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§84-1. Legacies classed.
Legacies are distinguished and designated, according to their
nature, as follows:
1. A legacy of a particular thing, specified and distinguished
from all others of the same kind belonging to the testator is
specific; if such legacy fails, resort cannot be had to the other
property of the testator.
2. A legacy is demonstrative when the particular fund or
personal property is pointed out from which it is to be taken or
paid; if such fund or property fails in whole or in part, resort may
be had to the general assets as in case of a general legacy.
3. An annuity is a bequest of certain specified sums
periodically; if the fund or property out of which they are payable
fails, resort may be had to the general assets, as in case of a
general legacy.
4. A residuary legacy embraces only that which remains after all
the bequests of the will are discharged.
5. All other legacies are general legacies. R.L. 1910, Sec.
R.L.1910, § 8317.
§84-2. All property of interstate subject to debts.
When a person dies intestate, all his property, real and
personal, without any distinction between them, is chargeable with
the payment of his debts, except as otherwise provided in this code
and under civil procedure. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8318.
R.L.1910, § 8336.
§84-3. Order of resort to property for payment of debts,
administration expenses and allowances.
The property of a testator, except as otherwise especially
provided in this code and in the chapter on civil procedure must be
resorted to for the payment of debts in the following order:
35"+##'##&'"& 1
1. The property which is expressly appropriated by the will for
the payment of the debts.
2. Property not disposed of by the will.
3. Property which is devised or bequeathed to a residuary
4. Property which is not specifically devised or bequeathed,
5. All other property ratably. Before any debts are paid, the
expenses of the administration and the allowance to the family must
be paid or provided for.
R.L.1910, § 8319.
§84-4. Order of resort to property for payment of legacies.
The property of a testator, except as otherwise specially
provided in this code and under civil procedure, must be resorted to
for the payment of legacies in the following order:
1. The property which is expressly appropriated by the will for
the payment of the legacies.
2. Property not disposed of by the will.
3. Property which is devised or bequeathed to a residuary
4. Property which is specifically devised or bequeathed.
R.L.1910, § 8320.
§84-5. Preferred legacies.
Legacies to husband, widow or kindred of any class, are
chargeable only after legacies to persons not related to the
R.L.1910, § 8321.
§84-6. Abatement takes effect how.
Abatement takes place in any class only as between legacies of
that class, unless a different intention is expressed in the will.
R.L.1910, § 8322.
§84-7. Title and possession - Representative may sell property
In a specific devise or legacy, the title passes by the will, but
possession can only be obtained from the personal representative; and
he may be authorized by the district court to sell the property
devised or bequeathed, in the cases herein provided.
R.L.1910, § 8323.
§84-8. Claim under heir against devisee - Probate proceedings.
The rights of a purchaser or encumbrancer of real property in
good faith, and for value, derived from any person claiming the same
by succession, are not impaired by any devise made by the decedent
35"+##'##&'"& 10
from whom succession is claimed, unless the instrument containing
such devise has been duly admitted to probate by a court of this
state having jurisdiction to administer upon the estate of the
decedent within two (2) years after the death of the decedent, or
unless within one (1) year after the death of the decedent a petition
to admit said will to probate has been duly filed in the court of
this state having jurisdiction to admit said will to probate and the
proceedings have been pursued by the petitioner with diligence.
R.L.1910, § 8324; Laws 1967, c. 233, § 1, emerg. eff. May 4, 1967.
§84-9. Succession to limited legacies - Inventory of property.
Where specific legacies are for life only, the first legatees
must sign and deliver to the second legatee, or, if there is none, to
the personal representative, an inventory of the property, expressing
that the same is in his custody for life only, and that, on his
decease, it is to be delivered and to remain to the use and for the
benefit of the second legatee, or to the personal representative as
the case may be.
R.L.1910, § 8325.
§84-10. Bequest of interest or income begins at death.
In case of a bequest of the interest or income of a certain sum
or fund, the income accrues from the testator's death. R.L.1910,
Sec. 8326.
R.L.1910, § 8326.
§84-11. Satisfaction of legacy before death.
A legacy, or a gift in contemplation, fear or peril of death, may
be satisfied before death.
R.L.1910, § 8327.
§84-12. Legacies due, when - Annuities.
Legacies are due and deliverable at the expiration of one (1)
year after the testator's decease. Annuities commence at the
testator's decease.
R.L.1910, § 8328.
§84-13. Interest on legacies.
Legacies bear interest from the time when they are due and
payable, except that legacies for maintenance, or to the testator's
widow, bear interest from the testator's decease. R.L. 1910, Sec.
R.L.1910, § 8329.
§84-14. Intention of testator controls.
The four preceding sections are in all cases to be controlled by
a testator's express intention. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8330.
35"+##'##&'"& 12
R.L.1910, § 8330.
§84-15. Testator's intention as to executor.
Where it appears by the terms of a will that it was the intention
of the testator to commit the execution thereof and the
administration of his estate to any person as executor, such person
although not named executor, is entitled to letters testamentary in
like manner as if he had been named executor. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8331.
R.L.1910, § 8331.
§84-16. Executor may not appoint executor.
An authority to an executor to appoint an executor, is void. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8332.
R.L.1910, § 8332. R.L.1910, § 8332.
§84-17. Executor's power begins, when - Payment of funeral charges,
No person has any power, as an executor, until he qualifies,
except that, before letters have been issued, he may pay funeral
charges and take necessary measures for the preservation of the
estate. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8333.
R.L.1910, § 8333.
§84-18. Power of executor of executor.
No executor of an executor, as such, has any power over the
estate of the first testator. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8334.
R.L.1910, § 8410.
§84-19. Will includes codicils.
The term "will," as used in this chapter, includes all codicils
as well as wills. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8335.
R.L.1910, § 8335.
§84-20. Law governing validity and interpretation of wills.
Except as otherwise provided, the validity and interpretation of
wills is governed, when relating to real property within this state,
by the law of this state; when relating to personal property, by the
law of the testator's domicile.
R.L.1910, § 8336.
§84-21. Liability of beneficiaries.
Those to whom property is given by will are liable for the
obligations of the testator in the cases and to the extent prescribed
by the chapter on civil procedure, or the statutes in such case made
and provided. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8337.
R.L.1910, § 8337.
35"+##'##&'"& 16
§84-22. Disclaimer of interests passing by will, intestate
succession, etc. - Definitions
As used in this act, unless otherwise clearly required by the
1. "Beneficiary" means and includes any person entitled, but for
his disclaimer, to take an interest, by intestate succession; by
devise; by legacy or bequest; by succession of a disclaimed interest
by will, intestate succession or through the exercise or nonexercise
of a testamentary power of appointment; by virtue of a renunciation
and election to take against a will; as beneficiary of a testamentary
trust; pursuant to the exercise or nonexercise of a testamentary
power of appointment; as donee of a power of appointment created by
testamentary instrument; or otherwise under a testamentary
2. "Interest" means and includes the whole of any property, real
or personal, legal or equitable, or any fractional part, share or
particular portion or specific assets thereof or any estate in any
such property or power to appoint, consume, apply or expend property
or any other right, power, privilege or immunity relating thereto;
3. "Disclaimer" means a written instrument which declines,
refuses, releases, renounces or disclaims an interest which would
otherwise be succeeded to by a beneficiary, which instrument defines
the nature and extent of the interest disclaimed thereby and which
must be signed, witnessed and acknowledged by the disclaimant in the
manner provided for deeds of real estate.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 158, § 1.
§84-23. Right to file disclaimer - Minor incompetent or deceased
A beneficiary may disclaim any interest in whole or in part, or
with reference to specific parts, shares or assets thereof, by filing
a disclaimer in the manner hereinafter provided. A guardian,
executor, administrator or other personal representative of the
estate of a minor, incompetent or deceased beneficiary, if he deems
it in the best interests of those interested in the estate of such
beneficiary and of those who take the beneficiary's interest by
virtue of the disclaimer and not detrimental to the best interests of
the beneficiary, with or without an order of the probate court, may
execute and file a disclaimer on behalf of the beneficiary within the
time and in the manner in which the beneficiary himself could
disclaim if he were living, of legal age and competent. A
beneficiary likewise may execute and file a disclaimer by agent or
attorney so empowered.
Laws 1973, c. 158, § 2.
§84-24. Time for filing disclaimer
35"+##'##&'"& 1
Such disclaimer shall be filed at any time after the creation of
the interest, but in all events within nine (9) months after the
death of the person by whom the interest was created or from whom it
would have been received, or, if the disclaimant is not finally
ascertained as a beneficiary or his interest has not become
indefeasibly fixed both in quality and quantity as of the death of
such person, then such disclaimer shall be filed not later than nine
(9) months after the event which would cause him so to become finally
ascertained and his interest to become indefeasibly fixed both in
quality and quantity.
Laws 1973, c. 158, § 3; Laws 1979, c. 25, § 2.
§84-25. Place of filing disclaimer - Delivery of copies - Interest
in real estate.
Such disclaimer shall be effective upon being filed in the
district court in which the estate of the person by whom the interest
was created or from whom it would have been received is, or has been,
administered or, if no probate administration has been commenced,
then in the district court of any county provided in Oklahoma
Statutes as the place for probate administration of the estate of
such person. A copy of the disclaimer shall be delivered or mailed
to the representative, trustee or other person having legal title to,
or possession of, the property in which the interest disclaimed
exists, and no such representative, trustee or person shall be liable
for any otherwise proper distribution or other disposition made
without actual notice of the disclaimer. If an interest in or
relating to real estate is disclaimed the original of the disclaimer,
or a copy of the disclaimer certified as true and complete by the
clerk of the district court wherein the same has been filed, shall be
filed in the office of the county clerk in the county or counties
where the real estate is situated and shall constitute notice to all
persons only from and after the time of such filing.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 158, § 4.
§84-26. Disposition of interest disclaimed.
Unless the person by whom the interest was created or from whom
it would have been received has otherwise provided by will or other
appropriate instrument with reference to the possibility of a
disclaimer by the beneficiary, the interest disclaimed shall descend,
be distributed or otherwise be disposed of in the same manner as if
the disclaimant had died immediately preceding the death or other
event which causes him to become finally ascertained as a beneficiary
and his interest to become indefeasibly fixed both in quality and
quantity, and, in any case, the disclaimer shall relate for all
purposes to such date, whether filed before or after such death or
other event. However, one disclaiming an interest in a nonresiduary
gift, devise or bequest shall not be excluded, unless his disclaimer
35"+##'##&'"& 19
so provides, from sharing in a gift, devise or bequest of the residue
even though, through lapse, such residue includes the assets
disclaimed. An interest of any nature in or to the estate of an
intestate may be declined, refused or disclaimed as herein provided
without ever vesting in the disclaimant.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 158, § 5.
