54 Sacramento magazine April 2018
By Marybeth Bizjak Photography by Kevin Fiscus
he craft-cocktail revolution that
swept through Sacramento a few
years back brought the city a slew of faux
speakeasies and hip watering holes. Now
comes the second wave: a new batch of
bars that put a premium on elevating
the cocktail experience.
These places put a shine on the classic craft cocktail.
April 2018 Sacramento magazi n e 55
56 Sacramento magazine April 2018
October 2017
Industrial crossed with
modern farmhouse
Hip East Sac’ers and
midtowners looking
for the next new thing
The Banker
Chicken drumsticks
Jack Winks
hen this East Sac restaurant opened
last October, it instantly found both
its footing and an appreciative
audience. People fell in love with the
concept: a casual place with a farm-
house-y vibe and a menu of intriguing
small plates from Michelin-starred
chef Brad Cecchi. Given that one of Canon’s owners
is Clay Nutting of LowBrau and Block Butcher Bar
fame, it’s no surprise to find a heavy emphasis here
on beverages. Jack Winks, a genial Brit who spent
five years working in Paris as a bartender, oversees
the bar and came up with many of the craft cocktails.
Winks sings from Sacramento’s seasonal-and-
local hymnbook, changing up the menu with the
seasons and making his own bitters, syrups and
liqueurs from produce grown in planter boxes just
outside the restaurant doors. For a classic Bee’s
Knees, he’ll use lemon thyme plucked from the gar-
den, and you may nd an edible flower grown
as a garnish in your drink.
Winks is known for his weird flavor combinations,
like scotch and bananas, which share billing in a
cocktail called The Golden Age. And he enjoys play-
ing around with format, oering a house Ne-
groni in a cute little single-serve bottle that
arrives at the table, along with a glass, a large
cube of ice and an orange twist. It’s strictly
PYO (pour your own)—and fun to boot.
There’s a fair bit of cross-pollination between
kitchen and bar. When Winks crafted
his own tonic syrup from lemon grass
and other ingredients, Cecchi grabbed
some to make pickled cucumbers. When
he was done, he returned the pickling
liquid to Winks, who mixed it with gin,
put it in a keg, added carbonation and
served it out of the tap as a Pickled Gin
and Tonic. (He hopes to do something
similar this summer to produce a twist
on Britain’s famed Pimm’s Cup.)
While Canon doesn’t oer cocktail-
and-food pairings, Winks is happy to
oer his opinion on what drink goes
with what dish. Tots with mole sauce?
Get the tequila-forward Vista Clara,
whose sharpness and acidity cut through the fatti-
ness of the tots. St. Louis ribs with espresso tama-
rind sauce? Order a classic Old-Fashioned or
Manhattan. Chicken drumsticks with Urfa chili
sauce and Greek yogurt? Have a beer. (The bar has
a stellar lineup, including rarities like Sante Adair-
ius’ Full Hands In, a wild ale aged in French oak.)
The restaurant’s large patio promises to be a
popular spot once the weather warms up. Winks is
looking forward to a patio cocktail program with
spritzers, punches, tropical drinks, maybe even
some blended cocktails. 1719 34th St.; (916) 469-2433;
April 2018 Sacramento magazi n e 57
Add Revival to the big-city amenities on
Sacramento’s growing brag list. Located
on the third floor of The Sawyer, a bou-
tique hotel from SF’s Kimpton group, this
swanky lounge oers a number of lures
for bar hoppers hungry for something new
and dierent.
irst is the rooftop patio overlooking
Golden 1 Center. Amazingly, this is the only
bar in town with airy views of downtown
Sacramento—a niche that was just scream-
ing to be filled. The sprawling patio has
sofas, potted trees, fire pits, heaters and—
mostly thrillingly
a large, sparkling-blue
pool. Only hotel guests and residents of the
condos on the hotel’s top five floors are al-
lowed to swim, but that doesn’t stop regu-
lar folk from sitting around the pool and
soaking up the scene. Groups of six or more
can frolic like ballers by reserving one of
the shaded patio cabanas.
Second is the star power. Just a short
stroll from the downtown arena, Revival
is an unocial
clubhouse for
visiting athletes
and musicians.
