and Home Aairs
Commission Expert Group
on Radicalisation (HLCEG-R)
Final Report
18 May 2018
This document has been prepared by the High-Level Commission Expert
Group on Radicalisation (HLCEG-R) for the European Commission.
          
the information contained therein.
Cover photo © Loïc Bertrand
1.1. Trends and challenges of
radicalisation in the European Union
Europe is facing a high and evolving terrorist threat 
demonstrated by an increase in recent years in terrorist
Radicalisation leading to violent extremism and terrorism is
an alarming speed and scale. The phenomenon is not limited
policies must evolve to match the scale of the challenge
      how many radicalised
individuals       
collected at national level illustrate the magnitude of the
     
service inquiries; and the German security authorities have
         
fraction is considered as being particularly “dangerous”.
      
intolerant and divisive messages fuelling violent extremism
The       and
    home-grown jihadist
extremists and lone actors is regarded as posing particular
the radicalisation process.
As regards the     
        
      
threat they pose.
Preventing radicalisation in prisons
       
        
         
    
      
concerns such as the use of the internet and social media
by terrorist groups or violent extremist organisations for
    radicalisation in
prisonspolarisation and – more
broadly – the undermining of societal peace and shared
 
tended to feature prominently in almost every attack that
clear that terrorist groups continue to use the internet
terrorist groups similarly exploit the internet for terrorist
      
        
  multi-dimensional challenges
require multifaceted responses    
        
      
policies aimed at preventing and countering radicalisation
        
comprehensive approach to counter terrorism. The Group
highlights the importance of multiagency responses and
  
there is a shared interest in further enhancing exchanges of
      
1.2. The High-level Commission Expert
Group on Radicalisation
1.2.1. Mandate
EU policies in preventing and countering radicalisation have
funding programmes and opportunities.² The comprehensive
assessment of EU security policies   
         
         High-level
Commission Expert Group on Radicalisation (HLCEG-R)
       
        
        
and recommendations for the implementation of targeted
 
1.2.2. Composition
       
      
       
       
      
      
        
       
     
     
       
         
make valuable contributions to the objective of furthering
       
1.2.3. Workingmethodandrstoutcome
           
meeting on 11 September 2017
for the adoption of the interim report at the high level
meeting on 24 November 2017.
       
         
policy on the prevention of radicalisation. The Group expresses
Awareness Network    
papers and support on several crucial areas addressed not
       
       
approaches etc. The Group stresses the importance and
         to reduce
accessibility to terrorist content online and to increase the
European Strategic
Communications Network
in developing strategic communication strategies.
        
        
recommendations for further action in priority areas
       
The interim report also set out a number of recommendations
for the establishment of enhanced cooperation
mechanisms at EU level    
        
      
          
       
States the opportunity to be more closely involved in strategic
       Justice and
 stressing the
      
operational results and tangible progress.
       
the recommendations.
enhanced cooperation mechanisms and next steps.
1.2.4. Structureofthenalreport
This  encompasses recommendations for further
        
        
resulting from discussions in the HLCEG-R. These
recommendations fully respect the existing division of
          
national security remains the sole responsibility of each
Member State”. The scope of the recommendations is limited to
preventing and countering radicalisation and does not extend to
areas such as intelligence sharing or information exchanges on
individuals suspected of terrorism. The recommendations and
         
Working Party in the Council.
        end of the
HLCEG-R’s mandate.
the Group recommends to          in particular through
    
2.1. Prison and probation, rehabilitation and
Recognising that prisons might be incubators for radicalisation and
risk assessment
tools and disengagement programmes     
Recommended actions include 
areas         
        
         
       alternatives to prison
Specic recommendations:
map existing practices to prevent
and counter radicalisation in the prison and probation context 
     practices supporting rehabilitation and
reintegration of prisoners into society (taking into account age and gender sensitive mentoring programmes).
of voluntary peer reviews of exit, rehabilitation and reintegration programmes
exchange of experiences on the provision of religious counselling in prisons and to provide guidelines
on working with and training chaplains, particularly imams
For the Commission (in particular through the RAN) to increase relevant study visits
Research: 
and encourage further research (including evaluations)
out of radicalisation in prison.
Funding:EU funds in support of relevant
shared management funds
European Social funds
for the development and implementation of programmes for the rehabilitation and job training of prisoners and
    encourage the organisation of trainings on radicalisation for judges and
prosecutors 
training modules.
              
