2021 Water
Summary Report
MAY 2021
2021 Water Infrastructure Survey: Summary Report 2
It has been well-documented and long understood that Oregon’s water infrastructure is in significant
need of repair, upgrade and investment. Our water infrastructure plays a critical role in supporting
community public health, livability, economic development, environmental protection, housing, and a
growing population. Not only is Oregon’s existing infrastructure in serious need of repair, but local water
and wastewater providers are also facing new and emerging challenges that will require additional
investment and add additional costs. These challenges include:
Seismic upgrades to better ensure that some of the critical components of water systems will be
able to withstand a Cascadia earthquake (e.g. system backbone; lines to hospitals;
Additional system capacity to support needed housing, including affordable housing;
Additional water supply storage to combat persistent drought and declining snowpack; and
New and more stringent water quality challenges/permit requirements, including for
Previous LOC Infrastructure Surveys: In 2016, the League of Oregon Cities (LOC) surveyed its member
cities to better understand water infrastructure needs across the state. That survey
identified $7.6
billion in water infrastructure needs from the 121 of Oregon’s 241 cities that responded to the survey.
Of the $7.6 billion in identified needs, $4.3 billion was attributed to water quality-related projects,
including wastewater treatment plants, while $3.3 billion was related to drinking water and water
supply/storage projects. An LOC transportation infrastructure survey was also conducted in 2016, and
identified $3.7 billion in transportation-related infrastructure needs (highway and non-highway).
Fortunately, during the 2017 legislative session, the state Legislature approved a $5.3 billion
transportation infrastructure investment package.
2021 Water Infrastructure Survey: In late 2020, the LOC sent out an updated survey to its membership
to, once again, identify water-related infrastructure needs across the state. The LOC contracted with
Portland State University’s (PSU) Center for Public Service to conduct the survey. The survey was sent
out in November of 2020, with questions that sought to differentiate between medium-term (within the
next 10 years) and long-term (within the next 20 years) needs. The updated survey also included
questions designed to gain a better understanding seismic resilience needs for water systems and issues
related to water/sewer rate affordability. Page 4 outlines key findings from the 2021 survey, including a
breakdown of drinking water/water supply needs versus water-quality related needs. Ultimately, the
survey identified the significant combined water infrastructure needs for the coming 20 years as
The 100 cities that responded to the survey (out of 241 total cities in Oregon), identified $9.7 billion in
water infrastructure needs, including both water quality-related needs and drinking water/water
supply needs. With this data, PSU was able to estimate approximately $23 billion in statewide water
infrastructure costs in the coming 20 years.
Water Infrastructure: Impacts to Affordability: The importance of water infrastructure can’t be
overstated. Oregon’s water infrastructure is too often out of sight, and therefore, out of mind. It often
takes a significant disruption of drinking water or wastewater service to remind citizens and
policymakers of the critical role that water infrastructure plays in the protection of public health and the
environment. However, the costs of providing this critical and necessary infrastructure is, unfortunately,
2021 Water Infrastructure Survey: Summary Report 3
outpacing the budgetary capacity of local communities. As a result, many communities are experiencing
increasing drinking water and sewer rates that are resulting in affordability challenges throughout the
state. According to the American Water Works Association, projects to address aging drinking water
infrastructure in the United States are projected to surpass $1 trillion in the next 25 years and could
triple the cost of household water bills.
State and federal investments in water-related infrastructure have simply not kept pace with overall
needs; and communities across the state, of all sizes, are struggling to balance ratepayer affordability
challenges, with the need to finance significant and necessary infrastructure investments at the local
level. According to a white paper from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies, “the
Congressional Budget Office has found that the federal cost-share of total water capital, operations, and
maintenance spending in the country has declined in real dollars over the past four decades and has
fallen below 5%. This federal share is much smaller than other core infrastructure sectors, such as
highways (close to 50%), mass transit and rail (17%), and aviation (17%). Local and state
investments…now account for 95% of the investment. As a result, the vast majority of the growing cost
for clean and safe water…is coming directly from ratepayers.
