Cultivation Event
Posts and Clubs, 2016 Update
Table of Contents
Overview ........................................................................................................................ 2
Recruiting the Cultivation Event Chair........................................................................... 4
Planning the Program .................................................................................................... 5
Role of the Commissioner ............................................................................................. 6
Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 7
The cultivation event is designed to identify and “sell” businesses, schools, industries, professions,
institutions, and community groups on the Exploring program.
The information in this document will help volunteers and staff plan and conduct a cultivation event. The
processes and sample letters included are the result of successful cultivation events conducted across
the country.
Objective of the Cultivation Event
The objective of the cultivation event is to provide the executive ofcer of each organization with the following:
A basic understanding of the purpose of Exploring
Insight into the need for a personal commitment in adopting Exploring within his or her organization
and recruiting leadership
An introduction to the organization’s assigned commissioner (or organizer) and what this person will do
A brief idea of how Exploring supports each participating organization
Insight into the excitement of the programs through presentations of youth and/or adults who are
participating in Exploring
The cultivation event is, in essence, a group sales meeting.
Keep it brief, inspiring, and to the point. Avoid giving too much detail or having too many materials. The
executive ofcer of each organization simply needs to know that Exploring is a successful youth program,
become persuaded to adopt it in his or her organization, and understand what to do next. The cultivation
event’s method is to demonstrate that many organizations have programs or are interested in Exploring and
that a top community leader—the cultivation event chair—thinks it is important and worthwhile.
Where Is the Cultivation Event Held?
The cultivation event is usually a breakfast, luncheon, or dinner in the private room of a prestigious club or
restaurant. The location should be as impressive as possible to those attending, and every effort should be
made to ensure a quality program. Many councils conduct several cultivation events—sometimes for only six
to eight people. This allows several choices of dates and more personal contact with attendees.
When Is the Event Held?
The focal point of organizing an Explorer post or club is the open house meeting, when young people are
invited to join. The best time to invite young people, in most cases, is in September or October when they
are back in school and ready to join organizations. The ideal time for a cultivation event is in the spring (April
through June). This will allow ample scheduling for leader recruiting, training, and program planning leading
up to the fall open house meetings.
What Commitment Is Asked of the Executive Ofcer?
Success in organizing Exploring programs depends on the involvement and enthusiasm of the executive
ofcer of the organization, whether it be the owner of a business, the chair of the board of a large corporation,
or a CEO. Their decision-making power and ability to inuence others in their organization is vital to the rst
few steps of organizing a new Exploring program.
The cultivation event chair should invite only the executive ofcer of the organization, with the understanding
that this is a personal invitation. Discourage, if possible, the organization sending someone else. Lower-
echelon people cannot speak for the organization or make the necessary decisions and commitments.
Cultivation Event Steps
1. Complete the Student Career Interest Survey in all schools. Refer to the Career Survey Guidebook that
can be downloaded at
2. On the basis of information from the Student Career Interest Survey, make a list of organizations that
match students’ career interests.
3. Add to the list public and private schools that have a need for career education programs.
4. From this list, select organizations and schools that have the potential for developing successful
Exploring programs.
5. Recruit a community leader as the cultivation event chair. This person should have the inuence
to encourage the top person of each organization to attend a cultivation event designed to “sell”
them on Exploring. The Exploring committee chair should recruit this person. (See sample letter in
the appendix.)
6. The cultivation event chair then selects the date and time of the event and secures the location. One of
the responsibilities of the cultivation event chair is to seek nancial support for the event.
7. The cultivation event chair invites the top person from each organization identied in step 4 to a
cultivation event (breakfast, luncheon, etc.), which features information on the purposes and programs
of Exploring. The success of the cultivation event depends on an inuential community leader inviting
the top person from each organization to the event. The invitation comes from the cultivation event
chair on his or her letterhead. The letters should be personalized and include time, date, and location
for the event and a mechanism for responding to the invitation.
8. The cultivation event chair should follow up on the invitation to secure the commitment from the top
person to attend the cultivation event. (See sample invitation letter in the appendix.)
9. Prepare scripts for all speakers. (See sample scripts in the appendix.) All scripts are reviewed in
person with each speaker to help prepare them.
