Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento 61
Neural control of swallowing
Milton Melciades Barbosa COSTA
Received 11/4/2018
Accepted 9/5/2018
ABSTRACTBackground – Swallowing is a motor process with several discordances and a very difcult neurophysiological study. Maybe that is the
reason for the scarcity of papers about it. ObjectiveIt is to describe the chewing neural control and oral bolus qualication. A review the cranial
nerves involved with swallowing and their relationship with the brainstem, cerebellum, base nuclei and cortex was made. Methods – From the reviewed
literature including personal researches and new observations, a consistent and necessary revision of concepts was made, not rarely conicting. Re-
sults and Conclusion – Five different possibilities of the swallowing oral phase are described: nutritional voluntary, primary cortical, semiautomatic,
subsequent gulps, and spontaneous. In relation to the neural control of the swallowing pharyngeal phase, the stimulus that triggers the pharyngeal
phase is not the pharyngeal contact produced by the bolus passage, but the pharyngeal pressure distension, with or without contents. In nutritional
swallowing, food and pressure are transferred, but in the primary cortical oral phase, only pressure is transferred, and the pharyngeal response is
similar. The pharyngeal phase incorporates, as its functional part, the oral phase dynamics already in course. The pharyngeal phase starts by action
of the pharyngeal plexus, composed of the glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X) and accessory (XI) nerves, with involvement of the trigeminal (V), facial
(VII), glossopharyngeal (IX) and the hypoglossal (XII) nerves. The cervical plexus (C1, C2) and the hypoglossal nerve on each side form the ansa
cervicalis, from where a pathway of cervical origin goes to the geniohyoid muscle, which acts in the elevation of the hyoid-laryngeal complex. We also
appraise the neural control of the swallowing esophageal phase. Besides other hypotheses, we consider that it is possible that the longitudinal and
circular muscular layers of the esophagus display, respectively, long-pitch and short-pitch spiral bers. This morphology, associated with the concept
of energy preservation, allows us to admit that the contraction of the longitudinal layer, by having a long-pitch spiral arrangement, would be able
to widen the esophagus, diminishing the resistance to the ow, probably also by opening of the gastroesophageal transition. In this way, the circular
layer, with its short-pitch spiral bers, would propel the food downwards by sequential contraction.
HEADINGS – Deglutition. Cranial nerves. Brain stem. Basal ganglia. Cerebral cortex. Neural pathways.
Declared conflict of interest of all authors: none
Disclosure of funding: no funding received
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, RJ, Brasil.
Corresponding author: Milton Costa. Orcid: 0000-0003-0245-6020. E-mail: [email protected]
To understand how the nervous system controls any biological
process, we must know what are the necessary afferent and efferent
impulses, where they came from, what is their destination and which
functions integrate this process
. Swallowing is a motor process
with a very difcult neurophysiological study, and subject of several
. These observations and the literature review show
that great part of the accepted mechanisms for the neural control
of swallowing could not be considered trustworthy hypotheses. In
this way, the neural control of swallowing remains as a research
eld, open to new considerations.
The swallowing process is formed by the oral, pharyngeal
and esophageal phases
, with much controversy involving their
mechanisms. Great evolution has been obtained with observations
of neurological lesions and many are the methods available for
conrmation of the hypotheses that, in the end, remain as just
hypotheses. Nevertheless, there is an expressive quantity of new
morphological and functional conceptions that, even being only
hypotheses, at least are more structured than the empirical others
used until now to explain the swallowing mechanisms.
It had been believed that the swallowing control center was
located exclusively in the brainstem, and that the entire swallowing
mechanism, automatic and semiautomatic movements of chewing
and swallowing, were involuntary by genesis and regulation. From
observations of patients with cortical dysphagia, the role of the
cerebral cortex in the swallowing control mechanism has been
recognized and extensively studied
Based on the nervous system embryology a rhombencephalic
center, formed by association of the third primitive vesicle (hind-
brain) with the second one (mesencephalon or midbrain), origin of
the brainstem and cerebellum was described. The rhombencephalic
center would receive stimuli produced by the food bolus passage over
existing receptors at the base of the tongue, on the palatoglossal
and palatopharyngeal pillars, on the palate, and pharyngeal walls,
especially in the posterior one, starting an involuntary and coor-
dinated process that would characterize the pharyngeal phase of
swallowing. The assumption was that this phase would be controlled,
in physiological circumstances, by a framework continuously modi-
ed by peripheral afferent stimuli that would especially inuence the
muscular function, adjusting strength and time of contraction to
the size of bolus swallowed. The bolus entrance in the oropharynx
would produce soft palate elevation and reex contraction of the
upper pharynx constrictor. In addition, to protect the airways, the
bolus entrance would initiate a peristaltic wave that would propagate
to the other muscles, narrowing the pharynx, except at the level of
the cricopharyngeal muscle, which would relax, allowing the passage
of the pharyngeal content to the esophagus
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62 Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento
A center involving sensory and motor nuclei integrated by a
network of interneurons located in the brainstem complements the
described coordination
A new approach considers the oropharynx functional activity
as composed by the oral and pharyngeal phases of swallowing
This functional activity would be produced by muscular contrac-
tion, and coordinated by a control center in the brainstem, desig-
nated as the Central Pattern Generator (CPG) for Swallowing
This pattern-generating center would consist of two hemicent-
ers, one on each side of the brainstem, which, under physiological
conditions, would synchronize and organize the bilateral contrac-
tion of the oral and pharyngeal muscles. Their nerve bers would
cross the midline of the brainstem, interconnecting the two halves
of the involved generating centers with swallowing-linked neurons
in the dorsal and ventral regions of the brainstem
It has been admitted that in this pattern-generating center the
solitary tract nucleus would receive information that would con-
verge to it both from peripheral impulses triggered by the swallow-
ing stimulus and from the cerebral cortex
. This convergence of
stimuli to the solitary tract nucleus would be primarily important
for the induction of voluntary swallowing
. It’s been considered
that the rst event observed in the “swallowing reex” would occur
in the oropharyngeal cavity (oral and pharyngeal cavities), where
the bolus would produce a sensory afferent stimulus that would
inform the brainstem and cortex
In nutritive swallowing, the rst cortical command would be
sent to the solitary tract nucleus. Thus, eating and drinking sequen-
tially could be voluntarily initiated or facilitated by the cerebral
cortex through the neural network (CPG) of the brainstem
It was also considered that, in voluntary deglutition, regions of
the cortex and subcortical areas related to swallowing would serve
mainly to trigger and control the onset of the swallowing motor
sequence, especially the oral phase
In disagreement with the bilateral integration of the brainstem,
admitted in the pattern-generating center conception
, it has
already been described that both the dorsal (sensory) and ventral
(motor) regions represented on both sides of the brainstem would
be able to independently coordinate the pharyngeal and esophageal
phases of swallowing on each side
Although the oral and pharyngeal cavities are morphologically
contiguous and have sequential function, the oral and pharyngeal
swallowing phases are distinct from each other in structures, in-
nervation and neural control. The oral phase is voluntary and
the pharyngeal one is reex. Designating the oral and pharyngeal
phases as oropharyngeal or buccopharyngeal
is inad-
equate, although not rare. Anatomically, the oropharynx is the
intermediate segment that communicates the oral and pharyngeal
cavities, receiving the contents transferred during swallowing, which
in no way denes the functional role of the oral and pharyngeal
phases of swallowing.
High dysphagia has been often dened as oropharyngeal dys-
phagia. High dysphagia may occur with impairment of both phases,
but the possibility of exclusively oral or pharyngeal injury cannot
be ignored. The fact that the injury of one neighboring phase in-
terferes with the dynamics of the other emphasizes commitment of
the sequence, and not of both phases. The oropharyngeal designa-
tion for this kind of dysphagia diverts the clinical and therapeutic
focuses, which should be directed to the actually compromised
phase, with doubtful therapeutic adequacy. The designation of
oropharyngeal dysphagia led us to misclassify the dysphagia that
affects the oral and pharyngeal phases as transference dysphagia,
and the esophageal dysphagia, as a conduction one. Transference
is proper to the oral phase, and conduction, to the pharyngeal and
esophageal phases. Transference is a voluntary process and occurs in
the voluntary oral phase, and conduction occurs in the pharyngeal
and esophageal phases, both reex
It is a fact that we have learned very much by observing neu-
rological dysphagia. In addition, today there are many methods
available for study of swallowing and its disorders, which, while
enabling us to better understand the swallowing physiology, high-
light the signicant number of conicting concepts still in force.
