Open access to the Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy
and Security is sponsored by USENIX.
This paper is included in the Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security.
August 12–13, 2019 • Santa Clara, CA, USA
ISBN 978-1-939133-05-2
Why people (dont) use
password managers effectively
Sarah Pearman, Shikun Aerin Zhang, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin,
and Lorrie Faith Cranor, Carnegie Mellon University
Why people (don’t) use password managers effectively
Sarah Pearman, Shikun Aerin Zhang, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin, Lorrie Faith Cranor
Carnegie Mellon University
[email protected], [email protected], {lbauer, lorrie, nicolasc}
Security experts often recommend using password-
management tools that both store passwords and generate
random passwords. However, research indicates that only a
small fraction of users use password managers with password
generators. Past studies have explored factors in the adoption
of password managers using surveys and online store reviews.
Here we describe a semi-structured interview study with 30
participants that allows us to provide a more comprehensive
picture of the mindsets underlying adoption and effective use
of password managers and password-generation features. Our
participants include users who use no password-specific tools
at all, those who use password managers built into browsers
or operating systems, and those who use separately installed
password managers. Furthermore, past field data has indicated
that users of built-in, browser-based password managers more
often use weak and reused passwords than users of separate
password managers that have password generation available
by default. Our interviews suggest that users of built-in pass-
word managers may be driven more by convenience, while
users of separately installed tools appear more driven by se-
curity. We advocate tailored designs for these two mentalities
and provide actionable suggestions to induce effective pass-
word manager usage.
1 Introduction
Despite years of searching for viable alternatives, text pass-
words remain as ubiquitous as they are challenging and frus-
trating for most internet users. Experts often recommend pass-
Copyright is held by the author/owner. Permission to make digital or hard
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USENIX Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2019.
August 11–13, 2019, Santa Clara, CA, USA.
word managers that combine secure password storage and
retrieval with random password generation. These are seen
as tools that can improve account security while also improv-
ing the usability and convenience of text password authenti-
cation [40]. However, use of separately installed password
managers still seems to be relatively uncommon. Previous
studies have suggested that many users are not certain what
password managers are, how to use them, and/or whether they
are trustworthy [1,40].
We describe a 30-participant interview study with people
who do not use password managers at all, people who use
password managers built into their browsers (e.g., Chrome)
or operating systems (e.g., Apple Keychain), and people who
employ separately installed password-manager applications.
Our findings emphasize tradeoffs between convenience and
security in password management and password-manager
adoption, and we confirm and contextualize multiple barriers
to adoption and effective usage that have been described in
previous work [1]. We also highlight factors that we do not
believe have been discussed previously, including confusion
about the source of browser password-saving prompts and
about the meaning of “remember me” options.
Furthermore, previous work has indicated that users of sep-
arately installed password managers are more likely to use
unique, strong, randomly generated passwords, while users of
built-in password managers may be more prone to weak pass-
words and password reuse. Lyastani et al. discussed that these
patterns may result partially from separately installed pass-
word managers more often having integrated generators [26].
We present evidence of differences in initial motivations that
may also contribute to these reuse patterns. We also pro-
vide actionable suggestions to target the three aforementioned
groups of participants and induce effective password-manager
2 Related Work
We summarize prior work on users’ password habits and
management choices as background for our work. We also
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 319
describe studies that have explored adoption of password
managers, as well as problems with password managers that
might hinder their effective use.
2.1 Password Habits and Management
Studies exploring people’s current password habits and bur-
dens [15, 31, 40] provide crucial context in understanding
users’ password-management choices. The typical user has
been estimated to have between 16 and 26 password-protected
accounts in active use [11, 31, 44], and recent reports indicate
that the average workplace password-manager user may have
hundreds of accounts [16]. Password reuse can have serious
consequences for users and organizations affected by data
breaches [7,22,28,30, 34, 43]. Experts thus recommend using
unique, strong passwords for all accounts [21] or at least for
high-value accounts [42].
However, users often struggle to remember passwords, es-
pecially infrequently used passwords [13, 40], passwords cre-
ated under certain types of website requirements [36], and
randomly generated passwords [45]. Users cope with these de-
mands in part by frequently reusing passwords across multiple
accounts [9, 26, 31, 44]. Along with memorability challenges,
users’ inaccurate perceptions of password strength and diffi-
culty entering long or complex passwords on mobile devices
also lead them to create weak passwords [27,42]. All of these
factors make a strong case for password managers.
2.2 Password-Manager Adoption
Security experts often recommend password managers with
storage and random-generation features to help users employ
strong and unique passwords without incurring memorability
issues [5, 19, 20]. However, previous studies have showed
password managers (particularly stand-alone applications)
suffer from low adoption rates [38,40], especially among non-
experts [21,41]. Using in-depth semi-structured interviews,
we explore possible reasons for low password-manager adop-
tion rates, as well as non-expert users’ understandings and
opinions regarding approaches to password management.
In 2014, Stobert and Biddle conducted 27 semi-structured
interviews to examine the “life cycle” of password use. They
found the rationing of effort to be a central theme in users’
password-management choices. Almost all of the participants
in this study reported using password managers built into web
browsers, but none were using separately installed password
managers [39]. Our study uses a similar interview approach
to explore themes including users’ strategies for creating and
managing their passwords, with the intuition that the password
ecosystem may have become more complex for some users
since 2014. Furthermore, we intentionally sought out users
and non-users of password managers in order to examine what
factors drive them to adopt or not adopt these tools.
Alkaldi and Renaud conducted a web survey as well as ana-
lyzed reviews for password-manager apps in the Google Play
Store and broadly listed many observed reasons for adoption
and non-adoption [1]. Fagan et al. surveyed 248 people on
MTurk to probe their reasons for using or not using password
managers as well as their emotions associated with the usage
of password managers. Similarly to the work by Alkaldi and
Renaud, this survey asked participants, in an open-ended ques-
tion, why they chose [not] to use a password manager. This
work also provides a number of broad reasons including “se-
curity concerns, “lack of need, and “lack of motivation/time.
They found that password-manager users tend to regard “con-
venience” and “usefulness” as their main reasons for adoption,
and “non-users” are more likely to feel suspicious compared
to “users” [10]. Similarly, Aurigemma et al. conducted a
survey with 283 undergraduate students who reported they
did not adopt password managers because they lacked time
for installation, the sense of urgency, or the awareness of how
password managers worked [3]. Alkaldi and Renaud also
conducted another study to test an Android application to rec-
ommend password managers to users and found that such an
intervention may be most effective when it appeals to users’
autonomy (sense of control) and relatedness (sense of com-
munity with others) [2]. Our study complements these studies
with interviews to present a more comprehensive picture of
why and how people arrive at their decisions of using or not
using password managers.
2.3 Problems with Password Managers
In 2006, Chiasson et al. studied two password managers and
identified several usability issues caused by: i) users’ incorrect
or incomplete mental models of the tool, and ii) users’ feelings
that they did not need password managers and unwillingness
to hand over control [6]. In 2011, Karole et al. evaluated
the usability of password managers running on a website,
on a mobile device, or on a USB device. They found that
non-technical users preferred to manage passwords on their
mobile devices rather than relinquish control to a web-based
password manager [23].
Besides the aforementioned usability issues, prior work
has highlighted some security vulnerabilities in password
managers, although experts generally still consider password
managers a net positive [12,18]. Li et al. identified various vul-
nerabilities associated with five popular web-based password
managers [25]. Silver et al. revealed risks of the auto-fill func-
tionality provided by many popular password managers [37].
Research has also indicated problems with local data security.
Gray et al. revealed that unencrypted password data could be
found in temporary folders [17]. Belekno et al. [4] and Gasti
et al. [14] described risks that exist when attackers possess
physical access to users’ devices or password databases.
In 2018, Lyastani et al. collected in-situ password data
of MTurkers through a Chrome plug-in. They found that
320 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Chrome’s autofill seemed to encourage password reuse, while
users of LastPass’ integrated generator tended to have stronger
and less-reused passwords [26]. Our study provides more
insight about the mindsets of these types of users, as well as
those of users who do not use any password tools.
3 Methodology
We conducted 30 semi-structured interviews to probe partici-
pants’ current password behaviors as well as their attitudes,
beliefs, and understandings surrounding password creation
and composition, account security, and password management
and storage.
