Superficial x-ray in the treatment of basal and
squamous cell carcinomas: A viable option in
select patients
Armand B. Cognetta, MD,
Brett M. Howard, BA,
Henry P. Heaton, BA,
Earl R. Stoddard, MD,
Hyokyoung Grace Hong, PhD,
and W. Harris Green, MD
Tallahassee, Florida; Brooklyn and New York, New York; and Pocatello, Idah o
Background: Effective nonsurgical modalities are limited in the treatment of basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).
Objective: We sought to evaluate the efficacy and viability of superficial x-ray therapy in the treatment of
BCC and SCC in an outpatient setting.
Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 1715 histologically confirmed primary cutaneous
BCC and SCC treated with superficial x-ray therapy at Dermatology Associates of Tallahassee in Florida
between 2000 and 2010.
Results: Of the 1715 tumors reviewed during this period, 712 were histologically proven BCC (631 nodular
and 81 superficial), 994 were SCC (861 SCC in situ and 133 invasive SCC), and 9 displayed distinct features
of both BCC and SCC in the same biopsy specimen. Kaplan-Meier estimates (with 95% confidence intervals)
of cumulative recurrence rates of all tumors at 2 and 5 years were 1.9% (1%-2.7%) and 5.0% (3.2%-6.7%),
respectively; of BCC at 2 and 5 years were 2% (0.8%-3.3%) and 4.2% (1.9%-6.4%), respectively; and of all
SCC at 2 and 5 years were 1.8% (0.8%-2.8%) and 5.8% (2.9%-8.7%), respectively. Tumors on male patients
and those with a diameter greater than 2 cm were associated with a statistically significant increase in
recurrence likelihood.
Limitations: This study represents only patients treated in 1 dermatology office in North Florida and may
not be representative of the general patient population.
Conclusions: Superficial x-ray therapy remains a viable nonsurgical option for the treatment of primary
BCC and SCC in patients where surgical intervention is declined, unadvisable, or potentially associated with
significant cosmetic or functional limitations. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 10.1016/j.jaad.2012.06.001.)
Key words: basal cell carcinoma; photon therapy; radiation; radiation therapy; skin cancer; squamous cell
carcinoma; superficial radiation therapy; superficial x-ray therapy; x-ray; x-ray therapy.
uperficial x-ray therapy (SXRT) has been used
by dermatologists for over a century for skin
cancers. It differs from modern electron beam
radiotherapy (EBRT) in that light is the energy source
rather than a charged particle, the machines are
smaller and less expensive as a linear accelerator is
From Dermatology Associates of Tallahassee
; Florida State Uni-
versity College of Medicine
; State University of New York
Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn
; Idaho Skin Institute
; and
Department of Statistics and Computer Information Systems,
Baruch College, City University of New York.
Funding sources: None.
Disclosure: Dr Cognetta has served as a medical advisor for Topex
(Now Sensus Healthcare), has served as an advisor for Sensus
Health Care, was given a stock option by Sensus Healthcare for
his advisory role during the company’s early stages, and was an
initial investor in the company. Mr Howard, Mr Heaton, and Drs
Stoddard, Hong, and Green have no conflicts of interest to
Accepted for publication June 5, 2012.
Reprint requests: W. Harris Green, MD, Dermatology Associates of
Tallahassee, 1707 Riggins Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308. E-mail:
Published online July 18, 2012.
Ó 2012 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.
not required, and the applied physics and dosimetry
are inherently simpler. With SXRT, a bolus is not
needed to deliver 100% of the dose to the skin surface
as is required with EBRT. In addition, the beam and
delivered dose with SXR T are more tightly cuffed
with less lateral edge beam drop-off in the umbra of
the treatment site.
Although SXRT is more cost-
effective in terms of equip-
ment and patient costs, EBRT
can be used to treat broader
areas of the skin than can
typically be used with SXRT
and has an established role in
adjunctive therapy in tumors
with perineural invasion and
in the treatment of cutaneous
T-cell lymphoma.