The aim of this work is to offer new conceptual alternatives,
based on the literature and personal research, to give a more solid
basis to the hypotheses used to explain the swallowing mechanisms
and, consequently, the neural control of swallowing.
Mastication, basically voluntary, integrates the activation of
the chewing muscles, innervated by the trigeminal pair (V), the
tongue muscles, innervated by the hypoglossal pair (XII), and with
less evident participation, of the expression muscles, in special the
orbicular of the lips and buccinators, which, like other skin-inserted
muscles, are innervated by the facial pair (VII). Trigeminal afferent
bers reach the dorsal region of the brainstem (the main sensory
nucleus of the V) and, still in an afferent pathway through the
trigeminal lemniscus, reach the thalamus, from where axons go to
the postcentral gyrus (somatosensory cortex) in the parietal region
of the cerebral cortex
. The postcentral gyrus transfers informa-
tion to the precentral gyrus (somatomotor cortex) in the frontal
region, generating a motor efferent response by the nuclear cortical
route (pyramidal-voluntary), which reaches the ventral region of
the brainstem, where on each side the trigeminal motor nucleus is
located. From this nucleus, the motor route of the trigeminal nerve
activates the chewing muscles
By activation from the cortex-nuclear pathway, the hypoglos-
sal motor nucleus in the brainstem gives dynamics to the tongue
in its participation in the chewing process. Afferent and efferent
facial nerve pathways, in functional association, participate in the
accommodation of the bolus and in the oral cavity pressure by
adjusting the tension of the cavity walls, especially dependent on
the orbicularis of the lips and buccinators.
The afferent trigeminal bers also reach its mesencephalic
nucleus, which connects its sensory route with its motor root in
absence of cortical relation. This direct, sensory-motor relation-
ship allows the chewing action, which is voluntary, to have a reex
, which, by proprioceptive perception during the
preparation of the bolus, modulates the variation of the chewing
intensity produced by the continuous modication of the resistance
of the bolus under preparation.
The oral cavity is able to identify several characteristics of the
inner bolus. It presents at least four distinct types of perception,
thermal, painful, mechanical and chemical
The thermal-reception can perceive hot or cold in various
levels. When pleasing and adequate with the type of food, they
can be incorporated to the pleasure of the diet. When extreme and
damaging, they produce rejection.
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The pain-reception is usually due to mechanical, thermal or
chemical hyper-stimuli produced on sensitive afferent pathways,
warning and preventing injury. However, there is a painful sub-
modality produced by capsaicin, present in a large number of
peppers, probably using the same pain way, whose perception is
often perceived as dietary pleasure.
The mechanical-reception allows noticing the contact of the
bolus against the intraoral structures. The tongue that presses the
bolus, gathering information dened as tactile. This information
allows perceiving the physical characteristics of the bolus, detect-
ing if there is impropriety in its contents. Mechanical-reception is
also responsible for the characterization of oral bolus volume and
viscosity, to dene how much motor units must be depolarized for
the necessary generation of oral pressure to transfer the contents
from the oral cavity to the pharynx.
The chemical-reception identies the tastes by different mecha-
nisms. Sweet appears to be identied by coupling of a primary mes-
senger (taste protein) with a secondary messenger (cAMP – cyclic
adenosine monophosphate), whose concentration increase closes
the potassium channels in the gustatory receptors, with membrane
depolarization. It is considered that the intracellular metabolic
pathways responsible for natural sweeteners would be distinct from
those activated by articial sweeteners, whose secondary messenger
would be the IP3 (inositol triphosphate), which would act on the
calcium channels, provoking calcium input into the cells, with depo-
larization. The identication of the bitter taste is given by coupling
of the same primary messenger (taste protein), resulting in calcium
increase due to action of the IP3 secondary messenger, releasing
a neurotransmitter without membrane depolarization. The salty
perception is generated by direct passage of sodium through the
membrane channels that depolarize. The hydrogen from sour or
acid penetrates the cellular membrane by blocking the potassium
channels, which supports the membrane depolarization
Although sweet, salty, sour and bitter are the tastes considered
basic, others like metallic, astringent and more recently, umami
(monosodium glutamate) have been suggested as primary. Nev-
ertheless, the rst four were the ones that resisted as basic over
time. It is not very clear whether and how the association of basic
tastes (sweet, salty, sour and bitter) can appropriately produce the
palate, i.e. the gustatory perception as a whole. The palate, which
can distinct for each of us, is an association of the social level and
learning, basic tastes, tactile and thermal perceptions, and certainly
the impressions permitted by the vision and smell senses
The perception of tastes in the oral cavity has been prioritized
on the tongue. Classic description points to sequential areas on each
side of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue as having selective capacity for
the basic tastes, the anterior tip to sweet, the sides, in sequence to
salty and sour, and the posterior central area, to bitter
. This
concept, already contested, shows that the tongue is able to perceive
all the basic tastes in all its regions, with expressive predominance
of the bitter one
The tongue’s liform, fungiform, foliate and circumvallate
papillae are anatomical elements involved with the chemical senses
(taste). These papillae display incrusted gustatory buttons. In the
liform papillae, gustatory buttons are rare or absent. In the fungi-
form ones there are few, but in the foliate papillae and especially in
circumvallate ones, there are many gustatory buttons
Buttons considered as gustatory can be identied, in addition
to the tongue papillae, on the palate and vallecula. Buttons with
similar morphology to those dened as gustatory have been found
on the pharynx regions, where, at rst, no taste is perceived. In
the vallecula, even with the oral cavity anesthetized, the bitter
taste transferred to the pharynx can be perceived by vagus nerve
As far as we know, in the oral cavity there have not been de-
scribed or observed any other morphological kind of receptors than
that admitted as gustatory. However, the oral cavity holds several
other perceptions. Specic receptors to be stimulated are supposedly
necessary. Nevertheless, there is no evidence indicating that any
receptor is responsible for detecting only one type of stimulus
It is possible that receptors deemed gustative are also able
to receive other oral stimuli. This hypothesis is reinforced by the
presence of receptors morphologically similar to the gustatory
receptor, where tastes are not perceived as palate, in the pharynx
(except the in vallecula) and larynx
. There are also gustatory
perception descriptions by thermal stimulation of the tongue
such as sweet perception by heating the anterior edge of the tongue
from a cool state, and evocation of acid or salty perception with
cooling intensication
The cranial nerves associated with the swallowing process are
the trigeminal (V),
facial (VII), glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X),
accessory (XI) – usually not considered – and hypoglossal (XII).
It should be emphasized that the structures involved in the swal-
lowing process are pairs, both anatomically and/or functionally,
due to the dual-side innervation. Anatomically unique, the tongue,
palate, pharynx and larynx are functional pairs, each side having
independent innervation
From receptors on each side of the oral cavity, the trigeminal
(V), facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves conduct in-
formation to the brainstem. These mixed nerves lead sensitivity
(afferent pathway) and motor command (efferent pathway). The
afferent pathways of the anterior two thirds of the tongue are sup-
plied by the lingual nerve, which associates the trigeminal (general
sensibility) with the facial nerve (taste). In the posterior third of
the tongue, both the general sensibility and taste are conducted by
the glossopharyngeal nerve
In its afferent pathways toward the brainstem, the trigeminal,
facial and glossopharyngeal nerves of both sides will make gan-
glionar synapses similar to the posterior roots of the spinal cord.
The afferent pathway of the trigeminal nerve makes synapses in
the trigeminal ganglion (Gasser), the facial nerve, in the geniculate
ganglion, and the glossopharyngeal, in the rostral ganglion (upper
The trigeminal nerve (V) has three branches; upper (ophthal-
mic), middle (maxillary) and lower (mandibular). The upper and
medium are exclusively sensitive, and the inferior, mixed. The sen-
sitive bers of the three branches innervate the face in transverse
bands of representation. Regarding the oral cavity, the middle
branch (maxillary) has sensitive responsibility for the upper arcade
teeth, upper lip, cheeks, hard palate (mouth mucosa) and mucosa
of the rhinopharynx. The sensitive portion of the lower branch
(mandibular) is responsible for the sensitivity of the lower arcade
teeth and lower mucosa of the mouth, as well as by the general
sensitivity of the anterior 2/3 of the tongue
From the trigeminal ganglion to the brainstem, all the sensory
pathways will end in the posterior portion of the brainstem, over
the trigeminal sensitive nucleus that occupies the medulla oblongata
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(spinal tract nucleus of the cranial nerve V), the pons (main sensory
nucleus of the cranial nerve V) and the midbrain (midbrain nucleus
of the cranial nerve V). Centrally the sensitive bers divide into
short, ascending branches that end in the main sensorial nucleus,
to attend to tactile sensibility, and into long, descending branches
that serve to tact, temperature and pain, also providing collateral
pathways to the spinal nucleus of the cranial nerve V
It is believed that proprioceptive fibers from the midbrain
nucleus of the trigeminal neve, in synapse with its motor nucleus
located in the upper portion of the pons
, would be able to inte-
grate important chewing reex arcs
. Unless expressly desired,
these arcs allow reex modulation of chewing intensity based on
bolus consistency variations, even during the voluntary bolus
chewing preparation.
