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2023 Activity Report
for the Direct Selling
Self-Regulatory Council
This Activity Report outlines the notable initiatives
undertaken by the Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council
(DSSRC) in 2023, including its monitoring of direct selling
advertising and marketing, its case work, and DSSRC’s
continuing educational initiatives for the direct selling
In 2023, DSSRC provided active oversight of product and business
opportunity claims disseminated by direct selling companies and their
salesforce members. DSSRC initiated its 485th case inquiry, hosted the
third annual Direct Selling Summit, released its comprehensive Guidance on
Income Disclosure Statements for the Direct Selling Industry, and provided
guidance and instruction on earnings and product claims emphasizing
compliance supervision to numerous direct selling companies. In addition to
providing educational presentations on its self-regulatory program, DSSRC
engaged with various state and federal government agencies in discussions
about its collaboration with the direct selling industry.
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2023 Activity Report
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2023 Activity Report
DSSRC has continued its eorts to monitor direct selling marketing and identify
unsupported and inaccurate claims related to the anticipated income of salesforce
members participating in the direct selling business opportunity. DSSRC also reviewed
claims that explicitly or implicitly communicate inaccurate descriptions of the performance
of products in specific contexts. This scrutiny aligns with ongoing regulatory actions,
such as warning letters issued by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to direct selling
companies for such claims and the FTC’s ongoing consideration of rulemaking to address
deceptive and unfair marketing using earnings claims.
In 2023, DSSRC initiated 94 case inquiries, including five compliance inquiries, with 30
pending inquiries that will carry into 2024. DSSRC published 40 formal case decisions
and 44 administratively resolved inquiry summaries on BBB National Programs’ website
in 2023. Notably, some of these cases were carried over from inquiries initiated in 2022.
DSSRC adopts an administrative closing approach if the direct selling company commits,
within the initial 15 business days of receiving DSSRC’s Notice of Inquiry, to discontinue or
significantly modify the disputed claims. Failure to receive such a commitment leads to the
transition of the matter into a formal case review.
Of the 94 inquiries initiated in 2023, all but two were a result of program monitoring, with
those two matters brought to DSSRC’s attention by non-governmental organizations
(NGO). 39 of the inquiries involved member companies of the Direct Selling Association
(DSA), while the remaining 55 inquiries involved non-member companies.
In 2023, DSSRC referred five cases that included patterns of business opportunity
and/or product performance claims to the FTC and State Attorneys General oces
for enforcement. During this period, DSSRC also identified and communicated 947
representative claims to direct selling companies, consisting of 298 product claims and 649
business opportunity/earnings claims, such as those with lavish lifestyle representations.
While DSSRC specifically identifies representative claims in its Notice of Inquiry to direct
selling companies, DSSRC requests and encourages the company to address any similar
claims in their marketing materials beyond those specifically identified by DSSRC.
Most of the earnings claims inquiries centered on unqualified representations (e.g.
“unlimited income”) or insucient disclosures for atypical earnings claims. DSSRC
emphasized the need to provide such disclosures clearly, conspicuously, and in close
DSSRC Casework
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2023 Activity Report
proximity to the triggering atypical claim. Companies participating in such inquiries with
DSSRC either discontinued or modified the claims to include references to the generally
expected income in the depicted scenario.
Similarly, direct selling companies have addressed the issue of unqualified company bonus
and incentive claims by including disclosures indicating the percentage or number of
program participants obtaining such rewards. This involved direct communication with
active salesforce members to remove relevant social media posts or add appropriate
disclosure language. In accordance with DSSRC’s recommendations, companies have also
increasingly requested social media platforms to disable posts directly. Approximately 90%
of identified claims in 2023 originated from direct selling company and salesforce member
social media accounts, with the majority on Facebook. The rest were on company websites
and video platforms, such as YouTube.
