11 July 2024
ESMA32-60-254 Rev
5 August 2022| ESMA32-60-254rev
ESEF Reporting Manual
Preparation of Annual Financial Reports in ESEF format
(Update July 2024)
1 Table of Contents
I. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3
II. Summary table of updates .......................................................................................... 5
III. Glossary ..................................................................................................................... 9
IV. Guidance ...................................................................................................................13
1 Guidance for issuers ..................................................................................................13
1.0 Presentation of Annual Financial Reports (AFRs) in ESEF and in other formats than
1.1 Use of languages ...................................................................................................14
1.2 Use of elements that are available in the IFRS Taxonomy but are not included in the
ESEF taxonomy ................................................................................................................15
1.3 Selection of appropriate elements to mark up disclosures ......................................16
1.4 Anchoring ...............................................................................................................18
1.5 Use of line items or domain members ....................................................................19
1.6 Use of positive and negative values (signage) ........................................................20
1.7 Units of measure ....................................................................................................21
1.8 Footnotes ...............................................................................................................21
1.9 Block tagging ..........................................................................................................22
2 Guidance for software firms to ensure technical validity .............................................25
2.1 Contexts .................................................................................................................25
2.2 Facts ......................................................................................................................27
2.3 Footnotes ...............................................................................................................32
2.4 Restrictions on Inline XBRL and other constructs ...................................................32
2.5 Other content of Inline XBRL documents ................................................................34
2.6 Report packages ....................................................................................................37
2.7 Technical validity of reports ....................................................................................39
3 Technical guidance for issuers and software firms on extension taxonomies and other
topics 40
3.1 Extension taxonomy ...............................................................................................40
3.2 Extension taxonomy elements ................................................................................42
3.3 Extension taxonomy anchoring ..............................................................................43
3.4 Extension taxonomy linkbases ...............................................................................46
3.5 Other issues ...........................................................................................................54
4 Guidance for preparers of ESEF reports not subject to tagging obligations ................55
4.1 Additional guidance for XHTML stand-alone files ...................................................55
I. Introduction
[Last updated: July 2024August 2023]
specifies that all issuers subject to the requirements contained in
the Transparency Directive to make public Annual Financial Reports shall prepare
annual financial reports in the Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) format.
Where the issuer prepares IFRS consolidated financial statements, it shall mark up
these IFRS consolidated financial statements using the XBRL markup language. The
markups shall be embedded in the XHTML document version of the annual financial
report using the Inline XBRL format.
This document has been produced by ESMA to assist issuers and software vendors in
creating ESEF documents that are compliant with the RTS on ESEF. It provides
guidance on common issues that may be encountered when creating ESEF documents
and explains how to resolve them. The purpose of this document is to promote a
harmonised and consistent approach for the preparation of annual financial reports in
the format specified in the RTS on ESEF. This document is issued under Article 29(2)
of the ESMA Regulation.
The content of this document is aimed at issuers who are required to prepare annual
financial reports in ESEF format in accordance with Article 4(7) of the Transparency
Directive (TD)
and the RTS on ESEF, and at software firms developing software used
for the preparation of annual financial reports in Inline XBRL. The aim of the guidelines
defined in this document is to facilitate the analysis and comparison of the XBRL data
contained in Inline XBRL documents by investors and other users. In particular, this
document provides guidance on the expected syntax and structure of Inline XBRL
documents and issuers’ XBRL extension taxonomies. This document contains parts that
are of a highly technical nature, especially sections IV.2 and IV.3. These sections are
intended for a technical audience and assume that the reader has a working knowledge
of the XBRL 2.1, XBRL Dimensions 1.0, Inline XBRL 1.1 and other XBRL specifications
is familiar with the IFRS Taxonomy and has a basic understanding of XML, Namespaces
and XML Schema.
This document is fully aligned with the technical rules and constraints defined in the
referenced XBRL technical specifications. Some guidelines may however be more
restrictive and precise to address the specifics of the ESEF format. Therefore, this
Manual contains some additional validation rules that ESMA recommends for software
vendors to implement within their solutions used to produce ESEF inline XBRL reports.
In case no specific guidance is provided in this Manual, XBRL specifications must be
followed. Furthermore, if any aspect or mechanism covered by the XBRL specifications
Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/815 of 17 December 2018 supplementing Directive 2004/109/EC of the European
Parliament and of the Council with regard to regulatory technical standards on the specification of a single electronic reporting
Directive 2004/109/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2004 on the harmonisation of
transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market
and amending Directive 2001/34/EC, as amended by Directive 2013/50/EU
is not specifically mentioned in this Manual, it does not mean that such aspect or
mechanism cannot be used in the ESEF inline XBRL report.
Each guidance item presented in this document is provided with an indication of
criticality. ESMA considers that all items marked as ‘MUST’ or ‘SHALL’ are critical to
facilitate the consumption and comparability of an ESEF inline XBRL document. Items
marked as ‘SHOULD’ do not generally impact the overall usability of an ESEF file,
although this may need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
The content of this document is not exhaustive, and it does not constitute new policy.
This document is intended to be continually edited and updated as and when the need
to do so arises.
The 2024 update to the ESEF reporting manual also takes into consideration the
proposed 2024 amendment to the RTS on ESEF reflecting the latest updates to the
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Taxonomy published in 2023 and
2024 as well as to the XBRL specifications. In 2023, ESMA decided to postpone to 2024
the amendment of the ESEF RTS to reflect the limited changes of the 2023 update of
the IFRS taxonomy and focus on monitoring the implementation of the ESEF
requirements and how to improve the electronic reporting process.
Stakeholders are encouraged to follow the guidance provided in this document as soon
as possible but no later than for financial reporting periods starting on or after 1 January
Providing feedback on the Reporting Manual
Stakeholders wishing to provide feedback or raise questions / concerns with regards to
the content of the ESEF Reporting Manual or any of the materials published by ESMA
on ESEF are invited to direct such queries to the ESEF support mailbox:
[email protected]ropa.eu. Depending on the nature of such queries, ESMA will assess
whether it is relevant and/or necessary to provide further clarity or guidance to the public
and whether a further revision of the Reporting Manual and/or to other ESEF-related
material is deemed appropriate.
II. Summary table of updates
[Last updated: July 2024August 2023]
number / section
Topic of the Question
Last update
July 2022
Presentation of AFRs in the ESEF format
July 2022
Presentation of AFRs in other formats than ESEF
July 2022
Language of labels
December 2017
AFRs presented in more than one language
July 2024
July 2022
Issuers incorporated in third countries that apply
IFRS standards or interpretations that are not yet
adopted in the EU
July 2019
Use of elements available in the IFRS Taxonomy
that were not yet included in the ESEF taxonomy
July 2024
August 2023
Use of labels to select appropriate elements
July 2021
Markup of disclosures if the ESEF taxonomy only
contains an element that is wider in scope or
December 2017
Tagging elements of Annex II
July 2022
Anchoring of extension elements to elements in the
ESEF taxonomy that are wider in scope or meaning
July 2024
August 2023
Anchoring of extension elements that are
July 2021
Determination of whether a disclosure should be
marked up with a line item or a domain member
July 2021
Use of positive and negative values
July 2022
Use of standard units of measure
July 2019
Marking up footnotes
July 2019
Marking up notes and accounting policies
August 2023
Granularity of block tagging of notes and
accounting policies
August 2023
Other considerations for block tagging of notes and
accounting policies
August 2023
Use of the LEI to identify the issuer
July 2021
Formatting of the period element in the context of
the Inline XBRL document
July 2024
July 2019
Use of segment and scenario containers in the
context elements of Inline XBRL documents
July 2021
The Inline XBRL document shall only contain data
of the issuer
July 2021
Attributes to define the accuracy of numeric facts
July 2021
Representation of rates, percentages and ratios
July 2019
Transformation of facts
July 2021
Facts duplication
July 2022
Tagging of dashes or empty fields
July 2024
August 2023
Readability of the information extracted from a
block tag
July 2024
August 2023
Technical construction of a block tag
July 2024
August 2023
Use of the ID attribute on facts
July 2024 [new]
Appropriate use of XBRL footnotes in the reports
July 2021
Inline XBRL constructs that shall be avoided
July 2021
Other constructs that shall be avoided
July 2021
Inclusion of content other than XHTML and XBRL
in the Inline XBRL document
August 2023
Indication of the language used in textual mark ups
July 2019
Use of more than one target XBRL document for
an Inline XBRL Document Set (IXDS)
July 2020
Use of the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) language
to style Inline XBRL documents
July 2021
Application of ix:continuation and ix:exclude
July 2019
Including Inline XBRL document in taxonomy
July 2024
August 2023
Including multi-html Inline XBRL documents and
multiple Inline XBRL document sets in
reporttaxonomy packages
July 2024
August 2023
Naming convention for report packages
July 2024
July 2021
Ensuring report validity against XBRL
July 2020
Required components of extension taxonomies
July 2021
Taxonomy files published by ESMA
July 2021
Taxonomy packages
July 2024
August 2023
Ensuring taxonomy validity against XBRL
July 2020
Naming conventions for extension taxonomy files
July 2021
Data types to be used on extension concepts
July 2024
August 2023
Use of typed dimensions in issuers’ extension
July 2021
Identification of extension taxonomy element
July 2020
Relationships to anchor extension taxonomy
elements to elements in the ESEF taxonomy
July 2024
August 2023
Where to define the anchoring relationship
July 2020
Documenting arithmetical relationships in the
calculation linkbase Modelling of the issuers’
extension taxonomies’ linkbases
July 2024
August 2023
Defining the dimensional validity of line items in the
definition linkbase
August 2023
Definition of default members of extension
taxonomy dimensions
August 2023
Use of preferred labels on presentation links in
extension taxonomies
July 2019
Use of labels on elements in extension taxonomies
July 2022
Restrictions on taxonomy relationships
July 2022
Definition of extended link roles in extension
July 2020
Documenting arithmetical relationships in the
presentation linkbase
July 2024
[Split from
G 3.4.1]
References pointing to resources outside the
reporting package
July 2021
Reporting of stand-alone of xHTML files
August 2023
Tagging obligations for Investment Entities
exempted from consolidation
July 2021
Inclusion of content other than XHTML in a stand-
alone XHTML file
August 2023
Use of the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) language
to style XHTML stand-alone documents
July 2021
Naming convention for stand-alone XHTML
July 2024
July 2021
References pointing to resources outside the
XHTML document
July 2021
III. Glossary
[Last updated: July 2024July 2022]
An attribute of an element to indicate that the element is only used in a
hierarchy to group related elements together. An abstract element
cannot be used to tag data in an instance document.
A taxonomy element that has an abstract attribute set to “true” and that
is not used to defined hypercubes, dimensions and members. It can
also be referred to as header.
Annual financial report(s). Regulated information defined in Article 4 of
the Transparency Directive.
Technical construct used in XBRL linkbases to identify the type of
relationship between elements.
A property of an element such as its name, balance, data type, period
type and whether the element is abstract.
axis (pl. axes)
An instance document contains facts; an axis differentiates facts and
each axis represents a way that the facts may be classified. For
example, revenue for a period might be reported along with a business
unit axis, a country axis, a product axis, and so forth.
An attribute of a monetary item type element designated as debit, credit,
or neither; a designation, if any, should be the natural or most expected
balance of the element - credit or debit - and thus indicates how
calculation relationships involving the element may be assigned a
weight attribute (-1 or +1).
block tag
A single fact that contains the content of an entire or a part of a section
of a report. A block tag may include text, numeric values, tables and
other data. A block tag is applicable to facts with datatype of dtr-
Additive relationships between numeric items expressed using as
summation-item arcrole (as defined by the XBRL 2.1 specification) and
weight attribute.
A taxonomy element that provides the meaning for a fact. Concept in
this context excludes abstract concepts, and elements that are used to
define hypercubes, dimensions and members.
Entity and fact-specific information (reporting period, segment/scenario
information, and so forth) required by XBRL that allows tagged data to
be understood in relation to other information.
XBRL technical term for axis.
An element that represents a set of members sharing a specified
semantic nature; the domain and its members are used to classify facts
along the axis of a table. For example, "Lithuania" is a domain member
in the domain "Member States," and would be used to classify elements
such as revenues and assets in Lithuania as distinct from other Member
States. When a fact does not have any domain member specified, that
means it applies to the entire domain or to a default member of a
domain set in the taxonomy.
An element representing one of the possibilities within a domain.
XBRL components (items, domain members, dimensions, and so forth).
The representation of a financial reporting concept, including: line items
in the face of the financial statements, important narrative disclosures,
and rows and columns in tables.
Extended Link Role, a set of relations representing a particular piece of
a report indicated by a role. Extended link roles are used in taxonomies
to separate linkbases into smaller logical chunks.
taxonomy or
A taxonomy that allows users to add to a published taxonomy in order to
define new elements or change element relationships and attributes
(presentation, calculation, labels, and so forth) without altering the
The taxonomy to be used for the ESEF. It includes the ESEF core
taxonomy, which is defined by the RTS on ESEF.
The occurrence in an instance document of a value or other information
tagged by a taxonomy element.
Explanatory and supplementary information for various portions of
financial statement, often presented at the bottom of a given statement.
XBRL technical term for a table.
