A Brief Statement of Faith
In 1983, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was formed by the reunion of the
United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America and the Presbyterian
Church in the United States. Integral to reunion was the preparation of a brief
statement of faith. While recognizing realities of diversity and disagreement in both
the church and the world, members of the drafting committee sought to articulate
Presbyterians’ common identity.
Early in its discussions, the committee decided to write a statement of faith that
could be used in worship. The committee drew extensively on the documents in the
Book of Confessions and on Scripture for its formulations, and arranged them within
a trinitarian framework.
The Brief Statement of Faith (statement) is distinctive in several respects. Un-
like the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, which move directly from Jesus’ birth to his
death, the statement emphasizes the significance of Jesus’ ministry in Judea and
Galilee. The Brief Statement of Faith emphasizes gender-inclusiveness. It under-
scores the role of both men and women in God’s covenant, uses feminine as well as
masculine imagery of God, and affirms ordination of both women and men. The
statement also expresses concern for the integrity of God’s creation.
Affirming at its beginning that “In life and death we belong to God” (11.1, line 1)
and, at its end, that “nothing in life or in death can separate us from the love of God in
Jesus Christ our Lord,” (11.05, lines 78, 79) the Brief Statement of Faith concludes
liturgically with the church’s familiar doxology of praise and thanksgiving.
In 1983 the two largest Presbyterian churches in the United States reunited. The
Plan for Reunion called for the preparation of a brief statement of the Reformed
faith for possible inclusion in the Book of Confessions. This statement is therefore
not intended to stand alone, apart from the other confessions of our church. It does
not pretend to be a complete list of all our beliefs, nor does it explain any of them in
detail. It is designed to be confessed by the whole congregation in the setting of
public worship, and it may also serve pastors and teachers as an aid to Christian
instruction. It celebrates our rediscovery that for all our undoubted diversity, we are
bound together by a common faith and a common task.
The faith we confess unites us with the one, universal church. The most im-
portant beliefs of Presbyterians are those we share with other Christians, and espe-
cially with other evangelical Christians who look to the Protestant Reformation as a
renewal of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Diversity remains. But we are thankful that in
our time the many churches are learning to accept, and even to affirm, diversity
without divisiveness, since the whole counsel of God is more than the wisdom of
any individual or any one tradition. The Spirit of Truth gives new light to the
churches when they are willing to become pupils together of the Word of God. This
statement therefore intends to confess the catholic faith.
We are convinced that to the Reformed churches a distinctive vision of the
catholic faith has been entrusted for the good of the whole church. Accordingly, “A
Brief Statement of Faith” includes the major themes of the Reformed tradition (such
as those mentioned in the Book of Order, The Foundations of Presbyterian Polity,
Chapter 2),
without claiming them as our private possession, just as we ourselves
hope to learn and to share the wisdom and insight given to traditions other than our
own. And as a confession that seeks to be both catholic and Reformed, the state-
ment (following the apostle’s blessing in 2 Cor. 13:14) is a trinitarian confession in
which the grace of Jesus Christ has first place as the foundation of our knowledge
of God’s sovereign love and our life together in the Holy Spirit.
No confession of faith looks merely to the past; every confession seeks to
cast the light of a priceless heritage on the needs of the present moment, and so to
shape the future. Reformed confessions, in particular, when necessary even re-
form the tradition itself in the light of the Word of God. From the first, the Re-
formed churches have insisted that the renewal of the church must become visible
in the transformation of human lives and societies. Hence “A Brief Statement of
Faith” lifts up concerns that call most urgently for the church’s attention in our
The preface and the appendix do not have confessional authority.
The appendix provides cross-references that will enable the reader to place the affirma-
tions of “A Brief Statement of Faith” in the context of the Reformed tradition.
time. The church is not a refuge from the world; an elect people is chosen for the
blessing of the nations. A sound confession, therefore, proves itself as it nurtures
commitment to the church’s mission, and as the confessing church itself becomes
the body by which Christ continues the blessing of his earthly ministry.
