Today’s Science - Point Blank: The Impact of Guns on Blood Spatter
Point Blank: The Impact of Guns on Blood Spatter
by Timothy Erick | May 2021
Filed Under: Chemical Reactions, Forensic Chemistry, Forensic Technology, Forensics, Motions and Forces
In the television series Dexter, the titular character works as a forensic technician for the Miami
police department. He specializes in bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA), the reconstruction of the
sequence of events of a violent crime based on the bloodstains left behind at the scene. Of course,
his ability to interpret a murder scene is bolstered by his secret identity as a serial killer.
Shutterstock/M. Bank
Bloodstain pattern analysis, the reconstruction of the sequence of events of a violent crime based on the bloodstains left
behind at the scene, is used by forensic scientists to help fill in details. Studying these blood spatter patterns can provide
vital information about the location and position of the shooter and the victim.
In real life, BPA is used by forensic scientists to help fill in details about violent crimes. In the case
of a gunshot wound, the impact of the bullet causes blood to project toward the shooter (back
spatter), and, if the bullet travels completely through the body, onto surfaces behind the victim
(forward spatter). Studying these blood spatter patterns can provide vital information about the
location and position of the shooter and the victim.
The science behind BPA continues to evolve as we learn more about the physical forces that
influence blood spatter. In addition to gravity and air resistance, blood droplets are also affected by
the gas that exits the barrel of a gun after a bullet. Recently, a group of mechanical engineers
conducted a series of theoretical analyses and supporting experiments to investigate the role of
gun propellant gas on the size, shape, and flight patterns of blood droplets. Their methods and
findings were published in two papers in the journal Physics of Fluids , with James B. Michael
and Alexander L. Yarin as the corresponding authors.
Bloody Business
Today’s Science - Point Blank: The Impact of Guns on Blood Spatter
Any sort of violent altercation – whether it is a fist fight, a knife fight, or a gunfight – has the
potential to result in blood loss from one or more participants. Each of these types of trauma
causes blood to splash onto the surrounding surfaces in a specific manner. Gunshot wounds
cause blood to spray from the body in small droplets. When one person shoots another, forensic
scientists analyze the distribution of these blood droplets at the scene to try to figure out where the
shooter and victim were positioned. For instance, the size and distribution of blood droplets on a
suspected shooter’s clothing can help determine whether they shot the victim in cold blood or self-
defense, or indeed if they shot the victim at all.
Shutterstock/M. Bank
Any sort of violent altercation – whether it is a fist fight, a knife fight, or a gunfight – has the potential to result in blood loss
from one or more participants. Each of these types of trauma causes blood to splash onto the surrounding surfaces in a
specific manner. Gunshot wounds cause blood to spray from the body in small droplets. The size and distribution of blood
droplets on a suspected shooters clothing can help determine whether they shot the victim in cold blood or self-defense, or
indeed if they shot the victim at all.
But, as is often the case in science, advances can have the result of exposing earlier
shortcomings. For instance, early BPA methods assumed that blood droplets traveled in a straight
path from the victim to the surrounding surfaces. However, this assumption neglected the influence
of gravity and air resistance, both of which cause blood droplets to fall toward the ground after
exiting the body. Thus, these early analyses often overestimated the height of the point of impact,
which would skew any resulting conclusions about the position of the shooter and victim.
In recent years, further research into the physics of blood spatter has revealed additional
shortcomings in existing BPA methods. As it turns out, firearm propellant gas exerts a significant
influence on blood back spatter.
Anatomy of a Bullet
In modern firearms, each individual piece of ammunition is called a cartridge. Each cartridge
contains three main components: the bullet, which is the solid projectile that sits at the front; the
propellant (gunpowder), which sits behind the bullet; and a primer that sits at the base, behind the
propellant. These components are held together in a metal case called a cartridge case. When the
trigger of the gun is pulled, the hammer strikes the primer, which creates a chemical reaction that
Today’s Science - Point Blank: The Impact of Guns on Blood Spatter
ignites the propellant. This in turn sets off a larger chemical reaction that produces a rapid
expansion of gas, which propels the bullet out of the barrel of the gun toward the target. The
propellant gas also exits the barrel shortly after the bullet.
