Arkansas Board of Examiners in Counseling
The applicant must complete items 1-3. Item 4 is optional. Address is required for
return of recommendation directly to the applicant in sealed & signed envelope.
1. Applicant’s Name (Print):______________________________________________
2. Applicant’s Address: __________________________________________________
3. Proposed Area(s) of Counseling Practice: LAC ___ LPC___ LAMFT ___
LMFT ____Dual LAC/LAMFT____ Dual LPC/LMFT____
4. I waive the right by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974
(Buckley Amendment) to view this letter of recommendation on file with Board.
Forward this form to an individual well acquainted with your education and
To Writer of Letter of Recommendation:
Length of time you have know applicant: Dates from: ___________ to ___________
Please rate the applicant in the following categories:
No Opinion 1=Poor 2=Fair 3=Good 4=Very Good 5=Excellent
Professional Ethics: _______________________________________________________
Professional Knowledge: ___________________________________________________
Personal Character: _______________________________________________________
Professional Training: _____________________________________________________
Counseling Skill Application: _______________________________________________
Please comment in detail regarding the applicant and the basis for your judgment in
rating the applicant on the space below: (add additional pages if desired)
Print Name: _________________________________ Date: ______________________
Signature: __________________________________ Title: ______________________
Institution Name: ____________________________ Address: ___________________
Phone Number: ______________________________ Fax Number: _______________
Do you hold a license or certificate to practice as a:
Counselor ___________ Therapist ____________ Psychologist ___________
Other ______ (Specify) _________________________ N/A __________________
Return this form directly to: Applicant’s Address listed above (seal and
signature across the sealed envelope. Candidates must collect all four
references and then send all to the board office.