Lil Jon has par-
tied here, and
Bobby and Vlade
have been spot-
ted as well. (LeBron James, in town for a
Cavs game, tried to get in on Christmas
Day, but the bar was closed.)
Revival’s interior has a sleek, understat-
ed appearance, with midcentury-
inspired furnishings, smoked-glass pen-
dants and brass accents. TVs are cleverly
imbedded within mirrors behind the bar,
so you can watch the game without feeling
like you’re in a sports bar. Overseeing the
beverage program is Ben Smith, who cut
his teeth in San Francisco’s craft-cocktail
scene, working at Betelnut, 14 Romolo,
Dellarosa and Beretta. He takes a classic,
back-to-the-basics approach to mixology.
Drinks with names like Banksy and Oax-
acapolitan are ris on classic cocktails such
as the margarita and the cosmo. Like any
bartenders worth their salt-rimmed glass,
he and his sta make everything from pine-
apple juice to ginger beer from scratch.
In addition to classic cocktails, Revival
oers traditional bottle service and DIY
kits” that allow groups of people to mix
their own French 75 or Moscow Mule. A
tray comes to the table with mixing glass,
ice scoop, garnishes, mixers and a recipe
card. The server demonstrates how to
make the rst round, and then it’s up to
the cocktailers to mix their own drinks.
It’s fun and experiential.
The lounge is open evenings only from
Wednesday through Saturday. During
happy hour, it’s a quiet place to grab a
drink and chat with the bartender. But at
9 p.m., the barstools are removed to make
way for swarms of partiers heading over
from the arena. The bar-focused food
menu oers bites like lobster corn dogs,
trued popcorn and cotton-candied
bacon. 500 J St.; (916) 545-7111; revivalsacra
October 2017
South Beach meets
Golden 1 season
ticketholders and the
occasional celeb
House Old-Fashioned
Maine lobster corn dog
Ben Smith
58 Sacramento magazine April 2018
House Old-Fashioned
The Banker
Miso Tipsy
The problem with martinis and Manhattans is
they’re simply too strong for some people. For them, straight vodka tastes like jet fuel,
and bitters are, well, bitter. Punch Bowl Social—the new bar/restaurant/gaming palace
in downtown’s DOCO areaoffers the perfect solution: the
adult milkshake. Served in a large Mason jar, these sweet,
boozy concoctions are made with soft-serve vanilla ice
cream and come in three flavors: B.B. Alexander (made with
banana-infused brandy), Milk-Xologist #2 (made with coffee
and mint liqueurs) and Malted Maple Royale (made with Jim
Beam maple whiskey). The drinks are shaken in a diner-
style milkshake machine and topped with a thick blanket of
whipped cream. How many calories are in each one? Said one
Punch Bowl bartender, “You don’t want to know.” 500 J St.;
(916) 925-5610; punchbowlsocial.com
Hawks Public House
If Hawks Restaurant in Granite Bay is the
dignified, rule-following older sister, then
Hawks Public House on Alhambra Bou-
levard is her mischievous, rule-bending
little brother. When it comes to cocktails,
the rst is all about the buttoned-up clas-
sics, while the second is about boundary-
pushing experimentation.
Zeph Horn oversees the bar programs
at both places. In his black shirt and tie,
he looks the part of an old-school bar-
tender. He’s been in the business for 20
years, working in dive bars and upscale
craft-cocktail lounges. As a kid, he loved
Eastern Thai Crested Gimlet
Raspberry Thyme Gin Rickey
April 2018 Sacramento magazi n e 59
literature and history. That scholarly bent
comes through at Hawks, where he is well
steeped in the lore and romance of classic
At Hawks Public House, owner Michael
Fagnoni gives Horn a lot of room to ex-
periment. Horn’s progressive approach
manifests itself in inventive ris on clas-
sic cocktails. Le Penicilina is a Mexican
take on the Penicillin, made with mezcal
and cilantro instead of scotch and lemon.
The Stockton Grion is a rye-forward
version of the venerable Hanky Panky,
which was invented in the early 20th cen-
tury at the American
Bar at The Savoy in
London. For aroma,
Horn sprays the inside of the glass with a
mist of chocolate bitters before he pours
the cocktail.