1 In life and in death we belong to God.
2 Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
3 the love of God,
4 and the communion of the Holy Spirit,
5 we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel,
6 whom alone we worship and serve.
7 We trust in Jesus Christ,
8 fully human, fully God.
9 Jesus proclaimed the reign of God:
10 preaching good news to the poor
11 and release to the captives,
12 teaching by word and deed
13 and blessing the children,
14 healing the sick
15 and binding up the brokenhearted,
16 eating with outcasts,
17 forgiving sinners,
18 and calling all to repent and believe the gospel.
19 Unjustly condemned for blasphemy and sedition,
20 Jesus was crucified,
21 suffering the depths of human pain
22 and giving his life for the sins of the world.
23 God raised this Jesus from the dead,
24 vindicating his sinless life,
25 breaking the power of sin and evil,
26 delivering us from death to life eternal.
27 We trust in God,
28 whom Jesus called Abba, Father.
29 In sovereign love God created the world good
30 and makes everyone equally in God’s image,
31 male and female, of every race and people,
32 to live as one community.
33 But we rebel against God; we hide from our Creator.
34 Ignoring God’s commandments.
35 we violate the image of God in others and ourselves,
36 accept lies as truth,
37 exploit neighbor and nature,
38 and threaten death to the planet entrusted to our care.
39 We deserve God’s condemnation.
40 Yet God acts with justice and mercy to redeem creation.
41 In everlasting love,
42 the God of Abraham and Sarah chose a covenant people
43 to bless all families of the earth.
44 Hearing their cry,
45 God delivered the children of Israel
46 from the house of bondage.
47 Loving us still,
48 God makes us heirs with Christ of the covenant.
49 Like a mother who will not forsake her nursing child,
50 like a father who runs to welcome the prodigal home,
51 God is faithful still.
52 We trust in God the Holy Spirit
53 everywhere the giver and renewer of life.
54 The Spirit justifies us by grace through faith,
55 sets us free to accept ourselves and to love God and neighbor,
56 and binds us together with all believers
57 in the one body of Christ, the Church.
58 The same Spirit
59 who inspired the prophets and apostles
60 rules our faith and life in Christ through Scripture,
61 engages us through the Word proclaimed,
62 claims us in the waters of baptism,
63 feeds us with the bread of life and the cup of salvation,
64 and calls women and men to all ministries of the Church.
65 In a broken and fearful world
66 the Spirit gives us courage
67 to pray without ceasing,
68 to witness among all peoples to Christ as Lord and Savior,
69 to unmask idolatries in Church and culture,
70 to hear the voices of peoples long silenced,
71 and to work with others for justice, freedom, and peace.
72 In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit,
73 we strive to serve Christ in our daily tasks
74 and to live holy and joyful lives,
75 even as we watch for God’s new heaven and new earth,
76 praying, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
77 With believers in every time and place,
78 we rejoice that nothing in life or in death
79 can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
80 Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.*
* Instead of saying this line, congregations may wish to sing a version of the Gloria.
The writers of “A Brief Statement of Faith” have endeavored to establish this
confession on the broad base of Scripture as a whole and the consensus of Reformed
theology, not upon isolated or particular texts either in Scripture or theology.
These cross-references identify sources that have significantly shaped the spe-
cific part of the faith being confessed at the lines indicated. They show the congru-
ence of “A Brief Statement of Faith” with the teachings of the Scriptures and of
earlier confessional documents. They point to only a selected few of the passages
and contexts that congregations could study in comparing the ways the faith has
been re-confessed in diverse historical situations.
The verse references and abbreviations for books of the Bible are based on the
Revised Standard Version. Biblical passages are listed in the order of their occur-
rence in the English Bible, except that the parallel passages from the Synoptic Gos-
pels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) have been grouped together. Portions of the verses
cited in italics are quoted or closely paraphrased in “A Brief Statement of Faith.”
