Evidence Brief: Humidifiers in health care 1
Evidence Brief: Humidifier use in health care
Key messages
Improperly maintained cool mist
humidifiers can release aerosols
containing dissolved minerals and
opportunistic pathogens into the air.
Therefore, many public health and
health care institutions restrict their use.
The decision on use of bedside
humidifiers for patients should consider
the type of humidifier, and cleaning and
maintenance of the humidifier.
Recommendations by other jurisdictions
may also be useful in decision-making.
April 2017
Issue and Research Question
Portable bedside humidifiers are used to
increase moisture levels in the air. The use of
humidifiers has benefits and drawbacks.
Humidifiers are used to relieve respiratory
symptoms such as shortness of breath
associated with bronchitis.
The moisture
supplied by the humidifier is also used to
alleviate dry skin
and help cold sufferers feel
better by reducing dryness and irritation to the
nose and throat.
Using humidifiers to keep the
relative humidity in the comfort range of 40%
60% has been shown to decrease survival of
influenza viruses.
A humidity level above 60%
should be avoided because it can promote the
growth of microorganisms, including mould.
Humidifiers that atomize water to generate
micro-sized droplets in the air (referred to as an
aerosol) can potentially distribute any microbial
contaminants present in that water or in
biofilms that develop on humidifier tanks,
reservoirs, and spouts.
Contaminated room
humidifiers can generate high exposures
have been linked to both health care-acquired
and community-acquired infections.
the reported benefits versus the potential for
respiratory disorders, the appropriateness of
allowing bedside humidifiers for patients and
residents in institutions has been a topic of
debate. The following evidence brief was
prepared to inform decisions on whether to
allow bedside humidifiers for patients.
Evidence Brief: Humidifiers in health care 2
Types of bedside humidifiers
Ultrasonic humidifiers: These
produce a micro-sized aerosol when
a reservoir of water is vibrated at
ultrasonic frequency.
Impeller humidifiers: A motor-
driven impeller (spinning disc) draws
up water and forces it through a
screen, breaking up the water into a
micro-sized aerosol.
Evaporative: These use a reservoir
of water from which a wick filter
draws moisture A fan blows air over
the filter, creating moisture (via
evaporation of water) and blows the
moisture into the air.
Steam humidifiers: These boil water
to emit water vapour (steam) into
the air. However, it is generally
cooled to prevent scalding due to
the high temperature of the steam
Because ultrasonic, impeller and
evaporative humidifiers do not heat
the water, they are commonly
referred to as cool mist
humidifiers by the manufacturers.
A review of the literature was executed using
OVID Medline, Academic Search Premier,
Environment Complete and Scopus databases,
Google, and Google Scholar. Search terms
related to humidifiers, cleaning, disinfectant,
and biocide were combined in the search
queries. Limits on the language of publication
(English) and date of publication (1980present)
were applied to the searches. To complement
this review, references of included papers were
checked for other relevant papers.
Main Findings
Findings from the literature are summarized
Because several opportunistic pathogens
(such as Legionella, Pseudomonas,
nontuberculous mycobacteria and
Acinetobacter) are found in the natural
environment, they can be introduced into a
building’s plumbing system via the public
water supply.
Given the right conditions,
these opportunistic pathogens can then
colonize components of the building’s water
supply and contaminate the potable water.
If the building tap water is then used in an
aerosol producing humidifier (ultrasonic or
impeller unit), the pathogens can potentially
be aerosolized into indoor air and pose a
health risk. This is particularly true if the
humidifier is not routinely cleaned and
disinfected and the water in the humidifier’s
reservoir is allowed to stagnate.
Improperly maintained humidifiers have
been associated with increased risk of illness
such as humidifier fever
and Legionnaires’
There are a number of different humidifier
designs (see callout box above), each with
different levels of risk. Steam humidifiers
(where water is boiled to create water
vapour that is released into the airstream)
represent a low level of risk of exposure to
pathogens, because steam is unlikely to
produce aerosols containing viable
Similarly, evaporative
humidifiers do not pose a significant health
Evidence Brief: Humidifiers in health care 3
risk, as they do not generate aerosols.
Alternatively, because ultrasonic and
impeller humidifiers can produce aerosols
possibly contaminated with pathogenic
bacteria, the risk potential for disease
transmission is higher, especially in
situations where there is a vulnerable person
in close proximity
The size of the
particles generated by ultrasonic and
impeller humidifiers is small enough to be
inhaled into the lungs. Highsmith et al. noted
that fine particles (< 2.5-µm in diameter)
constitute >90% but only 60-75% of the
particles generated by ultrasonic and
impeller humidifiers respectively
A review of the literature indicates that most
disease transmission associated with
portable humidifiers is due to aerosol
producing humidifiers, i.e., ultrasonic and
impeller units that were not properly
maintained, cleaned or disinfected.
Once they become contaminated, bedside
humidifiers are very difficult to clean. They
can still be a source of exposure even if
cleaning is attempted and they are refilled
with sterile water.
This is especially true if
mineral deposits or biofilm are present in
the humidifier. Mineral deposits and biofilm
not only protect the microbes from
disinfection, but provide a source of
nutrients for them to proliferate.
When it comes to the use and care of home-
use humidifiers, guidelines from government
agencies responsible for protecting the
general public suggest following the
manufacturer’s instructions.
different manufacturers have different
requirements, and there has been at least
one case where following the
manufacturer’s instructions (which allowed
the use of tap water for an ultrasonic
humidifier) resulted in an outbreak of
Legionnaires’ disease in a hospital nursery.