Apart from the five case referrals, all of the companies that were the subject of DSSRC
inquiries were responsive and participated in the self-regulatory forum. Following receipt
of the DSSRC Notice of Inquiry, companies contacted DSSRC and engaged in telephone/
earnings claims
Claims Brought to the Attention
of Direct Selling Companies
298 product claims
649 business opportunity/earnings claims
social media
Claims Found on Social Media
90% social media accounts
10% on company websites/video platforms
on company websites/
video platforms
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2023 Activity Report
video calls to discuss the process, often expressing support for voluntary industry self-
While DSSRC continues to identify isolated claims related to the treatment of viruses
in general, representations specifically tied to COVID-19 disseminated by direct selling
companies and/or their salesforce members continued to diminish significantly. In 2023,
DSSRC commenced only seven inquiries that included claims related to COVID-19. This
marked a marginal decrease from the nine COVID-19-related cases in 2022. The 2023
inquiries included the review of eight product performance claims mentioning COVID-19
and two claims associating COVID-19 with the direct selling business opportunity.
Among the seven inquiries, two were part of administratively resolved inquiry summaries,
four were part of formal DSSRC decisions, and one inquiry is still pending.
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2023 Activity Report
DSSRC independently monitors the dissemination
of earnings and product claims by direct selling
salesforce members across various social media
platforms and the websites of all direct selling
companies in the United States. In 2023, to expand
the scope of its monitoring, DSSRC collaborated with
two third-party monitoring companies with expertise
in understanding the nuances of the direct selling
space. DSSRC reviews the analytical data provided
by the monitoring companies to identify potential
violations of applicable FTC rules and regulations.
References to salesforce members achieving
“financial freedom” from the direct selling business
opportunity (i.e., communicated in express claims
or hashtags) was the most identified earnings claim
according to DSSRC’s monitoring data, followed by
claims pertaining to career-level income, full-time
income, passive income, replacement income, and
unlimited income.
With respect to product claims, representations
promising substantial weight loss (communicated
in express representations or through “before and
after” depictions) was the most identified category
of claim identified in DSSRC’s monitoring, followed
by references that direct selling products can treat
or address conditions of anxiety, depression, eczema,
and/or pain and inflammation. DSSRC also identified
a number of claims that related to the treatment of
serious disease conditions such as cancer, diabetes,
and autism.
While Facebook continues to record the highest
number of infractions, there has been a decrease of
approximately 20% in the number of potential claims
DSSRC Monitoring
From January 1 through
November 30, 2023,
DSSRC monitoring
422,108 Unique URLs
6,573 Unique URLs
Reviewed as potential
2,593 Facebook
384 Instagram Posts
523 YouTube
101 TikTok Videos
46 Twitter Posts
83 LinkedIn Posts
1,550 Health-
Related Product
2,045 Business
Opportunity Income
56 COVID-19 Posts
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2023 Activity Report
appearing on that platform. Conversely, the number of claims identified on Instagram rose
by 58%. DSSRC has also observed salesforce members utilizing several alternative social
media platforms to communicate claims, including platforms such as LinkedIn, Loom, and
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The Summit featured keynote speaker Nevada Chief Deputy Attorney General Mark J.
Krueger and remarks from leading brand expert Patrick Hanlon. Florida Attorney General
Ashley Moody also provided brief comments regarding issues of priority at the Florida
Attorney General’s oce.
Direct Selling Summit:
Responsible Brand Growth
On July 27, DSSRC hosted its third annual Direct
Selling Summit, bringing together business leaders,
legal professionals, and compliance experts from
across the direct selling industry. The virtual, half
day event was an educational opportunity, providing
attendees with tips and best practices for responsibly
growing their direct selling brand, increasing
consumer trust, and staying compliant.
Participants on the first panel, An Expert Discussion: The FTC’s
Rule-Making Process Regarding Earnings Claims, moderated by
BBB National Programs’ Executive Vice President of Policy, Mary
Engle, discussed the FTC’s recently published Health Products
Compliance Guidance, updating and replacing its longstanding
Dietary Supplements: An Advertising Guide for Industry, highlighting
important changes to the guidance that apply to any company
making health-related claims in advertising and the type of
substantiation that should be considered by companies when
disseminating health-related claims.
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The second panel, Claims LIVE: The Challenge of Providing Claim
Oversight at Live Events, explored best practices for ensuring that
claims made at live events are truthful, accurate, and compliant
with industry regulations and guidelines. This panel, moderated
by Jonathan Gelfand, Chief Legal Ocer and SVP Business
Development at Beachbody, LLC explored strategies for training
and educating direct selling companies and independent salesforce
members on how to communicate claims and representations in a
compliant manner while also discussing approaches on how to avoid
problematic express and implied product and earnings claims.
