Impact of Evolving Protocols and
COVID-19 on Internet Traffic Shares
Luca Schumann
, Trinh Viet Doan
, Tanya Shreedhar
, Ricky Mok
, and Vaibhav Bajpai
TUM, Germany
IIIT-Delhi, India
Abstract—The rapid deployment of new Internet protocols over the
last few years and the COVID-19 pandemic more recently (2020) has
resulted in a change in the Internet traffic composition. Consequently,
an updated microscopic view of traffic shares is needed to understand
how the Internet is evolving to capture both such shorter- and longer-
term events. Toward this end, we observe traffic composition at a
research network in Japan and a Tier-1 ISP in the USA. We analyze
the traffic traces passively captured at two inter-domain links: MAWI
(Japan) and CAIDA (New York–São Paulo), which cover 100 GB of
data for MAWI traces and 4 TB of data for CAIDA traces in total. We
begin by studying the impact of COVID-19 on the monitored MAWI link:
We find a substantial increase in the traffic volume of OpenVPN and
rsync, as well as increases in traffic volume from cloud storage and
video conferencing services, which shows that clients shift to remote
work during the pandemic. For traffic traces between March 2018 and
December 2018, we find that the use of IPv6 is increasing quickly on the
CAIDA monitor: The IPv6 traffic volume increases from 1.1% in March
2018 to 6.1% in December 2018, while the IPv6 traffic share remains
stable in the MAWI dataset at around 9% of the traffic volume. Among
other protocols at the application layer, 60%–70% of IPv4 traffic on the
CAIDA link is HTTP(S) traffic, out of which two-thirds are encrypted; for
the MAWI link, more than 90% of the traffic is Web, of which nearly
75% is encrypted. Compared to previous studies, this depicts a larger
increase in encrypted Web traffic of up to a 3-to-1 ratio of HTTPS to
HTTP. As such, our observations in this study further reconfirm that
traffic shares change with time and can vary greatly depending on
the vantage point studied despite the use of the same generalized
methodology and analyses, which can also be applied to other traffic
monitoring datasets.
Technologies and services on the Internet (and their under-
lying building blocks) have changed drastically over the last
decade. While many of the Internet protocols nowadays,
such as IPv6 or HTTPS, had been proposed more than
15 years ago, their adoption has only recently evolved and
gained traction. With more recent protocols such as Mul-
tipath TCP (MPTCP), QUIC [1], [2], or FB-Zero [3] joining
the mix, today’s traffic composition is much different from
what it was a few years ago. These evolving protocols
are essential in shaping and advancing the Internet: IPv6
enables an increasing number of connected users, MPTCP
supports seamless mobility, and QUIC and FB-Zero drive
low-latency interaction, along with securing Web traffic
together with HTTPS. As a result, these protocols have seen
increasing adoption: Google measures 25–30% of its users
accessing their servers via IPv6 [4], although its growth has
slowed down since 2016 [5]. HTTPS support has increased
significantly in the last few years, with 40% of the Alexa Top
1M websites offering HTTPS as of 2016 [6]. A study [7] from
2017 measures traffic from an Italian ISP network and found
that both QUIC and FB-Zero each carry around 10% of the
total Web traffic.
While these evolutions have significantly transformed
the Internet traffic composition, especially over the last
decade, more short-term events such as the recent COVID-
19 pandemic have also affected the application mix, shifting
traffic toward protocols and services which are related to
remote work.
To this end, we first consider related studies 2.1) on the
impact of COVID-19 on network traffic, finding that these
studies are biased regarding the observed network in terms
of types and regions. Further, previous work has not focused
on changes in source and destination Autonomous Systems
(ASes) of traffic during the pandemic. As such, we analyze
datasets from a Japanese Internet backbone, operated by the
Measurement and Analysis on the WIDE Internet (MAWI)
Working Group [8], [9] to study the impact of the COVID-
19 lockdown on the MAWI traffic mix. We compare traffic
from 2019 to 2020 4) in order to investigate the following
research questions: How do restrictions for spread prevention
affect the Internet traffic composition? Do popular source and
destination ASes of traffic change during the pandemic, and if
so, how?
Besides such sudden changes, the Internet has also be-
come increasingly flat over the years, which results in most
traffic only traveling one inter-AS link [10], [11]. Thus, it
is also necessary to revisit and re-quantify the composition
of Internet traffic 2.2) in a broader scope. However, as
aforementioned studies have shown, observations can differ
quite significantly based on the location of the vantage
point [12], [13], [6], and are thus not necessarily general-
izable. Further, traffic over inter-domain links that capture
such evolutions has not been extensively studied yet, al-
though it is important to understand the usage (or lack
thereof) of such evolving protocols for traffic engineering
purposes. We focus on these evolving protocols, as they
represent pressing issues of this decade, which is why trends
of their evolution are of particular interest for the future of
the Internet. Consequently, we pose the following research
questions with respect to such links while contrasting two
arXiv:2201.00142v2 [cs.NI] 15 Jan 2022
different vantage points: What is the traffic share of IPv6? Has
HTTPS already replaced HTTP? Have the newer transport layer
protocols replaced traditional protocols and to what extent? What
other applications contribute significantly to the application mix?
To answer these questions, we leverage monitoring data
from an inter-domain link between New York and São
Paulo, collected by the Center for Applied Internet Data
Analysis (CAIDA) [14], [15] to focus on such evolving
protocols, and contrast the results with traces collected in
the same time period from the MAWI monitor.
The MAWI backbone carries a mix of traditional and
experimental research traffic; the CAIDA monitor captures
traffic from a Tier-1 ISP backbone link in both directions
and, thus, carries more conventional traffic 3). Analyzing
the traffic monitored on these links allows us to investigate
the usage and impact of evolving protocols on the Internet
traffic composition, while also highlighting that trends differ
based on the observed link, and even on the observed link
direction 5). In our analysis, we focus on byte shares to de-
note the traffic percentages. We then discuss limitations 6)
before concluding the study 7). Our primary findings are:
Impact of COVID-19: Comparing the MAWI traffic mix
from April 2019 to the one from April 2020, we find that
although the overall number of flows has increased, the
number of bytes transmitted over the research network
link has reduced by 47.3% over IPv4 and 38.5% over IPv6.
