FAQs for Study in Germany
1. What is the requirement of studying in Germany?
·F or Studying in top Universities at Germany, you require to have good academics and
English Proficiency.
2. How much it cost to study in Germany?
·M any of the public universities are available which provide a free education to all the student,
but they teach in Germany and proficiency for Foregien language is required to study over there.
While if you enrol in any private institution to learn in English the fees starts from around 10,000
Euros. The living in Germany cost around 600-900 Euros /month.
3. Do I need to learn German to study in Germany?
·I f you want to study in public university, then you need to learn German language. While if you
enroll yourself into any English taught university then learning German is not compulsory.
4. Do German universities teach in English?
·O nly Private universities teach ion English.
5. Is ielts required for Germany?
Most of the university require IELTS as it is mandatory criteria for them. To study abroad in
Germany you need to hold a higher education entrance qualification or
Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB). This qualification can come in many formats,
particularly for international students who have gained their school-leaving qualifications in a
different country.
For prospective undergraduate students, a high-school diploma, school-leaving certificate or
university entrance exam result is usually sufficient. For postgraduate programs, students need
to provide an undergraduate degree certificate. Usually, if your qualification would allow you
entry into higher education in your home country, it will also be sufficient to allow you to apply to
German universities. To check whether your current qualifications are recognized for study in
Germany, use the form on this page.
If you find that your qualification is not recognized, you are also able to take a preparatory course
at a Studienkolleg before taking a compulsory assessment test known as a Feststellungprüfung.
This assessment will cover areas that are relevant to the program you wish to study and will
prepare you for university.
If you wish to undertake a program being taught in German (the teaching language of most
undergraduate programs in Germany), you will also need to prove your German proficiency
(see question five below for more information).
In addition to German-language proficiency and an entrance qualification, you may also need to
meet the specific entry requirements of your chosen university program. These requirements
depend on the reputation of the school and of the program, and can be found by looking at the
program information in the university's prospectus or online.
6. IELTS score require for Germany?
·6 .0 Or more band is helpful to secure place in any top institute for study.
7. Can I study in Germany without ielts?
·O ptions are also available for enrolment on the basis of MOI in private universities.
8. Can I work in Germany while studying?
·2 0 Hours of work is permissible while you are studying in Germany.
9. Which course is best for job in Germany?
·G ermany is an Engineering Hub and top companies are available which recruit qualified engineers.
So Engineering related courses help to get best job opportunities.
FAQs for Study in Germany
10. What are the top universities to study in Germany?
·M any top universities are available to study in Germany. Most of the student prefer public
university for free education, but for that you need to learn German language. While if you opt for
any private university with same level of education, you can learn in English. To know more about
private university, Click Here.
11. Cost of study in Germany?
·F or studying ion Germany you need to have your tuition fees which ranges from 11000 Euros to
18560 Euros and also to cover the living expense you need to have a blocked account of 10,236
12. Study in Germany in English?
·M any of the private institutes provide study option in English.
13. Job opportunities in Germany after completing the study?
·T here are lot of Job opportunities over there. There are jobs. There is no scarcity or dearth of jobs,
there are plenty but the question is whether you prepare yourself for the job or not while studying
in Germany. It doesn't matter what you have done till now. After you go there, interact with your
seniors and ask them what particulars things companies ask for and learn that during your
studies. Attend Job fairs for good job prospects.
14. What is VFS for Germany?
·V FS is basically Visa Facilitation Services, it is an outsourcing and technology services company
that serves governments and diplomatic missions worldwide. The company manages visa and
passport issuance-related administrative and non-discretionary tasks for its client governments.
There is no Embassy or consulate interview. File is been submitted to Embassy by Germany VFS
and then you directly get visa based upon your file with 45-90 Working days.
15. How to get PR in Germany?
·G ermany is the second most popular migration destination in the world, after the United States
and is becoming more and more popular for private individuals and international companies. The
reasons for the interest in immigrating to Germany are very diverse. Germany is the largest
economy in all of Europe and focuses on innovation. This attracts many companies from abroad
to Germany. Social security, a high standard of living and the fact that German passport is the
most powerful in the world are further reasons for immigration to Germany. When you apply,
you'll need to prove that you have enough money or a job that pays enough for you to support
yourself and your family unit without the need for government assistance. Also, your living space
must be big enough. This seems to mean a minimum of 13sqm per person. In addition to these
requirements, you should enroll in an integration course or show proof that you speak German at
a B1 or better level and that you have the necessary knowledge about German law and culture.
16. What are the German study visa requirements?
· You can Click Here to get details about documents required to have your student visa.
17. Why select Germany for abroad study?
·G ermany is the third most popular destination among international students in the world. More
than 12% of the populations are of International students. Recently Germany is becoming
a magnet for International students from all over the world. Germany is an ideal place to study,
it has rich & complex history & culture which every student look forward in a new country.
The education system in Germany highly focus on international domain, thus the number of
international students coming to study is ever-rising. Almost in every University lectures from
all around the world come to share their expertise, mainly in English. Almost many Universities
offers graduates & post graduates programs for interested students depending on their aim, as a
student you will find it very hard to get bored even for an instant as there are always stimulating
activities happening around regardless of the city students are living in. Because of the higher
education standards and the advanced technology environment, students who study in abroad
have better job opportunities and higher job roles in their hometown. This is one of the major