During the keynote session, Nevada Chief Deputy Attorney General Mark Krueger
discussed the mission of Nevada’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. The focus was on
protecting the interests of Nevada, its residents, consumers, and businesses, while
also ensuring a fair, honest, and competitive marketplace. Mr. Krueger highlighted the
distinctions between legitimate direct selling companies and illegal pyramid schemes and
provided insight on the civil and criminal penalties imposed by Nevada law. Additionally, Mr.
Krueger spoke about the educational resources provided by his oce, the dierent sources
of investigations that come before the Nevada Bureau of Consumer Protection, and how to
file a complaint with the Nevada Attorney General’s oce.
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The final panel, The FTC and Direct Selling: Reading the Agency
Post-Noland, Pre-Neora was moderated by John Villafranco from
Kelley Drye & Warren, and delved into the ramifications of this
years U.S. District Court decision involving the FTC vs. James D.
Noland. This case encompassed allegations of pyramid scheme and
unsupported earnings and product performance claims. The panel
discussed how this case could be distinguished from another FTC
case involving similar allegations against the direct selling company
Neora. Emphasis was placed on the broader impact of these cases on
the direct selling industry, what the implications might be for Neora,
and the overall outlook for the future of the direct selling channel.
DSSRC appreciated the direct selling industry’s support of the Direct Selling Summit.
More than 125 industry professionals registered for the event, including registrants from 21
dierent DSA member companies.
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2023 Activity Report
DSSRC had numerous opportunities to share the commitment of the direct selling industry
to independent self-regulation with state and federal government agencies and industry
stakeholders in 2023. Through each of these opportunities, the DSSRC team was able to
discuss its work in providing guidance and instruction to direct selling companies regarding
claims of product performance and income opportunity.
In January, DSSRC Vice President, Peter Marinello, and Deputy Director, Howard Smith,
spoke with industry thought leaders at DSA’s Compliance Ocers’ Retreat in Irvine,
California to present a draft of DSSRC’s Guidance on Income Disclosure Statements for the
Direct Selling Industry. The compliance ocers were very receptive to the DSSRC guidance
initiative and provided valuable feedback for DSSRC to consider in the final publication of
the document.
In February, Marinello attended the Republican Attorneys General Association Winter
National Meeting in New Orleans and had an opportunity to discuss the direct selling
industry’s commitment to independent self-regulation with several Attorney Generals and
their sta members.
Later that month, Marinello presented at the 2023 Direct Selling Leadership and
Compliance Summit in Salt Lake City on a panel entitled “Dealing with Nastygrams:
Responding to Regulators and Industry Opponents.” During the session, he discussed how
cases are administered at DSSRC, eective techniques for companies responding to a
DSSRC inquiry, as well as how DSSRC addresses non-responsive salesforce members and
problematic social media posts disseminated by salesforce members located outside of the
Socializing the Industry’s
Commitment to Advertising Self-
DSSRC had numerous opportunities to share
the commitment of the direct selling industry to
independent self-regulation with state and federal
government agencies and industry stakeholders in 2023.
Through each of these opportunities, the DSSRC team
was able to discuss its work in providing guidance and
instruction to direct selling companies regarding claims
of product performance and income opportunity.
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2023 Activity Report
United States.
In March, Marinello and Smith participated on a call with DSA’s Board of Directors,
providing an update on DSSRC’s monitoring and casework and discussed recent case
referrals that were sent to the FTC and State Attorneys General oces.
In May, Smith presented at the BBB Bootcamp in Dallas, which provided training for those
who conduct advertising reviews and investigations for BBBs across North America. The
presentation, “Introduction to BBB National Programs | NAD & DSSRC Case Overviews,
provided a summary of BBB National Programs’ work in advertising self-regulation, a
primer on the fundamental tenants of advertising law, and a focused discussion of the
FTC’s recent Health Products Compliance Guidance.
In June, at the DSA Annual Meeting in Scottsdale, Marinello spoke with a group of general
counsel regarding updates to DSSRC’s Guidance on Income Disclosure Statements as well
as with a break-out session about the implications of the FTC’s Penalty Oense Notices
and the recently published FTC Health Products Compliance Guidance.
