 MEDD
RECOMMEND: All buprenorphine
formulations (mcg or mg) available based
on patient response
>90 MEDD
Buprenorphine milligram
formulations should be
<30 MEDD Treat as opioid naïve
Patch is preferred
5mcg recommended starting dose
30-50 MEDD
Consider 10mcg/hr patch as initial dose
Onset may be delayed 24 hours
Overlapping dosing of full agonist opioid
for first 24 hours is reasonable
FDA conversions to buprenorphine are highly
Manufacturer listed conversions already
account for cross-tolerance
Be responsive during titration phase
Patients who are stable on existing LTOT
Appropriate for mcg formulations as
initial dose
Buccal film preferred
Overlapping strategies may be helpful
Patients with poor function and symptom
control despite existing LTOT (or with concern
for behavioral risks but without OUD)
Appropriate for consideration of mg
formulations with a focus on early
stabilization of withdrawal symptoms
Gradual titration to support functional
goals after initial stabilization
May stabilize on lower doses than
required for OUD.
Early Emphasis on mitigating
withdrawal and discomfort
during the transition from full-
agonist LTOT
Veterans with pain may stabilize
on lower doses that DSM-V O UD
Veteran preference should
guide method of transition
Low Dose
initiation (LDBI)
†Example of a 5-day LDBI strategy may be found VA Academic Detailing Buprenorphine for OUD Clinician Guide or Appendix
C below
8. Additional Information:
APPENDIX A: Supplemental Information which Includes: historical background, pharmacology,
clinical trial summary, detailed product inf ormation, additional resource links and bibliographical
reference list
APPENDIX B: Additional Examples of STOP/START or LDBI transitions
APPENDIX C: Flow Chart for reevaluation of LTOT and consideration f or buprenorphine
Updated Mar 2020, May 2022, Oct 2020, Apr 2023, Mar 2024. Initially Prepared: Nov 2019
Contact: Ian W. Pace, Pharm.D. National PBM Clinical Program Manager Formulary
Acknowledgement: The VHA National Pain Management, Opioid Safety and PDMP Program Office, Dr. Friedhelm Sandbrink
(Director, PMOP), Dr. Tim Atkinson (National PMOP Program Manager), and the Buprenorphine PMOP Subject Matter Expert
Working Group
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
See the Buprenorphine for Pain Management RFU in above sections for information on the clinical
use of buprenorphine for patients with chronic pain requiring long-term opioid therapy (LTOT) as a
component of their care plan.
Buprenorphine in Pain Management
Several buprenorphine formulation s are FDA-approved for the management of acute or chronic moderate to severe
pain; specifically, buprenorphine solution for injection 0.3mg/ml, buprenorphine transdermal system (5 to 20 mcg/h 7-
day p atch), and buprenorphine buccal film (75 to 900 mcg/film every 12 hours). Numerous safety advantages have
been identified for buprenorphine compared to pure mu agonist opioids including: a ceiling effect on respiratory
depression, less euphoria, reduced tolerance, easier withdrawal, less impairment of cognitive function and
psychomotor activity, lower incidence of constipation, and reduced endocrine and hyperalgesic effects.
Buprenorphine has relatively few drug-drug interactions and does not accumulate in patien ts with renal impairment or
mild/moderate hepatic impairment allowing for use in patients requiring concomitant medications, the elderly, an d
those with renal or hepatic impairment.
Buprenorphine Clinical Pharmacology in Pain Management
Pharmacologically, buprenorphine’s primary effects are caused by its partial agonism of mu-opioid receptors (MORs)
and antagonism at kappa-opioid receptors (KORs).
Although it has some, but lower, ability to bind to opioid receptor
ligand (ORL)-1 (also known as nociceptin) and delta-opioid receptors (DORs), the clinical effects from these are
Its traditional categorization as a partial agonist at MORs is primarily due to its lower intrinsic activity
(the biological stimulus a drug has on a receptor) compared to full MOR agonists, as shown mainly in in vitro binding
receptor assay studies.
This categorizatio n , however, should not be confused with measures of relative clinical
efficacy and potency for an algesia. Several clinical studies have shown th at at low to moderate doses, buprenorphine
can elicit similar analgesic effects compared to equivalent doses of full MOR agonists.
Its partial agonistic activity
on MORs and antagonistic activity on KORs does allow for a plateauing of the dose response curve (or ceiling effect)
regarding retention of carbon dioxide (as a marker for respiratory depression), thus lowering the risk of overdose
when used without other central nervous system (CNS) depressants.
Buprenorphine also has one of the highest binding affinities toward MORs compared to all other opioids, the only
exception being naltrexone.
This strong binding allows buprenorphine to preferentially occupy available MORs
thereby disallowing full agonist opioids to bind, and while this is not a displacement per se, the net effect causes
reversal of opioid activity.