§84-27. Uniform Fraudulent Conveyance Act not abrogated - Bar on
right to disclaim in certain cases.
Nothing included in this act shall be deemed to amend, repeal or
abrogate in any manner Title 24 O.S. 1971, Sections 101 through 111,
inclusive. Any voluntary assignment or transfer of, or contract to
assign or transfer, an interest in real or personal property, or
written waiver of the right to disclaim the succession to an interest
in real or personal property, by any beneficiary, or any sale or
other disposition of an interest in real or personal property
pursuant to judicial process, made before he has filed a disclaimer,
as herein provided, bars the right otherwise hereby conferred on such
beneficiary to disclaim as to such interest.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 158, § 6.
§84-28. Spendthrift provisions - Binding effect of disclaimer -
Spouse of disclaimant.
The right to disclaim granted by this act shall exist
irrespective of any limitation imposed on the interest of the
disclaimant in the nature of an express or implied spendthrift
provision or similar restriction. A disclaimer, when filed as
provided in this act, or a written waiver of the right to disclaim,
shall be binding upon the disclaimant or beneficiary so waiving and
all parties thereafter claiming by, through or under him, except that
a beneficiary so waiving may thereafter transfer, assign or release
his interest if such is not prohibited by an express or implied
spendthrift provision. If an interest in real estate is disclaimed
and the disclaimer is duly filed in accordance with the provisions of
Section 4 of this act, the spouse of the disclaimant, if such spouse
has consented to the disclaimer in writing, shall thereupon be
automatically debarred from any claim, right or interest in such real
estate to which such spouse, except for such disclaimer, would have
been entitled.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 158, § 7.
§84-29. Other rights not abridged.
This act shall not abridge the right of any person, apart from
this act, under any existing or future statute or rule of law, to
disclaim any interest or to assign, convey, release, renounce or
otherwise dispose of any interest.
Added by Laws 1973, c. 158, § 8.
35"+##'##&'"& 1:
§84-30. Interest not fixed or finally ascertained - Right to
Any interest which exists on the effective date of this act but
which has not then become indefeasibly fixed both in quality and
quantity, or the taker of which has not then become finally
ascertained, may be thereafter disclaimed in the manner provided
Added by Laws 1973, c. 158, § 9.
§84-31. Disclaimer of interest in trust - Conditions.
An interest in trust may be disclaimed by written instrument
signed by the trustee and income beneficiary of the trust, without
judicial approval and without liability of the trustee to persons
having interest becoming effective after the death of the income
beneficiary, but only if the interest disclaimed passes to the
descendants of grantor. This provision shall not abridge or limit
the right presently existing of a trustee or beneficiary to disclaim
interest in trust.
Added by Laws 1982, c. 368, § 3, operative July 1, 1982.
§84-41. Persons who may make a will - Persons subject to
guardianship or conservatorship.
A. Every person over the age of eighteen (18) years of sound
mind may, by last will, dispose of all his estate, real and personal,
and such estate not disposed of by will is succeeded to as provided
in this title, being chargeable in both cases with the payment of all
the decedent's debts, as provided in Title 12 of the Oklahoma
B. The appointment of a guardian or a conservator does not
prohibit a person from disposing of his estate, real and personal, by
will; provided, that when any person subject to a guardianship or
conservatorship shall dispose of such estate by will, such will must
be subscribed and acknowledged in the presence of a judge of the
district court. The judge before whom the will is subscribed and
acknowledged shall attest to the execution of the will but shall have
neither the duty nor the authority to approve or disapprove the
contents of the will. Subscribing and acknowledging such will before
a judge shall not render such will valid if it would otherwise be
R.L. 1910, § 8338; Laws 1982, c. 131, § 1, operative Oct. 1, 1982;
Laws 1992, c. 395, § 13, eff. Sept. 1, 1992.
§84-42. Right of married woman.
A married woman may dispose of all her separate estate by will,
without the consent of her husband, and may alter or revoke the will
35"+##'##&'"& 1
in like manner as if she were single. Her will must be executed and
proved in like manner as other wills.
R.L.1910, § 8339.
§84-43. Duress, menace, fraud, or undue influence - Revocation.
A will or part of a will procured to be made by duress, menace,
fraud or undue influence, may be denied probate; and a revocation
procured by the same means, may be declared void.
R.L.1910, § 8340.
§84-44. Property which may be disposed of - Election by surviving
spouse - Homestead.
A. Every estate in property may be disposed of by will;
provided however, that a will shall be subservient to any antenuptial
marriage contract in writing; but no spouse shall bequeath or devise
away from the other so much of the estate of the testator that the
other spouse would receive less in value than would be obtained
through succession by law; provided, however, that of the property
not acquired by joint industry during coverture the testator be not
required to devise or bequeath more than one-half (1/2) thereof in
value to the surviving spouse; provided further, that no person shall
by will dispose of property which could not be by the testator
alienated, encumbered or conveyed while living, except that the
homestead may be devised by one spouse to the other. This subsection
shall not apply to the estate of a decedent who dies on or after July
1, 1985.
B. This subsection shall apply to the estate of a decedent who
dies on or after July 1, 1985.
1. Every estate in property may be disposed of by will except
that a will shall be subservient to any antenuptial marriage contract
in writing. In addition, no spouse shall bequeath or devise away
from the other so much of the estate of the testator that the other
spouse would receive less in value than an undivided one-half (1/2)
interest in the property acquired by the joint industry of the
husband and wife during coverture. No person shall by will dispose
of property which could not be by the testator alienated, encumbered
or conveyed while living, except that the homestead may be devised by
one spouse to the other.
2. The spouse of a decedent has a right of election to take the
one-half (1/2) interest in the property as provided in paragraph 1 of
this subsection in lieu of all devises, legacies and bequests for the
benefit of the spouse contained in the last will and testament of the
3. If the surviving spouse desires to make the election
provided in paragraph 2 of this subsection to take the property
specified therein in lieu of all devises, legacies and bequests for
the benefit of the surviving spouse contained in the last will and
35"+##'##&'"& 1
testament of a decedent, then the surviving spouse shall make such
election affirmatively in writing, which writing shall be filed in
the district court in which the estate of the decedent is being
administered on or before the final date for hearing of the petition
for final distribution of the estate. The court clerk shall
immediately mail a copy of such election to the personal
representative of the estate and to all attorneys of record of the
estate. Such written election of the surviving spouse shall be in
the form of a writing separate from all other pleadings and documents
filed in the district court in which the estate is being
administered. Failure of the surviving spouse to substantially
comply with the provisions of this subsection shall render the
attempted election by the surviving spouse void and of no force or
effect; provided that such failure shall not prohibit the surviving
spouse from making a subsequent election within the allotted time
period, which substantially complies with this subsection.
4. The right of election of the surviving spouse provided for
in paragraph 2 of this subsection is personal to the surviving spouse
and may be exercised only during the lifetime of the surviving
spouse. However, if there has been a guardian or conservator duly
appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, and such court has
judicially determined the surviving spouse to be incompetent, then
such guardian or conservator may make the election on behalf of the
surviving spouse, but only if the same is approved by the court
having jurisdiction over such guardian or conservator. Further, a
certified copy of the document or documents evidencing the
appointment of such guardian or conservator for the surviving spouse,
and a certified copy of the order of the applicable court approving
such guardian's or conservator's making such election on behalf of
the surviving spouse, shall be attached to the election, which shall
also be in substantial compliance with the provisions of paragraph 3
of this subsection, or such election shall be void and of no force or
effect. The guardian or conservator may be appointed in any state,
and may have been appointed at any time prior to the expiration of
the time permitted for the election to be made as provided in
paragraph 3 of this subsection.
Amended by Laws 1984, c. 233, § 2, eff. July 1, 1985.
§84-45. Persons who may take under will - Exception as to
A testamentary disposition may be made to any person capable by
law of taking the property so disposed of, except that no corporation
can take under a will, unless expressly authorized by its charter or
by statute so to take.
R.L.1910, § 8342.
§84-46. Nuncupative wills - Requisites.
35"+##'##&'"& 1*
To make a nuncupative will valid, and to entitle it to be
admitted to probate, the following requisites must be observed:
1. The estate bequeathed must not exceed in value the sum of One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).
2. It must be proved by two witnesses who were present at the
making thereof, one of whom was asked by the testator at the time to
bear witness that such was his will, or to that effect.
3. The decedent must at the time, have been in actual military
service in the field, or doing duty on shipboard at sea, and in
either case in actual contemplation, fear or peril of death, or the
decedent must have been at the time in expectation of immediate death
from an injury received the same day.
R.L.1910, § 8343.
§84-51. Nuncupative will need not be in writing.
A nuncupative will is not required to be in writing, nor to be
declared or attested with any formalities.
R.L.1910, § 8344.
§84-52. Mutual will - Revocation.
A conjoint or mutual will is valid, but it may be revoked by any
of the testators in like manner with any other will.
R.L.1910, § 8345.
§84-53. Probate of conditional will.
A will, the validity of which is made by its own terms
conditional, may be denied probate, according to the event, with
reference to the condition.
R.L.1910, § 8346.
§84-54. Holographic wills - Requisites.
A holographic will is one that is entirely written, dated and
signed by the hand of the testator himself. It is subject to no
other form, and may be made in or out of this State, and need not be
R.L.1910, § 8347.
§84-55. Formal requisites in execution - Self-proved wills.
Every will, other than a nuncupative will, must be in writing;
and every will, other than a holographic will and a nuncupative will,
must be executed and attested as follows:
1. It must be subscribed at the end thereof by the testator
himself, or some person, in his presence and by his direction, must
subscribe his name thereto.
2. The subscription must be made in the presence of the
attesting witnesses, or be acknowledged by the testator to them, to
have been made by him or by his authority.
35"+##'##&'"& 1
3. The testator must, at the time of subscribing or
acknowledging the same, declare to the attesting witnesses that the
instrument is his will.
4. There must be two attesting witnesses, each of whom must sign
his name as a witness at the end of the will at the testator's
request and in his presence.