Inline XBRL
Technology that provides a mechanism for embedding XBRL tags in
HTML documents. This allows the XBRL benefits of tagged data to be
combined with a human-readable presentation of a report.
Inline XBRL
A single document that combines structured, computer-readable data
with the issuer’s human-readable presentation of a business report
using the Inline XBRL standard.
Inline XBRL
document set
A group of one or more Inline XBRL documents which when comprising
sufficient metadata results in one or more target XBRL document when
transformed according to the mapping rules prescribed in the technical
Human-readable description for an element. Each element has a
standard label that normally corresponds to the element name, and is
unique across the taxonomy. Elements may have also other labels, in
particular documentation labels containing more elaborate descriptions
of the element’s definition, meaning, scope and application.
line item
Line items normally represent the accounting concepts being reported.
They are used to mark up numeric accounting information as well as
qualitative (non-numeric) disclosures. Line items can be used either
individually or in a table (in combination with axis and axis members).
XBRL technical term for a relationships file.
A namespace is the “surname” of an element represented as a
Universal Resource Identifier (URI) identifying the organization that
maintains the element definition and its version. For example
http://xbrl.ifrs.org/taxonomy/2017-03-09/ifrs-full is a namespace of the
2017 version of the FULL IFRS taxonomy defined by the IFRS
Relationship between elements that indicates subordination of one to
the other as represented in a print listing or financial statement
presentation. Relationships files use parent-child hierarchies to model
several different relationships, including presentation, particular cases of
summation of a set of facts, and membership of concepts within a
domain used as the axis of a table.
period type
An attribute of an element that reflects whether it represents a stock
(‘instant’ in XBRL terminology) that is reported at a particular date or a
flow (‘duration’) reported in a time period.
The statement of financial position, the statement(s) of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income, the statement of changes in equity and
the statement of cash flows.
Components of contexts containing additional information to be
associated with facts in an instance document; this information
encompasses in particular the dimensional classifications or
breakdowns defined by axes and domain members in taxonomies.
standard label
The default label for an element defined in a taxonomy.
An element that organizes a set of axes and a set of line items to
indicate that each fact of one of the line items could be further
characterized along one or more of its axes. For example, if a line item
is ‘Revenues’ and an axis is ’Segments’ and this axis has the following
two domain members ‘Reportable segments’ and ‘All other segments’,
the XBRL instance document and Inline XBRL document could include
facts representing revenues with break-downs for ‘Reportable
segments’ and ‘All other segments’.
tag or mark
up (verb)
To use taxonomy elements to identify disclosures reported in an annual
financial report.
target XBRL
The XBRL-valid XBRL instance document represented by metadata in
the Inline XBRL document set.
Electronic dictionary of business reporting elements used to report
business data. A taxonomy is composed of a schema file or files (with
extension .xsd) and relationships linkbase files (with extension .xml)
directly referenced by that schema. The taxonomy schema files together
with the relationships files define the concepts (elements) and
relationships that form the basis of the taxonomy. The set of related
schemas and relationships files altogether constitute a taxonomy.
Set of instructions which when applied to a string used in the issuer’s
report outputs a value in an XBRL-valid format and in a predefined data
type or data
Data types (monetary, string, share, decimal, and so forth) define the
kind of data to be tagged with the element name.
Uniform Resource Identifier, is a string of characters used to identify a
Process of checking that instance documents and taxonomies correctly
meet the rules of the XBRL specification.
A business report prepared using the XBRL standard. It refers to a
specific taxonomy entry point and it is the combination of the XBRL
instance document and the taxonomy that enables the contents of an
XBRL instance document to be fully understood.
IV. Guidance
1 Guidance for issuers
1.0 Presentation of Annual Financial Reports (AFRs) in ESEF and
in other formats than ESEF
Guidance 1.0.1 Presentation of AFRs in the ESEF format [last updated: July
AFRs prepared in the ESEF format are the only “official ESEF version” of the AFRs to
discharge the TD obligations, are considered “regulated information” and are to be filed
with the OAMs
The absence of presentation of the AFRs in the ESEF format within the deadline (at
the latest four months after ending the financial year FY) is subject to possible
enforcement actions and if deemed necessary, to TD sanctions.
Guidance 1.0.2 Presentation of AFRs in other formats than ESEF [last updated:
July 2022]
Issuers can also prepare AFRs in other formats than ESEF (e.g. Pdf). AFRs prepared
in other formats than ESEF do not discharge the TD obligations and are not to be
considered the AFR “official ESEF version”
The publication of these AFRs in other formats than ESEF can take place before
or at
the same time or later than the disclosure in the ESEF format:
a) AFRs published in other formats before the disclosure in the ESEF format (during
the four months following the end of FY and before publication in the ESEF format)
The publication of AFRs in other formats before the publication in the ESEF format
should be duly justified by inside information considerations
, other “legal
requirements or “third country requirements”. If requested, the justification should be
provided to the regulator.
When publication is duly justified, the information is to be considered “regulated
information” and thus, should comply with the obligation of regulated information
(including dissemination). However, issuers are required to present the AFRs in the
ESEF format within the deadlines. Should national legislation allow, it is also
recommended to highlight and clearly state that AFRs published in other formats than
ESEF are not the official ESEF version
of the AFRs and that the ESEF version prevails
in case of any questions or conflicts.
In addition to the ESEF format, requirements at national level could additionally require the presentation of AFRs in other formats
than ESEF.
i.e. They are not the official AFR necessary to comply with the obligation set up in article 4 of the Transparency Directive.
Provided early publication in other formats is allowed by the transposition of the Transparency Directive in the relevant jurisdiction
In particular, considering Regulation 596/2014 of the European Parliament and the Council of 16 April 2014 on market abuse.
They are not the official AFR necessary to comply with the obligation set up in article 4 of the Transparency Directive.
b) Simultaneous (or later) publication of AFRs in other formats than the ESEF format
Issuers can provide AFRs in other formats than ESEF at the same time or later than
the AFRs presented in the ESEF format. However, subject to national legislation, they
are to be considered as “voluntary information
(and not per se regulated information).
Should AFRs be published in other formats than ESEF, for instance on the issuer’s
website, it is recommended to highlight and clearly state that they are not the official
ESEF version of the AFRs. Furthermore, it is also recommended to include a reference
or link to the official version of the AFRs in ESEF and if national legislation allows, to
clearly state that the ESEF version prevails in case of any questions or conflicts.
1.1 Use of languages
Guidance 1.1.1 Language of labels [last updated: December 2017]
The RTS on ESEF does not alter the language regime set out in Article 20 of the TD.
Therefore, the labels of the elements used for marking up the annual financial report
including the issuers’ extension taxonomy elements should be in the same language in
which the annual financial report is prepared. Issuers are not required to provide labels
in other languages. However, ESMA encourages issuers to provide, for the extension
taxonomy elements, labels in a language customary in the sphere of international
finance, as it would be highly beneficial for users.
Guidance 1.1.2 AFRs presented in more than one language [last updated: July
2024July 2022]
a) Mandatory/legal requirement to provide AFRs in two (or more) languages
Article 20 of the TD requires the presentation of the AFRs in different languages in
some circumstances. Where there is a legal requirement to present the AFRs in two
(or more) languages, the AFRs should be prepared in ESEF format (same requirements
as the first language) and should be tagged (if containing consolidated IFRS financial
From a technical standpoint, a different language version of the AFR will be considered
as a separate XHTML report contained within a separate ESEF report package. Those
two or more reports should be submitted as two or more separate files. Please refer to
Guidance 2.6.1 for indications about the file structure of each report package including
consolidated IFRS financial statements and to Guidance 4.1.1 for indication about
reports not subject to tagging obligations. Such XHTML reports shall be tagged in the
exact same way, regardless of the language in which they were prepared. Specifically,
all language versions of the AFRs should be consistent in terms of the report contents,
and such contents shall be tagged with the use of the same core taxonomy elements
and/or extension elements as defined in an issuer’s extension taxonomy (which should
be shared across the report presented in different languages).
ESMA expects that the extension elements defined in a report are consistent with the
extension elements defined in other language versions of the same report, i.e. those
As indicated in Q23 “Additional periodic information of the ESMA Q&As on TD (ESMA 31-67-127).
extension elements must be defined with the same element name and underlying XBRL
characteristics (e.g. type, balance, period, etc.)
b) Voluntary/contractual provision of the AFRs in additional language(s)
Where there is not a legal requirement to present the AFRs in two (or more) languages,
the additional language version(s) of the AFRs can be presented in another format than
ESEF format (ex. pdf format). If this is the case, it is recommended that the additional
language version should be clearly marked/labeled as non-official version and could
also be marked as “translation”.
In case the voluntary/contractual presentation in other languages is done in ESEF
format, the AFRs should follow the official version and should be tagged (in the same
way as the official version of ESEF). AFRs voluntary/contractually provided in other
languages in the ESEF format should be presented and published, if tagged, in a
separate report package zip file than the official ESEF AFRs and it is recommended to
indicate that they are non-official versions and translations.
1.2 Use of elements that are available in the IFRS Taxonomy but
are not included in the ESEF taxonomy
Guidance 1.2.1 Use of taxonomy elements corresponding to IFRS standards or
that are not yet adopted in the EU [last updated: July 2019]
The ESEF taxonomy contains all elements of the IFRS taxonomy regardless of the
endorsement status of the IFRSs in the European Union.
Taxonomy elements corresponding to IFRS not endorsed by the EU, but considered
equivalent to IFRS on the basis of Commission Decision 2008/961/EC are exclusively
provided for facilitating compliance with the ESEF Regulation by third country issuers
listed in the EU which may prepare their consolidated financial statements in
accordance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(‘IASB’), whereby such issuers could apply standards or interpretations that are not yet
endorsed for use in the Union.
European issuers are reminded that under no circumstances they should use taxonomy
elements corresponding to IFRS not endorsed by the EU for tagging their consolidated
financial statements because doing so would, by definition, breach the requirements
contained in Annex IV.3 of the RTS on ESEF.
Guidance 1.2.2 Use of elements available in the IFRS Taxonomy that were not
yet included in the ESEF taxonomy [last updated: July 2024August 2023]
The IFRS Foundation regularly updates the IFRS Taxonomy. If an issuer determines
that the IFRS Taxonomy includes an element that corresponds to a disclosure of the
issuer in its IFRS financial statements and that this element is not yet included in the
ESEF taxonomy, then the issuers should define an extension taxonomy element whose
name, label and XBRL characteristics correspond to name, label and XBRL
characteristics of the element in the IFRS Taxonomy. For example, this would applyies
Correspondence is established on the basis of the reference provided in the Schema of the core taxonomy (Annex VI of the
to those elements of the 2023a given update of the IFRS taxonomy which have not yet
been included in the ESEF core taxonomy or are not mandatorily applicable at the time
of tagging the IFRS consolidated financial statements. As an example,:
IFRS 2023 element
Issuer extension taxonomy element
reflecting the IFRS 2023 element
Property, plant and equipment
including right-of-use assets
Property, plant and equipment including
right-of-use assets
The element used in the example above, i.e. “Property, plant and equipment including
right-of-use assets”, has been chosen as an example of how a taxonomy element
included in the 2023 update to the IFRS taxonomy could be voluntarily used until the
2024 amendment to the RTS on ESEF becomes mandatorily applicable for financial
years beginning on or after 1 January 2025. There is no intention to mandate the use
of this particular element when tagging the consolidated financial statements.
As soon as a new element that can substitute an entity-specific disclosure is included
in the ESEF core taxonomy (i.e. in the RTS on ESEF as published in the EU Official
Journal), issuers should adopt that new ESEF taxonomy element. ESMA highlights that
such new ESEF taxonomy elements should be used also to tag comparative figures
from previous reporting periods in the current report. In this regard, issuers are
reminded that Annex III.1 of the RTS on ESEF requires to mark-up all numbers in a
declared currency presented in the Primary Financial Statements, which means that all
comparative figures included therein need to be marked-up.
1.3 Selection of appropriate elements to mark up disclosures
Guidance 1.3.1 Use of labels to select appropriate elements [last updated: July
Element labels provide human-readable descriptions of the accounting meaning of a
taxonomy element. Each element in the taxonomy has a standard label. Standard
labels normally match the wording of the Standards. For common practice content, the
standard label of an element normally reflects the wording that is most commonly used
in practice or alternatively describes the accounting meaning of an element more
The standard label of an element is often longer and more detailed or may be phrased
differently to the label being reported in practice within IFRS financial statements. This
by itself is not a sufficient reason for an issuer to decide against using a particular
taxonomy element. A preparer has to consider the accounting meaning of a taxonomy
element when making this judgement. For example, a disclosure described by an entity
as issue of share capital’ and presented in the Statement of cash flows as a cash inflow
could be marked up using the taxonomy line item with the standard label ‘Proceeds
from issuing shares’. It should also be highlighted that as part of the accounting
meaning of an element, consideration should be given to the period attribute (instant or
duration) of the concept being selected, i.e. all line items of the Statement of Financial
Position should be tagged using concepts that use the “instant” attribute.
Furthermore, the line items, axes and members of the taxonomy files made available
on ESMA’s website have a documentation label, which provides a definition of the
element. Moreover, they contain at least one cross-reference to the relevant
Standard(s). The documentation label and the reference to the relevant Standard(s)
should be considered to determine whether the accounting meaning of an element
corresponds to a specific disclosure.