Further, differences in traffic volume between weekdays
and weekend have become less pronounced in 2020. For
the heavy-hitting applications, we observe that the volume
differences of protocols related to remote access 4.1) such
as OpenVPN and rsync increase significantly over both
address families when comparing 2019 and 2020 (by up to
3082.7%), although ssh and X11 exhibit lower traffic vol-
ume in 2020 (lower by 63.7–84.0%). In terms of source ASes
for both 2019 and 2020 (§4.2), we find that traffic is primarily
received from from Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) and
cloud providers, although the volume drastically decreases
from 2019 to 2020. However, traffic volume incoming from
Dropbox (AS19679) increases in 2020, along with increases
of traffic sent toward Cisco Webex (AS13445), which indicate
a shift to remote work among users.
Impact of Evolving Protocols: On the CAIDA link, IPv6
accounts for 4% of the traffic (byte share) on average in
both directions, although the IPv6 traffic shares are highly
asymmetric when comparing the individual directions of
the link. In comparison, the MAWI link shows a significantly
higher IPv6 traffic share (9% average in 2018, however,
increasing to 12.2% in 2020) 5.1). Further, the MAWI IPv6
mix converges to its IPv4 mix, which indicates that both
address families are used similarly.
TCP is still the dominant transport protocol (91.5% of
traffic share) on the monitored links. Although, TCP usage
is declining at the expense of evolving transport protocols,
such as FB-Zero and QUIC, since QUIC already achieves 7%
traffic share. Further, we only find 1.5% of the traffic being
carried over UDP (besides QUIC), indicative of its usage
primarily for carrying DNS traffic or as a multiplexer to
support the deployment of new transport protocols on top
of its stack (§5.2).
We notice a growth of HTTPS traffic, while HTTP traf-
fic declines. Thus, the ratio of HTTPS to HTTP increases,
reaching ratios of 2-to-1 up to 3-to-1 in favor of encrypted
Web traffic. As QUIC and FB-Zero primarily carry encrypted
Web traffic and simultaneously experience higher usage, the
traffic share of HTTPS increases consequently 5.3).
Overall, our study is directly relevant for network and
operational communities, since knowledge of both short-
term and long-term trends in Internet traffic composition
is crucial not only for better management of networks and
traffic engineering, but also for predicting future trends to
allow ISP networks and content providers to be better pre-
pared either via reconfiguration or via increasing network
capacity. The respective contributions and novelty of the
paper are three-fold:
1) The first contribution is the evaluation of how traffic
shares change on the Internet due to both short-
term (COVID-19 lockdown measures) and long-
term (evolving protocols) effects. Previous work has
majorly evaluated either effect, however, not both
in the same study. We show that studies need to
observe both effects together, to be able to provide a
more comprehensive view on Internet traffic shares.
2) Second, analyses should consider different vantage
points on the globe. For this, we compare the In-
ternet traffic shares at two distinct vantage points
(West and East) on the globe during the same time
period, after which we show that traffic shares vary
significantly based on location, which also applies
to the evolving protocols in these regions. Previous
work has majorly focused on traffic shares by ana-
lyzing dataset of a particular location or an AS.
3) Lastly, despite observing different trends for the two
different traces, we demonstrate that our method
and analyses are generalized and can be applied to
other traffic monitoring datasets. This is a valuable
contribution to the community, since the method
and analyses are not tailored to a specific dataset.
2.1 Effects of the COVID-19 on Internet Traffic
After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, several
studies have investigated the impact of countermeasures to
the pandemic on the Internet traffic.
Favale et al. [16] analyze the effect on the campus net-
work of an Italian university, which implemented e-learning
solutions for classes. They specifically focus on passive
traces and application logs of collaborative tools such as
Microsoft Teams and tools for remote access such VPN
and remote desktop services. They find that the amount
of incoming traffic has decreased significantly, whereas the
outgoing traffic (to the student’s homes) has increased by
more than a factor of two.
A similar picture is shown by Böttger et al. [17], who
use Facebook’s edge network around the globe to reveal
that different regions have been affected differently by the
lockdown measures. Similarly, the traffic demand in terms
of volume increased, whereas the traffic demand in terms
of application type also shifted toward live streaming and
messaging, both following changes in user behavior at the
In contrast, Lutu et al. [18] study the effect of the COVID-
19 pandemic on a mobile network in the UK. Due to the
limited mobility of users as a result of lockdown measures,
they identify that both mobility and download traffic vol-
ume decreased, although these changes also differ between
geographical locations and social backgrounds of users.
Moreover, they see an increase in voice traffic, which overall
indicates that the types of used services have shifted.
Feldmann et al. [19] leverage multiple datasets from a
set of IXPs, an ISP, an an educational network to study im-
plications of the outbreak on the Internet traffic. In general,
they find an increase in traffic volume of 15–20% in a week,
as well as traffic shifts away from hypergiants and toward
applications typically used at home and for remote work
(like VPNs or Web conferencing).
Gives these different observations from different net-
works around the world, e.g., in Italy, where the initial
outbreak was more severe, an additional study regarding
the impact on the Japanese research networks monitored
by MAWI provides a complementary view for the overall
picture of the pandemic’s effect on Internet traffic. However,
note that observations are not directly comparable due to
inherent differences of the monitored networks.
2.2 Traffic Share of Protocols
Felt et al. [6] analyzed HTTPS and HTTP measurements
between 2014 and 2017 from different viewpoints, one of
which was the MAWI monitor that we also use in this
work. They saw an ongoing increase in HTTPS traffic and
a decrease in HTTP traffic over the three years, similar to
previous measurements [20]; for example, the percentage of
HTTPS traffic grew from 20% to 40% of Web traffic. Chan et
al. [21] present similar results for their analysis of the same
traces between 2009 and 2017. Further, they classified the
HTTPS traffic per major AS in the time span, where Amazon
showed to be the main HTTPS contributor with Facebook
right after.
Transport protocols have seen multiple advancements in
the last decade [22]. As for QUIC [1], previous measurement
studies [23], [24], [25], [26], [27] primarily focused on the
performance aspects, with only a few studies looking into
measuring the usage and adoption of QUIC. Rüth et al. [28]
studied the usage of QUIC within the IPv4 address space,
finding traffic shares of 2.6%–9.1% for different vantage
points. They further showed that Google is the main driver
of QUIC. Trevisan et al. [7] used data from an Italian ISP
gathered between 2012 and 2017 to give an overview of the
Internet evolution. They noticed that Internet giants such as
Google and Facebook could quickly deploy new transport
protocols (namely QUIC [1] and FB-Zero [3]), leading to
them together carrying around 20-25% of Web traffic at the
end of the measurement period. Regarding MPTCP, a recent
study [29] reveals a steady increase in MPTCP-capable IPs.