5. Every will, other than a holographic and a nuncupative will,
and every codicil to such will or to a holographic will may, at the
time of execution or at any subsequent date during the lifetimes of
the testator and the witnesses, be made self-proved, and the
testimony of the witnesses in the probate thereof may be made
unnecessary by:
a. the acknowledgment thereof by the testator and the
affidavits of the attesting witnesses, each made before
an officer authorized to take acknowledgments to deeds
of conveyance and to administer oaths under the laws of
this state, such acknowledgments and affidavits being
evidenced by the certificate, with official seal
affixed, of such officer attached or annexed to such
testamentary instrument in form and contents
substantially as follows:
COUNTY OF ___________
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally
appeared __________, __________, and __________, known to me to be
the testator and the witnesses, respectively, whose names are
subscribed to the annexed or foregoing instrument in their respective
capacities, and, all of said persons being by me first duly sworn,
said _________, testator, declared to me and to the said witnesses in
my presence that said instrument is his last will and testament or a
codicil to his last will and testament, and that he had willingly
made and executed it as his free and voluntary act and deed for the
purposes therein expressed; and the said witnesses, each on his oath
stated to me, in the presence and hearing of the said testator, that
the said testator had declared to them that said instrument is his
last will and testament or codicil to his last will and testament,
and that he executed same as such and wanted each of them to sign it
as a witness; and upon their oaths each witness stated further that
they did sign the same as witnesses in the presence of the said
testator and at his request and that said testator was at that time
eighteen (18) years of age or over and was of sound mind.
Witness (signature)
Name and Residence (printed)
35"+##'##&'"& 10
Witness (signature)
Name and Residence (printed)
Subscribed and acknowledged before me by the said __________,
testator, and subscribed and sworn before me by the said __________,
and __________ witnesses, this _____ day of ________, A.D., _______.
(SEAL) (SIGNED)____________________
b. the written declaration of the testator and the written
declarations of the attesting witnesses made in
substantially the following form:
We the undersigned are the testator and the witnesses,
respectively, whose names are subscribed to the annexed or foregoing
instrument in their respective capacities, and we do hereby declare
that said __________, testator, declared to said witnesses that said
instrument is his last will and testament or a codicil to his last
will and testament, and that he willingly made and executed it as his
free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein expressed;
and said witnesses further declare that the said testator declared to
them that said instrument is his last will and testament or codicil
to his last will and testament, and that he executed same as such and
wanted each of us to sign it as a witness; and that we did sign the
same as witnesses in the presence of the said testator and at his
request and that said testator was at that time eighteen (18) years
of age or over and was of sound mind, all of which we declare and
sign under penalty of perjury this ________ day of ________.
Witness (signature)
Name and Residence (printed)
Witness (signature)
Name and Residence (printed)
6. Any person falsely executing a written declaration as a
witness or misrepresenting his or her identity with the intent to
defraud another person pursuant to subparagraph b of paragraph 5 of
this subsection shall, upon conviction, be deemed guilty of the
felony of perjury and shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by
7. A self-proved testamentary instrument shall be admitted to
probate without the testimony of any subscribing witness, unless
35"+##'##&'"& 12
contested, but otherwise it shall be treated no differently than a
will or codicil not self-proved. Furthermore, a self-proved
testamentary instrument may be revoked or amended by a codicil in
exactly the same fashion as a will or codicil not self-proved and
such a testamentary instrument may be contested as a will not self-
R.L. 1910, § 8348. Amended by Laws 1961, p. 636, § 1; Laws 1965, c.
11, § 1, emerg. eff. Feb. 10, 1965; Laws 1976, c. 46, § 1; Laws 1977,
c. 58, § 1; Laws 1996, c. 107, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1996; Laws 1997, c.
133, § 597, eff. July 1, 1998.
§84-56. Method of witnessing a will.
A witness to a written will must write, with his name, his place
of residence; and a person who subscribed the testator's name, by his
direction, must write his own name as a witness to the will. But a
violation of this section does not affect the validity of the will.
R.L.1910, § 8349.
§84-57. Codicil, effect of.
The execution of a codicil referring to a previous will has the
effect to republish the will as modified by the codicil.
R.L.1910, § 8350.
§84-71. Law of place governs execution or revocation.
A will, or a revocation thereof, made out of this state by a
person not having his domicile in this state; is as valid when
executed according to the law of the place in which the same was
made, or in which the testator was at the time domiciled, as if it
were made in this state, and according to the provisions of this
R.L.1910, § 8351.
§84-72. Law must be followed in execution or revocation.
No will or revocation is valid unless executed either according
to the provisions of this article, or according to the law of the
place in which it was made, or in which the testator was at the time
R.L.1910, § 8352.
§84-73. Change of domicile does not affect will.
Whenever a will or a revocation thereof is duly executed
according to the law of the place in which the same was made, or in
which the testator was at the time domiciled, the same is regulated
as to the validity of its execution, by the law of such place,
notwithstanding that the testator subsequently changed his domicile
to a place, by the law of which such will would be void.
R.L.1910, § 8353.
35"+##'##&'"& 16
§84-81. Wills deposited with judge of the district court.
Every judge of the district court must deposit in his office any
will delivered to him for that purpose, and give a written receipt to
the depositor; and must enclose such will in a sealed wrapper, so
that it cannot be read, and endorse thereon the name of the testator,
his residence, and the date of the deposit; and such wrapper must not
be opened until its delivery under the provisions of the next
R.L.1910, § 8354.
§84-82. Delivery of deposited will.
A will deposited under the provisions of the last section must be
delivered only:
1. To the testator in person.
2. Upon his written order, duly proved by the oath of a
subscribing witness.
3. After his death, to the person, if any, name in the
endorsement on the wrapper of the will; or,
4. If there is no such endorsement, and if the will was not
deposited with the judge of the district court having jurisdiction of
its probate, then to the judge of the district court who has
R.L.1910, § 8355.
§84-83. Duty of judge having will on deposit after testator's death.
The judge of the district court with whom a will is deposited, or
to whom it is delivered, must, after the death of the testator,
publicly open and examine the will and file in his office, there to
remain until duly proved, or to deliver it to the judge of the
district court having jurisdiction of its probate.
R.L.1910, § 8356.
§84-91. Proof of lost or destroyed will
A lost or destroyed will of real or personal property, or both,
may be established in the cases provided by law.
R.L.1910, § 8357.
§84-101. Revocation of wills.
Except in the cases in this article mentioned no written will,
nor any part thereof, can be revoked or altered otherwise than:
1. By a written will or other writing of the testator, declaring
such revocation or alteration, and executed with the same formalities
with which a will should be executed by such testator; or,
2. By being burnt, torn, canceled, obliterated or destroyed,
with intent and for the purpose of revoking the same, by the testator
himself, or by some person in his presence and by his direction.
35"+##'##&'"& 1
R.L.1910, § 8358.
§84-102. Proof of destruction.
When a will is canceled or destroyed by any other person than the
testator, the direction of the testator, and the fact of such injury
or destruction, must be proved by two witnesses. R.L. 1910, Sec.
R.L.1910, § 8359.
§84-103. Effect of alteration or partial erasure
A revocation by obliteration on the face of the will may be
partial or total, and is complete if the material part is so
obliterated as to show an intention to revoke; but where, in order to
effect a new disposition the testator attempts to revoke a provision
of the will by altering or obliterating it on the face thereof, such
revocation is not valid unless the new disposition is legally
effected. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8360.
R.L.1910, § 8361.
§84-104. Revocation of duplicate will.
The revocation of a will, executed in duplicate, may be made by
revoking one of the duplicates.
R.L.1910, § 8361.
§84-105. Revocation by subsequent will.
A prior will is not revoked by a subsequent will, unless the
latter contains an express revocation, or provisions wholly
inconsistent with the terms of the former will; but in other cases
the prior will remains effectual so far as consistent with the
provisions of the subsequent will. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8362.
R.L.1910, § 8362.
§84-106. Revocation of subsequent will.
If, after making a will, the testator duly makes and executes a
subsequent will, the destruction, canceling or revocation of the
latter does not revive the former, unless it appears by the terms of
such revocation that it was his intention to renew the former will,
or unless after such destruction, canceling or revocation, he
republishes the prior will. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8363.
R.L.1910, § 8363.
§84-109. Effect of sale of devised property.
An agreement made by a testator, for the sale or transfer of
property disposed of by will previously made, does not revoke such
disposal; but the property passes by the will, subject to the same
remedies on the testator's agreement, for a specific performance or
otherwise, against the devisees or legatees, as might be had against
35"+##'##&'"& 19
the testator's successors, if the same had passed by succession. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8366.
R.L.1910, § 8366.
§84-110. Encumbrance not a revocation.
A charge or encumbrance upon any estate, for the purpose of
securing the payment of money or the performance of any covenant or
agreement, is not a revocation of any will relating to the same
estate which was previously executed, but the devise and legacies
therein contained must pass subject to such charge or encumbrance.
R.L.1910, § 8367.
§84-111. Partial disposal not a revocation.
A conveyance, settlement, or other act of a testator, by which
his interest in a thing previously disposed of by his will is
altered, but not wholly divested, is not a revocation; but the will
passes the property which would otherwise devolve by succession. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8368.
R.L.1910, § 8368.
§84-112. When intent to revoke expressed.
If the instrument by which an alteration is made in the
testator's interest in a thing previously disposed of by his will,
expresses his intent that it shall be a revocation, or if it contains
provisions wholly inconsistent with the terms and nature of the
testamentary disposition, it operates as a revocation thereof, unless
such inconsistent provisions depend on a condition or contingency, by
reason of which they do not take effect. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8369.
R.L.1910, § 8369.
§84-113. Codicils revoked with will.
The revocation of a will revokes all its codicils. R.L. 1910,
Sec. 8370.
R.L.1910, § 8370.
§84-114. Divorce or annulment as revoking will.
A. If, after making a will, the testator is divorced, all
provisions in such will in favor of the testator's spouse so divorced
are thereby revoked. Annulment of the testator's marriage shall have
the same effect as a divorce. In the event of either divorce or
annulment, the testator's former spouse shall be treated for all
purposes under the will as having predeceased the testator. Provided,
however, this section shall not apply if the decree of divorce or of
annulment is vacated or if the testator remarries his former spouse,
or following said divorce or annulment, executes a new will or
codicil which is not revoked or held invalid.
35"+##'##&'"& 1:
B. This section shall apply to any will of a decedent dying on
or after November 1, 1987.
Amended by Laws 1987, c. 201, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1987.
§84-131. After-born children not provided for in will.
Whenever a testator has a child born after the making of his
will, either in his lifetime or after his death, and dies leaving
such child unprovided for by any settlement, and neither provided for
nor in any way mentioned in his will, the child succeeds to the same
portion of the testator's real and personal property that he would
have succeeded to if the testator had died intestate. R.L. 1910,
Sec. 8371.
R.L.1910, § 8371.
§84-132. Provision for children unintentionally omitted.
When any testator omits to provide in his will for any of his
children, or for the issue of any deceased child unless it appears
that such omission was intentional, such child, or the issue of such
child, must have the same share in the estate of the testator, as if
he had died intestate, and succeeds thereto as provided in the
preceding section. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8372.