Guidance 1.3.2 Markup of disclosures if the ESEF taxonomy only contains an
element that is wider in scope or meaning [last updated: December 2017]
It is possible and recommended to use an element in the ESEF taxonomy that is wider
in scope or meaning than the marked up information if the marked up report does not
contain another disclosure that fully or partially corresponds to the respective taxonomy
element. For example, an issuer which discloses in its statement of cash flows an item
that represents cash outflows relating to the purchase of property, plant and equipment
and intangibles other than goodwill can use the taxonomy element ‘purchase of
property, plant and equipment, intangible assets other than goodwill, investment
property and other non-current assets to mark up the disclosure, even though the cash
outflows do not relate to investment property or other non-current assets. This however
is only appropriate if the issuer does not disclose in a separate item in the statement of
cash flows cash outflows relating to the purchase of investment property or other non-
current assets.
Guidance 1.3.3 Tagging elements of Annex II
[last updated: July 2022]
The RTS on ESEF requires that issuers shall mark up all disclosures that correspond
to the elements in Annex II if those disclosures are present in the issuer’s financial
statements. If those disclosures are not present in the issuer’s financial statements,
they should not be tagged. Moreover, issuers shall neither specifically include those
disclosures, nor shall they add an indication that such disclosures are not present in
their financial statements, solely for the purpose of tagging such information with use
of elements listed in the tables of Annex II.
Before the 2022 amendment to the ESEF RTS, Annex II of the ESEF RTS contained Table 1 and 2 with the list of mandatory
elements of the core taxonomy. The 2022 amendment to the ESEF RTS, applicable to financial years beginning on after 2023
only includes one table with the full list of mandatory elements of the core taxonomy.
1.4 Anchoring
Guidance 1.4.1 Anchoring of extension elements to elements in the ESEF
taxonomy that are wider in scope or meaning [last updated: July 2024August
Annex IV of the RTS on ESEF sets out that extension taxonomy elements marking-up
the IFRS consolidated financial statements’ statement of financial position, statement
of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, statement of changes in equity and
statement of cash flows have to be anchored to elements of the ESEF taxonomy,
except for elements corresponding to subtotals. This principle can be illustrated with an
example. An issuer issued equity and it received one part of the capital increase in kind
and another part in cash. It disclosed in its statement of changes of equity the two
components separately. The ESEF taxonomy includes an element ‘issue of equity’ but
it does not include separate elements for capital increases in kind and capital increases
in cash. Therefore, the issuer creates extension taxonomy elements ‘capital increases
in kind’ and ‘capital increases in cash’. Capital increases in kind and in cash are
narrower in scope than the element ‘issue of equity’ and represent disaggregations of
it. Therefore, the two extension elements are anchored to the wider base taxonomy
element ‘issue of equity’. It is not necessary to anchor the two extension taxonomy
elements to narrower elements in the ESEF taxonomy except for the case outlined in
Guidance 1.4.2.
Issuers should not create extension taxonomy elements duplicating the meaning and
scope of any ESEF core taxonomy element (Annex IV. 4(a) ESEF RTS) because they
decrease comparability between companies and over time.
Moreover, ESMA is of the opinion, that to improve the quality and usability of the
anchoring relationships in issuers’ extensions elements, issuers should anchor their
extension elements to ESEF core taxonomy elements sharing the same data type. For
example, if an issuer creates an extension element of monetaryItemType, such element
should only be tagged to corresponding ESEF core taxonomy element of
monetaryItemType (and not e.g. stringItemType).
Please note that the RTS on ESEF does not set an anchoring requirement for the Notes
to the financial statements. Therefore, if issuers decide on a voluntary basis to create
detailed tag extension elements to mark-up their Notes, there is no obligation to anchor
such extension elements.
Guidance 1.4.2 Anchoring of extension elements that are combinations [last
updated: July 2021]
Annex IV of the RTS on ESEF sets out that where an extension taxonomy element
combines a number of elements of the ESEF taxonomy, issuers shall anchor that
extension taxonomy element to each of the elements in the ESEF taxonomy it
combines, except where these elements are reasonably deemed insignificant.
This principle is best illustrated with an example. An issuer discloses in its IFRS
statement of financial position an item ‘issued capital and share premium’. The ESEF
taxonomy does not include such an item. Therefore, it is necessary to create an
extension taxonomy element. However, the taxonomy includes the elements ‘issued
capital’ and ‘share premium’. The extension taxonomy element represents a
combination of the two elements that are available in the ESEF taxonomy. The
extension taxonomy element ‘issued capital and share premium’ shall be anchored to
these two elements, indicating that it is wider in scope than these two elements.
The obligation to anchor to “narrower” elements exists not only where the extension is
exclusively a combination of core taxonomy, but rather whenever there is a combination
of two or more taxonomy elements. For instance, if the issuer needs to create an
extension for 'Share capital, Share Premium and [other entity specific reserve for which
there is no tag available in the core taxonomy]', it is mandatory to anchor that extension
to 'Issued capital' and 'Share premium'.
1.5 Use of line items or domain members
Guidance 1.5.1 Determination of whether a disclosure should be marked up with
a line item or a domain member [last updated: July 2021]
XBRL taxonomies contain line items and domain members which are both elements
used to mark up disclosures. Line items normally represent the accounting concepts
being reported. They are used to mark up numeric accounting information as well as
qualitative (non-numeric) disclosures. Line items are stand alone, but can be used
either individually or in a table (in combination with axis and axis members).
Axes and domain members (also sometimes referred to as ‘axis members’ or
‘members’) are elements that are mainly used to disclose information for line items from
different aspects, such as the disaggregation of the information for line items into
different product types, categories, classes and maturities. The axis is the specific
aspect being considered. An axis includes one or more components (called members)
which share the common accounting or economic meaning defined by that axis.
For example, ‘revenue’ as a line item can be used to tag numbers that refer to various
operating segments. In this case the ‘segments [axis]’ dimension can be applied to
differentiate between revenues of the cars segment, using the element ‘cars [member]’
and of the motorcycles segment using the element ‘motorcycles [member]’. It is
important to note that members and axes cannot be used on their own, but are used
together with line items to mark up disclosures. Moreover, the same piece of
information can be tagged using a line item only or a line item together with a dimension
member. For example, the item ‘land and buildings’ in the statement of financial position
can be marked up using the line item ‘land and buildingsor using the line item ‘property,
plant and equipment’ in conjunction with the domain members ‘land and buildings
[member]’ of the axis ‘classes of property, plant and equipment [axis]’.
In order to facilitate consistent use of line items and domain members despite the
flexibility offered by the XBRL standard, extension elements should be defined as line
items unless the applicable taxonomy envisages in a particular statement or disclosure
the use of domain members.
For example, the ESEF taxonomy contains two elements with the name ‘issued capital’,
one is a line item and one is a domain member. The applicable taxonomy envisages
that in the statement of financial position the line item is used, while in the statement of
changes in equity the domain member should be applied.
The intention of the above provision is not to strictly disallow the use of dimensions and
domain members in certain financial statements where application of such constructs
is not envisaged by the ESEF taxonomy. Issuers are allowed to define and use
dimensions and domain members where there is a specific need to introduce them to
better communicate the information in the report to users. However, when making this
judgement preparers should consider XBRL calculations.
One scenario where the use of an existing ESEF axis or of an extension axis is
appropriate is when the axis is applicable to all (or most) of the line items. For example,
when a preparer’s report contains the income statement broken down by three columns
(for example, ‘profit before fair value adjustment’, ‘fair value adjustment’ and ‘profit after
fair value adjustment’), the IFRS taxonomy does not prescribe the use of dimensions
and domain members nor does it provide relevant elements to cover the columns. In
such case the issuer may define extension dimension and domain members and apply
them in its income statement if this better reflects the information presented in the
report. Notwithstanding this flexibility in tagging, ESMA reminds issuers of the
obligation to tag every number in a declared currency (Annex II paragraph 1 of the RTS
on ESEF): such obligation exists also for disclosures in tabular or column format.
1.6 Use of positive and negative values (signage)
Guidance 1.6.1 Use of positive and negative values [last updated: July 2022]
Line items should be assigned with an appropriate signage and balance attribute in
order to correctly convey the meaning of the particular element. Most XBRL numeric
elements are designed to be ‘normally’ reported with a positive value. A negative value
is only used when the opposite meaning is required, e.g. loss rather than profit. By
appropriately submitting XBRL numeric disclosures as positive values, issuers can
ensure the accuracy of their calculation relationships.
In particular, elements representing assets should be assigned with the debit balance
attribute value and reported as a positive figure. Similarly, the credit balance attribute
value should be used for elements that represent equity and liabilities.
Revenue and other income should be defined using the credit balance attribute value
and reported as a positive number. Elements representing costs and expenses should
be assigned with the debit balance attribute value and reported as positive figures. In
the calculation linkbase, costs and expenses should be subtracted from revenues and
other income.
Cash inflows reported in the cash flow statement should be defined as debit items and
cash outflows as credit items and in both cases reported as positive figures. ESMA
would like to draw attention in this regard to section 5 of the Preparer’s Guide published
XBRL calculations tell a user of tagged data how line items roll up to (sub)totals presented in the Primary Financial Statements.
by the IFRS Foundation
regarding the expression of tagged values as positive or
negative in XBRL filings.
It should be noted that there are some limited scenarios where numeric elements
(specifically elements of monetaryItemType) need to be defined without a balance
attribute because of the restrictions on calculation weights and balances, such as for
Net cash flows from (used in) operations. ESMA deems that these should
be assessed on a case-by-case basis and, provided that the no balance attribute is
appropriate, they should be deemed acceptable.
1.7 Units of measure
Guidance 1.7.1 Use of standard units of measure [last updated: July 2019]
As per the XBRL 2.1
and Inline XBRL 1.1
specifications, each numeric tag must be
associated with a unit of measure. To achieve consistency in the use of units of
measure (e.g. EUR for Euro, GW for Gigawatt, km for Kilometre, etc.) in Inline XBRL
documents, issuers should check in the XBRL specifications and unit registry
a required unit exists before defining a custom unit. Custom unit measures should not
be created if a standard unit defined in the XBRL Specification or XBRL unit registry
can be used. Preparers are discouraged to define and use units that imply a scale factor
on a given measure (e.g. millions of EUR) because the Inline XBRL specifications
already provides a scale attribute which indicate the required scaling value.
1.8 Footnotes
Guidance 1.8.1 Marking up footnotes [last updated: July 2019]
If an issuer discloses numbers in a declared currency in a footnote to the Primary
Financial Statements, on the basis of the requirements set out by Annex II.1 of the RTS
on ESEF, those numbers shall be marked-up with the appropriate tag available in the
ESEF taxonomy, or with an extension taxonomy element, since they effectively belong
to the Primary Financial Statements. If an extension element is created, then such
extension shall be anchored as per the requirements set out by Annex IV.8 of the RTS
on ESEF.
Please note that the term “footnote” is not understood in this context to be a synonym
of the term “Notes”, which is used to indicate exclusively the Notes to the Primary
Financial Statements. The figure below illustrates the numbers, including numbers
disclosed in the footnotes, that must be tagged in a consolidated statement of cash
flows (highlighted in yellow):
Please refer to the Preparers’ Guide, paragraph 184, for further explanations and examples
In addition, issuers may apply on a voluntary basis XBRL footnotes to mark up the
entire text of a footnote related to any portion of their financial statements or of the
annual financial report (see rules defined in Guidance 2.3.1.).
1.9 Block tagging
Guidance 1.9.1 Marking up notes and accounting policies [last updated: August
Annex II of the RTS on ESEF includes a number of elements defined with the
textBlockItemType which are expected to be used for marking up (following the block
tagging approach) larger pieces of information contained in the IFRS consolidated
financial statements such as explanatory notes and accounting policies. Those
elements are of different granularity. Therefore, preparers have to consider the
accounting meaning of a taxonomy element when selecting the appropriate block tag
for marking up such disclosure. This is particularly important for cases where there are
multiple block tags that can match a given disclosure.
ESMA is of the opinion that issuers shall, as a minimum, mark up information contained
in the IFRS consolidated financial statements (including headers/titles) with the
elements of Annex II.
In case of a disclosure corresponding to more than one element of different granularity
(with narrower and wider elements), preparers should use each of them and multi tag
the information to the extent that corresponds with the underlying accounting meaning
of the information
Additionally to using the mandatory elements from Annex II of the ESEF RTS tags, issuers could complement the mark up of
the notes and accounting policies by using elements contained in Annex VI of the ESEF RTS. Nevertheless, the use of these
elements from Annex VI, even if with a closer accounting meaning, does not prevail over the use of the mandatory elements.
Guidance 1.9.2. Granularity of block tagging [last update: August 2023]
In certain cases, content of tables (i.e. selected columns or rows) presented in issuer’s
financial statements may correspond to multiple elements listed in the Annex II Table.
