Analysis of Internet Backbone Traffic
and Header Anomalies observed
Wolfgang John and Sven Tafvelin
Chalmers University of Technology
Email: {johnwolf,tafvelin}
The dominating Internet protocols, IP and TCP, allow some
flexibility in implementation, including a variety of optional
features. To support research and further development of
these protocols, it is crucial to know about current deploy-
ment of protocol specific features and accompanying anoma-
lies. This work is intended to reflect the current characteris-
tics of Internet backbone t raffic and point out misbehaviors
and potential problems. On 20 consecutive days in April
2006 bidirectional traffic was collected on an OC-192 back-
bone link. The analysis of the data provides a comprehen-
sive su mmary about current protocol usage including com-
parisons to prior studies. Furt hermore, header misbehaviors
and anomalies were found within almost every aspect an-
alyzed and are discussed in detail. These observations are
important information for designers of network protocols,
network application and network attack detection systems.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
C.2.3 [Network Operations]: Network monitoring
General Terms
Internet Measurement, Traffic Analysis, Header A nomalies
Today, the Internet has emerged as the key component for
commercial and personal communication. One contributing
factor t o the still ongoing expansion of the Internet is its
versatility and flexibility. Applications and protocols keep
changing n ot only with time [1], but also within geographi-
cal locations. Unfortunately, this fast development has left
This work was supported by SUNET, the Swedish Univer-
sity Network
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IMC’07, August 24–26, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA.
Copyright 2007 ACM 978-1-59593-713-1/07/0008 ...$5.00.
little time or resources to integrate measurement and anal-
ysis possibilities into the Internet infrastructure. However,
the Internet community needs to understand the nature of
Internet traffic in order to support research and further de-
velopment [2]. It is also important to know about current
deployment of protocol specific features and possible misuse.
This knowledge is especially relevant in order to improve the
robustness of protocol implementations and n etwork appli-
cations, since increasing bandwidth and growing numb ers of
Internet users also lead to increased misuse and anomalous
behavior [3]. One way of acquiring better understanding is
to measure and analyze real Internet traffic, preferably on
highly aggregated links. The resulting comprehensive view is
crucial for a better understanding of the applied technology
and protocols and hence for the future development thereof.
This is important for establishing simulation models [4] and
will also bring up n ew insights for related research fields,
such as network security or intrusion detection.
A number of studies on protocol specific features have
been pu blished earlier, based on a variety of datasets. Thomp-
son et al. [5] presented wide-area Internet traffic character-
istics on data recorded on OC-3 traffic monitors in 1997,
including figures ab out packet size distribution and trans-
port protocol decomposition. McCreary et al. [1] provided
a longitudinal analysis of Internet traffic based on data col-
lected on an OC3 link of the Ames Internet exchange in 1999
to 2000. Fractions of fragmented traffic were presented and
the usage of Path MTU Discovery was inferred b ased on
the packet size distribution. Shannon et al. [6] studied fre-
quency and cause of IP fragmented traffic on data collected
on different WANs (100Mbit Ethernet, OC3 and OC12) in
March 2001. Fraleigh et al. [7] analyzed traffic measure-
ments from the Sprint IP backbone, based on a number of
traces taken on different OC12 and OC48 links in 2001-2002.
Pentikousis et al. [8] indirectly quantified deployment of
TCP options based on traces with incomplete header infor-
mation. The data was collected between October 2003 and
January 2004 on a number of OC3 and OC12 links by th e
NLANR/PMA. In that paper, recent figures about packet
size distributions were presented as well. Already earlier,
Allman [9] presented observations about usage of TCP op-
tions within traffic from a particular webserver in a one and
a half year period from 1998-2000. Finally, in his investi-
gations about the evolution of transport protocols, Medina
et al. [10] presented usage of TCP features like ECN (R FC
3168) based on passive measurements on a local webserver
during two weeks in February 2004.
Despite these existing studies, there is a need for further
measurement studies [2, 11]. Continued analysis work needs
to be done on updated real-world data in order to be able to
follow trends and changes in network characteristics. There-
fore, in this work we will consequently continue to analyze
IP and TCP, as t hey are the most common protocols used
in today’s Internet, and compare the results to previous
work. After describtion of the analyzed data in Section 2,
we present our results for IP and TCP specific features in
Section 3. Finally, Section 4 summarizes the main findings
and draws conclusions.