It also has an extremely slow dissociation rate (the measure of d iseng agement from the
target receptor) from MORs; thus once bound, it is not easily nor quickly displaced.
Buprenorphine in Pain Management: Clinical Trials
Open-label observational studies conducted with relatively small n umbers of patients have reported improved
pain relief on sublingual buprenorphine after conversion from other long-acting opioids.
One study of 35
patients found a mean decrease in pain score from 7.2 to 3.5, with 34 out of 35 patients reporting a pain
A Cochrane meta-analysis found buprenorphine superior to other o pioids for p ain relief in cancer (5
out of 11 studies), equivalent (3 out of 11 studies) or inferior to the alternative treatment (3 out of 11 studies).
The evidence for all the outcomes in the meta-analysis was considered very low quality. One systematic review
which included 10 trials involving 1,190 patients reported that, while all studies demonstrated that subling ual
buprenorphine showed some effectiveness as a chronic pain analgesic, the majority of studies were
observational and of low quality.
In another systematic review which included 25 trials involving 5 different
buprenorphine formulations in patients with chronic pain, a total of 14 of the studies demonstrated clinically
significant benefit.
Only studies with acceptable methodological quality and the low risk of bias were included in
this review. The studies that sh o wed significant reduction in p ain against a comparator included 1 study out of 6
sublingual and intravenous buprenorph ine, th e only sublingual buprenorphine/naloxone study, 2 out of 3 studies
of buccal buprenorp hine, and 10 out of 15 studies for transd ermal buprenorphine. A retrospective chart review
was conducted in 78 patients from a High-Risk Pain Clinic using SL buprenorphine/naloxone (BUP/NAL) plus a
multimodal approach to help chronic pain patients with a history of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) or aberrant
drug-related behavior. The overall retentio n of the High-Risk Pain Clinic was 41%. The mean pain score
demonstrated a significant downward trend across six years of treatment observation (p < 0.001), while the
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
opposite trend was seen with buprenorphine dose (p < 0.001) lending support for BUP/NAL as a safe and
efficacious component of comprehensive chronic pain treatment in patients with SUD or high-risk of opioid
overuse or misuse.
Similar positive outcomes were observed in an Opioid Reassessment Clinic (ORC) in a
Veteran s Health Administration hospital for patients with chronic pain treated with opioid regimens d eemed unsafe
by th eir primary care providers. Nearly two -thirds (62%) of those who engaged in the ORC rotated to
buprenorphine as a modality for pain management.
Transitioning veterans presenting with buprenorphine or buprenorphine prescriptions for off-
label indication for pain.
The Under Secretary for Health’s Information Letter, Access to Medications for Transitioning Service Members,
IL 10-2014-15 (July 7, 2014) and VHA Directive 2014-02, Continuation of Mental Health Medications Initiated by
Department of Defen se Authorized Providers (January 20, 2015) direct providers to carefully evaluate and, unless
medical conditions warrant a change, existing medication therapies should be continued, including
buprenorphine or buprenorphine prescriptions for off-label indication for pain.
PBM Fo rmulary Management - DoD-VA Continuity of Care Drug List -
linical Practice Guidelines
The VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain in general recommends against
initiation of long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain and that non-opioid and non-pharmacologic alternatives
for pain management be part of the treatment plan. In the most recent guideline update, the workg roup made a
recommendation to consider buprenorphine over other opioids when long-term opioid therapy must be co n sid ered.
Pain is a commonly comorbid condition with substance use disorders. Opioid use disorder can similarly occur in
tients treated with long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain. The rates OUD in an LTOT treated chronic pain
population vary widely within published literature.
Nonetheless, If OUD is present, because of the hig h
morbidity and mortality associated with ICD-10 Opioid dependence/DSM-5 Opioid Use Disorder and the
effectiveness of Medicatio n for OUD, providers should be prepared to provide long-term treatment with
buprenorphine. There are many VA resources an initiative directed at provider education regarding the evidence
basted treatment of OUD including:
VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline Management of Substance Use Disorder (SUD) 2021
Stepped Care for Opioid Use Disorder - Train the Trainer (SCOUTT)
VHA National Academic Detailing Service -- Opioid Use Disorder Campaign
BuprenorphineDiagnostic Coding
Prior versions of PBM buprenorphine guidance documents discussed extensively diagnostic criteria related to ICD-10
opioid dependence or DSM-V opioid use disorder (OUD). In part this was because of regulatory requirements
surrounding the X-waiver which was retired as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act passed in December
2022. As such, in this version we have redacted information pertaining to the diagnosis of OUD and reference the
VA/DoD, Academic Detailing, and SCOUTT initiative resources linked above. With regarding to ICD-10 cod es that
may be utilized in an episode of care where buprenorphine is a part of the care plan the following options are
F11.1x (opioid abuse) and F11.2x series (opioid dependence) these sh o uld be utilized wh en the
encounter is for the management of OUD as the primary diagnosis. Use of these codes has the advantage
of ensuring veterans are included in population management dashboards to facilitate best practice care
including medication treatment and harm red uction strategies (e.g. Psychotropic Drug Safety Initiative SUD-
Psychotropic Drug Safety Initiative (PDSI) Management System (sharepoint.com)).