Despite the low recur-
rence rates, favorable cosme-
sis, ease of use, lack of
patient discomfort, and rela-
tively low costs of outpatient
SXRT, the percentage of
dermatology clinics in the
United States administering
SXRT has decreased signifi-
cantly over the years for a
variety of reasons, including
the development and avail ability of Mohs micro-
graphic surgery (MMS).
Amidst a relative paucity
of large-scale studies on the subject in the literature,
the aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and
viability of SXRT in the treatment of basal cell
carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma
(SCC) in an outpatie nt setting.
Using records obtained from Dermatology
Associates of Tallahassee in Florida, a retrospective
analysis was performed on 1715 histologically con-
firmed primary, nonaggressive cutaneous BCC and
SCC treated with SXRT between 2000 and 2010 in this
practice. Pertinent clinical information regarding the
tumor characteristics was recorded including ana-
tomic location, lesion diameter, histologic morphol-
ogy, and evidence of recurrence at follow-up. Initial
and recurrent carcinomas were staged according to
the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging
system for nonmelanoma skin cancer.
The patients in the study were patients referred to
our practice for MMS. All tumors treated were
reviewed histologically by one of us (A. B. C.) to
address whether the tumor was aggressive or
nonaggressive and to ascertain the tumor depth.
During informed consent process, if appropriate,
patients older than 65 years with nonaggressive
nonmelanoma skin cancers of the face or scalp
were given various treatment options including
radiation therapy. If the tumors were aggressive
and the patient opted for radiation therapy, they
were referred to a local radi-
ation oncologist or to a
nearby teaching hospital
where EBRT was typically
used. The tumors in this
study include only the ones
treated at our practice.
Between 2000 and
September 2008, a Universal
T reatmaster Superficial X-Ray
Unit (Universal X-Ray
Products Inc) was used,
which was backed up by a
Picker Superficial X-Ray Unit
(Picker X-Ray Corporation)
The Universal unit was pre-
dominantly used at 80 kV, 5
mA, with a time dose factor
(TSD) of 12.5 cm, half value depth (D1/2) of 6.7 mm
with a 3-cm cone and 6.4 mm with a 5-cm cone. From
2008 until the present, the majority of lesions were
treated with the TOPEX SRT-100 (TOPEX, Inc) (now
Sensus SRT-100 [Sensus Healthcare]) machine while
the Universal machine was kept as a backup. TSD, kV,
milliamperes, cone size, and D ½ values varied with
the newer machines yet the overall dosages, fraction-
ation scheme, and time dose factors were unchanged.
The patients’ lesions were treated with 5 sessions
(fractions) of 700 cGy for a total of 3500 cGy.
Occasionally, 7 sessions of 500 cGy were used
when we were treating areas such as the lip, as
mucositis was a concern. Lead eye shielding and
thyroid shielding were regularly performed while
lead intranasal, buccal, and eye shields were used
when appropriate. The radiation field of every tumor
was determined by delineation of the clinical border
of the tumor by careful examination. A radiation field
was then drawn out 5 to 10 mm (the umbra) beyond
the tumor into clinically uninvolved skin and a lead
shield was custom made to treat both the tumor and
the umbra. All patients were treated with various size
cones, which overlapped the lead cutout shields.
Treatments were performed 3 times a week for a total
of 5 to 7 treatments. The exposure and fractionation
Superficial x-ray therapy has been
successfully used by dermatologists for
the treatment of skin cancers for almost
a century.
Our 10-year experience and reported
data suggest that superficial x-ray
therapy yields reasonable 2- and 5-year
clearance rates for primary
nonaggressive basal and squamous cell
Superficial x-ray therapy remains a viable
treatment option for select tumors in
some patients who are poor surgical
candidates or who decline surgery.
2 Cognetta et al
schemes were set up in such a manner to maintain a
time dose factor within the optimal range between 90
and 110.
Statistical methods
Because length of follow-up varied, recurrence
rates were calculated using Kaplan-Meier method,
and the statistical differences were assessed using the
log rank test. The x
test was used to determine
possible significant differences between variables.