2.1 Collection of Traces
The t raffic traces have been collected on the outermost
part of an SDH ring running Packet over SONET (PoS). The
traffic passing the ring to (outgoing) and from (incoming)
the Internet is primarily routed via our tapped links. This
expected behavior is confirmed by SNMP statistics showing
a difference of almost an order of magnitude between the
tapped link and th e protection link. Simplified, we regard
the measurements to be taken on links between the region of
oteborg, including exchange traffic with the regional access
point, and the rest of the Internet.
On the two OC-192 links (two directions) we use optical
splitters attached to two Endace DAG6.2SE cards. The
DAG cards captured the first 120 bytes of each frame to
ensure that the entire network and transport header infor-
mation is preserved. The data collection was performed be-
tween the 7th of April 2006, 2AM and the 26th of April 2006,
10AM. During this period, we simultaneously for both direc-
tions collected four traces of 20 minutes each day at identical
times. The times (2AM, 10AM, 2PM, 8PM) were chosen t o
cover business, non-business and nighttime hours. Due to
measurement errors in one direction at four occasions we
have excluded these traces and the corresponding traces in
the opposite direction.
2.2 Processing and Analysis
After storing the d ata on disk, the payload beyond trans-
port layer was removed and the traces were sanitized and
desensitized. This was mainly done by using available tools
like Endace’s dagtools and CAIDA’s CoralReef, accompanied
by own tools for additional consistency checks, which have
been applied after each preprocessing step to ensure san-
ity of t he traces. Trace sanitization refers to the process of
checking and ensuring that the collected traces are free from
logical inconsistencies and are suitable for further analysis.
During our capturing sessions, the DAG cards discarded a
total of 20 frames within 12 different traces due to receiver
errors or HDLC CRC errors. Another 71 frames within 30
different traces had to be discarded after the sanitization
process due to IP checksum errors.
By desensitization the removing of all sensitive informa-
tion to ensure privacy and confidentiality is meant. The
payload of the packets was removed earlier, so we nally
anonymized IP addresses using the prefix preserving Cryp-
toPAN [12]. After desensitization, the traces were moved to
a central storage. An analysis program was run on the data
to extract cummulated statistical data into a database. For
packets of special interest, corresponding TCP flows have
been extracted.
Figure 1: Cum. IPv4 Packet Size Distribution
The 148 traces analyzed sum up to 10.77 billion PoS frames,
containing a total of 7.6 TB of data. 99.97% of the frames
contain IPv4 packets, summing up to 99.99% of th e carried
data. The remaining traffic consists of different routing pro-
tocols (BGP, CLNP, CDP). The results in the remainder of
this paper are based on IPv4 traffic only.
3.1 General Traffic Properties
3.1.1 IP packet size distribution
In earlier measurements, cumulative distribution of IPv4
packet lengths was reported to be trimodal, showing major
modes at small packet sizes just above 40 bytes (TCP ac-
knowledgments), large packets around 1500 bytes (Ethernet
MTU) and default datagram sizes of 576 bytes according to
RFC 879. Data collected between 1997 and 2002 reported
about fractions of default datagram sizes from 10% up to
40% [5, 1, 6, 7]. Pentikousis et al. [8] however showed in
2004, that packet size distribution was no longer trimodal,
but rather bimodal, with default datagram sizes accounting
for only 3.8% of all packets.
Fig. 1 illustrates the cumulative distribution of IPv4 packet
lengths in our traces of 2006. The distribution is still b i-
modal, with the major portion of lengths between 40 and
100 bytes and between 1400 and 1500 bytes (44% and 37%
of all IPv4 packets, resp.). The usage of the default data-
gram size of 576 byte was further decreased to a fraction of
only 0.95%, now not even being among the first three most
significant modes anymore. This is caused by the predomi-
nance of Path MTU Discovery in today’s TCP implementa-
tions, which is confirmed later by the analysis of the IP flags
and the TCP maximum segment size (MSS) option. On the
other hand, two other notable modes appeared at 628 bytes
and 1300 bytes, representing 1.76% and 1.1% of the IPv4
traffic, resp.