§84-133. How provision made as to child born after or omitted from
When any share of the estate of a testator is assigned to a child
born after the making of a will, or to a child, or the issue of a
child, omitted in a will as hereinbefore mentioned, the same must
first be taken from the estate not disposed of by the will, if any;
if that is not sufficient, so much as may be necessary must be taken
from all the devisees, or legatees, in proportion to the value they
may respectively receive under the will, unless the obvious intention
of the testator in relation to some specific devise or bequest or
other provision in the will, would thereby be defeated; in such case
such specific devise, legacy or provision may be exempted from such
apportionment, and a different apportionment, consistent with the
intention of the testator, may be adopted.
R.L.1910, § 8373.
§84-134. Advancements cover rights.
If such children, or their descendants, so unprovided for, had an
equal proportion of the testator's estate bestowed on them in the
testator's lifetime, by way of advancement, they take nothing in
virtue of the provisions of the three preceding sections. R.L. 1910,
Sec. 8374.
R.L.1910, § 8374.
§84-141. Devise of land gives all estator's estate.
35"+##'##&'"& 1
Every devise of land in any will conveys all the estate of the
devisor therein, which he could lawfully devise, unless it clearly
appears by the will that he intended to convey a less estate. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8375.
R.L.1910, § 8375.
§84-142. Death of devisee or legatee before testator - Rights of
When any estate is devised or bequeathed to any child or other
relation of the testator, and the devisee or legatee dies before the
testator, leaving lineal descendants, such descendants take the
estate so given by the will, in the same manner as the devisee or
legatee would have done had he survived the testator. R.L. 1910,
Sec. 8376; Laws 1945, p. 414, Sec. 1.
R.L.1910, § 8376; Laws 1945, p. 414, § 1.
§84-143. Gift to witness void - Exception.
All beneficial devises, legacies or gifts whatever, made or given
in any will to a subscribing witness thereto, are void unless there
are two other competent subscribing witnesses to the same; but a mere
charge on the estate of the testator for the payment of debts does
not prevent his creditors from being competent witnesses to the will.
R.L.1910, § 8377.
§84-144. Witness entitled without will.
If a witness to whom any beneficial devise, legacy or gift, void
by the preceding section, is made, would have been entitled to any
share of the estate of the testator, in case the will should not be
established, he succeeds to so much of the share as would be
distributed to him, not exceeding the devise or bequest made to him
in the will, and he may recover the same of the other devisees or
legatees name in the will, in proportion to and out of the parts
devised or bequeathed to them. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8378.
R.L.1910, § 8378.
§84-145. Subsequent incompetency of witnesses immaterial.
If the subscribing witnesses to a will are competent at the time
of attesting its execution, their subsequent incompetency, from
whatever cause it may arise, does not prevent the probate and
allowance of the will, if it is otherwise satisfactorily proved. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8379.
R.L.1910, § 8379.
§84-146. Property acquired after will.
Any estate, right or interest in lands acquired by the testator
after the making of his will, passes thereby and in like manner as if
title thereto was vested in him at the time of making the will,
35"+##'##&'"& 1
unless the contrary manifestly appears by the will to have been the
intention of the testator. Every will made in express terms,
devising, or in any other terms denoting the intent of the testator
to devise all the real estate of such testator, passes all the real
estate which such testator was entitled to devise at the time of his
decease. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8380.
R.L.1910, § 8380.
§84-151. Intention of testator governs.
A will is to be construed according to the intention of the
testator. Where his intention cannot have effect to its full extent,
it must have effect as far as possible. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8381.
§84-152. Ascertaining intention.
In case of uncertainty, arising upon the face of a will, as to
the application of any of its provisions, the testator's intention is
to be ascertained form the words of the will, taking into view the
circumstances under which it was made, exclusive of his oral
declarations. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8382.
R.L.1910, § 8382.
§84-153. Rules of this article govern interpretation.
In interpreting a will, subject to the laws of this atate, the
rules prescribed by the following sections of this article are to be
observed, unless an intention to the contrary clearly appears.
R.L.1910, § 8383.
§84-154. Several instruments construed as one.
Several testamentary instruments, executed by the same testator,
are to be taken and construed together as one instrument. R.L. 1910,
Sec. 8384.
R.L.1910, § 8384.
§84-155. Irreconcilable parts.
All the parts of a will are to be construed in relation to each
other, and so as to form one consistent whole, if possible but where
several parts are absolutely irreconcilable, the latter as to
position must prevail. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8385.
R.L.1910, § 8385.
§84-156. Plain devise not affected by other parts of will.
A clear and distinct devise or bequest cannot be affected by any
reasons assigned therefor, or by any other words not equally clear
and distinct, or by inference or argument from other parts of the
will, or by an inaccurate recital of or reference to its contents in
another part of the will. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8386.
R.L.1910, § 8386.
35"+##'##&'"& 1*
§84-157. Ambiguities.
Where the meaning of any part of a will is ambiguous or doubtful
it may be explained by any reference thereto, or recital thereof, in
another part of the will. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8387.
R.L.1910, § 8387.
§84-158. Words taken in ordinary sense.
The words of a will are to be taken in their ordinary and
grammatical sense unless a clear intention to use them in another
sense can be collected, and that other can be ascertained. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8388.
R.L.1910, § 8388.
§84-159. Words to be given effect if possible.
The words of a will are to receive an interpretation which will
give to every expression some effect rather than one which shall
render any of the expressions inoperative. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8389.
R.L.1910, § 8389. x
§84-160. Interpretation against total intestacy.
Of two modes of interpreting a will, that is to be preferred
which will prevent a total intestacy. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8390.
R.L.1910, § 8390.
§84-161. Technical words.
Technical words in a will are to be taken in their technical
sense unless the context clearly indicates a contrary intention. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8391.
R.L.1910, § 8391.
§84-162. Technical expression not required.
Technical words are not necessary to give effect to any species
of disposition by a will. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8392.
R.L.1910, § 8392.
§84-163. Words of inheritance not necessary.
The term "heirs," or other words of inheritance, are not
requisite to devise a fee, and a devise of real property passes all
the estate of the testator, unless otherwise limited. R.L. 1910,
Sec. 8393.
R.L.1910, § 8393.
§84-164. Execution of power to devise.
Real or personal property embraced in a power to devise passes by
a will purporting to devise all the real or personal property of the
testator. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8394.
35"+##'##&'"& 1
R.L.1910, § 8394.
§84-165. General disposition includes what.
A devise or bequest of all the testator's real or personal
property, in express terms, or in any other terms denoting his intent
to dispose of all his real or personal property, passes all the real
or personal property which he was entitled to dispose of by will at
the time of his death. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8395.
R.L.1910, § 8395.
§84-166. Devise of residue of real estate.
A devise of the residue of the testator's real property passes
all the real property which he was entitled to devise at the time of
his death, not otherwise effectually devised by his will. R.L. 1910,
Sec. 8396.
R.L.1910, § 8396.
§84-167. Devise of residue of personalty.
A bequest of the residue of the testator's personal property
passes all the personal property which he was entitled to bequeath at
the time of his death not otherwise effectually bequeathed by his
will. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8397.
R.L.1910, § 8397.
§84-168. Effect of certain terms as "heirs," "relations," etc.
A testamentary disposition to "heirs," "relations," "nearest
relations," "representatives," "legal representatives," or "personal
representatives," or "family," "issue," "descendants," "nearest," or
"next of kin," of any person, without other words of qualification,
and when the terms are used as words of donation, and not of
limitation, vests the property in those who would be entitled to
succeed to the property of such person according to the provisions of
this article on succession in this chapter. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8398.
R.L.1910, § 8398.
§84-169. When terms "heirs," "relations," etc. construed as words of
The terms mentioned in the last section are used as words of
donation, and not limitation, when the property is given to the
person so designated, directly, and not as a qualification of an
estate given to the ancestor of such person. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8399.
R.L.1910, § 8399.
§84-170. Words referring to survivorship.
Words in a will referring to death or survivorship, simply,
relate to the time of the testator's death, unless possession is
35"+##'##&'"& 10
actually postponed, when they must be referred to the time of
possession. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8400.
R.L.1910, § 8400.
§84-171. Disposition to class includes all.
A testamentary disposition to a class includes every person
answering the description at the testator's death; but when the
possession is postponed to a future period, it includes also all the
persons coming within the description before the time to which the
possession is postponed. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8401.
R.L.1910, § 8401.
§84-172. Conversion of realty into money.
When a will directs the conversion of real property into money,
such property and all its proceeds must be deemed personal property,
from the time of the testator's death. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8402.
R.L.1910, § 8402.
§84-173. Unborn child included in class, when.
A child conceived before, but not born until after a testator's
death, or any other period when a disposition to a class vests in
right or in possession, takes, if answering to the description of the
class. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8403.
R.L.1910, § 8403.
§84-174. Errors corrected, how.
If, when applying a will, it is found that there is an imperfect
description, or that no person or property exactly answers the
description, mistakes and omissions must be corrected, if the error
appears from the context of the will or from extrinsic evidence; but
evidence of the declarations of the testator as to his intention
cannot be received. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8404.
R.L.1910, § 8404.
§84-175. Rights presumed to vest on testator's death.
Testamentary dispositions, including devises and bequests to a
person on attaining majority, are presumed to vest at the testator's
death. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8405.
R.L.1910, § 8405.
§84-176. Rights divested, when.
A testamentary disposition, when vested, cannot be divested
unless upon the occurrence of the precise contingency prescribed by
the testator for that purpose. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8406.
R.L.1910, § 8406.
§84-177. Death of devisee or legatee causes failure.
35"+##'##&'"& 12
If a devisee or legatee dies during the lifetime of the testator,
the testamentary disposition to him fails, unless an intention
appears to substitute some other in his place, except as provided in
Section 8922. R.L. 1901, Sec. 8407.
R.L.1910, § 8407. R.L.1910, § 8407.
§84-178. Remaindermen not affected by death of devisee or legatee.
The death of a devisee or legatee of a limited interest, before
the testator's death, does not defeat the interests of persons in
remainder, who survive the testator. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8408.
R.L.1910, § 8334.
§84-179. Conditional disposition defined.
A conditional disposition is one which depends upon the
occurrence of some uncertain event, by which it is either to take
effect or be defeated. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8409.
R.L.1910, § 8409.
§84-180. Condition precedent defined.
A condition precedent in a will is one which is required to be
fulfilled before a particular disposition takes effect.
R.L.1910, § 8410.
§84-181. Condition precedent must be fulfilled - Exception.
Where a testamentary disposition is made upon a condition
precedent, nothing vests until the condition is fulfilled except
where such fulfillment is impossible, in which case the disposition
vests, unless the condition was the sole motive thereof, and the
impossibility was unknown to the testator, or arose from an
unavoidable event subsequent to the execution of the will. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8411.
R.L.1910, § 8334.