The motor root of the trigeminal nerve emerges from the ventral
portion of the pons and runs through the mandibular root to in-
nervate the chewing muscles, the mylohyoid, the anterior belly of
the digastric and the tensor muscle of the palate
The facial nerve (VII) is a mixed one, considering its motor
root in association with the sensitive root given by the intermedi-
ate (Wrisberg) nerve
. The taste of the anterior two thirds of the
tongue on each side are its responsibility. From the tongue, this
afferent, pre-ganglionic route follows through the lingual nerve
(association of nerves V and VII), and afterwards through the
tympanic cord nerve (facial branch), to make synapses on the
geniculate ganglion. Through the intermediate nerve, the postgan-
glionic bers (afferent visceral special – gustative route) synapse in
the solitary tract nucleus of the medulla oblongata, associated with
the general afferent visceral bers, providing sensitive innervation
to the mucosa of the nasal cavities and soft palate
The parasympathetic efferent bers of the facial nerve, origi-
nating from the upper salivary nucleus located on each side of
the upper portion of the medulla oblongata, run through the
intermediate nerve and afterwards through the tympanic cord
nerve to make synapses in the submandibular ganglion. Thence,
through postganglionic bers, they stimulate salivary secretion of
the submandibular and sublingual glands
The motor portion of the facial nerve has its nucleus on the
ventral portion of the pons. Its bers stimulate the skin-inserted
muscles in the face, neck and scalp, as well as the posterior belly
of digastric and stylohyoid muscles
The glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve comes out of the skull to-
gether with the vagus (X) and accessory (XI) nerves. The visceral
general afferent and the visceral special afferent bers of the glos-
sopharyngeal nerve are associated. The visceral general afferent
bers are responsible for the general sensitivity of the oropharynx
mucosa and the posterior third of the tongue, and the special vis-
ceral afferent bers, for the taste of the posterior third of the tongue.
These preganglionic bers make synapses with the upper ganglion.
The postganglionic bers will end at the solitary tract nucleus
The glossopharyngeal nerve’s efferent pathways come from
two distinct nuclei of the medulla oblongata, the salivary inferior
(parasympathetic) nucleus and ambiguous motor (special visceral
efferent) nucleus. The parasympathetic bers stimulate the sali-
vary secretion after synapses with the optic ganglion, from which
postganglionic bers emerge to innervate the parotid gland
The glossopharyngeal nerve’s only motor role is with the stylo-
pharyngeus muscle. Nevertheless, it has already been considered as
motor to the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle, whose activity
had been previously attributed to the vagus nerve, responsible for
the motor innervation of all pharyngeal constrictors muscles
The vagus (X) nerve has relationships extending from the cervi-
cal region to the abdomen (transverse colon). Its sensory afference
(sensory pathway) connects with the solitary tract nucleus located
in the medulla oblongata. The visceral special efference (motor
pathway) comes from the ambiguous nucleus in the ventral region
of the medulla oblongata, and the parasympathetic bers (visceral
general efference), from the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
The visceral special afferent (taste) and visceral general affer-
ent (sensibility) pathways of the vagus nerve, after synapses in a
peripheral ganglion (lower or caudal), have their postganglionic
bers end at the solitary tract nucleus, similar to that observed in the
intermediate portion of the facial nerve and in the glossopharyngeal
one. The visceral general afferent bers conduct impulses related to
the sensitivity of the pharynx, larynx, trachea and esophagus, and
the visceral special afferent route lead taste stimuli from receptors
on the vallecula and from a small posterior area of the tongue next
to the vallecula
The visceral general efferent (parasympathetic) bers of the
vagus nerve originate in the vagus dorsal motor nucleus, and from
it, on each side, they gather in a single-trunk, descending pathway,
emitting branches in the cervical, thoracic and abdominal region,
where they end. These preganglionic bers will establish synapses
in peripheral ganglia of the parasympathetic vegetative or autono-
mous nervous system, close to, or even inside, the viscera walls
The visceral special efferent (motor) bers of the vagus originate
in the ambiguous nucleus, and are responsible for innervation of
the striated muscles of the pharynx, larynx and esophagus
The accessory (XI) nerve, not always considered among those
related to swallowing control, presents special visceral efferent
fibers coming from the ambiguous nucleus (motor to striated
muscles of branchial origin) that would join this type of special
visceral efferent bers of the vagus. Thus, in addition to the vagus
(X) nerve, the accessory (XI) one would also be responsible for the
motor innervation of the striated portions of the pharynx, larynx
and esophagus. A possible second association between the vagus
and accessory nerves would be the presence of parasympathetic
bers (general visceral efferent) in the accessory nerve, with origin
in the dorsal nucleus of the vagus, which would accompany the
vagus nerve bers
The Hypoglossal (XII) nerve, a motor one, has an individual-
ized nucleus on the ventral-medial portion on each side of the
medulla oblongata. It is responsible for the tongue extrinsic and
intrinsic muscles. In addition, bers from the cervical plexus in
association with the hypoglossal nerve form the ansa cervicalis,
from which a branch from the cervical plexus, usually C1, will
innervate the geniohyoid muscle, one of the responsible for the
hyoid-laryngeal displacement
The pharyngeal plexus (glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory
though vagus) is considered responsible for the pharyngeal reex
phase, where afferent information from the pharynx reach the
brainstem, generating efferent stimuli to the pharyngeal structures
involved in this phase of the swallowing process.
The pressure transfer from the oral cavity to the pharynx by
distention would produce afferent stimuli that would reach the
brainstem, in special the sensitive (solitary tract) nucleus. From the
sensitive nucleus, through interneurons of the reticular formation,
the ventral motor (ambiguous) nucleus of the brainstem gener-
ates efferent motor stimuli to the pharyngeal structures. Several
structural movements initiated during the voluntary oral phase,
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remain in progress until the end of the pharyngeal phase, such as
hyoid-laryngeal elevation, swallowing apnea and tongue posterior
projection, to pharynx, started during the oral ejection, without
considering the palate tension produced by the trigeminal nerve.
In this way, several elements of the oral phase incorporated by
the pharyngeal reex phase allow us to consider the pharyngeal
phase as dependent on the cranial nerves V, VII, IX, X, XI and
XII of both sides.
The brainstem is formed by the medulla oblongata, the pons
and the midbrain. It contains the cranial nerves’ nuclei related to
swallowing. The sensory nuclei are posteriorly located on both sides,
and the motor ones, anteriorly. Interneurons and pathways of the
reticular formation interconnect the sensory and motor nuclei in
the brainstem. These are also connected with peripheral receptors,
cerebellum, and sensory and motor areas of the cerebral cortex
through base nuclei, and with peripheral effectors like muscles and
salivary glands
The brainstem receives and emits pathways with stimuli infor-
mation to be integrated and distributed. From peripheral receptors,
the brainstem sensitive nuclei will receive peripheral sensitivity
information by general afferent pathways (V, VII, IX), and taste,
by special afferent ones (VII, IX, X). During the oral phase, all
the bolus characteristics are identied and analyzed by the cortex,
which informs the brainstem the pattern to be employed by the
oral effectors. The brainstem, through the motor hypoglossal
(XII) nerve, will stimulate intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles.
