Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
Please see the Information Booklet appended below. Please go through all
the details mentioned in the Checklist, Information Booklet and
application form carefully before submitting application.
Sl No.
Type A:
Documents for Fresh OCI
Type B:
Reissue of OCI/ Conversion
of PIO to OCI For Reissue of
OCI/ Misc Service on OC
Type C (i):
Application for OCI toMinor
Children Application for OCI
toMinor Children -Born
Foreign country
Type C (ii):
Application for OCI to Minor
Children - Born in India
Type D:
Application for OCIon Indian
origin Spouse basis
Checklist, i.e. Screen shot of
uploaded documents
Checklist, i.e. Screen shot
of uploaded documents
Checklist, i.e. Screen
shot of uploaded
Checklist, i.e. Screen shot of
Checklist, i.e. Screen
shot of uploaded
Online Application Form
Online Application
Online ApplicationForm
Online ApplicationForm
Online Application
Certificate & Cancelled
Indian passport
Certificate & Cancelled
Indian passport
Indian passport (copy)
Indian passport (copy)
Foreign Citizenship
certificate (Original and
Foreign Citizenship
certificate (Original and
Foreign Citizenship
certificate (Original and
Foreign Citizenship
certificate (Original and
French/Foreign passport
passport (Copy)
passport (Copy)
passport (Copy)
French/Foreign passport
Professional Details of the
Professional Detailsof
the applicant
Professional Detailsof
one of the parents of
Professional Detailsof one of
theparents of applicant
Professional Details of
Proof of Address
Proof of address
Proof of Address
Proof of Address
Proof of
Existing OCI Card
/PIO card (Original and
For Damaged OCI
cases - enclose
damaged OCI Card in
For Lost OCI cases -
Police Report for Lost
Birth certificate for
children born abroad
Birth certificate for
children born in India.
Birth Certificate
Consent of bothparents
Consent of both
Passport of
parents (copy)
Passport of parents(copy)
Attested copy of
Registered Marriage
Certificate &
proof of
subsistence ofmarriage
Indian Passportof the
Spouse [If Indian/Foreign(
non- French) Citizen- status
in France
Proof for any change of
name or marital situation
Proof for any change of
name or marital situation
Proof for any change of
Proof for any change of
Proof for any change of
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
(1) All compulsory documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate, nationality certificate, Name
change etc) issued by French authorities should be apostilled from Cour d’Appel and translated in
Englishby a Sworn Translator. Similarly, such documents issued by a foreign country should be
apostilled by the relevant authority of that country and then should be attested by the concerned Indian
Mission/Post in that country. If documents are not in English language, a translation should invariably
be submitted along; (b) Copies of all necessary documents shouldbe self-attested by the applicant. All
Indian civil documents must be also apostilled by the Indian concerned authority
(2) In case required, more documents can be asked by the Embassy of India.
(3) While submitting application, please keep the documents with the application form as per the above
serial order. The Information Booklet is not required to be enclosed.
(4) Documents as mentioned in the Ready Reckoner are compulsory to be uploaded under the
applicable category of application. If somehow there is no slot found in the Dropdown Menu to
upload documents under relevant category, kindly upload in any other slot(s) which is/are not
relevant in your case but write this fact in your screenshot details by hand so that Embassy knows
about this.
(5) If required, for registration as OCI Cardholder, the applicant may be asked to submit biometrics of
fingerprints at VFS.
(6) Declaration form to be filled by all applicants when submitting the application.
(7) Declaration (hand written) on what basis applicant is applying for OCI.
(8) If marriage is solemnized in foreign country, marriage certificate should be attested/certified by the
concerned Indian Mission/Post.
(9) Applicants who were born in India after 01/07/1987 but never held Indian passport must submit
Indian origin proof of their parents along with their own birth certificate.
(10) Digital signature must also be uploaded on the OCI portal. Uploaded signature must match with
the signature on the physical form and passport.
(11) Undertaking by the applicant: I have gone through the requirements and specifications mentioned
in the checklist and Information booklet with respect to submission of my above application. I am aware
that in case any discrepancy is found or any of the documents/conditions are not found as per prescribed
parameters, my application may be rejected and fee will not be returned.
(Date ) (Signature of the applicant)
(a) Checklist: Proof that all supporting documents have been uploaded online and submittedwith
application as hard copies. It is mandatory that you must provide a proof that all supporting
documents have been uploaded online by printing the screenshot from theOCI site showing that
your documents have been uploaded. The uploaded document in each relevant slot, whether single
or two/three documents together, should not exceed 999 kb.