§84-182. Substantial compliance as performance of condition
A condition precedent in a will is to be deemed performed when
the testator's intention has been substantially, though not literally
complied with.
R.L.1910, § 8412.
§84-183. Condition subsequent defined.
A condition subsequent is where an estate or interest is so given
as to vest immediately, subject only to be divested by some
subsequent act or event. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8413.
R.L.1910, § 8414.
§84-184. Owners in common created, when.
35"+##'##&'"& 16
A devise or legacy given to more than one person vests in them as
owners in common. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8414.
R.L.1910, § 8414.
§84-185. Gifts do not reduce legacies.
Advancements or gifts are not to be taken as ademptions of
general legacies, unless such intention is expressed by the testator
in writing. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8415.
R.L.1910, § 8415.
§84-186. Unlimited marital deduction - Interpretation of will.
Any will of a decedent dying after December 31, 1981, which
contains a marital deduction formula expressly providing that the
spouse of the testator is to receive the maximum amount of property
qualifying for the marital deduction allowable by federal law shall
be construed as referring to the unlimited marital deduction provided
by the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, Public Law 97-34. This
provision shall applyretrospectively to wills of decedents dying
after December 31, 1981.
Added by Laws 1982, c. 368, § 1, emerg. eff. July 14, 1982. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 123, § 2, emerg. eff. May 17, 1983.
§84-211. Succession defined.
Succession is the coming in of another to take the property of
one who dies without disposing of it by will. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8416.
R.L.1910, § 8416.
§84-212. Property of intestate passes to heirs subject to control of
court and possession of administrator.
The property, both real and personal, of one who dies without
disposing of it by will, passes to the heirs of the intestate,
subject to the control of the district court, and to the possession
of any administrator appointed by that court for the purpose of
R.L.1910, § 8417.
§84-213. Descent and distribution.
A. Prior to July 1, 1985, if any person having title to any
estate not otherwise limited by marriage contract, dies without
disposing of the estate by will, it descends and must be distributed
in the following manner:
First. If the decedent leave a surviving husband or wife, and
only one child, or the lawful issue of one child, in equal shares to
the surviving husband, or wife and child, or issue of such child. If
the decedent leave a surviving husband or wife, and more than one
child living, or one child living and the lawful issue of one or more
deceased children, one-third (1/3) to the surviving husband or wife,
35"+##'##&'"& 1
and the remainder in equal shares to his children, and to the lawful
issue of any deceased child, by right of representation; but if there
be no child of the decedent living at his death, the remainder goes
to all of his lineal descendants; and if all the descendants are in
the same degree of kindred to the decedent they share equally,
otherwise they take according to the right of representation:
Provided, that if the decedent shall have been married more than
once, the spouse at the time of death shall inherit of the property
not acquired during coverture with such spouse only an equal part
with each of the living children of decedent, and the lawful issue of
any deceased child by right of representation. If the decedent leave
no surviving husband or wife, but leaves issue, the whole estate goes
to such issue, and if such issue consists of more than one child
living or one child living, and the lawful issue of one or more
deceased children, then the estate goes in equal shares to the
children living, or to the child living, and the issue of the
deceased child or children by right of representation.
Second. If the decedent leave no issue, the estate goes one-half
(1/2) to the surviving husband or wife, and the remaining one-half
(1/2) to the decedent's father or mother, or, if he leave both father
and mother, to them in equal shares; but if there be no father or
mother, then said remaining one-half (1/2) goes, in equal shares, to
the brothers and sisters of the decedent, and to the children of any
deceased brother or sister, by right of representation. If decedent
leave no issue, nor husband nor wife, the estate must go to the
father or mother, or if he leave both father and mother, to them in
equal shares: Provided, that in all cases where the property is
acquired by the joint industry of husband and wife during coverture,
and there is no issue, the whole estate shall go to the survivor, at
whose death, if any of the said property remain, one-half (1/2) of
such property shall go to the heirs of the husband and one-half (1/2)
to the heirs of the wife, according to the right of representation.
Third. If there be no issue, nor husband nor wife, nor father,
nor mother, then in equal shares to the brothers and sisters of the
decedent, and to the children of any deceased brother or sister, by
right of representation; if the deceased, being a minor, leave no
issue, the estate must go to the parents equally, if living together,
if not living together, to the parent having had the care of said
deceased minor.
Fourth. If the decedent leave no issue nor husband, nor wife,
nor father and no brother or sister is living at the time of his
death, the estate goes to his mother to the exclusion of the issue,
if any, of deceased brothers or sisters.
Fifth. If the decedent leave a surviving husband or wife, and no
issue, and no father, nor mother, nor brother, nor sister, the whole
estate goes to the surviving husband or wife.
35"+##'##&'"& 19
Sixth. If the decedent leave no issue, nor husband, nor wife,
and no father or mother, or brother, or sister, the estate must go to
the next of kin in equal degree, excepting that when there are two or
more collateral kindred, in equal degree, but claiming through
different ancestors, those who claimed through the nearest ancestors
must be preferred to those claiming through an ancestor more remote.
Seventh. If the decedent leave several children, or one child
and the issue of one or more children, and any such surviving child
dies under age, and not having been married, all the estate that came
to the deceased child by inheritance from such decedent, descends in
equal shares to the other children of the same parent, and to the
issue of any such other children who are dead, by right of
Eighth. If, at the death of such child who dies under age, not
having been married, all the other children of his parents are also
dead, and any of them have left issue, the estate that came to such
child by inheritance from his parent descends to the issue of all
other children of the same parent; and if all the issue are in the
same degree of kindred to the child, they share the estate equally,
otherwise, they take according to the right of representation.
Ninth. If the decedent leave no husband, wife, or kindred, the
estate escheats to the state for the support of common schools.
B. Beginning July 1, 1985, if any person having title to any
estate not otherwise limited by any antenuptial marriage contract
dies without disposing of the estate by will, such estate descends
and shall be distributed in the following manner:
1. If the decedent leaves a surviving spouse, the share of the
estate passing to said spouse is:
a. if there is no surviving issue, parent, brother or
sister, the entire estate, or
b. if there is no surviving issue but the decedent is
survived by a parent or parents, brother or sister:
(1) all the property acquired by the joint industry of
the husband and wife during coverture, and
(2) an undivided one-third (1/3) interest in the
remaining estate, or
c. if there are surviving issue, all of whom are also
issue of the surviving spouse:
an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in all the
property of the estate whether acquired by the
joint industry of the husband and wife during
coverture or otherwise, or
d. if there are surviving issue, one or more of whom are
not also issue of the surviving spouse:
(1) an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in the
property acquired by the joint industry of the
husband and wife during coverture, and
35"+##'##&'"& 1*:
(2) an undivided equal part in the property of the
decedent not acquired by the joint industry of the
husband and wife during coverture with each of the
living children of the decedent and the lawful
issue of any deceased child by right of
2. The share of the estate not passing to the surviving spouse
or if there is no surviving spouse, the estate is to be distributed
as follows:
a. in undivided equal shares to the surviving children of
the decedent and issue of any deceased child of the
decedent by right of representation, or
b. if there is no surviving issue, to the surviving parent
or parents of the decedent in undivided equal shares,
c. if there is no surviving issue nor parent, in undivided
equal shares to the issue of parents by right of
representation, or
d. if there is no surviving issue, parent, nor issue of
parents, but the decedent is survived by one or more
grandparents or issue of any grandparent, half of the
estate passes equally to the paternal grandparents if
both survive, or to the surviving paternal grandparent,
or to the issue of any paternal grandparent if both
paternal grandparents are deceased, the issue taking
equally if they are all of the same degree of kinship
to the decedent, but if of unequal degree those of more
remote degree take by representation and the other half
passes to the maternal relatives in the same manner;
but if the decedent is survived by one or more
grandparents or issue of grandparents on only one side
of the family, paternal or maternal, the entire estate
shall pass to such survivors in the manner set forth in
this subsection, or
e. if there is no surviving issue, parent, issue of
parents, grandparent, nor issue of a grandparent, the
estate passes to the next of kin in equal degree;
3. If the decedent leaves no spouse, issue, parent, issue of
parents, grandparent, issue of a grandparent, nor kindred, then the
estate shall escheat to the state for the support of the common
schools; and
4. For the purpose of this section, the phrase "by right of
representation" means the estate is to be divided into as many equal
shares as there are surviving heirs in the nearest degree of kinship
and deceased persons in the same degree who left issue who survive
the decedent, each surviving heir in the nearest degree receiving one
equal share and the equal share of each deceased person in the same
35"+##'##&'"& 1*
degree being divided among his issue in the same manner. The word
"issue" means lineal descendants.
R.L. 1910, § 8418; Laws 1984, c. 233, § 3, eff. July 1, 1985; Laws
1994, c. 8, § 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1994.
§84-214. Dower and courtesy abolished.
Dower and courtesy are abolished. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8419.
R.L.1910, § 8419.
§84-215. Inheritance by and from illegitimate child.
For inheritance purposes, a child born out of wedlock stands in
the same relation to his mother and her kindred, and she and her
kindred to the child, as if that child had been born in wedlock. For
like purposes, every such child stands in identical relation to his
father and his kindred, and the latter and his kindred to the child,
whenever: (a) the father, in writing, signed in the presence of a
competent witness acknowledges himself to be the father of the child,
(b) the father and mother intermarried subsequent to the child's
birth, and the father, after such marriage, acknowledged the child as
his own or adopted him into his family, (c) the father publicly
acknowledged such child as his own, receiving it as such, with the
consent of his wife, if he is married, into his family and otherwise
treating it as if it were a child born in wedlock, or (d) the father
was judicially determined to be such in a paternity proceeding before
a court of competent jurisdiction.
For all purposes, the issue of all marriages null in law, or
dissolved by divorce, are deemed to have been born in wedlock.
R.L.1910, § 8420; Laws 1977, c. 36, § 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1977.
§84-216. Inheritance from illegitimate child.
If an illegitimate child, who has not been acknowledged or
adopted by his father, dies intestate, without lawful issue, his
estate goes to his mother, or, in case of her decease, to her heirs
at law. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8421.
§84-217. Degrees of kindred.
The degree of kindred is established by the number of
generations, and each generation is called a degree. R.L. 1910, Sec.
R.L.1910, § 8422.
§84-218. Lineal and collateral.
The series of degrees from the line; the series of degrees
between persons who descend one from the other is called direct or
lineal consanguinity; and the series of degrees between persons who
do not descend from one another, but spring from a common ancestor,
35"+##'##&'"& 1*
is called the collateral line or collateral consanguinity. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8423.
R.L.1910, § 8423.
§84-219. Ascending and descending lines.
The direct line is divided into a direct line descending and the
direct line ascending. The first is that which connects the ancestor
with those who descend from him. The second is that which connects a
person with those from whom he descends. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8424.