The other swallowing muscles, as well as those involved in the
pharyngeal phase, will be stimulated by motor bers of visceral
special efferent nerves (V, VII, IX, X and XI). The brainstem also
depolarizes visceral general efferent parasympathetic pathways
to salivary glands (nerves VII and IX)
. The vagus (X), and
maybe the accessory (XI), send preganglionic parasympathetic
bers to the autonomic digestive system, through bers from the
vagus dorsal nucleus
In the brainstem, swallowing cranial nerves’ pathways make
functional connections with the cerebellum. The swallowing cra-
nial nerves go in and out of the cerebellum through the inferior,
middle and superior cerebellar peduncles. The inferior one receives
mainly afferent signals, the medium, only afferent signals, and the
superior, mostly efferent signals. Specic longitudinal pathways
interconnect brainstem and cerebellum nuclei with base nuclei and
cerebral cortex. In this way, the cerebellum and cerebral cortex can
interfere with the mechanics to be effected by the cranial nerves’
pathways in the swallowing process
In addition to balance and muscle tone, the cerebellum acts by
determining the temporal sequence of the synergistic contraction
of the different skeletal striated muscles, which can generate delay
of the motor signals by fractions of a second. It also acts by se-
quencing the motor activities from one movement to another, and
can control the relation of agonist and antagonist muscles. When
necessary, the cerebellum also can make adjustments in the motor
activities produced by other parts of the brain
Ascending and descending cerebellar pathways connect the
cortex and the cerebellum. Originated in large parts of the premotor
and motor cortex, the so-called cortex-pons-cerebellar pathway fol-
lows to nuclei in the pons and thence to the contralateral hemisphere
of the cerebellum. The signs that enter the cerebellum connect with
its nuclei and go out to send signals that are distributed to other
parts of the brain. The cerebellar pathway, whose role is to help
coordinate the motor activity sequences initiated by the cerebral
cortex, originates in the cerebellar cortex and, after connection with
one of its main nuclei (dentate), goes to the thalamus and will end
in the cerebral cortex
. Swallowing has its motor control bilaterally
represented in the cerebral cortex
. This bilateral representation
means that peripheral stimuli reach both cerebral hemispheres,
with admitted dominance of one of them. This dominance as-
sumes that, in physiological conditions, the dominant hemisphere
inhibits the function of the contralateral one. In dysphagia due to
involvement of the dominant hemisphere, it has been observed that
the contralateral hemisphere can increase its representation, with
apparent functional recovery
The oral phase, being voluntary, allows us to decide whether
to swallow the oral content. The cortical area with the oral control
capacity has been identied in the lower portion of the precentral
gyrus (frontal cortex) and postcentral gyrus (parietal cortex), where
sensitivity (somatosensory cortex) and motor control (somatomo-
tor cortex) are separated by the central sulcus
. (FIGURE 1).
The intraoral qualication, linked to sensory pathways of the
cranial pairs V, VII and IX, with nuclei in the brainstem, will have
visceral afferent general and special stimuli conducted thought base
nuclei up to the cerebral cortex. From the cortex, efferent direct
or indirect commands (involving the base nuclei) reach the motor
nuclei of the brainstem, under cerebellar mediation, from where
the motor pathways of these nerve pairs coordinate the dynamics
of the peripheral effectors
Afferent pathways of nerves V, VII and IX go to the cerebral
cortex. From the trigeminal (V) sensory nucleus, tactile sensitivity
pathways pass to the thalamus and cortex trough secondary dorsal
tracts. From the spinal nucleus of the cranial pair V, tactile, pain and
temperature pathways go to thalamus and cortex via the secondary
ventral tract. The facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX) nerves
connect with the cerebral cortex through sensitive bers coming
from the solitary tract nucleus through medial lemniscus and
FIGURE 1. Lateral view of an anatomical specimen (brain), highlighting
the sensory, postcentral and the motor, precentral gyrus, separated by
the central sulcus. The main anatomical elements are described over
the gure. 1, 2 and 3: areas of somatosensory cortex; 5 and 7: sensitive
association areas; 4: motor cortex; and 6: premotor area.
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66 Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento
thalamus. The efferent pathways from the cortex to the brainstem
motor nuclei of these three pairs of cranial nerves, modulated by
the cerebellum, occur with bilateral (mainly cross) connections of
the cortex-nuclear tract (voluntary). These voluntary pathways will
end in the brainstem in connection with the motor nucleus of the
nerves V and VII, as well as with motor neurons of the pair IX in
the ambiguous nucleus
The oral phase can be classied into ve subtypes: 1) Nutrition-
al voluntary oral phase; 2) Primary cortical voluntary oral phase;
3) Semi-automatic oral phase; 4) Subsequent gulps oral phase;
and 5) Spontaneous oral phase. These ve oral phase possibilities
occur in association with pharyngeal and esophageal reex phases.
Nutritional voluntary oral phase
The nutritive swallowing following chewing, with the bolus
prepared and qualied, will put it usually over the tongue (organize)
and transfer it (eject) to the pharynx
. The voluntary oral phase of
swallowing leads information to the cortex by the afferent pathways
of the nerves V, VII and IX (mixed pairs) that allow the cortex to
activate the motor portions of these mixed nerves in association
with the hypoglossal (XII – motor pair). Originating in peripheral
receptors, afferent pathways reach the brainstem. From the sensory
nuclei of the cranial pair V, through the secondary ventral and
dorsal tracts, they reach the thalamus and cortex with tactile (also
volume and viscosity), thermal and possibly nociceptive sensations.
Afferent general (sensitivity) and special (taste) pathways led by the
cranial nerves VII and IX reach the solitary tract nucleus in the dor-
sal region of the medulla oblongata. From this, afferent pathways
connect with the base nuclei, including thalamus, and then with
the cerebral cortex on the postcentral gyrus of both hemispheres,
transferring the received afferent signals to the precentral gyrus,
from where efferent pathways go to the brainstem motors nuclei
(V, VII, IX, XII).
Based on the hemisphere dominance, one can conclude that
both afferent general (sensitive) and special (taste), and efferent
special (motors) and general (parasympathetic) pathways intercon-
necting both sides of cortex and brainstem arrive and leave as direct
and cross paths. This organization gives to each cerebral hemisphere
the total information collected in the oral cavity, enabling effective
commands from each hemisphere to reach both sides of the brain-
stem, integrating the cranial nerves that act in the oral phase
After activating the sensorial cortex on both sides from the base
nuclei, the peripheral information passes to the motor cortex, where
the necessary intensity is modulated and re-transmitted to the base
nuclei and brainstem. In the latter, the efferent pathways of the
trigeminal, facial and hypoglossal nerves would produce an oral
dynamic that would end by ejecting its contents into the pharynx.
Although one of the hemispheres is dominant, both are fully
informed, allowing them to exercise full functions
. There is
evidence that the dysphagia generated by injury to the dominant
hemisphere allows increase in the representation of the non-dom-
inant (non-injured) hemisphere, associated with apparent function
. There are pathways crossing from one side to the
other through the corpus callosum, integrating the hemispheres.
Thus, in healthy individuals, the dominant cortex can exert inhibi-
tory action on the contralateral one by a connection that passes
through the corpus callosum. It is also possible to consider the
existence of excitatory pathways from the dominant motor cortex
to the base nuclei of the contralateral hemisphere. This organization
would explain not only the already evidenced function recovery
when there is lesion of the dominant hemisphere
, but also the
integrated bilateral stimulus that is observed, despite the inhibition
of the sensorial and motor cortex of the non-dominant hemisphere.
It is also possible to assume that these excitatory pathways exist
in both directions.
Between the brainstem and the cortex, there are also intercon-
nected pathways arriving at, and leaving from, the cerebellum,
considered able to modulate muscular contraction intensity and
sequence. In this way, cerebellar pathways connect with efferent vol-
untary (cortex-nuclear) pathways that will make synapses with the
motor nuclei of the cranial nerves V, VII, IX and XII. From these
nuclei, the efferent stimuli follow to the oral effectors, providing
them with signaling of adequate contraction intensity and sequence,
coordinated by the cortex and modulated by the cerebellum.
