ACE Ocean Export Manifest
Frequently Asked Questions
August 2016
Automated Export Ocean Manifest: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Updated: August 2016
This is a DRAFT document NOT an official CBP regulatory document.
CBP Statement/Disclaimer: The document represents a series of questions received from Ocean Export
stakeholders. Where possible, CBP has provided a preliminary response to the various questions. This is a
DRAFT document NOT an official CBP regulatory document. This document is a working vehicle for exchange
of information between CBP and ocean industry stake holders during the development phases of the AES Export
Manifest. At a future time, CBP may incorporate all or part of this document into an official Export Manifest FAQ
document. Trade groups will be notified via CSMS of any such official publication; meantime this document is an
evolving work in progress.
Q00001: P4 Port Information: P4 port record states “US PORT OF ARRIVAL OF THE VESSEL PRIOR TO
EXITING THE U.S.” Is that the last US Load Port or each US Load Port?
A00001: CBP has revised the IG: P04: Port Information: Each U.S. Export Port of Load
Q00002: M11 Bill of Lading Details: M11 lists traditional bill of lading Type Codes, but does not reference
Masters, houses, originals, waybills, etc... as on the import system. In the N9 record, however,
“Master BL Number” is listed. The M11 should be corrected to match the current import
processing for straight, Master, and House BLs.
A00002: CBP agrees and IG’s will be corrected to reflect the appropriate Bill Types; in the Export IG for X12
M1109 and CAMIR B04.
Note: Import ISF bill types X12: 35, 36, 37, & 38; and CAMIR: Q, R, S, and T are not
included because they are not valid in the Export Manifest.
Below is an excerpt from the revised X12 Export 309 IG and the CAMIR Export IG:
Code identifying the type of bill of lading
Required by CBP. Values accepted by CBP:
00 Regular Bill (Simple Bill)
0 (or space)
Regular / Simple Bill
Empty Equipment
Instruments of International
Trade: (if "2" is used, C01
Load/Empty Status Code must
be "E")
Freight Remaining On Board
(FROB) (Foreign remaining on
Master Vessel Operator
Common Carrier (MVOCC)
Vessel Master Bill
Non-Vessel Operating
Common Carrier (NVOCC)
House Bill
Q00003: N4 Geographic Location: These records go with the party name and address; however, for X12 on the
import manifest, CBP will reject the manifest if the city, state, and country are listed in the N4. Will the
export manifest really use the N4 while the import manifest will not? The N4 which contains city, state,
and country has never worked and this may be a design issue. At present the last line of address
information contains the city and state.
Below is an example of the shipper, consignee and notify in a 309. CBP receives 4 lines of
address (N3’s) and the last address line has to be the city and state. So instead of mapping to
an N4 such as N4*NEWARK*NJ**US, we plug it into the last N3 address line even if it is a
duplicate of say address line 2 or 3.
N3*F 8641182714910*DALIAN _
N3*FMC 016871N 100 PORT STREET NEWARK*NJ 07114 US P 9736906640
N3*F 9736906685*NEWARK NJ _
N3*FMC 016871N 100 PORT STREET NEWARK*NJ 07114 US P 9736906640
N3*F 9736906685*NEWARK NJ _
A00003: CBP advised the N4 is supported in the Export Manifest in both CAMIR and X12 FORMATS;
However, during a conference call with CBP and the Trade on April 8
, 2014 it became clear the
Trade’s preference was to continue NOT using the N4 geographic location.
CBP offered the following recommendation: CBP will develop Export Manifest to mimic the existing
(import) handling of the N4 for the short term. Later, when both systems are eventually running on the
same platform, CBP will make the change (the trade will be notified) and the N4 will be
programmed/implemented to contain city, state, and country data elements (as per the standard) for
inbound and outbound manifest.
CBP’s recommendation received a positive consensus from the Trade participants on the call.
CBP reminded the participants that this is a temporary delay only; the Trade should reserve their
programming resources and start the development sooner rather than later in order to be ready when CBP
implements the N4 geographic location in the future.
Q00004: Missing Record M12 In-bond Information: The X12 309 does not contain an M12 record which
provides any IT/IE/TE in-bond details. In fact, it specifically states that the M12 is not used. This
seems strange since the next transaction, 353, requires in-bond arrivals and exports.
A00004: The record for In-bond is in the N9 segment in X12 and in the BO4 record in the CAMIR.
IG’s now specify the In-bond number can be used, but require association to an Export B/L number.
There must be a B/L number associated to the import in-bond number.
In the majority of cases closing the Inbound (import) In-bond types 62’s and/or 63’s, CBP is expecting the
same B/L and In-bond number to be submitted on the EXPORT manifest.
However, in cases when, for whatever reason, the original inbound B/L is not known or available, or a
new or different Export B/L number is required the original import In-bond number is still required to be
included in the “new” Export B/L submission.
The majority of Ocean Import 62/63 In-bond types are expected to use the same original INBOUND B/L
number and the same IMPORT IN-BOND number on the EXPORT B/L (manifest).
As part of the enhanced processing in the Automated Export Manifest, this is the first time the same B/L
number can be “live” on 2 different manifests/conveyances simultaneously.
The system does not support using only the bill number.
The same (import) In-bond number and the same (import now export) B/L number is required to be
reported on the export manifest in order to “Close” the in-bond obligation (automatically) from the inbound
import manifest (by exporting the B/L).
Q0004a. FOLLOW UP QUESTION: What about FTZ removals and USDA rejections:
A0004a. The original question & CBP’s reply did not include FTZ withdrawals or USDA rejections. The
original question was regarding the new “cross-reference” functionality being developed in AES Export
Manifest to close Import In-bond IE’s and T&E’s, using the same B/L (or a different B/L) on the export
FTZ withdrawal would not fall under the “new” “cross-reference” function, because the original In-bond
used to deliver the cargo into the FTZ is closed automatically upon arrival into the Zone (CF214).
Wherefore, the export of the cargo from the zone would be under a (new) export B/L and (new) in-bond
number traveling out of the zone.
Regarding USDA Rejections: CBP will work with the USDA and keep the trade posted of developments.
One more point: for scenarios where there may not be an export B/L, there is the QP functionality. QP is
a broker created in-bond and when a party does not have a SCAC for said return B/L, CBP accepts the
FIRMS code as the B/L SCAC.
Q00005: 4010 Versus 6050: Below is the 4010 vs 6050 version difference. Do carriers need to send the
new highlighted items under 6050 version?
A00005: YES: CBP confirms the highlighted items are required in the 6050 EXCEPT the M12. To be clear,
the M12 is not required. Additionally, CBP is coding to ANSI X12 6050 and would prefer Ocean
participants to gear up to 6050 for the AES Export Manifest. Once CBP is operating version 6050 for
export, CBP will look to bring the Import ACE M1 up to the 6050 version as well.
Q00006: NonStandard Characters: Will CBP accept the lowvalue, carriage return, or other non-standard
characters, which are not mentioned in the 309?
A00006: The rule for non-standard characters has not changed, meaning non-standard characters are
not supported.
Q00007: Bond Information: Bond information is not required per the draft IGs. If this remains so, what would
happen to what was filed as an X12 in-bond (for example exporting from an FTZ)?
A00007: IN-BOND information is optional in the X12 N9 and CAMIR in the BO4. The in-bond type is not
required and QP functionality is an alternative for cargo to be arrived at destination or exported (ex the
Q00008: ISA Segment: How can the ISA segment (a header control record) be optional? Also, should
the 310 reference (below) be made refer to departure and not arrival?
A00008: Understand the standard for X12 V6050 reads that the ISA is optional; however, it is required
in the CBP IG. Please see the “grey notes” on page 1 of the CBP 309 Draft IG. The IG’s
verbiage has been updated to reflect vessel Departure and or Arrival from/to a U.S.Port.