The Cox proportional hazards model was used for
multivariate analysis. In our data set, 1715 tumors
were discovered in 1149 patients, indicating that
approximately one third of patients had 2 or more
tumors treated with SXRT. Therefore, to account for
possible within-subject correlations, the frailty
model was used. P values less than .05 were consid-
ered statistically significant. Because of the small
number of patients, ‘‘combined’’ type was not in-
cluded in the statistical analyses. Statistical analyses
were performed using an R software package (R
Development Core Team, Vienna, Austria).
Recurrence determination
Any tumor that arose in or contiguous to a
radiation treatment field (which extended 5-10 mm
beyond the clinical tumor) was counted as a recur-
rence unless it was a different tumor histologically
(eg, a superficial BCC arising in or contiguous to a
previous SCC in situ treatment site). If there was any
doubt whether the lesion was contiguous or outside
the radiation treatment field, it was counted as a
A total of 1715 tumors in 1149 patients were
treated with SXRT from 2000 and 2010 at our prac-
tice. Of the 1715 tumors reviewed during this period,
712 were histologically proven BCC (631 nodular
and 81 superficial), 994 were SCC (861 SCC in situ
and 133 invasive SCC), and 9 displayed distinct
features of both BCC and SCC in same biopsy
specimen. The locations of the tumors are listed in
Table I and the tumor types and recurrences are
listed in Table II. The male-to-female ratio was 2:1.
The mean age at the time of diagnosis was 79 years.
The length of follow-up was calculated from the date
that the radiation therapy was initiated and the
average duration of follow-up was 31.5 months
ranging from 1 to 120 months.
The raw recurrence rate of all tum ors treated was
2.6%. Because of the variation in follow-up lengths
among patients, Kaplan-Meier estimates were used
to estimate the control rates. Kaplan-Meier estimates
(with 95% confidence intervals) of cumulative recur-
rence rates of all tumors at 2 and 5 years were 1.9%
(1%-2.7%) and 5.0% (3.2%-6.7%), respectively; of
BCC at 2 and 5 years were 2% (0.8%-3.3%) and 4.2%
(1.9%-6.4%), respectively; of all SCC (including SCC
in situ) at 2 and 5 years were 1.8% (0.8%-2.8%) and
5.8% (2.9%-8.7%), respectively; of invasive SCC at 2
and 5 years were 1.2% (0%-3.7%) and 6.7% (0%-
14.5%), respectively; and of SCC in situ were 1.9%
(0.7%-3.0%) and 5.5% (2.5%-8.3%) (Fig 1). The
recurrence-free rate of tumors 2 cm or smaller was
significantly lower than tumors larger than 2 cm
(P\.001). Male patients received significantly worse
prognosis than female patients (P = .02). There was
no difference in recurrence-free rate among patients
with different age, tumor types, sites, and T stage.
The clinicopathological variables tested in the uni-
variate analysis are shown in Table III. In multivariate
analyses, male compared with female sex and tumor
size greater than 2 cm compared with less than or
equal to 2 cm were associated with higher recurrence
(likelihood ratio P = .06; Wald P = .02; score (log
rank) P = .02; Cox proportional hazards model)
(Table III). The frailty model gave similar results with
the multivariate survival analysis using the Cox
proportional hazard model. The adjustment on the
within-subject correlation might not be significant
because of the high censoring rates in this data set.
Male compared with female sex and tumor size
greater than 2 cm compared with less than or equal
to 2 cm were associated with higher recurrence
(likelihood ratio P = .06; Wald P = .03; score (log
rank) P = .02; frailty model).
