Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy | Clean Energy Finance
Instruments to Mitigate Financial Risk in Indian Renewable
Energy Investments
Gireesh Shrimali,
Research-Fellow, Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, Stanford University
Dan Reicher, Executive Director, Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, Stanford University
AS A KEY component of its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) under the Paris climate
agreement, India has committed to ambitious renewable energy targets, of 175 GW by 2022. This includes
100 GW of solar, 60GW of wind, and 15 GW of other sources such as biomass. The 100 GW of solar target
is further divided among 60 GW of utility scale solar and 40 GW of rooop solar.
Based on these targets, and assuming that these
targets will be met in a linear fashion (i.e., equal
capacity installation per year), using forecasted
costs of renewable technologies, this would require
approximately $189 billion of additional investment,
including $132 billion of debt and $57 billion of equity.
Among technologies, solar energy would require
approximately $131 billion, wind energy would require
approximately $51 billion and other technologies
the rest.
Although there are some rosy “best case” scenarios
for access to capital, in the expected scenario, the
debt shortfall would be 27% and the equity shortfall
would be 41%. This requires investigation of alternative
sources that may help fulfill this gap.
We find that institutional investors will be key to
reaching India’s ambitious renewable energy targets.
Institutional investors – insurance companies,
sovereign wealth and pension funds, and university
and foundation endowments – are a potential source
of capital that can help fulfill approximately 50%
and 100% of the expected debt and equity gaps
respectively. Preliminary investigation reveals that
the basic requirements of these investors – long-term
steady returns – match those provided by renewable
However, given the current policy and institutional
environment in India, these institutional investors –
both domestic and foreign – are currently unlikely to
meet the requirement due to multiple risks, including:
foreign exchange, o-taker credit, regulatory/policy,
etc. Further, these investors face an uncertain business
environment and lack of trusted intermediaries.
Addressing these risks and barriers would go a long
way towards ensuring Indias renewable energy goals
receive the required level of investments.
In Section 1 of this paper, we examine these investment
barriers to get a sense of relative priorities and help
inform appropriate targeting of risk. In sections 2 and
3 we then dig a little deeper into potential solutions for
the top two risks – currency (Section 2) and o-taker
(Section 3). We recognize that both of these risks will
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need longer-term solutions, however given that Indias
renewable energy targets extend only over the next five
years; our focus in this paper is on short-to-mid-term
solutions. Section 4 concludes with policy implications
and suggestions for future research.
There are many barriers to clean energy investment
in India. We classify the barriers under the following
categories: financing, completion, operational, and
others (Sen et al., 2016). These can be further sub-
classified as below in Table 1.
We find that currency and o-take risks are the biggest
risks based on discussions with 9 foreign investors in
where we asked the investors to
assign scores out of 10 regarding risk. Table 2 indicates
that currency and o-take risks are at least twice as
highly rated as other risks. A similar discussion with
domestic investors reveals that o-taker risk is the top-
rated risk. Therefore, we focus mainly on these two
risks in this paper.
Foreign exchange risk Currency risk due to uncertain currency movements and high cost involved with market based currency hedging
Oaker credit risk The risk that the buyer/o-taker will not fulfill its contractual obligations. It is a key contributor to the overall
credit risk of a power project.
Quality of renewable energy
The credit rating of the operational renewable energy assets may be low overall, leading to operational assets not
meeting investment criteria.
Lack of instruments for
Lack of financial instruments (or pathways) – illiquid or liquid – to invest in renewable energy.
Low returns compared to
Renewable energy projects not being able to meet the risk-return expectations of investors.
Limited availability of debt
Limited availability of debt capital due to capital market conditions, either domestically or internationally.
Construction risk Risks related to increase in overall financing cost due to construction related issues – esp. due to delays in
construction due to permitting.
Land acquisition issues Issues faced in land acquisition, esp. if there is no single window clearance in place, or if the time taken to obtain
clearances is high.
Transmission evacuation
The lack of availability of transmission evacuation infrastructure, and time taken to get the clearances and
Curtailment issues Wind developers may face this issue during high wind seasons when higher than expected generation creates
oversupply situations as well as congestion.
Contract enforceability risk Drastic reduction in cost of solar power generation may result in poor contract enforceability in the long-term.