Taking into consideration technical complexity and the fact that tags applied within such
tables could not be understandable without layout information. ESMA recommends that
the lowest level of granularity for block tagging the IFRS consolidated financial
statements be individual tables contained within a single note. Therefore, issuers are
not required to apply textBlockItemType” elements from Annex II on selected rows or
columns of such table, and instead shall apply corresponding elements on the entire
Guidance 1.9.3 Other considerations for block tagging of notes and accounting
policies [last updated: August 2023]
Whenever an issuer discloses information in an explanatory note or accounting policy
(or its section or subsection) that does not correspond to any of the elements in Annex
II, such disclosure (or part of it) is not required to be block tagged. Consequently, there
is also no obligation to create an extension element to block tag such notes and
accounting policies. Nevertheless, ESMA encourages issuers to apply core taxonomy
elements listed in the Annex VI which are not part of Annex II, or to create extension
elements to block tag such disclosures since this information is useful to end users. As
noted in Guidance 1.4.1, there is also no obligation to anchor such extensions in the
notes to the financial statements.
As highlighted by recital 10 of the RTS on ESEF, “the requirement for block tagging
should not limit the discretion of issuers to mark-up notes to IFRS consolidated financial
statements with a higher level of granularity”. Considering this recital, similarly to the
primary financial statements, issuers have the option to apply a standard of detailed
tagging of the notes to IFRS consolidated financial statements. However, detailed
tagging of the notes to the IFRS consolidated financial statements does not prevail over
the requirement to block tag the notes to the IFRS consolidated financial statements.
ESMA highlights in this regard that when tagging additional information, issuers need
to ensure consistency across reporting periods to the maximum possible extent.
Examples in the different guidance of Section 1.9 “block tagging” provide an illustration on the specific topic mentioned in the
guidance. This does not mean that other guidance should not be followed if applicable or that the applied taxonomy element in
the example is the most adequate without having the underlying accounting information. For example, in figure 3, other taxonomy
elements could be applicable to the table such as disclosure of interest expense or disclosure of interest income. However, for
visualisation reasons, these elements have not been applied.
Also, in figure 5, the purpose is to provide an example of concatenation of text without assessing whether accounting policy tags
are to be considered narrower in scope than disclosure tags.
In instances where multiple pieces of text corresponding to one block tag are disclosed
in different sections of the notes, issuers should tag such disclosures with one block
tag by using the Inline XBRL constructs which allow the concatenation (or exclusion)
of text content within a document (see Guidance 2.5.5).
2 Guidance for software firms to ensure technical validity
In the following section, ESMA provides software firms with recommendations on technical
aspects and rules that should be supported by their tools to facilitate harmonised reporting by
issuers. Furthermore, ESMA provides software firms with recommendations on which
messages could be used to warn that a recommended rule is violated. To arrange the content
of this document clearer, the recommended rules and messages were identified in grey boxes
and with red font.
2.1 Contexts
Guidance 2.1.1 Use of the LEI to identify the issuer [last updated: July 2021]
According to Annex IV of the RTS on ESEF, issuers shall identify themselves in the
Inline XBRL document using ISO 17442 legal entity identifiers.
This shall be implemented in such way that an xbrli:identifier element has a valid Legal
Entity Identifier (LEI) as its content. The taxonomy files prepared by ESMA include
validity checks of pattern and check sum digit of the LEI.
The scheme attribute of the xbrli:identifier element shall have
"http://standards.iso.org/iso/17442" as its content.
Example (from http://codes.eurofiling.info/):
<xbrli:identifier scheme=”http://standards.iso.org/iso/17442″>
ESMA recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their tools.
The following messages are recommended to be used:
Messages: “invalidIdentifierFormat” and “invalidIdentifier”
Guidance 2.1.2 Formatting of the period element in the context of the Inline XBRL
document [last updated: July 2024July 2019]
ESMA recommends presenting the period element in the yyyy-mm-dd format, i.e.
without the time component (an example of a period element including a time
component would be: 2017-01-01T00:00:00:00). A time component is not expected to
be necessary to tag annual reports. Moreover, it may result in inappropriate application
and invalidity of defined calculation checks.
ESMA recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their tools
ensuring that:
The xbrli:startDate, xbrli:endDate and xbrli:instant elements MUST identify periods
using whole days (i.e. specified without a time content and time zone).
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “periodWithTimeContent”, “periodWithTimeZone”
Moreover, to ensure better comparability of the information submitted by the issuers,
as well as to ensure precision in disclosing the reporting periods, ESMA recommends
that issuers creating XBRL contexts for elements defined with period type instant in
their ESEF submissions shall include the date 202(X-1)-12-31 instead of 202(X)-01-
01 in xbrli:instant element of such context.
Guidance 2.1.3 Use of segment and scenario containers in the context elements
of Inline XBRL documents [last updated: July 2021]
The XBRL 2.1 specification defines two open containers in context elements of XBRL
instance documents. These are xbrli:segment and xbrli:scenario. According to the
XBRL Dimensions 1.0 specification, a taxonomy prescribes which of the two shall be
applied in XBRL instance documents to contain dimension members.
ESMA recommends to use xbrli:scenario for this purpose, therefore ESMA encourages
software firms to include in their tools appropriate validations ensuring:
Extension taxonomy MUST set xbrli:scenario as context element on definition arcs
with http://xbrl.org/int/dim/arcrole/all and http://xbrl.org/int/dim/arcrole/notAll arcroles.
xbrli:segment container MUST NOT be used in contexts.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “segmentUsed”
When using the xbrli:scenario in contexts, it shall not contain any content other than
that defined in XBRL Dimensions specification. Consequently, custom XML shall not
be used in xbrli:scenario.
ESMA recommends software firms to include in their tools appropriate validations
xbrli:scenario in contexts MUST NOT contain any other content than defined in XBRL
Dimensions specification.
The following messages are recommended to be used:
Messages: “scenarioContainsNonDimensionalContent”
Guidance 2.1.4 The Inline XBRL document shall only contain data of the issuer
[last updated: July 2021]
It shall be ensured that the Inline XBRL document contains data only of a single issuer.
ESMA recommends software firms to include in their tools appropriate validations
All entity identifiers and schemes in contexts MUST have identical content
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “multipleIdentifiers”
2.2 Facts
Guidance 2.2.1 Attributes to define the accuracy of numeric facts [last updated:
July 2021]
There shall be consistent use of a single attribute describing the precision of facts, as
indicated in the Working Group Note published by XBRL International
. Therefore
ESMA recommends software firms to include in their tools appropriate validations
The accuracy of numeric facts MUST be defined with the ‘decimals’ attribute rather than
the ‘precision’ attribute.
The following messages are recommended to be used:
Messages: “precisionAttributeUsed”
As indicated in guidance from XBRL International
, it should be noted that the scale
factor used in iXBRL is separate from the XBRL "accuracy" mechanism (expressed
using "decimals" or "precision"). For example, the value "$12.34 million" is expressed
in millions (a scale factor of "6"), but is accurate to the nearest $10,000 (which would
be denoted by a decimals value of "-4"). Additional examples on the application of the
‘scale’ and ‘decimals’ attributes can be found at https://www.xbrl.org/guidance/ixbrl-
tagging-features/#3-scaling-numeric-values .
Guidance 2.2.2 Representation of rates, percentages and ratios [last updated:
July 2019]
Issuers should ensure a consistent XBRL representation of rates, percentages and
ratios in decimal notation. For that purpose, ESMA recommends following the
provisions of XBRL 2.1 specification published by XBRL International
As an example following the above-mentioned specifications, if an issuer wants to tag
a percentage value of 81%, this shall be tagged with ix:nonFraction element with a unit
of pure
and a scale attribute set to -2, resulting in XBRL representation of the value
correct notation, i.e. as 0.81.
Guidance 2.2.3 Transformation of facts [last updated: July 2021]
Whenever a string or numeric text used in an issuer’s report does not follow the format
based on the predefined data type of taxonomy element used to mark up such string
or numeric text, a transformation rule shall be applied.
For that purpose, ESMA recommends applying the Transformation Rules Registry 4,
as published by XBRL International on the dedicated website
or any more recent
versions of the Transformation Rules Registry provided with a ‘Recommendation’
status at XBRL International. ESMA recommends that software firms include
appropriate validations in their tools ensuring:
Transformation rule applied on facts in ESEF document MUST be defined either in
12/inlineXBRL-transformationRegistry-REC-2020-02-12.html or a more recent version
of the Transformation Rules Registry provided with a ‘Recommendation’ status.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: incorrectTransformationRuleApplied
Guidance 2.2.4 Facts duplication [last updated: July 2022]
According to the Working Group Note on handling duplicate facts
published by XBRL
International, there are four classes of duplicates for numeric and non-numeric facts:
Complete duplicates;
Consistent duplicates (numeric only);
Multi-language duplicates (string only)
Inconsistent duplicates.
Annex IV of the RTS on ESEF sets out that issuers shall not use numeric taxonomy
elements to mark up different values for a given context unless the difference is a result
of rounding related to presentation of the same information with different scale in more
than one place in the same annual financial report. Based on the above definitions of
duplicates and relevant provisions of the RTS on ESEF, it is required that issuers shall
not report inconsistent duplicates within the content of an inline XBRL document.
Therefore, ESMA recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in
their tools ensuring:
Inconsistent duplicate numeric facts MUST NOT appear in the content of an inline
XBRL document.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: inconsistentDuplicateNumericFactInInlineXbrlDocument
Inconsistent duplicate non-numeric facts SHOULD NOT appear in the content of an
inline XBRL document.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: inconsistentDuplicateNonnumericFactInInlineXbrlDocument
Guidance 2.2.5 Tagging of dashes or empty fields [last updated: July 2024August
Annex II of the RTS on ESEF sets out that issuers shall mark up all numbers in a
declared currency presented as part of their IFRS consolidated primary financial
statements. Since a dash symbol is not a number, there is no requirement for issuers
to tag such a symbol.
ESMA acknowledges that empty fields or dash symbols in the human readable version
of the AFR are normally considered to be a “zero” or a “nil value” and that these are
subject to audit. ESMA also acknowledges that tagging positions appearing as an
empty field or a dash may be common practice, although not required by Annex II of
the RTS.
Therefore, ESMA recommends that issuers tag empty fields or dash symbols in the
primary financial statements as a result of which the economic substance of empty
fields, dashes or likewise symbols in the machine-readable version of the annual
financial report are similar to the human readable version.
To facilitate the analysis and comparison of the data contained in the IFRS consolidated
primary financial statements, ESMA recommends that issuers take into consideration
the following guidance when marking up empty fields or dash symbols in their
A comparative that has a value in one period should not have an empty cell in
the other period. It could be either 0 or a dash sign tagged as “0, except for
the statement of change in equity, where:
o the two periods should have the same line items and a zero, if there is
no comparative; or
o the line items can be different from one year to the next and therefore
have untagged comparative.
A value that has been rounded and is below the scale should show a value of
Only if an empty cell should be understood as the value zero e.g. it is visualised
as a “-“ or “n/a” or " " or other characters, it should be transformed to “0”.
Moreover, issuers should in such cases In these cases, issuers should use appropriate
transformation functions as defined by the Transformation Registry referenced by
Guidance 2.2.3. In particular, ESMA recommends to apply the ixt:fixed-zero
(transforming dash to ‘0’) function. Since the transformation registry does not offer
functions transforming an empty field to a nil value, issuers are recommended to
explicitly specify such nil values without any transformation, if such tagging scenario is
relevant in their reports.
Guidance 2.2.6 Readability of the information extracted from a block tag [last
updated July 2024 August 2023]
ESMA has noted that, due to mechanics of producing XHTML documents, some
narrative blocks extracted from such documents to an XBRL instance may not be
formatted in a manner that is exactly the same as the full document when looked at in
isolation (such as, but not limited to, lost table structures, applied styles, different line
breaks). The result is that the extracted information is not legible and clear.
ESMA is of the opinion that block tagging in ESEF should be able to designate
meaningful fragments of a well-formed XHTML document that are extracted into XBRL
for processing, notably that the underlying XHTML code contains the appropriate style
attributes that allows for a proper display of tagged data
. That means that the extracted
information, when displayed outside the context of the original document, resembles
the original document in legibility and clarity, but not necessarily in style.
Due to mechanics of producing XHTML documents, some narrative blocks extracted
from such documents to an XBRL instance may not be formatted in a manner that is
exactly the same as the full document when looked at in isolation (such as, but not
limited to, lost table structures, applied styles, different line breaks). The limitations in
these transformation mechanics are known and understood by the XBRL community
who are monitoring the evolution and possible improvements in these mechanics.
In any case, issuers should ensure that the information extracted/rendered in the tag:
- presents the words and numbers in the same order and is as legible and clear
as the human readable report;
- where there is space between words and numbers in the source text, there is
at least some space retained in the text block (i.e. “intangible assets 3m EUR”
should not become “intangibleassets3mEUR” after extraction); and,
- information that is contained in tables in the human readable report is
meaningfully transcribed in the extracted tagged information.
For example, in the case of information presented in a tabular format in the full document, the code underlying the XHTML
document could contain relevant HTML table tags such as <table>, <th>, <tr>, etc which would ensure that the extracted tagged
data includes a presentation of the fact value in a tabular format.
Guidance 2.2.7 Technical construction of a block tag [last updated: July
2024August 2023]
The limitations in the transformation mechanics for the production of XHTML
documents are known and understood by the XBRL community who are monitoring the
evolution and possible improvements in these mechanics.
Until transformation mechanics are further improved, ESMA recommends that issuers
follow the below guidance to ensure better resemblance of the extracted tagged
information with the human readable report.