An analysis of TCP flows including a lot of 628 byte pack-
ets showed that these packets typically appear after full sized
packets (MSS of 1460), often with the PUSH flag set. We
susp ect that they are sent by applications doing ’TCP layer
fragmentation’ on 2KB blocks of data, indicating the end
of data a data block by PUSH. This is confirmed by flows
where smaller MSS values have been negotiated (e.g. 1452).
In this cases, the following packets became larger (e.g. 636
bytes) to add up to 2048 bytes of payload again. Ex amples
for applications using such 2KB blocks for d ata transfer can
be found in [13], where different file-sharing protocols using
fixed block sizes are presented. A look at the TCP destina-
tion ports revealed that large fractions of this traffic are in-
deed sent to ports known to be used for popular file-sharing
protocols like Bittorrent and DirectConnect. The notable
step at 1300 bytes on the other hand could be explained by
the recommended IP MTU for IPsec VPN tunnels [14].
Packets larger t han 1500 bytes (Ethernet MTU) aggre-
gate a fraction of 0.15%. Traffic of packets sized up to 8192
bytes was observed, but the major part (99.7%) accounts for
packet sizes of 4470 bytes. A minor part of the >1500 byte
sized packets represents BGP updates between backbone-
or access routers. The majority of the large packet traffic
(mainly 4470) could after t horough investigation be identi-
fied as customized data-transfer from a space observatory to
a data center using jumbo-packets over Ethernet.
2AM 10AM 2PM 8PM
Pkts Data Pkts Data Pkts Data Pkts Data
TCP 91.3 97.6 91.5 96.8 93.2 97.1 91.4 97.2
UDP 8.5 2.3 7.6 2.8 6.1 2.7 8.3 2.7
ICMP 0.2 0.02 0.19 0.02 0.20 0.02 0.12 0.01
ESP 0.01 0.00 0.47 0.19 0.35 0.14 0.02 0.02
GRE 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.08 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.04
(a) IPv4 Protocol Breakdown (values in %)
Date Time Packets Data
2006-04-16 2PM 6.8 1.7
2006-04-16 8PM 40.6 5.1
2006-04-17 2AM 51.9 6.1
2006-04-17 10AM 58.1 7.1
2006-04-17 2PM 5.7 1.8
(b) UDP Burst (values in %)
Table 1: Transport Protocols
3.1.2 Transport protocols
The protocol breakdown in Table 1(a) once more confirms
the dominance of TCP traffic. Compared to earlier measure-
ments reporting about TCP accounting for around 90 - 95%
of the data volume and for around 85-90% of IP packets,
[5, 1, 6, 7], both fractions seem to be slightly larger in the
analyzed SUNET data. In Table 1(a), the fractions of cumu-
lated packets and bytes carried in the respective protocol are
given in percent of total IPv4 traffic for the corresponding
An interesting observation can be made at the 2PM data.
Here, the largest fraction of TCP and the lowest of UDP
packets appear. A closer look at the differences between
outgoing and incoming traffic revealed that three consecu-
tive measurements on the outgoing link carried up to 58%
UDP packets, not covering the 2PM traces, as shown in Ta-
ble 1(b). These figures indicate a potential UDP burst of
14-24 hours of time. A detailed analysis showed that the
packet length for the UDP packets causing the burst was
just 29 bytes, leaving a single byte for UDP payload data.
These packets were transmitted between a single sender and
receiver address with varying port numbers. After reporting
this network anomaly, the network support group of a Uni-
versity confirmed that the burst stemed from an UDP DoS
script installed undetected on a webserver with a known
vulnerability. Although TCP data was still predominant, a
dominance of UDP packets over such a timespan could po-
tentially lead to TCP starvation and raise serious concerns
about Internet stability and fairness.
3.2 Analysis of IP Properties
3.2.1 IP type of service
The TOS field can optionally include codepoints for Ex-
plicit Congestion Notification (ECN) and Differentiated Ser-
vices. 83.1% of the observed IPv4 packets store a value of
zero in th e TOS field, not applying the mechanisms above.
Valid ’Pool 1’ DiffServ Codepoints (RFC 2474) account for
16.8% of all TOS fields.