Z79.891: Long-term (current) use of opioid analgesic For patients with chronic pain and with
physio logic tolerance/dependence, but without OUD, the primary diagnosis would be the painful condition. If
the encounter of care is primarily for the management of the prescribed opio id, z79.891 is appropriate
F11.9x series Internal review suggests this code is being used for a significant minority of patients
prescribed milligram doses of buprenorphine. The clinical scenarios in which this is being used is unknown
at time of update, may represent use of the diagnostically unclear scenario of pain with a dependence or
tolerance that is problematic but is without a concomitant compulsive use component. Is important to be
aware that use of this series DOES NOT INCLUDE patients in th e PDSI SUD 16 population management
dash bo ards for Opioid Use Disorder
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Buprenorphine Dose Equivalence to Morphine
There is wide variability in the reported buprenorphine to morphine equianalgesic ratios with estimated ratios
between 1:10 and 1:100.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Center for Disease
Control (CDC) conversion tables
no longer include a conversion factor for buprenorphine. Similarly, the VA
OTRR, STORM and Academic Detailing reporting tools do not have a conversion or have the conversion factor
calculated as zero. As such, given the wide variability in the recommend ed dose eq uivalen cies between
buprenorph ine and morphine, we are unable to make exact recommendations for equianalgesic dosing.
However, please reference this supplementsparent document in section above, fo r practical dosing guidance when
converting from existing long-term opioid therapy.
Table 1 -- Buprenorphine Product Comparison Chart
Formulary Buprenorphine Products
-Approved Indications
Butran s
in 5,
10, 15 and
dose: 20
mcg/hr every
Manag ement
of pain severe
enough to require around
-clock, long-term opioid
~26 hours
Buccal film
in 75,
300, 450,
750, 900
dose: 900
every 12
Manag ement
of pain severe
enough to require around
-clock, long-term opioid
to 65%
to 27.6
and naloxone
in 2-0.5
and 8
-2 mg SL
main tenance dose
OUD is 16
Used off
-label for pain
approved for the treatment
dependence (a.k.a.
-10 F11.2x opioid
dependence or DSM
to 42
sublingual TABLETS
in 2mg
and 8 mg SL
main tenance
d ose
OUD is 16
Used off
-label for pain
approved for the treatment
dependence (a.k.a.
-10 F11.2x opioid
dependence or DSM
to 42
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Non-Formulary Buprenorphine Products
in 0.3
0.3 mg
6-8 hours as
Indicated for the
manag ement
of pain severe
to require an opioid
analgesic and for which
alternate treatments are
-7.2 hours
naloxone sublingual
Sublingual Film
-0.5 4-1, 8-2, and
-3mg film
Target maintenance
for OUD is 16
*Th e bioavailability (AUC) of buprenorphine is about 20% greater for buprenorphine with
naloxone 8 mg / 2 mg sublingual film than for the corresponding tablets; but this may not be clinically important
for many
Buprenorphine Injection (BUP INJ). Intended for intramuscular (IM) or intravenous (IV) administration
in the acute setting, BUP INJ was the first buprenorphine product for pain management, launched in the United
States in 1985, and indicated for the management of pain severe enough to require an opioid analgesic and for
which alternate treatments are inadequate.
44, 45
It contains 0.3mg of buprenorphine per 1ml of solution. There are
insufficient data to recommend single doses greater than 0.6mg and the maximum recommended adult dose is
0.6mg admin istered in 6-hour intervals. BUP INJ is not FDA-approved for treatment of opioid dependence/OUD.
Buprenorphine TDS (BUP TDS). BUP TDS is available in 5, 7.5, 10, 15, and 20 mcg/hour patches; the
BUP TDS prescribing information recommends the 5mcg/hr patch as the starting dose for patients on less than
30mg oral morphine equivalents per day while the 10mcg patch is the recommended starting dose for patients on
30-80 mg of daily morphine equivalents.