Documents in the Book of Confessions are abbreviated as follows: NC, Nicene
Creed; AC, Apostles’ Creed; SC, Scots Confession; HC, Heidelberg Catechism;
SHC, Second Helvetic Confession; WCF, Westminster Confession of Faith [num-
bered according to the edition used by the former United Presbyterian Church
(U.S.A.)]; WSC, Westminster Shorter Catechism; WLC, Westminster Larger Cate-
chism; BD, Theological Declaration of Barmen; C67, Confession of 1967.
Citations are listed in the order of their occurrence in the Book of Confessions.
Lines 1–6
1 Scripture Deut 7:6–11; Ps 100; 139:1–12; Is 43:1–9; Jer 31; Rom
8:31–39; 14:7–9; 2 Cor. 5:1–5.
Confessions SC, 1; HC, q 1; WLC, q 1; BD, II, 1, 2.
2–6 Scripture Ex 20:3–6; Deut 6:4–9; 11:16; 2 Kings 19:14–22; Ps 56:3–
4; 62:1–8; 71:22–24; 103; Is 10:20; 12:5–6; 17:7–8;
43:14–15; 54:5; Jer 17:5–8; 25:5–6; Dan 3:28; Mt 28:16–
20; Jn 3:16; 14:8–17; Acts 2:41–42; 27:21–26; 1 Cor 8:1–
6; 2 Cor 13:14; Eph 2:8–10; 1 Pet 1:2–9.
Confessions NC; SC, I, IV; HC, q 25; SHC, III, V; WCF, II, VII, 5;
WSC, q 6; WLC, qq 6–11; C67, “The Confession,” IA–C.
Lines 7–26
7–8 Scripture Ps 86:1–2; Is 12:2; Mt 1:18–25; 11:27; Mk 8:27–30;
14:61–62; Lk 2:1–52; Jn 1:1–18; 5:1–18; 7:25–31; 10:30–
39; Gal 4:1–7; Phil 2:5–11; Col 1:15–20; 2:8–10; Heb 1;
2:14–18; 4:14–15; 5:7–10; 13:8; 1 Jn 1:1–2.
Confessions NC, 2nd art.; SC, VI; HC, qq 31, 35, 47; SHC, XI; WCF,
VIII, 2; WSC, q 21; WLC, qq 36–42; C67, IA1.
9–18 Scripture Ps 34:6–18; 146:5–9; 147:1–6; Is 42:1–7; 61:1–3; Ezek
34:15–16; Zeph 3:19; Mt 4:23–25; 9:10–13; 13:1–58;
15:21–28; 18:21–35; 23:1–4; Mk 1:14–15; 5:1–20; 6:30–
44; 9:33–37; 10:13–16; Lk 4:16–22 (18); 5:17–32; 6:17–
36; 7:1–27, 33–50; 8:1–3; 10:38–42; 15:1–32; Jn 4:1–42;
8:1–11; 10:1–18; 11:1–44; 16:33; Acts 10:34–43.
Confessions SC, XIV, XVI; HC, qq 1, 31, 74, 107; SHC, XIII–XV;
WCF, VIII, XII, XXV; WSC, qq 21–30, I 36; WLC, qq
43–50, 135; BD, I; C67, IA1, IIA4c, III.
19–22 Scripture
Lines 19–20 Mt 26:57–68; Mk 14:53–65; Lk 22:63–71; Mt 27:32–37;
Mk 15:21–26; Lk 23:32–35; Jn 10:22–39; 19:1–22; 1 Cor
Lines 21–22 Ps 22; 88:1–9; Is 52:13–53:12; Mt 27:27–31, 39–50; Mk
15:16–20, 29–37; Lk 23:11, 39–46; Mk 8:31–35; 10:45;
Lk 22:39–46; Jn 1:29–34; 3:16–18; 10:7–18; 19:28–37;
Rom 5; 2 Cor 5:17–21; 1 Tim 2:5–6; Heb 2; 5:7–10; 9:11–
22; 1 Pet 2:21–24; 3:18; 1 Jn 2:1–2; 4:9–10; Rev 5.
Confessions SC, VIII, IX; HC, qq 29–44; SHC, XI; WCF, VIII; WSC,
qq 28–31; WLC, qq 44, 49.