While the MPTCP usage has increased, its traffic share
remains fairly low.
There are varying reports regarding the IPv6 adoption on
the Internet, as the use of different metrics leads to different
observations [30]. Akamai reported 11% IPv6 traffic in July
2017 [31]. Google measured 19% IPv6 connectivity on their
clients in July 2017 and around 30% in January 2021 [4].
They also detect a 44.4% IPv6 capability in the USA and
36.8% in Brazil for January 2021. At the same time, the
Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) measures
a 53.7% (USA) and 36.7% (Brazil) IPv6 capability, respec-
tively [13]. Although IPv6 has exponentially grown since
2012 [30], [20], the growth has slowed down substantially
since 2016 [5]. On the other hand, reports based on global
corporate data [32], [33] primarily focus on other metrics,
such as number of connected users or performance, and
application usage, rather than traffic shares of underlying
protocols. Moreover, note that protocol support is different
from protocol usage.
Considering the varying numbers observed by differ-
ent studies, it is important revisit the traffic composition
while considering differences due to the selection of vantage
points. Thus, we attempt to highlight this by contrasting two
datasets of different traffic monitors in this study. We further
dissect the data of one monitored link by its two directions
to show similarities and differences within a single link,
since Internet traffic can be asymmetric as well.
For the analysis of short-term changes, we first discuss
the impact of the restrictions imposed by the current
COVID-19 pandemic on the traffic composition monitored
by MAWI 4), for which we compare datasets collected by
the MAWI monitor from April 2019 and April 2020.
We then analyze two sets of publicly available traffic
traces to study the natural evolution of the composition
of Internet traffic at two different geolocations. To directly
contrast the two datasets with each other, we limit the study
period to monthly traces collected between March 2018
and December 2018 to align the timeline of both datasets:
For comparison of the traffic seen at the monitors 5),
we consider traces for the days on which both CAIDA
and MAWI monitors have collected data, i.e., within the
same timeframe. Note that the CAIDA monitors stopped
capturing data after January 2019, as the link upgraded to
100 Gbps, which the monitoring cards are not capable of
handling anymore, which is why the common time period
of the data is limited to 2018.
Moreover, parts of the MAWI datasets from April 2019
and 2020 are not anonymized (see §4.2), in contrast to the
public datasets from 2018 in which source and destination
endpoints are anonymized. Thus, analyses in §4 and §5
are inherently different. Nevertheless, despite the data be-
ing available in the public domain, the observable trends
derived from the data analysis are not necessarily known,
which represents the novel contribution of this study.
MAWI The Measurement and Analysis on the WIDE
Internet (MAWI) Working Group monitors network traffic
as part of the Widely Integrated Distributed Environment
(WIDE) project. The WIDE project [34] runs an Internet
backbone in Japan, which is an operational network and
simultaneously serves as an experimentation ground for
new applications. We download the collected traces for
samplepoint-F ( 100 GB in size for March to December
2018), which is a 1 Gbps transit link of WIDE to the upstream
ISP. The traffic traces are collected via tcpdump, with confi-
dential information being removed via TCPdPriv [8]. Since
2007, MAWI publishes 15-minute captures (14:00–14:15 local
time) of this link every day. They release compressed pcap
files for each trace, along with a summary of the packets and
bytes observed per IP protocol.
CAIDA The dataset collected by CAIDA consists of
anonymized Internet traces [35] captured from a passive
monitor [14] located in an Equinix data center in New
York City. The monitor connects to a 9953 Mbps Tier-1
ISP backbone link between New York and São Paulo. The
packets are captured by two machines, each of them using
a Endace 9.2 DAG network monitoring card to capture
one direction of the full-duplex fiber optics link: direction
“A from São Paulo to New York and direction “B” from
New York to São Paulo, which we refer to as SPNY and
NYSP, respectively, for the remainder of this work, in which
we present separate observations for each direction. After
collecting the data, CAIDA strips the payload from the
packets and anonymizes the IP addresses through Cryp-
toPan prefix-preserving anonymization [36]. For IPv4, all
32 bits are preserved, while for IPv6 addresses, only 64
bits are preserved. The traces considered in this study were
recorded between March 15, 2018, and December 20, 2018
( 4 TB in size); the monitor records the traces on the third
Thursday of each month for both directions at 13:00 UTC
for 1 hour. The corresponding local time of the traces is
08:00–09:00 AM in New York and 10:00–11:00 AM in São
Paulo. The recorded pcap files contain the anonymized
traces with header information up to the transport layer (L4)
and timestamps truncated to microsecond precision.
Methodology To investigate the distribution of IP
versions, we extract the relevant meta information provided
by both datasets, which includes the bytes observed per IP
version. To obtain the transport layer information, namely
the transport protocol (such as TCP/MPTCP/UDP/QUIC),
port numbers, and IP addresses (source and destination) of
the packets, we analyze the pcap files using the SiLK anal-
ysis suit [37] and TShark network protocol analyzer [38].
For both MAWI and CAIDA traces, a small fraction (around
0.5%) of packets are lost during the conversion due to
incomplete packet headers. Note that the CAIDA data col-
lected in October 2018 has around 50% incomplete headers;
for those, we manually extracted the pcap files of this
month instead.
Throughout our results, we refer to the number of bytes
transferred when we mention quantities of traffic. To extract
the information on applications in the dataset, we apply a
heuristic that maps tuples of transport protocol and port to
known applications (e.g., UDP and port 53 are mapped to
DNS). We first extract the top 50 combinations of transport
protocol with source and destination ports from all traces
for each month and count the monthly occurrence of every
combination. Note that for the CAIDA dataset, we consider
and process the two directions SPNY and NYSP separately.
For the top 50 combinations, we further normalize the data
between the CAIDA and MAWI data and also discard appli-
cations that have only become popular over a brief period of
time. Note that not all combinations can be mapped to one
specific application; e.g., some combinations can be mapped
to several applications, while others cannot be mapped to
any application. Many applications often use a wide range
of ports (several hundred), making it difficult to classify
with anonymized headers. We thus map the port/protocol
combinations on a best effort basis.