The bolus volume and viscosity will interfere with the muscular
contraction intensity, dened by the cortex according to the oral
qualication, to generate the necessary oral ejection. Nevertheless,
the contraction activation sequence of the effectors will be common
to all sequences involving the oral phase, suggesting that the neural
organization has a predened sequence. Taste and temperature
do not exert inuence on the oral muscular contraction intensity
dened by the cortex. This observation means that, within limits of
acceptability, chemical-reception, thermo-reception and certainly
pain-reception do not interfere with the oral activity, which is
governed by the mechanical reception, in particular volume and
viscosity, which will affect the amount of motor units to be depolar-
ized for an effective oral phase. The generation of the necessary and
adequate muscular contraction intensity will be responsible for the
information to be passed and maintained during the reex phase
of swallowing. The pressure intensity transferred by the oral phase
will be the stimulus to be answered to by the neural control of the
reex pharyngeal phase. The esophageal phase, also reex, should
be inuenced at least partly by the oral phase
One can describe the basic dynamics of the swallowing oral
phase as follows: The Dental arcades touch one another by chewing
muscle contraction (pair V). This dental arcades position allows
skin-inserted muscles, in special buccinators and orbicularis oris
(pair VII), to generate intraoral pressure resistance to prevent
pressure escape out of the oral cavity during the bolus transfer-
ence to the pharynx. The pressurized and resistant oral cavity
will enable ejection of the bolus by the tongue (pair XII), which
will transfer pressure and bolus to the pharynx. Still as part of
the oral phase actions, the tensor veli palatini muscle (pair V) will
provide resistance to the soft palate, which will be superiorly and
posteriorly projected by the levator veli palatini muscle against the
rst fascicle of the pharynx superior constrictor muscle (pterygo-
pharyngeus fascicle) at the beginning of the pharyngeal phase.
The suprahyoid muscles elevate the hyoid and larynx, opening the
pharyngeal-esophageal transition because it undoes the tweezers
action between the vertebral body and larynx. The elevation of
the hyoid and larynx that acts by undoing of the tweezers action,
produced by the apposition of the larynx against the spine is co-
ordinated mainly by the cranial nerves V and VII and also by C1
through the ansa cervicalis. The hyoid elevation starts at the end
of the oral phase, and stays active till the end of pharyngeal phase.
Contraction of the longitudinal stylopharyngeus muscle (IX) will
reduce the pharyngeal distal resistance. Finally, in the end of oral
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Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento 67
phase, by possible involvement of the respiratory center on the
oor of the fourth ventricle in the brainstem, swallowing apnea
(preventive apnea) takes place. In sequence, but with an independent
mechanism of apnea, beginning the pharyngeal phase, vocal folds
adduction will occur. All the oral events remain active during the
entire pharyngeal phase by assimilation of the reex pharyngeal
phase coordination
. (FIGURE 2).
this type of neural control does not have, as an integral part, the
afferent signaling coming from the oral receptors to the sensitive
cortex. In this way, the sequence from the motor cortex to the oral
effectors will be exactly the same
Semiautomatic oral phase
This type of neural control is a temporary substitute for the one
that occurs during the nutritional swallowing process. It replaces the
voluntary control of the nutritional oral phase when, in a repetitive
way, this has its parameters qualied and accepted as usual and
within appropriate limits. In such cases, if the attention has been
divided with another interest that demands cortical activity, swal-
lowing control can be replaced by a semiautomatic control, which
will be processed in subcortical level (base nuclei). Considering the
proposed organization for the integration between base nuclei and
cortex, we can hold that the base nuclei take control of the oral
phase, maintaining its integrative activity, but repressing in their
level the information brought from the periphery. Nevertheless,
the base nuclei retain the ability to reactivate cortical control at
any time, in particular if changes are detected
. I believe that the
dominant hemisphere controls this semiautomatic process from
its base nuclei, also through corpus callosum, on the same way of
the inhibitory control.
Subsequent gulps oral phase
Subsequent gulps oral phase swallowing in subsequent gulps
implies liquid intake that, in healthy individuals, demands depo-
larization of fewer motor units, because the necessary ejection force
does not require too much effort. The control of this oral phase type
of swallowing is, at least for the rst gulp, similar to the control of
nutritional swallowing. Although the material to ingest is liquid, a
proper qualication is necessary, since it may have characteristics
unexpected or distinct from the appearance. Taste, temperature
and viscosity are assessed during the rst gulp and, if accepted,
go promptly to semiautomatic coordination, similar to that occur-
ring in the nutritional diet. Here, the semiautomatic dynamics can
start without requesting any other cortical attention, and without
losing the basic perception of the gulps’ characteristics. Like in
nutritional swallowing, the resumption of the voluntary cortical
control is immediate if desired or if any irregularity is perceived.
Spontaneous oral phase
Spontaneous oral phase is the swallowing that occurs to clarify
oral cavity of the saliva produced and released in discrete volumes,
but continuously. This type of oral phase occurs repeatedly over the
course of the day’s 24 hours, with the individual awake or asleep, in
the absence of conscious control. These swallowing efforts generate
a mechanical sequence similar to the other swallowing types with
origin in the oral cavity. However, in some respect it is distinct in
its trigger mechanisms. I believe that is possible to assume that this
type of swallowing is due to the airways protective mechanism to
prevent aspirations and compromising of the respiratory system.
It has been demonstrated that the saliva adsorbed to the mucous
membrane is capable of lubricating the laryngeal vestibule and
vocal folds without producing discomfort. Also, the resulting
volume of accumulated saliva would be compressed between the
vestibular folds and epiglottis tubercle during swallowing with the
adduced vocal folds, resulting in return of the residual saliva to the
. It is possible to believe that spontaneous swallowing is
a product of this physiological airways permeation.
FIGURE 2. Frontal view of schematic diagram over an anatomical
specimen representing the neural control of the nutritional oral phase.
Black, dotted lines represent the oral afferent pathways that pass through
the (1) sensorial ganglion and connect with sensitive nuclei of the solitary
tract and nerve V nuclei in the brainstem (2). From there, they connect
with the base nuclei (3) through direct and cross pathways. From the base
nuclei (3), in nutritious swallowing the signals stimulate the postcentral
(sensorial) and precentral (motor) gyruses (4), which start the efferent
(motor) pathway. (Note 1: Sensory pathways do not exist in the primary
cortical voluntary oral phase). Red, solid lines represent efferent motor
pathways from the cortex to the base nuclei (3) and brainstem nuclei (2)
where nerves V, VII, IX and XII conduct the stimuli (modulated by the
cerebellum) to the oral effectors. (Note 2: In semiautomatic swallowing
and while normality is maintained, motor responses are produced
without cortical intervention). From the dominant hemisphere, there
is an inhibiting pathway (black, dashed line) going to the opposite
hemisphere and an excitatory pathway (red, solid line) and also to the
base dominant nuclei to the non-dominant side.
Primary cortical voluntary oral phase
This type of oral phase reproduces all dynamic events ob-
served in the nutritive oral phase of swallowing, without having
any intraoral content to be qualied. It happens as if the cerebral
cortex imagined a bolus with such known features, that the effer-
ent cortical motor area reproduces an oral ejection with the same
characteristics and using the same efferent pathways that it would
if that imagined bolus could be exposed to oral receptors. Thus,
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68 Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento
The spontaneous swallowing that occurs repeatedly, being the
individual awake or during sleep and in the absence of conscious
control, seems to be the same semiautomatic swallowing observed
in the nutritious swallowing sequence, though with a distinct trigger
mechanism, probably related to airway protection.
Besides other functions, saliva is important in the chewing bolus
preparation and in the lubrication of the mucous membranes to
suitable transport. Saliva is produced in continuous volume and
physical-chemical characteristics by the salivary glands, with me-
diation of parasympathetic bers conducted by the cranial nerves
VII (facial) and IX (glossopharyngeal).
Spontaneous swallowing helps in the distribution of saliva over
the oral, pharyngeal and even vestibular mucosa, humidifying these
membranes and probably helping to maintain uid the mucus over
the laryngeal ventricles. Inhalation and expiration dry the mucosa
by the continuous airow, and spontaneous swallowing keeps the
moisture level of these mucous membranes. Spontaneous swal-
lowing is also important for the control of small volume of liquids
adsorbed to the laryngeal vestibule walls, removing any excess over
this mucosa. During swallowing, with the adduced vestibule folds,
the tubercle of the epiglottis presses against these folds, making
the vestibule lumen virtual, expelling to the pharynx any excess
existing there
The reex pharyngeal phase takes place without voluntary
control or direct cortical command. This phase starts from the phar-
yngeal pressure stimulus transferred by the oral phase. In nutritional
swallowing, after bolus qualication, in special in relation to volume
and viscosity (mechanoreceptors), the oral ejection will transfer the
qualied information (bolus and pressure) to the pharynx. From
there the perceived stimulus go to the brainstem (solitary tract
nucleus). In the brainstem, in special in the ambiguous nucleus, a
motor reex response will determine sequential muscle contractions
in delay line based on the values qualied and transferred by the
oral phase
. Delay line is the contractile sequential muscular
response of the muscles involved in the pharyngeal phase to a
single pressure stimulus, which departs from the pharynx to the
posterior sensory portion of the brainstem, and which returns to
it via a ventral motor pathway, producing the sequential dynam-
ics of the pharynx contractile activity. Although there is no direct
motor cortex inuence on the pharyngeal phase, the transferred
content can be perceived, for example, for its temperature. This
kind of perception means that there is afferent sensitivity, possibly
to provide the oral transfer with tolerance limits.