3.1 Recruitment
We recruited participants from Pittsburgh, PA using both
online outreach (posts on Craigslist, Reddit, and Face-
book) and offline strategies such as posting flyers on com-
munity bulletin boards. We used purposive sampling to
ensure that we interviewed participants who used a va-
riety of password-management strategies, including non-
technological approaches (e.g., writing passwords in a note-
book), computer-based approaches that did not involve
password-specific software (e.g., saving passwords in an Ex-
cel spreadsheet), password managers built into web browsers,
password managers built into operating systems (e.g., Apple
Keychain), and separately installed password managers. We
stopped recruiting when our sample included multiple par-
ticipants from each of the above categories. We also sought
diversity in age, occupation, and level of technical knowledge.
Potential participants were asked to take a short screen-
ing survey to confirm eligibility (age 18 or older, able to
speak English), availability, estimated number of internet ac-
counts, types of devices used (laptop, desktop, smartphone,
tablet, other), primary operating system(s) for those devices,
password-management strategies, past experiences with com-
promised accounts or data breaches, and basic demographics.
3.2 Interviews
This research was approved by our university’s institutional
review board. Participants completed a consent form, were
given the opportunity to ask the researcher questions before
beginning, and were instructed that they could stop the in-
terview at any time or decline to answer any question. The
interview script is shown in Appendix B.
Participants were interviewed in person on our institution’s
campus. One primary researcher was present for all 30 in-
terviews. A second researcher assisted in some interviews.
Each interview lasted approximately one hour. At the end of
the interview, each participant filled out a brief demographic
survey. Participants received a $30 gift card.
With participants’ consent, all interviews were recorded,
and the recordings were then transcribed by a commercial
transcription service. Participants were asked not to share
actual passwords or other identifying information, but when
participants did mention details that seemed likely to be sen-
sitive or identifying, the recordings were trimmed of those
details before being sent to the transcription service.
3.3 Analysis
Interview transcripts were analyzed using inductive coding.
An initial codebook was created based on the interview script
and early interviews, and two researchers collaborated itera-
tively to improve the codebook throughout the coding process.
Five of the 30 interviews were coded by both researchers
to ensure inter-rater reliability. The average Cohen’s kappa, a
commonly-used statistic reflecting agreement among coders,
was 0.84, which denotes a very high level of agreement [24].
All coding discrepancies in these five interviews were dis-
cussed and reconciled. The remaining interviews were coded
independently (10 by one researcher and 15 by the other);
however, the researchers met regularly throughout the process
to discuss any perceived ambiguities in the coding of particu-
lar data points as well as any necessary changes or additions
to the codebook. These methods were deemed sufficient given
that the results reported are qualitative and exploratory.
The final codebook contained 309 total codes across 59
categories. Most categories reflected a particular question or
topic from the interview script and the types of responses
observed to that question: for example, one category of codes
called “current password management” included codes such
as “physical notebook” and “browser password manager.
A “miscellaneous” category also captured certain high-level
themes that were observed repeatedly, e.g., “device sharing.
3.4 Demographics
We interviewed 19 users who identified as female and 11 who
identified as male. Four were 18–24 years of age, nine were
25–34, eight were 35–44, five were 45–54, three were 55–64,
and one was between 65 and 75. Most users were highly
educated: 21 had bachelor’s degrees, and nine of those also
had graduate degrees.
Nine users worked in technical fields. We sought to inter-
view a more representative sample, but we encountered diffi-
culty in recruiting users of separately installed password man-
agers when we excluded those with technical backgrounds.
Only two participants self-identified as security professionals.
3.5 Limitations
We emphasize that this study is qualitative and based on a pur-
posive sample, and we are not making any quantitative com-
parisons or claims. Our population sample skews female and
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 321
young, and most of our participants had bachelor’s degrees
or higher. We also had a disproportionately high percentage
of participants with technical backgrounds, largely because
we found it difficult to recruit users of separately installed
password managers who did not have technical backgrounds.
We do not claim any generalizable statistical findings from
this study: our goal is to describe some of the user types to
consider when designing and marketing password managers,
as well as some of the barriers to adoption and effective use.
Due to our screening survey and purposive sampling
methods, participants likely came to the interview believ-
ing that we were security researchers interested in password-
management tools. This could raise concerns about priming
and the Hawthorne effect, i.e., that participants might indicate
more affinity for password managers than they actually had.
Nonetheless, many participants still told us about habits that
they knew were not considered secure and about reasons that
they did not like or did not want to use password managers.
We also acknowledge that users may not have been able
or willing to self-report their password habits accurately in
all cases. However, in complement to existing in-situ data,
these self-reports offer crucial insights regarding the mindsets
underlying users’ observed behavior.
4 Results
Many of the users interviewed had complex password strate-
gies, including multiple password-storage methods. However,
we have categorized interviewees based on whether their pri-
mary approaches to remembering passwords depend on non-
password-specific methods, built-in password managers, or
separately installed password managers. Here we describe
how these groups characterized their current password habits
and their attitudes towards password-management options.
4.1 Password-Management Approaches
Approaches Not Involving Password-Specific Tools
first group of participants that we will discuss used approaches
that did not involve any type of tool designed specifically
for password management as their primary method. This in-
cludes memorizing passwords, writing passwords (or hints to
passwords) on paper, sending oneself emails or voicemails
containing passwords, listing passwords in unencrypted com-
puter files (e.g., a Microsoft Word file), or listing passwords
in note-taking applications (e.g., iPhone Notes app). Some
participants also relied heavily on the ability to reset forgotten
passwords. Nine interviewees were in this group.
Some of these participants had used password managers
incidentally or in the past. P27, for example, reported that he
was able to log into a few apps on his Android smartphone
with his fingerprint, suggesting he was likely using Google
Smart Lock to a limited degree. However, his primary strategy
was to memorize his passwords. P28 also had some passwords
that were saved in the browser on an infrequently-used home
computer, but she reported that these were outdated and that
she did not save passwords when prompted anymore.
Built-In Password Managers
The second group of partic-
ipants discussed below primarily used password managers
built into browsers (e.g., Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and
Mozilla Firefox) or operating systems (e.g., macOS Keychain
Access & iCloud Keychain, or Google Smart Lock for An-
droid and ChromeOS) to store and autofill some or all of their
passwords. The distinguishing feature of these tools versus
other password-management tools discussed below is that
they are present in the browser or the operating system as
standard features. To access these tools, users may need to
install browsers that are not built into their operating systems,
but they do not need to install additional password-specific
applications or extensions. Twelve belong in this group.
In many cases, browser-based and operating-system-based
tools from the same company are integrated with each other:
for example, passwords saved in Safari may be viewed in
Keychain Access on macOS and may be set up to sync to the
cloud and to iOS devices using iCloud Keychain (all Apple
products). For this reason, we discuss all of these built-in tools
together rather than distinguishing browser-based tools from
operating-system-based tools.
Separately Installed Password Managers
The third
group of participants that we will discuss are those who used
some type of separately installed password manager, i.e., tools
that are not built into browsers or operating systems and must
be installed as separate applications and/or browser exten-
sions. We interviewed seven users in this group: four users of
1Password, two users of LastPass, and one user of KeePass.
Other Approaches
Two participants were difficult to place
in the aforementioned categories. P29, who described his
approach as “security by obscurity,” reported using a combi-
nation of memory, mnemonics, and browser password storage
to handle passwords on a routine basis, but he mainly stored
his password list using an application called Cardfile that he
described as a “Windows 3.1 executable.” He updated this file
manually on a home machine running Windows XP. P21 cre-
ated his own encrypted file using PGP to store his passwords,
and accessed them through SSH when at work.
4.2 Current Password Habits
Account Numbers
When asked how many password-
protected accounts they had, almost all participants (except
for five users of separately-installed password managers) gave
answers under 100. Most of the participants who do not use
password managers gave an answer under 50, and two re-
ported having more than 50 but under 100 accounts. For users
322 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
of built-in password managers, estimates most commonly
ranged between 15 and 50 accounts. For users of separately
installed password managers, the five with technical jobs all
reported having well over 100 password-protected accounts,
with one reporting having over 1000 accounts. The remaining
two users reported having 20-50 accounts.
Password Reuse
Of participants who do not use password-
management tools, seven indicated multiple risky password
habits, including heavy reuse of passwords and few or no
unique passwords. However, one user reported that none of
her passwords were reused exactly but that she did reuse
substrings when creating passwords (although always in dif-
ferent positions in the passwords). Another user reported that
most of his passwords were unique but also reported that his
strategy for creating passwords was to use words related to
“kids,” “names,” cities, or states, and then add numbers, which
suggests that his passwords may have been highly guessable.