Following July’s Direct Selling Summit, Marinello spoke at a conference in August that
was hosted by the Direct Selling Educational Foundation at Emory University’s Goizueta
Business School. The “Building Trust in the Marketplace” conference focused on how self-
regulation contributes to business and consumer confidence and how the direct selling
industry has demonstrated its commitment to third-party administered self-regulation.
In September, Marinello visited the oces of the National Consumer League and spoke
with John Bryault, VP Public Policy Telecommunications and Fraud. Peter explained the
benefits of independent third-party self regulation in the direct selling industry and how
DSSRC provides claim oversight and educational resources for industry stakeholders.
Later that month, Marinello and Smith were guest lecturers at St. John University’s School
of Law’s Consumer Protection class where they discussed the fundamental principles of
industry self-regulation, drawing distinctions between self-regulation and government
regulation. They presented various case examples and conducted a detailed analysis to
illustrate how DSSRC evaluates advertising and marketing claims within the direct selling
industry. The presentation also covered the initiation and resolution processes for inquiries,
providing students with a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms employed by
Later that month, Marinello and Smith provided a program update to DSA members at
the Association’s Legal and Regulatory Seminar in Washington, DC, where they discussed
several of DSSRC’s accomplishments since its inception in 2019, as well as some of the
challenges and obstacles encountered and the various indicators and metrics used to
assess the program’s eectiveness.
In October, Marinello moderated a panel at the Soft Law Summit, an event hosted by
BBB National Programs’ 501(c)3 foundation, the Center for Industry Self-Regulation. The
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2023 Activity Report
panel, which included Brian Bennett from DSA, the Associate Director at FTC’s Division of
Marketing Practices Lois Griesman, and two professionals from other industries, explored
the ways in which industry trade associations contribute to the development of self-
regulation programs and examined the underlying motivations, potential benefits, and the
broader impact these initiatives can have on industries, businesses, and consumers.
In December, Marinello and Smith participated in DSAs Ethics webinar to discuss the recent
publication of DSSRC’s Guidance on Income Disclosure Statements for the Direct Selling
Industry and provided detail on the purpose of the document and how it could assist
companies in utilizing an income disclosure statement while considering issues pertaining
to segmentation, presentation, and transparency regarding income that can be generally
expected by the typical direct selling business opportunity participant.
DSSRC also had several occasions in 2023 to speak with sta members at the FTC’s
Division of Marketing Practices regarding recent DSSRC initiatives and casework.
Additionally, DSSRC discussed the direct selling industry’s self-regulatory program with
Consumer Protection Divisions in various states, including Tennessee, Utah, Florida, and
DSSRC’s work, impact, and specific cases were mentioned more than 20 times in 2023 and
were the subject of several articles that ran in Social Selling News, HBW Insight, Natural
Products Insider, and NutraIngredients, among other publications.
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2023 Activity Report
In October, DSSRC published its Guidance on Income Disclosure Statements for the Direct
Selling Industry to help direct selling companies provide truthful and non-misleading
information regarding the levels of income that can be generally expected by salesforce
members who engage in the direct selling business opportunity.
The Guidance emphasizes the importance of accurate and transparent income disclosure
for direct selling companies and their salesforce members and was derived from numerous
conversations with industry stakeholders. The Guidance draws from sources such as the
FTC’s dot.com Disclosure Guide, the 2018 FTC Business Guidance Concerning Multi-Level
Marketing, DSSRC’s Guidance on Earnings Claims for the Direct Selling Industry, and DSA’s
Code of Ethics in an eort to provide education and support to the direct selling channel in
upholding the fundamental principles of accurate claim dissemination.
The Guidance touches on several key principles and issues for consideration when a direct
selling company prepares an income disclosure statement (IDS), including, but not limited
to, defining an IDS, transparency and clarity of the income opportunity, presenting data in
an easily understandable format, and setting realistic expectations regarding the income
that can generally be expected by the typical direct selling salesforce member.
DSSRC Guidance on Income
Disclosure Statements for the Direct
Selling Industry
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2023 Activity Report
In 2023, DSSRC continued in the role of Code Administrator for the enforcement of DSA
Code of Ethics complaints. The Code of Ethics is designed to ensure ethical business
practices for DSA members and to create a framework for ethical conduct, fostering trust
within the industry and protecting the business interests of consumers and independent
salesforce members.