10. Check the following details:
Attendance and guaranteed meal count conrmed with caterer and venue where the event
will be held
Number of meal servers required to meet the agenda timeline
Audiovisual equipment needed
Internet connecton on-site
Parking, coat checks, restrooms, number of tables, and number of seats per table
Head table (name tags, attendance lists)
Table numbering, if necessary
11. Prepare handouts or packets of information. Include some basic information about Exploring.
12. Make nal contacts by phone to verify attendance. The cultivation event chair needs to be sure that
the person coming is the executive ofcer of the organization and not a designee. It must be someone
who can make the commitment at the event for an Explorer post or club to be organized.
13. Promptly and properly recognize those who speak at the event.
14. Follow up to secure the commitment to organize an Explorer post or club. (See sample letter in
the appendix.)
15. Send thank you letters to volunteers who helped organize the event and to all program participants.
(See the appendix for sample letters to volunteers and participants.)
Recruiting the Cultivation Event Chair
The chair of the cultivation event is the key to the event’s drawing power and ultimate success. The Exploring
chair should help the marketing team chair and Exploring staff recruit a top community leader with the
necessary prestige and clout. This is essential to success. (See sample invitation letter in the appendix.)
Principal Responsibilities of the Cultivation Event Chair
1. Secure a rst-class location for the event and set the date. (Double-check possible conicts with civic
clubs, holidays, and community functions.)
2. Secure nancial support for the event.
3. If a meal is included, agree to serve as the host.
4. Meet with the Exploring staff to review the invitation list and to plan the program.
5. Send a personal letter of invitation to the executive ofcers of the organizations. (See sample in
the appendix.)
6. Make informal, personal contact with those individuals known personally to urge them to attend.
7. Send a reminder.
8. Preside over the cultivation event program, introduce the speakers, and express interest in and
enthusiasm for Exploring.
9. After the cultivation event, personally contact each executive ofcer to urge him or her to consider
organizing an Explorer post or club.
10. Write a follow-up letter to those attending. (See sample in the appendix.)
Planning the Program
The checklists and agendas in the appendix will guide you in your planning. Each cultivation event should
be tailored to the people attending and to the capabilities of your Exploring ofce. The cultivation event chair
should be involved in planning the agenda and must be carefully coached if he or she is new to Exploring.
One of the highlights of most cultivation events is the presentation by adults and youth involved in Exploring
programs. This gives participants the chance to see and hear the “real thing.”
Obviously, the speakers should represent the best that Exploring has to offer. They should rehearse their parts
in the program and should understand the purpose of the event. Their presentations should be brief and as
inspirational as possible, and should reect what an organization can do with the program.
Don’t hesitate to recruit from the best programs in town or a nearby Exploring ofce. The presenters need not
be from the same program. A young man and a young woman would be ideal. Have them write down and
rehearse what they will say.
Provide a printed, detailed agenda for all presenters well in advance of the event. Check with everyone to be
sure they understand their parts and are condent about their presentations.
Physical Arrangements
Check out the location well in advance. Conrm its use and the arrangement of tables and chairs. Check out
the use and availability of visual aids, electrical outlets, internet connections, and light switches. Decorate the
room with table displays, wall posters, sweepers, and other Exploring promotional materials.
If a meal is included, work out with the management the menu, serving time, attendance, gratuity, and any
meal count guarantee—and get the exact details in writing, along with the agreed-upon method of payment.
Most cultivation event luncheons are hosted at clubs or restaurants. The cultivation event chair or other
sponsor pays the cost of the meal.
Make every effort to determine exactly who will be attending. One advantage of a meal is that you have
a good reason to conrm attendance, as you must make reservations. Get the correct name, title, and
organization for everyone. Check on the spelling and pronunciation of all names.
Individual name tags and kits should be made in advance. (See the “Cultivation Event Kit” in the appendix for
the contents of the kit.) Have blank name tags and extra kits available for last-minute changes.
Role of the Commissioner
One important point of the cultivation event is giving the executive ofcer of the organization the opportunity
to meet the person who is going to follow up and help organize the post or club. The commissioner or
organizer should know as much as possible about the organization and its executive ofcer (CEO, chairman,
etc.)—and about Exploring. During the event, the commissioner or organizer reviews how the organization can
build an Exploring program and answers any questions or concerns.
