Sample Invitation Letter to Member of Congress Sign MFG Day Event
Send on company letterhead
Fill in the portions highlighted in red
Locate your elected officials:
We recommend that you email the letter rather than send it via mail to ensure it is
received in a timely manner
[The Honorable John/Jane Doe]
[United States House of Representatives/United States Senate]
[Washington, DC 20515/20510]
Re: Sign Manufacturing Day
Dear [Representative/Senator Doe]:
I am writing to invite you to participate in a local open house and tour here at [company name]
to highlight the importance of manufacturing to the U.S. economy and showcase the rewarding,
highly skilled jobs available in the sign, graphics and visual communication industry. On Friday,
October 6, 2023 companies across the nation, like me, will be participating in Manufacturing
Day hosting open houses, public tours, career workshops and other events. We expect the
entire event to take no more than [XX minutes/hours].
[Insert information describing your company in two to three sentences. Include the number of
employees.] Manufacturing Day draws greater attention to diverse opportunities that exist
within the industry and promotes the much needed awareness that will lead students to a long-
term career that offers competitive pay, security and growth.
We sincerely hope you will accept our invitation to participate. Our goal is to show modern
manufacturing for what it isa sleek, technology-driven industry that offers secure, good-
paying jobs.
Please let me know at your earliest convenience if this date and time is convenient. Please feel
free to call or e-mail me directly at [phone] or [email]. Thank you and I look forward to working
with you in the future.