Shutterstock/M. Bank
In modern firearms, each piece of ammunition is called a cartridge. Each cartridge contains three main components: the
bullet, which is the solid projectile that sits at the front; the propellant (gunpowder), which sits behind the bullet; and a primer
that sits at the base, behind the propellant. These components are held together in a metal case called a cartridge case.
When the trigger of the gun is pulled, the hammer strikes the primer, which creates a chemical reaction that ignites the
propellant. This in turn sets off a larger chemical reaction that produces a rapid expansion of gas, which propels the bullet
out of the barrel of the gun toward the target.
Over the last decade, several studies have indicated that propellant gas can interact with blood
back spatter, potentially changing the size, shape, and flight direction of the blood droplets.
Building upon this previous work, a team of mechanical engineers led by James B. Michael from
Iowa State University and Alexander L. Yarin from the University of Illinois recently investigated the
influence of propellant gases on back spatter in exhaustive detail. In their study, they first
developed a theoretical framework for the behavior of propellant gas upon exiting the gun barrel.
The gas travels in a vortex, a circular air current that follows in the path of the bullet. The
researchers developed a series of equations to model the interaction between the gas vortex and
the blood back spatter. These equations incorporate a number of variables, including the size and
speed of the bullet, the distance between the gun and target, and the size and number of blood
droplets within the back spatter.
Next, the researchers tested their theoretical model with a series of experiments. First, they filled a
hollow foam cavity with room temperature pig blood in order to simulate a body. They fired at the
target with an AR-15 rifle that had been fitted with a device called a suppressor (commonly known
as a “silencer”), which decreases the sound of the gunshot by altering the speed and pressure of
the propellant gas. The target was surrounded by a series of cameras and mirrors to capture the
interaction of the blood back spatter with the propellant gas vortex.
Shooting distance is an important factor in the interaction between propellant gas and blood. The
researchers explored how this affected matters by shooting at the target from distances of 65
centimeters (cm), 125 cm, and 300 cm (roughly, two feet, four feet and 10 feet). When they fired
the rifle from 65 cm, the gases reached the blood back spatter within 5 milliseconds (0.005
seconds). At this point, the blood mostly consisted of solid streams, which were broken up into
droplets by the gas vortex. Some of these droplets were also made to reverse direction toward the
target. When the rifle was fired from 125 cm, the gas vortex encountered the blood after roughly 20
Today’s Science - Point Blank: The Impact of Guns on Blood Spatter
milliseconds. At this point the blood stream had already begun to break up into droplets, many of
which were pushed back toward the target by the gas vortex. The gas also caused some of these
droplets to break up into even smaller droplets, in a process called secondary atomization. Finally,
when the rifle was fired from 300 cm, the gas vortex arrived too late to interact with any blood
droplets, which had already coated the surfaces surrounding the target. The results confirmed the
expectation that the distance between the gun and the target strongly influences the extent of the
interaction between propellant gas and blood back spatter.
Gas Plume
The researchers also conducted a series of experiments to track the course of the propellant gas
as it exits the gun barrel. In addition to the suppressor, they also fitted the AR-15 with a
compensator, a device designed to reduce recoil, and a muzzle brake, which helps prevent the
barrel from rising up after the trigger is pulled. The researchers also tested a 9-millimeter (mm)
pistol, both without any attachments and with a suppressor. This time, a series of cameras and
mirrors were positioned to capture the evolution of the propellant gas vortex.
Top: Shutterstock/Bottom: Gen Li, Nathaniel Sliefert, James B. Michael, and Alexander L. Yarin/Physics of Fluids/M. Bank
The researchers also conducted a series of experiments to track the course of the propellant gas as it exits the gun barrel.
The tests confirmed that firearm propellant gas can significantly alter the size, number, and final resting position of blood
back spatter droplets.
Today’s Science - Point Blank: The Impact of Guns on Blood Spatter
The researchers observed some stark differences between the five different firearm configurations.