The TDS product labeling recommends patients be tapered to 30mg o r al
morphine equivalent prior to initiating therapy with BUP TDS 10 mcg/hour. However, this may not be practical for all
patients and the Buprenorphine in Chronic Pain guidance document provides alternate conversion strategies that can
be co n sidered. Dose adjustments should not be made until at least 72 hours of use at the same strength since it
takes approximately 72 hours to ach ieve stead y state concentrations. BUP TDS h as an apparent terminal half-life
of 26 hours. BUP TDS may be a viable option in those patients who cannot tolerate the oral route of
administration, as well as in the geriatric population who are more susceptible to the adverse reactions related to
other opioids. BUP TDS may also be a good option for use in patients where there are concerns with the
prescription of oral opioids. BUP TDS may not provide adequate analgesia for patients requiring greater than 80
mg of morphine equivalents per day. BUP TDS is not FDA-approved for treatment of opioid dependence/OUD.
Buprenorphine Buccal Film (BUP BF). BUP BF is available in 75 mcg, 150 mcg, 300 mcg, 450 mcg,
600 mcg, 750 mcg, an d 900 mcg dosage strengths. Opioid-naïve patients may be started at 75 mcg once daily or
every 12 hours but starting doses for the opioid-experienced patient are based on th e d aily morphine equivalent
dose when converting from other opioids to BUP BF. As with BUP TDS and per BUP BF prescribing information,
patients must be tapered to 30mg oral morphine equivalent or less prior to initiating therapy with BUP BF. Two
12-week, multicenter, Phase III studies, one in opioid-naïve and one in opioid-experienced patients, were able to
demonstrate statistically significant reductions in pain scores in patients with chronic low back pain with BUP BF
when compared with placebo.
47, 48
BUP BF may not provide adequate analgesia for patients requiring greater
than 160 mg oral Morphine equivalent daily dose (MEDD); consider the use of an alternate analgesic.
is not FDA-approved for treatment of opioid dependence/OUD.
Buprenorphine (BUP) and Buprenorphine/Naloxone (BUP/NAL). BUP/NAL was approved by the
FDA in 2002 for treatment of opioid dependence (a.k.a. DSM-5 OUD)
but is sometimes prescribed off-label for
chronic pain management.
Possible mechanisms for pain relief by BUP/NAL include reversal of opioid induced-
hyperalgesia and improvement in opioid dependence symptoms.
One randomized controlled clinical trial
demonstrated the efficacy of BUP/NAL fo r pain management in patients being treated for opioid use disorder
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Current data suggest that buprenorphine may provide pain relief in patients with chronic pain and
opioid use disorder, but the data for patients without opioid use disorder is observational, retrospective only so
difficult to draw conclusions from.
At time of document update, a prospective trial looking at use of milligram
doses of buprenorphine in a high-dose opioid chronic pain population was still ongoing (personal communication,
Krebbs 2024).
A Cochrane meta-analysis fo un d bup renorphine superior to o ther opioids (5 out of 11 studies),
equivalent (3 out of 11 studies) or inferior to the alternative treatment (3 out of 11 studies) for pain relief in
can cer.
The evidence for all the outcomes in this meta-analysis was considered very low quality. One
systematic review which included 10 trials involving 1,190 patients reported that, while all studies demonstrated
that sublingual buprenorphine showed some effectiveness as a chronic pain analgesic, the majority of studies
were observational and of low quality.
A retrospective cohort study in a VHA hospital Opioid Reassessment
Clinic (ORC) demonstrated the feasibility of rotating patients on long-term opioid therapy for pain to BUP/NAL.
Further research is needed to demonstrate the efficacy of BUP/NAL for pain in patients with and without opioid
Buprenorphine for OUD During Pregnancy/Breastfeeding
Although this document is focused on the use of buprenorphine in chronic pain conditions, worth noting that the
prevalence of OUD during pregnancy more than d oubled between 1998 and 2011 to 4 per 1000 deliveries and is
61, 62
Evidence-based clinical guidance on the treatment of these women and their children are needed
given that women with OUD have a higher frequency of additional risk factors for adverse pregnancy outcomes than
do pregnant women who do not use o p ioids. A literature review to support National guidance was commissioned by
SAMHSA to obtain curren t evidence on treatment ap proaches for pregnant and nursing wo men with OUD and their
infants and children.
The report concluded that the accep ted treatment for OUD durin g p regnancy is long-acting
opioid agonist MAT that includes methadone or buprenorphine provided within the context of a comprehensive
program of obstetrical care and behavioral intervention. In addition, breastfeeding among women not using other
substances and maintained on methadone or buprenorphine can encourage and promote maternal-infant bonding,
and likely have mitigating effects on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) severity. The Maternal Opioid
Treatment: Human Experimental Research (MOTHER) project found that neonates of mothers treated with
buprenorphine d uring pregnancy required significantly less morphine, had a significantly shorter hospital stay, and
had a significantly shorter duration of treatment for the neonatal abstinence syndrome, as compared to neonates
whose mothers were treated with methadone.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
recommends opioid agonist pharmacotherapy in pregnant women with an OUD as preferable to medically
sup ervised withdrawal which is associated with higher relapse rates and worse outcomes.