Horn has a way with egg whites—when
making a whiskey sour or Ramos Fizz, he
can shake them to a froth in little more
than a minute. (In certain circles, hes
known as Foam Guy.) He uses aquafaba—
the braising liquid left over when the
kitchen cooks garbanzo beans—as a vegan
version of egg whites in a drink called The
Licorice Wren (Pimm’s and licorice rum).
Horn’s drinks look like works of art. For
one cocktail, he fans thin slices of Pink
Lady apple across the top of the drink,
uses tweezers to add a scorched orange
slice and tops it all with a painstaking
dusting of cinnamon. For another, a drink
called an Eastern Thai Crested Gimlet,
he nestles a partially open Thai chili inside
a Thai basil leaf, so that it looks like the
stamen of a flower (or something a little
more ribald). (Check out his work on In-
stagram @zephhorn.)
But perhaps his most notorious concoc-
tion is his Blueberry Banh Mi Buteo, a
mojito made with blueberry fish sauce-
infused rum and banh mi herbs (cilantro,
basil and mint). It’s umami in a glass. 1525
Alhambra Blvd.; (916) 588-4440; hawks
Zeph Horn
Late 2016
Upscale neighborhood bar
People who are serious
about their cocktails
Eastern Thai
Crested Gimlet
Harissa deviled eggs
60 Sacramento magazine April 2018
When Billy Ngo
moved his highly re-
arded midtown
sushi restaurant to a larger space in East
Sac, he not only gained a much bigger
dining room; he was also able to install a
roomy bar that combines Japanese mini-
malism with the ambience of a neighbor-
hood hangout. Separated from the dining
room by a wall, the bar is friendly and
casual, with a roster of bartenders scooped
up from some of Sacramento’s top craft-
cocktail purveyors.
Behind the long pine bar, those bartend-
ers conjure up elevated drinks with a dis-
tinct Japanese accent. Bar manager Nick
Amano-Dolan says their goal is to infuse
classic cocktails with Kru flavors” such
as shiso and sesame oil. A drink called
Open Sesame is a ri on the
White Linen, made with
Junipero gin, ginseng li-
queur and a house-made
cucumber-and-yuzu shrub.
(Because gin and cucumber
go together like sh and rice.) The Kru
Old-Fashioned features Japanese rice
whiskey, ginger syrup and chocolate al-
mond bitters, finished with a dehydrated
orange peel thats meant to be eaten after
it’s soaked up the booze.
The talented chef Ngo serves as an in-
spiration for the bar. A cocktail called
Miso Tipsy (a variation on the fruity marg)
gets a blast of umami from the addition
of miso. And instead of a salted rim, the
drink is topped with sea salt foam and a
sprinkling of togarashi powder, the Japa-
nese seven-spice mixture that includes
ground red chili pepper.
Bartenders here are hands-on, using a
chainsaw to cut
3 0 0 - p o u n d
blocks of ice
i n t o l a r g e
cubes, and em-
ploying Wagy
fat trimmings
from the kitchen to fat-wash some rye
whiskey, giving it rich, butterscotch notes.
With waits of two to three hours to get
into the restaurant, diners often spill over
into the bar. If all the stools are taken,
you can sit and wait in comfort at a large
communal table in the nearby private
dining room.
The Kru bar recently started serving
late-night food-and-drink specials on
Fridays and Saturdays. Called Ngo Res-
ervations, it runs from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.,
with beers, shots and bar food like a
Wagyu burger and ramen. 3135 Folsom
Blvd.; (916) 551-1559; krurestaurant.com
Ten Ten Room
From the street, you might walk right
past Ten Ten Room. The only signage
is the name discreetly written on the
front window in gold letters, and the
storefront doesn’t give many hints
about what lies inside. But once you’re
in the door, it’s as if you’ve stepped
back 60 years to midcentury Amer-
ica, the era of the martini and the
Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.