Q00009: Bill Types and FROB: Is it correct that there are only 4 Bill Types instead of 12 in M1109 (see
below)? We also note that the Master In-bond appears here, but there is no M12 segment. We
also request to clarification regarding why there would need to be an export reference for FROB
Segment: ISA Interchange Control Header
Position: 0050
Usage: Optional
Max Use: 1
M P401 310 Location Identifier M 1 AN 1/30
Code which identifies a specific location
U.S. Port of arrival of the vessel prior to exiting the U.S.
‐ CBP only accepts 4 numeric characters in this field.
M P402 373 Date M 1 DT 8/8
Date expressed as CCYYMMDD where CC represents the
First two digits of the calendar year
Estimated Date of Departure from the U.S. Match EDA of
original manifest submission when Amending BOL.
Date as CCYYMMDD where:
Code identifying the type of bill of lading
Required by CBP. Values accepted by CBP:
00 Neither Space Charter nor Master In‐bond
Regular Bill (in export manifest this is Export Bill)
10 Master In‐Bond (Note: There is no M12 segment)
12 Empty Equipment
If provided VID10 will be “E”
The empty container bill type can only be
used for carrier‐owned/leased instruments
of international traffic.
20 Regular Bill Foreign Cargo remaining on Board (FROB)
(Note: Why would there be an export reference for
the INBOUND FROB cargo?)
A00009: Please see response A00002 in this document in regard to the Bill Types.
The FROB reference depends on the Office of Field Operations (OFO) and the Office of Rules
and Regulations (OR&R) requirements for FROB bills on the export manifest.
CBP is going to build the export manifest to include the Inbound FROB bills on the Export Manifest.
If the Office of Field Operations (OFO) leave the regulations as they are, then FROB will be optional on
the Export. The decisions on whether FROB will be required on the export manifest is with OFO.
Q00010: Location Identifiers: Carriers request to know what types of location identifiers are needed in
the below listed segments. Carriers also recommend that CBP consider using only UN Location
Codes instead of Census Schedule K codes.
A00010: At the present time CBP supports only Schedule K in the Location Identifier.
CBP agreed to look into supporting the UN Location Codes on the Export Manifest.
CBP recognizes the UN LO Codes are being accepted in other CBP programs and the participants
confirmed they populate ISF 5 filings (FROB, IE and T&E using UN LO Codes).
CBP is willing to leverage data being, collecting in other CBP areas, on the Export Manifest.
Q00011: Qualifiers: The N9 segment (pages 1819 of the draft IGs) contains more qualifiers than are
currently used to manifest export shipments. Recommend that CBP carefully review these and
eliminate any that are inconsistent with current business practice. We also note that if the bill
of lading number is included in the AES electronic export information, as noted in the Export
Baseline User Requirements, there would be no reason to require the carrier to collect and
submit the ITN or exemption legend in the export manifest.
A00011: CBP will amend the IG’s and delete 3 of the qualifiers which do not apply to Ocean namely:
ECN / PDF / MDN. Regarding the collection / manifesting of the ITN number or exemption code;
under the current process, these data elements (one or the other) will be collected by CBP in the
Export Manifest. For purposes of the Export Manifest pilot and until the applicable regulations are
reviewed and published, CBP will require the export manifest to contain either the ITN number or the
exemption code applicable to the shipment type, i.e.: Low Value, Cargo destined to Canada etc.
Must Use M1120 310 Location Identifier O 1 AN 1/30
Code which identifies a specific location
Foreign Port of Unlading. Refer to Census Schedule
K in CAMIR Appendix F for valid codes. If not
specified in Schedule K use generic Schedule K
Code for all Canadian Provinces and Mexican States
CBP accepts only 5 numbers in this element
Not Used M1121 310 Location Identifier O N 1/30
M M1125 309 Location Qualifier M 1 ID 1/2
Code identifying type of location
NOTE: 02 The next 3 questions relate to the ANSI X12 350 Status Information Transaction Set:
Q00012: Disposition Codes: Carriers request a list of disposition codes related to export manifesting in
ACE? Appendix D provides complete list of disposition codes, but we are not sure which ones
are applicable to ACE’s export functionality.
A00012: ACE Appendix D will be amended to reflect the full list of import and export Disposition codes.
ACE Appendix H, Error Codes will also be updated. Once the revised (draft) Appendices are published
CBP expects the revised definitions will be clear whether the code is export or import; however, CBP will
work with the Trade should further revision be requested/required.
Q00013: Sample 350: Carriers request a sample Export EDI 350 message from US CBP.
A00013: CBP will continue to work with the ocean carriers and all export manifest participants now and during the
Pilot. CBP will exchange various transactions down the road via the on-boardingprocess and
participant certification
Q00014: Reference Identification Booking Numbers: Page 19 of the draft IGs mentions the booking
Number in the “Reference Identification Qualifier” and “Reference Identification” fields.
Booking numbers should not be used in the ACE export manifest system.
A00014: CBP Agrees and references to “Booking Number” will be removed from the revised X12 309 Draft IG
Q00015: Intentionally left blank future use
A00015: Intentionally left blank future use
NOTE: 03: The next 2 questions relate to the ANSI X12 353 Event Advisory Details Transaction Set:
Q00016: Departure Code: Under the import manifest process, carriers currently send notification ‘4’ in
M1501 element for vessel arrival to US discharge port. For export manifest process, which code?
should carriers use to send the vessel departure message from US load port?
A00016: CBP agrees “4” is not for export. CBP expects to receive qualifier 8 in the M1501 when
export manifest data is submitted using ANSI X12 format version 6050.
Q00017: Notifications: There is a new type of notification ‘8’ listed in M1501 element as shown below for
foreign departure under version 6050. However, type of notification ’9’ is listed under version
4010 for Vessel departure from Foreign Port. Does type code ‘8’ in version 6050 replace type
code ‘9’ in version 4010?
A00017: Please see CBP’s previous response number A016 for THE answer on type 8.
Additionally, Code 8 in X12 6050 does not replace Code 9 in X12 4010 and the verbiage defining
Code 8 has been revised in the IG’s to reflect export language; i.e.: Departure from each U.S. Export
Port of Load.
NOTE: 04: The next question relates to the ANSI X12 355 Acceptance/Rejection Transaction Set:
Q00018: Request that CBP provide carriers with sample export EDI 355 messages.
A00018: CBP will work with the individual participants at the appropriate time of onboarding” as in
previous rollouts and/or during participant certifications.
NOTE: 05: General X12 Export Questions: (FROB and Special Bill functionality)
Q00019: Does export manifest need to include FROB bills?
A00019: CBP advised the Ocean carriers to prepare for this possibility stating it will all depend on how the
Regulations are written. Note: Please also refer to items A00002 and A00009
Q00020: Will CBP employ the “special bill” functionality to manage in the export system the filing of
Master and House bills of lading? (This question should also apply to CAMIR).
A00020: Yes, CBP will employ the “special bill” functionality in the export manifest process: CAMIR & X12
formats. What CBP needs to know is whether the Trade can work with the same status messages;
for example the “BILL ON FILE” message (or the “1Y”) in directions, import and export? CBP is
open to discussion as the export “special bill” functionality is built.
CAMIR Draft Implementation Guides: “Export Manifest Input to CBP”
Q00021: Page EXP-4: Paragraph 5 States, Present regulations require that amendments be made to an Export
Manifest within 60 Days after the vessel departure for the U.S.” Are these regulations require amendments
to be filed after departure or after the manifest has been filed?
A00021: CBP expects export manifest amendments to be submitted as soon as the new/revised information is
known. CBP uses the most up to date information to perform their targeting and other enforcement
protocols. Under current export regulations, a manifest amendment up to the existing 4 days
(for “closing” the manifest) would be considered “on time”.
Amendments after the vessel “closes” would be post departure and CBP will continue to utilize any and all
enforcement measures at its disposal as appropriate to the situation.