Before considering “natural” evolutions of the application
mix, we first investigate sudden changes to the traffic
composition: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a
drastic shift in Internet traffic from work environments
to home networks. Governments and various institutions
are recommending people to work from home to limit the
spread of the virus. Recent studies [16], [18], [19], [17] inves-
tigate how COVID-19 has impacted the Internet and traffic
from different networks and vantage points, primarily from
Europe. In this section, we investigate the change in traffic
composition on the MAWI link (samplepoint-F) in April
2019 and April 2020; recall that this link carries a mix of tra-
ditional and experimental traffic from research networks in
Japan. Furthermore, Japan did not have a lockdown for the
general public (other than most countries where the vantage
points of the aforementioned studies were located). Instead,
Japan has put preventive measures into place starting April
2020; on-campus operations have been shut down at major
universities in Tokyo [39], [40], [41], from whose research
network the MAWI data is collected. Thus, for countries
which implemented more strict and limiting regulations, the
observed impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Internet
traffic are likely more extreme (cf. [19], [18]). As the CAIDA
link stopped monitoring data after January 2019, traffic data
collected from the link between New York and São Paulo
cannot be included in this analysis.
To this end, we aggregate the traffic traces across all of
April for 2019 and 2020 (referred to as 2019 and 2020 in the
following). We find 838.9M flows overall for 2019, whereas
for 2020, we observe 1.26B flows in total, i.e., an increase by
roughly 50%. On the other hand, the number of packets has
remained similar with 3.1B in 2019 and 2.8B in 2020. Never-
theless, we observe packet sizes (i.e., bytes per packet) to be
smaller, as the total number of bytes has reduced drastically.
Moreover, the common weekday-weekend patterns with
respect to traffic volumes become less pronounced in 2020
(cf. [19]). The aggregates in terms of traffic volume in bytes
are shown in Table 1 over IPv4 (left) and IPv6 (right), along
with the relative changes to the previous year (highlighted
cells show substantial changes from 2019 to 2020). Overall,
we see traffic volume has dropped significantly by 47.3%
over IPv4 and 38.5% over IPv6 when comparing 2019 to
2020, which is expected, as traffic from the WIDE network
has likely moved to residential networks due to home office
regulations. The table further indicates that IPv6 traffic share
was 10.7% in 2019 and has increased to 12.2% in 2020,
suggesting continuous growth in IPv6 adoption since 2018
(when the share was around 9%).
4.1 Application Mix and Remote Work
We focus on a subset of applications that we have seen
to be prominent in previous sections or which are related
to remote access. In particular, the volume of Web traffic
(HTTPS and HTTP) over IPv4 decreases by 55.7% and
41.8%, respectively, although the difference in traffic share
TABLE 1: Aggregates of MAWI samplepoint-F traffic volume in GB over IPv4 (left) and IPv6 (right) for a subset of applications as of
April 2019 and April 2020, showing relative volume difference in % and share difference in percentage points (p.p.).
Traffic Vol.
(2019) [GB]
Traffic Vol.
(2020) [GB]
Vol. Diff.
HTTPS 1077.568 54.2% 476.971 45.5% 55.7% 8.6 p.p.
HTTP 502.436 25.3% 292.597 27.9% 41.8% +2.7 p.p.
SSH 35.612 1.8% 5.687 0.5% 84.0% 1.2 p.p.
IPSec NAT Trav. 4.194 0.2% 5.537 0.5% +32.0% +0.3 p.p.
DNS 2.653 0.1% 2.433 0.2% 8.3% +0.1 p.p.
rsync 2.328 0.1% 5.352 0.5% +129.9% +0.4 p.p.
OpenVPN 0.664 0.0% 7.125 0.7% +973.4% +0.6 p.p.
X11 0.635 0.0% 0.230 0.0% 63.7% 0.0 p.p.
FTP 0.094 0.0% 0.115 0.0% +22.6% +0.0 p.p.
Total 1989.694 100% 1048.084 100% 47.3%
Traffic Vol.
(2019) [GB]
Traffic Vol.
(2020) [GB]
Vol. Diff.
HTTPS 171.205 72.1% 22.887 15.7% 86.6% 56.4 p.p
HTTP 39.365 16.6% 61.976 42.5% +57.4% +25.9 p.p
SSH 10.492 4.4% 3.331 2.3% 68.3% 2.1 p.p
DNS 1.725 0.7% 4.345 3.0% +151.9% +2.3 p.p
rsync 0.478 0.2% 15.210 10.4% +3082.7% +10.2 p.p
X11 0.022 0.0% 0.004 0.0% 82.0% 0.0 p.p
OpenVPN 0.009 0.0% 0.030 0.0% +219.6% +0.0 p.p
FTP 0.001 0.0% 0.004 0.0% +249.9% +0.0 p.p
IPSec NAT Trav. 0.000 0.0% 0.000 0.0% +126.9% +0.0 p.p
Total 237.376 100% 145.944 100% 38.5%
only changes substantially for HTTPS (8.6 percentage
points (p.p.)). Traffic volume attributed to ssh drops by
84.0%, which also affects X11 (63.7%), although both pro-
tocols are typically used for remote work. Nevertheless, we
observe that the traffic volume of rsync and OpenVPN
has increased manifold by 129.9% and 973.4%; especially
the high increase in OpenVPN traffic volume indicates that
clients likely connect to the WIDE network through a VPN,
which then carries other applications.
Regarding IPv6, we find that HTTPS traffic volume
decreases massively by 86.6%, resulting in a traffic share
difference of 56.4 p.p.. In contrast, however, HTTP traffic
increases by 57.4%, increasing traffic share by 25.9 p.p..
We suspect that the decrease of HTTPS traffic volume
in the network is likely linked to the decrease of Web
service usage (e.g., YouTube, Facebook, and Netflix that are
known to be drivers of IPv6 traffic), which has reduced
together with the number of users (see §4.2). On the other
hand, similar to IPv4, we observe the largest changes for
rsync (+3082.7% traffic volume), FTP (+249.9%), Open-
VPN (+219.6%), and IPSec NAT Traversal (+126.9%), with
the traffic share of rsync even increasing by 10.2 p.p. as a
Overall, we find that the traffic composition over IPv4
remains roughly the same during the prevention measures.