23–26 Scripture
Lines 23–24 Ps 24:4–5; 26:1; 37:5–6; Is 50:4–9; Matt 27:3–4; 28:1–17;
Mk 16:1–8; Lk 24:1–47; Jn 20–21; Acts 2:22–36 (32);
17:16–34; Rom 1:1–7; 1 Cor 15:3–57; 1 Tim 3:14–16.
Lines 25–26 Ps 49:13–15; Is 25:6–8; Dan 12:2–3; Jn 3:16–18; 5:19–24;
11:17–27; Rom 4:24–25; 5:1–21; 6:1–23; 8:1–11; 1 Cor
15:20–28; Eph 2:1–7; Col 1:9–14; 2:8–15; 1 Thess 4:13–
18; 2 Tim 1:10; Heb 13:20–21; Rev 21:3–4.
Confessions SC, X; HC, qq 45–52; SHC, XI; WCF, VIII, 4–8; WLC,
qq 52–56; BD, II, 2–4; C67, IA1.
Lines 27–51
27–28 Scripture 2 Kings 18:5–6; Ps 28:6–7; 71:5–6; Prov 3:5–8; Mt 6:25–
34; Mk 14:32–36; Lk 11:2–4; Rom 8:12–17; Gal 4:1–7.
Confessions NC, 1st art.; AC, 1st art.; HC, qq 26–28; WCF, XII; WLC,
q 100.
29–32 Scripture
Line 29 Gen 1:1–25; Ps 33:1–9; 104; Is 40:21–28; Jn 1:1–5; Col
1:15–20; 1 Tim 4:4.
Lines 30–32 Gen 1:26–2:25; 5:1–32 (esp. 1–5, 32); 10:32–11:1; Lev
19:9–18; Ps 22:25–31; 67; 133; Is 56:3–8; 66:18–21; Mic
4:1–4; Lk 10:29–37; Acts 17:22–28: Eph 1:9–10; Rev
7:9–12; 22:1–2.
Confessions HC, q 6; SHC, VII; WCF, IV, 1–2; WSC, qq 9, 10; WLC,
qq 12–17; C67, IIA4a.
33–38 Scripture
Line 33 Gen 3:1–24; 4:1–6; Ex 3:6; 4:1–17; Judg 11:29–40; 1
Sam 10:20–24; Ps 2:1–3; 14:1–4; Is 1:1–6; Jer 5:20–25;
23:24; Jon 1:1–4; Mt 5:14–16; Mk 4:21–23; Lk 8:16–18;
Mt 19:16–22; 25:14–30 (esp. 18, 24–25); Lk 8:43–48;
10:38–42 (Martha); Rom 1:16–3:26; Heb 4:13; Rev 2–3;
Line 34 Gen 1:28; 2:15–16; Ex 20:1–17; 21:1–23:19; Lev 19:1–
37; Deut 6:4–9; 10:19; Neh 7:73b–8:18; Ps 119:169–
176; Amos 5:24; Mic 6:8; Mt 5:17–6:21; 7:12; 22:34–
40; Jn 13:34; 14:15; 15:12–17; Rom 13:8–10; 1 Cor 8; 1
Jn 2:3–11.
Line 35 Gen 1:27; 4:8; 6:11–12; 16; 21:9–21; Judg 19; 2 Sam 11;
13:1–20; 18:5–15; Ps 14:1–4; Is 1:12–23; 59:1–8; Ezek
7:10–11; 45:9; Zeph 3:1–4; Mt 23:13–28; 25:31–46; Lk
16:19–31; Rom 1:28–32; Eph 4:17–22; Col 3:5–11; 2 Tim
3:1–9; Tit 1:15–16.
Line 36 Gen 2:16–17; 3:1–4; Job 13:1–12; Ps 4:2; Is 5:20–21;
28:14–15; 59:3b, 12–15a; Jer 5:1–3; 14:13–14; Jn 8:42–45.