ACOG also
enco urages breastfeeding in women who are stable on their opioid agonists and are not using illicit drugs or have
any contraindications such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Because of the low levels of
buprenorphine in breastmilk, its poor oral bioavailability in infants, and th e low drug concentrations found in the
serum and urine of breastfed infants, the NIH Drugs and Lactation Database (LactMed) database reports the use of
buprenorphine as acceptable in nursing mothers.
Additional Considerations
QTc Monitoring. Buprenorphine mildly inhibits cardiac repolarization and has been noted to prolong the
QT interval when the tran sdermal patch is administered at doses greater than 20mcg/hour.
prescribing information , the effect of BUP TDS 10 mcg/h o ur and 2 x BUTRANS 20 mcg/hour on QTc interval was
evaluated in a double-blind (BUP TDS vs. placebo),
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Table 2 -- Buprenorphine for Chronic Pain Comparison Chart
(See Appendix C for
Buprenorphine for Pain Management Algorithm).
BUP Buccal Film (BF)
(SUBOXONE, generics)
for Use
in Pain
Indication is management o f moderate to
severe chronic pain requiring a
continuous, around-the-clock opioid
analgesic for an extended period of time
The patient is assessed as high risk for
traditional oral opioid therapy and alternate
buprenorphine products are not advisable.
Indication is management o f moderate to
chronic pain requiring a
continuous, around
-the-clock opioid
analgesic for an extended period of time
patient is assessed as high risk for
traditional oral opioid therapy and alternate
buprenorphine products are not advisable.
BUP and BUP/NAL SL tablets
indicated for the induction
maintenance treatment of
opioid dependence (ICD
a.k.a. OUD).
and BUP/NAL may be used
any DEA licensed provider for
pain management and comorbid
Patient has documented difficulty
swallowing, poor or unpredictable
gastrointestinal absorption (e.g., short
bowel; nausea, vomiting).
Patient has documented
poor or unpredictable
gastrointestinal absorption (e.g., short
bowel; nausea,
BUP TDS 20 mcg/hour may not provide
adequate analgesia for patients requiring
greater than
80 mg/day oral morphine equivalents.
Consider the use of an alternate analgesic
or, if buprenorphine is required, consider
the use of BUP BF.
BUP BF may not provide adequate
analgesia for patients requiring greater than
160 mg/day oral morphine equivalents.
Consider the use of an alternate analgesic
or, if buprenor
phine is required, consider
referral to an x
- waivered provider for
of buprenorphine
buprenorphine/naloxone Sublingual
Considerations for
Because of the risks of addiction,
abuse, a nd misuse with opioids, even at
recommended doses, and
because of the greater risks of overdose
and death with extended-release
opioid formulations, reserve BUP
TDS for use in patients for whom
alternative treatment options (e.g.,
non-opioid analgesics or immediate-
release opioids) are ineffective, not
tolerated, or would be oth erwise
inadequate to provide sufficient
manag ement of pain.
BUP TDS is not indicated as an
as-needed (prn) analgesic.
Instruct patients to wear BUP TDS
for 7 days and to wait a minimum
of 3 weeks before applying to the
same site.
Do not abruptly discontinue BUP
TDS in a physically dependent
Allow 3 days on current dose to
evaluate the full therapeutic effect
prior to making additional dosage
Do not apply direct heat
Because of the risks of addiction,
abuse, and misuse with opioids, even
at recommended doses, and
of the greater risks of overdose
and death with
opioid formulations, reserve BUP BF
for use in patients for
treatment options (e.g.,
-opioid analgesics or immediate-
release opioids) are ineffective,
or would be otherwise
inadequate to provide sufficient
manag ement of
BUP BF is not indicated as an as-
needed (prn) analg esic.
To be prescribed only by health
care providers knowled g eable
in use of potent opioids for
management of chronic pain.
Use the lowest effective dosage
for the shortest duration
consistent with individual patient
treatment go als
dosing based on the
severity of pain, patient response,
prior analgesic
experience, and risk
factors for addiction, abuse, and
BUP sublingual tablet
no naloxone and
may be preferred during
BUP/NAL sublingual tablet
is preferred
for mo st
but especially if
are concerns for
misuse or diversion.
If used for pain in a patient
without ICD
-10 opioid
dependence, the encounter
should indicate the pain
condition diagnosis, the
should state “for
pain management”
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Considerations for
Use (Continued)
extended-release opioid
formulations, reserve BUP TDS for
use in patients for
whom alternative
options (e.g., non-opioid
analgesics o r immediate
- release
opioids) are ineffective,
not tolerated,
or would be otherwise inadequate to
provide sufficient management of
BUP TDS is not indicated as an
as-needed (prn) analgesic.