However, over IPv6, the composition and rankings change,
as HTTP and HTTPS switch places in terms of the highest
traffic shares. Moreover, rsync contributes more than 10.4%
of the traffic over IPv6 in 2020, whereas in 2019, it only
amounted to a percentage of 0.2%, showing a significant
4.2 Source and Destination ASes
We are further given access to non-anonymized traffic trace
headers from MAWI for April 2019 and 2020, which allows
us to identify the traces’ source and destination ASes from
the real IP addresses for these months specifically. To map
the ASes, we use BGP Routing Information Base data col-
lected by RouteViews for the respective months. On top
of that, we lookup the types of the ASes based on the
CAIDA AS classification dataset [42], which differentiates
between transit/access (T/A), content (C), and enterprise (E)
ASes in particular. However, note that the non-anonymized
dataset only covers Wednesdays and Sundays of the months
and is therefore a subset of the previously discussed traffic
traces. We aggregate the data for these days across the whole
month and group bytes by AS. In 2019, this subset covers
551.7 GiB of traffic, whereas in 2020, the subset covers only
292.4 GiB of traffic instead. We inspect the top 10 source
(i.e., incoming traffic) and top 10 destination (i.e., outgoing
traffic) ASes by traffic volume, shown in Tables 2 and 3
(highlighted cells discussed in detail).
4.2.1 Source ASes
We observe that for source ASes (see Table 2), the compo-
sition of ASes remains roughly the same: The majority of
incoming traffic volume is received from popular CDNs and
cloud providers, i.e., Akamai, Apple, Amazon, Dropbox,
TABLE 2: Top 10 source ASes (w.r.t. traffic volume by bytes) in April 2019 (left) and 2020 (right) for samplepoint-F.
Top 10 Source ASes
(April 2019)
Tfc. Vol.
Top 10 Source ASes
(April 2020)
Tfc. Vol.
AS15169 GOOGLE C 119.25 AS2500 WIDE-BB T/A 132.77
AS2500 WIDE-BB T/A 70.87 AS19679 DROPBOX C 24.31
AS20940 AKAMAI-ASN1 C 67.72 AS6185 APPLE-AUSTIN C 17.05
AS6185 APPLE-AUSTIN C 50.16 AS20940 AKAMAI-ASN1 C 16.36
AS16509 AMAZON-02 E 37.21 AS16509 AMAZON-02 E 12.62
AS15133 EDGECAST C 26.23 AS17676 GIGAINFRA Softbank T/A 9.20
AS32934 FACEBOOK C 25.82 AS63783 Chiba Univ. of Commerce T/A 6.59
AS19679 DROPBOX C 19.20 AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET C 6.13
AS13335 CLOUDFLARENET C 19.05 AS16625 AKAMAI-AS C 5.61
and Cloudflare. However, while we also observe larger
amounts of traffic to be received from other prominent
services and CDNs such as Google, Edgecast, Facebook,
or Netflix in 2019, these ASes disappear from the top 10
in 2020. We suspect that this is due to university staff and
students being moved off-campus, resulting in a substantial
decrease of popular end user content served from Facebook
(AS32934) and Netflix (AS2906), as they drop from 25.8 GiB
(ranked 7
) and 9.49 GiB (ranked 10
) to less than 1 GiB of
traffic volume each (ranked 25
and 26
On the other hand, Google (AS15169) drops from
119.25 GiB (ranked 1
) to 17.8 MiB (ranked 169
), i.e., a
decrease by more than 99%; similarly, Edgecast (AS15133)
drops from 26.23 GiB (ranked 6
) to 6.15 MiB (ranked
). Therefore, these substantial decreases are likely due
to changes in the AS topology, rather than due to the
However, although the overall traffic volume has de-
creased from 2019 to 2020 as shown in Table 1, we find more
traffic incoming from within the WIDE network (AS2500),
increasing from 70.87 GiB to 132.77 GiB, as well as from
Dropbox (AS19679), increasing from 19.2 GiB to 24.31 GiB.
Considering the COVID-19 restrictions, the latter observa-
tion indicates that clients in the WIDE network are in-
creasingly pulling data from their Dropbox storage, likely
to synchronize with work done remotely; note that this
might also result in policy violations depending on the
classification of information, e.g., if sensitive datasets are
stored on such third-party servers.
4.2.2 Destination ASes
In terms of outgoing traffic volume (see Table 3), traffic is
mostly destined toward transit/access ASes in both April
2019 and 2020, although the set of destination ASes partially
changes between the years. In both years, most traffic is
sent to destinations within the WIDE network (AS2500 and
AS4717), although the volume has decreased significantly
from 2019 (438.64 GiB) to 2020 (140.39 GiB). Traffic destined
to Dropbox (AS19679) only amounts to roughly 250–280 MiB
in both April 2019 and 2020, indicating asymmetric syn-
chronization behavior when compared to the traffic volume
originating from its AS. While most of the top 10 ASes do
not refer to specific services, we observe that Cisco Webex
(AS13445) appears among the top 10 destination ASes in
2020 (2.22 GiB) after increasing by a factor of roughly
ten, up from rank 47 in 2019 (210.39 MiB). The COVID-19
pandemic has resulted in a large increase regarding video
conferencing traffic [19]; consequently, the increase of traffic
volume toward Cisco Webex AS in the WIDE network is
very likely a result of the switch to remote work.
Takeaway: Comparing MAWI traffic data from April 2019
to 2020, we find that COVID-19 prevention measures
are reflected in the traffic mix, as protocols such as
OpenVPN and rsync see significant increases in terms of
traffic volume over both address families (up to 3082.7%).
Weekday-weekend patterns have also become less pro-
nounced. In terms of source and destination ASes, we
find that traffic volume received from CDNs has reduced,
while traffic from Dropbox (cloud storage) and traffic to
Cisco Webex (video conferencing) have increased, which
indicates that users move off-campus and shift toward
remote work due to COVID-19 restrictions.
As shown in the previous section, the Internet traffic com-
position can change drastically depending on recent, life-
changing events. However, the Internet also evolves over
time naturally, resulting in a shift regarding protocols and
services used, which we will focus on in this section.
5.1 IPv4 and IPv6 Traffic Analysis
5.1.1 IPv4 Traffic
Fig. 1a shows the traffic distribution over the source and
destination ports for IPv4 on SPNY. Around 80% of the
traffic originates from source ports of the well-known port
range (1–1024), which indicates that most of the traffic on
SPNY comes from servers running the associated services.