In line with the XBRL International Working Group Note published on 19 April 2023
for facts with a datatype of dtr-types:textBlockItemType, Iissuers shall always set the
iXBRL @escaped attribute to “true”, if the human readable content contains a “<” or “&”
character to ensure that the resulting fact value is always valid for its data type. In all
other cases, the @escaped attribute may be set to either “false” or “true” to result in
valid XHTML string to ensure that the resulting fact value is XHTML valid. Meanwhile,
the facts with other datatypes, such as xbrli:stringItemType shall instead set the
@escape attribute to "false" as their values are not expected to contain XHTML.
Each block tag MUST use escape=”true” in the tag attribute if the human readable
content contains a “<” or “&” character.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: escapedHTMLUsedInBlockTagWithSpecialCharacters
Value of the @escape attribute MUST match the datatype of the corresponding fact.
Therefore, all facts with datatype of dtr-types:textBlockItemType MUST use the
@escape attribute set to “true”. Moreover, facts with other datatypes, such as
xbrli:stringItemType MUST use the @escape attribute set to “false”.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used.
Violation: improperApplicationOfEscapeAttribute
Guidance 2.2.8 Use of the ID attribute on facts [last updated: July 2024] [new]
ESMA has noted that tagged data including the ID attribute assigned to each mark-up
defined in an issuer’s report significantly improve and facilitates the analytical
capabilities of consumers of ESEF data and facilitate the processing of issuers’ reports
by end-users.
Therefore, ESMA recommends that issuers should include an ID attribute with a unique
value for each tagged fact in their reports.
2.3 Footnotes
Guidance 2.3.1 Appropriate use of XBRL footnotes in the reports [last updated:
July 2021]
XBRL footnotes may be used to provide additional information about the tagged data.
The XBRL Specification and the XBRL Link Roles Registry define syntactical constructs
and explain the semantics in the context of applying footnotes in instance documents.
It is not expected that any other syntax and semantics will be needed to provide
footnotes included in the financial statements. To ensure the expected syntax and
semantics are applied for footnotes in a target XBRL document, the issuers shall use
the footnote mechanism as defined by Inline XBRL 1.1 specification and shall not
specify attributes for footnotes that are not defined in XBRL 2.1 specification.
Orphaned footnotes (i.e. footnotes that are not linked to any tagged data) may cause
interpretation problems. ESMA therefore recommends that software firms include
appropriate validations in their tools ensuring:
Every nonempty link:footnote element SHOULD be linked to at least one fact.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “unusedFootnote”
Moreover, to enable automatic checks on whether all footnotes in the report are
provided in at least the language of the report, ESMA recommends that software firms
include appropriate validations in their tools ensuring:
Each footnote MUST have or inherit an ‘xml:lang’ attribute whose value corresponds to
the language of content of at least one textual fact present in the inline XBRL document
and each footnote relationship MUST have at least one footnote in the language of the
In case of violation the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “footnoteInLanguagesOtherThanLanguageOfContentOfAnyTextualFact
Violation: “footnoteOnlyInLanguagesOtherThanLanguageOfAReport”.
2.4 Restrictions on Inline XBRL and other constructs
Guidance 2.4.1 Inline XBRL constructs that shall be avoided [last updated: July
It is expected that neither tuples nor fraction items be required to reflect the content of
financial statements. Therefore, these items shall not be used. ESMA recommends that
software firms include appropriate validations in their tools ensuring:
Tuples or items with xbrli:fractionItemType data type MUST NOT be defined in
extension taxonomy
The ix:tuple and ix:fraction element MUST NOT be used in the Inline XBRL
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used
Violation: “tupleElementUsed”
Violation: “fractionElementUsed”
Moreover, ESMA is of the opinion that in the ESEF reporting scenario only facts that
are not eligible for transformation can be included in the ix:hidden section (i.e. where
content is not intended for display). Therefore only if there is no transformation rule in
the latest recommended Transformation Rules Registry that can be applied to the fact’s
value (e.g. for enumeration(Set)ItemType
or durationItemType facts) can such fact be
included in the ix:hidden section.
The Inline XBRL specification does not permit XHTML markup (e.g. <xhtml:span>) to
be included within numeric facts. ESMA is of the opinion that XHTML within numeric
values is not necessary, and any such elements should be removed in order to enable
tagging. The ix:hidden should not be used as a workaround to tag such values.
In such case, the visible text in the report corresponding to the hidden fact shall have
applied a custom style property “-esef-ix-hidden” which value follows the id attribute of
that fact. Unlike other style properties, the value of ‘-esef-ix-hidden’ is not inherited.
For example:
<span style=”-esef-ix-hidden:abc>TEXT</span>
where abc is the value of id attribute on the fact in the hidden section and TEXT
corresponds to its value in the report (that would have been transformed to the fact
value should a transformation rule be available).
ESMA recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their tools
The ix:hidden section of Inline XBRL document MUST not include elements eligible
for transformation.
The ix:hidden section contains a fact whose id attribute is not applied on any “-esef-ix-
hidden” style.
-esef-ix-hidden” style identifies id attribute of a fact that is not in ix:hidden section.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used
Violation: “transformableElementIncludedInHiddenSection”
Violation: “factInHiddenSectionNotInReport”
Violation: “esefIxHiddenStyleNotLinkingFactInHiddenSection”
Guidance 2.4.2 Other constructs that shall be avoided [last updated: July 2021]
Application of the HTML <base> element or ‘xml:base attribute makes the processing
of the Inline XBRL document more complex and may impact references to other files,
images or CSS styles. Therefore, these items shall not be used. ESMA recommends
that software firms include appropriate validations in their tools ensuring:
The HTML <base> elements and xml:base attributes MUST NOT be used in the Inline
XBRL document.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used
Violation: “htmlOrXmlBaseUsed”
2.5 Other content of Inline XBRL documents
Guidance 2.5.1 Inclusion of content other than XHTML and XBRL in the Inline
XBRL document [last updated: August 2023]
The inclusion of executable code in an ESEF file is a potential threat and may cause
security issues. Software firms shall therefore inspect resources embedded or
referenced by the XHTML document and its inline XBRL to ensure that no malicious
content or executable code is included in the machine-readable layer of the
document, i.e. in images, headers of images, style properties, or other resources which
make up the content of a document and which would be retrieved as part of its
Since ESEF is a format requirement and is not expected to impact the “human readable
layer” of a report, this guidance should not be seen as limiting the inclusion of links to
external websites, to other documents or to other sections of the annual financial report.
In case of inclusion references to e-mail addresses, these should be provided in form
of a non-linked text, i.e. stripped of the ‘mailto’ link.
ESMA recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their tools
Resources embedded or referenced by the XHTML document and its inline XBRL
MUST NOT contain executable code (e.g. java applets, javascript, VB script,
Shockwave, Flash, etc).
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “executableCodePresent”
This also applies to embedding script-based inline XBRL viewers as part of Inline XBRL
ESMA is of the opinion that images should either be included in the XHTML document
or be held inside the report package as separate files. ESMA encourages preparers to
ensure that their file size does not exceed support of browsers.
Images embedded in the XHTML document as a base64 encoded string shall specify
media type as defined by MIME RFC 2045 (hereinafter referred to as MIME type)
whose content corresponds to the MIME specified. In case of images that are not
embedded in the XHTML (and only referenced by the XHTML) where the MIME type is
not specified, such files shall match their file extension.
ESMA therefore recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their
tools ensuring:
Images embedded in the XHTML document as a base64 encoded string MUST have
the correct MIME type specified.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “incorrectMIMETypeSpecified
Violation: “MIMETypeNotSpecified
Images not embedded in the XHTML document where MIME type is not specified
MUST match their file extensions.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “imageDoesNotMatchItsFileExtension
To avoid any potential threats that may be brought by specific formats used for saving
images included in the XHTML document, issuers shall only use PNG, GIF, SVG
(please note that direct embedding of <svg> elements is not allowed and the SVG
images shall be included in <img> element) or JPEG graphic files.
ESMA therefore recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their
tools ensuring:
Images included in the XHTML document MUST be saved in PNG, GIF, SVG or
JPEG formats.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “imageFormatNotSupported
Preparers shall not embed images carrying financial information in ESEF report.
Images can only be used for content such as branding information, graphical layout,
photographs, etc.
Guidance 2.5.2 Indication of the language used in textual mark ups [last updated:
July 2019]
ESMA recommends to apply the xml:lang attribute identifying the language of the
report on the root html element of the XHTML file. Additionally it is recommended to
apply it also on the ix:references tag from which it shall be transformed to the root
xbrli:xbrl element of the resulting XBRL instance document.
Each tagged text fact
should have an xml:lang attribute that is assigned to the fact
or inherited e.g. from the root element. Its value must correspond to the language of
text in the content of a tag.
As defined in http://www.xbrl.org/Specification/oim/CR-2020-05-06/oim-CR-2020-05-06.html#term-text-fact.
To enable automatic checks on whether all tags in the report are provided in at least
the language of the report, ESMA recommends that software firms include appropriate
validations in their tools ensuring:
Each tagged text fact MUST have the ‘xml:lang’ attribute assigned or inherited and all
tagged text facts MUST be provided in at least the language of the report
In case of violation, i.e. missing ‘xml:lang’ attribute, the following message is
recommended to be used:
Violation: “undefinedLanguageForTextFact
Violation: “taggedTextFactOnlyInLanguagesOtherThanLanguageOfAReport”.
Guidance 2.5.3 Use of more than one target XBRL document for an Inline XBRL
Document Set (IXDS) [last updated: July 2020]
Only one ESEF XBRL instance document is expected in a filing. Therefore, ESEF
content must be in a default target document (i.e. without the target attribute) and other
target documents must not be used unless explicitly required or allowed by local
This is particularly important for local jurisdictions which have additional reporting
requirements that could be submitted as part of the ESEF submission and would reduce
the burden on issuers as they would only need to prepare a single report.
Therefore, ESMA recommends that software firms include the following rule in their
tools ensuring:
Target attribute SHOULD not be used unless explicitly required by local jurisdictions.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “targetAttributeUsedForESEFContents
Guidance 2.5.4 Use of the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) language to style Inline
XBRL documents [last updated: July 2021]
CSS may be used to format the reports. However, the transformations need to be used
appropriately. For example, they must not be used to hide information by making it not
visible e.g. by applying display:none style on any tagged facts. Moreover, it is
recommended to apply styles globally, rather than define them separately for each part
of the report.
In order to limit the number of files submitted and encourage the reuse of styles in case
of multi-html Inline XBRL document sets, ESMA recommends that software firms
include rules in their tools ensuring:
Where an Inline XBRL document set contains a single document, the CSS SHOULD
be embedded within the document.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “externalCssFileForSingleIXbrlDocument”
Where an Inline XBRL document set contains multiple documents, the CSS SHOULD
be defined in a separate file.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “embeddedCssForMultiHtmlIXbrlDocumentSets
Furthermore, in case of multi-html Inline XBRL document sets, the CSS file should be
physically stored within the report package.
Guidance 2.5.5 Application of ix:continuation and ix:exclude elements [last
updated: July 2019]
Further to Guidance 1.3.3, ESMA recommends that application of ix:continuation or
ix:exclude element should be applied for marking-up multiple pieces of text to a single
text block tag.
In this regard, ESMA draws preparers attention to the existing provisions on application
of ix:continuation (Section 4 of the Inline XBRL 1.1 specification) and of ix:exclude
(Section 5 of the Inline XBRL 1.1 specification)
2.6 Report packages
Guidance 2.6.1 Including Inline XBRL document in taxonomy report packages
[last updated: July 2024 August 2023]
ESMA recommends that issuers prepare their ESEF submissions according to the
Report Package 1.0 specification published by XBRL International
follow the
recommendation of XBRL International
, which indicates how Inline XBRL documents
are to be included within a report package. Furthermore, the Inline XBRL document
can have either a .html or .xhtml extension when submitted as a packaged
reportIssuers should follow all the provisions of the above specification, specifically in
the context of the recognised file extensions for report types and report packages.
Moreover, ESMA recommends that software firms ensure that, in case of incompliance
with the above specification, the official specification error codes are presented to
Therefore, ESMA recommends software firms to ensure that:
Inline XBRL document MUST be included within an ESEF report package as defined
in https://www.xbrl.org/Specification/report-package/CR-2023-05-03/report-package-
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “reportIncorrectlyPlacedInPackage
Inline XBRL document included within a ESEF report package MUST have a .html or
.xhtml extension.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “incorrectFileExtension
Guidance 2.6.2 Including multi-html Inline XBRL documents and multiple Inline
XBRL document sets in taxonomyreport packages [last updated: July
2024August 2023]
For multiple Inline XBRL documents within a single taxonomy ESEF report package,
ESMA recommends that issuers follow the provisions of Report Packages 1.0
specification it is recommended to follow the approach proposed in the specification
on report packages. ESMA recommends that software firms ensure that, in case of
incompliance with the above specification, the official specification error codes are
presented to issuers.
Therefore, ESMA recommends software firms to ensure that:
Multiple Inline XBRL documents MUST be included within a ESEF report package as
defined in https://www.xbrl.org/Specification/report-package/CR-2023-05-03/report-
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “reportIncorrectlyPlacedInPackage”
Guidance 2.6.3 Naming convention for report packages and report file [last
updated: July 2024July 2021]
The report packages, as well as all the files included in those report packages, should
ideally follow predefined naming conventions to facilitate the processing of issuers’
reports by end-users.