Lines 37–38 Gen 2:15; Ps 8; Is 5:7–8; 24:4–6; 33:7–9; Jer 2:7–8; 9:4–6;
Hos 4:1–3; Amos 2:6–8; Acts 16:16–24.
Confessions SC, II; HC, qq 3–11, 106, 107; SHC, VIII, IX; WCF, VI;
WSC, q 77; WLC, qq 22–28, 105, 131, 132, 136, 145,
149; C67, IA2.
39 Scripture Gen 6:5–7; Deut 28:15–68; 30:15–20; 2 Sam 12:1–12; Is
1:24–25; 5:9–10, 24–25; 28:16–22; 59:9–11, 15b–19; Jer
2:9; 9:7–11; 14:15–16; Amos 2:13–16; Jn 3:16–21; Rom
5:18–21; 8:1–4.
Confessions SC, III, XV; HC, qq 10–12; SHC, XII, XIII; WCF, VI, 6;
WSC, qq 82–85; WLC, q 27; C67, IA2.
40 Scripture 2 Chron 7:11–14; Ps 34:22; 51; 78:36–39; 103:1–14; 130;
145:8–9; Is 2:2–4; 6:5–7; 11:1–9; 30:18; 51:4–6; Jer
31:20; Lam 3:22–33; Ezek 36:8–15; Hos 11:1–9; 14:4–8;
Mt 1:18–21; Lk 1:67–79; 15:1–7; Jn 3:16–17; Rom 5:15–
17; 8:18–25; Eph 2:4–7; 1 Pet 1:13–21.
Confessions SC, I, IV; HC, qq 26–28; SHC, VI, X; WCF, V; WSC, q
31; WLC, q 30.
41–51 Scripture
Lines 41–43 Gen 12:1–7; 15; 17:1–21; 18:1–15; 21:1–7; 28:10–17;
Deut 7:6–7; Neh 9:6–8; Ps 65:1–4; Is 41:8–10; 44:1–8;
51:1–2; Jer 31:3, 31–34; Mt 9:9–13; 26:26–28; Rom 4:13–
25; 11; 1 Cor 1:26–29; Gal 3:6–9; Eph 1:3–10; 1 Thess 1;
Heb 11:8–12; Jas 2:5; 1 Pet 2:9–10.
Lines 44–46 Ex 2:23–3:10; 6:2–8; 15:1–21; 18:5–12; 20:1–2; 22:21–
24; Deut 7:8; Judg 6:7–16; 10:10–16; 2 Chron 32:9–23;
Ezra 9:6–9; Neh 9:9–15; Ps 18:1–19; 34; 77; 105:23–45;
107; 136; Is 40:3–5, 9–11; 43:14–21; 51:9–16; Dan 3; 6;
Mic 6:4; Mt 6:13; 15:21–28; Mk 5:1–20; 2 Cor 1:8–11;
Rev 1:4–11; 15:2–4.
Lines 47–48 Ps 33:20–22; 36:7–9; Is 54:4–10; 63:7–9; Mic 7:18–20;
Mt 26:26–29; Rom 8:15–17, 38–39; 1 Cor 11:23–26; Gal
3:15–29; 4:6–7, 21–31; Eph 1:3–6; 2:11–22; Heb 13:20–
21; 1 Pet 1:1–9; 1 Jn 3:1–2.
Lines 49–51 Gen 33:1–11; Deut 7:9; 32:10–12; Neh 9:16–23; Ps 27:7–
10; 36:5–12; 91; 117; Is 42:14–16; 46:3–4; 49:7; 49:14–
15; 66:13; Jer 31:15–20; Lam 3:22–23; Hos 11:3–4; Lk
13:34–35; 15:11–32 (esp. 20); 1 Cor 1:9; 1 Thess 5:23–
24; 2 Thess 2:16–17.
Confessions SC, IV, V; HC, qq 12–15, 18, 19, 34, 49, 51, 52, 54, 128;
XVIII, XXXV, “Declaratory Statement” of 1903; WSC, q
36; WLC, qq 31–34, 74; BD, II, 2; C67, IB.