Only one participant who primarily relied on built-in pass-
word managers specifically reported efforts to have unique
passwords for all important accounts. About half of the other
built-in password-manager users indicated heavy reuse of
one password for all of their accounts. The rest employed
various strategies to decrease the extent of their password
reuse: some applied a tier system, using a unique password
for accounts of similar importance, and some tried to have
unique passwords for important accounts but still engaged
in insecure practices like reusing parts of their passwords or
using memorable personal information in their passwords.
Of the seven participants who use separately installed pass-
word managers, all but one reported switching to password
manager use gradually, with only one participant (P23) report-
ing an effort to change all passwords to randomly generated,
unique passwords at the start of using a password manager.
P23 reported that this took at least five hours over the course
of about three days to migrate the 40 accounts that he had at
the time, which was three to four years prior to the interview.
(At the time of the interview, he estimated that he had about
300 accounts.) Another participant (P19) did not commit to
changing all of his passwords at the beginning. After one of
his reused passwords was phished, he updated hundreds of
his passwords to be unique and randomly generated.
Password Generators
Only one of the users who relied
primarily on built-in password managers described using
password-generation features. P10 reported using Safari’s
password-generation tool to create random passwords for im-
portant accounts. She used Apple’s Keychain functionality
to record and fill these passwords. (She described reusing a
weaker password across some low-value accounts.)
She indicated a recent account breach as the impetus for
this strategy: previously, she had been reusing many of her
passwords, and then an attacker gained access to a department
store account as well as her email. She described this as
a traumatic experience that caused an immediate desire to
change her habits:
All of my information was just taken. It was awful,
so I’m having to get a new debit card for every-
thing, having to get new credit cards... That’s when
I realized that I needed to reevaluate. That’s when
I changed every single password that I had to ran-
dom digits. I didn’t even think twice. I was like,
“Something needs to change, and it has to change
on my end.
At the time of these interviews, Safari did offer a password
generator, but the six other participants who used Safari on
some of their devices did not report use of this feature. Google
Chrome began to roll out Chrome 69, which included a new
password-generation feature, in fall 2018 [8,33]. Some of our
interviews were conducted after the release of Chrome 69, but
no Chrome users mentioned awareness or use of the feature.
All seven users of separately-installed password managers
reported using randomly generated passwords when creating
new accounts, and most of these participants used unique
passwords for newly-created accounts (with the exception of
P22, whose strategy is described in more detail below). P30
reported using websites to generate random passwords before
realizing that LastPass had that ability.
P22’s strategy was distinct from that of the other partici-
pants. First, he did not use the password generator built into
1Password: he instead preferred to use other generators such
as one offered by Symantec, which he reported was simply a
matter of “habit.” Second, he did not use the generated pass-
words in their original form, but instead made changes of
his own by adding characters in the middle and/or removing
some characters before saving the passwords in order to make
them “more secure” and “more random.
Additionally, P22 reported that he reused passwords in
tiers rather than storing unique passwords for accounts. For
example, he reported that he might use the same password
for all social media accounts. He did this out of worry that
he might not have access to his password manager in certain
situations or if borrowing someone else’s device.
Master Passwords
The seven participants who use sepa-
rately installed password managers employed a number of
different approaches to deal with their master passwords. All
but one of those seven (P20) reported using a unique password
as their master password. P20 reported that her master pass-
word was one of her three heavily reused passwords. Some
participants (P18, P23) reported using passphrases as their
master passwords, like “a quote from a movie” (P23) or “a sen-
tence that doesn’t make sense” (P18). Some (P17, P19, P22,
P30) indicated that their master password was randomly gen-
erated. P17, P19, and P22 used 1Password, which prompts
users to memorize a randomly generated master password
when creating an account. P30, who used LastPass, reported
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 323
using a website to generate a random master password, but
was unable to memorize it. She kept written copies at home,
at work and saved it in a draft inside her email account. P20
and P30, who engaged in unsafe practices regarding their
master password, did not have technology-related degrees or
technology-related jobs.
4.3 Experiences of Participants Not Using
Password Managers
Nine participants were not using any password-specific tech-
nology or tools to help them manage their passwords. Some
participants without password managers were satisfied with
their password-management approaches, but others were con-
cerned about password security or found their current ap-
proaches inconvenient.
Satisfaction with Current Method
Some participants
who were not using password-specific tools liked specific as-
pects of their current password-management methods, which
may inform efforts to target password-management tools to
people who currently do not use such tools.
P11 and P27 noted that password reuse made it easy for
them to remember their passwords. P11 noted that this was
due to always using a default password. P27 noted, “it’s easy
because I’ve been using the same variations for a while... It’s
like my phone number. I know it without thinking about it.
P4 liked keeping a copy of her passwords outside of her
browser because she felt that passwords stored in a browser
password manager might be lost—e.g., if the IT department at
her workplace had to wipe a computer during troubleshooting.
Some participants liked having control over how their pass-
words were organized. P4 kept them in alphabetical order
with notes about the account they belonged to, while P7 kept
them grouped by type of account.
P12 liked keeping his passwords in a list in a note on his
phone because he could bring this list with him anywhere. He
mentioned not being aware of how else he could have access
to his passwords on the go.
Dissatisfaction with Current Method
Some participants
in this group did like aspects of their current method of storing
passwords. However, five participants were dissatisfied with
their current password-management methods, and several par-
ticipants described negative aspects of their current methods,
including recall difficulty, disorganization, access problems,
and potential security risks.
Some participants emphasized that it was difficult to recall
their passwords. P28 talked about having to reset passwords
“constantly” due to forgetting them. As mentioned above, P27
said that it was generally easy to remember passwords that he
had reused for a long time, but he also encountered difficulties
when trying to remember what password variation he had used
for a particular websites’ password requirements:
It can be hard because I don’t remember if a website
wanted me to have a capital letter or if they wanted
me to have a symbol or if they wanted at least 12
While some participants liked how they organized their
password lists in paper notes or in files, P26 felt like her sys-
tem of using her memory as well as writing a few passwords
down was “disorganized”:
I put a lot of energy into trying to remember what’s
what. I’m like, “I could be doing something else
with that energy.
P4 described problems with accessing accounts when away
from where her password list file was stored. She kept a
Microsoft Word file on her computer and also kept a printed
copy, but she did not carry a copy with her on paper or on her
phone. She felt that carrying passwords with her was risky.
I could [keep the list on my phone]. And I could
email it to myself too but... I feel like you’re putting
more risk when you do all those things. I mean,
what’s the point of having passwords if you’re
gonna carry them on your body and say, “Hey, this
is my password. You know. But yeah, I can’t al-
ways access them, to be honest.
Some participants who stored passwords in files or digital
notes expressed concern that an unauthorized user of one of
their devices might be able to access these password lists. P4,
who kept passwords in a Microsoft Word file, said, “It’s on
the computer, which I know is really bad. But I don’t name
that ‘passwords’ on the computer. Just in case somebody got
on my computer.
P12, who stored passwords in a note that was saved only
on his iPhone, was concerned about what this would mean if
his phone was stolen or used by someone without permission:
“I know it’s dumb, but I save them in my phone in my notes,
so if someone has my phone, I’m through, right?”
4.4 Barriers to Adoption Among Participants
Not Using Password Managers
Some users who were not using password-management tools
were simply unaware that they existed. Additional barriers to
adoption expressed by this group included security concerns,
believing they did not have much to protect, concerns about
the single point of failure, or past negative experiences with
password managers.
Some users in this group did not believe they
were using the best password-management methods, but they
also were not sure if better options existed. P4, for example,
said there could be a better way, but she was not aware of one,
suggesting that sheer awareness of password-management
324 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
tools is the primary adoption barrier for some users. Similarly,
P14 wished for “an easier way to remember passwords, like a
universal-type system.
Six out of the nine participants expressed various
concerns about the security of password tools.
Some expressed concern or lack of knowledge about the
security of password managers. P12 noted that he would need
to learn more about their security. P11 wondered if pass-
word managers were “really safe and secure” and described
generally preferring “pen and paper” due to being “leery of
technology.” P11 wanted to know where and how password
managers stored passwords, as did P27.
Some participants had considered using browser password
features but were uncertain about their security. P26 described
declining browser prompts to save passwords because “it feels
insecure. P28 had stored passwords in Chrome in the past
and said it felt easy, but she stopped because she was not sure
whether Chrome stored passwords securely.