As the new regulations are developed, export participants will have sufficient time to address their
concerns during the official comment period(s).
Q00022: Pages EXP4 and EXP17: Original Export Manifest submissions are reported using an
Application Identifier (on ACR record) of “MI”. The corresponding outbound response
Application Identifier (on ACR record) is “MR”. To properly use application identifier of “XI”
(Original Export Manifest) and “UI” (Amendment), carriers request that CBP identify the flow of
messages to separate application processes.
A00022: CBP agrees and will make the recommended change: to use XI for Original manifest and UI for the
export amended manifest. Updated in both IG’s.
Q00023: Page EXP19: The description of “Vessel Name” states, “The vessel name will always be
populated in the response transmission from CBP when either the Vessel Name or Vessel Code is provided
in the input transaction.” We have continued to see issues with vessel names,
variations of names, and vessel name changes. In order to eliminate this issue we recommend
that the vessel IMO number used. If vessel IMO number is not used uniformly, we recommend
that ACE should respond with the IMO numbers to carriers who submit filings with IMO
A00023: CBP understands the difficulties regarding the use of the text vessel name in various circumstances
and is reviewing Trade suggestions to reach a workable solution for both Trade and CBP.
For Export Manifest, CBP can continue to accept only the IMO number and is considering whether it can
return only the IMO number. CBP will continue to display a vessel text name to their officers in the field.
The options for this name display are listed below and CBP reserves the right to modify these options
As the process is tested and discussions are held with CBP Offices and OFO personnel.
Today, there are 3 methods to submit the vessel identification data to CBP in the manifest:
1. IMO number only
2. Vessel Text name only
3. IMO number and vessel text name
Some of the suggestions from the (ocean carrier) Trade participants are:
Use only the IMO number: no text name in either direction: in to CBP / return out
from CBP
CBP accepts only IMO number in but returns the IMO # and the vessel text name
CBP has on file associated to the specific IMO number (as in place today)
CARRIER to submit IMO number with text name. CBP will display the vessel text
name the carrier has submitted to the officers in the field; meaning CBP will no
longer return the name CBP has on file associated to the IMO number. This would
eliminate the potential for vessel name variances between the Carriers data
submission and the text name CBP has on file (in the CBP vessel table) for the same
IMO number.
Use the vessel text name from the USCG e-NOAD to populate the vessel
identification data in the system.
Q00024: Page EXP29: The description of “Mode of Transportation From the Place Prior to Loading”
(Record Identifier B02) states, “A code indicating the type of vessel used to carry the manifested
cargo to the port of lading.” We note that a bill of lading record does not indicate this level of
transportation details. Request further clarification on the intent or purpose of this field.
A00024: CBP agrees and the Export Ocean Implementation Guides have been updated to reflect “not used”.
Q00025: Page EXP29: The description of “Method of Payment for Transportation” (Record IdentifierB02) states,
Code identifying the method of payment for transportation to U.S.”. We note that a bill of lading record
does not contain prior payment details. Request further clarification on the intent or purpose of this field.
A00025: CBP agrees and Export Ocean Implementation Guides have been updated to reflect “not used”.
Q00026: Page EXP31: “Reference Identifier Qualifier” (Record Identifier B04). Many of these numbers or
references are available from data submitted by the forwarder. We would like to see an OB reference used
to tie shipper data to the carrier bill of lading, but not ask the Ocean carrier to supply this information.
A00026: CBP agrees and the Export Ocean Implementation Guides will be amended in line with the existing
(inbound) “special bill” functionality. CBP agrees that the OB (X12) and BO4 (CAMIR) qualifiers are
required at the House Bill level only.
Q00027: Page EXP37: Recommend removal of the U.S. postal code from this section since the
consignee will have a non U.S. address.
A00027: CBP is revising the Export Ocean Implementation guides to read International Postal Zone Code”.
A Postal Zone code is required in the consignee address field of the export data (B/L).
Note: revised page number in this revision (July 2014) of the CAMIR EXP is page 40. In the X12 it is the
M4 in the 309. The field allows for 9 characters, excluding punctuation and blanks.
Q00028: Page EXP42: The description of Record Identifier C02 states that it is a conditional record used
to report VIN’s with a specific container as part of an original export manifest submission, standalone
house bill submission or export manifest amendment. It also states that the C02 record is
not included in export manifest amendments to delete a bill of lading or amend the manifest
quantity. Today we provide the VIN within the cargo description. We would like to have it
confirmed that this will now be reported at the container level and no longer in the description?
We need to understand how we could amend or delete a VIN input incorrectly or inappropriately input?
A00028: CBP is now providing a specific data field for reporting motor vehicle VIN numbers. CBP does not
require the VIN number at the equipment level for a container number, (unless importing containers or
domesticating the container). The CO2 record is for reporting the VIN numbers of motor vehicles
“associated” with a specific container (at the container level). Confirm the CO2 records (VIN
number(s)) are not required to be included in an export manifest amendments to delete a bill of lading or
amend the manifest quantity. Please see an excerpt from the revised IG page below. If any further
questions please forward to Mr. Bill Delansky: William.S.Delans[email protected]
Record Identifier C02
Bill of Lading Container Record - Motor Vehicle Control
This is a conditional record used to report vehicle identification numbers (VINs) of vehicles associated with a
specific container as part of an original Export Manifest submission, Standalone House BOL submission or Export
Manifest amendment.
The C02 record is not included in Export Manifest amendments to delete a bill of lading or amend the manifest
Q00029: Page EXP48: “Hazardous Description and Hazardous Material Contact” (Record Identifier V01).
Under what condition would these be “Conditional” and not mandatory?
A00029: In EDI a “conditional” status is fairly clear: The element is conditional based on whether or not certain
(other) “condition” exists. In this case, the Conditional status is dependent on there being (a bill of
lading covering) Hazardous Material scheduled to load an export conveyance. The Hazardous Material
Record Identifier C02
Data Element
Control Identifier
Must always equal C02.
The unique vehicle identification number
stamped on a vehicle by the manufacturer.
Spaces fill.
requires a Hazardous Material Contact. If no hazardous material is schedule to load and no bill of
lading covering Hazardous Material exists, then the element would not be required.
Q00030: Page EXP50: “Hazardous Material Record” (Record Identifier V03). Since this is not an available
record identifier for imports, we question why this would be present in the export manifest
A00030: The V03 is conditional when there is a need to supply additional material name and/or special
instructions if applicable. Also, the V03 allows for free form description of hazardous material
classification, division or label requirements. Below is the revised IG page:
Record Identifier V03
Hazardous Material Record
This is a conditional record used to specify free form hazardous descriptive data in addition to the
information provided in the V01 and V02 for Ocean and Intermodal manifests. For each commodity, there
may be two V03 records per V01/V02 record.
The V03 record is not included in Export Manifest amendments to delete a bill of lading or amend the
manifest quantity.
Record Identifier V03
Data Element
Control Identifier
Must always equal V03.
Hazardous Material
The material name and/or special
instructions if applicable.
Hazardous Material
Free form description of hazardous material
classification, division, or label requirements.
Spaces fill.
NOTE: CBP is willing to review in due course. If the VO3 is not needed on import CBP is willing to consider
not using the VOC on export. TBD as per W. Delansky
Document “Export Status Notifications from CBP”__________________________________
Q00031: Page ESN7: This states that the Application Identifier should always be equal to “RC”. To
properly use this identifier, carriers request that CBP identify the flow of messages to separate
application processes.
A00031: Please see revised IG page for the ESN -7 to clarify. CBP has updated the ACR Application Identifier
please see revised ESN 7 published by CBP on the website January 2015. The revision reflects the current
CBP description of the ESN7. Below is only an excerpt on the Application Identifier related to this
question. The full chart and the full ESN is available on line at www.cbp.gov here is the link:
Record Identifier ACR ........... ............................ ............. ............. .............. ............. ............. ................. ESN-7
The Transaction Control Header (ACR) Record provides data element descriptions and format requirements for the
record beginning a transaction file.