For example, the propellant gas traveled farthest from the suppressed rifle, to a total distance of
0.7 meters (about two feet). The gas also expanded toward the target more quickly from the
suppressed rifle than the rifle with a muzzle brake. However, the gas expanded radially
(perpendicular to the path of the bullet) at roughly the same speed with the suppressor or muzzle
break. For the pistol, the addition of a suppressor also reduced the radial spread of the propellant
gas, but did not change the speed of spread toward the target. The experiments showed that
modifications to the barrel of a firearm have to be considered in attempts to reconstruct what
The study confirmed that firearm propellant gas can significantly alter the size, number, and final
resting position of blood back spatter droplets. If the firearm is close enough to the target, the gas
vortex can reverse the flow of back spatter so that the blood lands on or behind the target; this can
result in potential confusion of back and forward spatter. The speed and direction of expansion of
propellant gases also depends heavily on the type of firearm and ammunition, as well as any
modifications made to the barrel. These findings introduce some additional challenges to the field
of BPA, but also provide an opportunity to improve its accuracy.
Discussion Questions
How might these recent findings impact prior murder trials in which BPA was presented as
Journal Articles and Abstracts
(Researchers' own descriptions of their work, summary or full-text, on scientific journal websites.)
Li, G., et al. “Blood backspatter interaction with propellant gases.” Physics of Fluids (April 20,
2021) [accessed April 21, 2021]: https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0045214 .
Sliefert, N., et al. “Experimental and numerical study of blood backspatter interaction with firearm
propellant gases.” Physics of Fluids (April 20, 2021) [accessed April 21, 2021]:
https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/5.0045219 .
Attinger, D., et al. “Fluid dynamics topics in bloodstain pattern analysis: Comparative review and
research opportunities.” Forensic Science International (July 3, 2013) [accessed April 26, 2021]:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0379073813002417?via%3Dihub .
Comiskey, P.M., and Yarin, A.L. “Self-similar turbulent vortex rings: interaction of propellant gases
with blood backspatter and the transport of gunshot residue.” Journal of Fluid Mechanics (August
8, 2019) [accessed May 3, 2021]: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-fluid-
backspatter-and-the-transport-of-gunshot-residue/81F43FB54E7FF28A0230667CD559D60F .
Comiskey, P.M., Yarin, A.L., and Attinger, D. “Theoretical and experimental investigation of forward
spatter of blood from a gunshot.” Physical Review Fluids (June 15, 2018) [accessed April 26,
2021]: https://journals.aps.org/prfluids/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.063901 .
Comiskey, P.M., Yarin, A.L., and Attinger, D. “Hydrodynamics of back spatter by blunt bullet
gunshot with a link to bloodstain pattern analysis.” Physical Review Fluids (July 24, 2017)
[accessed May 3, 2021]:
https://journals.aps.org/prfluids/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.2.073906 .
Today’s Science - Point Blank: The Impact of Guns on Blood Spatter
Comiskey, P.M., et al. “Prediction of blood back spatter from a gunshot in bloodstain pattern
analysis.” Physical Review Fluids (August 2, 2016) [accessed April 26, 2021]:
https://journals.aps.org/prfluids/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.043201 .
de Bruin, K.G., Stoel, R.D., and Limborgh, J.C.M. “Improving the Point of Origin Determination in
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis.” Journal of Forensic Sciences (July 25, 2011) [accessed April 26,
2021]: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1556-4029.2011.01841.x .
Guildenbecher, D.R., López-Rivera, C., and Sojka, P.E. “Secondary atomization.” Experiments in
Fluids (January 22, 2009) [accessed April 26, 2021]:
nment .
Laan, N., et al. “Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: implementation of a fluid dynamic model for position
determination of victims.” Scientific Reports (June 22, 2015) [accessed April 26, 2021]:
https://www.nature.com/articles/srep11461 .
Taylor, M.C., et al. “The effect of firearm muzzle gases on the backspatter of blood.” International
Journal of Legal Medicine (May 12, 2010) [accessed May 3, 2021]:
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00414-010-0462-4 .
forensics, bloodstain pattern analysis (BPA), blood splatter, back spatter, forward spatter,
propellant gas, James B. Michael, Alexander L. Yarin