P11 also described confusion about who or what was
prompting her to store passwords in her browser:
I don’t know if it’s Google that’s asking me, I don’t
know if it’s the website that’s asking me... that
would be one reason [to not save passwords].
Some participants were reluctant to use password managers
due to concerns about specific types of attackers, including
external attackers (i.e., “hackers”), employees at password-
manager companies, and other users (authorized or unautho-
rized) of their devices. P14 worried about important accounts
being hacked if their passwords were saved:
I’m afraid that if I use it, I might be sorry in the
end. I might have a hacker get into my system.
You know? Some people have nothing to do and
they’ll just hack into people’s computers for no
reason. This is just kind of like insecurity.... I use
it [Chrome’s password manager] for certain ac-
counts... but I don’t think I’d use it for my email or
my bank...
P27 expressed concerns that employees at a company offer-
ing a password manager might be able to decrypt and access
his passwords. P27 was also concerned about other users of
his device accessing his accounts, as were P4 and P11.
Not Enough to Protect
Three participants felt that they
did not have enough accounts or that their accounts were not
valuable enough to require a secure password-management
tool. P5 and P27 felt that they were able to remember their
passwords without help.
My life on the Internet is not that complicated with
my 15 passwords that I can more or less remember
and my little book. But if it were to get anymore
complicated than that if I were to have dozens of
accounts, then yes, I would.... I would think that
there’s a far superior way to deal with passwords if
you were using a huge number of them. (P5)
P5 and P12 felt that their accounts were not sufficiently
high-value to require extra security like that offered by a
password manager. P5 said that she might use one if some ac-
counts were protecting more important financial information.
P12, who mentioned he used prepaid credit cards for online
purchases instead of cards connected to bank accounts, said
he might consider using a password manager if he had bank
accounts or medical records to protect.
Some participants had trouble conceptualizing the mecha-
nisms of “hacking” or the statistical risk of their own accounts
being compromised. P7, for example, when discussing his use
of a website from which 340 million records were exposed,
believed that the probability of his own information being
exposed was “one in 340 million” and thus was not very con-
cerned: “I don’t care... I’ll take that risk anytime. I’m more
likely to walk out of here and get run over by a car, right?”
Single Point of Failure
Some participants worried about
storing all of their passwords in one place. P27 was concerned
about security: “If somebody found out the way that they en-
crypt it, they would be able to get access to all my passwords
at once instead of one of my passwords. He also worried
that it would be difficult to create new passwords if all of his
passwords needed to be changed. P11 and P26 were afraid
of losing access to all of their passwords due to a forgotten
master password or other problem.
Past Negative Experiences
Three participants in this
group had negative experiences with password managers be-
fore. They were unable to reliably store their passwords using
those tools. P4 reported that Google Chrome had sometimes
saved her passwords incorrectly, such as with a lowercase let-
ter rather than uppercase. She also recalled losing passwords
stored in her phone after clearing the browser cache. Simi-
larly, P14 said that she had tried to use Chrome’s password
manager in the past but that “it mostly doesn’t work out.” She
said it saved her personal information, such as her address,
but that it did not save her passwords: “Even though it says
it’s going to save it, it doesn’t.... I wish it would save more.
P28 had experienced trouble with password managers in
the past because she changed her passwords frequently: she
described cases in which the browser would fill in the old
password and cause failed logins. P28 had also tried briefly to
adopt LastPass, but she found master password creation to be
a “hurdle”: “the last thing I would want is to have a database
with all your passwords with a dumb [master] password.
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 325
4.5 Experiences of Users of Built-In Password
Of 12 participants who were using a password manager built
into a browser or operating system, half (six) reported that they
were not satisfied with their current password-management
choices. P3 said, “I know there should be a better way.” Two
participants were uncertain and expressed wishes for an easier
or safer way to manage passwords.
Participants generally reported adopting built-in password
managers due to seeing prompts or for reasons of conve-
nience, and the aspects of these tools that they liked included
convenience-focused features such as autofill. These partici-
pants did not report choosing these tools for reasons of secu-
rity. In many cases, they believed that their password habits
were risky—probably correctly, since most of them reported
significant password reuse—but did not feel motivated to
change those habits and were not aware of features such as
password generators that would assist them in doing so.
Almost all participants emphasized liking autofill.
P16 reported that it saved time, and P24 enjoyed the conve-
nience of not having “to always type in a password.
P25, who was more familiar with Chrome’s features than
other users, liked that Chrome allowed her to sync passwords
across devices and protect her passwords with multi-factor
In addition to any comments about password-management
tools, half of the participants in this group mentioned that they
liked reusing passwords because it allowed them to remember
their passwords easily. P3, for example, said:
It’s a no-brainer. I don’t have to think about it, I just
automatically do it. I’m 68 years old and I don’t
want to have to remember more than I have to.
Four participants (P3, P6, P15, and P24) expressed
concerns over other people having access to passwords that
they saved using built-in tools. P6, for example, was worried
that her child’s friends, who she said borrowed her computer
sometimes while visiting her house, might make online pur-
chases using her accounts.
One other complaint is the accessibility of passwords on
devices that the passwords were not saved to (P2, P6).
Auto-fill is awesome. I’m starting to rely on that
more and more. It’s just if you don’t have that de-
vice... and you’re somewhere else when you need
it, that’s the only downfall I can see. (P2)
Ten out of the 12 participants did not know or believe that
their password manager allowed them to view a list of all
passwords, although Chrome, Firefox, and Safari do offer
this. Four participants (P2, P6, P9, P13) emphasized that they
would like the ability to view all of their saved passwords.
P15 pointed out that sometimes the built-in tools did not
update her passwords when she changed them.
Factors in Adopting Built-In Password Managers
participants mentioned security or unique passwords or ran-
domly generated passwords as a reason for adopting a built-in
password manager. Users in this group all focused on prompts,
convenience, or memory limitations as adoption factors.
Nine out of 12 participants in the group remembered re-
ceiving prompts from the tool offering to save passwords for
them. Seven quickly accepted these prompts, and these users
gave no other particular reason for their adoption of the tool.
Two participants (P1 and P25) were slower to accept those
prompts. P1 mentioned that she finally decided one day to
click “yes” when she was feeling “lazy.” P25 said that she was
skeptical about letting Chrome save her passwords but that
she felt more comfortable after hearing that her friends liked
Chrome’s password manager and found it to be convenient.
Six participants emphasized convenience as a reason for
using the built-in tool, emphasizing benefits such as “faster”
log-ins. P2 mentioned that forced password changes made it
hard for him to remember all of his passwords on his own.
4.6 Barriers to Effective Use Among Users of
Built-In Password Managers
Users of built-in password managers often adopted them for
reasons of convenience or due to seeing prompts. Accordingly,
they often did not use them in effective or secure ways because
they (perhaps incorrectly) believed themselves to be at low
risk or because they did not have sufficient knowledge.
Risk Assessment
Like many of the participants who were
not using password-management tools, the 11 participants
who stored reused passwords in their built-in password man-
agers were often reluctant to change their habits because of a
lack of personal experience with account compromise, a per-
ception that they were at low risk of account compromise, or a
belief that an account compromise would not have important
negative effects.
Eight of the 11 participants who stored reused passwords
in their built-in password managers acknowledged that their
password habits put them at some risk. However, P1, P8, and
P25 said they were not likely to change their behavior since
they had not experienced negative consequences so far.
Yes, it’s a bad idea to have all the passwords like to
be very similar, but I think that because I haven’t
been personally affected by someone... hacking me
or changing or grabbing my info... I’m less inclined
to change the way I manage my passwords. (P1)
P10, the only built-in password manager user who was
using randomly generated passwords, reported that she also
326 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
had not believed herself to be at risk of account compromise
until she experienced it first-hand:
Not really, because I hadn’t really experienced any-
thing like [being hacked]. It was just...a complete
eye-opener. I was like, “Nobody’s ever going to
hack anything, nothing.” Completely naïve.
Another two participants (P3 and P9) did acknowledge risk
in their behavior but also felt that their accounts were not of
much value. Both of them were aware of password managers,
and one had even used a separately installed password man-
ager previously. P3 explained that she only shopped online
for “tiny things” and that her wife, who handled most of their
finances, had more reason to be concerned about passwords.
P9 claimed that she did not have much to lose: “[T]hey
can have my bank account; there’s not that much money.” P9
was one of a few participants who mentioned that they were
more careful with other people’s information than their own:
she described having better password practices when she was
working in a university job where she was responsible for
research data on her computer.