Instruct patients to wear BUP TDS
for 7 days and to wait a minimum
of 3 weeks before applying to the
same site.
Do not abruptly discontinue BUP
TDS in a physically dependent
Allow 3 days on current dose to
evaluate the full therapeutic effect
prior to making additional dosage
Do not apply direct heat
extended-release opioid formulations,
reserve BUP BF for use in patients for
alternative treatment options
(e.g., non
-opioid analgesics or
- release opioids) are
not tolerated, or wo uld be
otherwise inadequate to provide
nt management of pain.
BUP BF is not indicated as an as-
needed (prn) analg esic.
To be prescribed only by health
care providers knowled g eable in
use of potent opioids for
management of chronic pain.
Use the lowest effective d osag e for
the shortest duration consistent
with individual patient treatment
Individualize dosing based on the
severity of pain, patient response,
prior analgesic experien ce, an d risk
factors for addiction, abuse, and
BUP sublingual tablet
no naloxone and
may be preferred during
BUP/NAL sublin gual tablet is
for mo st patients,
but especially
if there are
concerns for misuse or
If used for pain in a
patient without ICD-10
opioid dependence,
the encounter should
indicate the pain
condition diagnosis,
the prescription should
state for pain
manag ement.
Urine drug screen (UDS)
Drug Monitoring
Program (PDMP) Check
Liver tran saminases
Monitor for
Assess patient’s risk for physical or
dependence, drug
and sensitivity to adverse
effects, particularly respiratory
Assess mental status,
status, and increased
for falls.
Urine drug screen (UDS)
Drug Monitoring Program
(PDMP) Check
Liver tran saminases
Monitor for
relief or prevention of
withdrawal symptoms Assess
patient’s risk for
or psychological
drug diversion and
sen sitivity to adverse effects, particularly
respiratory depression
Assess mental status, respiratory
and increased risk for falls.
Urine drug screen (UDS)
Drug Monitoring
(PDMP) Check
Urine beta
-HCG for
females Monitor
of pain
or prevention of opioid
sympto ms
patient’s risk for
physical or
dependence, drug diversion
and sensitivity to
respiratory depression
mental status,
status, and
increased risk for falls.
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Dosage and
BUP TDS doses of 7.5, 10, 15,
and 20 mcg/hour are for opioid
exp erienced
patients only.
opioid-naïve patients, initiate
a 5 mcg/hour patch.
Each BUP TDS patch is intended
worn for 7 days.
*Conversion from Oth er
Opioids to BUP TDS
Discontinue all other around-
the-clock opioid drugs when
BUP TDS therapy is in itiated.
There is a potential for
uprenorphine to precipitate
withdrawal in patients who are
already on opioids.
Prior Total Daily Dose of Opioid
30 mg of Oral Morphine
per Day:
Initiate treatment with BUP TDS 5
mcg/hour at the next dosing
Prior Total Daily Dose of Opioid
30 mg to 80 mg of Oral
Morphine Equivalents per Day:
Taper the patient’s current
around-the-cl ock opioids for up to
7 days or more as tolerated by
the patient, to no more than 30
mg of morphine or equivalent per
day before beginning treatment
with BUP TDS.
Then initiate treatment with BUP
TDS 10 mcg/hour at th e n ext
dosing interval
Patients may use short- acting
analgesics as needed until
analgesic efficacy with BUP
TDS is attained.
Prior Total Daily Dose of Opioid
Greater than 80 mg of
Oral Morphine
per Day:
BUP TDS 20 mcg/hour may not
provide adequate analgesia for
patients requiring greater than 80
mg/day oral morphine
equivalents. Co n sid er the use of
an alternate an algesic.
If the patien t experiences problems
adhesion, the patch may be
with a transparent adhesive
film dressing such as Teg aderm™.
BUP BF is for oral buccal use
only and is to be applied to
the buccal
every 12 hours.
*Discontinue all other around
- the-clock
drugs when BUP BF therapy is
the Opioid-Naïve or Opioid Non-
Tolerant patient.
Initiate treatment in opioid- naïve
and opioid-non-
patients with a 75 mcg film
once daily or, if
tolerated, every 12
hours for at least 4 days, then increase
to 150 mcg every 12 h o urs.
Individual titration to a dose that
provides adequate analgesia and
min imizes adverse reactions should
proceed in increments of 150 mcg
every 12 hours, no more frequently
than every 4 days.
Doses up to 450 mcg every 12 ho urs
were studied in opioid-n ve
patients in the clinical trials; use of
higher starting doses in patients
who are not opioid tolerant may
cause fatal respiratory depression.
