Chemistry 120: Experiment 3
Preparation of Standard Sodium Thiosulfate Solution and
Determination of Hypochlorite in a Commercial Bleach Product
ine can be used as an oxidizing agent in many oxidation-reduction titrations and iodide
can be used as a reducing agent in other oxidation-reduction titrations:
+ 2 e
= 2 I
If a standard iodine solution is used as a titrant for an oxidizable analyte, the technique is
iodimetry. If an excess of iodide is used to quantitatively reduce a chemical species while
simultaneously forming iodine, and if the iodine is subsequently titrated with thiosulfate, the
technique is iodometry. Iodometry is an example of an indirect determination since a product of
a preliminary reaction is titrated.
The use of iodine as a titrant suffers from two major disadvantages. First, iodine is not
particularly soluble in water, and second, iodine is somewhat volatile. Consequently, there is an
escape of significant amounts of dissolved iodine from the solution. Both of these disadvantages
are overcome by adding iodide (I
) to iodine (I
) solutions. In the presence of iodide, iodine
reacts to form triiodide (I
) which is highly soluble and not volatile.
+ I
= I
The major chemical species present in these solutions is triiodide. The reduction of
triiodide to iodide is analogous to the reduction of iodine.
+ 2 e
= 3 I
Triiodide reacts with thiosulfate to yield iodide and tetrathionate.
2 S
+ I
= S
+ 3 I
Dilute triiodide solutions are yellow, more concentrated solutions are brown, and even
more concentrated solutions are violet. Iodide solutions are colorless. If all of the other solution
components are colorless, it is possible to detect the endpoint of titrations involving triiodide
without the use of an indicator. Endpoint detection is considerably easier, however, with an
indicator. The indicator that is usually chosen for titrations involving iodine (triiodide) is starch.
Starch forms a dark blue complex with iodine. The end point in iodimetry corresponds to a
sudden color change to blue. Likewise the end point in iodometry corresponds to a sudden loss
of blue color due to the complex. Potato starch, rather than corn starch, is preferred for making
the indicator solution since the color change due to the starch complex at the end point is sharper.
In iodometry the starch is added only after the color due to triiodide has begun to fade, i.e., near
the endpoint, because starch can be destroyed in the presence of excess triiodide.
In the first portion of this experiment a sodium thiosulfate solution is prepared and
standardized with the primary standard potassium iodate. Iodate (IO
) reacts with an excess of
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Chem 120 Laboratory Manual
Quantitative Chemistry II Lab 3
iodide in acid solution to yield triiodide, which is subsequently titrated with the standardized
thiosulfate solution.
+ 8 I
+ 6 H
= 3 I
+ 3 H
O (5)
The standardization is an example of iodometry. The standardized thiosulfate is used in the
second portion of the experiment to determine the hypochlorite ion in bleach as discussed below.
1.5- or 2-L beakers
1-L storage bottle
250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks, three
10-mL graduated cylinder
2-mL pipette
50-mL burette
burners and tripods
hydrochloric acid (6 M)
potassium iodate
potassium iodide
sodium carbonate
sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate
soluble potato starch
sulfuric acid (3 M)
Chlorox or similar liquid bleach as an unknown
Preparation of Standard Sodium Thiosulfate Solution
1. Dissolve approximately 0.1 g of sodium carbonate in one liter of distilled water. The
sodium carbonate is added to adjust the pH of the solution to about 9 or 10. Dry the
primary standard KIO
at 110 °C for 1 hr or confirm that it has already been dried.
2. Prepare a 0.1-M thiosulfate solution by dissolving approximately 25 g of sodium
thiosulfate pentahydrate (Na
· 5H
O; FW 248.19) in the sodium carbonate solution.
Transfer the solution to a clean storage bottle, and store the solution in the dark.
3. The next three steps involve preparation of the indicator. Enough indicator for an entire
20-student section can be prepared as follows. (Your laboratory instructor will designate
three people to prepare the community supply of indicator). Prepare a paste by adding
about 2 g of soluble starch to 30 mL of deionized water. The starch serves as the indicator
for titrations involving iodine.
4. Boil about 1 liter of water in a 1.5- or 2-L beaker and add the paste. Stir the solution while
continuing to heat until the solution is completely transparent. If the solution remains
cloudy after at least 15 min of heating, continue to step 5. The solution is still usable.