Lack of Awareness or Knowledge
As we find in partici-
pants who do not use password managers, lack of knowledge
remains an obstacle for built-in password manager users. Four
out of 12 participants were not aware of the term at all, and
only one (P16) expressed awareness of separately installed
password managers.
Furthermore, as discussed in Section 4.2, only one built-in
password manager user used or was even aware of the pass-
word generation feature included in their password manager.
A lack of information also caused some of these partic-
ipants to be reluctant to consider separately installed tools.
After the interviewer offered a description of available pass-
word management options, three participants (P2, P3, and
P13) expressed concerns about password managers from un-
familiar companies. P2 said that he might use a tool offered
by a known company like Google but that he would be “leery”
of a “new-name company”:
Any kind of third party scares me a little bit. I don’t
know who or what is doing that part of it, and what
information is shared out there.
4.7 Experiences of Users of Separately In-
stalled Password Managers
Five separately installed password-manager users (P17, P18,
P19, P22, and P23) reported that they were satisfied with
their password managers, but the two users without technical
backgrounds (P20 and P30) had less positive perceptions. P20
referred to her password manager as “a pain in the ass” but
was not convinced a better solution would ever exist.
There’s not going to be a better solution, I’m going
to not store them occasionally, and I’m going to
have to call and get someone to reset them... That’s
just the price that we pay to keep those things....
I’m in public health, so we think about prevention
instead of treatment, and this is the kind of thing
where you’re preventing things that are happening,
but you’re not seeing any rewards for it. So if I don’t
get hacked, I don’t have a party because I don’t get
hacked. Whereas if I get hacked... I’m assuming
that’s a really negative experience.
P18 and P23 appreciated no longer needing to memo-
rize passwords. P17 and P30 also referred to generally liking
that their passwords were stored or saved. A few participants
also mentioned that they used their password managers to
store information other than passwords. P22 found the ability
to store SSH keys particularly useful.
P19, P23, and P30 liked being able to generate random
passwords. P19 specifically liked having passwords that were
not vulnerable to dictionary attacks and that would likely be
slow for an attacker to crack. P30 also specifically liked that
the password manager helped her use unique passwords.
P18 (a KeePass user) and P22 (a 1Password user) specif-
ically liked having a desktop client. P23 liked the ability to
sync across devices. P20 appreciated the portability of this
system, or the ability to have passwords available “on the go.
P19 mentioned the ability to fill passwords without typing
as an important feature, but he also specifically liked 1Pass-
word’s implementation: “It doesn’t pick random domains to
fill in for a phishing website or something like that.
P17 said, “From a user experience standpoint,
[1Password] is a mess,” noting that it often did not save user-
names or passwords correctly. She also reported that 1Pass-
word would sometimes fill a password without filling the
corresponding email or username and would try to submit
these incomplete credentials.
P30 said, “the [LastPass] app sucks, also citing issues with
the browser extension not logging into websites correctly.
P20 also encountered conflicts between Google Chrome’s
password manager and the LastPass browser extension: since
she had saved some passwords in Chrome in the past, Chrome
would still prompt her about filling or saving passwords.
P23 cited the difficulty of entering long, randomly gener-
ated passwords into certain devices that were not compati-
ble with the password manager, such as gaming consoles or
Roku streaming devices. P17 also mentioned that she would
prefer to have shorter, easier-to-type passwords for certain
1Password’s password filling functionality is different from most pass-
word managers in that it requires user instruction to trigger the filling of a
password. 1Password prefers not to refer to this as “autofill” and has made
this choice for security reasons [32].
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 327
frequently-entered passwords, entry on mobile devices, or
cases where the password manager was unavailable:
I recently had to factory reset my phone, and I had
to log into my Google account. And, if I hadn’t had
that password in my brain, then I would have to like
go to my laptop, then open up 1Password, and then
read this like 20 character string, and then type it...
it’s always so annoying.
P23 mentioned that 1Password’s generator did not offer
enough control to fit some websites’ password requirements.
P18, a KeePass user, reported that it was “annoying” to have
to sync his password database manually. He also mentioned
KeePass’s lack of cloud storage, and he noted that it was
not easy to access his passwords from his Android phone.
(At the time of writing, KeePass is available natively as a
Windows client or portable application. To run KeePass on
other operating systems such as macOS, Linux, or Android
requires using an unofficial ported version [35].)
P20 and P30 feared forgetting their master passwords. P20
said, “I don’t know if you can reset it if you forget it.... and
there’s something scary about that.
Adoption Motivations
P20 and P30 cited memory limita-
tions as a primary motivator. P30 had encountered memory
difficulties after attempting to use unique passwords.
P18, P19, P20, P23, and P30 described a broad desire for
increased security as an important motivator. P30’s password-
security concerns were heightened due to volunteer work in
which she was responsible for other people’s data. P22 also
cited a specific desire to avoid typing in passwords manually
(implying concerns about keyloggers) and a belief in pass-
word managers’ use of “modern cryptography in encryption.
Information Sources
P17, P18, and P19 gained awareness
of password managers from working in IT or technology.
P17’s company encouraged password-manager use and paid
for employees’ subscriptions to premium versions of popular
password managers, and P17 chose 1Password because IT
staff at her company recommended it.
P20 specifically remembered hearing a story about pass-
word managers on NPR. P23 listed a number of possible
places where he might have first heard about password man-
agers, including Reddit and Hacker News.
5 Discussion
Our findings emphasize tradeoffs between convenience and
security in password management and in password-manager
adoption. We confirm and contextualize barriers to adoption
and effective usage of password managers that have been
covered in past work, while introducing additional factors.
We also provide actionable suggestions to induce effective
password-manager usage targeting three groups of users.
5.1 Security vs. Convenience
Tradeoffs and Effort Rationing
A consistent theme that
emerged from password-manager users and non-users alike
is the tradeoff between security and convenience. Many of
our participants reported making compromises about security
in order to ration their efforts—even participants who were
relatively concerned about security and who had fairly secure
practices overall. Our findings echoed Stobert’s work on pass-
word life cycles, which reported that “effort rationing” was
a primary motivator of various password-related habits [40].
Multiple participants mentioned following recommended se-
cure practices for higher-stakes accounts (e.g., financial),
while employing reused and/or weak passwords for lower-
value accounts. Many also mentioned reusing passwords in
tiers to ration efforts.
Furthermore, our study extended this line of reasoning to
users of separately installed password managers, who were
not present in Stobert et al.s study. Password managers were
sometimes described as solutions that saved memory effort
and/or time, but in other cases, they were described by our par-
ticipants as tools that required additional effort. When these
tools do not function as intended, we see users ration their
efforts by circumventing these inconveniences and resorting
to other methods, which are often less secure. Users of sepa-
rately installed tools would choose not to randomly generate
passwords but reuse old weak passwords when user-interface
problems made saving logins difficult, or would email pass-
words to themselves when syncing was not available. Users
of built-in tools would resort to recording passwords on pa-
per or in text files if they could not trust their browsers to
save passwords reliably. We believe that there is a need for
better user-experience design and thorough usability testing,
especially long-term user studies for corner cases. We also
observed that users without technical backgrounds may en-
counter more problems in their use of separately installed
password managers, calling for tailored design and usability
testing targeting non-expert users.
Lyastani et al. observed lower password
strength and more reuse among users of browser password
managers than among users of separately installed tools. The
authors suggested that browser password managers, by not
integrating generators with normal password creation work-
flows, potentially exacerbated password reuse [26]. Our re-
sults suggest that users of built-in password managers and
users of separately installed password managers often have
fundamentally different motivations and that differences be-
tween password-manager interfaces are not the sole cause of
the reuse patterns Lyastani et al. observed. The majority of
users of built-in password managers began saving passwords
due to prompts or convenience, while users of separately
installed tools emphasized security concerns, limitations in re-
membering unique passwords, and features such as generators
328 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
and strong encryption.
However, findings from our interviews do confirm Lyastani
et al.s suggestion that having a generator integrated into the
workflow for password creation is beneficial. Many users of
separately installed password managers found the generator
convenient, while the majority of users of built-in password
managers were not aware of the feature. It seems constructive
to continue adding password generation features to existing
browser password tools, as Apple (and, more recently, Google)
have done. Furthermore, given how many users of built-in
password managers adopted those tools due to prompts, we
suspect that similar prompts towards password generation
might be effective. We suggest that future work investigate
what types of nudges are more likely to lead to password
generator adoption (or other ways to improve password habits)
among these more convenience-focused users.