training in radicalisation (for instance via e-learning) and to take advantage of the EU-level trainings (e.g.
through CEPOL).
join the European Penitnetiary Training Academies (EPTA) network for it to
             
prison and probation sector.
Guidance: For the Commission to facilitate the establishment of a repository of handbooks relevant to
prevention of radicalisation in prison and probation and ensure its proper dissemination.
alternatives to prosecution and detention in particular by
the improved provision
2.2. Communication and countering
online propaganda
The dissemination of terrorist propaganda on the Internet
        
        
as the development of strategic communications remains
of the    and the recently adopted
Recommendation on illegal content online 
Group calls for action as regards traditional media and
satellite television misused to amplify the terrorist and
      
media reporting.
      
       
support and develop alternative or counter narratives
          
the support and consultancy provided by the European
        
terrorist and extremist groups’ ability to impact
audiences,       
Specic Recommendations:
                
terrorist and extremist content online and to support the development of alternative and counter narratives.
             
strengthen exchanges of experiences and good practices in the development and dissemination of
alternative and counter narratives
        European Strategic Communications Network expertise and
consultancy services to build capacity in developing sustainable strategic communications responses to
           
   
constraints - certain third countries.
                  European
Strategic Communications Network to discuss and analyse developments in communication strategies
and tendencies of violent extremist groups but also challenges in terms of disinformation campaigns
© Pixabay
raising awareness
guidance for journalists about
their possible contribution to preventing the spread of extremist narratives and understanding polarisation
the idea of hub(s) aimed at providing specialised communications support to
alternative- and counter narrative campaigns.
to examine whether existing tools (including legislation)
             
2.3. Local and multi-agency approaches
        
       
operate in. The Group recognises the need for local multi-
agency approaches 
      
(mental) health care practitioners and others.
existevaluation of
existing approaches and best practices (such as mobile
expert teams) and stresses the importance of helping local
as the selection of relevant partners in communities and
information sharing protocols.)
    
     
       
relevant actors to explore further initiatives (such as the
closer engagement among cities).
Specic recommendations:
               
       mapping and comparative
analysis of existing multi-agency approaches and structures in Member States
good practices and guidance for local cooperation
practical guidelinesinformation sharing protocols (building on the RAN
For the Commission to bring together the main European and international organisations and
up of coordination and cooperation structures at Member State level as appropriate (structures that
support local and regional structures and interventions to enhance long term
expertise and immediate and tailored support        
                
2.4. Sharing of knowledge about
radicalisation phenomena and
radicalisation pathways
       
challenge as regards multi-agency approaches. Common
    
indicators and risk categories could also be facilitated at
pathways, trends and risks.
Specic Recommendations:
map and facilitate more empirical studies
into radicalisation factors and pathways, trends etc. (as they exist for instance on FTF returnees).
a shared understanding of concepts and radicalisation indicators.
              
           
signs and risks of radicalisation
exchange            
2.5. Ideology and polarisation
        
      
       
Group as an important aspect to explore further.
       
       
as the funding and monitoring of those spreading Islamist
extremist ideology
standards and does not lead to stigmatisation or polarisation.
The Group recognises that attention should also be paid to
the rise in right wing extremism and the broader tendency
of polarisation in society.
Specic Recommendations
exchanges of experiences and
working with communities
criteria for identifying credible and reliable partners
tackling extremist ideologies.
 and experiences
               
raise awareness as regards extremist ideas and their dissemination on
the internet and traditional media and to identify areas for further research and analysis.
2.6. Identifying and addressing risk of
radicalisation of individuals belonging
to groups requiring particular attention
The Group stressed the importance of further exploring
and developing adequate responses in particular to the
challenges posed by    
zones or raised in a radicalised environment. Whilst some
        