Cultivation Event Backdating Chart .......................................................................8
Recruitment Letter for Event Chair .........................................................................9
Cultivation Event Checklist ..................................................................................10
Cultivation Event Kit .............................................................................................11
Invitation Letter to Executive Ofcer ....................................................................12
Cultivation Event Agenda .....................................................................................13
Cultivation Event Script (Dinner Scenario) ...........................................................14
Appointment Request Card..................................................................................18
Room Arrangements ............................................................................................19
Sample Open House Agenda ............................................................................... 20
Follow‐Up Letter to Executive Ofcer ..................................................................21
Commissioner Thank You Letter ..........................................................................22
Program Participants Thank You Letter ...............................................................23
Cultivation Event Backdating Chart
Event By Whom By When
Career Interest Survey Marketing Team -120 days
Prospective organizations selected Marketing Team -100 days
Chair for event recruited Exploring Committee Chair -90 days
Location secured Event Chair -60 days
Letter sent to prospective organizations Event Chair -45 days
Follow-up contact to secure commitment Event Chair/Marketing Team -35 days
Scripts prepared and reviewed Staff -20 days
Details on meal and arrangements checked Staff -15 days
Event support materials prepared Staff -10 days
Final contacts to verify attendance Event Chair/Marketing Team -5 days
Follow-up and thanks Event Chair/Marketing Team +1 day
Commitment for a post secured
from executive
ofcer Marketing Team +10 days
Recruitment Letter for Event Chair
(Council Executive Board Member’s Letterhead)
Dear (Name):
I am pleased to be serving as a member of the local executive board of the (Council name). Currently, we are planning an
Exploring Cultivation Event. Exploring is a co-educational career-orientation program for high school and middle school
aged students. Students learn about possible careers through the programs 12 exciting career elds. Exploring is an aliate
of the Boy Scouts of America.
e Cultivation Event is being held to illustrate how Exploring can be an investment opportunity for companies, agencies,
service clubs, and other local organizations. One of the many benets that Exploring can oer is preparing future interns
and employees for your workforce. It is also a way for you to help Americas most precious resource: its youth.
e Exploring Cultivation Event is tentatively scheduled to take place on (date and time) at the (location). Please consider
becoming the chair and sponsor for the event. Enclosed is an informative brochure with further details about our innova-
tive program. Also, I invite you to visit our new website at
Perhaps our greatest achievement is the unbridled enthusiasm we have engendered among our participants. As stated by
Lorenzo Teruya, 2012–2014 National Youth Representative for Law Enforcement Exploring:
As the National Youth Representative for Law Enforcement Exploring, I have personally witnessed the enthusiasm
and excitement of the Law Enforcement Explorers. ey are on a dedicated path to pursue a career in public safety.
I am very encouraged for the future of law enforcement and will actively communicate that the Exploring program
is an outstanding path for a career in the public safety arena.
On behalf of the 110,000 Explorers across the nation, thank you for considering my request. With your generosity, we can
further our mission of preparing the future workforce of America. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Cultivation Event Checklist
£ Invitation list prepared with the correct name, title, and address of each person to be invited
£ Letter of invitation sent
£ Phone call follow-up
£ Reminder sent
£ Attendance list prepared, including executive ofcers of organizations
£ Assigned commissioner or
£ Adult and youth
£ Guests
£ Name tags prepared with correct name, title, and organization
£ Agenda prepared with cultivation event chair
£ Speakers recruited and
£ Date, time, and place sent to speakers in writing (head table members and speakers should be there early)
£ Phone call follow-up to
£ Agenda sent to
£ Cultivation event chair coached on correct pronunciation of names, introductions, detailed agenda, and
attendance list
£ Cultivation event kit prepared for each participant (see “Cultivation Event Kit”)
Physical Arrangements
£ Location conrmed—date and time in writing
£ Phone call follow-up
£ Setup of chairs, tables, table decorations, and display tables determined
£ Head table arranged
£ Direction signs to room in place
£ Greeters on hand at door
£ Exploring displays and literature
£ Pens at tables
£ Visual aids checked
£ Audiovisual equipment checked (check ahead of time)
£ Electrical outlet located
£ Extension cord available
£ Locations of light switches determined
£ U.S. ag in place
£ Sound system available (check ahead of time)
£ Internet connections
£ Menu, cost, method of payment, tips, guaranteed count, when to serve and clear, date, and time all
conrmed in writing
£ Table settings, room layout, head table checked
£ Place cards prepared
£ Meal reservations conrmed
£ Phone call
Cultivation Event Kit
Given to the executive ofcer of each organization attending the cultivation event.