Lines 52–76
52–53 Scripture Gen 1:1–2; Ps 23; 139:1–12; Ezek 37:1–14; Lk 1:26–35;
Jn 3:1–15; Acts 2:1–21; 10; Rom 8:1–11; 2 Cor 3.
Confessions NC, 3rd art.; AC, 3rd art.; SC, XII; HC, q 53; WCF, XX,
XXXIV; WLC, qq 58, 89, 182.
54–57 Scripture
Line 54 Gen 15:1–6; Hab 2:4; Rom 1:16–17; 3:21–28 (24–25);
4:1–5; 5:1–2; Gal 3:1–14; Eph 2:8–9; Tit 3:3–7.
Lines 55–57 Lev 19:18; Deut 6:4–5; Mk 12:28–34; Lk 10:25–37; Jn
3:1–15; Rom 8:26–27; 12; 13:8–10; 1 Cor 12:1–31 (esp.
13, 27); 13; 2 Cor 3:17–4:2; Gal 5; 6:1–10; Eph 2:11–22;
4:1–6; Phil 4:1–7; Col 1:24; 3:12–17; 1 Pet 4:8–11; 1 Jn
Confessions SC, XVI–XX; HC, qq 1, 21, 54, 55, 86, 87; SHC, XV–
WSC, qq 29–36; WLC, qq 63–66, 70–73; BD, II, 1–3;
C67, IC1.
58–61 Scripture
Lines 58–59 Num 11:24–30; Deut 18:15–22; 2 Chron 20:13–19; 24:20–
22; Ezek 3:22–27; 8:1–4; 11:5–12; 13:3; Mic 3:5–8; Mk
12:35–37; Jn 20:19–23; Acts 1:1–9; 2:1–4; 9:17–19a; 1
Pet 1:10–11; 2 Pet 1:20–21.
Lines 60–61 2 Kings 22:8–13; 23:1–3; Ps 119:1–16; Zech 7:11–12; Mt
5:17; Mk 13:9–11; Lk 24:13–27, 44; Jn 5:30–47; 16:13;
Acts 2:14–36; 4:13–20; 8:4–8; 9:17–22; 10:34–44; 13:4–
5; 17:1–4; Rom 15:17–21; Eph 2:19–3:6; 2 Tim 1:11–14;
3:14–17; Heb 1:1–4; 3:7–11; 1 Pet 1:12; 2 Pet 1:16–19;
3:1–2; Rev 3:22.
Confessions SC, XIX, XX; HC, qq 19–21; SHC, I, II; WCF, I, XXXIV,
2; WSC, qq 2, 3; WLC, qq 2–6, 108; BD, I, II, 1; C67,
IC2, IIB1.
62–64 Scripture
Line 62 Mk 1:1–12; 6:30–52; Jn 1:19–34; 3:5; 7:37–39; Acts
2:38–42; 8:26–39; 9:10–19; 10:44–11:18; Rom 6:1–4; 1
Cor 12:12–13; Gal 3:27–28; Eph 1:13–14; Col 2:8–15; Tit
3:3–7; 1 Jn 5:6–8.
Line 63 Ps 116:12–14 (13); Mt 26:17–29; Mk 14:22–25; Lk
22:14–20; 24:13–35; Jn 6:22–59 (35, 48); Acts 2:41–42; 1
Cor 10:16–17; 11:17–34; Heb 9:11–28.
Line 64 Gen 1:26–27; Ex 15:1–21; Judg 4:4–10;2 Kings 22:8–20;
Joel 2:28–32; Lk 1:46–55; 2:25–38; 8:1–3; 10:38–42; Jn
4:7–42; 20; Acts 1:12–2:47; 13:1–4; 16:1–15; 18:24–28;
Rom 16:1–16; 1 Cor 12:4–7; 2 Cor 4–5; Gal 3:27–29; Eph
4:7–16; Phil 4:1–3; 1 Pet 2:9–10.