Medina et al. [10] reported about almost an doubling of
ECN capable webservers from 1.1% in 2000 to 2.1% in 2004,
but indicates that routers or middleboxes might erase ECT
codepoints. In our data only 1.0 million I Pv4 packets pro-
vide ECN capable transport (either one of the ECT bits set)
and additionally 1.1 million packets actually show ’conges-
tion experienced’ (both bits set). This means that ECN is
implemented in only around 0.02% of the IPv4 traffic. These
numbers are consistent with the observations by Pentikousis
et al. [8], suggesting that the number of ECN-aware routers
is still very small.
3.2.2 IP Options
The analysis of IP options showed that they are virtu-
ally not used. Only 68 packets carrying I P options were
observed. One 20-minute trace contained 45 p ackets with
IP option 7 (Record Rout e) and 3 traces carried up to 12
packets with IP option 148 (Router Alert).
3.2.3 IP fragmentation
During the year 2000, McCreary et al. [1] observed an
increase in the fraction IP packets carrying fragmented traf-
fic from 0.03% to 0.15%. Indeed, one year later, Shannon
et al. [6] reported fractions of fragmented traffic of up to
0.67%. Contrary to this trend, we found a much smaller
fraction of 0.06% of fragmented traffic in the analyzed data.
Even though these numbers are relatively small, there is
still an order of magnitude difference between earlier and
current results. 72% of the fragmented traffic in our data
is transmitted d uring office hours, at 10AM and 2PM. We
also observed that the amount of fragmented traffic on the
incoming link is about 9 times higher than on the outgoing
While UDP and TCP are responsible for 97% and 3% re-
spectively of all incoming fragmented segments, they just
represent 19% and 18% of the outgoing. The remaining
63% of the outgoing fragmented traffic turned out to be
IPsec ESP traffic (RFC 4303), observed between exactly one
source and one receiver during working h ours on weekdays.
Each fragment series in this connection consists of one full
length Ethernet MTU and one additional 72 byte fragment.
This can easily be explained by an unsuitably configured
host/VPN combination transmitting 1532 bytes (1572 - 40
bytes IP and TCP header) instead of the Ethernet MTU
due to the additional ESP header. The dominance of UDP
among fragmented traffic is not surprising, since Path MTU
Discovery is a TCP feature only.
The first packets in all observed fragment series are in
96.7% sized larger or equal than 1300 bytes. This goes along
with the assumption that fragments are sent in-order and
the first segments should be full sized MTUs. It should
be noted that 1.6% of first packets in fragment series are
smaller than 576 bytes. This is not surprising, consider-
ing an earlier observation by Shannon et al. [6] that about
8% of fragment series are sent in reverse-order, sending the
smallest segment first. This is accepted behavior, since the
IP specification (RFC 791) does n ot prescribe any sizes of
fragments. Another reason for small rst segments are mis-
configured networks or deliberate use of small MTUs, like
serial links (RFC 1144) connected to the backbone. An ex-
ample for such unusual small sized fragments of only 244
bytes will be given in the next subsection.
3.2.4 IP flags
The analysis of the IP flags (fragment bits) revealed that
91.3% of all observed IP packets have the don’t fragment bit
(DF) set, as proposed by Path MTU Discovery (RFC 1191).
8.65% use neither D F nor MF (more fragments) and 0.04%
set solely the MF bit.
Following the IP specification (RFC 791) no other values
are valid in the IP flag field. Nevertheless, we observed a to-
tal of 27,474 I Pv4 p ackets from 70 d istinct IP sources with
DF and MF set simultaneously. About 35 of those invalid
bit values are evenly observed among both directions in all
traces, with exception of one burst of 21,768 packets in a
trace of the incoming link. This burst stems from a 10 min-
utes long TCP ow between a local server on port 49999
and a remote client on the gaming port 1737 (UltimaD).
Surprisingly, all the incoming traffic is fragmented to series
of 244 byte long IP packets. The data carried by these frag-
ment series add s up to full Ethernet MTUs size. Because
being fragmented, each but the last fragment in a series has
the MF bit set. Disregarding its actual fragmentation, each
fragment also has the DF bit set. A similar behavior could
be observed on the outgoing link, where one source gener-
ates 85% of all outgoing DF+MF packets, evenly distributed
over 70 out of 76 measured times. Again, each IP p acket has
the DF bit set by default, while MF is set additionally when
fragmentation is needed. Looking at the traffic pattern and
considering that UDP port 53 is used, it seems to be obvious
that there is a DN S server using improper protocol stacks
inside the G
oteborg region.