Exploring Sales Kit, SKU 634694
Sample letter of invitation (see appendix)
Sample open house agenda (see appendix)
Appointment request card (see appendix)
General Exploring marketing brochure, SKU 8009921
Invitation Letter to Executive Ocer
(Cultivation Event Chairs Letterhead)
Dear (Name):
I am pleased to be serving as the chair for an upcoming special occasion: a Cultivation Event for the Exploring program.
Exploring is a co-educational career-orientation program for high school and middle school aged students. Students learn
about possible careers through the programs 12 exciting career elds, such as law enforcement, aviation, health, law and
government, and re and emergency services. Exploring is an aliate of the Boy Scouts of America.
e Cultivation Event is being held to help us market and grow Exploring, and to illustrate how our program can be an
investment opportunity for companies, agencies, service clubs, and other local organizations. One of the many benets
Exploring can oer is preparing future interns and employees for your workforce. It is also a way for you to help Americas
most precious resource: its youth.
Please consider attending the event which is scheduled to take place on (date and time) at the (location). Enclosed is an
informative brochure with further details about our innovative program. Also, I invite you to visit our new website at
One of our greatest achievements is the unbridled enthusiasm we have engendered among both our youth participants and
our adult sponsors. Here is one example, in the words of dedicated volunteer Nyle Zikmund, national re and emergency
services Exploring chair and chief of the Spring Lake Park (Minnesota) Fire Department:
About a year ago, we formed a post in our department, enabling me to see rsthand the impact of Exploring on a variety
of youth and their accompanying personalities. From the timid and introverted who blossom out of their shell to the hard-
charging, driven youth looking to make an immediate impact, Exploring paves the way. … It is a life-changing program.
On behalf of the __________ Explorers in our service area, thank you for considering my request. With your support, we
can further our mission of nurturing the future workforce of America. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Cultivation Event Agenda
4:45 p.m. Greeters ready at door
4:50 p.m. Gathering period
5:05 p.m. Opening remarks and introductions
Cultivation Event Chair
5:15 p.m. Dinner served. During dessert, the cultivation
event chair introduces the audiovisual presentation.
5:45 p.m. Testimonials
Overview of Exploring ____________________________
What Exploring Has Done for Me ____________________________
6:15 p.m. How to Organize an Explorer Post or Club ____________________________
Team Chair
6:25 p.m. Table discussions begin (with commissioners
and new unit organizers)
6.45 p.m. Fill out
request ____________________________
6:50 p.m. Closing remarks ____________________________
6:55 p.m. Closing
Cultivation Event Script (Dinner Scenario)
5:05 p.m. Opening remarks and introductions (Cultivation Event Chair)
Good day, and thank you for responding to my letter of invitation and joining us today. I am [your name and
title]. It is a great pleasure for me to serve as your host for this important gathering.
Youth today have more needs than ever before. We live in a changing world that has seen the disintegration of
many families, drug abuse, violence, and moral decay. Young people today are thrown into competition and
social change that test their decision-making skills. Our Exploring program is designed to support schools
and business partners in their efforts toward preparing youth to successfully handle the complexities of
today’s society.
Nationwide, the demand for career education programs has fueled the dramatic growth of our worksite-based
Exploring program.
I don’t want to overwhelm you with facts, but I would like to highlight what youth and adults tell us they want.
The extensive research leading to the development of our program revealed these major items:
High school students want more information on career choices and adult help. Students want a broader
experience, supplementing career information with both practical and cultural background.
Teenagers want to belong to a group that provides for peer-led activities and adult associations to help
them face development issues affecting their lives.
This is where you and your organization can help. Using our Exploring program, you can be a partner in career
education. While teaching students about a career or lifetime skill, you have the opportunity to help youth with
making a decision of a future career choice.
At the conclusion of our program, we hope that you will ll out the appointment request form [hold up the
form to show the audience] that is at your table to further investigate the program opportunities and how you
can become associated with outstanding students who are interested in your career eld.
Now let me introduce the members of our head table, who are responsible for the local administration of the
Exploring program.
[Introduce the members at the head table, providing their names and titles.]
Now please enjoy your dinner, and we’ll be back with you shortly.
