© 2020 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This ESG Economic Validation was commissioned by Google and is distributed under license from ESG.
By Jack Poller, Senior Analyst; and Aviv Kaufmann, Senior Validation Analyst
August 2020
Executive Summary
Never before has it been so critical for security teams to
effectively secure the infrastructure for an increasingly remote
workforce while they themselves may have limited physical
access to on-premises resources. Those organizations that can
deploy their security analytics and operations in the cloud are in
a better position to continue to provide a secure infrastructure
to the business.
ESG confirmed the savings that can be realized by a security
organization leveraging Google Chronicle to collect and analyze
any and all security telemetry data. ESG confirmed that
Google’s pricing model combined with Google’s economies of
scale provide significant cost savings for organizations while
increasing their probability of finding advanced persistent threats and improving the fidelity of forensic investigations.
ESG’s modeled scenario predicted that a large enterprise organization can expect to spend anywhere from 3.9 to 6
times less for Google Chronicle than alternative cloud-based or on-premises security analytics platforms to analyze
security telemetry data at scale. The TCO advantage may be much greater as Google Chronicle uses a single global price
and costs do not change based on location.
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ESG Economic Validation
Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google
Chronicle Security Analytics Platform
Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform 2
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This ESG Economic Validation focused on the cost savings organizations can expect from deploying Google Chronicle to
obtain continuous analysis of security telemetry. ESG created a modeled scenario that factored in costs of software, on-
premises or cloud infrastructure, support, and maintenance over a 3-year period for enterprise deployments.
According to ESG research, nearly two-thirds (63%) of organizations believe security analytics and operations is more
difficult today than it was two years ago, the result of both adversary and IT changes. Specifically, organizations are
challenged by the evolving threat landscape, the requirement to collect and process more security data, and a growing
attack surface. In addition, organizations find it difficult to keep up with the operational needs of their cybersecurity
analytics and operations technologies while manual processes lead to scalability problems.
Source: ESG Master Survey Results: Cloud-scale Security Analytics Survey, December 2019. All ESG research references and charts in this economic
validation report have been taken from this master survey results set.
My organization has moved numerous workloads to public
We don’t always have the right skills or staff size to keep up
with security analytics and operations, and this problem is
more pronounced today than it was 2 years ago
We have gaps in our security monitoring tools and
processes, making it is difficult to get a true understanding
of security across internal and external IT infrastructure
Security analytics and operations are based upon a
significant number of manual processes leading to
scalability problems
It is difficult to keep up with the operational needs of our
cybersecurity analytics and operations technologies
The attack surface has grown over the past two years
The volume of security alerts has increased over the past 2
We collect and process more security data today than we
did two years ago
The threat landscape is evolving and changing rapidly
You indicated that cybersecurity analytics and operations is more difficult today than it
was 2 years ago. What are the primary reasons why you believe this to be true?
(Percent of respondents, N=256, three responses accepted)
Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform 3
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More than three-quarters (76%) of organizations say they collect more security data today than two years ago, and more
than half (52%) retain security data for longer periods of time. One-quarter (25%) typically retain security data for more
than 12 months. Thus, scaling the security analytics and operations infrastructure represents another pain point.
The Solution: Google Chronicle
Google Chronicle is a security analytics platform built on core Google infrastructure, providing infinitely elastic storage of
security telemetry data. With a predictable fixed price model based on the number of employees, organizations can store
and analyze all security data, increasing fidelity. Chronicle simplifies the complex effort of managing and analyzing the
massive volumes of security telemetry generated by modern enterprises. The automated analysis engine correlates
intelligence from internal and third-party public sources to quickly and automatically extract signals and detect threats.
Figure 2. Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
ESG Economic Validation
ESG completed a modeled pricing comparison of Google Chronicle in medium and large enterprise environments. Focus
was placed on the economic savings organizations can expect when leveraging Chronicle’s pricing model and Google Cloud
Platform economies of scale when compared with typical cloud or on-premises security analytics platforms.