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Chem 120 Laboratory Manual
Quantitative Chemistry II Lab 3
5. Cool the starch indicator solution and place it in a clean storage bottle (LABEL IT!).
6. Fill a 50-mL burette with the thiosulfate solution.
7. Weigh to ± 0.1 g approximately 2 g of reagent-grade potassium iodide into each of three
numbered 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks. Add 25 mL of water and 2 mL of 6 M hydrochloric
acid to each flask. Swirl the solution to dissolve the potassium iodide.
8. Number three weighing bottles or three small beakers with the same numbers used for the
Erlenmeyer flasks.
9. Into each weighing bottle or beaker weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg between 0.12 and 0.15 g
of potassium iodate (FW 214.00). Record the mass of the potassium iodate in each
10. Add the potassium iodate in
one of the numbered containers to the solution in the
identically numbered Erlenmeyer flask. Rinse in any remaining particles with a small
amount of water. Swirl the solution to dissolve the potassium iodate. The brown color of
triiodide should be apparent in the mixed solution.
11. Titrate the solution in the Erlenmeyer flask with the thiosulfate solution until the triiodide
color has become noticeably less intense. Add 5 mL of the starch indicator and continue
the titration until the dark-blue color of the starch-triiodide complex just disappears.
Record the endpoint volume to the nearest 0.01 mL, and use fractional drops if necessary.
Individually repeat steps 10 and 11 with the remaining two potassium iodate samples. To
minimize error, generate the triiodide just before you titrate it with thiosulfate.
Calculations - Preparation of Standard Sodium Thiosulfate Solution
1. From the mass of the potassium iodate and the endpoint volume for each of the titrations,
calculate three values of the concentration of the thiosulfate solution. You will need the
stoichiometric relationships embodied in equations 4 and 5 above.
2. Determine the mean thiosulfate concentration (in units of molarity), the standard deviation
and the relative standard deviation of your results.
Iodometric Determination of Hypochlorite in Commercial Bleach Product
In most liquid laundry bleaches and in some solid bleaches, the active ingredient is
hypochlorite (OCl
). Liquid bleaches usually contain sodium hypochlorite and the bleaching
action is caused by the strong oxidizing properties of OCl
, which also are exploited in this
iodometric determination of hypochlorite. In the experiment, iodide is used to reduce the
hypochlorite in bleach. The reaction in acid solution yields chloride and triiodide.
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Chem 120 Laboratory Manual
Quantitative Chemistry II Lab 3
+ 3 I
+ 2 H
= Cl
+ I
+ H
O (6)
The triiodide formed in this reaction is titrated with the standard thiosulfate solution that was
prepared earlier.
2 S
+ I
= S
+ 3 I
thiosulfate tetrathionate
The endpoint of the titration is located with the starch indicator solution that was also prepared
1. Add 50 mL of deionized water and between 1.5 and 2.0 g of potassium iodide to each of
three 250-mL Erlenmeyer flasks. Stir the solutions until the potassium iodide in each flask
is dissolved.
2. Add 10 mL of 3-M sulfuric acid to each flask.
3. Use a pipette to place exactly 2.00 mL of liquid bleach into one of the flasks, and stir by
swirling the solution. Fill a 50-mL burette with standard sodium thiosulfate solution, and
use the thiosulfate solution to titrate the triiodide formed during the reaction of bleach with
iodide. When the triiodide color starts to fade, add 5 mL of starch solution and continue
the titration to the endpoint. Record the endpoint volume to the nearest 0.01 mL.
CAUTION: Liquid bleach is a mixture of sodium hypochlorite and sodium
hydroxide. It is very corrosive. Do not allow the bleach to come in contact
with your skin.
Individually repeat step 3 with the solutions in each of the other two Erlenmeyer flasks.
Again, generate iodine just before the titration with thiosulfate.
Calculations - Iodometric Determination of Hypochlorite
1. Use the volume of sample (2.00 mL), the endpoint volume, and the mean concentration of
the thiosulfate solution to determine values for the concentration (in units of molarity) of
hypochlorite in the bleach product for each of the three titrations. Report these values, and
their mean, standard deviation, and relative standard deviation.
Report. Using the format specified, prepare a lab report summarizing the data for your
thiosulfate standardizations (masses of KIO
, volumes of thiosulfate solution, mean thiosulfate
concentration and standard deviation). Also include results for the determination of hypochlorite
in bleach (mean molarity and its standard deviation).
Acknowledgment: This experiment has been adapted from a laboratory exercise authored by
Professor S. D. Brown and revised by T.P. Beebe in 3/2005.
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