        
       
       
      
families) as possible practical solutions to the problem.
Comparative analysis of the existing approaches in
        
      
States to make better use of or establish the necessary
 
At the same time the Group stresses the need to develop
and implement the necessary trainings for practitioners.
Other groups of individuals regarded as requiring
radicalisation and be possible targets of recruitment.
and exploited by Terrorists and violent extremist groups (
© Raqqa
Specic Recommendations
overview and comparative
analysis of existing approaches in particular as regards risks and needs assessment and tailored
responses for children 
existing tools.
overview and comparative analysis of existing
                
training for practitioners dealing
a) Basic awareness training/webinar for practitioners
 
b) In-depth specialist workshops and shared learning sessions for practitioners directly involved in cases
                
   
development of training modules.
             detecting and
assessing current risks of radicalisation and related facilitating factors among those vulnerable to
indoctrination or radicalisation.
2.7. Education and social inclusion
      
of radicalisation by strengthening resilience against
     
        social
inclusion, promoting common democratic values and
managing controversial issues
safe classrooms.
       awareness
and improve their skills
Specic Recommendations
   raise awareness among the education community  
teachers and teachers in schools to help them to prevent radicalisation through information campaigns or
For the Commission to map and improve access 
to existing EU practices or results
funded projects in the area of education and social inclusion.
promote the use of opportunities
 
increase awareness and skills among youth workers and other professionals
 to strengthen
resilience against or help countering radicalisation.
© Istock
2.8. External dimension
The Group recognised the importance of having robust
external engagement in particular in neighbouring regions
       
       
       
        
European expertise and experiences (including the RAN
closer engagement
with third countries and international organisations
      enhanced
countries in the development of their prevent strategies
and actions and in particular through an increased
deployment of internal security instruments such as the
priority third countries and as regards priority issues such
as returning FTFs or strategic communications.
Increased engagement in third countries could for example
be supported by the establishment of a pool of experts for
      
         
counter-terrorism experts could be further discussed.
Specic recommendations
Terrorism Coordinator to establish a list of EU experts       
for external deployment.
            
    development and implementation of guiding principles in developing
prevent strategies
             
Collaborationmechanisms:Discuss how to include the external dimension inafuturemorepermanent
              
to map national prevent initiatives
     facilitate coordination and synergies in priority countries; to share
information 
prevent projects abroad.
expertise and role of CT experts
special focus on prevention.
Coordinator to increase support to partner countries and regions in enhancing prevent-related research
3.1. Introduction
The implementation of the recommendations set out in Chapter
      
       
and increased accessibility in order to strengthen the evidence
base for further policy development and the design of concrete
       
        
3.2. Objectives and Guiding principles
Taking into account the HLCEG-R scoping paper and the
the Group emphasises the importance of establishing the
systematic      
   capacity building measures and
better pool resources, expertise and know how
       
gradual approach.
        
       existing
networks and initiatives facilitating exchanges among relevant
The Group proposes to set up an EU Cooperation Mechanism
composed of a Steering Board and a reinforced support and
     
        
      
      
be easily implementable within the existing legal
framework and without excessive bureaucratic burden.
greater visibility,
accessibility and transparency 
by taking into account the national dynamics
and circumstancesbottom-up
approach. Annex 1
      
of assessing and evaluating the progress made under the
      
3.3. Governance and organisation
up a Steering Board
strategic priorities 
       
         
Member States and
chaired by the Commission. The Group suggests that the EU
Counter Terrorism Coordinator (EUTC) and the European
External Action Service (EEAS) should be granted observer
inform the Steering Board.
The Group suggests that the Steering Board adopt annual
strategic orientations
The Group considers that the strategic steer of the Board should
be complemented by a 
The Group recommends entrusting the    
threefold role      
to act as a coordination and knowledge hub for activities
       