ESG’s Economic Validation process is a proven method for understanding, validating, quantifying, and modeling the
economic value propositions of a product or solution. The process leverages ESG’s core competencies in market and
industry analysis, forward-looking research, and technical/economic validation. The quantitative findings were used as the
basis for a simple economic model comparing the expected costs of on-premises and cloud-based security analytics
Google Chronicle Economic Overview
ESG’s economic analysis revealed that Google Chronicle provided customers with significant savings by leveraging the
resources and economies of scale of Google Cloud Platform and offering them a new pricing model. Whereas traditional
Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform 4
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security analytics platforms use a data volume-based pricing model, and costs increase in direct relation to the ever-
growing volume of security telemetry, Google Chronicle uses employee-based pricingthe cost of the service is
dependent primarily on the number of employees in the organization. Decoupling costs from data volumes increases
budget stability and predictability and encourages the collection and analysis of all telemetry over longer timeframes,
ensuring a greater probability of identifying long-lived threats from temporally distant indicators of attack (IOA) and
indicators of compromise (IOC).
ESG Analysis
ESG leveraged information collected through vendor-provided material, publicly
available configuration guides and pricing, and industry knowledge of economics
and technologies to create a three-year TCO/ROI model that compares the costs
and benefits of Google Chronicle with two cloud-based and one on-premises
security analytics platforms. The model compared the costs that would be
expected when deploying each solution in an enterprise environment with a goal
of quantifying the expected cost savings that are made possible through Google
Chronicle’s pricing model and Google’s economies of scale.
ESG modeled the deployment and operation of a security analytics platform for
two different sized organizations:
Medium enterprise15,000 employees, generating 1.5 TB of security
telemetry data per day
Large enterprise125,000 employees, generating 12.5 TB of security
telemetry data per day
ESG modeled employee growth using the average employee growth rate of
Fortune 1000 companies, and security analytics data growth rate using information
from ESG research surveys of CISOs, cybersecurity managers, and cybersecurity
ESG research surveys indicate that a majority of medium and large enterprises
retain security telemetry data for 12 months or more. Thus, the economic model
accounts for 12 months of telemetry data retention.
The model calculated and reported the expected costs that would be incurred for an on-premises deployment of a security
analytics platform, including the cost of hardware acquisition, power/cooling/floor space, support/maintenance, and
administration over a three year period. For cloud-based security analytics platforms, the model calculated and reported
costs incurred for software licenses and data retention using the lowest cost geographical region.
ESG Modeled Scenario: Medium Enterprise
ESG’s economic model calculated the expected costs over three years for a typical medium-sized organization with 15,000
employees generating 1.5 TB/day of security analytics data. The model showed that an organization deploying Google
Chronicle would expect to spend $1,565,000 over three years (see Figure 3 and Table 1). The two cloud platforms would
cost between 2.4 and 4 times more, and the on-premises platform would cost 3.5 times more.
Why This Matters
Security budgets can’t keep pace
with the increasing volume of
sophisticated threats and the
growing attack surface area, and
organizations continue to give
CISOs and security teams the
mandate to “do more with less.”
Google Chronicle provides
unlimited scalability while
eliminating on-premises
infrastructure and operations
overhead. Employee-based
pricing decouples costs from data
volume and velocity, ensuring
organizations can predict their
costs and encouraging the
collection, storage, and analysis
of any and all security
telemetrycollecting more data
over longer timeframes provides
a greater probability of identifying
long-lived threats.
Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform 5
© 2020 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Figure 3. Expected Three-year TCO to Deploy a Security Analytics Platform in a Medium Enterprise
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
Table 1: Expected Three-year TCO to Deploy a Security Analytics Platform in a Medium Enterprise
Google Chronicle
Cloud Security
Analytics Provider X
Cloud Security
Analytics Provider Y
Security Analytics
Provider Z
On-premises CapEx
On-premises OpEx
Software License
12-month Data Retention
(Included in CapEx)
3-year Total
Total as % of Google
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
The yearly expenditures for each solution are shown in Figure 4 and Table 2. The Google Chronicle pricing model is based
on the number of employees in the organization, resulting in predictable and stable yearly expenditures. With 12 months
of data retention built in, organizations deploying Chronicle don’t have to budget extra for data retention and storage. The
entire three-year expenditure of $1.6M is OpEx.
TCO for cloud security analytics provider X is based on both the amount of data processed and the amount of data retained
in excess of the included retention period. The expected TCO for provider X is OpEx of $6.2M. While provider X can
leverage cloud economies of scale, licensing fees are more than 2.9 times higher than Google Chronicle. And provider X
includes only 90 days of data retention, requiring organizations to budget for additional storage fees. Data retention for
provider X is greater than the entire TCO for Google Chronicle.
TCO for cloud security analytics provider Y is based on both the amount of data processed and retained. ESG made a
conservative estimate of fees for data retained in excess of the included retention period using the cloud service provider’s
object storage pricing. ESG expects actual data retention fees to be more than the estimate. All expenditures for provider Y
can be classified as OpEx and totaled $3.8M over three years.
Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform 6
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TCO for on-premises security analytics provider Z includes a license fee based on the amount of data analyzed. To store,
index, and analyze the data requires on-premises storage and compute servers, and the requisite networking
infrastructure. ESG’s model included a solid-state drive-based storage system of sufficient size to retain 12 months of data.
The number and size of compute servers was based on standard guidance from provider Z.
Provider Z TCO includes CapEx of $705,000 in year 1, and no additional CapEx in subsequent years. Infrastructure OpEx
includes 1 system administrator to manage the storage, compute, and networking cluster, and power, cooling, floorspace,
maintenance, and support for the storage and compute cluster at $369,000 per year. Despite the year one CapEx outlay,
the three-year TCO was $5.5M, more than $682,000 less than cloud security analytics provider X.
Figure 4. Expected Yearly TCO to Deploy a Security Analytics Platform in a Medium Enterprise
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
Table 2. Expected Yearly TCO to Deploy a Security Analytics Platform in a Medium Enterprise
Google Chronicle
Cloud Security Analytics Provider X
Cloud Security Analytics Provider Y
On-premises Security Analytics
Provider Z
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
in CapEx)
in CapEx)
in CapEx)
Yearly Total
3-year Total
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Google Chronicle Cloud Security Analytics
Provider X
Cloud Security Analytics
Provider Y
On-premises Security
Analytics Provider Z
TCO ($)
Security Analytics Three-year TCO by Year
Medium Enterprise Starting at 15,000 Employees, 1.5 TB/Day Security Telemetry Data
Software License Data Retention On-premises CapEx On-premises OpEx
Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform 7
© 2020 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ESG Modeled Scenario: Large Enterprise
ESG’s economic model calculated the expected costs over three years for a large enterprise with 125,000 employees
generating 12.5 TB/day of security analytics data. The model showed that an organization deploying Google Chronicle
would expect to spend $8,693,000 over three years (see Figure 5 and Table 3). Because the alternatives to Chronicle are
priced by data volume, the difference for large enterprises is much greater than for medium organizations: The two cloud
platforms would cost between 3.9 and 6 times more, and the on-premises platform would cost 4.8 times more.
Figure 5. Expected Three-year TCO to Deploy Security Analytics Platform in a Large Enterprise
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
Table 3: Expected Three-year TCO to Deploy a Security Analytics Platform in a Large Enterprise
Google Chronicle
Cloud Security
Analytics Provider X
Cloud Security
Analytics Provider Y
Security Analytics
Provider Z
On-premises CapEx
On-premises OpEx
Software License
12-month Data Retention
(Included in CapEx)
3-year Total
Total as % of Google
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
The yearly expenditures for each solution are shown in Figure 6. As with a medium-sized organization, the data retention
expenditures for provider X were 1.6 times greater than the total expenditures for Google Chronicle and represent more
than one quarter of provider X TCO.