The stimulus that triggers the pharyngeal phase is not the
contact produced by the passage of food through the pharynx
but the pressure that distends it, with or without contents
. In
nutritional swallowing, food and pressure are transferred, but in
cortical swallowing, only pressure is, and the pharyngeal response
is similar to that of nutritious swallowing, indicating that the pres-
sure distending the pharyngeal walls is the element that stimulates
the pharyngeal motor activity
The pharyngeal distention pressure is identied and transferred
to the brainstem through sensitive afferent bers of the pharyn-
geal plexus (cranial nerves IX, X, XI). The glossopharyngeal (IX)
nerves in the oropharynx and vagus and accessory (X and XI) in
the laryngopharynx carry to the brainstem dorsal region (solitary
tract nucleus – sensitive) the stimulus based on the pressure value
transferred from the oral cavity to the pharynx. The dorsal region
(sensitive) and the ventral one (motor) are integrated by interneu-
rons of the brainstem’s reticular system. A unique stimulus reaches
the solitary tract nucleus, and motor reex response is composed by
a sequential action of several muscles in different times, conguring
muscular sequential contraction in delay line.
It is reasonable to admit a cerebellum modulation over the
pharyngeal reex responses determined by the brainstem, explain-
ing the sequential muscular contraction in the pharyngeal phase
(delay line). Among its main functions, the cerebellum coordinates
the temporal sequence of the synergic contraction of the different
skeletal striated muscles, with the possibility to generate delay of
the motor signals by fractions of a second, creating delay in the
muscle contraction sequence
In a didactic way, and not failing to admit the possibility of a
delay line control by inhibitory neurotransmitters, we have consid-
ered that the sensory-motor connection in the brainstem would be
carried out by distinct amounts of synapses between interneurons
connecting sensitive and motor nuclei, generating different transfer
times between the solitary tract nucleus to the ambiguous one. Thus,
a stimulus perceived by the pharyngeal receptors and transmitted to
the solitary tract nucleus as unique would be retransmitted to the
ambiguous nucleus, passing by a different and increasing number
of interneurons, conguring the delay line observed in the swal-
lowing pharyngeal phase.
Besides the sequence and intensity of muscular contraction
determined by the brainstem from pressure reception, the phar-
yngeal phase incorporates or assimilates, as its functional part,
the oral phase developments already in course. The oral phase
incorporated elements and the pharyngeal phase will end together.
Therefore, the brainstem, during the pharyngeal phase, integrates
the sequence of the oral phase with the pharyngeal one. The phar-
yngeal phase starts by action of the pharyngeal plexus, composed
of the glossopharyngeal (IX), vagus (X) and accessory (XI) nerves,
with secondary involvement of the trigeminal (V), facial (VII),
glossopharyngeal (IX) and the hypoglossal (XII), and also some
elements of the cervical plexus (C1, C2). The cervical plexus and
the hypoglossal nerve on each side form the ansa cervicalis, from
which a pathway goes to the geniohyoid muscle, one of the muscles
that act in the elevation of the hyoid-laryngeal complex
The accessory (XI) nerve, not always considered among those
associated with swallowing, is admitted as having special visceral
efferent (motor) bers originating from the ambiguous nucleus
that would follow associated with the vagus nerve, which would
also display this type of ber
. Thus, the accessory (XI) nerve
is also responsible for the motor innervation of the musculature
of the palate, pharynx, larynx and esophagus, in association with
the vagus nerve.
The pharyngeal phase shows adjustment, over the tongue on
each side, of the palatoglossal muscle, innervated by the motor
portion of the pharyngeal plexus (X, XI) to prevent pressure from
returning to the oral cavity. The tension (V) and elevation of the
palate (X, XI) against the rst fascicle (pterygo-pharyngeal) of
the upper constrictor muscle of the pharynx, innervated by the
cranial nerves X and XI, blocks the possible pressure escape from
the oropharynx to the rhinopharynx.
The superior, middle and inferior constrictor muscles of the
pharynx are each one constituted of distinct parts, with individu-
alized insertions. Each one of these parts is inserted in one side
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Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento 69
in anterolateral xed points, and in the other, in the posterior
median line of the pharynx (pharyngeal raphe). As a consequence
of the individualization of their motor units, they can contract in
sequential mode. The superior constrictor muscle has four parts
(pterygopharyngeal, buccopharyngeal, mylopharyngeal and glos-
sopharyngeal), the middle, two parts (chondropharyngeal and
ceratopharyngeal), and the inferior, two parts (thyreopharyngeal
and cricopharyngeal). The cricopharyngeal presents two fascicles,
the upper, oblique, and the lower, transverse, whose bers seems to
cross with each other’s in the midline. Between the two fascicles of
the cricopharyngeal muscle, there is an anatomically less resistant
area due muscular absence
The four parts of the superior constrictor occupy the entire
extension of the oropharynx. Thus, it is necessary that only the
rst portion of its superior (pterygopharyngeal) part perform
apposition against the palate, isolating and preventing pressure
escapes from the oropharynx to the rhinopharynx. In the same
time, the oral pressure can pass to the pharynx without resistance.
The sequential contraction of the superior, middle and inferior
constrictors’ parts do not generate pharyngeal peristalsis, since
there is no circular muscle on the pharyngeal wall. With closing
of the pharyngeal contiguous cavities except for the pharyngeal-
esophageal transition, which opens as a result of the elevation of
the hyoid and larynx, there is a constrictors muscle contraction
generating a pressure sequence in the cranial-caudal direction. This
pressure sequence displaces the transient bolus from the pharynx
to the permissive, less resistant esophagus by the opening of the
pharyngeal-esophageal transition
By denition, peristalsis is a sequential expression produced by
a muscle circular layer. In this way this cranial-caudal pressure se-
quence with distal less resistance without muscle circular layer should
not be considered as peristalsis or peristalsis like as is often dened.
The suprahyoid muscles are innervated by the cranial nerves V
and VII and by the (C1) cervical plexus, connected via ansa cervica-
lis with the hypoglossal nerve. The mylohyoid branch of mandibular
nerve (mixed root of trigeminal – V) innervates the mylohyoid and
the anterior belly of the digastric muscles; the posterior belly of the
digastric and the stylohyoid muscles, by the facial nerve (VII). The
geniohyoid and thyrohyoid muscles are innervated by ansa cervica-
lis (usually C1) through the hypoglossal (XII) nerve. The cervical
plexus (usually C2) through the ansa cervicalis innervate the other
infrahyoid muscles. The suprahyoid muscle group is responsible
for the forward and upward movement of hyoid and larynx, with
modulation by the infrahyoid group. This action moves the larynx
away from the vertebral body and opens the pharyngeal-esophageal
transition. Moreover, while moving the larynx away, the suprahyoid
group is able to sustain this open condition depending on the bolus
volume and viscosity. The opening of the pharyngeal-esophageal
transition is also enhanced by the contraction of the longitudinal
pharyngeal muscles, the stylopharyngeal ones, innervated by the
glossopharyngeal (IX) nerve, and the palatopharyngeal muscle,
innervated by motor bers from cranial nerves X and XI
Still in the oral phase, as a last act, a preventive apnea (swal-
lowing apnea) ensues, being assimilated by the pharyngeal phase
and remaining until its end. Associated with the airways resistance
produced by apnea, there is independent vocal folds adduction (X,
XI), followed by closure of the vestibular folds with the bolus pas-
sage through the already open pharyngeal-esophageal transition.
The adduction of the vestibular folds is due to the compression of
the pre-epiglottic fatty cushion produced by the elevation of the
hyoid and larynx, which compresses this cushion contained in the
pre-epiglottic brous space. This space has, as its point of least
resistance, the lateral aspects of the tapered end of the epiglottis,
which corresponds to the projection of the vestibular folds on both
sides. Thus, the compression produced by this fatty cushion on
the sides of the epiglottis causes the medial shift of the vestibular
folds, which end up in apposition against the epiglottis tubercle.
On its turn, the epiglottis, everted by the tongue, moves posteriorly,
adjusting its tubercle against the now adduced vestibular folds
At the same time, the constrictor muscles’ parts, including the
crycopharingeal one, carry out the sequential, cranio-caudal con-
traction (nerves X and XI), driving the bolus from the pharynx
into the esophagus
. (FIGURE 3).