5.2 Factors Driving Adoption
Our study provided additional evidence supporting some of
Alkaldi and Renaud’s findings about the adoption of sepa-
rately installed password managers [1]. In particular, we found
evidence of the importance of: subjective norms and social
influence (supported by our findings of workplace influences
on adoption of these tools), time-saving and memory benefits,
past experience with security breaches, and perceptions of
increased security.
Some of our findings, however, added complexity to Al-
kaldi and Renaud’s results around adoption factors. Some of
our users of separately installed tools, like theirs, reported
that syncing was useful and desirable, but others found it not
secure and/or not useful, implying that password-manager
makers might want to continue to offer both cloud-based op-
tions with syncing and locally stored options that do not sync
automatically. Furthermore, given their different backgrounds
and needs, some participants found password managers effort-
saving and easy to use, while others found them frustrating
and unreliable, emphasizing that password managers must be
designed to be usable for non-experts.
Our results also lend nuance to Fagan et al.s findings that
convenience and usefulness, not security, were the primary
reasons for password-manager use [10]. Fagan et al. did not
distinguish between users of built-in and separately installed
password managers. Our results suggest that convenience
and usefulness are indeed paramount for many users of built-
in password managers, but that security is often a primary
motivator for users of separately installed password managers.
5.3 Barriers to Adoption and Effective Use
Our work confirms and contextualizes many factors discussed
by Alkaldi and Renaud as leading to rejection of separately-
installed password managers [1], including lack of awareness,
not enough passwords or important data, and concerns about
security. Participants not using password managers and par-
ticipants using built-in tools reported common themes like
risk assessment and lack of awareness or knowledge.
We found that certain themes from Alkaldi and Renaud’s
work were especially salient in the discussion of password
generators in our findings. In particular, participants who dis-
cussed not wanting to use randomly generated passwords
often did so because they believed being able to “master” and
memorize their passwords was important. P26 indicated that
not knowing her passwords would feel like giving up con-
trol. P25 emphasized the importance of being able to access
her information at all times and asked, “What’s the point of
creating a password if you can’t remember it yourself?”
We also found some specific barriers that we do not be-
lieve have been discussed in other work. First, we found gaps
in some participants’ underlying understanding of websites,
browsers, and password saving that precluded making in-
formed decisions about using password managers. Some par-
ticipants who had received prompts about browser password-
saving features were unsure where the prompts were coming
from: the browser, the website, or the computer. Participants
were also sometimes uncertain where passwords would be
stored or whether employees of the company making the pass-
word manager could see their passwords. Password managers
should help people understand where their passwords are
stored and what security measures are taken to protect their
passwords in order to help them make informed choices.
Some participants also expressed confusion about password
managers because they recalled checking “Remember me”
options on login pages and not having their passwords saved.
Multiple participants were confused about whether this option
(which might normally either create a persistent login with
a cookie or cause a username to be prefilled for subsequent
page visits) was part of the browser password manager. These
confusions lead users to lose trust in the reliability of those
browser password managers, which propels them to resort to
other insecure methods as mentioned in Section 5.1.
A few participants echoed concerns about having “all eggs
in one basket, i.e., a single point of failure, which also ap-
peared in Alkaldi and Renaud’s survey responses. Some users
of separately installed password managers also acknowledged
this risk, but they felt that security benefits such as strong and
unique passwords outweighed those concerns. Clear, acces-
sible information about how password managers store and
protect passwords may offer non-expert users a more accurate
understanding of password managers’ risks and benefits. Pass-
word managers that offer multi-factor authentication might
also increase confidence for some of these users.
Targeting Non-Users
Some people who were not using
any tools to manage passwords were simply unaware of the
existence of such tools. Some were uncertain about the secu-
rity of those tools to protect from external attackers, thieves
or others with unauthorized access to their devices, or other
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 329
(authorized) users of their devices. We suggest that further
research might explore how advertising, education, or browser
prompts could target those who are not currently using pass-
word tools, who may often be individuals who have less expe-
rience or expertise with technology. Accessible information
should be offered that emphasizes not only security against
remote attacks but also features that allow the user to con-
trol whether passwords are accessible to others with physical
access to the device.
Furthermore, some participants using their own notes em-
phasized that they liked being able to sort passwords alpha-
betically or by category. Many separately installed password
managers have robust sorting and retrieval capabilities for
passwords and other types of information, and this may be
feature that could be emphasized to target users for whom
organization is a primary concern.
Multiple participants mentioned website guidelines on ac-
count creation pages were their main source of password
knowledge, so we suggest that these guidelines could offer
advice beyond password composition, including nudges to
use password generators and password-management tools.
Targeting Users of Built-In Password Managers
that prompts to save passwords seemed to be extremely ef-
fective for many of the users of built-in password managers
that we interviewed, password-generation prompts might also
be effective to nudge these users to adopt safer password
practices. Chrome 69, released during the course of this in-
terview study, introduced password generation prompts for
signed-in Google users [8]. However, none of our participants
mentioned awareness or use of this feature. At present (sum-
mer 2019), Chrome prompts users to generate passwords by
default as long as they are signed in and have turned on pass-
word syncing, which may nudge more users to use randomly
generated passwords.
We did encounter one user who was using Safari’s pass-
word generator and was mostly satisfied, although she en-
countered problems when Safari’s generator did not meet
password requirements. Built-in generators will likely need
to offer better compatibility with website requirements to in-
crease usability and adoption, either by offering options to
adjust length or character classes manually or by automati-
cally conforming to website requirements.
Users of built-in password managers in our study generally
did not know that there was a way to view their passwords
after saving them. Chrome’s latest UI does seem to make this
more obvious by providing a link to passwords
after a password is saved, which may improve usability.
With improved password generation tools, built-in pass-
word managers could be convenient and secure options for
users who prefer not to install specialized tools. However,
some interviewees were using multiple operating systems
and/or browsers and could not rely on a single ecosystem like
Apple’s or Google’s for password storage, and these users
might adopt separately installed tools if they had sufficient
information and confidence in the usability of those tools.
Targeting Users of Separately Installed Password Man-
Current users of separately installed tools, as well as
some participants who had tried and failed to use those tools,
often portrayed the setup process as daunting. Many current
users did not update all of their accounts to have randomly
generated passwords at the time of adoption, but continued
to use many reused and/or weak passwords, changing them
gradually over time. Some password managers offer tools that
attempt to replace weak passwords automatically, but none of
our participants mentioned awareness or use of such features.
Some password managers, including 1Password, intentionally
do not offer such features [29], but if users are thus retain-
ing large numbers of weak or reused passwords, password-
manager makers may need to offer a feature to assist with
improving existing passwords at the time of adoption.
Participants who were open to using separately installed
password managers did not specifically report being deterred
by cost. However, when we inquired regarding cost, most
participants who were not currently using separately installed
password managers were unwilling to pay for password man-
agement. These participants might be more likely to try built-
in password managers or password managers with free ver-
sions, such as LastPass. Some said they might be willing to
pay only if the tool was “very secure” or very usable, or if it
offered special features such as identity theft protection. Most
who were willing to pay for password management indicated
that they would pay five dollars per month or less.
6 Conclusion
Our analysis of 30 interviews with non-users of password
managers, users of built-in password managers, and users
of separately installed password managers, confirms conve-
nience, usability, and security concerns observed in past stud-
ies of password manager adoption. We highlight barriers not
previously identified, such as confusion about the source of
password prompts or the meaning of “remember me” options.
We find that users of built-in password managers are often
driven by convenience, whereas users of separately installed
password managers prioritize security, which may explain
past findings showing higher levels of password reuse among
users of built-in password managers. We call for tailored de-
signs for these two mentalities. Future work should focus on
ways to serve users whose primary task is not security and
nudge them to use password generators without sacrificing
convenience. Our results regarding user-interface frustrations
also call for better usability testing and design for password
managers, including more focus on non-expert users, as well
as long-term field studies to reveal edge cases in which pass-
word managers may not function as intended.
330 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
This research was supported in part by the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization (NATO) through Carnegie Mellon CyLab.
We would like to thank Chelse Swoopes and Soraya Alli for
their assistance with the study design and the interviews.
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or reject, smartphone password managers? In Proceed-
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(EuroUSEC ’16), 2016.
Nora Alkaldi, Karen Renaud, and Lewis Mackenzie.
Encouraging password manager adoption by meeting
adopter self-determination needs. In Proceedings of
the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS ’19), 2019.
Salvatore Aurigemma, Thomas Mattson, and Lori N. K.