      
      
         
The Group underlines the importance of a dedicated Task Force
the purpose of implementing this report acting as a point of
contact for internal and external stakeholders.
to the Steering Board 
is proposed that the Task Force informs the Steering Board
of trends and developments as signalled by the relevant
        
the implementation of the strategic orientations.
EU Cooperation Mechanism on preventing and countering radicalisation
Steering Board
Advises the Commission on strategic priorities to address Member States needs, requirements and priorities at EU level
Composed of Member States, with EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator and European External Action Service as Observers
Task Force
Acts as a Secretariat to the Steering Board, a point of contact for internal and external stakeholders and constitutes a coordination and
knowledge hub at EU level
Ensures that strategic priorities set by the Steering Board are implemented across the dierent policy areas
Ensures coordination of EU initiatives, stakeholders and supporting actions
Established within DG HOME (including seconded national experts) in close cooperation with other Commission services and European
External Action Service within the Security Union Task Force
Supporting actions
Analysis/research and dissemination
Cooperation with researchers / Own capabilities
EU funded projects across DGs and dissemination of results
ISF-P, H2020, Justice Programme, ESF, Erasmus+, ...
Exchange of experiences and cooperation between rst line
practitioners (incl. private sector)
Radicalisation Awareness Network
Cooperation to prevent and counter online propaganda, provide
alternative narratives, support MS in stratcoms
EU Internet Forum (incl. Civil Society Empowerment
Programme), European Strategic Communications Network
Practical guidance training and counselling to facilitate the
implementation of concrete actions
Exchange of experiences and Cooperation between MS policy makers
Network of Prevent Policy Makers
3.4. Activities
       
be instrumental in the implementation of the
recommendations at EU level and support Member
        
     scale and scope of
the precise tasks will also depend on the available
resources and support.
 
        
       
need for increased exchanges and actual collaboration
between policy makers, practitioners, researchers, but
also actors from the private sector in order to reap the full
The Group suggests that the Task Force supports a closer
engagement       
through so-called Policy and Practice events bringing together
policy makers and practitioners or facilitating the elaboration of
joint analysis or guidance documents).
The Group recommends the Task Force strengthens the
evidence base       
national and local level by pooling and compiling relevant
The Group considers it is important for the Task Force to
steer and facilitate the necessary training and capacity
building in Member States through the dissemination of
   
and any other guidance documents.
 
4.1. Ongoing actions
The Group stresses the need for concrete measures and
takes note of steps taken by the Commission contributing to
the implementation of the recommendations of the HLCEG-R
        
Radicalisation Awareness Network Centre of Excellence
      
         
        
The Group expresses particular appreciation of the planned
policy and practice events organised by the RAN Centre of
Addressing the need for more in-depth evaluation of strategies
       
     
       
communication actions (European Strategic Communications
       
        
Annex 4.
4.2. Recommendations for future
        
      
States consider the possibility of enhanced study visits
with a voluntary peer review element and project-
based collaboration to facilitate the implementation of
further actions.
The enhanced study visits aim at facilitating mutual
elements (further details are set out in Annex 2).
  project-based collaboration  
interest and a joint elaboration of solutions to challenges
(further details are set out in Annex 3).
       
recommendations foresee a number of mapping and
comparative analyses     
practices and trainings to prevent and counter radicalisation
       
       
       
and call for more transparency and accessibility of the results.
       
increased sharing and steering of relevant research projects
       
        
         
furthermore encourages the Commission to provide its support
         
future advice from the Steering Board and to share results
        
available resources. While the Commission is encouraged to
 
Set up the Steering Board;
Establish the Task Force;
      
Establish a roadmap for the implementation of the
The Group recommends an evaluation of the progress
    
possible benchmarks. The results of this evaluation should
      
and structures
       
Group on Radicalisation (HLCEG-R) has called for a
       
countering of radicalisation leading to violent extremism
mechanisms and structures. The Group agreed to examine
      possible further
development [of these structures] into an EU Centre for
the prevention of radicalisation, including future tasks
and functions       
Commission to “urgently set up a reinforced support and
coordination structure within the Commissiona
steering body for EU prevent work” and “for Member States
to explore the feasibility of supporting the Commission
through the deployment of national experts”.
      
