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Legal Hold and Record Preservation
Category: Operations
Responsible Department: General Counsel
Responsible Officer: General Counsel
Effective Date: 3/15/2017
Policy Summary
DePaul University has a duty to preserve documents and information when it has notice that the
documents and information may be potentially relevant to legal matters, including litigation or
reasonably anticipated litigation.
This policy affects the following groups of the University:
Entire University Community
This policy applies to members of the DePaul community who may possess documents and
information related to a legal matter and who have been notified that a "Legal Hold" has been
placed on these records.
Under certain circumstances, including when legal action involving the University is commenced or
reasonably anticipated, the University must preserve all documents and information that may be
relevant to the matter. As soon as the Office of the General Counsel is made aware of
circumstances giving rise to this obligation, a "Legal Hold" directive will be issued to the key record
The Legal Hold directive overrides any records retention or destruction cycle that may have
otherwise required or allowed for the transfer, alteration, disposal or destruction of documents and
information. Once a Legal Hold directive has been issued, documents and information subject to
the Legal Hold may not be transferred, altered, disposed, or destroyed until the Legal Hold is
removed by the Office of the General Counsel.
Individuals who have been notified of a Legal Hold may not alter, dispose of, or transfer or destroy
any document or information that falls within the scope of the Legal Hold. Violation of the Legal
Hold may subject the individual to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal for employees,
as well as potential legal sanction by the applicable court or law enforcement agency.
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Duty to Preserve Documents and Information
The duty to preserve documents and information can arise in a wide variety of circumstances.
Several different events may, under the particular facts and circumstances, trigger the duty to
preserve documents and information. These events may include the following:
(a) the filing of a lawsuit against DePaul (i.e., receipt of a complaint);
(b) the receipt of a subpoena or summons;
(c) the initiation of a governmental/regulatory inquiry;
(d) the filing of a claim with an administrative agency;
(e) the receipt of a demand letter from a potential adversary;
(f) the receipt of a "preservation letter" declaring the duty to preserve documents and
information in force;
(g) the good faith determination by DePaul that it may have a claim against another party for
which it may attempt to seek recovery;
(h) any other circumstances by which DePaul believes a duty to preserve has arisen.
All members of the University who become aware of any information that suggests, as
described above, the duty to preserve documents and information may be triggered or
otherwise implicated must promptly inform the Office of the General Counsel.
The ultimate determination as to whether the duty to preserve documents and information has been
triggered, and correspondingly, whether, and to what extent, a Legal Hold will be initiated, is a legal
judgment made at the professional discretion of the Office of the General Counsel. In many cases,
tailored steps and tailored legal hold notices may be useful to fulfill preservation obligations required
by law, or to gather and retain documents and information necessary to support any remedial action,
or both.
Scope of Legal Hold and Sources of Documents and Information
The Office of the General Counsel will work with the applicable DePaul areas and employees to
identify relevant sources of documents and information related to the subject matter scope. The
subject matter scope may be quite narrow or quite broad depending on the particular facts and
Potential sources of documents and information could include, but are not limited to:
(a) Email messages and their attachments: (these may be in mailboxes stored on network mail
servers, individual archived messages (PST files) on file servers or personal computers,
individual message files stored on file servers or personal computers, or on mobile devices
such as blackberries, PDAs and cell phones, or printed hard copies);
(b) User created files such as word processing documents, spreadsheets, and image files which
may be stored on the hard drives ("C Drives") of personal computers and workstations,
individual network drives ("U Drives"), or network share drives ("W Drives");
(c) Hard copy files;
(d) DePaul database systems (e.g., PeopleSoft);
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(e) Other information held or stored in locations as determined by the results of individually
conducted 'Information Surveys': (these may include for example, information stored on
CD-ROM or DVD, thumb drives, removable hard drives, magnetic media, home computers,
internet servers, etc.); and
(f) Other electronic or 'hard copy' information stored in electronic or hardcopy format that
are under the custody or control of DePaul.
All key record custodians may be asked to complete an Information Survey to assist in identifying
sources of potentially relevant documents and information.
Divisional Collaborations
Information Services
Department of Records Management
Contact Information
Office of the General Counsel
Appendix A: Sample Legal Hold Notice
Appendix B: Sample Information Survey
Origination Date: 06/01/2008
Last Amended Date: 03/15/2017
Next Review Date: N/A