5:15 p.m. Dinner served (Cultivation Event Chair continues with introduction of the audiovisual
presentation during dessert)
Please continue to enjoy your dessert. But we want you to hear how Exploring programs can work with
education and businesses to help students prepare for the world of work. Please turn your attention to the
video screen.
Show Open House video
5:45 p.m. Testimonials
Overview of Exploring (Exploring Chair)
Hello, my name is [name], and I serve as [Exploring title and professional title]. I’m going to give you an
overview of Exploring.
Your presence here indicates your willingness to learn about an outstanding program that has beneted local
businesses, schools, and military and professional organizations in our community.
Exploring is a worksite-based program that gives youth an opportunity to investigate the dynamics of careers.
It gives teens an opportunity to visit community organizations and experience careers in the workplace.
Exploring is a youth development program under the direction of business, military, school, and professional
institutions in our community.
One of Exploring’s strengths is its ve areas of program emphasis, which help dene the activities the youth
will pursue. The ve areas of program emphasis are career opportunities, leadership experience, life skills,
citizenship, and character education.
These ve emphases blend smoothly into a complete schedule of activities that reects the interest of the
youth participants. Through these emphases, youth begin developing useful habits and patterns of personal
development while they explore careers.
Another feature of Exploring and the senior high school program is the Career Achievement Award program.
By working in one of 12 career clusters, a young adult can earn a certicate that will measure his or her
prociency in that particular area. In addition, other awards and recognitions are available for the youth and
adults participating in Exploring.
Helping our area youth explore careers will be one of the best opportunities you offer your company, your
employees, and the youth of your community—and at almost no cost!
Some of the proven benets of using Exploring for organizations such as yours are these:
Your school will have a values-based, career education resource.
Your company can impact the public education process of youth.
Your involvement instills a team-building attitude within your organization.
Your involvement develops future caring adults for our community.
Your involvement encourages potential future employees.
Young adults can gain insight into the ethics and ideals of your business.
And don’t forget to check out our national website,, for all the latest on the program.
To demonstrate the effects of the Exploring programs, allow me the pleasure to introduce [give name of an
Explorer youth and his or her post/club number. Each Explorer [post/club] focuses on a career specialty.
[Post/club number] is associated with [give association] and shows young people the demands and rewards
of that career eld.
What Exploring Has Done for Me (Explorer)
Thank you, [name of Exploring chair], for asking me to share my experiences in Exploring. Last year, I
completed a Student Career Interest Survey at my school. I selected [career] as one of my career choices.
Later, I got a letter from [name of person in the participating organization] inviting me and my parents to a
meeting. I didn’t know anything about Exploring, but I’m glad I went to that rst meeting.
Our [post/club] has [number] Explorers, and we meet twice a month. [Give examples of what the Explorers are
doing in the meetings.] At each meeting we work with adult leaders of the [post/club].
Our Explorer [post/club] adult leader [name], called [an Advisor/a Sponsor], has helped all of us—the youth—
get involved in planning the program, meetings, and activities. In fact, we plan our own meetings
and activities.
The adults are there to guide and direct us, in addition to sharing their expertise in the career. During the last
planning meeting, we discussed attending a national-level career conference.
Exploring has helped me decide what career I want to pursue. It has also given me leadership experiences
and a chance to get together with teens who share the same interests as mine. I plan to continue my
education after high school. Without my experience in Exploring, I wouldn’t have the knowledge or experience
to help me make such a strong commitment to my own career goals.
I hope that you will consider making Exploring available to young people like me. Thank you.
6:15 p.m. How to Organize an Explorer Post or Club (Marketing Team Chair)
We have heard about the needs of schools in our community. You have learned that students want a broader
experience supplementing career information with both practical and cultural background, and they want
social and community service programs.
Here is how to develop an Exploring program.
We conduct four phases to assist you with organizing your post or club.
Phase One: Research
Through the efforts of the Exploring Marketing Committee, the Research phase is completed. The committee
has coordinated with several local schools to survey students. The survey results reect the top two career
and hobby interests of each student. Based on these results, we contact organizations like yours to organize
Explorer posts and clubs.
Phase Two: Leadership
After tonight’s event, we will be meeting with you and asking you to identify the adult leadership for the post
or club. Also, we will set the dates for both the open house and the Program Planning Meeting. In addition,
we will start the paperwork for registering the post or club.