     
       
        
general - the important role of civil society organisations
       
       
authorities stressed the need for better involvement
    so that EU instruments
eectively address strategic priorities and needs identied
at national level and that actions at national and EU level
are complementary and reinforcing.”
          
       
         
       
evolving challenges of radicalisation “must be addressed,
primarily by the Member States, but also, in order to be
eective, with a coordinated support at European level
in accordance with the Treaties  
of competences enshrined in the Treaties also regarding
      
     
build on existing instruments and approaches to improve
   core objectives and guiding
principles for enhanced cooperation mechanisms:
 To enhance MS involvement     
the bottom up approach of practitioners and experts
feeding their experiences and learnings into the policy
 To enhance coordination
regard to external engagement;
 To create stronger capabilities
 To provide greater visibility, accessibility and
pooling of resources
The Group advocates a gradual approach
 Setting up a “steering body for EU prevent work
       
 Setting up of “a reinforced support and coordination
structure within the Commission” (Task Force);
 Strengthening and enhancing coordination of existing
      
 that is
the respective competences of Member States and the EU (Commission)
There are 
           
3.1. Introduction
To ensure closer Member State involvement and that
        Steering Board
      
A reinforced support and coordination structure (Task
Force) within the Commission    
         
that the strategic priorities set by the Steering Board are
       
       
      
      
        
       
       
      
    
       
       
        
dynamic phenomenon of violent extremism and present
ideas and approaches to prevent and counter them. The
       
        
        
        
stakeholders are better connected.
The Network of Prevent Policy Makers
     
       
similar bodies on an ad hoc basis; they could also touch
     
national and local level.
The RAN would continue to work as a platform
      
line practitioners and the development of
recommendations and support material
(contractual) oversight by the Commission.
Cooperation and exchanges in the area of online
       
      (subject to
guidance and steer in the context of the annual
ministerial meeting). Activities related to communication
Programme (Civil Society Empowerment
Programme        
the RAN and European Strategic Communications
      
The European Strategic Communications Network
      
and to further strengthen the European Strategic
      
3.2. Steering Board for EU actions in
3.2.1. Role,mandateandresponsibilities
the Commission on the strategic priorities in the area
of prevent work at EU level
        
        
        
on the strategic orientations    
the discussions relating to the “Police” component of the
     
      
important developments and trends in radicalisation
or researchers.
     keep track of the
implementation of these strategic orientations and of
       
assess and evaluate progress made at EU level
3.2.2. Governanceandcomposition
Given the primary purpose to give strategic orientations for
Commission Expert Group.
      high-level
representatives of Member States   
voting rights. In light of their institutional roles and given
Board should also comprise the European External Action
Service and the EU Counter Terrorism Coordinator
        
       
stakeholders should continue to inform the Steering Board.
        
  
  
3.2.3. Rulesofprocedure
       
      rules of
procedures       
       
        
Given the proposed mandate of the Steering Board to
focus on strategic orientations and considering that the
        
Steering Board. Commission expert groups shall normally be
chaired by a representative of the Commission.
       
by preparatory meetings for instance within the
Network of Prevent Policy makers.
3.3. Reinforced support and
coordination structure within the
      
both 
the Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the
        
secondment of experts).
 Act as Secretariat to the Steering Board;
 