DSSRC worked in collaboration with DSA to establish and implement transparent complaint
handling procedures to ensure prompt resolution of all complaints. The complaint handling
procedures include the review and determination of whether a violation of the Code of
Ethics has occurred and for the Code Administrator to answer as promptly as possible all
queries relating to the Code of Ethics and its application.
DSSRC continues to work closely with DSA to ensure that Code matters are resolved
expeditiously and that all parties to a Code inquiry have a full and fair opportunity to be
DSA Code Administrator Work
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2023 Activity Report
In 2024, DSSRC will make a concerted eort to increase the transparency of its reporting
of administratively closed cases and to work with direct selling companies to disclose
information about the inquiry to industry stakeholders. Transparency builds trust among
stakeholders, including consumers, member companies, and regulatory bodies.
When the resolution process is transparent, it further enhances the credibility of DSSRC,
demonstrates its accountability, and amplifies the commitment of direct selling companies
to promoting ethical standards, adhering to the principles of compliant claim dissemination
and substantiation, and being held responsible for their decisions and actions.
Clear and transparent reporting also educates stakeholders about the resolution process,
helping them understand the criteria, considerations, and outcomes of administratively
closed cases, which will contribute to a better public understanding of the industry’s
commitment to self-regulation.
Importantly, when the resolution process is transparent, it serves as a deterrent to non-
compliance. Companies are more likely to adhere to ethical standards if they know
that the resolution of cases is scrutinized and reported transparently and facilitates the
identification and advocacy of industry best practices. By openly discussing the resolution
of cases, DSSRC can accentuate the positive action taken by direct selling companies and
provide information regarding practices that other companies may choose to adopt.
Added clarity to the reporting process will also allow DSSRC to better address concerns
and misconceptions that may arise during the resolution process and provide an
opportunity to elaborate on the rationale behind decisions. Regulatory agencies and
industry stakeholders have an expectation of transparency in self-regulation endeavors
and, by aligning with these expectations, DSSRC can enhance its eectiveness and
legitimacy of the program in the eyes of regulators and the public.
A list of direct selling companies that were the subject of DSSRC administratively resolved
inquiry summaries in 2023 is included in this report’s Appendix.
DSSRC looks forward to working with stakeholders in 2024 to eectively demonstrate the
good faith eorts and commitment of direct selling companies to industry self-regulation.
Case Reporting Transparency
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2023 Activity Report
2023 DSSRC Administratively Resolved Inquiry Summaries
In accordance with Section V(D) of the DSSRC Policies and Procedures, DSSRC will
administratively close an inquiry that involves social media posts that originate outside
of the United States and/or involve a small number of social media posts when it is
determined that the Company has demonstrated a bona-fide, good faith eort to have the
claims at issue removed from circulation and commits to use its best eorts to ensure that
Company and/or its salesforce members will refrain from communicating similar claims in
the future. Details of such closures are reported in the Administratively Resolved Inquiry
Summaries section on the DSSRC page of the BBB National Programs website.
Below is a compilation of the direct selling companies that were the subject of 2023
DSSRC Administratively Resolved Inquiry Summaries, along with a short statement from
several companies that chose to furnish DSSRC with further details regarding their ongoing
compliance endeavors.
CBD Pure
Changing the Future Outcome
Chalk Couture
Forever Living
“Maintaining compliance is a key focus for Isagenix, and we actively monitor our field to
ensure adherence to our standards. Upon receiving the inquiry, we promptly addressed the
problematic claims, resulting in the removal of all oending posts and videos within 48 hours.
Additionally, we have used this feedback to proactively identify and rectify similar claims in
the future. We extend our gratitude to the DSSRC for bringing these income claims to our
J. Hilburn
J.Hilburn values and upholds the principles set forth by the Direct Selling Self-Regulatory
Council (DSSRC). We understand the importance of maintaining accurate and transparent
information within the direct selling industry. In response to the DSSRC’s investigation, we have
taken immediate action by reaching out to all individuals associated with the flagged social
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media posts, urging them to remove any misleading claims. We remain committed to diligently
pursuing the removal of any false claims made by current or former stylists representing
J.Hilburn. Our ongoing eorts include continuous monitoring of social media platforms to
identify and address any potential violations promptly. J.Hilburn is dedicated to fostering an
environment of compliance and ethical business practices among our stylist community. We
emphasize the importance of accurate income claims and pledge to work collaboratively with
the DSSRC to rectify any concerns raised. Our commitment to industry self-regulation remains
unwavering, and we will continue to take proactive measures to ensure the accuracy and
integrity of information shared by our stylists.