Confessions SC, XVIII, XXI–XXIII; HC, qq 65–85; SHC, XVIII–
XXVIII; WCF, XXVI–XXXI; WSC, qq 88–98; WLC, qq
157, 158, 164–177; BD, II, 1, 3–6; C67, IIA1–2, IIB.
65–71 Scripture
Lines 65–66 Gen 15:1; Ps 23:1–4; 27:1–6; 46:1–3; Is 41:8–10; Hag
2:4–5; Acts 4:13–31; Phil 1:19–20; 2 Cor 1:18–22.
Line 67 Gen 18:16–33; 2 Sam 7:18–29; Dan 6; Mt 6:5–15; Mk
14:32–42; Lk 18:1–8; Jn 17; Rom 12:12; Eph 6:18–20;
Col 1:3–14; 4:2; 1 Thess 5:16–18 (17); Jas 5:13–18; Jude
Line 68 Is 60:1–3; Mt 28:19–20; Lk 24:45–47; Acts 1:8; 9:27–29;
23:11; Rom 1:1–6; 1 Thess 2:1–8; 2 Tim 1:8–14; 4:1–2.
Line 69 Ex 20:2–6; 1 Kings 18:21–39; Ps 115:1–11; Is 31:1–3;
44:6–20; Jer 7:1–20; Zech 4:6; Mt 6:24; Lk 18:18–23;
Acts 19:21–41; 1 Cor 8:1–6; Phil 3:18–19; Col 3:5; 1 Jn
Line 70 Gen 41:1–45; Ruth 1–4; 1 Kings 12:1–20; Jer 36; Zeph
3:1–2; Mt 15:21–28; Mk 5:15–20; 9:38–41; 16:9–11; Lk
7:36–50; 10:30–35; Jn 4:27–30, 39; 20:11–18; Acts 24; 1
Cor 14:33b–35; 1 Tim 2:11–12.
Line 71 Lev 25:25–55; Deut 15:1–11; Ps 34:14; 72:1–4, 12–14;
Is 58; Amos 5:11–24; Mic 6:6–8; Mt 5:9; 25:31–46;
Rom 14:17–19; Gal 5:13–26; Heb 12:14; 13:1–3, 20–
21; Jas 1:22–2:26.
Confessions SC, XIII, XIV, XXIV; HC, qq 86–129; SHC, IV, XVII,
3, XXXV; WSC, qq 35, 36, 98–107; WLC, qq 75, 76, 91–
148; BD, II; C67, IB, IIA1, 3, 4, IIB2.
72–76 Scripture
Lines 72–74 Lev 19:1–4; Neh 7:73b–8:12; Ps 68:32–35; 96; 100; Mt
13:44; Lk 9:23; 24:44–53; Jn 15:10–11; Acts 1:8, 13:52;
Rom 7:4–6; 12:1–3, 9–21; 15:13; 1 Cor 3:16–17; 13; 2
Cor 1:12; Eph 1:3–2:21; 1 Thess 1:4–8; 5:16–18; 1 Pet
Lines 75–76 Is 65:17; 66:22–23; Mt 24:42–44; 25:1–13; Mk 13:32–37;
Lk 14:15–24; 1 Cor 15:51–58; 16:21–24; 2 Pet 3; Rev
21:1–22:5; 22:20.
Confessions HC, qq 31, 32, 86 and all of Part III; SHC, XIV, XVI,
XXXIV; WSC, qq 39–82; WLC, qq 56, 175; BD, II, 2;
C67, IB, IC1, IIA, III.
Lines 77–80
77–80 Scripture Ps 27:1–10; 91; 118:1–6; 139:1–18; Is 25:6–9; Jn 3:16;
Rom 8:31–39; Eph 2:1–10; 2 Tim 2:8–13; Jas 1:12; 1 Pet
1:3–9; 1 Jn 4:7–21.
Confessions NC, 3rd art.; AC, 3rd art.; SC, XVI, XVII; HC, qq 1, 50–
58; SHC, XXVI; WCF, XVII, XVIII; WLC, qq 67, 196;
BD, II, 2; C67, IB, IC, IC1, III.