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
Type A: Application for Fresh OCI
(b) Online Application Form:
(i) Online OCI Registration Application Form fully filled, Part B completed, photo, signature and
documents uploaded online at: http://passport.gov.in/oci/.
(ii) In the online form, please fill up the column related to “Relationship with the root Indian” carefully.
Herein the applicant is expected to mention the relation through which his/her Indian origin is established.
For example, the applicant himself/herself was Indian Passport holder “self” to be mentioned. If
Father/Mother/Grandfather/Grandmother/Spouse was Indian national then you need to write the exact
relation by which the applicant’s Indian origin is established i.e., “Father” or “Mother” “Grandfather”
“Grandmother” “Spouse”.
(iii) All the personal particulars/data entries of the OCI application should match with the current
Passport. The name of parents & spouse should match as mentioned in their Indian Passport.
(iv) Sign and Self attest all the providing documents
(v) After online submission of application form, no changes can be made manually/ hand writing.
In case of any error/changes, please fill a fresh new online application form and use that for
further submission to VFS.
Please note:
(i) VFS Employees cannot edit or make any changes to your online application form.
(ii) The Embassy of India, Paris reserves the Right to call for additional documents, as considered
(c) Surrender, Renunciation Certificate & Cancelled Indian passport
It is mandatory for those applicants who ever held an Indian passport to submit original and copies of
the Renunciation Certificate, Surrender Certificate and a copy of Cancelled Indian Passport with
stamp stating that the passport is cancelled due to obtaining Foreign Citizenshipif the foreign
citizenship was acquired by Naturalization after 1
June 2010. The original Certificates will be returned
after verification. If the applicant does not have these certificates, he/she should apply for these before
applying for an OCI card. Details are mentioned under Consular Page on the website of the Indian
Embassy, Paris.
It is mandatory for those applicants who acquired foreign citizenship by Naturalization before 1
2010 to submit a copy of their Surrender Certificate & Cancelled Indian Passport with stamp stating that
the passport is cancelled due to obtaining Foreign Citizenship.
Applicant being Indian by Birth: If the applicant has held an Indian passport, obtained foreign
nationality before May 2010, but is unable to provide the Surrender Certificate, following documents
need to be submitted:
(i) Sworn Affidavit to be obtained at the Embassy of India, Paris
(ii) Original birth certificate (issued at the time of birth) from Indian Municipality or Panchayat and a
self-attested copy (original will be returned after verification). Recently issued birth certificates (post-
dated birth certificates) from Municipality/Panchayat should be duly certified by the District
Magistrate/District Collector of the area with name, stamp, seal and contact telephone numbers with
area code for verification.
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
School Leaving Certificate (in original). Post-dated School Certificate/School Leaving Certificate from
India should be authenticated by Director of Education/District Magistrate/District Collector of the area
with name, stamp, seal and contact telephone numbers with area code for verification.
If the applicant is of Indian origin born in India, but never held an Indian passport, the following
document can be submitted:
(i) Sworn Affidavit to be obtained at the Embassy of India
(ii) Copy of French passport which was issued in India
(iii) Nationality Certificate issued in India (residence address must be an address in India)
(iv) Birth certificate issued in India.(Not applicable for applicants of Indian origin born after (01-07-
1987) Recently issued birth certificate (post-dated birth certificates). All Indian civil documents must
be also apostilled by the Indian concerned authority (http://mea.gov.in/apostille.htm)
(v) Copy of Domicile Certificate issued by the competent authorities.
(vi) Copy of Nativity Certificate from the competent authorities.
Applicants born outside India applying based on parents, grand parents, great grandparents or
spouse should provide at least one document to prove linkage and at least one document to prove the
Indian origin of the family member concerned.
Documents to prove linkage with their parents/grandparents/great grandparents or spouse
(i) Birth Certificate from competent authority mentioning both parents’ name. In case a foreign
authority issues the birth certificate, it should be apostilled.
(ii) Note: If the parents are divorced, court order of dissolution of marriage, which specifically
mentions that the legal custody of the child is with the parent, who is applying for OCI Card.
(iii) Copy of marriage certificate (if applying based on spouse). Please note that the marriage must
have been registered and subsisted for a continuous period of not less than two years.
Documents to prove the Indian origin of parents/grandparents/great grand parent or spouse
Copy of Indian passport
Copy of domicile certificate issued by competent authority
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
Copy of nativity certificate from the competent authority.