Conversion from other Opioids to BUP
There is a potential fo r
buprenorphine to precipitate
withdrawal in patients who are
already on opioids. To reduce the
risk of opioid withdrawal, taper
patients to no more than 30 mg oral
MEDD daily before beginning BUP
Initial BUP BF dose based on prior
opioid expressed as oral MEDD
- Less than 30 mg oral MEDD ;
BUP BF 75 mcg
or q 12 hours
- 30 to 89 mg oral MEDD ;
BF 150 mcg q 12
- 90 to 160 mg oral MEDD
BUP BF 300 mcg q 12
> than 160 mg oral MEDD ; consider
For patients on BUP/NAL for
-10 opioid
. The
24-hour dose of
can be split and
divided for BID or TID dosing
for pain
manag ement.
When initiating BUP/NAL
patients who do not meet
-10 definition of opioid
but who are not
appropriate for
Opioids should be
discontinued the
day prior,
the patient sho uld be in
mild withdrawal prior to
initiation of BUP or
The most common dose
prescribed in VHA is
16mg/day. Primarily for
OUD. Doses of BUP or
BUP/NAL necessary for
-term opioid therapy
as part of a chronic pain
are not well known. In
general a starting dose of
2mg to 4mg may be
adequate with dose
ent initially
Alternatively, patients with
mod erate
to severe
withdrawal symptoms
score > 8) may
require bup renorphin e
induction with stabilization at
the lowest effective dose that
symptoms and minimizes
side effects.
The need
for higher doses is
by the function
and clinical status of the
patient, optimally following a
shared decision
= Clinical Opioid
Recommendation to taper to <30mg MEDD (BUP TDS and BUP BF) or interrupting opioid therapy until withdrawal
symptoms occur (BUP or BUP NAL) may not be required or realistic in all patients. See
Appendix B for alternate
initiation and dose conversion strategies
See individual product prescribing information for Contraindications, Warnings/Precautions, Dosing in Special
Populations, Major and Common Adverse Effects, Drug Interactions, and
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Discontinuation and
A decision to discontinue BUP
TDS after a period of therapy
sh o uld be part
of a
co mprehensive treatment
plan. There is in sufficient
data to determine the best
of dose taper at the
end of treatment. For BUP
TDS, it is reasonable to
consider reducing the dose by
5mcg/hour every 2 to 4
the 7.5mcg/hour dose is
reached; BUP TDS may be
A decision to discontinue BUP BF
a period of therapy should be
part of a comprehensive treatment
plan. There is in sufficient
data to determine the best method
taper at the end of treatment.
For BUP BF, as with other full mu
it is reasonable to consider
reducing the dose by 5 to
20% every
4 weeks for
a slow taper, or 5 to 20%
every week for a faster taper. See
the Academic Detailing
Decision Tool
for more guidance
A decision to discontinue SL
BUP o f BUP/NAL after a
period of therapy should be
part of a
treatment p lan. There is
insufficient data to determine
best method of dose taper
Patient Education
See BUP TDS Prescribin g
for full patien t
counselling guidance.
Advise patients of the
abuse and misuse
potential of BUP TDS, the
risks for life threatening
respiratory depression,
acciden tal exposure
(especially in children),
interaction with alcohol and
CNS depressan ts, risk
for Neonatal Opioid
Withdrawal Syndrome, side
such as constipation,
and caution with driving or
heavy machinery.
patients on the proper
administration and
application of the patch,
application site rotation,
disposal, and to not apply
direct heat.
TDS should be stored
kept o ut of sight and
reach of children.
See BUP BF Prescribin g Information
full patient counselling guidance.
Advise patients of the addiction,
and misuse p otential of BUP
TDS, the risks for life threatening
respiratory depression, accidental
exp o sure (especially in
interaction with alcohol and other
dep ressants, risk for Neonatal
Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome, side
such as constipation, and
caution with driving or operating
Instruct patients how to
pro p erly use BUP BF,
To carefully follow instructions
for the application of BUP BF
and to avoid eating or drinking
until it dissolves.
Advise patients that, after
BUP BF has comp letely
dissolved in the oral mucosa,
to take a sip of water, swish it
gently around their teeth and
gums, and swallow. Advise
patients to wait for at least one
hour after taking BUF BF
before brush ing teeth.
Instruct patients to inform their
dentist that they h ave started
therapy on BUF BF.
To apply BUP BF once daily,
or every twelve (12) hours at
the same time or times each
To avoid applying BUP BF to
areas of the mouth with any
open sores or lesions.
To not use BUP BF if the
pouch seal is broken or the
buccal film is cut or
See BUP an d BUP/NAL
Information for full
counselling guidance.
methods to
enhance medication
patient’s commitment
to monitored ingestion
The pill is taken once a day
under the tongue, allow
do NOT ch ew or
Sto re
in secure place out of the
reach of children.