On the other hand, the destination ports have no such dis-
tinct behavior in the well-known port range. Instead, we see
a mostly linear trend, with three minor spikes in the CDF:
The first cluster is located at around port 28000, though
cause and purpose are not clear. The second spike starts
from port 32768 onwards, where the standard ephemeral
port range for Linux starts. The third begins at port 49152,
which is the start of the ephemeral port range for Windows
since Windows Vista [43].
For NYSP, Fig. 1b shows the traffic distribution for
source and destination ports. About 40% of traffic ends in
TABLE 3: Top 10 destination ASes (w.r.t. traffic volume by bytes) in April 2019 (left) and 2020 (right) for samplepoint-F.
Top 10 Destination ASes
(April 2019)
Tfc. Vol.
Top 10 Destination ASes
(April 2020)
Tfc. Vol.
AS2500 WIDE-BB T/A 438.64 AS2500 WIDE-BB T/A 135.72
AS23799 National Defense Academy T/A 38.13 AS17676 GIGAINFRA Softbank T/A 56.68
AS17676 GIGAINFRA Softbank T/A 15.42 AS4837 CHINA169-BACKBONE T/A 26.21
AS7922 COMCAST-7922 T/A 5.29 AS715 WOODYNET-2 C 10.68
AS64238 ASN-OARC T/A 4.12 AS7922 COMCAST-7922 T/A 5.18
AS2518 BIGLOBE T/A 1.47 AS16276 OVH C 2.61
AS4725 ODN SoftBank Corp. T/A 1.44 AS13445 CISCO Webex LLC C 2.22
Fig. 1: IPv4 traffic distribution over TCP/UDP ports in bytes for CAIDA, separated by SPNY (a) and NYSP (b). Destination ports
are represented by dashed lines, source ports by solid ones. 80% of source ports on SPNY are in the well-known port range, indicating
a major portion of server-to-client traffic from São Paulo to New York.
destination ports which are in the well-known port range,
which is expected as it represents the respective client traffic
to the opposite direction (SPNY). In addition, we see around
80% of traffic coming from ports above 1024. This leaves
20% that come from ports below 1024, indicating that there
is a moderate share of server-to-client traffic on NYSP as
well. Again, the increase of the curve at the start of the
Windows ephemeral port range can be observed, this time
for both source and destination ports. The destination ports
curve further exhibits a step-wise pattern up to port 10000,
which we observe due to popular applications within the
registered ports range.
Fig. 2 shows the distribution for the MAWI link and
exhibits a similar distribution as SPNY. This indicates that it
mostly carries server-to-client traffic over the upstream link.
5.1.2 IPv6 Traffic
Fig. 3 visualizes the traffic distribution by ports in NYSP
over IPv6. We do not include the graphs for IPv6 on SPNY
here, as IPv6 traffic on SPNY only accounts for 0.5% of
overall traffic at its peak (see Fig. 4). For MAWI, the distri-
bution of ports over IPv6 is similar to its IPv4 distribution,
thus also not shown. The distribution of NYSP over IPv6,
however, shows an interesting pattern when compared to
its IPv4 counterpart: Around 20% of the source ports are
in the well-known port range; traffic shares increase linearly
Fig. 2: IPv4 traffic distribution over TCP/UDP ports in bytes
for MAWI. Destination ports are represented by dashed lines,
source ports by solid ones. The port distribution is similar to the
distribution observed for SPNY.
from port 1024 onward, with a visible spike after port 49152.
Regarding destination ports, we observe significant spikes
on the same two ports inside the registered port range every
month, namely ports 5443 and 9501; traffic on these ports
almost has the same source and destination IP prefixes.
Fig. 4 shows the distribution of IPv6 traffic for CAIDA
Fig. 3: IPv6 traffic distribution over TCP/UDP ports in bytes for
direction NYSP. Destination ports are represented by dashed lines,
source ports by solid ones. Source ports are similarly distributed
as over IPv4, however, destination ports exhibit spikes at ports
5443 and 9501.
(SPNY, NYSP, and total) and MAWI. IPv4 is by far the
more popular address family; the IPv6 traffic share on the
CAIDA traces is just 1.1% in March 2018 but eventually
grows to 6.1% despite some fluctuations at the end of the
measurements in December 2018. Traffic coming from São
Paulo (SPNY) barely carries any IPv6 packets; with values
between 0.1% and 0.5%, this is even lower than observed
worldwide years ago in 2013 [20]. Nevertheless, we notice
that destination port 5443 accounts for a large traffic share in
this direction. We suspect that the traffic is related to DNS
services, as the flows originate from port 53, and as port
5443 is further used for DNSCrypt services. In the other
direction, traffic coming from New York (NYSP) reaches
up to 11% of IPv6 traffic share. CAIDA offers insights on
the packet sizes for IPv6 [44], from which we can see that
IPv6 traffic on NYSP has a very low median packet size
between 70 and 100 bytes but a much bigger mean packet
size that is 3–5 times higher. For IPv4, we see the opposite
(not shown in the figure), where the mean packet size is
almost half the median packet size. Therefore, we assume
that the applications using ports 5443 and 9501 carry few
but big packets and almost solely push the IPv6 traffic share
(defined by the number of transferred bytes) on NYSP. This
large volume of intra-AS traffic is used to synchronize data
between content replicas across data centers (further anal-
ysis withheld to preserve the anonymity of the trace); note
that IPv6 is known to be heavily used for content delivery
purposes [30]. On the other hand, the MAWI traces already
start off with 7.1% IPv6 traffic, but do not show a growing
trend over time. Although some months have over 10% of
IPv6 traffic, the percentage is even slightly less in December
than at the beginning of March. When compared to up to
date IPv6 measurements mentioned in §2, both datasets
show much less IPv6 adoption overall. As explained in
previous work [30], quantifying IPv6 adoption relies heavily
on the metric used, as well as the vantage point location:
Google [4] as well as APNIC [13] use different metrics,
e.g., counting the number of users accessing their service
via IPv6 in Google’s case. The same work measures 0.68%
of traffic over IPv6 in 2014. When we compare this to the
Fig. 4: Distribution of IPv6 traffic share for CAIDA (SPNY,
NYSP, and in total) and MAWI. IPv6 traffic increases from 1.1%
to 6.1% for CAIDA and is consistently at around 9% for MAWI.
most recent percentages on the CAIDA dataset, this is an
approximate 800% increase in four years. When compared
to MAWI’s 6.9% in December 2018, this even represents
a growth of more than 900%. In contrast, Czyz et al. [30]
observed a yearly 400% increase in IPv6 traffic between 2012
and 2014.