R.L.1910, § 8424.
§84-220. Degrees in direct line.
In the direct line there are as many degrees as there are
generations. Thus the son is, with regard to the father, in the
first degree; the grandson in the second; and vice versa with regard
to the father and grandfather toward the sons and grandsons. R.L.
1910, Sec. 8425.
R.L.1910, § 8425.
§84-221. Collateral degrees, how reckoned.
In the collateral line the degrees are counted by generations,
from one of the relations up to the common ancestor, and from the
common ancestor to the other relations. In such computation the
decedent is excluded, the relative included, and the ancestor counted
but once. Thus brothers are related in the second degree, uncle and
nephew in the third degree, cousins german in the fourth degree, and
so on. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8426.
R.L.1910, § 8426.
§84-222. Kindred of the half-blood.
Kindred of the half-blood inherit equally with those of the whole
blood in the same degree, unless the inheritance come to the
intestate by descent, devise or gift of some one of his ancestors, in
which case all those who are not of the blood of such ancestors must
be excluded from such inheritance. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8427.
§84-223. Advancements.
Any estate, real or personal, given by the decedent in his
lifetime, as an advancement to any child or other lineal descendant,
is a part of the estate of the decedent for the purposes of division
and distribution thereof among his issue, and must be taken by such
child, or other lineal descendant, toward his share of the estate of
the decedent. R.L. 1910, Sec. 8428.
R.L.1910, § 8428.
§84-224. Excess not refunded.
35"+##'##&'"& 1**
If the amount of such advancement exceeds the share of the heir
receiving the same, he must be excluded from any further portion in
the division and distribution of the estate, but he must not be
required to refund any part of such advancement; and if the amount so
received is less than his share, he is entitled to so much more as
will give him his full share of the estate of the decedent.
R.L.1910, § 8429.
§84-225. Advancements defined.
All gifts and grants are made as advancements, if expressed in
the gift or grant to be so made, or if charged in writing by the
decedent as an advancement, or acknowledged in writing as such, by
the child or other successor or heir.
R.L.1910, § 8430.
§84-226. Expressed value of advancement governs.
If the value of the estate so advanced is expressed in the
conveyance, or in the charge thereof made by the decedent, or in the
acknowledgment of the party receiving it, it must be held as of that
value in the division and distribution of the estate; otherwise it
must be estimated according to its value when given, as nearly as the
same can be ascertained.
R.L.1910, § 8431.
§84-227. Representation in advancements.
If any child or other lineal descendant receiving advancement,
dies before the decedent, leaving issue, the advancement must be
taken into consideration in the division and distribution of the
estate, and the amount thereof must be allowed accordingly by the
representatives of the heirs receiving the advancement, in like
manner as if the advancement had been made directly to them.
R.L.1910, § 8432. R.L.1910, § 8432.
§84-228. Representation defined - Posthumous children.
Inheritance or succession by right of representation takes place
when the descendants of any deceased heir take the same share or
right in the estate of another person that their parents would have
taken if living. Posthumous children are considered as living at the
death of their parents.
R.L.1910, § 8433.
§84-229. Aliens may take.
Aliens may take in all cases, by succession, as well as citizens;
and no person, capable of succeeding under the provisions of this
article, is precluded from such succession by reason of the alienage
of any relative.
R.L.1910, § 8434.
35"+##'##&'"& 1*
§84-230. Liabilities of heirs.
Those who succeed to the property of a decedent are liable for
his obligations in the cases and to the extent prescribed by the
Probate Code.
R.L.1910, § 8435.
§84-231. Offenses precluding a person from inheriting or benefiting
by insurance of victim.
No person who is convicted of murder in the first degree, murder
in the second degree, manslaughter in the first degree, as defined by
the laws of this state, or the laws of any other state or foreign
country, of having taken, caused, or procured another to take, the
life of an individual, or who has been convicted of abuse, neglect or
exploitation of a vulnerable adult pursuant to Section 843.3 of Title
21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, shall inherit from the victim of the
offense, or receive any interest in the estate of the victim, or take
by devise or legacy, or as a designated beneficiary of an account or
security which is a POD or TOD designation, or as a surviving joint
tenant, or by descent or distribution, from the victim, any portion
of the victim's estate; and no beneficiary of any policy of insurance
or certificate of membership issued by any benevolent association or
organization, payable upon the death or disability of any person, who
in like manner takes, causes, or procures to be taken, the life upon
which such policy or certificate is issued, or who causes or procures
a disability of such person, or who has been convicted of abuse,
neglect or exploitation of a vulnerable adult pursuant to Section
843.3 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, where such deceased or
disabled person was the victim, shall take the proceeds of such
policy or certificate; but in every instance mentioned in this
section all benefits that would accrue to any such person upon the
death or disability of the person whose life is thus taken, or who is
thus disabled, shall become subject to distribution among the other
heirs of such deceased person according to the laws of descent and
distribution, in the case of death, and in case of disability, the
benefits thereunder shall be paid to the disabled person; provided,
however, that an insurance company shall be discharged of all
liability under a policy issued by it upon payment of the proceeds in
accordance with the terms thereof, unless before such payment the
company shall have written notice by or in behalf of some claimant
other than the beneficiary named in the policy that a claim to the
proceeds of such policy will be made by heirs of such deceased under
the provisions of this section.
Added by Laws 1915, c. 136, § 1. Amended by Laws 1963, c. 309, § 1,
emerg. eff. June 19, 1963; Laws 1975, c. 356, § 1, emerg. eff. June
12, 1975; Laws 1994, c. 313, § 9, eff. Sept. 1, 1994; Laws 2015, c.
27, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2015.
35"+##'##&'"& 1*0
§84-232. Automobiles - Surviving spouse's rights.
Whenever any person dies intestate leaving a surviving spouse,
and there is among the assets of decedent's estate an automobile
owned by said deceased, said automobile shall be and become the sole
and exclusive property of said surviving spouse. If the deceased
held title to more than one automobile at the time of death of said
deceased, the surviving spouse shall have the right to choose one of
said automobiles to be his or her exclusive property and the
remaining automobiles shall be distributed according to the laws of
descent and distribution. Provided that this section shall in no way
release the automobile chosen by the surviving spouse from liability
for the debts of the deceased.
Added by Laws 1953, p. 253, § 1.
§84-251. Proceedings authorized - Jurisdiction - Final determination
- Appeal.
The District Court having jurisdiction to settle the estate of
any deceased person is hereby granted original jurisdiction to hear
and determine the question of fact as to the heirship of such person,
and a determination of such fact by said court shall be conclusive
evidence of said question in all the courts of this state. Provided,
that appeals may be taken from said district court within the time
and in the manner provided by law as in other probate matters. If no
appeal is taken the judgment of the district court shall be final,
and in all cases appealed from the district court when a final
determination thereof is had, same shall be a final determination of
such fact of heirship. Provided, that where the time limited by the
law of this state for the institution of administration proceedings
has elapsed without their institution, as well as in cases where
there exists no lawful ground for the institution of administration
proceedings in said court, a petition may be filed therein having for
its object a determination of such heirship and the case shall
proceed in all respects as if administration proceedings upon other
proper grounds had been regularly begun, but this provision shall not
be construed to reopen the question of the determination of an
heirship already ascertained by competent legal authority under
existing laws.
Laws 1919, c. 25, p. 41, § 1.
§84-252. Petition - Contents.
In all proceedings under this act to determine the question of
heirship of any deceased person it shall be necessary for an heir of
the decedent, or a record claimant of some interest in the estate of
such decedent to file in the proper district court a verified
petition, setting out the name of the deceased, a description of the
estate of which the decedent died seized, respecting which the
35"+##'##&'"& 1*2
question of heirship is sought to be determined, the names and
addresses of all known heirs and record claimants, and the extent of
the interest claimed by such heir or heirs of record claimant, if
Laws 1919, c. 25, p. 41, § 2.
§84-253. Hearing, process and service.
Upon the filing of such petition the judge of the district court
shall make an order fixing a day for the hearing of said petition,
not less than six nor more than ten (10) weeks from the time of
making such order, and directing all the heirs of such deceased
person and record claimant to lands or any part thereof of which said
decedent died seized to appear before the court at the time and place
specified, and to submit to the court evidence that is competent to
establish heirship of such deceased person. The court shall cause
notice of such hearing to be given by serving a copy of said notice
on the known heirs and record claimants of said decedent's estate in
the manner and within the time as provided for service of summons in
civil actions in the district court. The service on unknown heirs
and unknown claimants shall be had in the same manner as is now
provided for the service of summons in civil actions in the district
court for nonresident defendants. The hearing shall be had on the
date fixed by the court, except continuances may be had for good
cause shown, as in civil actions.
Laws 1919, c. 25, p. 41, Sec. 3.
§84-254. Trial and judgment - Rehearings.
Upon the date set for the hearing of said petition the district
court shall hear evidence offered, and shall render judgment
according to said evidence, as in other probate cases, and the court
shall determine the heirs of the said decedent as of the date of the
death of the said decedent. The judgment of the court shall be final
and conclusive on all persons appearing or who have been personally
served with summons, and shall be final as to all those served by
publication, unless any person so served by publication may file in
said district court, within twelve months from the rendition of said
judgment, a verified petition setting forth that he or she did not
have actual notice of the hearing in time to be present at the
hearing, and that he or she, in good faith, believes himself to be an
heir of the decedent and the facts on which such belief is based, and
in that event he shall be heard thereon. The judge of the district
court shall, upon the date of filing said petition, set a date for
the hearing of such petition and shall cause all parties of record in
said cause to be given reasonable notice thereof of not less than ten
nor more than thirty days. Upon such hearing the court shall
determine the heirship of said decedent and shall render a decision
thereon in accord with the facts shown on said hearings; such
35"+##'##&'"& 1*6
judgment so rendered shall vacate the original judgment and shall
have the same force and effect as in the original hearing thereon,
and any party aggrieved may appeal as from the judgment on the
original hearing.
Laws 1919, c. 25, p. 42, § 4.
§84-255. Appeals.
In all cases appealed from any judgment rendered under the
provisions of this act, the law applicable to appeals in probate
matters shall apply, and appeals may be taken from all final orders,
as provided for appeals in probate matters.
Laws 1919, c. 25, p. 42, § 5.
§84-256. Remedies cumulative.
The method herein provided for the determination of the heirs of
a deceased person shall not be exclusive, but shall be in addition to
the method already provided by law, except that the method provided
in Section 6488 of the Revised Laws of Oklahoma, 1910, shall be no
longer in force and said Section 6488 is hereby repealed.
Laws 1919, c. 25, p. 42, § 6.
§84-257. Actions to determine persons entitled to real property -
Description of parties - Publication of notice.