FIGURE 3. Neural control representation of the pharyngeal phase over
anatomical specimens where 1 – oral cavity, 2 – pharynx, 3 – esophagus,
4 – swallowed bolus, 5 – brainstem, X – pharyngeal receptors, 6 –
solitary tract nucleus, 7 – Ambiguous nucleus. Over 5, lower dotted
arrows from six to six – afferent integration, and upper dotted arrows
from six to seven – efferent integration. From 6 (sensitive nucleus) to 7
(motor nucleus), multi-dotted arrows are a didactic representation of the
growing number of interneurons of the delay line. From 7 (ambiguous
nucleus) to a, b, and c on both sides, dashed arrows represent the efferent
stimulus to muscle delay line. There is pressure transference from 1
to 2 (pharyngeal distention), represented by widening of 4. Hollow
arrowheads show displacement of the bolus (4) from mouth to esophagus.
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70 Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento
The pharyngeal and esophageal phases, both reex, present
anatomical and functional relation. The rsts 10 cm of the es-
ophagus are formed by skeletal striated muscle, like the oral and
pharyngeal ones. In the distal extremity of this striated segment,
by 2 or 3 cm, a muscular distinction is identied macroscopically in
fresh anatomical specimens, which is microscopically dened as a
mixture of skeletal striated muscle (long and multinucleated bers)
and bers of smooth muscle (short and mono-nucleated), where
the rst ganglion of the myenteric plexus appears
. (FIGURE 4).
The cricopharyngeal muscle has been known as a skeletal
striated muscle type that demands expressive consumption of
ATP (adenosine triphosphate), because it depends on ATP both
to contract and to relax. In order to demonstrate that the cri-
copharyngeal muscle is not contracted at rest, only to relax when
the pharyngeal-esophageal transition opens, as believed by many,
we performed manometry of the pharyngeal-esophageal transi-
tion. This manometry was carried out with a balloon built with
a latex glove nger to measure the positive pressure resistance of
the pharyngeal-esophageal transition of 12 fresh corpses, in the
rst 6 to 12 hours postmortem. This research were permitted by
an agreement between the Anatomy Department of the Biomedi-
cal Sciences Institute of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ) and the Legal
Medical Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The balloon traction shows that positive pressure values remain
present on the pharyngeal-esophageal transition in all studied fresh
corpses. A second pressure verication, with insertion of a metal-
lic prosthesis between the vertebral body and the larynx, shows
absence of resistance in this region, where the prosthesis eliminates
the tweezer mechanism of the larynx against the vertebral body.
Based on the positive values observed in the rst measure and
absent in the second, with the prosthesis insertion, we concluded
that resistance on the pharyngeal-esophageal transition is depend-
ent on the tweezer action of the larynx against the vertebral body.
In two cricopharyngeal muscles, we also carried out electric
stimulation, including analysis of tolerance to calcium pump
inhibitors (verapamil) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
with dodecyl sodium sulfate paired with other striated muscles.
FIGURE 4. A – fresh esophagus segment where there is mixture of 1
– smooth and 2 – striated muscle. B – histological specimen obtained
from (A), with (1) rst ganglion of the myenteric plexus and mixture of
long and multinucleated striated muscle bers (2) and short and mono-
nucleated smooth ones (3).
The high-pressure zone designated as the upper esophageal
sphincter is located at the distal pharynx, where a tweezer action
closes the pharynx between the larynx (cricoid cartilage) and the
cervical lordosis at the level of the 5th to 6th cervical vertebrae.
Usually this high pressure is considered as due to the maintained
contraction of the cricopharyngeal muscle, part of the inferior
pharyngeal constrictor. This conception is a severe misunder-
standing about the anatomical and functional characteristics of
this region. The inferior constrictor of the pharynx is a skeletal
striated muscle consisting of two fascicles (thyropharyngeal and
the cricopharyngeal). The cricopharyngeal fascicle presents two
parts of bers in its organization, an upper, oblique and a lower,
transverse. The upper one inserts on each side of the cricoid car-
tilage, from where its bers go from the bottom upwards and from
lateral to medial, inserting on the posterior pharyngeal raphe. The
lower or transverse part inserts on each side of the cricoid cartilage,
with a transverse direction, intercrossing in the midline, where the
raphe cannot be seen. The width of the pharyngeal lumen at the
level of the transverse cricopharyngeal part is about 17 mm and
there is not muscular ring in this region, which can be described
as a muscular half-curvature. The divergence between the oblique
and transverse parts of the cricopharyngeal muscle creates an
intermediary zone without muscular bers that constitutes an
anatomically less resistant point, already described as the Kilian
zone, where the posterior pharyngeal diverticulum, known as
Zenker’s diverticulum, can occur. This anatomically less resistant
area is coincidentally the point of higher-pressure values, certainly
due to the tweezer action produced by the vertebral body and the
. (FIGURE 5).
FIGURE 5. Posterior view of anatomical specimen involving the
pharynx, larynx, esophagus and trachea, where 1 – Cricopharyngeal
muscle, oblique fascicle, 2 – Cricopharyngeal muscle, transverse fascicle,
inserted on the larynx cricoid cartilage, 3 – Kilian zone, the anatomically
less resistant zone on the posterior pharyngeal wall where the pharyngeal
diverticulum described by Zenker occurs. This less resistant zone
is due to the divergence of the oblique and transverse fascicles of the
cricopharyngeal muscle. 4 – Trachea, 5 – Esophagus.
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Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento 71
We obtained these two cricopharyngeal muscles from specimens
immediately resected from total laryngectomies, with surgical indi-
cation and consent. These muscles showed the same characteristics
of other striated muscles under electric stimulation, including their
tolerance to calcium pump inhibitors. The electrophoresis paired
with other striated muscles revealed the same protein patterns and
molecular weights. These two experiments allow the conclusion
that the cricopharyngeal muscle has morphology and function of
a striated muscle. (FIGURES 7 and 8).
The open pharyngeal-esophageal transition intercommunicates
the pharynx and esophagus, allowing the video-uoroscopic exami-
nation to show the ow of contrast medium lling both cavities
almost simultaneously. One can observe that the pharyngeal and
esophageal cavities present a relation with the contrast medium that
occurs during the time of the pharyngeal phase. Thus, the beginning
of the esophageal phase occurs, practically, in the same time of the
pharyngeal phase, demonstrating the clear functional relationship
between these reex phases, which is so much or more consistent
than the observed between the oral and pharyngeal phases. This
fact demonstrates that the pharyngeal and esophageal phases are
responsible for the conduction of the contents transferred by the
oral phase
. (FIGURE 9).
The sequential contraction of pharyngeal muscles leads the
bolus transferred by pharyngeal pressure. It results from the special
visceral efferent innervation conducted by the vagus nerve, origi-
nating in the ambiguous nucleus, also responsible for the striated
muscle of the upper portion of the esophagus. The bolus inside
the esophagus is conducted by sequential contractions in distal
direction, dened as primary peristalsis.
The mechanical relation between bolus and smooth muscle in
the esophagus wall will be able to stimulate this kind of muscle,
unlike striated one. The smooth muscle in the esophagus wall will
FIGURE 6.A. Manometry on a fresh corpse. B. Scheme highlighting (a) – pharynx between tweezer formed by vertebral body and larynx that compresses
the pharynx at rest, (b) – elastic and distensible balloon, and (c) – sphygmomanometer. (d) – rectangle containing three possibilities of pressurization of
the system, where X represents ow closure, 1 and 2 represent air ow to be balanced with the distended balloon, and 3, the three-way tube that allows the
balance of pressures, (e) – syringe, 4 – direction of balloon traction. C. After verication of basal pressure (positive in all 12 cases), cervical dissection for
passage of a metallic prosthesis separating the larynx from the spine. D. Prosthesis installed for re-verication (absence of positive pressure in all 12 cases).
FIGURE 7. Polygraphic record of isometric tension of the
cricopharyngeal muscle. On top, the polygraph used. The rst bar shows
constant increase of the contraction force as the stimuli intensity (Volts)
increases. The second bar shows gradual contraction frequency increase
of the cricopharingeal muscle with the stimuli pace (Hz) increment,
until the installation of tetany. The third bar shows the use of verapamil
(calcium pump blocker) in increasing concentrations: both in the
absence and with increasing doses of the calcium pump blocker, the
muscle behavior is the expected for skeletal striated muscle. The three
bars therefore register a skeletal striated muscle behavior.