 
     
         
scope and scale of the
tasks and activities depends on the available resources
and the overall strategic orientations proposed by the
Steering Board.
3.3.1. SecretariattotheSteeringBoard
a) Convene meetings and prepare the agenda and
all background documents for the Steering Board
b) 
document to be presented to and discussed by
       
       
and other relevant sources;
c)        
Board are disseminated to the relevant
oversee the implementation of actions in line
on the progress of implementation.
The Commission could regularly report to the Terrorism
Working Party (TWP) and other relevant Council Working
Groups and the European Parliament on the annual strategy
document and progress report.
3.3.2. CoordinationandKnowledgeHub
          
      
        
       
        
       
 
  
       
provide its steer, ensure coordination and support
the relevant actors to strengthen coherence, avoid
duplication and identify synergies.
In its function as Coordination Hub the Task Force would:
 
Prevent Policy makers;
b) Outsource the operational management of the
    
oversee and coordinate (as part of the contractual
relationship) their actions inter alia through an
annual activity plan and regular steering committee
 
national policy makers;
 
      
2. Facilitate interaction between the Networks and
a) Facilitate joint events (such as the current Policy
and Practice events organised by the RAN bringing
together practitioners and policy makers);
b) Facilitate systematic exchanges (e.g. RAN experts or
researchers invited to meetings of the Prevent Policy
     
organisation of the RAN research conference);
 .
c) Facilitate enhanced study visits for mutual learning
      
      
separate discussion paper on this);
 
and academics; see separate discussion paper on
 
instruments such as the Internal Security Fund -
that research provides the necessary evidence base
for the further development of prevent policies (e.g.
        
     
       
and researchers;
 
both central and shared management) to develop
practical tools;
     
      
expert groups.
In its function as a Knowledge hub the Task Force would:
a) Coordinate and make accessible the compilation
    
       
      
    
and funded projects and initiatives;
      
of relevant guidance material by the relevant
 
to the development or evaluation of training
      
European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) or
e) Facilitate the access to information and encourage
virtual exchange (for instance through an
available information could include links to other
      
       
     
studies etc.
3.3.3. Point of Contact for internal and external
        
          
      
 
institutions and organisations;
 
   
 
the relevant Council Working Groups such as the
Standing Committee on Internal Security (COSI) and
European Parliament and provide updates on major
Cooperation with third countries
and activities) and the coordination of support measures
         
to enhance synergies and complementarity.
 
The Task Force could be administratively set up in the
       
suggests the Commission assess resource requirements
and include experienced Seconded National Experts.
and a better understanding of the challenges faced
      
        
       
      
immediate as well as medium term needs
by the HLCEG-R.
and coordinated prevent policies and interventions and
       
     
         
       
prevent matters.
      
         
gradual approach. The Group stresses the importance to
made under the proposed mechanism notably against
shared objectives and possible benchmarks. The results
       
      
study visits/voluntary
peer reviews
       
      Member
States with support from the Commission (in particular
through the Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) to
explore the organisation of voluntary peer reviews of exit,
rehabilitation and reintegration programmes in Member
States and to step up sharing of already evaluated/
audited programmes.” In the area of local multi-agency
Member States and
the Commission within their respective powers to explore
how to provide counselling services or peer reviews with
experts from Member States, the RAN or other relevant
 
        
      
expressed a particular interest in strengthening formats
for mutual learning going beyond a mere exchange of
up actions.
 
Enhanced study visits could be organised for certain
       
   mutual learning and exchange
of good practices      
programmes or interventions being implemented in a
       
visited country (host country) could share its experience
policies and actions. In addition to sharing its experiences
    
to strengthen the exchange of experiences and expertise
     
      
         
With the purpose of enhancing mutual learnings also
        
      
         
      
        
         
      
       
       feedback
(including possible suggestions for improvements)
on its programmes and policies based on experiences in
       
       
        
      
is key.
voluntary basis for both the host countries and the guest
such enhanced study visits could include:
Exit, rehabilitation and reintegration programmes
and interventions 
that have been developed and implemented in prison
       
into a variety of exit programmes conducted by state
      
      
socio-dynamic (in a group);
Exit programmes 
Local prevent frameworks and/or their
components/elements   
       
     
      
       
    
   
communities and civil society actors;
Existing approaches as regards risks and needs
assessment and tailored responses for children
(returnees or more broadly children raised in a
radicalised environment);
Approaches to prevention of radicalisation in the
school system.
This list is non-exhaustive and could include other policy
areas and interventions regarding the prevention and
      
be visited. The team of visiting participants could also
therefore include independent experts from academic and
      
         
    
Programme could also participate as observers.
 