PIO/OCI Card of parents/spouse along with documents to prove Indian origin
Birth certificate issued in India. All Indian civil documents must be also apostilled by the
Indian concerned authority (http://mea.gov.in/apostille.htm)
(d) Indian Passport (copy)
Please enclose the photo page (first page) of your Indian Passport having photographs and details. Also,
enclose the last page of showing the details of parents’ name and address. If there are any endorsements
on the page, kindly enclose copy of those pages as well. This should be self-attested.
Uploading guidance: For ex-Indian passport applicants: If no separate slot for Renunciation
Certificate appears in the Dropdown Menu, the Renunciation certificate of Indian citizenship and
Surrender Certificate may be uploaded along with cancelled ex-Indian Passport (first main page
and last page) under the slot Indian Passport. These should be uploaded as one single document in
a PDF format of a size below 1000 kb.
In case Indian passport is not available, please provide copy of Nativity Certificate / Domicile certificate
issued by competent authority in India as your proof of Indian Origin. The Nativity Certificate /
Domicile certificate to be attested by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi.
(e) Foreign Citizenship Certificate (Original and copy)
Please enclose a Short/ Detailed Certificate de Nationality duly apostilled along with sworn translation
in English.
(f) French passport / Foreign Passport (copy) (duly self-attested)
Please enclose photo page of your French/Foreign Passport having photographs and details of your
passport. A minimum six months or more validity on your passport is required for applying for OCI.
This should be self-attested.
# In case of foreign passport i.e., other than French please provide the following additional document:
(i) Status in France (PR / Work Permit / Study Permit / Visa)
(g) Professional Details of the applicant:
Please enclose a letter mentioning your profession/occupation details in France less than 6 months.-
Fiche de Paie/Attestation d’emploi or self declaration if not working. Student Certificate from
Upload guidance: This can be uploaded under Employment/Work letter slot.
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
(h) Proof of address in France
Please enclose Utility Bill issued within the less than 3 months as proof of present address. In case you
are living at someone else’s address, a Lettre dherbergement will be required along with a copy of that
person’s ID.
# For OCI application of Minor children - Proof of address of both of the parent to be submitted. If not
possible, 2 different utility bill on each parents name.
Note: Address proof must match with the address provided in the application form.
Uploading guidance: If somehow Address Proof slot does not appear in the Dropdown Menu, please
upload address proof in any remaining slot which is not relevant to the applicant. For example, if
PIO slot is not relevant, address proof may be uploaded in that slot. The fact of having done so should
be mentioned on the screenshot of the uploaded documents for ease of reference.
(i) Fees:
Registration as OCI Cardholder
under Section 7A
(fresh application)
Euro 252
Euro 3
Euro 255 + Vfs
Issue of duplicate OCI card in
case of loss/damage
Euro 92
Euro 3
Euro 95 + Vfs
Conversion of PIO to OCI Card
Euro 92
Euro 3
Euro 95 + Vfs
Miscellaneous OCI Service Fee
Euro 23
Euro 3
Euro 26+ Vfs
(j) Photograph
Two color photos as per below specification is required to be uploaded online with the OCI application.
Photograph uploaded online must be the same as the physical photograph with your OCI application
(i) Size 5 cm x 5 cm
(ii) Background should be Light grey or any other light color. White background photos will not be accepted.
Please upload the same photo on your application.
(iii) Clothes Dark colour
(iv)Eyes Open
Please note that photographs available in photo booths in France are not compatible with Indian
Type B: Application for Reissue of OCI
With the recent relaxations in re-issue of OCI cards, now re-issue of OCI Card is applicable only for
the following:
(i) OCI Card holder, who obtained the OCI card is required to get the OCI Card re-issued once
after completing 20 and 50 years of age;
(ii) In lieu of Name change/ Marital status
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
(iii) In lieu of Loss of OCI Card
(iii)In lieu of Damage of OCI Card
# Documents at (a), (b), (f), (g), (h), (i) (j) and (u) above and remaining documents as below
(k) Existing OCI card (original and copy) - the copy (first page) of your OCI having photographs and
details. Also, enclose the last page of showing the details of parents’ name and address.
(l) Kindly submit the existing OCI card along with a copy of the first and last page of OCI
showingphotograph and details of the OCI card.