5.2 Transport Layer Traffic Analysis
For the different transport protocols, we determine the
traffic volume shares in terms of bytes within the MAWI
dataset (CAIDA omitted for brevity). Since FB-Zero runs
over TCP and uses the same port as HTTPS, we cannot
distinguish FB-Zero from TCP in our traces. As expected,
TCP traffic dominates with more than 90% traffic share.
This is followed by QUIC with an average of 7% traffic
share, which is a very high share for being a relatively new
protocol; this observation is in-line with prior work [7], [32],
[1]. UDP (besides QUIC) has a depleting traffic share of
around 1.5%. However, we do not observe much MPTCP
traffic in our analysis (1%): No clear longitudinal trend is
visible in the results across the months; the traffic share of
MPTCP remains similar with slight variations, which can
likely be attributed to the short (15 minutes) time frame of
the traces.
Takeaway: Overall, we find that the CAIDA dataset has
an average of 4% IPv6 traffic share, consistently lower
to that of the MAWI dataset (9%). We further notice
the CAIDA link to carry different traffic depending on
the observed direction: SPNY carries primarily server-to-
client traffic, whereas NYSP carries client-to-server traffic
instead. Regarding transport protocols, TCP to accounts
for 91.5% of the traffic and UDP for 1.5%. As an evolving
protocol, the traffic share of QUIC is already seen to be at
5.3 Web Browsing Traffic Analysis
Fig. 5 presents the top applications from the CAIDA (top)
and MAWI (bottom) datasets over IPv4 and IPv6 in terms of
traffic shares. Classified applications other than the ones dis-
played in the legend are grouped into the category “misc”;
applications that could not be mapped are subsumed under
“unclassified” instead. Note that XMPP is only popular over
IPv4, while NTP (CAIDA) and rsync (MAWI) are only
Fig. 5: Boxplots over traffic shares by month for most popular
applications for CAIDA (top) and MAWI (bottom) over both IPv4
(blue) and IPv6 (red). IPv4 CAIDA data over IPv4 consists of
60% to 70% HTTP(S) with a 2-to-1 HTTPS to HTTP ratio. For
MAWI, the Web makes up more than 90% of all IPv4 traffic with
a 3-to-1 HTTPS to HTTP ratio. IPv6 The IPv6 mix appears
similar to the IPv4 one for MAWI; however, CAIDA has mostly
unclassified applications (on ports 5443 and 9501).
popular over IPv6, which is why they are only shown for
one address family.
5.3.1 IPv4 Application Mix
In this section, we look into the applications observed over
IPv4 (see Fig. 5, blue boxes). The CAIDA IPv4 mix primarily
consists of HTTPS, followed by HTTP, both together ac-
counting for 60–70% of traffic. Note that encrypted Web
traffic such as HTTP/2 and FB-Zero is subsumed under
HTTPS in our results. When compared to the 2013 appli-
cation mix from Richter et al. [20], where HTTPS contributes
less than 10% to the overall traffic, it is clear that HTTPS
has been growing at the expense of HTTP. Nevertheless,
HTTPS and HTTP together still account for a similar fraction
of all traffic. In the previous study [20], the ratio between
HTTPS to HTTP was 1-to-6 in 2013, however, we see an
approximately 2-to-1 HTTPS to HTTP ratio in the current
data. More recent work also measured a 3-to-1 HTTPS to
HTTP ratio by the end of 2017 [7].
The MAWI data presents a different view: On average,
the HTTPS to HTTP ratio is around 3-to-1, which is higher
than in the CAIDA traces. Previous research on the same
MAWI monitor showed a 2-to-3 HTTPS to HTTP ratio in
2017 [6], which means that the MAWI traffic is trending to-
ward more encrypted Web traffic. HTTP and HTTPS are also
accountable for a much larger fraction of traffic compared to
the CAIDA data, with more than 90% of traffic share in some
months. This dominance of Web-related traffic can be clearly
seen in the MAWI traces, whereas the CAIDA traces exhibit
a more diverse application mix.
We further inspect the application mix for both direc-
tions SPNY and NYSP of the CAIDA monitor separately by
month. We observe that traffic on SPNY carries more HTTPS
and HTTP than its counterpart: Web traffic accounts for
consistently more than 70% on SPNY but always less than
60% on NYSP, in December 2018 even less than 50%. The
discrepancy for HTTP in particular is striking here: Direc-
tion SPNY is composed of around 20%-30% of HTTP traffic,
whereas there is only 10%-20% on NYSP. NYSP traffic sees a
relatively large fraction of XMPP, BitTorrent, DNS, and other
classified applications instead, which indicates asymmetry
between the two directions regarding the application mix.
5.3.2 IPv6 Application Mix
The application mixes over IPv6 (see Fig. 5, red boxes) ex-
hibit a different behavior. With respect to the CAIDA dataset
and Fig. 4, we see that the majority of IPv6 traffic is carried
on NYSP. As such, CAIDA’s IPv6 application mix is mainly
determined by traffic in that direction. We notice more than
50% of unclassified traffic across all months (except for April
and May 2018), which comes from two applications on ports
5443 and 9501, following the aforementioned reasoning.
This part of the traffic also increases over time, to a point
where it is over 90% of IPv6 traffic in December 2018.
The rest is mainly HTTP(S) and DNS, with a much higher
HTTPS to HTTP ratio than seen over IPv4. The largest part
of the DNS traffic on IPv6 comes from traffic in SPNY,
as more than half of SPNY’s IPv6 traffic is DNS. Earlier
measurements show similar behavior to our observations
for SPNY, where IPv6 is mainly used for DNS queries (85%
DNS traffic on average in 2009 [45]). The overall picture
of the IPv6 traffic in the CAIDA dataset is contrary to the
trend observed by Czyz et al. [30], who suggest that the IPv6
application mix is adapting to the one of IPv4.