Of the 1715 primary lesions treated with SXRT in
our study, 45 were cons idered to be recurrent at
follow-up. The raw recurrence rate for all tumors
treated was 2.6%. Because of the variation in follow-
up lengths among patients, Kaplan-Meier est imates
were used to estimate the control rates for all tumors
at 2- and 5-year intervals and were found to be 98.1%
and 95.0%, respectively. These numbers are conser-
vative for a number of reasons. Any tumor in the
study that arose within or contiguous to the treat-
ment site was counted as a recurrence. The treatment
sites included both the carefully delineated clinical
lesion and an additional 5- to 10-mm umbra or rim of
Abbreviations used:
BCC: basal cell carcinoma
EBRT: electron beam radiotherapy
MMS: Mohs micrographic surgery
SCC: squamous cell carcinoma
SXRT: superficial x-ray therapy
Cognetta et al 3
clinically uninvolved skin. Many of these patients
had extreme sun damage and, at baseline, were
exhibiting multiple skin cancers arising synchro-
nously or metasynchron ously in individual areas of
the head and neck. This display of multiple discon-
tiguous tumor growths in such patients has often
been attributed to the field effect first described by
Slaughter et al
and is often encountered with
superficial, multicentric BCC and SCC in situ tumors
in heavily sun-damaged areas of the skin. In o ur
study, any occurrence in or contiguous to the radi-
ation treatment field could represent a de novo
cancer but was always counted as a recurrence. In
cases where it was not possible to adequately judge
from the clinical presentation and the medical doc-
umentation photographs whether a new cancer was
outside, contiguous to, or within the previous treat-
ment site, it was counted as a recurrence.
Furthermore, the Kaplan-Meier estimates tend to
overestimate recurrence rates in the context of high
follow-up dropout by patients who continued sub-
sequent care under their referring physician, who
experienced no reportable problems with the treat-
ment site, or who died from other health problems in
their advanced age. It is common for patients and the
referring physicians to report back in follow-up
when there is problem within the treatment site
and, in this way, the proportion of patients in follow-
up at 5 years without recurrences to those who have
a suspected recurrence is very low often creating an
overestimation of the proportion of patients with
recurrence in the Kaplan-Meier estimations.
Nevertheless, the success rates in this study remain
favorable and are comparable with the success rates
of SXRT reported in previous smaller studies in the
last few decades.
In 1992, Silverman et al
reported 5-year recur-
rence rates of 862 primary BCC at 7.4%. Similarly, in
1992, according to Goldschmidt et al,
reported estimated recurrence rates of 5.1% in 297
nonsclerosing BCC and 22% in 36 BCC with a
sclerosing component during a follow-up of 7.9
years. In 2003, Zagrodnik et al
reported 5-year
Kaplan-Meier recurrenc e rates of 8.2% for 103
nodular BCC, 26.1% for 25 superficial BCC, and
27.7% for 47 sclerosing BCC treated with SXRT in
154 patients.
In our study, there was no significant correlation
between age of the patient, tumor type, or anatomic
location and control rates. Tumors of male patients,
and those of a stage of T2 (having a diameter [2 cm)
were more likely to have a recurrence than tumors on
female patients and those of smaller diameters. It is
unclear as to why male patients had a significantly
higher likelihood of recurrence when the treatment
regimens were identical. All of the recurrences had a
stage of T1 or less, had an average recurrent size of
0.89 cm, and were amenable to surgical salvage. The
average time interval until recurrence was 34.7
months. There was no evidence of metastasis in any
of the patients and no tumor-related deaths occurred.
Although cosmesis was not included as a quanti-
fiable variable in this study, it is the opinion of the
authors that cosmesis was good to very good in all of
the patients. None of the results were considered
poor. Fig 2 shows an example of a typical result after
radiotherapy. The most common cosmetically unfa-
vorable side effects experienced were hypopigmen-
tation and a relative increase in telangiectasias within
long-standing treatment areas. Cosmesis could have
been improved by using a higher fractionation pro-
tocol. A large majority of tumors were on the alar rim,
where, in the authors’ opinion, the cosmetic result
with superficial radiation in this sebaceous area
surpasses the cosmetic result of MMS with closure
by plastic surgery while offering comparable cure
rates. Another adv antage of radiation therapy is that,
in certain cases, it may produce better functional and
cosmetic results than surgical excision for carcino-
mas that are larger than 1 cm and involve the eyelids;
tip or other areas of the nose; or skin of the upper
A practical limitation of this study is that it does
not provide information regarding the treatment of
Table I. Number of patients in categories by site,
and final diagnosis
SCC in
situ Combined
Cheek 48 13 40 259 1
Nose 522 51 32 210 6
Forehead 30 9 18 135 1
Lips 6 2 3 5 0
Neck 2 0 0 2 0
Chin 10 0 0 0 0
Mastoid 0 0 0 1 0
Scalp 13 6 40 249 1
All sites 631 81 133 861 9
BCC, Basal cell carcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.