Whilst ESMA did not define in the RTS on ESEF a unique naming convention for ESEF
files, unless the relevant Officially Appointed Mechanism and / or National Competent
Authorities provide indications of any specific naming conventions which are required
at national level, ESMA encourages issuers to adopt a naming convention which match
, whereby:
The {base} component of the filename should indicate the LEI of the issuer or
the issuer’s name (or an abbreviation of it); it should be of no more than 20
characters in length.
The {date} component of the filename should indicate the ending date of the
reporting period of reference. The {date} component should follow the YYYY-
MM-DD format.
The {version} component of the filename should indicate the version of the
ESEF report package submitted to the relevant authority. Specifically, a
separate digit will be added after the {date} component (separated by the
hyphen-minus character). This digit is limited to only one numeric character
According to specification 3.1.1 of Report Package 1.0, .zip file extensions .zip” and “.ZIP” can also continue to be used.
after the hyphen-minus character and will represent the version of the
submission (i.e. for the first submission it should always be 0, for every next
resubmission of the same package it should be incremented by 1)
The {lang} component of the filename should indicate the language of the report
contained within the report package. The {lang} component should follow ISO
639-1 format (two-letter code).
The above naming convention is recommended both for the report package files (with
.xbrizip extension) and for any report file (with .html, .htm or .xhtml extension) present
within the package. For the naming convention of the taxonomy files that are part of the
report package, please refer to Guidance 3.1.5.
Whenever Officially Appointed Mechanism and / or National Competent Authorities
provide indications of different naming conventions which are required at national level,
issuers must follow such national naming conventions.
2.7 Technical validity of reports
Guidance 2.7.1 Ensuring report validity against XBRL specifications [last
updated: July 2020]
Annex III of the RTS on ESEF sets out that the issuers must ensure that the Inline
XBRL document is valid with respect to a set of listed XBRL specifications.
Furthermore, ESMA is of the opinion that it would be beneficial to issuers to also
validate their reports against the assertions (validation rules) defined in the ESEF
taxonomy, prepared according to the Formula 1.0 specification and its modular
. Therefore, ESMA recommends software firms to ensure that:
Target XBRL document MUST be valid against the assertions specified in ESEF
taxonomy with severity set to http://www.xbrl.org/2016/severities.xml#ERROR
appearing as target of generic arc with http://xbrl.org/arcrole/2016/assertion-
unsatisfied-severity arcrole.
Target XBRL document SHOULD be valid against the assertions specified in ESEF
taxonomy with severity set to http://www.xbrl.org/2016/severities.xml#WARNING
appearing as target of generic arc with http://xbrl.org/arcrole/2016/assertion-
unsatisfied-severity arcrole.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “targetXBRLDocumentWithFormulaErrors
Violation: “targetXBRLDocumentWithFormulaWarnings
3 Technical guidance for issuers and software firms on
extension taxonomies and other topics
The following technical guidance is aimed at both issuers and software firms.
3.1 Extension taxonomy
Guidance 3.1.1 Required components of extension taxonomies [last updated:
July 2021]
According to the RTS on ESEF, issuers shall ensure that XBRL extension taxonomies
contain the following structures:
Presentation and calculation linkbase, which group the elements and express
arithmetic relationships between the used elements;
Label linkbase, which describes the meaning of each applied element;
Definition linkbase, which ensures dimensional validity of the resulting XBRL
instance document against the taxonomy and stores anchoring relationships.
ESMA recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Extension taxonomies MUST consist of at least a schema file and presentation,
calculation, definition and label linkbases.
Each linkbase type MUST be provided in a separate linkbase file.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “extensionTaxonomyWrongFilesStructure
Violation: “linkbasesNotSeparateFiles
Guidance 3.1.2 Taxonomy files published by ESMA [last updated: July 2021]
As set out in Article 7 of the RTS on ESEF, ESMA should facilitate the implementation
of ESEF by providing XBRL taxonomy files that are compliant with all relevant technical
and legal requirements in the RTS. Issuers are expected to use the published ESEF
taxonomy as a starting point to create their extension taxonomies. The XBRL taxonomy
with accompanying supportive documentation and list of available entry points for use
by issuers in their taxonomies is freely available for download at:
electronic-format under the section ESEF XBRL Taxonomy files”.
ESMA regularly updates the XBRL taxonomy files to reflect relevant updates of the
IFRS Taxonomy and the translations of the core taxonomy into all EU languages. The
RTS on ESEF specify which taxonomy version preparers are allowed to apply for each
reporting period.
ESMA recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
The issuer’s extension taxonomies MUST import the entry point of the taxonomy files
prepared by ESMA.
The issuer’s extension taxonomies MUST import the applicable version of the
taxonomy files prepared by ESMA.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “requiredEntryPointNotImported
Violation: “incorrectEsefTaxonomyVersionUsed
Guidance 3.1.3 Taxonomy packages [last updated: July 2024August 2023]
Annex III and Annex V of the RTS on ESEF
sets out that the issuers shall submit the
Inline XBRL document and the issuer’s XBRL extension taxonomy files as a single
reporting package, where XBRL taxonomy files are packaged according to the
Taxonomy Packages specifications. Compliance with Taxonomy Packages
is required when packaging an Inline XBRL report and XBRL extension
taxonomy according to Report Packages 1.0, so this requirement will be met by
following the recommendation in guidance 2.6.1.ESMA recommends applying the
latest version of the Taxonomy Packages specification, marked with ‘Recommendation’
status, as published by XBRL International on the dedicated website
. Moreover,
issuers should follow the specification on report packages in the preparation of the
taxonomy package for submission.
Guidance 3.1.4 Ensuring taxonomy validity against XBRL specifications [last
updated: July 2020]
Annex III of the RTS on ESEF sets out that issuers must ensure that their extension
taxonomy is valid with respect to a set of listed XBRL specifications.
Guidance 3.1.5 Naming conventions for extension taxonomy files [last updated:
July 2021]
Issuers extension taxonomy file names should match {base}-{date}_{suffix}.{extension}
as presented in the table below:
XBRL document
Name format
Schema file
Presentation linkbase
Definition linkbase
In May 2024, ESMA proposed Annex III and Annex V of the RTS on ESEF to be amended by replacing the current reference
to the Taxonomy Packages with the reference to the Report Packages specification as published by XBRL International on 22
September 2023. This amendment will enter into force following publication of the RTS on ESEF in the EU Official Journal.
Taxonomy Package 1.0: http://specifications.xbrl.org/spec-group-index-taxonomy-packages.html
Calculation linkbase
Label linkbase
Reference linkbase
The {base} component of the filename shall indicate the LEI of the issuer or the issuer’s
name (or an abbreviation of it); it should be of no more than 20 characters in length.
The {date} component of the filename shall indicate the ending date of the reporting
period of reference. The {date} component shall follow the YYYY-MM-DD format.
The {lang} component of the filename should indicate the language of the report
contained within the report package. The {lang} component should follow ISO 639-1
format (two-letter code).
ESMA recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Extension taxonomy document file name SHOULD match the {base}-
{date}_{suffix}.{extension} pattern.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “extensionTaxonomyDocumentNameDoesNotFollowNamingConvention
Violation: “baseComponentInNameOfTaxonomyFileExceedsTwentyCharacters”
3.2 Extension taxonomy elements
Guidance 3.2.2 Data types to be used on extension concepts [last updated: July
2024August 2023]
The type attribute value of an extension concept shall reflect the type of information
that is marked up in the Inline XBRL document.
To ensure consistency in the use of data types in issuers’ extension taxonomies,
extension taxonomy schemas should not define and apply on elements a custom type
if a suitable type is already defined by the XBRL Specifications or in the XBRL data
types registry
. Issuers should check the XBRL data types registry to see whether a
required datae type exists before they define a custom data type.
ESMA recommends that software firms include validation messages in their tools to
facilitate the adherence to the following rule:
Extension taxonomy MUST NOT define a custom type if a matching type is defined by
the XBRL Specifications or in the XBRL data types registry
Specifically, domain members in extension taxonomies shall be defined using the
domainItemType data type.
ESMA recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Domain members MUST have domainItemType data type as defined in
https://www.xbrl.org/dtr/type/2020-01-21/types.xsd (for ESEF 2022 taxonomy); or
https://www.xbrl.org/dtr/type/2022-03-31/types.xsd (for ESEF 2024 taxonomy)
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “domainMemberWrongDataType
Guidance 3.2.3 Use of typed dimensions in issuers’ extension taxonomies [last
updated: July 2021]
As it is allowed to extend the ESEF taxonomy, ESMA does not deem that it is necessary
to define typed dimensions. Therefore, ESMA recommends not defining typed
dimensions in the extension taxonomy, but creating explicit elements to tag information
in the annual financial report instead.
ESMA recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Extension taxonomy MUST NOT define typed dimensions.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “typedDimensionDefinitionInExtensionTaxonomy
Guidance 3.2.4 Identification of extension taxonomy element [last updated: July
Every element is defined in a namespace represented as a Universal Resource
Identifier (URI) that identifies the organization that maintains the element definitions.
The elements included in the taxonomy files prepared by ESMA therefore include
ESMA’s namespace for ESEF-specific extension elements and IFRS’s namespace for
elements imported from the IFRS taxonomy. Also, the creator of the extension
taxonomy elements of an issuer should be identified by the issuer’s namespace.
Issuers may refer to their Officially Appointed Mechanism and / or National Competent
Authorities for indications of any extension taxonomy namespace.
Guidance 3.2.5 Definition of abstract concepts in extension taxonomies [Deleted
July 2022]
3.3 Extension taxonomy anchoring
Guidance 3.3.1 Relationships to anchor extension taxonomy elements to
elements in the ESEF taxonomy [last updated: July 2024August 2023]
Rationale for deletion: Deleted to allow for more flexibility of issuers in organising presentation and definition linkbase hierarchies
in their extension taxonomies.
The RTS on ESEF sets out the requirements on anchoring the that extension taxonomy
elements (excluding abstract concepts) should be anchored to elements in the ESEF
taxonomy and that the relationship between the extension taxonomy elements should
be identified.
The RTS on ESEF distinguishes two different relationships:
An extension taxonomy element has a narrower accounting meaning or scope
than an element in the ESEF taxonomy. The issuer shall identify the relationship
of the extension taxonomy element concerned with the element in the ESEF
taxonomy concerned in the issuer’s XBRL extension taxonomy’s definition
linkbase. The extension taxonomy element shall appear as the target of the
An extension taxonomy element has a wider accounting meaning or scope than
an element in the ESEF taxonomy. The issuer shall identify the relationship of
the extension taxonomy element concerned with the element in the ESEF
taxonomy concerned in the issuer’s XBRL extension taxonomy’s definition
linkbase. The extension taxonomy element shall appear as the source of the
relationship or relationships.
The anchoring relationships shall be constructed as follows:
For the purpose of anchoring extension taxonomy concepts, issuers should use
the definition linkbase link:definitionArc with the arcrole attribute set to
‘http://www.esma.europa.eu/xbrl/esef/arcrole/wider-narrower’ as defined in the
Link Role Registry 2.0
. Issuers shall ensure that the
‘http://www.xbrl.org/lrr/arcrole/esma-arcrole-2018-11-21.xsd’ schema with
definition of the ‘wider-narrower’ arcrole is imported directly or referenced
through arcroleRef in their extension taxonomies.
For the purpose of anchoring extension taxonomy domain members, issuers
should use the definition linkbase link:definitionArc with the arcrole attribute set
to ‘http://xbrl.org/int/dim/arcrole/domain-member’ as defined in the Dimensions
1.0 specification.
For the purpose of anchoring the issuer’s extension taxonomy dimension
elements, issuers should use the definition linkbase link:definitionArc with the
arcrole attribute set to http://xbrl.org/int/dim/arcrole/hypercube-dimension’ as
defined in the Dimensions 1.0 specification pointing to the hypercube element.
For the purpose of anchoring the issuer’s extension taxonomy hypercube
elements, issuers should use the definition linkbase link:definitionArc with the
arcrole attribute set to http://xbrl.org/int/dim/arcrole/all as defined in the
Dimension 1.0 specification pointing to the anchored line item that identifies
what is being broken down.
ESMA therefore recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Anchoring relationships for elements other than concepts MUST not use
http://www.esma.europa.eu/xbrl/esef/arcrole/wider-narrower’ arcrole.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Guidance 3.3.2 Where to define the anchoring relationships [last updated: July
Anchoring relationships shall be defined within the definition linkbase of issuer-
specific extension taxonomy. It should be ensured that the anchoring relationships do
not interfere with other content in the definition linkbase.