Lack of trusted intermediaries Lack of trusted financial intermediaries may result in new and/or smaller investors staying away from the sector.
Limited understanding of
Many investors are not aware of renewable energy sector and, therefore, prefer to make investments in
mainstream asset classes.
Regulatory/policy risk The risks related to uncertainty in availability of incentive schemes, poor implementation of policies and non-
uniform policies across states.
Net metering policies The net metering policies across states may lack coherency as well as poor implementation.
TABLE 1: Risks faced by investors in renewable energy projects in India
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We had follow-up discussions with 5 foreign investors
in mid-2017 to verify these findings.
These follow-up
discussions confirmed the earlier findings related to
the high importance of currency and o-take risks.
We find that, to achieve India’s renewable energy
targets cost-eectively, more debt is required at
attractive terms – i.e., with reduced costs and extended
tenors (Shrimali et al., 2013). High costs (more than
12%), short tenors (less than 10 years), and variable
rates (as opposed to fixed), end up increasing the cost
of renewable energy in India by 24-32% compared to
renewable energy projects elsewhere (Shrimali et al.,
Foreign loans (e.g., in USD) appear attractive for Indian
policymakers, given that seemingly cheaper (e.g., 5-7%
USD), longer-term (15 years or more), fixed-rate foreign
loans have the potential to not only reduce the cost
of renewable energy significantly but also reduce the
cost of government support by making renewable
energy more competitive with fossil based-electricity
(Shrimali et al., 2013; Shrimali et al., 2017). This raises
the question as to why developers just don’t borrow in
USD, and the answer is foreign exchange rate risk, as
described below.
The reason that foreign exchange risk is an issue is that
renewable projects earn revenues in local currency
(e.g., in INR), when financing a renewable energy
project by a foreign loan (e.g., in USD), the mismatch
in the currency of debt obligations (i.e., USD) and
currency of revenue (i.e., INR) exposes the project to
the risk of devaluation in INR over time. This can result
in reduced investments in the country due to currency
necessitating the use of a currency “hedge” (or
currency “swap”)
with a third-party provider to protect
against these devaluations.
Market-based currency hedging solutions are not only
limited in availability (e.g., beyond 5-years) but also are
expensive in India, increasing the final cost of debt, and
almost entirely eliminating the benefit of seemingly
cheaper foreign loans. For example, the typical cost
of currency hedging in India is around 7% per year
(Bloomberg Terminal, 2017), making completely
hedged foreign loans as expensive as domestic loans –
i.e., at 12-13% (Shrimali et al., 2013).
Further, depending on the credit risk of the borrower,
additional credit-risk premium may increase the cost of
currency hedging by another 100bps.
Credit risk is the
risk that a party to the swap agreement will default on
its obligations. Currency swaps have high exposure to
credit risk as they involve the exchange of money (e.g.,
USD and INR) over an extended period of time. Since
a premium is charged for default risk, currency swaps
lead to a double counting of credit risk as the borrower
already pays a credit risk premium for the underlying
debt to the creditor.
Governments need to recognize the role that cheaper
currency hedging mechanisms could play in expanding
renewable energy capacity. Further, there is an
argument that governments should bear currency risk
in some strategic situations. One main reason is that
macroeconomic conditions are key drivers of currency
TABLE 2: Scoring of risks faced by investors in
renewable energy projects in India
Currency 8.33
O-taker 7.11
Regulatory/policy 3.89
Unfavorable returns 3.0
Transmission and evacuation 2.78
Land acquisition 1.78
Cost of capital 0.89
Availability of debt 0.78
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movements and related foreign exchange rates, and
government policy, in turn, influences macroeconomic
In case of India, another strong argument for
government-sponsored currency hedging solutions
is that bearing the currency risk for renewable energy
today osets the currency risk the economy would
have borne in future on purchasing imported fossil
fuels that the renewable energy would displace. This
is particularly relevant for imported coal, which is the
marginal fossil fuel that additional renewable energy is
likely to replace (Shrimali et al., 2016).
Given that currency depreciation is a direct consequence
of macroeconomic conditions, such as inflation, the
long-term solution to control currency risk is to reduce
inflation via sound macroeconomic policy that, for
example, targets disciplined government spending
and borrowing. However, controlling inflation may not
always be possible in a fast growing economy such as
India and, therefore, short-term fixes may be required.