Phase Three: Program
The Program Planning Meeting is designed for Exploring representatives to meet with the post or club
leadership to plan the activities for the open house and develop the program calendar. In addition, each adult
will complete the adult leader and youth protection trainings and paperwork. Also, we will assign various
responsibilities, including the invitation letter to prospective Explorers, to the committee members.
Phase Four: Participation
This phase involves coordinating and conducting the rst meeting for the Explorers. We call this meeting the
open house. The open house is where you can showcase your organization and the resources for future post
or club meetings. This meeting needs to engage the youth in three to ve activities for ve to six minutes
each. The activities should be hands-on activities conducted by your organization’s employees. By the end of
the open house, you will have collected the fees and paperwork from the Explorers and distributed a printed
program calendar to each attendee. Also, we encourage serving refreshments.
These steps will help your organization have a quality program with Exploring for a long time to come.
Cultivation Event Chair: Thanks, [name of marketing team chair], for the information. As you can see,
Exploring can play a role in education and business to make our community better!
At this time, we’d like to turn the program over to your tables. At each table is a commissioner who will serve
as the facilitator for table discussions. He or she will also serve as the link after this meeting to help your
organization get the program up and running.
This is your time to ask questions and raise concerns you may have. We want to address all of your questions
and concerns so you’ll be excited about Exploring and how it can help your organization serve young people
in our community. We hope you can make the commitment for your organization to sponsor a post or club.
6:25 p.m. Table Discussions
After table discussions, the chair resumes the program.
6:45 p.m.
Commitment/Appointment Request (Exploring Chair)
Today we’ve outlined community needs, business and professional benets to using Explorer programs, and
the steps to getting an Explorer program up and running.
Now is the time for you to step up to the plate and make your commitment to our youth. The commissioner
at each table will now pass out appointment request cards. On it, we ask that you indicate the name of your
organization, your name, title, email address, and phone number, and select either:
1. We want to organize an Explorer post or club or
2. We need more information. Please call and arrange a meeting at our organization.
Please complete the form and return it to the commissioner before you leave.
Let me thank you for the youth in our community, who are looking to us for leadership!
In closing, let me introduce [name of Exploring executive] for some brief closing remarks.
6:50 p.m. Closing remarks (Exploring Executive)
Do you believe that young people need to learn honesty, courage, respect, citizenship, responsibility, and
perseverance? Are the teenagers in our area prepared for the workplace of tomorrow? Do they know the skills
and ethics necessary to succeed in the 21st century?
Exploring’s programs will help instill values in young people. We know how to help them learn to make ethical
choices throughout their lives. Our programs will help them reach their full potentials.
But it can only happen if your organization will join with us.
That’s our program for today. We appreciate your taking the time to be with us.
6:55 p.m. Closing
Appointment Request Card
YES! Our organization would like to nd out more about the
program. Please contact me for an appointment to further
investigate this great opportunity.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Title: _____________________________________________________________________________
Organization: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________
Best time to contact: _______________________________________________________________
My assistant’s name is: _____________________________________________________________
Please check one:
q We want to organize an Explorer post or club.
q We need more information. Please call and arrange a meeting at our organization.
I know someone who may also be interested: _________________________________________
Room Arrangements
Head Table: Set up a head table or reserved table for the following individuals:
Cultivation Event Chair: ____________________________________________________________
Exploring Committee Chair: ________________________________________________________
Explorer: _________________________________________________________________________
Marketing Team Chair: _____________________________________________________________
Exploring Executive: _______________________________________________________________
Greeters: The members of the head table or Exploring committee members can serve as greeters. (Make sure
all participants have name tags.) They should be positioned at the room entrance to introduce themselves,
welcome guests, and make sure guests have name tags. If the meal is a buffet, they can ask guests to form
a line.
Table Tents: Place an organizer table tent on each table. If using assigned seating for guests, use table
numbers on each table and/or place name cards at each place setting.
Room Arrangement: Set up audiovisual equipment; check Internet connections, table arrangements, menu,
and microphones; and have U.S. ag and other decorations as needed.
Handouts: Place a cultivation event kit at each seat.
Sample Open House Agenda
1. Greeters (15 minutes) prior to meeting start)
Greet the young people at the door. Welcome them, hand out
nametags and program outline, and complete sign-in roster.