Record Identifier ACR: Transaction Control Header Record
This record signals the beginning of a transaction file.
Record Identifier ACR
Data Element
Control Identifier
Must always equal ACR.
AMS User Code
A code representing the carrier, CBP-assigned
port authority, or service bureau.
Spaces fill.
Application Identifier
A code representing the type of application
detail data contained within the block. Always
equal to RC
A date in YYMMDD (year, month, day)
format representing the date of processing.
A time in HHMMSS (hours, minutes, seconds)
format representing the time of processing.
Eastern Standard/Daylight Time should be
Batch Number
A CBP-generated 5-position numeric code
from 00001 to 99999. The batch number is
used in conjunction with the date of
transmission to uniquely identify a user
Spaces fill.
REVISED ESN 7 excerpt below:
This record signals the beginning of a transaction file.
Record Identifier ACR
Data Element
Control Identifier
Must always equal ACR.
ACE User Code
A code representing the carrier, CBP-
assigned port authority, or service bureau.
Space fill.
A code representing the type of application
detail data contained within the block.
For Export Manifest in the outbound
response messages, Application Identifier is
Record Identifier ACR
Data Element
For Standalone House BOL in the outbound
response messages, Application Identifier is
For Export Manifest Amendment in the
outbound response messages, Application
Identifier is UR...
Q00032: Page ESN16: The first occurrence of any of the reference qualifiers OB or BN is reported on the
R02 Continuation record. Instead of the first occurrence, we recommend that CBP send the OB when
available for a Carrier’s BL.
A00032: The N901 OB and /or the BN qualifiers are used by the HOUSE BILL Filer to report the Master B/L
number. CBP is not sure what else this question is asking please clarify or advise.
General CAMIR Export IG Comments or Questions: ______________________________________
Q00033: There is no reference to vessel departure, vessel arrival, and no message code otherwise known
from CAMIR as ICMDoc / Message Codes from ICM14.
A00033: The CAMIR HO1 Record is now updated to include the vessel arrival/departure language.
The corresponding records are in the X12 353 Transaction Set.
Q00034: There is no reference to intercoastal empties or the exporting of empties.
A00034: Whatever the practice is now, CBP will continue that practice. CBP agrees when if there is export
reporting for empty containers that a single B/L (similar to import) not a message set will be used to report
empty containers. The reporting will also depend on the OFO /OR&R regs.
Q00035: There is no reference to BAPLIE’s inter-coastal.
A00035: CBP is not now building coastwise functionality. This may change in future.
Q00036: There are no Appendices.
A00036: The Appendices are published at www.cbp.gov and will continue to be revised and published to
accommodate Export Manifest requirements. There will be separate IG’s per transport mode and per
direction, In/Out (Import/Export). Where possible, Appendices will be kept combined as more
appendices just makes more work for everyone to maintain. CBP will continually review the appendices
and revise/clarify any ambiguity going forward.
Q00037: Conveyance Departure Message record structures are missing (Record Identifier H01 and Record
Identifier H02).
A00037: The HO1 (Departure /Arrival Message) for export has been revised and will be posted/made available.
Q00038: Disposition codes need to be further qualified with SubActivity codes to decipher the free
format text provided by the inspector in R03 Notes. Example: The free format text in R03 notes
received may be, “Internal hold Do not notify the exporter of the hold status until cargo is
delivered to the terminal”. Providing specific SubActivity codes to represent “Internal hold Do
not notify the exporter of the hold status until cargo is delivered to the terminal” would help
Carrier to have proper control and action taken instead of manually scanning the notes.
A00038: CBP is open to consideration of “local codes”, unique to each major port i.e. LAX/LGB, NWK, MIA,
HOU, etc. The work groups can dialogue and determine 5 or 10 codes max which could be used to
distinguish a local facility or other type of hold or CBP related instruction.
Q00039: Are Holds and Releases based on piece count (quantity)?
A00039: CBP places cargo on Hold at different phases of the transportations life cycle.
Holds placed at the Bill of Lading level, apply to all the cargo (pieces) the B/L covers (governs).
Holds placed at the Container level apply to the entire contents of the container
Q00040: When Holds are placed, can a FIRMS code be provided to know the CBP inspection site?
A00040: CBP can (if there is space in the message set), provide the FIRMS code in the response message
This would also be another place where a unique local hold code could be used. (See A00038).
Q00041: When a permit to transfer is issued, can a FIRMS code be provided to know the CBP inspection site?
A00041: Similar to previous item A00040: CBP can pass the FIRMS code back when/ if it is provided by the PTT
Filer (and if there is space in the message set). When a PTT is presented to CBP, the filer knows and
includes the location (FIRMS code) of the facility they are requesting permission to move the shipment
to. If and when CBP decides the designated location is not practical for the inspections deemed
necessary, agree this should be communicated back to the PTT Filer and CBP will take this into
consideration on the technical build, more information to follow pending additional CBP review and
discussions with the Trade.
Q00042: Holds placed on ACE (M1) for TE and IE cargo should be made available to the USPPI in AES
A00042: There are no USPPI’s on IE or T&E shipments. In the event of a Hold CBP post the hold to the MBL and
Any secondary notify parties, (multiple) up to 25.
Q00043: Conveyance Departure messages sent in AES should automatically export all BL’s manifested
with in-bond Type IE in ACE (Import)
A00043: CBP agrees and can confirm this functionality is part of the design plan.
Q00044: How would the following be manifested in ACE export or M1: A BL loaded in US on an
outbound voyage that remains on board on the return voyage? (E.g.: BL is loaded at San Pedro
on an outbound voyage that goes to Manzanillo and returns to San Pedro (or other US ports)
and loads more cargo for exports before heading to Asia).
A00044: CBP Manifest branch ruled that U.S. Export cargo is NOT required to be “re-manifested” as
FROB on the return U.S. leg of the voyage ONLY when there is no change, (NO CHANGE), to the
Name, Voyage Number and Bill of Lading Number. All 3 data elements must remain exactly the
Same, then and only then, is CBP able to check the Bill of Lading against the same conveyance
Information reported at the actual physical U.S. Export Port of Load.
Should any one of the 3 elements change; then the originally loaded U.S. export cargo is required to be
re-reported” on the inbound manifest and the bills of lading flagged as FROB at the subsequent U.S.
port(s) of call because:
a) The vessel has sailed foreign and (upon the return to the subsequent U.S. Port of Call) is no longer
traveling under the same manifest identification that was reported to CBP on the outbound export leg
(from the last US Export POL).
b) When the U.S. export cargo remains on the same vessel but the voyage number turns/changes at the
interim foreign port , then all the cargo on board, including the U.S. Export cargo, is flagged as
FROB … EXCEPT cargo that is actually discharging at the subsequent U.S. port of call.
Q00045: Will “clearance to load” procedures be the same as those used today for US imports (i.e. if no holds or do
not load messages are received the cargo can be loaded).
A00045: In general yes, the expectation is that CBP will implement the export advance load time frame similar to
the import; however, OFO and OR&R will be writing these regulations and there will be the customary
comment period.
Q00046: Split indicator: Please confirm there will be a split BL indicator for exports (i.e. if the manifest filer
needs, for commercial reasons, to split an export BL after sailing).
A00046: At this time there is no Split Bill Indicator for Export Manifest. Need Carriers to review this with CBP and
the business cases necessitating this particular indicator. CBP is not declining the indicator, CBP is
seeking additional information to determine the technical relations on EXPORT vs. Import functionality.
Q00047: Vessel arrival & departure messages: Today for imports we generate a “departure” from foreign Load
ports and an “arrival” at the U.S. port. How will this work for exports?
A00047: CBP does not expect an “arrival” message on an export sailing.
CBP will require a Vessel Departure Message from each U.S. Export Port of Load similar to import.