“LifeWave is committed to being an exemplary corporate citizen by striving to promote only
the best business practices at the corporate and brand partner levels. In recognizing the
vital importance of maintaining compliance with regulatory standards, LifeWave continually
focuses its eorts on bolstering its compliance personnel and internal resources, updating
and maintaining its Policies & Procedures to reflect current regulatory needs, utilizing top
compliance monitoring systems and platforms, and developing compliance training programs
and tools to provide its Brand Partners with clear guidance for a deeper understanding of best
Limelife by Alcone
“On October 13, 2023, Mannatech was informed of a DSSRC inquiry regarding 7 problematic
social media posts disseminated on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and LinkedIn by company
salesforce members (“Associates”). Upon receiving this notification, the Mannatech compliance
team took immediate action to remove all the problematic posts. Mannatech was successful
in removing 6 of the 7 social media posts. The only post remaining is from a former Associate
in our South African market. Mannatech attempted to contact the individual via phone call,
email, and Facebook messenger but to date, has not received a response and has been unable
to have the post removed. Since the individual refuses to comply with the company’s requests,
Mannatech’s compliance team reached out to Facebook notifying them that the remaining post
contains unauthorized income claims and requested its removal. To date, we have not received
a response from Facebook.
Organo Gold
Organo appreciates the eorts and additional security of the DSSRC and we recognize and
embrace the oversight. Organo and its Compliance Department are committed to working
together, continuing to protect the reputation of the industry for independent business owners
as well as customers. We have increased our global outreach and compliance training as we
navigate international regulations and are steadfast in our messaging to adhere to our policies
and procedures.
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PM International
Princess House
Red Aspen
“Red Aspen is pleased to know that its compliance eort is working, eective and the
compliance manager is doing a fantastic job! Of the five incidents recently reported by DSSRC,
Red Aspen addressed and resolved four BEFORE they were reported to the company by
DSSRC! The fifth incident was never identified by Red Aspen’s compliance software, but when
asked, the perpetrator willingly removed her post.
“Regal Ware is deeply committed to cultivating an ethical salesforce dedicated to building
and nurturing trust in all our interactions. We prioritize this commitment through continuous
improvement eorts and strict accountability measures. Our approach includes comprehensive
training programs, continuous monitoring, frequent audits, and open, honest dialogues with
our salesforce. Upholding ethical conduct and unwavering adherence to company policies and
regulations are core values our company steadfastly embraces.
“Scentsy appreciates the guidance and help in identifying problematic behaviors in our
independent sales force provided by the DSSRC. Despite a robust training program, active
field monitoring, corrective actions taken by our internal compliance team, occasionally
DSSRC locates online posts that have not yet been identified by Scentsy’s compliance team.
In 2023, DSSRC helped Scentsy by identifying seven problematic posts making income claims
by Independent Scentsy Consultants. Each of these posts included an income claim without
making adequate disclosures or including disclaimers. Three posts appeared on Facebook
or Facebook stories. Two of the three Facebook posts were duplicates A fourth post was a
screen shot of one of the Facebook posts appearing on another website (loom). Two dierent
Scentsy consultants, Brooke Balduck and Martha Murray made these posts. After contact by
the Scentsy compliance team, Martha removed her posts. Brooke attempted to update her
posts with income disclosure and other disclaimers, but also eventually removed the posts after
additional guidance. Two of the remaining posts appeared in YouTube videos, made by Chloe
Cox and Autumn Hanson. Autumn and Chloe altered these posts when contacted by Scentsy
compliance to add income disclosure statements and disclaimers. The final post identified
by DSSRC appeared on Pinterest and was made by a former consultant, Cassandra Remier.
Although she no longer sell Scentsy products, Scentsy’s compliance team contacted Cassandra
and requested that she remove the post and reminded her that some obligations (such as not
making misleading income statements) survive the termination of her sales contract. Scentsy
maintains a list of independent consultants contacted by its compliance team, its outside
monitoring resources, or DSSRC to ensure that there are not repeat oenders.