Multiple solutions may be possible in the near term.
One potential solution is to use a structure where
public money is used to provide a buer against the
risk of unexpected currency movements (Section 2.1).
2.1 Foreign exchange hedging facility:
Using a risk buer
In providing currency hedging solutions for renewable
projects, we need to consider the following questions:
first, what are the expected costs of providing such
hedging solutions? Second, how can the risks related
to unexpected and extreme movements in foreign
exchange rates be managed? Third, what is the market
risk premium for taking these risks? We provide insights
into these questions by examining a government-
sponsored foreign exchange rate hedging facility
Under an FXHF, the government would provide project
developers or o-takers a currency hedging solution
through a standalone fund that covers debt payments
for underlying USD loans. In this case the government
is not providing a sovereign guarantee,
but rather is
pre-committing public money for creating a standalone
fund that can be used to provide cheaper currency
hedging solutions. As we will see below, the FXHF
provides an indirect way to subsidize currency hedging
without providing an explicit (or direct) subsidy.
We explain the working of the FXHF for a local currency
power purchase agreement (PPA). Under a local
currency power purchase agreement, the project
developer borrows in foreign currency (i.e., USD) and
therefore, the foreign exchange risk exposure is borne
by the project developer. In this case, the FXHF can
enter into a swap – via a “contract for dierences (CFD)”
– with the project developer.
Under a contract for dierences, the two counterparties
– FXHF and developers – would sign a contract at a fixed/
initial foreign exchange rate and, over time, exchange
payments for the dierences between the actual and
the contracted foreign exchange rates (see Figure 1).
The frequency of this payment would be similar to debt
payment obligations of the project developer.
FIGURE 1: Cash flows in a local currency PPA
[Source: Farooquee and Shrimali (2016)]
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For example, when the fixed/initial rate is 1 USD = 63
INR, then, at fixed periods when debt payments are
due, if the foreign exchange rate is higher than 1 USD
= 63 INR, the FXHF would make a net payment to the
project developer. This net payment is equal to the
dierence of a variable payment (USD debt payments
at the actual/current foreign exchange rate on the day)
from the FXHF to the developer and the fixed payment
from the developer to the FXHF (USD debt payments at
the contracted foreign exchange rate of 1 USD = 63 INR).
In the reverse situation, if the foreign exchange rate is
lower than 1 USD = 63 INR, the project developer would
make a net payment to the FXHF.
The final design of the FXHF would depend on the
underlying mix of loans. Here we provide an indicative
analysis based on assumptions from primary and
secondary research. We assume that the underlying
USD loan is at 5.5% and for 10-years. We also assume
that the market cost of providing a 10-year USD to INR
currency swap would be 7 percentage points.
We start with the first question: what are the expected
costs of providing such hedging solutions? Our analysis
reveals that the expected cost
– or the average cost
across all potential outcomes represented by our
probabilistic model – to provide a 10 year currency
hedge via the FXHF is approximately 3.5 percentage
points per year, 50% below market rates. This is what
the FXHF would charge the developer.
However, governments should be aware of the risk
exposure of the FXHF. That is, they should be aware of
what would happen to the FXHF if the Indian currency
depreciates more than the expected value and that
also in extreme ways. The FXHF would need to manage
this risk; a risk that is typically managed by market.
We therefore examine the second question: how can the
risks related to unexpected and extreme movements in
foreign exchange rates be managed? One way to protect
against this risk, and to ensure that the FXHF does not
default, is to use a capital buer. Based on our analysis,
for the FXHF to achieve India’s current sovereign rating
of BBB-,
the cumulative capital buer requirement for
10 years would be almost 30% of the underlying loan
amount; that is, with a leverage of approximately 3.
A potential solution to avoid such large public
commitments is to use a structure where public
money is used to provide protection against currency
devaluation in particular range, via a market based
instruments such as currency options (Farooquee et
al., 2016a). This approach shows that much higher
leverages (up to 10) for public money can be achieved.