It is important for policymakers to understand the shift that has taken place, and the immense costs that
local communities are facing. Across Oregon today, communities are can’t afford to address failing or
deficient infrastructure. Unfortunately, this can, and has, resulted in some communities being unable to
support additional housing. Oregon Revised Statute 197.505 to 197.540 outlines local requirements that
must be met in order to declare a growth moratorium due to insufficient “public facilities,” including
water supply. In 2018, the city of Banks was faced with this difficult decision and remains in a growth
moratorium today (2021). Without critical investments in water infrastructure, this community is unable
to support additional housing. Just recently, the city of Wilsonville faced a similar situation, with a
building moratorium that was implemented in the late 1990s again due to a lack of water supply
infrastructure that was necessary to support additional growth. The reality is that these immense costs
are largely being addressed at the local level, using local ratepayer dollars (water/sewer/stormwater
bills), system development charges, or through temporary increases to property taxes (temporary tax
levies or general obligation bonds). For those communities that can access state funding resources, it is
important to recognize that much of this funding assistance comes in the form of low-interest loans.
While there are some existing opportunities for loan forgiveness, those opportunities are limited, and
many communities are finding that they must still finance infrastructure costs locally, plus interest. We
have reached the point in Oregon where the backlog of needs continues to grow, while costs continue
to increase. This has resulted in communities that are simply unable to afford necessary projects and has
resulted in impacts to low-income and other vulnerable populations.
Infrastructure Impacts, Rates, and the Need for Low Income Assistance
As a result of the cost impacts and affordability challenges that Oregonians are already grappling with, it
is not surprising that many municipal water providers, including cities, have seen an increase in the
amount of delinquent water/sewer accounts. While these affordability challenges are not new, the
pandemic and resulting economic shut down highlighted a very clear need for additional low-income
assistance to help Oregonians struggling to pay water and sewer bills, and to ensure that water utilities
remain financially solvent when ratepayer revenues are impacted as a result of increased arrearages. As
of 2020, there were no federal or state-funded low-income assistance programs to help Oregonians pay
2021 Water Infrastructure Survey: Summary Report 4
water and sewer bills. The problem isn’t that low-income assistance programs have not, and do not,
exist. Those programs, however, exist at the local level, funded through local ratepayer dollars. This
dynamic creates some unique equity challenges for low-income Oregonians, those on fixed incomes,
and for small communities, as an increase in water rates to help offset affordability challenges is likely to
simply intensify those affordability challenges. The LOC identified the need for additional state/federal
ratepayer dollars as a legislative priority for the 2021 legislative session. And in December of 2020,
Congress approved more than $600 million in federal water/sewer ratepayer assistance, with another
$500 million approved in March of 2021. The LOC is focusing on implementation of the federal program
(Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program) and will continue to advocate for additional funding
from state and federal resources.
LOC 2020 Water Infrastructure Survey: General Findings
The 100 cities that responded to the survey (out of 241 cities in Oregon), identified $9.7 billion in water
infrastructure needs, including water quality-related needs and drinking water/water supply needs.
With this data, PSU estimates approximately $23 billion in statewide water infrastructure costs in the
next 20 years.
Oregonians simply can’t afford to bear this cost alone.
Drinking Water/Water Supply Costs and Emerging Challenges:
Drinking Water/Water Supply Infrastructure Needs: 91% of survey respondents indicated that they
provide drinking water services. The medium-term (next 10 years) drinking water and water supply
needs identified by survey respondents totaled $2.12 billion. PSU was able to extrapolate the data to
generate a statewide estimate of $4.365 billion in the next 10 years. Long-term needs (next 20 years)
identified by survey respondents included an additional $2 billion; representing approximately $7.6
billion as a statewide estimate of total drinking water/water supply needs.
The LOC anticipates that drinking water infrastructure needs will only increase as a result of seismic risk
assessments and mitigation plans that are now being required by the Oregon Health Authority’s
Drinking Water Services program (as of 2018) and will be incorporated into regular water master plan
updates for communities that are located within more seismically vulnerable parts of the state. One city,
with a population of slightly more than 27,000, highlighted the extent of this emerging need as follows:
We identified $176 million in pipe replacement costs to upgrade our distribution system to
withstand a large seismic event. That doesn't count costs to make our large diameter
transmission pipe resilient. That would be on the order of $300 million.”