For example, the following structure of the anchoring relationships for extension
taxonomy concepts can be provided in the definition linkbase (all relationships are
using wider-narrower arcrole):
[000099] Anchoring (http://company.eu/xbrl/2020/role/Anchoring):
Issue of equity (IFRS)
Capital increases in kind (EXT)
Capital increases in cash (EXT)
Equity (IFRS)
Issued capital and share premium (EXT)
Issued capital (IFRS)
Share premium (IFRS)
For example, the following structure of the anchoring relationships for extension
taxonomy dimension and domain members can be provided in the definition linkbase
in a statement-dedicated extended link (all relationships are using standard arcrole
defined in Dimensions 1.0 specification):
Statement of X:
Line items
Line item 1 (domain-member arcrole)
Line item 2 (domain-member arcrole)
Hypercube Y (all arcrole)
Dimension Z (hypercube-dimension arcrole)
Member 1 (dimension-domain arcrole)
Member 2 (dimension-domain arcrole)
Member 3 (dimension-domain arcrole)
Extension member (domain-member arcrole)
Member 4 (domain-member arcrole)
Extension dimension N (hypercube-dimension arcrole)
Member 99 (dimension-domain arcrole)
In the above example Extension member is anchored against Member 3 which is wider
in scope and meaning and Member 4 which is narrower.
ESMA therefore recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Anchoring relationships for concepts MUST be defined in a dedicated extended link
role (or roles if needed to properly represent the relationships), e.g. http://{issuer
default pattern for roles}/Anchoring
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
3.4 Extension taxonomy linkbases
Guidance 3.4.1 Documenting arithmetical relationships in the calculation linkbase
Modelling of the issuers’ extension taxonomies’ linkbases [last updated: July
2024August 2023]
XBRL 2.1 specification enables to document in the calculation linkbase arithmetic
relationships between elements referring to the same context, i.e. same period and
identical dimensional qualifiers. Therefore, the calculation linkbase is limited to
calculations with a single context.
Some of the limitations of the standard calculation linkbase as defined by the XBRL 2.1
specification will be mitigated by new specifications provided by XBRL International.
The Calculations 2.0 specification
will provide substantial enhancements to XBRL
calculation functionalities that seek to provide more complete coverage of the
calculations typically found in a financial report.
Calculations 2.0 is still not a formal recommendation of XBRL International. As part of
the interim measures to improve documenting arithmetical relationships in XBRL,
Calculations 1.1 specification
was provided by XBRL International. It provides minor
improvements to the "summation-item" mechanism defined in the XBRL 2.1
specification, as well as improved handling of rounded and duplicate facts, which are
particularly relevant to Inline XBRL-based reporting.
ESMA is closely monitoring the XBRL community developments around calculations
and will consider recommending the use of the Calculations 1.1 in due course, therefore
at this stage the specification is discouraged for application in the ESEF report
Following the transition of the IFRS Foundation to the Calculations 1.1 specification in
the IFRS Taxonomy 2024, ESMA recommends its application in the context of ESEF
reports. Hence, when documenting arithmetical relationships within the calculation
linkbase of their extension taxonomies, issuers shall apply
https://www.xbrl.org/2023/arcrole/summation-item. Moreover, consumers of ESEF
reports are encouraged to apply Calculation 1.1 validations in their tools to limit the
possibility of receiving false positive calculation inconsistencies, often found in reports
relying solely on the XBRL 2.1 calculation checks.
Furthermore, ESMA recommends that software firms include the following rule in their
tools ensuring:
Arithmetical relationships defined in the calculation linkbase of an issuer’s taxonomy
MUST use the https://www.xbrl.org/2023/arcrole/summation-item arcrole as defined in
Calculation 1.1 specification.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “IncorrectSummationItemArcroleUsed
ESMA recommends that calculation inconsistencies resulting from the evaluation of
calculation linkbases of the extension taxonomy should be carefully reviewed, since
those can point to tagging issues.
Some calculation inconsistencies may not be possible to avoid, even with the
application of Calculations 1.1. Notably, Calculations 1.1 may still trigger false positives
when there are incomplete fact sets. This occurs when there are enough facts to trigger
a calculation, but not enough to check it completely
. One such example of a calculation
inconsistency that may arise due to incomplete fact sets is presented in the following
A fictitious issuer’s extension taxonomy includes the following calculation in the
Statement of Comprehensive Income:
Comprehensive income = Profit (loss) + Other comprehensive income
In the same issuer’s extension taxonomy, the issuer uses in the statement of changes
in equity the elements “Comprehensive income and Profit (loss)”. The issuer elects to
use two new elements (“Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit
or loss” and “Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss”)
instead of the element Other comprehensive income”. In this case, the calculation
defined for the statement of comprehensive income will be also evaluated for the
statement of changes in equity, but will be able to only include the value of the elements
Comprehensive income and Profit (loss)”, while the value for the omitted element
Other comprehensive incomewill be 0. Therefore, the result of the calculation will be
deemed incorrect and will be raised as a calculation inconsistency.
The fact that a calculation inconsistency is flagged does not mean that the ESEF inline
XBRL report is incorrect. A calculation defined for the statement of comprehensive
income has also been applied to the statement of changes in equity, where there are
sufficient facts to trigger a calculation (“Comprehensive income and Profit (loss)”), but
not sufficient to check it completely as the fact Other comprehensive income is
Therefore, ESMA considers that these type of calculation inconsistencies could be
However, the Primary Financial Statements contain a number of cross-period
arithmetic relationships that cannot be reflected in the calculation linkbase. An example
for cross-period arithmetic relationships is the statement of cash flows where the sum
of inflows and outflows of the period corresponds to the change of the cash balance
from the beginning of the period to the end of the period. Another example is the
statement of changes in equity that contains reconciliations between the carrying
amount at the beginning and the end of the period for each component of equity.
As the calculation linkbase cannot be used to effectively define data quality checks on
such cross-period relationships, the presentation linkbase should be used to document
these cross-period and cross-dimension arithmetical dependencies which shall enable
the execution of at least semi-automated validations.
The presentation linkbase should therefore, where possible, be constructed as follows:
Statement/Disclosure of changes in X [line items]
X at beginning of period (preferred period start label)
Changes/Adjustments in X [abstract]
Increases/decreases in …
Total changes/adjustments in X (preferred total label, if
reported in the AFR)
X at end of period (preferred period end label)
This applies in particular to the statement of changes in equity and the statement of
cash flows, which typically contain cross period information and are required to be
mandatorily tagged.
For example, the structure of the statement of changes in equity in the presentation
linkbase may look as follows:
Statement of changes in equity [line items]
equity at beginning of period (periodStartLabel)
changes in equity [abstract]
comprehensive income
issued capital
dividends paid
equity at end of period (periodEndLabel)
This enables to carry out the following calculation check:
Equity at end of period = equity at beginning of period + comprehensive income
+ issued capital - dividends paid.
Mind that the sign of the operation depends on the values of the line items’ balance
attributes. In the example above, elements with their balance attribute set to credit are
added to ‘equity’ (which is also credit) while debit elements (e.g. ‘dividends paid’) are
subtracted. The plus sign is used in case a line item has no balance attribute (e.g. ‘cash
flows from (used in) operating activities’).
Furthermore, parent-child relationships between domain members in presentation
linkbases should be defined as if they were calculation linkbase links between line items
(i.e., lower level elements contribute to upper level element with weight +1). If different
weights apply, all domain members should be presented on the same level.
For example, the following structure in the presentations linkbase:
Equity [member]
equity attributable to owners of parent [member]
issued capital [member]
share premium [member]
retained earnings [member]
non-controlling interests [member]
informs that a line item (e.g. ‘issued capital’) referring to ‘equity [member] of
‘components of equity [axis]dimension equals the sum of this line item value for ‘equity
attributable to owners of parent [member]and ‘non-controlling interests [member]’, etc.
This rule concerns only the presentation linkbase. Definition linkbase relationships
between domain members are used solely for dimensional validation purposes.
If different weight applies in calculation between domain members (e.g. -1’), all domain
members should be presented on the same level so that this check is not executed.
Guidance 3.4.2 Defining the dimensional validity of line items in the definition
linkbase [last updated: August 2023]
Dimensional validation may be defined using all and notAll arcroles linking to positive
and negative hypercubes respectively. In all cases, positive hypercubes are sufficient
to define the dimensional validation. To follow the recommendations of the XBRL
Working Group note http://www.xbrl.org/WGN/dimensions-use/WGN-2015-03-
and http://www.xbrl.org/WGN/dimensions-use/WGN-2015-03-25/dimensions-use-
WGN-2015-03-25.html#sec-negative-open-hypercubes, ESMA recommends that
software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Extension taxonomies MUST NOT define definition arcs with
http://xbrl.org/int/dim/arcrole/notAll arcrole.
Hypercubes appearing as target of definition arc with http://xbrl.org/int/dim/arcrole/all
arcrole MUST have xbrldt:closed attribute set to “true”.
Hypercubes appearing as target of definition arc with
http://xbrl.org/int/dim/arcrole/notAll arcrole MUST have xbrldt:closed attribute set to
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “notAllArcroleUsedInDefinitionLinkbase
Violation: “openPositiveHypercubeInDefinitionLinkbase
Violation: “closedNegativeHypercubeInDefinitionLinkbase
Furthermore, each line item used in the report to tag data should be valid according to
at least one hypercube in the extension taxonomy’s definition linkbase. In particular,
the ESEF taxonomy provides a dedicated extended link role [999999] Line items not
dimensionally qualified that shall be used to link items that do not require any
dimensional information to tag data in the issuer’s report to a predefined hypercube,
i.e. esef_cor:LineItemsNotDimensionallyQualified.
All ESEF core taxonomy line items by default cannot be reported with dimensional
qualification i.e. their application in a report that uses ESEF taxonomy as-is would
result in their invalidity against XBRL Dimensions specification. This is achieved by
linking all ESEF core line items to a hypercube with null dimension for both scenario
and segment containers. In order to enable reporting of any of these line items, they
need to appear in at least one hypercube in an issuer’s extension taxonomy.
Additionally, in order to ensure Full dimensional validity of the target XBRL document,
as recommended in the Technical Considerations for the use of XBRL Dimensions
Working Group Note published by XBRL International, all issuer extension line
items shall also participate in at least one hypercube.
There are a number of scenarios where a line item is being linked to a hypercube:
Scenario 1: Line item is used in a report with the intention to be dimensionally
qualified, i.e. linking to a hypercube or hypercubes but not intended to be used
in any dimension-less statement (e.g. typically a balance sheet).
Scenario 2: Line item is used in a report with the intention to be dimensionally
qualified and at the same time intended to be used in one or more dimension-
less statement, where:
o Scenario 2a: any of dimensional qualifications in which line item is used
contains a default member,
o Scenario 2b: none of dimensional qualifications contains a default
The intention of the above guidance is to ensure that issuers will link each line item
used in tagging that falls under Scenario 2b in a dedicated placeholder as otherwise it
would be dimensionally invalid. Additionally, such linkage will allow for Full
dimensional validity of issuer extension concepts that appear in dimension-less
statements only.
This guidance does not prevent issuers from linking the line items in a dedicated
placeholder under Scenario 1 and Scenario 2a.
For example, the following structure may be created in the definition linkbase:
[999999] Line items not dimensionally qualified
Line items not dimensionally qualified placeholder
Line items not dimensionally qualified
Consolidated and separate financial statements [axis]
Consolidated [member]
Issuer’s extension element used for tagging 1
Issuer’s extension element used for tagging 2
In order to follow the recommendations of the XBRL Working Group Note
2015-03-25.html#sec-open-hypercube-recommendation ESMA recommends that
software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Line items that do not require any dimensional information to tag data MUST be linked
to the dedicated Line items not dimensionally qualified” hypercube in
https://www.esma.europa.eu/xbrl/role/cor/esef_role-999999 declared in esef_cor.xsd.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “extensionTaxonomyLineItemNotLinkedToAnyHypercube
Guidance 3.4.3 Definition of default members of extension taxonomy dimensions
[last updated: August 2023]
Issuers are required to assign a default member for each dimension defined in the
issuer extension taxonomy. For this purpose, the ESEF taxonomy provides a dedicated
extended link role [990000] Axis Defaults to be used to link default members to a
particular dimension with use of dimension-default arcrole
. Moreover, a set of default
members is globally assigned in the ESEF taxonomy for each ESEF taxonomy
dimension item defined and must not be modified in issuer extension taxonomy.
For example, the following structure may be created in the definition linkbase:
[990000] Axis Defaults
Components of equity [axis]
Equity [member]
Consolidated and separate financial statements [axis]
Consolidated [member]
Issuer’s extension dimension [axis]
Issuer’s extension default [member]
To ensure the appropriate definition of default members, ESMA recommends that
software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
The extension taxonomy MUST not modify (prohibit and/or override) default members
assigned to dimensions by the ESEF taxonomy.
Each dimension in an issuer specific extension taxonomy MUST be assigned to a
default member in the ELR with role URI https://www.esma.europa.eu/xbrl/role/cor/ifrs-
dim_role-990000 defined in esef_cor.xsd schema file.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “extensionTaxonomyOverridesDefaultMembers
Guidance 3.4.4 Use of preferred labels on presentation links in extension
taxonomies [last updated: July 2019]
Extension taxonomies should apply preferred labels on presentation links when
applicable. This concerns in particular total and period start and end labels. Labels
defined in other label roles (e.g. terse, net, negated etc.) may be assigned to preferred
labels. Extension concepts may be defined with and assigned to preferred labels.