Additionally, we observed a total of 233 cases of a reserved
bit with value 1, appearing in small numbers in most of the
collected traces and stemming from 126 d istinct sources. Ac-
cording to the I P standard (RFC 791) the reserved bit must
be zero, so this behavior has to be regarded as misbehavior.
3.3 Analysis of TCP Properties
3.3.1 TCP Options
In an early study, Allman [9] reported about portions of
hosts applying the Window Scale (WS) and Timestamp (TS)
options, both increasing from about 15% to 20% during a 15
month period from 1998 to 2000. The SACK permitted op-
tion was shown to increase even further from 7% to 40%. No
numbers for hosts applying the MMS option were given. The
more recent approach to quantify TCP option deployment
by Pentikousis et al. in 2004 [8] was unfortunately carried
out on traces with incomplete header information. Since
TCP option data was not available in these traces, their de-
ployment had consequently to be analyzed indirectly. Our
results, based on t races including complete header informa-
tion, show that this indirect approach yielded quite accurate
Table 2(a) shows th e deployment of the most important
TCP options as fractions of the SYN and SYN/ACK seg-
ments, divided into summaries of the four times each day.
The results show th at MSS and SACK permitted options
are widely u sed during connection establishment (on aver-
age 99.2% and 89.9% resp.). The positive trend of the SACK
option d eploy ment, as ind icated by Allman, was obviously
continued and the inferred values of Pentikousis et al. are
finally confirmed. The frequent usage of the MSS option
again indicates the dominance of Path MTU Discovery in
TCP connections, since an advertised MSS is the precon-
dition for this technique. The WS and TS options on the
other hand are still applied to the same extent as in 2000
(17.9% and 14.5% resp.). In Table 2(b) the occurrence of
Kind 2AM 10AM 2PM 8PM
2(MSS) 99.0% 98.7% 99.7% 99.1%
3(WS) 21.4% 18.4% 16.6% 16.5%
4(SACK perm.) 91.0% 86.6% 88.9% 89.8%
8(TS) 18.2% 15.3% 13.3% 12.8%
(a) TCP Options in SYN segments
Kind 2AM 10AM 2PM 8PM
No Opt. 86.5% 85.2% 87.3% 88.6%
5(SACK) 3.1% 2.8% 2.9% 3.1%
8(TS) 9.7% 11.2% 9.0% 7.6%
19(MD5) 0.02% 0.02% 0.01% 0.01%
(b) TCP Options in all segments
Table 2: TCP Option Deployment
TCP options with respect to all TCP segments is summa-
rized. Around 87% of t he TCP segments do not carry any
options at all. Only an average of 2.9% of all segments ac-
tually applies the SACK opportunity, which was permitted
by around 90% of all connections. It is interesting, that
although 15.5% of the connection establishments advertise
usage of the TS option, it just reappears in 9.3% of all seg-
ments. This might be caused by TCP servers not responding
with the TS option set in their initial SYN/ACK. All other
option kinds were observed with very low frequency.