When you manifest cargo from a U.S. Export Port of Load, a VDM is required.
When sailing to an interim FOREIGN PORT and returning to the USA the VDM is required upon
departure from the subsequent (return) U.S. Port of Call/Export.
CBP is willing to work on a proposal to facilitate the departure of the entire vessel against a single
Departure Message.
Q00048: Will break-bulk carriers (e.g. RO-RO’s) and bulk carriers be in scope for electronic submission via
the ACE export manifests system?
A00048: Break-bulk and Bulk carriers will be in scope similar to existing regulations in effect on the import.
The descriptions of the types of cargo that qualify for bulk etc. will be the same as import.
The timing exemptions will also be followed but these details have not yet been finalized. CBP does
not expect any great deviation more like a customization to ensure the conditions apply and make
sense on the export side. CBP will communicate further with the related parties as we move forward.
Q00049: In new ACE Export Manifesting, is there still an expectation that the carrier is to file export
B/L manifests only; or will vessel departure be required?
A00049: CBP expects a Vessel Departure Message (VDM) will be required. CBP will utilize the
Departure message for different CBP Functions, for example; to “close” (or export) the Bills of
Lading associated with in-bond types 62 and 63, (IE’s and T&E’s), from the inbound /import
vessel. Please also see A00047 re closing the import in-bonds.
Q00050: In the IG, there is a message called 'Standalone House BOL submission'. Is this for NVOCC
only as the statement indicates “As an alternative to providing the entire manifest using the
“MI”, an NVOCC can also report Standalone House BOL data”? If yes, as with In-Bound
can carrier help to submit on behalf of an NVOCC?
A00050: CBP advises that the phrase “stand alone” in this context refers to a bill without transportation
data. CBP may allow for this type of submission in order to get shipment information as early
as possible. Whatever business model is working today for the companies involved CBP is not
going to change
Q00051: If an NVOCC is currently a self-filer for I/B, must it self-file for ACE Export too or is NVOCC
self-filing for I/B and Export going to be handled separately?
A00051: CBP is not prescriptive in the ways of commercial business needs. That said, CBP will only
accept electronic export data. Whatever commercial arrangements are required to submit
export manifest data electronically rests with the commercial entity to arrange. CBP does not
compare a filer’s capability between import and export data submissions.
Q00052: Is CBP expecting IT numbers for In-Bond “IE” transshipped cargos be quoted in the N9 field
corresponding to the IE and T&E if they want to do the arrival or export outside of AES they
can do that QP if they list it on the export.
A00052: Please refer back to item #49 of this document. CBP has clarified that an Import Bill of Lading
associated to a type 62 or 63 In-Bond (IE or T&E) will be “closed” / “exported” by using the
same Import B/L and In-Bond number on the export manifest.
QP can be used to create the export B/L and the in-bond 61 & 62 types for export.
Q00053: Empty Containers: On the submission of empty containers for export, will the empty
containers be submitted separately after the vessel has departed rather than 24 hours before
loading (or whatever time line is determined for Export submission)?
A00053: CBP worked with the trade and showed flexibility on the reporting timeframes for
inbound empty containers. For export, CBP will again work together with Trade to
determine an acceptable reporting framework which satisfies national security
requirements without posing an unreasonable operational burden on the carriers.
Q00054: Is there any linkage between the manifest filing between ACE M1 Import and ACE Export?
A00054: As mentioned in A00004: one key linkage between ACEM1 and ACE Export will be
to close” an in-bond by using the import B/L associated to an IE/T&E in-bond type (62/63), on
the outbound U.S. Export voyage.
Q00055: For a voyage’s port call, may we assume that the voyage number reported in the ACE Inbound
may be different from that reported in the ACE Export voyage number/direction may change at
specific ports between the import an export sailing?
A00055: CBP understands the voyage number may change between the import and export voyages, on
the same vessel or 2 different vessels (i.e. transshipment in a U.S Port) and in some cases the
voyage number may remain the same. In fact these combinations exist today.
Going forward CBP is building on the current traditional “unique criteria” and adding technical
“markingfunctions to identify a cargo declaration submission as being either inbound or
outbound. So yes, when the inbound and outbound manifests are automated, CBP will handle
each manifest separately.
Q00056: Is it correct that the same MSN may be used in the ACE Import and in the ACE Export
separately without causing problems? In other words, we don’t have to preserve the uniqueness
of MSN for both (S/R between) ACE Import and ACE Export?
A00056: CBP confirms the MSN numbers can be the same and can be used in both
import & export
Q00057: We observe that there is no more AMS User Password for the ACR record. Does it mean that
the MQ queues that we get return messages from ACE Export would be different from those
of the ACE Import? Otherwise, how would we distinguish whether the returned customs status
notification messages are from ACE Export or ACE Import? Or would CBP consider the
retention of the AMS User Password field so that we may use it to distinguish the return from
the two systems?
A00057: CBP can work with the trade to develop solutions that will be used consistently.
CBP can develop qualifiers to distinguish import from export but would rather not use a
password. CBP is also willing to use separate queues if this is desired. The technical build on
this is not finalized and will require additional meetings with the Trade representatives to
reach the optimal consistent communication.
Q00058: How would the carrier know when a container may be loaded? Would it be similar to the
inbound rule that if there is no hold messages 24 hours after submission that the carrier may
load the container?
A00058: CBP agreed to include the container number(s) in the Hold or Do Not Load (DNL) status
message. Other modes of transport (besides Ocean) have expressed a desire to receive an “ITN
on file” positive status message. CBP recognizes the Ocean MVO participant’s preference as
per the inbound 24 hour rule and will be working closely with the trade to finalize. The final
requirements will depend on the Rule Making under OFO and OR&R.
Q00059: Is the export manifest intended for export cargo only, or will vessel spares also be subject to the
same regulations?
A00059: CBP will continue to use consistent practices between import and export procedures and the
existing regulations. It is the intent of CBP to automate any paper processes that exist today on
the import and export processes.
Q00060: What is the timeline that CBP envisions for this new Export Manifest (i.e.: pilot phase,
voluntary Phase)?
A00060: CBP has published the ACE Deployment Schedule and the Automated Export Manifest is represented on
that schedule. The AES Commodity deployment began in April of 2014 and the work on Air, Ocean &
Rail as well as Truck is scheduled in increments from October through to August of 2015.
CBP maintains the deployment schedule and will keep all trade participants advised as the work
Progresses and milestones are achieved.
Q00061: Regarding Bill of Lading Amendments: Since a delete is not required an “auto-replace” will occur,
will there be a history?
A00061: CBP will retain versions of Bills of Lading as today. No history will be displayed. Usually,
participants retain the history of status messaged posted to their bill(s) in their internal, proprietary
systems. CBP would like to know if this is not the case with House Bill filers or other participants.
Q00062: Time Stamp: Time should be increased / displayed in milliseconds.
A00062: CBP agrees and confirms this is a future enhancement to provide time stamps up to milliseconds.
Q00063: B/L Status Indicator: add Master Loader and suggest “C” for consolidator
A00063: CBP’s has declined this suggestion.
Q00064: Foreign Port of Destination: The NVOCC should not have to include in the HBL filing.
A00064: CBP understands the NVOCC’s viewpoint; however, all bill types submitted to CBP are required to report
complete and accurate information. Reporting the foreign destination port is consistent with the reporting
requirement. That said, CBP confirms when the match occurs between the Master Bill and the House
Bill the Foreign Port will be derived from the Master Bill of Lading after the match. IG’s will
continue to reflect this data element as Mandatory.
Q00065: BO2: Mode of Transport from the Place Prior to Loading Why? What is the condition?
Same Question with: Method of Payment
A00065: CBP has amended the CAMIR IG both these elements are no longer in the CAMIR IG.
The ANSI X 12 309 IG will be amended upon the next revision posted to www.cbp.gov
Q00066: How are shipments not governed by CENSUS with no Exemption Statement; how do we report?