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72 Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento
FIGURE 8. Protein Electrophoresis. On the right side, protein fractions distribution near the same plane for the four tested muscle samples, where two
are cricopharyngeal samples and two other muscles previous known as striated (extensor halluces longus and soleus muscle). On the left, superposition
of the protein weights of the four tested muscle samples, conrming that the cricopharyngeal muscles has the similar protein fractions distribution of
the previous known as striated muscle.
FIGURE 9. Video-uoroscopic examination of swallowed contrast media. 1 – Oropharynx, 2 – Epiglottis, 3 – Piriform recesses, 4 – Pharyngeal-
esophageal transition, and 5 – Esophagus. The pharyngeal phase begins at frame 20 and ends at 50, with total time of 0.99 sec. (each frame lasts
0.033 msec.). After 0.2 to 0.23 sec. (frame 26 to 27), the esophageal phase is already starting in superposition with the pharyngeal one. The epiglottis
remains in the vertical position and will only close the pharyngeal-esophageal communication (horizontal position) at the end of the pharyngeal phase,
in frame 45. At this time, the pharynx, with residual volume, starts its return to resting position, with closure of the pharyngeal-esophageal transition
by the return of the larynx in opposition to the vertebral body and with the epiglottis in vertical position.
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Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento 73
capable of interfering with the tonus and motility of the smooth
portion of the esophagus
. It is also believed that the esophagus
distal extremity presents resting tonic contraction involving the
distal circular musculature. Hormones would regulate this resting
tonic contraction in association with intrinsic and extrinsic nerves
that generate pressure values around 20 mmHg. This prevailing
hypothesis considers that the gastroesophageal transition opens
to due muscle relaxation that would occur in association with the
primary peristalsis, induced by vagus bers that would inhibit the
tonic contraction of the circular musculature, with possible media-
tion of VIP (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide) neurotransmitters
and NO (nitric oxide)
Despite the prevailing concepts, it has not been identied, in the
distal portion of the esophagus, a muscular ring with the classical
characteristics observed in smooth muscle sphincters. However, the
gastroesophageal transition, without muscular thickening, presents
positive resting pressure, which fades away during the primary
peristaltic wave that leads the bolus to the stomach. Due to the
lack of knowledge about the morphology responsible for the high
pressure of this transition dened as cardia, it has been deemed a
physiological sphincter. This situation has given rise to speculations
that add up to about 27 possible mechanisms, isolated or in associa-
tion, including those involving the regional muscle organization
The esophagus presents an internal layer, dened as circular,
and another external, as longitudinal. The external one, when
contracting, reduces the resistance of the esophageal tube, and
the internal propels the bolus in sequential contraction. It is pos-
sible that the esophageal muscular layers are arranged in a way
that the external layer displays long-pitch, spiral bers, and the
internal one, short-pitch, spiral bers. This morphology, associated
with the concept of energy preservation, allows us to admit that
the contraction of the external layer would be able to widen the
esophagus, decreasing the resistance to the ow, probably also by
opening the gastroesophageal transition. On its turn, the internal
layer would propel the food downwards by sequential contraction.
Thus, during the resting esophageal stage, there would be no energy
. The opening of the gastroesophageal transi-
tion would be an active response to the esophageal peristalsis that
would activate the myenteric plexus during the entry of the bolus
into the esophagus. Corroborates this hypothesis the fact that the
esophagus, when subjected to pure pressure distension, responds
differently than in the presence of the concrete bolus.
be depolarized in a syncytial way, where the depolarization of the
muscle cells is freely transferred from one to the other, with con-
traction processed in the entire extension of the muscle layer. Thus,
we can consider, as a hypothetical mechanism, that the contents
transferred from the pharynx to the esophagus while in its striated
portion are conducted similarly to the way that takes place in the
pharynx, by depolarization of motor units. Nevertheless, when the
bolus passes through the striated/smooth transition, it is capable of
stimulating the myenteric plexus from this transition on, generating
syncytial contraction. This syncytial depolarization is able to cause
contraction of the longitudinal layer, reducing the resistance of the
esophagus as a whole, increasing its complacency and culminating,
or at least participating, in the opening of the gastroesophageal
transition that occurs in concomitance with the onset of primary
peristalsis. It is also possible that the circular musculature depolar-
izes and contracts during the bolus passage through the striated/
smooth transition, in association with the primary peristalsis. This
contraction pressurizes the esophageal lumen downwards, leading
the bolus in transit through the esophagus
The pharynx and the esophagus rst portion are both formed
by striate muscle innervated by the special visceral efferent (motor)
pathway of the vagus nerve. This cranial nerve also has the general
visceral efferent (parasympathetic) pathway, which is preganglionic
to the myenteric plexus. In this way, another hypothesis would be
that the esophageal smooth muscle motor coordination be done by
myenteric postganglionic stimulation in sequence with the special
visceral efferent pathway (motor to striate muscle) in association
with the general visceral efferent pathway (parasympathetic - motor
to smooth muscle) of the vagus nerve.
The contents transferred from the pharynx to the esophagus,
notably the ones with solid fragments, not always reach the stomach.
Sometimes they stop at the level of the esophagus smooth muscle,
from where they are able to locally stimulate the submucosal plexus,
which transfers an activation command to the myenteric plexus, pro-
ducing muscle contraction from the retention point on. This down-
ward contractile wave is dened as secondary peristalsis, which ends
up conducting the residual esophageal contents to the stomach
It has been considered that the general visceral efferent path-
way (parasympathetic bers) originating in the posterior motor
nucleus of vagus as preganglionic bers will connect to intrapa-
rietal ganglia in the esophageal wall, from where postganglionic
bers connect with visceral effectors that release neuro-hormones
Costa MMB.
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74 Arq Gastroenterol • 2018. v. 55. Suplemento
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RESUMOContexto – A deglutição é um processo motor com muitas discordâncias e de difícil estudo quanto a sua neurosiologia. Talvez por essa razão
sejam tão raros os artigos sobre esse tema. Objetivo – Descrever o controle neural da mastigação e a qualicação do bolo que se obtém durante a fase
oral. Revisar os nervos cranianos envolvidos com a deglutição e suas relações com o tronco cerebral, cerebelo, núcleos de base e córtex. Métodos – Re-
visão da literatura com inclusão de trabalhos pessoais e novas observações buscando dar consistência a necessária revisão dos conceitos, muitas vezes
conitantes. Resultados e Conclusão – Em relação a fase oral da deglutição consideramos o controle neural em cinco distintas possibilidades. Fase
oral nutricional voluntária, fase oral cortical voluntária primaria, fase oral semiautomática, fase oral em goles subsequentes e fase oral espontânea.
Em relação ao controle neural da fase faríngea da deglutição, pode-se observar que o estímulo que dispara a fase faríngea não é o toque produzido
pela passagem do bolo, mas sim a distensão pressórica, tenha ou não conteúdo em passagem. Na deglutição nutricional, alimento e pressão são
transferidos, mas na fase oral da deglutição primária cortical somente pressão é transferida e temos resposta faríngea similar a nutricional. A fase
faríngea incorpora como parte de sua dinâmica as atividades orais já em curso. A fase faríngea se inicia por ação do plexo faríngeo composto pelos
nervos glossofaríngeo (IX), vago (X), e acessório (XI), com envolvimento do trigêmeo (V), do facial (VII), glossofaríngeo (IX) e hipoglosso (XII).
O plexo cervical (C1, C2), e o nervo hipoglosso, a cada lado, formam a alça cervical de onde, com origem cervical, um ramo segue para o músculo
gênio-hioide, um músculo que atua na dinâmica de elevação do complexo hiolaríngeo. Foi também considerado o controle neural da fase esofágica
da deglutição. Além de outras hipóteses foi considerado que é possível que a camadas musculares consideradas como longitudinal e circular para o
esôfago sejam a longitudinal composta por bras espirais de passo longo e a circular por bras espirais de passo curto. Essa morfologia associada
ao conceito de preservação de energia, nos permite admitir que a contração da camada longitudinal por seu arranjo espiral seja capaz de alargar o
esôfago diminuindo sua resistência ao uxo e provavelmente e também abrindo a transição esofagogástrica. Desse modo a camada circular, espiral
de passo curto, pode propelir o bolo por constrição sequencial de cranial para caudal.
DESCRITORES – Deglutição. Nervos cranianos. Tronco encefálico. Gânglios da base. Córtex cerebral. Vias neurais.
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