Where any person dies intestate possessed of real property in
this state, or dies having devised pursuant to the law of this state
any real property in this state, in terms to "heirs," "relations,"
"nearest relations," "representatives," "legal representatives,"
"personal representatives," "family," "issues," "descendants,"
"nearest of kin," or to persons by any other description or
designation which leaves at large the names or individual identity of
the particular person embraced therein, and the period of one (1) or
more years since the death of such intestate or testator has elapsed
without their having been a decree by the district court of the
county having jurisdiction to administer upon his estate, wherein it
was judicially determined who, by name, are or were all the
particular persons entitled to participate in the distribution of
such real property under such devise or the law of succession, or
where the grantees in any deed, or deed of patent made and issued or
designated as "the devisees," of "the heirs at law" or "the legal
representatives" of a named deceased person, without naming them, or
by any other description or designation which leaves at large the
names or individual identity of the particular persons embraced
therein, the name and individual identity of each and all the persons
who take or were entitled to take such real property and the
proportion or part thereof which each takes or was entitled to take,
immediately under such testamentary devise, or grant, or the law of
succession, may be judicially determined and jurisdiction thereto
35"+##'##&'"& 1*
invoked in the manner following: In any action which relates to or
the subject matter of which is such real property, or for the
determination in any form of any interest, right, title or estate
therein, or in which the relief demanded consists wholly or partly in
excluding the defendants or any of them from any interest, right,
title or estate therein, the plaintiff may allege, among other
things, in his petition, the facts showing such testamentary devise,
or grant of, or intestate succession to, such real property, and
(regardless of whether they or any of them be living or dead) the
names as he is informed and believes, all of the devisees, or
grantees, or heirs at law, as the case may be, who take or were
entitled to take such real property and the proportion or part which
each takes or was entitled to take therein, immediately under such
devise, or grant, or intestate succession; and he may make all such
devisees, or grantees, or heirs at law, their heirs, executors,
administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, parties defendant in
such action under the description, and have service of notice by
publication upon them under such description, to-wit: "The heirs,
executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, of
__________ deceased." (Naming such testator, or intestate, or the
person stated in such deed or patent to be deceased, as the case may
Added by Laws 1919, c. 261, p. 371, § 1. Amended by Laws 1965, c.
27, § 1.
§84-258. Judgment.
Upon the trial of hearing, and accordingly as the proof or the
state of the pleadings warrant, the court shall find and adjudge the
name and individual identity of each and all the persons who take or
were entitled to take such real property and the proportion or part
thereof which each takes or was entitled to take, immediately under
such testamentary devise, or grant, or the law of succession, as the
case may be, describing such testamentary devise, or grant, or naming
such intestate.
Added by Laws 1919, c. 261, p. 372, § 2.
§84-259. Conclusiveness of judgment.
Such decree or judgment shall be conclusive as to the rights of
such devisees, or heirs at law of such deceased person, or grantees
in such deed or patent, and of their heirs, executors,
administrators, devisees, trustees, and assigns, immediate and
remote, in and to such real property and every part thereof, subject
only to be reversed, or set aside, or modified, on appeal, or to be
opened and they or any of them let in to defend upon the same terms
and with like effect, as provided in section 4728, article 6, chapter
60, of the Revised Laws of Oklahoma 1910, Laws 1919, c. 261, p. 372,
Sec. 3.
35"+##'##&'"& 1*9
Laws 1919, c. 261, p. 372, § 3.
§84-260. Service by publication - Mailing notice to persons named in
When such petition is filed, the party may proceed to make
service by publication upon such defendants, in the manner following:
The publication notice must, in such case, be addressed in terms, to
"the heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and
assigns, of __________ deceased" (naming such deceased person). It
shall be issued over the official signature of the clerk of the
court; shall state the court in which the petition is filed, the name
of the plaintiff, the above description of such defendants, and must
notify the defendants thus described that they have been sued and
must answer the petition filed by the plaintiff, on or before a time
to be stated (which shall not be less than forty-one (41) days from
the date of the first publication), or the petition will be taken as
true, and judgment, the nature of which shall be stated, will be
rendered accordingly. The publication must be made three (3)
consecutive weeks in some newspaper authorized by law to publish
notices in legal proceedings, printed in the county where the
petition is filed, if there be any printed in such county, and if
there be not, then in some newspaper printed in this state of general
circulation in that county. A copy of the publication notice, with a
copy of the petition (without exhibits), shall, within six (6) days
after the first publication of the notice is made, be enclosed in an
envelope and addressed to each of such devisees, grantees, or heirs
at law, as are named in the petition, or his place of residence,
postage prepaid, and deposited in the nearest post office, unless
such place of residence is unknown to the plaintiff.
Laws 1919, c. 261, p. 372, § 4; Laws 1945, p. 414, § 1; Laws 1965, c.
26, § 1, emerg. eff. Feb. 26, 1965.
§84-261. Proof of service.
Service by publication in such cases shall be deemed complete
when it shall have been made in the manner and for the times
prescribed in this section. Proof of the publication of the notice
shall be made by the affidavit of the printer, or his foreman, or
principal clerk, or other person knowing the same, and proof of
mailing the said copy, or that the place of residence of such
defendants or any of them is unknown to the plaintiff, shall be
entered by the affidavit of the plaintiff, his agent or attorney. But
no judgment by default shall be entered against the defendants so
described on such service until proof thereof be made, and approved
by the court and filed.
Laws 1919, c. 261, p. 373, § 5.
§84-271. Conditions of escheat.
35"+##'##&'"& 1:
Subject to the provisions of Sections 271.1 through 277 of this
title, the estate or property of any person shall escheat to and vest
in the state if:
1. Such person die seized of any real property, including
minerals or mineral interests, or possessed of any personal estate,
without any devise thereof, and having no heirs; or
2. Such person is the owner of any real or personal estate
(except mineral interests subject to sale under Section 271.1 of this
title), and shall be absent for the term of seven (7) years, and is
not known to exist. Provided, that where no will is recorded or
probated in the county where such property is situate within seven
(7) years after the death of such owner, it shall be prima facie
evidence that there was no will, and where no lawful claim is
asserted to, or lawful acts of ownership exercised in such property
for the period of seven (7) years, and this has been proved to the
satisfaction of the court, it shall be deemed prima facie evidence of
the death of the owner and of the failure of heirs; and the court
trying the cause, may, if such evidence is not rebutted, find
therefrom in favor of the state; provided, further, that the state
may, without waiting the limit of seven (7) years, bring proceedings
and escheat any such property by making proof of the death of the
owner and the failure of heirs, and nonexistence of will.
R.L.1910, § 8436; Laws 2005, c. 421, § 2, emerg. eff. June 6, 2005.
§84-271.1. Abandoned mineral interests.
If the proceeds or other intangible property interest from any
mineral interests are abandoned for a period of fifteen (15) years,
as provided for in the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, then the
mineral interest which generates the intangible property interest
shall not be subject to escheat, but shall be subject to judicial
sale by the state as provided for in Sections 273 through 277 of this
If a judgment is rendered in favor of the state in such
proceedings, a sale of the mineral interest shall be ordered, then:
1. All abandoned mineral interests within a single production
unit shall be grouped together as far as practicable for purposes of
sale; and
2. Any interest sold by the state shall remain subject to all
prior valid pooling and drilling orders, rules, or regulations of the
Corporation Commission; and
3. The record owner or owners of the surface from which
abandoned mineral interests have been severed shall be mailed at the
last-known address as shown by the records of the county treasurer a
notice of the sale of such abandoned mineral interest at least thirty
(30) days prior to said sale; and
4. The successful bidder at said sale shall pay the costs and
expenses of bringing the action as determined by the court.
35"+##'##&'"& 1
Added by Laws 1978, c. 229, § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 1979. Amended by Laws
1983, c. 184, § 1, eff. June 9, 1983; Laws 1984, c. 7, § 1, eff. Nov.
1, 1984; Laws 2005, c. 421, § 3, emerg. eff. June 6, 2005.
§84-273. Petition in escheat by Attorney General or district
Where the Attorney General of this state or the district attorney
of any county shall be informed, or have reason to believe that the
title to any real or personal property has vested in this state, or
is subject to sale, under Section 271 or 271.1 of this title, the
Attorney General or district attorney shall forthwith file a petition
in the name of the State of Oklahoma, in the district court of the
county where such property, or any part thereof is situate, which
petition shall set forth a description of the said property, the name
of the person, or corporation, last lawfully seized or possessed of
the same, the names of the tenants or persons in actual possession of
same, if any; the names of the persons claiming such property, if any
such are known to claim; and the facts or circumstances in
consequence of which such property is claimed to be subject to
escheat or sale, praying writ of possession in behalf of the state.
R.L.1910, § 8438; Laws 2005, c. 421, § 4, emerg. eff. June 6, 2005.
§84-274. Summons - Notification to Attorney General.
Upon the filing of the petition in an action authorized to be
brought pursuant to Section 271.1 or 273 of this title, the clerk of
the court shall issue summons as in other civil cases, requiring the
persons named to appear and answer as in other civil cases, and in
like manner the clerk shall also issue a summons for publication,
setting forth briefly the contents of the petition, for all persons
interested in the property to appear and answer within thirty (30)
days from the date of first publication, which summons shall be
published as required in other civil suits except that it shall not
be required to be published exceeding thirty (30) days before answer
required. If the petition has been filed by the district attorney
for the county where the property is located, a summons and a copy of
the petition shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt
requested, to the Attorney General of this state.
R.L.1910, § 8439; Laws 2003, c. 29, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2003; Laws
2005, c. 421, § 5, emerg. eff. June 6, 2005.
§84-275. Parties - Trial and judgment - Costs.
All persons named in such petition as tenants or persons in
actual possession, or claimants of the property, or any part of the
same, may appear and plead to such proceeding, and therein may
traverse the facts stated in the petition, the title of the state to
the lands and property therein mentioned as in other civil cases, and
any person claiming an interest in such estate may appear and be made
35"+##'##&'"& 1
a defendant, and plead as in other cases, except such appearance must
be made within or at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the
first publication of the notice hereinabove mentioned, except on
order of the court. If no person after notice as aforesaid shall
appear and plead within the time prescribed by law, which shall not
be less than thirty days after the first publication of notice,
judgment shall be rendered by default in behalf of the state; if any
person appear and deny the title set up by the state, or traverse any
material fact in the petition, issue shall be made up and tried as
other issue of fact; and if after the issues and trial it appears
from the facts found or admitted that the state has good title to the
property, real or personal in the petition mentioned, or good right
thereto, or any part thereof, judgment shall be rendered that the
state shall be seized and possessed thereof, and a writ for the
possession shall be awarded and executed as in other cases, and at
the discretion of the court the state may recover costs against the
defendants, which costs shall include a reasonable amount for
attorney's fees. If it appears that the state has no title to such
property the defendant or defendants shall recover their costs, to be
taxed and certified by the clerk, to the State Treasurer, upon which
such certificate such State Treasurer is authorized to cash the same
out of any monies in his hand not otherwise appropriated.