The government should also be aware that the expected
cost of the FXHF of 3.5 percentage points doesn’t take
into account the market cost of a capital buer – i.e.,
the risk-premium that the market would place on
taking the risk of unexpected and extreme movements
in foreign exchange rates, and maintaining this capital
We therefore examine the third question: what is the
market risk premium for taking currency risks? Using
foreign exchange option pricing theory, we explicitly
calculate the risk-premium as 2.76 percentage points,
which largely accounts for the dierence between
the cost of currency hedging in the market and the
expected cost of the FXHF. That is, the government is
indirectly subsidizing the FXHF by keeping the capital
buer but not charging for the risk it mitigates.
The counterparty risk is related to the risk of non (or
delayed) payment by the power purchaser (also known
as the o-taker) to the power producer. From a lender’s
perspective, this results in the power producer missing
the debt payments. The typical power purchasers in
India are the public-sector, state-level distribution
companies, also known as DISCOMs.
Figure 2 shows the main components, with arrows
depicting the flow of energy and money flowing in the
reverse direction. In this structure the main problem
lies with the DISCOMs who, due to their poor financial
health, regularly delay payments.
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FIGURE 2: Flow of electricity
For example, during 2014-15, the DISCOMs had booked
cumulative losses on the order of INR
633 billion (Power
Finance Corporation, 2016), for two reasons. The first
is economic – the DISCOMs do not even recover costs
due to power taris being kept artificially low because
of political pressures: in the same year, the average cost
of purchase of power for the DISCOMs was INR 5.20/
KWh whereas the average consumer tari was INR 4.62/
KWh. The second is operational – in the same year, the
aggregate transmission and commercial (AT&C) losses
stood at 24.62% (Power Finance Corporation, 2016).
This poor performance results in a combined negative
net worth of DISCOMs at INR 1,164 billion as on March
31, 2015, with loans outstanding at INR 6,730 billion,
receivables outstanding against banks at 92 days, and
receivables outstanding against Independent Power
Producers at 121 days. The receivables outstanding
Tamil Nadu FIT was
INR 7 / kWh
FIGURE 3: Auction prices in recent auctions
gap clearly indicates that power producers are exposed
to the risk of the poor financial health of the DISCOMs
and the consequent risk of delays and/or defaults in
In fact, state DISCOMs have a history of delaying
payments to independent power producers (IPPs) by
up to as much as 24 months. This poses a direct risk to
the ability of IPPs to meet their credit obligations and
exposes debt investors to default scenarios. This causes
banks and other debt providers to limit their investment
to the renewable energy sector or otherwise raise the
cost of debt provided.
The higher cost of capital available to the IPPs may
ultimately result in higher power taris (Figure 3). This
has been evidenced in recent solar auctions, wherein
the PPA prices are always lower when the well-rated
National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) is the o-
taker. For example, a state auction held in Karnataka
resulted in an average price of INR 5.07 per kWh while
a NTPC auction - also held in Karnataka - achieved a
price of INR 4.78 per kWh, equivalent to a saving of INR
0.29 per kWh (Bridge to India, 2017).
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The long-term solution to o-taker risk lies in proper
management of the DISCOMs, where states assume
full responsibility of running the utilities on sound
commercial principles (Ministry of Power, 2012). A
comprehensive set of measures is required to do so,
including financial restructuring, tari setting, revenue
realization, subsidies management, metering, and audit
and monitoring. In the past, the central government has
introduced many schemes for financial restructuring
of DISCOMs, but none of them have produced the
intended outcomes.
The most recent example is a financial restructuring
scheme called UDAY (Indian Express, 2015). The
scheme involves four initiatives: improving operational
eiciencies of DISCOMs; reducing the cost of power;
reducing the interest cost of DISCOMs; and enforcing
financial discipline on DISCOMs through alignment
with state finances. UDAY allows state governments,
which own the DISCOMs, to take over 75 percent of
their debt and pay back lenders by selling bonds.
DISCOMs are expected to issue bonds for the remaining
25 percent of their debt. The scheme aims to achieve
a reduction of average transmission and commercial
(AT&C) loss to 15% by 2018-19 as well as a reduction in
gap between average cost of supply (ACS) and average
revenue realized (ARR) to zero by 2018-19.