In addition, it is anticipated that municipal and other community drinking water providers will continue
to see necessary additional investments to address other ongoing and emerging challenges. Some of
these include water supply curtailments due to fish persistence and other permit conditions, and a need
to build additional water supply storage including secondary supply sources to ensure continued
drinking water supply during times or shortage, contamination events (e.g. harmful algal blooms) or
other disruptions of service. In addition, many communities have identified other water-related
infrastructure needs for levees and dams that are in need of repair, replacement, and seismic upgrades.
2021 Water Infrastructure Survey: Summary Report 5
Finally, it is important to note the importance of source water protection investments for drinking water
supplies. This work is critical to ensure safe drinking water. Investments, including funding to address
failing septic systems and coordinated efforts to address and help mitigate impacts from harmful algal
blooms, are just two examples that highlight the importance of critical source water protection
investments. Unfortunately, as a result of recent wildfires, there may be additional risks to downstream
drinking water providers from increased water runoff, phosphorous and nutrient loading that can lead
to increased likelihood of harmful algal blooms.
Water Quality Costs and Emerging Challenges:
Water Quality/Wastewater Infrastructure Needs: 71% of survey respondents indicated that they provide
water quality/wastewater services. The medium-term (next 10 years) water quality/wastewater needs
identified by survey respondents totaled $3 billion. Again, PSU was able to extrapolate the data to
generate a statewide estimate of $5.879 billion in the next 10 years. Long-term needs (next 20 years)
identified by survey respondents included an additional $7.64 billion; representing approximately
$15.786 billion as a statewide estimate of total water quality/wastewater needs.
One of the most significant challenges facing public sewer/wastewater providers has been the backlog
of water quality permits from the state. These water quality permits, known as National Pollutant and
Discharge Elimination System permits and Water Pollution Control Facility permits, outline the water
quality standards that must be met for public/municipal wastewater providers. If a municipality does
not know the water quality standards they must meet, it is very difficult to invest in the appropriate
treatment technologies and system upgrades that may be necessary. Unfortunately, due to the backlog,
many of these permits have expired, though some have been administratively extended, for more than
10 years. As a result of litigation, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has issued a 5-
year permit issuance plan to update permits. As municipal wastewater providers receive updated
permits, they will very likely receive updated, and more stringent, water quality standards that must be
met in order to discharge treated wastewater. Some of the more challenging emerging pollutants in
recent years have included temperature, mercury, and copper. The LOC has worked with the DEQ and
the Legislature to provide additional staffing capacity and targeted investments to address the water
quality permitting backlog. Much of this work (60%) will be funded through increased fees for permit
holders, but is also partially funded through state general fund dollars (40%).
In addition, the costs of managing stormwater runoff represents both an existing and emerging
infrastructure challenge that many Oregon communities will need to continue to address and fund
through local fees/rates. Stormwater regulations continue to increase, and are regulated through a
specific NPDES permit called a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. These permits
require municipalities to implement local regulations and plans to manage stormwater runoff including
from streets, construction site runoff and other impervious surfaces.
Oregon communities are struggling to pay for necessary water infrastructure costs, and expectations
that communities will be able to continue to finance these costs at the local level are simply unrealistic.
While local governments must grapple with how to best finance this infrastructure, it is ultimately the
ratepayers and citizens of Oregon that are paying the bill. Costs already far exceed the ability of
2021 Water Infrastructure Survey: Summary Report 6
Oregonians to pay for necessary infrastructure, and communities with smaller populations and those
serving lower-income populations are disproportionately impacted when costs and regulations increase.
At this point, many communities simply can’t afford necessary infrastructure. Addressing this backlog
will require significant additional investments from the state and federal government. In addition, the
LOC encourages the state to work with local governments to ensure that small and rural communities
have access to the resources necessary to plan for infrastructure investments. Many communities are
far from “shovel-ready,” and will need assistance to ensure that they are prepared to accept federal
infrastructure dollars that may become available.
View the full PSU report here