Leonard. So much promise, so little use: What is stop-
ping home end-users from using password manager ap-
plications? In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii Inter-
national Conference on System Sciences (HICSS ’17),
Andrey Belenko and Dmitry Sklyarov. “Secure pass-
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06-2, Elcomsoft Co. Ltd., https://www
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Andrew Chaikivsky. Everything you need to know
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A Appendix: Open Data
The codebook, a more detailed demographic summary, and
the (anonymized) dataset for this paper are available at https:
B Appendix: Interview Script
B.1 General Questions about Passwords
What types of online accounts do you have? (e.g. social
media, bank accounts, shopping sites, etc.)
What level of protection do you think they each need?
(Follow up, if necessary): Are there some accounts you
want to protect more than others?
To the best of your knowledge, approximately how many
online accounts do you have that use passwords?
4. How many of these do you access on a daily basis?
On which device(s) do you access these online accounts?
(Follow-up below for each category the person has.)
For phones/tablets: what type(s)? (iPhone, Android,
For computers: what operating system(s)? (Win-
dows, Mac, Linux, ChromeOS, etc.)
(c) Public, work or personal device?
For each device: what web browser do you use
most often on your [device]?
How many times do you manually type in passwords on
a daily basis?
(a) Which types of accounts?
(b) On which device(s)?
7. How many of your accounts are always logged in?
(a) Which types of accounts?
(b) On which device(s)?
Do you have any passwords that get auto-filled for you?
(a) Which types of accounts?
(b) On which devices?
Do you know how your passwords are auto-filled?
9. Are your passwords different for each account?
(If yes) Are your passwords similar to one another?
(if reuse exists): How many of your accounts share
the same password? How many of your accounts
have unique passwords?
10. How do you create a password for a new account?
How does this password compare to other pass-
words? (i.e. is it similar?)
What if your password does not meet the charac-
ter/length requirements. How would you change
your password to meet those requirements?
Is this process different for some types of accounts?
Which ones? What do you do?
How do you keep track of your passwords now? Do you
use more than one method?
Are you satisfied with your current method(s) of manag-
ing your passwords?
(a) What do you find easy about it?
(b) What do you find difficult about it?
Has anyone ever logged into any of your accounts with-
out your permission?
(if yes) Was this done by someone you didn‘t
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 333
(if yes) What did you do? Follow up, if applicable:
i. Did you change the compromised password?
ii. How did you choose the new password?
How does the new password compare to your
existing passwords?
Did you change the passwords to your other
accounts that share the same password?
(c) (if no) What would you do if someone did?
Would you change the compromised pass-
(If yes) How would you choose the new pass-
iii. How would you choose it?
To your knowledge, have any of your accounts ever been
subject to a password data breach?
(a) (if yes)
i. How did you find out about it?
ii. What did you do?
After the breach, did you change the way you
manage your passwords?
Did that account share a password with any of
your other accounts?
If so, did you change any of those passwords?
(b) (if no) What would you do if it was?
B.2 General Questions about Password Man-
Have you ever heard of password managers? Where did
you hear about them?
2. Do you use a password manager?
What, to your knowledge, is the purpose of a password
manager? (If they respond to something along the lines
of “it manages passwords”) What else do you think
they’re used for?
4. Read description of password managers to participant
Password managers are tools that can securely handle
passwords for you. They can remember your passwords,
generate new ones, and even sync them across devices.
There are various types of password managers with dif-
ferent features, but for the purpose of this interview, we
will consider three of them.
One type of password manager is built into the web
browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari,
Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. These browsers
can remember passwords for websites, as well as autofill
them for you.
Another type of password manager is a third-party ap-
plication. This can be software you install directly onto
your devices or a service you can access on the web. It
can also remember and/or autofill your passwords, in-
cluding across browsers and devices.
Lastly, your operating system can serve as a password
manager as well. For example, the Keychain function-
ality on MacOS can remember passwords in and out of
your browser. It can also be used with iCloud to sync
passwords across Apple devices.
Ultimately, the main purpose of password managers is
to automatically handle your passwords for you.
Based on our description, which of these categories of
password managers do you currently use, if any?
Have you used any [other] password manager tools in
the past?
(If they have used PM, now or in the past) When did
you start using a password manager? Why did you start
using it?
(if stopped use): When did you stop using the password
manager and why?
(If they use any and haven’t already named them) Can
you name the password management tools that you use?
(Or if they can’t name them, ask them to describe them /
indicate how they use them so that you can try to discern
what they mean)
B.3 Experience Using Password Managers
1. Why did you choose [PM]?
How has your experience been using a password man-
3. What functions did you like / find helpful?
4. What functions did you dislike / find unhelpful?
Is all functionality of your password manager available
for free, or does this tool have a paid version?
(If paid version exists) Do you use the paid or free
version? Why?
(if uses free version) Would you ever pay for a
password manager? How much? What features
would it have?
Do you use your password manager on all of your de-
vices, including [list of tools they already told you about
in the first section]?
(a) (if no)
334 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
i. Which devices do you use it on?
ii. Why do you use it on those?
iii. Why not use it on the others?
How do you keep track of passwords on the
device(s) that you don’t use your PM on?
(For each device that the user uses PM on): Did you
have to install an application to your device, or install an
extension to your browser, or both?
(if no) How do you access your password manager?
(possible answers include logging into a website,
or USB drive)
Does your password manager offer the option of syncing
passwords between devices?
(If this option exists) Do you use it? Why or why
Do you use your password manager for all the accounts
you access through your web browser?
If not, how do you decide which accounts to use it
How do you keep track of passwords that are not
stored in this PM?
Do you use your password manager for any accounts
outside of your web browser? Examples of this would
include an email client like Outlook on your computer
or a social media app such as Facebook on your phone.
Do you use it for all of the accounts outside of your
web browser(s)?
(if no to a) How do you decide which accounts to
use it for?
Do you have to provide a master password or other au-
thentication to access the passwords stored in your pass-
word manager?
(If yes) What type of password or authentication is
i. (if master password):
How did you create your master pass-
Is your master password similar to your
other passwords?
Is it difficult to remember your master
D. (if yes) How do you remember it?
(b) (If yes) How often do you have to provide it?
Have you ever modified the default settings to
change how often you have to provide this?
Do you feel like your passwords are safe and secure
when stored in this PM tool?
Do you know how this tool protects the security of your
passwords? (Unless they say they have no idea, ask them
to elaborate on how they think it works)
Does your password manager have a password genera-
tion tool?
(if yes to 14) Have you ever used the password
generation tool?
i. (if yes to a):
Do you use the generation tool for newly
created accounts?
Have you used the tool to generate a new
password for an existing account?
(if yes to B) Does your password manager
have an automatic password replacement
feature that changes passwords for you
without you having to actually visit the
website yourself? Do you use it? Why or
why not?
Approximately how many of your pass-
words are now created by the password
generation functionality?
Do you ever change the settings from the
defaults when generating a password?
Was there an instance where the gener-
ated password did not meet the website’s
password requirements? (If yes) What did
you do about it?
Overall, how has your experience been
using the password generation tool?
Does your password manager have a dashboard or tool
that examines the security of your passwords?
(a) (If yes): How often do you use it?
Have you changed any of your passwords after
looking at this information?
Has your password manager ever informed you of a data
breach? (If yes) What did you do?
Has your password manager ever prompted you to
change your password? (if yes) Under what situation?
What did you do?
Are there any additional services or features that you
would want in your password manager?
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 335
B.4 Why not Using PMs? (If answer “no” to
Using Password Managers)
Can you tell us why you aren‘t using a password man-
ager? (Follow up by probing what it would take for them
to use a password manager.)
Many third-party password managers require a monthly
fee to use their services. Would you be willing to pay for
such a service?
(a) If yes, how much?
If no, why not? (If participant says there are free
third-party PMs available, then ask: Would you be
willing to pay for additional features that are not
included in the free version? How much would you
be willing to pay?)
B.5 Perceptions of Password Managers’ Func-
We talked about different types of password managers a few
minutes ago, including third-party password managers, pass-
word managers built into web browsers, and password man-
agers built into operating systems.
Do you think some types of password manager tools are
safer to use than others? (Why?)
Do you think some types of password manager tools are
more convenient than others? (Why?)
How do you think password manager tools compare to
other methods of managing passwords, such as writing
them down on paper or saving them in a file on your
computer? (Why?)
How do you think password managers store passwords?