The initiative for enhanced study visits may come from the
      
measures in place.
The scope and objective      
       
support from the Commission.
   preparatory session could be
      
The study visit could take place over two days
involve on-site missions.
        
 logistical and content-based support to the
host country
Elaboration of a concept paper for the study visit;
Preparation of the relevant background and preparatory
documents (including background guiding documents for
the on-site mission);
Logistical support in the organisation of the study visits
(including preparatory meetings);
format of the report can be agreed in advance.
Pending the full roll-out of such enhanced study visits and
       
used for more informal exchanges of best practices including
policy makers.
RAN Study visits planned for 2018 include:
        
Prevention of radicalisation in asylum seekers and
The Local approach of Hamburg (exact date TBC probably
Based on inputs from participating representatives and
depending on the objectives of the relevant study visit a
of the visiting team and the Commission.
recommendations. It should identify issues of special interest
to the host countries and discuss the potential for transfer
also the relevant information from the desk and literature
research. The report could also just consist of a summary of
 
Additional assistance to the practical implementation of
       
the services available under the existing initiatives (like the
workshop in
the host country could be organised to present and discuss
The amount of  given to the
     
          
   
presented in the TWP or other relevant
policy fora. The visited practices and approaches could also
the collection of inspiring practices for further dissemination.
Within the High-Level Expert Group on Radicalisation
        
     
regards the strengthening
of existing initiatives, the network of national prevent policy
makers should resume its work also exploring the possibility
of establishing smaller working groups with a limited
number of Member States aected by or interested
in specic topics”.
make a valuable contribution to the implementation of
The envisaged closer collaboration could be carried out in
project-based approach. It
     
    
        
 
The objective of a project based approach to selected topics
        
        
       
The         
Possible candidates for such project-based collaboration
       
for the development of guidance for journalists about their
possible contribution to preventing the spread of extremist
narratives and understanding polarisation dynamics;
and feasibility of specialised communications support to
campaigns from a central hub;
spread of violent extremist propaganda via traditional
media including satellite TV;
      
analyse violent extremist propaganda;
signs and risks of radicalisation and design intervention
models (risk assessments);
Support on setting up of cooperation and support
States including information sharing protocols;
Support on developing interventions for child returnees;
       
       
The above topics are neither mandatory nor comprehensive.
        
other topics taking into account the strategic orientations of
the (future) Steering Board.
      
     
European External Action Service (European External Action
         
appropriate and valuable.
        
 
      
to participate actively) should be associated as closely as
possible depending on their expressed interest.
        
        
The Commission remains closely associated throughout the
The Commission could provide support
         
   
the RAN Centre of Excellence and the European Strategic
     
     
based collaboration.
         
         
       
      
 
        
It should be seen as the starting point for further actions
        
        
Illustration of
the ongoing work
contributing to
the implementation
      
Confederation of European Probation and the Radicalisation
      
     
          
       
    that multi-agency
cooperation and evidence-based evaluation of
existing programs are key and a more uniform approach to
risk assessment
should be a long-term objective. The topic of radicalisation
         
      
skills in particular through targeted trainings; to facilitate
the development of targeted exit programs enabling
radicalised individuals to disengage and rehabilitate The
3 million EUR call
a 2.9 million EUR call for proposals to promote judicial
training in this area.
In terms of organisation of trainings on radicalisation for
      
        
        
      
     
Radicalisation and Violent Extremism - Common Risk
         
       
        