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2023 Activity Report
Signature HomeStyles
“Signature Homestyles appreciates the Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Councils organization’s
role, governance, and insight. It is imperative to Signature Homestyles that we and our
contractors do not publish or otherwise communicate anything regarding our business model
that could be interpreted as misleading. We strive to be as transparent as possible to create a
fair and equitable opportunity for our selling organization. Thus, we coach and enforce these
guidelines within our organization and its contractor salesforce on an ongoing basis.”
Surge 365
“Surge365 endorses the DSSRC’s eorts to ensure ethical practices in our marketplace.
Surge365 has a comprehensive compliance program designed to prevent and mitigate
compliance infractions. The DSSRC’s eorts ensure a level playing field in this arena.
Tastefully Simple
“Tastefully Simple welcomes the oversight on the DSSRC. If issues of concern arise, Tastefully
Simple reaches out to the consultant to address the specific situation and, where appropriate,
provides ongoing training and information sharing on key issues of importance. Further,
Tastefully Simple provides pre-approved templates and marketing materials for consultants
which meet or exceed the DSSRC standards.
Talk Fusion
The Happy Company
Thirty-One Gifts
“Thirty-One Gifts understands the importance of DSSRC’s role and we are grateful that it
provides a valuable mechanism for self-monitoring in the Direct Selling industry. We join with
the DSSRC in supporting, promoting, and maintaining the highest levels of truthful messaging
in our industry. We also understand the importance of ensuring that income and lifestyle
representations are truthful, accurate, and, when necessary, contain appropriate disclosures.
To that end, when DSSRC brought to our attention eleven (11) social media posts by our
distributors.”that were incongruent with these philosophies, we immediately took action, and all
posts were deleted in less than a month.
Total Life Changes
“Total Life Changes (“TLC”) appreciates that DSSRC flagged certain social media posts made
by former and current salesforce members that violated TLC’s policies and procedures. TLC
employs robust training, monitoring, and enforcement procedures and had already identified
most of the claims for removal prior to DSSRC’s inquiry. TLC is committed to compliance and
enhancing the industry’s commitment to self-regulation to ensure truthful, accurate, and non-
misleading advertising.
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Touchstone Essentials
“Touchstone Essentials takes its responsibilities to consumers and regulators seriously. The
prevalence of social media and the ability for any consumer to create a post about a product
presents unique challenges for direct sales companies. To meet this challenge, we partnered
with Field Watch, a direct sales compliance monitoring platform. We continue to proactively
examine online activity for potential claims and our Compliance team makes every eort to
resolve any issues in a timely manner.”
TruAura Beauty
Wine Shop At Home
“Zyia Active LLC (hereinafter “Zyia”) takes its compliance matters seriously and in relation
to the administrative action submits that as part of its compliance eorts at that time, Zyia
contracted with a third-party compliance company, Field Watch, to assist in monitoring its field
representatives. Unfortunately, Field Watch failed to notify Zyia in a timely manner of a few
income claims that were online. Zyia’s own compliance department, once notified immediately,
contacted the representatives and the sites were removed as part of Zyia’s ongoing compliance
eorts. Zyia continues to utilize its own personnel to monitor representative activities.
© BBB National Programs, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
About the Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council
The Direct Selling Self-Regulatory Council (DSSRC), a division of BBB National Programs,
provides independent, impartial monitoring, dispute resolution, and enforcement of product
claims and income representations made by direct selling companies and their salesforce
members across digital platforms. The DSSRC seeks to establish high standards of integrity
and business ethics for all direct selling companies in the marketplace.
About BBB National Programs
BBB National Programs is where businesses turn to enhance consumer trust and consumers
are heard. The non-profit organization creates a fairer playing field for businesses and a
better experience for consumers through the development and delivery of eective third-
party accountability and dispute resolution programs. Embracing its role as an independent
organization since the restructuring of the Council of Better Business Bureaus in June 2019,
BBB National Programs today oversees more than a dozen leading national industry self-
regulation programs, and continues to evolve its work and grow its impact by providing
business guidance and fostering best practices in arenas such as advertising, child-directed
marketing, and privacy. To learn more, visit bbbprograms.org.