The software license for provider Y is 3.5 times the Google Chronicle TCO. ESG used a conservative estimate for data
retention expenditures. While data retention is approximately 9% of provider Y TCO, the expenditure is more than one-
third of the total expenditures for Google Chronicle.
Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform 8
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On-premises security analytics provider Z expenditures included first year CapEx of $6,089,000 for storage, compute, and
networking infrastructure, and infrastructure OpEx of $1,664,000 per year for one system administrator, power, cooling,
floor space, support, and maintenance. The infrastructure expenditures for three years are $11,081,000, 1.3 times the
total expenditures for Google Chronicle.
Figure 6. Expected Yearly TCO to Deploy Security Analytics Platform in a Large Enterprise
Source: Enterprise Strategy Group
The Bigger Truth
Collecting and analyzing more data over longer timeframes increases the probability of finding stealthy, slow-moving, long-
lived threats and attacks. According to ESG research, 84% of organizations said they would see benefit from collecting,
processing, and analyzing more data. Thus, organizations are trending toward larger volumes of security data, with more
than three quarters (76%) collecting more telemetry today than two years ago, and more than half (52%) retaining security
data for longer periods of time. One quarter (25%) of organizations retain security data for more than 12 months.
Yet 85% of organizations say they collect, process, and analyze the same data using several independent security analytics
tools; 80% are dependent upon numerous disconnected analytics engines and point tools; and 80% spend a significant
amount of time on data management and fine-tuning the security analytics infrastructure.
The pricing model for traditional security analytics platforms is based on the volume and velocity of security data, and, for
cloud-based platforms, the geographic region. Clearly this makes predicting costs difficult and discourages the collection of
additional telemetry, degrading the fidelity of the analysis.
Google Chronicle employs a new pricing model based on the number of employees in the organization. This all-you-can eat
data analysis engine provides a predictable cost that encourages rather than limits the collection of all security telemetry
data, increasing fidelity and helping organizations to identify advanced persistent threats (APTs). Chronicle includes 12-
month data retention, aiding searches for APTs and forensic investigations.
ESG’s modeled TCO analysis shows how an organization that deploys Google Chronicle can expect significant savings in
their security analytics and operations by leveraging Google’s economies of scale and pricing model. Over three years,
medium enterprises can expect to spend 2.4 to 4 times less on Google Chronicle than other cloud-based platforms and 3.5
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Google Chronicle Cloud Security Analytics
Provider X
Cloud Security Analytics
Provider Y
On-premises Security
Analytics Provider Z
TCO ($)
Security Analytics Three-year TCO by Year
Large Enterprise Starting at 125,000 Employees, 12.5TB/Day Security Telemetry Data
Software License Data Retention On-premises CapEx On-premises OpEx
Economic Validation: Analyzing the Economic Benefits of Google Chronicle Security Analytics Platform 9
© 2020 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
times less than an on-premises deployment. Bigger organizations can expect greater differences, with a typical large
enterprise spending 3.8 to 6 times more on alternate cloud solutions, and 4.8 times more for an on-premises deployment.
Alternate cloud solutions may be even more expensive because the solution pricing is dependent on location.
Google Chronicle is not competing with an organization’s existing security tools or looking to change the security
operations. Instead, Chronicle aims to operationalize all security controls by encouraging the collection and analysis of all
security telemetry over long timeframes, increasing the probability of finding and preventing stealthy attacks and
improving the fidelity of forensic investigations. If you’re looking to streamline your security operations and analytics while
“doing more with less,” ESG recommends that you contact Google to see if it’s the right security analytics platform for your
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Enterprise Strategy Group is an IT analyst, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides market
intelligence and actionable insight to the global IT community.
© 2020 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.