Adverse effects, if any, are
mild and go away after
medication has been taken
for a while. If you have side
effects you should NOT abruptly
stop taking your medication,
instead, talk to your doctor
about it.
Advise patients that, after
BUP o r BUP/NAL h as
completely dissolved in
the oral mucosa, to take a
sip of water, swish it gently
around their teeth and
gums, and swallow.
Advise patients to wait for
at least one hour after
taking BUF/NAL before
brushing teeth.
Instruct patients to inform their
that they have started
therapy on BUP/NAL
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
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34. Oldfield BJ, Edens EL, Agnoli A, Bone CW, et al. Multimodal treatment option, including rotating to
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improvement study. Pain Med 2018; 19: S38-S45.
35. VHA Directive 2014-02, Continuation of Mental Health Medications Initiated by Department of
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36. VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline The Use of Opioids in the
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37. VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline Management of Substance Use
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38. Hasin DS, et al. Diagnosing Prescription Opioid Use Disorder in Patients
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53. Daitch D, Daitch J, Novinson D, Frey M, et al. Conversion from high-dose full-opioid agonist to sublingual
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54. Neumann AM, Blondel RD, Jaanimagi U, Giambrone AK, et al. A preliminary study comparing methadone and
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56. Schmidt-Hansen M, Bromham N, Taubert M et al. Buprenorphine for Treating Cancer Pain
(Review). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015 Mar 31;(3): CD009596
57. Cote J, Montgomery L. Sublingual buprenorphine as an analgesic in chronic pain: a systematic review.
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58. Berland DW, Malinoff HL, Weiner MA, Przybylski R. When opioids fail in chronic pain
management: the role of buprenorphine and hospitalization. Am J Therap2013; 20: 316-21.
59. Oldfield BJ, Edens EL, Agnoli A, Bone CW, et al. Multimodal treatment options, including rotating to
buprenorphine, within a multidisciplinary pain clinic for patients on risky opioid regimens: a quality
improvement study. Pain Medicine 2018; 19: S38-S45.
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Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
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64. ACOG Committee Opinion No 711. Opioid Use a nd Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy; 2017 Opioid Use
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65. NIH, US National Library of Medicine, TOXNET Toxicology Data Network. buprenorphine - Books -
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Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
Buprenorphine for Management of Chronic Pain
*NOTE: The clinical determination of functional status and assessment of benefits vs. risks, especially in context of
what may be years of LTOT for chronic pain, can often be diagnostically challenging. Facility Pain Management
Teams (PMTs) and/or VISN Clinical Resource Hubs are available to assist with both the evaluation of and treatment
planning for veterans with chronic pain on LTOT (or LTOT taper).
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS There is no definition of “doing well ornot doing well with LTOT.” The 2022 CDC and VA/DoD clinical
practice guidelines on opioid therapy
both recommend evaluating function to determine benefit of LTOT. No specific or preferred means to do
this are described and, although rating scales, qualitative interviews, clinical judgment, shared decision-making, etc. can all be used, there is no
evidence base to support use of any approach as better than another. The 2023 NICE safe prescribing guidelines for medicines associated with
dependence or withdrawal recommend evaluating on risks and benefits similarly without any specific means of how to do so.
Manhapra and
colleagues recently suggested using function compared to an age related peer and presence or absence of high-risk events (or future risk of high-
risk events) as at least a practical starting point to evaluate functional benefit of LTOT in setting of chronic pain
and during the PMOP
Buprenorphine SME workgroup there was general agreement that approaching the assessment of how a veteran is doing should be consistent
with Whole Health Principles (e.g. Personal Health Inventory, Wellbeing Signs may be helpful).
Until an evidence base or specific guidance
exists to provide clarity on best means of evaluating the functional benefit of LTOT, VHA local pain management teams, VISN Telepain teams,
and PMOP initiative resources are available to assist with care planning for the veteran with chronic pain on LTOT. Additional resources may be
found here VHA Pain Management, Opioid Safety, and Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PMOP) (sharepoint.com)
1. CDC Clinical Practice Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids MMWR 2022; 2. VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline: The Use of Opioids in the Management of Chronic
Pain 2022 Accessed Jan 2024; 3. National Institute for Health Care Excellence NICE: Prescribing medications associated with dependence or withdrawal -- 2023; 4.
Manhapra, A. et. al., Are Opioids effective analgesics and is physiological opioid dependence benign? Revising current assumptions to effectively manage long-term
opioid therapy and its deprescribing Brit J Clinical Pharma 2023 1-
15; 5. PMOP Buprenorphine Subject Matter Experts Guideline development sequester and
document draft meeting, Fall 2023