3.3.2 TCP option values
Allman [9] reported about 90% of connections advertising
an MSS of about 1460 bytes in the SYN segment, leaving
6% for larger MSS values, and anoth er 5% for MSS values
of about 500 bytes. An analysis of advertised values within
the MSS option field in our data revealed that the major
portion (93.7%) of the MSS values still lies between 1400-
1460 bytes, t hus close to the Ethernet maximum (1500-40
byte for IP and TCP headers). Values larger than 1460
bytes are carried by only 0.06% of the MSS options, with
values up to the maximum of 65535. Values smaller than 536
bytes (the d efault IP d atagram size minus 40) are carried by
another tiny fraction (0.05%), including MSS values down
to zero. The 53,280 packets carrying small MSS values are
send by 2931 different IP addresses. The major fraction of
the <536 MSS values carries a value of 512 (87.5%), followed
by 64 (2.4%) and 260 (1.3%). Values down to 265 bytes can
be explained by standard active fingerprinting attacks, like
nmap [15], whereas smaller values are more likely to be DoS
In Allman’s data from 2000, Window Scale (WS) factors
as high as 12 appeared, with zero as the main factor, ac-
counting for 84%, followed by a factor of one with about
15%. In our contemporary data, WS factor values appear
in the range of 0 to 14. The most common scale factor with
58% is zero, which should not be interpreted as real factor,
but as an offer to scale while scaling the own receive win-
dow by 1. The major real scale factor app ears t o be 2, with
30.8% deployment. Other scale factors in recognizable frac-
tions are 3, 1, and 6, applied in respectively 4.2%, 4.1% and
1.0% of all segments carrying a WS option. As a general
observation, the WS option is applied much more effective
now, most probably due to bandwidth increases and larger
data transfers. A detailed look at diurn al beh avior of WS
option values revealed that traces at nighttime (2AM) carry
constantly about 10% more scale factor values of 2, compen-
sated by around 10% less factors of zero.
3.3.3 TCP option misbehavior
Connected to the analysis of TCP options, a couple of
anomalies were encountered (Table 3(a)). The table shows
only counts of packets, since the relative fractions are too
small compared to the amount of total TCP segments. It
should be mentioned that the differences between outgoing
and incoming traffic lie typically in the order of a magnitude.
Also diurnal differences can be observed, with non-working
hours (2AM and 8PM) responsible for 67% of all reported
Anomaly 2AM 10AM 2PM 8PM
Undef.Kind 1062 507 413 388
Invalid OL 1200 399 915 3020
Invalid HL 71 528 130 119
(a) TCP options and header lengths
Anomaly 2AM 10AM 2PM 8PM
RST+SYN+FIN 8 35 11 15
RST+SYN 25 70 43 27
SYN+FIN 4 22 8 9
Zero Flags 32 78 86 90
RST+FIN 10200 10988 14320 16334
(b) TCP flags
Table 3: Anomalies in TCP Headers
The first misbehavior experienced was the occurrence of un -
defined option types. Out of the 8bit range for TCP option
kinds, only 26 are defined. From the remaining types al-
most all (228) have been observed. 522 distinct sources sent
the 2370 undefined options observed, with 85% appearing
on the incoming link. One single source sent 42% of these
packets during t he 20 minutes duration of one measurement
at 2AM. Usage of a single destination port and 8200 dif-
ferent destination hosts within a one network prefix clearly
indicate a scanning attack, even though only a minor frac-
tion (6%) of the scanning traffic actually showed undefined
options. The malformed packets carried instead of {MSS,
NOP, NOP, SACK perm.} the option sequ ence of {MSS,
random byte, random byte, 0, 0}. It seems likely that it is
indeed the scanning software which is buggy and generates
occasional malformed packets.
Another inconsistency encountered are option headers ap-
pearing to be valid while carrying option lengths that do not
correspond to the total header length in the regular TCP
header. 98.2% of the 5534 cases happened on the incoming
link, with two sources responsible for 45% and 22% of such
anomalous headers. The first source adds a SACK option
with constant pattern to the TCP header, declaring an op-
tion header length of 180 bytes. This source was observed
at 4 different days. The second source applies valid TCP
options including an MSS value of 1460 during connection
setup in SYN/ACK packets. However, also in the proceed-
ing data packets an option of type 2 (MSS) app ears, but t his
time followed by zeros, and thereby consequently advertis-
ing an option length of zero. According to the traffic pattern
this source was a webserver. In total, 259 unique sources of
this anomaly have been identified.
Finally, 848 TCP segments advertising header length val-
ues of less than 20 bytes were generated by 184 distinct
sources, probably being DOS exploits. Again, the major
fraction (91.3%) was observed in incoming traffic. 81.5% of
the invalid values advertised a TCP header of zero length.
The remaining 18.5% are evenly distributed between the re-
maining possible length values (in multiples of 4). The main
source of zero byte TCP headers sends 351 such packets
during a period of at at least 20 minutes. 351 unique des-
tinations for 351 packets indicate a scanning campaign, this
time to some well-known source port numbers (21, 23, 110,
80, 8080).