Depending on the geological location, tap
water can be “hard.” Hard water contains a
higher concentration of minerals such as
sodium, calcium and magnesium.
mineral particles can be aerosolized (as a
“white dust”), potentially causing adverse
reactions in susceptible people.
To avoid
this, manufacturers of ultrasonic and
impeller humidifiers and researchers often
recommend the use of distilled water (or
demineralized water).
Some ultrasonic
and impeller humidifiers can be equipped
with demineralizing filters, but these are
expensive and have to be changed
frequently. Steam vaporizer and evaporative
humidifiers are not expected to aerosolize
any minerals particles into the air.
Fatal lung disease has been reported when
ultrasonic humidifiers were run with biocide
detergents in the water reservoir rather than
it being used to clean the reservoir.
Recommendations for bedside
humidifiers in health care
Various health care institutions and public
health agencies have made different
recommendations concerning the use of
bedside humidifiers:
Current American National Standards
Institute/American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning
Engineers/American Society for Healthcare
Engineering (ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE)
ventilation guidelines state that humidifiers
should be located within air handling units
Evidence Brief: Humidifiers in health care 4
or ductwork, and that steam humidification
should be used.
The United States Department of Veterans
Affairs, Veterans Health Administration
requires that only steam be used for building
humidification purposes, and prohibits the
use of ultrasonic (cool mist) humidifiers.
Current CDC environmental infection control
guidance states that “Reservoir-type
humidifiers are not allowed in health care
facilities as per AIA (American Institute of
Architects) guidelines and many state codes.
Cool mist humidifiers (ultrasonic and
impeller) should be avoided because they
can disseminate aerosols containing
allergens and microorganisms. Additionally,
the small, personal-use versions of this
equipment can be difficult to clean”.
In its guideline for preventing health-care
associated pneumonia, the CDC warns
against the use of room-air humidifiers that
create aerosols unless they can be sterilized
or subjected to high-level disinfection at
least daily and filled only with sterile water.
They also recommend the use of sterile
water for rinsing after chemical disinfection.
Note: Distilled water may not be sterile.
There have been at least two cases where
distilled water used to fill humidifiers has led
to infections.
In instances of nosocomial infections traced
to aerosol-generating equipment in patients'
rooms, the WHO notes that “substitution of
steam humidifiers for equipment that
provides humidification by the
aerosolization of unsterile water” has been
followed by cessation of further cases.
The National Institutes of Health recently
conducted a study to determine the risk to
health of their humidifier policy.
The policy
allows patients to request bedside
humidifiers, but states that humidifiers
“must be filled with sterile water and that
the humidifier must be discarded after three
days of use.” In the study, ultrasonic
humidifiers were filled with sterile water and
the microbial content examined over five
days. The study found that contamination
appeared after just one day, and increased
over time. It concluded that aerosolization of
potential pathogens by this type of
humidifier may pose a risk, especially to
individuals whose immune systems are
suppressed. Based on the study’s findings,
the authors recommended against the use of
bedside in hospitals.
Discussion and conclusions
Humidifiers are used to help maintain
comfortable room humidity. There are four
types of humidifiers: evaporative, steam,
ultrasonic and impeller. Ultrasonic and impeller
humidifiers generally pose a greater risk than
evaporative and steam humidifiers because
evaporative and steam humidifiers are not
expected to aerosolize any mineral products
into the air. This is because they can release
aerosols containing dissolved minerals and
opportunistic pathogens into the air. Many
public health and health care institutions
restrict their use or allow their use only under
strict conditions. Some allow only the use of
steam for building humidification.
Implications for practice
Portable bedside humidifiers are used to
increase moisture levels in the air. The use of
some types of humidifiers may create a risk of
Evidence Brief: Humidifiers in health care 5
infection. The decision to allow bedside
humidifiers should consider:
The type of bedside humidifier as steam
and evaporative-type represent a low level
of exposure to pathogens and dissolved
mineral particles whereas ultrasonic and
impeller humidifiers can be a source of
exposure to the dissolved and suspended
components, including pathogens, of the
Proper maintenance, cleaning or
disinfection of the humidifier in accordance
with manufacturers specifications.
Other jurisdictions also provide
recommendations that may be considered
in decision-making.
Specifications and limitations of
Evidence Briefs
The purpose of this Evidence Brief is to
investigate a research question to help inform
decision making. The Evidence Brief presents
key findings based on a systematic search of the
best available evidence near the time of
publication, as well as systematic screening and
extraction of data from that evidence. It does
not report the same level of detail as a full
systematic review. Every attempt has been
made to incorporate the highest level of
evidence on the topic. There may be relevant
individual studies that are not included;
however, it is important to consider at the time
of use of this Evidence Brief whether individual
studies would alter the conclusions drawn from
the document.
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Dru Sahai, MSc(A), ROH, CPHI(C), CRSP
Environmental Science Specialist, Environmental and Occupational Health, Public Health Ontario
Ray Copes, MD, MSc
Chief, Environmental and Occupational Health, Public Health Ontario
Isabelle Langman, Program Infection Prevention Control Specialist, Public Health Ontario
Sam MacFarlane, Program Infection Prevention Control Specialist, Public Health Ontario
Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario), Sahai D. Evidence Brief:
Humidifier use in health care. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2017.
ISBN: 978-1-4606-8773-4
This document was developed by Public Health Ontario (PHO). PHO provides scientific and technical
advice to Ontario’s government, public health organizations and health care providers. PHO’s work is
guided by the current best available evidence.
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Environmental and Occupational Health
Public Health Ontario
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