Do you think password managers store your pass-
words locally on your device or on a server (in the
Do you think one is more secure than the
other? (If so, which one? Why?)
ii. Do you have a preference? Why or why not?
How do you think password managers sync your
accounts across devices?
i. Would you want this function? Why?
Do you think this impacts your password se-
curity? If so, how?
What do you think the password data looks like
when stored on your computer?
If your password is “password2018!”, does
your password manager store it as “pass-
Is there a difference when stored in the cloud?
Do you think password managers affect the security of
your accounts? Why or why not?
Do you trust password managers to always store or not
forget your passwords? Why or why not?
Do you trust password managers to protect your pass-
words from attackers? Why or why not?
Have you ever received advice or training on how to
create or manage passwords?
(if yes) What guidelines have you been taught?
(if yes) Do you use these guidelines? Why or why
(non-PM user): Would you consider using a password
manager in the future? Why or why not?
(If "No" or "I don’t know" to data breach question in Part
B.1, Q. 13: Earlier you mentioned that you were never
impacted by a data breach, or that you weren’t sure if
you were. Would you like the opportunity to verify this?
We can use a website called HaveIBeenPwned to check
whether your accounts were compromised in a public
data breach.
Explain to participant: The website asks for your
email address and checks if any accounts tied to it
were compromised. Note, however, that the website
cannot check information on every data breach. It
checks those that are known to the public.
If participant agrees, inform participant: For pri-
vacy reasons, we recommend that you access the
website on your own device. This way, we won’t
see your email address, nor will we know which of
your accounts, if any, were impacted by a breach.
Instruct the participant to try any other email ad-
dress they may use often.
(d) Were any of your accounts compromised?
(e) (if yes)
i. How many?
What types of accounts? (Provide categories
to choose from: social media, bank, shopping,
iii. How do you feel about this information?
(follow up, if necessary) Will you do anything
with this information?
336 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
C Appendix: Codebook
Code categories are shown in bold type, with the list of codes
in that category following. For a more detailed version with
code descriptions, see
Account type:
shopping, banking, utilities, email, social
media, healthcare, work, school, other
Account number:
less than 10, 10-15, 16-20, 21-30,
31-50, 51-100, more than 100
Account importance: all accounts important, financial
accounts, accounts with PII, work accounts, Facebook,
email, other
Accounts accessed daily
: accounts accessed daily (sin-
gle code to used only identify snippet where participant
gave estimate of this number)
Password composition:
use passwords of equal
strength, stronger passwords for more important ac-
counts, disposable/weaker passwords for unimportant
accounts, unique passwords for all accounts, unique pass-
words for important accounts, use shared substrings, use
randomly generated, use passphrase, use words related
to website type, use 2FA for more important accounts
Devices and browsers used:
iPhone/Chrome, iPhone/Firefox, iPhone/other,
iPad/Safari, iPad/Chrome, iPad/Firefox, Win-
dows/Chrome, Windows/Firefox, Windows/Edge,
Windows/IE, Mac/Safari, Mac/Chrome, Mac/Firefox,
Android/Chrome, Android/Firefox, Android/other,
Linux/Chrome, Linux/Firefox, Linux/other
Passwords typed daily: 0, 1-2, 5, other number
Passwords saved: never, unimportant accounts,
Exceptions to password reuse:
set by someone else,
need to share, use old password, forced change, password
requirements, other
Exceptions to password reuse: method of remember-
ing exception password: write down, other
Action when password is rejected due to password
creation requirement:
add required characters, regen-
erate new password, remove forbidden characters, other
Password creation process:
same password for all ac-
counts, use generator, one password per “tier” of ac-
counts, use memorable personal info, other
Current password management:
synced file, guessing
variations / resetting, physical notes, local file, memory,
third-party PM, keychain, browser, fingerprint, not sure,
Password management: satisfied?:
satisfied, not satis-
fied, not sure
Password management likes (non-PM methods):
ways accessible locally, easy to remember, other
Password management dislikes (non-PM methods):
potential to lose, hard to remember, other
Had compromised account: yes, no, I don’t know
Compromised account action:
major/total change to
compromised password, minimal change to compro-
mised password, contact support, change passwords for
accounts with same email, stronger password, other
Had data breach: yes, no, I don’t know
Data breach action:
change password, contact support,
change passwords for accounts with same email, other
Aware of password managers?: aware, not aware
Not use PM reason:
not many accounts, not aware of
PMs, not much to protect, security concerns, master pass-
word concerns, past negative experience, other
Heard of PM from:
work, media, other people, I don’t
know, other
PM definition:
store/organize passwords, unique pass-
words, generate random passwords, no need to memo-
rize, improve security, autofill, I don’t know, other
Use PM time:
less than 1 year, about 1 year, multiple
Use PM device:
all, non-shared, computers only not
phones, tablets, etc.
Start using PM reason:
convenience, memory limita-
tions, receive prompts, security, other
PM like function:
autofill, generate strong passwords,
no memorizing, syncing, unique passwords, view pass-
words, desktop client, other
PM dislike reason:
incompatible device, saved un-
wanted passwords, cannot view passwords, generates
passwords with unacceptable symbols, other
PM feature request:
PM feature request (single code
used to tag all snippets referring to features that partici-
pants wished PMs had)
PM switch strategy: gradually, change all at start
Use PM to store info other than website passwords:
use PM for application passwords, use PM for other info
(e.g. credit cards)
Master password unique: yes, no
Master password composition:
random, passphrase,
Uses 2FA in combination with master password
: yes
(single code only used for participants who reported
using this combination)
Pays for PM (if using) or willing to pay (if not using
a PM)?:
yes (currently pays or would pay), no (does not
pay / would not pay), depends
Function that would convince them to pay for PM
2FA (single code, no other specific functions mentioned)
Not pay for PM reason:
already using free version,
Pay for PM price:
$5 or less per month, depends, other
PM dashboard:
has used, has not used, not available in
their PM (as self-reported)
Exceptions, PM users: certain passwords not stored
in PM:
infrequently used, habit, multiple accounts, per-
sonal info, shared computer, email, financial, old account
PM generator:
not aware, aware / does not use, aware
USENIX Association Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 337
/ does not use now / would not unless something “bad”
happened, uses, not available for their PM (as self-
Choosing PM reason:
compatibility, cost/value, fea-
tures, convenience, other
PM security (beliefs about most secure type):
most, third-party most, browser most, third-party least,
browser least, depends, no difference, I don’t know
PM security belief reason:
not sure, connected to inter-
less secure, trusts known names (e.g., Google),
distrusts third parties, password storage method (e.g.,
“browser not secure because it stores passwords in plain-
text”), trusts specialized/password-specific tools, dis-
trusts browser code, other
PM convenience (opinions about most convenient
third-party least, browser most, OS most, third-
party most, no difference, I don’t know
PM convenience belief reason:
no extra setup step, no
extra cost, not sure, other
PM or other methods safer?:
PM, other, nei-
Beliefs on where PMs store passwords: locally or
cloud?: locally, cloud, both, depends, I don’t know
More secure: locally or cloud?:
locally safer, cloud
safer, equal, I don’t know
PM stores passwords: format?:
“in code, encryption,
plaintext, I don’t know
PM stores passwords: format: different in cloud?:
difference, difference, I don’t know
PM effect on security:
no effect, positive effect, nega-
tive effect, I don’t know
Trust PM to remember passwords?:
sometimes, yes,
Trust PM to protect from attackers?:
not sure, yes, no
Password advice sources:
website guidelines, people,
work, other
used previously, no pwnage found,
breach found, declined
Uses syncing?:
currently syncs, does not currently sync
Syncing perceptions?:
useful, not useful secure, not se-
Miscellaneous themes:
acknowledges risks, uses 2FA
for all accounts, dormant accounts, time-saving, does
not log out of accounts, social media: no customer sup-
port, conflates hacking and data breach, stores work pass-
words in PM, work passwords similar to personal, uses
PM at work, logs out of banking accounts, likes having
constant/mobile access to passwords, access problems,
control, attackers target bigger entities than me, inertia
b/c no past bad experiences, confusion about “remember
me”, specifically trusts Google, specifically trusts Apple,
specifically trusts another company, tradeoffs, frustration
with security questions, account sharing, knowledge gap,
device sharing, habit, self-imposed password changes,
kept reused passwords after breach, avoids creating new
accounts, multiple accounts on same website, bank will
reimburse, switching too much work, browser not safe,
threat model: physical access, negative past PM experi-
ence, required password changes at work, all eggs in one
338 Fifteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association