Guidance 3.4.5 Use of labels on elements in extension taxonomies [last updated:
July 2022]
It is possible for an element in the extension taxonomy of an issuer to be assigned with
multiple label resources defined with different xlink:role attributes, as listed by the
XBRL 2.1 specification
or Link Role Registry
. Custom roles are not recommended to
be used for labels, unless strictly necessary. Each element (both core and extension)
in an issuer’s extension taxonomy shall be defined with at most one label for any
combination of ‘xlink:role’ and ‘xml:lang’ attribute.
ESMA recommends applying at least one label defined in the standard label role, i.e.
http://www.xbrl.org/2003/role/label, for each taxonomy element. Moreover, according
to paragraph 8 of Annex IV of the RTS on ESEF, issuers shall not override or replace
standard labels (i.e. labels defined in the standard label role) of core taxonomy
elements. This means that in cases where the standard labels of the core taxonomy
are used, no standard label for such core taxonomy element should be presented in an
issuer’s extension taxonomy label linkbase (standard labels for core taxonomy
elements are referenced from the ESEF core taxonomy label linkbase files).
The above recommendation should not prevent issuers from defining issuer-specific
labels for core taxonomy elements to better align with the human readable layer,
providing that they are defined in ‘xlink:role’ other than already defined labels in the
ESEF core taxonomy (e.g. verboseLabel). Issuers may apply such issuer-specific
labels through @preferredLabel attribute assigned in the presentation linkbase of their
extension taxonomies.
Guidance 3.4.6 Restrictions on taxonomy relationships [last updated: July 2022]
The presentation linkbase should mirror (to the extent possible) the structure of the
human-readable layer of the issuer’s report. That means that a line item should only
appear in the presentation linkbase if it is associated with a reported value in the year
of reference (i.e. it should not appear, for example, if it was used in the past but it is no
longer used) and that the order of elements in the extension taxonomy should be
identical (or close to identical) to the order in the human readable layer of the report.
To the contrary, the labels defined in the extension taxonomy for existing IFRS
concepts need not be identical to the line item used in the human readable layer of the
Reportable (i.e. non-abstract) concepts that are not used for tagging the financial
statements should not be applied in presentation, calculation or definition (with
exception of anchoring) linkbases of an issuer-specific extension taxonomy.
Therefore, ESMA recommends that software firms include the following rules in their
All usable concepts in extension taxonomy relationships SHOULD be applied by
tagged facts. In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be
Violation: “UsableConceptsNotAppliedByTaggedFacts”
Guidance 3.4.7 Definition of extended link roles in extension taxonomies [last
updated: July 2020]
ESMA recommends that for each section of the Primary Financial Statements a new
extended link role is created in extension taxonomy to store the hierarchy of elements
representing this particular section of an issuer’s report.
Each extended link role created by the issuer shall clearly identify the particular section
of the Primary Financial Statements with human readable description provided in the
<link:definition> element of <link:roleType> declaration.
Guidance 3.4.8 Documenting arithmetical relationships in the presentation
linkbase [last updated: July 2024] [split from Guidance 3.4.1]
Some of the Primary Financial Statements contain a number of cross-period arithmetic
relationships that cannot be reflected in the calculation linkbase. An example for cross-
period arithmetic relationships is the statement of cash flows where the sum of inflows
and outflows of the period corresponds to the change of the cash balance from the
beginning of the period to the end of the period. Another example is the statement of
changes in equity that contains reconciliations between the carrying amount at the
beginning and the end of the period for each component of equity.
As the calculation linkbase cannot be used to effectively define data quality checks on
such cross-period relationships, the presentation linkbase should be used to document
these cross-period and cross-dimension arithmetical dependencies which shall enable
the execution of at least semi-automated validations.
The presentation linkbase should therefore, where possible, be constructed as follows:
- For statement of changes in equity structures:
Statement of changes in equity [line items]
Equity at beginning of period (preferred period start label)
Changes/Adjustments in equity [abstract]
Increases/decreases in …
Total changes/adjustments in equity (preferred total label, if
reported in the AFR)
Equity at end of period (preferred period end label)
- For statement of cash flows structures:
Statement of cash flows [abstract]
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents after effect of
exchange rate changes (preferred net label)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period (preferred period
start label)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period (preferred period end
The above would enable to e.g. carry out the following roll-forward type of calculation
check for equities:
Equity at end of period = equity at beginning of period + comprehensive income
+ issued capital - dividends paid.
Mind that the sign of the operation depends on the values of the line items’ balance
attributes. In the example above, elements with their balance attribute set to credit are
added to ‘equity’ (which is also credit) while debit elements (e.g. ‘dividends paid’) are
subtracted. The plus sign is used in case a line item has no balance attribute (e.g. ‘cash
flows from (used in) operating activities’).
Furthermore, parent-child relationships between domain members in presentation
linkbases should be defined as if they were calculation linkbase links between line items
(i.e., lower level elements contribute to upper level element with weight +1). If different
weights apply, all domain members should be presented on the same level.
For example, the following structure in the presentations linkbase:
Equity [member]
equity attributable to owners of parent [member]
issued capital [member]
share premium [member]
retained earnings [member]
non-controlling interests [member]
informs that a line item (e.g. ‘issued capital’) referring to ‘equity [member] of
‘components of equity [axis]dimension equals the sum of this line item value for ‘equity
attributable to owners of parent [member]and ‘non-controlling interests [member]’, etc.
This rule concerns only the presentation linkbase. Definition linkbase relationships
between domain members are used solely for dimensional validation purposes.
If different weight applies in calculation between domain members (e.g. -1’), all domain
members should be presented on the same level so that this check is not executed.
3.5 Other issues
Guidance 3.5.1 References pointing to resources outside the reporting package
[last updated: July 2021]
The Inline XBRL document must be a standalone, self-explanatory and complete set
of information. Issuers shall not include references pointing to resources outside the
reporting package, except for standard taxonomy components which are necessary to
create the issuer’s extension taxonomies (i.e. schema and linkbase files). This includes
in particular references to the taxonomy files provided by ESMA on its website or to
XBRL specification files hosted on XBRL International website.
Since ESEF is a format requirement and is not expected to impact the “human readable
layer” of a report, this guidance should not be seen as limiting the inclusion of links to
external websites, to other documents or to other sections of the annual financial report.
Therefore, ESMA recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
Inline XBRL documents MUST NOT contain references pointing to resources outside
the reporting package.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “inlineXbrlDocumentContainsExternalReferences”
4 Guidance for preparers of ESEF reports not subject to
tagging obligations
4.1 Additional guidance for XHTML stand-alone files
Guidance 4.1.1. Reporting of stand-alone XHTML files [last updated August
Preparers not subject to any tagging obligations are only required to prepare their report
in XHTML format. ESMA recommends that such files are submitted as stand-alone
XHTML files (with either .xhtml or .html file extension).
ESMA also acknowledges that in certain scenarios (e.g. including images of size
exceeding the support of browsers as mentioned in Guidance 4.1.3) issuers may not
be able to submit a stand-alone XHTML file. In such cases, an issuer is allowed to
submit multiple files (a single XHTML file and any associated referenced images)
separately or packaged into zip archive, unless such submission is strictly forbidden at
the national level as indicated by the respective Officially Appointed Mechanism and /
or National Competent Authority.
It should be highlighted that Article 4 paragraph 1 requires that issuers mark up their
annual financial reports only when those include IFRS consolidated financial
statements. Therefore issuers preparing only non-consolidated financial statements (in
IFRS or in national GAAP) are not subject to the obligation to tag their financial
statements as per Annex II paragraph 2 (i.e. using the tags included in Annex II) since
tagging needs to be applied only by issuers preparing consolidated IFRS Financial
Guidance 4.1.2 Tagging obligations for Investment Entities exempted from
consolidation [last updated July 2021]
The RTS on ESEF requires preparers of annual financial reports that include IFRS
consolidated financial statements to mark up those consolidated statements.
Investment entities that fall under the consolidation exception as per IFRS 10
Consolidated Financial Statements and that only prepare individual IFRS financial
statements are therefore not required to tag their IFRS financial statements.
Guidance 4.1.3 Inclusion of content other than XHTML in a stand-alone XHTML
file [last updated: August 2023]
The inclusion of executable code in an ESEF file is a potential threat and may cause
security issues. Software firms shall therefore inspect resources embedded or
referenced by the XHTML document to ensure that no malicious content or executable
code is included in images, headers of images, style properties, or other resources
which make up the content of a document and which would be retrieved as part of its
Since ESEF is a format requirement and is not expected to impact the human readable
layer” of a report, this guidance should not be seen as limiting the inclusion of links to
external websites, to other documents or to other sections of the annual financial report.
ESMA recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their tools
Resources embedded or referenced by the XHTML document MUST NOT contain
executable code (e.g. java applets, javascript, VB script, Shockwave, Flash, etc).
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “executableCodePresent”
ESMA is of the opinion that it would be beneficial to include images in the XHTML
document unless their size exceeds the support of browsers, in which case they may
be included as separate files, except if it is strictly forbidden at the national level as
indicated by the respective Officially Appointed Mechanism and / or National
Competent Authority.
ESMA therefore recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their
tools ensuring:
Images SHOULD be included in the XHTML document as a base64 encoded string
unless their size exceeds support of browsers in which case they may be contained in
separate files in the package.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “embeddedImageNotUsingBase64Encoding”
Moreover, the images embedded in the XHTML document as a base64 encoded string
shall specify media type as defined by MIME RFC 2045
(hereinafter referred to as
MIME type) whose content corresponds to the MIME specified. RFC 2045 is to be used
together with RFC 2046
and RFC 2048
. In case of images that are not embedded in
the XHTML (and only referenced by the XHTML) where the MIME type is not specified,
such files shall match their file extension.
ESMA therefore recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in their
tools ensuring:
Images embedded in the XHTML document as a base64 encoded string MUST have
the correct MIME type specified.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “incorrectMIMETypeSpecified
Violation: “MIMETypeNotSpecified
Images not embedded in the XHTML document where MIME type is not specified
MUST match their file extensions.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “imageDoesNotMatchItsFileExtension
To avoid any potential threats that may be brought by specific formats used for saving
images included in the XHTML document, issuers shall only use PNG, GIF, SVG
(please note that direct embedding of <svg> elements is not allowed and the SVG
images shall be included in <img> element) or JPEG graphic files.
ESMA therefore recommends that software firms include appropriate validations in
their tools ensuring:
Images included in the XHTML document MUST be saved in PNG, GIF, SVG or
JPEG formats.
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “imageFormatNotSupported
Preparers shall not embed images carrying financial information in a XHTML stand-
alone document. Images can only be used for content such as branding information,
graphical layout, photographs, etc.
Guidance 4.1.4 Use of the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) language to style
XHTML stand-alone documents [last updated: July 2021]
CSS may be used to format the reports. However, the transformations need to be used
appropriately. For example, they must not be used to hide information by making it not
visible e.g. by applying display:none style on contents of the report. Moreover, it is
recommended to apply styles globally, rather than define them separately for each part
of the report.
Therefore, ESMA recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
For XHTML stand-alone documents, the CSS SHOULD be embedded within the
In case of violation, the following message is recommended to be used:
Violation: “externalCssFileForXhtmlDocument”
Guidance 4.1.5 Naming convention for stand-alone XHTML documents [last
updated: July 2024July 2021]
A stand-alone XHTML document should follow predefined naming conventions to
facilitate the processing of issuers’ reports by end-users.
Whilst ESMA did not define in the RTS on ESEF a unique naming convention for ESEF
files, unless the relevant Officially Appointed Mechanism and / or National Competent
Authorities provide indications of any specific naming conventions which are required
at national level, ESMA encourages issuers to adopt a naming convention which match
{base}-{date}-{version}-{lang}.xhtml or {base}-{date}-{version}-{lang}.html, whereby:
- The {base} component of the filename should indicate the LEI of the issuer or the
issuer’s name (or an abbreviation of it); it should be of no more than 20 characters
in length.
- The {date} component of the filename should indicate the ending date of the
reporting period of reference. The {date} component should follow the YYYY-MM-
DD format.
- The {version} component of the filename should indicate the version of the stand-
alone XHTML document submitted to the relevant authority. Specifically, a separate
digit will be added after the {date} component (separated by the hyphen-minus
character). This digit is limited to only one numeric character after the hyphen-minus
character and will represent the version of the submission (i.e. for the first
submission it should always be 0, for every next resubmission of the same package
it should be incremented by 1).
- The {lang} component of the filename should indicate the language of the report
contained within the report package. The {lang} component should follow ISO 639-
1 format (two-letter code).
Whenever Officially Appointed Mechanism and / or National Competent Authorities
provide indications of different naming conventions which are required at national level,
issuers must follow such national naming conventions.
Guidance 4.1.6 References pointing to resources outside the XHTML document
[last updated: July 2021]
The XHTML document must be a standalone, self-explanatory and complete set of
information. Issuers shall not include references pointing to resources outside the
XHTML document, where such resources would make up the content of a document
and which would be retrieved as part of its rendering.
Since ESEF is a format requirement and is not expected to impact the human readable
layer” of a report, this guidance should not be seen as limiting the inclusion of links to
external websites, to other documents or to other sections of the annual financial report.
Therefore, ESMA recommends that software firms include rules in their tools ensuring:
XHTML documents MUST NOT contain references pointing to resources outside the
reporting package.
In case of violation, the following messages are recommended to be used:
Violation: “xHTMLDocumentContainsExternalReferences