A00066: All U.S. export shipments require either the proof of filing citation i.e. the Internal Transaction
Number (ITN#), or an Exemption Legend (code). There is also a Post departure Citation which can only
be used if your company has post departure filing privileges and the shipment is eligible for post departure
filing. There are common Exemptions such as shipments that are valued at USD
2,500 or less per Schedule B, or Shipments originating in the USA where Canada is the country of
ultimate destination. The entire list of exemption can be found in Sections 30.36 through 30.40 of
the Foreign Trade Regulations:
PLEASE NOTE: Exemptions DO NOT apply if:
A License is required from any government agency
The goods are ITAR controlled
The shipment is destined to a location listed in Country Group E:1 (Supplement 1 to 15 CFR740)
The shipment is on the Office of Foreign Assets Control Sanctions Program List
The goods are rough or uncut diamonds.
Links below provide greater detail to the above
Q00067: Entity Codes: Booking Party, Customs Broker: why is a Forwarder mapped to a Shipper?
A00067: CBP agrees and the Export IG’s have been updated accordingly.
Q00068: Second Notify Party (SNP) Status Notification: Is the information status message only? Also suggested
a change to the definition i.e. “An organization that will receive status for a transaction” or explain in
the FAQ
A00068: CBP confirms SNP notifications are for B/L status messages only.
The purpose of a Second Notify Party SNP is to convey an electronic “copy” of a CBP status message to
a second party. The data owner, will include the SCAC, of the notify party (second, third or more up to
25). If the question is asking about using the 2NP concept for other types of messaging; CBP is always
willing to consider innovations from the trade; however, it would not be accurate to pursue SNP as a
means to supplement commercial communications beyond the scope of the government’s role in any B/L
transaction, import or export.
Q00069: ACR PI Record: Container details should be optional for Stand Alone HBL ACR record PI. When / if
an LCL shipment is involved, the container number may not be assigned yet, length/width/height may not
be available and should not be required from the NVOCC.
A00069: CBP is considering the request to make container details Optional on the original HBL submission.
That said, CBP requires the update to the container information (all of the elements) as soon as the
information becomes available. The update(s) are a necessary part of the mandatory container
information: i.e. actual container number, seal number, dimensions, container type etc. CBP will look at
this during the Ocean Pilot.
Q00070: ESN 3: Conveyance-level status messages should also be sent to the NVOCC not just the VOC.
Event notification; export manifest with event code and conveyance level event; i.e. Seal Number Change.
A00070: CBP will convey the Hold & Release as well as use the vessel departure message to “close”
Inbound/Import Bills moving In-Bond under a 62 T&E or 63 I.E. entry bond type: Transportation and
Exportation / Immediate Export bond types respectively. CBP is reviewing requests for additional event
Status messaging and may need to review in greater detail with trade participants during the Ocean pilot.
Q00071: Process for Export Carnets and Temporary Import Bonds (TIB’s): What will be required of NVOCC’s?
The NVOCC export manifest group offered to provide CBP (WD) with a “current state” business process
flow, including initial recommendations for a “future state” process. One idea mentioned: feed the carnet
in with the EEI details? Will the carnet be required with EEI filing? Maybe an Exception Code?
A00071: CBP agreed the Carnet (and similarly the TIB’s) are “ripe” for automation and accepted the offer to
review a process flow document. CBP agrees regarding the need to establish a “baseline” for any future
automation. Trade and CBP agreed automation of carnets is not widespread but having a baseline process
flow will help move an automation goal a little further along. Note: Carnets & TIB’s will need bills for
Q00072: Will NVOCC’s have the ability to file HBL’s for cross border shipments sailing from a Canadian or
Mexican seaport to USA.
A00072: This is available today as part of ACE M1 and is not an export question.
The following questions are for ANSI X12 users:
Q00073: Vessel Departure: Version / Seal number history / and Vessel Departure process:
1) In which version will the vessel departure be set up? First draft was 6050, the second
now current draft shows 4010.
2) If 6050 will be the version: do we have to send the seal number history in the M7A segment? Are
the seals listed in relation to the bill or the container number to which they belong?
3) We expect to just send one vessel departure per schedule voyage number?
A00073: CBP’s responses:
1) Version 6050 is the official ANSI X12 version for the Export Manifest including the
Vessel Departure Message.
2) Seal Number history should be sent to CBP as follows: CO1 record in CAMIR / VID in X12.
The M7A should not be used (in the 309) unless the seal number has changed.
Seal numbers are reported in relation to the container level in the B/L submission.
3) Each MVO sharing space on the same vessel is required to send a Vessel Departure Message to
CBP covering their portion of the entire vessel manifest (same as inbound). Additionally, when
if a vessel returns to a U.S. Port, for loading export cargo and then departs the U.S. for foreign, a
second vessel departure message is required. If the Vessel Operator is the ONLY MVO on
board, then the Vessel Operator is responsible to submit the Vessel Departure Message(s).
Q00074: Self-Filers: Is the MVO carrier responsible to monitor self-filer declarations?
A00074: MVO Carriers and Self -Filing participants are bound by the same
requirements for submitting automated export manifest data to CBP.
Q00075: For HB filing we using the SCAC code on shipment and cargo item level for import. Is that sufficient or
do we need a SCAC on different levels.
A00075: A SCAC code is required at all Bill of Lading levels: Master Bill, Simple or Regular Bill, and House Bill.
B/L sequence = SCAC + 12 (may be up to 50 in ANXI 6050) A SCAC code is required to communicate
electronically with CBP at the B/L level. CBP is not prescriptive on whether or not a party would use a
SCAC code at the cargo item level during data entry.
Q00076: ANSI X12 358 Transaction Set: What is the purpose of the 358 message? Having a look to the IG we
could imagine we have to use 358 instead of 309 for empty equipment. This clashes with 309 IG as this
also refers to empty equipment.
A00076: The X12 358 transaction set was designed in the RAIL environment. The 358 transaction set is Optional
in the Ocean environment. X12 Participants should use the X12 309 to report empty containers same
as import.
Q00077: Why are 350 responses coming back in 4010 and not in 6050? We definitely ask to have only 6050in
place for export?
A00077: CBP Confirms the Automated Export Manifest and responses from CBP will be in version 6050. Suspect
this incident was due to a possible typo in the data set. Responses will be in version 6050.
Q00078: FROB: We have to assume FROB will not be duplicated in the Export manifest since already included on
Import manifest.
A00078: FROB: Please see the CBP response earlier in this document A0009 & A0002: Below is an excerpt
copied here for ease of reference: Please see response A00002 in this document in regard to the Bill
Types: The FROB reference depends on the Office of Field Operations (OFO) and the Office of Rules
and Regulations (OR&R) requirements for FROB bills on the export manifest.
CBP is going to build the export manifest to include the Inbound FROB bills on the Export
Manifest. If the Office of Field Operations (OFO) leave the regulations as they are, then FROB will be
optional on the Export. The decisions on whether FROB will be required on the export manifest is with
the Office of Field Operations.
Q00079: IN-BONDS: How are export T&E’s (provided by a customer) be entered into the export manifest system,
so that in-bond number would “close out” once vessel (or rail) departs?
A00079: CBP requires the same automated B/L number which governed the import in-bond to be used on the
export manifest along with the actual in-bond number. Both data elements are required for the system to
close the original inbound in-bond using this feature.
Q00080: Has the “Ocean” FRN been issued yet? If not, when is it approximately expected?
Pilot one slated for late MARCH early April for AIR Rail is written up and Ocean is really.
A00080: The Ocean FRN has not yet been yet issued
Reference: Record Identifier M01 Manifest Record (from CAMIR)
This is a mandatory record used to transmit vessel information and specific Export Manifest data.