(m) For re-issue of OCI Card in lieu of Damage OCI Card
Please enclose damaged OCI Card in original
(n) Police Report for Lost OCI
In case OCI application is submitted for re-issue of OCI in lieu of lost OCI, please enclose Police
Report for the Lost OCI.
Interview - There will be a mandatory personal interview of all Lost & Damaged OCI cases.
All such application is required to be first submitted at VFS for pre-approval.
Type C: Application for OCI to Minor Children
Type C (i): Application for OCI to Minor Children - Born in France/Foreign country
# Documents at (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) above and remaining documents as
(o) Birth Certificate (Original and copy)
Please enclose the Birth Certificate issued by the Government authority having names of both the parents
of the child.
Birth Certificate issued by France should be apostilled from Cour d’Appel and translated in English by
a Sworn Translator. If issued by a foreign country other than France, it should be apostilled by the
authorities of that country and attested by the Indian Mission/Post in that country. Such certificate
should be accompanied with a translation in English.
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
(p) Consent of both parents
Both the parents are required to sign the OCI application at the designated place in the end of the
application. The parent’s signature should be similar to their signature in the other documents viz.,
Indian passports, OCI, French passport. Please refer below screenshot.
(q) Passport of parents (copy)
(i) If parents are French/foreign national Passport copy of parents are required to be enclosed,
with old Indian Passport copies of parents/grandparents.
(ii) In case Parents are Indian national
(a) Passport copy of parents and
Status in France (PR / Work Permit / Student Permit / Visa) required to be enclosed.
Please enclose copy of the first and last page showing photographs and details of the passports.
(q) Registered Marriage Certificate
(i) The copy of Registered Marriage Certificate of the parents is required to be
enclosed.Copies of Self-attested passports of both the parents
(ii) Copy of Livret de Famille
Type C (ii): Application for OCI to Minor Children - Born in India #
Documents at (a) to (j), (n), (o), (p) & (q) above
Please note that birth certificate issued in India should be apostilled by the relevant authority
in India.
Type D: Application for OCI on Indian origin Spouse basis
Foreign spouse can submit application for OCI on the basis of Indian origin spouse only after two years
of valid marriage.
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
There will be a mandatory personal interview of all OCI applicants who apply under Foreign Spouse
Category. Timing for personal interview is between 9:30 AM and 11.30 AM on all working days.
All such application is required to be first submitted at VFS for pre-approval.
# Documents at (a), (b),(e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (r), (s), (t) above and remaining documents as below.
(r) Marriage certificate & Proof of Subsistence of Marriage
Please enclose a copy of Registered Marriage Certificate. Marriage certificate should be apostilled and
translated by the Sworn Translators if issued by the French authorities. If it is issued in India, this should
be apostilled by the relevant Indian authorities. The Marriage Certificate must indicate the date of
marriage. There should be two years gap between the date of marriage and date of OCI application.
In case required, more documents can be asked by the Embassy of India.
Uploading guidance: Proof of subsistence of marriage should be uploaded along with the apostilled
marriage certificate. The following document should be submitted as a proof of subsistence of
Statutory Declaration, attested by Notary, on Subsistence of Marriage
(s) Indian passport of the Spouse (copy)
Please enclose a copy of the Indian Passport of the spouse.
If the spouse is an OCI cardholder, following documents need to be compulsorily submitted.
(i) Copy of the passport of the spouse
(ii) copy of OCI card of the spouse; &
(iii) Copies of documents upon which OCI card was issued to the spouse.
(t) Spouse’s status in France (copy)
If the spouse is Indian/Foreign (non-French) Passport holder, copy of his/her status in France, viz. Visa,
Work Permit, PR, Study Permit, is required to be enclosed.
(u) Proof for any change of name or marital situation
(v) All Certificate should be apostilled by Cour d’Appel and translated in English by a Sworn
(ii) Indian civil documents must be also apostilled by the Indian concerned authority
Checklist and Information Booklet for OCI
(Version 01-04-2024)
Undertaking by the applicant:
I undertake that I have gone through the requirements and specifications mentioned in
the checklist and Information booklet with respect to submission of my above application.
2. I undertake that I have uploaded all the required documents as well as submitted with
my application.
3. I undertake that I have attached a screenshot from the OCI site showing that all the
required documents have been uploaded.
4. I undertake that I am aware that in case any discrepancy is found or any of the
documents/conditions are not found as per prescribed parameters, my application may be rejected
and fee will not be returned.
Date (Signature of the applicant)
For use by the VFS staff
Name of the Staff:
Date when the checking was done