Ten Ten Room is the latest oering from Tyler and
Melissa Williams, the folks behind two of midtown’s most
popular watering holes: Tank House, a barbecue joint,
and The Jungle Bird, a tiki bar. The Williamses clearly
don’t believe in repeating themselves. Located next door
to The Citizen Hotel, Ten Ten pays homage to the classic
American bar, circa 1960. The high-ceilinged, narrow
interior is dim and intimate, with dark-green walls, a
tufted leather banquette and a single cozy booth. A library
ladder extends to the top shelf of the mirrored back bar,
Late 2016
Sleek and friendly
Industry folks, foodies
and Japanophiles
Miso Tipsy
Ika geso (fried squid legs
September 2017
1960s bar with a modern edge
The Capitol crowd
Garlic steak sandwich
Nick Amano-Dolan
April 2018 Sacramento magazi n e 61
where the good stu
(Pappy Van Winkle
bourbon, Louis XIII
cognac) is displayed.
Overhead, a couple of
sparkling crystal chan-
deliers give the space a
golden glow. The only
deviation from the for-
mat is the music: In-
stead of Sinatra, it’s
fun, current and
jammy, designed to keep the party going.
Is this a bar that serves food, or a restaurant that serves
cocktails? Actually, it’s both. The kitchen, overseen by
Hook & Ladder veteran Greg Pilapil, puts out approach-
able comfort food from the ’50s: things like meatballs in
grape jelly, and Scotch deviled eggs that are crunchy and
warm on the outside, cold and creamy inside. The garlic
steak sandwich is killer.
The drinks menu is divided equally between “classics”
and “originals.” From the classic side, nods to the past
include the Harvey Wallbanger and the Grasshopper, a
vivid-green blended cocktail served in a copper coupe.
Created by the sta, the originals have clever names like
Bring Me the Shrubbery (gin, sparkling wine and a tan-
gerine-and-elderflower shrub) and Wrongfully Accused
(whiskey, Lillet Blanc and Jägermeister).
There are other fun touches, such as slushy machines
that serve frosty White Linens and frozen rosé (known
here as a Fro-sé). Martinis and Manhattans are served
from a tiny cocktail shaker. A little bit of the drink is left
behind in the shaker for the customer to pour like a diner
milkshake. 1010 10th St.; (916) 272-2888; tentenroom.com
Ten Ten Room:
Jenna Zavislan
The Flamingo House
When you rst spy The Flamingo House,
a pink Victorian whose front yard is awash
with palm trees and pink flamingo lawn
ornaments, you’re apt to think Toto, we’re
not in Kansas anymore.” No, you’re not.
This midtown bar is the brainchild of
Bobby Falcon, Christian Tolen and Matt
Byrd, who met while working at The Park
Ultra Lounge. Spitballing ideas, they came
up with the concept for a “coastal leisure”
bar with a laid-back, vacation-y vibe.
Inside, it feels more like Key West than
K Street. The décor is a riotous mélange
of kitschy accessories and vintage furni-
ture that could have come from your
grandma’s house in Boca. In fact, most of
the furnishings were scrounged from
thrift stores and Craigslist. In the front
room, a life-size stued Afghan hound
(thankfully not real) sits next to a pink
velveteen sofa. Pink vinyl barstools, rat-
tan chairs and blue velvet sectional sofas
add to the playful visual cacophony.
Drinks here are light and fruit-forward,
designed to be eminently quaable. (No
flavor bombs.) A grapefruit Paloma is
made with freshly squeezed ruby-red
grapefruit juice and Jarritos mandarin
soda in place of the traditional Squirt. In
summer, you’re likely to find a roasted
Peach Mojito and a Watermelon Rasp-
berry Whiskey
Smash, along
w it h b o o z y
slushies and ice
cream drinks.
And listen up: Liquor.com recently named
Flamingo House’s Raspberry Thyme Gin
Rickey one of the 11 best cocktails in the
The kitchen puts out small, sharable
plates—things like guac and chips, ceviche
and panini, all made in-house. But the
chef really brings the drama with a des-
sert called Flaming-o Cookie: a pink-vel-
vet cookie doused with rum syrup in a
cast-iron pan and set ablaze at the table.
Out in the backyard, a covered patio
with swinging benches does double duty
as a lounge and a dance floor. Starting at
9 p.m. on Sundays, dancers can rent head-
sets for $5 and dance along silently to one
of several dueling DJs. It’s both eerie and
fun. 2315 K St.; (916) 409-7500; flamingo
July 2017
Spring break in the city
A melting pot of
midtown types
Raspberry Thyme
Gin Rickey
Flaming-o Cookie
Chris Harvey