3.3.4 TCP Flags
Analyzing the TCP flag field, 10,972 ECN-setup SYN
packets and just 800 ECN-setup SYN/ACK segments (RFC
3168) have been observed. The small numbers are consistent
with earlier observations by Medina et al. [10], where only
0.2% of tested web clients advertise ECN capabilities. In
section 3.2.1 we identified around 2.1 million ECN capable
IP packets. This indicates that t he few ECN enabled TCP
connections represent large flows.
The urgent fl ag (URG) was set in only 663 segments. The
acknowledgment flag (ACK) on the other hand was set in
98.6% of all segments, which is expected, since theoretically
only the initial SYN packets should not carry an ACK flag.
The push bit (PS H) was enabled in 22.4% of all segments.
In Table 3(b) we present packet counts for unexpected
combinations of connection ags. The four first-listed anoma-
lies have been seen in packets sent by 56 distinct sources.
Such inconsistencies can easily be generated by port scan-
ning tools like nmap [15]. We can rule out T/TCP as reason
for SYN+FIN packets, since none of the 43 packets carried
CC options (RFC 1644). The most frequent anomaly is con-
nection termination with both, FIN and RST flags set. This
was seen in 51,842 segments, send by 7576 un ique source IP
addresses. All connection flag anomalies are spread quite
evenly over all measurements, with no particular sources to
stand out.
In order to be able to present contemporary character-
istics of Internet traffic, 148 traces of 20 minutes duration
have been collected on a pair of backbone links in April
2006. The analysis revealed that IP options are virtually
not applied and IP fragmentation is done to a minor extent
(0.06%), with UDP accounting for most IP fragments. The
latter observation stems from an increased employment of
TCP Path MTU Discovery, which was shown to be even
more dominating than reported earlier. Regarding packet
size distribution, two findings should be noted. First, IP
packet lengths of 628 bytes have become even more common
than t he default datagram size, with P2P traffic identified as
likely source. Second, ex cep t for router traffic, jumbo pack-
ets are used for a single custom application only and are not
seen otherwise. Even though these observations are limited
to our measurements from a single point in the I nternet, this
summary about current behavior of network protocols helps
to understand the influence of additional protocol features
on Internet traffic and can contribute to an improvement of
future simulation models.
Additionally, a number of anomalies and inconsistencies
have been observed, serving as pointers to keep in mind
for protocol and application developers. As one cause for
the otherwise rare occurrence of IP fragmentation additional
headers introduced by VPN have been identified, advising
application developers to use smaller MSS values. Further-
more, one single long- duration UDP burst was observed
while gathering protocol statistics. This was found to be an
UDP DoS attack, undetected by the network management
tools in operation. This indicates the need for continuous
refinement of network monitoring policies. The magnitude
of the burst also raises stability and fairness concerns, call-
ing for addition of some kind of congestion control to UDP.
Finally, several types of misbehaviors within IP and TCP
headers have b een discussed. The anomalies observed could
be explained by three different causes:
Buggy or misbeh aving applications or protocol stacks
Active OS fingerprinting [13]
Network attacks exploiting protocol vulnerabilities
Even though all header anomalies observed are rare com-
pared to the total number packets, their existence shows
that developers need to carefully design implementations.
Almost any p ossible inconsistency in protocol headers will
appear eventually, thus network protocols and applications
have to be designed and implemented as robust as possible,
leaving no vulnerabilities.
Since access to traffic on highly aggregated links is still
uncommon for researchers working on network security, our
results form valuable input to related research on topics like
large scale intrusion detection or traffic filtering. Besides
quantifying the occurrence of different header anomalies ’in
the wild’, the results yield explanations for the origins of
these commonly observed inconsistencies. Not every mal-
formed packet header is necessarily part of attacking traffic,
as proven by the example of the DNS server setting invalid
fragmentation bits, but can also be introduced by improper
protocol stacks. This information can be relevant when re-
fining rule-sets for traffic filters, as applied in firewalls or
network intrusion detection systems. Furthermore, knowl-
edge about the nature of header anomalies can be interesting
for researchers or developers creating stress tests for rout ers
and other network components.
The authors want to thank Pierre Kleberger for his kind
technical support and Tomas Olovsson for his valuable and
constructive comments throughout t he MonNet project.
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