R.L.1910, § 8440; Laws 2005, c. 421, § 6, emerg. eff. June 6, 2005.
§84-276. Sale of property.
In case a judgment is rendered in favor of the state in such
proceedings, a writ shall be issued to the sheriff, or any constable,
of the proper county commanding the seizure of such property, and if
the same be personal property, it shall be sold at public auction in
the manner provided by law for the sale of property of like kind
under execution; if the property be real estate, minerals or mineral
interests, it shall be sold under the order of the court by the
sheriff or a constable of the county, and the proceeds, less the
costs and attorney's fees taxed by the court, shall be paid to the
Treasurer of the state; provided, however, that any proceeds paid to
the Treasurer resulting from a sale of minerals deemed abandoned
pursuant to Sections 658.1 and 658.1A of Title 60 of the Oklahoma
Statutes and Section 271.1 of this title shall be treated as proceeds
subject to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. No real estate or
mineral interest shall be sold by the sheriff (or constable) at less
than the minimum price to be fixed by the judge before whom the case
was tried, such minimum valuation to be stated in the notice of sale.
Should there be on the day of sale, no bona fide bid for as high an
amount as the valuation fixed by the judge before whom the case is
tried, there shall be no sale, and the writ or order of sale shall be
immediately returned to the court issuing the same, and thereafter a
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new writ procured, and if necessary, a new order of appraisement
value fixed by the judge of the court.
R.L.1910, § 8441; Laws 2005, c. 421, § 7, emerg. eff. June 6, 2005.
§84-277. Appeals.
Any person who shall have appeared in any such proceedings in the
district court, or the Attorney-General of the state or district
attorney on behalf of the state, shall have the right to prosecute an
appeal to the Supreme Court of the state from any judgment rendered
under this article.
R.L.1910, § 8442.
§84-301. Devises or bequests by will to trustee of trust established
by written instrument independently of will - Permissible terms and
A devise or bequest, the validity of which is determinable by the
law of this state, may be made by a will to the trustee or trustees
of a trust established or to be established by the testator or by the
testator and some other person or persons or by some other person or
persons (including a funded or unfunded life insurance trust,
although the trustor has reserved any or all rights of ownership of
the insurance contracts) if the trust is identified in the testator's
will and its terms are set forth in a written instrument, other than
a will, executed before or concurrently with the execution of the
testator's will or in the valid last will of a person who has
predeceased the testator, regardless of the existence, size, or
character of the corpus of the trust. The devise or bequest shall
not be invalid because the trust is amendable or revocable, or both,
or because the trust was amended after the execution of the will or
after the death of the testator. Unless the testator's will provides
otherwise, the property so devised or bequeathed (a) shall not be
deemed to be held under a testamentary trust of the testator but
shall become a part of the trust to which it is given and (b) shall
be administered and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of
the instrument or will setting forth the terms of the trust,
including any amendments thereto made before the death of the
testator, regardless of whether made before or after the execution of
the testator's will, and, if the testator's will so provides,
including any amendments to the trust made after the death of the
testator. A revocation or termination of the trust before the death
of the testator shall cause the devise or bequest to lapse.
Laws 1961, p. 637, § 1.
§84-302. Devises or bequests executed prior to effective date.
This act shall have no effect upon any devise or bequest made by
a will executed prior to the effective date of this act.
Added by Laws 1961, p. 637, § 2.
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§84-303. Construction.
This act shall be so construed as to effectuate its general
purpose to make uniform the law of those states which enact it.
Laws 1961, p. 637, § 3.
§84-304. Citation.
This act may be cited as the Uniform Testamentary Additions to
Trusts Act.
Added by Laws 1961, p. 637, § 4.
§84-305. Life insurance policies - Trustee named by will as
A policy of life insurance may designate as beneficiary a trustee
or trustees named by will, if the designation is made in accordance
with the provisions of the policy and the requirements of the
insurance company. The trustee or trustees may be appointed
immediately after the proving of the will, and, upon appointment and
qualification, proceeds of such insurance shall be paid to the
trustee or trustees to be held and disposed of under the terms of the
will as they exist as of the date of the death of the testator and in
the same manner as other testamentary trusts are administered; but if
no qualified trustee makes claim to the proceeds from the insurance
company within twelve (12) months after the death of the insured, or
if satisfactory evidence is furnished to the insurance company within
such twelve-month period showing that there is or will be no trustee
to receive the proceeds, payment shall be made by the insurance
company to the executors, administrators or assigns of the insured,
unless otherwise provided by agreement with the insurance company
during the lifetime of the insured.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 79, § 1.
§84-306. Liability for debts and taxes.
The proceeds of the insurance as received by the trustee or
trustees shall not be subject to debts of the insured nor to transfer
or estate tax to any greater extent than if such proceeds were
payable to the beneficiary or beneficiaries named in the trust and
not to the estate of the insured.
Added by Laws 1967, c. 79, § 2, emerg. eff. April 18, 1967.
§84-307. Commingling of proceeds.
Such insurance proceeds so held in trust may be commingled with
any other assets which may properly come into such trust.
Laws 1967, c. 79, § 3, emerg. eff. April 18, 1967.
§84-308. Prior beneficiary designations not affected.
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Nothing in this act shall affect the validity of any life
insurance policy beneficiary designation heretofore made naming
trustees of trust established by will.
Laws 1967, c. 79, § 4, emerg. eff. April 18, 1967.
§84-350. Short title.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Uniform
International Wills Act”.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-351. Definitions.
As used in the Uniform International Wills Act:
1. “International will” means a will executed in conformity with
the Uniform International Wills Act; and
2. “Authorized person” and “person authorized to act in
connection with international wills” mean a person who by Section 10
of this act, or by the laws of the United States including members of
the diplomatic and consular service of the United States designated
by Foreign Service Regulations, is empowered to supervise the
execution of international wills.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-852. Validity of a will.
A. A will is valid as regards form, irrespective particularly of
the place where it is made, of the location of the assets and of the
nationality, domicile, or residence of the testator, if it is made in
the form of an international will complying with the requirements of
the Uniform International Wills Act.
B. The invalidity of the will as an international will does not
affect its formal validity as a will of another kind.
C. The Uniform International Wills Act does not apply to the
form of testamentary dispositions made by two or more persons in one
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-853. Requirements of a will.
A. The will must be made in writing. It need not be written by
the testator him or herself. It may be written in any language, by
hand or by any other means.
B. The testator shall declare in the presence of two witnesses
and of a person authorized to act in connection with international
wills that the document is the will of the testator and that the
testator knows the contents of the will. The testator need not
inform the witnesses, or the authorized person, of the contents of
the will.
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C. In the presence of the witnesses, and of the authorized
person, the testator shall sign the will or, if the testator has
previously signed it, shall acknowledge the signature.
D. If the testator is unable to sign, the absence of the
signature of the testator does not affect the validity of the
international will if the testator indicates the reason for the
inability to sign and the authorized person makes note thereof on the
will. In that case, it is permissible for any other person present,
including the authorized person or one of the witnesses, at the
direction of the testator, to sign the name of the testator for the
testator, if the authorized person makes note of this on the will,
but it is not required that any person sign the name of the testator
for the testator.
E. The witnesses and the authorized person shall there and then
attest the will by signing in the presence of the testator.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-854. Signature, date, and declaration.
A. The signatures must be placed at the end of the will. If the
will consists of several sheets, each sheet must be signed by the
testator or, if the testator is unable to sign, by the person signing
on behalf of the testator or, if there is no such person, by the
authorized person. In addition, each sheet must be numbered.
B. The date of the will must be the date of its signature by the
authorized person. The date must be noted at the end of the will by
the authorized person.
C. The authorized person shall ask the testator whether the
testator wishes to make a declaration concerning the safekeeping of
the will. If so and at the express request of the testator, the
place where the testator intends to have the will kept must be
mentioned in the certificate provided for in Section 6 of this act.
D. A will executed in compliance with Section 4 of this act is
not invalid merely because it does not comply with this section.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-855. Signature establishing execution of valid international
The authorized person shall attach to the will a certificate to
be signed by the authorized person establishing that the requirements
of the Uniform International Wills Act for valid execution of an
international will have been fulfilled. The authorized person shall
keep a copy of the certificate and deliver another to the testator.
The certificate must be substantially in the following form:
I, _______________________ (name, address and capacity), a person
authorized to act in connection with international wills
Certify that on _________ (date) at ________________ (place)
35"+##'##&'"& 16
(testator) _______________________ (name, address, date and place
of birth) in my presence and in that of witnesses
1. ___________________ (name, address, date and place of birth)
2. ___________________ (name, address, date and place of birth)
has declared that the attached document is the will of the testator
and that the testator knows the contents thereof.
I furthermore certify that:
1. In my presence and in that of the witnesses
a. the testator has signed the will or has acknowledged
the signature of the testator previously affixed.
b. following a declaration of the testator stating that
the testator was unable to sign the will for the
following reason ______________________, I have
mentioned this declaration on the will
*and the signature has been affixed by
______________________ (name and address);
2. The witnesses and I have signed the will;
3. Each page of the will has been signed by _________________
and numbered;
4. I have satisfied myself as to the identity of the testator
and of the witnesses as designated above;
5. The witnesses met the conditions requisite to act as such
according to the law under which I am acting;
6. The testator has requested me to include the following
statement concerning the safekeeping of the will of the testator:
Place of Execution ______________________________________
Date ____________________________________________________
Signature _______________________________________________
and, if necessary, SEAL
*to be completed if appropriate
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-856. Certificate - Formal validity.
In the absence of evidence to the contrary, the certificate of
the authorized person is conclusive of the formal validity of the
instrument as a will under the Uniform International Wills Act. The
absence or irregularity of a certificate does not affect the formal
validity of a will under the Uniform International Wills Act.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-857. International will - Rules of revocation of wills.
An international will is subject to the ordinary rules of
revocation of wills.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-858. Interpretation of Uniform International Wills Act.
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The Uniform International Wills Act derives from Annex to
Convention of October 26, 1973, Providing a Uniform Law on the Form
of an International Will. In interpreting and applying the Uniform
International Wills Act, regard shall be had to its international
origin and to the need for uniformity in its interpretation.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
§84-859. Authorized persons.
Individuals who have been admitted to practice law before the
courts of this state and are currently licensed to do so are
authorized persons in relation to international wills.
Added by Laws 2010, c. 383, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 2010.
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