5.35 million EUR call for proposals
for action grants to support projects on judicial training
       
including radicalisation issues.
and the European Organisation of Prison and Correctional
Services are also strengthening their cooperation in the
area of training on radicalisation    
      
         
training materials.
      
      
of the RAN Centre of Excellence foresees a number of
activities and in particular an updated guidance paper on
role of probation, risk
assessment implementation, religious counselling in
prisons and the training of chaplains, role of family
support interventions and handling returnees.
EU Internet
 to limit the accessibility of terrorist propaganda
online. At the ministerial meeting of the Forum in December
       
the ambitious action plan
  
out of tools such as the Database of Hashes to help stem
the dissemination of terrorist content across platforms and
      
tackle illegal content online    
terrorism calls upon companies to enhance their response
and expeditiously remove terrorist content and prevent its
dissemination. The Commission has launched a monitoring
exercise 
action - including legislation - is required.
      
        
       
      
     
        
       
evaluation as a key step in strategic communications
       
civil society organisations and industry and identify
credible partners for interventions tackling extremist
       
        
cooperating with local communities on changing the
discourse of relevant audiences through alternative and
counter narrative campaigns.
explored the role of the traditional media in countering
awareness and guidance for journalists.
        
how disinformation impacts strategic communications
on countering violent extremism working towards an
the broader endeavour of tackling disinformation and the
        
same time strengthening resilience against radicalisation
         
social tension. One example is preventing and countering
racism and intolerance and in particular hate speech online:
targeted funding has been made available for projects in
  
prevent and counter hate speech online.
        
the development of online narratives promoting Union
values, tolerance and respect to EU fundamental
rights. This call has a relevance also in relation to research
interest for projects aimed at researching and analysing
the sociological landscape relating to the origin and spread
         
          
hatred against minorities.
The EU Mayors’ Conference
other European and international organisations and
associations to identify the nature and scope for further
         
Excellence foresees a number of activities to address
the challenges related to certain individuals returning
“returnees”) or to the risk of exploiting vulnerabilities
      
       
insights and guidance.
        
best practices and develop guidance material to support
the implementation of prevent strategies and action
         
        
       
organise multi-agency table top exercise for local
coordinators 
its local approach
on countering violent extremism    
issue a short practical handbook on multi-agency
care options for child returnees    trauma-
informed practice facilitating the (re)integration of child
the radicalisation of children more broadly including child
      
       
      
and shared values to consolidate a stronger sense of
belonging at local and national level and make use of the
     
      
     
     
and media literacy.
positive role models
youth and sport clubs and other settings to promote
      
shared values. This initiative is being rolled out gradually
      
       
       
“Social inclusion and common values: The contribution in
at risk of radicalisation and policy recommendations for
      
²³ 
© Istock
       
       
development of the prevent strategies and action plan and
cooperation mechanisms in partner countries outside the
programmes and projects in the area of preventing and
countering violent extremism prioritise the support to local
research on drivers of violent extremism in priority regions
understanding of violent extremism.
The Commission has already established a civil society
facility in the Western Balkans
           
the RAN structure in priority regions  
        
       
     
    
      
     
long term programmes to prevent and counter violent
extremism and deliver short-term support to our partners
        
Through several initiatives such as thematic evaluations
and regional training workshops
counter violent extremism for 
and Member States, as well as representatives from
governments and civil society in third countries
increasing expertise on preventing and countering violent
      
experiences into a practical guidanceOperational
Guidelines on the preparation and implementation of EU-
nanced actions specic to countering terrorism and violent
extremism in third countries” aimed to improve the quality
the Commission has for the past three years compiled
      2017 mapping
overview of the external EU-
activities to prevent and counter violent extremism. A
    
       
the past three years.
There is scope to enhance the exchange of best practice
      
       
development of global standards for preventing and
countering violent extremism. There is also interest in
       
Counter Terrorism Political Dialogues led by the Vice-
      
to identifying such needs and in identifying synergies and
pertinent information.