Once the original Export Manifest (ACR record positions 14-15 code MI) has been transmitted
and accepted, the M01 record becomes ‘frozen’. In any subsequent amendments and actions
(ACR record positions 14-15 code ‘AI’,’HI’) the mandatory and required elements in the M01
record in the original Export Manifest must be submitted.
Q00081: Reference the above, There is no AI, it should indicate as UI.
A00081: CBP agrees and the CAMIR IG has been updated accordingly.
Q00082: We are SHIP AGENTS fending some questions on ACE, in specific regard to how it will apply / replace
the hard copy outward foreign manifest (1302A's + shippers Bills of Lading). So my questions regarding
the electronic outward foreign manifest are:
1) Can a ships agent file via ACE portal for various tramp ocean carriers as a third party?
CBP: There is no export manifest filing via the ACE portal. Below is an explanation which can
be found at http://www.cbp.gov Getting Started with CBP Automated Systems” link below:
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): for filing data electronically
ACE Secure Data Portal: for running reports and managing account
2) Are those carriers required to have a bond and /or SCAC code?
CBP: Believe you are asking about the International Carrier Bond required for Vessels to operate in
the USA trade (inbound or outbound) as well as participate in the Automated Commercial
Enviornment ACE. At the CBP INFO Center (link below) you will find helpful information on the
required International Carrier bond.
CBP: Regarding a SCAC code, CBP does not administer these codes. SCAC codes are
administered by The National Motor Freight Traffic Association (NMFTA). The CBP INFO link
with related info on how to obtain a SCAC is below:
Once the SCAC code is obtained from NMFTA, you should email the form to CBP at:
3) Can the agent file outward foreign manifest via ACE portal under their Agency SCAC and bond?
CBP: As mentioned in the earlier response, there is no export manifest filing capability via the
ACE portal. The question assumes the Agency has an existing CBP electronic data interchange
profile, i.e. as a Service Provider. If your agency is an existing electronic filer with CBP that profile
can be expanded to export manifests and you may want to see the export Implementation Guides
published for each communication protocol X12 or CAMIR: Link:
4) Is there any specific registration or confirmation required of the agent to file 3rd party on behalf of
these carriers?
CBP: As previously stated the “agent” would need to establish a communications profile with
CBP kindly refer to the response to #1 of this question.
5) If the owners have a SCAC and carrier bond, can the agent file 3rd party for the carrier under their
CBP: As mentioned in response #1 of this question; electronic communication with CBP has very
specific requirements. As an agent, you would still require an electronic profile with CBP to
file. Regarding the bond that is obligated believe that question was addressed in item #2.
6) If a penalty situation arises, how will the penalty be assessed, the agent's or the carrier's bond?
CBP: Should a liquidated damage be assessed, it is assessed against the bond that was obligated.
This question may belong outside the scope of this technical FAQ.
7) Can a carrier file outward ACE manifests via their existing ACE provider / platform as used for
inbound manifests.
CBP: As mentioned earlier if you an existing electronic filer (i.e. for inbound cargo declarations)
then you may be able to expand your profile to handle export. Please refer to item #3 of this
question for the link to CBP ACE Export Manifest Implementation Guides in either X12 or
CAMIR formats. Suggest you contact your assigned CBP Client Rep for guidance. If you do
not know who your assigned CBP Client Rep is, the CBP Client Outreach Line telephone
number is: https://www.cbp.gov/document/guidance/ace-ocean-export-manifest-faqs
Q00083: Are Export Empty BLs required to be sent?
A00083: Please refer to A00034 in this FAQ. Timing and other business rules will continue to be discussed with
the trade stake holders as CBP moves forward with the Ocean Pilot.
Q00084: For Transshipment B/L in US/PR Port, do they need to be included in the Export Manifest?
A00084: When traveling on a U.S. flag/U.S. operated vessel, U.S. origin cargo moving from US mainland to Puerto
Rico (or Hawaii) does not require an export cargo declaration. Cargo originating from any other country
and trans-shipping at a “mainland” USA port, destined to Puerto Rico, will be governed under the existing
inbound 24- Hour rule requirements and should be reported as per the contract of carriage on the B/L
(Master / Simple / *House).
*House bills will derive foreign port of discharge from MBL after the 1Y match in ACE M1
Q00085: Can we be advised of Customs certification test document for ACE Export Manifests and a sample
EDI350 status message file for HOLD status.
A00085: As with other roll-outs the testing and certification, relevant test steps, documents and /or
samples, will be part of CBP’s “on-boarding” process. CBP will continue to communicate updates and
progress with the industry stakeholders using CSMS, conference calls, webinars and outreach through
industry Trade Associations / Trade meetings.
Q00086: Are House bills required for export?
A00086: CBP confirms direct filers are required to provide house bill level information.
Q00087: It is 5N, how is Schedule D to be represented? Does CBP want a leading zero or trailing zero?
A00087: CBP prefers a blank space and then the 4 character port code (Sched D).
Q00088: P401 is Non-CAMIR verbiage, it should be Port of Departure.
Reference: Record Identifier P01:
In a vessel coastwise movement this is the next US
port of call after the port in P401. In the last port
of call prior to departure from the US, this is the
first foreign port of destination.
- For US ports of call CBP only accepts 4 numeric
Characters in this field (Census Schedule D)
- For the first foreign port CBP only accepts 5
Characters in this field (Census Schedule K).
A00088: CBP agrees and verbiage will be clarified in the next IG revision
Q00089: Record Identifier A01 = Amendment Record: from CAMIR IMP GUIDE:
This is a conditional record used to identify the type of Export Manifest amendment being transmitted.
This record is required when an ACE participant amends the manifest quantity, or adds or deletes a bill of
lading. The A01 record is not included for original Export Manifest submissions. When a manifest is
arrived the A01 RECEORD IS REQUIRED TO ADD A NEW Bill of Lading or amend an existing bill of
lading. This record is required when the ACR Application Identifier is “A1
Question: There is no “A1”, it should indicate as “U1”.
A00089: CBP agrees and CAMIR IG has been updated
Q00090: Record Identifier B04 = Bill of Lading Reference Identifier:
Note 1:
Valid qualifier codes are:
Code Description
BM Bill of Lading Number
IB In-Bond Number
Question: For APL, TE and IE, In-Bond number will be provided in the B04 with Qualifier IB; In-
Bond number will be provided in the B04 with Qualifier IB; corresponding BL will be provided in the
B01 record Bill of Lading Sequence Number, thus only one B04 will be sent CBP please confirm?
A00090: This is not correct. The B01 is used to create a B/L number not to reference an In-bond
being exported in order to close the import B/Land export the associated in-bond.
The BO4 with reference qualifier “IB” must be reported first, immediately followed by the B04
with reference qualifier “CUB”. The reference qualifier “CUB” is to report the B/L number
which was originally associated to the import in-bond.
Q00091: Record Identifier W01 (Output Only) = Error Record:
Question: Port of Arrival, it should be Port of Departure.
CBP Port
A code representing the CBP port of
departure/arrival. Use Census Schedule D in
CAMIR Appendix E for valid port codes.
A00091: Noted and IG’s have been updated to reflect departure and arrival.
Q00092: Are the first 3 characters of Error Message to indicate error code of Appendix for list
of error messages (H)?
Error Message
A narrative explaining the error.
A00092: CBP confirms the 3 character error message code followed by the verbal description of the code will
be the same format for inbound and outbound.
Q00093: Record Identifier W02 (Output Only): Message Acceptance Record
Manifest submission (MR), it should indicate (XR)
A00093: CBP agrees and IG has been updated accordingly
Total Amendments
The total number of amendments (A01 records)
read on a single transmission.
Zero filled for response to Original Manifest
submission XR
Q00094: (MR), (AR) … it should indicate (XR), (UR)
A00094: CBP agrees and IG will reflect correctly.
Total H01 Records
Zero filled for Original Export Manifest
response (MR), Standalone House BOL
response (PR), and Manifest Amendment
response (AR).