When we look at the MAWI IPv6 mix in Fig. 5, HTTPS
and HTTP together account for more than 90% of traffic in
the median case over the months, which is even a larger
share than observed in the IPv4 mix. Furthermore, DNS
accounts for a very small part of the traffic only, similar to
IPv4. The results we see head more toward the direction of
Czyz et al.’s observations [30]. Note that the plot displays
rsync instead of NTP for CAIDA but shows rsync for
MAWI over IPv6 in Fig. 5, as rsync does not appear at all
in the CAIDA IPv6 mix, whereas it is popular in the MAWI
traces. At its peak in July 2018, rsync even reaches 12.5%
of IPv6 traffic volume.
Takeaway: In terms of Web traffic, we find the HTTPS
to HTTP ratio growing overall, ranging from 2-to-1 up
to 3-to-1. Evolving transport protocols, such as QUIC
and FB-Zero, increasingly contribute to Web traffic at the
expense of TCP, which further increases the HTTPS traffic
share. Moreover, comparing the MAWI and CAIDA data
(including both directions), highlights how different the
traffic composition can be depending on the selected
We are aware that traffic varies for different hours and
weekdays [7], and that traffic captures from both CAIDA
and MAWI links are different in length. While similar results
have been already observed by previous work for the same
links, our study updates, combines, and continues these
studies by putting the monitored traffic in contrast with
each other. However, we also acknowledge that different
types of traffic are carried by the monitored links. Thus, the
presented results are specific to these links and cannot be
generalized. Simultaneously, finding differing observations
due to inherent differences of vantage points is also a point
we aim to highlight with this study.
Future studies should further look into the different
types of end users. While the MAWI datasets largely cover
users from an educational/research network, the constella-
tion of end users is unknown and cannot be determined for
the CAIDA data due to header anonymization.
Moreover, the heuristic used for identification is limited,
as it can only identify well-known protocols and appli-
cations. We acknowledge that a port-based identification
will underestimate the observed traffic shares, however, an
exhaustive application identification method is not the focus
of this work. Due to the datasets anonymizing IP prefixes
and addresses at the cost of the report transparency [35], we
cannot incorporate additional information of the traces, such
as sources and destinations, over a more extended period
of time for a more fine-grained identification. As such, this
does not allow us to draw conclusions for the endpoints
of the measured traces, e.g., regarding potential geographic
relationships. The analysis of source and destination ASes
is only possible for § 4.2 due to the support from MAWI,
who provided us with non-anonymized data. The AS-based
analysis can, therefore, not be extended to the whole moni-
toring period of the MAWI monitor. We are aware of other
evolving protocols and protocol extensions/updates, such
as HTTP/2 [46], TLS 1.3 [47], DNS over TLS (DoT) [48],
[49], or DNS over HTTPS (DoH) [50]. However, traffic using
HTTP/2, TLS 1.3, or DoH cannot be accurately identified
based on the public trace data, as the monitors drop all
packet information above the transport layer. In addition to
this, the mentioned protocols do not yet contribute mean-
ingfully to Internet traffic shares, as we find DoT traffic
shares to be negligible (< 0.1%), for instance.
Regarding future directions, extending the analysis by
considering a vantage point in Europe would add further
insights. However, a similar dataset is not available in
the public domain due to GDPR regulations. Further, the
datasets that are indeed online are a bit dated. To this end,
operators can consider making more recent datasets avail-
able in the public domain to allow researchers better provide
insights into the trends of Internet traffic composition.
Additionally, an online dashboard to visualize and
present the trends in real-time would be very valuable for
planning of future short-term events (similar to COVID-19)
that dramatically led to change in Internet usage behavior.
Operators reactively adapted to such changes but an online
dashboard can help visualize such changes more quickly,
leading to a more proactive approach to network capacity
planning for future events.
Evaluating the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown, we
observed that the overall traffic volume decreased on the
MAWI link over both address families, although we saw
a surge in traffic volume from Dropbox and toward Cisco
Webex ASe; we similarly observed a substantial relative
increase in traffic volume for applications (OpenVPN and
rsync) that facilitate remote work. More surprisingly, we
found that although the application mix over IPv4 remained
similar, it changed substantially over IPv6 during the lock-
down in favor of HTTP over HTTPS.
We further presented a longitudinal view of the Internet
by analyzing two trace datasets from Brazil/USA (CAIDA)
and Japan (MAWI). The traffic distribution to the different
source and destination ports on the CAIDA traces revealed
that most of the traffic in these traces come from servers
in São Paulo and clients in New York. SPNY carries more
Web traffic on the application layer, but NYSP has a higher
HTTPS to HTTP ratio. We saw that IPv6 usage is increasing
on CAIDA’s traces and is increasingly stable for MAWI’s,
with peak values of 10.1% IPv6 traffic share in 2018 (12.2%
in 2020). Regarding the transport layer, we find that TCP
dominates the transport layer traffic with 90% of the traffic.
QUIC achieves 7%, despite being a relatively new protocol.
For applications, we discovered that the traffic mix for IPv4
consists mostly of Web traffic in both datasets, with a higher
and still growing part of HTTPS. In the CAIDA data, the
HTTPS to HTTP ratio is 2-to-1, whereas the ratio is 3-to-1 in
the MAWI dataset. Earlier traces on the same MAWI moni-
tor from two years ago showed different results with HTTP
in the lead [6]. In the MAWI traces, HTTP and HTTPS also
dominate the application mix with more than 90% of traffic
in some months, indicating the high share of Web traffic.
We saw a vastly different application mix for the CAIDA
dataset over IPv6 when compared to its IPv4 counterpart,
with the majority of traffic utilized to synchronize content
replicas. In the MAWI data, we instead notice that the shape
of IPv6 traffic is more similar to that of IPv4 traffic.
In conclusion, our analysis provided a relative compar-
ison of evolving protocols from two very different vantage
points across the globe during the same time period. We
demonstrated that the evolution trends can vary based on
where the observations are made, despite applying the same
methods and analyses to the datasets. This further presents
a novel perspective on related work that largely reported
trends collected from datasets in one particular region, such
as Europe or North America. Future work, particularly on
evolving protocols and short-term sudden effects, should
therefore take such aspects into consideration.
The CAIDA [14] and the MAWI [8] datasets analyzed in §4.1
and §5 are publicly available. The scripts and Jupyter note-
books used for processing, aggregating, and analyzing the
data will be released on Github to facilitate reproducibility
of results.
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