Table II. Type-specific recurrences after therapy
Type No. of tumors No. of recurrences
Nodular BCC 631 20
Superficial BCC 81 2
Invasive SCC 133 4
SCC in situ 861 19
Combined 9 0
Total 1715 45
BCC, Basal cell carcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.
4 Cognetta et al
aggressive BCC and SCC with SXRT. There are
several reports in the literature regarding the suc-
cessful treatment of aggressive BCC with SXRT albeit
with significantly lower cure rates than those re-
ported with the treatment of nona ggressive
All of the tumors treated in this study
were reviewed histologically by the lead author
before treatment selection and determined to be
nonaggressive and amenable to SXRT. Tumors
regarded as aggressive were either treated with
MMS or a referral was made to a nearby teaching
hospital if the patient declined surgery and opted for
radiation therapy. At the outside facilities, EBRT was
typically used by a radiation oncologist.
Although the estimated 5-year recurrence rates of
primary BCC and SCC treated with SXRT in our study
are excellent among nonsurgical treatment modali-
ties, they are not superior to reported recurrence
rates where MMS is used. In a review of over 3
decades of studies, Rowe et al
reported 5-year
recurrence rates of primary BCC treated with MMS to
be 1.0%. In a large 10-year study in Australia,
Leibovitch et al
reported 5-year recurrence rates
of primary SCC and primary SCC in situ treated with
MMS to be 2.6% and 2.5%, respectively. In terms of
tumor clearance rates, M MS remains superior and a
first line of treatment.
In conclusion, our study and reported experience
suggest that SXRT continues to serve as a reasonable
nonsurgical opt ion for the treatment of primary,
nonaggressive BCC and SCC in patients where sur-
gical intervention is declined, una dvisable because
Fig 1. Kaplan-Meier estimates (with 95% confidence intervals) of basal cell carcinoma (BCC )at
2 and 5 years were 2% (0.8%-3.3%) and 4.2% (1.9%-6.4%), respectively; of all squamous cell
carcinoma (SCC ) (including SCC in situ) at 2 and 5 years were 1.8% (0.8%-2.8%) and 5.8%
(2.9%-8.7%), respectively; of invasive SCC at 2 and 5 years were 1.2% (0%-3.7%) and 6.7% (0%-
14.5%), respectively; and of SCC in situ were 1.9% (0.7%-3.0%) and 5.5% (2.5%-8.3%).
Cognetta et al 5
of comorbidities, or potentially associated with sig-
nificant cosmetic or functional limitations. Although
not superior to MMS in terms of tumor recurrence
rates, superficial radiation therapy, when used
properly and responsibly, continues to serve as an
important tool in the dermatologic armamentarium
for the management of skin cancer amidst an in-
creasing elderly and frail patient population.
Table III. Results of univariate and multivariate analysis for recurrence, according to patient and tumor
Univariate Multivariate
HR 95% CI P value HR 95% CI P value
Age, y 0.98 0.94-1.01 .32 0.99 0.95-1.02 .43
Female 0.41 0.19-0.89 .02* 0.42 0.19-0.92 .03*
SCC 1.14 0.62-2.06 .67 1.06 0.33-3.39 .93
S0 (Tis)*
S1(T1 or T2)
0.90 0.49-1.66 .74 0.90 0.30-2.72 .86
Nose 0.98 0.42-2.29 .98 1.19 0.43-3.25 .74
Forehead, lips, neck, chin, mastoid 0.97 0.28-3.33 .97 0.93 0.27-3.20 .90
Scalp 1.40 0.51-3.88 .51 0.87 0.30-2.49 .79
Size, cm
# 2*
[2 3.94 1.74-8.89 \.001* 4.18 1.66-10.53 .002*
BCC, Basal cell carcinoma; CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.
*Base groups in Cox analysis are: Male, BCC, S0(Tis), Cheek, Size # 2 cm.
Because of small number of patients, ‘‘combined’’ type was not included in statistical analyses.
Fig 2. Patient with nodular basal cell carcinoma of right ala before (A), 3 years after (B), and 6
years after (C) superficial radiation therapy.
6 Cognetta et al
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