Post/Club Committee
2. Introduction and Welcome (3 minutes)
The post Advisor/club Sponsor starts the meeting with a welcome,
and all members of the adult leadership team introduce themselves.
Post Advisor/Club Sponsor
3. Greetings From the Host (7 minutes)
The executive ofcer of the participating organization gives the group
a brief background on the organization’s interest in organizing an
Exploring program and the organization’s commitment to this post or
club. This brief talk should be motivational in tone. Be sure to discuss
the correct use of Exploring language with this person beforehand so
that he or she feels comfortable and appears knowledgeable.
Executive Ofcer of
Participating Organization
4. Icebreaker (10 minutes)
Conduct an exercise that will help stimulate the participants to
speak more freely by requiring everyone to talk for a few minutes.
Activities such as the Interview game or Famous Person ID game
will help to break the ice.
Post Advisor/Club Sponsor
5. Description of Exploring and Purpose of Explorer Post or Club
(7 minutes)
Consider creative ways to explain the meaning of Exploring.
For a new program, you could have a president from an existing
post or club introduce Exploring.
Youth Representative
6. Description of Upcoming Program of Activities (3 minutes)
Distribute copies of your planned program, with dates and times, for
the rst three months of the post’s or club’s year. During this part of the
meeting, you should explain the election of youth ofcers and
their responsibility to lead the program of this Explorer post or club.
Associate Advisor of
Program/Club Sponsor
7. Hands‐On Activity (30‐40 minutes)
Design a hands-on activity that each prospective member can
participate in. This should be a new experience and one of the
most fun activities planned for the post’s or club’s rst three months.
Post/Club Committee
8. Participation Process (5 minutes)
Explain the participation process. Explain that the national participation
fee includes liability insurance and activities, awards, and scholarships
supported by Learning for Life. Display copies of Exploring literature.
Associate Advisor of
Associate Sponsor
9. Invitation to Join (20 minutes)
Serve refreshments. Collect participation fees from those ready to
join, and mark the sign-in roster “paid.” Ask others to have their
fees ready by the second meeting, and mark their names “not paid.”
Post/Club Committee
10. Closing Comments (5 minutes)
Give a brief, motivational send-off. Be sure everyone knows the
date, time, location, and program for the next meeting
Post Advisor/Club Sponsor
Follow-up Letter to Executive Ocer
(Cultivation Event Chairs Letterhead)
Dear (Name):
ank you for attending our recent Exploring Cultivation Event! I hope you enjoyed the program. Sponsoring an Exploring
program is truly a unique opportunity for (name the executive ocer’s agency or company). By sponsoring a club or post,
you can play an active role in the development of our young adults and our future workforce.
A volunteer from the Exploring committee will be contacting you to follow up with further information on how your
(agency/company) can become a participating organization. Also, I will be in touch to answer any questions you may have.
I hope you will join me in supporting this very worthy program. It oers so many unique opportunities for our youth and
rewarding experiences for our sponsors and other volunteers.
(Typed name)
Cultivation Event Chair
CC: Exploring volunteer
Commissioner ank You Letter
(Cultivation Event Chairs Letterhead)
ank you for your participation with our Exploring Cultivation Event yesterday. I think we did a good job in selling
[name of the executive ocer of the organization] on the Exploring program and you certainly played a key role.
With your guidance, [name of the organization] should be able to organize a high-quality Exploring program. I realize that
organizing a [post/club] is not easy and I plan to keep in contact to be sure [executive ocer] follows through with [his or
her] personal involvement.
I appreciate your ne volunteer eort for the youth of our community. Please keep me informed about your progress and
let me know whether I can help.
Sincerely yours,
(Typed name)
Cultivation Event Chair
Program Participants ank You Letter
(Cultivation Event Chairs Letterhead)
ank you for your participation with our Exploring Cultivation Event yesterday. I think we did a good job in selling
[name of the executive ocer of the organization] on the Exploring program and you certainly played a key role.
With your guidance, [name of the organization] should be able to organize a high-quality Exploring program. I realize that
organizing a [post/club] is not easy and I plan to keep in contact to be sure [executive ocer] follows through with [his or
her] personal involvement.
I appreciate your ne volunteer eort for the youth of our community. Please keep me informed about your progress and
let me know whether I can help.
Sincerely yours,
(Typed name)
Cultivation Event Chair
2016 Printing