While a financial overhaul of DISCOMs is the necessary
long-term solution to mitigate o-taker risk, there
are also short-term solutions that can help drive
renewable energy investments. Depending on the
creditworthiness of the o-taker, a liquidity facility and/
or a sovereign guarantee could support the o-takers
obligations (OPIC, 2015). In this paper, we examine
such a short-term solution, called a payment security
mechanism (PSM). A PSM is a standalone fund that is
a form of guarantee that covers the risk of payment
default in a power purchase agreement.
Multiple approaches to a PSM] may be possible in the
near term. One potential approach is to use a structure
where public money is used to provide a buer against
the risk of DISCOM default (Section 3.1).
3.1 Payment security mechanism:
Contingent facility
Payment risk is similar to credit risk: both are legal
obligations, where credit risk is related to the default
risk in debt payments, payment risk is related to the
default risk in accounts payable. For the purpose of
this discussion, we make a simplifying assumption that
defaulting on any legal obligation is equivalent, and
hence the defaulting on debt payments is the same as
defaulting on accounts payable. This allows us to use
well-known techniques for creating contingent facilities
for credit risk management.
The framework for calculating the size of this contingent
facility (i.e., PSM) uses elements of credit guarantees,
specifically the probability of default (i.e. the likelihood
that default would occur), exposure at default (i.e. the
amount not paid due to default), and recovery aer
default (the percentage of exposure at default that is
eventually recovered) (Hsiao, 2001; Marrison, 2001).
We estimated the probability of default using a modified
version of the popular Z-score methodology (Altman,
2000; Crosbie and Bohn, 2003), which uses key financial
characteristics of the firm. Based on typical delays and
power purchase agreement legalities, we estimated
the exposure at default as the payment for one-year
worth of electricity produced at the contracted per unit
price. Finally, given that payments are always made
the recovery aer default as 100% of the
guaranteed payment aer delay.
We retrospectively estimated the expected size of an
existing payment security mechanism – equal to the
probability of default and the exposure at default – for
a central solar power aggregator that buys power from
multiple generators and sells power to multiple o-
takers under the Jawaharalal Nehru Solar Mission.
selected a sample of DISCOMs representing the credit
spread of all the DISCOMs (Ministry of Power, 2013).
For the supported capacity (750MW) of the existing
payment security mechanism, and based on the
realistic assumption that the exposure at default is
Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy | Clean Energy Finance
12-months, we estimated the size of the payment
security mechanism as less than 10% of capital costs
of the solar power deployed, but almost three times
the size of the existing payment security mechanism
deployed by the government. That is, our results
indicated that the existing provision for a payment
security mechanism may not have been adequate in
covering the risk of delayed payment from DISCOMs.
However, this solution does not assess the impact
such a security mechanism would have on the credit
ratings of the covered projects, or alternatively, the
size of the PSM needed to achieve the desired credit
enhancement (e.g., from BBB to AA). Additionally, the
existing work also misses a crucial piece of analysis
comparing the expected benefits of such a facility with
the cost of maintaining such a pool of capital. A sizing
that takes into account the dierential credit quality of
DISCOMs would ensure a fair and eicient allocation of
capital. Further, the cost of maintaining such a facility
also needs to be determined, and the pros and cons of
such an approach contrasted with other structures. All
this is part of future work.
In this paper we investigated key risks to investing in
clean energy in India. We found currency and o-take
risks to be the top risks – in fact, riskier compared to
other risks by a margin of two. We also discussed some
potential financial instruments to address these issues:
an FXHF to address currency risks and a PSM to address
o-take risk. These instruments have the potential to
reduce the cost of capital and eventually the levelized
cost by up to 20%. These instruments may take dierent
forms, depending on policy priorities.
The policy implications of our work so far are three-fold:
first, Indian policymakers should recognize the relative
importance of currency and o-take risks to renewable
energy investment in India. By focusing on key risks
and developing solutions to alleviate these risks they
can more eectively achieve their ambitious renewable
target of 175GW by 2022.
Second, Indian policymakers should also recognize that
these risks – currency and o-take – are connected to
higher level issues that potentially aect the economy
as a whole. For example, the currency risk is related to
macroeconomic conditions and the government may
need to think about longer term solutions focusing
on issues such as: stabilizing inflation, reducing
government borrowing, improving balance of payment,
etc. (Farooquee and Shrimali, 2016b). Similarly, o-take
risk is related to the troublesome financial conditions
of the DISCOMS, requiring longer-term fixes to fiscal
prudence and operational eiciencies.