Q00095: Record Identifier ZCR: Transaction Control Trailer Record
Questions: AI should be changed to UI,
It does not mention XI
It does not mention response XR
(AR) it should indicate as (UR)
A00095: CBP agrees and IG will reflect correctly.
Q00096: Document: H01export_3.doc
Record Identifier ACR: Transaction Control Header Record
Question: Can we have another application identifier in ACR for HI/HR … possibly as VI/VR?
A code representing the type of application
detail data contained within the block. For In-
bond and Vessel Departure and Arrival input
transactions, set to HI. In the outbound
response messages, Application Identifier is
A00096: CBP disagrees and since the existing HO1 record set can be used for both Inbound & Outbound,
CBP will not create a whole new record set.
Q00097: Record Identifier M01: Manifest Record
This is a mandatory record used to transmit vessel information and specific manifest data. Once the
original manifest (ACR record positions 14-15 code ‘MI’) has been transmitted and accepted, the
M01 record becomes ‘frozen’. In any subsequent amendments or actions (ACR record positions 14-
15 code ‘AI’,’HI’, “II’, ‘TI’) the mandatory and required elements in the M01
Question: MI, AI … should indicate as XI and UI
A00097: CBP agrees and the IG currently on www.cbp.gov website reflects the change.
Output application identifier.
This data element is not
included in input transactions
(HI, PI, AI).
For Export Manifest response
messages, Application
Identifier is HR.
For Standalone House BOL
response messages, Application
Identifier is PR.
For Export Manifest
Amendment response
messages, Application
Identifier is AR.
Q00098: Record Identifier P01: Port Record
Note 1:
The Port of Unlading Code and Original Estimated Date are required fields for vessel arrival (H01 Message Code =
4), vessel foreign port departure (H01 Message Code = 9), replace Unique Voyage Identifier (H01 Message Code =
U-Future Use), and change in Estimated Date of Arrival (H01 Message Code = Y); these fields are not validated for
all other message codes.
Question: Note 1: should include H01 Message Code = 8 Departure of vessel for foreign
Q00099: Record Identifier H01: In-bond and Vessel Event Record
CBP Port
This field is required when the message code is
1, 2, 3, 4, or Z. See Census Schedule D in
CAMIR Appendix E for valid port codes. For
Message Codes 1, 2, or 3 this field represents
the Port of In-bond Arrival. For Message code
4 this field represents the Port of Unlading and
must equal the value in the P01 Port of
Unlading. For Message Code Z, this field
represents the Port the In-bond is being Diverted
Question: This field should be required for H01 Message Code = 8 Departure of vessel for
A00099: CBP agrees and IG will be updated to reflect addition.
Q00100: Record Identifier ACR: Transaction Control Header Record
Application Identifier
A code representing the type of application
detail data contained within the block.
For Export Manifest in the outbound response
messages, Application Identifier is XR.
For Standalone House BOL in the outbound
response messages, Application Identifier is PR.
For Export Manifest Amendment in the
outbound response messages, Application
Identifier is UR...
Application Identifier should pertain to Status notifications (NC or EC), it is not
response application identifier. The description should be appropriately changed.
Change in Application Identifier, always equal to NC or EC, it helps to identify and
flow the messages to separate application processes at Carrier end. It helps to identify
visually whether message pertains to Import or Export
A00100: CBP disagrees. The ACR stands as written and there will be additional opportunities to discuss.
Q00101: Record Identifier ZCR: Transaction Control Trailer Record
Question: Change in Application Identifier, always equal to NC or EC, it helps to identify and flow
the messages to separate application processes at Carrier end. It helps to identify visually whether A
message pertains to Import or Export.
A00101: CBP agrees only that the ZCR should have the code EC (not RC). IG is updated accordingly.
Q00102: Question refers to 2 documents: Appendix D & CBP Export Status Notification R06 ESN 21
Appendix “D”:
Invalid ITN Number
Generated in ANSI X12 350 set and CAMIR R06 n response to
submitting an invalid ITN Number in an export manifest
Invalid ITN Count
Generated in ANSI X12 350 set and CAMIR R06 n response to
submitting an invalid ITN count in an export manifest.
Missing ITN Number
Generated in ANSI X12 350 set and CAMIR R06 n response to
submitting no ITN Number in an export manifest
Export ITN Number
Generated in ANSI X12 350 set and CAMIR R06 n response to
submitting an exported ITN Number in an export manifest
Record Identifier: R06: Conveyance Event Detail Record
This is a conditional record used to notify a trade participant of the status of a vessel or container/equipment.
Event Code
A code identifying the event about which the
notification is made.
Question: the disposition codes N5, N6, N7, and N8 should be 3 character event codes, as they are
provided in R06 Record. The disposition codes of 2 characters are provided in R02 record by CBP.
A00102: CBP clarifies: The disposition codes N5, N6, N7, are required in the R02 record only and are 2
characters. CBP has updated the document to reflect R02 in the Appendix D and the ESN.
The Conveyance Event Detail records in the R06 are the 3 character codes i.e. CAE = Actual departure
of conveyance from last U.S. Port of Departure/Export and others.
Application Identifier
Output application identifier. Always equal to
Q00103: EXPORT FAQ.doc: SAME CODE used for Inbound & Outbound:
FAQ item #: A00020: Yes, CBP will employ the “special bill” functionality in the export manifest process
in the CAMIR & X12 formats.
What CBP needs to know is whether the Trade can work with the same status messages;
for example the “BILL ON FILE” message (or the “1Y”) in both directions, import and
export? CBP is open to discussion as the export manifest functionality is built.
A00103: Response received from only one major MVO confirming they can work with CBP using some of the
same status message/code for Inbound and Outbound when possible; i.e. the “1Y”.
CBP confirms whenever the same code can be used for both Inbound &
Outbound manifest “notes” in the IG and Appendix “D” will reflect this in both format IG’s and/or
disposition code document (i.e. Appendix “D”).
Q00104: VESSEL IDENTIFICATION: Please refer back to FAQ item A00023 to which this question relates:
Below is the excerpt from A00023: highlighting is from the questioner:
Today, there are 3 methods to submit the vessel identification data to CBP in the manifest:
1. IMO number only
2. Vessel Text name only
3. IMO number and vessel text name
(MVO states): Our preference is option 3, “IMO number and vessel text name”
Question: We need to confirm which option CBP is considering.
A00104: As referenced in the original response (A00023) CBP has been transparent in their discussion of the
different suggestions with the Ocean participants. As the Export Manifest “build” continues and in
tandem with the Ocean Pilot, CBP will continue to actively engage the ocean participants to develop one
or more of these solutions. There will be ample time to test and evaluate these suggestions (additional
and/or variations) as a lead up to the Ocean Pilot. CBP is also actively reviewing the options with OFO
Officers and other CBP field personnel.
CBP supports a wide range of participants with equally diverse levels of automation and
communication capabilities; “one size” may not fit all. At this time, there is no change to existing CBP
regulations for communication protocols.
Q00105: P4 Port Information segment, our understanding is we should send “Each US Export port of load (P401)
Estimate Date of departure in P402. However, as shown below, the P402 description says “Estimated
Date of departure from last U.S. Port”, is this a typo in the document OR should we always send the
“Estimated Date of departure from last U.S. Port” (last export port of load) irrespective of P401 export
port of load?
A00105: CBP agrees. Document will be updated: P402 element should read date of departure from P401 port not
“last U.S. port”.
Q00106: Can we assume that Break-Bulk (RO-RO) will be treated the same way as import? Not any major
deviation from the current import scenarios.
A00106: CBP would remind participants that all cargo being exported must be reported. The import “exemption”
was applied to the timing of the filing of the B/L not an exemption to file a manifest. The inbound
exemption applied only to carriers already registered with CBP as BB or RO/RO carriers. CBP is
reviewing the BB / RO-RO handling on export.