Third, while recognizing the long-term aspects, Indian
policymakers should think about the short-to-mid-
term solutions to still attract foreign investment in
renewable energy in India. These solutions include
not only policy/regulatory solutions but also financial
instruments, such as ones discussed in this paper. By
allocating public money to these instruments, which
are designing to maximized leverage of public money,
they can ensure that India stays on target to achieving
its ambitious renewable energy targets.
We recognize that our work is just the beginning. We
still need to develop the design details of many of
these mechanisms. One of these eorts is currently
underway at the Stanford Steyer-Taylor Center for
Energy Policy and Finance, where we are exploring the
design of a contingent facility for the PSM, based on the
credit enhancement approach. Finally, stemming from
our analytical insights, we still need to design robust
financial mechanisms that would work in the market.
Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy | Clean Energy Finance
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1 Gireesh would like to thank the following for providing research support:
Noam Rosenthal, Vivek Sen, Vinit Atal, and Vaibhav Pratap Singh. The authors
would also like to thank Je Brown for this insightful review.
2 This sections relies on Sen et al. (2016)
3 This sections relies on Sen et al. (2016)
4 Transmission evacuation essentially means the infrastructure to connect to
the transmission grid.
5 The investors included: Bank of America, Blackrock, Generation Investment
Management, EIG Partners, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Silverlake
Krawerk, TIAA CREF, UC Regents, etc. Some of this information was used to
support the analysis in Sen et al. (2016).
6 These investors included: Bank of America, Barclays Finance, Blackrock,
Citibank, Goldman Sachs, GE Capital, etc. The conversations with Barclays
and GE Capital were more in depth on India.
7 This section relies on Farooquee and Shrimali (2016a)
8 Currency risk is a major barrier to foreign investments in developing
countries. Currency crises, defined as a quick decline of a local currency, have
triggered regional economic crises (Laeven and Valencia, 2013). While all
projects with foreign investments face currency risk, infrastructure projects
are oen exposed to greater risk because of longer terms and diiculty in re-
deployment of assets, making exit diicult for investors.
9 A currency swap is an agreement to make a currency exchange between two
parties. The agreement consists of swapping principal and interest payments
on a loan made in one currency for principal and interest payments of a loan
of equal value in another currency. Borrowers can lock in currency swaps with
a third-party provider that takes currency risk and charges a currency swap
10 100bps is equal to 1% point.
11 The price of a market-based currency hedge reflects three components:
cost of managing currency risk itself, cost of managing the credit risk of the
counterparty, and margin for the currency hedge provider. Given that the
debt provider and currency hedge provider can be dierent parties, credit risk
gets priced into not only the debt rate but also the price of currency hedge.
12 Typically governments are averse to providing sovereign guarantees against
their own currencies, since that amounts to taking positions against their own
macroeconomic policies.
13 In the context of a probabilistic model, the expected (or average) cost means
a statistic that is higher than 50% of the potential cost outcomes and lower
than the other 50%.
14 The basic idea is to enable investors to view this investment as good as
investing in the government of India securities. Since government of India is
rated at BBB-, which is also investment grade.
15 This section relies on Farooque and Shrimali (2016b).
16 INR is the Indian currency i.e., Indian Rupee. Currently, the currency exchange
rate stands at 1 USD = (approximately) 60 INR.
17 Average transmission and commercial (AT&C) losses refer to not only
electrical losses due to transmission and distribution but also commercial
losses due to the and non-payment.
18 Another potential approach is to use public money to provide protection
against DISCOM default via using risk management instruments already
provided by multilateral agencies such as MIGA.
19 Since the DISCOMs are public sector entities, though they delay payments,
they do not default due to regular bailouts by the central government.
20 The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission initially set a target of 20GW of
solar power by 2022. This target was later revised to 100GW of solar power by
2022 under the National Solar Mission. Recognizing that attracting investment
for this target would necessitate a PSM, the government of India did allocate
some funds; however, we show that this amount was not enough.